[rdk-b][common][wifi][Refactor wifi bsp bb to prepare wifi7 support]

Refactor wifi bsp bb to prepare wifi7 support


diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/000-fix_kconfig.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/000-fix_kconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3987aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/000-fix_kconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- a/kconf/Makefile
++++ b/kconf/Makefile
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+-CFLAGS=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
++CFLAGS=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DKBUILD_NO_NLS
+ LXDIALOG := lxdialog/checklist.o lxdialog/inputbox.o lxdialog/menubox.o lxdialog/textbox.o lxdialog/util.o lxdialog/yesno.o
+ conf: conf.o zconf.tab.o
+-mconf_CFLAGS := $(shell ./lxdialog/check-lxdialog.sh -ccflags) -DLOCALE
++mconf_CFLAGS := $(shell ./lxdialog/check-lxdialog.sh -ccflags)
+ mconf_LDFLAGS := $(shell ./lxdialog/check-lxdialog.sh -ldflags $(CC))
+ mconf: CFLAGS += $(mconf_CFLAGS)
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/001-fix_build.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/001-fix_build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f63d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/001-fix_build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
+ MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
+-SHELL := /bin/bash
++SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash
+ BACKPORT_DIR := $(shell pwd)
+ KMODDIR ?= updates
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ KLIB_BUILD ?= $(KLIB)/build/
+ CONFIG_MD5 := $(shell md5sum $(KERNEL_CONFIG) 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\s.*//')
++STAMP_KERNEL_CONFIG := .kernel_config_md5_$(CONFIG_MD5)
+@@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ mrproper:
+ 	@rm -f .kernel_config_md5 Kconfig.versions Kconfig.kernel
+ 	@rm -f backport-include/backport/autoconf.h
+ 	@set -e ; test -f local-symbols || (						\
+ 	echo "/--------------"								;\
+ 	echo "| You shouldn't run make in the backports tree, but only in"		;\
+@@ -60,58 +62,62 @@ mrproper:
+ 	echo "| (that isn't currently running.)"					;\
+ 	echo "\\--"									;\
+ 	false)
+-	@set -e ; if [ "$$(cat .kernel_config_md5 2>/dev/null)" != "$(CONFIG_MD5)" ]	;\
+-	then 										\
+-		echo -n "Generating local configuration database from kernel ..."	;\
+-		grep -v -f local-symbols $(KERNEL_CONFIG) | grep = | (			\
+-			while read l ; do						\
+-				if [ "$${l:0:7}" != "CONFIG_" ] ; then			\
+-					continue					;\
+-				fi							;\
+-				l=$${l:7}						;\
+-				n=$${l%%=*}						;\
+-				v=$${l#*=}						;\
+-				if [ "$$v" = "m" ] ; then				\
+-					echo config $$n					;\
+-					echo '    tristate' 				;\
+-				elif [ "$$v" = "y" ] ; then				\
+-					echo config $$n					;\
+-					echo '    bool'					;\
+-				else							\
+-					continue					;\
+-				fi							;\
+-				echo "    default $$v"					;\
+-				echo ""							;\
+-			done								\
+-		) > Kconfig.kernel							;\
+-		kver=$$($(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(KLIB_BUILD) M=$(BACKPORT_DIR)	\
+-			kernelversion |	sed 's/^\(\([3-5]\|2\.6\)\.[0-9]\+\).*/\1/;t;d');\
+-		test "$$kver" != "" || echo "Kernel version parse failed!"		;\
+-		test "$$kver" != ""							;\
+-		kvers="$$(seq 14 39 | sed 's/^/2.6./')"					;\
+-		kvers="$$kvers $$(seq 0 19 | sed 's/^/3./')"				;\
+-		kvers="$$kvers $$(seq 0 20 | sed 's/^/4./')"				;\
+-		kvers="$$kvers $$(seq 0 99 | sed 's/^/5./')"				;\
+-		print=0									;\
+-		for v in $$kvers ; do							\
+-			if [ "$$print" = "1" ] ; then					\
+-				echo config KERNEL_$$(echo $$v | tr . _)	;\
+-				echo "    def_bool y"					;\
+-			fi								;\
+-			if [ "$$v" = "$$kver" ] ; then print=1 ; fi			;\
+-		done > Kconfig.versions							;\
+-		# RHEL as well, sadly we need to grep for it				;\
+-					sed 's/.*=\s*\([0-9]*\)/\1/;t;d')		;\
+-					sed 's/.*=\s*\([0-9]*\)/\1/;t;d')		;\
+-		for v in $$(seq 0 $$RHEL_MINOR) ; do 					\
+-			echo config BACKPORT_RHEL_KERNEL_$${RHEL_MAJOR}_$$v		;\
+-			echo "    def_bool y"						;\
+-		done >> Kconfig.versions						;\
+-		echo " done."								;\
+-	fi										;\
+-	echo "$(CONFIG_MD5)" > .kernel_config_md5
++	@rm -f .kernel_config_md5_*
++	@touch $@
++Kconfig.kernel: $(STAMP_KERNEL_CONFIG) local-symbols
++	@printf "Generating local configuration database from kernel ..."
++	@grep -v -f local-symbols $(KERNEL_CONFIG) | grep = | (			\
++		while read l ; do						\
++			if [ "$${l:0:7}" != "CONFIG_" ] ; then			\
++				continue					;\
++			fi							;\
++			l=$${l:7}						;\
++			n=$${l%%=*}						;\
++			v=$${l#*=}						;\
++			if [ "$$v" = "m" ] ; then				\
++				echo config $$n					;\
++				echo '    tristate' 				;\
++			elif [ "$$v" = "y" ] ; then				\
++				echo config $$n					;\
++				echo '    bool'					;\
++			else							\
++				continue					;\
++			fi							;\
++			echo "    default $$v"					;\
++			echo ""							;\
++		done								\
++	) > $@
++	@echo " done."
++Kconfig.versions: Kconfig.kernel
++	@kver=$$($(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(KLIB_BUILD) M=$(BACKPORT_DIR) \
++		kernelversion |	sed 's/^\(\([3-5]\|2\.6\)\.[0-9]\+\).*/\1/;t;d');\
++	test "$$kver" != "" || echo "Kernel version parse failed!"		;\
++	test "$$kver" != ""							;\
++	kvers="$$(seq 14 39 | sed 's/^/2.6./')"					;\
++	kvers="$$kvers $$(seq 0 19 | sed 's/^/3./')"				;\
++	kvers="$$kvers $$(seq 0 20 | sed 's/^/4./')"				;\
++	kvers="$$kvers $$(seq 0 99 | sed 's/^/5./')"				;\
++	print=0									;\
++	for v in $$kvers ; do							\
++		if [ "$$print" = "1" ] ; then					\
++			echo config KERNEL_$$(echo $$v | tr . _)	;\
++			echo "    def_bool y"					;\
++		fi								;\
++		if [ "$$v" = "$$kver" ] ; then print=1 ; fi			;\
++	done > $@
++				sed 's/.*=\s*\([0-9]*\)/\1/;t;d')		;\
++				sed 's/.*=\s*\([0-9]*\)/\1/;t;d')		;\
++	for v in $$(seq 0 $$RHEL_MINOR) ; do 					\
++		echo config BACKPORT_RHEL_KERNEL_$${RHEL_MAJOR}_$$v		;\
++		echo "    def_bool y"						;\
++	done >> $@
++	@$(MAKE) Kconfig.versions
+ 	@$(MAKE) -f Makefile.real "$@"
+ .PHONY: defconfig-help
+--- a/Makefile.real
++++ b/Makefile.real
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ defconfig-%::
+ backport-include/backport/autoconf.h: .config Kconfig.versions Kconfig.kernel
+ 	@$(MAKE) oldconfig
+-	@echo -n "Building backport-include/backport/autoconf.h ..."
++	@printf "Building backport-include/backport/autoconf.h ..."
+ 	@grep -f local-symbols .config | (				\
+ 		echo "#ifndef COMPAT_AUTOCONF_INCLUDED"			;\
+ 		echo "#define COMPAT_AUTOCONF_INCLUDED"			;\
+@@ -80,7 +80,12 @@ backport-include/backport/autoconf.h: .c
+ 			esac						;\
+ 		done							;\
+ 		echo "#endif /* COMPAT_AUTOCONF_INCLUDED */"		;\
+-	) > backport-include/backport/autoconf.h
++	) > $@.new
++	@if cmp -s $@ $@.new; then \
++		rm -f $@.new; \
++	else \
++		mv $@.new $@; \
++	fi
+ 	@echo " done."
+ .PHONY: modules
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/002-change_allconfig.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/002-change_allconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..368725d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/002-change_allconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--- a/kconf/conf.c
++++ b/kconf/conf.c
+@@ -598,40 +598,12 @@ int main(int ac, char **av)
+ 	case oldconfig:
+ 	case listnewconfig:
+ 	case olddefconfig:
+-		conf_read(NULL);
+-		break;
+ 	case allnoconfig:
+ 	case allyesconfig:
+ 	case allmodconfig:
+ 	case alldefconfig:
+ 	case randconfig:
+-		name = getenv("KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG");
+-		if (!name)
+-			break;
+-		if ((strcmp(name, "") != 0) && (strcmp(name, "1") != 0)) {
+-			if (conf_read_simple(name, S_DEF_USER)) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,
+-					_("*** Can't read seed configuration \"%s\"!\n"),
+-					name);
+-				exit(1);
+-			}
+-			break;
+-		}
+-		switch (input_mode) {
+-		case allnoconfig:	name = "allno.config"; break;
+-		case allyesconfig:	name = "allyes.config"; break;
+-		case allmodconfig:	name = "allmod.config"; break;
+-		case alldefconfig:	name = "alldef.config"; break;
+-		case randconfig:	name = "allrandom.config"; break;
+-		default: break;
+-		}
+-		if (conf_read_simple(name, S_DEF_USER) &&
+-		    conf_read_simple("all.config", S_DEF_USER)) {
+-			fprintf(stderr,
+-				_("*** KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG set, but no \"%s\" or \"all.config\" file found\n"),
+-				name);
+-			exit(1);
+-		}
++		conf_read(NULL);
+ 		break;
+ 	default:
+ 		break;
+--- a/kconf/confdata.c
++++ b/kconf/confdata.c
+@@ -1170,6 +1170,8 @@ bool conf_set_all_new_symbols(enum conf_
+ 	}
+ 	bool has_changed = false;
++	sym_clear_all_valid();
+ 	for_all_symbols(i, sym) {
+ 		if (sym_has_value(sym) || (sym->flags & SYMBOL_VALID))
+ 			continue;
+@@ -1213,8 +1215,6 @@ bool conf_set_all_new_symbols(enum conf_
+ 	}
+-	sym_clear_all_valid();
+ 	/*
+ 	 * We have different type of choice blocks.
+ 	 * If curr.tri equals to mod then we can select several
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/003-remove_bogus_modparams.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/003-remove_bogus_modparams.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa26c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/003-remove_bogus_modparams.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- a/compat/main.c
++++ b/compat/main.c
+@@ -19,31 +19,6 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
+ #error "You need a CPTCFG_VERSION"
+ #endif
+-static char *backported_kernel_name = CPTCFG_KERNEL_NAME;
+-module_param(backported_kernel_name, charp, 0400);
+-		 "The kernel tree name that was used for this backport (" CPTCFG_KERNEL_NAME ")");
+-static char *backports_tracker_id = BACKPORTS_GIT_TRACKED;
+-module_param(backports_tracker_id, charp, 0400);
+-		 "The version of the tree containing this backport (" BACKPORTS_GIT_TRACKED ")");
+-static char *backported_kernel_version = CPTCFG_KERNEL_VERSION;
+-static char *backports_version = CPTCFG_VERSION;
+-module_param(backported_kernel_version, charp, 0400);
+-		 "The kernel version that was used for this backport (" CPTCFG_KERNEL_VERSION ")");
+-module_param(backports_version, charp, 0400);
+-		 "The git version of the backports tree used to generate this backport (" CPTCFG_VERSION ")");
+ void backport_dependency_symbol(void)
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/012-kernel_build_check.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/012-kernel_build_check.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d225ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/012-kernel_build_check.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ # Makefile for the output source package
+ #
+-ifeq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
++ifeq ($(KERNELVERSION),)
+ MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
+ SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/015-ipw200-mtu.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/015-ipw200-mtu.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68db4f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/015-ipw200-mtu.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/intel/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/intel/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c
+@@ -11470,6 +11470,15 @@ static const struct attribute_group ipw_
+ 	.attrs = ipw_sysfs_entries,
+ };
++static int __change_mtu(struct net_device *ndev, int new_mtu){
++	if (new_mtu < 68 || new_mtu > LIBIPW_DATA_LEN)
++		return -EINVAL;
++	ndev->mtu = new_mtu;
++	return 0;
+ static int ipw_prom_open(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+@@ -11518,15 +11527,6 @@ static netdev_tx_t ipw_prom_hard_start_x
+ 	return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ }
+-static int __change_mtu(struct net_device *ndev, int new_mtu){
+-	if (new_mtu < 68 || new_mtu > LIBIPW_DATA_LEN)
+-		return -EINVAL;
+-	ndev->mtu = new_mtu;
+-	return 0;
+ static const struct net_device_ops ipw_prom_netdev_ops = {
+ 	.ndo_change_mtu = __change_mtu,
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/050-lib80211_option.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/050-lib80211_option.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b1bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/050-lib80211_option.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- a/net/wireless/Kconfig
++++ b/net/wireless/Kconfig
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ config CFG80211_WEXT_EXPORT
+ endif # CFG80211
+ config LIB80211
+-	tristate
++	tristate "lib80211"
+ 	depends on m
+ 	default n
+ 	help
+@@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ config LIB80211
+ 	  Drivers should select this themselves if needed.
+ config LIB80211_CRYPT_WEP
+-	tristate
++	tristate "lib80211 WEP support"
+ 	depends on m
+ config LIB80211_CRYPT_CCMP
+-	tristate
++	tristate "lib80211 CCMP support"
+ 	depends on m
+ 	depends on CRYPTO
+ 	depends on CRYPTO_AES
+ 	depends on CRYPTO_CCM
+ config LIB80211_CRYPT_TKIP
+-	tristate
++	tristate "lib80211 TKIP support"
+ 	depends on m
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/060-no_local_ssb_bcma.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/060-no_local_ssb_bcma.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089ff21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/060-no_local_ssb_bcma.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+--- a/local-symbols
++++ b/local-symbols
+@@ -451,43 +451,6 @@ USB_VL600=
+ USB_NET_CH9200=
+ USB_RTL8153_ECM=
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43/Kconfig
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43/Kconfig
+@@ -63,21 +63,21 @@ endchoice
+ 	bool
+ 	depends on B43 && SSB_PCIHOST_POSSIBLE
+-	select SSB_PCIHOST
+-	select SSB_B43_PCI_BRIDGE
++	depends on SSB_PCIHOST
++	depends on SSB_B43_PCI_BRIDGE
+ 	default y
+ # Auto-select SSB PCICORE driver, if possible
+ 	bool
++	depends on SSB_DRIVER_PCICORE
+ 	default y
+ config B43_SDIO
+ 	bool "Broadcom 43xx SDIO device support"
+ 	depends on B43 && B43_SSB && SSB_SDIOHOST_POSSIBLE
+-	select SSB_SDIOHOST
++	depends on SSB_SDIOHOST
+ 	help
+ 	  Broadcom 43xx device support for Soft-MAC SDIO devices.
+@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ config B43_SDIO
+ config B43_BCMA_PIO
+ 	bool
+ 	depends on B43 && B43_BCMA
+-	select BCMA_BLOCKIO
++	depends on BCMA_BLOCKIO
+ 	default y
+ config B43_PIO
+ 	bool
+ 	depends on B43 && B43_SSB
+-	select SSB_BLOCKIO
++	depends on SSB_BLOCKIO
+ 	default y
+ config B43_PHY_G
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43/main.c
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43/main.c
+@@ -2853,7 +2853,7 @@ static struct ssb_device *b43_ssb_gpio_d
+ {
+ 	struct ssb_bus *bus = dev->dev->sdev->bus;
+ 	return (bus->chipco.dev ? bus->chipco.dev : bus->pcicore.dev);
+ #else
+ 	return bus->chipco.dev;
+@@ -4870,7 +4870,7 @@ static int b43_wireless_core_init(struct
+ 	}
+ 	if (sprom->boardflags_lo & B43_BFL_XTAL_NOSLOW)
+ 		hf |= B43_HF_DSCRQ; /* Disable slowclock requests from ucode. */
+-#if defined(CPTCFG_B43_SSB) && defined(CPTCFG_SSB_DRIVER_PCICORE)
++#if defined(CPTCFG_B43_SSB) && defined(CONFIG_SSB_DRIVER_PCICORE)
+ 	if (dev->dev->bus_type == B43_BUS_SSB &&
+ 	    dev->dev->sdev->bus->bustype == SSB_BUSTYPE_PCI &&
+ 	    dev->dev->sdev->bus->pcicore.dev->id.revision <= 10)
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43legacy/Kconfig
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43legacy/Kconfig
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ config B43LEGACY
+ 	tristate "Broadcom 43xx-legacy wireless support (mac80211 stack)"
+ 	depends on m
+ 	depends on SSB_POSSIBLE && MAC80211 && HAS_DMA
+-	select SSB
++	depends on SSB
+ 	depends on FW_LOADER
+ 	help
+ 	  b43legacy is a driver for 802.11b devices from Broadcom (BCM4301 and
+@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ config B43LEGACY
+ 	bool
+-	select SSB_PCIHOST
+-	select SSB_B43_PCI_BRIDGE
++	depends on SSB_PCIHOST
++	depends on SSB_B43_PCI_BRIDGE
+ 	default y
+ # Auto-select SSB PCICORE driver, if possible
+ 	bool
++	depends on SSB_DRIVER_PCICORE
+ 	default y
+ # LED support
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43legacy/main.c
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/b43legacy/main.c
+@@ -1907,7 +1907,7 @@ static int b43legacy_gpio_init(struct b4
+ 	if (dev->dev->id.revision >= 2)
+ 		mask  |= 0x0010; /* FIXME: This is redundant. */
+ 	pcidev = bus->pcicore.dev;
+ #endif
+ 	gpiodev = bus->chipco.dev ? : pcidev;
+@@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@ static void b43legacy_gpio_cleanup(struc
+ 	struct ssb_bus *bus = dev->dev->bus;
+ 	struct ssb_device *gpiodev, *pcidev = NULL;
+ 	pcidev = bus->pcicore.dev;
+ #endif
+ 	gpiodev = bus->chipco.dev ? : pcidev;
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/led.h
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/led.h
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ struct brcms_led {
+ 	struct gpio_desc *gpiod;
+ };
+ void brcms_led_unregister(struct brcms_info *wl);
+ int brcms_led_register(struct brcms_info *wl);
+ #else
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/Makefile
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/brcmsmac/Makefile
+@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ brcmsmac-y := \
+ 	brcms_trace_events.o \
+ 	debug.o
+-brcmsmac-$(CPTCFG_BCMA_DRIVER_GPIO) += led.o
++brcmsmac-$(CONFIG_BCMA_DRIVER_GPIO) += led.o
+ obj-$(CPTCFG_BRCMSMAC)	+= brcmsmac.o
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/Kconfig
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/broadcom/brcm80211/Kconfig
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ config BRCMSMAC
+ 	depends on m
+ 	depends on MAC80211
+ 	depends on BCMA_POSSIBLE
+-	select BCMA
++	depends on BCMA
+ 	select BRCMUTIL
+--- a/Kconfig.local
++++ b/Kconfig.local
+@@ -1357,117 +1357,6 @@ config BACKPORTED_USB_NET_AQC111
+ 	tristate
+ 	default USB_RTL8153_ECM
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_POSSIBLE
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_SPROM
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_BLOCKIO
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_PCIHOST
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_B43_PCI_BRIDGE
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_SDIOHOST
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_HOST_SOC
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_SERIAL
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_DRIVER_MIPS
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_SFLASH
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_EMBEDDED
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_DRIVER_GIGE
+-	tristate
+-	default SSB_DRIVER_GPIO
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_POSSIBLE
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_BLOCKIO
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_HOST_PCI
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_HOST_SOC
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_DRIVER_PCI
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_PFLASH
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_SFLASH
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_NFLASH
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	tristate
+-	default BCMA_DEBUG
+ 	tristate
+ 	default USB_ACM
+--- a/Kconfig.sources
++++ b/Kconfig.sources
+@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/soc/qcom/K
+ source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig"
+ source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/net/usb/Kconfig"
+-source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/ssb/Kconfig"
+-source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/bcma/Kconfig"
+ source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/usb/class/Kconfig"
+ source "$BACKPORT_DIR/drivers/staging/Kconfig"
+--- a/Makefile.kernel
++++ b/Makefile.kernel
+@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ obj-$(CPTCFG_QRTR) += net/qrtr/
+ obj-$(CPTCFG_QCOM_QMI_HELPERS) += drivers/soc/qcom/
+ obj-$(CPTCFG_MHI_BUS) += drivers/bus/mhi/
+ obj-$(CPTCFG_WLAN) += drivers/net/wireless/
+-obj-$(CPTCFG_SSB) += drivers/ssb/
+-obj-$(CPTCFG_BCMA) += drivers/bcma/
+ obj-$(CPTCFG_USB_NET_RNDIS_WLAN) += drivers/net/usb/
+ obj-$(CPTCFG_USB_WDM) += drivers/usb/class/
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/070-remove-broken-wext-select.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/070-remove-broken-wext-select.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b6e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/070-remove-broken-wext-select.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- a/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/Kconfig
++++ b/drivers/staging/rtl8723bs/Kconfig
+@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ config RTL8723BS
+ 	depends on m
+ 	depends on WLAN && MMC && CFG80211
+ 	depends on m
+-	select CFG80211_WEXT
+ 	help
+ 	This option enables support for RTL8723BS SDIO drivers, such as
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/build.inc b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/build.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a50f5cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/build/build.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#patch build (come from openwrt/lede/target/linux/mediatek)
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+    file://000-fix_kconfig.patch \
+    file://001-fix_build.patch \
+    file://002-change_allconfig.patch \
+    file://003-remove_bogus_modparams.patch \
+    file://012-kernel_build_check.patch \
+    file://015-ipw200-mtu.patch \
+    file://050-lib80211_option.patch \
+    file://060-no_local_ssb_bcma.patch \
+    file://070-remove-broken-wext-select.patch \
+    "
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/110-mac80211_keep_keys_on_stop_ap.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/110-mac80211_keep_keys_on_stop_ap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397026b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/110-mac80211_keep_keys_on_stop_ap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 00:00:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: preseve AP mode keys across STA reconnect
+Used for AP+STA support in OpenWrt - preserve AP mode keys across STA reconnect
+ net/mac80211/cfg.c | 1 -
+ 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -1319,7 +1319,6 @@ static int ieee80211_stop_ap(struct wiph
+ 	sdata->vif.bss_conf.ftmr_params = NULL;
+ 	__sta_info_flush(sdata, true);
+-	ieee80211_free_keys(sdata, true);
+ 	sdata->vif.bss_conf.enable_beacon = false;
+ 	sdata->beacon_rate_set = false;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/120-cfg80211_allow_perm_addr_change.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/120-cfg80211_allow_perm_addr_change.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f315ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/120-cfg80211_allow_perm_addr_change.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:00:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: add support for changing the device mac address via
+ sysfs
+ net/wireless/sysfs.c | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+--- a/net/wireless/sysfs.c
++++ b/net/wireless/sysfs.c
+@@ -24,18 +24,35 @@ static inline struct cfg80211_registered
+ 	return container_of(dev, struct cfg80211_registered_device, wiphy.dev);
+ }
+-#define SHOW_FMT(name, fmt, member)					\
++#define SHOW_FMT(name, fmt, member, mode)				\
+ static ssize_t name ## _show(struct device *dev,			\
+ 			      struct device_attribute *attr,		\
+ 			      char *buf)				\
+ {									\
+ 	return sprintf(buf, fmt "\n", dev_to_rdev(dev)->member);	\
+ }									\
+-static DEVICE_ATTR_RO(name)
++static DEVICE_ATTR_##mode(name)
+-SHOW_FMT(index, "%d", wiphy_idx);
+-SHOW_FMT(macaddress, "%pM", wiphy.perm_addr);
+-SHOW_FMT(address_mask, "%pM", wiphy.addr_mask);
++static ssize_t macaddress_store(struct device *dev,
++				struct device_attribute *attr,
++				const char *buf, size_t len)
++	u8 mac[ETH_ALEN];
++	if (!mac_pton(buf, mac))
++		return -EINVAL;
++	if (buf[3 * ETH_ALEN - 1] && buf[3 * ETH_ALEN - 1] != '\n')
++		return -EINVAL;
++	memcpy(dev_to_rdev(dev)->wiphy.perm_addr, mac, ETH_ALEN);
++	return strnlen(buf, len);
++SHOW_FMT(index, "%d", wiphy_idx, RO);
++SHOW_FMT(macaddress, "%pM", wiphy.perm_addr, RW);
++SHOW_FMT(address_mask, "%pM", wiphy.addr_mask, RO);
+ static ssize_t name_show(struct device *dev,
+ 			 struct device_attribute *attr,
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/150-disable_addr_notifier.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/150-disable_addr_notifier.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ad5427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/150-disable_addr_notifier.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 00:00:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: disable ipv4/ipv6 address notifiers
+ net/mac80211/main.c | 18 +++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
+--- a/net/mac80211/main.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/main.c
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ void ieee80211_restart_hw(struct ieee802
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_restart_hw);
+-#ifdef CONFIG_INET
++#ifdef __disabled__CONFIG_INET
+ static int ieee80211_ifa_changed(struct notifier_block *nb,
+ 				 unsigned long data, void *arg)
+ {
+@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ static int ieee80211_ifa_changed(struct
+ }
+ #endif
++#if IS_ENABLED(__disabled__CONFIG_IPV6)
+ static int ieee80211_ifa6_changed(struct notifier_block *nb,
+ 				  unsigned long data, void *arg)
+ {
+@@ -1321,14 +1321,14 @@ int ieee80211_register_hw(struct ieee802
+ 	wiphy_unlock(hw->wiphy);
+ 	rtnl_unlock();
+-#ifdef CONFIG_INET
++#ifdef __disabled__CONFIG_INET
+ 	local->ifa_notifier.notifier_call = ieee80211_ifa_changed;
+ 	result = register_inetaddr_notifier(&local->ifa_notifier);
+ 	if (result)
+ 		goto fail_ifa;
+ #endif
++#if IS_ENABLED(__disabled__CONFIG_IPV6)
+ 	local->ifa6_notifier.notifier_call = ieee80211_ifa6_changed;
+ 	result = register_inet6addr_notifier(&local->ifa6_notifier);
+ 	if (result)
+@@ -1337,13 +1337,13 @@ int ieee80211_register_hw(struct ieee802
+ 	return 0;
++#if IS_ENABLED(__disabled__CONFIG_IPV6)
+  fail_ifa6:
+-#ifdef CONFIG_INET
++#ifdef __disabled__CONFIG_INET
+ 	unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&local->ifa_notifier);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+-#if defined(CONFIG_INET) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6)
++#if defined(__disabled__CONFIG_INET) || defined(__disabled__CONFIG_IPV6)
+  fail_ifa:
+ #endif
+ 	wiphy_unregister(local->hw.wiphy);
+@@ -1373,10 +1373,10 @@ void ieee80211_unregister_hw(struct ieee
+ 	tasklet_kill(&local->tx_pending_tasklet);
+ 	tasklet_kill(&local->tasklet);
+-#ifdef CONFIG_INET
++#ifdef __disabled__CONFIG_INET
+ 	unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&local->ifa_notifier);
+ #endif
++#if IS_ENABLED(__disabled__CONFIG_IPV6)
+ 	unregister_inet6addr_notifier(&local->ifa6_notifier);
+ #endif
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/210-ap_scan.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/210-ap_scan.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b8e084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/210-ap_scan.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 00:00:00 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: allow scans in access point mode (for site survey)
+ net/mac80211/cfg.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@ static int ieee80211_scan(struct wiphy *
+ 		 * the  frames sent while scanning on other channel will be
+ 		 * lost)
+ 		 */
+-		if (sdata->u.ap.beacon &&
++		if (0 && sdata->u.ap.beacon &&
+ 		    (!(wiphy->features & NL80211_FEATURE_AP_SCAN) ||
+ 		     !(req->flags & NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_AP)))
+ 			return -EOPNOTSUPP;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/301-mac80211-sta-randomize-BA-session-dialog-token-alloc.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/301-mac80211-sta-randomize-BA-session-dialog-token-alloc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d09d707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/301-mac80211-sta-randomize-BA-session-dialog-token-alloc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From b478e06a16a8baa00c5ecc87c1d636981f2206d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 10:25:25 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: sta: randomize BA session dialog token allocator
+We currently always start the dialog token generator at zero,
+so the first dialog token we use is always 1. This would be
+OK if we had a perfect guarantee that we always do a proper
+deauth/re-auth handshake, but in IBSS mode this doesn't always
+happen properly.
+To make problems with block ack (aggregation) sessions getting
+stuck less likely, randomize the dialog token so if we start a
+new session but the peer still has old state for us, it can
+better detect this.
+This is really just a workaround to make things a bit more
+robust than they are now - a better fix would be to do a full
+authentication handshake in IBSS mode upon having discovered a
+new station, and on the receiver resetting the state (removing
+and re-adding the station) on receiving the authentication
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+ net/mac80211/sta_info.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
+@@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_alloc(struct i
+ 	INIT_WORK(&sta->drv_deliver_wk, sta_deliver_ps_frames);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&sta->ampdu_mlme.work, ieee80211_ba_session_work);
+ 	mutex_init(&sta->ampdu_mlme.mtx);
++	sta->ampdu_mlme.dialog_token_allocator = prandom_u32_max(U8_MAX);
+ #ifdef CPTCFG_MAC80211_MESH
+ 	if (ieee80211_vif_is_mesh(&sdata->vif)) {
+ 		sta->mesh = kzalloc(sizeof(*sta->mesh), gfp);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/303-v5.16-mac80211-set-up-the-fwd_skb-dev-for-mesh-forwarding.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/303-v5.16-mac80211-set-up-the-fwd_skb-dev-for-mesh-forwarding.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159aad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/303-v5.16-mac80211-set-up-the-fwd_skb-dev-for-mesh-forwarding.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From: Xing Song <xing.song@mediatek.com>
+Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2021 11:31:23 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: set up the fwd_skb->dev for mesh forwarding
+Mesh forwarding requires that the fwd_skb->dev is set up for TX handling,
+otherwise the following warning will be generated, so set it up for the
+pending frames.
+[   72.835674 ] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1193 at __skb_flow_dissect+0x284/0x1298
+[   72.842379 ] Modules linked in: ksmbd pppoe ppp_async l2tp_ppp ...
+[   72.962020 ] CPU: 0 PID: 1193 Comm: kworker/u5:1 Tainted: P S 5.4.137 #0
+[   72.969938 ] Hardware name: MT7622_MT7531 RFB (DT)
+[   72.974659 ] Workqueue: napi_workq napi_workfn
+[   72.979025 ] pstate: 60000005 (nZCv daif -PAN -UAO)
+[   72.983822 ] pc : __skb_flow_dissect+0x284/0x1298
+[   72.988444 ] lr : __skb_flow_dissect+0x54/0x1298
+[   72.992977 ] sp : ffffffc010c738c0
+[   72.996293 ] x29: ffffffc010c738c0 x28: 0000000000000000
+[   73.001615 ] x27: 000000000000ffc2 x26: ffffff800c2eb818
+[   73.006937 ] x25: ffffffc010a987c8 x24: 00000000000000ce
+[   73.012259 ] x23: ffffffc010c73a28 x22: ffffffc010a99c60
+[   73.017581 ] x21: 000000000000ffc2 x20: ffffff80094da800
+[   73.022903 ] x19: 0000000000000000 x18: 0000000000000014
+[   73.028226 ] x17: 00000000084d16af x16: 00000000d1fc0bab
+[   73.033548 ] x15: 00000000715f6034 x14: 000000009dbdd301
+[   73.038870 ] x13: 00000000ea4dcbc3 x12: 0000000000000040
+[   73.044192 ] x11: 000000000eb00ff0 x10: 0000000000000000
+[   73.049513 ] x9 : 000000000eb00073 x8 : 0000000000000088
+[   73.054834 ] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : 0000000000000001
+[   73.060155 ] x5 : 0000000000000000 x4 : 0000000000000000
+[   73.065476 ] x3 : ffffffc010a98000 x2 : 0000000000000000
+[   73.070797 ] x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 0000000000000000
+[   73.076120 ] Call trace:
+[   73.078572 ]  __skb_flow_dissect+0x284/0x1298
+[   73.082846 ]  __skb_get_hash+0x7c/0x228
+[   73.086629 ]  ieee80211_txq_may_transmit+0x7fc/0x17b8 [mac80211]
+[   73.092564 ]  ieee80211_tx_prepare_skb+0x20c/0x268 [mac80211]
+[   73.098238 ]  ieee80211_tx_pending+0x144/0x330 [mac80211]
+[   73.103560 ]  tasklet_action_common.isra.16+0xb4/0x158
+[   73.108618 ]  tasklet_action+0x2c/0x38
+[   73.112286 ]  __do_softirq+0x168/0x3b0
+[   73.115954 ]  do_softirq.part.15+0x88/0x98
+[   73.119969 ]  __local_bh_enable_ip+0xb0/0xb8
+[   73.124156 ]  napi_workfn+0x58/0x90
+[   73.127565 ]  process_one_work+0x20c/0x478
+[   73.131579 ]  worker_thread+0x50/0x4f0
+[   73.135249 ]  kthread+0x124/0x128
+[   73.138484 ]  ret_from_fork+0x10/0x1c
+Signed-off-by: Xing Song <xing.song@mediatek.com>
+--- a/net/mac80211/rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+@@ -2950,6 +2950,7 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_mesh_fwding(struct ieee80
+ 	if (!fwd_skb)
+ 		goto out;
++	fwd_skb->dev = sdata->dev;
+ 	fwd_hdr =  (struct ieee80211_hdr *) fwd_skb->data;
+ 	fwd_hdr->frame_control &= ~cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FCTL_RETRY);
+ 	info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(fwd_skb);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/306-v5.17-mac80211-use-coarse-boottime-for-airtime-fairness-co.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/306-v5.17-mac80211-use-coarse-boottime-for-airtime-fairness-co.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c43cd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/306-v5.17-mac80211-use-coarse-boottime-for-airtime-fairness-co.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 17:53:12 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: use coarse boottime for airtime fairness code
+The time values used by the airtime fairness code only need to be accurate
+enough to cover station activity detection.
+Using ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns instead of ktime_get_boottime_ns will
+drop the accuracy down to jiffies intervals, but at the same time saves
+a lot of CPU cycles in a hot path
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3820,7 +3820,7 @@ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	u64 now = ktime_get_boottime_ns();
++	u64 now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+ 	struct ieee80211_txq *ret = NULL;
+ 	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+ 	struct txq_info *txqi = NULL;
+@@ -3947,7 +3947,7 @@ void ieee80211_update_airtime_weight(str
+ 	u64 weight_sum = 0;
+ 	if (unlikely(!now))
+-		now = ktime_get_boottime_ns();
++		now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+ 	lockdep_assert_held(&air_sched->lock);
+@@ -3973,7 +3973,7 @@ void ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee8
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+ 	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	u64 now = ktime_get_boottime_ns();
++	u64 now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+ 	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+ 	u8 ac = txq->ac;
+ 	bool was_active;
+@@ -4031,7 +4031,7 @@ static void __ieee80211_unschedule_txq(s
+ 	if (!purge)
+ 		airtime_set_active(air_sched, air_info,
+-				   ktime_get_boottime_ns());
++				   ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns());
+ 	rb_erase_cached(&txqi->schedule_order,
+ 			&air_sched->active_txqs);
+@@ -4119,7 +4119,7 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct i
+ 	if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order))
+ 		goto out;
+-	now = ktime_get_boottime_ns();
++	now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+ 	/* Like in ieee80211_next_txq(), make sure the first station in the
+ 	 * scheduling order is eligible for transmission to avoid starvation.
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/307-mac80211_hwsim-make-6-GHz-channels-usable.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/307-mac80211_hwsim-make-6-GHz-channels-usable.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c3b38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/307-mac80211_hwsim-make-6-GHz-channels-usable.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 11:46:09 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211_hwsim: make 6 GHz channels usable
+The previous commit that claimed to add 6 GHz channels didn't actually make
+them usable, since the 6 GHz band was not registered with mac80211.
+Fixes: 28881922abd7 ("mac80211_hwsim: add 6GHz channels")
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.c
++++ b/drivers/net/wireless/mac80211_hwsim.c
+@@ -3008,15 +3008,19 @@ static void mac80211_hwsim_he_capab(stru
+ {
+ 	u16 n_iftype_data;
+-	if (sband->band == NL80211_BAND_2GHZ) {
++	switch (sband->band) {
++	case NL80211_BAND_2GHZ:
+ 		n_iftype_data = ARRAY_SIZE(he_capa_2ghz);
+ 		sband->iftype_data =
+ 			(struct ieee80211_sband_iftype_data *)he_capa_2ghz;
+-	} else if (sband->band == NL80211_BAND_5GHZ) {
++		break;
++	case NL80211_BAND_5GHZ:
++	case NL80211_BAND_6GHZ:
+ 		n_iftype_data = ARRAY_SIZE(he_capa_5ghz);
+ 		sband->iftype_data =
+ 			(struct ieee80211_sband_iftype_data *)he_capa_5ghz;
+-	} else {
++		break;
++	default:
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+@@ -3306,6 +3310,12 @@ static int mac80211_hwsim_new_radio(stru
+ 			sband->vht_cap.vht_mcs.tx_mcs_map =
+ 				sband->vht_cap.vht_mcs.rx_mcs_map;
+ 			break;
++		case NL80211_BAND_6GHZ:
++			sband->channels = data->channels_6ghz;
++			sband->n_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(hwsim_channels_6ghz);
++			sband->bitrates = data->rates + 4;
++			sband->n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(hwsim_rates) - 4;
++			break;
+ 		case NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ:
+ 			memcpy(&sband->s1g_cap, &hwsim_s1g_cap,
+ 			       sizeof(sband->s1g_cap));
+@@ -3316,6 +3326,13 @@ static int mac80211_hwsim_new_radio(stru
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
++		mac80211_hwsim_he_capab(sband);
++		hw->wiphy->bands[band] = sband;
++		if (band == NL80211_BAND_6GHZ)
++			continue;
+ 		sband->ht_cap.ht_supported = true;
+ 		sband->ht_cap.cap = IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40 |
+ 				    IEEE80211_HT_CAP_GRN_FLD |
+@@ -3329,10 +3346,6 @@ static int mac80211_hwsim_new_radio(stru
+ 		sband->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xff;
+ 		sband->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask[1] = 0xff;
+ 		sband->ht_cap.mcs.tx_params = IEEE80211_HT_MCS_TX_DEFINED;
+-		mac80211_hwsim_he_capab(sband);
+-		hw->wiphy->bands[band] = sband;
+ 	}
+ 	/* By default all radios belong to the first group */
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/308-v5.17-mac80211-add-support-for-.ndo_fill_forward_path.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/308-v5.17-mac80211-add-support-for-.ndo_fill_forward_path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a6182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/308-v5.17-mac80211-add-support-for-.ndo_fill_forward_path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 12:22:23 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: add support for .ndo_fill_forward_path
+This allows drivers to provide a destination device + info for flow offload
+Only supported in combination with 802.3 encap offload
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Tested-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20211112112223.1209-1-nbd@nbd.name
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -3937,6 +3937,8 @@ struct ieee80211_prep_tx_info {
+  *	twt structure.
