Merge pull request #1797 from antonio-nino-diaz-arm/an/remove-smccc-v2

Remove support for the SMC Calling Convention 2.0
diff --git a/docs/coding-guidelines.rst b/docs/coding-guidelines.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a30e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/coding-guidelines.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+Trusted Firmware-A Coding Guidelines
+.. section-numbering::
+    :suffix: .
+.. contents::
+The following sections contain TF coding guidelines. They are continually
+evolving and should not be considered "set in stone". Feel free to question them
+and provide feedback.
+Some of the guidelines may also apply to other codebases.
+**Note:** the existing TF codebase does not necessarily comply with all the
+below guidelines but the intent is for it to do so eventually.
+Checkpatch overrides
+Some checkpatch warnings in the TF codebase are deliberately ignored. These
+- ``**WARNING: line over 80 characters**``: Although the codebase should
+  generally conform to the 80 character limit this is overly restrictive in some
+  cases.
+- ``**WARNING: Use of volatile is usually wrong``: see
+  `Why the “volatile” type class should not be used`_ . Although this document
+  contains some very useful information, there are several legimate uses of the
+  volatile keyword within the TF codebase.
+Headers and inclusion
+Header guards
+For a header file called "some_driver.h" the style used by the Trusted Firmware
+.. code:: c
+  #ifndef SOME_DRIVER_H
+  #define SOME_DRIVER_H
+  <header content>
+  #endif /* SOME_DRIVER_H */
+Include statement ordering
+All header files that are included by a source file must use the following,
+grouped ordering. This is to improve readability (by making it easier to quickly
+read through the list of headers) and maintainability.
+#. *System* includes: Header files from the standard *C* library, such as
+   ``stddef.h`` and ``string.h``.
+#. *Project* includes: Header files under the ``include/`` directory within TF
+   are *project* includes.
+#. *Platform* includes: Header files relating to a single, specific platform,
+   and which are located under the ``plat/<platform_name>`` directory within TF,
+   are *platform* includes.
+Within each group, ``#include`` statements must be in alphabetical order,
+taking both the file and directory names into account.
+Groups must be separated by a single blank line for clarity.
+The example below illustrates the ordering rules using some contrived header
+file names; this type of name reuse should be otherwise avoided.
+.. code:: c
+  #include <string.h>
+  #include <a_dir/example/a_header.h>
+  #include <a_dir/example/b_header.h>
+  #include <a_dir/test/a_header.h>
+  #include <b_dir/example/a_header.h>
+  #include "./a_header.h"
+Include statement variants
+Two variants of the ``#include`` directive are acceptable in the TF codebase.
+Correct use of the two styles improves readability by suggesting the location
+of the included header and reducing ambiguity in cases where generic and
+platform-specific headers share a name.
+For header files that are in the same directory as the source file that is
+including them, use the ``"..."`` variant.
+For header files that are **not** in the same directory as the source file that
+is including them, use the ``<...>`` variant.
+Example (bl1_fwu.c):
+.. code:: c
+  #include <assert.h>
+  #include <errno.h>
+  #include <string.h>
+  #include "bl1_private.h"
+Platform include paths
+Platforms are allowed to add more include paths to be passed to the compiler.
+The ``PLAT_INCLUDES`` variable is used for this purpose. This is needed in
+particular for the file ``platform_def.h``.
+.. code:: c
+  PLAT_INCLUDES  += -Iinclude/plat/myplat/include
+Types and typedefs
+Use of built-in *C* and *libc* data types
+The TF codebase should be kept as portable as possible, especially since both
+64-bit and 32-bit platforms are supported. To help with this, the following data
+type usage guidelines should be followed:
+- Where possible, use the built-in *C* data types for variable storage (for
+  example, ``char``, ``int``, ``long long``, etc) instead of the standard *C99*
+  types. Most code is typically only concerned with the minimum size of the
+  data stored, which the built-in *C* types guarantee.
+- Avoid using the exact-size standard *C99* types in general (for example,
+  ``uint16_t``, ``uint32_t``, ``uint64_t``, etc) since they can prevent the
+  compiler from making optimizations. There are legitimate uses for them,
+  for example to represent data of a known structure. When using them in struct
+  definitions, consider how padding in the struct will work across architectures.
+  For example, extra padding may be introduced in AArch32 systems if a struct
+  member crosses a 32-bit boundary.
+- Use ``int`` as the default integer type - it's likely to be the fastest on all
+  systems. Also this can be assumed to be 32-bit as a consequence of the
+  `Procedure Call Standard for the Arm Architecture`_ and the `Procedure Call
+  Standard for the Arm 64-bit Architecture`_ .
+- Avoid use of ``short`` as this may end up being slower than ``int`` in some
+  systems. If a variable must be exactly 16-bit, use ``int16_t`` or
+  ``uint16_t``.
+- Avoid use of ``long``. This is guaranteed to be at least 32-bit but, given
+  that `int` is 32-bit on Arm platforms, there is no use for it. For integers of
+  at least 64-bit, use ``long long``.
+- Use ``char`` for storing text. Use ``uint8_t`` for storing other 8-bit data.
+- Use ``unsigned`` for integers that can never be negative (counts,
+  indices, sizes, etc). TF intends to comply with MISRA "essential type" coding
+  rules (10.X), where signed and unsigned types are considered different
+  essential types. Choosing the correct type will aid this. MISRA static
+  analysers will pick up any implicit signed/unsigned conversions that may lead
+  to unexpected behaviour.
