Merge "style(linker_script): fix indentation" into integration
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
lib/compiler-rt \
lib/libfdt% \
lib/libc, \
+ lib/zlib \
$(wildcard lib/*)))
ROOT_DIRS_TO_CHECK := $(sort $(filter-out \
lib \
@@ -148,7 +149,10 @@
# USE_SPINLOCK_CAS requires AArch64 build
diff --git a/changelog.yaml b/changelog.yaml
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--- a/changelog.yaml
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- title: commitlint
scope: commitlint
+ - title: Compiler runtime libraries
+ scope: compiler-rt
- title: libfdt
scope: libfdt
- title: Node Package Manager (NPM)
scope: npm
+ - title: zlib
+ scope: zlib
diff --git a/docs/components/el3-spmc.rst b/docs/components/el3-spmc.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+EL3 Secure Partition Manager
+.. contents::
+This document describes the design of the EL3 SPMC based on the FF-A specification.
+EL3 SPMC provides reference FF-A compliant implementation without S-EL2 virtualization support,
+to help adopt and migrate to FF-A early.
+EL3 SPMC implementation in TF-A:
+- Manages a single S-EL1 Secure Partition
+- Provides a standard protocol for communication and memory sharing between FF-A endpoints.
+- Provides support for EL3 Logical Partitions to support easy migration from EL3 to S-EL1.
+Sample reference stack
+The following diagram illustrates a possible configuration when the
+FEAT_SEL2 architecture extension is not implemented, showing the SPMD
+and SPMC at EL3, one S-EL1 secure partition, with an optional
+.. image:: ../resources/diagrams/ff-a-spm-at-el3.png
+TF-A build options
+This section explains the TF-A build options involved in building
+an FF-A based SPM where the SPMD and SPMC are located at EL3:
+- **SPD=spmd**: this option selects the SPMD component to relay the FF-A
+ protocol from NWd to SWd back and forth. It is not possible to
+ enable another Secure Payload Dispatcher when this option is chosen.
+- **SPMC_AT_EL3**: this option adjusts the SPMC exception level to being
+ at EL3.
+- **ARM_SPMC_MANIFEST_DTS**: this option specifies a manifest file
+ providing SP description. It is required when
+ ``SPMC_AT_EL3`` is enabled, the secure partitions are loaded
+ by BL2 on behalf of the SPMC.
+- BL32 option is re-purposed to specify the S-EL1 TEE or SP image.
+ BL32 option can be omitted if using TF-A Test Secure Payload as SP.
+- BL33 option can specify the TFTF binary or a normal world loader
+ such as U-Boot or the UEFI framework payload.
+Sample TF-A build command line when the SPMC is located at EL3:
+.. code:: shell
+ make \
+ CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-elf- \
+ SPD=spmd \
+ SPMC_AT_EL3=1 \
+ BL32=<path-to-tee-binary> (opt for TSP) \
+ BL33=<path-to-bl33-binary> \
+ PLAT=fvp \
+ all fip
+FVP model invocation
+Sample FVP command line invocation:
+.. code:: shell
+ <path-to-fvp-model>/FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA -C pctl.startup= \
+ -C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4 -C cluster1.NUM_CORES=4 -C bp.secure_memory=1 \
+ -C bp.secureflashloader.fname=trusted-firmware-a/build/fvp/debug/bl1.bin \
+ -C bp.flashloader0.fname=trusted-firmware-a/build/fvp/debug/fip.bin \
+ -C bp.pl011_uart0.out_file=fvp-uart0.log -C bp.pl011_uart1.out_file=fvp-uart1.log \
+ -C bp.pl011_uart2.out_file=fvp-uart2.log -C bp.vis.disable_visualisation=1
+Platform Guide
+- Platform Hooks See - `[4]`_
+ - plat_spmc_shmem_begin
+ - plat_spmc_shmem_reclaim
+SPMC provides platform hooks related to memory management interfaces.
+These hooks can be used for platform specific implementations like
+for managing access control, programming TZ Controller or MPUs.
+These hooks are called by SPMC before the initial share request completes,
+and after the final reclaim has been completed.
+- Datastore
+ - plat_spmc_shmem_datastore_get
+ EL3 SPMC uses datastore for tracking memory transaction descriptors.
+ On FVP platform datastore is allocated from TZC DRAM section.
+ Other platforms need to allocate a similar secure memory region
+ to be used as shared memory datastore.
+ The accessor function is used during SPMC initialization to obtain
+ address and size of the datastore.
+ SPMC will also zero out the provided memory region.
+- Platform Defines See - `[5]`_
+ Number of Secure Partitions supported: must be 1.
+ Number of NWd Partitions supported.
+ Number of Logical Partitions supported.
+Logical Secure Partition (LSP)
+- The SPMC provides support for statically allocated EL3 Logical Secure Partitions
+ as per FF-A v1.1 specification.
+- The DECLARE_LOGICAL_PARTITION macro can be used to add a LSP.
+- For reference implementation See - `[2]`_
+.. image:: ../resources/diagrams/ff-a-lsp-at-el3.png
+SPMC boot
+The SPMD and SPMC are built into the BL31 image along with TF-A's runtime components.
+BL2 loads the BL31 image as a part of (secure) boot process.
+The SPMC manifest is loaded by BL2 as the ``TOS_FW_CONFIG`` image `[9]`_.
+BL2 passes the SPMC manifest address to BL31 through a register.
+At boot time, the SPMD in BL31 runs from the primary core, initializes the core
+contexts and launches the SPMC passing the following information through
+- X0 holds the SPMC manifest blob address.
+- X4 holds the currently running core linear id.
+Parsing SP partition manifests
+SPMC consumes the SP manifest, as defined in `[7]`_.
+SP manifest fields align with Hafnium SP manifest for easy porting.
+.. code:: shell
+ compatible = "arm,ffa-manifest-1.0";
+ ffa-version = <0x00010001>; /* 31:16 - Major, 15:0 - Minor */
+ id = <0x8001>;
+ uuid = <0x6b43b460 0x74a24b78 0xade24502 0x40682886>;
+ messaging-method = <0x3>; /* Direct Messaging Only */
+ exception-level = <0x2>; /* S-EL1 */
+ execution-state = <0>;
+ execution-ctx-count = <8>;
+ gp-register-num = <0>;
+ power-management-messages = <0x7>;
+Passing boot data to the SP
+In `[1]`_ , the section "Boot information protocol" defines a method for passing
+data to the SPs at boot time. It specifies the format for the boot information
+descriptor and boot information header structures, which describe the data to be
+exchanged between SPMC and SP.
+The specification also defines the types of data that can be passed.
+The aggregate of both the boot info structures and the data itself is designated
+the boot information blob, and is passed to a Partition as a contiguous memory
+Currently, the SPM implementation supports the FDT type which is used to pass the
+partition's DTB manifest.
+The region for the boot information blob is statically allocated (4K) by SPMC.
+BLOB contains Boot Info Header, followed by SP Manifest contents.
+The configuration of the boot protocol is done in the SP manifest. As defined by
+the specification, the manifest field 'gp-register-num' configures the GP register
+which shall be used to pass the address to the partitions boot information blob when
+booting the partition.
+Supported interfaces
+The following interfaces are exposed to SPs only:
+The following interfaces are exposed to both NS Client and SPs:
+- ``FFA_ID_GET``
+The following additional interfaces are forwarded from SPMD to support NS Client:
+- ``FFA_RUN``
+``FFA_VERSION`` requires a *requested_version* parameter from the caller.
+SPMD forwards call to SPMC, the SPMC returns its own implemented version.
+SPMC asserts SP and SPMC are at same FF-A Version.
+FF-A features supported by the SPMC may be discovered by secure partitions at
+boot (that is prior to NWd is booted) or run-time.
+The SPMC calling FFA_FEATURES at secure physical FF-A instance always get
+The request made by an Hypervisor or OS kernel is forwarded to the SPMC and
+the response relayed back to the NWd.
+When invoked from a secure partition FFA_RXTX_MAP maps the provided send and
+receive buffers described by their PAs to the EL3 translation regime
+as secure buffers in the MMU descriptors.
+When invoked from the Hypervisor or OS kernel, the buffers are mapped into the
+SPMC EL3 translation regime and marked as NS buffers in the MMU
+The FFA_RXTX_UNMAP unmaps the RX/TX pair from the translation regime of the
+caller, either it being the Hypervisor or OS kernel, as well as a secure
+Partition info get call can originate:
+- from SP to SPMC
+- from Hypervisor or OS kernel to SPMC. The request is relayed by the SPMD.
+The format (v1.0 or v1.1) of the populated data structure returned is based upon the
+FFA version of the calling entity.
+EL3 SPMC also supports returning only the count of partitions deployed.
+All LSPs and SP are discoverable from FFA_PARTITION_INFO_GET call made by
+either SP or NWd entities.
+The FF-A ID space is split into a non-secure space and secure space:
+- FF-A ID with bit 15 clear relates to VMs.
+- FF-A ID with bit 15 set related to SPs or LSPs.
+- FF-A IDs 0, 0xffff, 0x8000 are assigned respectively to the Hypervisor
+ (or OS Kernel if Hyp is absent), SPMD and SPMC.
+This convention helps the SPM to determine the origin and destination worlds in
+an FF-A ABI invocation. In particular the SPM shall filter unauthorized
+transactions in its world switch routine. It must not be permitted for a VM to
+use a secure FF-A ID as origin world by spoofing:
+- A VM-to-SP direct request/response shall set the origin world to be non-secure
+ (FF-A ID bit 15 clear) and destination world to be secure (FF-A ID bit 15
+ set).
+- Similarly, an SP-to-LSP direct request/response shall set the FF-A ID bit 15
+ for both origin and destination IDs.
+An incoming direct message request arriving at SPMD from NWd is forwarded to
+SPMC without a specific check. The SPMC is resumed through eret and "knows" the
+message is coming from normal world in this specific code path. Thus the origin
+endpoint ID must be checked by SPMC for being a normal world ID.
+An SP sending a direct message request must have bit 15 set in its origin
+endpoint ID and this can be checked by the SPMC when the SP invokes the ABI.
+The SPMC shall reject the direct message if the claimed world in origin endpoint
+ID is not consistent:
+- It is either forwarded by SPMD and thus origin endpoint ID must be a "normal
+ world ID",
+- or initiated by an SP and thus origin endpoint ID must be a "secure world ID".
+This is a mandatory interface for secure partitions participating in direct request
+and responses with the following rules:
+- An SP can send a direct request to LSP.
+- An LSP can send a direct response to SP.
+- An SP cannot send a direct request to an Hypervisor or OS kernel.
+- An Hypervisor or OS kernel can send a direct request to an SP or LSP.
+- An SP and LSP can send a direct response to an Hypervisor or OS kernel.
+- SPMD can send direct request to SPMC.
+Returns the FF-A ID allocated to an SPM component which can be one of SPMD
+or SPMC.
+At initialization, the SPMC queries the SPMD for the SPMC ID, using the
+FFA_ID_GET interface, and records it. The SPMC can also query the SPMD ID using
+the FFA_SPM_ID_GET interface at the secure physical FF-A instance.
+Secure partitions call this interface at the virtual FF-A instance, to which
+the SPMC returns the SPMC ID.
+The Hypervisor or OS kernel can issue the FFA_SPM_ID_GET call handled by the
+SPMD, which returns the SPMC ID.
+Returns the FF-A ID of the calling endpoint.
+- If SP is borrower in the memory transaction, these calls are forwarded to SPMC.
+ SPMC performs Relayer responsibilities, caches the memory descriptors in the datastore,
+ and allocates FF-A memory handle.
+- If format of descriptor was v1.0, SPMC converts the descriptor to v1.1 before caching.
+ In case of fragmented sharing, conversion of memory descriptors happens after last
+ fragment has been received.
+- Multiple borrowers (including NWd endpoint) and fragmented memory sharing are supported.
+- Memory retrieve is supported only from SP.
+- SPMC fetches the cached memory descriptor from the datastore,
+- Performs Relayer responsiilities and sends FFA_MEM_RETRIEVE_RESP back to SP.
+- If descriptor size is more than RX buffer size, SPMC will send the descriptor in fragments.
+- SPMC will set NS Bit to 1 in memory descriptor response.
+FFA_MEM_FRAG_RX is to be used by:
+- SP if FFA_MEM_RETRIEVE_RESP returned descriptor with fragment length less than total length.
+- or by SPMC if FFA_MEM_SHARE/FFA_MEM_LEND is called with fragment length less than total length.
+SPMC validates handle and Endpoint ID and returns response with FFA_MEM_FRAG_TX.
+When the SPMC boots, secure partition is initialized on its primary
+Execution Context.
+The FFA_SECONDARY_EP_REGISTER interface is to be used by a secure partition
+from its first execution context, to provide the entry point address for
+secondary execution contexts.
+A secondary EC is first resumed either upon invocation of PSCI_CPU_ON from
+the NWd or by invocation of FFA_RUN.
+Power management
+In platforms with or without secure virtualization:
+- The NWd owns the platform PM policy.
+- The Hypervisor or OS kernel is the component initiating PSCI service calls.
+- The EL3 PSCI library is in charge of the PM coordination and control
+ (eventually writing to platform registers).
+- While coordinating PM events, the PSCI library calls backs into the Secure
+ Payload Dispatcher for events the latter has statically registered to.
+When using the SPMD as a Secure Payload Dispatcher:
+- A power management event is relayed through the SPD hook to the SPMC.
+- In the current implementation CPU_ON (svc_on_finish), CPU_OFF
+ (svc_off), CPU_SUSPEND (svc_suspend) and CPU_SUSPEND_RESUME (svc_suspend_finish)
+ hooks are registered.
+Secure partitions scheduling
+The FF-A specification `[1]`_ provides two ways to relinquinsh CPU time to
+secure partitions. For this a VM (Hypervisor or OS kernel), or SP invokes one of:
+- the FFA_MSG_SEND_DIRECT_REQ interface.
+- the FFA_RUN interface.
+Additionally a secure interrupt can pre-empt the normal world execution and give
+CPU cycles by transitioning to EL3.
+Partition Runtime State and Model
+EL3 SPMC implements Partition runtime states are described in v1.1 FF-A specification `[1]`_
+An SP can be in one of the following state:
+An SP will transition to one of the following runtime model when not in waiting state:
+Platform topology
+SPMC only supports a single Pinned MP S-EL1 SP. The *execution-ctx-count*
+SP manifest field should match the number of physical PE.
+Interrupt handling
+Secure Interrupt handling
+- SPMC is capable of forwarding Secure interrupt to S-EL1 SP
+ which has preempted the normal world.
+- Interrupt is forwarded to SP using FFA_INTERRUPT interface.
+- Interrupt Number is not passed, S-EL1 SP can access the GIC registers directly.
+- Upon completion of Interrupt handling SP is expected to return to
+ SPMC using FFA_MSG_WAIT interface.
+- SPMC returns to normal world after interrupt handling is completed.
+In the scenario when secure interrupt occurs while the secure partition is running,
+the SPMC is not involved and the handling is implementation defined in the TOS.
+Non-Secure Interrupt handling
+The 'managed exit' scenario is the responsibility of the TOS and the SPMC is not involved.
+Test Secure Payload (TSP)
+- TSP provides reference implementation of FF-A programming model.
+- TSP has the following support:
+ - SP initialization on all CPUs.
+ - Consuming Power Messages including CPU_ON, CPU_OFF, CPU_SUSPEND, CPU_SUSPEND_RESUME.
+ - Event Loop to receive Direct Requests.
+ - Sending Direct Response.
+ - Memory Sharing helper library.
+ - Ability to handle secure interrupt (timer).
+TSP Tests in CI
+- TSP Tests are exercised in the TF-A CI using prebuilt FF-A Linux Test driver in NWd.
+- Expected output:
+.. code:: shell
+ #ioctl 255
+ Test: Echo Message to SP.
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 1
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Message Relay vis SP to EL3 LSP.
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 2
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Memory Send.
+ Verified 1 constituents successfully
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 3
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Memory Send in Fragments.
+ Verified 256 constituents successfully
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 4
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Memory Lend.
+ Verified 1 constituents successfully
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 5
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Memory Lend in Fragments.
+ Verified 256 constituents successfully
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 6
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Memory Send with Multiple Endpoints.
