[Blackfin][PATCH] Add BF537 stamp board support
diff --git a/cpu/bf537/start.S b/cpu/bf537/start.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..264e9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/bf537/start.S
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+ * U-boot - start.S Startup file of u-boot for BF537
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 blackfin.uclinux.org
+ *
+ * This file is based on head.S
+ * Copyright (c) 2003  Metrowerks/Motorola
+ * Copyright (C) 1998  D. Jeff Dionne <jeff@ryeham.ee.ryerson.ca>,
+ *                     Kenneth Albanowski <kjahds@kjahds.com>,
+ *                     The Silver Hammer Group, Ltd.
+ * (c) 1995, Dionne & Associates
+ * (c) 1995, DKG Display Tech.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+ * Note: A change in this file subsequently requires a change in
+ *       board/$(board_name)/config.mk for a valid u-boot.bin
+ */
+#define ASSEMBLY
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <asm/blackfin.h>
+.global _stext;
+.global __bss_start;
+.global start;
+.global _start;
+.global _rambase;
+.global _ramstart;
+.global _ramend;
+.global _bf533_data_dest;
+.global _bf533_data_size;
+.global edata;
+.global _initialize;
+.global _exit;
+.global flashdataend;
+.global init_sdram;
+.global _icache_enable;
+.global _dcache_enable;
+#if defined(CONFIG_BF537)&&defined(CONFIG_POST)
+.global _memory_post_test;
+.global _post_flag;
+#if (CONFIG_CCLK_DIV == 1)
+#if (CONFIG_CCLK_DIV == 2)
+#if (CONFIG_CCLK_DIV == 4)
+#if (CONFIG_CCLK_DIV == 8)
+#define CONFIG_CCLK_ACT_DIV   CONFIG_CCLK_DIV_not_defined_properly
+	R0 = 0x32;
+	SYSCFG = R0;
+	/* As per HW reference manual DAG registers,
+	 * DATA and Address resgister shall be zero'd
+	 * in initialization, after a reset state
+	 */
+	r1 = 0;	/* Data registers zero'd */
+	r2 = 0;
+	r3 = 0;
+	r4 = 0;
+	r5 = 0;
+	r6 = 0;
+	r7 = 0;
+	p0 = 0; /* Address registers zero'd */
+	p1 = 0;
+	p2 = 0;
+	p3 = 0;
+	p4 = 0;
+	p5 = 0;
+	i0 = 0; /* DAG Registers zero'd */
+	i1 = 0;
+	i2 = 0;
+	i3 = 0;
+	m0 = 0;
+	m1 = 0;
+	m3 = 0;
+	m3 = 0;
+	l0 = 0;
+	l1 = 0;
+	l2 = 0;
+	l3 = 0;
+	b0 = 0;
+	b1 = 0;
+	b2 = 0;
+	b3 = 0;
+	/* Set loop counters to zero, to make sure that
+	 * hw loops are disabled.
+	 */
+	r0  = 0;
+	lc0 = r0;
+	lc1 = r0;
+	/* Check soft reset status */
+	p0.h = SWRST >> 16;
+	p0.l = SWRST & 0xFFFF;
+	r0.l = w[p0];
+	cc = bittst(r0, 15);
+	if !cc jump no_soft_reset;
+	/* Clear Soft reset */
+	r0 = 0x0000;
+	w[p0] = r0;
+	ssync;
+	nop;
+	/* Clear EVT registers */
+	p0.h = (EVT_EMULATION_ADDR >> 16);
+	p0 += 8;
+	p1 = 14;
+	r1 = 0;
+	LSETUP(4,4) lc0 = p1;
+	[ p0 ++ ] = r1;
+	p0.h = hi(SIC_IWR);
+	p0.l = lo(SIC_IWR);
+	r0.l = 0x1;
+	w[p0] = r0.l;
+	p0.h = hi(SIC_IWR);
+	p0.l = lo(SIC_IWR);
+	r0.l = 0x1;
+	w[p0] = r0.l;
+	/*
+	* PLL_LOCKCNT - how many SCLK Cycles to delay while PLL becomes stable
+	*/
+	p0.h = hi(PLL_LOCKCNT);
+	p0.l = lo(PLL_LOCKCNT);
+	r0 = 0x300(Z);
+	w[p0] = r0.l;
+	ssync;
+	/*
+	* Put SDRAM in self-refresh, incase anything is running
+	*/
+	P2.H = hi(EBIU_SDGCTL);
+	P2.L = lo(EBIU_SDGCTL);
+	R0 = [P2];
+	BITSET (R0, 24);
+	[P2] = R0;
+	/*
+	*  Set PLL_CTL with the value that we calculate in R0
+	*   - [14:09] = MSEL[5:0] : CLKIN / VCO multiplication factors
+	*   - [8]     = BYPASS    : BYPASS the PLL, run CLKIN into CCLK/SCLK
