fix(st): properly check LOADADDR

LOADADDR variable is retrieved from line starting with RAM in map file.
But if the build path contains RAM, this keywords will appear several
times and the grep will fail. Correct that by really checking the line
starting with RAM thanks to grep '^RAM'.

Change-Id: I2ce23edb5255028b1a56ba45c16569a42ae21ae2
Signed-off-by: Yann Gautier <>
diff --git a/plat/st/common/ b/plat/st/common/
index fa48dfc..8d54566 100644
--- a/plat/st/common/
+++ b/plat/st/common/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 tf-a-%.stm32: tf-a-%.bin ${STM32_DEPS}
 	@echo "Generate $@"
-	$(eval LOADADDR = $(shell cat $( | grep RAM | awk '{print $$2}'))
+	$(eval LOADADDR = $(shell cat $( | grep '^RAM' | awk '{print $$2}'))
 	$(eval ENTRY = $(shell cat $( | grep "__BL2_IMAGE_START" | awk '{print $$1}'))
 	${Q}${STM32IMAGE} -s $< -d $@ \
 		-l $(LOADADDR) -e ${ENTRY} \