+- For pointer types:
+  - If an argument in a function declaration is pointing to a known type then
+    simply use a pointer to that type (for example: ``struct my_struct *``).
+  - If a variable (including an argument in a function declaration) is pointing
+    to a general, memory-mapped address, an array of pointers or another
+    structure that is likely to require pointer arithmetic then use
+    ``uintptr_t``. This will reduce the amount of casting required in the code.
+    Avoid using ``unsigned long`` or ``unsigned long long`` for this purpose; it
+    may work but is less portable.
+  - For other pointer arguments in a function declaration, use ``void *``. This
+    includes pointers to types that are abstracted away from the known API and
+    pointers to arbitrary data. This allows the calling function to pass a
+    pointer argument to the function without any explicit casting (the cast to
+    ``void *`` is implicit). The function implementation can then do the
+    appropriate casting to a specific type.
+  - Use ``ptrdiff_t`` to compare the difference between 2 pointers.
+- Use ``size_t`` when storing the ``sizeof()`` something.
+- Use ``ssize_t`` when returning the ``sizeof()`` something from a function that
+  can also return an error code; the signed type allows for a negative return
+  code in case of error. This practice should be used sparingly.
+- Use ``u_register_t`` when it's important to store the contents of a register
+  in its native size (32-bit in AArch32 and 64-bit in AArch64). This is not a
+  standard *C99* type but is widely available in libc implementations,
+  including the FreeBSD version included with the TF codebase. Where possible,
+  cast the variable to a more appropriate type before interpreting the data. For
+  example, the following struct in ``ep_info.h`` could use this type to minimize
+  the storage required for the set of registers:
+.. code:: c
+    typedef struct aapcs64_params {
+            u_register_t arg0;
+            u_register_t arg1;
+            u_register_t arg2;
+            u_register_t arg3;
+            u_register_t arg4;
+            u_register_t arg5;
+            u_register_t arg6;
+            u_register_t arg7;
+    } aapcs64_params_t;
+    If some code wants to operate on ``arg0`` and knows that it represents a
+    32-bit unsigned integer on all systems, cast it to ``unsigned int``.
+These guidelines should be updated if additional types are needed.
+Avoid anonymous typedefs of structs/enums in headers
+For example, the following definition:
+.. code:: c
+  typedef struct {
+          int arg1;
+          int arg2;
+  } my_struct_t;
+is better written as:
+.. code:: c
+  struct my_struct {
+          int arg1;
+          int arg2;
+  };
+This allows function declarations in other header files that depend on the
+struct/enum to forward declare the struct/enum instead of including the
+entire header:
+.. code:: c
+  #include <my_struct.h>
+  void my_func(my_struct_t *arg);
+instead of:
+.. code:: c
+  struct my_struct;
+  void my_func(struct my_struct *arg);
+Some TF definitions use both a struct/enum name **and** a typedef name. This
+is discouraged for new definitions as it makes it difficult for TF to comply
+with MISRA rule 8.3, which states that "All declarations of an object or
+function shall use the same names and type qualifiers".
+The Linux coding standards also discourage new typedefs and checkpatch emits
+a warning for this.
+Existing typedefs will be retained for compatibility.
+Error handling and robustness
+Using CASSERT to check for compile time data errors
+Where possible, use the ``CASSERT`` macro to check the validity of data known at
+compile time instead of checking validity at runtime, to avoid unnecessary
+runtime code.
+For example, this can be used to check that the assembler's and compiler's views
+of the size of an array is the same.
+.. code:: c
+  #include <cassert.h>
+  define MY_STRUCT_SIZE 8 /* Used by assembler source files */
+  struct my_struct {
+      uint32_t arg1;
+      uint32_t arg2;
+  };
+  CASSERT(MY_STRUCT_SIZE == sizeof(struct my_struct), assert_my_struct_size_mismatch);
+If ``MY_STRUCT_SIZE`` in the above example were wrong then the compiler would
+emit an error like this:
+.. code:: c
+  my_struct.h:10:1: error: size of array ‘assert_my_struct_size_mismatch’ is negative
+Using assert() to check for programming errors
+In general, each secure world TF image (BL1, BL2, BL31 and BL32) should be
+treated as a tightly integrated package; the image builder should be aware of
+and responsible for all functionality within the image, even if code within that
+image is provided by multiple entities. This allows us to be more aggressive in
+interpreting invalid state or bad function arguments as programming errors using
+``assert()``, including arguments passed across platform porting interfaces.
+This is in contrast to code in a Linux environment, which is less tightly
+integrated and may attempt to be more defensive by passing the error back up the
+call stack.
+Where possible, badly written TF code should fail early using ``assert()``. This
+helps reduce the amount of untested conditional code. By default these
+statements are not compiled into release builds, although this can be overridden
+using the ``ENABLE_ASSERTIONS`` build flag.
+- Bad argument supplied to library function
+- Bad argument provided by platform porting function
+- Internal secure world image state is inconsistent
+Handling integration errors
+Each secure world image may be provided by a different entity (for example, a
+Trusted Boot vendor may provide the BL2 image, a TEE vendor may provide the BL32
+image and the OEM/SoC vendor may provide the other images).
+An image may contain bugs that are only visible when the images are integrated.
+The system integrator may not even have access to the debug variants of all the
+images in order to check if asserts are firing. For example, the release variant
+of BL1 may have already been burnt into the SoC. Therefore, TF code that detects
+an integration error should _not_ consider this a programming error, and should
+always take action, even in release builds.
+If an integration error is considered non-critical it should be treated as a
+recoverable error. If the error is considered critical it should be treated as
+an unexpected unrecoverable error.
+Handling recoverable errors
+The secure world **must not** crash when supplied with bad data from an external
+source. For example, data from the normal world or a hardware device. Similarly,
+the secure world **must not** crash if it detects a non-critical problem within
+itself or the system. It must make every effort to recover from the problem by
+emitting a ``WARN`` message, performing any necessary error handling and
+- Secure world receives SMC from normal world with bad arguments.
+- Secure world receives SMC from normal world at an unexpected time.
+- BL31 receives SMC from BL32 with bad arguments.
+- BL31 receives SMC from BL32 at unexpected time.
+- Secure world receives recoverable error from hardware device. Retrying the
+  operation may help here.
+- Non-critical secure world service is not functioning correctly.
+- BL31 SPD discovers minor configuration problem with corresponding SP.
+Handling unrecoverable errors
+In some cases it may not be possible for the secure world to recover from an
+error. This situation should be handled in one of the following ways:
+1. If the unrecoverable error is unexpected then emit an ``ERROR`` message and
+   call ``panic()``. This will end up calling the platform-specific function
+   ``plat_panic_handler()``.
+2. If the unrecoverable error is expected to occur in certain circumstances,
+   then emit an ``ERROR`` message and call the platform-specific function
+   ``plat_error_handler()``.
+Cases 1 and 2 are subtly different. A platform may implement ``plat_panic_handler``
+and ``plat_error_handler`` in the same way (for example, by waiting for a secure
+watchdog to time-out or by invoking an interface on the platform's power
+controller to reset the platform). However, ``plat_error_handler`` may take
+additional action for some errors (for example, it may set a flag so the
+platform resets into a different mode). Also, ``plat_panic_handler()`` may
+implement additional debug functionality (for example, invoking a hardware
+Examples of unexpected unrecoverable errors:
+- BL32 receives an unexpected SMC response from BL31 that it is unable to
+  recover from.
+- BL31 Trusted OS SPD code discovers that BL2 has not loaded the corresponding
+  Trusted OS, which is critical for platform operation.
+- Secure world discovers that a critical hardware device is an unexpected and
+  unrecoverable state.
+- Secure world receives an unexpected and unrecoverable error from a critical
+  hardware device.
+- Secure world discovers that it is running on unsupported hardware.
+Examples of expected unrecoverable errors:
+- BL1/BL2 fails to load the next image due to missing/corrupt firmware on disk.
+- BL1/BL2 fails to authenticate the next image due to an invalid certificate.
+- Secure world continuously receives recoverable errors from a hardware device
+  but is unable to proceed without a valid response.
+Handling critical unresponsiveness
+If the secure world is waiting for a response from an external source (for
+example, the normal world or a hardware device) which is critical for continued
+operation, it must not wait indefinitely. It must have a mechanism (for example,
+a secure watchdog) for resetting itself and/or the external source to prevent
+the system from executing in this state indefinitely.
+- BL1 is waiting for the normal world to raise an SMC to proceed to the next
+  stage of the secure firmware update process.
+- A Trusted OS is waiting for a response from a proxy in the normal world that
+  is critical for continued operation.
+- Secure world is waiting for a hardware response that is critical for continued
+  operation.
+Security considerations
+Part of the security of a platform is handling errors correctly, as described in
+the previous section. There are several other security considerations covered in
+this section.
+Do not leak secrets to the normal world
+The secure world **must not** leak secrets to the normal world, for example in
+response to an SMC.
+Handling Denial of Service attacks
+The secure world **should never** crash or become unusable due to receiving too
+many normal world requests (a *Denial of Service* or *DoS* attack). It should
+have a mechanism for throttling or ignoring normal world requests.
+Performance considerations
+Avoid printf and use logging macros
+``debug.h`` provides logging macros (for example, ``WARN`` and ``ERROR``)
+which wrap ``tf_log`` and which allow the logging call to be compiled-out
+depending on the ``make`` command. Use these macros to avoid print statements
+being compiled unconditionally into the binary.
+Each logging macro has a numerical log level:
+.. code:: c
+  #define LOG_LEVEL_NONE    0
+  #define LOG_LEVEL_ERROR   10
+  #define LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE  20
+  #define LOG_LEVEL_WARNING 30
+  #define LOG_LEVEL_INFO    40
+  #define LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE 50
+By default, all logging statements with a log level ``<= LOG_LEVEL_INFO`` will
+be compiled into debug builds and all statements with a log level
+``<= LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE`` will be compiled into release builds. This can be
+overridden from the command line or by the platform makefile (although it may be
+necessary to clean the build directory first). For example, to enable
+``VERBOSE`` logging on FVP:
+``make PLAT=fvp LOG_LEVEL=50 all``
+Use const data where possible
+For example, the following code:
+.. code:: c
+  struct my_struct {
+          int arg1;
+          int arg2;
+  };
+  void init(struct my_struct *ptr);
+  void main(void)
+  {
+          struct my_struct x;
+          x.arg1 = 1;
+          x.arg2 = 2;
+          init(&x);
+  }
+is better written as:
+.. code:: c
+  struct my_struct {
+          int arg1;
+          int arg2;
+  };
+  void init(const struct my_struct *ptr);
+  void main(void)
+  {
+          const struct my_struct x = { 1, 2 };
+          init(&x);
+  }
+This allows the linker to put the data in a read-only data section instead of a
+writeable data section, which may result in a smaller and faster binary. Note
+that this may require dependent functions (``init()`` in the above example) to
+have ``const`` arguments, assuming they don't need to modify the data.