+ random: fast init done
+ Verified 256 constituents successfully
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 7
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Memory Lend with Multiple Endpoints.
+ Verified 256 constituents successfully
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 8
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Ensure Duplicate Memory Send Requests are Rejected.
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 9
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ Test: Ensure Duplicate Memory Lend Requests are Rejected.
+ Status: Completed Test Case: 10
+ Test Executed Successfully
+ 0 Tests Failed
+ Exiting Test Application - Total Failures: 0
+.. _[1]:
+[1] `Arm Firmware Framework for Arm A-profile <>`__
+.. _[2]:
+.. _[3]:
+[3] `Trusted Boot Board Requirements
+Client <>`__
+.. _[4]:
+.. _[5]:
+.. _[6]:
+.. _[7]:
+.. _[8]:
+.. _[9]:
+*Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.*
diff --git a/docs/components/index.rst b/docs/components/index.rst
index 192773f..0972a68 100644
--- a/docs/components/index.rst
+++ b/docs/components/index.rst
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ el3-spmc
diff --git a/docs/design/cpu-specific-build-macros.rst b/docs/design/cpu-specific-build-macros.rst
index 721c399..7ba79b9 100644
--- a/docs/design/cpu-specific-build-macros.rst
+++ b/docs/design/cpu-specific-build-macros.rst
@@ -495,6 +495,10 @@
Cortex-A710 CPU. This needs to be enabled for revisions r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0
of the CPU and is fixed in r2p1.
+- ``ERRATA_A710_2291219``: This applies errata 2291219 workaround to
+ Cortex-A710 CPU. This needs to be enabled for revisions r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0
+ of the CPU and is fixed in r2p1.
- ``ERRATA_A710_2008768``: This applies errata 2008768 workaround to
Cortex-A710 CPU. This needs to be enabled for revisions r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0
of the CPU and is fixed in r2p1.
@@ -535,6 +539,10 @@
- ``ERRATA_N2_2280757``: This applies errata 2280757 workaround to Neoverse-N2
CPU. This needs to be enabled for revision r0p0 of the CPU and is still open.
+- ``ERRATA_N2_2326639``: This applies errata 2326639 workaround to Neoverse-N2
+ CPU. This needs to be enabled for revision r0p0 of the CPU, it is fixed in
+ r0p1.
- ``ERRATA_N2_2376738``: This applies errata 2376738 workaround to Neoverse-N2
CPU. This needs to be enabled for revision r0p0 of the CPU, it is fixed in
@@ -576,6 +584,12 @@
Cortex-X2 CPU. This needs to be enabled for revisions r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0
of the CPU and is fixed in r2p1.
+For Cortex-X3, the following errata build flags are defined :
+- ``ERRATA_X3_2313909``: This applies errata 2313909 workaround to
+ Cortex-X3 CPU. This needs to be enabled only for revisions r0p0 and r1p0
+ of the CPU, it is fixed in r1p1.
For Cortex-A510, the following errata build flags are defined :
- ``ERRATA_A510_1922240``: This applies errata 1922240 workaround to
diff --git a/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst b/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
index be4833b..6996c17 100644
--- a/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
@@ -2769,7 +2769,8 @@
The ``target_state`` has a similar meaning as described in the ``pwr_domain_off()``
operation and it encodes the platform coordinated target local power states for
the CPU power domain and its parent power domain levels. This function must
-not return back to the caller.
+not return back to the caller (by calling wfi in an infinite loop to ensure
+some CPUs power down mitigations work properly).
If this function is not implemented by the platform, PSCI generic
implementation invokes ``psci_power_down_wfi()`` for power down.
diff --git a/docs/getting_started/prerequisites.rst b/docs/getting_started/prerequisites.rst
index 0ed8517..65a66b6 100644
--- a/docs/getting_started/prerequisites.rst
+++ b/docs/getting_started/prerequisites.rst
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
The following libraries are required for Trusted Board Boot and Measured Boot
-- mbed TLS == 2.28.0 (tag: ``mbedtls-2.28.0``)
+- mbed TLS == 2.28.1 (tag: ``mbedtls-2.28.1``)
These tools are optional:
diff --git a/docs/glossary.rst b/docs/glossary.rst
index e5d379c..e6b0239 100644
--- a/docs/glossary.rst
+++ b/docs/glossary.rst
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@
A collaborative engineering organization consolidating
and optimizing open source software and tools for the Arm architecture.
+ A logical secure partition managed by SPM
Memory Management Unit
diff --git a/docs/plat/arm/fvp/index.rst b/docs/plat/arm/fvp/index.rst
index b28c247..42c0eda 100644
--- a/docs/plat/arm/fvp/index.rst
+++ b/docs/plat/arm/fvp/index.rst
@@ -12,61 +12,59 @@
(64-bit host machine only).
.. note::
- The FVP models used are Version 11.17 Build 21, unless otherwise stated.
+ The FVP models used are Version 11.19 Build 14, unless otherwise stated.
- ``Foundation_Platform``
-- ``FVP_Base_AEMv8A-AEMv8A-AEMv8A-AEMv8A-CCN502``
-- ``FVP_Base_AEMv8A-AEMv8A`` (For certain configurations also uses 11.14/21)
-- ``FVP_Base_AEMv8A-GIC600AE``
-- ``FVP_Base_AEMvA`` (For certain configurations also uses 0.0/6684)
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A32x4`` (Version 11.12/38)
+- ``FVP_Base_AEMv8A-AEMv8A-AEMv8A-AEMv8A-CCN502`` (Version 11.17/21)
+- ``FVP_Base_AEMv8A-GIC600AE`` (Version 11.17/21)
+- ``FVP_Base_AEMvA``
+- ``FVP_Base_AEMvA-AEMvA``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A32x4`` (Version 11.12/38)
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A35x4``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A53x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A55x4``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A55``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A55x4+Cortex-A75x4``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A55x4+Cortex-A76x2``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x1-A53x1``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x2-A53x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x4-A53x4``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A65AEx8``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A65x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A710x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A72x4-A53x4``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x4-A53x4``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A65``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A65AE``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A710x4`` (Version 11.17/21)
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A72x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A73x4-A53x4``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A72x4-A53x4``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A73x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A75x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A76AEx4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A76AEx8``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A76x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A77x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A78x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-E1x1``
-- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-E1x2``
-- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-E1x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-N1x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-N2x4`` (Version 11.12 build 38)
-- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-V1x4``
-- ``FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA`` (For certain configurations also uses 0.0/6557)
-- ``FVP_CSS_SGI-575`` (Version 11.17/33)
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A73x4-A53x4``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A75``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A76``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A76AE``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A77``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A78``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A78C``
+- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-X2x4`` (Version 11.17/21)
+- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-E1``
+- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-N1``
+- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-N2x4`` (Version 11.16/16)
+- ``FVP_Base_Neoverse-V1``
+- ``FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA``
- ``FVP_Morello`` (Version 0.11/33)
-- ``FVP_RD_E1_edge`` (Version 11.17/33)
-- ``FVP_RD_N1_edge_dual`` (Version 11.17/33)
-- ``FVP_RD_N1_edge`` (Version 11.17/33)
-- ``FVP_RD_V1`` (Version 11.17/33)
-- ``FVP_TC0``
-- ``FVP_TC1``
+- ``FVP_RD_E1_edge`` (Version 11.17/29)
+- ``FVP_RD_V1`` (Version 11.17/29)
+- ``FVP_TC0`` (Version 11.17/18)
+- ``FVP_TC1`` (Version 11.17/33)
+- ``FVP_TC2`` (Version 11.18/28)
The latest version of the AArch32 build of TF-A has been tested on the
following Arm FVPs without shifted affinities, and that do not support threaded
CPU cores (64-bit host machine only).
- ``FVP_Base_AEMvA``
-- ``FVP_Base_AEMv8A-AEMv8A``
+- ``FVP_Base_AEMvA-AEMvA``
- ``FVP_Base_Cortex-A32x4``
.. note::
- The ``FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMv8A`` FVP only supports shifted affinities, which
+ The ``FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA`` FVP only supports shifted affinities, which
is not compatible with legacy GIC configurations. Therefore this FVP does not
support these legacy GIC configurations.
diff --git a/docs/plat/arm/tc/index.rst b/docs/plat/arm/tc/index.rst
index ae2b836..df1847d 100644
--- a/docs/plat/arm/tc/index.rst
+++ b/docs/plat/arm/tc/index.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
is the CPUs supported as below:
- TC0 has support for Cortex A510, Cortex A710 and Cortex X2.
-- TC1 has support for Cortex A510, Cortex Makalu and Cortex Makalu ELP.
+- TC1 has support for Cortex A510, Cortex Makalu and Cortex X3.
- TC2 has support for Hayes and Hunter Arm CPUs.
diff --git a/docs/plat/deprecated.rst b/docs/plat/deprecated.rst
index 7cc4258..557454c 100644
--- a/docs/plat/deprecated.rst
+++ b/docs/plat/deprecated.rst
@@ -18,3 +18,7 @@
| mt6795 | MTK | 2.5 | 2.7 |
+| sgi575 | Arm | 2.8 | 3.0 |
+| rdn1edge | Arm | 2.8 | 3.0 |
diff --git a/docs/plat/imx8m.rst b/docs/plat/imx8m.rst
index 101d52b..f8071f7 100644
--- a/docs/plat/imx8m.rst
+++ b/docs/plat/imx8m.rst
@@ -68,3 +68,46 @@
with a DTB overlay. The overlay will be put at PLAT_IMX8M_DTO_BASE with
maximum size PLAT_IMX8M_DTO_MAX_SIZE. Then in U-boot we can apply the DTB
overlay and let U-boot to parse the event log and update the PCRs.
+High Assurance Boot (HABv4)
+All actively maintained platforms have a support for High Assurance
+Boot (HABv4), which is implemented via ROM Vector Table (RVT) API to
+extend the Root-of-Trust beyond the SPL. Those calls are done via SMC
+and are executed in EL3, with results returned back to original caller.
+Note on DRAM Memory Mapping
+There is a special case of mapping the DRAM: entire DRAM available on the
+platform is mapped into the EL3 with MT_RW attributes.
+Mapping the entire DRAM allows the usage of 2MB block mapping in Level-2
+Translation Table entries, which use less Page Table Entries (PTEs). If
+Level-3 PTE mapping is used instead then additional PTEs would be required,
+which leads to the increase of translation table size.
+Due to the fact that the size of SRAM is limited on some platforms in the
+family it should rather be avoided creating additional Level-3 mapping and
+introduce more PTEs, hence the implementation uses Level-2 mapping which
+maps entire DRAM space.
+The reason for the MT_RW attribute mapping scheme is the fact that the SMC
+API to get the status and events is called from NS world passing destination
+pointers which are located in DRAM. Mapping DRAM without MT_RW permissions
+causes those locations not to be filled, which in turn causing EL1&0 software
+not to receive replies.
+Therefore, DRAM mapping is done with MT_RW attributes, as it is required for
+data exchange between EL3 and EL1&0 software.
+Reference Documentation
+Details on HABv4 usage and implementation could be found in following documents:
+- AN4581: "i.MX Secure Boot on HABv4 Supported Devices", Rev. 4 - June 2020
+- AN12263: "HABv4 RVT Guidelines and Recommendations", Rev. 1 - 06/2020
+- "HABv4 API Reference Manual". This document in the part of NXP Code Signing Tool (CST) distribution.
diff --git a/docs/resources/diagrams/ff-a-lsp-at-el3.png b/docs/resources/diagrams/ff-a-lsp-at-el3.png
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/resources/diagrams/ff-a-spm-at-el3.png
Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/resources/diagrams/plantuml/el3_spm_dfd.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ ' Copyright (c) 2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ '
+ ' SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ '/
+TF-A EL3 SPMC Data Flow Diagram
+digraph tfa_el3_dfd {
+ # Allow arrows to end on cluster boundaries
+ compound=true
+ concentrate=false
+ newrank=true
+ # Default settings for edges and nodes
+ edge [minlen=2 color="#8c1b07"]
+ node [fillcolor="#ffb866" style=filled shape=box fixedsize=true width=1.6 height=0.7]
+ # Nodes outside of the trust boundary
+ nsec [label="NS Client"]
+ ddr [label="External memory (DDR)"]
+ {rank="same" smmu, spmd}
+ # Trust boundary cluster
+ subgraph cluster_trusted {
+ graph [style=dashed color="#f22430"]
+ concentrate=false
+ # HW IPs cluster
+ subgraph cluster_ip {
+ label ="Hardware IPs";
+ graph [style=filled color="#000000" fillcolor="#ffd29e"]
+ rank="same"
+ gic [label="GIC" width=1.2 height=0.5]
+ smmu [label="SMMU" width=1.2 height=0.5]
+ uart [label="UART" width=1.2 height=0.5]
+ pe [label="PE" width=1.2 height=0.5]
+ }
+ # TF-A cluster
+ subgraph cluster_tfa {
+ label ="EL3 monitor";
+ graph [style=filled color="#000000" fillcolor="#faf9cd"]
+ {rank="same" spmc, bl31}
+ {rank="same" spmd, lsp}
+ spmc [label="SPMC" fillcolor="#ddffb3"]
+ bl31 [label="BL31" fillcolor="#ddffb3"];
+ spmd [label="SPMD" fillcolor="#ddffb3"]
+ lsp[label="LSP1" fillcolor="#ddffb3"]
+ }
+ bl2 [label="BL2" width=1.2 height=0.5]
+ }
+ # Secure Partitions cluster
+ subgraph cluster_sp {
+ label ="Secure Partitions";
+ graph [style=filled color="#000000" fillcolor="#faf9cd"]
+ sp1 [label="SP1" fillcolor="#ddffb3"]
+ }
+ sp1 -> spmc [dir="both" label="DF1"]
+ lsp -> spmc [dir="both" label="DF4"]
+ spmc -> spmd [dir="both" label="DF2"]
+ spmd -> nsec [dir="both" label="DF3"]
+ spmc -> smmu [lhead=cluster_spmc label="DF5"]
+ bl2 -> spmc [lhead=cluster_spmc label="DF6"]
+ bl2 -> sp1 [lhead=cluster_spmc label="DF6"]
+ sp1 -> ddr [dir="both" label="DF7"]
+ spmc -> ddr [dir="both" label="DF7"]
diff --git a/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-9.rst b/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-9.rst
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--- a/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-9.rst
+++ b/docs/security_advisories/security-advisory-tfv-9.rst
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
| Cortex-X2 |
+| Cortex-X3 |
| Cortex-A710 |
| Cortex-Makalu |
-| Cortex-Makalu-ELP |
| Cortex-Hunter |
| Neoverse-N1 |
diff --git a/docs/threat_model/index.rst b/docs/threat_model/index.rst
index 335937e..9d84f5b 100644
--- a/docs/threat_model/index.rst
+++ b/docs/threat_model/index.rst
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ threat_model_el3_spm
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+EL3 SPMC Threat Model
+This document provides a threat model for the TF-A `EL3 Secure Partition Manager`_
+(EL3 SPM) implementation. The EL3 SPM implementation is based on the
+`Arm Firmware Framework for Arm A-profile`_ specification.
+Target of Evaluation
+In this threat model, the target of evaluation is the ``Secure Partition Manager Core``
+component (SPMC) within the EL3 firmware.
+The monitor and SPMD at EL3 are covered by the `Generic TF-A threat model`_.
+The scope for this threat model is:
+- The TF-A implementation for the EL3 SPMC
+- The implementation complies with the FF-A v1.1 specification.
+- Secure partition is statically provisioned at boot time.
+- Focus on the run-time part of the life-cycle (no specific emphasis on boot
+ time, factory firmware provisioning, firmware udpate etc.)
+- Not covering advanced or invasive physical attacks such as decapsulation,
+ FIB etc.
+Data Flow Diagram
+Figure 1 shows a high-level data flow diagram for the SPM split into an SPMD
+and SPMC component at EL3. The SPMD mostly acts as a relayer/pass-through between
+the normal world and the secure world. It is assumed to expose small attack surface.
+A description of each diagram element is given in Table 1. In the diagram, the
+red broken lines indicate trust boundaries.
+Components outside of the broken lines are considered untrusted.
