ATMEL/PIO: Enable new feature of PIO on Atmel device

Enable new PIO feature supported by Atmel SoC.
Using CPU_HAS_PIO3 micro to enable PIO new feature.

Signed-off-by: Bo Shen <>
Signed-off-by: Andreas Bießmann <>
diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-at91/at91_pio.h b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-at91/at91_pio.h
index 416cabf..0483c98 100644
--- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-at91/at91_pio.h
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-at91/at91_pio.h
@@ -66,14 +66,50 @@
 	u32	puer;		/* 0x64 Pull-up Enable Register */
 	u32	pusr;		/* 0x68 Pad Pull-up Status Register */
 	u32	reserved4;
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+	u32	abcdsr1;	/* 0x70 Peripheral ABCD Select Register 1 */
+	u32	abcdsr2;	/* 0x74 Peripheral ABCD Select Register 2 */
+	u32	reserved5[2];
+	u32	ifscdr;		/* 0x80 Input Filter SCLK Disable Register */
+	u32	ifscer;		/* 0x84 Input Filter SCLK Enable Register */
+	u32	ifscsr;		/* 0x88 Input Filter SCLK Status Register */
+	u32	scdr;		/* 0x8C SCLK Divider Debouncing Register */
+	u32	ppddr;		/* 0x90 Pad Pull-down Disable Register */
+	u32	ppder;		/* 0x94 Pad Pull-down Enable Register */
+	u32	ppdsr;		/* 0x98 Pad Pull-down Status Register */
+	u32	reserved6;	/*  */
 	u32	asr;		/* 0x70 Select A Register */
 	u32	bsr;		/* 0x74 Select B Register */
 	u32	absr;		/* 0x78 AB Select Status Register */
 	u32	reserved5[9];	/*  */
 	u32	ower;		/* 0xA0 Output Write Enable Register */
 	u32	owdr;		/* 0xA4 Output Write Disable Register */
-	u32	owsr;		/* OxA8 utput Write Status Register */
+	u32	owsr;		/* OxA8 Output Write Status Register */
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+	u32	reserved7;	/*  */
+	u32	aimer;		/* 0xB0 Additional INT Modes Enable Register */
+	u32	aimdr;		/* 0xB4 Additional INT Modes Disable Register */
+	u32	aimmr;		/* 0xB8 Additional INT Modes Mask Register */
+	u32	reserved8;	/* */
+	u32	esr;		/* 0xC0 Edge Select Register */
+	u32	lsr;		/* 0xC4 Level Select Register */
+	u32	elsr;		/* 0xC8 Edge/Level Status Register */
+	u32	reserved9;	/* 0xCC */
+	u32	fellsr;		/* 0xD0 Falling /Low Level Select Register */
+	u32	rehlsr;		/* 0xD4 Rising /High Level Select Register */
+	u32	frlhsr;		/* 0xD8 Fall/Rise - Low/High Status Register */
+	u32	reserved10;	/* */
+	u32	locksr;		/* 0xE0 Lock Status */
+	u32	wpmr;		/* 0xE4 Write Protect Mode Register */
+	u32	wpsr;		/* 0xE8 Write Protect Status Register */
+	u32	reserved11[5];	/* */
+	u32	schmitt;	/* 0x100 Schmitt Trigger Register */
+	u32	reserved12[63];
 	u32	reserved6[85];
 } at91_port_t;
 typedef union at91_pio {
@@ -94,6 +130,13 @@
 #ifdef CONFIG_AT91_GPIO
 int at91_set_a_periph(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup);
 int at91_set_b_periph(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup);
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+int at91_set_c_periph(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup);
+int at91_set_d_periph(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup);
+int at91_set_pio_debounce(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int is_on, int div);
+int at91_set_pio_pulldown(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int is_on);
+int at91_set_pio_disable_schmitt_trig(unsigned port, unsigned pin);
 int at91_set_pio_input(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup);
 int at91_set_pio_multi_drive(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int is_on);
 int at91_set_pio_output(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int value);
diff --git a/drivers/gpio/at91_gpio.c b/drivers/gpio/at91_gpio.c
index be2a026..ac3b322 100644
--- a/drivers/gpio/at91_gpio.c
+++ b/drivers/gpio/at91_gpio.c
@@ -86,7 +86,14 @@
 		mask = 1 << pin;
 		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].idr);
 		at91_set_pio_pullup(port, pin, use_pullup);
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr1) & ~mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr1);
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr2) & ~mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr2);
 		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].asr);
 		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].pdr);
 	return 0;
@@ -104,12 +111,63 @@
 		mask = 1 << pin;
 		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].idr);
 		at91_set_pio_pullup(port, pin, use_pullup);
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr1) | mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr1);
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr2) & ~mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr2);
 		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].bsr);
 		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].pdr);
 	return 0;
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+ * mux the pin to the "C" internal peripheral role.
+ */
+int at91_set_c_periph(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup)
+	at91_pio_t	*pio = (at91_pio_t *) ATMEL_BASE_PIOA;
+	u32		mask;
+	if ((port < ATMEL_PIO_PORTS) && (pin < 32)) {
+		mask = 1 << pin;
+		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].idr);
+		at91_set_pio_pullup(port, pin, use_pullup);
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr1) & ~mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr1);
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr2) | mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr2);
+		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].pdr);
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * mux the pin to the "D" internal peripheral role.
+ */
+int at91_set_d_periph(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int use_pullup)
+	at91_pio_t	*pio = (at91_pio_t *) ATMEL_BASE_PIOA;
+	u32		mask;
+	if ((port < ATMEL_PIO_PORTS) && (pin < 32)) {
+		mask = 1 << pin;
+		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].idr);
+		at91_set_pio_pullup(port, pin, use_pullup);
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr1) | mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr1);
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].abcdsr2) | mask,
+			&pio->port[port].abcdsr2);
+		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].pdr);
+	}
+	return 0;
  * mux the pin to the gpio controller (instead of "A" or "B" peripheral), and
  * configure it for an input.
@@ -162,13 +220,76 @@
 	if ((port < ATMEL_PIO_PORTS) && (pin < 32)) {
 		mask = 1 << pin;
-		if (is_on)
+		if (is_on) {
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ifscdr);
 			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ifer);
-		else
+		} else {
 			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ifdr);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+#if defined(CPU_HAS_PIO3)
+ * enable/disable the debounce filter.
+ */
+int at91_set_pio_debounce(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int is_on, int div)
+	at91_pio_t	*pio = (at91_pio_t *) ATMEL_BASE_PIOA;
+	u32		mask;
+	if ((port < ATMEL_PIO_PORTS) && (pin < 32)) {
+		mask = 1 << pin;
+		if (is_on) {
+			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ifscer);
+			writel(div & PIO_SCDR_DIV, &pio->port[port].scdr);
+			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ifer);
+		} else {
+			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ifdr);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * enable/disable the pull-down.
+ * If pull-up already enabled while calling the function, we disable it.
+ */
+int at91_set_pio_pulldown(unsigned port, unsigned pin, int is_on)
+	at91_pio_t	*pio = (at91_pio_t *) ATMEL_BASE_PIOA;
+	u32		mask;
+	if ((port < ATMEL_PIO_PORTS) && (pin < 32)) {
+		mask = 1 << pin;
+		writel(mask, &pio->port[port].pudr);
+		if (is_on)
+			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ppder);
+		else
+			writel(mask, &pio->port[port].ppddr);
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * disable Schmitt trigger
+ */
+int at91_set_pio_disable_schmitt_trig(unsigned port, unsigned pin)
+	at91_pio_t	*pio = (at91_pio_t *) ATMEL_BASE_PIOA;
+	u32		mask;
+	if ((port < ATMEL_PIO_PORTS) && (pin < 32)) {
+		mask = 1 << pin;
+		writel(readl(&pio->port[port].schmitt) | mask,
+			&pio->port[port].schmitt);
 	return 0;
  * enable/disable the multi-driver. This is only valid for output and