+  * @twt_teardown_request: Update the hw with TWT teardown request received
+  *	from the peer.
++ * @net_fill_forward_path: Called from .ndo_fill_forward_path in order to
++ *	resolve a path for hardware flow offloading
+  */
+ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 	void (*tx)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+@@ -4265,6 +4267,13 @@ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 			      struct ieee80211_twt_setup *twt);
+ 	void (*twt_teardown_request)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 flowid);
++#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
++	int (*net_fill_forward_path)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++				     struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
++				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta,
++				     struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
++				     struct net_device_path *path);
+ };
+ /**
+--- a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
+@@ -1486,4 +1486,28 @@ static inline void drv_twt_teardown_requ
+ 	trace_drv_return_void(local);
+ }
++#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
++static inline int drv_net_fill_forward_path(struct ieee80211_local *local,
++					    struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++					    struct ieee80211_sta *sta,
++					    struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
++					    struct net_device_path *path)
++	int ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	sdata = get_bss_sdata(sdata);
++	if (!check_sdata_in_driver(sdata))
++		return -EIO;
++	trace_drv_net_fill_forward_path(local, sdata, sta);
++	if (local->ops->net_fill_forward_path)
++		ret = local->ops->net_fill_forward_path(&local->hw,
++							&sdata->vif, sta,
++							ctx, path);
++	trace_drv_return_int(local, ret);
++	return ret;
+ #endif /* __MAC80211_DRIVER_OPS */
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ struct ieee80211_local {
+ };
+ static inline struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *
+-IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(struct net_device *dev)
++IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(const struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ 	return netdev_priv(dev);
+ }
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -822,6 +822,66 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ieee8
+ };
++#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
++static int ieee80211_netdev_fill_forward_path(struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
++					      struct net_device_path *path)
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata;
++	struct ieee80211_local *local;
++	struct sta_info *sta;
++	int ret = -ENOENT;
++	sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(ctx->dev);
++	local = sdata->local;
++	if (!local->ops->net_fill_forward_path)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	rcu_read_lock();
++	switch (sdata->vif.type) {
++	case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN:
++		sta = rcu_dereference(sdata->u.vlan.sta);
++		if (sta)
++			break;
++		if (sdata->wdev.use_4addr)
++			goto out;
++		if (is_multicast_ether_addr(ctx->daddr))
++			goto out;
++		sta = sta_info_get_bss(sdata, ctx->daddr);
++		break;
++	case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP:
++		if (is_multicast_ether_addr(ctx->daddr))
++			goto out;
++		sta = sta_info_get(sdata, ctx->daddr);
++		break;
++	case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION:
++		if (sdata->wdev.wiphy->flags & WIPHY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_TDLS) {
++			sta = sta_info_get(sdata, ctx->daddr);
++			if (sta && test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_TDLS_PEER)) {
++				if (!test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_TDLS_PEER_AUTH))
++					goto out;
++				break;
++			}
++		}
++		sta = sta_info_get(sdata, sdata->u.mgd.bssid);
++		break;
++	default:
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (!sta)
++		goto out;
++	ret = drv_net_fill_forward_path(local, sdata, &sta->sta, ctx, path);
++	rcu_read_unlock();
++	return ret;
+ static const struct net_device_ops ieee80211_dataif_8023_ops = {
+ 	.ndo_change_mtu = __change_mtu,
+@@ -839,7 +899,9 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ieee8
+ #else
+ 	.ndo_get_stats64 = bp_ieee80211_get_stats64,
+ #endif
++#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
++	.ndo_fill_forward_path = ieee80211_netdev_fill_forward_path,
+ };
+ static bool ieee80211_iftype_supports_hdr_offload(enum nl80211_iftype iftype)
+--- a/net/mac80211/trace.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/trace.h
+@@ -2892,6 +2892,15 @@ TRACE_EVENT(drv_twt_teardown_request,
+ 	)
+ );
++#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
++DEFINE_EVENT(sta_event, drv_net_fill_forward_path,
++	TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local,
++		 struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++		 struct ieee80211_sta *sta),
++	TP_ARGS(local, sdata, sta)
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/309-mac80211-minstrel_ht-fix-MINSTREL_FRAC-macro.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/309-mac80211-minstrel_ht-fix-MINSTREL_FRAC-macro.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d475b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/309-mac80211-minstrel_ht-fix-MINSTREL_FRAC-macro.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2021 21:03:13 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: minstrel_ht: fix MINSTREL_FRAC macro
+Add missing braces to avoid issues with e.g. using additions in the
+div expression
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.h
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ /* scaled fraction values */
+ #define MINSTREL_SCALE  12
+-#define MINSTREL_FRAC(val, div) (((val) << MINSTREL_SCALE) / div)
++#define MINSTREL_FRAC(val, div) (((val) << MINSTREL_SCALE) / (div))
+ #define MINSTREL_TRUNC(val) ((val) >> MINSTREL_SCALE)
+ #define EWMA_LEVEL	96	/* ewma weighting factor [/EWMA_DIV] */
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/310-mac80211-minstrel_ht-reduce-fluctuations-in-rate-pro.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/310-mac80211-minstrel_ht-reduce-fluctuations-in-rate-pro.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3be43b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/310-mac80211-minstrel_ht-reduce-fluctuations-in-rate-pro.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 16:08:01 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: minstrel_ht: reduce fluctuations in rate
+ probability stats
+In some scenarios when there is a lot of fluctuation in packet error rates,
+rate switching can be amplified when the statistics get skewed by time slots
+with very few tries.
+Make the input data to the moving average more smooth by adding the
+success/attempts count from the last stats window as well. This has the
+advantage of smoothing the data without introducing any extra lag to sampling
+This significantly improves rate stability on a strong test link subjected to
+periodic noise bursts generated with a SDR
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c
+@@ -703,7 +703,8 @@ minstrel_ht_calc_rate_stats(struct minst
+ 	unsigned int cur_prob;
+ 	if (unlikely(mrs->attempts > 0)) {
+-		cur_prob = MINSTREL_FRAC(mrs->success, mrs->attempts);
++		cur_prob = MINSTREL_FRAC(mrs->success + mrs->last_success,
++					 mrs->attempts + mrs->last_attempts);
+ 		minstrel_filter_avg_add(&mrs->prob_avg,
+ 					&mrs->prob_avg_1, cur_prob);
+ 		mrs->att_hist += mrs->attempts;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/311-mac80211-minstrel_ht-rework-rate-downgrade-code-and-.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/311-mac80211-minstrel_ht-rework-rate-downgrade-code-and-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bed48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/311-mac80211-minstrel_ht-rework-rate-downgrade-code-and-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 16:33:14 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: minstrel_ht: rework rate downgrade code and
+ max_prob rate selection
+The current fallback code for fast rate switching on potentially failing rates
+is triggering too often if there is some strong noise on the channel. This can
+lead to wild fluctuations in the rate selection.
+Additionally, switching down to max_prob_rate can create a significant gap down
+in throughput, especially when using only 2 spatial streams, because max_prob_rate
+is limited to using fewer streams than the max_tp rates.
+In order to improve throughput without reducing reliability too much, use the
+rate downgrade code for the max_prob_rate only, and allow the non-downgraded
+max_prob_rate to use as many spatial streams as the max_tp rates
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rc80211_minstrel_ht.c
+@@ -514,6 +514,14 @@ minstrel_ht_set_best_prob_rate(struct mi
+ 	int cur_tp_avg, cur_group, cur_idx;
+ 	int max_gpr_group, max_gpr_idx;
+ 	int max_gpr_tp_avg, max_gpr_prob;
++	int min_dur;
++	min_dur = max(minstrel_get_duration(mi->max_tp_rate[0]),
++		      minstrel_get_duration(mi->max_tp_rate[1]));
++	/* make the rate at least 18% slower than max tp rates */
++	if (minstrel_get_duration(index) <= min_dur * 19 / 16)
++		return;
+ 	cur_group = MI_RATE_GROUP(index);
+ 	cur_idx = MI_RATE_IDX(index);
+@@ -535,11 +543,6 @@ minstrel_ht_set_best_prob_rate(struct mi
+ 	    !minstrel_ht_is_legacy_group(max_tp_group))
+ 		return;
+-	/* skip rates faster than max tp rate with lower prob */
+-	if (minstrel_get_duration(mi->max_tp_rate[0]) > minstrel_get_duration(index) &&
+-	    mrs->prob_avg < max_tp_prob)
+-		return;
+ 	max_gpr_group = MI_RATE_GROUP(mg->max_group_prob_rate);
+ 	max_gpr_idx = MI_RATE_IDX(mg->max_group_prob_rate);
+ 	max_gpr_prob = mi->groups[max_gpr_group].rates[max_gpr_idx].prob_avg;
+@@ -597,40 +600,6 @@ minstrel_ht_assign_best_tp_rates(struct
+ }
+- * Try to increase robustness of max_prob rate by decrease number of
+- * streams if possible.
+- */
+-static inline void
+-minstrel_ht_prob_rate_reduce_streams(struct minstrel_ht_sta *mi)
+-	struct minstrel_mcs_group_data *mg;
+-	int tmp_max_streams, group, tmp_idx, tmp_prob;
+-	int tmp_tp = 0;
+-	if (!mi->sta->ht_cap.ht_supported)
+-		return;
+-	group = MI_RATE_GROUP(mi->max_tp_rate[0]);
+-	tmp_max_streams = minstrel_mcs_groups[group].streams;
+-	for (group = 0; group < ARRAY_SIZE(minstrel_mcs_groups); group++) {
+-		mg = &mi->groups[group];
+-		if (!mi->supported[group] || group == MINSTREL_CCK_GROUP)
+-			continue;
+-		tmp_idx = MI_RATE_IDX(mg->max_group_prob_rate);
+-		tmp_prob = mi->groups[group].rates[tmp_idx].prob_avg;
+-		if (tmp_tp < minstrel_ht_get_tp_avg(mi, group, tmp_idx, tmp_prob) &&
+-		   (minstrel_mcs_groups[group].streams < tmp_max_streams)) {
+-				mi->max_prob_rate = mg->max_group_prob_rate;
+-				tmp_tp = minstrel_ht_get_tp_avg(mi, group,
+-								tmp_idx,
+-								tmp_prob);
+-		}
+-	}
+ static u16
+ __minstrel_ht_get_sample_rate(struct minstrel_ht_sta *mi,
+ 			      enum minstrel_sample_type type)
+@@ -1110,8 +1079,6 @@ minstrel_ht_update_stats(struct minstrel
+ 	mi->max_prob_rate = tmp_max_prob_rate;
+-	/* Try to increase robustness of max_prob_rate*/
+-	minstrel_ht_prob_rate_reduce_streams(mi);
+ 	minstrel_ht_refill_sample_rates(mi);
+ #ifdef CPTCFG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS
+@@ -1156,7 +1123,7 @@ minstrel_ht_txstat_valid(struct minstrel
+ }
+ static void
+-minstrel_downgrade_rate(struct minstrel_ht_sta *mi, u16 *idx, bool primary)
++minstrel_downgrade_prob_rate(struct minstrel_ht_sta *mi, u16 *idx)
+ {
+ 	int group, orig_group;
+@@ -1171,11 +1138,7 @@ minstrel_downgrade_rate(struct minstrel_
+ 		    minstrel_mcs_groups[orig_group].streams)
+ 			continue;
+-		if (primary)
+-			*idx = mi->groups[group].max_group_tp_rate[0];
+-		else
+-			*idx = mi->groups[group].max_group_tp_rate[1];
+-		break;
++		*idx = mi->groups[group].max_group_prob_rate;
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -1186,7 +1149,7 @@ minstrel_ht_tx_status(void *priv, struct
+ 	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = st->info;
+ 	struct minstrel_ht_sta *mi = priv_sta;
+ 	struct ieee80211_tx_rate *ar = info->status.rates;
+-	struct minstrel_rate_stats *rate, *rate2;
++	struct minstrel_rate_stats *rate;
+ 	struct minstrel_priv *mp = priv;
+ 	u32 update_interval = mp->update_interval;
+ 	bool last, update = false;
+@@ -1236,18 +1199,13 @@ minstrel_ht_tx_status(void *priv, struct
+ 		/*
+ 		 * check for sudden death of spatial multiplexing,
+ 		 * downgrade to a lower number of streams if necessary.
++		 * only do this for the max_prob_rate to prevent spurious
++		 * rate fluctuations when the link changes suddenly
+ 		 */
+-		rate = minstrel_get_ratestats(mi, mi->max_tp_rate[0]);
++		rate = minstrel_get_ratestats(mi, mi->max_prob_rate);
+ 		if (rate->attempts > 30 &&
+ 		    rate->success < rate->attempts / 4) {
+-			minstrel_downgrade_rate(mi, &mi->max_tp_rate[0], true);
+-			update = true;
+-		}
+-		rate2 = minstrel_get_ratestats(mi, mi->max_tp_rate[1]);
+-		if (rate2->attempts > 30 &&
+-		    rate2->success < rate2->attempts / 4) {
+-			minstrel_downgrade_rate(mi, &mi->max_tp_rate[1], false);
++			minstrel_downgrade_prob_rate(mi, &mi->max_prob_rate);
+ 			update = true;
+ 		}
+ 	}
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/312-v5.16-mac80211-split-beacon-retrieval-functions.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/312-v5.16-mac80211-split-beacon-retrieval-functions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b1951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/312-v5.16-mac80211-split-beacon-retrieval-functions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+From: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021 21:09:36 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: split beacon retrieval functions
+Split __ieee80211_beacon_get() into a separate function for AP mode
+Also, move the code common to all modes (AP, adhoc and mesh) to
+a separate function ieee80211_beacon_get_finish().
+Signed-off-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20211006040938.9531-2-alokad@codeaurora.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -4987,6 +4987,115 @@ static int ieee80211_beacon_protect(stru
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static void
++ieee80211_beacon_get_finish(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++			    struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
++			    struct ieee80211_mutable_offsets *offs,
++			    struct beacon_data *beacon,
++			    struct sk_buff *skb,
++			    struct ieee80211_chanctx_conf *chanctx_conf,
++			    u16 csa_off_base)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = vif_to_sdata(vif);
++	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info;
++	enum nl80211_band band;
++	struct ieee80211_tx_rate_control txrc;
++	/* CSA offsets */
++	if (offs && beacon) {
++		u16 i;
++		for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_MAX_CNTDWN_COUNTERS_NUM; i++) {
++			u16 csa_off = beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[i];
++			if (!csa_off)
++				continue;
++			offs->cntdwn_counter_offs[i] = csa_off_base + csa_off;
++		}
++	}
++	band = chanctx_conf->def.chan->band;
++	info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb);
++	info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT;
++	info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_ACK;
++	info->band = band;
++	memset(&txrc, 0, sizeof(txrc));
++	txrc.hw = hw;
++	txrc.sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[band];
++	txrc.bss_conf = &sdata->vif.bss_conf;
++	txrc.skb = skb;
++	txrc.reported_rate.idx = -1;
++	if (sdata->beacon_rate_set && sdata->beacon_rateidx_mask[band])
++		txrc.rate_idx_mask = sdata->beacon_rateidx_mask[band];
++	else
++		txrc.rate_idx_mask = sdata->rc_rateidx_mask[band];
++	txrc.bss = true;
++	rate_control_get_rate(sdata, NULL, &txrc);
++	info->control.vif = vif;
++	info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_CLEAR_PS_FILT |
++		       IEEE80211_TX_CTL_ASSIGN_SEQ |
++static struct sk_buff *
++ieee80211_beacon_get_ap(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++			struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
++			struct ieee80211_mutable_offsets *offs,
++			bool is_template,
++			struct beacon_data *beacon,
++			struct ieee80211_chanctx_conf *chanctx_conf)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = vif_to_sdata(vif);
++	struct ieee80211_if_ap *ap = &sdata->u.ap;
++	struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
++	u16 csa_off_base = 0;
++	if (beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[0]) {
++		if (!is_template)
++			ieee80211_beacon_update_cntdwn(vif);
++		ieee80211_set_beacon_cntdwn(sdata, beacon);
++	}
++	/* headroom, head length,
++	 * tail length and maximum TIM length
++	 */
++	skb = dev_alloc_skb(local->tx_headroom + beacon->head_len +
++			    beacon->tail_len + 256 +
++			    local->hw.extra_beacon_tailroom);
++	if (!skb)
++		return NULL;
++	skb_reserve(skb, local->tx_headroom);
++	skb_put_data(skb, beacon->head, beacon->head_len);
++	ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(sdata, &ap->ps, skb, is_template);
++	if (offs) {
++		offs->tim_offset = beacon->head_len;
++		offs->tim_length = skb->len - beacon->head_len;
++		offs->cntdwn_counter_offs[0] = beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[0];
++		/* for AP the csa offsets are from tail */
++		csa_off_base = skb->len;
++	}
++	if (beacon->tail)
++		skb_put_data(skb, beacon->tail, beacon->tail_len);
++	if (ieee80211_beacon_protect(skb, local, sdata) < 0)
++		return NULL;
++	ieee80211_beacon_get_finish(hw, vif, offs, beacon, skb, chanctx_conf,
++				    csa_off_base);
++	return skb;
+ static struct sk_buff *
+ __ieee80211_beacon_get(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 		       struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
+@@ -4996,12 +5105,8 @@ __ieee80211_beacon_get(struct ieee80211_
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	struct beacon_data *beacon = NULL;
+ 	struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
+-	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info;
+ 	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = NULL;
+-	enum nl80211_band band;
+-	struct ieee80211_tx_rate_control txrc;
+ 	struct ieee80211_chanctx_conf *chanctx_conf;
+-	int csa_off_base = 0;
+ 	rcu_read_lock();
+@@ -5018,48 +5123,11 @@ __ieee80211_beacon_get(struct ieee80211_
+ 		struct ieee80211_if_ap *ap = &sdata->u.ap;
+ 		beacon = rcu_dereference(ap->beacon);
+-		if (beacon) {
+-			if (beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[0]) {
+-				if (!is_template)
+-					ieee80211_beacon_update_cntdwn(vif);
+-				ieee80211_set_beacon_cntdwn(sdata, beacon);
+-			}
+-			/*
+-			 * headroom, head length,
+-			 * tail length and maximum TIM length
+-			 */
+-			skb = dev_alloc_skb(local->tx_headroom +
+-					    beacon->head_len +
+-					    beacon->tail_len + 256 +
+-					    local->hw.extra_beacon_tailroom);
+-			if (!skb)
+-				goto out;
+-			skb_reserve(skb, local->tx_headroom);
+-			skb_put_data(skb, beacon->head, beacon->head_len);
+-			ieee80211_beacon_add_tim(sdata, &ap->ps, skb,
+-						 is_template);
+-			if (offs) {
+-				offs->tim_offset = beacon->head_len;
+-				offs->tim_length = skb->len - beacon->head_len;
+-				offs->cntdwn_counter_offs[0] = beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[0];
+-				/* for AP the csa offsets are from tail */
+-				csa_off_base = skb->len;
+-			}
+-			if (beacon->tail)
+-				skb_put_data(skb, beacon->tail,
+-					     beacon->tail_len);
+-			if (ieee80211_beacon_protect(skb, local, sdata) < 0)
+-				goto out;
+-		} else
++		if (!beacon)
+ 			goto out;
++		skb = ieee80211_beacon_get_ap(hw, vif, offs, is_template,
++					      beacon, chanctx_conf);
+ 	} else if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) {
+ 		struct ieee80211_if_ibss *ifibss = &sdata->u.ibss;
+ 		struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
+@@ -5085,6 +5153,9 @@ __ieee80211_beacon_get(struct ieee80211_
+ 		hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) skb->data;
+ 		hdr->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT |
+ 						 IEEE80211_STYPE_BEACON);
++		ieee80211_beacon_get_finish(hw, vif, offs, beacon, skb,
++					    chanctx_conf, 0);
+ 	} else if (ieee80211_vif_is_mesh(&sdata->vif)) {
+ 		struct ieee80211_if_mesh *ifmsh = &sdata->u.mesh;
+@@ -5124,51 +5195,13 @@ __ieee80211_beacon_get(struct ieee80211_
+ 		}
+ 		skb_put_data(skb, beacon->tail, beacon->tail_len);
++		ieee80211_beacon_get_finish(hw, vif, offs, beacon, skb,
++					    chanctx_conf, 0);
+ 	} else {
+ 		WARN_ON(1);
+ 		goto out;
+ 	}
+-	/* CSA offsets */
+-	if (offs && beacon) {
+-		int i;
+-		for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_MAX_CNTDWN_COUNTERS_NUM; i++) {
+-			u16 csa_off = beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[i];
+-			if (!csa_off)
+-				continue;
+-			offs->cntdwn_counter_offs[i] = csa_off_base + csa_off;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	band = chanctx_conf->def.chan->band;
+-	info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb);
+-	info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT;
+-	info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_NO_ACK;
+-	info->band = band;
+-	memset(&txrc, 0, sizeof(txrc));
+-	txrc.hw = hw;
+-	txrc.sband = local->hw.wiphy->bands[band];
+-	txrc.bss_conf = &sdata->vif.bss_conf;
+-	txrc.skb = skb;
+-	txrc.reported_rate.idx = -1;
+-	if (sdata->beacon_rate_set && sdata->beacon_rateidx_mask[band])
+-		txrc.rate_idx_mask = sdata->beacon_rateidx_mask[band];
+-	else
+-		txrc.rate_idx_mask = sdata->rc_rateidx_mask[band];
+-	txrc.bss = true;
+-	rate_control_get_rate(sdata, NULL, &txrc);
+-	info->control.vif = vif;
+-	info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_CLEAR_PS_FILT |
+  out:
+ 	rcu_read_unlock();
+ 	return skb;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/313-v5.16-nl80211-MBSSID-and-EMA-support-in-AP-mode.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/313-v5.16-nl80211-MBSSID-and-EMA-support-in-AP-mode.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429886d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/313-v5.16-nl80211-MBSSID-and-EMA-support-in-AP-mode.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+From: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 19:54:34 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] nl80211: MBSSID and EMA support in AP mode
+Add new attributes to configure support for multiple BSSID
+and advanced multi-BSSID advertisements (EMA) in AP mode.
+- NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_CONFIG used for per interface configuration.
+- NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS used to MBSSID elements for beacons.
+Memory for the elements is allocated dynamically. This change frees
+the memory in existing functions which call nl80211_parse_beacon(),
+a comment is added to indicate the new references to do the same.
+Signed-off-by: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Co-developed-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Signed-off-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210916025437.29138-2-alokad@codeaurora.org
+[don't leave ERR_PTR hanging around]
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -1046,6 +1046,36 @@ struct cfg80211_crypto_settings {
+ };
+ /**
++ * struct cfg80211_mbssid_config - AP settings for multi bssid
++ *
++ * @tx_wdev: pointer to the transmitted interface in the MBSSID set
++ * @index: index of this AP in the multi bssid group.
++ * @ema: set to true if the beacons should be sent out in EMA mode.
++ */
++struct cfg80211_mbssid_config {
++	struct wireless_dev *tx_wdev;
++	u8 index;
++	bool ema;
++ * struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems - Multiple BSSID elements
++ *
++ * @cnt: Number of elements in array %elems.
++ *
++ * @elem: Array of multiple BSSID element(s) to be added into Beacon frames.
++ * @elem.data: Data for multiple BSSID elements.
++ * @elem.len: Length of data.
++ */
++struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems {
++	u8 cnt;
++	struct {
++		const u8 *data;
++		size_t len;
++	} elem[];
+  * struct cfg80211_beacon_data - beacon data
+  * @head: head portion of beacon (before TIM IE)
+  *	or %NULL if not changed
+@@ -1063,6 +1093,7 @@ struct cfg80211_crypto_settings {
+  * @assocresp_ies_len: length of assocresp_ies in octets
+  * @probe_resp_len: length of probe response template (@probe_resp)
+  * @probe_resp: probe response template (AP mode only)
++ * @mbssid_ies: multiple BSSID elements
+  * @ftm_responder: enable FTM responder functionality; -1 for no change
+  *	(which also implies no change in LCI/civic location data)
+  * @lci: Measurement Report element content, starting with Measurement Token
+@@ -1080,6 +1111,7 @@ struct cfg80211_beacon_data {
+ 	const u8 *probe_resp;
+ 	const u8 *lci;
+ 	const u8 *civicloc;
++	struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *mbssid_ies;
+ 	s8 ftm_responder;
+ 	size_t head_len, tail_len;
+@@ -1194,6 +1226,7 @@ enum cfg80211_ap_settings_flags {
+  * @he_oper: HE operation IE (or %NULL if HE isn't enabled)
+  * @fils_discovery: FILS discovery transmission parameters
+  * @unsol_bcast_probe_resp: Unsolicited broadcast probe response parameters
++ * @mbssid_config: AP settings for multiple bssid
+  */
+ struct cfg80211_ap_settings {
+ 	struct cfg80211_chan_def chandef;
+@@ -1226,6 +1259,7 @@ struct cfg80211_ap_settings {
+ 	struct cfg80211_he_bss_color he_bss_color;
+ 	struct cfg80211_fils_discovery fils_discovery;
+ 	struct cfg80211_unsol_bcast_probe_resp unsol_bcast_probe_resp;
++	struct cfg80211_mbssid_config mbssid_config;
+ };
+ /**
+@@ -4986,6 +5020,13 @@ struct wiphy_iftype_akm_suites {
+  *	%NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RETRY_LONG attributes
+  * @sar_capa: SAR control capabilities
+  * @rfkill: a pointer to the rfkill structure
++ *
++ * @mbssid_max_interfaces: maximum number of interfaces supported by the driver
++ *	in a multiple BSSID set. This field must be set to a non-zero value
++ *	by the driver to advertise MBSSID support.
++ * @mbssid_max_ema_profile_periodicity: maximum profile periodicity supported by
++ *	the driver. Setting this field to a non-zero value indicates that the
++ *	driver supports enhanced multi-BSSID advertisements (EMA AP).
+  */
+ struct wiphy {
+ 	struct mutex mtx;
+@@ -5133,6 +5174,9 @@ struct wiphy {
+ 	struct rfkill *rfkill;
++	u8 mbssid_max_interfaces;
++	u8 ema_max_profile_periodicity;
+ 	char priv[] __aligned(NETDEV_ALIGN);
+ };
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -337,7 +337,10 @@
+  * @NL80211_CMD_DEL_INTERFACE: Virtual interface was deleted, has attributes
+  *	%NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX and %NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY. Can also be sent from
+  *	userspace to request deletion of a virtual interface, then requires
+- *	attribute %NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX.
++ *	attribute %NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX. If multiple BSSID advertisements are
++ *	enabled using %NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_CONFIG, %NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS,
++ *	and if this command is used for the transmitting interface, then all
++ *	the non-transmitting interfaces are deleted as well.
+  *
+  * @NL80211_CMD_GET_KEY: Get sequence counter information for a key specified
+  *	by %NL80211_ATTR_KEY_IDX and/or %NL80211_ATTR_MAC.
+@@ -2593,6 +2596,18 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_COLOR_CHANGE_ELEMS: Nested set of attributes containing the IE
+  *	information for the time while performing a color switch.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_CONFIG: Nested attribute for multiple BSSID
++ *	advertisements (MBSSID) parameters in AP mode.
++ *	Kernel uses this attribute to indicate the driver's support for MBSSID
++ *	and enhanced multi-BSSID advertisements (EMA AP) to the userspace.
++ *	Userspace should use this attribute to configure per interface MBSSID
++ *	parameters.
++ *	See &enum nl80211_mbssid_config_attributes for details.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS: Nested parameter to pass multiple BSSID elements.
++ *	Mandatory parameter for the transmitting interface to enable MBSSID.
++ *	Optional for the non-transmitting interfaces.
++ *
+  * @NUM_NL80211_ATTR: total number of nl80211_attrs available
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_MAX: highest attribute number currently defined
+  * @__NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use
+@@ -3096,6 +3111,9 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+ 	/* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */
+@@ -7349,4 +7367,60 @@ enum nl80211_sar_specs_attrs {
+ };
++ * enum nl80211_mbssid_config_attributes - multiple BSSID (MBSSID) and enhanced
++ * multi-BSSID advertisements (EMA) in AP mode.
++ * Kernel uses some of these attributes to advertise driver's support for
++ * MBSSID and EMA.
++ * Remaining attributes should be used by the userspace to configure the
++ * features.
++ *
++ *
++ * @NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX_INTERFACES: Used by the kernel to advertise
++ *	the maximum number of MBSSID interfaces supported by the driver.
++ *	Driver should indicate MBSSID support by setting
++ *	wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces to a value more than or equal to 2.
++ *
++ *	to advertise the maximum profile periodicity supported by the driver
++ *	if EMA is enabled. Driver should indicate EMA support to the userspace
++ *	by setting wiphy->mbssid_max_ema_profile_periodicity to
++ *	a non-zero value.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_INDEX: Mandatory parameter to pass the index of
++ *	this BSS (u8) in the multiple BSSID set.
++ *	Value must be set to 0 for the transmitting interface and non-zero for
++ *	all non-transmitting interfaces. The userspace will be responsible
++ *	for using unique indices for the interfaces.
++ *	Range: 0 to wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces-1.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_IFINDEX: Mandatory parameter for
++ *	a non-transmitted profile which provides the interface index (u32) of
++ *	the transmitted profile. The value must match one of the interface
++ *	indices advertised by the kernel. Optional if the interface being set up
++ *	is the transmitting one, however, if provided then the value must match
++ *	the interface index of the same.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_EMA: Flag used to enable EMA AP feature.
++ *	Setting this flag is permitted only if the driver advertises EMA support
++ *	by setting wiphy->mbssid_max_ema_profile_periodicity to non-zero.
++ *
++ * @__NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_LAST: Internal
++ * @NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX: highest attribute
++ */
++enum nl80211_mbssid_config_attributes {
++	/* keep last */
+ #endif /* __LINUX_NL80211_H */
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -442,6 +442,16 @@ sar_policy[NL80211_SAR_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
+ 	[NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS] = NLA_POLICY_NESTED_ARRAY(sar_specs_policy),
+ };
++static const struct nla_policy
++nl80211_mbssid_config_policy[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
++						NLA_POLICY_MIN(NLA_U8, 1),
++	[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_INDEX] = { .type = NLA_U8 },
++	[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_IFINDEX] = { .type = NLA_U32 },
++	[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_EMA] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
+ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_policy[NUM_NL80211_ATTR] = {
+ 	[0] = { .strict_start_type = NL80211_ATTR_HE_OBSS_PD },
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY] = { .type = NLA_U32 },
+@@ -788,6 +798,9 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_p
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_COLOR_CHANGE_COUNT] = { .type = NLA_U8 },
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_COLOR_CHANGE_COLOR] = { .type = NLA_U8 },
++			NLA_POLICY_NESTED(nl80211_mbssid_config_policy),
++	[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS] = { .type = NLA_NESTED },
+ };
+ /* policy for the key attributes */
+@@ -2236,6 +2249,35 @@ fail:
+ 	return -ENOBUFS;
+ }
++static int nl80211_put_mbssid_support(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct sk_buff *msg)
++	struct nlattr *config;
++	if (!wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces)
++		return 0;
++	config = nla_nest_start(msg, NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_CONFIG);
++	if (!config)
++		return -ENOBUFS;
++	if (nla_put_u8(msg, NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX_INTERFACES,
++		       wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces))
++		goto fail;
++	if (wiphy->ema_max_profile_periodicity &&
++	    nla_put_u8(msg,
++		       wiphy->ema_max_profile_periodicity))
++		goto fail;
++	nla_nest_end(msg, config);
++	return 0;
++	nla_nest_cancel(msg, config);
++	return -ENOBUFS;
+ struct nl80211_dump_wiphy_state {
+ 	s64 filter_wiphy;
+ 	long start;
+@@ -2821,6 +2863,9 @@ static int nl80211_send_wiphy(struct cfg
+ 		if (nl80211_put_sar_specs(rdev, msg))
+ 			goto nla_put_failure;
++		if (nl80211_put_mbssid_support(&rdev->wiphy, msg))
++			goto nla_put_failure;
+ 		/* done */
+ 		state->split_start = 0;
+ 		break;
+@@ -5020,6 +5065,96 @@ static int validate_beacon_tx_rate(struc
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int nl80211_parse_mbssid_config(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++				       struct net_device *dev,
++				       struct nlattr *attrs,
++				       struct cfg80211_mbssid_config *config,
++				       u8 num_elems)
++	struct nlattr *tb[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX + 1];
++	if (!wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	if (nla_parse_nested(tb, NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX, attrs, NULL,
++			     NULL) ||
++		return -EINVAL;
++	config->ema = nla_get_flag(tb[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_EMA]);
++	if (config->ema) {
++		if (!wiphy->ema_max_profile_periodicity)
++			return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++		if (num_elems > wiphy->ema_max_profile_periodicity)
++			return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	config->index = nla_get_u8(tb[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_INDEX]);
++	if (config->index >= wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces ||
++	    (!config->index && !num_elems))
++		return -EINVAL;
++		u32 tx_ifindex =
++			nla_get_u32(tb[NL80211_MBSSID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_IFINDEX]);
++		if ((!config->index && tx_ifindex != dev->ifindex) ||
++		    (config->index && tx_ifindex == dev->ifindex))
++			return -EINVAL;
++		if (tx_ifindex != dev->ifindex) {
++			struct net_device *tx_netdev =
++				dev_get_by_index(wiphy_net(wiphy), tx_ifindex);
++			if (!tx_netdev || !tx_netdev->ieee80211_ptr ||
++			    tx_netdev->ieee80211_ptr->wiphy != wiphy ||
++			    tx_netdev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype !=
++							NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) {
++				dev_put(tx_netdev);
++				return -EINVAL;
++			}
++			config->tx_wdev = tx_netdev->ieee80211_ptr;
++		} else {
++			config->tx_wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr;
++		}
++	} else if (!config->index) {
++		config->tx_wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr;
++	} else {
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	return 0;
++static struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *
++nl80211_parse_mbssid_elems(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct nlattr *attrs)
++	struct nlattr *nl_elems;
++	struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *elems;
++	int rem_elems;
++	u8 i = 0, num_elems = 0;
++	if (!wiphy->mbssid_max_interfaces)
++		return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
++	nla_for_each_nested(nl_elems, attrs, rem_elems)
++		num_elems++;
++	elems = kzalloc(struct_size(elems, elem, num_elems), GFP_KERNEL);
++	if (!elems)
++		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++	nla_for_each_nested(nl_elems, attrs, rem_elems) {
++		elems->elem[i].data = nla_data(nl_elems);
++		elems->elem[i].len = nla_len(nl_elems);
++		i++;
++	}
++	elems->cnt = num_elems;
++	return elems;
+ static int nl80211_parse_beacon(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 				struct nlattr *attrs[],
+ 				struct cfg80211_beacon_data *bcn)
+@@ -5100,6 +5235,17 @@ static int nl80211_parse_beacon(struct c
+ 		bcn->ftm_responder = -1;
+ 	}
++	if (attrs[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS]) {
++		struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *mbssid =
++			nl80211_parse_mbssid_elems(&rdev->wiphy,
++						   attrs[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS]);
++		if (IS_ERR(mbssid))
++			return PTR_ERR(mbssid);
++		bcn->mbssid_ies = mbssid;
++	}
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -5556,6 +5702,17 @@ static int nl80211_start_ap(struct sk_bu
+ 			goto out;
+ 	}
++	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_CONFIG]) {
++		err = nl80211_parse_mbssid_config(&rdev->wiphy, dev,
++						  info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_CONFIG],
++						  &params.mbssid_config,
++						  params.beacon.mbssid_ies ?
++							params.beacon.mbssid_ies->cnt :
++							0);
++		if (err)
++			goto out;
++	}
+ 	nl80211_calculate_ap_params(&params);
+ 	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_EXTERNAL_AUTH_SUPPORT])
+@@ -5577,6 +5734,11 @@ static int nl80211_start_ap(struct sk_bu
+ out:
+ 	kfree(params.acl);
++	kfree(params.beacon.mbssid_ies);
++	if (params.mbssid_config.tx_wdev &&
++	    params.mbssid_config.tx_wdev->netdev &&
++	    params.mbssid_config.tx_wdev->netdev != dev)
++		dev_put(params.mbssid_config.tx_wdev->netdev);
+ 	return err;
+ }
+@@ -5601,12 +5763,14 @@ static int nl80211_set_beacon(struct sk_
+ 	err = nl80211_parse_beacon(rdev, info->attrs, &params);
+ 	if (err)
+-		return err;
++		goto out;
+ 	wdev_lock(wdev);
+ 	err = rdev_change_beacon(rdev, dev, &params);
+ 	wdev_unlock(wdev);
++	kfree(params.mbssid_ies);
+ 	return err;
+ }
+@@ -9283,12 +9447,14 @@ static int nl80211_channel_switch(struct
+ 	err = nl80211_parse_beacon(rdev, info->attrs, &params.beacon_after);
+ 	if (err)
+-		return err;
++		goto free;
+ 	csa_attrs = kcalloc(NL80211_ATTR_MAX + 1, sizeof(*csa_attrs),
+ 			    GFP_KERNEL);
+-	if (!csa_attrs)
+-		return -ENOMEM;
++	if (!csa_attrs) {
++		err = -ENOMEM;
++		goto free;
++	}
+ 	err = nla_parse_nested_deprecated(csa_attrs, NL80211_ATTR_MAX,
+ 					  info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_CSA_IES],
+@@ -9407,6 +9573,8 @@ skip_beacons:
+ 	wdev_unlock(wdev);
+ free:
++	kfree(params.beacon_after.mbssid_ies);
++	kfree(params.beacon_csa.mbssid_ies);
+ 	kfree(csa_attrs);
+ 	return err;
+ }
+@@ -14959,6 +15127,8 @@ static int nl80211_color_change(struct s
+ 	wdev_unlock(wdev);
+ out:
++	kfree(params.beacon_next.mbssid_ies);
++	kfree(params.beacon_color_change.mbssid_ies);
+ 	kfree(tb);
+ 	return err;
+ }
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/314-v5.17-cfg80211-implement-APIs-for-dedicated-radar-detectio.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/314-v5.17-cfg80211-implement-APIs-for-dedicated-radar-detectio.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2038ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/314-v5.17-cfg80211-implement-APIs-for-dedicated-radar-detectio.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 11:10:50 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: implement APIs for dedicated radar detection HW
+If a dedicated (off-channel) radar detection hardware (chain)
+is available in the hardware/driver, allow this to be used by
+calling the NL80211_CMD_RADAR_DETECT command with a new flag
+attribute requesting off-channel radar detection is used.
+Offchannel CAC (channel availability check) avoids the CAC
+downtime when switching to a radar channel or when turning on
+the AP.
