docs: discourage usage of weak functions

As a coding guideline, we now discourage introducing new weak
functions in platform-agnostic code going forward and provide the
rationale for this.

This was already enforced most of the time in code reviews but this
patch makes it explicit in the project's documentation.

Signed-off-by: Sandrine Bailleux <>
Change-Id: I88f4a55788899fb4146c4d26afb3a7418376b30c
diff --git a/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst b/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
index 0e4d1e3..6735cb1 100644
--- a/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
@@ -14,10 +14,17 @@
 The platform-specific functions and variables are declared in
 ``include/plat/common/platform.h``. The firmware provides a default
-implementation of variables and functions to fulfill the optional requirements.
-These implementations are all weakly defined; they are provided to ease the
-porting effort. Each platform port can override them with its own implementation
-if the default implementation is inadequate.
+implementation of variables and functions to fulfill the optional requirements
+in order to ease the porting effort. Each platform port can use them as is or
+provide their own implementation if the default implementation is inadequate.
+   .. note::
+      TF-A historically provided default implementations of platform interfaces
+      as *weak* functions. This practice is now discouraged and new platform
+      interfaces as they get introduced in the code base should be *strongly*
+      defined. We intend to convert existing weak functions over time. Until
+      then, you will find references to *weak* functions in this document.
 Some modifications are common to all Boot Loader (BL) stages. Section 2
 discusses these in detail. The subsequent sections discuss the remaining