+	*   - [7]     = output delay (add 200ps of delay to mem signals)
+	*   - [6]     = input delay (add 200ps of input delay to mem signals)
+	*   - [5]     = PDWN      : 1=All Clocks off
+	*   - [3]     = STOPCK    : 1=Core Clock off
+	*   - [1]     = PLL_OFF   : 1=Disable Power to PLL
+	*   - [0]     = DF	  : 1=Pass CLKIN/2 to PLL / 0=Pass CLKIN to PLL
+	*   all other bits set to zero
+	*/
+	r0 = CONFIG_VCO_MULT & 63;      /* Load the VCO multiplier         */
+	r0 = r0 << 9;                   /* Shift it over,                  */
+	r1 = CONFIG_CLKIN_HALF;        /* Do we need to divide CLKIN by 2?*/
+	r0 = r1 | r0;
+	r1 = CONFIG_PLL_BYPASS;         /* Bypass the PLL?                 */
+	r1 = r1 << 8;                   /* Shift it over                   */
+	r0 = r1 | r0;                   /* add them all together           */
+	p0.h = hi(PLL_CTL);
+	p0.l = lo(PLL_CTL);             /* Load the address                */
+	cli r2;                         /* Disable interrupts              */
+		ssync;
+	w[p0] = r0.l;                   /* Set the value                   */
+	idle;                           /* Wait for the PLL to stablize    */
+	sti r2;                         /* Enable interrupts               */
+	p0.h = hi(PLL_STAT);
+	p0.l = lo(PLL_STAT);
+	R0 = W[P0](Z);
+	CC = BITTST(R0,5);
+	if ! CC jump check_again;
+	/* Configure SCLK & CCLK Dividers */
+	p0.h = hi(PLL_DIV);
+	p0.l = lo(PLL_DIV);
+	w[p0] = r0.l;
+	ssync;
+	/*
+	 * We now are running at speed, time to set the Async mem bank wait states
+	 * This will speed up execution, since we are normally running from FLASH.
+	 * we need to read MAC address from FLASH
+	 */
+	p2.h = (EBIU_AMBCTL1 >> 16);
+	p2.l = (EBIU_AMBCTL1 & 0xFFFF);
+	r0.h = (AMBCTL1VAL >> 16);
+	r0.l = (AMBCTL1VAL & 0xFFFF);
+	[p2] = r0;
+	ssync;
+	p2.h = (EBIU_AMBCTL0 >> 16);
+	p2.l = (EBIU_AMBCTL0 & 0xFFFF);
+	r0.h = (AMBCTL0VAL >> 16);
+	r0.l = (AMBCTL0VAL & 0xFFFF);
+	[p2] = r0;
+	ssync;
+	p2.h = (EBIU_AMGCTL >> 16);
+	p2.l = (EBIU_AMGCTL & 0xffff);
+	w[p2] = r0;
+	ssync;
+	sp.l = (0xffb01000 & 0xFFFF);
+	sp.h = (0xffb01000 >> 16);
+	call init_sdram;
+#if defined(CONFIG_BF537)&&defined(CONFIG_POST)
+	/* DMA POST code to Hi of L1 SRAM */
+	/* P1 Points to the beginning of SYSTEM MMR Space */
+	P1.H = hi(SYSMMR_BASE);
+	P1.L = lo(SYSMMR_BASE);
+	R0.H = _text_l1;
+	R0.L = _text_l1;
+	R1.H = _etext_l1;
+	R1.L = _etext_l1;
+	R2 = R1 - R0;           /* Count */
+	R0.H = _etext;
+	R0.L = _etext;
+	R1.H = (CFG_MONITOR_BASE >> 16);
+	R0 = R0 - R1;
+	R1.H = (CFG_FLASH_BASE >> 16);
+	R0 = R0 + R1;		/* Source Address */
+	R1.H = hi(L1_ISRAM);    /* Destination Address (high) */
+	R1.L = lo(L1_ISRAM);    /* Destination Address (low) */
+	R3.L = DMAEN;           /* Source DMAConfig Value (8-bit words) */
+	/* Destination DMAConfig Value (8-bit words) */
+	R4.L = (DI_EN | WNR | DMAEN);
+	R6 = 0x1 (Z);
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_X_MODIFY)] = R6;   /* Source Modify = 1 */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_X_MODIFY)] = R6;   /* Destination Modify = 1 */
+	[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_START_ADDR)] = R0;  /* Set Source Base Address */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_X_COUNT)] = R2;    /* Set Source Count */
