Initial revision
diff --git a/cpu/mpc824x/drivers/i2o.h b/cpu/mpc824x/drivers/i2o.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87225ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/mpc824x/drivers/i2o.h
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#ifndef I2O_H
+#define I2O_H
+ *
+ * copyright @ Motorola, 1999
+ *********************************************************/
+#define I2O_REG_OFFSET 0x0004
+#define PCI_CFG_CLA    0x0B
+#define PCI_CFG_SCL    0x0A
+#define PCI_CFG_PIC    0x09
+#define I2O_IMR0 0x0050
+#define I2O_IMR1 0x0054
+#define I2O_OMR0 0x0058
+#define I2O_OMR1 0x005C
+#define I2O_ODBR 0x0060
+#define I2O_IDBR 0x0068
+#define I2O_OMISR  0x0030
+#define I2O_OMIMR  0x0034
+#define I2O_IMISR  0x0100
+#define I2O_IMIMR  0x0104
+/* accessable to PCI master but local processor */
+#define I2O_IFQPR  0x0040
+#define I2O_OFQPR  0x0044
+/* accessable to local processor */
+#define I2O_IFHPR  0x0120
+#define I2O_IFTPR  0x0128
+#define I2O_IPHPR  0x0130
+#define I2O_IPTPR  0x0138
+#define I2O_OFHPR  0x0140
+#define I2O_OFTPR  0x0148
+#define I2O_OPHPR  0x0150
+#define I2O_OPTPR  0x0158
+#define I2O_MUCR   0x0164
+#define I2O_QBAR   0x0170
+#define I2O_NUM_MSG 2
+typedef enum _i2o_status
+typedef enum _queue_size
+    QSIZE_4K = 0x02,
+    QSIZE_8K = 0x04,
+    QSIZE_16K = 0x08,
+    QSIZE_32K = 0x10,
+    QSIZe_64K = 0x20,
+typedef enum _location
+    LOCAL = 0,     /* used by local processor to access its own on board device,
+		      local processor's eumbbar is required */
+    REMOTE,        /* used by PCI master to access the devices on its PCI device,
+		      device's pcsrbar is required */
+/* door bell */
+typedef enum _i2o_in_db
+  IN_DB = 1,
+  MC,         /* machine check */
+} I2O_IN_DB;
+/* I2O PCI configuration identification */
+typedef struct _i2o_iop
+	unsigned int base_class : 8;
+	unsigned int sub_class  : 8;
+	unsigned int prg_code   : 8;
+} I2OIOP;
+/* I2O Outbound Message Interrupt Status Register */
+typedef struct _i2o_om_stat
+	unsigned int rsvd0 : 26;
+	unsigned int opqi  : 1;
+	unsigned int rsvd1 : 1;
+	unsigned int odi   : 1;
+	unsigned int rsvd2 : 1;
+	unsigned int om1i  : 1;
+	unsigned int om0i  : 1;
+/* I2O inbound Message Interrupt Status Register */
+typedef struct _i2o_im_stat
+	unsigned int rsvd0 : 23;
+	unsigned int ofoi  : 1;
+	unsigned int ipoi  : 1;
+	unsigned int rsvd1 : 1;
+	unsigned int ipqi  : 1;
+	unsigned int mci   : 1;
+	unsigned int idi   : 1;
+	unsigned int rsvd2 : 1;
+	unsigned int im1i  : 1;
+	unsigned int im0i  : 1;
+ Enable the interrupt associated with in/out bound msg
+ Inbound message interrupt generated by PCI master and serviced by local processor
+ local processor needs to enable its inbound interrupts it wants to handle (LOCAL)
+ Outbound message interrupt generated by local processor and serviced by PCI master
+ PCI master needs to enable the devices' outbound interrupts it wants to handle (REMOTE)
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OMsgEnable( LOCATION,            /*  REMOTE/LOCAL   */
+                               unsigned int base,   /* pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                               unsigned char n );   /* b'1' - msg 0
+						                             * b'10'- msg 1
+						                             * b'11'- both
+						                             */
+ Disable the interrupt associated with in/out bound msg
+ local processor needs to disable its inbound interrupts it is not interested (LOCAL)
+ PCI master needs to disable outbound interrupts of devices it is not interested (REMOTE)
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OMsgDisable( LOCATION,          /*  REMOTE/LOCAL   */
+                                unsigned int base, /* pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                                unsigned char n ); /* b'1' - msg 0
+			   			                            * b'10'- msg 1
+						                            * b'11'- both
+						                            */
+ Read the msg register either from local inbound msg 0/1,
+ or an outbound msg 0/1 of devices.
+ If it is not local, pcsrbar must be passed to the function.
+ Otherwise eumbbar is passed.
+ If it is remote, outbound msg of the device is read.
+ Otherwise local inbound msg is read.
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OMsgGet ( LOCATION,                 /* REMOTE/LOCAL */
+                             unsigned int base,        /*pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                             unsigned int n,           /* 0 or 1 */
+                             unsigned int *msg );
+ Write to nth Msg register either on local outbound msg 0/1,
+ or aninbound msg 0/1 of devices
+ If it is not local, pcsrbar must be passed to the function.
+ Otherwise eumbbar is passed.
+ If it is remote, inbound msg on the device is written.
+ Otherwise local outbound msg is written.
