openrisc: Add openrisc-generic example board

Signed-off-by: Stefan Kristiansson <>
diff --git a/board/openrisc/openrisc-generic/or1ksim.cfg b/board/openrisc/openrisc-generic/or1ksim.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d44ba43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/openrisc/openrisc-generic/or1ksim.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+/* sim.cfg -- Simulator configuration script file
+   Copyright (C) 2001-2002, Marko Mlinar,
+This file is part of OpenRISC 1000 Architectural Simulator.
+It contains the default configuration and help about configuring
+the simulator.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+   The ork1sim has various parameters, that are set in configuration files
+   like this one. The user can switch between configurations at startup by
+   specifying the required configuration file with the -f <filename.cfg> option.
+   If no configuration file is specified or1ksim searches for the default
+   configuration file sim.cfg. First it searches for './sim.cfg'. If this
+   file is not found, it searches for '~/or1k/sim.cfg'. If this file is
+   not found too, it reverts to the built-in default configuration.
+   NOTE: Users should not rely on the built-in configuration, since the
+         default configuration may differ between version.
+         Rather create a configuration file that sets all critical values.
+   This file may contain (standard C) comments only - no // support.
+   Configure files may be be included, using:
+   include "file_name_to_include"
+   Like normal configuration files, the included file is divided into
+   sections. Each section is described in detail also.
+   Some section have subsections. One example of such a subsection is:
+   device <index>
+     instance specific parameters...
+   enddevice
+   which creates a device instance.
+   This section specifies how the memory is generated and the blocks
+   it consists of.
+   type = random/unknown/pattern
+      Specifies the initial memory values.
+      'random' generates random memory using seed 'random_seed'.
+      'pattern' fills memory with 'pattern'.
+      'unknown' does not specify how memory should be generated,
+      leaving the memory in a undefined state. This is the fastest
+      option.
+   random_seed = <value>
+      random seed for randomizer, used if type = 'random'.
+   pattern = <value>
+      pattern to fill memory, used if type = 'pattern'.
+   nmemories = <value>
+      number of memory instances connected
+   baseaddr = <hex_value>
+      memory start address
+   size = <hex_value>
+      memory size
+   name = "<string>"
+      memory block name
+   ce = <value>
+      chip enable index of the memory instance
+   mc = <value>
+      memory controller this memory is connected to
+   delayr = <value>
+      cycles, required for read access, -1 if instance does not support reading
+   delayw = <value>
+      cycles, required for write access, -1 if instance does not support writing
+   log = "<filename>"
+      filename, where to log memory accesses to, no log, if log command is not specified
+section memory
+  pattern = 0x00
+  type = unknown /* Fastest */
+  name = "FLASH"
+  ce = 0
+  mc = 0
+  baseaddr = 0xf0000000
+  size = 0x01000000
+  delayr =  1
+  delayw = -1
+section memory
+  pattern = 0x00
+  type = unknown /* Fastest */
+  name = "RAM"
+  ce = 1
+  mc = 0
+  baseaddr = 0x00000000
+  size = 0x02000000
+  delayr = 1
+  delayw = 1
+section memory
+  pattern = 0x00
+  type = unknown /* Fastest */
+  name = "SRAM"
+  mc = 0
+  ce = 2
+  baseaddr = 0xa4000000
+  size = 0x00100000
+  delayr = 1
+  delayw = 2
+    This section configures the Instruction Memory Manangement Unit
+    enabled = 0/1
+       '0': disabled
+       '1': enabled
+       (NOTE: UPR bit is set)
+    nsets = <value>
+       number of ITLB sets; must be power of two
+    nways = <value>
+       number of ITLB ways
+    pagesize = <value>
+       instruction page size; must be power of two
+    entrysize = <value>
+       instruction entry size in bytes
+    ustates = <value>
+       number of ITLB usage states (2, 3, 4 etc., max is 4)
+    hitdelay = <value>
+       number of cycles immu hit costs
+    missdelay = <value>
+       number of cycles immu miss costs
+section immu
+  enabled = 1
+  nsets = 64
+  nways = 1
+  pagesize = 8192
+  hitdelay = 0
+  missdelay = 0
+    This section configures the Data Memory Manangement Unit
+    enabled = 0/1
+       '0': disabled
+       '1': enabled
+       (NOTE: UPR bit is set)
+    nsets = <value>
+       number of DTLB sets; must be power of two
+    nways = <value>
