[rdkb][common][bsp][Refactor and sync kernel from openwrt]

1db0b0a4 [kernel][mt7988][hnat][Update PPPQ and HQOS coexistense feature]
782aac63 [openwrt][mt7988][crypto][Refactor patch for buiild error]
f60b4934 [kernel][mt7988][hnat][Fix issue with HNAT BIND during LAN WAN role swap]
4cead020 [openwrt][common][sdk][Refactor support for clangd]
3542715a [[openwrt][mt7988][config][feature support] nat forward packet need carry customer's dscp ]
a07cd80b [kernel][mt7988][pcie][Add PCIe IRQ affinity support]
f8c8d651 [kernel][common][app][Add multiple QDMA TX queue scheduler support]
bd9b026c [kernel][common][hnat][Fix QDMA TX queue page error issue]
5182b757 [kernel][mt7988][hnat][Update hnat_entry command for the PPE2]
878fcade [openwrt][common][sdk][Add support to generate compile_commands.json for clangd]
8cb31acd [[7992][CASAN] CASAN image for FW CASAN test]
4ffec28d [MAC80211][hnat][Fix ETH bring up issue for the mt7622]
465d1cf9 [openwrt][mt7988][crypto][Refactor xfrm packet mode path]
5b4771fb [openwrt][mt7988][crypto][Refactor binding path for IPsec encryption]
287a3c9a [openwrt][mt7988][crypto][Change ipsec hw offload path in xfrm framework]
a9740c14 [kernel][mt7988][i2.5gphy][net: phy: Hook suspend/resume function]
c371fba0 [openwrt][mt7988][image][Add hkdf to mt7988.mk]


Change-Id: I78e1040f501c2060734f9d4b75e387673d61efce
14 files changed