nxp: add data handler used by bl31

bl31-data file written in assembly helps to manage data at bl31.

Signed-off-by: rocket <rod.dorris@nxp.com>
Signed-off-by: Pankaj Gupta <pankaj.gupta@nxp.com>
Change-Id: Ic3ace03364648cc1174bb05b5b334b9ccdaaa4ed
diff --git a/plat/nxp/common/aarch64/bl31_data.S b/plat/nxp/common/aarch64/bl31_data.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc91540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/nxp/common/aarch64/bl31_data.S
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-2020 NXP
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ *
+ */
+#include <asm_macros.S>
+#include "bl31_data.h"
+#include "plat_psci.h"
+#include "platform_def.h"
+.global _getCoreData
+.global _setCoreData
+.global _getCoreState
+.global _setCoreState
+.global _init_global_data
+.global _get_global_data
+.global _set_global_data
+.global _initialize_psci
+.global _init_task_flags
+.global _set_task1_start
+.global _set_task1_done
+/* Function returns the specified data field value from the specified cpu
+ * core data area
+ * in:  x0 = core mask lsb
+ *	x1 = data field name/offset
+ * out: x0 = data value
+ * uses x0, x1, x2, [x13, x14, x15]
+ */
+func _getCoreData
+	/* generate a 0-based core number from the input mask */
+	clz   x2, x0
+	mov   x0, #63
+	sub   x0, x0, x2
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* determine if this is bootcore or secondary core */
+	cbnz  x0, 1f
+	/* get base address for bootcore data */
+	ldr  x2, =BC_PSCI_BASE
+	add  x2, x2, x1
+	b	2f
+1:	/* get base address for secondary core data */
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* generate number of regions to offset */
+	mov   x2, #SEC_REGION_SIZE
+	mul   x2, x2, x0
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* x2 = region offset */
+	/* generate the total offset to data element */
+	sub   x1, x2, x1
+	/* x1 = total offset to data element */
+	/* get the base address */
+	ldr   x2, =SECONDARY_TOP
+	/* apply offset to base addr */
+	sub   x2, x2, x1
+	/* x2 = data element address */
+	dc   ivac, x2
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	/* read data */
+	ldr  x0, [x2]
+	ret
+endfunc _getCoreData
+/* Function returns the SoC-specific state of the specified cpu
+ * in:  x0 = core mask lsb
+ * out: x0 = data value
+ * uses x0, x1, x2, [x13, x14, x15]
+ */
+func _getCoreState
+	mov   x1, #CORE_STATE_DATA
+	/* generate a 0-based core number from the input mask */
+	clz   x2, x0
+	mov   x0, #63
+	sub   x0, x0, x2
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* determine if this is bootcore or secondary core */
+	cbnz  x0, 1f
+	/* get base address for bootcore data */
+	ldr  x2, =BC_PSCI_BASE
+	add  x2, x2, x1
+	b	2f
+1:	/* get base address for secondary core data */
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* generate number of regions to offset */
+	mov   x2, #SEC_REGION_SIZE
+	mul   x2, x2, x0
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* x2 = region offset */
+	/* generate the total offset to data element */
+	sub   x1, x2, x1
+	/* x1 = total offset to data element */
+	/* get the base address */
+	ldr   x2, =SECONDARY_TOP
+	/* apply offset to base addr */
+	sub   x2, x2, x1
+	/* x2 = data element address */
+	dc   ivac, x2
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	/* read data */
+	ldr  x0, [x2]
+	ret
+endfunc _getCoreState
+/* Function writes the specified data value into the specified cpu
+ * core data area
+ * in:  x0 = core mask lsb
+ *	  x1 = data field offset
+ *	  x2 = data value to write/store
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1, x2, x3, [x13, x14, x15]
+ */
+func _setCoreData
+	/* x0 = core mask */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* x2 = data value */
+	clz   x3, x0
+	mov   x0, #63
+	sub   x0, x0, x3
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* x2 = data value */
+	/* determine if this is bootcore or secondary core */
+	cbnz  x0, 1f
+	/* get base address for bootcore data */
+	ldr  x3, =BC_PSCI_BASE
+	add  x3, x3, x1
+	b	2f
+1:	/* get base address for secondary core data */
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* x2 = data value */
+	/* generate number of regions to offset */
+	mov   x3, #SEC_REGION_SIZE
+	mul   x3, x3, x0
+	/* x1 = field offset */
+	/* x2 = data value */
+	/* x3 = region offset */
+	/* generate the total offset to data element */
+	sub   x1, x3, x1
+	/* x1 = total offset to data element */
+	/* x2 = data value */
+	ldr   x3, =SECONDARY_TOP
+	/* apply offset to base addr */
+	sub   x3, x3, x1
+	/* x2 = data value */
+	/* x3 = data element address */
+	str   x2, [x3]
+	dc	cvac, x3
+	dsb   sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _setCoreData
+/* Function stores the specified core state
+ * in:  x0 = core mask lsb
+ *	x1 = data value to write/store
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1, x2, x3, [x13, x14, x15]
+ */
+func _setCoreState
+	mov  x2, #CORE_STATE_DATA
+	clz   x3, x0
+	mov   x0, #63
+	sub   x0, x0, x3
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = data value */
+	/* x2 = field offset */
+	/* determine if this is bootcore or secondary core */
+	cbnz  x0, 1f
+	/* get base address for bootcore data */
+	ldr  x3, =BC_PSCI_BASE
+	add  x3, x3, x2
+	b	2f
+1:	/* get base address for secondary core data */
+	/* x0 = core number (0-based) */
+	/* x1 = data value */
+	/* x2 = field offset */
+	/* generate number of regions to offset */
+	mov   x3, #SEC_REGION_SIZE
+	mul   x3, x3, x0
+	/* x1 = data value */
+	/* x2 = field offset */
+	/* x3 = region offset */
+	/* generate the total offset to data element */
+	sub   x2, x3, x2
+	/* x1 = data value */
+	/* x2 = total offset to data element */
+	ldr   x3, =SECONDARY_TOP
+	/* apply offset to base addr */
+	sub   x3, x3, x2
+	/* x1 = data value */
+	/* x3 = data element address */
+	str   x1, [x3]
+	dc	civac, x3
+	dsb   sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _setCoreState
+/* Function sets the task1 start
+ * in:  w0 = value to set flag to
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1
+ */
+func _set_task1_start
+	ldr  x1, =SMC_TASK1_BASE
+	add  x1, x1, #TSK_START_OFFSET
+	str  w0, [x1]
+	dc   cvac, x1
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _set_task1_start
+/* Function sets the state of the task 1 done flag
+ * in:  w0 = value to set flag to
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1
+ */
+func _set_task1_done
+	ldr  x1, =SMC_TASK1_BASE
+	add  x1, x1, #TSK_DONE_OFFSET
+	str  w0, [x1]
+	dc   cvac, x1
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _set_task1_done
+/* Function initializes the smc global data entries
+ * Note: the constant LAST_SMC_GLBL_OFFSET must reference the last entry in the
+ *	   smc global region
+ * in:  none
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1, x2
+ */
+func _init_global_data
+	ldr  x1, =SMC_GLBL_BASE
+	/* x1 = SMC_GLBL_BASE */
+	add x2, x2, x1
+	str  xzr, [x1]
+	dc   cvac, x1
+	cmp  x2, x1
+	add  x1, x1, #8
+	b.hi 1b
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _init_global_data
+/* Function gets the value of the specified global data element
+ * in:  x0 = offset of data element
+ * out: x0 = requested data element
+ * uses x0, x1
+ */
+func _get_global_data
+	ldr  x1, =SMC_GLBL_BASE
+	add  x1, x1, x0
+	dc   ivac, x1
+	isb
+	ldr  x0, [x1]
+	ret
+endfunc _get_global_data
+/* Function sets the value of the specified global data element
+ * in:  x0 = offset of data element
+ *	  x1 = value to write
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1, x2
+ */
+func _set_global_data
+	ldr  x2, =SMC_GLBL_BASE
+	add  x0, x0, x2
+	str  x1, [x0]
+	dc   cvac, x0
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _set_global_data
+/* Function initializes the core data areas
+ * only executed by the boot core
+ * in:   none
+ * out:  none
+ * uses: x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, [x13, x14, x15]
+ */
+func _initialize_psci
+	mov   x7, x30
+	/* initialize the bootcore psci data */
+	ldr   x5, =BC_PSCI_BASE
+	mov   x6, #CORE_RELEASED
+	str   x6,  [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5], #8
+	dc cvac, x5
+	str   xzr, [x5]
+	dc cvac, x5
+	dsb sy
+	isb
+	/* see if we have any secondary cores */
+	sub   x4, x4, #1
+	cbz   x4, 3f
+	/* initialize the secondary core's psci data */
+	ldr  x5, =SECONDARY_TOP
+	/* core mask lsb for core 1 */
+	mov  x3, #2
+	sub  x5, x5, #SEC_REGION_SIZE
+	/* x3 = core1 mask lsb */
+	/* x4 = number of secondary cores */
+	/* x5 = core1 psci data base address */
+	/* set core state in x6 */
+	mov  x0, x3
+	mov  x6, #CORE_IN_RESET
+	bl   _soc_ck_disabled
+	cbz  x0, 1f
+	mov  x6, #CORE_DISABLED
+	add   x2, x5, #CORE_STATE_DATA
+	str   x6,  [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #SPSR_EL3_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #CNTXT_ID_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #START_ADDR_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #LINK_REG_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #GICC_CTLR_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #ABORT_FLAG_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #SCTLR_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #CPUECTLR_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #AUX_01_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #AUX_02_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #AUX_03_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #AUX_04_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #AUX_05_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #SCR_EL3_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	add   x2, x5, #HCR_EL2_DATA
+	str   xzr, [x2]
+	dc cvac, x2
+	dsb sy
+	isb
+	sub   x4, x4, #1
+	cbz   x4, 3f
+	/* generate next core mask */
+	lsl  x3, x3, #1
+	/* decrement base address to next data area */
+	sub  x5, x5, #SEC_REGION_SIZE
+	b	2b
+	mov   x30, x7
+	ret
+endfunc _initialize_psci
+/* Function initializes the soc init task flags
+ * in:  none
+ * out: none
+ * uses x0, x1, [x13, x14, x15]
+ */
+func _init_task_flags
+	/* get the base address of the first task structure */
+	ldr  x0, =SMC_TASK1_BASE
+	/* x0 = task1 base address */
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_START_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_DONE_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_CORE_OFFSET]
+	dc   cvac, x0
+	/* move to task2 structure */
+	add  x0, x0, #SMC_TASK_OFFSET
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_START_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_DONE_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_CORE_OFFSET]
+	dc   cvac, x0
+	/* move to task3 structure */
+	add  x0, x0, #SMC_TASK_OFFSET
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_START_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_DONE_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_CORE_OFFSET]
+	dc   cvac, x0
+	/* move to task4 structure */
+	add  x0, x0, #SMC_TASK_OFFSET
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_START_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_DONE_OFFSET]
+	str  wzr, [x0, #TSK_CORE_OFFSET]
+	dc   cvac, x0
+	dsb  sy
+	isb
+	ret
+endfunc _init_task_flags