+	/* Set Source  DMAConfig = DMA Enable,
+	Memory Read,  8-Bit Transfers, 1-D DMA, Flow - Stop */
+	[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_START_ADDR)] = R1;  /* Set Destination Base Address */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_X_COUNT)] = R2;    /* Set Destination Count */
+	/* Set Destination DMAConfig = DMA Enable,
+	Memory Write, 8-Bit Transfers, 1-D DMA, Flow - Stop, IOC */
+	p0.h = hi(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS);
+	p0.l = lo(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS);
+	R0 = W[P0](Z);
+	CC = BITTST(R0, 0);
+	if ! CC jump POST_DMA_DONE
+	R0 = 0x1;
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS)] = R0; /* Write 1 to clear DMA interrupt */
+	/* DMA POST data to Hi of L1 SRAM */
+	R0.H = _rodata_l1;
+	R0.L = _rodata_l1;
+	R1.H = _erodata_l1;
+	R1.L = _erodata_l1;
+	R2 = R1 - R0;           /* Count */
+	R0.H = _erodata;
+	R0.L = _erodata;
+	R1.H = (CFG_MONITOR_BASE >> 16);
+	R0 = R0 - R1;
+	R1.H = (CFG_FLASH_BASE >> 16);
+	R0 = R0 + R1;           /* Source Address */
+	R1.H = hi(DATA_BANKB_SRAM);    /* Destination Address (high) */
+	R1.L = lo(DATA_BANKB_SRAM);    /* Destination Address (low) */
+	R3.L = DMAEN;           /* Source DMAConfig Value (8-bit words) */
+	R4.L = (DI_EN | WNR | DMAEN);   /* Destination DMAConfig Value (8-bit words) */
+	R6 = 0x1 (Z);
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_X_MODIFY)] = R6;   /* Source Modify = 1 */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_X_MODIFY)] = R6;   /* Destination Modify = 1 */
+	[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_START_ADDR)] = R0;  /* Set Source Base Address */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_X_COUNT)] = R2;    /* Set Source Count */
+	/* Set Source  DMAConfig = DMA Enable,
+	Memory Read,  8-Bit Transfers, 1-D DMA, Flow - Stop */
+	[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_START_ADDR)] = R1;  /* Set Destination Base Address */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_X_COUNT)] = R2;    /* Set Destination Count */
+	/* Set Destination DMAConfig = DMA Enable,
+	Memory Write, 8-Bit Transfers, 1-D DMA, Flow - Stop, IOC */
+	p0.h = hi(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS);
+	p0.l = lo(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS);
+	R0 = W[P0](Z);
+	CC = BITTST(R0, 0);
+	R0 = 0x1;
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS)] = R0; /* Write 1 to clear DMA interrupt */
+	p0.l = _memory_post_test;
+	p0.h = _memory_post_test;
+	r0 = 0x0;
+	call (p0);
+	r7 = r0;				/* save return value */
+	call init_sdram;
+	/* relocate into to RAM */
+	call get_pc;
+	r2.l = offset;
+	r2.h = offset;
+	r3.l = start;
+	r3.h = start;
+	r1 = r2 - r3;
+	r0 = r0 - r1;
+	p1 = r0;
+	p2.l = (CFG_MONITOR_BASE & 0xffff);
+	p2.h = (CFG_MONITOR_BASE >> 16);
+	p3 = 0x04;
+	p4.l = ((CFG_MONITOR_BASE + CFG_MONITOR_LEN) & 0xffff);
+	p4.h = ((CFG_MONITOR_BASE + CFG_MONITOR_LEN) >> 16);
+	r1 = [p1 ++ p3];
+	[p2 ++ p3] = r1;
+	cc=p2==p4;
+	if !cc jump loop1;
+	/*
+	 * configure STACK
+	 */
+	r0.h = (CONFIG_STACKBASE >> 16);
+	sp = r0;
+	fp = sp;
+	/*
+	 * This next section keeps the processor in supervisor mode
+	 * during kernel boot.  Switches to user mode at end of boot.
+	 * See page 3-9 of Hardware Reference manual for documentation.
