ppc4xx: Consolidate PPC4xx SDRAM/DDR/DDR2 defines, part1

This patch removes all SDRAM related defines from the PPC4xx headers
ppc405.h and ppc440.h. This is needed since now some 405 PPC's use
the same SDRAM controller as 440 systems do (like 405EX and 440SP).

It also introduces new defines for the equipped SDRAM controller based on
which PPC variant is used. There new defines are:

used on 405GR/CR/EP and some Xilinx Virtex boards.

used on 440GP/GX/EP/GR.

used on 440EPx/GRx.

used on 405EX/r/440SP/SPe/460EX/GT.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Roese <sr@denx.de>
diff --git a/cpu/ppc4xx/44x_spd_ddr.c b/cpu/ppc4xx/44x_spd_ddr.c
index b7eeaf2..9efcede 100644
--- a/cpu/ppc4xx/44x_spd_ddr.c
+++ b/cpu/ppc4xx/44x_spd_ddr.c
@@ -81,157 +81,6 @@
 void spd_ddr_init_hang (void) __attribute__((weak, alias("__spd_ddr_init_hang")));
-  |  Memory Controller Options 0
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_DCEN		0x80000000	/* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_MCHK_MASK	0x30000000	/* Memory data errchecking mask */
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_MCHK_NON	0x00000000	/* No ECC generation		*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_MCHK_GEN	0x20000000	/* ECC generation		*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_MCHK_CHK	0x30000000	/* ECC generation and checking	*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_RDEN		0x08000000	/* Registered DIMM enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_PMUD		0x04000000	/* Page management unit		*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_DMWD_MASK	0x02000000	/* DRAM width mask		*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_DMWD_32	0x00000000	/* 32 bits			*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_DMWD_64	0x02000000	/* 64 bits			*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_UIOS_MASK	0x00C00000	/* Unused IO State		*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG0_PDP		0x00200000	/* Page deallocation policy	*/
-  |  Memory Controller Options 1
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG1_SRE		0x80000000	/* Self-Refresh Entry		*/
-#define SDRAM_CFG1_PMEN		0x40000000	/* Power Management Enable	*/
-  |  SDRAM DEVPOT Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_DEVOPT_DLL	0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_DEVOPT_DS		0x40000000
-  |  SDRAM MCSTS Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTS_MRSC	0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_MCSTS_SRMS	0x40000000
-#define SDRAM_MCSTS_CIS		0x20000000
-  |  SDRAM Refresh Timer Register
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_MASK	  0xFFFF0000
-#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_ENCODE(n)  (((n) << 16) & SDRAM_RTR_RINT_MASK)
-#define sdram_HZ_to_ns(hertz)	  (1000000000/(hertz))
-  |  SDRAM UABus Base Address Reg
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_UABBA_UBBA_MASK	0x0000000F
-  |  Memory Bank 0-7 configuration
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDBA_MASK	0xff800000	  /* Base address	      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_MASK	0x000e0000	  /* Size		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_8	0x00020000	  /*   8M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_16	0x00040000	  /*  16M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_32	0x00060000	  /*  32M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_64	0x00080000	  /*  64M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_128	0x000a0000	  /* 128M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_256	0x000c0000	  /* 256M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDSZ_512	0x000e0000	  /* 512M		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDAM_MASK	0x0000e000	  /* Addressing mode	      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDAM_1	0x00000000	  /*   Mode 1		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDAM_2	0x00002000	  /*   Mode 2		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDAM_3	0x00004000	  /*   Mode 3		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDAM_4	0x00006000	  /*   Mode 4		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCR_SDBE		0x00000001	  /* Memory Bank Enable	      */
-  |  SDRAM TR0 Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDWR_MASK	0x80000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDWR_2_CLK	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDWR_3_CLK	0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDWD_MASK	0x40000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDWD_0_CLK	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDWD_1_CLK	0x40000000
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDCL_MASK	0x01800000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCL_2_0_CLK 0x00800000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCL_2_5_CLK 0x01000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCL_3_0_CLK 0x01800000
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDPA_MASK	0x000C0000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDPA_2_CLK	0x00040000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDPA_3_CLK	0x00080000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDPA_4_CLK	0x000C0000
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDCP_MASK	0x00030000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCP_2_CLK	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCP_3_CLK	0x00010000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCP_4_CLK	0x00020000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDCP_5_CLK	0x00030000
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDLD_MASK	0x0000C000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDLD_1_CLK	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDLD_2_CLK	0x00004000
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_MASK	0x0000001C
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_6_CLK	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_7_CLK	0x00000004
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_8_CLK	0x00000008
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_9_CLK	0x0000000C
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_10_CLK	0x00000010
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_11_CLK	0x00000014
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_12_CLK	0x00000018
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRA_13_CLK	0x0000001C
-#define SDRAM_TR0_SDRD_MASK	0x00000003
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRD_2_CLK	0x00000001
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRD_3_CLK	0x00000002
-#define	 SDRAM_TR0_SDRD_4_CLK	0x00000003
-  |  SDRAM TR1 Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_TR1_RDSS_MASK	0xC0000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSS_TR0	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSS_TR1	0x40000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSS_TR2	0x80000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSS_TR3	0xC0000000
-#define SDRAM_TR1_RDSL_MASK	0x00C00000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSL_STAGE1	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSL_STAGE2	0x00400000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDSL_STAGE3	0x00800000
-#define SDRAM_TR1_RDCD_MASK	0x00000800
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDCD_RCD_0_0 0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDCD_RCD_1_2 0x00000800
-#define SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_MASK	0x000001FF
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_ENCODE(x)  (((x) << 0) & SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_MASK)
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_DECODE(x)  (((x) & SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_MASK) >> 0)
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_MIN	0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_TR1_RDCT_MAX	0x000001FF
-  |  SDRAM WDDCTR Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_WDDCTR_WRCP_MASK	0xC0000000
-#define	 SDRAM_WDDCTR_WRCP_0DEG	  0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_WDDCTR_WRCP_90DEG  0x40000000
-#define	 SDRAM_WDDCTR_WRCP_180DEG 0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_WDDCTR_DCD_MASK	0x000001FF
-  |  SDRAM CLKTR Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_MASK	0xC0000000
-#define	 SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_0DEG	  0x00000000
-#define	 SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_90DEG	  0x40000000
-#define	 SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_180DEG  0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_DCDT_MASK	0x000001FF
-  |  SDRAM DLYCAL Options
-  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define SDRAM_DLYCAL_DLCV_MASK	0x000003FC
   |  General Definition
diff --git a/include/ppc405.h b/include/ppc405.h
index c994289..2231a5f 100644
--- a/include/ppc405.h
+++ b/include/ppc405.h
@@ -480,33 +480,6 @@
 #define EBC_CFG_PR_64		PPC_REG_VAL(21, 0x2)
 #define EBC_CFG_PR_128		PPC_REG_VAL(21, 0x3)
- * SDRAM Controller
- ******************************************************************************/
-  /* values for memcfga register - indirect addressing of these regs */
-#ifndef CONFIG_405EP
-  #define mem_besra   0x00    /* bus error syndrome reg a	     */
-  #define mem_besrsa  0x04    /* bus error syndrome reg set a	     */
-  #define mem_besrb   0x08    /* bus error syndrome reg b	     */
-  #define mem_besrsb  0x0c    /* bus error syndrome reg set b	     */
-  #define mem_bear    0x10    /* bus error address reg		     */
-  #define mem_mcopt1  0x20    /* memory controller options 1	     */
-  #define mem_status  0x24    /* memory status			     */
-  #define mem_rtr     0x30    /* refresh timer reg		     */
-  #define mem_pmit    0x34    /* power management idle timer	     */
-  #define mem_mb0cf   0x40    /* memory bank 0 configuration	     */
-  #define mem_mb1cf   0x44    /* memory bank 1 configuration	     */
-#ifndef CONFIG_405EP
-  #define mem_mb2cf   0x48    /* memory bank 2 configuration	     */
-  #define mem_mb3cf   0x4c    /* memory bank 3 configuration	     */
-  #define mem_sdtr1   0x80    /* timing reg 1			     */
-#ifndef CONFIG_405EP
-  #define mem_ecccf   0x94    /* ECC configuration		     */
-  #define mem_eccerr  0x98    /* ECC error status		     */
 #ifndef CONFIG_405EP
  * Decompression Controller
@@ -1281,393 +1254,6 @@
 #if defined(CONFIG_405EX)
 #define SDR0_SRST		0x0200
-#define SDRAM_BESR0	0x00
-#define SDRAM_BEARL	0x02
-#define SDRAM_BEARU	0x03
-#define SDRAM_WMIRQ	0x06	/**/
-#define SDRAM_PLBOPT	0x08	/**/
-#define SDRAM_PUABA	0x09	/**/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT	0x1F	/* memory controller status	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1	0x20	/* memory controller options 1	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2	0x21	/* memory controller options 2	      */
-#define SDRAM_MODT0	0x22	/* on die termination for bank 0      */
-#define SDRAM_MODT1	0x23	/* on die termination for bank 1      */
-#define SDRAM_MODT2	0x24	/* on die termination for bank 2      */
-#define SDRAM_MODT3	0x25	/* on die termination for bank 3      */