+Drivers advertise support for this using the new feature flag
+Tested-by: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/7468e291ef5d05d692c1738d25b8f778d8ea5c3f.1634979655.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/1e60e60fef00e14401adae81c3d49f3e5f307537.1634979655.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/85fa50f57fc3adb2934c8d9ca0be30394de6b7e8.1634979655.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/4b6c08671ad59aae0ac46fc94c02f31b1610eb72.1634979655.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/241849ccaf2c228873c6f8495bf87b19159ba458.1634979655.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+[remove offchan_mutex, fix cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(),
+ remove gfp_t argument, fix documentation, fix tracing]
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -4057,6 +4057,15 @@ struct mgmt_frame_regs {
+  * @set_sar_specs: Update the SAR (TX power) settings.
+  *
+  * @color_change: Initiate a color change.
++ *
++ * @set_radar_offchan: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
++ *	radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used to transmit
++ *	or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
++ *	Offchannel radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
++ *	switching to a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
++ *	radar channel.
++ *	The caller is expected to set chandef pointer to NULL in order to
++ *	disable offchannel CAC/radar detection.
+  */
+ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 	int	(*suspend)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow);
+@@ -4387,6 +4396,8 @@ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 	int	(*color_change)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 				struct net_device *dev,
+ 				struct cfg80211_color_change_settings *params);
++	int	(*set_radar_offchan)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++				     struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -7608,6 +7619,20 @@ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_devic
+ 			const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+ 			enum nl80211_radar_event event, gfp_t gfp);
++ * cfg80211_offchan_cac_event - Channel Availability Check (CAC) offchan event
++ * @wiphy: the wiphy
++ * @chandef: chandef for the current channel
++ * @event: type of event
++ *
++ * This function is called when a Channel Availability Check (CAC) is finished,
++ * started or aborted by a offchannel dedicated chain.
++ *
++ * Note that this acquires the wiphy lock.
++ */
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++				const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++				enum nl80211_radar_event event);
+ /**
+  * cfg80211_gtk_rekey_notify - notify userspace about driver rekeying
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -2608,6 +2608,13 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *	Mandatory parameter for the transmitting interface to enable MBSSID.
+  *	Optional for the non-transmitting interfaces.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
++ *	radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used to transmit
++ *	or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
++ *	Offchannel radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
++ *	switching on a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
++ *	radar channel.
++ *
+  * @NUM_NL80211_ATTR: total number of nl80211_attrs available
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_MAX: highest attribute number currently defined
+  * @__NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use
+@@ -3114,6 +3121,8 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+ 	/* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */
+@@ -6013,6 +6022,9 @@ enum nl80211_feature_flags {
+  * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BSS_COLOR: The driver supports BSS color collision
+  *	detection and change announcemnts.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RADAR_OFFCHAN: Device supports offchannel radar/CAC
++ *	detection.
++ *
+  * @NUM_NL80211_EXT_FEATURES: number of extended features.
+  * @MAX_NL80211_EXT_FEATURES: highest extended feature index.
+  */
+@@ -6078,6 +6090,7 @@ enum nl80211_ext_feature_index {
+ 	/* add new features before the definition below */
+--- a/net/wireless/core.c
++++ b/net/wireless/core.c
+@@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ use_default_name:
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->rfkill_block, cfg80211_rfkill_block_work);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->conn_work, cfg80211_conn_work);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->event_work, cfg80211_event_work);
++	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rdev->offchan_cac_work, cfg80211_offchan_cac_work);
+ 	init_waitqueue_head(&rdev->dev_wait);
+@@ -1205,6 +1206,8 @@ void __cfg80211_leave(struct cfg80211_re
+ 	cfg80211_pmsr_wdev_down(wdev);
++	cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(wdev);
+ 	switch (wdev->iftype) {
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC:
+ 		__cfg80211_leave_ibss(rdev, dev, true);
+--- a/net/wireless/core.h
++++ b/net/wireless/core.h
+@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ struct cfg80211_registered_device {
+ 	struct delayed_work dfs_update_channels_wk;
++	struct wireless_dev *offchan_radar_wdev;
++	struct cfg80211_chan_def offchan_radar_chandef;
++	struct delayed_work offchan_cac_work;
+ 	/* netlink port which started critical protocol (0 means not started) */
+ 	u32 crit_proto_nlportid;
+@@ -491,6 +495,15 @@ cfg80211_chandef_dfs_cac_time(struct wip
+ void cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev);
++cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++				       struct wireless_dev *wdev,
++				       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
++void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_work(struct work_struct *work);
+ bool cfg80211_any_wiphy_oper_chan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 				  struct ieee80211_channel *chan);
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -970,3 +970,116 @@ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_devic
+ 	nl80211_radar_notify(rdev, chandef, event, netdev, gfp);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_cac_event);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_work(struct work_struct *work)
++	struct delayed_work *delayed_work = to_delayed_work(work);
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev;
++	rdev = container_of(delayed_work, struct cfg80211_registered_device,
++			    offchan_cac_work);
++	cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(&rdev->wiphy, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
++				   NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED);
++static void
++__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++			     struct wireless_dev *wdev,
++			     const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++			     enum nl80211_radar_event event)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = &rdev->wiphy;
++	struct net_device *netdev;
++	lockdep_assert_wiphy(&rdev->wiphy);
++	if (event != NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED && !rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++		return;
++	switch (event) {
++		cfg80211_set_dfs_state(wiphy, chandef, NL80211_DFS_AVAILABLE);
++		memcpy(&rdev->cac_done_chandef, chandef, sizeof(*chandef));
++		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->propagate_cac_done_wk);
++		cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
++		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
++		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
++		break;
++	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED:
++		cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_work);
++		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
++		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
++		break;
++	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED:
++		WARN_ON(!wdev);
++		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = wdev;
++		break;
++	default:
++		return;
++	}
++	netdev = wdev ? wdev->netdev : NULL;
++	nl80211_radar_notify(rdev, chandef, event, netdev, GFP_KERNEL);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++				const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++				enum nl80211_radar_event event)
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
++	wiphy_lock(wiphy);
++	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, NULL, chandef, event);
++	wiphy_unlock(wiphy);
++cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++				       struct wireless_dev *wdev,
++				       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++	unsigned int cac_time_ms;
++	int err;
++	lockdep_assert_wiphy(&rdev->wiphy);
++	if (!wiphy_ext_feature_isset(&rdev->wiphy,
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	if (rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++		return -EBUSY;
++	err = rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, chandef);
++	if (err)
++		return err;
++	cac_time_ms = cfg80211_chandef_dfs_cac_time(&rdev->wiphy, chandef);
++	if (!cac_time_ms)
++		cac_time_ms = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_CAC_TIME_MS;
++	rdev->offchan_radar_chandef = *chandef;
++	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, chandef,
++				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED);
++	queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_work,
++			   msecs_to_jiffies(cac_time_ms));
++	return 0;
++void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = wdev->wiphy;
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
++	lockdep_assert_wiphy(wiphy);
++	if (wdev != rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++		return;
++	rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, NULL);
++	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, NULL, NULL,
++				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -801,6 +801,7 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_p
+ 			NLA_POLICY_NESTED(nl80211_mbssid_config_policy),
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS] = { .type = NLA_NESTED },
++	[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
+ };
+ /* policy for the key attributes */
+@@ -9287,12 +9288,6 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection
+ 	if (err)
+ 		return err;
+-	if (netif_carrier_ok(dev))
+-		return -EBUSY;
+-	if (wdev->cac_started)
+-		return -EBUSY;
+ 	err = cfg80211_chandef_dfs_required(wiphy, &chandef, wdev->iftype);
+ 	if (err < 0)
+ 		return err;
+@@ -9303,6 +9298,16 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection
+ 	if (!cfg80211_chandef_dfs_usable(wiphy, &chandef))
+ 		return -EINVAL;
++	if (nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN]))
++		return cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(rdev, wdev,
++							      &chandef);
++	if (netif_carrier_ok(dev))
++		return -EBUSY;
++	if (wdev->cac_started)
++		return -EBUSY;
+ 	/* CAC start is offloaded to HW and can't be started manually */
+ 	if (wiphy_ext_feature_isset(wiphy, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DFS_OFFLOAD))
+ 		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+--- a/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
++++ b/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
+@@ -1381,4 +1381,21 @@ static inline int rdev_color_change(stru
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static inline int
++rdev_set_radar_offchan(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++		       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = &rdev->wiphy;
++	int ret;
++	if (!rdev->ops->set_radar_offchan)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	trace_rdev_set_radar_offchan(wiphy, chandef);
++	ret = rdev->ops->set_radar_offchan(wiphy, chandef);
++	trace_rdev_return_int(wiphy, ret);
++	return ret;
+ #endif /* __CFG80211_RDEV_OPS */
+--- a/net/wireless/trace.h
++++ b/net/wireless/trace.h
+@@ -3643,6 +3643,25 @@ TRACE_EVENT(cfg80211_bss_color_notify,
+ 		  __entry->color_bitmap)
+ );
++	TP_PROTO(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef),
++	TP_ARGS(wiphy, chandef),
++	TP_STRUCT__entry(
++	),
++	TP_fast_assign(
++		CHAN_DEF_ASSIGN(chandef)
++	),
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/315-v5.17-cfg80211-move-offchan_cac_event-to-a-dedicated-work.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/315-v5.17-cfg80211-move-offchan_cac_event-to-a-dedicated-work.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1a1d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/315-v5.17-cfg80211-move-offchan_cac_event-to-a-dedicated-work.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 11:03:42 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: move offchan_cac_event to a dedicated work
+In order to make cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort() (renamed from
+cfg80211_offchan_cac_event) callable in other contexts and
+without so much locking restrictions, make it trigger a new
+work instead of operating directly.
+Do some other renames while at it to clarify.
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/6145c3d0f30400a568023f67981981d24c7c6133.1635325205.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+[rewrite commit log]
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -7620,19 +7620,13 @@ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_devic
+ 			enum nl80211_radar_event event, gfp_t gfp);
+ /**
+- * cfg80211_offchan_cac_event - Channel Availability Check (CAC) offchan event
++ * cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort - Channel Availability Check offchan abort event
+  * @wiphy: the wiphy
+- * @chandef: chandef for the current channel
+- * @event: type of event
+  *
+- * This function is called when a Channel Availability Check (CAC) is finished,
+- * started or aborted by a offchannel dedicated chain.
+- *
+- * Note that this acquires the wiphy lock.
++ * This function is called by the driver when a Channel Availability Check
++ * (CAC) is aborted by a offchannel dedicated chain.
+  */
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-				const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+-				enum nl80211_radar_event event);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort(struct wiphy *wiphy);
+ /**
+  * cfg80211_gtk_rekey_notify - notify userspace about driver rekeying
+--- a/net/wireless/core.c
++++ b/net/wireless/core.c
+@@ -543,7 +543,9 @@ use_default_name:
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->rfkill_block, cfg80211_rfkill_block_work);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->conn_work, cfg80211_conn_work);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->event_work, cfg80211_event_work);
+-	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rdev->offchan_cac_work, cfg80211_offchan_cac_work);
++	INIT_WORK(&rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk, cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort_wk);
++	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk,
++			  cfg80211_offchan_cac_done_wk);
+ 	init_waitqueue_head(&rdev->dev_wait);
+@@ -1053,11 +1055,13 @@ void wiphy_unregister(struct wiphy *wiph
+ 	cancel_work_sync(&rdev->conn_work);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->event_work);
+ 	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rdev->dfs_update_channels_wk);
++	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->destroy_work);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->sched_scan_stop_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->propagate_radar_detect_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->propagate_cac_done_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->mgmt_registrations_update_wk);
++	flush_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_PM
+ 	if (rdev->wiphy.wowlan_config && rdev->ops->set_wakeup)
+--- a/net/wireless/core.h
++++ b/net/wireless/core.h
+@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ struct cfg80211_registered_device {
+ 	struct wireless_dev *offchan_radar_wdev;
+ 	struct cfg80211_chan_def offchan_radar_chandef;
+-	struct delayed_work offchan_cac_work;
++	struct delayed_work offchan_cac_done_wk;
++	struct work_struct offchan_cac_abort_wk;
+ 	/* netlink port which started critical protocol (0 means not started) */
+ 	u32 crit_proto_nlportid;
+@@ -502,7 +503,9 @@ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(s
+ void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_work(struct work_struct *work);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort_wk(struct work_struct *work);
+ bool cfg80211_any_wiphy_oper_chan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 				  struct ieee80211_channel *chan);
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -971,17 +971,6 @@ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_devic
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_cac_event);
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_work(struct work_struct *work)
+-	struct delayed_work *delayed_work = to_delayed_work(work);
+-	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev;
+-	rdev = container_of(delayed_work, struct cfg80211_registered_device,
+-			    offchan_cac_work);
+-	cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(&rdev->wiphy, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
+-				   NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED);
+ static void
+ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 			     struct wireless_dev *wdev,
+@@ -1006,7 +995,7 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED:
+-		cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_work);
++		cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk);
+ 		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
+ 		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
+ 		break;
+@@ -1022,17 +1011,44 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 	nl80211_radar_notify(rdev, chandef, event, netdev, GFP_KERNEL);
+ }
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-				const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+-				enum nl80211_radar_event event)
++static void
++cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++			   const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++			   enum nl80211_radar_event event)
++	wiphy_lock(&rdev->wiphy);
++	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, NULL, chandef, event);
++	wiphy_unlock(&rdev->wiphy);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work)
++	struct delayed_work *delayed_work = to_delayed_work(work);
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev;
++	rdev = container_of(delayed_work, struct cfg80211_registered_device,
++			    offchan_cac_done_wk);
++	cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
++				   NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort_wk(struct work_struct *work)
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev;
++	rdev = container_of(work, struct cfg80211_registered_device,
++			    offchan_cac_abort_wk);
++	cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
++				   NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
++void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort(struct wiphy *wiphy)
+ {
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
+-	wiphy_lock(wiphy);
+-	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, NULL, chandef, event);
+-	wiphy_unlock(wiphy);
++	queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk);
+ }
+ int
+ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+@@ -1062,7 +1078,7 @@ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(s
+ 	rdev->offchan_radar_chandef = *chandef;
+ 	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, chandef,
+ 				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED);
+-	queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_work,
++	queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk,
+ 			   msecs_to_jiffies(cac_time_ms));
+ 	return 0;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/316-v5.17-cfg80211-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in-cf.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/316-v5.17-cfg80211-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in-cf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362bb88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/316-v5.17-cfg80211-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in-cf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2021 18:02:35 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
+ cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection
+Fix the following NULL pointer dereference in
+cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection routine that occurs when hostapd
+is stopped during the CAC on offchannel chain:
+Sat Jan  1 0[  779.567851]   ESR = 0x96000005
+0:12:50 2000 dae[  779.572346]   EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits
+mon.debug hostap[  779.578984]   SET = 0, FnV = 0
+d: hostapd_inter[  779.583445]   EA = 0, S1PTW = 0
+face_deinit_free[  779.587936] Data abort info:
+: num_bss=1 conf[  779.592224]   ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000005
+Sat[  779.597403]   CM = 0, WnR = 0
+ Jan  1 00:12:50[  779.601749] user pgtable: 4k pages, 39-bit VAs, pgdp=00000000418b2000
+ 2000 daemon.deb[  779.609601] [0000000000000000] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000, pud=0000000000000000
+ug hostapd: host[  779.619657] Internal error: Oops: 96000005 [#1] SMP
+[  779.770810] CPU: 0 PID: 2202 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 5.10.75 #0
+[  779.776892] Hardware name: MediaTek MT7622 RFB1 board (DT)
+[  779.782370] pstate: 80000005 (Nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO BTYPE=--)
+[  779.788384] pc : cfg80211_chandef_valid+0x10/0x490 [cfg80211]
+[  779.794128] lr : cfg80211_check_station_change+0x3190/0x3950 [cfg80211]
+[  779.800731] sp : ffffffc01204b7e0
+[  779.804036] x29: ffffffc01204b7e0 x28: ffffff80039bdc00
+[  779.809340] x27: 0000000000000000 x26: ffffffc008cb3050
+[  779.814644] x25: 0000000000000000 x24: 0000000000000002
+[  779.819948] x23: ffffff8002630000 x22: ffffff8003e748d0
+[  779.825252] x21: 0000000000000cc0 x20: ffffff8003da4a00
+[  779.830556] x19: 0000000000000000 x18: ffffff8001bf7ce0
+[  779.835860] x17: 00000000ffffffff x16: 0000000000000000
+[  779.841164] x15: 0000000040d59200 x14: 00000000000019c0
+[  779.846467] x13: 00000000000001c8 x12: 000636b9e9dab1c6
+[  779.851771] x11: 0000000000000141 x10: 0000000000000820
+[  779.857076] x9 : 0000000000000000 x8 : ffffff8003d7d038
+[  779.862380] x7 : 0000000000000000 x6 : ffffff8003d7d038
+[  779.867683] x5 : 0000000000000e90 x4 : 0000000000000038
+[  779.872987] x3 : 0000000000000002 x2 : 0000000000000004
+[  779.878291] x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : 0000000000000000
+[  779.883594] Call trace:
+[  779.886039]  cfg80211_chandef_valid+0x10/0x490 [cfg80211]
+[  779.891434]  cfg80211_check_station_change+0x3190/0x3950 [cfg80211]
+[  779.897697]  nl80211_radar_notify+0x138/0x19c [cfg80211]
+[  779.903005]  cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection+0x7c/0x8c [cfg80211]
+[  779.909616]  __cfg80211_leave+0x2c/0x190 [cfg80211]
+[  779.914490]  cfg80211_register_netdevice+0x1c0/0x6d0 [cfg80211]
+[  779.920404]  raw_notifier_call_chain+0x50/0x70
+[  779.924841]  call_netdevice_notifiers_info+0x54/0xa0
+[  779.929796]  __dev_close_many+0x40/0x100
+[  779.933712]  __dev_change_flags+0x98/0x190
+[  779.937800]  dev_change_flags+0x20/0x60
+[  779.941628]  devinet_ioctl+0x534/0x6d0
+[  779.945370]  inet_ioctl+0x1bc/0x230
+[  779.948849]  sock_do_ioctl+0x44/0x200
+[  779.952502]  sock_ioctl+0x268/0x4c0
+[  779.955985]  __arm64_sys_ioctl+0xac/0xd0
+[  779.959900]  el0_svc_common.constprop.0+0x60/0x110
+[  779.964682]  do_el0_svc+0x1c/0x24
+[  779.967990]  el0_svc+0x10/0x1c
+[  779.971036]  el0_sync_handler+0x9c/0x120
+[  779.974950]  el0_sync+0x148/0x180
+[  779.978259] Code: a9bc7bfd 910003fd a90153f3 aa0003f3 (f9400000)
+[  779.984344] ---[ end trace 0e67b4f5d6cdeec7 ]---
+[  779.996400] Kernel panic - not syncing: Oops: Fatal exception
+[  780.002139] SMP: stopping secondary CPUs
+[  780.006057] Kernel Offset: disabled
+[  780.009537] CPU features: 0x0000002,04002004
+[  780.013796] Memory Limit: none
+Fixes: b8f5facf286b ("cfg80211: implement APIs for dedicated radar detection HW")
+Reported-by: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+Tested-by: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/c2e34c065bf8839c5ffa45498ae154021a72a520.1635958796.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -982,6 +982,9 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 	lockdep_assert_wiphy(&rdev->wiphy);
++	if (!cfg80211_chandef_valid(chandef))
++		return;
+ 	if (event != NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED && !rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
+ 		return;
+@@ -1096,6 +1099,6 @@ void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detecti
+ 	rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, NULL);
+-	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, NULL, NULL,
++	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
+ 				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
+ }
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/317-v5.17-cfg80211-schedule-offchan_cac_abort_wk-in-cfg80211_r.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/317-v5.17-cfg80211-schedule-offchan_cac_abort_wk-in-cfg80211_r.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df7afef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/317-v5.17-cfg80211-schedule-offchan_cac_abort_wk-in-cfg80211_r.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 12:41:52 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: schedule offchan_cac_abort_wk in
+ cfg80211_radar_event
+If necessary schedule offchan_cac_abort_wk work in cfg80211_radar_event
+routine adding offchan parameter to cfg80211_radar_event signature.
+Rename cfg80211_radar_event in __cfg80211_radar_event and introduce
+the two following inline helpers:
+- cfg80211_radar_event
+- cfg80211_offchan_radar_event
+Doing so the drv will not need to run cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort() after
+radar detection on the offchannel chain.
+Tested-by: Owen Peng <owen.peng@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/3ff583e021e3343a3ced54a7b09b5e184d1880dc.1637062727.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -7580,15 +7580,33 @@ void cfg80211_cqm_txe_notify(struct net_
+ void cfg80211_cqm_beacon_loss_notify(struct net_device *dev, gfp_t gfp);
+ /**
+- * cfg80211_radar_event - radar detection event
++ * __cfg80211_radar_event - radar detection event
+  * @wiphy: the wiphy
+  * @chandef: chandef for the current channel
++ * @offchan: the radar has been detected on the offchannel chain
+  * @gfp: context flags
+  *
+  * This function is called when a radar is detected on the current chanenl.
+  */
+-void cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-			  struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef, gfp_t gfp);
++void __cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++			    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++			    bool offchan, gfp_t gfp);
++static inline void
++cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++		     struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++		     gfp_t gfp)
++	__cfg80211_radar_event(wiphy, chandef, false, gfp);
++static inline void
++cfg80211_offchan_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++			     struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++			     gfp_t gfp)
++	__cfg80211_radar_event(wiphy, chandef, true, gfp);
+ /**
+  * cfg80211_sta_opmode_change_notify - STA's ht/vht operation mode change event
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -905,13 +905,13 @@ void cfg80211_dfs_channels_update_work(s
+ }
+-void cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-			  struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+-			  gfp_t gfp)
++void __cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++			    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++			    bool offchan, gfp_t gfp)
+ {
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
+-	trace_cfg80211_radar_event(wiphy, chandef);
++	trace_cfg80211_radar_event(wiphy, chandef, offchan);
+ 	/* only set the chandef supplied channel to unavailable, in
+ 	 * case the radar is detected on only one of multiple channels
+@@ -919,6 +919,9 @@ void cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *
+ 	 */
+ 	cfg80211_set_dfs_state(wiphy, chandef, NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE);
++	if (offchan)
++		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk);
+ 	cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
+ 	nl80211_radar_notify(rdev, chandef, NL80211_RADAR_DETECTED, NULL, gfp);
+@@ -926,7 +929,7 @@ void cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *
+ 	memcpy(&rdev->radar_chandef, chandef, sizeof(struct cfg80211_chan_def));
+ 	queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->propagate_radar_detect_wk);
+ }
+ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_device *netdev,
+ 			const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+@@ -998,7 +1001,8 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED:
+-		cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk);
++		if (!cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk))
++			return;
+ 		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
+ 		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
+ 		break;
+--- a/net/wireless/trace.h
++++ b/net/wireless/trace.h
+@@ -3022,18 +3022,21 @@ TRACE_EVENT(cfg80211_ch_switch_started_n
+ );
+ TRACE_EVENT(cfg80211_radar_event,
+-	TP_PROTO(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef),
+-	TP_ARGS(wiphy, chandef),
++	TP_PROTO(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++		 bool offchan),
++	TP_ARGS(wiphy, chandef, offchan),
+ 	TP_STRUCT__entry(
++		__field(bool, offchan)
+ 	),
+ 	TP_fast_assign(
+ 		CHAN_DEF_ASSIGN(chandef);
++		__entry->offchan = offchan;
+ 	),
++	TP_printk(WIPHY_PR_FMT ", " CHAN_DEF_PR_FMT ", offchan %d",
++		  WIPHY_PR_ARG, CHAN_DEF_PR_ARG, __entry->offchan)
+ );
+ TRACE_EVENT(cfg80211_cac_event,
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/318-v5.17-cfg80211-allow-continuous-radar-monitoring-on-offcha.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/318-v5.17-cfg80211-allow-continuous-radar-monitoring-on-offcha.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1b6e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/318-v5.17-cfg80211-allow-continuous-radar-monitoring-on-offcha.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 15:03:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: allow continuous radar monitoring on offchannel
+ chain
+Allow continuous radar detection on the offchannel chain in order
+to switch to the monitored channel whenever the underlying driver
+reports a radar pattern on the main channel.
+Tested-by: Owen Peng <owen.peng@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/d46217310a49b14ff0e9c002f0a6e0547d70fd2c.1637071350.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/net/wireless/chan.c
++++ b/net/wireless/chan.c
+@@ -712,6 +712,19 @@ static bool cfg80211_is_wiphy_oper_chan(
+ 	return false;
+ }
++static bool
++cfg80211_offchan_chain_is_active(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++				 struct ieee80211_channel *channel)
++	if (!rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++		return false;
++	if (!cfg80211_chandef_valid(&rdev->offchan_radar_chandef))
++		return false;
++	return cfg80211_is_sub_chan(&rdev->offchan_radar_chandef, channel);
+ bool cfg80211_any_wiphy_oper_chan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 				  struct ieee80211_channel *chan)
+ {
+@@ -728,6 +741,9 @@ bool cfg80211_any_wiphy_oper_chan(struct
+ 		if (cfg80211_is_wiphy_oper_chan(&rdev->wiphy, chan))
+ 			return true;
++		if (cfg80211_offchan_chain_is_active(rdev, chan))
++			return true;
+ 	}
+ 	return false;
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 	if (!cfg80211_chandef_valid(chandef))
+ 		return;
+-	if (event != NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED && !rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++	if (!rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
+ 		return;
+ 	switch (event) {
+@@ -998,17 +998,13 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->propagate_cac_done_wk);
+ 		cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
+ 		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
+-		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED:
+ 		if (!cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk))
+ 			return;
+ 		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
+-		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED:
+-		WARN_ON(!wdev);
+-		rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = wdev;
+ 		break;
+ 	default:
+ 		return;
+@@ -1024,7 +1020,8 @@ cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg802
+ 			   enum nl80211_radar_event event)
+ {
+ 	wiphy_lock(&rdev->wiphy);
+-	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, NULL, chandef, event);
++	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, rdev->offchan_radar_wdev,
++				     chandef, event);
+ 	wiphy_unlock(&rdev->wiphy);
+ }
+@@ -1071,7 +1068,13 @@ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(s
+ 		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+-	if (rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++	/* Offchannel chain already locked by another wdev */
++	if (rdev->offchan_radar_wdev && rdev->offchan_radar_wdev != wdev)
++		return -EBUSY;
++	/* CAC already in progress on the offchannel chain */
++	if (rdev->offchan_radar_wdev == wdev &&
++	    delayed_work_pending(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk))
+ 		return -EBUSY;
+ 	err = rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, chandef);
+@@ -1083,6 +1086,8 @@ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(s
+ 		cac_time_ms = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_CAC_TIME_MS;
+ 	rdev->offchan_radar_chandef = *chandef;
++	rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = wdev; /* Get offchain ownership */
+ 	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, chandef,
+ 				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED);
+ 	queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk,
+@@ -1102,6 +1107,7 @@ void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detecti
+ 		return;
+ 	rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, NULL);
++	rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL; /* Release offchain ownership */
+ 	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
+ 				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -9278,42 +9278,60 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection
+ 	struct cfg80211_chan_def chandef;
+ 	enum nl80211_dfs_regions dfs_region;
+ 	unsigned int cac_time_ms;
+-	int err;
++	int err = -EINVAL;
++	flush_delayed_work(&rdev->dfs_update_channels_wk);
++	wiphy_lock(wiphy);
+ 	dfs_region = reg_get_dfs_region(wiphy);
+ 	if (dfs_region == NL80211_DFS_UNSET)
+-		return -EINVAL;
++		goto unlock;
+ 	err = nl80211_parse_chandef(rdev, info, &chandef);
+ 	if (err)
+-		return err;
++		goto unlock;
+ 	err = cfg80211_chandef_dfs_required(wiphy, &chandef, wdev->iftype);
+ 	if (err < 0)
+-		return err;
++		goto unlock;
+-	if (err == 0)
+-		return -EINVAL;
++	if (err == 0) {
++		err = -EINVAL;
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+-	if (!cfg80211_chandef_dfs_usable(wiphy, &chandef))
+-		return -EINVAL;
++	if (!cfg80211_chandef_dfs_usable(wiphy, &chandef)) {
++		err = -EINVAL;
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+-	if (nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN]))
+-		return cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(rdev, wdev,
+-							      &chandef);
++	if (nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN])) {
++		err = cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(rdev, wdev,
++							     &chandef);
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+-	if (netif_carrier_ok(dev))
+-		return -EBUSY;
++	if (netif_carrier_ok(dev)) {
++		err = -EBUSY;
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+-	if (wdev->cac_started)
+-		return -EBUSY;
++	if (wdev->cac_started) {
++		err = -EBUSY;
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+ 	/* CAC start is offloaded to HW and can't be started manually */
+-	if (wiphy_ext_feature_isset(wiphy, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DFS_OFFLOAD))
+-		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	if (wiphy_ext_feature_isset(wiphy, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DFS_OFFLOAD)) {
++		err = -EOPNOTSUPP;
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+-	if (!rdev->ops->start_radar_detection)
+-		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	if (!rdev->ops->start_radar_detection) {
++		err = -EOPNOTSUPP;
++		goto unlock;
++	}
+ 	cac_time_ms = cfg80211_chandef_dfs_cac_time(&rdev->wiphy, &chandef);
+ 	if (WARN_ON(!cac_time_ms))
+@@ -9326,6 +9344,9 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection
+ 		wdev->cac_start_time = jiffies;
+ 		wdev->cac_time_ms = cac_time_ms;
+ 	}
++	wiphy_unlock(wiphy);
+ 	return err;
+ }
+@@ -15961,7 +15982,8 @@ static const struct genl_small_ops nl802
+ 		.doit = nl80211_start_radar_detection,
+ 		.flags = GENL_UNS_ADMIN_PERM,
+-		.internal_flags = NL80211_FLAG_NEED_NETDEV_UP,
++		.internal_flags = NL80211_FLAG_NEED_NETDEV_UP |
++				  NL80211_FLAG_NO_WIPHY_MTX,
+ 	},
+ 	{
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/319-v5.17-mac80211-introduce-set_radar_offchan-callback.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/319-v5.17-mac80211-introduce-set_radar_offchan-callback.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6197abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/319-v5.17-mac80211-introduce-set_radar_offchan-callback.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 11:10:51 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: introduce set_radar_offchan callback
+Similar to cfg80211, introduce set_radar_offchan callback in mac80211_ops
+in order to configure a dedicated offchannel chain available on some hw
+(e.g. mt7915) to perform offchannel CAC detection and avoid tx/rx downtime.
+Tested-by: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/201110606d4f3a7dfdf31440e351f2e2c375d4f0.1634979655.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -3937,6 +3937,14 @@ struct ieee80211_prep_tx_info {
+  *	twt structure.
+  * @twt_teardown_request: Update the hw with TWT teardown request received
+  *	from the peer.
++ * @set_radar_offchan: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
++ *	radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used to transmit
++ *	or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
++ *	Offchannel radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
++ *	switching to a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
++ *	radar channel.
++ *	The caller is expected to set chandef pointer to NULL in order to
++ *	disable offchannel CAC/radar detection.
+  * @net_fill_forward_path: Called from .ndo_fill_forward_path in order to
+  *	resolve a path for hardware flow offloading
+  */
+@@ -4267,6 +4275,8 @@ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 			      struct ieee80211_twt_setup *twt);
+ 	void (*twt_teardown_request)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 flowid);
++	int (*set_radar_offchan)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++				 struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+ #if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ 	int (*net_fill_forward_path)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -4341,6 +4341,18 @@ out:
+ 	return err;
+ }
++static int
++ieee80211_set_radar_offchan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++			    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
++	if (!local->ops->set_radar_offchan)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	return local->ops->set_radar_offchan(&local->hw, chandef);
+ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = {
+ 	.add_virtual_intf = ieee80211_add_iface,
+ 	.del_virtual_intf = ieee80211_del_iface,
+@@ -4445,4 +4457,5 @@ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_confi
+ 	.reset_tid_config = ieee80211_reset_tid_config,
+ 	.set_sar_specs = ieee80211_set_sar_specs,
+ 	.color_change = ieee80211_color_change,
++	.set_radar_offchan = ieee80211_set_radar_offchan,
+ };
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/320-v5.17-cfg80211-rename-offchannel_chain-structs-to-backgrou.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/320-v5.17-cfg80211-rename-offchannel_chain-structs-to-backgrou.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..608e724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/320-v5.17-cfg80211-rename-offchannel_chain-structs-to-backgrou.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 14:11:24 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] cfg80211: rename offchannel_chain structs to background_chain
+ to avoid confusion with ETSI standard
+ETSI standard defines "Offchannel CAC" as:
+"Off-Channel CAC is performed by a number of non-continuous checks
+spread over a period in time. This period, which is required to
+determine the presence of radar signals, is defined as the Off-Channel
+CAC Time..
+Minimum Off-Channel CAC Time 6 minutes and Maximum Off-Channel CAC Time
+4 hours..".
+mac80211 implementation refers to a dedicated hw chain used for continuous
+radar monitoring. Rename offchannel_* references to background_* in
+order to avoid confusion with ETSI standard.
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/4204cc1d648d76b44557981713231e030a3bd991.1638190762.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -4058,14 +4058,14 @@ struct mgmt_frame_regs {
+  *
+  * @color_change: Initiate a color change.
+  *
+- * @set_radar_offchan: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
++ * @set_radar_background: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
+  *	radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used to transmit
+  *	or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
+- *	Offchannel radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
++ *	Background radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
+  *	switching to a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
+  *	radar channel.
+  *	The caller is expected to set chandef pointer to NULL in order to
+- *	disable offchannel CAC/radar detection.
++ *	disable background CAC/radar detection.
+  */
+ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 	int	(*suspend)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_wowlan *wow);
+@@ -4396,8 +4396,8 @@ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 	int	(*color_change)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 				struct net_device *dev,
+ 				struct cfg80211_color_change_settings *params);
+-	int	(*set_radar_offchan)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-				     struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
++	int	(*set_radar_background)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++					struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -7601,9 +7601,9 @@ cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy
+ }
+ static inline void
+-cfg80211_offchan_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-			     struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+-			     gfp_t gfp)
++cfg80211_background_radar_event(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++				struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++				gfp_t gfp)
+ {
+ 	__cfg80211_radar_event(wiphy, chandef, true, gfp);
+ }
+@@ -7638,13 +7638,13 @@ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_devic
+ 			enum nl80211_radar_event event, gfp_t gfp);
+ /**
+- * cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort - Channel Availability Check offchan abort event
++ * cfg80211_background_cac_abort - Channel Availability Check offchan abort event
+  * @wiphy: the wiphy
+  *
+  * This function is called by the driver when a Channel Availability Check
+  * (CAC) is aborted by a offchannel dedicated chain.
+  */
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort(struct wiphy *wiphy);
++void cfg80211_background_cac_abort(struct wiphy *wiphy);
+ /**
+  * cfg80211_gtk_rekey_notify - notify userspace about driver rekeying
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -3937,14 +3937,14 @@ struct ieee80211_prep_tx_info {
+  *	twt structure.
+  * @twt_teardown_request: Update the hw with TWT teardown request received
+  *	from the peer.
+- * @set_radar_offchan: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
++ * @set_radar_background: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
+  *	radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used to transmit
+  *	or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
+- *	Offchannel radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
++ *	Background radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
+  *	switching to a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
+  *	radar channel.
+  *	The caller is expected to set chandef pointer to NULL in order to
+- *	disable offchannel CAC/radar detection.
++ *	disable background CAC/radar detection.
+  * @net_fill_forward_path: Called from .ndo_fill_forward_path in order to
+  *	resolve a path for hardware flow offloading
+  */
+@@ -4275,8 +4275,8 @@ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 			      struct ieee80211_twt_setup *twt);
+ 	void (*twt_teardown_request)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 flowid);
+-	int (*set_radar_offchan)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-				 struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
++	int (*set_radar_background)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++				    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+ #if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ 	int (*net_fill_forward_path)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -2608,10 +2608,10 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *	Mandatory parameter for the transmitting interface to enable MBSSID.
+  *	Optional for the non-transmitting interfaces.
+  *
+- * @NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN: Configure dedicated offchannel chain available for
+- *	radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used to transmit
+- *	or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
+- *	Offchannel radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_BACKGROUND: Configure dedicated offchannel chain
++ *	available for radar/CAC detection on some hw. This chain can't be used
++ *	to transmit or receive frames and it is bounded to a running wdev.
++ *	Background radar/CAC detection allows to avoid the CAC downtime
+  *	switching on a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
+  *	radar channel.
+  *
+@@ -3121,7 +3121,7 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+ 	/* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */
+@@ -6022,7 +6022,7 @@ enum nl80211_feature_flags {
+  * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BSS_COLOR: The driver supports BSS color collision
+  *	detection and change announcemnts.
+  *
+- * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RADAR_OFFCHAN: Device supports offchannel radar/CAC
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RADAR_BACKGROUND: Device supports background radar/CAC
+  *	detection.
+  *
+  * @NUM_NL80211_EXT_FEATURES: number of extended features.