+       number of DTLB ways
+    pagesize = <value>
+       data page size; must be power of two
+    entrysize = <value>
+       data entry size in bytes
+    ustates = <value>
+       number of DTLB usage states (2, 3, 4 etc., max is 4)
+    hitdelay = <value>
+       number of cycles dmmu hit costs
+    missdelay = <value>
+       number of cycles dmmu miss costs
+section dmmu
+  enabled = 1
+  nsets = 64
+  nways = 1
+  pagesize = 8192
+  hitdelay = 0
+  missdelay = 0
+   This section configures the Instruction Cache
+   enabled = 0/1
+       '0': disabled
+       '1': enabled
+      (NOTE: UPR bit is set)
+   nsets = <value>
+      number of IC sets; must be power of two
+   nways = <value>
+      number of IC ways
+   blocksize = <value>
+      IC block size in bytes; must be power of two
+   ustates = <value>
+      number of IC usage states (2, 3, 4 etc., max is 4)
+   hitdelay = <value>
+      number of cycles ic hit costs
+    missdelay = <value>
+      number of cycles ic miss costs
+section ic
+  enabled = 1
+  nsets = 512
+  nways = 1
+  blocksize = 16
+  hitdelay = 1
+  missdelay = 1
+   This section configures the Data Cache
+   enabled = 0/1
+       '0': disabled
+       '1': enabled
+      (NOTE: UPR bit is set)
+   nsets = <value>
+      number of DC sets; must be power of two
+   nways = <value>
+      number of DC ways
+   blocksize = <value>
+      DC block size in bytes; must be power of two
+   ustates = <value>
+      number of DC usage states (2, 3, 4 etc., max is 4)
+   load_hitdelay = <value>
+      number of cycles dc load hit costs
+   load_missdelay = <value>
+      number of cycles dc load miss costs
+   store_hitdelay = <value>
+      number of cycles dc load hit costs
+   store_missdelay = <value>
+      number of cycles dc load miss costs
+section dc
+  enabled = 1
+  nsets = 512
+  nways = 1
+  blocksize = 16
+  load_hitdelay = 1
+  load_missdelay = 1
+  store_hitdelay = 1
+  store_missdelay = 1
+  This section specifies how or1ksim should behave.
+  verbose = 0/1
+       '0': don't print extra messages
+       '1': print extra messages
+  debug = 0-9
+      0  : no debug messages
+      1-9: debug message level.
+           higher numbers produce more messages
+  profile = 0/1
+      '0': don't generate profiling file 'sim.profile'
+      '1': don't generate profiling file 'sim.profile'
+  prof_fn = "<filename>"
+      optional filename for the profiling file.
+      valid only if 'profile' is set
+  mprofile = 0/1
+      '0': don't generate memory profiling file 'sim.mprofile'
+      '1': generate memory profiling file 'sim.mprofile'
+  mprof_fn = "<filename>"
+      optional filename for the memory profiling file.
+      valid only if 'mprofile' is set
+  history = 0/1
+      '0': don't track execution flow
+      '1': track execution flow
+      Execution flow can be tracked for the simulator's
+      'hist' command. Useful for back-trace debugging.
+  iprompt = 0/1
+     '0': start in <not interactive prompt> (so what do we start in ???)
+     '1': start in interactive prompt.
+  exe_log = 0/1
+      '0': don't generate execution log.
+      '1': generate execution log.
+  exe_log = default/hardware/simple/software
+      type of execution log, default is used when not specified
+  exe_log_start = <value>
+      index of first instruction to start logging, default = 0
+  exe_log_end = <value>
+      index of last instruction to end logging; not limited, if omitted
+  exe_log_marker = <value>
+      <value> specifies number of instructions before horizontal marker is
+      printed; if zero, markers are disabled (default)
+  exe_log_fn = "<filename>"
+      filename for the exection log file.
+      valid only if 'exe_log' is set
+  clkcycle = <value>[ps|ns|us|ms]
+      specifies time measurement for one cycle
+section sim
+  verbose = 1
+  debug = 0
+  profile = 0
+  history = 0
+  clkcycle = 10ns
+    This section configures the Verification API, used for Advanced
+    Core Verification.
+    enabled = 0/1
+        '0': disbable VAPI server
+        '1': enable/start VAPI server
+    server_port = <value>
+        TCP/IP port to start VAPI server on
+    log_enabled = 0/1
+       '0': disable VAPI requests logging
+       '1': enable VAPI requests logging
+    hide_device_id = 0/1
+       '0': don't log device id (for compatability with old version)
+       '1': log device id
+    vapi_fn = <filename>
+       filename for the log file.
+       valid only if log_enabled is set
+section VAPI
+  enabled = 0
+  server_port = 9998
+  log_enabled = 0
+  vapi_log_fn = "vapi.log"
+   This section specifies various CPU parameters.