-#define SDRAM_CODT	0x26	/* on die termination for controller  */
-#define SDRAM_VVPR	0x27	/* variable VRef programmming	      */
-#define SDRAM_OPARS	0x28	/* on chip driver control setup       */
-#define SDRAM_OPART	0x29	/* on chip driver control trigger     */
-#define SDRAM_RTR	0x30	/* refresh timer		      */
-#define SDRAM_PMIT	0x34	/* power management idle timer	      */
-#define SDRAM_MB0CF	0x40	/* memory bank 0 configuration	      */
-#define SDRAM_MB1CF	0x44	/* memory bank 1 configuration	      */
-#define SDRAM_MB2CF	0x48	/* memory bank 2 configuration	      */
-#define SDRAM_MB3CF	0x4C	/* memory bank 3 configuration	      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR0	0x50	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR1	0x51	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR2	0x52	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR3	0x53	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR4	0x54	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR5	0x55	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR6	0x56	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR7	0x57	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR8	0x58	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR9	0x59	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR10 0x5a	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR11 0x5b	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR12 0x5c	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR13 0x5d	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR14 0x5e	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR15 0x5f	/* manual initialization control      */
-#define SDRAM_RQDC	0x70	/* read DQS delay control	      */
-#define SDRAM_RFDC	0x74	/* read feedback delay control	      */
-#define SDRAM_RDCC	0x78	/* read data capture control	      */
-#define SDRAM_DLCR	0x7A	/* delay line calibration	      */
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR	0x80	/* DDR clock timing		      */
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR	0x81	/* write data, DQS, DM clock, timing  */
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1	0x85	/* DDR SDRAM timing 1		      */
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2	0x86	/* DDR SDRAM timing 2		      */
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3	0x87	/* DDR SDRAM timing 3		      */
-#define SDRAM_MMODE	0x88	/* memory mode			      */
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE	0x89	/* memory extended mode		      */
-#define SDRAM_ECCCR	0x98	/* ECC error status		      */
-#define SDRAM_RID	0xF8	/* revision ID			      */
-|  Memory Bank 0-7 configuration
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_4MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x0)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_8MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x1)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_16MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x2)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_32MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x3)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_64MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x4)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_128MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x5)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_256MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x6)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_512MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x7)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_1024MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x8)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_2048MB	   	PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0x9)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_4096MB		PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0xA)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_8192MB		PPC_REG_VAL(19, 0xB)
-|  Memory Controller Status
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_MASK	    0x80000000	/* Memory init status mask    */
-#define   SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_NOTCOMP  0x00000000	/* Mem init not complete      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_COMP     0x80000000	/* Mem init complete	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_MASK	    0x80000000	/* Mem self refresh stat mask */
-#define   SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_NOT_SF  0x00000000	/* Mem not in self refresh    */
-#define   SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_SF	    0x80000000	/* Mem in self refresh	      */
-|  Memory Controller Options 1
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_MASK	     0x30000000 /* Memory data err check mask */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_NON      0x00000000 /* No ECC generation	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_GEN      0x20000000 /* ECC generation	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK      0x10000000 /* ECC generation and check   */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK_REP  0x30000000 /* ECC generation, chk, report*/
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK_DECODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x3)
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RDEN_MASK	     0x08000000 /* Registered DIMM mask       */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_RDEN	     0x08000000 /* Registered DIMM enable     */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_MASK	     0x06000000 /* Page management unit mask  */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_CLOSE     0x00000000 /* PMU Close		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_OPEN      0x04000000 /* PMU Open		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_AUTOCLOSE 0x02000000 /* PMU AutoClose	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_MASK	     0x01000000 /* DRAM width mask	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_32	     0x00000000 /* 32 bits		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_64	     0x01000000 /* 64 bits		      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_UIOS_MASK	     0x00C00000 /* Unused IO State	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_BCNT_MASK	     0x00200000 /* Bank count		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_4_BANKS	     0x00000000 /* 4 Banks		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_8_BANKS	     0x00200000 /* 8 Banks		      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR_TYPE_MASK   0x00100000 /* DDR Memory Type mask       */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR1_TYPE     0x00000000 /* DDR1 Memory Type	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR2_TYPE     0x00100000 /* DDR2 Memory Type	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_QDEP	     0x00020000 /* 4 commands deep	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_MASK	     0x00008000 /* Out of Order Read mask     */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_DISABLED 0x00000000 /* disabled		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_ENABLED  0x00008000 /* enabled		      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_MASK	     0x00004000 /* Out of Order Write mask    */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_DISABLED 0x00000000 /* disabled		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_ENABLED  0x00004000 /* enabled		      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_MASK	     0x00002000 /* All Out of Order mask      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_DISABLED 0x00002000 /* disabled		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_ENABLED  0x00000000 /* enabled		      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_MASK	     0x00001000 /* Deferred refresh mask      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_NORMAL   0x00000000 /* normal refresh	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_DEFER_4  0x00001000 /* defer up to 4 refresh cmd  */
-|  Memory Controller Options 2
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_MASK	      0x80000000 /* Self Test mask	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_EXIT      0x00000000 /* Self Test exit	      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_ENTER     0x80000000 /* Self Test enter	      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_MASK	      0x40000000 /* Power Management mask     */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_DISABLE   0x00000000 /* disable		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_ENABLE    0x40000000 /* enable		      */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_MASK	      0x20000000 /* Init Trigger Reg mask     */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_IDLE      0x00000000 /* idle		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_EXECUTE   0x20000000 /* execute preloaded init    */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_MASK	      0x10000000 /* Exit Self Refresh Prevent */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_ALLOW     0x00000000 /* allow self refresh exit   */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_PREVENT   0x10000000 /* prevent self refresh exit */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_MASK	      0x08000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable   */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_DISABLE   0x00000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable   */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_ENABLE    0x08000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable   */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_MASK	      0x04000000 /* Init Seq Interruptable mas*/
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_DISABLE   0x00000000 /* disable		      */
-#define   SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_ENABLE    0x04000000 /* enable		      */
-|  SDRAM Refresh Timer Register
-#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_MASK		0xFFF80000
-#define   SDRAM_RTR_RINT_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFF8)<<16)
-#define   SDRAM_RTR_RINT_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFFF8)
-|  SDRAM Read DQS Delay Control Register
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_MASK		0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_DISABLE	0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_ENABLE	0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQFD_MASK		0x000001FF
-#define   SDRAM_RQDC_RQFD_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1FF)<<0)
-|  SDRAM Read Data Capture Control Register
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_MASK		0xC0000000
-#define   SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T1		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T2		0x40000000
-#define   SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T3		0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T4		0xC0000000
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_MASK		0x00000001
