doc: Migrate a subset of the GitHub wiki content

With the TF wiki being migrated from GitHub to,
some documents will be moved into the docs/ directory within the
repository rather than remaining as external content. The
appropriate action has been decided on a per-document basis.

Change-Id: Id0f615f3418369256f30d2e34e354a115389d105
Signed-off-by: Joel Hutton <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Beesley <>
diff --git a/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-1.rst b/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b1c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+| Title          | Malformed Firmware Update SMC can result in copy of         |
+|                | unexpectedly large data into secure memory                  |
+| CVE ID         | CVE-2016-10319                                              |
+| Date           | 18 Oct 2016                                                 |
+| Versions       | v1.2 and v1.3 (since commit `48bfb88`_)                     |
+| Affected       |                                                             |
+| Configurations | Platforms that use AArch64 BL1 plus untrusted normal world  |
+| Affected       | firmware update code executing before BL31                  |
+| Impact         | Copy of unexpectedly large data into the free secure memory |
+|                | reported by BL1 platform code                               |
+| Fix Version    | `Pull Request #783`_                                        |
+| Credit         | IOActive                                                    |
+Generic Trusted Firmware (TF) BL1 code contains an SMC interface that is briefly
+available after cold reset to support the Firmware Update (FWU) feature (also
+known as recovery mode). This allows most FWU functionality to be implemented in
+the normal world, while retaining the essential image authentication
+functionality in BL1. When cold boot reaches the EL3 Runtime Software (for
+example, BL31 on AArch64 systems), the FWU SMC interface is replaced by the EL3
+Runtime SMC interface. Platforms may choose how much of this FWU functionality
+to use, if any.
+The BL1 FWU SMC handling code, currently only supported on AArch64, contains
+several vulnerabilities that may be exploited when *all* the following
+conditions apply:
+1. Platform code uses TF BL1 with the ``TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT`` build option
+   enabled.
+2. Platform code arranges for untrusted normal world FWU code to be executed in
+   the cold boot path, before BL31 starts. Untrusted in this sense means code
+   that is not in ROM or has not been authenticated or has otherwise been
+   executed by an attacker.
+3. Platform code copies the insecure pattern described below from the ARM
+   platform version of ``bl1_plat_mem_check()``.
+The vulnerabilities consist of potential integer overflows in the input
+validation checks while handling the ``FWU_SMC_IMAGE_COPY`` SMC. The SMC
+implementation is designed to copy an image into secure memory for subsequent
+authentication, but the vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to copy
+unexpectedly large data into secure memory. Note that a separate vulnerability
+is required to leverage these vulnerabilities; for example a way to get the
+system to change its behaviour based on the unexpected secure memory contents.
+Two of the vulnerabilities are in the function ``bl1_fwu_image_copy()`` in
+``bl1/bl1_fwu.c``. These are listed below, referring to the v1.3 tagged version
+of the code:
+- Line 155:
+  .. code:: c
+    /*
+     * If last block is more than expected then
+     * clip the block to the required image size.
+     */
+    if (image_desc->copied_size + block_size >
+         image_desc->image_info.image_size) {
+        block_size = image_desc->image_info.image_size -
+            image_desc->copied_size;
+        WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy argument block_size > remaining image size."
+            " Clipping block_size\n");
+    }
+    /* Make sure the image src/size is mapped. */
+    if (bl1_plat_mem_check(image_src, block_size, flags)) {
+        WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy arguments source/size not mapped\n");
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    INFO("BL1-FWU: Continuing image copy in blocks\n");
+    /* Copy image for given block size. */
+    base_addr += image_desc->copied_size;
+    image_desc->copied_size += block_size;
+    memcpy((void *)base_addr, (const void *)image_src, block_size);
+    ...
+  This code fragment is executed when the image copy operation is performed in
+  blocks over multiple SMCs. ``block_size`` is an SMC argument and therefore
+  potentially controllable by an attacker. A very large value may result in an
+  integer overflow in the 1st ``if`` statement, which would bypass the check,
+  allowing an unclipped ``block_size`` to be passed into
+  ``bl1_plat_mem_check()``. If ``bl1_plat_mem_check()`` also passes, this may
+  result in an unexpectedly large copy of data into secure memory.
+- Line 206:
+  .. code:: c
+    /* Make sure the image src/size is mapped. */
+    if (bl1_plat_mem_check(image_src, block_size, flags)) {
+        WARN("BL1-FWU: Copy arguments source/size not mapped\n");
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    /* Find out how much free trusted ram remains after BL1 load */
+    mem_layout = bl1_plat_sec_mem_layout();
+    if ((image_desc->image_info.image_base < mem_layout->free_base) ||
+         (image_desc->image_info.image_base + image_size >
+          mem_layout->free_base + mem_layout->free_size)) {
+        WARN("BL1-FWU: Memory not available to copy\n");
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    /* Update the image size. */
+    image_desc->image_info.image_size = image_size;
+    /* Copy image for given size. */
+    memcpy((void *)base_addr, (const void *)image_src, block_size);
+    ...
+  This code fragment is executed during the 1st invocation of the image copy
+  operation. Both ``block_size`` and ``image_size`` are SMC arguments. A very
+  large value of ``image_size`` may result in an integer overflow in the 2nd
+  ``if`` statement, which would bypass the check, allowing execution to proceed.
+  If ``bl1_plat_mem_check()`` also passes, this may result in an unexpectedly
+  large copy of data into secure memory.
+If the platform's implementation of ``bl1_plat_mem_check()`` is correct then it
+may help prevent the above 2 vulnerabilities from being exploited. However, the
+ARM platform version of this function contains a similar vulnerability:
+- Line 88 of ``plat/arm/common/arm_bl1_fwu.c`` in function of
+  ``bl1_plat_mem_check()``:
+  .. code:: c
+    while (mmap[index].mem_size) {
+        if ((mem_base >= mmap[index].mem_base) &&
+            ((mem_base + mem_size)
+            <= (mmap[index].mem_base +
+            mmap[index].mem_size)))
+            return 0;
+        index++;
+    }
+    ...
+  This function checks that the passed memory region is within one of the
+  regions mapped in by ARM platforms. Here, ``mem_size`` may be the
+  ``block_size`` passed from ``bl1_fwu_image_copy()``. A very large value of
+  ``mem_size`` may result in an integer overflow and the function to incorrectly
+  return success. Platforms that copy this insecure pattern will have the same
+  vulnerability.
+.. _48bfb88:
+.. _Pull Request #783: