[rdkb][common][bsp][Refactor and sync wifi from openwrt]

3a2eef0b [MAC80211][Release][Update release note for Filogic 880/860 MLO Beta release]
cfbd2411 [MAC80211][Release][Filogic 880/860 MLO Beta release]
6c180e3f [MAC80211][WiFi7][misc][Add Eagle BE14000 efem default bin]
a55f34db [MAC80211][Release][Prepare for Filogic 880/860 release]
5b45ebca [MAC80211][WiFi7][hostapd][Add puncture bitmap to ucode]
95bbea73 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Add PID to only report data-frame TX rate]
b15ced26 [MAC80211][WiFi6][hostapd][Fix DFS channel selection issue]
d59133cb [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Fix pse info not correct information]
3921b4b2 [MAC80211][WiFi6][mt76][Fix incomplete QoS-map setting to FW]
4e7690c7 [MAC80211][WiFi6/7][app][Change ATECHANNEL mapping cmd]
eb37af90 [MAC80211][WiFi7][app][Add support for per-packet bw & primary selection]
0ea82adf [MAC80211][WiFi6][core][Fix DFS CAC issue after CSA]


Change-Id: I9bec97ec1b2e1c49ed43a812a07a5b21fcbb70a6
diff --git a/recipes-wifi/wpa-supplicant/files/patches-2.10.3/0054-mtk-hostapd-add-support-enable-disable-preamble-punc.patch b/recipes-wifi/wpa-supplicant/files/patches-2.10.3/0054-mtk-hostapd-add-support-enable-disable-preamble-punc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26dcf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes-wifi/wpa-supplicant/files/patches-2.10.3/0054-mtk-hostapd-add-support-enable-disable-preamble-punc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+From d57c8c29e6c88c609ff3c3770f5d6f0eed151761 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Howard Hsu <howard-yh.hsu@mediatek.com>
+Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:29:46 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 054/126] mtk: hostapd: add support enable/disable preamble
+ puncture from mtk vendor command
+This commit supports two ways to enable/disable preamble puncture
+1. Add new hostapd configuration pp_mode. The possible value could be
+1 to 3. When the value is 0, it means that the firmware will turn off
+the pp algorithm. When the value is 1, it means that the firmware will
+enable the pp algorithm, allowing the algorithm to determine whether pp
+could be applied on each txcmd. When the value is 2, it means that pp
+feature is manually configured by the user. Please noted that for
+current implementation, the default configuration is 0.
+2. $ hostapd_cli -i <intf_name> raw set_pp mode val
+The argument val could be 0 for PP feature disabled or 1 to configure
+PP feature as auto mode.
+This commit also let user check whether pp feature is enabled by
+hostapd_cli command. The usage shows as below:
+$ hostapd_cli -i <intf_name> raw get_pp mode
+Signed-off-by: Howard Hsu <howard-yh.hsu@mediatek.com>
+ hostapd/config_file.c             | 12 +++++++
+ hostapd/ctrl_iface.c              | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/ap/ap_config.c                |  1 +
+ src/ap/ap_config.h                |  7 ++++
+ src/ap/ap_drv_ops.c               |  9 +++++
+ src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h               |  1 +
+ src/ap/hostapd.c                  |  2 ++
+ src/common/mtk_vendor.h           | 12 +++++++
+ src/drivers/driver.h              |  6 ++++
+ src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c      | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ src/drivers/driver_nl80211.h      |  1 +
+ src/drivers/driver_nl80211_capa.c |  3 ++
+ 12 files changed, 162 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/hostapd/config_file.c b/hostapd/config_file.c