-#define   SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_DISABLE	0x00000001
-#define   SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_ENABLE	0x00000000
-|  SDRAM Read Feedback Delay Control Register
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_MASK		0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_DISABLE	0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_ENABLE	0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFOS_MASK		0x007F0000
-#define   SDRAM_RFDC_RFOS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFFD_MASK		0x000003FF
-#define   SDRAM_RFDC_RFFD_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<0)
-|  SDRAM Delay Line Calibration Register
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_MASK		0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_MANUEL	0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_AUTO		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_MASK		0x08000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_CALIBRATE	0x08000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_IDLE		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_MASK		0x07000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_NOT_RUN	0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_IN_PROGRESS	0x01000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_COMPLETE	0x02000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_CONT_DONE	0x03000000
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_ERROR	0x04000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_MASK		0x000001FF
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1FF)<<0)
-#define   SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1FF)
-|  SDRAM Controller On Die Termination Register
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_ODT_ON			0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_ODT_OFF			0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_DQS_2_5_V_DDR1		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_DQS_1_8_V_DDR2		0x00000020
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_MASK			0x00000010
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_DQS_DIFFERENTIAL		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_DQS_SINGLE_END		0x00000010
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_CKSE_DIFFERENTIAL		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_CKSE_SINGLE_END		0x00000008
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_IO_HIZ			0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_CODT_IO_NMODE			0x00000001
-|  SDRAM Mode Register
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_MASK			0x00000E00
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR1			0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_3_CYC		0x00000400
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_4_CYC		0x00000600
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_5_CYC		0x00000800
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_6_CYC		0x00000A00
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_MASK			0x00000070
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_2_0_CLK		0x00000020
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_2_5_CLK		0x00000060
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_3_0_CLK		0x00000030
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_2_0_CLK		0x00000020
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_3_0_CLK		0x00000030
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_4_0_CLK		0x00000040
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_5_0_CLK		0x00000050
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_6_0_CLK		0x00000060
-#define   SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_7_0_CLK		0x00000070
-|  SDRAM Extended Mode Register
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_MASK			0x00000002
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_NORMAL		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_WEAK			0x00000002
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_MASK			0x00000001
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_DISABLE		0x00000001
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_ENABLE		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_MASK			0x00000044
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_DISABLED		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_75OHM		0x00000004
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_150OHM		0x00000040
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_MASK			0x00000400
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_DISABLE		0x00000400
-#define   SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_ENABLE		0x00000000
-|  SDRAM Clock Timing Register
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_MASK			0xC0000000
-#define   SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_0_DEG		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_180_DEG_ADV		0x80000000
-|  SDRAM Write Timing Register
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WDTP_1_CYC			0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_MASK			0x10000000
-#define   SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_DIS			0x10000000
-#define   SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_1_CYC		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_MASK			0x0E000000
-#define   SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_0_DEG			0x06000000
-#define   SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_180_DEG_ADV		0x02000000
-#define   SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_270_DEG_ADV		0x00000000
-|  SDRAM SDTR1 Options
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_MASK			0x80000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_1_CLK		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_2_CLK		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_MASK			0x00F00000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_2_CLK		0x00200000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_3_CLK		0x00300000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_MASK			0x000F0000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_0_CLK		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_1_CLK		0x00010000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_MASK			0x0000F000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_1_CLK		0x00000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_2_CLK		0x00002000
-|  SDRAM SDTR2 Options
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_MASK			0xF0000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_1_CLK		0x10000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_2_CLK		0x20000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_3_CLK		0x30000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_4_CLK		0x40000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_5_CLK		0x50000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_MASK		0x0F000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_1_CLK      0x01000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_2_CLK      0x02000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_3_CLK      0x03000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_4_CLK      0x04000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR3_WTR_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<24)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_MASK	     0x00FF0000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_8_CLK     0x00080000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_16_CLK    0x00100000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_32_CLK    0x00200000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_64_CLK    0x00400000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_MASK	     0x0000F000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_2_CLK      0x00002000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_3_CLK      0x00003000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_4_CLK      0x00004000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_5_CLK      0x00005000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_6_CLK      0x00006000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR3_WPC_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<12)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_MASK	     0x00000F00
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_2_CLK      0x00000200
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_3_CLK      0x00000300
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_4_CLK      0x00000400
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_MASK	     0x000000F0
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_3_CLK	     0x00000030
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_4_CLK	     0x00000040
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_5_CLK	     0x00000050
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_6_CLK	     0x00000060
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_7_CLK	     0x00000070
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_MASK	     0x0000000F
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_2_CLK      0x00000002
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_3_CLK      0x00000003
-|  SDRAM SDTR3 Options
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RAS_MASK	     0x1F000000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR3_RAS_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RC_MASK	     0x001F0000
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR3_RC_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<16)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_XCS_MASK	     0x00001F00
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_XCS		     0x00000D00
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RFC_MASK	     0x0000003F
-#define   SDRAM_SDTR3_RFC_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<0)
-|  Memory Bank 0-1 configuration
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_MASK	  0x00000F00	  /* Addressing mode	      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_0	  0x00000000	  /*   Mode 0		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_1	  0x00000100	  /*   Mode 1		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_2	  0x00000200	  /*   Mode 2		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_3	  0x00000300	  /*   Mode 3		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_4	  0x00000400	  /*   Mode 4		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_5	  0x00000500	  /*   Mode 5		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_6	  0x00000600	  /*   Mode 6		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_7	  0x00000700	  /*   Mode 7		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_8	  0x00000800	  /*   Mode 8		      */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_9	  0x00000900	  /*   Mode 9		      */
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_MASK	  0x00000001	  /* Memory Bank Enable       */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_DISABLE 0x00000000	  /* Memory Bank Enable       */
-#define   SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_ENABLE  0x00000001	  /* Memory Bank Enable       */
