feat(msm8916): add SP_MIN port for AArch32
Use the new shared msm8916 setup code to allow compiling the minimal
AArch32 Secure Payload (SP_MIN) as simple PSCI implementation.
AArch64 is preferred for the Cortex-A53 cores in MSM8916 but there are
some similar platforms with AArch32-only Cortex-A7 cores that can
benefit from this in future changes.
The AArch32 assembly implementation for msm8916_helpers.S and
uartdm_console.S is a direct port of the AArch64 implementation.
Only plat_get_my_entrypoint is slightly different because there is no
need to handle the "boot remapper" on cold boot for AArch32.
Change-Id: Idf160e86fb3e685fcedec3e051400e6273997b74
Signed-off-by: Stephan Gerhold <stephan@gerhold.net>
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/aarch32/msm8916_helpers.S b/plat/qti/msm8916/aarch32/msm8916_helpers.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3664ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/aarch32/msm8916_helpers.S
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Stephan Gerhold <stephan@gerhold.net>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <arch.h>
+#include <asm_macros.S>
+#include <msm8916_mmap.h>
+#define APCS_TCM_START_ADDR 0x10
+#define APCS_TCM_REDIRECT_EN_0 BIT_32(0)
+ .globl plat_crash_console_init
+ .globl plat_crash_console_putc
+ .globl plat_crash_console_flush
+ .globl plat_panic_handler
+ .globl plat_my_core_pos
+ .globl plat_get_my_entrypoint
+ .globl plat_reset_handler
+ .globl platform_mem_init
+ .globl msm8916_entry_point
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * int plat_crash_console_init(void)
+ * Initialize the crash console.
+ * Out: r0 - 1 on success, 0 on error
+ * Clobber list : r0 - r4
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func plat_crash_console_init
+ ldr r1, =BLSP_UART2_BASE
+ mov r0, #1
+ b console_uartdm_core_init
+endfunc plat_crash_console_init
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * int plat_crash_console_putc(int c)
+ * Print a character on the crash console.
+ * In : r0 - character to be printed
+ * Out: r0 - printed character on success
+ * Clobber list : r1, r2
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func plat_crash_console_putc
+ ldr r1, =BLSP_UART2_BASE
+ b console_uartdm_core_putc
+endfunc plat_crash_console_putc
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * void plat_crash_console_flush(void)
+ * Force a write of all buffered data that has not
+ * been output.
+ * Clobber list : r1, r2
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func plat_crash_console_flush
+ ldr r1, =BLSP_UART2_BASE
+ b console_uartdm_core_flush
+endfunc plat_crash_console_flush
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * void plat_panic_handler(void) __dead
+ * Called when an unrecoverable error occurs.
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func plat_panic_handler
+ /* Try to shutdown/reset */
+ ldr r0, =MPM_PS_HOLD
+ mov r1, #0
+ str r1, [r0]
+1: b 1b
+endfunc plat_panic_handler
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * unsigned int plat_my_core_pos(void)
+ * Out: r0 - index of the calling CPU
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func plat_my_core_pos
+ /* There is just a single cluster so this is very simple */
+ ldcopr r0, MPIDR
+ and r0, r0, #MPIDR_CPU_MASK
+ bx lr
+endfunc plat_my_core_pos
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * uintptr_t plat_get_my_entrypoint(void)
+ * Distinguish cold and warm boot and return warm boot
+ * entry address if available.
+ * Out: r0 - warm boot entry point or 0 on cold boot
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func plat_get_my_entrypoint
+ ldr r0, =msm8916_entry_point
+ ldr r0, [r0]
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bxne lr
+ /*
+ * Cold boot: Disable TCM redirect to L2 cache as early as
+ * possible to avoid crashes when making use of the cache.
+ */
+ ldr r1, =APCS_CFG
+ ldr r2, [r1, #APCS_TCM_START_ADDR]
+ and r2, r2, #~APCS_TCM_REDIRECT_EN_0
+ str r2, [r1, #APCS_TCM_START_ADDR]
+ bx lr
+endfunc plat_get_my_entrypoint
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * void platform_mem_init(void)
+ * Performs additional memory initialization early
+ * in the boot process.
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func platform_mem_init
+ /* Nothing to do here, all memory is already initialized */
+ bx lr
+endfunc platform_mem_init
+ .data
+ .align 3
+ /* -------------------------------------------------
+ * Warm boot entry point for CPU. Set by PSCI code.
