[rdkb][common][bsp][Refactor and sync kernel from openwrt]

76cd4287 [mt7986][trng][change trng version]
37641870 [openwrt][mt7987][bsp][Add support for the mt7987 platform]
73fe5221 [kernel][mt7987][hnat][Refactor fqos flag assignment when HQoS is enabled for the NETSYSv3.1]
b4d8a1ed [kernel][common][eth][Add nf hw offload]
9872cf38 [kernel][mt7987][eth][Switch to real clock driver for the ETH]
e49e90e7 [set trng clock is ao]


Change-Id: I47177c3ac8287a95f5bff802123e5bdb068fb009
diff --git a/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-mediatek_5.4.bb b/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-mediatek_5.4.bb
index e558eb8..7a27349 100644
--- a/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-mediatek_5.4.bb
+++ b/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-mediatek_5.4.bb
@@ -125,8 +125,7 @@
                 for i in ${WORKDIR}/mediatek/flow_patch/*.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done
             if [ $DISTRO_logan_ENABLED = 'true' ]; then
-                for i in ${WORKDIR}/mediatek/nf_hnat/6*.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done
-                for i in ${WORKDIR}/mediatek/nf_hnat/9*.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done
+                for i in ${WORKDIR}/mediatek/nf_hnat/*.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done
                 patch -p1 < ${WORKDIR}/004-rdkb-hnat-bind-ifname.patch
             touch patch_applied