[AUTO00218054] [rdkb][common][app][modify wps
state and pushbutton]

modify wps state from 0/1 to 0/2, and remove wps pushbutton cmd after createVAP; support adding multi mac address to acl.


Change-Id: I18d3c28cf80ddd8b33f7cee7113716615a2bbb85
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.c b/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.c
index 77b23cf..df1f102 100644
--- a/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.c
+++ b/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.c
@@ -182,12 +182,9 @@
         intf_param->igmpsn_enable = FALSE;
-void set_wps_state(wifi_intf_param *intf_param, char *enable)
+void set_wps_state(wifi_intf_param *intf_param, char *wps_state)
-    if (strcmp(enable, "1") == 0)
-        intf_param->wps_state = TRUE;
-    else
-        intf_param->wps_state = FALSE;
+    intf_param->wps_state = strtol(wps_state, NULL, 10);
 void set_wps_cancel(wifi_intf_param *intf_param, char *enable)
@@ -460,6 +457,7 @@
     int key_len = 0;
     wifi_vap_info_t vap_info = {0};
     BOOL radio_enable = FALSE;
+    char *maclist;
     if(ap_param.radio_index == -1)
@@ -525,30 +523,16 @@
     // wps_state
     fprintf(stderr, "Set wps_state: %d \n", ap_param.wps_state);
-    ret = wifi_setApWpsEnable(ap_param.ap_index, ap_param.wps_state);
+    if (ap_param.wps_state == 2)
+        ret = wifi_setApWpsEnable(ap_param.ap_index, 1);
+    else
+        ret = wifi_setApWpsEnable(ap_param.ap_index, 0);
     if (ret != RETURN_OK)
         fprintf(stderr, "[Set wps_state failed!!!]\n");
     ret = 0;
-    // wps_cancel
-    fprintf(stderr, "Set wps_cancel: %d \n", ap_param.wps_cancel);
-    if (ap_param.wps_cancel){
-        ret = wifi_cancelApWPS(ap_param.ap_index);
-        if (ret != RETURN_OK)
-            fprintf(stderr, "[Set wps_cancel failed!!!]\n");
-        ret = 0;
-        }
-    // wps_pushbutton
-    fprintf(stderr, "Set wps_pushbutton: %d \n", ap_param.wps_pushbutton);
-    if (ap_param.wps_pushbutton){
-        ret = wifi_setApWpsButtonPush(ap_param.ap_index);
-        if (ret != RETURN_OK)
-            fprintf(stderr, "[Set wps_pushbutton failed!!!]\n");
-        ret = 0;
-        }
     // macfilter
+    fprintf(stderr, "Set macfilter: %s \n", ap_param.macfilter);
     if ((strcmp(ap_param.macfilter, "disable") == 0)  || (strcmp(ap_param.macfilter, "\0") == 0) )
         vap_info.u.bss_info.mac_filter_enable = false;
     else if (strcmp(ap_param.macfilter, "deny") == 0){
@@ -561,28 +545,37 @@
         fprintf(stderr, "The macfilter tpye: %s  is invalid!!!\n", ap_param.macfilter);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Set macfilter: %s \n", ap_param.macfilter);
     // maclist
-    if ((strlen(ap_param.macfilter) == 0)){
+    fprintf(stderr, "Set maclist: %s \n", ap_param.maclist);
+    if ((strlen(ap_param.maclist) == 0)){
         ret = wifi_delApAclDevices(ap_param.ap_index);
         if (ret != RETURN_OK)
             fprintf(stderr, "[Del all maclist failed!!!]\n");
         ret = 0;
-        }
+    }
     else if (strcmp(ap_param.macfilter, "allow") == 0) {
-        ret = wifi_addApAclDevice(ap_param.ap_index, ap_param.maclist);
-        if (ret != RETURN_OK)
-            fprintf(stderr, "[Add maclist failed!!!]\n");
-        ret = 0;
+        maclist = strtok(ap_param.maclist, ";");
+        while (maclist != NULL)
+        {
+            ret = wifi_addApAclDevice(ap_param.ap_index, maclist);
+            if (ret != RETURN_OK)
+                fprintf(stderr, "[Add maclist failed!!!]\n");
+            ret = 0;
+            maclist = strtok(NULL, ";");
+    }
     else if (strcmp(ap_param.macfilter, "deny") == 0) {
-        ret = wifi_addApDenyAclDevice(ap_param.ap_index, ap_param.maclist);
-        if (ret != RETURN_OK)
-            fprintf(stderr, "[Add maclist failed!!!]\n");
-        ret = 0;
+        maclist = strtok(ap_param.maclist, ";");
+        while (maclist != NULL)
+        {
+            ret = wifi_addApDenyAclDevice(ap_param.ap_index, maclist);
+            if (ret != RETURN_OK)
+                fprintf(stderr, "[Add maclist failed!!!]\n");
+            ret = 0;
+            maclist = strtok(NULL, ";");
-    fprintf(stderr, "Set maclist: %s \n", ap_param.maclist);
+    }
     ret = 0;
     // Replace the setting with uci config
@@ -684,7 +677,7 @@
     // SSID
     printf("wifi%d ssid: %s\n", ap_param.ap_index, vap_info.u.bss_info.ssid);
-    // igmpsn_enableS
+    // igmpsn_enable
     ret = wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable(ap_param.radio_index, &igmpsn_state);
     if (ret != RETURN_OK)
         fprintf(stderr, "[Get igmpsn_state failed!!!]\n");
@@ -850,10 +843,6 @@
                     set_igmpsn_enable(&intf_param, op->v.string);
                 }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "wps_state") == 0){
                     set_wps_state(&intf_param, op->v.string);
-                }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "wps_cancel") == 0){
-                    set_wps_cancel(&intf_param, op->v.string);
-                }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "wps_pushbutton") == 0){
-                    set_wps_pushbutton(&intf_param, op->v.string);
                 }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "macfilter") == 0){
                     set_macfilter(&intf_param, op->v.string);
                 }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "maclist") == 0){
@@ -897,6 +886,70 @@
             fprintf(stderr, "[Apply vap setting failed!!!]\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < 3 ;i++ ){
+        apCount[i] = 0;
+        staCount[i] = 0;
+    }
+    uci_foreach_element(&uci_pkg->sections, e) {
+        struct uci_section *s = uci_to_section(e);
+        struct uci_element *option = NULL;
+        wifi_radio_param radio_param = {0};
+        wifi_intf_param intf_param = {0};
+        int phyId = 0;
+        radio_param.radio_index = -1;
+        intf_param.ap_index = -1;
+        if (strcmp(s->type, "wifi-iface") == 0) {
+            uci_foreach_element(&s->options, option) {
+                struct uci_option *op = uci_to_option(option);
+                {
+                    // parsing iface
+                    if (strcmp(op->e.name, "device") == 0){
+                        set_radionum(&intf_param, op->v.string);
+                    }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "mode") == 0){
+                        intf_param.mac_offset = staCount[intf_param.radio_index] + apCount[intf_param.radio_index];
+                        if (strncmp(op->v.string, "sta", 3) == 0) {
+                            intf_param.sta_mode = TRUE;
+                            intf_param.sta_index = intf_param.radio_index + staCount[intf_param.radio_index]*max_radio_num;
+                            staCount[intf_param.radio_index] ++ ;
+                            fprintf(stderr, "\n----- Start parsing sta %d config. -----\n", intf_param.sta_index);
+                        } else if (strncmp(op->v.string, "ap", 2) == 0) {
+                            intf_param.sta_mode = FALSE;
+                            intf_param.ap_index = intf_param.radio_index + apCount[intf_param.radio_index]*max_radio_num;
+                            apCount[intf_param.radio_index] ++ ;
+                            fprintf(stderr, "\n----- Start parsing ap %d config. -----\n", intf_param.ap_index);
+                        }
+                    }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "wps_cancel") == 0){
+                        set_wps_cancel(&intf_param, op->v.string);
+                    }else if (strcmp(op->e.name, "wps_pushbutton") == 0){
+                        set_wps_pushbutton(&intf_param, op->v.string);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // wps_cancel
+            fprintf(stderr, "Set wps_cancel: %d \n", intf_param.wps_cancel);
+            if (intf_param.wps_cancel){
+                ret = wifi_cancelApWPS(intf_param.ap_index);
+                if (ret != RETURN_OK)
+                    fprintf(stderr, "[Set wps_cancel failed!!!]\n");
+                ret = 0;
+            }
+            // wps_pushbutton
+            fprintf(stderr, "Set wps_pushbutton: %d \n", intf_param.wps_pushbutton);
+            if (intf_param.wps_pushbutton){
+                ret = wifi_setApWpsButtonPush(intf_param.ap_index);
+                if (ret != RETURN_OK)
+                    fprintf(stderr, "[Set wps_pushbutton failed!!!]\n");
+                ret = 0;
+           }
+        }
+   }
     uci_unload(uci_ctx, uci_pkg);
     return RETURN_OK;
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.h b/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.h
index a235ed0..034ae4c 100644
--- a/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.h
+++ b/recipes-wifi/wifi-test-tool/files/src/wifi-test-tool.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     char ifname[16];
     bool hidden;
     bool igmpsn_enable;
-    bool wps_state;
+    int wps_state;
     bool wps_cancel;
     bool wps_pushbutton;
     char macfilter[10];