+.. uml:: ../resources/diagrams/plantuml/el3_spm_dfd.puml
+ :caption: Figure 1: EL3 SPMC Data Flow Diagram
+.. table:: Table 1: EL3 SPMC Data Flow Diagram Description
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Diagram Element | Description |
+ +=====================+========================================================+
+ | DF1 | SP to SPMC communication. FF-A function invocation or |
+ | | implementation-defined Hypervisor call. |
+ | | |
+ | | Note:- To communicate with LSP, SP1 performs a direct |
+ | | message request to SPMC targeting LSP as destination. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | DF2 | SPMC to SPMD communication. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | DF3 | SPMD to NS forwarding. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | DF4 | SPMC to LSP communication. |
+ | | NWd to LSP communication happens through SPMC. |
+ | | LSP can send direct response SP1 or NWd through SPMC. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | DF5 | HW control. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | DF6 | Bootloader image loading. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+ | DF7 | External memory access. |
+ +---------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
+Threat Analysis
+This threat model follows a similar methodology to the `Generic TF-A threat model`_.
+The following sections define:
+- Trust boundaries
+- Assets
+- Theat agents
+- Threat types
+Trust boundaries
+- Normal world is untrusted.
+- Secure world and normal world are separate trust boundaries.
+- EL3 monitor, SPMD and SPMC are trusted.
+- Bootloaders (in particular BL1/BL2 if using TF-A) and run-time BL31 are
+ implicitely trusted by the usage of trusted boot.
+- EL3 monitor, SPMD, SPMC do not trust SPs.
+The following assets are identified:
+- SPMC state.
+- SP state.
+- Information exchange between endpoints (partition messages).
+- SPMC secrets (e.g. pointer authentication key when enabled)
+- SP secrets (e.g. application keys).
+- Scheduling cycles.
+- Shared memory.
+Threat Agents
+The following threat agents are identified:
+- Non-secure endpoint (referred NS-Endpoint later): normal world client at
+ NS-EL2 (Hypervisor) or NS-EL1 (VM or OS kernel).
+- Secure endpoint (referred as S-Endpoint later): typically a secure partition.
+- Hardware attacks (non-invasive) requiring a physical access to the device,
+ such as bus probing or DRAM stress.
+Threat types
+The following threat categories as exposed in the `Generic TF-A threat model`_
+are re-used:
+- Spoofing
+- Tampering
+- Repudiation
+- Information disclosure
+- Denial of service
+- Elevation of privileges
+Similarly this threat model re-uses the same threat risk ratings. The risk
+analysis is evaluated based on the environment being ``Server`` or ``Mobile``.
+IOT is not evaluated as the EL3 SPMC is primarily meant for use in Client.
+Threat Assessment
+The following threats are identified by applying STRIDE analysis on each diagram
+element of the data flow diagram.
+| ID | 01 |
+| Threat | **An endpoint impersonates the sender |
+| | FF-A ID in a direct request/response invocation.** |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3, DF4 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMD, SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Spoofing |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Critical(5) | Critical(5) |
+| Likelihood | Critical(5) | Critical(5) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Critical(25) | Critical(25) |
+| Mitigations | SPMC must be able to correctly identify an |
+| | endpoint and enforce checks to disallow spoofing. |
+| Mitigations | Yes. |
+| implemented? | The SPMC enforces checks in the direct message |
+| | request/response interfaces such an endpoint cannot|
+| | spoof the origin and destination worlds (e.g. a NWd|
+| | originated message directed to the SWd cannot use a|
+| | SWd ID as the sender ID). |
+| | Also enforces check for direct response being sent |
+| | only to originator of request. |
+| ID | 02 |
+| Threat | **An endpoint impersonates the receiver |
+| | FF-A ID in a direct request/response invocation.** |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3, DF4 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMD, SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Spoofing, Denial of Service |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Critical(5) | Critical(5) |
+| Likelihood | Critical(5) | Critical(5) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Critical(25) | Critical(25) |
+| Mitigations | Validate if endpoind has permission to send |
+| | request to other endpoint by implementation |
+| | defined means. |
+| Mitigations | Platform specific. |
+| implemented? | |
+| | The guidance below is left for a system integrator |
+| | to implement as necessary. |
+| | |
+| | Additionally a software component residing in the |
+| | SPMC can be added for the purpose of direct |
+| | request/response filtering. |
+| | |
+| | It can be configured with the list of known IDs |
+| | and about which interaction can occur between one |
+| | and another endpoint (e.g. which NWd endpoint ID |
+| | sends a direct request to which SWd endpoint ID). |
+| | |
+| | This component checks the sender/receiver fields |
+| | for a legitimate communication between endpoints. |
+| | |
+| | A similar component can exist in the OS kernel |
+| | driver, or Hypervisor although it remains untrusted|
+| | by the SPMD/SPMC. |
+| ID | 03 |
+| Threat | **Tampering with memory shared between an endpoint |
+| | and the SPMC.** |
+| | |
+| | A malicious endpoint may attempt tampering with its|
+| | RX/TX buffer contents while the SPMC is processing |
+| | it (TOCTOU). |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF3, DF7 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | Shared memory, Information exchange |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Tampering |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Likelihood | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Total Risk Rating | High (16) | High (16) |
+| Mitigations | Validate all inputs, copy before use. |
+| Mitigations | Yes. In context of FF-A v1.1 this is the case of |
+| implemented? | sharing the RX/TX buffer pair and usage in the |
+| | PARTITION_INFO_GET or memory sharing primitives. |
+| | |
+| | The SPMC copies the contents of the TX buffer |
+| | to an internal temporary buffer before processing |
+| | its contents. The SPMC implements hardened input |
+| | validation on data transmitted through the TX |
+| | buffer by an untrusted endpoint. |
+| | |
+| | The TF-A SPMC enforces |
+| | checks on data transmitted through RX/TX buffers. |
+| ID | 04 |
+| Threat | **An endpoint may tamper with its own state or the |
+| | state of another endpoint.** |
+| | |
+| | A malicious endpoint may attempt violating: |
+| | |
+| | - its own or another SP state by using an unusual |
+| | combination (or out-of-order) FF-A function |
+| | invocations. |
+| | This can also be an endpoint emitting FF-A |
+| | function invocations to another endpoint while |
+| | the latter in not in a state to receive it (e.g. |
+| | SP sends a direct request to the normal world |
+| | early while the normal world is not booted yet). |
+| | - the SPMC state itself by employing unexpected |
+| | transitions in FF-A memory sharing, direct |
+| | requests and responses, or handling of interrupts|
+| | This can be led by random stimuli injection or |
+| | fuzzing. |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMD, SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP state, SPMC state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Tampering |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Likelihood | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Total Risk Rating | High (12) | High (12) |
+| Mitigations | Follow guidelines in FF-A v1.1 specification on |
+| | state transitions (run-time model). |
+| Mitigations | Yes. The TF-A SPMC is hardened to follow this |
+| implemented? | guidance. |
+| ID | 05 |
+| Threat | **Replay fragments of past communication between |
+| | endpoints.** |
+| | |
+| | A malicious endpoint may replay a message exchange |
+| | that occurred between two legitimate endpoints as |
+| | a matter of triggering a malfunction or extracting |
+| | secrets from the receiving endpoint. In particular |
+| | the memory sharing operation with fragmented |
+| | messages between an endpoint and the SPMC may be |
+| | replayed by a malicious agent as a matter of |
+| | getting access or gaining permissions to a memory |
+| | region which does not belong to this agent. |
+| Diagram Elements | DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | Information exchange |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Repudiation |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Likelihood | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Total Risk Rating | High (12) | High (12) |
+| Mitigations | Strict input validation and state tracking. |
+| Mitigations | Platform specific. |
+| implemented? | |
+| ID | 06 |
+| Threat | **A malicious endpoint may attempt to extract data |
+| | or state information by the use of invalid or |
+| | incorrect input arguments.** |
+| | |
+| | Lack of input parameter validation or side effects |
+| | of maliciously forged input parameters might affect|
+| | the SPMC. |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMD, SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP secrets, SPMC secrets, SP state, SPMC state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Information discolure |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Likelihood | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Total Risk Rating | High (12) | High (12) |
+| Mitigations | SPMC must be prepared to receive incorrect input |
+| | data from secure partitions and reject them |
+| | appropriately. |
+| | The use of software (canaries) or hardware |
+| | hardening techniques (XN, WXN, pointer |
+| | authentication) helps detecting and stopping |
+| | an exploitation early. |
+| Mitigations | Yes. The TF-A SPMC mitigates this threat by |
+| implemented? | implementing stack protector, pointer |
+| | authentication, XN, WXN, security hardening |
+| | techniques. |
+| ID | 07 |
+| Threat | **A malicious endpoint may forge a direct message |
+| | request such that it reveals the internal state of |
+| | another endpoint through the direct message |
+| | response.** |
+| | |
+| | The secure partition or SPMC replies to a partition|
+| | message by a direct message response with |
+| | information which may reveal its internal state |
+| | (e.g. partition message response outside of |
+| | allowed bounds). |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SPMC or SP state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Information discolure |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Likelihood | Low (2) | Low (2) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Medium (6) | Medium (6) |
+| Mitigations | Follow FF-A specification about state transitions, |
+| | run time model, do input validation. |
+| Mitigations | Yes. For the specific case of direct requests |
+| implemented? | targeting the SPMC, the latter is hardened to |
+| | prevent its internal state or the state of an SP |
+| | to be revealed through a direct message response. |
+| | Further FF-A v1.1 guidance about run time models |
+| | and partition states is followed. |
+| ID | 08 |
+| Threat | **Probing the FF-A communication between |
+| | endpoints.** |
+| | |
+| | SPMC and SPs are typically loaded to external |
+| | memory (protected by a TrustZone memory |
+| | controller). A malicious agent may use non invasive|
+| | methods to probe the external memory bus and |
+| | extract the traffic between an SP and the SPMC or |
+| | among SPs when shared buffers are held in external |
+| | memory. |
+| Diagram Elements | DF7 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP/SPMC state, SP/SPMC secrets |
+| Threat Agent | Hardware attack |
+| Threat Type | Information disclosure |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Likelihood | Low (2) | Medium (3) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Medium (6) | Medium (9) |
+| Mitigations | Implement DRAM protection techniques using |
+| | hardware countermeasures at platform or chip level.|
+| Mitigations | Platform specific. |
+| implemented? | |
+| ID | 09 |
+| Threat | **A malicious agent may attempt revealing the SPMC |
+| | state or secrets by the use of software-based cache|
+| | side-channel attack techniques.** |
+| Diagram Elements | DF7 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP or SPMC state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Information disclosure |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Likelihood | Low (2) | Low (2) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Medium (6) | Medium (6) |
+| Mitigations | The SPMC may be hardened further with SW |
+| | mitigations (e.g. speculation barriers) for the |
+| | cases not covered in HW. Usage of hardened |
+| | compilers and appropriate options, code inspection |
+| | are recommended ways to mitigate Spectre types of |
+| | attacks. |
+| Mitigations | No. |
+| implemented? | |
+| ID | 10 |
+| Threat | **A malicious endpoint may attempt flooding the |
+| | SPMC with requests targeting a service within an |
+| | endpoint such that it denies another endpoint to |
+| | access this service.** |
+| | |
+| | Similarly, the malicious endpoint may target a |
+| | a service within an endpoint such that the latter |
+| | is unable to request services from another |
+| | endpoint. |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SPMC state, Scheduling cycles |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Denial of service |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Likelihood | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Medium (9) | Medium (9) |
+| Mitigations | Bounding the time for operations to complete can |
+| | be achieved by the usage of a trusted watchdog. |
+| | Other quality of service monitoring can be achieved|
+| | in the SPMC such as counting a number of operations|
+| | in a limited timeframe. |
+| Mitigations | Platform specific. |
+| implemented? | |
+| ID | 11 |
+| Threat | **Denying a lender endpoint to make progress if |
+| | borrower endpoint encountered a fatal exception. |
+| | Denying a new sender endpoint to make progress |
+| | if receiver encountered a fatal exception.** |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | Shared resources, Scheduling cycles. |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Denial of service |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Likelihood | Medium (3) | Medium (3) |
+| Total Risk Rating | Medium (9) | Medium (9) |
+| Mitigations | SPMC must be able to detect fatal error in SP and |
+| | take ownership of shared resources. It should |
+| | be able to relinquish the access to shared memory |
+| | regions to allow lender to proceed. |
+| | SPMC must return ABORTED if new direct requests are|
+| | targeted to SP which has had a fatal error. |
+| Mitigations | Platform specific. |
+| implemented? | |
+| ID | 12 |
+| Threat | **A malicious endpoint may attempt to donate, |
+| | share, lend, relinquish or reclaim unauthorized |
+| | memory region.** |
+| Diagram Elements | DF1, DF2, DF3 |
+| Affected TF-A | SPMC |
+| Components | |
+| Assets | SP secrets, SPMC secrets, SP state, SPMC state |
+| Threat Agent | NS-Endpoint, S-Endpoint |
+| Threat Type | Elevation of Privilege |
+| Application | Server | Mobile |
+| Impact | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Likelihood | High (4) | High (4) |
+| Total Risk Rating | High (16) | High (16) |
+| Mitigations | Follow FF-A specification guidelines |
+| | on Memory management transactions. |
+| Mitigations | Yes. The SPMC tracks ownership and access state |
+| implemented? | for memory transactions appropriately, and |
+| | validating the same for all operations. |
+| | SPMC follows FF-A v1.1 |
+| | guidance for memory transaction lifecycle. |
+*Copyright (c) 2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*
+.. _Arm Firmware Framework for Arm A-profile:
+.. _EL3 Secure Partition Manager: ../components/el3-spmc.html
+.. _Generic TF-A threat model: ./threat_model.html#threat-analysis
+.. _FF-A ACS:
diff --git a/drivers/arm/gic/v3/gic600_multichip_private.h b/drivers/arm/gic/v3/gic600_multichip_private.h
index c7b15c1..414bd5b 100644
--- a/drivers/arm/gic/v3/gic600_multichip_private.h
+++ b/drivers/arm/gic/v3/gic600_multichip_private.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2019, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2019-2022, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@
* Multichip data assertion macros
/* Set bits from 0 to ((spi_id_max + 1) / 32) */
-#define SPI_BLOCKS_TILL_MAX(spi_id_max) ((1 << (((spi_id_max) + 1) >> 5)) - 1)
+#define SPI_BLOCKS_TILL_MAX(spi_id_max) \
+ ((1ULL << (((spi_id_max) + 1) >> 5)) - 1)
/* Set bits from 0 to (spi_id_min / 32) */
#define SPI_BLOCKS_TILL_MIN(spi_id_min) ((1 << ((spi_id_min) >> 5)) - 1)
/* Set bits from (spi_id_min / 32) to ((spi_id_max + 1) / 32) */
diff --git a/fdts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts b/fdts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts
index e58be40..aa1dd01 100644
--- a/fdts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts
+++ b/fdts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts
@@ -228,13 +228,13 @@
frac = < 0x1400 >;
- pll3_vco_417_8Mhz: pll2-vco-417_8Mhz {
+ pll3_vco_417_8Mhz: pll3-vco-417_8Mhz {
src = < CLK_PLL3_HSE >;
divmn = < 1 33 >;
frac = < 0x1a04 >;
- pll4_vco_600Mhz: pll2-vco-600Mhz {
+ pll4_vco_600Mhz: pll4-vco-600Mhz {
src = < CLK_PLL4_HSE >;
divmn = < 1 49 >;
diff --git a/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h b/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h
index 9ec114c..932e885 100644
--- a/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h
+++ b/include/arch/aarch64/arch_features.h
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
static inline bool is_armv8_6_fgt_present(void)
return ((read_id_aa64mmfr0_el1() >> ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1_FGT_SHIFT) &
static inline unsigned long int get_armv8_6_ecv_support(void)
diff --git a/include/arch/aarch64/asm_macros.S b/include/arch/aarch64/asm_macros.S
index 7706cd8..66c39e5 100644
--- a/include/arch/aarch64/asm_macros.S
+++ b/include/arch/aarch64/asm_macros.S
@@ -215,6 +215,19 @@
+ * Macro for using speculation barrier instruction introduced by
+ * FEAT_SB, if it's enabled.
