nxp:driver for crypto h/w accelerator caam

NXP has hardware crypto accelerator called CAAM.
- Work with Job ring
- Jobs are submitted to CAAM in the form of 64 word

Signed-off-by: Ruchika Gupta <ruchika.gupta@nxp.com>
Signed-off-by: Pankaj Gupta <pankaj.gupta@nxp.com>
Change-Id: I02bcfce68143b8630e1833a74c4b126972f4323d
diff --git a/drivers/nxp/crypto/caam/include/sec_jr_driver.h b/drivers/nxp/crypto/caam/include/sec_jr_driver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1381eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/nxp/crypto/caam/include/sec_jr_driver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2020 NXP
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _JR_DRIVER_H_
+#define _JR_DRIVER_H_
+#include "jr_driver_config.h"
+/* The maximum size of a SEC descriptor, in WORDs (32 bits). */
+#define MAX_DESC_SIZE_WORDS		64
+#define CAAM_TIMEOUT   200000	/* ms */
+/* Return codes for JR user space driver APIs */
+typedef enum sec_return_code_e {
+} sec_return_code_t;
+ * @brief Function called by JR User Space driver to notify every processed
+ *         descriptor.
+ *
+ * Callback provided by the User Application.
+ * Callback is invoked by JR User Space driver for each descriptor processed by
+ * SEC
+ * @param [in] status          Status word indicating processing result for
+ *                                this descriptor.
+ * @param [in] arg               Opaque data passed by User Application
+ *                                It is opaque from JR driver's point of view.
+ * @param [in] job_ring           The job ring handle on which the processed
+ *                               descriptor word was enqueued
+ */
+typedef void (*user_callback) (uint32_t *desc, uint32_t status,
+			       void *arg, void *job_ring);
+ * Structure encompassing a job descriptor which is to be processed
+ * by SEC. User should also initialise this structure with the callback
+ * function pointer which will be called by driver after recieving proccessed
+ * descriptor from SEC. User data is also passed in this data structure which
+ * will be sent as an argument to the user callback function.
+ */
+struct job_descriptor {
+	uint32_t desc[MAX_DESC_SIZE_WORDS];
+	void *arg;
+	user_callback callback;
+ * @brief Initialize the JR User Space driver.
+ * This function will handle initialization of sec library
+ * along with registering platform specific callbacks,
+ * as well as local data initialization.
+ * Call once during application startup.
+ * @note Global SEC initialization is done in SEC kernel driver.
+ * @note The hardware IDs of the initialized Job Rings are opaque to the UA.
+ * The exact Job Rings used by this library are decided between SEC user
+ * space driver and SEC kernel driver. A static partitioning of Job Rings is
+ * assumed, configured in DTS(device tree specification) file.
+ * @param [in] platform_cb     Registering the platform specific
+ *                             callbacks with driver
+ * @retval ::0                 for successful execution
+ * @retval ::-1                failure
+ */
+int sec_jr_lib_init(void);
+ * @brief Initialize the software and hardware resources tied to a job ring.
+ * @param [in] jr_mode;        Model to be used by SEC Driver to receive
+ *                             notifications from SEC.  Can be either
+ *                             SEC_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_IRQ or
+ *                             SEC_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_POLL
+ * @param [in] irq_coalescing_timer This value determines the maximum
+ *                                     amount of time after processing a
+ *                                     descriptor before raising an interrupt.
+ * @param [in] irq_coalescing_count This value determines how many
+ *                                     descriptors are completed before
+ *                                     raising an interrupt.
+ * @param [in] reg_base_addr   The job ring base address register
+ * @param [in] irq_id          The job ring interrupt identification number.
+ * @retval  job_ring_handle for successful job ring configuration
+ * @retval  NULL on error
+ */
+void *init_job_ring(uint8_t jr_mode,
+		    uint16_t irq_coalescing_timer,
+		    uint8_t irq_coalescing_count,
+		    void *reg_base_addr, uint32_t irq_id);
+ * @brief Release the resources used by the JR User Space driver.
+ * Reset and release SEC's job rings indicated by the User Application at
+ * init_job_ring() and free any memory allocated internally.
+ * Call once during application tear down.
+ * @note In case there are any descriptors in-flight (descriptors received by
+ * JR driver for processing and for which no response was yet provided to UA),
+ * the descriptors are discarded without any notifications to User Application.
+ * @retval ::0                 is returned for a successful execution
+ * @retval ::-1                is returned if JR driver release is in progress
+ */
+int sec_release(void);
+ * @brief Submit a descriptor for SEC processing.
+ * This function creates a "job" which is meant to instruct SEC HW
+ * to perform the processing on the input buffer. The "job" is enqueued
+ * in the Job Ring associated. The function will return after the "job"
+ * enqueue is finished. The function will not wait for SEC to
+ * start or/and finish the "job" processing.
+ * After the processing is finished the SEC HW writes the processing result
+ * to the provided output buffer.
+ * The Caller must poll JR driver using jr_dequeue()
+ * to receive notifications of the processing completion
+ * status. The notifications are received by caller by means of callback
+ * (see ::user_callback).
+ * @param [in]  job_ring_handle   The handle of the job ring on which
+ *                                descriptor is to be enqueued
+ * @param [in]  job_descriptor    The job descriptor structure of type
+ *                                struct job_descriptor. This structure
+ *                                should be filled with job descriptor along
+ *                                with callback function to be called after
+ *                                processing of descriptor and some
+ *                                opaque data passed to be passed to the
+ *                                callback function
+ *
+ * @retval ::0                 is returned for successful execution
+ * @retval ::-1                is returned if there is some enqueue failure
+ */
+int enq_jr_desc(void *job_ring_handle, struct job_descriptor *jobdescr);
+ * @brief Polls for available descriptors processed by SEC on a specific
+ * Job Ring
+ * This function polls the SEC Job Rings and delivers processed descriptors
+ * Each processed descriptor has a user_callback registered.
+ * This user_callback is invoked for each processed descriptor.
+ * The polling is stopped when "limit" descriptors are notified or when
+ * there are no more descriptors to notify.
+ * @note The dequeue_jr() API cannot be called from within a user_callback
+ * function
+ * @param [in]  job_ring_handle    The Job Ring handle.
+ * @param [in]  limit              This value represents the maximum number
+ *                                 of processed descriptors that can be
+ *                                 notified API call on this Job Ring.
+ *                                 Note that fewer descriptors may be notified
+ *                                 if enough processed descriptors are not
+ *                                 available.
+ *                                 If limit has a negative value, then all
+ *                                 ready descriptors will be notified.
+ *
+ * @retval :: >=0                  is returned where retval is the total
+ *                                 Number of descriptors notified
+ *                                 during this function call.
+ * @retval :: -1                   is returned in case of some error
+ */
+int dequeue_jr(void *job_ring_handle, int32_t limit);
+#endif /* _JR_DRIVER_H_  */