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OMsgPost( LOCATION,                 /* REMOTE/LOCAL */
+                                unsigned int base,        /*pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                                unsigned int n,           /* 0 or 1 */
+                                unsigned int msg );
+ Enable the In/Out DoorBell Interrupt
+ InDoorBell interrupt is generated by PCI master and serviced by local processor
+ local processor needs to enable its inbound doorbell interrupts it wants to handle
+ OutDoorbell interrupt is generated by local processor and serviced by PCI master
+ PCI master needs to enable outbound doorbell interrupts of the devices it wants to handle
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2ODBEnable( LOCATION,            /*  REMOTE/LOCAL   */
+                              unsigned int base,   /* pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                              unsigned int in_db );/* when LOCAL, I2O_IN_DB, MC, I2O_IN_DB|MC */
+ Disable the In/Out DoorBell Interrupt
+ local processor needs to disable its inbound doorbell interrupts it is not interested
+ PCI master needs to disable outbound doorbell interrupts of devices it is not interested
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2ODBDisable( LOCATION,              /*  REMOTE/LOCAL   */
+                               unsigned int base,     /* pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                               unsigned int in_db );  /* when LOCAL, I2O_IN_DB, MC, I2O_IN_DB|MC */
+ Read a local indoorbell register, or an outdoorbell of devices.
+ Reading a doorbell register, the register will be cleared.
+ If it is not local, pcsrbar must be passed to the function.
+ Otherwise eumbbar is passed.
+ If it is remote, outdoorbell register on the device is read.
+ Otherwise local in doorbell is read
+ **/
+extern unsigned int I2ODBGet( LOCATION,             /*  REMOTE/LOCAL   */
+                              unsigned int base);   /* pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+ Write to a local outdoorbell register, or an indoorbell register of devices.
+ If it is not local, pcsrbar must be passed to the function.
+ Otherwise eumbbar is passed.
+ If it is remote, in doorbell register on the device is written.
+ Otherwise local out doorbell is written
+ **/
+extern void I2ODBPost( LOCATION,                 /*  REMOTE/LOCAL   */
+                       unsigned int base,        /* pcsrbar/eumbbar */
+                       unsigned int msg );       /*   in   / out    */
+ Read the outbound msg unit interrupt status of devices. Reading an interrupt status register,
+ the register will be cleared.
+ The outbound interrupt status is AND with the outbound
+ interrupt mask. The result is returned.
+ PCI master must pass the pcsrbar to the function.
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OOutMsgStatGet( unsigned int pcsrbar, I2OOMSTAT * );
+ Read the inbound msg unit interrupt status. Reading an interrupt status register,
+ the register will be cleared.
+ The inbound interrupt status is AND with the inbound
+ interrupt mask. The result is returned.
+ Local process must pass its eumbbar to the function.
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OInMsgStatGet( unsigned int eumbbar, I2OIMSTAT * );
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OFIFOInit( unsigned int eumbbar,
+				              QUEUE_SIZE,
+				              unsigned int qba);/* queue base address that must be aligned at 1M */
+ Enable the circular queue
+ **/
+extern I2OSTATUS I2OFIFOEnable( unsigned int eumbbar );
+ Disable the circular queue
+ **/
+extern void I2OFIFODisable( unsigned int eumbbar );
+ Enable the circular queue interrupt
+ PCI master enables outbound FIFO interrupt of device
+ Device enables its inbound FIFO interrupt
+ **/
+extern void I2OFIFOIntEnable( LOCATION, unsigned int base  );
+ Disable the circular queue interrupt
+ PCI master disables outbound FIFO interrupt of device
+ Device disables its inbound FIFO interrupt
+ **/
+extern void I2OFIFOIntDisable( LOCATION, unsigned int base );
+ Enable the circular queue overflow interrupt
+ **/
+extern void I2OFIFOOverflowIntEnable( unsigned int eumbbar );
+ Disable the circular queue overflow interrupt
+ **/
+extern void I2OFIFOOverflowIntDisable( unsigned int eumbbar );
+ Allocate a free msg frame from free FIFO.
+ PCI Master allocates a free msg frame through inbound queue port of device(IFQPR)
+ while local processor allocates a free msg frame from outbound free queue(OFTPR)
+ Unless both free queues are initialized, allocating a free MF will return 0xffffffff
+ **/
+			 	               unsigned int base,
+				               void         **pMsg);
+ Free a used msg frame back to free queue
+ PCI Master frees a MFA through outbound queue port of device(OFQPR)
+ while local processor frees a MFA into its inbound free queue(IFHPR)
+ Used msg frame does not need to be recycled in the order they
+ read
+ This function has to be called by PCI master to initialize Inbound free queue
+ and by device to initialize Outbound free queue before I2OFIFOAlloc can be used.
+ **/
+			                  unsigned int base,
+			                  void        *pMsg );
+ Post a msg into FIFO
+ PCI Master posts a msg through inbound queue port of device(IFQPR)
+ while local processor post a msg into its outbound post queue(OPHPR)
+ The total number of msg must be less than the max size of the queue
+ Otherwise queue overflow interrupt will assert.
+ **/
+		                      unsigned int base,
+		                      void         *pMsg );
+ Read a msg from FIFO
+ PCI Master reads a msg through outbound queue port of device(OFQPR)
+ while local processor reads a msg from its inbound post queue(IPTPR)
+ **/
+	 		                  unsigned int base,
+							  void     **pMsg );
+ Get the I2O PCI configuration identification register
+ **/
+			                   unsigned int base,
+							   I2OIOP *);