 #define sdr_uart0	0x0120	/* UART0 Config */
 #define sdr_uart1	0x0121	/* UART1 Config */
 #define sdr_mfr		0x4300	/* SDR0_MFR reg */
diff --git a/include/ppc440.h b/include/ppc440.h
index 54b4553..62f1680 100644
--- a/include/ppc440.h
+++ b/include/ppc440.h
@@ -210,36 +210,6 @@
 #define sdr_plbtr	0x4200
 #define sdr_mfr		0x4300	/* SDR0_MFR reg */
- | SDRAM Controller
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* values for memcfga register - indirect addressing of these regs	    */
-#define mem_besr0_clr	0x0000	/* bus error status reg 0 (clr)		    */
-#define mem_besr0_set	0x0004	/* bus error status reg 0 (set)		    */
-#define mem_besr1_clr	0x0008	/* bus error status reg 1 (clr)		    */
-#define mem_besr1_set	0x000c	/* bus error status reg 1 (set)		    */
-#define mem_bear	0x0010	/* bus error address reg		    */
-#define mem_mirq_clr	0x0011	/* bus master interrupt (clr)		    */
-#define mem_mirq_set	0x0012	/* bus master interrupt (set)		    */
-#define mem_slio	0x0018	/* ddr sdram slave interface options	    */
-#define mem_cfg0	0x0020	/* ddr sdram options 0			    */
-#define mem_cfg1	0x0021	/* ddr sdram options 1			    */
-#define mem_devopt	0x0022	/* ddr sdram device options		    */
-#define mem_mcsts	0x0024	/* memory controller status		    */
-#define mem_rtr		0x0030	/* refresh timer register		    */
-#define mem_pmit	0x0034	/* power management idle timer		    */
-#define mem_uabba	0x0038	/* plb UABus base address		    */
-#define mem_b0cr	0x0040	/* ddr sdram bank 0 configuration	    */
-#define mem_b1cr	0x0044	/* ddr sdram bank 1 configuration	    */
-#define mem_b2cr	0x0048	/* ddr sdram bank 2 configuration	    */
-#define mem_b3cr	0x004c	/* ddr sdram bank 3 configuration	    */
-#define mem_tr0		0x0080	/* sdram timing register 0		    */
-#define mem_tr1		0x0081	/* sdram timing register 1		    */
-#define mem_clktr	0x0082	/* ddr clock timing register		    */
-#define mem_wddctr	0x0083	/* write data/dm/dqs clock timing reg	    */
-#define mem_dlycal	0x0084	/* delay line calibration register	    */
-#define mem_eccesr	0x0098	/* ECC error status			    */
 #ifdef CONFIG_440GX
 #define sdr_amp		0x0240
 #define sdr_xpllc	0x01c1
@@ -379,872 +349,6 @@
 #define SDR0_PEGPLLSET2		0x000003A1	/* PE Pll LC Tank Setting2 */
 #define SDR0_PEGPLLSTS		0x000003A2	/* PE Pll LC Tank Status */
 #endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE) || \
-    defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
-| SDRAM Controller
-#define SDRAM_DLYCAL_DLCV_MASK		0x000003FC
-| Memory queue defines
-/* A REVOIR versus RWC  - SG*/
-#define SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE	0x040
-#define SDRAM_R0BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x0)	/* rank 0 base address & size  */
-#define SDRAM_R1BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x1)	/* rank 1 base address & size  */
-#define SDRAM_R2BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x2)	/* rank 2 base address & size  */
-#define SDRAM_R3BAS	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x3)	/* rank 3 base address & size  */
-#define SDRAM_CONF1HB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x5)	/* configuration 1 HB          */
-#define SDRAM_ERRSTATHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x7)	/* error status HB             */
-#define SDRAM_ERRADDUHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x8)	/* error address upper 32 HB   */
-#define SDRAM_ERRADDLHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x9)	/* error address lower 32 HB   */
-#define SDRAM_PLBADDULL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xA)	/* PLB base address upper 32 LL */
-#define SDRAM_CONF1LL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xB)	/* configuration 1 LL          */
-#define SDRAM_ERRSTATLL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xC)	/* error status LL             */
-#define SDRAM_ERRADDULL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xD)	/* error address upper 32 LL   */
-#define SDRAM_ERRADDLLL	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xE)	/* error address lower 32 LL   */
-#define SDRAM_CONFPATHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0xF)	/* configuration between paths */
-#define SDRAM_PLBADDUHB	(SDRAMQ_DCR_BASE+0x10)	/* PLB base address upper 32 LL */
-|  Memory Bank 0-7 configuration
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SPE) || \
-    defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_MASK		0xFFE00000	/* Base address	*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFE00000)>>2)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFE00000)<<2)
-#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440SP)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_MASK		0xFF800000	/* Base address	*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF800000))
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDBA_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF800000))
-#endif /* CONFIG_440SP */
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_MASK		0x0000FFC0	/* Size		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<6)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>6)&0x3FF)
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_0		0x00000000	/*   0M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_8		0x0000FFC0	/*   8M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_16		0x0000FF80	/*  16M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_32		0x0000FF00	/*  32M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_64		0x0000FE00	/*  64M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_128		0x0000FC00	/* 128M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_256		0x0000F800	/* 256M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_512		0x0000F000	/* 512M		*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_1024		0x0000E000	/* 1024M	*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_2048		0x0000C000	/* 2048M	*/
-#define SDRAM_RXBAS_SDSZ_4096		0x00008000	/* 4096M	*/
-| Memory controller defines
-/* A REVOIR versus specs 4 bank  - SG*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT	0x14	/* memory controller status                  */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1	0x20	/* memory controller options 1               */
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2	0x21	/* memory controller options 2               */
-#define SDRAM_MODT0	0x22	/* on die termination for bank 0             */
-#define SDRAM_MODT1	0x23	/* on die termination for bank 1             */
-#define SDRAM_MODT2	0x24	/* on die termination for bank 2             */
-#define SDRAM_MODT3	0x25	/* on die termination for bank 3             */
-#define SDRAM_CODT	0x26	/* on die termination for controller         */
-#define SDRAM_VVPR	0x27	/* variable VRef programmming                */
-#define SDRAM_OPARS	0x28	/* on chip driver control setup              */
-#define SDRAM_OPART	0x29	/* on chip driver control trigger            */
-#define SDRAM_RTR	0x30	/* refresh timer                             */
-#define SDRAM_PMIT	0x34	/* power management idle timer               */
-#define SDRAM_MB0CF	0x40	/* memory bank 0 configuration               */
-#define SDRAM_MB1CF	0x44	/* memory bank 1 configuration               */
-#define SDRAM_MB2CF	0x48
-#define SDRAM_MB3CF	0x4C
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR0	0x50	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR1	0x51	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR2	0x52	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR3	0x53	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR4	0x54	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR5	0x55	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR6	0x56	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR7	0x57	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR8	0x58	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR9	0x59	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR10	0x5a	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR11	0x5b	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR12	0x5c	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR13	0x5d	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR14	0x5e	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_INITPLR15	0x5f	/* manual initialization control             */
-#define SDRAM_RQDC	0x70	/* read DQS delay control                    */
-#define SDRAM_RFDC	0x74	/* read feedback delay control               */
-#define SDRAM_RDCC	0x78	/* read data capture control                 */
-#define SDRAM_DLCR	0x7A	/* delay line calibration                    */
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR	0x80	/* DDR clock timing                          */
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR	0x81	/* write data, DQS, DM clock, timing         */
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1	0x85	/* DDR SDRAM timing 1                        */
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2	0x86	/* DDR SDRAM timing 2                        */
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3	0x87	/* DDR SDRAM timing 3                        */
-#define SDRAM_MMODE	0x88	/* memory mode                               */
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE	0x89	/* memory extended mode                      */
-#define SDRAM_ECCCR	0x98	/* ECC error status                          */
-#define SDRAM_CID	0xA4	/* core ID                                   */
-#define SDRAM_RID	0xA8	/* revision ID                               */
-#define SDRAM_RTSR	0xB1	/* run time status tracking                  */
-|  Memory Controller Status
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_MASK		0x80000000	/* Memory init status mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_NOTCOMP	0x00000000	/* Mem init not complete	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_MIC_COMP		0x80000000	/* Mem init complete		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_MASK		0x40000000	/* Mem self refresh stat mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_NOT_SF	0x00000000	/* Mem not in self refresh	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_SRMS_SF		0x40000000	/* Mem in self refresh		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_IDLE_MASK		0x20000000	/* Mem self refresh stat mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_IDLE_NOT		0x00000000	/* Mem contr not idle		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCSTAT_IDLE		0x20000000	/* Mem contr idle		*/
-|  Memory Controller Options 1
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_MASK		0x30000000 /* Memory data err check mask*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_NON		0x00000000 /* No ECC generation		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_GEN		0x20000000 /* ECC generation		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK		0x10000000 /* ECC generation and check	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK_REP	0x30000000 /* ECC generation, chk, report*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_MCHK_CHK_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>28)&0x3)