+index b941ec5fa..fe92540c4 100644
+--- a/hostapd/config_file.c
++++ b/hostapd/config_file.c
+@@ -5446,6 +5446,8 @@ static int hostapd_config_fill(struct hostapd_config *conf,
+ 	} else if (os_strcmp(buf, "punct_bitmap") == 0) {
+ 		if (get_u16(pos, line, &conf->punct_bitmap))
+ 			return 1;
++		conf->punct_bitmap = atoi(pos);
++		conf->pp_mode = PP_MANUAL_MODE;
+ 	} else if (os_strcmp(buf, "punct_acs_threshold") == 0) {
+ 		int val = atoi(pos);
+@@ -5537,6 +5539,16 @@ static int hostapd_config_fill(struct hostapd_config *conf,
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
+ 		conf->amsdu = val;
++	} else if (os_strcmp(buf, "pp_mode") == 0) {
++		int val = atoi(pos);
++		if ((val != PP_MANUAL_MODE && conf->punct_bitmap) ||
++		    val < PP_DISABLE || val > PP_MANUAL_MODE) {
++			wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Line %d: invalid pp_mode value",
++				   line);
++			return 1;
++		}
++		conf->pp_mode = (u8) val;
+ 	} else {
+ 		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
+ 			   "Line %d: unknown configuration item '%s'",
+diff --git a/hostapd/ctrl_iface.c b/hostapd/ctrl_iface.c
+index 61d69902d..be47bd492 100644
+--- a/hostapd/ctrl_iface.c
++++ b/hostapd/ctrl_iface.c
+@@ -4946,6 +4946,59 @@ hostapd_ctrl_iface_set_background_radar_mode(struct hostapd_data *hapd, char *cm
+ 	return os_snprintf(buf, buflen, "OK\n");
+ }
++static int
++hostapd_ctrl_iface_set_pp(struct hostapd_data *hapd, char *cmd, char *buf,
++			  size_t buflen)
++	char *pos, *config, *value;
++	config = cmd;
++	pos = os_strchr(config, ' ');
++	if (pos == NULL)
++		return -1;
++	*pos++ = '\0';
++	if (pos == NULL)
++		return -1;
++	value = pos;
++	if (os_strcmp(config, "mode") == 0) {
++		int val = atoi(value);
++		if (val < PP_DISABLE || val > PP_AUTO_MODE) {
++			wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Invalid value for set_pp");
++			return -1;
++		}
++		hapd->iconf->pp_mode = (u8) val;
++		if (hostapd_drv_pp_mode_set(hapd) != 0)
++			return -1;
++	} else {
++		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
++			   "Unsupported parameter %s for set_pp", config);
++		return -1;
++	}
++	return os_snprintf(buf, buflen, "OK\n");
++static int
++hostapd_ctrl_iface_get_pp(struct hostapd_data *hapd, char *cmd, char *buf,
++			  size_t buflen)
++	char *pos, *end;
++	pos = buf;
++	end = buf + buflen;
++	if (os_strcmp(cmd, "mode") == 0) {
++		return os_snprintf(pos, end - pos, "pp_mode: %d\n",
++				   hapd->iconf->pp_mode);
++	} else {
++		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
++			   "Unsupported parameter %s for get_pp", cmd);
++		return -1;
++	}
+ static int hostapd_ctrl_iface_receive_process(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
+ 					      char *buf, char *reply,
+ 					      int reply_size,
+@@ -5587,6 +5640,12 @@ static int hostapd_ctrl_iface_receive_process(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
+ 	} else if (os_strncmp(buf, "DUMP_AMNT", 9) == 0) {
+ 		reply_len = hostapd_ctrl_iface_dump_amnt(hapd, buf+10,
+ 							reply, reply_size);
++	} else if (os_strncmp(buf, "set_pp", 6) == 0) {
++		reply_len = hostapd_ctrl_iface_set_pp(hapd, buf + 7, reply,
++						      reply_size);
++	} else if (os_strncmp(buf, "get_pp", 6) == 0) {
++		reply_len = hostapd_ctrl_iface_get_pp(hapd, buf + 7, reply,
++						      reply_size);
+ 	} else if (os_strncmp(buf, "set_muru_manual_config=", 23) == 0) {
+ 		// Replace first ':' with a single space ' '
+ 		char *pos = buf + 23;