+ * -------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ .word 0
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/aarch32/uartdm_console.S b/plat/qti/msm8916/aarch32/uartdm_console.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a19776a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/aarch32/uartdm_console.S
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Stephan Gerhold <stephan@gerhold.net>
+ *
+ * Based on aarch32/skeleton_console.S:
+ * Copyright (c) 2016-2020, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <asm_macros.S>
+#include <console_macros.S>
+/* UART DM registers */
+#define UART_DM_DMEN 0x03c /* DMA / data packing */
+#define UART_DM_SR 0x0a4 /* status register */
+#define UART_DM_CR 0x0a8 /* command register */
+#define UART_DM_TF 0x100 /* transmit FIFO */
+#define UART_DM_DMEN_TX_SC BIT_32(4) /* TX single character mode */
+#define UART_DM_SR_TXRDY BIT_32(2) /* TX FIFO has space */
+#define UART_DM_SR_TXEMT BIT_32(3) /* TX FIFO is empty */
+#define UART_DM_CR_RESET_RX (U(0x01) << 4) /* reset receiver */
+#define UART_DM_CR_RESET_TX (U(0x02) << 4) /* reset transmitter */
+#define UART_DM_CR_TX_ENABLE BIT_32(2) /* enable transmitter */
+ .globl console_uartdm_register
+ .globl console_uartdm_core_init
+ .globl console_uartdm_putc
+ .globl console_uartdm_core_putc
+ .globl console_uartdm_flush
+ .globl console_uartdm_core_flush
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * int console_uartdm_register(console_t *console,
+ * uintptr_t base_addr)
+ * Function to initialize and register the console. The caller
+ * needs to pass an empty console_t structure in which *MUST*
+ * be allocated in persistent memory (e.g. a global or static
+ * local variable, *NOT* on the stack).
+ * In : r0 - pointer to empty console_t structure
+ * r1 - base address
+ * Out: r0 - 1 on success, 0 on error
+ * Clobber list : r0 - r7
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func console_uartdm_register
+ str r1, [r0, #CONSOLE_T_BASE]
+ mov r7, lr
+ bl console_uartdm_core_init
+ mov lr, r7
+ /* Register the new console */
+ finish_console_register uartdm putc=1, flush=1
+endfunc console_uartdm_register
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * void console_uartdm_core_init(unused, uintptr_t base_addr)
+ * Function to initialize the console.
+ * In : r0 - unused
+ * r1 - base address
+ * Out: void
+ * Clobber list : r1, r2, r3
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func console_uartdm_core_init
+ /*
+ * Try to flush remaining characters from the TX FIFO before resetting
+ * the transmitter. Unfortunately there is no good way to check if
+ * the transmitter is actually enabled (and will finish eventually),
+ * so use a timeout to avoid looping forever.
+ */
+ mov r2, #65536
+ ldr r3, [r1, #UART_DM_SR]
+ tst r3, #UART_DM_SR_TXEMT
+ bne 2f
+ subs r2, r2, #1
+ bne 1b
+ /* Timeout */
+2: /* Reset receiver */
+ mov r3, #UART_DM_CR_RESET_RX
+ str r3, [r1, #UART_DM_CR]
+ /* Reset transmitter */
+ mov r3, #UART_DM_CR_RESET_TX
+ str r3, [r1, #UART_DM_CR]
+ /*
+ * Disable BAM/DMA modes but enable single-character mode for TX.
+ * The single character mode allows simplifying the putc implementation
+ * since characters can be written directly to the FIFO instead of
+ * having to initiate a new transfer and waiting for its completion.
+ */
+ mov r3, #UART_DM_DMEN_TX_SC
+ str r3, [r1, #UART_DM_DMEN]
+ /* Enable transmitter */
+ str r3, [r1, #UART_DM_CR]
+ bx lr
+endfunc console_uartdm_core_init
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * int console_uartdm_putc(int c, console_t *console)
+ * Function to output a character over the console.
+ * In : r0 - character to be printed
+ * r1 - pointer to console_t struct
+ * Out: r0 - printed character on success, < 0 on error.
+ * Clobber list : r0, r1, r2
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func console_uartdm_putc
+ ldr r1, [r1, #CONSOLE_T_BASE]
+ b console_uartdm_core_putc
+endfunc console_uartdm_putc
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * int console_uartdm_core_putc(int c, uintptr_t base_addr)
+ * Function to output a character over the console.
+ * In : r0 - character to be printed
+ * r1 - base address
+ * Out: r0 - printed character on success, < 0 on error.
+ * Clobber list : r2
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func console_uartdm_core_putc
+ cmp r0, #'\n'
+ bne 2f
+1: /* Loop until TX FIFO has space */
+ ldr r2, [r1, #UART_DM_SR]
+ tst r2, #UART_DM_SR_TXRDY
+ beq 1b
+ /* Prepend '\r' to '\n' */
+ mov r2, #'\r'
+ str r2, [r1, #UART_DM_TF]
+2: /* Loop until TX FIFO has space */
+ ldr r2, [r1, #UART_DM_SR]
+ tst r2, #UART_DM_SR_TXRDY
+ beq 2b
+ /* Write character to FIFO */
+ str r0, [r1, #UART_DM_TF]
+ bx lr
+endfunc console_uartdm_core_putc
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * void console_uartdm_flush(console_t *console)
+ * Function to force a write of all buffered data
+ * that has not been output.
+ * In : r0 - pointer to console_t struct
+ * Out: void
+ * Clobber list : r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func console_uartdm_flush
+ ldr r1, [r0, #CONSOLE_T_BASE]
+ b console_uartdm_core_flush
+endfunc console_uartdm_flush
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ * void console_uartdm_core_flush(unused, uintptr_t base_addr)
+ * Function to force a write of all buffered data
+ * that has not been output.
