feat(ast2700): set up CPU clock frequency by SCU

Modify generic timer frequency by SCU setting
1. check SCU_CPU_HW_STRAP1 using HPLL or MPLL
  SCU_CPU_HW_STRAP1[4]=1, using HPLL
  SCU_CPU_HW_STRAP1[4]=0, using MPLL

2. read HPLL or MPLL
  HPLL: frequency setting in SCU_CPU_HW_STRAP1[2:3]
  MPLL: CLKIN_25M with mul and div setting from SCU_CPU_MPLL

Change-Id: I31eb10107b9da7c6746887ba36ead8ca61d86aae
Signed-off-by: Kevin Chen <kevin_chen@aspeedtech.com>
4 files changed