doc: Convert internal links to RST format

Currently links between documents are using the format:


This was required for services like GitHub because they render each
document in isolation - linking to another document is like linking
to any other file, just provide the full path.

However, with the new approach, the .rst files are only the raw
source for the documents. Once the documents have been rendered
the output is now in another format (HTML in our case) and so,
when linking to another document, the link must point to the
rendered version and not the .rst file.

The RST spec provides a few methods for linking between content.
The parent of this patch enabled the automatic creation of anchors
for document titles - we will use these anchors as the targets for
our links. Additional anchors can be added by hand if needed, on
section and sub-section titles, for example.

An example of this new format, for a document with the title
"Firmware Design" is :ref:`Firmware Design`.

One big advantage of this is that anchors are not dependent on
paths. We can then move documents around, even between directories,
without breaking any links between documents. Links will need to be
updated only if the title of a document changes.

Change-Id: I9e2340a61dd424cbd8fd1ecc2dc166f460d81703
Signed-off-by: Paul Beesley <>
diff --git a/docs/process/security.rst b/docs/process/security.rst
index 94eb9c3..c3935da 100644
--- a/docs/process/security.rst
+++ b/docs/process/security.rst
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@
   - Any additional software or tools required
-We recommend using `this PGP/GPG key`_ for encrypting the information. This key
-is also available at and LDAP port 389 of the same
-server. The fingerprint for this key is:
+We recommend using :download:`this PGP/GPG key <./security-reporting.asc>` for
+encrypting the information. This key is also available at
+ and LDAP port 389 of the same server.
+The fingerprint for this key is:
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
-We will name and thank you in the ``change-log.rst`` distributed with the source
+We will name and thank you in the :ref:`Change Log & Release Notes` distributed with the source
 code and in any published security advisory.
 Security Advisories
@@ -68,38 +70,43 @@
 | ID        | Title                                                            |
-| `TFV-1`_  | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy of unexpectedly |
+|  |TFV-1|  | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy of unexpectedly |
 |           | large data into secure memory                                    |
-| `TFV-2`_  | Enabled secure self-hosted invasive debug interface can allow    |
+|  |TFV-2|  | Enabled secure self-hosted invasive debug interface can allow    |
 |           | normal world to panic secure world                               |
-| `TFV-3`_  | RO memory is always executable at AArch64 Secure EL1             |
+|  |TFV-3|  | RO memory is always executable at AArch64 Secure EL1             |
-| `TFV-4`_  | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy or              |
+|  |TFV-4|  | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy or              |
 |           | authentication of unexpected data in secure memory in AArch32    |
 |           | state                                                            |
-| `TFV-5`_  | Not initializing or saving/restoring PMCR_EL0 can leak secure    |
+|  |TFV-5|  | Not initializing or saving/restoring PMCR_EL0 can leak secure    |
 |           | world timing information                                         |
-| `TFV-6`_  | Trusted Firmware-A exposure to speculative processor             |
+|  |TFV-6|  | Trusted Firmware-A exposure to speculative processor             |
 |           | vulnerabilities using cache timing side-channels                 |
-| `TFV-7`_  | Trusted Firmware-A exposure to cache speculation vulnerability   |
+|  |TFV-7|  | Trusted Firmware-A exposure to cache speculation vulnerability   |
 |           | Variant 4                                                        |
-| `TFV-8`_  | Not saving x0 to x3 registers can leak information from one      |
+|  |TFV-8|  | Not saving x0 to x3 registers can leak information from one      |
 |           | Normal World SMC client to another                               |
 .. _issue tracker:
 .. _this PGP/GPG key: security-reporting.asc
-.. _TFV-1: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-1.rst
-.. _TFV-2: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-2.rst
-.. _TFV-3: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-3.rst
-.. _TFV-4: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-4.rst
-.. _TFV-5: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-5.rst
-.. _TFV-6: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-6.rst
-.. _TFV-7: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-7.rst
-.. _TFV-8: ../security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-8.rst
+.. |TFV-1| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-1 (CVE-2016-10319)`
+.. |TFV-2| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-2 (CVE-2017-7564)`
+.. |TFV-3| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-3 (CVE-2017-7563)`
+.. |TFV-4| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-4 (CVE-2017-9607)`
+.. |TFV-5| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-5 (CVE-2017-15031)`
+.. |TFV-6| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-6 (CVE-2017-5753, CVE-2017-5715, CVE-2017-5754)`
+.. |TFV-7| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-7 (CVE-2018-3639)`
+.. |TFV-8| replace:: :ref:`Advisory TFV-8 (CVE-2018-19440)`
+*Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*