[rdkb][common][bsp][Refactor and sync wifi from openwrt]

d34487c3 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Add mt7981 mt7916 mt7915 fw_wm_info support]
327eaf76 [MAC80211][wifi7][Release][Update WiFi7 Filogic680/660 Firmware]
fa03d7ea [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Fix 2/6G channel switch fail issue]
c0bf67d9 [MAC80211][misc][Add Filogic 880 Non-MLO SDK Release]
e5d03217 [MAC80211][WiFi6][Rebase Patches][Refactor set_offchan_ctrl]
6cad79ae [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Add support for DFS channel switch with CSA sent]
cde50012 [MAC80211][WiFi6][core][Add DFS channel CSA flow]
0142fd16 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Add post channel switch callback for DFS channel switch support]
cb3f4c58 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Update Connac2 CSI Feature]
1b66ac4c [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Refactor precal loading and binfile mode to align upstream]
0ece467b [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Fix scs feature calltrace issue]
1dca03f1 [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][Misc][Change group mgmt cipher setting to align group cipher]
0aa52762 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Fix muru_onoff as all enabled by default]
c3e5f505 [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Fix mu_onoff was overwritten with unexpected values]
7090eabe [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][core][Add tx_burst option in wireless configuration file for Kite]
669d3071 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][rebase patches]
c5d6b3e7 [mac80211][mt76][Fix patch fail]
55ef4059 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Fix TxS ACK is incorrectly reported]
e166eae1 [MAC80211][WiFi6][Misc][Add Filogic 820 Build]
118ffd7e [mac80211][wifi6][mt76][Fix crash caused by per-BSS counter updating]
68015098 [MAC80211][WiFi7][mt76][Add Eagle 2adie TBTC default bin]
eae6e8c0 [MAC80211][WiFi7][mt76][Add Eagle 2adie TBTC support in mt76 Makefile]
cccc8eb9 [MAC80211[WiFi6][hostapd][Fix wds AP interface adding issue]
173fe3b0 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Add scs feature for connac2 mt76]
1b8af8d9 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][rebase patches]
6dc40325 [MAC80211][WiFi7][misc][fix hostapd udebug init fail]
aa4b39ae [[mt76][csi][mt7915][mt7986] update csi feature]
7d458da2 [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Auto Channel Selection channel time issue]
f0b5502f [MAC80211][WiFi7][misc][fix build error]
b63c9cf6 [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][misc][fix ucode and backport 6.5 patch fail]
ce056dc7 [mac80211][wifi6][mt76][Add variant support for Cheetah MT76]
c5ae3f9c [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][Misc][Add country setting consistent check before enable AP.]
d57d9c5a [mac80211][misc][wifi6/7][Update libubox to the latest version]
be7dbf21 [mac80211][misc][wifi7][Revert libubox to 20230523 to prevent build fail]
ae9b4428 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Add cal free data support]
52fd5d80 [MAC80211][WiFi7][Misc][Adjust MU EDCA timer in mac80211.sh]
66c649de [mac80211][hostapd][netifd][Revert udebug for build pass]
136c7f11 [MAC80211][hostapd][wifi7][Fix build fail]
8911e727 [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Auto Channel Selection issue and patch sync]
75161456 [MAC80211][WiFi7][mt76][Fix issue for testmode bit in eagle defaut bin]
4dc2d646 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Fix cheetah 5G ibf issue]
d4561158 [MAC80211][WiFi6][Misc][Add Filogic 820 Build]
2e5a1997 [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Backport hostapd ACS patches and some ACS fixes]
b0305b6e [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][Misc][Add 6g band default enable mbo IE]


Change-Id: I872b422c1fc56ebd3a1cff3252cb403a2015eabe
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/hostapd/hostapd_2.10.3.bb b/recipes-wifi/hostapd/hostapd_2.10.3.bb
index 60a40d9..02af874 100644
--- a/recipes-wifi/hostapd/hostapd_2.10.3.bb
+++ b/recipes-wifi/hostapd/hostapd_2.10.3.bb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
 LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://hostapd/README;md5=c905478466c90f1cefc0df987c40e172"
-DEPENDS = "libnl-tiny openssl ubus ucode"
+DEPENDS = "libnl-tiny openssl ubus ucode udebug"
 DEPENDS_append = " ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'telemetry2_0', 'telemetry', '', d)}"
 LDFLAGS_append = " ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'telemetry2_0', ' -ltelemetry_msgsender ', '', d)}"
 RDEPENDS_${PN} += "gawk ucode"