+diff --git a/src/ap/ap_config.c b/src/ap/ap_config.c
+index 3a12de3cd..8b98d6170 100644
+--- a/src/ap/ap_config.c
++++ b/src/ap/ap_config.c
+@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ struct hostapd_config * hostapd_config_defaults(void)
+ 	conf->three_wire_enable = THREE_WIRE_MODE_DISABLE;
+ 	conf->ibf_enable = IBF_DEFAULT_ENABLE;
+ 	conf->amsdu = 1;
++	conf->pp_mode = PP_DISABLE;
+ 	hostapd_set_and_check_bw320_offset(conf, 0);
+diff --git a/src/ap/ap_config.h b/src/ap/ap_config.h
+index cffde344f..a8002fd1a 100644
+--- a/src/ap/ap_config.h
++++ b/src/ap/ap_config.h
+@@ -1346,6 +1346,7 @@ struct hostapd_config {
+ 	u8 dfs_detect_mode;
+ 	u8 amsdu;
+ 	void *muru_config;
++	u8 pp_mode;
+ };
+ enum three_wire_mode {
+@@ -1398,6 +1399,12 @@ enum mtk_vendor_attr_edcca_ctrl_mode {
+ };
++enum pp_mode {
++	PP_DISABLE = 0,
+diff --git a/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.c b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.c
+index 6f8f329b0..dc772ea31 100644
+--- a/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.c
++++ b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.c
+@@ -1415,3 +1415,12 @@ int hostapd_drv_background_radar_mode(struct hostapd_data *hapd)
+ 	return hapd->driver->background_radar_mode(hapd->drv_priv,
+ 						   hapd->iconf->background_radar_mode);
+ }
++int hostapd_drv_pp_mode_set(struct hostapd_data *hapd)
++	if (!hapd->driver || !hapd->driver->pp_mode_set ||
++	    hapd->iconf->pp_mode > PP_AUTO_MODE)
++		return 0;
++	return hapd->driver->pp_mode_set(hapd->drv_priv,
++					 hapd->iconf->pp_mode);
+diff --git a/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h
+index 53075ea94..9a477a40e 100644
+--- a/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h
++++ b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h
+@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ int hostapd_drv_ap_trig_type(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 enable, u8 type);
+ int hostapd_drv_amnt_set(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 amnt_idx, u8 *amnt_sta_mac);
+ int hostapd_drv_amnt_dump(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 amnt_idx, u8 *amnt_dump_buf);
+ int hostapd_drv_background_radar_mode(struct hostapd_data *hapd);
++int hostapd_drv_pp_mode_set(struct hostapd_data *hapd);
+ #include "drivers/driver.h"
+diff --git a/src/ap/hostapd.c b/src/ap/hostapd.c
+index 7da5c3afa..7ebdf4eb0 100644
+--- a/src/ap/hostapd.c
++++ b/src/ap/hostapd.c
+@@ -2771,6 +2771,8 @@ dfs_offload:
+ 		goto fail;
+ 	if (hostapd_drv_amsdu_ctrl(hapd) < 0)
+ 		goto fail;
++	if (hostapd_drv_pp_mode_set(hapd) < 0)
++		goto fail;
+ 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: Setup of interface done.",
+ 		   iface->bss[0]->conf->iface);
+diff --git a/src/common/mtk_vendor.h b/src/common/mtk_vendor.h
+index 3fb4c38f3..0a96c842e 100644
+--- a/src/common/mtk_vendor.h
++++ b/src/common/mtk_vendor.h
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ enum mtk_nl80211_vendor_subcmds {
+ };
+ enum mtk_vendor_attr_edcca_ctrl {
+@@ -259,6 +260,17 @@ enum mtk_vendor_attr_background_radar_ctrl {
+ };
++enum mtk_vendor_attr_pp_ctrl {
++	/* keep last */
+ #define CSI_MAX_COUNT 256
+ #define ETH_ALEN 6
+diff --git a/src/drivers/driver.h b/src/drivers/driver.h
+index 35c02937d..ab93405fb 100644
+--- a/src/drivers/driver.h
++++ b/src/drivers/driver.h
+@@ -5353,6 +5353,12 @@ struct wpa_driver_ops {
+ 	 * @background_radar_mode: background radar mode
+ 	 */
+ 	int (*background_radar_mode)(void *priv, u8 background_radar_mode);
++	/**
