feat(imx8ulp): enable 512KB cache after resume on imx8ulp

The L2 cache size config will be reset to default 256KB,
So we need to switch to 512KB after resume to make sure
the L2 cache size is same as before suspend.

Signed-off-by: Jacky Bai <ping.bai@nxp.com>
Reviewed-by: Ye Li <ye.li@nxp.com>
Change-Id: Ifd9b3e01829fbd7b1ae4ba00611359330f1a4f83
diff --git a/plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S b/plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S
index dce556c..eb93833 100644
--- a/plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S
+++ b/plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S
@@ -92,7 +92,27 @@
 func plat_reset_handler
 #if defined(PLAT_imx8ulp)
+	/* enable the 512KB cache by default */
+	mov	x0, #IMX_SIM1_BASE
+	/*
+	 * if the RVBADDR is ROM entry, that means we did
+	 * NOT switch the L2 cache to 512KB. default is 256K config,
+	 * so skip
+	 */
+	ldr	w1, [x0, #0x5c]
+	cmp	w1, #0x1000
+	b.eq	1f
+	add	x0, x0, #0x30
+	ldr	w1, [x0]
+	/* if already 512KB config, skip */
+	tbnz	w1, #4, 1f
+	ldr	w1, [x0]
+	orr	w1, w1, #0x10
+	str	w1, [x0]
+	orr	w1, w1, #0x10000
+	str	w1, [x0]
+	b	.
+1:	mrs	x0, CORTEX_A35_CPUECTLR_EL1
 	orr     x0, x0, #(0x1 << 0)
 	orr     x0, x0, #(0x1 << 3)