+ * In : r0 - unused
+ * r1 - base address
+ * Out: void
+ * Clobber list : r2
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func console_uartdm_core_flush
+1: /* Loop until TX FIFO is empty */
+ ldr r2, [r1, #UART_DM_SR]
+ tst r2, #UART_DM_SR_TXEMT
+ beq 1b
+ bx lr
+endfunc console_uartdm_core_flush
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/include/platform_def.h b/plat/qti/msm8916/include/platform_def.h
index 4677f06..f6ba1cc 100644
--- a/plat/qti/msm8916/include/platform_def.h
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/include/platform_def.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <plat/common/common_def.h>
+#ifdef __aarch64__
* There is at least 1 MiB available for BL31. However, at the moment the
* "msm8916_entry_point" variable in the data section is read through the
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
#define BL31_LIMIT (BL31_BASE + SZ_128K)
#define BL31_PROGBITS_LIMIT (BL31_BASE + SZ_64K)
#define BL32_LIMIT (BL32_BASE + SZ_128K)
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/msm8916_config.c b/plat/qti/msm8916/msm8916_config.c
index 5015610..350ed5c 100644
--- a/plat/qti/msm8916/msm8916_config.c
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/msm8916_config.c
@@ -58,10 +58,16 @@
mmio_write_32(APCS_ALIAS_SAW2(cpu), 0);
+#ifdef __aarch64__
/* Make sure all further warm boots end up in BL31 and aarch64 state */
CASSERT((BL31_BASE & 0xffff) == 0, assert_bl31_base_64k_aligned);
mmio_write_32(APCS_AA64NAA32_REG, 1);
+ /* Make sure all further warm boots end up in BL32 */
+ CASSERT((BL32_BASE & 0xffff) == 0, assert_bl32_base_64k_aligned);
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/platform.mk b/plat/qti/msm8916/platform.mk
index b3ea2fe..4dce773 100644
--- a/plat/qti/msm8916/platform.mk
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/platform.mk
@@ -27,8 +27,12 @@
-PLAT_INCLUDES := -Iinclude/plat/arm/common/${ARCH} \
- -Iplat/qti/msm8916/include
+PLAT_INCLUDES := -Iplat/qti/msm8916/include
+ifeq (${ARCH},aarch64)
+# arm_macros.S exists only on aarch64 currently
+PLAT_INCLUDES += -Iinclude/plat/arm/common/${ARCH}
# Only BL31 is supported at the moment and is entered on a single CPU
RESET_TO_BL31 := 1
@@ -62,8 +66,13 @@
# Build config flags
# ------------------
BL31_BASE ?= 0x86500000
PRELOADED_BL33_BASE ?= 0x8f600000
+ifeq (${ARCH},aarch64)
$(eval $(call add_define,BL31_BASE))
+# There is no BL31 on aarch32, so reuse its location for BL32
+BL32_BASE ?= $(BL31_BASE)
$(eval $(call add_define,BL32_BASE))
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/msm8916_sp_min_setup.c b/plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/msm8916_sp_min_setup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ab0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/msm8916_sp_min_setup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Stephan Gerhold <stephan@gerhold.net>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <arch.h>
+#include <common/debug.h>
+#include <lib/xlat_tables/xlat_mmu_helpers.h>
+#include <platform_sp_min.h>
+#include "../msm8916_config.h"
+#include "../msm8916_setup.h"
+static struct {
+ entry_point_info_t bl33;
+} image_ep_info = {
+ /* BL33 entry point */
+ entry_point_info_t, NON_SECURE),
+ .bl33.pc = PRELOADED_BL33_BASE,
+ .bl33.spsr = SPSR_MODE32(MODE32_hyp, SPSR_T_ARM, SPSR_E_LITTLE,
+void sp_min_early_platform_setup2(u_register_t arg0, u_register_t arg1,
+ u_register_t arg2, u_register_t arg3)
+ msm8916_early_platform_setup();
+void sp_min_plat_arch_setup(void)
+ msm8916_plat_arch_setup(BL32_BASE, BL32_END - BL32_BASE);
+ enable_mmu_svc_mon(0);
+void sp_min_platform_setup(void)
+ INFO("SP_MIN: Platform setup start\n");
+ msm8916_platform_setup();
+ msm8916_configure();
+ INFO("SP_MIN: Platform setup done\n");
+entry_point_info_t *sp_min_plat_get_bl33_ep_info(void)
+ return &image_ep_info.bl33;
diff --git a/plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/sp_min-msm8916.mk b/plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/sp_min-msm8916.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be07f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/sp_min-msm8916.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Stephan Gerhold <stephan@gerhold.net>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ plat/common/${ARCH}/platform_mp_stack.S \
+ plat/qti/msm8916/sp_min/msm8916_sp_min_setup.c
+override RESET_TO_SP_MIN := 1