refactor(sptool): use SpSetupActions in

The "" is responsible for processing the SP layout
file, which contains information about the SPs to be deployed on top of
the SPM, to generate the "" file which appends information
specific to each SP that shall help with packing all SPs into a fip
Before this patch the "" was a monolithic script,
which has now been broken down into functions for each identified
configuration action.

Signed-off-by: J-Alves <>
Change-Id: I8ee7487f2e07d53e508d17d0fe4510e22957f5ca
diff --git a/tools/sptool/ b/tools/sptool/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 82d5c1b..2cc96cb
--- a/tools/sptool/
+++ b/tools/sptool/
@@ -47,111 +47,174 @@
-import getopt
 import json
 import os
 import re
 import sys
 import uuid
+from spactions import SpSetupActions
-with open(sys.argv[2],'r') as in_file:
-    data = json.load(in_file)
-json_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
-json_dir = os.path.dirname(json_file)
-gen_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
-out_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3])
-dtb_dir = out_dir + "/fdts/"
 MAX_SP = 8
-dualroot = sys.argv[4].lower() == "dualroot"
-split = int(MAX_SP / 2)
-platform_count = 1
-sip_count = 1
-with open(gen_file, 'w') as out_file:
-    for idx, key in enumerate(data.keys()):
+# Some helper functions to access args propagated to the action functions in
+# SpSetupActions framework.
-        pkg_num = idx + 1
+def check_sp_mk_gen(args :dict):
+    if "sp_gen_mk" not in args.keys():
+        raise Exception(f"Path to file needs to be in 'args'.")
-        if (pkg_num > MAX_SP):
-            print("WARNING: Too many secure partitions\n")
-            exit(-1)
+def check_out_dir(args :dict):
+    if "out_dir" not in args.keys() or not os.path.isdir(args["out_dir"]):
+        raise Exception("Define output folder with \'out_dir\' key.")
-        if dualroot:
-            owner = data[key].get('owner')
-            if owner == "Plat":
-                if (platform_count > split):
-                    print("WARNING: Maximum Secure partitions by Plat " +
-                    "have been exceeded (" + str(split) + ")\n")
-                    exit(-1)
-                pkg_num = split + platform_count
-                platform_count += 1
-            elif (sip_count > split):
-                print("WARNING: Maximum Secure partitions by SiP " +
-                "have been exceeded (" + str(split) + ")\n")
-                exit(-1)
-            else:
-                pkg_num = sip_count
-                sip_count += 1
+def check_sp_layout_dir(args :dict):
+    if "sp_layout_dir" not in args.keys() or not os.path.isdir(args["sp_layout_dir"]):
+        raise Exception("Define output folder with \'sp_layout_dir\' key.")
-        """
-        Append FDT_SOURCES
-        """
-        dts = os.path.join(json_dir, data[key]['pm'])
-        dtb = dtb_dir + os.path.basename(data[key]['pm'][:-1] + "b")
-        out_file.write("FDT_SOURCES += " + dts + "\n")
+def write_to_sp_mk_gen(content, args :dict):
+    check_sp_mk_gen(args)
+    with open(args["sp_gen_mk"], "a") as f:
+        f.write(f"{content}\n")
-        """
-        Update SPTOOL_ARGS
-        """
-        dst = out_dir + "/" + key + ".pkg"
-        src = [ json_dir + "/" + data[key]['image'] , dtb  ]
-        out_file.write("SPTOOL_ARGS += -i " + ":".join(src) + " -o " + dst + "\n")
+def get_sp_manifest_full_path(sp_node, args :dict):
+    check_sp_layout_dir(args)
+    return os.path.join(args["sp_layout_dir"], get_file_from_layout(sp_node["pm"]))
-        if "uuid" in data[key]:
-            """
-            Extract the UUID from the JSON file if the SP entry has a 'uuid' field
-            """
-            uuid_std = uuid.UUID(data[key]['uuid'])
-        else:
-            """
-            Extract uuid from partition manifest
-            """
-            pm_file = open(dts)
-            for line in pm_file:
-                if "uuid" in line:
-                    # re.findall returns a list of string tuples.
