intel: Implement platform specific system reset 2

Add support for platform specific warm-reset through psci system reset 2.

- system_reset2 implementation that calls for l2 cache reset
- Check for magic number and request for warm reset in bl2
- Create a shared reset manager header file for Agilex and Stratix 10
- Clean up parameter info in plat_get_next_bl_params

Signed-off-by: Hadi Asyrafi <>
Change-Id: I3fdd9a2711c80d9bd3dc05b81527781d840bd726
diff --git a/plat/intel/soc/common/aarch64/plat_helpers.S b/plat/intel/soc/common/aarch64/plat_helpers.S
index 27b538a..5cb9b69 100644
--- a/plat/intel/soc/common/aarch64/plat_helpers.S
+++ b/plat/intel/soc/common/aarch64/plat_helpers.S
@@ -66,12 +66,34 @@
 endfunc plat_my_core_pos
+func warm_reset_req
+	str	xzr, [x4]
+	bl	plat_is_my_cpu_primary
+	cbz	x0, cpu_in_wfi
+	mov_imm x1, PLAT_SEC_ENTRY
+	str	xzr, [x1]
+	mrs	x1, rmr_el3
+	orr	x1, x1, #0x02
+	msr	rmr_el3, x1
+	isb
+	dsb	sy
+	wfi
+	b	cpu_in_wfi
+endfunc warm_reset_req
 func plat_get_my_entrypoint
+	ldr	x4, =L2_RESET_DONE_REG
+	ldr	x5, [x4]
+	cmp	x1, x5
+	b.eq	warm_reset_req
 	mov_imm	x1, PLAT_SEC_ENTRY
 	ldr	x0, [x1]
 endfunc plat_get_my_entrypoint
 	/* ---------------------------------------------
 	 * int plat_crash_console_init(void)
 	 * Function to initialize the crash console