stm32mp1: Link BL2, BL32 and DTB in one binary is updated to have compilation rules for DTB, stm32image tool,
and the concatenation of the 3 binaries.
A new linker script and an assembly file are added to manage this.

Signed-off-by: Yann Gautier <>
Signed-off-by: Mathieu Belou <>
Signed-off-by: Lionel Debieve <>
diff --git a/plat/st/stm32mp1/ b/plat/st/stm32mp1/
index 1609213..3f938d9 100644
--- a/plat/st/stm32mp1/
+++ b/plat/st/stm32mp1/
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
 PLAT_INCLUDES		+=	-Iinclude/common/tbbr
 PLAT_INCLUDES		+=	-Iinclude/drivers/st
+# Device tree
+STM32_DTB_FILE_NAME	?=	stm32mp157c-ev1.dtb
+FDT_SOURCES		:=	$(addprefix fdts/, $(patsubst %.dtb,%.dts,$(STM32_DTB_FILE_NAME)))
+DTC_FLAGS		+=	-Wno-unit_address_vs_reg
 include lib/libfdt/
 PLAT_BL_COMMON_SOURCES	:=	plat/st/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_common.c
@@ -68,3 +73,76 @@
 # For memory footprint optimization, build with thumb and interwork support
 ASFLAGS			+=	-mthumb -mthumb-interwork
 TF_CFLAGS		+=	-mthumb -mthumb-interwork
+# Macros and rules to build TF binary
+STM32_TF_ELF_LDFLAGS	:=	--hash-style=gnu --as-needed
+STM32_TF_STM32		:=	${BUILD_PLAT}/tf-a-${STM32_DT_BASENAME}.stm32
+STM32_TF_BINARY		:=	$(STM32_TF_STM32:.stm32=.bin)
+STM32_TF_LINKERFILE	:=	$(STM32_TF_STM32:.stm32=.ld)
+STM32_TF_ELF		:=	$(STM32_TF_STM32:.stm32=.elf)
+STM32_TF_OBJS		:=	${BUILD_PLAT}/stm32mp1.o
+# Variables for use with stm32image
+STM32IMAGEPATH		?= tools/stm32image
+STM32IMAGE		?= ${STM32IMAGEPATH}/stm32image${BIN_EXT}
+.PHONY:			${STM32_TF_STM32}
+all: check_dtc_version ${STM32_TF_STM32} stm32image
+ifeq ($(AARCH32_SP),sp_min)
+# BL32 is built only if using SP_MIN
+BL32_DEP		:= bl32
+BL32_PATH		:= -DBL32_BIN_PATH=\"${BUILD_PLAT}/bl32.bin\"
+distclean realclean clean: clean_stm32image
+	${Q}${MAKE} CPPFLAGS="" --no-print-directory -C ${STM32IMAGEPATH}
+	${Q}${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C ${STM32IMAGEPATH} clean
+	$(eval DTC_V = $(shell $(DTC) -v | awk '{print $$NF}'))
+	$(eval DTC_VERSION = $(shell printf "%d" $(shell echo ${DTC_V} | cut -d- -f1 | sed "s/\./0/g")))
+	@if [ ${DTC_VERSION} -lt 10404 ]; then \
+		echo "dtc version too old (${DTC_V}), you need at least version 1.4.4"; \
+		false; \
+	fi
+${STM32_TF_OBJS}:	plat/st/stm32mp1/stm32mp1.S bl2 ${BL32_DEP} ${STM32_TF_DTBFILE}
+			@echo "  AS      $<"
+			${Q}${AS} ${ASFLAGS} ${TF_CFLAGS} \
+				${BL32_PATH} \
+				-DBL2_BIN_PATH=\"${BUILD_PLAT}/bl2.bin\" \
+				-c plat/st/stm32mp1/stm32mp1.S -o $@
+${STM32_TF_LINKERFILE}:	plat/st/stm32mp1/stm32mp1.ld.S
+			@echo "  LDS     $<"
+			${Q}${AS} ${ASFLAGS} ${TF_CFLAGS} -P -E $< -o $@
+			@echo "  LDS     $<"
+			${Q}${LD} -o $@ ${STM32_TF_ELF_LDFLAGS} -Map=${STM32_TF_MAPFILE} --script ${STM32_TF_LINKERFILE} ${STM32_TF_OBJS}
+			${Q}${OC} -O binary ${STM32_TF_ELF} $@
+			@echo
+			@echo "Built $@ successfully"
+			@echo
+${STM32_TF_STM32}:	stm32image ${STM32_TF_BINARY}
+			@echo
+			@echo "Generated $@"
+			$(eval LOADADDR =  $(shell cat ${STM32_TF_MAPFILE} | grep RAM | awk '{print $$2}'))
+			$(eval ENTRY =  $(shell cat ${STM32_TF_MAPFILE} | grep "__BL2_IMAGE_START" | awk '{print $$1}'))
+			${STM32IMAGE} -s ${STM32_TF_BINARY} -d $@ -l $(LOADADDR) -e ${ENTRY} -v ${STM32_TF_VERSION}
+			@echo