+ */
+ .macro speculation_barrier
+ sb
+ dsb sy
+ isb
+ .endm
+ /*
* Macro for mitigating against speculative execution beyond ERET. Uses the
* speculation barrier instruction introduced by FEAT_SB, if it's enabled.
diff --git a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.h b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.h
index e33b9d5..432e17a 100644
--- a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.h
+++ b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.h
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#define CORTEX_A710_CPUACTLR2_EL1 S3_0_C15_C1_1
#define CORTEX_A710_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_40 (ULL(1) << 40)
+#define CORTEX_A710_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_36 (ULL(1) << 36)
* CPU Auxiliary Control register 5 specific definitions.
diff --git a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_makalu_elp_arm.h b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_makalu_elp_arm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed5ee3..0000000
--- a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_makalu_elp_arm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- */
-/* Cortex Makalu ELP loop count for CVE-2022-23960 mitigation */
- * CPU Extended Control register specific definitions
- ******************************************************************************/
- * CPU Power Control register specific definitions
- ******************************************************************************/
diff --git a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.h b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..076a87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#ifndef CORTEX_X3_H
+#define CORTEX_X3_H
+#define CORTEX_X3_MIDR U(0x410FD4E0)
+/* Cortex-X3 loop count for CVE-2022-23960 mitigation */
+#define CORTEX_X3_BHB_LOOP_COUNT U(132)
+ * CPU Extended Control register specific definitions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define CORTEX_X3_CPUECTLR_EL1 S3_0_C15_C1_4
+ * CPU Power Control register specific definitions
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define CORTEX_X3_CPUPWRCTLR_EL1 S3_0_C15_C2_7
+ * CPU Auxiliary Control register 2 specific definitions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#define CORTEX_X3_CPUACTLR2_EL1 S3_0_C15_C1_1
+#define CORTEX_X3_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_36 (ULL(1) << 36)
+#endif /* CORTEX_X3_H */
diff --git a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.h b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.h
index 3ff817c..cb1be5b 100644
--- a/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.h
+++ b/include/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#define NEOVERSE_N2_CPUACTLR2_EL1 S3_0_C15_C1_1
#define NEOVERSE_N2_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_0 (ULL(1) << 0)
#define NEOVERSE_N2_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_2 (ULL(1) << 2)
+#define NEOVERSE_N2_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_36 (ULL(1) << 36)
#define NEOVERSE_N2_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_40 (ULL(1) << 40)
diff --git a/include/lib/libc/aarch32/float.h b/include/lib/libc/aarch32/float.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857d76e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lib/libc/aarch32/float.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1989 Regents of the University of California.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * from: @(#)float.h 7.1 (Berkeley) 5/8/90
+ * $FreeBSD$
+ */
+#ifndef _MACHINE_FLOAT_H_
+#define _MACHINE_FLOAT_H_ 1
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+extern int __flt_rounds(void);
+#define FLT_RADIX 2 /* b */
+#ifndef _ARM_HARD_FLOAT
+#define FLT_ROUNDS __flt_rounds()
+#define FLT_ROUNDS (-1)
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 1999
+#define FLT_EVAL_METHOD 0
+#define DECIMAL_DIG 17 /* max precision in decimal digits */
+#define FLT_MANT_DIG 24 /* p */
+#define FLT_EPSILON 1.19209290E-07F /* b**(1-p) */
+#define FLT_DIG 6 /* floor((p-1)*log10(b))+(b == 10) */
+#define FLT_MIN_EXP (-125) /* emin */
+#define FLT_MIN 1.17549435E-38F /* b**(emin-1) */
+#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP (-37) /* ceil(log10(b**(emin-1))) */
+#define FLT_MAX_EXP 128 /* emax */
+#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347E+38F /* (1-b**(-p))*b**emax */
+#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP 38 /* floor(log10((1-b**(-p))*b**emax)) */
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011
+#define FLT_TRUE_MIN 1.40129846E-45F /* b**(emin-p) */
+#define FLT_DECIMAL_DIG 9 /* ceil(1+p*log10(b)) */
+#define FLT_HAS_SUBNORM 1
+#endif /* __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011 */
+#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
+#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131E-16
+#define DBL_DIG 15
+#define DBL_MIN_EXP (-1021)
+#define DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014E-308
+#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307)
+#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
+#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
+#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011
+#define DBL_TRUE_MIN 4.9406564584124654E-324
+#define DBL_DECIMAL_DIG 17
+#define DBL_HAS_SUBNORM 1
+#endif /* __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011 */
+#define LDBL_EPSILON ((long double)DBL_EPSILON)
+#define LDBL_MIN ((long double)DBL_MIN)
+#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MIN_10_EXP
+#define LDBL_MAX ((long double)DBL_MAX)
+#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP DBL_MAX_10_EXP
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011
+#define LDBL_TRUE_MIN ((long double)DBL_TRUE_MIN)
+#endif /* __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011 */
+#endif /* _MACHINE_FLOAT_H_ */
diff --git a/include/lib/libc/aarch64/float.h b/include/lib/libc/aarch64/float.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0829f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lib/libc/aarch64/float.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1989 Regents of the University of California.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * from: @(#)float.h 7.1 (Berkeley) 5/8/90
+ * $FreeBSD$
+ */
+#ifndef _MACHINE_FLOAT_H_
+#define _MACHINE_FLOAT_H_
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+extern int __flt_rounds(void);
+#define FLT_RADIX 2 /* b */
+#define FLT_ROUNDS __flt_rounds()
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 1999
+#define FLT_EVAL_METHOD 0
+#define DECIMAL_DIG 17 /* max precision in decimal digits */
+#define FLT_MANT_DIG 24 /* p */
+#define FLT_EPSILON 1.19209290E-07F /* b**(1-p) */
+#define FLT_DIG 6 /* floor((p-1)*log10(b))+(b == 10) */
+#define FLT_MIN_EXP (-125) /* emin */
+#define FLT_MIN 1.17549435E-38F /* b**(emin-1) */
+#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP (-37) /* ceil(log10(b**(emin-1))) */
+#define FLT_MAX_EXP 128 /* emax */
+#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347E+38F /* (1-b**(-p))*b**emax */
+#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP 38 /* floor(log10((1-b**(-p))*b**emax)) */
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011
+#define FLT_TRUE_MIN 1.40129846E-45F /* b**(emin-p) */
+#define FLT_DECIMAL_DIG 9 /* ceil(1+p*log10(b)) */
+#define FLT_HAS_SUBNORM 1
+#endif /* __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011 */
+#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
+#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131E-16
+#define DBL_DIG 15
+#define DBL_MIN_EXP (-1021)
+#define DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014E-308
+#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307)
+#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
+#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
+#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011
+#define DBL_TRUE_MIN 4.9406564584124654E-324
+#define DBL_DECIMAL_DIG 17
+#define DBL_HAS_SUBNORM 1
+#endif /* __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011 */
+#define LDBL_MANT_DIG 113
+#define LDBL_EPSILON 1.925929944387235853055977942584927319E-34L
+#define LDBL_DIG 33
+#define LDBL_MIN_EXP (-16381)
+#define LDBL_MIN 3.362103143112093506262677817321752603E-4932L
+#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP (-4931)
+#define LDBL_MAX_EXP (+16384)
+#define LDBL_MAX 1.189731495357231765085759326628007016E+4932L
+#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP (+4932)
+#if __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011
+#define LDBL_TRUE_MIN 6.475175119438025110924438958227646552E-4966L
+#define LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG 36
+#endif /* __ISO_C_VISIBLE >= 2011 */
+#endif /* _MACHINE_FLOAT_H_ */
diff --git a/include/lib/libc/sys/cdefs.h b/include/lib/libc/sys/cdefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ace5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lib/libc/sys/cdefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
+ * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
+ * Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * @(#)cdefs.h 8.8 (Berkeley) 1/9/95
+ * $FreeBSD$
+ */
+#ifndef _SYS_CDEFS_H_
+#define _SYS_CDEFS_H_
+#if defined(_KERNEL) && defined(_STANDALONE)
+#error "_KERNEL and _STANDALONE are mutually exclusive"
+ * Testing against Clang-specific extensions.
+ */
+#ifndef __has_attribute
+#define __has_attribute(x) 0
+#ifndef __has_extension
+#define __has_extension __has_feature
+#ifndef __has_feature
+#define __has_feature(x) 0
+#ifndef __has_include
+#define __has_include(x) 0
+#ifndef __has_builtin
+#define __has_builtin(x) 0
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
+#define __END_DECLS }
+#define __BEGIN_DECLS
+#define __END_DECLS
+ * This code has been put in place to help reduce the addition of
+ * compiler specific defines in FreeBSD code. It helps to aid in
+ * having a compiler-agnostic source tree.
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#if __GNUC__ >= 3
+#define __GNUCLIKE_ASM 3
+#define __GNUCLIKE_ASM 2
+#define __GNUCLIKE___TYPEOF 1
+#define __GNUCLIKE___SECTION 1
+#if (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 95 || __GNUC__ >= 3)
+ * Compiler memory barriers, specific to gcc and clang.
+ */
+#define __compiler_membar() __asm __volatile(" " : : : "memory")
+/* XXX: if __GNUC__ >= 2: not tested everywhere originally, where replaced */
+#define __CC_SUPPORTS___INLINE 1
+#define __CC_SUPPORTS___INLINE__ 1
+#define __CC_SUPPORTS___FUNC__ 1
+#define __CC_SUPPORTS_VARADIC_XXX 1 /* see varargs.h */
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+ * Macro to test if we're using a specific version of gcc or later.
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __GNUC_PREREQ__(ma, mi) \
+ (__GNUC__ > (ma) || __GNUC__ == (ma) && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= (mi))
+#define __GNUC_PREREQ__(ma, mi) 0
+ * The __CONCAT macro is used to concatenate parts of symbol names, e.g.
+ * with "#define OLD(foo) __CONCAT(old,foo)", OLD(foo) produces oldfoo.
+ * The __CONCAT macro is a bit tricky to use if it must work in non-ANSI
+ * mode -- there must be no spaces between its arguments, and for nested
+ * __CONCAT's, all the __CONCAT's must be at the left. __CONCAT can also
+ * concatenate double-quoted strings produced by the __STRING macro, but
+ * this only works with ANSI C.
+ *
+ * __XSTRING is like __STRING, but it expands any macros in its argument
+ * first. It is only available with ANSI C.
+ */
+#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __P(protos) protos /* full-blown ANSI C */
+#define __CONCAT1(x,y) x ## y
+#define __CONCAT(x,y) __CONCAT1(x,y)
+#define __STRING(x) #x /* stringify without expanding x */
+#define __XSTRING(x) __STRING(x) /* expand x, then stringify */
+#define __const const /* define reserved names to standard */
+#define __signed signed
+#define __volatile volatile
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __inline inline /* convert to C++ keyword */
+#if !(defined(__CC_SUPPORTS___INLINE))
+#define __inline /* delete GCC keyword */
+#endif /* ! __CC_SUPPORTS___INLINE */
+#endif /* !__cplusplus */
+#else /* !(__STDC__ || __cplusplus) */
+#define __P(protos) () /* traditional C preprocessor */
+#define __CONCAT(x,y) x/**/y
+#define __STRING(x) "x"
+#if !defined(__CC_SUPPORTS___INLINE)
+#define __const /* delete pseudo-ANSI C keywords */
+#define __inline
+#define __signed
+#define __volatile
+ * In non-ANSI C environments, new programs will want ANSI-only C keywords
+ * deleted from the program and old programs will want them left alone.
+ * When using a compiler other than gcc, programs using the ANSI C keywords
+ * const, inline etc. as normal identifiers should define -DNO_ANSI_KEYWORDS.
+ * When using "gcc -traditional", we assume that this is the intent; if
+ * __GNUC__ is defined but __STDC__ is not, we leave the new keywords alone.
+ */
+#define const /* delete ANSI C keywords */
+#define inline
+#define signed
+#define volatile
+#endif /* !NO_ANSI_KEYWORDS */
+#endif /* !__CC_SUPPORTS___INLINE */
+#endif /* !(__STDC__ || __cplusplus) */
+ * Compiler-dependent macros to help declare dead (non-returning) and
+ * pure (no side effects) functions, and unused variables. They are
+ * null except for versions of gcc that are known to support the features
+ * properly (old versions of gcc-2 supported the dead and pure features
+ * in a different (wrong) way). If we do not provide an implementation
+ * for a given compiler, let the compile fail if it is told to use
+ * a feature that we cannot live without.
+ */
+#define __weak_symbol __attribute__((__weak__))
+#if !__GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 5)
+#define __dead2
+#define __pure2
+#define __unused
+#if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7
+#define __dead2 __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+#define __pure2 __attribute__((__const__))
+#define __unused
+/* XXX Find out what to do for __packed, __aligned and __section */
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 7)
+#define __dead2 __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+#define __pure2 __attribute__((__const__))
+#define __unused __attribute__((__unused__))
+#define __used __attribute__((__used__))
+#define __packed __attribute__((__packed__))
+#define __aligned(x) __attribute__((__aligned__(x)))
+#define __section(x) __attribute__((__section__(x)))
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 3) || __has_attribute(__alloc_size__)
+#define __alloc_size(x) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(x)))
+#define __alloc_size2(n, x) __attribute__((__alloc_size__(n, x)))
+#define __alloc_size(x)
+#define __alloc_size2(n, x)
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 9) || __has_attribute(__alloc_align__)
+#define __alloc_align(x) __attribute__((__alloc_align__(x)))
+#define __alloc_align(x)
+#if !__GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 95)
+#define __alignof(x) __offsetof(struct { char __a; x __b; }, __b)
+ * Keywords added in C11.
+ */
+#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112L
+#if !__has_extension(c_alignas)
+#if (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || \
+ __has_extension(cxx_alignas)
+#define _Alignas(x) alignas(x)
+/* XXX: Only emulates _Alignas(constant-expression); not _Alignas(type-name). */
+#define _Alignas(x) __aligned(x)
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
+#define _Alignof(x) alignof(x)
+#define _Alignof(x) __alignof(x)
+#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !__has_extension(c_atomic) && \
+ !__has_extension(cxx_atomic) && !__GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 7)
+ * No native support for _Atomic(). Place object in structure to prevent
+ * most forms of direct non-atomic access.
+ */
+#define _Atomic(T) struct { T volatile __val; }
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
+#define _Noreturn [[noreturn]]
+#define _Noreturn __dead2
+#if !__has_extension(c_static_assert)
+#if (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || \
+ __has_extension(cxx_static_assert)
+#define _Static_assert(x, y) static_assert(x, y)
+#elif __GNUC_PREREQ__(4,6) && !defined(__cplusplus)
+/* Nothing, gcc 4.6 and higher has _Static_assert built-in */
+#elif defined(__COUNTER__)
+#define _Static_assert(x, y) __Static_assert(x, __COUNTER__)
+#define __Static_assert(x, y) ___Static_assert(x, y)
+#define ___Static_assert(x, y) typedef char __assert_ ## y[(x) ? 1 : -1] \
+ __unused
+#define _Static_assert(x, y) struct __hack
+#if !__has_extension(c_thread_local)
+ * XXX: Some compilers (Clang 3.3, GCC 4.7) falsely announce C++11 mode
+ * without actually supporting the thread_local keyword. Don't check for
+ * the presence of C++11 when defining _Thread_local.
+ */
+#if /* (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L) || */ \
+ __has_extension(cxx_thread_local)
+#define _Thread_local thread_local
+#define _Thread_local __thread
+#endif /* __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112L */
+ * Emulation of C11 _Generic(). Unlike the previously defined C11
+ * keywords, it is not possible to implement this using exactly the same
+ * syntax. Therefore implement something similar under the name
+ * __generic(). Unlike _Generic(), this macro can only distinguish
+ * between a single type, so it requires nested invocations to
+ * distinguish multiple cases.
+ */
+#if (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L) || \
+ __has_extension(c_generic_selections)
+#define __generic(expr, t, yes, no) \
+ _Generic(expr, t: yes, default: no)
+#elif __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 1) && !defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __generic(expr, t, yes, no) \
+ __builtin_choose_expr( \
+ __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof(expr), t), yes, no)
+ * C99 Static array indices in function parameter declarations. Syntax such as:
+ * void bar(int myArray[static 10]);
+ * is allowed in C99 but not in C++. Define __min_size appropriately so
+ * headers using it can be compiled in either language. Use like this:
+ * void bar(int myArray[__min_size(10)]);
+ */
+#if !defined(__cplusplus) && \
+ (defined(__clang__) || __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 6)) && \
+ (!defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901))
+#define __min_size(x) static (x)
+#define __min_size(x) (x)
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 96)
+#define __malloc_like __attribute__((__malloc__))
+#define __pure __attribute__((__pure__))
+#define __malloc_like
+#define __pure
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 1)
+#define __always_inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
+#define __always_inline
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 1)
+#define __noinline __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
+#define __noinline
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 4)
+#define __fastcall __attribute__((__fastcall__))
+#define __result_use_check __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__))
+#define __fastcall
+#define __result_use_check
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 1)
+#define __returns_twice __attribute__((__returns_twice__))
+#define __returns_twice
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 6) || __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
+#define __unreachable() __builtin_unreachable()
+#define __unreachable() ((void)0)
+/* XXX: should use `#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901'. */
+#if !__GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 7)
+#define __func__ NULL
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901
+/* C++11 exposes a load of C99 stuff */
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L
+ * GCC 2.95 provides `__restrict' as an extension to C90 to support the
+ * C99-specific `restrict' type qualifier. We happen to use `__restrict' as
+ * a way to define the `restrict' type qualifier without disturbing older
+ * software that is unaware of C99 keywords.
+ */
+#if !(__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 95)
+#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901
+#define __restrict
+#define __restrict restrict
+ * GNU C version 2.96 adds explicit branch prediction so that
+ * the CPU back-end can hint the processor and also so that
+ * code blocks can be reordered such that the predicted path
+ * sees a more linear flow, thus improving cache behavior, etc.
+ *
+ * The following two macros provide us with a way to utilize this
+ * compiler feature. Use __predict_true() if you expect the expression
+ * to evaluate to true, and __predict_false() if you expect the
+ * expression to evaluate to false.
+ *
+ * A few notes about usage:
+ *
+ * * Generally, __predict_false() error condition checks (unless
+ * you have some _strong_ reason to do otherwise, in which case
+ * document it), and/or __predict_true() `no-error' condition
+ * checks, assuming you want to optimize for the no-error case.
+ *
+ * * Other than that, if you don't know the likelihood of a test
+ * succeeding from empirical or other `hard' evidence, don't
+ * make predictions.
+ *
+ * * These are meant to be used in places that are run `a lot'.
+ * It is wasteful to make predictions in code that is run
+ * seldomly (e.g. at subsystem initialization time) as the
+ * basic block reordering that this affects can often generate
+ * larger code.
+ */
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 96)
+#define __predict_true(exp) __builtin_expect((exp), 1)
+#define __predict_false(exp) __builtin_expect((exp), 0)
+#define __predict_true(exp) (exp)
+#define __predict_false(exp) (exp)
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 0)
+#define __null_sentinel __attribute__((__sentinel__))
+#define __exported __attribute__((__visibility__("default")))
+#define __hidden __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden")))
+#define __null_sentinel
+#define __exported
+#define __hidden
+ * We define this here since <stddef.h>, <sys/queue.h>, and <sys/types.h>
+ * require it.
+ */
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(4, 1)
+#define __offsetof(type, field) __builtin_offsetof(type, field)
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#define __offsetof(type, field) \
+ ((__size_t)(__uintptr_t)((const volatile void *)&((type *)0)->field))
+#define __offsetof(type, field) \
+ (__offsetof__ (reinterpret_cast <__size_t> \
+ (&reinterpret_cast <const volatile char &> \
+ (static_cast<type *> (0)->field))))
+#define __rangeof(type, start, end) \
+ (__offsetof(type, end) - __offsetof(type, start))
+ * Given the pointer x to the member m of the struct s, return
+ * a pointer to the containing structure. When using GCC, we first
+ * assign pointer x to a local variable, to check that its type is
+ * compatible with member m.
+ */
+#if __GNUC_PREREQ__(3, 1)
+#define __containerof(x, s, m) ({ \
+ const volatile __typeof(((s *)0)->m) *__x = (x); \
+ __DEQUALIFY(s *, (const volatile char *)__x - __offsetof(s, m));\
+#define __containerof(x, s, m) \
+ __DEQUALIFY(s *, (const volatile char *)(x) - __offsetof(s, m))
+ * Compiler-dependent macros to declare that functions take printf-like
+ * or scanf-like arguments. They are null except for versions of gcc
+ * that are known to support the features properly (old versions of gcc-2
+ * didn't permit keeping the keywords out of the application namespace).
+ */
+#if !__GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 7)
+#define __printflike(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#define __scanflike(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#define __format_arg(fmtarg)
+#define __strfmonlike(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#define __strftimelike(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#define __printflike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+#define __scanflike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__scanf__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+#define __format_arg(fmtarg) __attribute__((__format_arg__ (fmtarg)))
+#define __strfmonlike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__strfmon__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+#define __strftimelike(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__strftime__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+/* Compiler-dependent macros that rely on FreeBSD-specific extensions. */
+#if defined(__FreeBSD_cc_version) && __FreeBSD_cc_version >= 300001 && \
+ defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __printf0like(fmtarg, firstvararg) \
+ __attribute__((__format__ (__printf0__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
+#define __printf0like(fmtarg, firstvararg)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __strong_reference(sym,aliassym) \
+ extern __typeof (sym) aliassym __attribute__ ((__alias__ (#sym)))
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define __weak_reference(sym,alias) \
+ __asm__(".weak " #alias); \
+ __asm__(".equ " #alias ", " #sym)
+#define __warn_references(sym,msg) \
+ __asm__(".section .gnu.warning." #sym); \
+ __asm__(".asciz \"" msg "\""); \
+ __asm__(".previous")
+#define __sym_compat(sym,impl,verid) \
+ __asm__(".symver " #impl ", " #sym "@" #verid)
+#define __sym_default(sym,impl,verid) \
+ __asm__(".symver " #impl ", " #sym "@@@" #verid)
+#define __weak_reference(sym,alias) \
+ __asm__(".weak alias"); \
+ __asm__(".equ alias, sym")
+#define __warn_references(sym,msg) \
+ __asm__(".section .gnu.warning.sym"); \
+ __asm__(".asciz \"msg\""); \
+ __asm__(".previous")
+#define __sym_compat(sym,impl,verid) \
+ __asm__(".symver impl, sym@verid")
+#define __sym_default(impl,sym,verid) \
+ __asm__(".symver impl, sym@@@verid")
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+#define __GLOBL(sym) __asm__(".globl " __XSTRING(sym))
+#define __WEAK(sym) __asm__(".weak " __XSTRING(sym))
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __IDSTRING(name,string) __asm__(".ident\t\"" string "\"")
+ * The following definition might not work well if used in header files,
+ * but it should be better than nothing. If you want a "do nothing"
+ * version, then it should generate some harmless declaration, such as:
+ * #define __IDSTRING(name,string) struct __hack
+ */
+#define __IDSTRING(name,string) static const char name[] __unused = string
+ * Embed the rcs id of a source file in the resulting library. Note that in
+ * more recent ELF binutils, we use .ident allowing the ID to be stripped.
+ * Usage:
+ * __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
+ */
+#ifndef __FBSDID
+#if !defined(STRIP_FBSDID)
+#define __FBSDID(s) __IDSTRING(__CONCAT(__rcsid_,__LINE__),s)
+#define __FBSDID(s) struct __hack
+#ifndef __RCSID
+#ifndef NO__RCSID
+#define __RCSID(s) __IDSTRING(__CONCAT(__rcsid_,__LINE__),s)
+#define __RCSID(s) struct __hack
+#ifndef __RCSID_SOURCE
+#define __RCSID_SOURCE(s) __IDSTRING(__CONCAT(__rcsid_source_,__LINE__),s)
+#define __RCSID_SOURCE(s) struct __hack
+#ifndef __SCCSID
+#ifndef NO__SCCSID
+#define __SCCSID(s) __IDSTRING(__CONCAT(__sccsid_,__LINE__),s)
+#define __SCCSID(s) struct __hack
+#ifndef __COPYRIGHT
+#ifndef NO__COPYRIGHT
+#define __COPYRIGHT(s) __IDSTRING(__CONCAT(__copyright_,__LINE__),s)
+#define __COPYRIGHT(s) struct __hack
+#ifndef __DECONST
+#define __DECONST(type, var) ((type)(__uintptr_t)(const void *)(var))
+#ifndef __DEVOLATILE
+#define __DEVOLATILE(type, var) ((type)(__uintptr_t)(volatile void *)(var))
+#ifndef __DEQUALIFY
+#define __DEQUALIFY(type, var) ((type)(__uintptr_t)(const volatile void *)(var))
+ * The following definitions are an extension of the behavior originally
+ * implemented in <sys/_posix.h>, but with a different level of granularity.
+ * POSIX.1 requires that the macros we test be defined before any standard
+ * header file is included.
+ *
+ * Here's a quick run-down of the versions (and some informal names)
+ * defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) 1003.1-1988
+ * encoded as 198808 below
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 1 1003.1-1990
+ * encoded as 199009 below
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 2 1003.2-1992 C Language Binding Option
+ * encoded as 199209 below
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 199309 1003.1b-1993
+ * (1003.1 Issue 4, Single Unix Spec v1, Unix 93)
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 199506 1003.1c-1995, 1003.1i-1995,
+ * and the omnibus ISO/IEC 9945-1: 1996
+ * (1003.1 Issue 5, Single Unix Spec v2, Unix 95)
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 200112 1003.1-2001 (1003.1 Issue 6, Unix 03)
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 200809 1003.1-2008 (1003.1 Issue 7)
+ * IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (Rev of 1003.1-2008) is
+ * 1003.1-2008 with two TCs applied with
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809 and _XOPEN_SOURCE=700
+ *
+ * In addition, the X/Open Portability Guide, which is now the Single UNIX
+ * Specification, defines a feature-test macro which indicates the version of
+ * that specification, and which subsumes _POSIX_C_SOURCE.
+ *
+ * Our macros begin with two underscores to avoid namespace screwage.
+ */
+/* Deal with IEEE Std. 1003.1-1990, in which _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 1. */
+#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 1
+#undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE /* Probably illegal, but beyond caring now. */
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199009
+/* Deal with IEEE Std. 1003.2-1992, in which _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 2. */
+#if defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE == 2
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199209
+/* Deal with various X/Open Portability Guides and Single UNIX Spec. */
+#if _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0 >= 700
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 700
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809
+#elif _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0 >= 600
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 600
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112
+#elif _XOPEN_SOURCE - 0 >= 500
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 500
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506
+ * Deal with all versions of POSIX. The ordering relative to the tests above is
+ * important.
+ */
+#if defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 198808
+#if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 200809
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1999
+#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 200112
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1999
+#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199506
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 199506
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1990
+#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 199309
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1990
+#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199209
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 199209
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1990
+#elif _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199009
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 199009
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1990
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 198808
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 0
+#endif /* _POSIX_C_SOURCE */
+ * Both glibc and OpenBSD enable c11 features when _ISOC11_SOURCE is defined, or
+ * when compiling with -stdc=c11. A strict reading of the standard would suggest
+ * doing it only for the former. However, a strict reading also requires C99
+ * mode only, so building with C11 is already undefined. Follow glibc's and
+ * OpenBSD's lead for this non-standard configuration for maximum compatibility.
+ */
+#if _ISOC11_SOURCE || (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L)
+#undef __ISO_C_VISIBLE
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 2011
+ * Deal with _ANSI_SOURCE:
+ * If it is defined, and no other compilation environment is explicitly
+ * requested, then define our internal feature-test macros to zero. This
+ * makes no difference to the preprocessor (undefined symbols in preprocessing
+ * expressions are defined to have value zero), but makes it more convenient for
+ * a test program to print out the values.
+ *
+ * If a program mistakenly defines _ANSI_SOURCE and some other macro such as
+ * _POSIX_C_SOURCE, we will assume that it wants the broader compilation
+ * environment (and in fact we will never get here).
+ */
+#if defined(_ANSI_SOURCE) /* Hide almost everything. */
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 0
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 0
+#define __BSD_VISIBLE 0
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1990
+#define __EXT1_VISIBLE 0
+#elif defined(_C99_SOURCE) /* Localism to specify strict C99 env. */
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 0
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 0
+#define __BSD_VISIBLE 0
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 1999
+#define __EXT1_VISIBLE 0
+#elif defined(_C11_SOURCE) /* Localism to specify strict C11 env. */
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 0
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 0
+#define __BSD_VISIBLE 0
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 2011
+#define __EXT1_VISIBLE 0
+#else /* Default environment: show everything. */
+#define __POSIX_VISIBLE 200809
+#define __XSI_VISIBLE 700
+#define __BSD_VISIBLE 1
+#define __ISO_C_VISIBLE 2011
+#define __EXT1_VISIBLE 1
+/* User override __EXT1_VISIBLE */
+#if defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__)
+#undef __EXT1_VISIBLE
+#define __EXT1_VISIBLE 1
+#define __EXT1_VISIBLE 0
+#endif /* __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ */
+ * Old versions of GCC use non-standard ARM arch symbols; acle-compat.h
+ * translates them to __ARM_ARCH and the modern feature symbols defined by ARM.
+ */
+#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH)
+#include <machine/acle-compat.h>
+ * Nullability qualifiers: currently only supported by Clang.
+ */
+#if !(defined(__clang__) && __has_feature(nullability))
+#define _Nonnull
+#define _Nullable
+#define _Null_unspecified
+#define __NULLABILITY_PRAGMA_PUSH _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wnullability-completeness\"")
+#define __NULLABILITY_PRAGMA_POP _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
+ * Type Safety Checking
+ *
+ * Clang provides additional attributes to enable checking type safety
+ * properties that cannot be enforced by the C type system.
+ */
+#if __has_attribute(__argument_with_type_tag__) && \
+ __has_attribute(__type_tag_for_datatype__)
+#define __arg_type_tag(arg_kind, arg_idx, type_tag_idx) \
+ __attribute__((__argument_with_type_tag__(arg_kind, arg_idx, type_tag_idx)))
+#define __datatype_type_tag(kind, type) \
+ __attribute__((__type_tag_for_datatype__(kind, type)))
+#define __arg_type_tag(arg_kind, arg_idx, type_tag_idx)
+#define __datatype_type_tag(kind, type)
+ * Lock annotations.
+ *
+ * Clang provides support for doing basic thread-safety tests at
+ * compile-time, by marking which locks will/should be held when
+ * entering/leaving a functions.
+ *
+ * Furthermore, it is also possible to annotate variables and structure
+ * members to enforce that they are only accessed when certain locks are
+ * held.
+ */
+#if __has_extension(c_thread_safety_attributes)
+#define __lock_annotate(x) __attribute__((x))
+#define __lock_annotate(x)
+/* Structure implements a lock. */
+#define __lockable __lock_annotate(lockable)
+/* Function acquires an exclusive or shared lock. */
+#define __locks_exclusive(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(exclusive_lock_function(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define __locks_shared(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(shared_lock_function(__VA_ARGS__))
+/* Function attempts to acquire an exclusive or shared lock. */
+#define __trylocks_exclusive(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(exclusive_trylock_function(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define __trylocks_shared(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(shared_trylock_function(__VA_ARGS__))
+/* Function releases a lock. */
+#define __unlocks(...) __lock_annotate(unlock_function(__VA_ARGS__))
+/* Function asserts that an exclusive or shared lock is held. */
+#define __asserts_exclusive(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(assert_exclusive_lock(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define __asserts_shared(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(assert_shared_lock(__VA_ARGS__))
+/* Function requires that an exclusive or shared lock is or is not held. */
+#define __requires_exclusive(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(exclusive_locks_required(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define __requires_shared(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(shared_locks_required(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define __requires_unlocked(...) \
+ __lock_annotate(locks_excluded(__VA_ARGS__))
+/* Function should not be analyzed. */
+#define __no_lock_analysis __lock_annotate(no_thread_safety_analysis)
+ * Function or variable should not be sanitized, e.g., by AddressSanitizer.
+ * GCC has the nosanitize attribute, but as a function attribute only, and
+ * warns on use as a variable attribute.
+ */
+#if __has_attribute(no_sanitize) && defined(__clang__)
+#ifdef _KERNEL
+#define __nosanitizeaddress __attribute__((no_sanitize("kernel-address")))
+#define __nosanitizememory __attribute__((no_sanitize("kernel-memory")))
+#define __nosanitizeaddress __attribute__((no_sanitize("address")))
+#define __nosanitizememory __attribute__((no_sanitize("memory")))
+#define __nosanitizethread __attribute__((no_sanitize("thread")))
+#define __nosanitizeaddress
+#define __nosanitizememory
+#define __nosanitizethread
+/* Guard variables and structure members by lock. */
+#define __guarded_by(x) __lock_annotate(guarded_by(x))
+#define __pt_guarded_by(x) __lock_annotate(pt_guarded_by(x))
+/* Alignment builtins for better type checking and improved code generation. */
+/* Provide fallback versions for other compilers (GCC/Clang < 10): */
+#if !__has_builtin(__builtin_is_aligned)
+#define __builtin_is_aligned(x, align) \
+ (((__uintptr_t)x & ((align) - 1)) == 0)
+#if !__has_builtin(__builtin_align_up)
+#define __builtin_align_up(x, align) \
+ ((__typeof__(x))(((__uintptr_t)(x)+((align)-1))&(~((align)-1))))
+#if !__has_builtin(__builtin_align_down)
+#define __builtin_align_down(x, align) \
+ ((__typeof__(x))((x)&(~((align)-1))))
+#define __align_up(x, y) __builtin_align_up(x, y)
+#define __align_down(x, y) __builtin_align_down(x, y)
+#define __is_aligned(x, y) __builtin_is_aligned(x, y)
+#endif /* !_SYS_CDEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/include/lib/libfdt/libfdt.h b/include/lib/libfdt/libfdt.h
index 544d3ef..a7f432c 100644
--- a/include/lib/libfdt/libfdt.h
+++ b/include/lib/libfdt/libfdt.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
/* Error codes: informative error codes */
@@ -101,7 +102,11 @@
/* FDT_ERR_BADFLAGS: The function was passed a flags field that
* contains invalid flags or an invalid combination of flags. */
-#define FDT_ERR_MAX 18
+ /* FDT_ERR_ALIGNMENT: The device tree base address is not 8-byte
+ * aligned. */
+#define FDT_ERR_MAX 19
/* constants */
#define FDT_MAX_PHANDLE 0xfffffffe
@@ -122,11 +127,16 @@
uint32_t fdt_next_tag(const void *fdt, int offset, int *nextoffset);
- * Alignment helpers:
- * These helpers access words from a device tree blob. They're
- * built to work even with unaligned pointers on platforms (ike
- * ARM) that don't like unaligned loads and stores
+ * External helpers to access words from a device tree blob. They're built
+ * to work even with unaligned pointers on platforms (such as ARMv5) that don't
+ * like unaligned loads and stores.
+static inline uint16_t fdt16_ld(const fdt16_t *p)
+ const uint8_t *bp = (const uint8_t *)p;
+ return ((uint16_t)bp[0] << 8) | bp[1];
static inline uint32_t fdt32_ld(const fdt32_t *p)
@@ -184,23 +194,23 @@
* fdt_first_subnode() - get offset of first direct subnode
- *
* @fdt: FDT blob
* @offset: Offset of node to check
- * @return offset of first subnode, or -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if there is none
+ *
+ * Return: offset of first subnode, or -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if there is none
int fdt_first_subnode(const void *fdt, int offset);
* fdt_next_subnode() - get offset of next direct subnode
+ * @fdt: FDT blob
+ * @offset: Offset of previous subnode
* After first calling fdt_first_subnode(), call this function repeatedly to
* get direct subnodes of a parent node.
- * @fdt: FDT blob
- * @offset: Offset of previous subnode
- * @return offset of next subnode, or -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if there are no more
- * subnodes
+ * Return: offset of next subnode, or -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if there are no more
+ * subnodes
int fdt_next_subnode(const void *fdt, int offset);
@@ -225,7 +235,6 @@
* Note that this is implemented as a macro and @node is used as
* iterator in the loop. The parent variable be constant or even a
* literal.
- *
#define fdt_for_each_subnode(node, fdt, parent) \
for (node = fdt_first_subnode(fdt, parent); \
@@ -269,17 +278,21 @@
* fdt_header_size - return the size of the tree's header
* @fdt: pointer to a flattened device tree
+ *
+ * Return: size of DTB header in bytes
size_t fdt_header_size(const void *fdt);
- * fdt_header_size_ - internal function which takes a version number
+ * fdt_header_size_ - internal function to get header size from a version number
+ * @version: devicetree version number
+ *
+ * Return: size of DTB header in bytes
size_t fdt_header_size_(uint32_t version);
* fdt_check_header - sanity check a device tree header
* @fdt: pointer to data which might be a flattened device tree
* fdt_check_header() checks that the given buffer contains what
@@ -404,8 +417,7 @@
* highest phandle value in the device tree blob) will be returned in the
* @phandle parameter.
- * Returns:
- * 0 on success or a negative error-code on failure
+ * Return: 0 on success or a negative error-code on failure
int fdt_generate_phandle(const void *fdt, uint32_t *phandle);
@@ -425,9 +437,11 @@
* fdt_get_mem_rsv - retrieve one memory reserve map entry
* @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
- * @address, @size: pointers to 64-bit variables
+ * @n: index of reserve map entry
+ * @address: pointer to 64-bit variable to hold the start address
+ * @size: pointer to 64-bit variable to hold the size of the entry
- * On success, *address and *size will contain the address and size of
+ * On success, @address and @size will contain the address and size of
* the n-th reserve map entry from the device tree blob, in
* native-endian format.
@@ -450,6 +464,8 @@
* namelen characters of name for matching the subnode name. This is
* useful for finding subnodes based on a portion of a larger string,
* such as a full path.
+ *
+ * Return: offset of the subnode or -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if name not found.
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
int fdt_subnode_offset_namelen(const void *fdt, int parentoffset,
@@ -489,6 +505,8 @@
* Identical to fdt_path_offset(), but only consider the first namelen
* characters of path as the path name.
+ *
+ * Return: offset of the node or negative libfdt error value otherwise
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
int fdt_path_offset_namelen(const void *fdt, const char *path, int namelen);
@@ -588,9 +606,9 @@
* fdt_for_each_property_offset - iterate over all properties of a node
- * @property_offset: property offset (int, lvalue)
- * @fdt: FDT blob (const void *)
- * @node: node offset (int)
+ * @property: property offset (int, lvalue)
+ * @fdt: FDT blob (const void *)
+ * @node: node offset (int)
* This is actually a wrapper around a for loop and would be used like so:
@@ -653,6 +671,9 @@
* Identical to fdt_get_property(), but only examine the first namelen
* characters of name for matching the property name.
+ *
+ * Return: pointer to the structure representing the property, or NULL
+ * if not found
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
const struct fdt_property *fdt_get_property_namelen(const void *fdt,
@@ -745,6 +766,8 @@
* Identical to fdt_getprop(), but only examine the first namelen
* characters of name for matching the property name.
+ *
+ * Return: pointer to the property's value or NULL on error
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
const void *fdt_getprop_namelen(const void *fdt, int nodeoffset,
@@ -766,10 +789,10 @@
* @lenp: pointer to an integer variable (will be overwritten) or NULL
* fdt_getprop() retrieves a pointer to the value of the property
- * named 'name' of the node at offset nodeoffset (this will be a
+ * named @name of the node at offset @nodeoffset (this will be a
* pointer to within the device blob itself, not a copy of the value).
- * If lenp is non-NULL, the length of the property value is also
- * returned, in the integer pointed to by lenp.
+ * If @lenp is non-NULL, the length of the property value is also
+ * returned, in the integer pointed to by @lenp.
* returns:
* pointer to the property's value
@@ -814,8 +837,11 @@
* @name: name of the alias th look up
* @namelen: number of characters of name to consider
- * Identical to fdt_get_alias(), but only examine the first namelen
- * characters of name for matching the alias name.
+ * Identical to fdt_get_alias(), but only examine the first @namelen
+ * characters of @name for matching the alias name.
+ *
+ * Return: a pointer to the expansion of the alias named @name, if it exists,
+ * NULL otherwise
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
const char *fdt_get_alias_namelen(const void *fdt,
@@ -828,7 +854,7 @@
* @name: name of the alias th look up
* fdt_get_alias() retrieves the value of a given alias. That is, the
- * value of the property named 'name' in the node /aliases.
+ * value of the property named @name in the node /aliases.
* returns:
* a pointer to the expansion of the alias named 'name', if it exists
@@ -1004,14 +1030,13 @@
int fdt_node_offset_by_phandle(const void *fdt, uint32_t phandle);
- * fdt_node_check_compatible: check a node's compatible property
+ * fdt_node_check_compatible - check a node's compatible property
* @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
* @nodeoffset: offset of a tree node
* @compatible: string to match against
- *
* fdt_node_check_compatible() returns 0 if the given node contains a
- * 'compatible' property with the given string as one of its elements,
+ * @compatible property with the given string as one of its elements,
* it returns non-zero otherwise, or on error.
* returns:
@@ -1075,7 +1100,7 @@
* one or more strings, each terminated by \0, as is found in a device tree
* "compatible" property.
- * @return: 1 if the string is found in the list, 0 not found, or invalid list
+ * Return: 1 if the string is found in the list, 0 not found, or invalid list
int fdt_stringlist_contains(const char *strlist, int listlen, const char *str);
@@ -1084,7 +1109,8 @@
* @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
* @nodeoffset: offset of a tree node
* @property: name of the property containing the string list
- * @return:
+ *
+ * Return:
* the number of strings in the given property
* -FDT_ERR_BADVALUE if the property value is not NUL-terminated
* -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if the property does not exist
@@ -1104,7 +1130,7 @@
* small-valued cell properties, such as #address-cells, when searching for
* the empty string.
- * @return:
+ * return:
* the index of the string in the list of strings
* -FDT_ERR_BADVALUE if the property value is not NUL-terminated
* -FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND if the property does not exist or does not contain
@@ -1128,7 +1154,7 @@
* If non-NULL, the length of the string (on success) or a negative error-code
* (on failure) will be stored in the integer pointer to by lenp.
- * @return:
+ * Return:
* A pointer to the string at the given index in the string list or NULL on
* failure. On success the length of the string will be stored in the memory
* location pointed to by the lenp parameter, if non-NULL. On failure one of
@@ -1217,6 +1243,8 @@
* starting from the given index, and using only the first characters
* of the name. It is useful when you want to manipulate only one value of
* an array and you have a string that doesn't end with \0.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, negative libfdt error value otherwise
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
int fdt_setprop_inplace_namelen_partial(void *fdt, int nodeoffset,
@@ -1330,8 +1358,13 @@
* fdt_setprop_inplace_cell - change the value of a single-cell property
+ * @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
+ * @nodeoffset: offset of the node containing the property
+ * @name: name of the property to change the value of
+ * @val: new value of the 32-bit cell
* This is an alternative name for fdt_setprop_inplace_u32()
+ * Return: 0 on success, negative libfdt error number otherwise.
static inline int fdt_setprop_inplace_cell(void *fdt, int nodeoffset,
const char *name, uint32_t val)
@@ -1403,7 +1436,7 @@
* fdt_create_with_flags - begin creation of a new fdt
- * @fdt: pointer to memory allocated where fdt will be created
+ * @buf: pointer to memory allocated where fdt will be created
* @bufsize: size of the memory space at fdt
* @flags: a valid combination of FDT_CREATE_FLAG_ flags, or 0.
@@ -1421,7 +1454,7 @@
* fdt_create - begin creation of a new fdt
- * @fdt: pointer to memory allocated where fdt will be created
+ * @buf: pointer to memory allocated where fdt will be created
* @bufsize: size of the memory space at fdt
* fdt_create() is equivalent to fdt_create_with_flags() with flags=0.
@@ -1486,7 +1519,8 @@
* fdt_add_mem_rsv - add one memory reserve map entry
* @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
- * @address, @size: 64-bit values (native endian)
+ * @address: 64-bit start address of the reserve map entry
+ * @size: 64-bit size of the reserved region
* Adds a reserve map entry to the given blob reserving a region at
* address address of length size.
@@ -1691,8 +1725,14 @@
* fdt_setprop_cell - set a property to a single cell value
+ * @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
+ * @nodeoffset: offset of the node whose property to change
+ * @name: name of the property to change
+ * @val: 32-bit integer value for the property (native endian)
* This is an alternative name for fdt_setprop_u32()
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, negative libfdt error value otherwise.
static inline int fdt_setprop_cell(void *fdt, int nodeoffset, const char *name,
uint32_t val)
@@ -1863,8 +1903,14 @@
* fdt_appendprop_cell - append a single cell value to a property
+ * @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
+ * @nodeoffset: offset of the node whose property to change
+ * @name: name of the property to change
+ * @val: 32-bit integer value to append to the property (native endian)
* This is an alternative name for fdt_appendprop_u32()
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, negative libfdt error value otherwise.
static inline int fdt_appendprop_cell(void *fdt, int nodeoffset,
const char *name, uint32_t val)
@@ -1967,13 +2013,16 @@
* fdt_add_subnode_namelen - creates a new node based on substring
* @fdt: pointer to the device tree blob
* @parentoffset: structure block offset of a node
- * @name: name of the subnode to locate
+ * @name: name of the subnode to create
* @namelen: number of characters of name to consider
- * Identical to fdt_add_subnode(), but use only the first namelen
- * characters of name as the name of the new node. This is useful for
+ * Identical to fdt_add_subnode(), but use only the first @namelen
+ * characters of @name as the name of the new node. This is useful for
* creating subnodes based on a portion of a larger string, such as a
* full path.
+ *
+ * Return: structure block offset of the created subnode (>=0),
+ * negative libfdt error value otherwise
#ifndef SWIG /* Not available in Python */
int fdt_add_subnode_namelen(void *fdt, int parentoffset,
@@ -1992,7 +2041,7 @@
* This function will insert data into the blob, and will therefore
* change the offsets of some existing nodes.
+ *
* returns:
* structure block offset of the created nodeequested subnode (>=0), on
* success
@@ -2067,6 +2116,24 @@
int fdt_overlay_apply(void *fdt, void *fdto);
+ * fdt_overlay_target_offset - retrieves the offset of a fragment's target
+ * @fdt: Base device tree blob
+ * @fdto: Device tree overlay blob
+ * @fragment_offset: node offset of the fragment in the overlay
+ * @pathp: pointer which receives the path of the target (or NULL)
+ *
+ * fdt_overlay_target_offset() retrieves the target offset in the base
+ * device tree of a fragment, no matter how the actual targeting is
+ * done (through a phandle or a path)
+ *
+ * returns:
+ * the targeted node offset in the base device tree
+ * Negative error code on error
+ */
+int fdt_overlay_target_offset(const void *fdt, const void *fdto,
+ int fragment_offset, char const **pathp);
/* Debugging / informational functions */
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_ldivmod.S b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_ldivmod.S
index 038ae5d..d0d06be 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_ldivmod.S
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_ldivmod.S
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
//===-- aeabi_ldivmod.S - EABI ldivmod implementation ---------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_memcpy.S b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_memcpy.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93e1b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_memcpy.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+//===-- aeabi_memcpy.S - EABI memcpy implementation -----------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "../assembly.h"
+// void __aeabi_memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n) { memcpy(dest, src, n); }
+ .syntax unified
+ .p2align 2
+#ifdef USE_THUMB_1
+ push {r7, lr}
+ bl memcpy
+ pop {r7, pc}
+ b memcpy
+DEFINE_AEABI_FUNCTION_ALIAS(__aeabi_memcpy4, __aeabi_memcpy)
+DEFINE_AEABI_FUNCTION_ALIAS(__aeabi_memcpy8, __aeabi_memcpy)
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_uldivmod.S b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_uldivmod.S
index be343b6..4fc9770 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_uldivmod.S
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_uldivmod.S
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
//===-- aeabi_uldivmod.S - EABI uldivmod implementation -------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/assembly.h b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/assembly.h
index 29d9f88..69a3d86 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/assembly.h
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/assembly.h
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
-/* ===-- assembly.h - compiler-rt assembler support macros -----------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file defines macros for use in compiler-rt assembler source.
- * This file is not part of the interface of this library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- assembly.h - compiler-rt assembler support macros -----------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file defines macros for use in compiler-rt assembler source.
+// This file is not part of the interface of this library.
