feat(plat/nxp/common): add build macro for BOOT_MODE validation checking

1. Added the build macro "add_boot_mode_define".
2. Use the macro to validate current BOOT_MODE against the
   pre-determined list of SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE, so each platform
   need to define the list: SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE.
3. Reports error if BOOT_MODE is not in SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE list,
   or BOOT_MODE is not supported yet althoug it is in SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE.

Signed-off-by: Biwen Li <biwen.li@nxp.com>
Signed-off-by: Jiafei Pan <Jiafei.Pan@nxp.com>
Change-Id: I29be60ecdb19fbec1cd162e327cdfb30ba629b07
diff --git a/plat/nxp/common/plat_make_helper/plat_common_def.mk b/plat/nxp/common/plat_make_helper/plat_common_def.mk
index 79f94bd..86dacf8 100644
--- a/plat/nxp/common/plat_make_helper/plat_common_def.mk
+++ b/plat/nxp/common/plat_make_helper/plat_common_def.mk
@@ -70,3 +70,34 @@
 ifeq (${WARM_BOOT},yes)
+# Selecting Boot Source for the TFA images.
+define add_boot_mode_define
+    ifeq ($(1),qspi)
+        $$(eval $$(call SET_NXP_MAKE_FLAG,QSPI_NEEDED,BL2))
+        $$(eval $$(call add_define,QSPI_BOOT))
+    else ifeq ($(1),sd)
+        $$(eval $$(call SET_NXP_MAKE_FLAG,SD_MMC_NEEDED,BL2))
+        $$(eval $$(call add_define,SD_BOOT))
+    else ifeq ($(1),emmc)
+        $$(eval $$(call SET_NXP_MAKE_FLAG,SD_MMC_NEEDED,BL2))
+        $$(eval $$(call add_define,EMMC_BOOT))
+    else ifeq ($(1),nor)
+        $$(eval $$(call SET_NXP_MAKE_FLAG,IFC_NOR_NEEDED,BL2))
+        $$(eval $$(call add_define,NOR_BOOT))
+    else ifeq ($(1),nand)
+        $$(eval $$(call SET_NXP_MAKE_FLAG,IFC_NAND_NEEDED,BL2))
+        $$(eval $$(call add_define,NAND_BOOT))
+    else ifeq ($(1),flexspi_nor)
+        $$(eval $$(call SET_NXP_MAKE_FLAG,XSPI_NEEDED,BL2))
+        $$(eval $$(call add_define,FLEXSPI_NOR_BOOT))
+    else
+        $$(error $(PLAT) Cannot Support Boot Mode: $(BOOT_MODE))
+    endif
+ifneq (,$(findstring $(BOOT_MODE),$(SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE)))
+    $(eval $(call add_boot_mode_define,$(strip $(BOOT_MODE))))
+    $(error $(PLAT) Un-supported Boot Mode = $(BOOT_MODE))