rpi3: Add "rpi" platform directory

With the incoming support for the Raspberry Pi 4 boards, one directory
to serve both versions will not end up well.

Create an additional layer by inserting a "rpi" directory betweeen /plat
and rpi3, so that we can more easily share or separate files between the
two later.

Change-Id: I75adbb054fe7902f34db0fd5e579a55612dd8a5f
Signed-off-by: Andre Przywara <andre.przywara@arm.com>
diff --git a/plat/rpi/rpi3/platform.mk b/plat/rpi/rpi3/platform.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c011c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/rpi/rpi3/platform.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+include lib/libfdt/libfdt.mk
+include lib/xlat_tables_v2/xlat_tables.mk
+PLAT_INCLUDES		:=	-Iplat/rpi/rpi3/include
+PLAT_BL_COMMON_SOURCES	:=	drivers/ti/uart/aarch64/16550_console.S	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_common.c		\
+BL1_SOURCES		+=	drivers/io/io_fip.c			\
+				drivers/io/io_memmap.c			\
+				drivers/io/io_storage.c			\
+				lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a53.S		\
+				plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/aarch64/plat_helpers.S	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_bl1_setup.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_io_storage.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_mbox.c
+BL2_SOURCES		+=	common/desc_image_load.c		\
+				drivers/io/io_fip.c			\
+				drivers/io/io_memmap.c			\
+				drivers/io/io_storage.c			\
+				drivers/gpio/gpio.c			\
+				drivers/delay_timer/delay_timer.c	\
+				drivers/delay_timer/generic_delay_timer.c \
+				drivers/rpi3/gpio/rpi3_gpio.c		\
+				drivers/io/io_block.c			\
+				drivers/mmc/mmc.c			\
+				drivers/rpi3/sdhost/rpi3_sdhost.c	\
+				plat/common/aarch64/platform_mp_stack.S	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/aarch64/plat_helpers.S	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/aarch64/rpi3_bl2_mem_params_desc.c \
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_bl2_setup.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_image_load.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_io_storage.c
+BL31_SOURCES		+=	lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a53.S		\
+				plat/common/plat_psci_common.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/aarch64/plat_helpers.S	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_bl31_setup.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_pm.c			\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_topology.c		\
+# Tune compiler for Cortex-A53
+ifeq ($(notdir $(CC)),armclang)
+    TF_CFLAGS_aarch64	+=	-mcpu=cortex-a53
+else ifneq ($(findstring clang,$(notdir $(CC))),)
+    TF_CFLAGS_aarch64	+=	-mcpu=cortex-a53
+    TF_CFLAGS_aarch64	+=	-mtune=cortex-a53
+# Platform Makefile target
+# ------------------------
+RPI3_BL1_PAD_BIN	:=	${BUILD_PLAT}/bl1_pad.bin
+RPI3_ARMSTUB8_BIN	:=	${BUILD_PLAT}/armstub8.bin
+# Add new default target when compiling this platform
+all: armstub
+# This target concatenates BL1 and the FIP so that the base addresses match the
+# ones defined in the memory map
+armstub: bl1 fip
+	@echo "  CAT     $@"
+	${Q}cp ${BUILD_PLAT}/bl1.bin ${RPI3_BL1_PAD_BIN}
+	${Q}truncate --size=131072 ${RPI3_BL1_PAD_BIN}
+	${Q}cat ${RPI3_BL1_PAD_BIN} ${BUILD_PLAT}/fip.bin > ${RPI3_ARMSTUB8_BIN}
+	@echo "Built $@ successfully"
+# Build config flags
+# ------------------