-#if defined(__POWERPC__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__)
-#define SEPARATOR @
+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__CET__)
+#if __has_include(<cet.h>)
+#include <cet.h>
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__aarch64__)
+#define SEPARATOR %%
#define SEPARATOR ;
@@ -37,14 +41,15 @@
#define HIDDEN(name) .hidden name
#define LOCAL_LABEL(name) .L_##name
-#if defined(__arm__)
+#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
#define SYMBOL_IS_FUNC(name) .type name,%function
#define SYMBOL_IS_FUNC(name) .type name,@function
#define CONST_SECTION .section .rodata
-#if defined(__GNU__) || defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#if defined(__GNU__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__Fuchsia__) || \
+ defined(__linux__)
#define NO_EXEC_STACK_DIRECTIVE .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
@@ -64,13 +69,105 @@
+#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
+#define FUNC_ALIGN \
+ .text SEPARATOR \
+ .balign 16 SEPARATOR
+#define FUNC_ALIGN
+// BTI and PAC gnu property note
+#define GNU_PROPERTY_AARCH64_FEATURE_1_AND 0xc0000000
+#define BTI_FLAG 0
+#define PAC_FLAG 0
+#define GNU_PROPERTY(type, value) \
+ .pushsection, "a" SEPARATOR \
+ .p2align 3 SEPARATOR \
+ .word 4 SEPARATOR \
+ .word 16 SEPARATOR \
+ .asciz "GNU" SEPARATOR \
+ .word type SEPARATOR \
+ .word 4 SEPARATOR \
+ .word value SEPARATOR \
+ .word 0 SEPARATOR \
+ .popsection
+#if BTI_FLAG != 0
+#define BTI_C hint #34
+#define BTI_J hint #36
+#define BTI_C
+#define BTI_J
+#if (BTI_FLAG | PAC_FLAG) != 0
+#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM)
+#define CFI_START .cfi_startproc
+#define CFI_END .cfi_endproc
+#define CFI_START
+#define CFI_END
#if defined(__arm__)
+// Determine actual [ARM][THUMB[1][2]] ISA using compiler predefined macros:
+// - for '-mthumb -march=armv6' compiler defines '__thumb__'
+// - for '-mthumb -march=armv7' compiler defines '__thumb__' and '__thumb2__'
+#if defined(__thumb2__) || defined(__thumb__)
+#if defined(__thumb2__)
+#define USE_THUMB_2
+#define IT(cond) it cond
+#define ITT(cond) itt cond
+#define ITE(cond) ite cond
+#define USE_THUMB_1
+#define IT(cond)
+#define ITT(cond)
+#define ITE(cond)
+#endif // defined(__thumb__2)
+#else // !defined(__thumb2__) && !defined(__thumb__)
+#define IT(cond)
+#define ITT(cond)
+#define ITE(cond)
+#if defined(USE_THUMB_1) && defined(USE_THUMB_2)
+#error "USE_THUMB_1 and USE_THUMB_2 can't be defined together."
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__) || __ARM_ARCH >= 5
#define ARM_HAS_BX
-#if !defined(__ARM_FEATURE_CLZ) && __ARM_ARCH_ISA_THUMB != 1 && \
+#if !defined(__ARM_FEATURE_CLZ) && !defined(USE_THUMB_1) && \
(__ARM_ARCH >= 6 || (__ARM_ARCH == 5 && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_5__)))
@@ -92,40 +189,47 @@
-#if __ARM_ARCH_ISA_THUMB == 2
-#define IT(cond) it cond
-#define ITT(cond) itt cond
-#define IT(cond)
-#define ITT(cond)
-#if __ARM_ARCH_ISA_THUMB == 2
+#if defined(USE_THUMB_2)
#define WIDE(op) op.w
#define WIDE(op) op
+#else // !defined(__arm)
-#define GLUE2(a, b) a##b
-#define GLUE(a, b) GLUE2(a, b)
+#define GLUE2_(a, b) a##b
+#define GLUE(a, b) GLUE2_(a, b)
+#define GLUE2(a, b) GLUE2_(a, b)
+#define GLUE3_(a, b, c) a##b##c
+#define GLUE3(a, b, c) GLUE3_(a, b, c)
+#define GLUE4_(a, b, c, d) a##b##c##d
+#define GLUE4(a, b, c, d) GLUE4_(a, b, c, d)
#define SYMBOL_NAME(name) GLUE(__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, name)
@@ -134,18 +238,32 @@
.globl name SEPARATOR \
+ .globl name SEPARATOR \
@@ -162,8 +280,13 @@
#ifdef __ELF__
.size SYMBOL_NAME(name), . - SYMBOL_NAME(name)
+ .size SYMBOL_NAME(name), . - SYMBOL_NAME(name)
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/ctzdi2.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/ctzdi2.c
index db3c6fd..26c908d 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/ctzdi2.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/ctzdi2.c
@@ -1,29 +1,35 @@
-/* ===-- ctzdi2.c - Implement __ctzdi2 -------------------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __ctzdi2 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- ctzdi2.c - Implement __ctzdi2 -------------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __ctzdi2 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Returns: the number of trailing 0-bits */
+// Returns: the number of trailing 0-bits
-/* Precondition: a != 0 */
+#if !defined(__clang__) && \
+ ((defined(__sparc__) && defined(__arch64__)) || defined(__mips64) || \
+ (defined(__riscv) && __SIZEOF_POINTER__ >= 8))
+// On 64-bit architectures with neither a native clz instruction nor a native
+// ctz instruction, gcc resolves __builtin_ctz to __ctzdi2 rather than
+// __ctzsi2, leading to infinite recursion.
+#define __builtin_ctz(a) __ctzsi2(a)
+extern int __ctzsi2(si_int);
+// Precondition: a != 0
-__ctzdi2(di_int a)
- dwords x;
- x.all = a;
- const si_int f = -(x.s.low == 0);
- return __builtin_ctz((x.s.high & f) | (x.s.low & ~f)) +
- (f & ((si_int)(sizeof(si_int) * CHAR_BIT)));
+COMPILER_RT_ABI int __ctzdi2(di_int a) {
+ dwords x;
+ x.all = a;
+ const si_int f = -(x.s.low == 0);
+ return ctzsi((x.s.high & f) | (x.s.low & ~f)) +
+ (f & ((si_int)(sizeof(si_int) * CHAR_BIT)));
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divdi3.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divdi3.c
index b8eebcb..d71e138 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divdi3.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divdi3.c
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
-/* ===-- divdi3.c - Implement __divdi3 -------------------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __divdi3 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- divdi3.c - Implement __divdi3 -------------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __divdi3 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Returns: a / b */
+// Returns: a / b
+#define fixint_t di_int
+#define fixuint_t du_int
+#define COMPUTE_UDIV(a, b) __udivmoddi4((a), (b), (du_int *)0)
+#include ""
-__divdi3(di_int a, di_int b)
- const int bits_in_dword_m1 = (int)(sizeof(di_int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1;
- di_int s_a = a >> bits_in_dword_m1; /* s_a = a < 0 ? -1 : 0 */
- di_int s_b = b >> bits_in_dword_m1; /* s_b = b < 0 ? -1 : 0 */
- a = (a ^ s_a) - s_a; /* negate if s_a == -1 */
- b = (b ^ s_b) - s_b; /* negate if s_b == -1 */
- s_a ^= s_b; /*sign of quotient */
- return (__udivmoddi4(a, b, (du_int*)0) ^ s_a) - s_a; /* negate if s_a == -1 */
+COMPILER_RT_ABI di_int __divdi3(di_int a, di_int b) { return __divXi3(a, b); }
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divmoddi4.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divmoddi4.c
index 0d4df67..e7cbbb1 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divmoddi4.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divmoddi4.c
@@ -1,25 +1,28 @@
-/*===-- divmoddi4.c - Implement __divmoddi4 --------------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __divmoddi4 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- divmoddi4.c - Implement __divmoddi4 -------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __divmoddi4 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Returns: a / b, *rem = a % b */
+// Returns: a / b, *rem = a % b
-__divmoddi4(di_int a, di_int b, di_int* rem)
- di_int d = __divdi3(a,b);
- *rem = a - (d*b);
- return d;
+COMPILER_RT_ABI di_int __divmoddi4(di_int a, di_int b, di_int *rem) {
+ const int bits_in_dword_m1 = (int)(sizeof(di_int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1;
+ di_int s_a = a >> bits_in_dword_m1; // s_a = a < 0 ? -1 : 0
+ di_int s_b = b >> bits_in_dword_m1; // s_b = b < 0 ? -1 : 0
+ a = (a ^ s_a) - s_a; // negate if s_a == -1
+ b = (b ^ s_b) - s_b; // negate if s_b == -1
+ s_b ^= s_a; // sign of quotient
+ du_int r;
+ di_int q = (__udivmoddi4(a, b, &r) ^ s_b) - s_b; // negate if s_b == -1
+ *rem = (r ^ s_a) - s_a; // negate if s_a == -1
+ return q;
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc1f97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+//===-- - Integer division ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Helpers used by __udivsi3, __umodsi3, __udivdi3, and __umodsi3.
+#define clz(a) (sizeof(a) == sizeof(unsigned long long) ? __builtin_clzll(a) : clzsi(a))
+// Adapted from Figure 3-40 of The PowerPC Compiler Writer's Guide
+static __inline fixuint_t __udivXi3(fixuint_t n, fixuint_t d) {
+ const unsigned N = sizeof(fixuint_t) * CHAR_BIT;
+ // d == 0 cases are unspecified.
+ unsigned sr = (d ? clz(d) : N) - (n ? clz(n) : N);
+ // 0 <= sr <= N - 1 or sr is very large.
+ if (sr > N - 1) // n < d
+ return 0;
+ if (sr == N - 1) // d == 1
+ return n;
+ ++sr;
+ // 1 <= sr <= N - 1. Shifts do not trigger UB.
+ fixuint_t r = n >> sr;
+ n <<= N - sr;
+ fixuint_t carry = 0;
+ for (; sr > 0; --sr) {
+ r = (r << 1) | (n >> (N - 1));
+ n = (n << 1) | carry;
+ // Branch-less version of:
+ // carry = 0;
+ // if (r >= d) r -= d, carry = 1;
+ const fixint_t s = (fixint_t)(d - r - 1) >> (N - 1);
+ carry = s & 1;
+ r -= d & s;
+ }
+ n = (n << 1) | carry;
+ return n;
+// Mostly identical to __udivXi3 but the return values are different.
+static __inline fixuint_t __umodXi3(fixuint_t n, fixuint_t d) {
+ const unsigned N = sizeof(fixuint_t) * CHAR_BIT;
+ // d == 0 cases are unspecified.
+ unsigned sr = (d ? clz(d) : N) - (n ? clz(n) : N);
+ // 0 <= sr <= N - 1 or sr is very large.
+ if (sr > N - 1) // n < d
+ return n;
+ if (sr == N - 1) // d == 1
+ return 0;
+ ++sr;
+ // 1 <= sr <= N - 1. Shifts do not trigger UB.
+ fixuint_t r = n >> sr;
+ n <<= N - sr;
+ fixuint_t carry = 0;
+ for (; sr > 0; --sr) {
+ r = (r << 1) | (n >> (N - 1));
+ n = (n << 1) | carry;
+ // Branch-less version of:
+ // carry = 0;
+ // if (r >= d) r -= d, carry = 1;
+ const fixint_t s = (fixint_t)(d - r - 1) >> (N - 1);
+ carry = s & 1;
+ r -= d & s;
+ }
+ return r;
+static __inline fixint_t __divXi3(fixint_t a, fixint_t b) {
+ const int N = (int)(sizeof(fixint_t) * CHAR_BIT) - 1;
+ fixint_t s_a = a >> N; // s_a = a < 0 ? -1 : 0
+ fixint_t s_b = b >> N; // s_b = b < 0 ? -1 : 0
+ fixuint_t a_u = (fixuint_t)(a ^ s_a) + (-s_a); // negate if s_a == -1
+ fixuint_t b_u = (fixuint_t)(b ^ s_b) + (-s_b); // negate if s_b == -1
+ s_a ^= s_b; // sign of quotient
+ return (COMPUTE_UDIV(a_u, b_u) ^ s_a) + (-s_a); // negate if s_a == -1
+#endif // COMPUTE_UDIV
+static __inline fixint_t __modXi3(fixint_t a, fixint_t b) {
+ const int N = (int)(sizeof(fixint_t) * CHAR_BIT) - 1;
+ fixint_t s = b >> N; // s = b < 0 ? -1 : 0
+ fixuint_t b_u = (fixuint_t)(b ^ s) + (-s); // negate if s == -1
+ s = a >> N; // s = a < 0 ? -1 : 0
+ fixuint_t a_u = (fixuint_t)(a ^ s) + (-s); // negate if s == -1
+ fixuint_t res;
+ ASSIGN_UMOD(res, a_u, b_u);
+ return (res ^ s) + (-s); // negate if s == -1
+#endif // ASSIGN_UMOD
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_endianness.h b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_endianness.h
index 7995ddb..291c6b5 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_endianness.h
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_endianness.h
@@ -1,51 +1,49 @@
-/* ===-- int_endianness.h - configuration header for compiler-rt ------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file is a configuration header for compiler-rt.
- * This file is not part of the interface of this library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- int_endianness.h - configuration header for compiler-rt -----------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is a configuration header for compiler-rt.
+// This file is not part of the interface of this library.
-#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) && \
+#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) && \
-/* Clang and GCC provide built-in endianness definitions. */
+// Clang and GCC provide built-in endianness definitions.
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
-#endif /* __BYTE_ORDER__ */
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#endif // __BYTE_ORDER__
-#else /* Compilers other than Clang or GCC. */
+#else // Compilers other than Clang or GCC.
#if defined(__SVR4) && defined(__sun)
#include <sys/byteorder.h>
#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
#elif defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
-#else /* !_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#else // !_LITTLE_ENDIAN
#error "unknown endianness"
-#endif /* !_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+#endif // !_LITTLE_ENDIAN
-#endif /* Solaris and AuroraUX. */
+#endif // Solaris
-/* .. */
+// ..
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || \
@@ -53,64 +51,64 @@
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
-#endif /* _BYTE_ORDER */
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#endif // _BYTE_ORDER
-#endif /* *BSD */
+#endif // *BSD
-#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__Bitrig__)
+#if defined(__OpenBSD__)
#include <machine/endian.h>
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
-#endif /* _BYTE_ORDER */
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#endif // _BYTE_ORDER
-#endif /* OpenBSD and Bitrig. */
+#endif // OpenBSD
-/* .. */
+// ..
-/* Mac OSX has __BIG_ENDIAN__ or __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ automatically set by the
- * compiler (at least with GCC) */
-#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ellcc__ )
+// Mac OSX has __BIG_ENDIAN__ or __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ automatically set by the
+// compiler (at least with GCC)
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ellcc__)
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
#if __BIG_ENDIAN__
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-#endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN__ */
+#endif // __BIG_ENDIAN__
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
-#endif /* __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
+#endif // __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-#endif /* Mac OSX */
+#endif // Mac OSX
-/* .. */
+// ..
#if defined(_WIN32)
-#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+#define _YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN 0
-#endif /* Windows */
+#endif // Windows
-#endif /* Clang or GCC. */
+#endif // Clang or GCC.
-/* . */
+// .
#if !defined(_YUGA_LITTLE_ENDIAN) || !defined(_YUGA_BIG_ENDIAN)
#error Unable to determine endian
-#endif /* Check we found an endianness correctly. */
+#endif // Check we found an endianness correctly.
-#endif /* INT_ENDIANNESS_H */
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_lib.h b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_lib.h
index 80a7c41..fb791eb 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_lib.h
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_lib.h
@@ -1,49 +1,33 @@
-/* ===-- int_lib.h - configuration header for compiler-rt -----------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file is a configuration header for compiler-rt.
- * This file is not part of the interface of this library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
- * Portions copyright (c) 2017-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors.
- * All rights reserved.
- */
+//===-- int_lib.h - configuration header for compiler-rt -----------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is a configuration header for compiler-rt.
+// This file is not part of the interface of this library.
#ifndef INT_LIB_H
#define INT_LIB_H
-/* Assumption: Signed integral is 2's complement. */
-/* Assumption: Right shift of signed negative is arithmetic shift. */
-/* Assumption: Endianness is little or big (not mixed). */
+// Assumption: Signed integral is 2's complement.
