[rdkb][common][bsp][Refactor and sync wifi from openwrt]

1dacd97b [MAC80211][WiFi6][Misc][Fix patch fail]
7c02334a [MAC80211][WiFi7][Misc][Fix build fail because of mt76 version upgradation]
7a073097 [MAC80211][WiFi7][misc][ensure the first MLD bss is bss[0]]
27e2304c [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Refactor due to atenl change]
1e1eb98e [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][app][Add single wiphy support for atenl & iwpriv wrapper]
d4101c33 [MAC80211][WiFi7][mt76][enable lftp for wifi7 r1 cert]
55f5732f [MAC80211][WiFi7][hostapd][set ctrl_interface for all bss]


Change-Id: I9cad01561c310576a9e5bdc9f1b8eec3025e51d9
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mt76/files/patches-3.x/0047-mtk-wifi-mt76-testmode-add-channel-68-96.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mt76/files/patches-3.x/0047-mtk-wifi-mt76-testmode-add-channel-68-96.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..309f186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mt76/files/patches-3.x/0047-mtk-wifi-mt76-testmode-add-channel-68-96.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+From 2904eb321441ee487d4438fdc46efe3d8032e74f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 14:43:07 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 047/116] mtk: wifi: mt76: testmode: add channel 68 & 96
+Signed-off-by: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+Add all the channel between 68 & 96 since ibf 5g channel group 3 will use channel 84.
+Also, "mtk: wifi: mt76: testmode: add channel 68 & 96" can be
+merged into to "mtk: wifi: mt76: testmode: add basic testmode support"
+Signed-off-by: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+Fix 5g channel list size
+Signed-off-by: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+ mac80211.c        |  9 +++++++++
+ mt7996/eeprom.c   | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ mt7996/eeprom.h   |  2 ++
+ mt7996/mcu.c      | 10 +++++++++-
+ mt7996/testmode.c | 15 ++++++++++++---
+ mt7996/testmode.h |  6 +++---
+ 6 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/mac80211.c b/mac80211.c
+index 93e5c50..de0a398 100644
+--- a/mac80211.c
++++ b/mac80211.c
+@@ -34,6 +34,15 @@ static const struct ieee80211_channel mt76_channels_5ghz[] = {
+ 	CHAN5G(60, 5300),
+ 	CHAN5G(64, 5320),
++	CHAN5G(68, 5340),
++	CHAN5G(72, 5360),
++	CHAN5G(76, 5380),
++	CHAN5G(80, 5400),
++	CHAN5G(84, 5420),
++	CHAN5G(88, 5440),
++	CHAN5G(92, 5460),
++	CHAN5G(96, 5480),
+ 	CHAN5G(100, 5500),
+ 	CHAN5G(104, 5520),
+ 	CHAN5G(108, 5540),
+diff --git a/mt7996/eeprom.c b/mt7996/eeprom.c
+index f97d76c..acf5bc1 100644
+--- a/mt7996/eeprom.c
++++ b/mt7996/eeprom.c
+@@ -18,6 +18,17 @@ const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_2g_ch_list_bw20[] = {
+ 	CHAN2G(11, 2462)
+ };
++const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[] = {
++	CHAN5G(68, 5340),
++	CHAN5G(72, 5360),
++	CHAN5G(76, 5380),
++	CHAN5G(80, 5400),
++	CHAN5G(84, 5420),
++	CHAN5G(88, 5440),
++	CHAN5G(92, 5460),
++	CHAN5G(96, 5480)
+ const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_5g_ch_list_bw160[] = {
+ 	CHAN5G(50, 5250),
+ 	CHAN5G(114, 5570),
+@@ -44,6 +55,7 @@ const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_6g_ch_list_bw320[] = {
+ };
+ const u32 dpd_2g_bw20_ch_num = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_2g_ch_list_bw20);
++const u32 dpd_5g_skip_ch_num = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_5g_skip_ch_list);
+ const u32 dpd_5g_bw160_ch_num = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_5g_ch_list_bw160);
+ const u32 dpd_6g_bw160_ch_num = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_6g_ch_list_bw160);
+ const u32 dpd_6g_bw320_ch_num = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_6g_ch_list_bw320);
+@@ -168,8 +180,8 @@ mt7996_get_dpd_per_band_size(struct mt7996_dev *dev, enum nl80211_band band)
+ 	if (band == NL80211_BAND_2GHZ)
+ 		dpd_size = dpd_2g_bw20_ch_num * DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE;
+ 	else if (band == NL80211_BAND_5GHZ)
+-		dpd_size = mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels * DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE +
+-			   dpd_5g_bw160_ch_num * DPD_PER_CH_GT_BW20_SIZE;
++		dpd_size = (mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels - dpd_5g_skip_ch_num) *
++			   DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE + dpd_5g_bw160_ch_num * DPD_PER_CH_GT_BW20_SIZE;
+ 	else
+ 		dpd_size = mphy->sband_6g.sband.n_channels * DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE +
+ 			   (dpd_6g_bw160_ch_num + dpd_6g_bw320_ch_num) * DPD_PER_CH_GT_BW20_SIZE;
+@@ -431,6 +443,39 @@ out:
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static void mt7996_eeprom_init_precal(struct mt7996_dev *dev)
++#define MT76_CHANNELS_5GHZ_SIZE		36	/* ARRAY_SIZE(mt76_channels_5ghz) */
++#define MT76_CHANNELS_6GHZ_SIZE		59	/* ARRAY_SIZE(mt76_channels_6ghz) */
++	dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW20_2G] = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_2g_ch_list_bw20);
++	dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW20_5G_SKIP] = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_5g_skip_ch_list);
++	dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW20_5G] = MT76_CHANNELS_5GHZ_SIZE -
++						   DPD_CH_NUM(BW20_5G_SKIP);
++	dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW160_5G] = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_5g_ch_list_bw160);
++	dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW20_6G] = MT76_CHANNELS_6GHZ_SIZE;
++	dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW160_6G] = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_6g_ch_list_bw160);
++	switch (mt76_chip(&dev->mt76)) {
++	case 0x7990:
++		dev->prek.rev = mt7996_prek_rev;
++		/* 5g & 6g bw 80 dpd channel list is not used */
++		dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW320_6G] = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_6g_ch_list_bw320);
++		break;
++	case 0x7992:
++		dev->prek.rev  = mt7992_prek_rev;
++		dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW80_5G] = ARRAY_SIZE(dpd_5g_ch_list_bw80);
++		/* 6g is not used in current sku */
++		dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW20_6G] = 0;
++		dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW80_6G] = 0;
++		dev->prek.dpd_ch_num[DPD_CH_NUM_BW160_6G] = 0;
++		break;
++	default:
++		dev->prek.rev  = mt7996_prek_rev;
++		break;
++	}
+ static int mt7996_eeprom_load_precal(struct mt7996_dev *dev)
+ {
+ 	struct mt76_dev *mdev = &dev->mt76;
+diff --git a/mt7996/eeprom.h b/mt7996/eeprom.h
+index 03a4fd0..9a15b44 100644
+--- a/mt7996/eeprom.h
++++ b/mt7996/eeprom.h
+@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ enum mt7996_eeprom_field {
+ extern const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_2g_ch_list_bw20[];
+ extern const u32 dpd_2g_bw20_ch_num;
++extern const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[];
++extern const u32 dpd_5g_skip_ch_num;
+ extern const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_5g_ch_list_bw160[];
+ extern const u32 dpd_5g_bw160_ch_num;
+ extern const struct ieee80211_channel dpd_6g_ch_list_bw160[];
+diff --git a/mt7996/mcu.c b/mt7996/mcu.c
+index d46c5ae..6f08161 100644
+--- a/mt7996/mcu.c
++++ b/mt7996/mcu.c
+@@ -3766,7 +3766,8 @@ int mt7996_mcu_apply_tx_dpd(struct mt7996_phy *phy)
+ 		chan_list_size = mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels;
+ 		base_offset += dpd_size_2g;
+ 		if (bw == NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_160) {
+-			base_offset += mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels * DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE;
++			base_offset += (mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels - dpd_5g_skip_ch_num) *
++				       DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE;
+ 			per_chan_size = DPD_PER_CH_GT_BW20_SIZE;
+ 			cal_id = RF_DPD_FLAT_5G_MEM_CAL;
+ 			chan_list = dpd_5g_ch_list_bw160;
+@@ -3775,6 +3776,9 @@ int mt7996_mcu_apply_tx_dpd(struct mt7996_phy *phy)
+ 			/* apply (center channel - 2)'s dpd cal data for bw 40/80 channels */
+ 			channel -= 2;
+ 		}
++		if (channel >= dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[0].hw_value &&
++		    channel <= dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[dpd_5g_skip_ch_num - 1].hw_value)
++			return 0;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_BAND_6GHZ:
+ 		dpd_mask = MT_EE_WIFI_CAL_DPD_6G;
+@@ -3814,6 +3818,10 @@ int mt7996_mcu_apply_tx_dpd(struct mt7996_phy *phy)
+ 	if (idx == chan_list_size)
+ 		return -EINVAL;
++	if (band == NL80211_BAND_5GHZ && bw != NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_160 &&
++	    channel > dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[dpd_5g_skip_ch_num - 1].hw_value)
++		idx -= dpd_5g_skip_ch_num;
+ 	cal += MT_EE_CAL_GROUP_SIZE + base_offset + idx * per_chan_size;
+ 	for (i = 0; i < per_chan_size / MT_EE_CAL_UNIT; i++) {
+diff --git a/mt7996/testmode.c b/mt7996/testmode.c
+index 5cec1ee..95d3bde 100644
+--- a/mt7996/testmode.c
++++ b/mt7996/testmode.c
+@@ -531,6 +531,11 @@ mt7996_tm_dpd_prek_send_req(struct mt7996_phy *phy, struct mt7996_tm_req *req,
+ 	memcpy(&chandef_backup, chandef, sizeof(struct cfg80211_chan_def));
+ 	for (i = 0; i < channel_size; i++) {
++		if (chan_list[i].band == NL80211_BAND_5GHZ &&
++		    chan_list[i].hw_value >= dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[0].hw_value &&
++		    chan_list[i].hw_value <= dpd_5g_skip_ch_list[dpd_5g_skip_ch_num - 1].hw_value)
++			continue;
+ 		memcpy(chandef->chan, &chan_list[i], sizeof(struct ieee80211_channel));
+ 		chandef->width = width;
+@@ -612,7 +617,8 @@ mt7996_tm_dpd_prek(struct mt7996_phy *phy, enum mt76_testmode_state state)
+ 						  NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_20, RF_DPD_FLAT_5G_CAL);
+ 		if (ret)
+ 			return ret;
+-		wait_on_prek_offset += mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels * DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE;
++		wait_on_prek_offset += (mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels - dpd_5g_skip_ch_num) *
++				       DPD_PER_CH_BW20_SIZE;
+ 		wait_event_timeout(mdev->mcu.wait,
+ 				   dev->cur_prek_offset == wait_on_prek_offset, 30 * HZ);
+@@ -868,6 +874,7 @@ mt7996_tm_get_center_chan(struct mt7996_phy *phy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chan
+ 	const struct ieee80211_channel *chan = mphy->sband_5g.sband.channels;
+ 	u32 bitmap, i, offset, width_mhz, size = mphy->sband_5g.sband.n_channels;
+ 	u16 first_control = 0, control_chan = chandef->chan->hw_value;
++	bool not_first;
+ 	bitmap = mt7996_tm_bw_mapping(chandef->width, BW_MAP_NL_TO_CONTROL_BITMAP_5G);
+ 	if (!bitmap)
+@@ -877,7 +884,9 @@ mt7996_tm_get_center_chan(struct mt7996_phy *phy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chan
+ 	offset = width_mhz / 10 - 2;
+ 	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+-		if (!((1 << i) & bitmap))
++		not_first = (chandef->width != NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_160) ?
++			    (i % bitmap) : (i >= 32) || !((1 << i) & bitmap);
++		if (not_first)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (control_chan >= chan[i].hw_value)
+@@ -886,7 +895,7 @@ mt7996_tm_get_center_chan(struct mt7996_phy *phy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chan
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+-	if (i == size || first_control == 0)
++	if (first_control == 0)
+ 		return control_chan;
+ 	return first_control + offset;
+diff --git a/mt7996/testmode.h b/mt7996/testmode.h
+index f97ccb2..ba1767a 100644
+--- a/mt7996/testmode.h
++++ b/mt7996/testmode.h
+@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ enum {
+ 	BF_CDBW_8080MHZ,
+ };
+-#define FIRST_CONTROL_CHAN_BITMAP_BW40		0x5555555
+-#define FIRST_CONTROL_CHAN_BITMAP_BW80		0x111111
+-#define FIRST_CONTROL_CHAN_BITMAP_BW160		0x100101
++#define FIRST_CONTROL_CHAN_BITMAP_BW160		0x10010101
+ enum bw_mapping_method {