+Library and driver code
+TF library code (under ``lib/`` and ``include/lib``) is any code that provides a
+reusable interface to other code, potentially even to code outside of TF.
+In some systems drivers must conform to a specific driver framework to provide
+services to the rest of the system. TF has no driver framework and the
+distinction between a driver and library is somewhat subjective.
+A driver (under ``drivers/`` and ``include/drivers/``) is defined as code that
+interfaces with hardware via a memory mapped interface.
+Some drivers (for example, the Arm CCI driver in ``include/drivers/arm/cci.h``)
+provide a general purpose API to that specific hardware. Other drivers (for
+example, the Arm PL011 console driver in ``drivers/arm/pl011/pl011_console.S``)
+provide a specific hardware implementation of a more abstract library API. In
+the latter case there may potentially be multiple drivers for the same hardware
+Neither libraries nor drivers should depend on platform-specific code. If they
+require platform-specific data (for example, a base address) to operate then
+they should provide an initialization function that takes the platform-specific
+data as arguments.
+TF common code (under ``common/`` and ``include/common/``) is code that is re-used
+by other generic (non-platform-specific) TF code. It is effectively internal
+library code.
+.. _`Why the “volatile” type class should not be used`:
+.. _`Procedure Call Standard for the Arm Architecture`:
+.. _`Procedure Call Standard for the Arm 64-bit Architecture`:
diff --git a/docs/user-guide.rst b/docs/user-guide.rst
index a479fb0..3828eaf 100644
--- a/docs/user-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/user-guide.rst
@@ -86,6 +86,46 @@
     git clone
+Checking source code style
+Trusted Firmware follows the `Linux Coding Style`_ . When making changes to the
+source, for submission to the project, the source must be in compliance with
+this style guide.
+Additional, project-specific guidelines are defined in the `Trusted Firmware-A
+Coding Guidelines`_ document.
+To assist with coding style compliance, the project Makefile contains two
+targets which both utilise the `` script that ships with the Linux
+source tree. The project also defines certain *checkpatch* options in the
+``.checkpatch.conf`` file in the top-level directory.
+**Note:** Checkpatch errors will gate upstream merging of pull requests.
+Checkpatch warnings will not gate merging but should be reviewed and fixed if
+To check the entire source tree, you must first download copies of
+````, ``spelling.txt`` and ``const_structs.checkpatch`` available
+in the `Linux master tree`_ *scripts* directory, then set the ``CHECKPATCH``
+environment variable to point to ```` (with the other 2 files in
+the same directory) and build the `checkcodebase` target:
+    make CHECKPATCH=<path-to-linux>/linux/scripts/ checkcodebase
+To just check the style on the files that differ between your local branch and
+the remote master, use:
+    make CHECKPATCH=<path-to-linux>/linux/scripts/ checkpatch
+If you wish to check your patch against something other than the remote master,
+set the ``BASE_COMMIT`` variable to your desired branch. By default, ``BASE_COMMIT``
+is set to ``origin/master``.
 Building TF-A
@@ -925,34 +965,6 @@
-Checking source code style
-When making changes to the source for submission to the project, the source
-must be in compliance with the Linux style guide, and to assist with this check
-the project Makefile contains two targets, which both utilise the
-```` script that ships with the Linux source tree.
-To check the entire source tree, you must first download copies of
-````, ``spelling.txt`` and ``const_structs.checkpatch`` available
-in the `Linux master tree`_ scripts directory, then set the ``CHECKPATCH``
-environment variable to point to ```` (with the other 2 files in
-the same directory) and build the target checkcodebase:
-    make CHECKPATCH=<path-to-linux>/linux/scripts/ checkcodebase
-To just check the style on the files that differ between your local branch and
-the remote master, use:
-    make CHECKPATCH=<path-to-linux>/linux/scripts/ checkpatch
-If you wish to check your patch against something other than the remote master,
-set the ``BASE_COMMIT`` variable to your desired branch. By default, ``BASE_COMMIT``
-is set to ``origin/master``.
 Building and using the FIP tool
@@ -2049,6 +2061,7 @@
 .. _Instructions for using Linaro's deliverables on Juno:
 .. _Arm Platforms Portal:
 .. _Development Studio 5 (DS-5):
+.. _`Linux Coding Style`:
 .. _Linux master tree:
 .. _Dia:
 .. _here: psci-lib-integration-guide.rst
@@ -2064,3 +2077,4 @@
 .. _Juno Getting Started Guide:
 .. _PSCI:
 .. _Secure Partition Manager Design guide: secure-partition-manager-design.rst
+.. _`Trusted Firmware-A Coding Guidelines`: coding-guidelines.rst
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/mmc.c b/drivers/mmc/mmc.c
index 450bd0b..77d683c 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/mmc.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/mmc.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2018-2019, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
-	if (ret != 0) {
+	if (ret < 0) {
 		return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/renesas/rcar/cpld/ulcb_cpld.c b/drivers/renesas/rcar/cpld/ulcb_cpld.c
index 6b03614..4830853 100644
--- a/drivers/renesas/rcar/cpld/ulcb_cpld.c
+++ b/drivers/renesas/rcar/cpld/ulcb_cpld.c
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 #define GPIO_INOUTSEL2		0xE6052004
 #define GPIO_INOUTSEL6		0xE6055404
+/* General IO/Interrupt Switching Register */
+#define GPIO_IOINTSEL6		0xE6055400
 /* GPIO/perihperal function select */
 #define PFC_GPSR2		0xE6060108
 #define PFC_GPSR6		0xE6060118
@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@
 	gpio_pfc(PFC_GPSR2, SSTBZ);
 	gpio_pfc(PFC_GPSR6, MOSI);
+	gpio_set_value(GPIO_IOINTSEL6, SCLK, 0);
 	gpio_set_value(GPIO_OUTDT6, SCLK, 0);
 	gpio_set_value(GPIO_OUTDT2, SSTBZ, 1);
 	gpio_set_value(GPIO_OUTDT6, MOSI, 0);
diff --git a/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.c b/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.c
index b005caf..d7f0880 100644
--- a/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.c
+++ b/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.c
@@ -768,3 +768,43 @@
 	return count;
+int32_t rcar_pwrc_cpu_on_check(uint64_t mpidr)
+	uint64_t i;
+	uint64_t j;
+	uint64_t cpu_count;
+	uintptr_t reg_PSTR;
+	uint32_t status;
+	uint64_t my_cpu;
+	int32_t rtn;
+	uint32_t my_cluster_type;
+	const uint32_t cluster_type[PLATFORM_CLUSTER_COUNT] = {
+	};
+	const uintptr_t registerPSTR[PLATFORM_CLUSTER_COUNT] = {
+	};
+	my_cluster_type = rcar_pwrc_get_cluster();
+	rtn = 0;
+	my_cpu = mpidr & ((uint64_t)(MPIDR_CPU_MASK));
+	for (i = 0U; i < ((uint64_t)(PLATFORM_CLUSTER_COUNT)); i++) {
+		cpu_count = rcar_pwrc_get_cpu_num(cluster_type[i]);
+		reg_PSTR = registerPSTR[i];
+		for (j = 0U; j < cpu_count; j++) {
+			if ((my_cluster_type != cluster_type[i]) || (my_cpu != j)) {
+				status = mmio_read_32(reg_PSTR) >> (j * 4U);
+				if ((status & 0x00000003U) == 0U) {
+					rtn--;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return (rtn);
diff --git a/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.h b/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.h
index 3cdac69..d4d6fc4 100644
--- a/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.h
+++ b/drivers/renesas/rcar/pwrc/pwrc.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 void rcar_pwrc_clusteroff(uint64_t mpidr);
 void rcar_pwrc_cpuoff(uint64_t mpidr);
 void rcar_pwrc_cpuon(uint64_t mpidr);
+int32_t rcar_pwrc_cpu_on_check(uint64_t mpidr);
 void rcar_pwrc_setup(void);
 uint32_t rcar_pwrc_get_cpu_wkr(uint64_t mpidr);
diff --git a/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_a/ddr_init_e3.c b/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_a/ddr_init_e3.c
index 62997bc..c289c88 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_a/ddr_init_e3.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_a/ddr_init_e3.c
@@ -1137,13 +1137,13 @@
    /*  ddr backupmode end */
    if (ddrBackup) {
-      NOTICE("[WARM_BOOT]");
+      NOTICE("BL2: [WARM_BOOT]\n");
    } else {
-      NOTICE("[COLD_BOOT]");
+      NOTICE("BL2: [COLD_BOOT]\n");
    } /*  ddrBackup */
    err = rcar_dram_update_boot_status(ddrBackup);
    if (err) {
       return INITDRAM_ERR_I;
    } /*  err */
@@ -1672,9 +1672,9 @@
     md = *((volatile uint32_t*)RST_MODEMR);
     ddr = (md & 0x00080000) >> 19;
     if (ddr == 0x0) {
+	NOTICE("BL2: DDR1584(%s)\n", RCAR_E3_DDR_VERSION);
     } else if(ddr == 0x1){
+	NOTICE("BL2: DDR1856(%s)\n", RCAR_E3_DDR_VERSION);
     } /*  ddr */
@@ -1691,8 +1691,6 @@
         failcount = 1;
     } /*  dataL */
-    NOTICE("..%d\n", failcount); /*  rev.0.05 */
     if (failcount == 0) {
 	return INITDRAM_OK;
     } else {
diff --git a/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_b/boot_init_dram.c b/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_b/boot_init_dram.c
index 78f0f11..f4bfdde 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_b/boot_init_dram.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/renesas/rcar/ddr/ddr_b/boot_init_dram.c
@@ -2826,7 +2826,7 @@
 	if (timeout) {
-		FATAL_MSG("Time out[2]");
+		FATAL_MSG("BL2: Time out[2]\n");
 		return (1);
 	return (0);
@@ -3012,13 +3012,13 @@
 	if (ddrBackup) {
+		NOTICE("BL2: [WARM_BOOT]\n");
 	} else {
+		NOTICE("BL2: [COLD_BOOT]\n");
 	err = rcar_dram_update_boot_status(ddrBackup);
 	if (err) {
 		return INITDRAM_ERR_I;
diff --git a/include/arch/aarch64/arch.h b/include/arch/aarch64/arch.h
index 9e2bffa..76c3e27 100644
--- a/include/arch/aarch64/arch.h
+++ b/include/arch/aarch64/arch.h
@@ -204,6 +204,10 @@
 /* ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1 definitions */
 #define ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1		S3_0_C0_C7_2
+#define ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_ST_SHIFT	U(28)
+#define ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_ST_MASK	ULL(0xf)
 #define ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_CNP_SHIFT	U(0)
 #define ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_CNP_MASK	ULL(0xf)
@@ -427,6 +431,7 @@
 #define TCR_TxSZ_MIN		ULL(16)
 #define TCR_TxSZ_MAX		ULL(39)
+#define TCR_TxSZ_MAX_TTST	ULL(48)
 /* (internal) physical address size bits in EL3/EL1 */
 #define TCR_PS_BITS_4GB		ULL(0x0)
diff --git a/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h b/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h
index 2b09ba0..9bf43bf 100644
--- a/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h
+++ b/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h
@@ -17,4 +17,10 @@
 		ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_CNP_MASK) != 0U;
+static inline bool is_armv8_4_ttst_present(void)
+	return ((read_id_aa64mmfr2_el1() >> ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_ST_SHIFT) &
+		ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1_ST_MASK) == 1U;
 #endif /* ARCH_FEATURES_H */
diff --git a/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables_aarch32.h b/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables_aarch32.h
index a333d1e..30eb5e9 100644
--- a/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables_aarch32.h
+++ b/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables_aarch32.h
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@
  * is 1.
  * Note that this macro assumes that the given virtual address space size is
- * valid. Therefore, the caller is expected to check it is the case using the
- * CHECK_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE() macro first.
+ * valid.
 #define GET_XLAT_TABLE_LEVEL_BASE(_virt_addr_space_sz)			\
 	(((_virt_addr_space_sz) > (ULL(1) << L1_XLAT_ADDRESS_SHIFT)) ?	\
diff --git a/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables_aarch64.h b/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables_aarch64.h
index cc5624c..3014c8f 100644
--- a/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables_aarch64.h
+++ b/include/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables_aarch64.h
@@ -43,14 +43,22 @@
  * state.
  * TCR.TxSZ is calculated as 64 minus the width of said address space.
- * The value of TCR.TxSZ must be in the range 16 to 39 [1], which means that
- * the virtual address space width must be in the range 48 to 25 bits.
+ * The value of TCR.TxSZ must be in the range 16 to 39 [1] or 48 [2],
+ * depending on Small Translation Table Support which means that
+ * the virtual address space width must be in the range 48 to 25 or 16 bits.
  * [1] See the ARMv8-A Architecture Reference Manual (DDI 0487A.j) for more
  * information:
  * Page 1730: 'Input address size', 'For all translation stages'.
+ * [2] See section 12.2.55 in the ARMv8-A Architecture Reference Manual
+ * (DDI 0487D.a)
+/* Maximum value of TCR_ELx.T(0,1)SZ is 39 */
 #define MIN_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE	(ULL(1) << (U(64) - TCR_TxSZ_MAX))
+/* Maximum value of TCR_ELx.T(0,1)SZ is 48 */
+				(ULL(1) << (U(64) - TCR_TxSZ_MAX_TTST))
 #define MAX_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE	(ULL(1) << (U(64) - TCR_TxSZ_MIN))
@@ -58,9 +66,13 @@
  * virtual address space size. For a 4 KB page size,
  * - level 0 supports virtual address spaces of widths 48 to 40 bits;
  * - level 1 from 39 to 31;
- * - level 2 from 30 to 25.
+ * - level 2 from 30 to 22.
+ * - level 3 from 21 to 16.
- * Wider or narrower address spaces are not supported. As a result, level 3
+ * Small Translation Table (Armv8.4-TTST) support allows the starting level
+ * of the translation table from 3 for 4KB granularity. See section 12.2.55 in
+ * the ARMv8-A Architecture Reference Manual (DDI 0487D.a). In Armv8.3 and below
+ * wider or narrower address spaces are not supported. As a result, level 3
  * cannot be used as initial lookup level with 4 KB granularity. See section
  * D4.2.5 in the ARMv8-A Architecture Reference Manual (DDI 0487A.j) for more
  * information.
@@ -71,13 +83,14 @@
  * is 1.
  * Note that this macro assumes that the given virtual address space size is
- * valid. Therefore, the caller is expected to check it is the case using the
- * CHECK_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE() macro first.
+ * valid.