+@@ -6090,7 +6090,7 @@ enum nl80211_ext_feature_index {
+ 	/* add new features before the definition below */
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -4342,15 +4342,15 @@ out:
+ }
+ static int
+-ieee80211_set_radar_offchan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+-			    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++ieee80211_set_radar_background(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++			       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+-	if (!local->ops->set_radar_offchan)
++	if (!local->ops->set_radar_background)
+ 		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+-	return local->ops->set_radar_offchan(&local->hw, chandef);
++	return local->ops->set_radar_background(&local->hw, chandef);
+ }
+ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = {
+@@ -4457,5 +4457,5 @@ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_confi
+ 	.reset_tid_config = ieee80211_reset_tid_config,
+ 	.set_sar_specs = ieee80211_set_sar_specs,
+ 	.color_change = ieee80211_color_change,
+-	.set_radar_offchan = ieee80211_set_radar_offchan,
++	.set_radar_background = ieee80211_set_radar_background,
+ };
+--- a/net/wireless/chan.c
++++ b/net/wireless/chan.c
+@@ -716,13 +716,13 @@ static bool
+ cfg80211_offchan_chain_is_active(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 				 struct ieee80211_channel *channel)
+ {
+-	if (!rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++	if (!rdev->background_radar_wdev)
+ 		return false;
+-	if (!cfg80211_chandef_valid(&rdev->offchan_radar_chandef))
++	if (!cfg80211_chandef_valid(&rdev->background_radar_chandef))
+ 		return false;
+-	return cfg80211_is_sub_chan(&rdev->offchan_radar_chandef, channel);
++	return cfg80211_is_sub_chan(&rdev->background_radar_chandef, channel);
+ }
+ bool cfg80211_any_wiphy_oper_chan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+--- a/net/wireless/core.c
++++ b/net/wireless/core.c
+@@ -543,9 +543,10 @@ use_default_name:
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->rfkill_block, cfg80211_rfkill_block_work);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->conn_work, cfg80211_conn_work);
+ 	INIT_WORK(&rdev->event_work, cfg80211_event_work);
+-	INIT_WORK(&rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk, cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort_wk);
+-	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk,
+-			  cfg80211_offchan_cac_done_wk);
++	INIT_WORK(&rdev->background_cac_abort_wk,
++		  cfg80211_background_cac_abort_wk);
++	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rdev->background_cac_done_wk,
++			  cfg80211_background_cac_done_wk);
+ 	init_waitqueue_head(&rdev->dev_wait);
+@@ -1055,13 +1056,13 @@ void wiphy_unregister(struct wiphy *wiph
+ 	cancel_work_sync(&rdev->conn_work);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->event_work);
+ 	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rdev->dfs_update_channels_wk);
+-	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk);
++	cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rdev->background_cac_done_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->destroy_work);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->sched_scan_stop_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->propagate_radar_detect_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->propagate_cac_done_wk);
+ 	flush_work(&rdev->mgmt_registrations_update_wk);
+-	flush_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk);
++	flush_work(&rdev->background_cac_abort_wk);
+ #ifdef CONFIG_PM
+ 	if (rdev->wiphy.wowlan_config && rdev->ops->set_wakeup)
+@@ -1210,7 +1211,7 @@ void __cfg80211_leave(struct cfg80211_re
+ 	cfg80211_pmsr_wdev_down(wdev);
+-	cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(wdev);
++	cfg80211_stop_background_radar_detection(wdev);
+ 	switch (wdev->iftype) {
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC:
+--- a/net/wireless/core.h
++++ b/net/wireless/core.h
+@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ struct cfg80211_registered_device {
+ 	struct delayed_work dfs_update_channels_wk;
+-	struct wireless_dev *offchan_radar_wdev;
+-	struct cfg80211_chan_def offchan_radar_chandef;
+-	struct delayed_work offchan_cac_done_wk;
+-	struct work_struct offchan_cac_abort_wk;
++	struct wireless_dev *background_radar_wdev;
++	struct cfg80211_chan_def background_radar_chandef;
++	struct delayed_work background_cac_done_wk;
++	struct work_struct background_cac_abort_wk;
+ 	/* netlink port which started critical protocol (0 means not started) */
+ 	u32 crit_proto_nlportid;
+@@ -497,15 +497,15 @@ cfg80211_chandef_dfs_cac_time(struct wip
+ void cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev);
+ int
+-cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+-				       struct wireless_dev *wdev,
+-				       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
++cfg80211_start_background_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++					  struct wireless_dev *wdev,
++					  struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+-void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
++void cfg80211_stop_background_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work);
++void cfg80211_background_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work);
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort_wk(struct work_struct *work);
++void cfg80211_background_cac_abort_wk(struct work_struct *work);
+ bool cfg80211_any_wiphy_oper_chan(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 				  struct ieee80211_channel *chan);
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ void __cfg80211_radar_event(struct wiphy
+ 	cfg80211_set_dfs_state(wiphy, chandef, NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE);
+ 	if (offchan)
+-		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk);
++		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->background_cac_abort_wk);
+ 	cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
+@@ -975,10 +975,10 @@ void cfg80211_cac_event(struct net_devic
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(cfg80211_cac_event);
+ static void
+-__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+-			     struct wireless_dev *wdev,
+-			     const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+-			     enum nl80211_radar_event event)
++__cfg80211_background_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++				struct wireless_dev *wdev,
++				const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++				enum nl80211_radar_event event)
+ {
+ 	struct wiphy *wiphy = &rdev->wiphy;
+ 	struct net_device *netdev;
+@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 	if (!cfg80211_chandef_valid(chandef))
+ 		return;
+-	if (!rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++	if (!rdev->background_radar_wdev)
+ 		return;
+ 	switch (event) {
+@@ -997,12 +997,12 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ 		memcpy(&rdev->cac_done_chandef, chandef, sizeof(*chandef));
+ 		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->propagate_cac_done_wk);
+ 		cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
+-		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
++		wdev = rdev->background_radar_wdev;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED:
+-		if (!cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk))
++		if (!cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->background_cac_done_wk))
+ 			return;
+-		wdev = rdev->offchan_radar_wdev;
++		wdev = rdev->background_radar_wdev;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED:
+ 		break;
+@@ -1015,49 +1015,49 @@ __cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg8
+ }
+ static void
+-cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+-			   const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
+-			   enum nl80211_radar_event event)
++cfg80211_background_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++			      const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef,
++			      enum nl80211_radar_event event)
+ {
+ 	wiphy_lock(&rdev->wiphy);
+-	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, rdev->offchan_radar_wdev,
+-				     chandef, event);
++	__cfg80211_background_cac_event(rdev, rdev->background_radar_wdev,
++					chandef, event);
+ 	wiphy_unlock(&rdev->wiphy);
+ }
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work)
++void cfg80211_background_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work)
+ {
+ 	struct delayed_work *delayed_work = to_delayed_work(work);
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev;
+ 	rdev = container_of(delayed_work, struct cfg80211_registered_device,
+-			    offchan_cac_done_wk);
+-	cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
+-				   NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED);
++			    background_cac_done_wk);
++	cfg80211_background_cac_event(rdev, &rdev->background_radar_chandef,
++				      NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED);
+ }
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort_wk(struct work_struct *work)
++void cfg80211_background_cac_abort_wk(struct work_struct *work)
+ {
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev;
+ 	rdev = container_of(work, struct cfg80211_registered_device,
+-			    offchan_cac_abort_wk);
+-	cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
+-				   NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
++			    background_cac_abort_wk);
++	cfg80211_background_cac_event(rdev, &rdev->background_radar_chandef,
++				      NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
+ }
+-void cfg80211_offchan_cac_abort(struct wiphy *wiphy)
++void cfg80211_background_cac_abort(struct wiphy *wiphy)
+ {
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
+-	queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_abort_wk);
++	queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->background_cac_abort_wk);
+ }
+ int
+-cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+-				       struct wireless_dev *wdev,
+-				       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++cfg80211_start_background_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++					  struct wireless_dev *wdev,
++					  struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
+ {
+ 	unsigned int cac_time_ms;
+ 	int err;
+@@ -1065,19 +1065,19 @@ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(s
+ 	lockdep_assert_wiphy(&rdev->wiphy);
+ 	if (!wiphy_ext_feature_isset(&rdev->wiphy,
+ 		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ 	/* Offchannel chain already locked by another wdev */
+-	if (rdev->offchan_radar_wdev && rdev->offchan_radar_wdev != wdev)
++	if (rdev->background_radar_wdev && rdev->background_radar_wdev != wdev)
+ 		return -EBUSY;
+ 	/* CAC already in progress on the offchannel chain */
+-	if (rdev->offchan_radar_wdev == wdev &&
+-	    delayed_work_pending(&rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk))
++	if (rdev->background_radar_wdev == wdev &&
++	    delayed_work_pending(&rdev->background_cac_done_wk))
+ 		return -EBUSY;
+-	err = rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, chandef);
++	err = rdev_set_radar_background(rdev, chandef);
+ 	if (err)
+ 		return err;
+@@ -1085,30 +1085,31 @@ cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(s
+ 	if (!cac_time_ms)
+ 		cac_time_ms = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_CAC_TIME_MS;
+-	rdev->offchan_radar_chandef = *chandef;
+-	rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = wdev; /* Get offchain ownership */
++	rdev->background_radar_chandef = *chandef;
++	rdev->background_radar_wdev = wdev; /* Get offchain ownership */
+-	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, chandef,
+-				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED);
+-	queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->offchan_cac_done_wk,
++	__cfg80211_background_cac_event(rdev, wdev, chandef,
++					NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED);
++	queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->background_cac_done_wk,
+ 			   msecs_to_jiffies(cac_time_ms));
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+-void cfg80211_stop_offchan_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
++void cfg80211_stop_background_radar_detection(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
+ {
+ 	struct wiphy *wiphy = wdev->wiphy;
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
+ 	lockdep_assert_wiphy(wiphy);
+-	if (wdev != rdev->offchan_radar_wdev)
++	if (wdev != rdev->background_radar_wdev)
+ 		return;
+-	rdev_set_radar_offchan(rdev, NULL);
+-	rdev->offchan_radar_wdev = NULL; /* Release offchain ownership */
++	rdev_set_radar_background(rdev, NULL);
++	rdev->background_radar_wdev = NULL; /* Release offchain ownership */
+-	__cfg80211_offchan_cac_event(rdev, wdev, &rdev->offchan_radar_chandef,
+-				     NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
++	__cfg80211_background_cac_event(rdev, wdev,
++					&rdev->background_radar_chandef,
++					NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED);
+ }
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_p
+ 			NLA_POLICY_NESTED(nl80211_mbssid_config_policy),
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS] = { .type = NLA_NESTED },
+-	[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
++	[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_BACKGROUND] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
+ };
+ /* policy for the key attributes */
+@@ -9306,9 +9306,9 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection
+ 		goto unlock;
+ 	}
+-	if (nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_OFFCHAN])) {
+-		err = cfg80211_start_offchan_radar_detection(rdev, wdev,
+-							     &chandef);
++	if (nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_BACKGROUND])) {
++		err = cfg80211_start_background_radar_detection(rdev, wdev,
++								&chandef);
+ 		goto unlock;
+ 	}
+--- a/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
++++ b/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
+@@ -1382,17 +1382,17 @@ static inline int rdev_color_change(stru
+ }
+ static inline int
+-rdev_set_radar_offchan(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+-		       struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++rdev_set_radar_background(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++			  struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
+ {
+ 	struct wiphy *wiphy = &rdev->wiphy;
+ 	int ret;
+-	if (!rdev->ops->set_radar_offchan)
++	if (!rdev->ops->set_radar_background)
+ 		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+-	trace_rdev_set_radar_offchan(wiphy, chandef);
+-	ret = rdev->ops->set_radar_offchan(wiphy, chandef);
++	trace_rdev_set_radar_background(wiphy, chandef);
++	ret = rdev->ops->set_radar_background(wiphy, chandef);
+ 	trace_rdev_return_int(wiphy, ret);
+ 	return ret;
+--- a/net/wireless/trace.h
++++ b/net/wireless/trace.h
+@@ -3646,7 +3646,7 @@ TRACE_EVENT(cfg80211_bss_color_notify,
+ 		  __entry->color_bitmap)
+ );
+ 	TP_PROTO(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef),
+ 	TP_ARGS(wiphy, chandef),
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/323-v5.16-mac80211-MBSSID-support-in-interface-handling.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/323-v5.16-mac80211-MBSSID-support-in-interface-handling.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a135e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/323-v5.16-mac80211-MBSSID-support-in-interface-handling.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+From: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 19:54:35 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: MBSSID support in interface handling
+Configure multiple BSSID and enhanced multi-BSSID advertisement (EMA)
+parameters in mac80211 for AP mode.
+For each interface, 'mbssid_tx_vif' points to the transmitting interface of
+the MBSSID set. The pointer is set to NULL if MBSSID is disabled.
+Function ieee80211_stop() is modified to always bring down all the
+non-transmitting interfaces first and the transmitting interface last.
+Signed-off-by: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Co-developed-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Signed-off-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20210916025437.29138-3-alokad@codeaurora.org
+[slightly change logic to be more obvious]
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -1719,6 +1719,7 @@ enum ieee80211_offload_flags {
+  *	write-protected by sdata_lock and local->mtx so holding either is fine
+  *	for read access.
+  * @color_change_color: the bss color that will be used after the change.
++ * @mbssid_tx_vif: Pointer to the transmitting interface if MBSSID is enabled.
+  */
+ struct ieee80211_vif {
+ 	enum nl80211_iftype type;
+@@ -1750,6 +1751,8 @@ struct ieee80211_vif {
+ 	bool color_change_active;
+ 	u8 color_change_color;
++	struct ieee80211_vif *mbssid_tx_vif;
+ 	/* must be last */
+ 	u8 drv_priv[] __aligned(sizeof(void *));
+ };
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -112,6 +112,36 @@ static int ieee80211_set_mon_options(str
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int ieee80211_set_ap_mbssid_options(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++					   struct cfg80211_mbssid_config params)
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *tx_sdata;
++	sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif = NULL;
++	sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid_index = 0;
++	sdata->vif.bss_conf.nontransmitted = false;
++	sdata->vif.bss_conf.ema_ap = false;
++	if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP || !params.tx_wdev)
++		return -EINVAL;
++	tx_sdata = IEEE80211_WDEV_TO_SUB_IF(params.tx_wdev);
++	if (!tx_sdata)
++		return -EINVAL;
++	if (tx_sdata == sdata) {
++		sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif = &sdata->vif;
++	} else {
++		sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif = &tx_sdata->vif;
++		sdata->vif.bss_conf.nontransmitted = true;
++		sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid_index = params.index;
++	}
++	if (params.ema)
++		sdata->vif.bss_conf.ema_ap = true;
++	return 0;
+ static struct wireless_dev *ieee80211_add_iface(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 						const char *name,
+ 						unsigned char name_assign_type,
+@@ -1107,6 +1137,14 @@ static int ieee80211_start_ap(struct wip
+ 			changed |= BSS_CHANGED_HE_BSS_COLOR;
+ 	}
++	if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP &&
++	    params->mbssid_config.tx_wdev) {
++		err = ieee80211_set_ap_mbssid_options(sdata,
++						      params->mbssid_config);
++		if (err)
++			return err;
++	}
+ 	mutex_lock(&local->mtx);
+ 	err = ieee80211_vif_use_channel(sdata, &params->chandef,
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -632,17 +632,46 @@ static void ieee80211_do_stop(struct iee
+ 		ieee80211_add_virtual_monitor(local);
+ }
++static void ieee80211_stop_mbssid(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata)
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *tx_sdata, *non_tx_sdata, *tmp_sdata;
++	struct ieee80211_vif *tx_vif = sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif;
++	if (!tx_vif)
++		return;
++	tx_sdata = vif_to_sdata(tx_vif);
++	sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif = NULL;
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(non_tx_sdata, tmp_sdata,
++				 &tx_sdata->local->interfaces, list) {
++		if (non_tx_sdata != sdata && non_tx_sdata != tx_sdata &&
++		    non_tx_sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif == tx_vif &&
++		    ieee80211_sdata_running(non_tx_sdata)) {
++			non_tx_sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif = NULL;
++			dev_close(non_tx_sdata->wdev.netdev);
++		}
++	}
++	if (sdata != tx_sdata && ieee80211_sdata_running(tx_sdata)) {
++		tx_sdata->vif.mbssid_tx_vif = NULL;
++		dev_close(tx_sdata->wdev.netdev);
++	}
+ static int ieee80211_stop(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev);
+-	/* close all dependent VLAN interfaces before locking wiphy */
++	/* close dependent VLAN and MBSSID interfaces before locking wiphy */
+ 	if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) {
+ 		struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *vlan, *tmpsdata;
+ 		list_for_each_entry_safe(vlan, tmpsdata, &sdata->u.ap.vlans,
+ 					 u.vlan.list)
+ 			dev_close(vlan->dev);
++		ieee80211_stop_mbssid(sdata);
+ 	}
+ 	wiphy_lock(sdata->local->hw.wiphy);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/324-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-beacon-handling-in-AP-mode.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/324-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-beacon-handling-in-AP-mode.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fc02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/324-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-beacon-handling-in-AP-mode.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 12:54:58 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: MBSSID beacon handling in AP mode
+Add new fields in struct beacon_data to store all MBSSID elements.
+Generate a beacon template which includes all MBSSID elements.
+Move CSA offset to reflect the MBSSID element length.
+Co-developed-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Signed-off-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Co-developed-by: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Signed-off-by: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Tested-by: Money Wang <money.wang@mediatek.com>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/5322db3c303f431adaf191ab31c45e151dde5465.1645702516.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+[small cleanups]
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -4938,12 +4938,14 @@ void ieee80211_report_low_ack(struct iee
+  * @cntdwn_counter_offs: array of IEEE80211_MAX_CNTDWN_COUNTERS_NUM offsets
+  *	to countdown counters.  This array can contain zero values which
+  *	should be ignored.
++ * @mbssid_off: position of the multiple bssid element
+  */
+ struct ieee80211_mutable_offsets {
+ 	u16 tim_offset;
+ 	u16 tim_length;
+ 	u16 cntdwn_counter_offs[IEEE80211_MAX_CNTDWN_COUNTERS_NUM];
++	u16 mbssid_off;
+ };
+ /**
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -989,11 +989,29 @@ static int ieee80211_set_ftm_responder_p
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int
++ieee80211_copy_mbssid_beacon(u8 *pos, struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *dst,
++			     struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *src)
++	int i, offset = 0;
++	for (i = 0; i < src->cnt; i++) {
++		memcpy(pos + offset, src->elem[i].data, src->elem[i].len);
++		dst->elem[i].len = src->elem[i].len;
++		dst->elem[i].data = pos + offset;
++		offset += dst->elem[i].len;
++	}
++	dst->cnt = src->cnt;
++	return offset;
+ static int ieee80211_assign_beacon(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+ 				   struct cfg80211_beacon_data *params,
+ 				   const struct ieee80211_csa_settings *csa,
+ 				   const struct ieee80211_color_change_settings *cca)
+ {
++	struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *mbssid = NULL;
+ 	struct beacon_data *new, *old;
+ 	int new_head_len, new_tail_len;
+ 	int size, err;
+@@ -1021,6 +1039,17 @@ static int ieee80211_assign_beacon(struc
+ 	size = sizeof(*new) + new_head_len + new_tail_len;
++	/* new or old multiple BSSID elements? */
++	if (params->mbssid_ies) {
++		mbssid = params->mbssid_ies;
++		size += struct_size(new->mbssid_ies, elem, mbssid->cnt);
++		size += ieee80211_get_mbssid_beacon_len(mbssid);
++	} else if (old && old->mbssid_ies) {
++		mbssid = old->mbssid_ies;
++		size += struct_size(new->mbssid_ies, elem, mbssid->cnt);
++		size += ieee80211_get_mbssid_beacon_len(mbssid);
++	}
+ 	new = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ 	if (!new)
+ 		return -ENOMEM;
+@@ -1029,12 +1058,20 @@ static int ieee80211_assign_beacon(struc
+ 	/*
+ 	 * pointers go into the block we allocated,
+-	 * memory is | beacon_data | head | tail |
++	 * memory is | beacon_data | head | tail | mbssid_ies
+ 	 */
+ 	new->head = ((u8 *) new) + sizeof(*new);
+ 	new->tail = new->head + new_head_len;
+ 	new->head_len = new_head_len;
+ 	new->tail_len = new_tail_len;
++	/* copy in optional mbssid_ies */
++	if (mbssid) {
++		u8 *pos = new->tail + new->tail_len;
++		new->mbssid_ies = (void *)pos;
++		pos += struct_size(new->mbssid_ies, elem, mbssid->cnt);
++		ieee80211_copy_mbssid_beacon(pos, new->mbssid_ies, mbssid);
++	}
+ 	if (csa) {
+ 		new->cntdwn_current_counter = csa->count;
+@@ -1332,8 +1369,11 @@ static int ieee80211_stop_ap(struct wiph
+ 	mutex_unlock(&local->mtx);
+-	kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
+-	sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++	if (sdata->u.ap.next_beacon) {
++		kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
++		kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++		sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++	}
+ 	/* turn off carrier for this interface and dependent VLANs */
+ 	list_for_each_entry(vlan, &sdata->u.ap.vlans, u.vlan.list)
+@@ -3126,12 +3166,24 @@ cfg80211_beacon_dup(struct cfg80211_beac
+ 	len = beacon->head_len + beacon->tail_len + beacon->beacon_ies_len +
+ 	      beacon->proberesp_ies_len + beacon->assocresp_ies_len +
+-	      beacon->probe_resp_len + beacon->lci_len + beacon->civicloc_len;
++	      beacon->probe_resp_len + beacon->lci_len + beacon->civicloc_len +
++	      ieee80211_get_mbssid_beacon_len(beacon->mbssid_ies);
+ 	new_beacon = kzalloc(sizeof(*new_beacon) + len, GFP_KERNEL);
+ 	if (!new_beacon)
+ 		return NULL;
++	if (beacon->mbssid_ies && beacon->mbssid_ies->cnt) {
++		new_beacon->mbssid_ies =
++			kzalloc(struct_size(new_beacon->mbssid_ies,
++					    elem, beacon->mbssid_ies->cnt),
++				GFP_KERNEL);
++		if (!new_beacon->mbssid_ies) {
++			kfree(new_beacon);
++			return NULL;
++		}
++	}
+ 	pos = (u8 *)(new_beacon + 1);
+ 	if (beacon->head_len) {
+ 		new_beacon->head_len = beacon->head_len;
+@@ -3169,6 +3221,10 @@ cfg80211_beacon_dup(struct cfg80211_beac
+ 		memcpy(pos, beacon->probe_resp, beacon->probe_resp_len);
+ 		pos += beacon->probe_resp_len;
+ 	}
++	if (beacon->mbssid_ies && beacon->mbssid_ies->cnt)
++		pos += ieee80211_copy_mbssid_beacon(pos,
++						    new_beacon->mbssid_ies,
++						    beacon->mbssid_ies);
+ 	/* might copy -1, meaning no changes requested */
+ 	new_beacon->ftm_responder = beacon->ftm_responder;
+@@ -3206,8 +3262,11 @@ static int ieee80211_set_after_csa_beaco
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP:
+ 		err = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, sdata->u.ap.next_beacon,
+ 					      NULL, NULL);
+-		kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
+-		sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++		if (sdata->u.ap.next_beacon) {
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++			sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++		}
+ 		if (err < 0)
+ 			return err;
+@@ -3362,8 +3421,12 @@ static int ieee80211_set_csa_beacon(stru
+ 		if ((params->n_counter_offsets_beacon >
+ 		    (params->n_counter_offsets_presp >
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++			sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
+ 			return -EINVAL;
++		}
+ 		csa.counter_offsets_beacon = params->counter_offsets_beacon;
+ 		csa.counter_offsets_presp = params->counter_offsets_presp;
+@@ -3373,7 +3436,9 @@ static int ieee80211_set_csa_beacon(stru
+ 		err = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, &params->beacon_csa, &csa, NULL);
+ 		if (err < 0) {
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
+ 			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++			sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
+ 			return err;
+ 		}
+ 		*changed |= err;
+@@ -3460,8 +3525,11 @@ static int ieee80211_set_csa_beacon(stru
+ static void ieee80211_color_change_abort(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data  *sdata)
+ {
+ 	sdata->vif.color_change_active = false;
+-	kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
+-	sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++	if (sdata->u.ap.next_beacon) {
++		kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
++		kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++		sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++	}
+ 	cfg80211_color_change_aborted_notify(sdata->dev);
+ }
+@@ -4199,8 +4267,11 @@ ieee80211_set_after_color_change_beacon(
+ 		ret = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, sdata->u.ap.next_beacon,
+ 					      NULL, NULL);
+-		kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
+-		sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++		if (sdata->u.ap.next_beacon) {
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
++			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++			sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++		}
+ 		if (ret < 0)
+ 			return ret;
+@@ -4243,7 +4314,11 @@ ieee80211_set_color_change_beacon(struct
+ 		err = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, &params->beacon_color_change,
+ 					      NULL, &color_change);
+ 		if (err < 0) {
+-			kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++			if (sdata->u.ap.next_beacon) {
++				kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon->mbssid_ies);
++				kfree(sdata->u.ap.next_beacon);
++				sdata->u.ap.next_beacon = NULL;
++			}
+ 			return err;
+ 		}
+ 		*changed |= err;
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ struct beacon_data {
+ 	struct ieee80211_meshconf_ie *meshconf;
+ 	u16 cntdwn_counter_offsets[IEEE80211_MAX_CNTDWN_COUNTERS_NUM];
+ 	u8 cntdwn_current_counter;
++	struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *mbssid_ies;
+ 	struct rcu_head rcu_head;
+ };
+@@ -1082,6 +1083,20 @@ ieee80211_vif_get_shift(struct ieee80211
+ 	return shift;
+ }
++static inline int
++ieee80211_get_mbssid_beacon_len(struct cfg80211_mbssid_elems *elems)
++	int i, len = 0;
++	if (!elems)
++		return 0;
++	for (i = 0; i < elems->cnt; i++)
++		len += elems->elem[i].len;
++	return len;
+ enum {
+ 	IEEE80211_RX_MSG	= 1,
+ 	IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_MSG	= 2,
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -5041,6 +5041,19 @@ ieee80211_beacon_get_finish(struct ieee8
+ }
++static void
++ieee80211_beacon_add_mbssid(struct sk_buff *skb, struct beacon_data *beacon)
++	int i;
++	if (!beacon->mbssid_ies)
++		return;
++	for (i = 0; i < beacon->mbssid_ies->cnt; i++)
++		skb_put_data(skb, beacon->mbssid_ies->elem[i].data,
++			     beacon->mbssid_ies->elem[i].len);
+ static struct sk_buff *
+ ieee80211_beacon_get_ap(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 			struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
+@@ -5054,6 +5067,7 @@ ieee80211_beacon_get_ap(struct ieee80211
+ 	struct ieee80211_if_ap *ap = &sdata->u.ap;
+ 	struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
+ 	u16 csa_off_base = 0;
++	int mbssid_len;
+ 	if (beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[0]) {
+ 		if (!is_template)
+@@ -5063,11 +5077,12 @@ ieee80211_beacon_get_ap(struct ieee80211
+ 	}
+ 	/* headroom, head length,
+-	 * tail length and maximum TIM length
++	 * tail length, maximum TIM length and multiple BSSID length
+ 	 */
++	mbssid_len = ieee80211_get_mbssid_beacon_len(beacon->mbssid_ies);
+ 	skb = dev_alloc_skb(local->tx_headroom + beacon->head_len +
+ 			    beacon->tail_len + 256 +
+-			    local->hw.extra_beacon_tailroom);
++			    local->hw.extra_beacon_tailroom + mbssid_len);
+ 	if (!skb)
+ 		return NULL;
+@@ -5081,6 +5096,11 @@ ieee80211_beacon_get_ap(struct ieee80211
+ 		offs->tim_length = skb->len - beacon->head_len;
+ 		offs->cntdwn_counter_offs[0] = beacon->cntdwn_counter_offsets[0];
++		if (mbssid_len) {
++			ieee80211_beacon_add_mbssid(skb, beacon);
++			offs->mbssid_off = skb->len - mbssid_len;
++		}
+ 		/* for AP the csa offsets are from tail */
+ 		csa_off_base = skb->len;
+ 	}
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/325-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-channel-switch.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/325-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-channel-switch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b0de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/325-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-channel-switch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 12:54:59 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: MBSSID channel switch
+Trigger ieee80211_csa_finish() on the non-transmitting interfaces
+when channel switch concludes on the transmitting interface.
+Co-developed-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Co-developed-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Signed-off-by: Aloka Dixit <alokad@codeaurora.org>
+Signed-off-by: John Crispin <john@phrozen.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/6fde4d7f9fa387494f46a7aa4a584478dcda06f1.1645702516.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -3247,9 +3247,31 @@ cfg80211_beacon_dup(struct cfg80211_beac
+ void ieee80211_csa_finish(struct ieee80211_vif *vif)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = vif_to_sdata(vif);
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
+-	ieee80211_queue_work(&sdata->local->hw,
+-			     &sdata->csa_finalize_work);
++	rcu_read_lock();
++	if (vif->mbssid_tx_vif == vif) {
++		/* Trigger ieee80211_csa_finish() on the non-transmitting
++		 * interfaces when channel switch is received on
++		 * transmitting interface
++		 */
++		struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *iter;
++		list_for_each_entry_rcu(iter, &local->interfaces, list) {
++			if (!ieee80211_sdata_running(iter))
++				continue;
++			if (iter == sdata || iter->vif.mbssid_tx_vif != vif)
++				continue;
++			ieee80211_queue_work(&iter->local->hw,
++					     &iter->csa_finalize_work);
++		}
++	}
++	ieee80211_queue_work(&local->hw, &sdata->csa_finalize_work);
++	rcu_read_unlock();
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_csa_finish);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/326-v5.18-mac80211-update-bssid_indicator-in-ieee80211_assign_.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/326-v5.18-mac80211-update-bssid_indicator-in-ieee80211_assign_.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1955568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/326-v5.18-mac80211-update-bssid_indicator-in-ieee80211_assign_.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 12:55:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: update bssid_indicator in
+ ieee80211_assign_beacon
+Update bssid_indicator in ieee80211_bss_conf according to the
+number of bssid in the set.
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/f92317e002fca9933f05a445fcefb4f53291d601.1645702516.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -1071,6 +1071,9 @@ static int ieee80211_assign_beacon(struc
+ 		new->mbssid_ies = (void *)pos;
+ 		pos += struct_size(new->mbssid_ies, elem, mbssid->cnt);
+ 		ieee80211_copy_mbssid_beacon(pos, new->mbssid_ies, mbssid);
++		/* update bssid_indicator */
++		sdata->vif.bss_conf.bssid_indicator =
++			ilog2(__roundup_pow_of_two(mbssid->cnt + 1));
+ 	}
+ 	if (csa) {
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/328-v5.19-mac80211-do-not-wake-queues-on-a-vif-that-is-being-s.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/328-v5.19-mac80211-do-not-wake-queues-on-a-vif-that-is-being-s.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0150dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/328-v5.19-mac80211-do-not-wake-queues-on-a-vif-that-is-being-s.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2022 23:58:35 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: do not wake queues on a vif that is being stopped
+When a vif is being removed and sdata->bss is cleared, __ieee80211_wake_txqs
+can still be called on it, which crashes as soon as sdata->bss is being
+To fix this properly, check for SDATA_STATE_RUNNING before waking queues,
+and take the fq lock when setting it (to ensure that __ieee80211_wake_txqs
+observes the change when running on a different CPU
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -377,7 +377,9 @@ static void ieee80211_do_stop(struct iee
+ 	bool cancel_scan;
+ 	struct cfg80211_nan_func *func;
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->fq.lock);
+ 	clear_bit(SDATA_STATE_RUNNING, &sdata->state);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->fq.lock);
+ 	cancel_scan = rcu_access_pointer(local->scan_sdata) == sdata;
+ 	if (cancel_scan)
+--- a/net/mac80211/util.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/util.c
+@@ -301,6 +301,9 @@ static void __ieee80211_wake_txqs(struct
+ 	local_bh_disable();
+ 	spin_lock(&fq->lock);
++	if (!test_bit(SDATA_STATE_RUNNING, &sdata->state))
++		goto out;
+ 	if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP)
+ 		ps = &sdata->bss->ps;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/330-v6.0-mac80211-switch-airtime-fairness-back-to-deficit-rou.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/330-v6.0-mac80211-switch-airtime-fairness-back-to-deficit-rou.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e59036f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/330-v6.0-mac80211-switch-airtime-fairness-back-to-deficit-rou.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1249 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 23:13:05 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: switch airtime fairness back to deficit round-robin
+ scheduling
+This reverts commits 6a789ba679d652587532cec2a0e0274fda172f3b and
+The virtual time scheduler code has a number of issues:
+- queues slowed down by hardware/firmware powersave handling were not properly
+  handled.
+- on ath10k in push-pull mode, tx queues that the driver tries to pull from
+  were starved, causing excessive latency
+- delay between tx enqueue and reported airtime use were causing excessively
+  bursty tx behavior
+The bursty behavior may also be present on the round-robin scheduler, but there
+it is much easier to fix without introducing additional regressions
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -6666,6 +6666,9 @@ static inline void ieee80211_txq_schedul
+ {
+ }
++void __ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++			      struct ieee80211_txq *txq, bool force);
+ /**
+  * ieee80211_schedule_txq - schedule a TXQ for transmission
+  *
+@@ -6678,7 +6681,11 @@ static inline void ieee80211_txq_schedul
+  * The driver may call this function if it has buffered packets for
+  * this TXQ internally.
+  */
+-void ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_txq *txq);
++static inline void
++ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
++	__ieee80211_schedule_txq(hw, txq, true);
+ /**
+  * ieee80211_return_txq - return a TXQ previously acquired by ieee80211_next_txq()
+@@ -6690,8 +6697,12 @@ void ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee8
+  * The driver may set force=true if it has buffered packets for this TXQ
+  * internally.
+  */
+-void ieee80211_return_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
+-			  bool force);
++static inline void
++ieee80211_return_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
++		     bool force)
++	__ieee80211_schedule_txq(hw, txq, force);
+ /**
+  * ieee80211_txq_may_transmit - check whether TXQ is allowed to transmit
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -1554,38 +1554,6 @@ static void sta_apply_mesh_params(struct
+ #endif
+ }
+-static void sta_apply_airtime_params(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+-				     struct sta_info *sta,
+-				     struct station_parameters *params)
+-	u8 ac;
+-	for (ac = 0; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) {
+-		struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched = &local->airtime[ac];
+-		struct airtime_info *air_info = &sta->airtime[ac];
+-		struct txq_info *txqi;
+-		u8 tid;
+-		spin_lock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-		for (tid = 0; tid < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS + 1; tid++) {
+-			if (air_info->weight == params->airtime_weight ||
+-			    !sta->sta.txq[tid] ||
+-			    ac != ieee80211_ac_from_tid(tid))
+-				continue;
+-			airtime_weight_set(air_info, params->airtime_weight);
+-			txqi = to_txq_info(sta->sta.txq[tid]);
+-			if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order))
+-				continue;
+-			ieee80211_update_airtime_weight(local, air_sched,
+-							0, true);
+-		}
+-		spin_unlock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-	}
+ static int sta_apply_parameters(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 				struct sta_info *sta,
+ 				struct station_parameters *params)
+@@ -1773,8 +1741,7 @@ static int sta_apply_parameters(struct i
+ 		sta_apply_mesh_params(local, sta, params);
+ 	if (params->airtime_weight)
+-		sta_apply_airtime_params(local, sta, params);
++		sta->airtime_weight = params->airtime_weight;
+ 	/* set the STA state after all sta info from usermode has been set */
+ 	if (test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_TDLS_PEER) ||
+--- a/net/mac80211/debugfs.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs.c
+@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ static ssize_t aql_txq_limit_read(struct
+ 			"VI	%u		%u\n"
+ 			"BE	%u		%u\n"
+ 			"BK	%u		%u\n",
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_VO].aql_txq_limit_low,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_VO].aql_txq_limit_high,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_VI].aql_txq_limit_low,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_VI].aql_txq_limit_high,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_BE].aql_txq_limit_low,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_BE].aql_txq_limit_high,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_BK].aql_txq_limit_low,
+-			local->airtime[IEEE80211_AC_BK].aql_txq_limit_high);
++			local->aql_txq_limit_low[IEEE80211_AC_VO],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_high[IEEE80211_AC_VO],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_low[IEEE80211_AC_VI],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_high[IEEE80211_AC_VI],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_low[IEEE80211_AC_BE],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_high[IEEE80211_AC_BE],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_low[IEEE80211_AC_BK],
++			local->aql_txq_limit_high[IEEE80211_AC_BK]);
+ 	return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos,
+ 				       buf, len);
+ }
+@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ static ssize_t aql_txq_limit_write(struc
+ 	if (ac >= IEEE80211_NUM_ACS)
+ 		return -EINVAL;
+-	q_limit_low_old = local->airtime[ac].aql_txq_limit_low;
+-	q_limit_high_old = local->airtime[ac].aql_txq_limit_high;
++	q_limit_low_old = local->aql_txq_limit_low[ac];
++	q_limit_high_old = local->aql_txq_limit_high[ac];
+-	local->airtime[ac].aql_txq_limit_low = q_limit_low;
+-	local->airtime[ac].aql_txq_limit_high = q_limit_high;
++	local->aql_txq_limit_low[ac] = q_limit_low;
++	local->aql_txq_limit_high[ac] = q_limit_high;
+ 	mutex_lock(&local->sta_mtx);
+ 	list_for_each_entry(sta, &local->sta_list, list) {
+@@ -382,46 +382,6 @@ static const struct file_operations forc
+ 	.llseek = default_llseek,
+ };
+-static ssize_t airtime_read(struct file *file,
+-			    char __user *user_buf,
+-			    size_t count,
+-			    loff_t *ppos)
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = file->private_data;
+-	char buf[200];
+-	u64 v_t[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+-	u64 wt[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+-	int len = 0, ac;
+-	for (ac = 0; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) {
+-		spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
+-		v_t[ac] = local->airtime[ac].v_t;
+-		wt[ac] = local->airtime[ac].weight_sum;
+-		spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
+-	}
+-	len = scnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+-			"\tVO         VI         BE         BK\n"
+-			"Virt-t\t%-10llu %-10llu %-10llu %-10llu\n"
+-			"Weight\t%-10llu %-10llu %-10llu %-10llu\n",
+-			v_t[0],
+-			v_t[1],
+-			v_t[2],
+-			v_t[3],
+-			wt[0],
+-			wt[1],
+-			wt[2],
+-			wt[3]);
+-	return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos,
+-				       buf, len);
+-static const struct file_operations airtime_ops = {
+-	.read = airtime_read,
+-	.open = simple_open,
+-	.llseek = default_llseek,
+ #ifdef CONFIG_PM
+ static ssize_t reset_write(struct file *file, const char __user *user_buf,
+ 			   size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+@@ -672,11 +632,7 @@ void debugfs_hw_add(struct ieee80211_loc
+ 	if (local->ops->wake_tx_queue)
+ 		DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(aqm, 0600);
+-	if (wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy,
+-		DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(airtime, 0600);
+-		DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(airtime_flags, 0600);
+-	}
++	DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(airtime_flags, 0600);
+ 	DEBUGFS_ADD(aql_txq_limit);
+ 	debugfs_create_u32("aql_threshold", 0600,
+--- a/net/mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs_netdev.c
+@@ -512,34 +512,6 @@ static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_aqm(
+ }
+ IEEE80211_IF_FILE_R(aqm);
+-static ssize_t ieee80211_if_fmt_airtime(
+-	const struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, char *buf, int buflen)
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
+-	struct ieee80211_txq *txq = sdata->vif.txq;
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+-	int len;
+-	if (!txq)
+-		return 0;
+-	spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[txq->ac].lock);
+-	air_info = to_airtime_info(txq);
+-	len = scnprintf(buf,
+-			buflen,
+-			"RX: %llu us\nTX: %llu us\nWeight: %u\n"
+-			"Virt-T: %lld us\n",
+-			air_info->rx_airtime,
+-			air_info->tx_airtime,
+-			air_info->weight,
+-			air_info->v_t);
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[txq->ac].lock);
+-	return len;
+ IEEE80211_IF_FILE(multicast_to_unicast, u.ap.multicast_to_unicast, HEX);
+ /* IBSS attributes */
+@@ -685,10 +657,8 @@ static void add_common_files(struct ieee
+ 	if (sdata->local->ops->wake_tx_queue &&
+ 	    sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_DEVICE &&
+-	    sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_NAN) {
++	    sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_NAN)
+ 		DEBUGFS_ADD(aqm);
+-		DEBUGFS_ADD(airtime);
+-	}
+ }
+ static void add_sta_files(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata)
+--- a/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c
+@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static ssize_t sta_airtime_read(struct f
+ 	size_t bufsz = 400;
+ 	char *buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL), *p = buf;
+ 	u64 rx_airtime = 0, tx_airtime = 0;
+-	u64 v_t[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	s64 deficit[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	ssize_t rv;
+ 	int ac;
+@@ -210,18 +210,18 @@ static ssize_t sta_airtime_read(struct f
+ 		return -ENOMEM;
+ 	for (ac = 0; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) {
+-		spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
++		spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 		rx_airtime += sta->airtime[ac].rx_airtime;
+ 		tx_airtime += sta->airtime[ac].tx_airtime;
+-		v_t[ac] = sta->airtime[ac].v_t;
+-		spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
++		deficit[ac] = sta->airtime[ac].deficit;
++		spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 	}
+ 	p += scnprintf(p, bufsz + buf - p,
+ 		"RX: %llu us\nTX: %llu us\nWeight: %u\n"
+-		"Virt-T: VO: %lld us VI: %lld us BE: %lld us BK: %lld us\n",
+-		rx_airtime, tx_airtime, sta->airtime[0].weight,
+-		v_t[0], v_t[1], v_t[2], v_t[3]);
++		"Deficit: VO: %lld us VI: %lld us BE: %lld us BK: %lld us\n",
++		rx_airtime, tx_airtime, sta->airtime_weight,
++		deficit[0], deficit[1], deficit[2], deficit[3]);
+ 	rv = simple_read_from_buffer(userbuf, count, ppos, buf, p - buf);
+ 	kfree(buf);
+@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@ static ssize_t sta_airtime_write(struct
+ 	int ac;
+ 	for (ac = 0; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) {
+-		spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
++		spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 		sta->airtime[ac].rx_airtime = 0;
+ 		sta->airtime[ac].tx_airtime = 0;
+-		sta->airtime[ac].v_t = 0;
+-		spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
++		sta->airtime[ac].deficit = sta->airtime_weight;
++		spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 	}
+ 	return count;
+@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ static ssize_t sta_aql_read(struct file
+ 		return -ENOMEM;
+ 	for (ac = 0; ac < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; ac++) {
+-		spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
++		spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 		q_limit_l[ac] = sta->airtime[ac].aql_limit_low;
+ 		q_limit_h[ac] = sta->airtime[ac].aql_limit_high;
+-		spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[ac].lock);
++		spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 		q_depth[ac] = atomic_read(&sta->airtime[ac].aql_tx_pending);
+ 	}
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -862,16 +862,20 @@ enum txq_info_flags {
+  * @def_flow: used as a fallback flow when a packet destined to @tin hashes to
+  *	a fq_flow which is already owned by a different tin
+  * @def_cvars: codel vars for @def_flow
+- * @schedule_order: used with ieee80211_local->active_txqs
+  * @frags: used to keep fragments created after dequeue
++ * @schedule_order: used with ieee80211_local->active_txqs
++ * @schedule_round: counter to prevent infinite loops on TXQ scheduling
+  */
+ struct txq_info {
+ 	struct fq_tin tin;
+ 	struct codel_vars def_cvars;
+ 	struct codel_stats cstats;
+-	struct rb_node schedule_order;
++	u16 schedule_round;
++	struct list_head schedule_order;
+ 	struct sk_buff_head frags;
+ 	unsigned long flags;
+ 	/* keep last! */
+@@ -948,8 +952,6 @@ struct ieee80211_sub_if_data {
+ 	struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params tx_conf[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	struct mac80211_qos_map __rcu *qos_map;
+-	struct airtime_info airtime[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	struct work_struct csa_finalize_work;
+ 	bool csa_block_tx; /* write-protected by sdata_lock and local->mtx */
+ 	struct cfg80211_chan_def csa_chandef;
+@@ -1184,44 +1186,6 @@ enum mac80211_scan_state {
+ };
+- * struct airtime_sched_info - state used for airtime scheduling and AQL
+- *
+- * @lock: spinlock that protects all the fields in this struct
+- * @active_txqs: rbtree of currently backlogged queues, sorted by virtual time
+- * @schedule_pos: the current position maintained while a driver walks the tree
+- *                with ieee80211_next_txq()
+- * @active_list: list of struct airtime_info structs that were active within
+- *               the last AIRTIME_ACTIVE_DURATION (100 ms), used to compute
+- *               weight_sum
+- * @last_weight_update: used for rate limiting walking active_list
+- * @last_schedule_time: tracks the last time a transmission was scheduled; used
+- *                      for catching up v_t if no stations are eligible for
+- *                      transmission.
+- * @v_t: global virtual time; queues with v_t < this are eligible for
+- *       transmission
+- * @weight_sum: total sum of all active stations used for dividing airtime
+- * @weight_sum_reciprocal: reciprocal of weight_sum (to avoid divisions in fast
+- *                         path - see comment above
+- *                         IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_DIVISOR_64)
+- * @aql_txq_limit_low: AQL limit when total outstanding airtime
+- *                     is < IEEE80211_AQL_THRESHOLD
+- * @aql_txq_limit_high: AQL limit when total outstanding airtime
+- *                      is > IEEE80211_AQL_THRESHOLD
+- */
+-struct airtime_sched_info {
+-	spinlock_t lock;
+-	struct rb_root_cached active_txqs;
+-	struct rb_node *schedule_pos;
+-	struct list_head active_list;
+-	u64 last_weight_update;
+-	u64 last_schedule_activity;
+-	u64 v_t;
+-	u64 weight_sum;
+-	u64 weight_sum_reciprocal;
+-	u32 aql_txq_limit_low;
+-	u32 aql_txq_limit_high;
+ struct ieee80211_local {
+@@ -1235,8 +1199,13 @@ struct ieee80211_local {
+ 	struct codel_params cparams;
+ 	/* protects active_txqs and txqi->schedule_order */
+-	struct airtime_sched_info airtime[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	spinlock_t active_txq_lock[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	struct list_head active_txqs[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	u16 schedule_round[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	u16 airtime_flags;
++	u32 aql_txq_limit_low[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	u32 aql_txq_limit_high[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	u32 aql_threshold;
+ 	atomic_t aql_total_pending_airtime;
+@@ -1660,125 +1629,6 @@ static inline bool txq_has_queue(struct
+ 	return !(skb_queue_empty(&txqi->frags) && !txqi->tin.backlog_packets);
+ }
+-static inline struct airtime_info *to_airtime_info(struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
+-	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata;
+-	struct sta_info *sta;
+-	if (txq->sta) {
+-		sta = container_of(txq->sta, struct sta_info, sta);
+-		return &sta->airtime[txq->ac];
+-	}
+-	sdata = vif_to_sdata(txq->vif);
+-	return &sdata->airtime[txq->ac];
+-/* To avoid divisions in the fast path, we keep pre-computed reciprocals for
+- * airtime weight calculations. There are two different weights to keep track
+- * of: The per-station weight and the sum of weights per phy.
+- *
+- * For the per-station weights (kept in airtime_info below), we use 32-bit
+- * reciprocals with a devisor of 2^19. This lets us keep the multiplications and
+- * divisions for the station weights as 32-bit operations at the cost of a bit
+- * of rounding error for high weights; but the choice of divisor keeps rounding
+- * errors <10% for weights <2^15, assuming no more than 8ms of airtime is
+- * reported at a time.
+- *
+- * For the per-phy sum of weights the values can get higher, so we use 64-bit
+- * operations for those with a 32-bit divisor, which should avoid any
+- * significant rounding errors.
+- */
+-#define IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_DIVISOR_64 0x100000000ULL
+-#define IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_SHIFT_64 32
+-#define IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_DIVISOR_32 0x80000U
+-#define IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_SHIFT_32 19
+-static inline void airtime_weight_set(struct airtime_info *air_info, u16 weight)
+-	if (air_info->weight == weight)
+-		return;
+-	air_info->weight = weight;
+-	if (weight) {
+-		air_info->weight_reciprocal =
+-			IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_DIVISOR_32 / weight;
+-	} else {
+-		air_info->weight_reciprocal = 0;
+-	}
+-static inline void airtime_weight_sum_set(struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched,
+-					  int weight_sum)
+-	if (air_sched->weight_sum == weight_sum)
+-		return;
+-	air_sched->weight_sum = weight_sum;
+-	if (air_sched->weight_sum) {
+-		air_sched->weight_sum_reciprocal = IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_DIVISOR_64;
+-		do_div(air_sched->weight_sum_reciprocal, air_sched->weight_sum);
+-	} else {
+-		air_sched->weight_sum_reciprocal = 0;
+-	}
+-/* A problem when trying to enforce airtime fairness is that we want to divide
+- * the airtime between the currently *active* stations. However, basing this on
+- * the instantaneous queue state of stations doesn't work, as queues tend to
+- * oscillate very quickly between empty and occupied, leading to the scheduler
+- * thinking only a single station is active when deciding whether to allow
+- * transmission (and thus not throttling correctly).
+- *
+- * To fix this we use a timer-based notion of activity: a station is considered
+- * active if it has been scheduled within the last 100 ms; we keep a separate
+- * list of all the stations considered active in this manner, and lazily update
+- * the total weight of active stations from this list (filtering the stations in
+- * the list by their 'last active' time).
+- *
+- * We add one additional safeguard to guard against stations that manage to get
+- * scheduled every 100 ms but don't transmit a lot of data, and thus don't use
+- * up any airtime. Such stations would be able to get priority for an extended
+- * period of time if they do start transmitting at full capacity again, and so
+- * we add an explicit maximum for how far behind a station is allowed to fall in
+- * the virtual airtime domain. This limit is set to a relatively high value of
+- * 20 ms because the main mechanism for catching up idle stations is the active
+- * state as described above; i.e., the hard limit should only be hit in
+- * pathological cases.
+- */
+-#define AIRTIME_MAX_BEHIND 20000 /* 20 ms */
+-static inline bool airtime_is_active(struct airtime_info *air_info, u64 now)
+-	return air_info->last_scheduled >= now - AIRTIME_ACTIVE_DURATION;
+-static inline void airtime_set_active(struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched,
+-				      struct airtime_info *air_info, u64 now)
+-	air_info->last_scheduled = now;
+-	air_sched->last_schedule_activity = now;
+-	list_move_tail(&air_info->list, &air_sched->active_list);
+-static inline bool airtime_catchup_v_t(struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched,
+-				       u64 v_t, u64 now)
+-	air_sched->v_t = v_t;
+-	return true;
+-static inline void init_airtime_info(struct airtime_info *air_info,
+-				     struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched)
+-	atomic_set(&air_info->aql_tx_pending, 0);
+-	air_info->aql_limit_low = air_sched->aql_txq_limit_low;
+-	air_info->aql_limit_high = air_sched->aql_txq_limit_high;
+-	airtime_weight_set(air_info, IEEE80211_DEFAULT_AIRTIME_WEIGHT);
+-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&air_info->list);
+ static inline int ieee80211_bssid_match(const u8 *raddr, const u8 *addr)
+ {
+ 	return ether_addr_equal(raddr, addr) ||
+@@ -2024,14 +1874,6 @@ int ieee80211_tx_control_port(struct wip
+ 			      u64 *cookie);
+ int ieee80211_probe_mesh_link(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ 			      const u8 *buf, size_t len);
+-void ieee80211_resort_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-			  struct ieee80211_txq *txq);
+-void ieee80211_unschedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-			      struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
+-			      bool purge);
+-void ieee80211_update_airtime_weight(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+-				     struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched,
+-				     u64 now, bool force);
+ /* HT */
+ void ieee80211_apply_htcap_overrides(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -2192,9 +2192,6 @@ int ieee80211_if_add(struct ieee80211_lo
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; i++)
+-		init_airtime_info(&sdata->airtime[i], &local->airtime[i]);
+ 	ieee80211_set_default_queues(sdata);
+ 	sdata->ap_power_level = IEEE80211_UNSET_POWER_LEVEL;
+--- a/net/mac80211/main.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/main.c
+@@ -707,13 +707,10 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw_
+ 	spin_lock_init(&local->queue_stop_reason_lock);
+ 	for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; i++) {
+-		struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched = &local->airtime[i];
+-		air_sched->active_txqs = RB_ROOT_CACHED;
+-		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&air_sched->active_list);
+-		spin_lock_init(&air_sched->lock);
+-		air_sched->aql_txq_limit_low = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_AQL_TXQ_LIMIT_L;
+-		air_sched->aql_txq_limit_high =
++		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local->active_txqs[i]);
++		spin_lock_init(&local->active_txq_lock[i]);
++		local->aql_txq_limit_low[i] = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_AQL_TXQ_LIMIT_L;
++		local->aql_txq_limit_high[i] =
+ 	}
+--- a/net/mac80211/rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+@@ -1583,8 +1583,12 @@ static void sta_ps_start(struct sta_info
+ 	for (tid = 0; tid < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS; tid++) {
+ 		struct ieee80211_txq *txq = sta->sta.txq[tid];
++		struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+-		ieee80211_unschedule_txq(&local->hw, txq, false);
++		spin_lock(&local->active_txq_lock[txq->ac]);
++		if (!list_empty(&txqi->schedule_order))
++			list_del_init(&txqi->schedule_order);
++		spin_unlock(&local->active_txq_lock[txq->ac]);
+ 		if (txq_has_queue(txq))
+ 			set_bit(tid, &sta->txq_buffered_tids);
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
+@@ -426,11 +426,15 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_alloc(struct i
+ 	if (sta_prepare_rate_control(local, sta, gfp))
+ 		goto free_txq;
++	sta->airtime_weight = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_AIRTIME_WEIGHT;
+ 	for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_ACS; i++) {
+ 		skb_queue_head_init(&sta->ps_tx_buf[i]);
+ 		skb_queue_head_init(&sta->tx_filtered[i]);
+-		init_airtime_info(&sta->airtime[i], &local->airtime[i]);
++		sta->airtime[i].deficit = sta->airtime_weight;
++		atomic_set(&sta->airtime[i].aql_tx_pending, 0);
++		sta->airtime[i].aql_limit_low = local->aql_txq_limit_low[i];
++		sta->airtime[i].aql_limit_high = local->aql_txq_limit_high[i];
+ 	}
+ 	for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS; i++)
+@@ -1889,59 +1893,24 @@ void ieee80211_sta_set_buffered(struct i
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_sta_set_buffered);
+-void ieee80211_register_airtime(struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
+-				u32 tx_airtime, u32 rx_airtime)
++void ieee80211_sta_register_airtime(struct ieee80211_sta *pubsta, u8 tid,
++				    u32 tx_airtime, u32 rx_airtime)
+ {
+-	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = vif_to_sdata(txq->vif);
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
+-	u64 weight_sum, weight_sum_reciprocal;
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info;
++	struct sta_info *sta = container_of(pubsta, struct sta_info, sta);
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = sta->sdata->local;
++	u8 ac = ieee80211_ac_from_tid(tid);
+ 	u32 airtime = 0;
+-	air_sched = &local->airtime[txq->ac];
+-	air_info = to_airtime_info(txq);
+-	if (local->airtime_flags & AIRTIME_USE_TX)
++	if (sta->local->airtime_flags & AIRTIME_USE_TX)
+ 		airtime += tx_airtime;
+-	if (local->airtime_flags & AIRTIME_USE_RX)
++	if (sta->local->airtime_flags & AIRTIME_USE_RX)
+ 		airtime += rx_airtime;
+-	/* Weights scale so the unit weight is 256 */
+-	airtime <<= 8;
+-	spin_lock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-	air_info->tx_airtime += tx_airtime;
+-	air_info->rx_airtime += rx_airtime;
+-	if (air_sched->weight_sum) {
+-		weight_sum = air_sched->weight_sum;
+-		weight_sum_reciprocal = air_sched->weight_sum_reciprocal;
+-	} else {
+-		weight_sum = air_info->weight;
+-		weight_sum_reciprocal = air_info->weight_reciprocal;
+-	}
+-	/* Round the calculation of global vt */
+-	air_sched->v_t += (u64)((airtime + (weight_sum >> 1)) *
+-				weight_sum_reciprocal) >> IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_SHIFT_64;
+-	air_info->v_t += (u32)((airtime + (air_info->weight >> 1)) *
+-			       air_info->weight_reciprocal) >> IEEE80211_RECIPROCAL_SHIFT_32;
+-	ieee80211_resort_txq(&local->hw, txq);
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-void ieee80211_sta_register_airtime(struct ieee80211_sta *pubsta, u8 tid,
+-				    u32 tx_airtime, u32 rx_airtime)
+-	struct ieee80211_txq *txq = pubsta->txq[tid];
+-	if (!txq)
+-		return;
+-	ieee80211_register_airtime(txq, tx_airtime, rx_airtime);
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
++	sta->airtime[ac].tx_airtime += tx_airtime;
++	sta->airtime[ac].rx_airtime += rx_airtime;
++	sta->airtime[ac].deficit -= airtime;
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_sta_register_airtime);
+@@ -2385,7 +2354,7 @@ void sta_set_sinfo(struct sta_info *sta,
+ 	}
+ 	if (!(sinfo->filled & BIT_ULL(NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_WEIGHT))) {
+-		sinfo->airtime_weight = sta->airtime[0].weight;
++		sinfo->airtime_weight = sta->airtime_weight;
+ 		sinfo->filled |= BIT_ULL(NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_WEIGHT);
+ 	}
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.h
+@@ -135,25 +135,18 @@ enum ieee80211_agg_stop_reason {
+ #define AIRTIME_USE_TX		BIT(0)
+ #define AIRTIME_USE_RX		BIT(1)
+ struct airtime_info {
+ 	u64 rx_airtime;
+ 	u64 tx_airtime;
+-	u64 v_t;
+-	u64 last_scheduled;
+-	struct list_head list;
++	s64 deficit;
+ 	atomic_t aql_tx_pending; /* Estimated airtime for frames pending */
+ 	u32 aql_limit_low;
+ 	u32 aql_limit_high;
+-	u32 weight_reciprocal;
+-	u16 weight;
+ };
+ void ieee80211_sta_update_pending_airtime(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 					  struct sta_info *sta, u8 ac,
+ 					  u16 tx_airtime, bool tx_completed);
+-void ieee80211_register_airtime(struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
+-				u32 tx_airtime, u32 rx_airtime);
+ struct sta_info;
+@@ -523,6 +516,7 @@ struct ieee80211_fragment_cache {
+  * @tid_seq: per-TID sequence numbers for sending to this STA
+  * @airtime: per-AC struct airtime_info describing airtime statistics for this
+  *	station
++ * @airtime_weight: station weight for airtime fairness calculation purposes
+  * @ampdu_mlme: A-MPDU state machine state
+  * @mesh: mesh STA information
+  * @debugfs_dir: debug filesystem directory dentry
+@@ -653,6 +647,7 @@ struct sta_info {
+ 	u16 tid_seq[IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TID_MASK + 1];
+ 	struct airtime_info airtime[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	u16 airtime_weight;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Aggregation information, locked with lock.
+--- a/net/mac80211/status.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/status.c
+@@ -983,25 +983,6 @@ static void __ieee80211_tx_status(struct
+ 		if (!(info->flags & IEEE80211_TX_CTL_INJECTED) && acked)
+ 			ieee80211_frame_acked(sta, skb);
+-	} else if (wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy,
+-		struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata;
+-		struct ieee80211_txq *txq;
+-		u32 airtime;
+-		/* Account airtime to multicast queue */
+-		sdata = ieee80211_sdata_from_skb(local, skb);
+-		if (sdata && (txq = sdata->vif.txq)) {
+-			airtime = info->status.tx_time ?:
+-				ieee80211_calc_expected_tx_airtime(hw,
+-								   &sdata->vif,
+-								   NULL,
+-								   skb->len,
+-								   false);
+-			ieee80211_register_airtime(txq, airtime, 0);
+-		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* SNMP counters
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
+ #include <linux/bitmap.h>
+ #include <linux/rcupdate.h>
+ #include <linux/export.h>
+-#include <linux/timekeeping.h>
+ #include <net/net_namespace.h>
+ #include <net/ieee80211_radiotap.h>
+ #include <net/cfg80211.h>
+@@ -1480,7 +1479,7 @@ void ieee80211_txq_init(struct ieee80211
+ 	codel_vars_init(&txqi->def_cvars);
+ 	codel_stats_init(&txqi->cstats);
+ 	__skb_queue_head_init(&txqi->frags);
+-	RB_CLEAR_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order);
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&txqi->schedule_order);
+ 	txqi->txq.vif = &sdata->vif;
+@@ -1524,7 +1523,9 @@ void ieee80211_txq_purge(struct ieee8021
+ 	ieee80211_purge_tx_queue(&local->hw, &txqi->frags);
+ 	spin_unlock_bh(&fq->lock);
+-	ieee80211_unschedule_txq(&local->hw, &txqi->txq, true);
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[txqi->txq.ac]);
++	list_del_init(&txqi->schedule_order);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[txqi->txq.ac]);
+ }
+ void ieee80211_txq_set_params(struct ieee80211_local *local)
+@@ -3819,259 +3820,102 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_tx_dequeue);
+ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 ac)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	u64 now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+ 	struct ieee80211_txq *ret = NULL;
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+-	struct txq_info *txqi = NULL;
+-	struct rb_node *node;
+-	bool first = false;
++	struct txq_info *txqi = NULL, *head = NULL;
++	bool found_eligible_txq = false;
+-	air_sched = &local->airtime[ac];
+-	spin_lock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+-	node = air_sched->schedule_pos;
+-	if (!node) {
+-		node = rb_first_cached(&air_sched->active_txqs);
+-		first = true;
+-	} else {
+-		node = rb_next(node);
+-	}
+-	if (!node)
+-		goto out;
+-	txqi = container_of(node, struct txq_info, schedule_order);
+-	air_info = to_airtime_info(&txqi->txq);
+-	if (air_info->v_t > air_sched->v_t &&
+-	    (!first || !airtime_catchup_v_t(air_sched, air_info->v_t, now)))
++ begin:
++	txqi = list_first_entry_or_null(&local->active_txqs[ac],
++					struct txq_info,
++					schedule_order);
++	if (!txqi)
+ 		goto out;
+-	if (!ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(hw, &txqi->txq)) {
+-		first = false;
+-		goto begin;
+-	}
+-	air_sched->schedule_pos = node;
+-	air_sched->last_schedule_activity = now;
+-	ret = &txqi->txq;
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-	return ret;
+-static void __ieee80211_insert_txq(struct rb_root_cached *root,
+-				   struct txq_info *txqi)
+-	struct rb_node **new = &root->rb_root.rb_node;
+-	struct airtime_info *old_air, *new_air;
+-	struct rb_node *parent = NULL;
+-	struct txq_info *__txqi;
+-	bool leftmost = true;
+-	while (*new) {
+-		parent = *new;
+-		__txqi = rb_entry(parent, struct txq_info, schedule_order);
+-		old_air = to_airtime_info(&__txqi->txq);
+-		new_air = to_airtime_info(&txqi->txq);
+-		if (new_air->v_t <= old_air->v_t) {
+-			new = &parent->rb_left;
+-		} else {
+-			new = &parent->rb_right;
+-			leftmost = false;
+-		}
++	if (txqi == head) {
++		if (!found_eligible_txq)
++			goto out;
++		else
++			found_eligible_txq = false;
+ 	}
+-	rb_link_node(&txqi->schedule_order, parent, new);
+-	rb_insert_color_cached(&txqi->schedule_order, root, leftmost);
+-void ieee80211_resort_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-			  struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info = to_airtime_info(txq);
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	air_sched = &local->airtime[txq->ac];
++	if (!head)
++		head = txqi;
+-	lockdep_assert_held(&air_sched->lock);
+-	if (!RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order)) {
+-		struct airtime_info *a_prev = NULL, *a_next = NULL;
+-		struct txq_info *t_prev, *t_next;
+-		struct rb_node *n_prev, *n_next;
++	if (txqi->txq.sta) {
++		struct sta_info *sta = container_of(txqi->txq.sta,
++						    struct sta_info, sta);
++		bool aql_check = ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(hw, &txqi->txq);
++		s64 deficit = sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].deficit;
+-		/* Erasing a node can cause an expensive rebalancing operation,
+-		 * so we check the previous and next nodes first and only remove
+-		 * and re-insert if the current node is not already in the
+-		 * correct position.
+-		 */
+-		if ((n_prev = rb_prev(&txqi->schedule_order)) != NULL) {
+-			t_prev = container_of(n_prev, struct txq_info,
+-					      schedule_order);
+-			a_prev = to_airtime_info(&t_prev->txq);
+-		}
++		if (aql_check)
++			found_eligible_txq = true;
+-		if ((n_next = rb_next(&txqi->schedule_order)) != NULL) {
+-			t_next = container_of(n_next, struct txq_info,
+-					      schedule_order);
+-			a_next = to_airtime_info(&t_next->txq);
++		if (deficit < 0)
++			sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].deficit +=
++				sta->airtime_weight;
++		if (deficit < 0 || !aql_check) {
++			list_move_tail(&txqi->schedule_order,
++				       &local->active_txqs[txqi->txq.ac]);
++			goto begin;
+ 		}
+-		if ((!a_prev || a_prev->v_t <= air_info->v_t) &&
+-		    (!a_next || a_next->v_t > air_info->v_t))
+-			return;
+-		if (air_sched->schedule_pos == &txqi->schedule_order)
+-			air_sched->schedule_pos = n_prev;
+-		rb_erase_cached(&txqi->schedule_order,
+-				&air_sched->active_txqs);
+-		RB_CLEAR_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order);
+-		__ieee80211_insert_txq(&air_sched->active_txqs, txqi);
+ 	}
+-void ieee80211_update_airtime_weight(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+-				     struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched,
+-				     u64 now, bool force)
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info, *tmp;
+-	u64 weight_sum = 0;
+-	if (unlikely(!now))
+-		now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+-	lockdep_assert_held(&air_sched->lock);
+-	if (!force && (air_sched->last_weight_update <
+-		       now - AIRTIME_ACTIVE_DURATION))
+-		return;
+-	list_for_each_entry_safe(air_info, tmp,
+-				 &air_sched->active_list, list) {
+-		if (airtime_is_active(air_info, now))
+-			weight_sum += air_info->weight;
+-		else
+-			list_del_init(&air_info->list);
+-	}
+-	airtime_weight_sum_set(air_sched, weight_sum);
+-	air_sched->last_weight_update = now;
+-void ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-			    struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
+-	__acquires(txq_lock) __releases(txq_lock)
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	u64 now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+-	u8 ac = txq->ac;
+-	bool was_active;
+-	air_sched = &local->airtime[ac];
+-	air_info = to_airtime_info(txq);
+-	spin_lock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-	was_active = airtime_is_active(air_info, now);
+-	airtime_set_active(air_sched, air_info, now);
+-	if (!RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order))
++	if (txqi->schedule_round == local->schedule_round[ac])
+ 		goto out;
+-	/* If the station has been inactive for a while, catch up its v_t so it
+-	 * doesn't get indefinite priority; see comment above the definition of
+-	 */
+-	if ((!was_active && air_info->v_t < air_sched->v_t) ||
+-	    air_info->v_t < air_sched->v_t - AIRTIME_MAX_BEHIND)
+-		air_info->v_t = air_sched->v_t;
+-	ieee80211_update_airtime_weight(local, air_sched, now, !was_active);
+-	__ieee80211_insert_txq(&air_sched->active_txqs, txqi);
++	list_del_init(&txqi->schedule_order);
++	txqi->schedule_round = local->schedule_round[ac];
++	ret = &txqi->txq;
+ out:
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-static void __ieee80211_unschedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-				       struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
+-				       bool purge)
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+-	air_sched = &local->airtime[txq->ac];
+-	air_info = to_airtime_info(&txqi->txq);
+-	lockdep_assert_held(&air_sched->lock);
+-	if (purge) {
+-		list_del_init(&air_info->list);
+-		ieee80211_update_airtime_weight(local, air_sched, 0, true);
+-	}
+-	if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order))
+-		return;
+-	if (air_sched->schedule_pos == &txqi->schedule_order)
+-		air_sched->schedule_pos = rb_prev(&txqi->schedule_order);
+-	if (!purge)
+-		airtime_set_active(air_sched, air_info,
+-				   ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns());
+-	rb_erase_cached(&txqi->schedule_order,
+-			&air_sched->active_txqs);
+-	RB_CLEAR_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
++	return ret;
+ }
+-void ieee80211_unschedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++void __ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 			      struct ieee80211_txq *txq,
+-			      bool purge)
+-	__acquires(txq_lock) __releases(txq_lock)
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[txq->ac].lock);
+-	__ieee80211_unschedule_txq(hw, txq, purge);
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[txq->ac].lock);
+-void ieee80211_return_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+-			  struct ieee80211_txq *txq, bool force)
++			      bool force)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+-	spin_lock_bh(&local->airtime[txq->ac].lock);
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[txq->ac]);
+-	if (!RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order) && !force &&
+-	    !txq_has_queue(txq))
+-		__ieee80211_unschedule_txq(hw, txq, false);
++	if (list_empty(&txqi->schedule_order) &&
++	    (force || !skb_queue_empty(&txqi->frags) ||
++	     txqi->tin.backlog_packets)) {
++		/* If airtime accounting is active, always enqueue STAs at the
++		 * head of the list to ensure that they only get moved to the
++		 * back by the airtime DRR scheduler once they have a negative
++		 * deficit. A station that already has a negative deficit will
++		 * get immediately moved to the back of the list on the next
++		 * call to ieee80211_next_txq().
++		 */
++		if (txqi->txq.sta && local->airtime_flags &&
++		    wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy,
++			list_add(&txqi->schedule_order,
++				 &local->active_txqs[txq->ac]);
++		else
++			list_add_tail(&txqi->schedule_order,
++				      &local->active_txqs[txq->ac]);
++	}
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&local->airtime[txq->ac].lock);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[txq->ac]);
+ }
+ bool ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				 struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
+ {
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info = to_airtime_info(txq);
++	struct sta_info *sta;
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	if (!wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AQL))
+@@ -4086,12 +3930,15 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(struct
+ 	if (unlikely(txq->tid == IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS))
+ 		return true;
+-	if (atomic_read(&air_info->aql_tx_pending) < air_info->aql_limit_low)
++	sta = container_of(txq->sta, struct sta_info, sta);
++	if (atomic_read(&sta->airtime[txq->ac].aql_tx_pending) <
++	    sta->airtime[txq->ac].aql_limit_low)
+ 		return true;
+ 	if (atomic_read(&local->aql_total_pending_airtime) <
+ 	    local->aql_threshold &&
+-	    atomic_read(&air_info->aql_tx_pending) < air_info->aql_limit_high)
++	    atomic_read(&sta->airtime[txq->ac].aql_tx_pending) <
++	    sta->airtime[txq->ac].aql_limit_high)
+ 		return true;
+ 	return false;
+@@ -4101,59 +3948,60 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_txq_airtime_chec
+ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
+ {
+-	struct txq_info *first_txqi = NULL, *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched;
+-	struct airtime_info *air_info;
+-	struct rb_node *node = NULL;
+-	bool ret = false;
+-	u64 now;
++	struct txq_info *iter, *tmp, *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
++	struct sta_info *sta;
++	u8 ac = txq->ac;
+-	if (!ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(hw, txq))
+-		return false;
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+-	air_sched = &local->airtime[txq->ac];
+-	spin_lock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
++	if (!txqi->txq.sta)
++		goto out;
+-	if (RB_EMPTY_NODE(&txqi->schedule_order))
++	if (list_empty(&txqi->schedule_order))
+ 		goto out;
+-	now = ktime_get_coarse_boottime_ns();
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(iter, tmp, &local->active_txqs[ac],
++				 schedule_order) {
++		if (iter == txqi)
++			break;
+-	/* Like in ieee80211_next_txq(), make sure the first station in the
+-	 * scheduling order is eligible for transmission to avoid starvation.
+-	 */
+-	node = rb_first_cached(&air_sched->active_txqs);
+-	if (node) {
+-		first_txqi = container_of(node, struct txq_info,
+-					  schedule_order);
+-		air_info = to_airtime_info(&first_txqi->txq);
+-		if (air_sched->v_t < air_info->v_t)
+-			airtime_catchup_v_t(air_sched, air_info->v_t, now);
++		if (!iter->txq.sta) {
++			list_move_tail(&iter->schedule_order,
++				       &local->active_txqs[ac]);
++			continue;
++		}
++		sta = container_of(iter->txq.sta, struct sta_info, sta);
++		if (sta->airtime[ac].deficit < 0)
++			sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight;
++		list_move_tail(&iter->schedule_order, &local->active_txqs[ac]);
+ 	}
+-	air_info = to_airtime_info(&txqi->txq);
+-	if (air_info->v_t <= air_sched->v_t) {
+-		air_sched->last_schedule_activity = now;
+-		ret = true;
+-	}
++	sta = container_of(txqi->txq.sta, struct sta_info, sta);
++	if (sta->airtime[ac].deficit >= 0)
++		goto out;
++	sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight;
++	list_move_tail(&txqi->schedule_order, &local->active_txqs[ac]);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
++	return false;
+ out:
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-	return ret;
++	if (!list_empty(&txqi->schedule_order))
++		list_del_init(&txqi->schedule_order);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
++	return true;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_txq_may_transmit);
+ void ieee80211_txq_schedule_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 ac)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+-	struct airtime_sched_info *air_sched = &local->airtime[ac];
+-	spin_lock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
+-	air_sched->schedule_pos = NULL;
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&air_sched->lock);
++	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
++	local->schedule_round[ac]++;
++	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_txq_schedule_start);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/331-v6.0-mac80211-make-sta-airtime-deficit-field-s32-instead-.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/331-v6.0-mac80211-make-sta-airtime-deficit-field-s32-instead-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c006d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/331-v6.0-mac80211-make-sta-airtime-deficit-field-s32-instead-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 14:53:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: make sta airtime deficit field s32 instead of
+ s64
+32 bit is more than enough range for the airtime deficit
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs_sta.c
+@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static ssize_t sta_airtime_read(struct f
+ 	size_t bufsz = 400;
+ 	char *buf = kzalloc(bufsz, GFP_KERNEL), *p = buf;
+ 	u64 rx_airtime = 0, tx_airtime = 0;
+-	s64 deficit[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
++	s32 deficit[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	ssize_t rv;
+ 	int ac;
+@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static ssize_t sta_airtime_read(struct f
+ 	p += scnprintf(p, bufsz + buf - p,
+ 		"RX: %llu us\nTX: %llu us\nWeight: %u\n"
+-		"Deficit: VO: %lld us VI: %lld us BE: %lld us BK: %lld us\n",
++		"Deficit: VO: %d us VI: %d us BE: %d us BK: %d us\n",
+ 		rx_airtime, tx_airtime, sta->airtime_weight,
+ 		deficit[0], deficit[1], deficit[2], deficit[3]);
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.h
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ enum ieee80211_agg_stop_reason {
+ struct airtime_info {
+ 	u64 rx_airtime;
+ 	u64 tx_airtime;
+-	s64 deficit;
++	s32 deficit;
+ 	atomic_t aql_tx_pending; /* Estimated airtime for frames pending */
+ 	u32 aql_limit_low;
+ 	u32 aql_limit_high;
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3847,7 +3847,7 @@ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq
+ 		struct sta_info *sta = container_of(txqi->txq.sta,
+ 						    struct sta_info, sta);
+ 		bool aql_check = ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(hw, &txqi->txq);
+-		s64 deficit = sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].deficit;
++		s32 deficit = sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].deficit;
+ 		if (aql_check)
+ 			found_eligible_txq = true;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/332-v6.0-mac80211-consider-aql_tx_pending-when-checking-airti.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/332-v6.0-mac80211-consider-aql_tx_pending-when-checking-airti.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c214294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/332-v6.0-mac80211-consider-aql_tx_pending-when-checking-airti.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 14:59:09 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: consider aql_tx_pending when checking airtime
+ deficit
+When queueing packets for a station, deficit only gets added once the packets
+have been transmitted, which could be much later. During that time, a lot of
+temporary unfairness could happen, which could lead to bursty behavior.
+Fix this by subtracting the aql_tx_pending when checking the deficit in tx
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3817,6 +3817,13 @@ out:
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_tx_dequeue);
++static inline s32 ieee80211_sta_deficit(struct sta_info *sta, u8 ac)
++	struct airtime_info *air_info = &sta->airtime[ac];
++	return air_info->deficit - atomic_read(&air_info->aql_tx_pending);
+ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 ac)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+@@ -3847,7 +3854,7 @@ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq
+ 		struct sta_info *sta = container_of(txqi->txq.sta,
+ 						    struct sta_info, sta);
+ 		bool aql_check = ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(hw, &txqi->txq);
+-		s32 deficit = sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].deficit;
++		s32 deficit = ieee80211_sta_deficit(sta, txqi->txq.ac);
+ 		if (aql_check)
+ 			found_eligible_txq = true;
+@@ -3972,7 +3979,7 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct i
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		sta = container_of(iter->txq.sta, struct sta_info, sta);
+-		if (sta->airtime[ac].deficit < 0)
++		if (ieee80211_sta_deficit(sta, ac) < 0)
+ 			sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight;
+ 		list_move_tail(&iter->schedule_order, &local->active_txqs[ac]);
+ 	}
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/333-v6.0-mac80211-keep-recently-active-tx-queues-in-schedulin.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/333-v6.0-mac80211-keep-recently-active-tx-queues-in-schedulin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..317e4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/333-v6.0-mac80211-keep-recently-active-tx-queues-in-schedulin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 20:52:50 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: keep recently active tx queues in scheduling
+ list
+This allows proper deficit accounting to ensure that they don't carry their
+deficit until the next time they become active
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ extern const u8 ieee80211_ac_to_qos_mask
+ #define IEEE80211_MAX_NAN_INSTANCE_ID 255
++ * Keep a station's queues on the active list for deficit accounting purposes
++ * if it was active or queued during the last 100ms
++ */
+ struct ieee80211_bss {
+ 	u32 device_ts_beacon, device_ts_presp;
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.h
+@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ enum ieee80211_agg_stop_reason {
+ struct airtime_info {
+ 	u64 rx_airtime;
+ 	u64 tx_airtime;
++	u32 last_active;
+ 	s32 deficit;
+ 	atomic_t aql_tx_pending; /* Estimated airtime for frames pending */
+ 	u32 aql_limit_low;
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3824,6 +3824,36 @@ static inline s32 ieee80211_sta_deficit(
+ 	return air_info->deficit - atomic_read(&air_info->aql_tx_pending);
+ }
++static void
++ieee80211_txq_set_active(struct txq_info *txqi)
++	struct sta_info *sta;
++	if (!txqi->txq.sta)
++		return;
++	sta = container_of(txqi->txq.sta, struct sta_info, sta);
++	sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].last_active = (u32)jiffies;
++static bool
++ieee80211_txq_keep_active(struct txq_info *txqi)
++	struct sta_info *sta;
++	u32 diff;
++	if (!txqi->txq.sta)
++		return false;
++	sta = container_of(txqi->txq.sta, struct sta_info, sta);
++	if (ieee80211_sta_deficit(sta, txqi->txq.ac) >= 0)
++		return false;
++	diff = (u32)jiffies - sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].last_active;
++	return diff <= AIRTIME_ACTIVE_DURATION;
+ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 ac)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+@@ -3870,7 +3900,6 @@ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if (txqi->schedule_round == local->schedule_round[ac])
+ 		goto out;
+@@ -3890,12 +3919,13 @@ void __ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct iee
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	struct txq_info *txqi = to_txq_info(txq);
++	bool has_queue;
+ 	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[txq->ac]);
++	has_queue = force || txq_has_queue(txq);
+ 	if (list_empty(&txqi->schedule_order) &&
+-	    (force || !skb_queue_empty(&txqi->frags) ||
+-	     txqi->tin.backlog_packets)) {
++	    (has_queue || ieee80211_txq_keep_active(txqi))) {
+ 		/* If airtime accounting is active, always enqueue STAs at the
+ 		 * head of the list to ensure that they only get moved to the
+ 		 * back by the airtime DRR scheduler once they have a negative
+@@ -3903,7 +3933,7 @@ void __ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct iee
+ 		 * get immediately moved to the back of the list on the next
+ 		 * call to ieee80211_next_txq().
+ 		 */
+-		if (txqi->txq.sta && local->airtime_flags &&
++		if (txqi->txq.sta && local->airtime_flags && has_queue &&
+ 		    wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy,
+ 			list_add(&txqi->schedule_order,
+@@ -3911,6 +3941,8 @@ void __ieee80211_schedule_txq(struct iee
+ 		else
+ 			list_add_tail(&txqi->schedule_order,
+ 				      &local->active_txqs[txq->ac]);
++		if (has_queue)
++			ieee80211_txq_set_active(txqi);
+ 	}
+ 	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[txq->ac]);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/334-v6.0-mac80211-add-a-per-PHY-AQL-limit-to-improve-fairness.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/334-v6.0-mac80211-add-a-per-PHY-AQL-limit-to-improve-fairness.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb6fd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/334-v6.0-mac80211-add-a-per-PHY-AQL-limit-to-improve-fairness.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 21:26:34 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: add a per-PHY AQL limit to improve fairness
+In order to maintain fairness, the amount of queueing needs to be limited
+beyond the simple per-station AQL budget, otherwise the driver can simply
+repeatedly do scheduling rounds until all queues that have not used their
+AQL budget become eligble.
+To be conservative, use the high AQL limit for the first txq and add half
+of the low AQL for each subsequent queue.
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -1215,6 +1215,7 @@ struct ieee80211_local {
+ 	u32 aql_txq_limit_high[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	u32 aql_threshold;
+ 	atomic_t aql_total_pending_airtime;
++	atomic_t aql_ac_pending_airtime[IEEE80211_NUM_ACS];
+ 	const struct ieee80211_ops *ops;
+--- a/net/mac80211/main.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/main.c
+@@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw_
+ 		local->aql_txq_limit_low[i] = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_AQL_TXQ_LIMIT_L;
+ 		local->aql_txq_limit_high[i] =
++		atomic_set(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[i], 0);
+ 	}
+ 	local->airtime_flags = AIRTIME_USE_TX | AIRTIME_USE_RX;
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
+@@ -1929,6 +1929,7 @@ void ieee80211_sta_update_pending_airtim
+ 				   &sta->airtime[ac].aql_tx_pending);
+ 		atomic_add(tx_airtime, &local->aql_total_pending_airtime);
++		atomic_add(tx_airtime, &local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[ac]);
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+@@ -1940,14 +1941,17 @@ void ieee80211_sta_update_pending_airtim
+ 				       tx_pending, 0);
+ 	}
++	atomic_sub(tx_airtime, &local->aql_total_pending_airtime);
+ 	tx_pending = atomic_sub_return(tx_airtime,
+-				       &local->aql_total_pending_airtime);
++				       &local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[ac]);
+ 	if (WARN_ONCE(tx_pending < 0,
+ 		      "Device %s AC %d pending airtime underflow: %u, %u",
+ 		      wiphy_name(local->hw.wiphy), ac, tx_pending,
+-		      tx_airtime))
+-		atomic_cmpxchg(&local->aql_total_pending_airtime,
++		      tx_airtime)) {
++		atomic_cmpxchg(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[ac],
+ 			       tx_pending, 0);
++		atomic_sub(tx_pending, &local->aql_total_pending_airtime);
++	}
+ }
+ int sta_info_move_state(struct sta_info *sta,
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3863,6 +3863,9 @@ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq
+ 	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
++	if (!local->schedule_round[ac])
++		goto out;
+  begin:
+ 	txqi = list_first_entry_or_null(&local->active_txqs[ac],
+ 					struct txq_info,
+@@ -3984,6 +3987,25 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_airtime_check(struct
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_txq_airtime_check);
++static bool
++ieee80211_txq_schedule_airtime_check(struct ieee80211_local *local, u8 ac)
++	unsigned int num_txq = 0;
++	struct txq_info *txq;
++	u32 aql_limit;
++	if (!wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AQL))
++		return true;
++	list_for_each_entry(txq, &local->active_txqs[ac], schedule_order)
++		num_txq++;
++	aql_limit = (num_txq - 1) * local->aql_txq_limit_low[ac] / 2 +
++		    local->aql_txq_limit_high[ac];
++	return atomic_read(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[ac]) < aql_limit;
+ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				struct ieee80211_txq *txq)
+ {
+@@ -4000,6 +4022,9 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct i
+ 	if (list_empty(&txqi->schedule_order))
+ 		goto out;
++	if (!ieee80211_txq_schedule_airtime_check(local, ac))
++		goto out;
+ 	list_for_each_entry_safe(iter, tmp, &local->active_txqs[ac],
+ 				 schedule_order) {
+ 		if (iter == txqi)
+@@ -4039,7 +4064,15 @@ void ieee80211_txq_schedule_start(struct
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = hw_to_local(hw);
+ 	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+-	local->schedule_round[ac]++;
++	if (ieee80211_txq_schedule_airtime_check(local, ac)) {
++		local->schedule_round[ac]++;
++		if (!local->schedule_round[ac])
++			local->schedule_round[ac]++;
++	} else {
++		local->schedule_round[ac] = 0;
++	}
+ 	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_txq_schedule_start);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/335-v6.0-mac80211-add-debugfs-file-to-display-per-phy-AQL-pen.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/335-v6.0-mac80211-add-debugfs-file-to-display-per-phy-AQL-pen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df45a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/335-v6.0-mac80211-add-debugfs-file-to-display-per-phy-AQL-pen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 21:25:40 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: add debugfs file to display per-phy AQL pending
+ airtime
+Now that the global pending airtime is more relevant for airtime fairness,
+it makes sense to make it accessible via debugfs for debugging
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/debugfs.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs.c
+@@ -201,6 +201,36 @@ static const struct file_operations airt
+ 	.llseek = default_llseek,
+ };
++static ssize_t aql_pending_read(struct file *file,
++				char __user *user_buf,
++				size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = file->private_data;
++	char buf[400];
++	int len = 0;
++	len = scnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
++			"AC     AQL pending\n"
++			"VO     %u us\n"
++			"VI     %u us\n"
++			"BE     %u us\n"
++			"BK     %u us\n"
++			"total  %u us\n",
++			atomic_read(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[IEEE80211_AC_VO]),
++			atomic_read(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[IEEE80211_AC_VI]),
++			atomic_read(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[IEEE80211_AC_BE]),
++			atomic_read(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[IEEE80211_AC_BK]),
++			atomic_read(&local->aql_total_pending_airtime));
++	return simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos,
++				       buf, len);
++static const struct file_operations aql_pending_ops = {
++	.read = aql_pending_read,
++	.open = simple_open,
++	.llseek = default_llseek,
+ static ssize_t aql_txq_limit_read(struct file *file,
+ 				  char __user *user_buf,
+ 				  size_t count,
+@@ -628,6 +658,7 @@ void debugfs_hw_add(struct ieee80211_loc
+ 	DEBUGFS_ADD(hw_conf);
+ 	DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(force_tx_status, 0600);
+ 	DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(aql_enable, 0600);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(aql_pending);
+ 	if (local->ops->wake_tx_queue)
+ 		DEBUGFS_ADD_MODE(aqm, 0600);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/336-v6.0-mac80211-only-accumulate-airtime-deficit-for-active-.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/336-v6.0-mac80211-only-accumulate-airtime-deficit-for-active-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f07c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/336-v6.0-mac80211-only-accumulate-airtime-deficit-for-active-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 23:10:19 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: only accumulate airtime deficit for active
+ clients
+When a client does not generate any local tx activity, accumulating airtime
+deficit for the round-robin scheduler can be harmful. If this goes on for too
+long, the deficit could grow quite large, which might cause unreasonable
+initial latency once the client becomes active
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/sta_info.c
+@@ -1900,6 +1900,7 @@ void ieee80211_sta_register_airtime(stru
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = sta->sdata->local;
+ 	u8 ac = ieee80211_ac_from_tid(tid);
+ 	u32 airtime = 0;
++	u32 diff;
+ 	if (sta->local->airtime_flags & AIRTIME_USE_TX)
+ 		airtime += tx_airtime;
+@@ -1909,7 +1910,11 @@ void ieee80211_sta_register_airtime(stru
+ 	spin_lock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ 	sta->airtime[ac].tx_airtime += tx_airtime;
+ 	sta->airtime[ac].rx_airtime += rx_airtime;
+-	sta->airtime[ac].deficit -= airtime;
++	diff = (u32)jiffies - sta->airtime[ac].last_active;
++		sta->airtime[ac].deficit -= airtime;
+ 	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ieee80211_sta_register_airtime);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/337-mac80211-increase-quantum-for-airtime-scheduler.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/337-mac80211-increase-quantum-for-airtime-scheduler.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74e8576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/337-mac80211-increase-quantum-for-airtime-scheduler.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 11:43:25 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: increase quantum for airtime scheduler
+Given the typical AQL budget and queue length, a quantum of 256 with the
+default station weight often requires iterating over all queues frequently,
+until one of them becomes eligible.
+Improve performance by using 8 times station weight as scheduler quantum
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ extern const u8 ieee80211_ac_to_qos_mask
+  */
+ struct ieee80211_bss {
+ 	u32 device_ts_beacon, device_ts_presp;
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3894,7 +3894,7 @@ struct ieee80211_txq *ieee80211_next_txq
+ 		if (deficit < 0)
+ 			sta->airtime[txqi->txq.ac].deficit +=
+-				sta->airtime_weight;
++				sta->airtime_weight << AIRTIME_QUANTUM_SHIFT;
+ 		if (deficit < 0 || !aql_check) {
+ 			list_move_tail(&txqi->schedule_order,
+@@ -4037,7 +4037,8 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct i
+ 		}
+ 		sta = container_of(iter->txq.sta, struct sta_info, sta);
+ 		if (ieee80211_sta_deficit(sta, ac) < 0)
+-			sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight;
++			sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight <<
+ 		list_move_tail(&iter->schedule_order, &local->active_txqs[ac]);
+ 	}
+@@ -4045,7 +4046,7 @@ bool ieee80211_txq_may_transmit(struct i
+ 	if (sta->airtime[ac].deficit >= 0)
+ 		goto out;
+-	sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight;
++	sta->airtime[ac].deficit += sta->airtime_weight << AIRTIME_QUANTUM_SHIFT;
+ 	list_move_tail(&txqi->schedule_order, &local->active_txqs[ac]);
+ 	spin_unlock_bh(&local->active_txq_lock[ac]);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/339-v6.0-mac80211-exclude-multicast-packets-from-AQL-pending-.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/339-v6.0-mac80211-exclude-multicast-packets-from-AQL-pending-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c3e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/339-v6.0-mac80211-exclude-multicast-packets-from-AQL-pending-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2022 07:32:26 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: exclude multicast packets from AQL pending airtime
+In AP mode, multicast traffic is handled very differently from normal traffic,
+especially if at least one client is in powersave mode.
+This means that multicast packets can be buffered a lot longer than normal
+unicast packets, and can eat up the AQL budget very quickly because of the low
+data rate.
+Along with the recent change to maintain a global PHY AQL limit, this can lead
+to significant latency spikes for unicast traffic.
+Since queueing multicast to hardware is currently not constrained by AQL limits
+anyway, let's just exclude it from the AQL pending airtime calculation entirely.
+Fixes: 8e4bac067105 ("wifi: mac80211: add a per-PHY AQL limit to improve fairness")
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -3792,7 +3792,7 @@ begin:
+ encap_out:
+ 	IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->control.vif = vif;
+-	if (vif &&
++	if (tx.sta &&
+ 	    wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AQL)) {
+ 		bool ampdu = txq->ac != IEEE80211_AC_VO;
+ 		u32 airtime;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/340-v5.19-wifi-mac80211-do-not-abuse-fq.lock-in-ieee80211_do_s.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/340-v5.19-wifi-mac80211-do-not-abuse-fq.lock-in-ieee80211_do_s.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82243f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/340-v5.19-wifi-mac80211-do-not-abuse-fq.lock-in-ieee80211_do_s.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From aa40d5a43526cca9439a2b45fcfdcd016594dece Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tetsuo Handa <penguin-kernel@I-love.SAKURA.ne.jp>
+Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 21:21:52 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] wifi: mac80211: do not abuse fq.lock in ieee80211_do_stop()
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+lockdep complains use of uninitialized spinlock at ieee80211_do_stop() [1],
+for commit f856373e2f31ffd3 ("wifi: mac80211: do not wake queues on a vif
+that is being stopped") guards clear_bit() using fq.lock even before
+fq_init() from ieee80211_txq_setup_flows() initializes this spinlock.
+According to discussion [2], Toke was not happy with expanding usage of
+fq.lock. Since __ieee80211_wake_txqs() is called under RCU read lock, we
+can instead use synchronize_rcu() for flushing ieee80211_wake_txqs().
+Link: https://syzkaller.appspot.com/bug?extid=eceab52db7c4b961e9d6 [1]
+Link: https://lkml.kernel.org/r/874k0zowh2.fsf@toke.dk [2]
+Reported-by: syzbot <syzbot+eceab52db7c4b961e9d6@syzkaller.appspotmail.com>
+Signed-off-by: Tetsuo Handa <penguin-kernel@I-love.SAKURA.ne.jp>
+Fixes: f856373e2f31ffd3 ("wifi: mac80211: do not wake queues on a vif that is being stopped")
+Tested-by: syzbot <syzbot+eceab52db7c4b961e9d6@syzkaller.appspotmail.com>
+Acked-by: Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <toke@kernel.org>
+Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <kvalo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/9cc9b81d-75a3-3925-b612-9d0ad3cab82b@I-love.SAKURA.ne.jp
+[ pick up commit 3598cb6e1862 ("wifi: mac80211: do not abuse fq.lock in ieee80211_do_stop()") from -next]
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/all/87o7xcq6qt.fsf@kernel.org/
+Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org>
+ net/mac80211/iface.c | 3 +--
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -377,9 +377,8 @@ static void ieee80211_do_stop(struct iee
+ 	bool cancel_scan;
+ 	struct cfg80211_nan_func *func;
+-	spin_lock_bh(&local->fq.lock);
+ 	clear_bit(SDATA_STATE_RUNNING, &sdata->state);
+-	spin_unlock_bh(&local->fq.lock);
++	synchronize_rcu(); /* flush _ieee80211_wake_txqs() */
+ 	cancel_scan = rcu_access_pointer(local->scan_sdata) == sdata;
+ 	if (cancel_scan)
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/341-v6.0-mac80211-Fix-deadlock-Don-t-start-TX-while-holding-f.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/341-v6.0-mac80211-Fix-deadlock-Don-t-start-TX-while-holding-f.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c56acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/341-v6.0-mac80211-Fix-deadlock-Don-t-start-TX-while-holding-f.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From: Alexander Wetzel <alexander@wetzel-home.de>
+Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 14:41:20 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: Fix deadlock: Don't start TX while holding
+ fq->lock
+ieee80211_txq_purge() calls fq_tin_reset() and
+ieee80211_purge_tx_queue(); Both are then calling
+ieee80211_free_txskb(). Which can decide to TX the skb again.
+There are at least two ways to get a deadlock:
+1) When we have a TDLS teardown packet queued in either tin or frags
+   ieee80211_tdls_td_tx_handle() will call ieee80211_subif_start_xmit()
+   while we still hold fq->lock. ieee80211_txq_enqueue() will thus
+   deadlock.
+2) A variant of the above happens if aggregation is up and running:
+   In that case ieee80211_iface_work() will deadlock with the original
+   task: The original tasks already holds fq->lock and tries to get
+   sta->lock after kicking off ieee80211_iface_work(). But the worker
+   can get sta->lock prior to the original task and will then spin for
+   fq->lock.
+Avoid these deadlocks by not sending out any skbs when called via
+Signed-off-by: Alexander Wetzel <alexander@wetzel-home.de>
+--- a/net/mac80211/status.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/status.c
+@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ static void ieee80211_report_used_skb(st
+ 		if (!sdata) {
+ 			skb->dev = NULL;
+-		} else {
++		} else if (!dropped) {
+ 			unsigned int hdr_size =
+ 				ieee80211_hdrlen(hdr->frame_control);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/342-v6.0-mac80211-Ensure-vif-queues-are-operational-after-sta.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/342-v6.0-mac80211-Ensure-vif-queues-are-operational-after-sta.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4310329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/342-v6.0-mac80211-Ensure-vif-queues-are-operational-after-sta.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From: Alexander Wetzel <alexander@wetzel-home.de>
+Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 15:09:46 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: Ensure vif queues are operational after start
+Make sure local->queue_stop_reasons and vif.txqs_stopped stay in sync.
+When a new vif is created the queues may end up in an inconsistent state
+and be inoperable:
+Communication not using iTXQ will work, allowing to e.g. complete the
+association. But the 4-way handshake will time out. The sta will not
+send out any skbs queued in iTXQs.
+All normal attempts to start the queues will fail when reaching this
+local->queue_stop_reasons will have marked all queues as operational but
+vif.txqs_stopped will still be set, creating an inconsistent internal
+In reality this seems to be race between the mac80211 function
+ieee80211_do_open() setting SDATA_STATE_RUNNING and the wake_txqs_tasklet:
+Depending on the driver and the timing the queues may end up to be
+operational or not.
+Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org
+Fixes: f856373e2f31 ("wifi: mac80211: do not wake queues on a vif that is being stopped")
+Signed-off-by: Alexander Wetzel <alexander@wetzel-home.de>
+--- a/net/mac80211/util.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/util.c
+@@ -301,14 +301,14 @@ static void __ieee80211_wake_txqs(struct
+ 	local_bh_disable();
+ 	spin_lock(&fq->lock);
++	sdata->vif.txqs_stopped[ac] = false;
+ 	if (!test_bit(SDATA_STATE_RUNNING, &sdata->state))
+ 		goto out;
+ 	if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP)
+ 		ps = &sdata->bss->ps;
+-	sdata->vif.txqs_stopped[ac] = false;
+ 	list_for_each_entry_rcu(sta, &local->sta_list, list) {
+ 		if (sdata != sta->sdata)
+ 			continue;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/343-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-fix-decap-offload-for-stations-on-AP_V.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/343-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-fix-decap-offload-for-stations-on-AP_V.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0246785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/343-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-fix-decap-offload-for-stations-on-AP_V.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:50:34 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] wifi: mac80211: fix decap offload for stations on AP_VLAN
+ interfaces
+Since AP_VLAN interfaces are not passed to the driver, check offload_flags
+on the bss vif instead.
+Reported-by: Howard Hsu <howard-yh.hsu@mediatek.com>
+Fixes: 80a915ec4427 ("mac80211: add rx decapsulation offload support")
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+@@ -4267,6 +4267,7 @@ void ieee80211_check_fast_rx(struct sta_
+ 		.vif_type = sdata->vif.type,
+ 		.control_port_protocol = sdata->control_port_protocol,
+ 	}, *old, *new = NULL;
++	u32 offload_flags;
+ 	bool set_offload = false;
+ 	bool assign = false;
+ 	bool offload;
+@@ -4382,10 +4383,10 @@ void ieee80211_check_fast_rx(struct sta_
+ 	if (assign)
+ 		new = kmemdup(&fastrx, sizeof(fastrx), GFP_KERNEL);
+-	offload = assign &&
+-		  (sdata->vif.offload_flags & IEEE80211_OFFLOAD_DECAP_ENABLED);
++	offload_flags = get_bss_sdata(sdata)->vif.offload_flags;
++	offload = offload_flags & IEEE80211_OFFLOAD_DECAP_ENABLED;
+-	if (offload)
++	if (assign && offload)
+ 		set_offload = !test_and_set_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_DECAP_OFFLOAD);
+ 	else
+ 		set_offload = test_and_clear_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_DECAP_OFFLOAD);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/344-v6.1-wifi-cfg80211-fix-ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr-hand.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/344-v6.1-wifi-cfg80211-fix-ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr-hand.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161c7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/344-v6.1-wifi-cfg80211-fix-ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr-hand.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 10:54:47 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] wifi: cfg80211: fix ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr
+ handling of small packets
+STP topology change notification packets only have a payload of 7 bytes,
+so they get dropped due to the skb->len < hdrlen + 8 check.
+Fix this by removing skb->len based checks and instead check the return code
+on the skb_copy_bits calls.
+Fixes: 2d1c304cb2d5 ("cfg80211: add function for 802.3 conversion with separate output buffer")
+Reported-by: Chad Monroe <chad.monroe@smartrg.com>
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/wireless/util.c
++++ b/net/wireless/util.c
+@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ int ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr(struct
+ 		return -1;
+ 	hdrlen = ieee80211_hdrlen(hdr->frame_control) + data_offset;
+-	if (skb->len < hdrlen + 8)
++	if (skb->len < hdrlen)
+ 		return -1;
+ 	/* convert IEEE 802.11 header + possible LLC headers into Ethernet
+@@ -572,8 +572,9 @@ int ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr(struct
+ 	memcpy(tmp.h_dest, ieee80211_get_DA(hdr), ETH_ALEN);
+ 	memcpy(tmp.h_source, ieee80211_get_SA(hdr), ETH_ALEN);
+-	if (iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT)
+-		skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen, &mesh_flags, 1);
++	if (iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT &&
++	    skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen, &mesh_flags, 1) < 0)
++		return -1;
+ 	mesh_flags &= MESH_FLAGS_AE;
+@@ -593,11 +594,12 @@ int ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr(struct
+ 		if (iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {
+ 			if (mesh_flags == MESH_FLAGS_AE_A4)
+ 				return -1;
+-			if (mesh_flags == MESH_FLAGS_AE_A5_A6) {
+-				skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen +
+-					offsetof(struct ieee80211s_hdr, eaddr1),
+-					tmp.h_dest, 2 * ETH_ALEN);
+-			}
++			if (mesh_flags == MESH_FLAGS_AE_A5_A6 &&
++			    skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen +
++					  offsetof(struct ieee80211s_hdr, eaddr1),
++					  tmp.h_dest, 2 * ETH_ALEN) < 0)
++				return -1;
+ 			hdrlen += __ieee80211_get_mesh_hdrlen(mesh_flags);
+ 		}
+ 		break;
+@@ -611,10 +613,11 @@ int ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr(struct
+ 		if (iftype == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {
+ 			if (mesh_flags == MESH_FLAGS_AE_A5_A6)
+ 				return -1;
+-			if (mesh_flags == MESH_FLAGS_AE_A4)
+-				skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen +
+-					offsetof(struct ieee80211s_hdr, eaddr1),
+-					tmp.h_source, ETH_ALEN);
++			if (mesh_flags == MESH_FLAGS_AE_A4 &&
++			    skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen +
++					  offsetof(struct ieee80211s_hdr, eaddr1),
++					  tmp.h_source, ETH_ALEN) < 0)
++				return -1;
+ 			hdrlen += __ieee80211_get_mesh_hdrlen(mesh_flags);
+ 		}
+ 		break;
+@@ -626,18 +629,18 @@ int ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr(struct
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+-	skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen, &payload, sizeof(payload));
+-	tmp.h_proto = payload.proto;
+-	if (likely((!is_amsdu && ether_addr_equal(payload.hdr, rfc1042_header) &&
+-		    tmp.h_proto != htons(ETH_P_AARP) &&
+-		    tmp.h_proto != htons(ETH_P_IPX)) ||
+-		   ether_addr_equal(payload.hdr, bridge_tunnel_header)))
++	if (likely(skb_copy_bits(skb, hdrlen, &payload, sizeof(payload)) == 0 &&
++	           ((!is_amsdu && ether_addr_equal(payload.hdr, rfc1042_header) &&
++		     payload.proto != htons(ETH_P_AARP) &&
++		     payload.proto != htons(ETH_P_IPX)) ||
++		    ether_addr_equal(payload.hdr, bridge_tunnel_header)))) {
+ 		/* remove RFC1042 or Bridge-Tunnel encapsulation and
+ 		 * replace EtherType */
+ 		hdrlen += ETH_ALEN + 2;
+-	else
++		tmp.h_proto = payload.proto;
++	} else {
+ 		tmp.h_proto = htons(skb->len - hdrlen);
++	}
+ 	pskb_pull(skb, hdrlen);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/345-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-do-not-drop-packets-smaller-than-the-L.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/345-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-do-not-drop-packets-smaller-than-the-L.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23047f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/345-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-do-not-drop-packets-smaller-than-the-L.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 10:58:26 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] wifi: mac80211: do not drop packets smaller than the
+ LLC-SNAP header on fast-rx
+Since STP TCN frames are only 7 bytes, the pskb_may_pull call returns an error.
+Instead of dropping those packets, bump them back to the slow path for proper
+Fixes: 49ddf8e6e234 ("mac80211: add fast-rx path")
+Reported-by: Chad Monroe <chad.monroe@smartrg.com>
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/net/mac80211/rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+@@ -4603,7 +4603,7 @@ static bool ieee80211_invoke_fast_rx(str
+ 	if (!(status->rx_flags & IEEE80211_RX_AMSDU)) {
+ 		if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, snap_offs + sizeof(*payload)))
+-			goto drop;
++			return false;
+ 		payload = (void *)(skb->data + snap_offs);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/346-v6.0-wifi-mac80211-fix-mesh-airtime-link-metric-estimatin.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/346-v6.0-wifi-mac80211-fix-mesh-airtime-link-metric-estimatin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7185a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/346-v6.0-wifi-mac80211-fix-mesh-airtime-link-metric-estimatin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From: Aditya Kumar Singh <quic_adisi@quicinc.com>
+Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2022 19:06:11 +0530
+Subject: [PATCH] wifi: mac80211: fix mesh airtime link metric estimating
+ieee80211s_update_metric function uses sta_set_rate_info_tx
+function to get struct rate_info data from ieee80211_tx_rate
+struct, present in ieee80211_sta->deflink.tx_stats. However,
+drivers can skip tx rate calculation by setting rate idx as
+-1. Such drivers provides rate_info directly and hence
+ieee80211s metric is updated incorrectly since ieee80211_tx_rate
+has inconsistent data.
+Add fix to use rate_info directly if present instead of
+sta_set_rate_info_tx for updating ieee80211s metric.
+Signed-off-by: Aditya Kumar Singh <quic_adisi@quicinc.com>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20220701133611.544-1-quic_adisi@quicinc.com
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+--- a/net/mac80211/mesh_hwmp.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/mesh_hwmp.c
+@@ -310,7 +310,12 @@ void ieee80211s_update_metric(struct iee
+ 		mesh_plink_broken(sta);
+-	sta_set_rate_info_tx(sta, &sta->tx_stats.last_rate, &rinfo);
++	/* use rate info set by the driver directly if present */
++	if (st->rate)
++		rinfo = sta->tx_stats.last_rate_info;
++	else
++		sta_set_rate_info_tx(sta, &sta->tx_stats.last_rate, &rinfo);
+ 	ewma_mesh_tx_rate_avg_add(&sta->mesh->tx_rate_avg,
+ 				  cfg80211_calculate_bitrate(&rinfo));
+ }
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/363-v5.19-bss-color-collision.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/363-v5.19-bss-color-collision.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edee4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/363-v5.19-bss-color-collision.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+From 6d945a33f2b0aa24fc210dadaa0af3e8218e7002 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 11:42:41 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: introduce BSS color collision detection
+Add ieee80211_rx_check_bss_color_collision routine in order to introduce
+BSS color collision detection in mac80211 if it is not supported in HW/FW
+(e.g. for mt7915 chipset).
+Add IEEE80211_HW_DETECTS_COLOR_COLLISION flag to let the driver notify
+BSS color collision detection is supported in HW/FW. Set this for ath11k
+which apparently didn't need this code.
+Tested-by: Peter Chiu <Chui-Hao.Chiu@mediatek.com>
+Co-developed-by: Ryder Lee <ryder.lee@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Ryder Lee <ryder.lee@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo@kernel.org>
+Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/a05eeeb1841a84560dc5aaec77894fcb69a54f27.1648204871.git.lorenzo@kernel.org
+[clarify commit message a bit, move flag to mac80211]
+Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com>
+ drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath11k/mac.c |  5 ++-
+ include/net/mac80211.h                |  4 +++
+ net/mac80211/debugfs.c                |  1 +
+ net/mac80211/rx.c                     | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -2418,6 +2418,9 @@ struct ieee80211_txq {
+  *	usage and 802.11 frames with %RX_FLAG_ONLY_MONITOR set for monitor to
+  *	the stack.
+  *
++ * @IEEE80211_HW_DETECTS_COLOR_COLLISION: HW/driver has support for BSS color
++ *	collision detection and doesn't need it in software.
++ *
+  * @NUM_IEEE80211_HW_FLAGS: number of hardware flags, used for sizing arrays
+  */
+ enum ieee80211_hw_flags {
+@@ -2473,6 +2476,7 @@ enum ieee80211_hw_flags {
+ 	/* keep last, obviously */
+--- a/net/mac80211/debugfs.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/debugfs.c
+@@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ static const char *hw_flag_names[] = {
+ #undef FLAG
+ };
+--- a/net/mac80211/rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+@@ -3182,6 +3182,49 @@ static void ieee80211_process_sa_query_r
+ 	ieee80211_tx_skb(sdata, skb);
+ }
++static void
++ieee80211_rx_check_bss_color_collision(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx)
++	struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)rx->skb->data;
++	const struct element *ie;
++	size_t baselen;
++	if (!wiphy_ext_feature_isset(rx->local->hw.wiphy,
++				     NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BSS_COLOR))
++		return;
++	if (ieee80211_hw_check(&rx->local->hw, DETECTS_COLOR_COLLISION))
++		return;
++	if (rx->sdata->vif.csa_active)
++		return;
++	baselen = mgmt->u.beacon.variable - rx->skb->data;
++	if (baselen > rx->skb->len)
++		return;
++	ie = cfg80211_find_ext_elem(WLAN_EID_EXT_HE_OPERATION,
++				    mgmt->u.beacon.variable,
++				    rx->skb->len - baselen);
++	if (ie && ie->datalen >= sizeof(struct ieee80211_he_operation) &&
++	    ie->datalen >= ieee80211_he_oper_size(ie->data + 1)) {
++		struct ieee80211_bss_conf *bss_conf = &rx->sdata->vif.bss_conf;
++		const struct ieee80211_he_operation *he_oper;
++		u8 color;
++		he_oper = (void *)(ie->data + 1);
++		if (le32_get_bits(he_oper->he_oper_params,
++			return;
++		color = le32_get_bits(he_oper->he_oper_params,
++		if (color == bss_conf->he_bss_color.color)
++			ieeee80211_obss_color_collision_notify(&rx->sdata->vif,
++							       BIT_ULL(color));
++	}
+ static ieee80211_rx_result debug_noinline
+ ieee80211_rx_h_mgmt_check(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx)
+ {
+@@ -3207,6 +3250,9 @@ ieee80211_rx_h_mgmt_check(struct ieee802
+ 	    !(rx->flags & IEEE80211_RX_BEACON_REPORTED)) {
+ 		int sig = 0;
++		/* sw bss color collision detection */
++		ieee80211_rx_check_bss_color_collision(rx);
+ 		if (ieee80211_hw_check(&rx->local->hw, SIGNAL_DBM) &&
+ 		    !(status->flag & RX_FLAG_NO_SIGNAL_VAL))
+ 			sig = status->signal;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/364-mac80211-add-support-for-restricting-netdev-features.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/364-mac80211-add-support-for-restricting-netdev-features.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d133ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/364-mac80211-add-support-for-restricting-netdev-features.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+From: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2022 20:15:46 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: add support for restricting netdev features per vif
+This can be used to selectively disable feature flags for checksum offload,
+scatter/gather or GSO by changing vif->netdev_features.
+Removing features from vif->netdev_features does not affect the netdev
+features themselves, but instead fixes up skbs in the tx path so that the
+offloads are not needed in the driver.
+Aside from making it easier to deal with vif type based hardware limitations,
+this also makes it possible to optimize performance on hardware without native
+GSO support by declaring GSO support in hw->netdev_features and removing it
+from vif->netdev_features. This allows mac80211 to handle GSO segmentation
+after the sta lookup, but before itxq enqueue, thus reducing the number of
+unnecessary sta lookups, as well as some other per-packet processing.
+Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
+--- a/include/net/fq_impl.h
++++ b/include/net/fq_impl.h
+@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ static void fq_tin_enqueue(struct fq *fq
+ 			   fq_skb_free_t free_func)
+ {
+ 	struct fq_flow *flow;
++	struct sk_buff *next;
+ 	bool oom;
+ 	lockdep_assert_held(&fq->lock);
+@@ -214,11 +215,15 @@ static void fq_tin_enqueue(struct fq *fq
+ 	}
+ 	flow->tin = tin;
+-	flow->backlog += skb->len;
+-	tin->backlog_bytes += skb->len;
+-	tin->backlog_packets++;
+-	fq->memory_usage += skb->truesize;
+-	fq->backlog++;
++	skb_list_walk_safe(skb, skb, next) {
++		skb_mark_not_on_list(skb);
++		flow->backlog += skb->len;
++		tin->backlog_bytes += skb->len;
++		tin->backlog_packets++;
++		fq->memory_usage += skb->truesize;
++		fq->backlog++;
++		__skb_queue_tail(&flow->queue, skb);
++	}
+ 	if (list_empty(&flow->flowchain)) {
+ 		flow->deficit = fq->quantum;
+@@ -226,7 +231,6 @@ static void fq_tin_enqueue(struct fq *fq
+ 			      &tin->new_flows);
+ 	}
+-	__skb_queue_tail(&flow->queue, skb);
+ 	oom = (fq->memory_usage > fq->memory_limit);
+ 	while (fq->backlog > fq->limit || oom) {
+ 		flow = fq_find_fattest_flow(fq);
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -1685,6 +1685,10 @@ enum ieee80211_offload_flags {
+  *	write-protected by sdata_lock and local->mtx so holding either is fine
+  *	for read access.
+  * @mu_mimo_owner: indicates interface owns MU-MIMO capability
++ * @netdev_features: tx netdev features supported by the hardware for this
++ *	vif. mac80211 initializes this to hw->netdev_features, and the driver
++ *	can mask out specific tx features. mac80211 will handle software fixup
++ *	for masked offloads (GSO, CSUM)
+  * @driver_flags: flags/capabilities the driver has for this interface,
+  *	these need to be set (or cleared) when the interface is added
+  *	or, if supported by the driver, the interface type is changed
+@@ -1736,6 +1740,7 @@ struct ieee80211_vif {
+ 	struct ieee80211_chanctx_conf __rcu *chanctx_conf;
++	netdev_features_t netdev_features;
+ 	u32 driver_flags;
+ 	u32 offload_flags;
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -2209,6 +2209,7 @@ int ieee80211_if_add(struct ieee80211_lo
+ 		ndev->features |= local->hw.netdev_features;
+ 		ndev->hw_features |= ndev->features &
++		sdata->vif.netdev_features = local->hw.netdev_features;
+ 		netdev_set_default_ethtool_ops(ndev, &ieee80211_ethtool_ops);
+--- a/net/mac80211/tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/tx.c
+@@ -1310,7 +1310,11 @@ static struct txq_info *ieee80211_get_tx
+ static void ieee80211_set_skb_enqueue_time(struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+-	IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->control.enqueue_time = codel_get_time();
++	struct sk_buff *next;
++	codel_time_t now = codel_get_time();
++	skb_list_walk_safe(skb, skb, next)
++		IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->control.enqueue_time = now;
+ }
+ static u32 codel_skb_len_func(const struct sk_buff *skb)
+@@ -3499,47 +3503,71 @@ ieee80211_xmit_fast_finish(struct ieee80
+ 	return TX_CONTINUE;
+ }
+-static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+-				struct sta_info *sta,
+-				struct ieee80211_fast_tx *fast_tx,
+-				struct sk_buff *skb)
++static netdev_features_t
++ieee80211_sdata_netdev_features(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata)
+ {
+-	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
+-	u16 ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13];
+-	int extra_head = fast_tx->hdr_len - (ETH_HLEN - 2);
+-	int hw_headroom = sdata->local->hw.extra_tx_headroom;
+-	struct ethhdr eth;
+-	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info;
+-	struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (void *)fast_tx->hdr;
+-	struct ieee80211_tx_data tx;
+-	ieee80211_tx_result r;
+-	struct tid_ampdu_tx *tid_tx = NULL;
+-	u8 tid = IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS;
++	if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN)
++		return sdata->vif.netdev_features;
+-	/* control port protocol needs a lot of special handling */
+-	if (cpu_to_be16(ethertype) == sdata->control_port_protocol)
+-		return false;
++	if (!sdata->bss)
++		return 0;
+-	/* only RFC 1042 SNAP */
+-	if (ethertype < ETH_P_802_3_MIN)
+-		return false;
++	sdata = container_of(sdata->bss, struct ieee80211_sub_if_data, u.ap);
++	return sdata->vif.netdev_features;
+-	/* don't handle TX status request here either */
+-	if (skb->sk && skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags & SKBTX_WIFI_STATUS)
+-		return false;
++static struct sk_buff *
++ieee80211_tx_skb_fixup(struct sk_buff *skb, netdev_features_t features)
++	if (skb_is_gso(skb)) {
++		struct sk_buff *segs;
+-	if (hdr->frame_control & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA)) {
+-		tid = skb->priority & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TAG1D_MASK;
+-		tid_tx = rcu_dereference(sta->ampdu_mlme.tid_tx[tid]);
+-		if (tid_tx) {
+-			if (!test_bit(HT_AGG_STATE_OPERATIONAL, &tid_tx->state))
+-				return false;
+-			if (tid_tx->timeout)
+-				tid_tx->last_tx = jiffies;
+-		}
++		segs = skb_gso_segment(skb, features);
++		if (!segs)
++			return skb;
++		if (IS_ERR(segs))
++			goto free;
++		consume_skb(skb);
++		return segs;
++	}
++	if (skb_needs_linearize(skb, features) && __skb_linearize(skb))
++		goto free;
++	if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) {
++		int ofs = skb_checksum_start_offset(skb);
++		if (skb->encapsulation)
++			skb_set_inner_transport_header(skb, ofs);
++		else
++			skb_set_transport_header(skb, ofs);
++		if (skb_csum_hwoffload_help(skb, features))
++			goto free;
+ 	}
+-	/* after this point (skb is modified) we cannot return false */
++	skb_mark_not_on_list(skb);
++	return skb;
++	kfree_skb(skb);
++	return NULL;
++static void __ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++				  struct sta_info *sta,
++				  struct ieee80211_fast_tx *fast_tx,
++				  struct sk_buff *skb, u8 tid, bool ampdu)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
++	struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (void *)fast_tx->hdr;
++	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info;
++	struct ieee80211_tx_data tx;
++	ieee80211_tx_result r;
++	int hw_headroom = sdata->local->hw.extra_tx_headroom;
++	int extra_head = fast_tx->hdr_len - (ETH_HLEN - 2);
++	struct ethhdr eth;
+ 	if (skb_shared(skb)) {
+ 		struct sk_buff *tmp_skb = skb;
+@@ -3548,12 +3576,12 @@ static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct i
+ 		kfree_skb(tmp_skb);
+ 		if (!skb)
+-			return true;
++			return;
+ 	}
+ 	if ((hdr->frame_control & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA)) &&
+ 	    ieee80211_amsdu_aggregate(sdata, sta, fast_tx, skb))
+-		return true;
++		return;
+ 	/* will not be crypto-handled beyond what we do here, so use false
+ 	 * as the may-encrypt argument for the resize to not account for
+@@ -3562,10 +3590,8 @@ static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct i
+ 	if (unlikely(ieee80211_skb_resize(sdata, skb,
+ 					  max_t(int, extra_head + hw_headroom -
+ 						     skb_headroom(skb), 0),
+-					  ENCRYPT_NO))) {
+-		kfree_skb(skb);
+-		return true;
+-	}
++					  ENCRYPT_NO)))
++		goto free;
+ 	memcpy(&eth, skb->data, ETH_HLEN - 2);
+ 	hdr = skb_push(skb, extra_head);
+@@ -3579,7 +3605,7 @@ static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct i
+ 	info->control.vif = &sdata->vif;
+ 	info->flags = IEEE80211_TX_CTL_FIRST_FRAGMENT |
+ 		      IEEE80211_TX_CTL_DONTFRAG |
+-		      (tid_tx ? IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU : 0);
++		      (ampdu ? IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU : 0);
+ 	info->control.flags = IEEE80211_TX_CTRL_FAST_XMIT;
+ #ifdef CPTCFG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS
+@@ -3601,16 +3627,14 @@ static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct i
+ 	tx.key = fast_tx->key;
+ 	if (ieee80211_queue_skb(local, sdata, sta, skb))
+-		return true;
++		return;
+ 	tx.skb = skb;
+ 	r = ieee80211_xmit_fast_finish(sdata, sta, fast_tx->pn_offs,
+ 				       fast_tx->key, &tx);
+ 	tx.skb = NULL;
+-	if (r == TX_DROP) {
+-		kfree_skb(skb);
+-		return true;
+-	}
++	if (r == TX_DROP)
++		goto free;
+ 	if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN)
+ 		sdata = container_of(sdata->bss,
+@@ -3618,6 +3642,55 @@ static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct i
+ 	__skb_queue_tail(&tx.skbs, skb);
+ 	ieee80211_tx_frags(local, &sdata->vif, sta, &tx.skbs, false);
++	return;
++	kfree_skb(skb);
++static bool ieee80211_xmit_fast(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++				struct sta_info *sta,
++				struct ieee80211_fast_tx *fast_tx,
++				struct sk_buff *skb)
++	u16 ethertype = (skb->data[12] << 8) | skb->data[13];
++	struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (void *)fast_tx->hdr;
++	struct tid_ampdu_tx *tid_tx = NULL;
++	struct sk_buff *next;
++	u8 tid = IEEE80211_NUM_TIDS;
++	/* control port protocol needs a lot of special handling */
++	if (cpu_to_be16(ethertype) == sdata->control_port_protocol)
++		return false;
++	/* only RFC 1042 SNAP */
++	if (ethertype < ETH_P_802_3_MIN)
++		return false;
++	/* don't handle TX status request here either */
++	if (skb->sk && skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags & SKBTX_WIFI_STATUS)
++		return false;
++	if (hdr->frame_control & cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_STYPE_QOS_DATA)) {
++		tid = skb->priority & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TAG1D_MASK;
++		tid_tx = rcu_dereference(sta->ampdu_mlme.tid_tx[tid]);
++		if (tid_tx) {
++			if (!test_bit(HT_AGG_STATE_OPERATIONAL, &tid_tx->state))
++				return false;
++			if (tid_tx->timeout)
++				tid_tx->last_tx = jiffies;
++		}
++	}
++	skb = ieee80211_tx_skb_fixup(skb, ieee80211_sdata_netdev_features(sdata));
++	if (!skb)
++		return true;
++	skb_list_walk_safe(skb, skb, next) {
++		skb_mark_not_on_list(skb);
++		__ieee80211_xmit_fast(sdata, sta, fast_tx, skb, tid, tid_tx);
++	}
+ 	return true;
+ }
+@@ -4123,31 +4196,14 @@ void __ieee80211_subif_start_xmit(struct
+ 			goto out;
+ 	}
+-	if (skb_is_gso(skb)) {
+-		struct sk_buff *segs;
+-		segs = skb_gso_segment(skb, 0);
+-		if (IS_ERR(segs)) {
+-			goto out_free;
+-		} else if (segs) {
+-			consume_skb(skb);
+-			skb = segs;
+-		}
+-	} else {
+-		/* we cannot process non-linear frames on this path */
+-		if (skb_linearize(skb))
+-			goto out_free;
+-		/* the frame could be fragmented, software-encrypted, and other
+-		 * things so we cannot really handle checksum offload with it -
+-		 * fix it up in software before we handle anything else.
+-		 */
+-		if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) {
+-			skb_set_transport_header(skb,
+-						 skb_checksum_start_offset(skb));
+-			if (skb_checksum_help(skb))
+-				goto out_free;
+-		}
++	/* the frame could be fragmented, software-encrypted, and other
++	 * things so we cannot really handle checksum or GSO offload.
++	 * fix it up in software before we handle anything else.
++	 */
++	skb = ieee80211_tx_skb_fixup(skb, 0);
++	if (!skb) {
++		len = 0;
++		goto out;
+ 	}
+ 	skb_list_walk_safe(skb, skb, next) {
+@@ -4310,9 +4366,11 @@ netdev_tx_t ieee80211_subif_start_xmit(s
+ 	return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+ }
+-static bool ieee80211_tx_8023(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+-			      struct sk_buff *skb, struct sta_info *sta,
+-			      bool txpending)
++static bool __ieee80211_tx_8023(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++				struct sk_buff *skb, struct sta_info *sta,
++				bool txpending)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
+ 	struct ieee80211_tx_control control = {};
+@@ -4321,14 +4379,6 @@ static bool ieee80211_tx_8023(struct iee
+ 	unsigned long flags;
+ 	int q = info->hw_queue;
+-	if (sta)
+-		sk_pacing_shift_update(skb->sk, local->hw.tx_sk_pacing_shift);
+-	ieee80211_tpt_led_trig_tx(local, skb->len);
+-	if (ieee80211_queue_skb(local, sdata, sta, skb))
+-		return true;
+ 	spin_lock_irqsave(&local->queue_stop_reason_lock, flags);
+ 	if (local->queue_stop_reasons[q] ||
+@@ -4355,27 +4405,50 @@ static bool ieee80211_tx_8023(struct iee
+ 	return true;
+ }
++static bool ieee80211_tx_8023(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
++			      struct sk_buff *skb, struct sta_info *sta,
++			      bool txpending)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
++	struct sk_buff *next;
++	bool ret = true;
++	if (ieee80211_queue_skb(local, sdata, sta, skb))
++		return true;
++	skb_list_walk_safe(skb, skb, next) {
++		skb_mark_not_on_list(skb);
++		if (!__ieee80211_tx_8023(sdata, skb, sta, txpending))
++			ret = false;
++	}
++	return ret;
+ static void ieee80211_8023_xmit(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+ 				struct net_device *dev, struct sta_info *sta,
+ 				struct ieee80211_key *key, struct sk_buff *skb)
+ {
+-	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb);
++	struct ieee80211_tx_info *info;
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = sdata->local;
+ 	struct tid_ampdu_tx *tid_tx;
++	struct sk_buff *seg, *next;
++	unsigned int skbs = 0, len = 0;
++	u16 queue;
+ 	u8 tid;
+ 	if (local->ops->wake_tx_queue) {
+-		u16 queue = __ieee80211_select_queue(sdata, sta, skb);
++		queue = __ieee80211_select_queue(sdata, sta, skb);
+ 		skb_set_queue_mapping(skb, queue);
+ 		skb_get_hash(skb);
++	} else {
++		queue = skb_get_queue_mapping(skb);
+ 	}
+ 	if (unlikely(test_bit(SCAN_SW_SCANNING, &local->scanning)) &&
+ 	    test_bit(SDATA_STATE_OFFCHANNEL, &sdata->state))
+ 		goto out_free;
+-	memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
+ 	ieee80211_aggr_check(sdata, sta, skb);
+ 	tid = skb->priority & IEEE80211_QOS_CTL_TAG1D_MASK;
+@@ -4387,22 +4460,20 @@ static void ieee80211_8023_xmit(struct i
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+-		info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU;
+ 		if (tid_tx->timeout)
+ 			tid_tx->last_tx = jiffies;
+ 	}
+-	if (unlikely(skb->sk &&
+-		     skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags & SKBTX_WIFI_STATUS))
+-		info->ack_frame_id = ieee80211_store_ack_skb(local, skb,
+-							     &info->flags, NULL);
++	skb = ieee80211_tx_skb_fixup(skb, ieee80211_sdata_netdev_features(sdata));
++	if (!skb)
++		return;
+-	info->hw_queue = sdata->vif.hw_queue[skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)];
++	info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb);
++	memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
++	if (tid_tx)
++		info->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_AMPDU;
+-	dev_sw_netstats_tx_add(dev, 1, skb->len);
+-	sta->tx_stats.bytes[skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)] += skb->len;
+-	sta->tx_stats.packets[skb_get_queue_mapping(skb)]++;
++	info->hw_queue = sdata->vif.hw_queue[queue];
+ 	if (sdata->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN)
+ 		sdata = container_of(sdata->bss,
+@@ -4414,6 +4485,24 @@ static void ieee80211_8023_xmit(struct i
+ 	if (key)
+ 		info->control.hw_key = &key->conf;
++	skb_list_walk_safe(skb, seg, next) {
++		skbs++;
++		len += seg->len;
++		if (seg != skb)
++			memcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_CB(seg), info, sizeof(*info));
++	}
++	if (unlikely(skb->sk &&
++		     skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags & SKBTX_WIFI_STATUS))
++		info->ack_frame_id = ieee80211_store_ack_skb(local, skb,
++							     &info->flags, NULL);
++	dev_sw_netstats_tx_add(dev, skbs, len);
++	sta->tx_stats.packets[queue] += skbs;
++	sta->tx_stats.bytes[queue] += len;
++	ieee80211_tpt_led_trig_tx(local, len);
+ 	ieee80211_tx_8023(sdata, skb, sta, false);
+ 	return;
+@@ -4455,6 +4544,7 @@ netdev_tx_t ieee80211_subif_start_xmit_8
+ 		    key->conf.cipher == WLAN_CIPHER_SUITE_TKIP))
+ 		goto skip_offload;
++	sk_pacing_shift_update(skb->sk, sdata->local->hw.tx_sk_pacing_shift);
+ 	ieee80211_8023_xmit(sdata, dev, sta, key, skb);
+ 	goto out;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/400-allow-ibss-mixed.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/400-allow-ibss-mixed.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f850d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/400-allow-ibss-mixed.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From: Hauke Mehrtens <hauke@hauke-m.de>
+Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: Allow IBSS mode and different beacon intervals
+ath10k-ct supports the combination to select IBSS (ADHOC) mode and
+different beacon intervals together. mac80211 does not like this
+combination, but Ben says this is ok, so remove this check.
+ath10k-ct starting with version 5.2 allows the combination of
+NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC and beacon_int_min_gcd in ath10k_10x_ct_if_comb
+which triggers this warning. Ben told me that this is not a big problem
+and we should ignore this.
+ net/wireless/core.c | 15 ---------------
+ 1 file changed, 15 deletions(-)
+--- a/net/wireless/core.c
++++ b/net/wireless/core.c
+@@ -625,21 +625,6 @@ static int wiphy_verify_combinations(str
+ 				    c->limits[j].max > 1))
+ 				return -EINVAL;
+-			/*
+-			 * This isn't well-defined right now. If you have an
+-			 * IBSS interface, then its beacon interval may change
+-			 * by joining other networks, and nothing prevents it
+-			 * from doing that.
+-			 * So technically we probably shouldn't even allow AP
+-			 * and IBSS in the same interface, but it seems that
+-			 * some drivers support that, possibly only with fixed
+-			 * beacon intervals for IBSS.
+-			 */
+-			if (WARN_ON(types & BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) &&
+-				    c->beacon_int_min_gcd)) {
+-				return -EINVAL;
+-			}
+ 			cnt += c->limits[j].max;
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Don't advertise an unsupported type
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/500-mac80211_configure_antenna_gain.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/500-mac80211_configure_antenna_gain.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..962ae93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/500-mac80211_configure_antenna_gain.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -3869,6 +3869,7 @@ struct mgmt_frame_regs {
+  *	(as advertised by the nl80211 feature flag.)
+  * @get_tx_power: store the current TX power into the dbm variable;
+  *	return 0 if successful
++ * @set_antenna_gain: set antenna gain to reduce maximum tx power if necessary
+  *
+  * @rfkill_poll: polls the hw rfkill line, use cfg80211 reporting
+  *	functions to adjust rfkill hw state
+@@ -4202,6 +4203,7 @@ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 				enum nl80211_tx_power_setting type, int mbm);
+ 	int	(*get_tx_power)(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct wireless_dev *wdev,
+ 				int *dbm);
++	int	(*set_antenna_gain)(struct wiphy *wiphy, int dbi);
+ 	void	(*rfkill_poll)(struct wiphy *wiphy);
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -1566,6 +1566,7 @@ enum ieee80211_smps_mode {
+  *
+  * @power_level: requested transmit power (in dBm), backward compatibility
+  *	value only that is set to the minimum of all interfaces
++ * @max_antenna_gain: maximum antenna gain adjusted by user config (in dBi)
+  *
+  * @chandef: the channel definition to tune to
+  * @radar_enabled: whether radar detection is enabled
+@@ -1586,6 +1587,7 @@ enum ieee80211_smps_mode {
+ struct ieee80211_conf {
+ 	u32 flags;
+ 	int power_level, dynamic_ps_timeout;
++	int max_antenna_gain;
+ 	u16 listen_interval;
+ 	u8 ps_dtim_period;
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -2615,6 +2615,9 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *	switching on a different channel during CAC detection on the selected
+  *	radar channel.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_GAIN: Configured antenna gain. Used to reduce
++ *	transmit power to stay within regulatory limits. u32, dBi.
++ *
+  * @NUM_NL80211_ATTR: total number of nl80211_attrs available
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_MAX: highest attribute number currently defined
+  * @__NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use
+@@ -3123,6 +3126,8 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+ 	/* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -2812,6 +2812,19 @@ static int ieee80211_get_tx_power(struct
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static int ieee80211_set_antenna_gain(struct wiphy *wiphy, int dbi)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
++	if (dbi < 0)
++		return -EINVAL;
++	local->user_antenna_gain = dbi;
++	ieee80211_hw_config(local, 0);
++	return 0;
+ static void ieee80211_rfkill_poll(struct wiphy *wiphy)
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_local *local = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+@@ -4513,6 +4526,7 @@ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_confi
+ 	.set_wiphy_params = ieee80211_set_wiphy_params,
+ 	.set_tx_power = ieee80211_set_tx_power,
+ 	.get_tx_power = ieee80211_get_tx_power,
++	.set_antenna_gain = ieee80211_set_antenna_gain,
+ 	.rfkill_poll = ieee80211_rfkill_poll,
+ 	CFG80211_TESTMODE_CMD(ieee80211_testmode_cmd)
+ 	CFG80211_TESTMODE_DUMP(ieee80211_testmode_dump)
+--- a/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/ieee80211_i.h
+@@ -1447,6 +1447,7 @@ struct ieee80211_local {
+ 	int dynamic_ps_forced_timeout;
+ 	int user_power_level; /* in dBm, for all interfaces */
++	int user_antenna_gain; /* in dBi */
+ 	enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps_mode;
+--- a/net/mac80211/main.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/main.c
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ static u32 ieee80211_hw_conf_chan(struct
+ 	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata;
+ 	struct cfg80211_chan_def chandef = {};
+ 	u32 changed = 0;
+-	int power;
++	int power, max_power;
+ 	u32 offchannel_flag;
+ 	offchannel_flag = local->hw.conf.flags & IEEE80211_CONF_OFFCHANNEL;
+@@ -157,6 +157,12 @@ static u32 ieee80211_hw_conf_chan(struct
+ 	}
+ 	rcu_read_unlock();
++	max_power = chandef.chan->max_reg_power;
++	if (local->user_antenna_gain > 0) {
++		max_power -= local->user_antenna_gain;
++		power = min(power, max_power);
++	}
+ 	if (local->hw.conf.power_level != power) {
+ 		changed |= IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_POWER;
+ 		local->hw.conf.power_level = power;
+@@ -679,6 +685,7 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw_
+ 	local->hw.radiotap_vht_details = IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_VHT_KNOWN_GI |
++	local->user_antenna_gain = 0;
+ 	local->hw.uapsd_queues = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_UAPSD_QUEUES;
+ 	local->hw.uapsd_max_sp_len = IEEE80211_DEFAULT_MAX_SP_LEN;
+ 	local->hw.max_mtu = IEEE80211_MAX_DATA_LEN;
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -802,6 +802,7 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_p
+ 			NLA_POLICY_NESTED(nl80211_mbssid_config_policy),
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS] = { .type = NLA_NESTED },
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_BACKGROUND] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
++	[NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_GAIN] = { .type = NLA_U32 },
+ };
+ /* policy for the key attributes */
+@@ -3391,6 +3392,22 @@ static int nl80211_set_wiphy(struct sk_b
+ 		if (result)
+ 			goto out;
+ 	}
++	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_GAIN]) {
++		int idx, dbi = 0;
++		if (!rdev->ops->set_antenna_gain) {
++			result = -EOPNOTSUPP;
++			goto out;
++		}
++		dbi = nla_get_u32(info->attrs[idx]);
++		result = rdev->ops->set_antenna_gain(&rdev->wiphy, dbi);
++		if (result)
++			goto out;
++	}
+ 	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TX_POWER_SETTING]) {
+ 		struct wireless_dev *txp_wdev = wdev;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/782-net-next-1-of-net-pass-the-dst-buffer-to-of_get_mac_address.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/782-net-next-1-of-net-pass-the-dst-buffer-to-of_get_mac_address.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26af6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/782-net-next-1-of-net-pass-the-dst-buffer-to-of_get_mac_address.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+--- a/backport-include/linux/of_net.h
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
+-#ifndef _BP_OF_NET_H
+-#define _BP_OF_NET_H
+-#include_next <linux/of_net.h>
+-#include <linux/version.h>
+-#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+-/* The behavior of of_get_mac_address() changed in kernel 5.2, it now
+- * returns an error code and not NULL in case of an error.
+- */
+-static inline int backport_of_get_mac_address(struct device_node *np, u8 *mac_out)
+-	const void *mac = of_get_mac_address(np);
+-	if (!mac)
+-		return -ENODEV;
+-	if (IS_ERR(mac))
+-		return PTR_ERR(mac);
+-	ether_addr_copy(mac_out, mac);
+-	return 0;
+-#define of_get_mac_address LINUX_BACKPORT(of_get_mac_address)
+-#endif /* < 5.2 */
+-#endif /* _BP_OF_NET_H */
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/783-sync-nl80211.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/783-sync-nl80211.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc2b05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/783-sync-nl80211.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -6027,6 +6027,11 @@ enum nl80211_feature_flags {
+  * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BSS_COLOR: The driver supports BSS color collision
+  *	detection and change announcemnts.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_CRYPTO_OFFLOAD: Driver running in AP mode supports
++ *	FILS encryption and decryption for (Re)Association Request and Response
++ *	frames. Userspace has to share FILS AAD details to the driver by using
++ *	@NL80211_CMD_SET_FILS_AAD.
++ *
+  * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RADAR_BACKGROUND: Device supports background radar/CAC
+  *	detection.
+  *
+@@ -6095,6 +6100,7 @@ enum nl80211_ext_feature_index {
+ 	/* add new features before the definition below */
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/800-mac80211-mask-nested-A-MSDU-support-for-mesh.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/800-mac80211-mask-nested-A-MSDU-support-for-mesh.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17d6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/800-mac80211-mask-nested-A-MSDU-support-for-mesh.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+From 313d8c18385f10957402b475f9b0c209ceab6c5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
+Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 00:25:19 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] mac80211: mask nested A-MSDU support for mesh
+mac80211 incorrectly processes A-MSDUs contained in A-MPDU frames. This
+results in dropped packets and severely impacted throughput.
+As a workaround, don't indicate support for A-MSDUs contained in
+A-MPDUs. This improves throughput over mesh links by factor 10.
+Ref: https://github.com/openwrt/mt76/issues/450
+Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
+ net/mac80211/agg-rx.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+--- a/net/mac80211/agg-rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/agg-rx.c
+@@ -251,7 +251,11 @@ static void ieee80211_send_addba_resp(st
+ 	mgmt->u.action.u.addba_resp.action_code = WLAN_ACTION_ADDBA_RESP;
+ 	mgmt->u.action.u.addba_resp.dialog_token = dialog_token;
+-	capab = u16_encode_bits(amsdu, IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_AMSDU_MASK);
++	capab = 0;
++#ifdef CPTCFG_MAC80211_MESH
++	if (!sta->mesh)
++		capab = u16_encode_bits(amsdu, IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_AMSDU_MASK);
+ 	capab |= u16_encode_bits(policy, IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_POLICY_MASK);
+ 	capab |= u16_encode_bits(tid, IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_TID_MASK);
+ 	capab |= u16_encode_bits(buf_size, IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_BUF_SIZE_MASK);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/900-mac80211-mtk-do-not-setup-twt-when-twt-responder-is-.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/900-mac80211-mtk-do-not-setup-twt-when-twt-responder-is-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d26fe38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/900-mac80211-mtk-do-not-setup-twt-when-twt-responder-is-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From 78275901240835e58b0f883065061f90c7fba310 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Chiu <chui-hao.chiu@mediatek.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 20:29:44 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 900/911] mac80211: mtk: do not setup twt when twt responder is
+ false
+ net/mac80211/rx.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/rx.c b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+index b991151..eb16838 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/rx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/rx.c
+@@ -3283,6 +3283,9 @@ ieee80211_process_rx_twt_action(struct ieee80211_rx_data *rx)
+ 	if (sdata->vif.type != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP)
+ 		return false;
++	if (!sdata->vif.bss_conf.twt_responder)
++		return false;
+ 	if (!rx->local->ops->add_twt_setup)
+ 		return false;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/901-nl80211-mtk-extend-CAC-time-for-weather-radar-channe.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/901-nl80211-mtk-extend-CAC-time-for-weather-radar-channe.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6702727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/901-nl80211-mtk-extend-CAC-time-for-weather-radar-channe.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From fbe3cb1d42673c431f0f933620d0a1ec86a41113 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Shayne Chen <shayne.chen@mediatek.com>
+Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:06:30 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 901/911] nl80211: mtk: extend CAC time for weather radar
+ channels
+Signed-off-by: Shayne Chen <shayne.chen@mediatek.com>
+ net/wireless/nl80211.c | 7 +++++++
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/net/wireless/nl80211.c b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+index bc6b5ac..3c6c1df 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -9354,6 +9354,13 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ 	if (WARN_ON(!cac_time_ms))
+ 		cac_time_ms = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_CAC_TIME_MS;
++	if ((dfs_region == NL80211_DFS_ETSI) &&
++	    (((chandef.width == NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_160) &&
++	     (chandef.center_freq2 >= 5580 && chandef.center_freq2 <= 5640)) ||
++	    (chandef.center_freq1 >= 5580 && chandef.center_freq1 <= 5640)))
++		cac_time_ms = 600000;
++	pr_info("%s: region = %u, cetner freq1 = %u, center freq2 = %u, cac time ms = %u\n", __func__, dfs_region, chandef.center_freq1, chandef.center_freq2, cac_time_ms);
+ 	err = rdev_start_radar_detection(rdev, dev, &chandef, cac_time_ms);
+ 	if (!err) {
+ 		wdev->chandef = chandef;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/902-mac80211-mtk-it-s-invalid-case-when-frag_threshold-i.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/902-mac80211-mtk-it-s-invalid-case-when-frag_threshold-i.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da34346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/902-mac80211-mtk-it-s-invalid-case-when-frag_threshold-i.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From 0bc1d2e42f5424d5f784d89a9e65cb9cac494269 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Bo Jiao <Bo.Jiao@mediatek.com>
+Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 09:15:21 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 902/911] mac80211: mtk: it's invalid case when frag_threshold
+ is greater than 2346
+Signed-off-by: Bo Jiao <Bo.Jiao@mediatek.com>
+ net/wireless/nl80211.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/net/wireless/nl80211.c b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+index 3c6c1df..1292634 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -3495,6 +3495,9 @@ static int nl80211_set_wiphy(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info)
+ 			goto out;
+ 		}
++		if (frag_threshold >= 2346)
++			frag_threshold = (u32) -1;
+ 		if (frag_threshold != (u32) -1) {
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Fragments (apart from the last one) are required to
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/903-mac80211-mtk-correct-legacy-rates-check-in-ieee80211.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/903-mac80211-mtk-correct-legacy-rates-check-in-ieee80211.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64a09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/903-mac80211-mtk-correct-legacy-rates-check-in-ieee80211.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From 82549ae647667d825f49e67b8f21fa39db67ec13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: MeiChia Chiu <MeiChia.Chiu@mediatek.com>
+Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 15:18:00 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 903/911] mac80211: mtk: correct legacy rates check in
+ ieee80211_calc_rx_airtime
+There are no legacy rates on 60GHz or sub-1Ghz band, so modify the check.
+Signed-off-by: Ryder Lee <ryder.lee@mediatek.com>
+Signed-off-by: MeiChia Chiu <MeiChia.Chiu@mediatek.com>
+ net/mac80211/airtime.c | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/airtime.c b/net/mac80211/airtime.c
+index 26d2f8b..c0e58eb 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/airtime.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/airtime.c
+@@ -477,7 +477,9 @@ u32 ieee80211_calc_rx_airtime(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 		bool sp = status->enc_flags & RX_ENC_FLAG_SHORTPRE;
+ 		bool cck;
+-		if (WARN_ON_ONCE(status->band > NL80211_BAND_5GHZ))
++		/* on 60GHz or sub-1Ghz band, there are no legacy rates */
++		if (WARN_ON_ONCE(status->band == NL80211_BAND_60GHZ ||
++				 status->band == NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ))
+ 			return 0;
+ 		sband = hw->wiphy->bands[status->band];
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/904-mac80211-mtk-airtime_flags-depends-on-NL80211_EXT_FE.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/904-mac80211-mtk-airtime_flags-depends-on-NL80211_EXT_FE.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68976b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/904-mac80211-mtk-airtime_flags-depends-on-NL80211_EXT_FE.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From 9a01b1fb748c13c9b3e6b670de80d9e41909f917 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:42:43 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 904/911] mac80211: mtk: airtime_flags depends on
+Signed-off-by: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+ net/mac80211/main.c | 5 +++--
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/main.c b/net/mac80211/main.c
+index 09e5bf1..8c005f1 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/main.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/main.c
+@@ -721,8 +721,9 @@ struct ieee80211_hw *ieee80211_alloc_hw_nm(size_t priv_data_len,
+ 		atomic_set(&local->aql_ac_pending_airtime[i], 0);
+ 	}
+-	local->airtime_flags = AIRTIME_USE_TX | AIRTIME_USE_RX;
++	if (wiphy_ext_feature_isset(local->hw.wiphy,
++		local->airtime_flags = AIRTIME_USE_TX | AIRTIME_USE_RX;
+ 	local->aql_threshold = IEEE80211_AQL_THRESHOLD;
+ 	atomic_set(&local->aql_total_pending_airtime, 0);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/905-mac80211-mtk-add-support-for-runtime-set-inband-disc.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/905-mac80211-mtk-add-support-for-runtime-set-inband-disc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04614d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/905-mac80211-mtk-add-support-for-runtime-set-inband-disc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+From 31e449f812b7ca3f4bdea98c63f2d98bc740a112 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: MeiChia Chiu <meichia.chiu@mediatek.com>
+Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:45:42 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 905/911] mac80211: mtk: add support for runtime set inband
+ discovery
+Signed-off-by: MeiChia Chiu <meichia.chiu@mediatek.com>
+ include/net/cfg80211.h       |  1 +
+ include/net/mac80211.h       |  1 +
+ include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h |  1 +
+ net/mac80211/cfg.c           | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ net/wireless/nl80211.c       | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/net/cfg80211.h b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+index 8e05f55..ae2af09 100644
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -1158,6 +1158,7 @@ struct cfg80211_fils_discovery {
+ 	u32 max_interval;
+ 	size_t tmpl_len;
+ 	const u8 *tmpl;
++	u8 disable;
+ };
+ /**
+diff --git a/include/net/mac80211.h b/include/net/mac80211.h
+index 4d3cfb1..66fedf6 100644
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@ struct ieee80211_ftm_responder_params {
+ struct ieee80211_fils_discovery {
+ 	u32 min_interval;
+ 	u32 max_interval;
++	u8 disable;
+ };
+ /**
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+index 019f065..e674aa7 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -7242,6 +7242,7 @@ enum nl80211_fils_discovery_attributes {
+ 	/* keep last */
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/cfg.c b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+index abe7318..bf71594 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -906,6 +906,7 @@ static int ieee80211_set_fils_discovery(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+ 	fd = &sdata->vif.bss_conf.fils_discovery;
+ 	fd->min_interval = params->min_interval;
+ 	fd->max_interval = params->max_interval;
++	fd->disable = params->disable;
+ 	old = sdata_dereference(sdata->u.ap.fils_discovery, sdata);
+ 	new = kzalloc(sizeof(*new) + params->tmpl_len, GFP_KERNEL);
+@@ -1316,6 +1317,9 @@ static int ieee80211_change_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ {
+ 	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata;
+ 	struct beacon_data *old;
++	struct cfg80211_ap_settings *ap_params;
++	struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband;
++	u32 changed;
+ 	int err;
+ 	sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev);
+@@ -1334,7 +1338,33 @@ static int ieee80211_change_beacon(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct net_device *dev,
+ 	err = ieee80211_assign_beacon(sdata, params, NULL, NULL);
+ 	if (err < 0)
+ 		return err;
+-	ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, err);
++	changed = err;
++	sband = ieee80211_get_sband(sdata);
++	if (!sband)
++		return -EINVAL;
++	if (sband->band == NL80211_BAND_6GHZ) {
++		ap_params = container_of(params, struct cfg80211_ap_settings, beacon);
++		if(ap_params->unsol_bcast_probe_resp.interval) {
++			err = ieee80211_set_unsol_bcast_probe_resp(sdata,
++								   &ap_params->unsol_bcast_probe_resp);
++			if (err < 0)
++				return err;
++		} else {
++			err = ieee80211_set_fils_discovery(sdata,
++							   &ap_params->fils_discovery);
++			if (err < 0)
++				return err;
++		}
++	}
++	ieee80211_bss_info_change_notify(sdata, changed);
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+diff --git a/net/wireless/nl80211.c b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+index 1292634..a20aba5 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ nl80211_fils_discovery_policy[NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_MAX + 1] = {
+ 					       .len = IEEE80211_MAX_DATA_LEN },
+ #endif
+ };
+ static const struct nla_policy
+@@ -5364,6 +5365,8 @@ static int nl80211_parse_fils_discovery(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 	fd->tmpl = nla_data(tb[NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_TMPL]);
+ 	fd->min_interval = nla_get_u32(tb[NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_INT_MIN]);
+ 	fd->max_interval = nla_get_u32(tb[NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_INT_MAX]);
++	fd->disable = !(fd->max_interval ||
++			nla_get_u32(tb[NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_INTE]));
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+@@ -5769,7 +5772,8 @@ static int nl80211_set_beacon(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info)
+ 	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = info->user_ptr[0];
+ 	struct net_device *dev = info->user_ptr[1];
+ 	struct wireless_dev *wdev = dev->ieee80211_ptr;
+-	struct cfg80211_beacon_data params;
++	struct cfg80211_ap_settings ap_params;
++	struct cfg80211_beacon_data *params;
+ 	int err;
+ 	if (dev->ieee80211_ptr->iftype != NL80211_IFTYPE_AP &&
+@@ -5782,16 +5786,35 @@ static int nl80211_set_beacon(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info)
+ 	if (!wdev->beacon_interval)
+ 		return -EINVAL;
+-	err = nl80211_parse_beacon(rdev, info->attrs, &params);
++	memset(&ap_params, 0, sizeof(ap_params));
++	params = &ap_params.beacon;
++	err = nl80211_parse_beacon(rdev, info->attrs, params);
+ 	if (err)
+ 		goto out;
++	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_FILS_DISCOVERY]) {
++		err = nl80211_parse_fils_discovery(rdev,
++			   info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_FILS_DISCOVERY],
++			   &ap_params);
++		if (err)
++			goto out;
++	}
++	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP]) {
++		err = nl80211_parse_unsol_bcast_probe_resp(rdev,
++			   info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP],
++			   &ap_params);
++		if (err)
++			goto out;
++	}
+ 	wdev_lock(wdev);
+-	err = rdev_change_beacon(rdev, dev, &params);
++	err = rdev_change_beacon(rdev, dev, params);
+ 	wdev_unlock(wdev);
+ out:
+-	kfree(params.mbssid_ies);
++	kfree(params->mbssid_ies);
+ 	return err;
+ }
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/906-mac80211-mtk-add-s1g-category-to-_ieee80211_is_robus.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/906-mac80211-mtk-add-s1g-category-to-_ieee80211_is_robus.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e40887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/906-mac80211-mtk-add-s1g-category-to-_ieee80211_is_robus.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From ae2162e1fe69af7ecc0c0ab5e8c2411ed2d5e77b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Chiu <chui-hao.chiu@mediatek.com>
+Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 10:26:39 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 906/911] mac80211: mtk: add s1g category to
+ _ieee80211_is_robust_mgmt_frame
+Unprotected S1G with code 22 is not robust mgmt frame.
+ include/linux/ieee80211.h | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/include/linux/ieee80211.h b/include/linux/ieee80211.h
+index 00ed7c1..59de3dc 100644
+--- a/include/linux/ieee80211.h
++++ b/include/linux/ieee80211.h
+@@ -3700,6 +3700,7 @@ static inline bool _ieee80211_is_robust_mgmt_frame(struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr)
+ 			*category != WLAN_CATEGORY_UNPROT_DMG &&
+ 			*category != WLAN_CATEGORY_VHT &&
++			*category != WLAN_CATEGORY_S1G &&
+ 	}
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/907-mac80211-mtk-make-4addr-null-frames-using-min_rate-f.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/907-mac80211-mtk-make-4addr-null-frames-using-min_rate-f.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf673b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/907-mac80211-mtk-make-4addr-null-frames-using-min_rate-f.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 59a306cfe40a251e8c5deaa30367aa56cfc81d4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lian Chen <lian.chen@mediatek.com>
+Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 16:33:58 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 907/911] mac80211: mtk: make 4addr null frames using min_rate
+ for WDS
+WDS needs 4addr packets to trigger AP for wlan0.sta creation.
+However, the 4addr null frame is sent at a high rate
+so that AP can't receive it.
+This PATCHES switches to use min_rate.