+   ver = <value>
+   rev = <value>
+      specifies version and revision of the CPU used
+   upr = <value>
+      changes the upr register
+   sr = <value>
+      sets the initial Supervision Register value
+      supervisor mode (SM) and fixed one (FO) set = 0x8001
+      exception prefix high (EPH, vectors@0xf0000000) = 0x4000
+      together, (SM | FO | EPH) = 0xc001
+   superscalar = 0/1
+      '0': CPU is scalar
+      '1': CPU is superscalar
+      (modify cpu/or32/execute.c to tune superscalar model)
+   hazards = 0/1
+      '0': don't track data hazards in superscalar CPU
+      '1': track data hazards in superscalar CPU
+      If tracked, data hazards can be displayed using the
+      simulator's 'r' command.
+   dependstats = 0/1
+      '0': don't calculate inter-instruction dependencies.
+      '1': calculate inter-instruction dependencies.
+      If calculated, inter-instruction dependencies can be
+      displayed using the simulator's 'stat' command.
+   sbuf_len = <value>
+      length of store buffer (<= 256), 0 = disabled
+section cpu
+  ver = 0x12
+  cfg = 0x00
+  rev = 0x01
+  sr =  0x8001 /*SPR_SR_FO  | SPR_SR_SM | SPR_SR_EPH */
+  /* upr = */
+  superscalar = 0
+  hazards = 0
+  dependstats = 0
+  sbuf_len = 0
+   This section specifies Power Management parameters
+   enabled = 0/1
+      '0': disable power management
+      '1': enable power management
+section pm
+  enabled = 0
+   This section specifies how branch prediction should behave.
+   enabled = 0/1
+     '0': disable branch prediction
+     '1': enable branch prediction
+   btic = 0/1
+     '0': disable branch target instruction cache model
+     '1': enable branch target instruction cache model
+   sbp_bf_fwd = 0/1
+     Static branch prediction for ''
+     '0': don't use forward prediction
+     '1': use forward prediction
+   sbp_bnf_fwd = 0/1
+     Static branch prediction for 'l.bnf'
+     '0': don't use forward prediction
+     '1': use forward prediction
+   hitdelay = <value>
+       number of cycles bpb hit costs
+   missdelay = <value>
+       number of cycles bpb miss costs
+section bpb
+  enabled = 0
+  btic = 0
+  sbp_bf_fwd = 0
+  sbp_bnf_fwd = 0
+  hitdelay = 0
+  missdelay = 0
+   This sections specifies how the debug unit should behave.
+   enabled = 0/1
+      '0': disable debug unit
+      '1': enable debug unit
+   gdb_enabled = 0/1
+      '0': don't start gdb server
+      '1': start gdb server at port 'server_port'
+   server_port = <value>
+      TCP/IP port to start gdb server on
+      valid only if gdb_enabled is set
+   vapi_id = <hex_value>
+      Used to create "fake" vapi log file containing the JTAG proxy messages.
+section debug
+  enabled = 0
+/*  gdb_enabled = 0 */
+/*  server_port = 9999*/
+  rsp_enabled = 1
+  rsp_port = 50001
+   This section configures the memory controller
+   enabled = 0/1
+     '0': disable memory controller
+     '1': enable memory controller
+   baseaddr = <hex_value>
+      address of first MC register
+   POC = <hex_value>
+      Power On Configuration register
+   index = <value>
+      Index of this memory controller amongst all the memory controllers
+section mc
+  enabled = 0
+  baseaddr = 0x93000000
+  POC = 0x00000008                 /* Power on configuration register */
+  index = 0
+   This section configures the UARTs
+     enabled = <0|1>
+        Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+     baseaddr = <hex_value>
+        address of first UART register for this device
+     channel = <channeltype>:<args>
+        The channel parameter indicates the source of received UART characters
+        and the sink for transmitted UART characters.
+        The <channeltype> can be either "file", "xterm", "tcp", "fd", or "tty"
+        (without quotes).
+          A) To send/receive characters from a pair of files, use a file
+             channel:
+               channel=file:<rxfile>,<txfile>
+	  B) To create an interactive terminal window, use an xterm channel:
+               channel=xterm:[<xterm_arg>]*
+	  C) To create a bidirectional tcp socket which one could, for example,
+             access via telnet, use a tcp channel:
+               channel=tcp:<port number>
+	  D) To cause the UART to read/write from existing numeric file
+             descriptors, use an fd channel:
+               channel=fd:<rx file descriptor num>,<tx file descriptor num>
+          E) To connect the UART to a physical serial port, create a tty
+             channel:
+	       channel=tty:device=/dev/ttyS0,baud=9600
+     irq = <value>
+        irq number for this device
+     16550 = 0/1
+        '0': this device is a UART16450
+        '1': this device is a UART16550
+     jitter = <value>
+        in msecs... time to block, -1 to disable it
+     vapi_id = <hex_value>
+        VAPI id of this instance
+section uart
+  enabled = 1
+  baseaddr = 0x90000000
+  irq = 2
+  /* channel = "file:uart0.rx,uart0.tx" */
+  /* channel = "tcp:10084" */
+  channel = "xterm:"
+  jitter = -1                     /* async behaviour */
+  16550 = 1
+   This section configures the DMAs
+     enabled = <0|1>
+        Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+     baseaddr = <hex_value>
+        address of first DMA register for this device
+     irq = <value>
+        irq number for this device
+     vapi_id = <hex_value>
+        VAPI id of this instance
+section dma
+  enabled = 1
+  baseaddr = 0x9a000000
+  irq = 11
+   This section configures the ETHERNETs
+     enabled = <0|1>
+        Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+     baseaddr = <hex_value>
+        address of first ethernet register for this device
+     dma = <value>
+        which controller is this ethernet "connected" to
+     irq = <value>
+        ethernet mac IRQ level
+     rtx_type = <value>
+        use 0 - file interface, 1 - socket interface
+     rx_channel = <value>
+        DMA channel used for RX
+     tx_channel = <value>
+        DMA channel used for TX
+     rxfile = "<filename>"
+        filename, where to read data from
+     txfile = "<filename>"
+        filename, where to write data to
+     sockif = "<ifacename>"
+        interface name of ethernet socket
+     vapi_id = <hex_value>
+        VAPI id of this instance
+section ethernet
+  enabled = 1
+  baseaddr = 0x92000000
+  /* dma = 0 */
+  irq = 4
+  rtx_type = "tap"
+  tap_dev = "tap0"
+  /* tx_channel = 0 */
+  /* rx_channel = 1 */
+  rxfile = "eth0.rx"
+  txfile = "eth0.tx"
+  sockif = "eth0"
+   This section configures the GPIOs
+     enabled = <0|1>
+        Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+     baseaddr = <hex_value>
+        address of first GPIO register for this device
+     irq = <value>
+        irq number for this device
+     base_vapi_id = <hex_value>
+        first VAPI id of this instance
+	GPIO uses 8 consecutive VAPI IDs
+section gpio
+  enabled = 0
+  baseaddr = 0x91000000
+  irq = 3
+  base_vapi_id = 0x0200
+    This section configures the VGA/LCD controller
+      enabled = <0|1>
+        Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+      baseaddr = <hex_value>
+        address of first VGA register
+      irq = <value>
+        irq number for this device
+      refresh_rate = <value>
+        number of cycles between screen dumps
+      filename = "<filename>"
+        template name for generated names (e.g. "primary" produces "primary0023.bmp")
+section vga
+  enabled = 0
+  baseaddr = 0x97100000
+  irq = 8
+  refresh_rate = 100000
+  filename = "primary"
+    This section configures tick timer
+    enabled = 0/1
+      whether tick timer is enabled
+section pic
+  enabled = 1
+  edge_trigger = 1
+    This section configures the frame buffer
+    enabled = <0|1>
+      Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+    baseaddr = <hex_value>
+      base address of frame buffer
+    paladdr = <hex_value>
+      base address of first palette entry
+    refresh_rate = <value>
+      number of cycles between screen dumps
+    filename = "<filename>"
+      template name for generated names (e.g. "primary" produces "primary0023.bmp")
+section fb
+  enabled = 0
+  baseaddr = 0x97000000
+  refresh_rate = 1000000
+  filename = "primary"
+    This section configures the PS/2 compatible keyboard
+    baseaddr = <hex_value>
+      base address of the keyboard device
+    rxfile = "<filename>"
+      filename, where to read data from
+section kbd
+  enabled = 0
+  irq = 5
+  baseaddr = 0x94000000
+  rxfile = "kbd.rx"
+    This section configures the ATA/ATAPI host controller
+      baseaddr = <hex_value>
+        address of first ATA register
+      enabled = <0|1>
+        Enable/disable the peripheral.  By default if it is enabled.
+      irq = <value>
+        irq number for this device
+      debug = <value>
+        debug level for ata models.
+	0: no debug messages
+	1: verbose messages
+	3: normal messages (more messages than verbose)
+        5: debug messages (normal debug messages)
+	7: flow control messages (debug statemachine flows)
+	9: low priority message (display everything the code does)
+      dev_type0/1 = <value>
+        ata device 0 type
+        0: NO_CONNeCT: none (not connected)
+	1: FILE      : simulated harddisk
+	2: LOCAL     : local system harddisk
+      dev_file0/1 = "<filename>"
+        filename for simulated ATA device
+	valid only if dev_type0 == 1
+      dev_size0/1 = <value>
+        size of simulated hard-disk (in MBytes)
+	valid only if dev_type0 == 1
+      dev_packet0/1 = <value>
+        0: simulated ATA device does NOT implement PACKET command feature set
+	1: simulated ATA device does implement PACKET command feature set
+   FIXME: irq number
+section ata
+  enabled = 0
+  baseaddr = 0x9e000000
+  irq = 15