Add first draft of the MPC8641HPCN doc/README.

Signed-off-by: Jon Loeliger <>
diff --git a/doc/README.mpc8641hpcn b/doc/README.mpc8641hpcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..907a911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README.mpc8641hpcn
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Freescale MPC8641HPCN board
+Created 05/24/2006 Haiying Wang
+1. Building U-Boot
+The 86xx HPCN code base is known to compile using:
+    Binutils 2.15, Gcc 3.4.3, Glibc 2.3.3
+    $ make MPC8641HPCN_config
+    Configuring for MPC8641HPCN board...
+    $ make
+2. Switch and Jumper Setting
+	J14 Pins 1-2 (near plcc32 socket)
+	SW1(1-5) = 01100	CFG_COREPLL	= 01000 :: CORE =   2:1
+						  01100 :: CORE = 2.5:1
+						  10000 :: CORE =   3:1
+						  11100 :: CORE = 3.5:1
+						  10100 :: CORE =   4:1
+						  01110 :: CORE = 4.5:1
+	SW1(6-8) = 001		CFG_SYSCLK	= 000	:: SYSCLK = 33MHz
+						  001	:: SYSCLK = 40MHz
+	SW2(1-4) = 1100		CFG_CCBPLL	= 0010	:: 2X 
+						  0100	:: 4X
+						  0110	:: 6X
+						  1000	:: 8X
+						  1010	:: 10X
+						  1100	:: 12X
+						  1110	:: 14X
+						  0000	:: 16X
+	SW2(5-8) = 1110		CFG_BOOTLOC	= 1110	:: boot 16-bit localbus
+	SW3(1-7) = 0011000	CFG_VID		= 0011000 :: VCORE = 1.2V
+						  0100000 :: VCORE = 1.11V
+	SW3(8)	 = 0		VCC_PLAT	= 0	:: VCC_PLAT = 1.2V
+						  1	:: VCC_PLAT = 1.0V
+	SW4(1-2) = 11		CFG_HOSTMODE	= 11	:: both prots host/root
+	SW4(3-4) = 11		CFG_BOOTSEQ	= 11	:: no boot seq
+	SW4(5-8) = 0011		CFG_IOPORT	= 0011	:: both PEX
+	SW5(1)	 = 1		CFG_FLASHMAP	= 1	:: boot from flash
+						  0	:: boot from PromJet
+	SW5(2)	 = 1		CFG_FLASHBANK	= 1	:: swap upper/lower
+							 halves (virtual banks)
+						  0	:: normal
+	SW5(3)	 = 0		CFG_FLASHWP	= 0	:: not protected
+	SW5(4)	 = 0 		CFG_PORTDIV	= 1	:: 2:1 for PD4
+							   1:1 for PD6
+	SW5(5-6) = 11		CFG_PIXISOPT	= 11	:: s/w determined
+	SW5(7-8) = 11		CFG_LADOPT	= 11	:: s/w determined
+	SW6(1)	 = 1		CFG_CPUBOOT	= 1	:: no boot holdoff
+	SW6(2)	 = 1		CFG_BOOTADDR	= 1	:: no traslation
+	SW6(3-5) = 000		CFG_REFCLKSEL	= 000	:: 100MHZ
+	SW6(6)	 = 1		CFG_SERROM_ADDR= 1	::
+	SW6(7)	 = 1		CFG_MEMDEBUG	= 1	::
+	SW6(8)	 = 1		CFG_DDRDEBUG	= 1	::
+	SW8(1)	 = 1		ACZ_SYNC	= 1	:: 48MHz on TP49
+	SW8(2)	 = 1		ACB_SYNC	= 1	:: THRMTRIP disabled
+	SW8(3)	 = 1		ACZ_SDOUT	= 1	:: p4 mode
+	SW8(4)	 = 1		ACB_SDOUT	= 1	:: PATA freq. = 133MHz
+	SW8(5)	 = 0		SUSLED		= 0	:: SouthBridge Mode
+	SW8(6)	 = 0		SPREAD		= 0	:: REFCLK SSCG Disabled
+	SW8(7)	 = 1		ACPWR		= 1	:: non-battery
+	SW8(8)	 = 0		CFG_IDWP	= 0	:: write enable
+3. Flash U-Boot
+The flash range 0xFF800000 to 0xFFFFFFFF can be divided into 2 halves.
+It is possible to use either half to boot using u-boot.  Switch 5 bit 2
+is used for this purpose.
+0xFF800000 to 0xFFBFFFFF - 4MB
+0xFFC00000 to 0xFFFFFFFF - 4MB
+When this bit is 0, U-Boot is at 0xFFF00000.
+When this bit is 1, U-Boot is at 0xFFB00000.
+Use the above mentioned flash commands to program the other half, and
+use switch 5, bit 2 to alternate between the halves.  Note: The booting
+version of U-Boot will always be at 0xFFF00000.
+To Flash U-Boot into the booting bank (0xFFC00000 - 0xFFFFFFFF):
+	tftp 1000000 u-boot.bin
+	protect off all
+	erase fff00000 ffffffff
+	cp.b 1000000 fff00100 80000
+To Flash U-boot into the alternative bank (0xFF800000 - 0xFFBFFFFF):
+	tftp 1000000 u-boot.bin
+	erase ffb00000 ffbfffff
+	cp.b 1000000 ffb00100 80000
+4. Memory Map
+	Memory Range			Device		Size		
+	------------			------		----
+	0x0000_0000	0x7fff_ffff	DDR		2G
+	0x8000_0000	0x9fff_ffff	PCI1/PEX1 MEM	512M
+	0xa000_0000	0xafff_ffff	PCI2/PEX2 MEM	512M
+	0xf800_0000	0xf80f_ffff	CCSR		1M
+	0xf810_0000	0xf81f_ffff	PIXIS		1M
+	0xf840_0000	0xf840_3fff	Stack space	32K
+	0xe200_0000	0xe2ff_ffff	PCI1/PEX1 IO	512M
+	0xe300_0000	0xe3ff_ffff	PCI2/PEX2 IO	512M
+	0xfe00_0000	0xfeff_ffff	Flash(alternate)16M
+	0xff00_0000	0xffff_ffff	Flash(boot bank)16M