+# Enable all errata workarounds for Cortex-A53
+ERRATA_A53_826319		:= 1
+ERRATA_A53_835769		:= 1
+ERRATA_A53_836870		:= 1
+ERRATA_A53_843419		:= 1
+ERRATA_A53_855873		:= 1
+WORKAROUND_CVE_2017_5715	:= 0
+# Disable stack protector by default
+# Reset to BL31 isn't supported
+RESET_TO_BL31			:= 0
+# Have different sections for code and rodata
+# Use Coherent memory
+# Platform build flags
+# --------------------
+# BL33 images are in AArch64 by default
+RPI3_BL33_IN_AARCH32		:= 0
+# Assume that BL33 isn't the Linux kernel by default
+# UART to use at runtime. -1 means the runtime UART is disabled.
+# Any other value means the default UART will be used.
+# Use normal memory mapping for ROM, FIP, SRAM and DRAM
+# BL32 location
+RPI3_BL32_RAM_LOCATION	:= tdram
+ifeq (${RPI3_BL32_RAM_LOCATION}, tsram)
+else ifeq (${RPI3_BL32_RAM_LOCATION}, tdram)
+  $(error "Unsupported RPI3_BL32_RAM_LOCATION value")
+# Process platform flags
+# ----------------------
+$(eval $(call add_define,RPI3_BL32_RAM_LOCATION_ID))
+$(eval $(call add_define,RPI3_BL33_IN_AARCH32))
+$(eval $(call add_define,RPI3_DIRECT_LINUX_BOOT))
+$(eval $(call add_define,RPI3_PRELOADED_DTB_BASE))
+$(eval $(call add_define,RPI3_RUNTIME_UART))
+$(eval $(call add_define,RPI3_USE_UEFI_MAP))
+# Verify build config
+# -------------------
+ifneq (${RPI3_DIRECT_LINUX_BOOT}, 0)
+    $(error Error: RPI3_PRELOADED_DTB_BASE needed if RPI3_DIRECT_LINUX_BOOT=1)
+  endif
+ifneq (${RESET_TO_BL31}, 0)
+  $(error Error: rpi3 needs RESET_TO_BL31=0)
+ifeq (${ARCH},aarch32)
+  $(error Error: AArch32 not supported on rpi3)
+PLAT_BL_COMMON_SOURCES	+=	plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_rng.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_stack_protector.c
+ifeq (${SPD},opteed)
+BL2_SOURCES	+=							\
+		lib/optee/optee_utils.c
+# Add the build options to pack Trusted OS Extra1 and Trusted OS Extra2 images
+# in the FIP if the platform requires.
+ifneq ($(BL32_EXTRA1),)
+$(eval $(call TOOL_ADD_IMG,BL32_EXTRA1,--tos-fw-extra1))
+ifneq ($(BL32_EXTRA2),)
+$(eval $(call TOOL_ADD_IMG,BL32_EXTRA2,--tos-fw-extra2))
+ifneq (${TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT},0)
+    include drivers/auth/mbedtls/mbedtls_crypto.mk
+    include drivers/auth/mbedtls/mbedtls_x509.mk
+    AUTH_SOURCES	:=	drivers/auth/auth_mod.c			\
+				drivers/auth/crypto_mod.c		\
+				drivers/auth/img_parser_mod.c		\
+				drivers/auth/tbbr/tbbr_cot.c
+    BL1_SOURCES		+=	${AUTH_SOURCES}				\
+				bl1/tbbr/tbbr_img_desc.c		\
+				plat/common/tbbr/plat_tbbr.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_trusted_boot.c     	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_rotpk.S
+    BL2_SOURCES		+=	${AUTH_SOURCES}				\
+				plat/common/tbbr/plat_tbbr.c		\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_trusted_boot.c     	\
+				plat/rpi/rpi3/rpi3_rotpk.S
+    ROT_KEY             = $(BUILD_PLAT)/rot_key.pem
+    ROTPK_HASH          = $(BUILD_PLAT)/rotpk_sha256.bin
+    $(eval $(call add_define_val,ROTPK_HASH,'"$(ROTPK_HASH)"'))
+    $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl1/rpi3_rotpk.o: $(ROTPK_HASH)
+    $(BUILD_PLAT)/bl2/rpi3_rotpk.o: $(ROTPK_HASH)
+    certificates: $(ROT_KEY)
+    $(ROT_KEY):
+	@echo "  OPENSSL $@"
+	$(Q)openssl genrsa 2048 > $@ 2>/dev/null
+    $(ROTPK_HASH): $(ROT_KEY)
+	@echo "  OPENSSL $@"
+	$(Q)openssl rsa -in $< -pubout -outform DER 2>/dev/null |\
+	openssl dgst -sha256 -binary > $@ 2>/dev/null