 #define GET_XLAT_TABLE_LEVEL_BASE(_virt_addr_space_sz)		\
 	(((_virt_addr_space_sz) > (ULL(1) << L0_XLAT_ADDRESS_SHIFT))	\
 	? 0U								\
-	 : (((_virt_addr_space_sz) > (ULL(1) << L1_XLAT_ADDRESS_SHIFT))	\
-	 ? 1U : 2U))
+	: (((_virt_addr_space_sz) > (ULL(1) << L1_XLAT_ADDRESS_SHIFT))	\
+	? 1U								\
+	: (((_virt_addr_space_sz) > (ULL(1) << L2_XLAT_ADDRESS_SHIFT))	\
+	? 2U : 3U)))
 #endif /* XLAT_TABLES_AARCH64_H */
diff --git a/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_arch.h b/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_arch.h
index 251b020..7237534 100644
--- a/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_arch.h
+++ b/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_arch.h
@@ -14,18 +14,6 @@
- * Evaluates to 1 if the given virtual address space size is valid, or 0 if it's
- * not.
- *
- * A valid size is one that is a power of 2 and is within the architectural
- * limits. Not that these limits are different for AArch32 and AArch64.
- */
-#define CHECK_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE(size)			\
-	(((unsigned long long)(size) >= MIN_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE) &&	\
-	((unsigned long long)(size) <= MAX_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE) &&	\
-	IS_POWER_OF_TWO(size))
  * Evaluates to 1 if the given physical address space size is a power of 2,
  * or 0 if it's not.
diff --git a/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2_helpers.h b/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2_helpers.h
index ce5cf82..6a1be32 100644
--- a/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2_helpers.h
+++ b/include/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2_helpers.h
@@ -125,9 +125,6 @@
 #define REGISTER_XLAT_CONTEXT_FULL_SPEC(_ctx_name, _mmap_count,		\
 			_xlat_tables_count, _virt_addr_space_size,	\
 			_phy_addr_space_size, _xlat_regime, _section_name)\
-	CASSERT(CHECK_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE(_virt_addr_space_size),	\
-		assert_invalid_virtual_addr_space_size_for_##_ctx_name);\
-									\
 	CASSERT(CHECK_PHY_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE(_phy_addr_space_size),	\
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables.c b/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables.c
index 468a9e7..4b01b9b 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables.c
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables/aarch32/xlat_tables.c
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@
 	unsigned long long max_pa;
 	uintptr_t max_va;
 	init_xlation_table(0U, base_xlation_table, XLAT_TABLE_LEVEL_BASE,
 						&max_va, &max_pa);
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables.c b/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables.c
index 71f491a..e64fd3e 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables.c
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables/aarch64/xlat_tables.c
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include <platform_def.h>
 #include <arch.h>
-#include <arch_helpers.h>
+#include <arch_features.h>
 #include <common/bl_common.h>
 #include <lib/utils.h>
 #include <lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables.h>
@@ -79,6 +79,21 @@
 	return (1ULL << pa_range_bits_arr[pa_range]) - 1ULL;
+ * Return minimum virtual address space size supported by the architecture
+ */
+static uintptr_t xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size(void)
+	uintptr_t ret;
+	if (is_armv8_4_ttst_present())
+	else
+	return ret;
 unsigned int xlat_arch_current_el(void)
@@ -104,6 +119,12 @@
 	unsigned long long max_pa;
 	uintptr_t max_va;
+		(xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size() - 1U));
 	init_xlation_table(0U, base_xlation_table, XLAT_TABLE_LEVEL_BASE,
 			   &max_va, &max_pa);
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_private.h b/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_private.h
index 4390f34..82bc70c 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_private.h
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_private.h
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
 #error xlat tables v2 must be used with HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY
-	assert_valid_virt_addr_space_size);
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch32/xlat_tables_arch.c b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch32/xlat_tables_arch.c
index 913c86d..b69c670 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch32/xlat_tables_arch.c
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch32/xlat_tables_arch.c
@@ -45,6 +45,14 @@
 	/* Physical address space size for long descriptor format. */
 	return (1ULL << 40) - 1ULL;
+ * Return minimum virtual address space size supported by the architecture
+ */
+uintptr_t xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size(void)
 bool is_mmu_enabled_ctx(const xlat_ctx_t *ctx)
@@ -193,7 +201,12 @@
 	if (max_va != UINT32_MAX) {
 		uintptr_t virtual_addr_space_size = max_va + 1U;
-		assert(CHECK_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE(virtual_addr_space_size));
+		assert(virtual_addr_space_size >=
+			xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size());
+		assert(virtual_addr_space_size <=
+		assert(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(virtual_addr_space_size));
 		 * __builtin_ctzll(0) is undefined but here we are guaranteed
 		 * that virtual_addr_space_size is in the range [1, UINT32_MAX].