-                    # uuid_hex is the first item in this list representing the four
-                    # uuid hex integers from the manifest uuid field. The heading
-                    # '0x' of the hexadecimal representation is stripped out.
-                    # e.g. uuid = <0x1e67b5b4 0xe14f904a 0x13fb1fb8 0xcbdae1da>;
-                    # uuid_hex = ('1e67b5b4', 'e14f904a', '13fb1fb8', 'cbdae1da')
-                    uuid_hex = re.findall(r'0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+)', line)[0];
+def get_sp_img_full_path(sp_node, args :dict):
+    check_sp_layout_dir(args)
+    return os.path.join(args["sp_layout_dir"], get_file_from_layout(sp_node["image"]))
+def get_sp_pkg(sp, args :dict):
+    check_out_dir(args)
+    return os.path.join(args["out_dir"], f"{sp}.pkg")
+def is_line_in_sp_gen(line, args :dict):
+    with open(args["sp_gen_mk"], "r") as f:
+        sppkg_rule = [l for l in f if line in l]
+    return len(sppkg_rule) is not 0
-            # uuid_hex is a list of four hex string values
-            if len(uuid_hex) != 4:
-                print("ERROR: malformed UUID")
-                exit(-1)
+def get_file_from_layout(node):
+    ''' Helper to fetch a file path from sp_layout.json. '''
+    if type(node) is dict and "file" in node.keys():
+        return node["file"]
+    return node
-            # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
-            # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
-            # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
-            # required by fiptool.
-            y=list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_hex))
-            z=(int.from_bytes(y[0], byteorder='little', signed=False),
-            int.from_bytes(y[1], byteorder='little', signed=False),
-            int.from_bytes(y[2], byteorder='little', signed=False),
-            int.from_bytes(y[3], byteorder='little', signed=False))
-            uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:08x}{z[1]:08x}{z[2]:08x}{z[3]:08x}')
+def get_offset_from_layout(node):
+    ''' Helper to fetch an offset from sp_layout.json. '''
+    if type(node) is dict and "offset" in node.keys():
+        return int(node["offset"], 0)
+    return None
+def get_image_offset(node):
+    ''' Helper to fetch image offset from sp_layout.json '''
+    return get_offset_from_layout(node["image"])
+def get_pm_offset(node):
+    ''' Helper to fetch pm offset from sp_layout.json '''
+    return get_offset_from_layout(node["pm"])
+def check_max_sps(sp_layout, _, args :dict):
+    ''' Check validate the maximum number of SPs is respected. '''
+    if len(sp_layout.keys()) > MAX_SP:
+        raise Exception(f"Too many SPs in SP layout file. Max: {MAX_SP}")
+    return args
-        """
-        Append FIP_ARGS
-        """
-        out_file.write("FIP_ARGS += --blob uuid=" + str(uuid_std) + ",file=" + dst + "\n")
+def gen_fdt_sources(sp_layout, sp, args :dict):
+    ''' Generate FDT_SOURCES values for a given SP. '''
+    manifest_path = get_sp_manifest_full_path(sp_layout[sp], args)
+    write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"FDT_SOURCES += {manifest_path}", args)
+    return args
-        """
-        Append CRT_ARGS
-        """
+def gen_sptool_args(sp_layout, sp, args):
+    ''' Generate sptool arguments to generate SP Pkg for a given SP. '''
+    check_out_dir(args)
+    check_sp_layout_dir(args)
+    sp_pkg = get_sp_pkg(sp, args)
+    sp_dtb_name = os.path.basename(sp_layout[sp]["pm"])[:-1] + "b"
+    sp_dtb = os.path.join(args["out_dir"], f"fdts/{sp_dtb_name}")
+    sp_bin = os.path.join(args["sp_layout_dir"], sp_layout[sp]["image"])
+    write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"SPTOOL_ARGS += -i {sp_bin}:{sp_dtb} -o {sp_pkg}\n", args)
+    return args
+@SpSetupActions.sp_action(global_action=True, exec_order=1)
+def check_dualroot(sp_layout, _, args :dict):
+    ''' Validate the amount of SPs from SiP and Platform owners. '''
+    if not args.get("dualroot"):
+        return args
+    args["split"] =  int(MAX_SP / 2)
+    owners = [sp_layout[sp].get("owner") for sp in sp_layout]
+    args["plat_max_count"] = owners.count("Plat")
+    # If it is owned by the platform owner, it is assigned to the SiP.
+    args["sip_max_count"] = len(sp_layout.keys()) - args["plat_max_count"]
+    if  args["sip_max_count"] > args["split"] or args["sip_max_count"] > args["split"]:
+        print(f"WARN: SiP Secure Partitions should not be more than {args['split']}")
+    # Counters for gen_crt_args.
+    args["sip_count"] = 1
+    args["plat_count"] = 1
+    return args
+def gen_crt_args(sp_layout, sp, args :dict):
+    ''' Append CRT_ARGS. '''
+    # If "dualroot" is configured, 'sp_pkg_idx' depends on whether the SP is owned
+    # by the "SiP" or the "Plat".
+    if args.get("dualroot"):
+        # If the owner is not specified as "Plat", default to "SiP".
+        if sp_layout[sp].get("owner") == "Plat":
+            if args["plat_count"] > args["plat_max_count"]:
+                raise ValueError("plat_count can't surpass plat_max_count in args.")
+            sp_pkg_idx = args["plat_count"] + args["split"]
+            args["plat_count"] += 1
+        else:
+            if args["sip_count"] > args["sip_max_count"]:
+                raise ValueError("sip_count can't surpass sip_max_count in args.")
+            sp_pkg_idx = args["sip_count"]
+            args["sip_count"] += 1
+    else:
+        sp_pkg_idx = [k for k in sp_layout.keys()].index(sp) + 1
+    write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"CRT_ARGS += --sp-pkg{sp_pkg_idx} {get_sp_pkg(sp, args)}\n", args)
+    return args
+def gen_fiptool_args(sp_layout, sp, args :dict):
+    ''' Generate arguments for the FIP Tool. '''
+    if "uuid" in sp_layout[sp]:
+        # Extract the UUID from the JSON file if the SP entry has a 'uuid' field
+        uuid_std = uuid.UUID(data[key]['uuid'])
+    else:
+        with open(get_sp_manifest_full_path(sp_layout[sp], args), "r") as pm_f:
+            uuid_lines = [l for l in pm_f if 'uuid' in l]
+        assert(len(uuid_lines) is 1)
+        # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
+        # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
+        # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
+        # required by fiptool.
+        uuid_parsed = re.findall("0x([0-9a-f]+)", uuid_lines[0])
+        y = list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_parsed))
+        z = [int.from_bytes(i, byteorder='little', signed=False) for i in y]
+        uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:08x}{z[1]:08x}{z[2]:08x}{z[3]:08x}')
+    write_to_sp_mk_gen(f"FIP_ARGS += --blob uuid={str(uuid_std)},file={get_sp_pkg(sp, args)}\n", args)
+    return args
+def init_sp_actions(sys):
+    sp_layout_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
+    with open(sp_layout_file) as json_file:
+        sp_layout = json.load(json_file)
+    # Initialize arguments for the SP actions framework
+    args = {}
+    args["sp_gen_mk"] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
+    args["sp_layout_dir"] = os.path.dirname(sp_layout_file)
+    args["out_dir"] = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[3])
+    args["dualroot"] = sys.argv[4] == "dualroot"
+    #Clear content of file "".
+    with open(args["sp_gen_mk"], "w"):
+        None
+    return args, sp_layout
-        out_file.write("CRT_ARGS += --sp-pkg" + str(pkg_num) + " " + dst + "\n")
-        out_file.write("\n")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    args, sp_layout = init_sp_actions(sys)
+    SpSetupActions.run_actions(sp_layout, args)