feat(lib): copy StandaloneMm Hob creation library in edk2

According to Platform Initialization (PI) Specification [1] and
Discussion on edk2 mailing list [2],
StandaloneMm shouldn't create Hob but it should be passed from TF-A.
IOW, TF-A should pass boot information via PHIT Hob to initialise
StandaloneMm properly.

To create Hob information to boot StandaloneMm, copy Hob creation code
form edk2 codebase:

Link: https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/PI_Spec_1_6.pdf [1]
Link: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/topic/103675962#114283 [2]
Signed-off-by: Levi Yun <yeoreum.yun@arm.com>
Change-Id: I784684d63f21a7879a2438ed522e158ca785186e
diff --git a/lib/hob/StandaloneMmCoreHobLib.c b/lib/hob/StandaloneMmCoreHobLib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe20f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/hob/StandaloneMmCoreHobLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+/** @file
+  HOB Library implementation for Standalone MM Core.
+Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+Copyright (c) 2017 - 2018, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Guid/MemoryAllocationHob.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/HobLib.h>
+#include <PiMm.h>
+// Cache copy of HobList pointer.
+VOID  *gHobList = NULL;
+CreateHob (
+  IN  UINT16  HobType,
+  IN  UINT16  HobLength
+  )
+  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS        FreeMemory;
+  VOID                        *Hob;
+  HandOffHob = GetHobList ();
+  //
+  // Check Length to avoid data overflow.
+  //
+  if (HobLength > MAX_UINT16 - 0x7) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  HobLength = (UINT16)((HobLength + 0x7) & (~0x7));
+  FreeMemory = HandOffHob->EfiFreeMemoryTop - HandOffHob->EfiFreeMemoryBottom;
+  if (FreeMemory < HobLength) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  Hob                                        = (VOID *)(UINTN)HandOffHob->EfiEndOfHobList;
+  ((EFI_HOB_GENERIC_HEADER *)Hob)->HobType   = HobType;
+  ((EFI_HOB_GENERIC_HEADER *)Hob)->HobLength = HobLength;
+  ((EFI_HOB_GENERIC_HEADER *)Hob)->Reserved  = 0;
+  HobEnd                      = (EFI_HOB_GENERIC_HEADER *)((UINTN)Hob + HobLength);
+  HandOffHob->EfiEndOfHobList = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)HobEnd;
+  HobEnd->HobType   = EFI_HOB_TYPE_END_OF_HOB_LIST;
+  HobEnd->HobLength = sizeof (EFI_HOB_GENERIC_HEADER);
+  HobEnd->Reserved  = 0;
+  HobEnd++;
+  HandOffHob->EfiFreeMemoryBottom = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)HobEnd;
+  return Hob;
+  Builds a HOB for a loaded PE32 module.
+  This function builds a HOB for a loaded PE32 module.
+  If ModuleName is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  @param  ModuleName              The GUID File Name of the module.
+  @param  MemoryAllocationModule  The 64 bit physical address of the module.
+  @param  ModuleLength            The length of the module in bytes.
+  @param  EntryPoint              The 64 bit physical address of the module entry point.
+BuildModuleHob (
+  IN CONST EFI_GUID        *ModuleName,
+  IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  MemoryAllocationModule,
+  IN UINT64                ModuleLength,
+  )
+    ((MemoryAllocationModule & (EFI_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0) &&
+    ((ModuleLength & (EFI_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0)
+    );
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  CopyGuid (&(Hob->MemoryAllocationHeader.Name), &gEfiHobMemoryAllocModuleGuid);
+  Hob->MemoryAllocationHeader.MemoryBaseAddress = MemoryAllocationModule;
+  Hob->MemoryAllocationHeader.MemoryLength      = ModuleLength;
+  Hob->MemoryAllocationHeader.MemoryType        = EfiBootServicesCode;
+  //
+  // Zero the reserved space to match HOB spec
+  //
+  ZeroMem (Hob->MemoryAllocationHeader.Reserved, sizeof (Hob->MemoryAllocationHeader.Reserved));
+  CopyGuid (&Hob->ModuleName, ModuleName);
+  Hob->EntryPoint = EntryPoint;
+  Builds a HOB that describes a chunk of system memory.
+  This function builds a HOB that describes a chunk of system memory.
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  @param  ResourceType        The type of resource described by this HOB.
+  @param  ResourceAttribute   The resource attributes of the memory described by this HOB.
+  @param  PhysicalStart       The 64 bit physical address of memory described by this HOB.
+  @param  NumberOfBytes       The length of the memory described by this HOB in bytes.
+BuildResourceDescriptorHob (
+  IN EFI_RESOURCE_TYPE            ResourceType,
+  IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS         PhysicalStart,
+  IN UINT64                       NumberOfBytes
+  )
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  Hob->ResourceType      = ResourceType;
+  Hob->ResourceAttribute = ResourceAttribute;
+  Hob->PhysicalStart     = PhysicalStart;
+  Hob->ResourceLength    = NumberOfBytes;
+  Builds a GUID HOB with a certain data length.
+  This function builds a customized HOB tagged with a GUID for identification
+  and returns the start address of GUID HOB data so that caller can fill the customized data.
+  The HOB Header and Name field is already stripped.
+  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  If DataLength >= (0x10000 - sizeof (EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE)), then ASSERT().
+  @param  Guid          The GUID to tag the customized HOB.
+  @param  DataLength    The size of the data payload for the GUID HOB.
+  @return The start address of GUID HOB data.
+BuildGuidHob (
+  IN UINTN           DataLength
+  )
+  //
+  // Make sure that data length is not too long.
+  //
+  ASSERT (DataLength <= (0xffff - sizeof (EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE)));
+  Hob = CreateHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXTENSION, (UINT16)(sizeof (EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE) + DataLength));
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  CopyGuid (&Hob->Name, Guid);
+  return Hob + 1;
+  Copies a data buffer to a newly-built HOB.
+  This function builds a customized HOB tagged with a GUID for identification,
+  copies the input data to the HOB data field and returns the start address of the GUID HOB data.
+  The HOB Header and Name field is already stripped.
+  If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
+  If Data is NULL and DataLength > 0, then ASSERT().
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  If DataLength >= (0x10000 - sizeof (EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE)), then ASSERT().
+  @param  Guid          The GUID to tag the customized HOB.
+  @param  Data          The data to be copied into the data field of the GUID HOB.
+  @param  DataLength    The size of the data payload for the GUID HOB.
+  @return The start address of GUID HOB data.
+BuildGuidDataHob (
+  IN VOID            *Data,
+  IN UINTN           DataLength
+  )
+  VOID  *HobData;
+  ASSERT (Data != NULL || DataLength == 0);
+  HobData = BuildGuidHob (Guid, DataLength);
+  return CopyMem (HobData, Data, DataLength);
+  Builds a Firmware Volume HOB.
+  This function builds a Firmware Volume HOB.
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  @param  BaseAddress   The base address of the Firmware Volume.
+  @param  Length        The size of the Firmware Volume in bytes.
+BuildFvHob (
+  IN UINT64                Length
+  )
+  Hob = CreateHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_FV, sizeof (EFI_HOB_FIRMWARE_VOLUME));
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  Hob->BaseAddress = BaseAddress;
+  Hob->Length      = Length;
+  Builds a EFI_HOB_TYPE_FV2 HOB.
+  This function builds a EFI_HOB_TYPE_FV2 HOB.
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  @param  BaseAddress   The base address of the Firmware Volume.
+  @param  Length        The size of the Firmware Volume in bytes.
+  @param  FvName       The name of the Firmware Volume.
+  @param  FileName      The name of the file.
+BuildFv2Hob (
+  IN          EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  BaseAddress,
+  IN          UINT64                Length,
+  IN CONST    EFI_GUID              *FvName,
+  IN CONST    EFI_GUID              *FileName
+  )
+  Hob = CreateHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_FV2, sizeof (EFI_HOB_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2));
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  Hob->BaseAddress = BaseAddress;
+  Hob->Length      = Length;
+  CopyGuid (&Hob->FvName, FvName);
+  CopyGuid (&Hob->FileName, FileName);
+  Builds a HOB for the CPU.
+  This function builds a HOB for the CPU.
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  @param  SizeOfMemorySpace   The maximum physical memory addressability of the processor.
+  @param  SizeOfIoSpace       The maximum physical I/O addressability of the processor.
+BuildCpuHob (
+  IN UINT8  SizeOfMemorySpace,
+  IN UINT8  SizeOfIoSpace
+  )
+  EFI_HOB_CPU  *Hob;
+  Hob = CreateHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_CPU, sizeof (EFI_HOB_CPU));
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  Hob->SizeOfMemorySpace = SizeOfMemorySpace;
+  Hob->SizeOfIoSpace     = SizeOfIoSpace;
+  //
+  // Zero the reserved space to match HOB spec
+  //
+  ZeroMem (Hob->Reserved, sizeof (Hob->Reserved));
+  Builds a HOB for the memory allocation.
+  This function builds a HOB for the memory allocation.
+  If there is no additional space for HOB creation, then ASSERT().
+  @param  BaseAddress   The 64 bit physical address of the memory.
+  @param  Length        The length of the memory allocation in bytes.
+  @param  MemoryType    Type of memory allocated by this HOB.
+BuildMemoryAllocationHob (
+  IN UINT64                Length,
+  IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE       MemoryType
+  )
+    ((BaseAddress & (EFI_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0) &&
+    ((Length & (EFI_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0)
+    );
+  ASSERT (Hob != NULL);
+  if (Hob == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  ZeroMem (&(Hob->AllocDescriptor.Name), sizeof (EFI_GUID));
+  Hob->AllocDescriptor.MemoryBaseAddress = BaseAddress;
+  Hob->AllocDescriptor.MemoryLength      = Length;
+  Hob->AllocDescriptor.MemoryType        = MemoryType;
+  //
+  // Zero the reserved space to match HOB spec
+  //
+  ZeroMem (Hob->AllocDescriptor.Reserved, sizeof (Hob->AllocDescriptor.Reserved));