board: sl28: set CPO value
With a 8GiB memory board, it seems that the "very unlikely event" of a
DDR initialization with non-optimal values are not really that unlikely.
It happens in about every other reboot. As described in erratum
A-009942, preset the DEBUG_28 register with an optimal value. The value
iself depends on the memory configuration of the board, but the used
value seems to work well for all variants.
Signed-off-by: Michael Walle <>
diff --git a/board/kontron/sl28/ddr.c b/board/kontron/sl28/ddr.c
index 4142699..d75b23e 100644
--- a/board/kontron/sl28/ddr.c
+++ b/board/kontron/sl28/ddr.c
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
.ddr_cdr1 = 0x80040000,
.ddr_cdr2 = 0x0000bc01,
+ /* Erratum A-009942, set optimal CPO value */
+ .debug[28] = 0x00700040,
int fsl_initdram(void)