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RDEN_MASK		0x08000000 /* Registered DIMM mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RDEN		0x08000000 /* Registered DIMM enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_MASK		0x06000000 /* Page management unit mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_CLOSE		0x00000000 /* PMU Close			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_OPEN		0x04000000 /* PMU Open			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_PMU_AUTOCLOSE	0x02000000 /* PMU AutoClose		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_MASK		0x01000000 /* DRAM width mask		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_32		0x00000000 /* 32 bits			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DMWD_64		0x01000000 /* 64 bits			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_UIOS_MASK		0x00C00000 /* Unused IO State		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_BCNT_MASK		0x00200000 /* Bank count		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_4_BANKS		0x00000000 /* 4 Banks			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_8_BANKS		0x00200000 /* 8 Banks			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR_TYPE_MASK	0x00100000 /* DDR Memory Type mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR1_TYPE		0x00000000 /* DDR1 Memory Type		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DDR2_TYPE		0x00100000 /* DDR2 Memory Type		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_QDEP		0x00020000 /* 4 commands deep		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_MASK		0x00008000 /* Out of Order Read mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_DISABLED	0x00000000 /* disabled			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_RWOO_ENABLED	0x00008000 /* enabled			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_MASK		0x00004000 /* Out of Order Write mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_DISABLED	0x00000000 /* disabled			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_WOOO_ENABLED	0x00004000 /* enabled			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_MASK		0x00002000 /* All Out of Order mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_DISABLED	0x00002000 /* disabled			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DCOO_ENABLED	0x00000000 /* enabled			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_MASK		0x00001000 /* Deferred refresh mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_NORMAL	0x00000000 /* normal refresh		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT1_DREF_DEFER_4	0x00001000 /* defer up to 4 refresh cmd	*/
-|  Memory Controller Options 2
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_MASK		0x80000000 /* Self Test mask		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_EXIT		0x00000000 /* Self Test exit		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_SREN_ENTER		0x80000000 /* Self Test enter		*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_MASK		0x40000000 /* Power Management mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_DISABLE	0x00000000 /* disable			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_PMEN_ENABLE	0x40000000 /* enable			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_MASK		0x20000000 /* Init Trigger Reg mask	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_IDLE		0x00000000 /* idle			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_IPTR_EXECUTE	0x20000000 /* execute preloaded init	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_MASK		0x10000000 /* Exit Self Refresh Prevent	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_ALLOW		0x00000000 /* allow self refresh exit	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_XSRP_PREVENT	0x10000000 /* prevent self refresh exit	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_MASK		0x08000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_DISABLE	0x00000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_DCEN_ENABLE	0x08000000 /* SDRAM Controller Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_MASK		0x04000000 /* Init Seq Interruptable mas*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_DISABLE	0x00000000 /* disable			*/
-#define SDRAM_MCOPT2_ISIE_ENABLE	0x04000000 /* enable			*/
-|  SDRAM Refresh Timer Register
-#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_MASK		0xFFF80000
-#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFF8)<<16)
-#define SDRAM_RTR_RINT_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFFF8)
-|  SDRAM Read DQS Delay Control Register
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_MASK		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_DISABLE		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQDE_ENABLE		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQFD_MASK		0x000001FF
-#define SDRAM_RQDC_RQFD_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1FF)<<0)
-|  SDRAM Read Data Capture Control Register
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_MASK		0xC0000000
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T1		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T2		0x40000000
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T3		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RDSS_T4		0xC0000000
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_MASK		0x00000001
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_DISABLE		0x00000001
-#define SDRAM_RDCC_RSAE_ENABLE		0x00000000
-|  SDRAM Read Feedback Delay Control Register
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_MASK		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_DISABLE		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_ARSE_ENABLE		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFOS_MASK		0x007F0000
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFOS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFFD_MASK		0x000007FF
-#define SDRAM_RFDC_RFFD_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7FF)<<0)
-|  SDRAM Delay Line Calibration Register
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_MASK		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_MANUEL		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DCLM_AUTO		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_MASK		0x08000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_CALIBRATE	0x08000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCR_IDLE		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_MASK		0x07000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_NOT_RUN		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_IN_PROGRESS	0x01000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_COMPLETE	0x02000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_CONT_DONE	0x03000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCS_ERROR		0x04000000
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_MASK		0x000001FF
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1FF)<<0)
-#define SDRAM_DLCR_DLCV_DECODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1FF)
-|  SDRAM Controller On Die Termination Register
-#define SDRAM_CODT_ODT_ON			0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_CODT_ODT_OFF			0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_VOLTAGE_DDR_MASK		0x00000020
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_2_5_V_DDR1		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_1_8_V_DDR2		0x00000020
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_MASK			0x00000010
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_DIFFERENTIAL		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_CODT_DQS_SINGLE_END		0x00000010
-#define SDRAM_CODT_CKSE_SINGLE_END		0x00000008
-#define SDRAM_CODT_IO_HIZ			0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_CODT_IO_NMODE			0x00000001
-|  SDRAM Mode Register
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_MASK		0x00000E00
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR1		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_3_CYC	0x00000400
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_4_CYC	0x00000600
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_5_CYC	0x00000800
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_WR_DDR2_6_CYC	0x00000A00
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_MASK		0x00000070
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_2_0_CLK	0x00000020
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_2_5_CLK	0x00000060
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR1_3_0_CLK	0x00000030
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_2_0_CLK	0x00000020
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_3_0_CLK	0x00000030
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_4_0_CLK	0x00000040
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_5_0_CLK	0x00000050
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_6_0_CLK	0x00000060
-#define SDRAM_MMODE_DCL_DDR2_7_0_CLK	0x00000070
-|  SDRAM Extended Mode Register
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_MASK		0x00000002
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_NORMAL		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DIC_WEAK		0x00000002
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_MASK		0x00000001
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_DISABLE	0x00000001
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DLL_ENABLE		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_MASK		0x00000044
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_DISABLED	0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_75OHM		0x00000004
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_RTT_150OHM		0x00000040
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_MASK		0x00000400
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_DISABLE	0x00000400
-#define SDRAM_MEMODE_DQS_ENABLE		0x00000000
-|  SDRAM Clock Timing Register
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_MASK		0xC0000000
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_0_DEG		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_180_DEG_ADV	0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_90_DEG_ADV	0x40000000
-#define SDRAM_CLKTR_CLKP_270_DEG_ADV	0xC0000000
-|  SDRAM Write Timing Register
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_MASK		0x10000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_DIS		0x10000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_LLWP_1_CYC		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_MASK		0x0E000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_0_DEG		0x06000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_90_DEG_ADV	0x04000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_180_DEG_ADV	0x02000000
-#define SDRAM_WRDTR_WTR_270_DEG_ADV	0x00000000
-|  SDRAM SDTR1 Options
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_MASK		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_1_CLK		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_LDOF_2_CLK		0x80000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_MASK		0x00F00000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_2_CLK		0x00200000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTW_3_CLK		0x00300000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_MASK		0x000F0000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_0_CLK		0x00000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_WTWO_1_CLK		0x00010000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_MASK		0x0000F000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_1_CLK		0x00001000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR1_RTRO_2_CLK		0x00002000
-|  SDRAM SDTR2 Options
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_MASK		0xF0000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_1_CLK		0x10000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_2_CLK		0x20000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_3_CLK		0x30000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_4_CLK		0x40000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RCD_5_CLK		0x50000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_MASK		0x0F000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_1_CLK		0x01000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_2_CLK		0x02000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_3_CLK		0x03000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WTR_4_CLK		0x04000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_WTR_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<24)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_MASK		0x00FF0000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_8_CLK		0x00080000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_16_CLK		0x00100000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_32_CLK		0x00200000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_XSNR_64_CLK		0x00400000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_MASK		0x0000F000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_2_CLK		0x00002000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_3_CLK		0x00003000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_4_CLK		0x00004000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_5_CLK		0x00005000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_WPC_6_CLK		0x00006000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_WPC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<12)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_MASK		0x00000F00
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_2_CLK		0x00000200
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_3_CLK		0x00000300
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RPC_4_CLK		0x00000400
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_MASK		0x000000F0
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_3_CLK		0x00000030
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_4_CLK		0x00000040
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_5_CLK		0x00000050
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_6_CLK		0x00000060
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RP_7_CLK		0x00000070
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_MASK		0x0000000F
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_2_CLK		0x00000002
-#define SDRAM_SDTR2_RRD_3_CLK		0x00000003
-|  SDRAM SDTR3 Options
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RAS_MASK		0x1F000000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RAS_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RC_MASK		0x001F0000
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<16)
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_XCS_MASK		0x00001F00
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_XCS			0x00000D00
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RFC_MASK		0x0000003F
-#define SDRAM_SDTR3_RFC_ENCODE(n)	((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3F)<<0)
-|  Memory Bank 0-1 configuration
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_MASK		0x00000F00	/* Addressing mode	*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_0		0x00000000	/*   Mode 0		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_1		0x00000100	/*   Mode 1		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_2		0x00000200	/*   Mode 2		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_3		0x00000300	/*   Mode 3		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_4		0x00000400	/*   Mode 4		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_5		0x00000500	/*   Mode 5		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_6		0x00000600	/*   Mode 6		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_7		0x00000700	/*   Mode 7		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_8		0x00000800	/*   Mode 8		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_AM_9		0x00000900	/*   Mode 9		*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_MASK		0x00000001	/* Memory Bank Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_DISABLE		0x00000000	/* Memory Bank Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_BXCF_M_BE_ENABLE		0x00000001	/* Memory Bank Enable	*/
-#define SDRAM_RTSR_TRK1SM_MASK		0xC0000000	/* Tracking State Mach 1*/
-#define SDRAM_RTSR_TRK1SM_ATBASE	0x00000000	/* atbase state		*/
-#define SDRAM_RTSR_TRK1SM_MISSED	0x40000000	/* missed state		*/
-#define SDRAM_RTSR_TRK1SM_ATPLS1	0x80000000	/* atpls1 state		*/
-#define SDRAM_RTSR_TRK1SM_RESET		0xC0000000	/* reset  state		*/
-#define SDR0_MFR_FIXD			0x10000000	/* Workaround for PCI/DMA */
-#endif /* CONFIG_440SPE */
-#if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
- | SDRAM Controller
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define DDR0_00				0x00
-#define DDR0_00_INT_ACK_MASK              0x7F000000	/* Write only */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_ACK_ALL               0x7F000000
-#define DDR0_00_INT_ACK_ENCODE(n)           ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_00_INT_ACK_DECODE(n)           ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7F)
-/* Status */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_MASK           0x00FF0000	/* Read only */
-/* Bit0. A single access outside the defined PHYSICAL memory space detected. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT0           0x00010000
-/* Bit1. Multiple accesses outside the defined PHYSICAL memory space detected. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT1           0x00020000
-/* Bit2. Single correctable ECC event detected */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT2           0x00040000
-/* Bit3. Multiple correctable ECC events detected. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT3           0x00080000
-/* Bit4. Single uncorrectable ECC event detected. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT4           0x00100000
-/* Bit5. Multiple uncorrectable ECC events detected. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT5           0x00200000
-/* Bit6. DRAM initialization complete. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT6           0x00400000
-/* Bit7. Logical OR of all lower bits. */
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_BIT7           0x00800000
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_00_INT_STATUS_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_00_DLL_INCREMENT_MASK        0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_00_DLL_INCREMENT_ENCODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_00_DLL_INCREMENT_DECODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_00_DLL_START_POINT_MASK      0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_00_DLL_START_POINT_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_00_DLL_START_POINT_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_01				0x01
-#define DDR0_01_PLB0_DB_CS_LOWER_MASK     0x1F000000
-#define DDR0_01_PLB0_DB_CS_LOWER_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_01_PLB0_DB_CS_LOWER_DECODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_01_PLB0_DB_CS_UPPER_MASK     0x001F0000
-#define DDR0_01_PLB0_DB_CS_UPPER_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_01_PLB0_DB_CS_UPPER_DECODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_01_OUT_OF_RANGE_TYPE_MASK    0x00000700	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_01_OUT_OF_RANGE_TYPE_ENCODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<8)
-#define DDR0_01_OUT_OF_RANGE_TYPE_DECODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_01_INT_MASK_MASK             0x000000FF
-#define DDR0_01_INT_MASK_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_01_INT_MASK_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_01_INT_MASK_ALL_ON           0x000000FF
-#define DDR0_01_INT_MASK_ALL_OFF          0x00000000
-#define DDR0_02				0x02
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_CS_REG_MASK           0x02000000	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_CS_REG_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x2)<<24)
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_CS_REG_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x2)
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_COL_REG_MASK          0x000F0000	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_COL_REG_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_COL_REG_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_ROW_REG_MASK          0x00000F00	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_ROW_REG_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<8)
-#define DDR0_02_MAX_ROW_REG_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_02_START_MASK                0x00000001
-#define DDR0_02_START_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_02_START_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_02_START_OFF                 0x00000000
-#define DDR0_02_START_ON                  0x00000001
-#define DDR0_03				0x03
-#define DDR0_03_BSTLEN_MASK               0x07000000
-#define DDR0_03_BSTLEN_ENCODE(n)            ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<24)
-#define DDR0_03_BSTLEN_DECODE(n)            ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_03_CASLAT_MASK               0x00070000
-#define DDR0_03_CASLAT_ENCODE(n)            ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<16)
-#define DDR0_03_CASLAT_DECODE(n)            ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_03_CASLAT_LIN_MASK           0x00000F00
-#define DDR0_03_CASLAT_LIN_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<8)
-#define DDR0_03_CASLAT_LIN_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_03_INITAREF_MASK             0x0000000F
-#define DDR0_03_INITAREF_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_03_INITAREF_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_04				0x04
-#define DDR0_04_TRC_MASK                  0x1F000000
-#define DDR0_04_TRC_ENCODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_04_TRC_DECODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_04_TRRD_MASK                 0x00070000
-#define DDR0_04_TRRD_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<16)
-#define DDR0_04_TRRD_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_04_TRTP_MASK                 0x00000700
-#define DDR0_04_TRTP_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<8)