++	 * pp_mode_set - Set preamble puncture operation mode
++	 * @priv: Private driver interface data
++	 * @pp_mode: Value is defined in enum pp_mode
++	 */
++	int (*pp_mode_set)(void *priv, const u8 pp_mode);
+ };
+ /**
+diff --git a/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c
+index 2d2b47456..a1e2ee091 100644
+--- a/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c
++++ b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c
+@@ -156,6 +156,11 @@ amnt_dump_policy[NUM_MTK_VENDOR_ATTRS_AMNT_DUMP] = {
+ };
++static struct nla_policy
++pp_ctrl_policy[NUM_MTK_VENDOR_ATTRS_PP_CTRL] = {
++	[MTK_VENDOR_ATTR_PP_MODE] = { .type = NLA_U8 },
+ static struct nl_sock * nl_create_handle(struct nl_cb *cb, const char *dbg)
+ {
+ 	struct nl_sock *handle;
+@@ -15113,6 +15118,49 @@ static int nl80211_background_radar_mode(void *priv, const u8 background_radar_m
+ 	return ret;
+ }
++static int nl80211_pp_mode_set(void *priv, const u8 pp_mode)
++	struct i802_bss *bss = priv;
++	struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data *drv = bss->drv;
++	struct nl_msg *msg;
++	struct nlattr *data;
++	int ret;
++	if (!drv->mtk_pp_vendor_cmd_avail) {
++		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
++			   "nl80211: Driver does not support setting preamble puncture");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	msg = nl80211_drv_msg(drv, 0, NL80211_CMD_VENDOR);
++	if (!msg)
++		goto fail;
++	if (nla_put_u32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_ID, OUI_MTK) ||
++	    nla_put_u32(msg, NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_SUBCMD,
++		goto fail;
++	data = nla_nest_start(msg, NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA);
++	if (!data)
++		goto fail;
++	nla_put_u8(msg, MTK_VENDOR_ATTR_PP_MODE, pp_mode);
++	nla_nest_end(msg, data);
++	ret = send_and_recv_cmd(drv, msg);
++	if (ret)
++		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to set pp_enable. ret=%d (%s)",
++			   ret, strerror(-ret));
++	return ret;
++	nlmsg_free(msg);
++	return -ENOBUFS;
+ const struct wpa_driver_ops wpa_driver_nl80211_ops = {
+ 	.name = "nl80211",
+ 	.desc = "Linux nl80211/cfg80211",
+@@ -15291,4 +15339,5 @@ const struct wpa_driver_ops wpa_driver_nl80211_ops = {
+ 	.amnt_set = nl80211_amnt_set,
+ 	.amnt_dump = nl80211_amnt_dump,
+ 	.background_radar_mode = nl80211_background_radar_mode,
++	.pp_mode_set = nl80211_pp_mode_set,
+ };
+diff --git a/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.h b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.h
+index e9aae8d14..707bb7fe4 100644
+--- a/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.h
++++ b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.h
+@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ struct wpa_driver_nl80211_data {
+ 	unsigned int mtk_rfeatures_vendor_cmd_avail:1;
+ 	unsigned int mtk_amnt_vendor_cmd_avail:1;
+ 	unsigned int mtk_background_radar_vendor_cmd_avail:1;
++	unsigned int mtk_pp_vendor_cmd_avail:1;
+ 	u32 ignore_next_local_disconnect;
+ 	u32 ignore_next_local_deauth;
+diff --git a/src/drivers/driver_nl80211_capa.c b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211_capa.c
+index fd8c7b0ad..d082b83d5 100644
+--- a/src/drivers/driver_nl80211_capa.c
++++ b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211_capa.c
+@@ -1167,6 +1167,9 @@ static int wiphy_info_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
+ 					drv->mtk_background_radar_vendor_cmd_avail = 1;
+ 					break;
++					drv->mtk_pp_vendor_cmd_avail = 1;
++					break;
+ 				}
+ 			}