doc: imx: Add documentation for nandbcb command
Signed-off-by: Shyam Saini <>
diff --git a/doc/imx/common/imx6.txt b/doc/imx/common/imx6.txt
index eab8835..0b50611 100644
--- a/doc/imx/common/imx6.txt
+++ b/doc/imx/common/imx6.txt
@@ -88,3 +88,77 @@
Word 0x00000002: 9f027772 00000004
+NAND Boot on i.MX6 with SPL support
+Writing/updating boot image in nand device is not straight forward in
+i.MX6 platform and it requires boot control block(BCB) to be configured.
+BCB contains two data structures, Firmware Configuration Block(FCB) and
+Discovered Bad Block Table(DBBT). FCB has nand timings, DBBT search area,
+and firmware. See IMX6DQRM Section
+for more information.
+We can't use 'nand write' command to write SPL/firmware image directly
+like other platforms does. So we need special setup to write BCB block
+as per IMX6QDL reference manual 'nandbcb update' command do that job.
+for nand boot, up on reset bootrom look for FCB structure in
+first block's if FCB found the nand timings are loaded for
+further reads. once FCB read done, DTTB will be loaded and
+finally firmware will be loaded which is boot image.
+cmd_nandbcb will create FCB these structures
+by taking mtd partition as an example.
+- initial code will erase entire partition
+- followed by FCB setup, like first 2 blocks for FCB/DBBT write,
+ and next block for FW1/SPL
+- write firmware at FW1 block and
+- finally write fcb/dttb in first 2 block.
+Typical NAND BCB layout:
+ no.of blocks = partition size / erasesize
+ no.of fcb/dbbt blocks = 2
+ FW1 offset = no.of fcb/dbbt
+block 0 1 2
+ -------------------------------
+ |FCB/DBBT 0|FCB/DBBT 1| FW 1 |
+ --------------------------------
+On summary, nandbcb update will
+- erase the entire partition
+- create BCB by creating 2 FCB/BDDT block followed by
+ 1 FW blocks based on partition size and erasesize.
+- fill FCB/DBBT structures
+- write FW/SPL in FW1
+- write FCB/DBBT in first 2 blocks
+step-1: write SPL
+icorem6qdl> ext4load mmc 0:1 $loadaddr SPL
+39936 bytes read in 10 ms (3.8 MiB/s)
+icorem6qdl> nandbcb update $loadaddr spl $filesize
+device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x9c00
+Erasing at 0x1c0000 -- 100% complete.
+NAND fw write: 0x80000 offset, 0xb000 bytes written: OK
+step-2: write u-boot-dtb.img
+icorem6qdl> nand erase.part uboot
+NAND erase.part: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x200000
+Erasing at 0x3c0000 -- 100% complete.
+icorem6qdl> ext4load mmc 0:1 $loadaddr u-boot-dtb.img
+589094 bytes read in 37 ms (15.2 MiB/s)
+icorem6qdl> nand write ${loadaddr} uboot ${filesize}
+NAND write: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x8fd26
+ 589094 bytes written: OK