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch64/xlat_tables_arch.c b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch64/xlat_tables_arch.c
index 228f751..e7593dd 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch64/xlat_tables_arch.c
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/aarch64/xlat_tables_arch.c
@@ -101,6 +101,21 @@
 	return (1ULL << pa_range_bits_arr[pa_range]) - 1ULL;
+ * Return minimum virtual address space size supported by the architecture
+ */
+uintptr_t xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size(void)
+	uintptr_t ret;
+	if (is_armv8_4_ttst_present())
+	else
+	return ret;
 bool is_mmu_enabled_ctx(const xlat_ctx_t *ctx)
@@ -221,7 +236,11 @@
 	assert(max_va < ((uint64_t)UINTPTR_MAX));
 	virtual_addr_space_size = (uintptr_t)max_va + 1U;
-	assert(CHECK_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE(virtual_addr_space_size));
+	assert(virtual_addr_space_size >=
+		xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size());
+	assert(virtual_addr_space_size <= MAX_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE);
+	assert(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(virtual_addr_space_size));
 	 * __builtin_ctzll(0) is undefined but here we are guaranteed that
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_core.c b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_core.c
index c49554f..4820b4f 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_core.c
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_core.c
@@ -1146,6 +1146,11 @@
 	mmap_region_t *mm = ctx->mmap;
+	assert(ctx->va_max_address >=
+		(xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size() - 1U));
+	assert(ctx->va_max_address <= (MAX_VIRT_ADDR_SPACE_SIZE - 1U));
+	assert(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(ctx->va_max_address + 1U));
 	/* All tables must be zeroed before mapping any region. */
diff --git a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_private.h b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_private.h
index fc70955..70ef395 100644
--- a/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_private.h
+++ b/lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables_private.h
@@ -102,4 +102,9 @@
 /* Returns true if the data cache is enabled at the current EL. */
 bool is_dcache_enabled(void);
+ * Returns minimum virtual address space size supported by the architecture
+ */
+uintptr_t xlat_get_min_virt_addr_space_size(void);
diff --git a/plat/marvell/a8k/common/include/a8k_plat_def.h b/plat/marvell/a8k/common/include/a8k_plat_def.h
index 7ed56e0..8b7cd64 100644
--- a/plat/marvell/a8k/common/include/a8k_plat_def.h
+++ b/plat/marvell/a8k/common/include/a8k_plat_def.h
@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
 						0x440000 + ((n / 8) << 2))
 #define MVEBU_CP_GPIO_DATA_OUT(cp_index, n) \
 					(MVEBU_CP_REGS_BASE(cp_index) + \
-					0x440100 + ((n > 32) ? 0x40 : 0x00))
+					0x440100 + ((n > 31) ? 0x40 : 0x00))
 #define MVEBU_CP_GPIO_DATA_OUT_EN(cp_index, n) \
 					(MVEBU_CP_REGS_BASE(cp_index) + \
-					0x440104 + ((n > 32) ? 0x40 : 0x00))
+					0x440104 + ((n > 31) ? 0x40 : 0x00))
 #define MVEBU_CP_GPIO_DATA_IN(cp_index, n) (MVEBU_CP_REGS_BASE(cp_index) + \
-					0x440110 + ((n > 32) ? 0x40 : 0x00))
+					0x440110 + ((n > 31) ? 0x40 : 0x00))
 #define MVEBU_AP_MPP_REGS(n)		(MVEBU_RFU_BASE + 0x4000 + ((n) << 2))
 #define MVEBU_AP_GPIO_REGS		(MVEBU_RFU_BASE + 0x5040)
diff --git a/plat/renesas/rcar/bl2_cpg_init.c b/plat/renesas/rcar/bl2_cpg_init.c
index 883fc9a..1dff690 100644
--- a/plat/renesas/rcar/bl2_cpg_init.c
+++ b/plat/renesas/rcar/bl2_cpg_init.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 static void bl2_system_cpg_init_m3n(void);
-#if (RCAR_LSI == RCAR_E3)
 static void bl2_realtime_cpg_init_e3(void);
 static void bl2_system_cpg_init_e3(void);
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
-#if (RCAR_LSI == RCAR_E3)
 static void bl2_realtime_cpg_init_e3(void)
 	/* Realtime Module Stop Control Registers */
@@ -251,6 +251,9 @@
+		case RCAR_PRODUCT_E3:
+			bl2_realtime_cpg_init_e3();
+			break;
@@ -284,6 +287,9 @@
+		bl2_system_cpg_init_e3();
+		break;
diff --git a/plat/renesas/rcar/include/rcar_def.h b/plat/renesas/rcar/include/rcar_def.h
index 1829e59..3bb03f2 100644
--- a/plat/renesas/rcar/include/rcar_def.h
+++ b/plat/renesas/rcar/include/rcar_def.h
@@ -204,8 +204,6 @@
 #define	EXTAL_MD14_MD13_TYPE_3		U(16666600)	/* MD14=1 MD13=1 */
 #define	EXTAL_SALVATOR_XS		U(8320000)	/* Salvator-XS */
 #define EXTAL_EBISU			U(24000000)	/* Ebisu */
-/* CPU Auxiliary Control Register */
-#define RCAR_CA57_DIS_LOAD_PASS_STORE	(ULL(1) << 55)
 /* CPG write protect registers 	*/
 #define	CPGWPCR_PASSWORD		(0xA5A50000U)
diff --git a/plat/renesas/rcar/plat_pm.c b/plat/renesas/rcar/plat_pm.c
index 245a45a..47eda9a 100644
--- a/plat/renesas/rcar/plat_pm.c
+++ b/plat/renesas/rcar/plat_pm.c
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 	uint64_t cpu = read_mpidr_el1() & 0x0000ffff;
 	int32_t rtn_on;
-	rtn_on = cpu_on_check(cpu);
+	rtn_on = rcar_pwrc_cpu_on_check(cpu);
 	if (cpu == rcar_boot_mpidr)
diff --git a/plat/renesas/rcar/ b/plat/renesas/rcar/
index b9c0802..629a3cf 100644
--- a/plat/renesas/rcar/
+++ b/plat/renesas/rcar/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause