FWU: Add Generic Firmware Update framework support in BL1

Firmware update(a.k.a FWU) feature is part of the TBB architecture.
BL1 is responsible for carrying out the FWU process if platform
specific code detects that it is needed.

This patch adds support for FWU feature support in BL1 which is
included by enabling `TRUSTED_BOARD_BOOT` compile time flag.

This patch adds bl1_fwu.c which contains all the core operations
of FWU, which are; SMC handler, image copy, authentication, execution
and resumption. It also adds bl1.h introducing #defines for all

Following platform porting functions are introduced:

int bl1_plat_mem_check(uintptr_t mem_base, unsigned int mem_size,
unsigned int flags);
	This function can be used to add platform specific memory checks
	for the provided base/size for the given security state.
	The weak definition will invoke `assert()` and return -ENOMEM.

__dead2 void bl1_plat_fwu_done(void *cookie, void *reserved);
	This function can be used to initiate platform specific procedure
	to mark completion of the FWU process.
	The weak definition waits forever calling `wfi()`.

plat_bl1_common.c contains weak definitions for above functions.

FWU process starts when platform detects it and return the image_id
other than BL2_IMAGE_ID by using `bl1_plat_get_next_image_id()` in

NOTE: User MUST provide platform specific real definition for
bl1_plat_mem_check() in order to use it for Firmware update.

Change-Id: Ice189a0885d9722d9e1dd03f76cac1aceb0e25ed
diff --git a/bl1/aarch64/bl1_exceptions.S b/bl1/aarch64/bl1_exceptions.S
index 8802301..9ff6a57 100644
--- a/bl1/aarch64/bl1_exceptions.S
+++ b/bl1/aarch64/bl1_exceptions.S
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <arch.h>
 #include <asm_macros.S>
 #include <bl_common.h>
+#include <bl1.h>
 #include <context.h>
 	.globl	bl1_exceptions
@@ -181,29 +182,40 @@
 func smc_handler64
 	/* ----------------------------------------------
-	 * Switch back to SP_EL0 for the C runtime stack.
+	 * Detect if this is a RUN_IMAGE or other SMC.
 	 * ----------------------------------------------
+	mov	x30, #BL1_SMC_RUN_IMAGE
+	cmp	x30, x0
+	b.ne	smc_handler
+	/* ------------------------------------------------
+	 * Make sure only Secure world reaches here.
+	 * ------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	mrs	x30, scr_el3
+	tst	x30, #SCR_NS_BIT
+	b.ne	unexpected_sync_exception
+	/* ----------------------------------------------
+	 * Handling RUN_IMAGE SMC. First switch back to
+	 * SP_EL0 for the C runtime stack.
+	 * ----------------------------------------------
+	 */
 	msr	spsel, #0
 	mov	sp, x30
 	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	 * Only a single SMC exception from BL2 to ask BL1 to pass EL3 control
-	 * to BL31 is expected here. It expects:
-	 *   - X0 with RUN_IMAGE SMC function ID;
-	 *   - X1 with the address of a entry_point_info_t structure describing
-	 *     the BL31 entrypoint.
+	 * Pass EL3 control to BL31.
+	 * Here it expects X1 with the address of a entry_point_info_t
+	 * structure describing the BL31 entrypoint.
 	 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	mov	x19, x0
 	mov	x20, x1
-	mov	x0, #RUN_IMAGE
-	cmp	x19, x0
-	b.ne	unexpected_sync_exception
 	mov	x0, x20
 	bl	bl1_print_bl31_ep_info
@@ -238,3 +250,69 @@
 	bl	plat_report_exception
 	b	unexpected_sync_exception
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Save Secure/Normal world context and jump to
+	 * BL1 SMC handler.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Save the GP registers x0-x29.
+	 * TODO: Revisit to store only SMCC specified registers.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	bl	save_gp_registers
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Populate the parameters for the SMC handler. We
+	 * already have x0-x4 in place. x5 will point to a
+	 * cookie (not used now). x6 will point to the context
+	 * structure (SP_EL3) and x7 will contain flags we need
+	 * to pass to the handler.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	mov	x5, xzr
+	mov	x6, sp
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Restore the saved C runtime stack value which will
+	 * become the new SP_EL0 i.e. EL3 runtime stack. It was
+	 * saved in the 'cpu_context' structure prior to the last
+	 * ERET from EL3.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	/* ---------------------------------------------
+	 * Switch back to SP_EL0 for the C runtime stack.
+	 * ---------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	msr	spsel, #0
+	mov	sp, x12
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Save the SPSR_EL3, ELR_EL3, & SCR_EL3 in case there
+	 * is a world switch during SMC handling.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	mrs	x16, spsr_el3
+	mrs	x17, elr_el3
+	mrs	x18, scr_el3
+	stp	x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]
+	str	x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]
+	/* Copy SCR_EL3.NS bit to the flag to indicate caller's security */
+	bfi	x7, x18, #0, #1
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Go to BL1 SMC handler.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	bl	bl1_smc_handler
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 * Do the transition to next BL image.
+	 * -----------------------------------------------------
+	 */
+	b	el3_exit