Merge "docs(threat-model): add threat model for PSA FWU and TBBR FWU(recovery)" into integration
diff --git a/docs/threat_model/index.rst b/docs/threat_model/index.rst
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+++ b/docs/threat_model/index.rst
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+   threat_model_fw_update_and_recovery
diff --git a/docs/threat_model/threat_model_fw_update_and_recovery.rst b/docs/threat_model/threat_model_fw_update_and_recovery.rst
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+++ b/docs/threat_model/threat_model_fw_update_and_recovery.rst
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+Threat Model for TF-A with PSA FWU or TBBR FWU support
+This document provides a threat model of TF-A firmware for platforms with
+the feature PSA firmware update or TBBR firmware update or both enabled.
+To understand the design of the firmware update refer
+:ref:`Firmware Update (FWU)`.
+Although it is a separate document, it references the :ref:`Generic Threat
+Model` in a number of places, as some of the contents are applicable to this
+threat model.
+Target of Evaluation
+In this threat model, the target of evaluation is the Trusted Firmware for
+A-class Processors (TF-A) when PSA FWU support is enabled or TBBR FWU mode
+is enabled. This includes the boot ROM (BL1), the trusted boot firmware (BL2).
+Threat Assessment
+For this section, please reference the Threat Assessment under the
+:ref:`Generic Threat Model`. Here only the differences are highlighted.
+Threats to be Mitigated by the Boot Firmware
+The following table analyses the :ref:`Boot Firmware Threats` in the context
+of this threat model. Only additional details are pointed out.
+| ID | Applicable? | Comments                                              |
+| 01 |     Yes     | | Attacker can use arbitrary images to update the     |
+|    |             |   system.                                             |
+| 02 |     Yes     | | Attacker tries to update the system with the        |
+|    |             |   vulnerable/older firmware.                          |
+| 03 |     Yes     |                                                       |
+| 04 |     Yes     |                                                       |
+Threats to be mitigated by platform design
+PSA FWU is driven by metadata stored in non-volatile storage. This metadata
+is not cryptographically signed. Also, depending on the hardware design,
+it may be stored in untrusted storage, which makes it possible for software
+outside of TF-A security boundary or for a physical attacker to modify it
+in order to change the behaviour of the FWU process.
+Below we provide some possible FWU metadata corruption scenarios:
+1. The FWU metadata includes the firmware bank for booting; the attacker
+   tries to modify it to prevent the execution of the updated firmware.
+2. The FWU metadata features a field indicating the firmware's status, either
+   in trial run or accepted run. The attacker tries to manipulate this field,
+   ensuring the updated firmware consistently runs in trial mode, with the
+   intention of preventing the anti-rollback update.
+By design, no software mitigations exist to prevent this. The safeguarding
+of FWU metadata relies on the platform's hardware design to mitigate potential
+attacks on it, if this is a concern in the platform's threat model.
+For example, FWU metadata may be stored in secure storage under exclusive
+access from secure software, protecting it from physical, unauthenticated
+accesses and from non-secure software accesses.
+TBBR FWU - Firmware Recovery
+Threats to be Mitigated by the Boot Firmware
+The following table analyses the :ref:`Boot Firmware Threats` in the context
+of this threat model. Only additional details are pointed out.
+| ID | Applicable? | Comments                                              |
+| 01 |     Yes     | | Attacker can use arbitrary images to recover the    |
+|    |             |   system.                                             |
+| 02 |     Yes     | | Attacker tries to recover the system with the       |
+|    |             |   vulnerable/older firmware.                          |
+| 03 |     Yes     |                                                       |
+| 04 |     Yes     |                                                       |
+*Copyright (c) 2024, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*