patman: Detect unexpected END

Detect unexpected 'END' line when a section is not detected.

This patch detect issue when tag name for section start is misspelled,
for example 'Commit-note:' for 'Commit-notes:'


Then 'Commit-note:' is removed silently by re_remove = "Commit-\w*:"
but 'END' is kept in commit message.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Delaunay <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
diff --git a/tools/patman/ b/tools/patman/
index 0c68c86..70acb09 100644
--- a/tools/patman/
+++ b/tools/patman/
@@ -269,6 +269,10 @@
+        # If we are not in a section, it is an unexpected END
+        elif line == 'END':
+                raise ValueError("'END' wihout section")
         # Detect the commit subject
         elif not is_blank and self.state == STATE_PATCH_SUBJECT:
             self.commit.subject = line