-#define DDR0_04_TRTP_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_05				0x05
-#define DDR0_05_TMRD_MASK                 0x1F000000
-#define DDR0_05_TMRD_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_05_TMRD_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_05_TEMRS_MASK                0x00070000
-#define DDR0_05_TEMRS_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<16)
-#define DDR0_05_TEMRS_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_05_TRP_MASK                  0x00000F00
-#define DDR0_05_TRP_ENCODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<8)
-#define DDR0_05_TRP_DECODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_05_TRAS_MIN_MASK             0x000000FF
-#define DDR0_05_TRAS_MIN_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_05_TRAS_MIN_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_06				0x06
-#define DDR0_06_WRITEINTERP_MASK          0x01000000
-#define DDR0_06_WRITEINTERP_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<24)
-#define DDR0_06_WRITEINTERP_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_06_TWTR_MASK                 0x00070000
-#define DDR0_06_TWTR_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<16)
-#define DDR0_06_TWTR_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_06_TDLL_MASK                 0x0000FF00
-#define DDR0_06_TDLL_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<8)
-#define DDR0_06_TDLL_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_06_TRFC_MASK                 0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_06_TRFC_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_06_TRFC_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_07				0x07
-#define DDR0_07_NO_CMD_INIT_MASK          0x01000000
-#define DDR0_07_NO_CMD_INIT_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<24)
-#define DDR0_07_NO_CMD_INIT_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_07_TFAW_MASK                 0x001F0000
-#define DDR0_07_TFAW_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_07_TFAW_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_07_AUTO_REFRESH_MODE_MASK    0x00000100
-#define DDR0_07_AUTO_REFRESH_MODE_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<8)
-#define DDR0_07_AUTO_REFRESH_MODE_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_07_AREFRESH_MASK             0x00000001
-#define DDR0_07_AREFRESH_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_07_AREFRESH_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_08				0x08
-#define DDR0_08_WRLAT_MASK                0x07000000
-#define DDR0_08_WRLAT_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<24)
-#define DDR0_08_WRLAT_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_08_TCPD_MASK                 0x00FF0000
-#define DDR0_08_TCPD_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_08_TCPD_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_08_DQS_N_EN_MASK             0x00000100
-#define DDR0_08_DQS_N_EN_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<8)
-#define DDR0_08_DQS_N_EN_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_08_DDRII_SDRAM_MODE_MASK     0x00000001
-#define DDR0_08_DDRII_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_08_DDRII_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_09				0x09
-#define DDR0_09_OCD_ADJUST_PDN_CS_0_MASK  0x1F000000
-#define DDR0_09_OCD_ADJUST_PDN_CS_0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_09_OCD_ADJUST_PDN_CS_0_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_09_RTT_0_MASK                0x00030000
-#define DDR0_09_RTT_0_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<16)
-#define DDR0_09_RTT_0_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_09_WR_DQS_SHIFT_BYPASS_MASK  0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_09_WR_DQS_SHIFT_BYPASS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_09_WR_DQS_SHIFT_BYPASS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_09_WR_DQS_SHIFT_MASK         0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_09_WR_DQS_SHIFT_ENCODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_09_WR_DQS_SHIFT_DECODE(n)      ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_10				0x0A
-#define DDR0_10_WRITE_MODEREG_MASK        0x00010000	/* Write only */
-#define DDR0_10_WRITE_MODEREG_ENCODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<16)
-#define DDR0_10_WRITE_MODEREG_DECODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_10_CS_MAP_MASK               0x00000300
-#define DDR0_10_CS_MAP_NO_MEM             0x00000000
-#define DDR0_10_CS_MAP_RANK0_INSTALLED    0x00000100
-#define DDR0_10_CS_MAP_RANK1_INSTALLED    0x00000200
-#define DDR0_10_CS_MAP_ENCODE(n)            ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<8)
-#define DDR0_10_CS_MAP_DECODE(n)            ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_10_OCD_ADJUST_PUP_CS_0_MASK  0x0000001F
-#define DDR0_10_OCD_ADJUST_PUP_CS_0_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_10_OCD_ADJUST_PUP_CS_0_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_11				0x0B
-#define DDR0_11_SREFRESH_MASK             0x01000000
-#define DDR0_11_SREFRESH_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<24)
-#define DDR0_11_SREFRESH_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1F)
-#define DDR0_11_TXSNR_MASK                0x00FF0000
-#define DDR0_11_TXSNR_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_11_TXSNR_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_11_TXSR_MASK                 0x0000FF00
-#define DDR0_11_TXSR_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<8)
-#define DDR0_11_TXSR_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_12				0x0C
-#define DDR0_12_TCKE_MASK                 0x0000007
-#define DDR0_12_TCKE_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<0)
-#define DDR0_12_TCKE_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_14				0x0E
-#define DDR0_14_DLL_BYPASS_MODE_MASK      0x01000000
-#define DDR0_14_DLL_BYPASS_MODE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<24)
-#define DDR0_14_DLL_BYPASS_MODE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_14_REDUC_MASK                0x00010000
-#define DDR0_14_REDUC_64BITS              0x00000000
-#define DDR0_14_REDUC_32BITS              0x00010000
-#define DDR0_14_REDUC_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<16)
-#define DDR0_14_REDUC_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_14_REG_DIMM_ENABLE_MASK      0x00000100
-#define DDR0_14_REG_DIMM_ENABLE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<8)
-#define DDR0_14_REG_DIMM_ENABLE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_17				0x11
-#define DDR0_17_DLL_DQS_DELAY_0_MASK      0x7F000000
-#define DDR0_17_DLL_DQS_DELAY_0_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_17_DLL_DQS_DELAY_0_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_17_DLLLOCKREG_MASK           0x00010000	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_17_DLLLOCKREG_LOCKED         0x00010000
-#define DDR0_17_DLLLOCKREG_UNLOCKED       0x00000000
-#define DDR0_17_DLLLOCKREG_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<16)
-#define DDR0_17_DLLLOCKREG_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_17_DLL_LOCK_MASK             0x00007F00	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_17_DLL_LOCK_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_17_DLL_LOCK_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_18				0x12
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_X_MASK      0x7F7F7F7F
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_4_MASK      0x7F000000
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_4_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_4_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_3_MASK      0x007F0000
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_3_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_3_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_2_MASK      0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_2_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_2_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_1_MASK      0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_1_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_18_DLL_DQS_DELAY_1_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_19				0x13
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_X_MASK      0x7F7F7F7F
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_8_MASK      0x7F000000
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_8_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_8_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_7_MASK      0x007F0000
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_7_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_7_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_6_MASK      0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_6_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_6_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_5_MASK      0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_5_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_19_DLL_DQS_DELAY_5_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_20				0x14
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_3_MASK      0x7F000000
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_3_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_3_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_2_MASK      0x007F0000
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_2_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_2_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_1_MASK      0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_1_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_1_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_0_MASK      0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_0_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_20_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_0_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_21				0x15
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_7_MASK      0x7F000000
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_7_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<24)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_7_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_6_MASK      0x007F0000
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_6_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_6_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_5_MASK      0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_5_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_5_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_4_MASK      0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_4_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_21_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_4_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_22				0x16
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_MASK             0x03000000
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_ECC_DISABLE      0x00000000	/* ECC not being used */
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_ECC_CHECK_ONLY   0x01000000	/* ECC checking is on, but no attempts to correct */
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_NO_ECC_RAM       0x02000000	/* No ECC RAM storage available */
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_ECC_ENABLE       0x03000000	/* ECC checking and correcting on */
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<24)
-#define DDR0_22_CTRL_RAW_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_22_DQS_OUT_SHIFT_BYPASS_MASK 0x007F0000
-#define DDR0_22_DQS_OUT_SHIFT_BYPASS_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<16)
-#define DDR0_22_DQS_OUT_SHIFT_BYPASS_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_22_DQS_OUT_SHIFT_MASK        0x00007F00
-#define DDR0_22_DQS_OUT_SHIFT_ENCODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<8)
-#define DDR0_22_DQS_OUT_SHIFT_DECODE(n)     ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_22_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_8_MASK     0x0000007F
-#define DDR0_22_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_8_ENCODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7F)<<0)
-#define DDR0_22_DLL_DQS_BYPASS_8_DECODE(n)  ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x7F)
-#define DDR0_23				0x17
-#define DDR0_23_ODT_RD_MAP_CS0_MASK       0x03000000
-#define DDR0_23_ODT_RD_MAP_CS0_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<24)
-#define DDR0_23_ODT_RD_MAP_CS0_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_23_ECC_C_SYND_MASK           0x00FF0000	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_23_ECC_C_SYND_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_23_ECC_C_SYND_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_23_ECC_U_SYND_MASK           0x0000FF00	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_23_ECC_U_SYND_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<8)
-#define DDR0_23_ECC_U_SYND_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0xFF)
-#define DDR0_23_FWC_MASK                  0x00000001	/* Write only */
-#define DDR0_23_FWC_ENCODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_23_FWC_DECODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_24				0x18
-#define DDR0_24_RTT_PAD_TERMINATION_MASK  0x03000000
-#define DDR0_24_RTT_PAD_TERMINATION_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<24)
-#define DDR0_24_RTT_PAD_TERMINATION_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_WR_MAP_CS1_MASK       0x00030000
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_WR_MAP_CS1_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<16)
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_WR_MAP_CS1_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_RD_MAP_CS1_MASK       0x00000300
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_RD_MAP_CS1_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<8)
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_RD_MAP_CS1_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_WR_MAP_CS0_MASK       0x00000003
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_WR_MAP_CS0_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3)<<0)
-#define DDR0_24_ODT_WR_MAP_CS0_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x3)
-#define DDR0_25				0x19
-#define DDR0_25_VERSION_MASK              0xFFFF0000	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_25_VERSION_ENCODE(n)           ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_25_VERSION_DECODE(n)           ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFFFF)
-#define DDR0_25_OUT_OF_RANGE_LENGTH_MASK  0x000003FF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_25_OUT_OF_RANGE_LENGTH_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_25_OUT_OF_RANGE_LENGTH_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x3FF)
-#define DDR0_26				0x1A
-#define DDR0_26_TRAS_MAX_MASK             0xFFFF0000
-#define DDR0_26_TRAS_MAX_ENCODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_26_TRAS_MAX_DECODE(n)          ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xFFFF)
-#define DDR0_26_TREF_MASK                 0x00003FFF
-#define DDR0_26_TREF_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_26_TREF_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x3FFF)
-#define DDR0_27				0x1B
-#define DDR0_27_EMRS_DATA_MASK            0x3FFF0000
-#define DDR0_27_EMRS_DATA_ENCODE(n)         ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_27_EMRS_DATA_DECODE(n)         ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x3FFF)
-#define DDR0_27_TINIT_MASK                0x0000FFFF
-#define DDR0_27_TINIT_ENCODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_27_TINIT_DECODE(n)             ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFF)
-#define DDR0_28				0x1C
-#define DDR0_28_EMRS3_DATA_MASK           0x3FFF0000
-#define DDR0_28_EMRS3_DATA_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FFF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_28_EMRS3_DATA_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0x3FFF)
-#define DDR0_28_EMRS2_DATA_MASK           0x00003FFF
-#define DDR0_28_EMRS2_DATA_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x3FFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_28_EMRS2_DATA_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x3FFF)
-#define DDR0_31				0x1F
-#define DDR0_31_XOR_CHECK_BITS_MASK       0x0000FFFF
-#define DDR0_31_XOR_CHECK_BITS_ENCODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_31_XOR_CHECK_BITS_DECODE(n)    ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFF)
-#define DDR0_32				0x20
-#define DDR0_32_OUT_OF_RANGE_ADDR_MASK    0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_32_OUT_OF_RANGE_ADDR_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_32_OUT_OF_RANGE_ADDR_DECODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_33				0x21
-#define DDR0_33_OUT_OF_RANGE_ADDR_MASK    0x00000001	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_33_OUT_OF_RANGE_ADDR_ENCODE(n) ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_33_OUT_OF_RANGE_ADDR_DECODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_34				0x22
-#define DDR0_34_ECC_U_ADDR_MASK           0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_34_ECC_U_ADDR_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_34_ECC_U_ADDR_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_35				0x23
-#define DDR0_35_ECC_U_ADDR_MASK           0x00000001	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_35_ECC_U_ADDR_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_35_ECC_U_ADDR_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_36				0x24
-#define DDR0_36_ECC_U_DATA_MASK           0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_36_ECC_U_DATA_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_36_ECC_U_DATA_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_37				0x25
-#define DDR0_37_ECC_U_DATA_MASK           0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_37_ECC_U_DATA_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_37_ECC_U_DATA_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_38				0x26
-#define DDR0_38_ECC_C_ADDR_MASK           0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_38_ECC_C_ADDR_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_38_ECC_C_ADDR_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_39				0x27
-#define DDR0_39_ECC_C_ADDR_MASK           0x00000001	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_39_ECC_C_ADDR_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_39_ECC_C_ADDR_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_40				0x28
-#define DDR0_40_ECC_C_DATA_MASK           0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_40_ECC_C_DATA_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_40_ECC_C_DATA_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_41				0x29
-#define DDR0_41_ECC_C_DATA_MASK           0xFFFFFFFF	/* Read only */
-#define DDR0_41_ECC_C_DATA_ENCODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFFFFFFFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_41_ECC_C_DATA_DECODE(n)        ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFFFFFFFF)
-#define DDR0_42				0x2A
-#define DDR0_42_ADDR_PINS_MASK            0x07000000
-#define DDR0_42_ADDR_PINS_ENCODE(n)         ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<24)
-#define DDR0_42_ADDR_PINS_DECODE(n)         ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_42_CASLAT_LIN_GATE_MASK      0x0000000F
-#define DDR0_42_CASLAT_LIN_GATE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_42_CASLAT_LIN_GATE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_43				0x2B
-#define DDR0_43_TWR_MASK                  0x07000000
-#define DDR0_43_TWR_ENCODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<24)
-#define DDR0_43_TWR_DECODE(n)               ((((unsigned long)(n))>>24)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_43_APREBIT_MASK              0x000F0000
-#define DDR0_43_APREBIT_ENCODE(n)           ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xF)<<16)
-#define DDR0_43_APREBIT_DECODE(n)           ((((unsigned long)(n))>>16)&0xF)
-#define DDR0_43_COLUMN_SIZE_MASK          0x00000700
-#define DDR0_43_COLUMN_SIZE_ENCODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x7)<<8)
-#define DDR0_43_COLUMN_SIZE_DECODE(n)       ((((unsigned long)(n))>>8)&0x7)
-#define DDR0_43_EIGHT_BANK_MODE_MASK      0x00000001
-#define DDR0_43_EIGHT_BANK_MODE_8_BANKS     0x00000001
-#define DDR0_43_EIGHT_BANK_MODE_4_BANKS     0x00000000
-#define DDR0_43_EIGHT_BANK_MODE_ENCODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))&0x1)<<0)
-#define DDR0_43_EIGHT_BANK_MODE_DECODE(n)   ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0x1)
-#define DDR0_44				0x2C
-#define DDR0_44_TRCD_MASK                 0x000000FF
-#define DDR0_44_TRCD_ENCODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))&0xFF)<<0)
-#define DDR0_44_TRCD_DECODE(n)              ((((unsigned long)(n))>>0)&0xFF)
-#endif /* CONFIG_440EPX */
  | External Bus Controller
diff --git a/include/ppc4xx.h b/include/ppc4xx.h
index 4a6eb86..0a8479f 100644
--- a/include/ppc4xx.h
+++ b/include/ppc4xx.h
@@ -22,12 +22,37 @@
 #ifndef	__PPC4XX_H__
 #define __PPC4XX_H__
+ * Configure which SDRAM/DDR/DDR2 controller is equipped
+ */
+#if defined(CONFIG_405GP) || defined(CONFIG_405CR) || defined(CONFIG_405EP) || \
+	defined(CONFIG_AP1000) || defined(CONFIG_ML2)
+#define CONFIG_SDRAM_PPC4xx_IBM_SDRAM	/* IBM SDRAM controller */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440GP) || defined(CONFIG_440GX) || \
+    defined(CONFIG_440EP) || defined(CONFIG_440GR)
+#define CONFIG_SDRAM_PPC4xx_IBM_DDR	/* IBM DDR controller */
+#if defined(CONFIG_440EPX) || defined(CONFIG_440GRX)
+#define CONFIG_SDRAM_PPC4xx_DENALI_DDR2	/* Denali DDR(2) controller */
+#if defined(CONFIG_405EX) || \
+    defined(CONFIG_440SP) || defined(CONFIG_440SPE) || \
+    defined(CONFIG_460EX) || defined(CONFIG_460GT)
+#define CONFIG_SDRAM_PPC4xx_IBM_DDR2	/* IBM DDR(2) controller */
 #if defined(CONFIG_440)
 #include <ppc440.h>
 #include <ppc405.h>
+#include <asm/ppc4xx-sdram.h>
  * Macro for generating register field mnemonics