[Refactoer add ccsp hal to meta-filogic]

Refactoer add ccsp hal to meta-filogic


diff --git a/recipes-ccsp/hal/files/sta-network.patch b/recipes-ccsp/hal/files/sta-network.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f3192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-ccsp/hal/files/sta-network.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+From 68113170930788e52f8fa6089a2882dc28f5693f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Simon Chung <simon.c.chung@accenture.com>
+Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 15:44:57 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] sta-network
+Change-Id: Idaae3038a352e94d1f2810a8d73b7f77c8e47309
+ wifi_hal.h | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/wifi_hal.h b/wifi_hal.h
+index 579418e..d284af4 100644
+--- a/wifi_hal.h
++++ b/wifi_hal.h
+@@ -110,4 +110,95 @@
+ * APIs to be deprecated. Not add new function or structure!
+ */
+ #include "wifi_hal_deprecated.h"
++/* APPROACH 1*/
++typedef enum wifi_sta_network_flags {
++ WIFI_STA_NET_F_4ADDR_MULTI_AP, /* future: easymesh's wds */
++ WIFI_STA_NET_F_OWE, /* future: opportunistic wireless encryption */
++ WIFI_STA_NET_F_SAE, /* future: wpa3 */
++} wifi_sta_network_flags_t;
++typedef enum wifi_sta_multi_ap_flag {
++} wifi_sta_multi_ap_flag_t;
++typedef struct wifi_sta_network {
++        int id;
++ char bridge[16]; /* valid for 4addr_multi_ap */
++ char ssid[32];
++ char psk[128];
++ char bssid[6]; /* 00:00:00:00:00:00 means any */
++ size_t ssid_len;
++ size_t psk_len;
++        int multi_ap;
++        char pairwise[64]; 
++        char proto[64];
++        char key_mgmt[64];
++ unsigned long flags; /* enum wifi_sta_network_flags */
++} wifi_sta_network_t;
++typedef struct wifi_sta_network_state {
++ struct wifi_sta_network desired_network;
++ char current_bssid[6]; /* 00:00:00:00:00:00 means disconnected */
++ int last_deauth_reason;
++ int last_disassoc_reason;
++} wifi_sta_network_state_t;
++typedef void (*wifi_sta_network_cb)(INT radioIndex, void *ctx);
++INT wifi_setStaNetwork(INT radioIndex, const wifi_sta_network_t *network);
++INT wifi_setStaNetworkSetEventCallback(INT radioIndex, wifi_sta_network_cb *cb, void *ctx);
++INT wifi_getStaNetworkState(INT radioIndex, wifi_sta_network_state_t *state);
++INT wifi_getStaNetworkCapabilities(INT radioIndex, INT *flags);
++/* APPROACH 2 */
++typedef struct {
++ CHAR ssid[33];
++ CHAR bssid[17];
++ CHAR passphrase[65];
++} wifi_staNetwork_t;
++INT wifi_getSTANetworks(INT apIndex, wifi_sta_network_t **out_staNetworks_array, INT out_array_size, BOOL *out_scan_cur_freq);
++INT wifi_setSTANetworks(INT apIndex, wifi_sta_network_t **staNetworks_array, INT array_size, BOOL scan_cur_freq);
++INT wifi_delSTANetworks(INT apIndex);
++/* notdefined approach */
++INT wifi_getSTANumberOfEntries(ULONG *output);
++INT wifi_getSTARadioIndex(INT ssidIndex, INT *radioIndex);
++INT wifi_getSTAName(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string);
++INT wifi_getSTABSSID(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string);
++INT wifi_getSTASSID(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string);
++INT wifi_getSTAMAC(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string);
++INT wifi_getSTAEnabled(INT ssidIndex, BOOL *enabled);
++INT wifi_setSTAEnabled(INT ssidIndex, BOOL enabled);
++typedef struct _wifi_client_associated_dev
++        UCHAR MACAddress[6];                /**< The MAC address of an associated device. */
++        INT NetworkID;         /**< Network ID */
++        INT connected;         /**< If network is connected */
++        INT reason;
++        INT locally_generated;
++} wifi_client_associated_dev_t;       
++typedef INT ( * wifi_client_event_callback)(INT apIndex, wifi_client_associated_dev_t *state);
++void wifi_client_event_callback_register(wifi_client_event_callback callback_proc);
++INT wifi_getApChannel(INT radioIndex,ULONG *output_ulong);   //RDKB
++INT wifi_setApChannel(INT radioIndex, ULONG channel);        //RDKB  //AP only
+ #endif