+	 */
+	/* To keep ourselves in the supervisor mode */
+	p0.l = (EVT_IVG15_ADDR & 0xFFFF);
+	p0.h = (EVT_IVG15_ADDR >> 16);
+	p1.l = _real_start;
+	p1.h = _real_start;
+	[p0] = p1;
+	p0.l = (IMASK & 0xFFFF);
+	p0.h = (IMASK >> 16);
+	r0.l = LO(IVG15_POS);
+	r0.h = HI(IVG15_POS);
+	[p0] = r0;
+	raise 15;
+	p0.l = WAIT_HERE;
+	p0.h = WAIT_HERE;
+	reti = p0;
+	rti;
+	jump WAIT_HERE;
+.global _real_start;
+	[ -- sp ] = reti;
+#ifdef CONFIG_BF537
+/* Initialise General-Purpose I/O Modules on BF537
+ * Rev 0.0 Anomaly 05000212 - PORTx_FER,
+ * PORT_MUX Registers Do Not accept "writes" correctly
+ */
+	p0.h = hi(PORTF_FER);
+	p0.l = lo(PORTF_FER);
+	R0.L = W[P0]; /* Read */
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	ssync;
+	R0 = 0x000F(Z);
+	W[P0] = R0.L; /* Write */
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	ssync;
+	W[P0] = R0.L; /* Enable peripheral function of PORTF for UART0 and UART1 */
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	ssync;
+	p0.h = hi(PORTH_FER);
+	p0.l = lo(PORTH_FER);
+	R0.L = W[P0]; /* Read */
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	ssync;
+	R0 = 0xFFFF(Z);
+	W[P0] = R0.L; /* Write */
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	ssync;
+	W[P0] = R0.L; /* Enable peripheral function of PORTH for MAC */
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	nop;
+	ssync;
+	/* DMA reset code to Hi of L1 SRAM */
+	P1.H = hi(SYSMMR_BASE);	/* P1 Points to the beginning of SYSTEM MMR Space */
+	P1.L = lo(SYSMMR_BASE);
+	R0.H = reset_start;	/* Source Address (high) */
+	R0.L = reset_start;	/* Source Address (low) */
+	R1.H = reset_end;
+	R1.L = reset_end;
+	R2 = R1 - R0;		/* Count */
+	R1.H = hi(L1_ISRAM);	/* Destination Address (high) */
+	R1.L = lo(L1_ISRAM);	/* Destination Address (low) */
+	R3.L = DMAEN;		/* Source DMAConfig Value (8-bit words) */
+	R4.L = (DI_EN | WNR | DMAEN);	/* Destination DMAConfig Value (8-bit words) */
+	R6 = 0x1 (Z);
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_X_MODIFY)] = R6;	/* Source Modify = 1 */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_X_MODIFY)] = R6;	/* Destination Modify = 1 */
+	[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_START_ADDR)] = R0;	/* Set Source Base Address */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_S0_X_COUNT)] = R2;	/* Set Source Count */
+	/* Set Source  DMAConfig = DMA Enable,
+	Memory Read,  8-Bit Transfers, 1-D DMA, Flow - Stop */
+	[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_START_ADDR)] = R1;	/* Set Destination Base Address */
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_X_COUNT)] = R2;	/* Set Destination Count */
+	/* Set Destination DMAConfig = DMA Enable,
+	Memory Write, 8-Bit Transfers, 1-D DMA, Flow - Stop, IOC */
+	p0.h = hi(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS);
+	p0.l = lo(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS);
+	R0 = W[P0](Z);
+	CC = BITTST(R0, 0);
+	if ! CC jump WAIT_DMA_DONE
+	R0 = 0x1;
+	W[P1+OFFSET_(MDMA_D0_IRQ_STATUS)] = R0;	/* Write 1 to clear DMA interrupt */
+	/* Initialize BSS Section with 0 s */
+	p1.l = __bss_start;
+	p1.h = __bss_start;
+	p2.l = _end;
+	p2.h = _end;
+	r1 = p1;
+	r2 = p2;
+	r3 = r2 - r1;
+	r3 = r3 >> 2;
+	p3 = r3;
+	lsetup (_clear_bss, _clear_bss_end ) lc1 = p3;
+	CC = p2<=p1;
+	if CC jump _clear_bss_skip;
+	r0 = 0;
+	[p1++] = r0;
+#if defined(CONFIG_BF537)&&defined(CONFIG_POST)
+	p0.l = _post_flag;
+	p0.h = _post_flag;
+	r0   = r7;
+	[p0] = r0;
+	p0.l = _start1;
+	p0.h = _start1;
+	jump (p0);
+	p0.h = WDOG_CNT >> 16;
+	p0.l = WDOG_CNT & 0xffff;
+	r0 = 0x0010;
+	w[p0] = r0;
+	p0.h = WDOG_CTL >> 16;
+	p0.l = WDOG_CTL & 0xffff;
+	r0 = 0x0000;
+	w[p0] = r0;
+	jump reset_wait;
+	nop;
+	jump.s	_exit;
+	r0 = rets;
+	rts;