binman: Convert Image to a subclass of Entry

When support for sections (and thus hierarchical images) was added to
binman, the decision was made to create a new Section class which could
be used by both Image and an Entry_section class. The decision between
using inheritance and composition was tricky to make, but in the end it
was decided that Image was different enough from Entry that it made sense
to put the implementation of sections in an entirely separate class. It
also has the advantage that core Image code does have to rely on an entry
class in the etype directory.

This work was mostly completed in commit:

   8f1da50ccc "binman: Refactor much of the image code into 'section'

As a result of this, the Section class has its own version of things like
offset and size and these must be kept in sync with the parent
Entry_section class in some cases.

In the last year it has become apparent that the cost of keeping things in
sync is larger than expected, since more and more code wants to access
these properties.

An alternative approach, previously considered and rejected, now seems

Adjust Image to be a subclass of Entry_section. Move the code from Section
(in to Entry_section and delete Section. Update all tests

This requires substantial changes to Image. Overall the changes reduce
code size by about 240 lines. While much of that is just boilerplate from
Section, there are quite a few functions in Entry_section which now do not
need to be overiden from Entry. This suggests the change is beneficial
even without further functionality being added.

A side benefit is that the properties of sections are now consistent with
other entries. This fixes a problem in testListCmd() where some properties
are missing for sections.

Unfortunately this is a very large commit since it is not feasible to do
the migration piecemeal. Given the substantial tests available and the
100% code coverage of binman, we should be able to do this safely.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>
diff --git a/tools/binman/ b/tools/binman/
index f890350..487290b 100644
--- a/tools/binman/
+++ b/tools/binman/
@@ -12,14 +12,15 @@
 import re
 import sys
+from entry import Entry
 from etype import fdtmap
 from etype import image_header
+from etype import section
 import fdt
 import fdt_util
-import bsection
 import tools
-class Image:
+class Image(section.Entry_section):
     """A Image, representing an output from binman
     An image is comprised of a collection of entries each containing binary
@@ -27,12 +28,8 @@
     This class implements the various operations needed for images.
-    Atrtributes:
-        _node: Node object that contains the image definition in device tree
-        _name: Image name
-        _size: Image size in bytes, or None if not known yet
-        _filename: Output filename for image
-        _sections: Sections present in this image (may be one or more)
+    Attributes:
+        filename: Output filename for image
         test: True if this is being called from a test of Images. This this case
@@ -40,15 +37,15 @@
             we create a section manually.
     def __init__(self, name, node, test=False):
-        self._node = node
-        self._name = name
-        self._size = None
-        self._filename = '%s.bin' % self._name
-        if test:
-            self._section = bsection.Section('main-section', None, self._node,
-                                             self, True)
-        else:
-            self._ReadNode()
+        self.image = self
+        section.Entry_section.__init__(self, None, 'section', node, test)
+ = 'main-section'
+        self.image_name = name
+        self._filename = '%s.bin' % self.image_name
+        if not test:
+            filename = fdt_util.GetString(self._node, 'filename')
+            if filename:
+                self._filename = filename
     def FromFile(cls, fname):
@@ -85,84 +82,17 @@
         # Return an Image with the associated nodes
         return Image('image', dtb.GetRoot())
-    def _ReadNode(self):
-        """Read properties from the image node"""
-        self._size = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'size')
-        filename = fdt_util.GetString(self._node, 'filename')
-        if filename:
-            self._filename = filename
-        self._section = bsection.Section('main-section', None, self._node, self)
     def Raise(self, msg):
         """Convenience function to raise an error referencing an image"""
         raise ValueError("Image '%s': %s" % (self._node.path, msg))
-    def GetFdtSet(self):
-        """Get the set of device tree files used by this image"""
-        return self._section.GetFdtSet()
-    def ExpandEntries(self):
-        """Expand out any entries which have calculated sub-entries
-        Some entries are expanded out at runtime, e.g. 'files', which produces
-        a section containing a list of files. Process these entries so that
-        this information is added to the device tree.
-        """
-        self._section.ExpandEntries()
-    def AddMissingProperties(self):
-        """Add properties that are not present in the device tree
-        When binman has completed packing the entries the offset and size of
-        each entry are known. But before this the device tree may not specify
-        these. Add any missing properties, with a dummy value, so that the
-        size of the entry is correct. That way we can insert the correct values
-        later.
-        """
-        self._section.AddMissingProperties()
-    def ProcessFdt(self, fdt):
-        """Allow entries to adjust the device tree
-        Some entries need to adjust the device tree for their purposes. This
-        may involve adding or deleting properties.
-        """
-        return self._section.ProcessFdt(fdt)
-    def GetEntryContents(self):
-        """Call ObtainContents() for the section
-        """
-        self._section.GetEntryContents()
-    def GetEntryOffsets(self):
-        """Handle entries that want to set the offset/size of other entries
-        This calls each entry's GetOffsets() method. If it returns a list
-        of entries to update, it updates them.
-        """
-        self._section.GetEntryOffsets()
-    def ResetForPack(self):
-        """Reset offset/size fields so that packing can be done again"""
-        self._section.ResetForPack()
     def PackEntries(self):
         """Pack all entries into the image"""
-        self._section.PackEntries()
-    def CheckSize(self):
-        """Check that the image contents does not exceed its size, etc."""
-        self._size = self._section.CheckSize()
-    def CheckEntries(self):
-        """Check that entries do not overlap or extend outside the image"""
-        self._section.CheckEntries()
-    def SetCalculatedProperties(self):
-        self._section.SetCalculatedProperties()
+        section.Entry_section.Pack(self, 0)
     def SetImagePos(self):
-        self._section.SetImagePos(0)
+        # This first section in the image so it starts at 0
+        section.Entry_section.SetImagePos(self, 0)
     def ProcessEntryContents(self):
         """Call the ProcessContents() method for each entry
@@ -172,20 +102,27 @@
             True if the new data size is OK, False if expansion is needed
-        return self._section.ProcessEntryContents()
+        sizes_ok = True
+        for entry in self._entries.values():
+            if not entry.ProcessContents():
+                sizes_ok = False
+                print("Entry '%s' size change" % self._node.path)
+        return sizes_ok
     def WriteSymbols(self):
         """Write symbol values into binary files for access at run time"""
-        self._section.WriteSymbols()
+        section.Entry_section.WriteSymbols(self, self)
+    def BuildSection(self, fd, base_offset):
+        """Write the section to a file"""
+        fd.write(self.GetData())
     def BuildImage(self):
         """Write the image to a file"""
         fname = tools.GetOutputFilename(self._filename)
         with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
-            self._section.BuildSection(fd, 0)
-    def GetEntries(self):
-        return self._section.GetEntries()
+            self.BuildSection(fd, 0)
     def WriteMap(self):
         """Write a map of the image to a .map file
@@ -193,12 +130,12 @@
             Filename of map file written
-        filename = '' % self._name
+        filename = '' % self.image_name
         fname = tools.GetOutputFilename(filename)
         with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
             print('%8s  %8s  %8s  %s' % ('ImagePos', 'Offset', 'Size', 'Name'),
-            self._section.WriteMap(fd, 0)
+            section.Entry_section.WriteMap(self, fd, 0)
         return fname
     def BuildEntryList(self):
@@ -208,5 +145,5 @@
             List of entry.EntryInfo objects describing all entries in the image
         entries = []
-        self._section.ListEntries(entries, 0)
+        self.ListEntries(entries, 0)
         return entries