+Signed-off-by: Lian Chen <lian.chen@mediatek.com>
+ net/mac80211/mlme.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/mlme.c b/net/mac80211/mlme.c
+index cc6d38a..f97bf2b 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/mlme.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/mlme.c
+@@ -1133,6 +1133,7 @@ void ieee80211_send_4addr_nullfunc(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 	memcpy(nullfunc->addr4, sdata->vif.addr, ETH_ALEN);
+ 	IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_INTFL_DONT_ENCRYPT;
++	IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb)->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_CTL_USE_MINRATE;
+ 	ieee80211_tx_skb(sdata, skb);
+ }
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/908-mac80211-mtk-remove-timerout-handle-for-ax210-iot-is.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/908-mac80211-mtk-remove-timerout-handle-for-ax210-iot-is.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe63f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/908-mac80211-mtk-remove-timerout-handle-for-ax210-iot-is.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 7f8cf0873db7d96ceba1dc30804ff16a86e81e6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:49:21 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 908/911] mac80211: mtk: remove timerout handle for ax210 iot
+ issue
+Signed-off-by: Evelyn Tsai <evelyn.tsai@mediatek.com>
+ net/mac80211/agg-tx.c | 7 +++----
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+ mode change 100644 => 100755 net/mac80211/agg-tx.c
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/agg-tx.c b/net/mac80211/agg-tx.c
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index 1deb3d8..c30f02d
+--- a/net/mac80211/agg-tx.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/agg-tx.c
+@@ -568,10 +568,9 @@ static void sta_tx_agg_session_timer_expired(struct timer_list *t)
+ 	}
+ 	timeout = tid_tx->last_tx + TU_TO_JIFFIES(tid_tx->timeout);
+-	if (time_is_after_jiffies(timeout)) {
+-		mod_timer(&tid_tx->session_timer, timeout);
+-		return;
+-	}
++	/* remove timerout handle for ax210 iot issue */
++	mod_timer(&tid_tx->session_timer, timeout);
++	return;
+ 	ht_dbg(sta->sdata, "tx session timer expired on %pM tid %d\n",
+ 	       sta->sta.addr, tid);
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/909-cfg80211-mtk-implement-DFS-status-show-cac-and-nop-s.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/909-cfg80211-mtk-implement-DFS-status-show-cac-and-nop-s.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c2cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/909-cfg80211-mtk-implement-DFS-status-show-cac-and-nop-s.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+From 6d245b62cf147bb813898da2ccb43a14ae0fac5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 14:27:41 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 909/911] cfg80211: mtk: implement DFS status show, cac and nop
+ skip command via debugfs
+Signed-off-by: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+ include/net/cfg80211.h  |   1 +
+ net/mac80211/cfg.c      |  19 +++
+ net/wireless/core.h     |   3 +
+ net/wireless/debugfs.c  | 270 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ net/wireless/mlme.c     |   6 +
+ net/wireless/rdev-ops.h |  14 +++
+ net/wireless/trace.h    |  12 ++
+ 7 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/net/cfg80211.h b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+index ae2af09..b97ddbd 100644
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -4401,6 +4401,7 @@ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 				struct cfg80211_color_change_settings *params);
+ 	int	(*set_radar_background)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 					struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
++	void	(*skip_cac)(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
+ };
+ /*
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/cfg.c b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+index bf71594..97c5e5d 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -4504,6 +4504,24 @@ ieee80211_set_radar_background(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 	return local->ops->set_radar_background(&local->hw, chandef);
+ }
++static void
++ieee80211_skip_cac(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
++	struct net_device *dev = wdev->netdev;
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(dev);
++	unsigned int cac_time_ms;
++	cancel_delayed_work(&sdata->dfs_cac_timer_work);
++	if (wdev->cac_started) {
++		ieee80211_vif_release_channel(sdata);
++		cac_time_ms = wdev->cac_time_ms;
++		wdev->cac_start_time = jiffies -
++				       msecs_to_jiffies(cac_time_ms + 1);
++		cfg80211_cac_event(wdev->netdev, &wdev->chandef,
++	}
+ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = {
+ 	.add_virtual_intf = ieee80211_add_iface,
+ 	.del_virtual_intf = ieee80211_del_iface,
+@@ -4610,4 +4628,5 @@ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = {
+ 	.set_sar_specs = ieee80211_set_sar_specs,
+ 	.color_change = ieee80211_color_change,
+ 	.set_radar_background = ieee80211_set_radar_background,
++	.skip_cac = ieee80211_skip_cac,
+ };
+diff --git a/net/wireless/core.h b/net/wireless/core.h
+index b588e5a..10e8981 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/core.h
++++ b/net/wireless/core.h
+@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ struct cfg80211_registered_device {
+ 	struct wireless_dev *background_radar_wdev;
+ 	struct cfg80211_chan_def background_radar_chandef;
++	bool background_cac_started;
++	unsigned long background_cac_start_time;
++	unsigned int background_cac_time_ms;
+ 	struct delayed_work background_cac_done_wk;
+ 	struct work_struct background_cac_abort_wk;
+diff --git a/net/wireless/debugfs.c b/net/wireless/debugfs.c
+index 0878b16..ea50cc7 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/debugfs.c
++++ b/net/wireless/debugfs.c
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ #include <linux/slab.h>
+ #include "core.h"
+ #include "debugfs.h"
++#include "rdev-ops.h"
+ #define DEBUGFS_READONLY_FILE(name, buflen, fmt, value...)		\
+ static ssize_t name## _read(struct file *file, char __user *userbuf,	\
+@@ -96,16 +97,271 @@ static const struct file_operations ht40allow_map_ops = {
+ 	.llseek = default_llseek,
+ };
+-#define DEBUGFS_ADD(name)						\
+-	debugfs_create_file(#name, 0444, phyd, &rdev->wiphy, &name## _ops)
++static int dfs_print_chan(struct ieee80211_channel *chan, int remain_time, int wait_time,
++			  char *buf, int buf_size, int offset, bool is_background)
++	if (WARN_ON(offset > buf_size))
++		return 0;
++	if (chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE) {
++		offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++				    "	Channel = %d, DFS_state = Unavailable",
++				    chan->hw_value);
++		if (remain_time > 0)
++			offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++					    ", Non-occupancy Remain Time = %d / %d [sec]",
++					    remain_time, wait_time);
++		else
++			offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++					    ", Changing state...");
++	} else if (chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_USABLE) {
++		offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++				    "	Channel = %d, DFS_state = Usable",
++				    chan->hw_value);
++		if (remain_time > 0)
++			offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++					    ", CAC Remain Time = %d / %d [sec]",
++					    remain_time, wait_time);
++	} else if (chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_AVAILABLE) {
++		offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++				    "	Channel = %d, DFS_state = Available",
++				    chan->hw_value);
++	} else {
++		offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++				    "	Channel = %d, DFS_state = Unknown",
++				    chan->hw_value);
++	}
++	if (is_background)
++		offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++				    " (background chain)");
++	offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset, "\n");
++	return offset;
++static int dfs_status_read_wdev(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct wireless_dev *wdev, char *buf,
++				unsigned int buf_size, unsigned int offset)
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
++	struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef = &wdev->chandef;
++	struct cfg80211_chan_def *background_chandef = &rdev->background_radar_chandef;
++	enum nl80211_band band;
++	struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband;
++	struct ieee80211_channel *chan;
++	unsigned long jiffies_passed;
++	int i, remain_time = 0, wait_time_ms = 0;
++	bool is_background;
++	offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset, "DFS Channel:\n");
++	for (band = 0; band < NUM_NL80211_BANDS; band++) {
++		sband = wiphy->bands[band];
++		if (!sband)
++			continue;
++		for (i = 0; i < sband->n_channels; i++) {
++			is_background = false;
++			chan = &sband->channels[i];
++			if (!(chan->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_RADAR))
++				continue;
++			if (chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE) {
++				jiffies_passed = jiffies - chan->dfs_state_entered;
++				wait_time_ms = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_NOP_TIME_MS;
++				remain_time = (wait_time_ms - jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies_passed));
++				if (remain_time > wait_time_ms)
++					remain_time = 0;
++			} else if (chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_USABLE) {
++				if (wdev->cac_started && cfg80211_is_sub_chan(chandef, chan)) {
++					jiffies_passed = jiffies - wdev->cac_start_time;
++					wait_time_ms = wdev->cac_time_ms;
++					remain_time = (wait_time_ms -
++						       jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies_passed));
++				}
++				if (rdev->background_radar_wdev == wdev &&
++				    rdev->background_cac_started &&
++				    cfg80211_is_sub_chan(background_chandef, chan)) {
++					jiffies_passed = jiffies - rdev->background_cac_start_time;
++					wait_time_ms = rdev->background_cac_time_ms;
++					remain_time = (wait_time_ms -
++						       jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies_passed));
++					is_background = true;
++				}
++				if (remain_time > wait_time_ms)
++					remain_time = 0;
++			} else {
++				if (rdev->background_radar_wdev == wdev &&
++				    cfg80211_is_sub_chan(background_chandef, chan))
++					is_background = true;
++			}
++			offset = dfs_print_chan(chan, remain_time / 1000, wait_time_ms / 1000,
++						buf, buf_size, offset, is_background);
++			remain_time = 0;
++		}
++	}
++	return offset;
++static ssize_t dfs_status_read(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
++			       size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = file->private_data;
++	struct wireless_dev *wdev;
++	char *buf;
++	unsigned int offset = 0, buf_size = PAGE_SIZE, r;
++	const char * const iftype_str[] = {
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED] = "unspecified",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC] = "adhoc",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION] = "station",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_AP] = "ap",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN] = "ap vlan",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS] = "wds",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR] = "monitor",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT] = "mesh point",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT] = "p2p client",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO] = "p2p go",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_DEVICE] = "p2p device",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_OCB] = "ocb",
++		[NL80211_IFTYPE_NAN] = "nan",
++	};
++	buf = kzalloc(buf_size, GFP_KERNEL);
++	if (!buf)
++		return -ENOMEM;
++	list_for_each_entry(wdev, &wiphy->wdev_list, list) {
++		offset += scnprintf(buf + offset, buf_size - offset,
++				    "wdev 0x%x\n"
++				    "interface type %s\n",
++				    wdev->identifier, iftype_str[wdev->iftype]);
++		offset = dfs_status_read_wdev(wiphy, wdev, buf, buf_size, offset);
++	}
++	r = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, offset);
++	kfree(buf);
++	return r;
++static const struct file_operations dfs_status_ops = {
++	.read = dfs_status_read,
++	.open = simple_open,
++	.llseek = default_llseek,
++static int
++dfs_nop_skip(void *data, u64 val)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = data;
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
++	bool en = !!val;
++	enum nl80211_band band;
++	struct ieee80211_supported_band *sband;
++	struct ieee80211_channel *chan;
++	u32 nop_time = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_NOP_TIME_MS;
++	int i;
++	if (!en)
++		return 0;
++	for (band = 0; band < NUM_NL80211_BANDS; band++) {
++		sband = wiphy->bands[band];
++		if (!sband)
++			continue;
++		for (i = 0; i < sband->n_channels; i++) {
++			chan = &sband->channels[i];
++			if (!(chan->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_RADAR))
++				continue;
++			if (chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE) {
++				// Let current jiffies > dfs_state_entered_jiffies + NOP time
++				chan->dfs_state_entered = jiffies -
++						       msecs_to_jiffies(nop_time + 1);
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
++	return 0;
++			 dfs_nop_skip, "0x%08llx\n");
++static int
++dfs_cac_skip(void *data, u64 val)
++#define CAC_SKIP_MASK			BIT(0)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = data;
++	struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev = wiphy_to_rdev(wiphy);
++	struct wireless_dev *wdev;
++	struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef;
++	unsigned int skip_mode = val;
++	unsigned long cac_time;
++	struct ieee80211_channel *chan;
++	if (!skip_mode || skip_mode > (CAC_SKIP_MASK | CAC_SKIP_BACKGROUND_MASK))
++		return 0;
++	list_for_each_entry(wdev, &wiphy->wdev_list, list) {
++		if ((skip_mode & CAC_SKIP_MASK) && wdev->chandef.chan) {
++			chandef = &wdev->chandef;
++			chan = chandef->chan;
++			if ((chan->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_RADAR) &&
++			    chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_USABLE && wdev->cac_started) {
++				rdev_skip_cac(rdev, wdev);
++			}
++		}
++		if ((skip_mode & CAC_SKIP_BACKGROUND_MASK) &&
++		    rdev->background_radar_wdev == wdev &&
++		    rdev->background_radar_chandef.chan) {
++			chandef = &rdev->background_radar_chandef;
++			chan = chandef->chan;
++			if ((chan->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_RADAR) &&
++			    chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_USABLE &&
++			    rdev->background_cac_started) {
++				// Let current jiffies > dfs_state_entered_jiffies + CAC time
++				cac_time = rdev->background_cac_time_ms;
++				rdev->background_cac_start_time = jiffies -
++								  msecs_to_jiffies(cac_time + 1);
++				cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->background_cac_done_wk);
++				queue_delayed_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->background_cac_done_wk, 0);
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	return 0;
++			 dfs_cac_skip, "0x%08llx\n");
++#define DEBUGFS_ADD(name, chmod)						\
++	debugfs_create_file(#name, chmod, phyd, &rdev->wiphy, &name## _ops)
+ void cfg80211_debugfs_rdev_add(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev)
+ {
+ 	struct dentry *phyd = rdev->wiphy.debugfsdir;
+-	DEBUGFS_ADD(rts_threshold);
+-	DEBUGFS_ADD(fragmentation_threshold);
+-	DEBUGFS_ADD(short_retry_limit);
+-	DEBUGFS_ADD(long_retry_limit);
+-	DEBUGFS_ADD(ht40allow_map);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(rts_threshold, 0444);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(fragmentation_threshold, 0444);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(short_retry_limit, 0444);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(long_retry_limit, 0444);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(ht40allow_map, 0444);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(dfs_status, 0444);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(dfs_skip_nop, 0600);
++	DEBUGFS_ADD(dfs_skip_cac, 0600);
+ }
+diff --git a/net/wireless/mlme.c b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+index 00370ca..205c1bc 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/mlme.c
++++ b/net/wireless/mlme.c
+@@ -998,13 +998,16 @@ __cfg80211_background_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 		queue_work(cfg80211_wq, &rdev->propagate_cac_done_wk);
+ 		cfg80211_sched_dfs_chan_update(rdev);
+ 		wdev = rdev->background_radar_wdev;
++		rdev->background_cac_started = false;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED:
+ 		if (!cancel_delayed_work(&rdev->background_cac_done_wk))
+ 			return;
+ 		wdev = rdev->background_radar_wdev;
++		rdev->background_cac_started = false;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED:
++		rdev->background_cac_started = true;
+ 		break;
+ 	default:
+ 		return;
+@@ -1024,6 +1027,7 @@ cfg80211_background_cac_event(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 					chandef, event);
+ 	wiphy_unlock(&rdev->wiphy);
+ }
+ void cfg80211_background_cac_done_wk(struct work_struct *work)
+ {
+@@ -1085,8 +1089,10 @@ cfg80211_start_background_radar_detection(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rde
+ 	if (!cac_time_ms)
+ 		cac_time_ms = IEEE80211_DFS_MIN_CAC_TIME_MS;
++	rdev->background_cac_time_ms = cac_time_ms;
+ 	rdev->background_radar_chandef = *chandef;
+ 	rdev->background_radar_wdev = wdev; /* Get offchain ownership */
++	rdev->background_cac_start_time = jiffies;
+ 	__cfg80211_background_cac_event(rdev, wdev, chandef,
+ 					NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED);
+diff --git a/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h b/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
+index 8555468..26f4604 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
++++ b/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
+@@ -1398,4 +1398,18 @@ rdev_set_radar_background(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static inline int
++rdev_skip_cac(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++	      struct wireless_dev *wdev)
++	if (!rdev->ops->skip_cac)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	trace_rdev_skip_cac(wdev);
++	rdev->ops->skip_cac(wdev);
++	trace_rdev_return_void(&rdev->wiphy);
++	return 0;
+ #endif /* __CFG80211_RDEV_OPS */
+diff --git a/net/wireless/trace.h b/net/wireless/trace.h
+index 97a2937..eadabfa 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/trace.h
++++ b/net/wireless/trace.h
+@@ -3665,6 +3665,18 @@ TRACE_EVENT(rdev_set_radar_background,
+ );
++	    TP_PROTO(struct wireless_dev *wdev),
++	    TP_ARGS(wdev),
++	    TP_STRUCT__entry(WDEV_ENTRY),
++	    TP_fast_assign(WDEV_ASSIGN;),
++	    TP_printk(WDEV_PR_FMT, WDEV_PR_ARG)
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/910-mac80211-mtk-Set-TWT-Information-Frame-Disabled-bit-.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/910-mac80211-mtk-Set-TWT-Information-Frame-Disabled-bit-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515ed03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/910-mac80211-mtk-Set-TWT-Information-Frame-Disabled-bit-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From e70aa68fef1e04812c3a3ba57ad1f525302accd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Howard Hsu <howard-yh.hsu@mediatek.com>
+Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 10:47:05 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 910/911] mac80211: mtk: Set TWT Information Frame Disabled bit
+ as 1.
+This modification means that current implementation do not support twt information frame.
+ net/mac80211/s1g.c | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/s1g.c b/net/mac80211/s1g.c
+index 4141bc8..82da404 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/s1g.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/s1g.c
+@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ ieee80211_s1g_rx_twt_setup(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+ 	struct ieee80211_twt_params *twt_agrt = (void *)twt->params;
+ 	twt_agrt->req_type &= cpu_to_le16(~IEEE80211_TWT_REQTYPE_REQUEST);
++	twt->control |= IEEE80211_TWT_CONTROL_RX_DISABLED;
+ 	/* broadcast TWT not supported yet */
+ 	if (twt->control & IEEE80211_TWT_CONTROL_NEG_TYPE_BROADCAST) {
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/911-mac80211-mtk-fix-the-issue-of-AP-and-STA-starting-on.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/911-mac80211-mtk-fix-the-issue-of-AP-and-STA-starting-on.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1199df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/911-mac80211-mtk-fix-the-issue-of-AP-and-STA-starting-on.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+From c3fa5e627f8c552852ee25ab366b4035c203aab3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2022 19:13:43 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 911/911] mac80211: mtk: fix the issue of AP and STA starting
+ on DFS channel concurrently
+Signed-off-by: StanleyYP Wang <StanleyYP.Wang@mediatek.com>
+ include/net/cfg80211.h       | 21 +++++++++++++++++
+ include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h |  2 +-
+ net/mac80211/cfg.c           | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ net/mac80211/chan.c          |  2 +-
+ net/wireless/chan.c          |  6 ++---
+ net/wireless/nl80211.c       |  8 +++++++
+ net/wireless/rdev-ops.h      | 16 +++++++++++++
+ net/wireless/trace.h         | 15 ++++++++++++
+ 8 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/net/cfg80211.h b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+index b97ddbd..c4c0926 100644
+--- a/include/net/cfg80211.h
++++ b/include/net/cfg80211.h
+@@ -800,6 +800,24 @@ cfg80211_chandef_identical(const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef1,
+ 		chandef1->center_freq2 == chandef2->center_freq2);
+ }
++ * cfg80211_chan_fully_overlap - check if two channel are fully overlapped
++ * @chandef1: first channel definition
++ * @chandef2: second channel definition
++ *
++ * Return: %true if the channels are valid and fully overlapped, %false otherwise.
++ */
++static inline bool
++cfg80211_chan_fully_overlap(const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef1,
++			    const struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef2)
++	return (chandef1->center_freq1 != 0 &&
++		chandef1->center_freq1 == chandef2->center_freq1 &&
++		chandef1->width == chandef2->width &&
++		chandef1->freq1_offset == chandef2->freq1_offset &&
++		chandef1->center_freq2 == chandef2->center_freq2);
+ /**
+  * cfg80211_chandef_is_edmg - check if chandef represents an EDMG channel
+  *
+@@ -4402,6 +4420,8 @@ struct cfg80211_ops {
+ 	int	(*set_radar_background)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
+ 					struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+ 	void	(*skip_cac)(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
++	void	(*check_cac_skip)(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++				  struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+ };
+ /*
+@@ -5555,6 +5575,7 @@ struct wireless_dev {
+ 	struct work_struct pmsr_free_wk;
+ 	unsigned long unprot_beacon_reported;
++	bool start_disabled;
+ };
+ static inline u8 *wdev_address(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
+diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+index e674aa7..ada8288 100644
+--- a/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
++++ b/include/uapi/linux/nl80211.h
+@@ -3129,7 +3129,7 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+ 	/* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */
+ 	NUM_NL80211_ATTR = __NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST,
+ 	NL80211_ATTR_MAX = __NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST - 1
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/cfg.c b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+index 97c5e5d..d726410 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/cfg.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/cfg.c
+@@ -4522,6 +4522,49 @@ ieee80211_skip_cac(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
+ 	}
+ }
++static void
++ieee80211_check_cac_skip(struct wiphy *wiphy,
++			 struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++	struct ieee80211_local *local = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *s1;
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *s2;
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata_sta;
++	struct ieee80211_if_managed *ifmgd;
++	struct ieee80211_channel *chan;
++	struct wireless_dev *wdev;
++	unsigned int cac_time_ms;
++	mutex_lock(&local->mtx);
++	/* Bypass AP's cac if there is a STA associated to the same DFS channel */
++	list_for_each_entry(s1, &local->interfaces, list) {
++		ifmgd = &s1->u.mgd;
++		if (s1->vif.type == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION && ifmgd->associated)
++			sdata_sta = s1;
++		else
++			continue;
++		list_for_each_entry(s2, &local->interfaces, list) {
++			wdev = &s2->wdev;
++			chan = wdev->chandef.chan;
++			if (chan) {
++				if (!(chan->flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_RADAR))
++					continue;
++				if (wdev->identifier != sdata_sta->wdev.identifier &&
++				    chan->dfs_state == NL80211_DFS_USABLE && wdev->cac_started &&
++				    cfg80211_chan_fully_overlap(&sdata_sta->vif.bss_conf.chandef,
++								&s2->vif.bss_conf.chandef)) {
++					ieee80211_skip_cac(wdev);
++					sdata_info(s2, "Skip CAC on the associated STA's chan\n");
++				}
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	mutex_unlock(&local->mtx);
+ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = {
+ 	.add_virtual_intf = ieee80211_add_iface,
+ 	.del_virtual_intf = ieee80211_del_iface,
+@@ -4629,4 +4672,5 @@ const struct cfg80211_ops mac80211_config_ops = {
+ 	.color_change = ieee80211_color_change,
+ 	.set_radar_background = ieee80211_set_radar_background,
+ 	.skip_cac = ieee80211_skip_cac,
++	.check_cac_skip = ieee80211_check_cac_skip,
+ };
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/chan.c b/net/mac80211/chan.c
+index 63e15f5..5e57e4a 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/chan.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/chan.c
+@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ bool ieee80211_is_radar_required(struct ieee80211_local *local)
+ 	rcu_read_lock();
+ 	list_for_each_entry_rcu(sdata, &local->interfaces, list) {
+-		if (sdata->radar_required) {
++		if (sdata->radar_required && sdata->wdev.cac_started) {
+ 			rcu_read_unlock();
+ 			return true;
+ 		}
+diff --git a/net/wireless/chan.c b/net/wireless/chan.c
+index 5f50ac4..067ed79 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/chan.c
++++ b/net/wireless/chan.c
+@@ -664,13 +664,13 @@ bool cfg80211_beaconing_iface_active(struct wireless_dev *wdev)
+ 	switch (wdev->iftype) {
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP:
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO:
+-		active = wdev->beacon_interval != 0;
++		active = wdev->beacon_interval != 0 || wdev->start_disabled;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC:
+-		active = wdev->ssid_len != 0;
++		active = wdev->ssid_len != 0 || wdev->start_disabled;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT:
+-		active = wdev->mesh_id_len != 0;
++		active = wdev->mesh_id_len != 0 || wdev->start_disabled;
+ 		break;
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION:
+ 	case NL80211_IFTYPE_OCB:
+diff --git a/net/wireless/nl80211.c b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+index a20aba5..8dc928d 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/nl80211.c
++++ b/net/wireless/nl80211.c
+@@ -803,6 +803,7 @@ static const struct nla_policy nl80211_policy[NUM_NL80211_ATTR] = {
+ 			NLA_POLICY_NESTED(nl80211_mbssid_config_policy),
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_MBSSID_ELEMS] = { .type = NLA_NESTED },
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_BACKGROUND] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
++	[NL80211_ATTR_START_DISABLED] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
+ 	[NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_GAIN] = { .type = NLA_U32 },
+ };
+@@ -5547,6 +5548,12 @@ static int nl80211_start_ap(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info)
+ 	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
++	if (info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_START_DISABLED]) {
++		wdev->start_disabled = nla_get_flag(info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_START_DISABLED]);
++		err = 0;
++		goto out;
++	}
+ 	/* these are required for START_AP */
+ 	if (!info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL] ||
+ 	    !info->attrs[NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD] ||
+@@ -9393,6 +9400,7 @@ static int nl80211_start_radar_detection(struct sk_buff *skb,
+ 		wdev->cac_started = true;
+ 		wdev->cac_start_time = jiffies;
+ 		wdev->cac_time_ms = cac_time_ms;
++		err = rdev_check_cac_skip(rdev, &wdev->chandef);
+ 	}
+ unlock:
+ 	wiphy_unlock(wiphy);
+diff --git a/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h b/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
+index 26f4604..c38aea1 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
++++ b/net/wireless/rdev-ops.h
+@@ -1412,4 +1412,20 @@ rdev_skip_cac(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
+ 	return 0;
+ }
++static inline int
++rdev_check_cac_skip(struct cfg80211_registered_device *rdev,
++		    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef)
++	struct wiphy *wiphy = &rdev->wiphy;
++	if (!rdev->ops->check_cac_skip)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	trace_rdev_check_cac_skip(wiphy, chandef);
++	rdev->ops->check_cac_skip(wiphy, chandef);
++	trace_rdev_return_void(wiphy);
++	return 0;
+ #endif /* __CFG80211_RDEV_OPS */
+diff --git a/net/wireless/trace.h b/net/wireless/trace.h
+index eadabfa..a7b0c82 100644
+--- a/net/wireless/trace.h
++++ b/net/wireless/trace.h
+@@ -3677,6 +3677,21 @@ TRACE_EVENT(rdev_skip_cac,
+ 	    TP_printk(WDEV_PR_FMT, WDEV_PR_ARG)
+ );
++	    TP_PROTO(struct wiphy *wiphy, struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef),
++	    TP_ARGS(wiphy, chandef),
++			     CHAN_DEF_ENTRY),
++	    TP_fast_assign(WIPHY_ASSIGN;
++			   CHAN_DEF_ASSIGN(chandef)),
++	    TP_printk(WIPHY_PR_FMT ", " CHAN_DEF_PR_FMT,
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/99900-mac80211-mtk-mask-kernel-version-limitation-and-fil.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/99900-mac80211-mtk-mask-kernel-version-limitation-and-fil.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d862c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/99900-mac80211-mtk-mask-kernel-version-limitation-and-fil.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+From d364b3a664a76fdb9b0e95e84e092d41d4f2ddd5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sujuan Chen <sujuan.chen@mediatek.com>
+Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 11:34:11 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 99900/99901] mac80211: mtk: mask kernel version limitation and
+ fill forward path in kernel 5.4
+Signed-off-by: Sujuan Chen <sujuan.chen@mediatek.com>
+ include/net/mac80211.h    | 2 --
+ net/mac80211/driver-ops.h | 2 --
+ net/mac80211/iface.c      | 4 ----
+ net/mac80211/trace.h      | 2 --
+ 4 files changed, 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/net/mac80211.h b/include/net/mac80211.h
+index 66fedf6..95e5e66 100644
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -4292,13 +4292,11 @@ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u8 flowid);
+ 	int (*set_radar_background)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				    struct cfg80211_chan_def *chandef);
+-#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ 	int (*net_fill_forward_path)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_vif *vif,
+ 				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta,
+ 				     struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
+ 				     struct net_device_path *path);
+ };
+ /**
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
+index 2df420b..d2b68ef 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
+@@ -1486,7 +1486,6 @@ static inline void drv_twt_teardown_request(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 	trace_drv_return_void(local);
+ }
+-#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ static inline int drv_net_fill_forward_path(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 					    struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+ 					    struct ieee80211_sta *sta,
+@@ -1508,6 +1507,5 @@ static inline int drv_net_fill_forward_path(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+ #endif /* __MAC80211_DRIVER_OPS */
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/iface.c b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+index 717dfda..455791f 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -852,7 +852,6 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ieee80211_monitorif_ops = {
+ };
+-#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ static int ieee80211_netdev_fill_forward_path(struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
+ 					      struct net_device_path *path)
+ {
+@@ -910,7 +909,6 @@ out:
+ 	return ret;
+ }
+ static const struct net_device_ops ieee80211_dataif_8023_ops = {
+@@ -929,9 +927,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ieee80211_dataif_8023_ops = {
+ #else
+ 	.ndo_get_stats64 = bp_ieee80211_get_stats64,
+ #endif
+-#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ 	.ndo_fill_forward_path = ieee80211_netdev_fill_forward_path,
+ };
+ static bool ieee80211_iftype_supports_hdr_offload(enum nl80211_iftype iftype)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/trace.h b/net/mac80211/trace.h
+index bbda9e9..d91498f 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/trace.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/trace.h
+@@ -2892,14 +2892,12 @@ TRACE_EVENT(drv_twt_teardown_request,
+ 	)
+ );
+-#if LINUX_VERSION_IS_GEQ(5,10,0)
+ DEFINE_EVENT(sta_event, drv_net_fill_forward_path,
+ 	TP_PROTO(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 		 struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata,
+ 		 struct ieee80211_sta *sta),
+ 	TP_ARGS(local, sdata, sta)
+ );
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/99901-mac80211-mtk-add-fill-receive-path-ops-to-get-wed-i.patch b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/99901-mac80211-mtk-add-fill-receive-path-ops-to-get-wed-i.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d58e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/99901-mac80211-mtk-add-fill-receive-path-ops-to-get-wed-i.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+From f1d42518adad5791f668a46d3cad3a5efc5f0a30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sujuan Chen <sujuan.chen@mediatek.com>
+Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 15:10:22 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 99901/99901] mac80211: mtk: add fill receive path ops to get
+ wed idx
+Signed-off-by: Sujuan Chen <sujuan.chen@mediatek.com>
+ include/net/mac80211.h    | 12 ++++++++++++
+ net/mac80211/driver-ops.h | 13 +++++++++++++
+ net/mac80211/iface.c      | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ net/mac80211/util.c       |  9 +++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 58 insertions(+)
+ mode change 100644 => 100755 include/net/mac80211.h
+ mode change 100644 => 100755 net/mac80211/util.c
+diff --git a/include/net/mac80211.h b/include/net/mac80211.h
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index 95e5e66..9a38b9f
+--- a/include/net/mac80211.h
++++ b/include/net/mac80211.h
+@@ -1796,6 +1796,13 @@ struct ieee80211_vif *wdev_to_ieee80211_vif(struct wireless_dev *wdev);
+  */
+ struct wireless_dev *ieee80211_vif_to_wdev(struct ieee80211_vif *vif);
++ * ieee80211_vif_to_wdev - return a net_device struct from a vif
++ * @vif: the vif to get the net_device for
++ */
++struct net_device *ieee80211_vif_to_netdev(struct ieee80211_vif *vif);
+ /**
+  * enum ieee80211_key_flags - key flags
+  *
+@@ -3962,6 +3969,8 @@ struct ieee80211_prep_tx_info {
+  *	disable background CAC/radar detection.
+  * @net_fill_forward_path: Called from .ndo_fill_forward_path in order to
+  *	resolve a path for hardware flow offloading
++ * @net_fill_receive_path: Called from .ndo_fill_receive_path in order to
++ *	get a path for hardware flow offloading
+  */
+ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 	void (*tx)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
+@@ -4297,6 +4306,9 @@ struct ieee80211_ops {
+ 				     struct ieee80211_sta *sta,
+ 				     struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
+ 				     struct net_device_path *path);
++	int (*net_fill_receive_path)(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
++				     struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
++				     struct net_device_path *path);
+ };
+ /**
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
+index d2b68ef..27da75e 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
++++ b/net/mac80211/driver-ops.h
+@@ -1508,4 +1508,17 @@ static inline int drv_net_fill_forward_path(struct ieee80211_local *local,
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static inline int drv_net_fill_receive_path(struct ieee80211_local *local,
++					    struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
++					    struct net_device_path *path)
++	int ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	if (local->ops->net_fill_receive_path)
++		ret = local->ops->net_fill_receive_path(&local->hw,
++							ctx, path);
++	return ret;
+ #endif /* __MAC80211_DRIVER_OPS */
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/iface.c b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+index 455791f..98b2369 100644
+--- a/net/mac80211/iface.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/iface.c
+@@ -910,6 +910,29 @@ out:
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static int ieee80211_netdev_fill_receive_path(struct net_device_path_ctx *ctx,
++					      struct net_device_path *path)
++	struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata;
++	struct ieee80211_local *local;
++	int ret = -ENOENT;
++	sdata = IEEE80211_DEV_TO_SUB_IF(ctx->dev);
++	local = sdata->local;
++	if (!local->ops->net_fill_receive_path)
++		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
++	rcu_read_lock();
++	ret = drv_net_fill_receive_path(local, ctx, path);
++	rcu_read_unlock();
++	return ret;
+ static const struct net_device_ops ieee80211_dataif_8023_ops = {
+ 	.ndo_change_mtu = __change_mtu,
+@@ -928,6 +951,7 @@ static const struct net_device_ops ieee80211_dataif_8023_ops = {
+ 	.ndo_get_stats64 = bp_ieee80211_get_stats64,
+ #endif
+ 	.ndo_fill_forward_path = ieee80211_netdev_fill_forward_path,
++	.ndo_fill_receive_path = ieee80211_netdev_fill_receive_path,
+ };
+ static bool ieee80211_iftype_supports_hdr_offload(enum nl80211_iftype iftype)
+diff --git a/net/mac80211/util.c b/net/mac80211/util.c
+old mode 100644
+new mode 100755
+index 8d36b05..d26a2b8
+--- a/net/mac80211/util.c
++++ b/net/mac80211/util.c
+@@ -898,6 +898,15 @@ struct wireless_dev *ieee80211_vif_to_wdev(struct ieee80211_vif *vif)
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ieee80211_vif_to_wdev);
++struct net_device *ieee80211_vif_to_netdev(struct ieee80211_vif *vif)
++	if (!vif)
++		return NULL;
++	return vif_to_sdata(vif)->dev;
+ /*
+  * Nothing should have been stuffed into the workqueue during
+  * the suspend->resume cycle. Since we can't check each caller
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/subsys.inc b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/subsys.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355e6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/files/patches-6.x/subsys/subsys.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#patch subsys (come from openwrt/lede/target/linux/mediatek)
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+    file://110-mac80211_keep_keys_on_stop_ap.patch \
+    file://120-cfg80211_allow_perm_addr_change.patch \
+    file://150-disable_addr_notifier.patch \
+    file://210-ap_scan.patch \
+    file://301-mac80211-sta-randomize-BA-session-dialog-token-alloc.patch \
+    file://303-v5.16-mac80211-set-up-the-fwd_skb-dev-for-mesh-forwarding.patch \
+    file://306-v5.17-mac80211-use-coarse-boottime-for-airtime-fairness-co.patch \
+    file://307-mac80211_hwsim-make-6-GHz-channels-usable.patch \
+    file://308-v5.17-mac80211-add-support-for-.ndo_fill_forward_path.patch \
+    file://309-mac80211-minstrel_ht-fix-MINSTREL_FRAC-macro.patch \
+    file://310-mac80211-minstrel_ht-reduce-fluctuations-in-rate-pro.patch \
+    file://311-mac80211-minstrel_ht-rework-rate-downgrade-code-and-.patch \
+    file://312-v5.16-mac80211-split-beacon-retrieval-functions.patch \
+    file://313-v5.16-nl80211-MBSSID-and-EMA-support-in-AP-mode.patch \
+    file://314-v5.17-cfg80211-implement-APIs-for-dedicated-radar-detectio.patch \
+    file://315-v5.17-cfg80211-move-offchan_cac_event-to-a-dedicated-work.patch \
+    file://316-v5.17-cfg80211-fix-possible-NULL-pointer-dereference-in-cf.patch \
+    file://317-v5.17-cfg80211-schedule-offchan_cac_abort_wk-in-cfg80211_r.patch \
+    file://318-v5.17-cfg80211-allow-continuous-radar-monitoring-on-offcha.patch \
+    file://319-v5.17-mac80211-introduce-set_radar_offchan-callback.patch \
+    file://320-v5.17-cfg80211-rename-offchannel_chain-structs-to-backgrou.patch \
+    file://323-v5.16-mac80211-MBSSID-support-in-interface-handling.patch \
+    file://324-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-beacon-handling-in-AP-mode.patch \
+    file://325-v5.18-mac80211-MBSSID-channel-switch.patch \
+    file://326-v5.18-mac80211-update-bssid_indicator-in-ieee80211_assign_.patch \
+    file://328-v5.19-mac80211-do-not-wake-queues-on-a-vif-that-is-being-s.patch \
+    file://330-v6.0-mac80211-switch-airtime-fairness-back-to-deficit-rou.patch \
+    file://331-v6.0-mac80211-make-sta-airtime-deficit-field-s32-instead-.patch \
+    file://332-v6.0-mac80211-consider-aql_tx_pending-when-checking-airti.patch \
+    file://333-v6.0-mac80211-keep-recently-active-tx-queues-in-schedulin.patch \
+    file://334-v6.0-mac80211-add-a-per-PHY-AQL-limit-to-improve-fairness.patch \
+    file://335-v6.0-mac80211-add-debugfs-file-to-display-per-phy-AQL-pen.patch \
+    file://336-v6.0-mac80211-only-accumulate-airtime-deficit-for-active-.patch \
+    file://337-mac80211-increase-quantum-for-airtime-scheduler.patch \
+    file://339-v6.0-mac80211-exclude-multicast-packets-from-AQL-pending-.patch \
+    file://340-v5.19-wifi-mac80211-do-not-abuse-fq.lock-in-ieee80211_do_s.patch \
+    file://341-v6.0-mac80211-Fix-deadlock-Don-t-start-TX-while-holding-f.patch \
+    file://342-v6.0-mac80211-Ensure-vif-queues-are-operational-after-sta.patch \
+    file://343-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-fix-decap-offload-for-stations-on-AP_V.patch \
+    file://344-v6.1-wifi-cfg80211-fix-ieee80211_data_to_8023_exthdr-hand.patch \
+    file://345-v6.1-wifi-mac80211-do-not-drop-packets-smaller-than-the-L.patch \
+    file://346-v6.0-wifi-mac80211-fix-mesh-airtime-link-metric-estimatin.patch \
+    file://363-v5.19-bss-color-collision.patch \
+    file://364-mac80211-add-support-for-restricting-netdev-features.patch \
+    file://400-allow-ibss-mixed.patch \
+    file://500-mac80211_configure_antenna_gain.patch \
+    file://782-net-next-1-of-net-pass-the-dst-buffer-to-of_get_mac_address.patch \
+    file://783-sync-nl80211.patch \
+    file://800-mac80211-mask-nested-A-MSDU-support-for-mesh.patch \
+    file://900-mac80211-mtk-do-not-setup-twt-when-twt-responder-is-.patch \
+    file://901-nl80211-mtk-extend-CAC-time-for-weather-radar-channe.patch \
+    file://902-mac80211-mtk-it-s-invalid-case-when-frag_threshold-i.patch \
+    file://903-mac80211-mtk-correct-legacy-rates-check-in-ieee80211.patch \
+    file://904-mac80211-mtk-airtime_flags-depends-on-NL80211_EXT_FE.patch \
+    file://905-mac80211-mtk-add-support-for-runtime-set-inband-disc.patch \
+    file://906-mac80211-mtk-add-s1g-category-to-_ieee80211_is_robus.patch \
+    file://907-mac80211-mtk-make-4addr-null-frames-using-min_rate-f.patch \
+    file://908-mac80211-mtk-remove-timerout-handle-for-ax210-iot-is.patch \
+    file://909-cfg80211-mtk-implement-DFS-status-show-cac-and-nop-s.patch \
+    file://910-mac80211-mtk-Set-TWT-Information-Frame-Disabled-bit-.patch \
+    file://911-mac80211-mtk-fix-the-issue-of-AP-and-STA-starting-on.patch \
+    file://99900-mac80211-mtk-mask-kernel-version-limitation-and-fil.patch \
+    file://99901-mac80211-mtk-add-fill-receive-path-ops-to-get-wed-i.patch \
+    "
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211.bb b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211_5.15.%.bb
similarity index 100%
rename from recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211.bb
rename to recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211_5.15.%.bb
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211_6.x.bb b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211_6.x.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a1ddf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/linux-mac80211/linux-mac80211_6.x.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Linux backports"
+HOMEPAGE = "https://backports.wiki.kernel.org"
+SECTION = "kernel/modules"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=6bc538ed5bd9a7fc9398086aedcd7e46"
+inherit module
+PV = "6.x"
+SRC_URI = " \
+    https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/backports/stable/v5.15.81/backports-5.15.81-1.tar.xz \
+    file://config \
+    file://0001-rdkb-fix_build_issue-mac80211-without_depmod.patch;apply=no \
+    "
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5227d3c35ccebacfaee6b8180b3a87b9910f3c94ee768ebc5c0fef3c86b6146d"
+DEPENDS += "virtual/kernel"
+DEPENDS += "bison-native coreutils-native flex-native"
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files/patches-6.x/build:"
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files/patches-6.x/subsys:"
+require files/patches-6.x/build/build.inc
+require files/patches-6.x/subsys/subsys.inc
+SRC_URI_remove = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'flow_offload', '', 'file://99900-mac80211-mtk-mask-kernel-version-limitation-and-fil.patch', d)}"
+SRC_URI_remove = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'flow_offload', '', 'file://99901-mac80211-mtk-add-fill-receive-path-ops-to-get-wed-i.patch', d)}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/backports-5.15.81-1"
+do_filogic_patches() {
+    cd ${S}
+    if [ ! -e patch_applied ]; then
+        patch -p1 < ${WORKDIR}/0001-rdkb-fix_build_issue-mac80211-without_depmod.patch
+        touch patch_applied
+    fi
+addtask filogic_patches after do_unpack before do_compile
+    KLIB=${D} \
+    "
+do_configure () {
+         LD="${BUILD_LD}" AR="${BUILD_AR}" LEX="flex" -C ${S}/kconf O=${S}/kconf conf
+    cp ${WORKDIR}/config ${S}/.config
+    oe_runmake allnoconfig
+do_install_prepend () {
+    mkdir -p \
+	${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211 \
+	${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211-backport \
+	${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211/ath \
+	${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/net/mac80211
+    cp -Rf ${S}/net/mac80211/*.h ${S}/include/* ${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211/
+    cp -Rf ${S}/backport-include/* ${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211-backport/
+    cp -Rf ${S}/net/mac80211/rate.h ${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/net/mac80211/
+    cp -Rf ${S}/drivers/net/wireless/ath/*.h ${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211/ath/
+    rm -f ${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/usr/include/mac80211-backport/linux/module.h
+do_install_append() {
+    # Module
+    cat ${D}/usr/include/linux-mac80211/Module.symvers >> ${TMPDIR}/work-shared/${MACHINE}/kernel-build-artifacts/Module.symvers
+PROVIDES += "kernel-module-compat"
+PROVIDES += "kernel-module-cfg80211"
+PROVIDES += "kernel-module-mac80211"