+// Assumption: Right shift of signed negative is arithmetic shift.
+// Assumption: Endianness is little or big (not mixed).
-#if defined(__ELF__)
-#define FNALIAS(alias_name, original_name) \
- void alias_name() __attribute__((__alias__(#original_name)))
-#define COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(aliasee) __attribute__((__alias__(#aliasee)))
-#define FNALIAS(alias, name) _Pragma("GCC error(\"alias unsupported on this file format\")")
-#define COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(aliasee) _Pragma("GCC error(\"alias unsupported on this file format\")")
-/* ABI macro definitions */
+// ABI macro definitions
#if __ARM_EABI__
-# else
-# define COMPILER_RT_ABI __attribute__((__pcs__("aapcs")))
-# endif
+#define COMPILER_RT_ABI __attribute__((__pcs__("aapcs")))
#define AEABI_RTABI __attribute__((__pcs__("aapcs")))
@@ -60,42 +44,89 @@
#define UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+#define STR(a) #a
+#define XSTR(a) STR(a)
+#define SYMBOL_NAME(name) XSTR(__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__) #name
+#if defined(__ELF__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__wasm__) || \
+ defined(_AIX)
+#define COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(name, aliasname) \
+ COMPILER_RT_ABI __typeof(name) aliasname __attribute__((__alias__(#name)));
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+ __asm__(".private_extern " SYMBOL_NAME(name));
+#define COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(name, aliasname) \
+ __asm__(".globl " SYMBOL_NAME(aliasname)); \
+ __asm__(SYMBOL_NAME(aliasname) " = " SYMBOL_NAME(name)); \
+ COMPILER_RT_ABI __typeof(name) aliasname;
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+#define COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(name, aliasname)
+#error Unsupported target
- * Kernel and boot environment can't use normal headers,
- * so use the equivalent system headers.
- */
-# include <limits.h>
-# include <stdint.h>
+#if (defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && \
+ (defined(_KERNEL) || defined(_STANDALONE))
+// Kernel and boot environment can't use normal headers,
+// so use the equivalent system headers.
+// NB: FreeBSD (and OpenBSD) deprecate machine/limits.h in
+// favour of sys/limits.h, so prefer the former, but fall
+// back on the latter if not available since NetBSD only has
+// the latter.
+#if defined(__has_include) && __has_include(<sys/limits.h>)
+#include <sys/limits.h>
+#include <machine/limits.h>
+#include <sys/stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+// Include the standard compiler builtin headers we use functionality from.
+#include <float.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
-/* Include the commonly used internal type definitions. */
+// Include the commonly used internal type definitions.
#include "int_types.h"
-COMPILER_RT_ABI si_int __paritysi2(si_int a);
-COMPILER_RT_ABI si_int __paritydi2(di_int a);
+// Include internal utility function declarations.
+#include "int_util.h"
+COMPILER_RT_ABI int __paritysi2(si_int a);
+COMPILER_RT_ABI int __paritydi2(di_int a);
COMPILER_RT_ABI di_int __divdi3(di_int a, di_int b);
COMPILER_RT_ABI si_int __divsi3(si_int a, si_int b);
COMPILER_RT_ABI su_int __udivsi3(su_int n, su_int d);
-COMPILER_RT_ABI su_int __udivmodsi4(su_int a, su_int b, su_int* rem);
-COMPILER_RT_ABI du_int __udivmoddi4(du_int a, du_int b, du_int* rem);
+COMPILER_RT_ABI su_int __udivmodsi4(su_int a, su_int b, su_int *rem);
+COMPILER_RT_ABI du_int __udivmoddi4(du_int a, du_int b, du_int *rem);
#ifdef CRT_HAS_128BIT
-COMPILER_RT_ABI si_int __clzti2(ti_int a);
-COMPILER_RT_ABI tu_int __udivmodti4(tu_int a, tu_int b, tu_int* rem);
+COMPILER_RT_ABI int __clzti2(ti_int a);
+COMPILER_RT_ABI tu_int __udivmodti4(tu_int a, tu_int b, tu_int *rem);
-/* Definitions for builtins unavailable on MSVC */
+// Definitions for builtins unavailable on MSVC
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#include <intrin.h>
-uint32_t __inline __builtin_ctz(uint32_t value) {
+int __inline __builtin_ctz(uint32_t value) {
unsigned long trailing_zero = 0;
if (_BitScanForward(&trailing_zero, value))
return trailing_zero;
return 32;
-uint32_t __inline __builtin_clz(uint32_t value) {
+int __inline __builtin_clz(uint32_t value) {
unsigned long leading_zero = 0;
if (_BitScanReverse(&leading_zero, value))
return 31 - leading_zero;
@@ -103,14 +134,14 @@
#if defined(_M_ARM) || defined(_M_X64)
-uint32_t __inline __builtin_clzll(uint64_t value) {
+int __inline __builtin_clzll(uint64_t value) {
unsigned long leading_zero = 0;
if (_BitScanReverse64(&leading_zero, value))
return 63 - leading_zero;
return 64;
-uint32_t __inline __builtin_clzll(uint64_t value) {
+int __inline __builtin_clzll(uint64_t value) {
if (value == 0)
return 64;
uint32_t msh = (uint32_t)(value >> 32);
@@ -122,6 +153,19 @@
#define __builtin_clzl __builtin_clzll
-#endif /* defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) */
+bool __inline __builtin_sadd_overflow(int x, int y, int *result) {
+ if ((x < 0) != (y < 0)) {
+ *result = x + y;
+ return false;
+ }
+ int tmp = (unsigned int)x + (unsigned int)y;
+ if ((tmp < 0) != (x < 0))
+ return true;
+ *result = tmp;
+ return false;
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#endif /* INT_LIB_H */
+#endif // INT_LIB_H
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_math.h b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_math.h
index fc81fb7..48b9580 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_math.h
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_math.h
@@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
-/* ===-- int_math.h - internal math inlines ---------------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file is not part of the interface of this library.
- *
- * This file defines substitutes for the libm functions used in some of the
- * compiler-rt implementations, defined in such a way that there is not a direct
- * dependency on libm or math.h. Instead, we use the compiler builtin versions
- * where available. This reduces our dependencies on the system SDK by foisting
- * the responsibility onto the compiler.
- *
- * ===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- int_math.h - internal math inlines --------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is not part of the interface of this library.
+// This file defines substitutes for the libm functions used in some of the
+// compiler-rt implementations, defined in such a way that there is not a direct
+// dependency on libm or math.h. Instead, we use the compiler builtin versions
+// where available. This reduces our dependencies on the system SDK by foisting
+// the responsibility onto the compiler.
#ifndef INT_MATH_H
#define INT_MATH_H
#ifndef __has_builtin
-# define __has_builtin(x) 0
+#define __has_builtin(x) 0
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ymath.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
@@ -42,24 +39,23 @@
#define crt_isinf(x) !_finite((x))
#define crt_isnan(x) _isnan((x))
-/* Define crt_isfinite in terms of the builtin if available, otherwise provide
- * an alternate version in terms of our other functions. This supports some
- * versions of GCC which didn't have __builtin_isfinite.
- */
+// Define crt_isfinite in terms of the builtin if available, otherwise provide
+// an alternate version in terms of our other functions. This supports some
+// versions of GCC which didn't have __builtin_isfinite.
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_isfinite)
-# define crt_isfinite(x) __builtin_isfinite((x))
+#define crt_isfinite(x) __builtin_isfinite((x))
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
-# define crt_isfinite(x) \
- __extension__(({ \
- __typeof((x)) x_ = (x); \
- !crt_isinf(x_) && !crt_isnan(x_); \
- }))
+#define crt_isfinite(x) \
+ __extension__(({ \
+ __typeof((x)) x_ = (x); \
+ !crt_isinf(x_) && !crt_isnan(x_); \
+ }))
-# error "Do not know how to check for infinity"
-#endif /* __has_builtin(__builtin_isfinite) */
+#error "Do not know how to check for infinity"
+#endif // __has_builtin(__builtin_isfinite)
#define crt_isinf(x) __builtin_isinf((x))
#define crt_isnan(x) __builtin_isnan((x))
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#endif // _MSC_VER
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#define crt_copysign(x, y) copysign((x), (y))
@@ -82,33 +78,21 @@
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#define crt_fmax(x, y) __max((x), (y))
-#define crt_fmaxf(x, y) __max((x), (y))
#define crt_fmaxl(x, y) __max((x), (y))
-#define crt_fmax(x, y) __builtin_fmax((x), (y))
-#define crt_fmaxf(x, y) __builtin_fmaxf((x), (y))
#define crt_fmaxl(x, y) __builtin_fmaxl((x), (y))
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#define crt_logb(x) logb((x))
-#define crt_logbf(x) logbf((x))
#define crt_logbl(x) logbl((x))
-#define crt_logb(x) __builtin_logb((x))
-#define crt_logbf(x) __builtin_logbf((x))
#define crt_logbl(x) __builtin_logbl((x))
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
-#define crt_scalbn(x, y) scalbn((x), (y))
-#define crt_scalbnf(x, y) scalbnf((x), (y))
#define crt_scalbnl(x, y) scalbnl((x), (y))
-#define crt_scalbn(x, y) __builtin_scalbn((x), (y))
-#define crt_scalbnf(x, y) __builtin_scalbnf((x), (y))
#define crt_scalbnl(x, y) __builtin_scalbnl((x), (y))
-#endif /* INT_MATH_H */
+#endif // INT_MATH_H
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_types.h b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_types.h
index 660385e..7a72de4 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_types.h
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_types.h
@@ -1,148 +1,174 @@
-/* ===-- int_lib.h - configuration header for compiler-rt -----------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file is not part of the interface of this library.
- *
- * This file defines various standard types, most importantly a number of unions
- * used to access parts of larger types.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- int_lib.h - configuration header for compiler-rt -----------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is not part of the interface of this library.
+// This file defines various standard types, most importantly a number of unions
+// used to access parts of larger types.
#ifndef INT_TYPES_H
#define INT_TYPES_H
#include "int_endianness.h"
-/* si_int is defined in Linux sysroot's asm-generic/siginfo.h */
+// si_int is defined in Linux sysroot's asm-generic/siginfo.h
#ifdef si_int
#undef si_int
-typedef int si_int;
-typedef unsigned su_int;
+typedef int32_t si_int;
+typedef uint32_t su_int;
+#define clzsi __builtin_clz
+#define ctzsi __builtin_ctz
+#define clzsi __builtin_clzl
+#define ctzsi __builtin_ctzl
+#error could not determine appropriate clzsi macro for this system
-typedef long long di_int;
-typedef unsigned long long du_int;
+typedef int64_t di_int;
+typedef uint64_t du_int;
-typedef union
- di_int all;
- struct
- {
+typedef union {
+ di_int all;
+ struct {
- su_int low;
- si_int high;
+ su_int low;
+ si_int high;
- si_int high;
- su_int low;
-#endif /* _YUGA_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
- }s;
+ si_int high;
+ su_int low;
+ } s;
} dwords;
-typedef union
- du_int all;
- struct
- {
+typedef union {
+ du_int all;
+ struct {
- su_int low;
- su_int high;
+ su_int low;
+ su_int high;
- su_int high;
- su_int low;
-#endif /* _YUGA_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
- }s;
+ su_int high;
+ su_int low;
+ } s;
} udwords;
-/* MIPS64 issue: PR 20098 */
-#if (defined(__LP64__) || defined(__wasm__)) && \
- !(defined(__mips__) && defined(__clang__))
+#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(__wasm__) || defined(__mips64) || \
+ defined(__riscv) || defined(_WIN64)
#define CRT_HAS_128BIT
+// MSVC doesn't have a working 128bit integer type. Users should really compile
+// compiler-rt with clang, but if they happen to be doing a standalone build for
+// asan or something else, disable the 128 bit parts so things sort of work.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
+#undef CRT_HAS_128BIT
#ifdef CRT_HAS_128BIT
-typedef int ti_int __attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
-typedef unsigned tu_int __attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
+typedef int ti_int __attribute__((mode(TI)));
+typedef unsigned tu_int __attribute__((mode(TI)));
-typedef union
- ti_int all;
- struct
- {
+typedef union {
+ ti_int all;
+ struct {
- du_int low;
- di_int high;
+ du_int low;
+ di_int high;
- di_int high;
- du_int low;
-#endif /* _YUGA_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
- }s;
+ di_int high;
+ du_int low;
+ } s;
} twords;
-typedef union
- tu_int all;
- struct
- {
+typedef union {
+ tu_int all;
+ struct {
- du_int low;
- du_int high;
+ du_int low;
+ du_int high;
- du_int high;
- du_int low;
-#endif /* _YUGA_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
- }s;
+ du_int high;
+ du_int low;
+ } s;
} utwords;
static __inline ti_int make_ti(di_int h, di_int l) {
- twords r;
- r.s.high = h;
- r.s.low = l;
- return r.all;
+ twords r;
+ r.s.high = h;
+ r.s.low = l;
+ return r.all;
static __inline tu_int make_tu(du_int h, du_int l) {
- utwords r;
- r.s.high = h;
- r.s.low = l;
- return r.all;
+ utwords r;
+ r.s.high = h;
+ r.s.low = l;
+ return r.all;
-#endif /* CRT_HAS_128BIT */
+#endif // CRT_HAS_128BIT
-typedef union
- su_int u;
- float f;
+// FreeBSD's boot environment does not support using floating-point and poisons
+// the float and double keywords.
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(_STANDALONE)
+typedef union {
+ su_int u;
+ float f;
} float_bits;
-typedef union
- udwords u;
- double f;
+typedef union {
+ udwords u;
+ double f;
} double_bits;
-typedef struct
+typedef struct {
- udwords low;
- udwords high;
+ udwords low;
+ udwords high;
- udwords high;
- udwords low;
-#endif /* _YUGA_LITTLE_ENDIAN */
+ udwords high;
+ udwords low;
} uqwords;
+// Check if the target supports 80 bit extended precision long doubles.
+// Notably, on x86 Windows, MSVC only provides a 64-bit long double, but GCC
+// still makes it 80 bits. Clang will match whatever compiler it is trying to
+// be compatible with. On 32-bit x86 Android, long double is 64 bits, while on
+// x86_64 Android, long double is 128 bits.
+#if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && \
+ !(defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__ANDROID__))
+#define HAS_80_BIT_LONG_DOUBLE 1
+#elif defined(__m68k__) || defined(__ia64__)
+#define HAS_80_BIT_LONG_DOUBLE 1
+#define HAS_80_BIT_LONG_DOUBLE 0
-typedef union
- uqwords u;
- long double f;
+typedef union {
+ uqwords u;
+ long double f;
} long_double_bits;
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
@@ -153,14 +179,20 @@
#define COMPLEX_REAL(x) __real__(x)
#define COMPLEX_IMAGINARY(x) __imag__(x)
-typedef struct { float real, imaginary; } Fcomplex;
+typedef struct {
+ float real, imaginary;
+} Fcomplex;
-typedef struct { double real, imaginary; } Dcomplex;
+typedef struct {
+ double real, imaginary;
+} Dcomplex;
-typedef struct { long double real, imaginary; } Lcomplex;
+typedef struct {
+ long double real, imaginary;
+} Lcomplex;
#define COMPLEX_REAL(x) (x).real
#define COMPLEX_IMAGINARY(x) (x).imaginary
-#endif /* INT_TYPES_H */
+#endif // INT_TYPES_H
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_util.h b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c372c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/int_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+//===-- int_util.h - internal utility functions ---------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file is not part of the interface of this library.
+// This file defines non-inline utilities which are available for use in the
+// library. The function definitions themselves are all contained in int_util.c
+// which will always be compiled into any compiler-rt library.
+#ifndef INT_UTIL_H
+#define INT_UTIL_H
+/// \brief Trigger a program abort (or panic for kernel code).
+#define compilerrt_abort() __compilerrt_abort_impl(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
+NORETURN void __compilerrt_abort_impl(const char *file, int line,
+ const char *function);
+#define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT1(expr, cnt) COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2(expr, cnt)
+#define COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2(expr, cnt) \
+ typedef char ct_assert_##cnt[(expr) ? 1 : -1] UNUSED
+// Force unrolling the code specified to be repeated N times.
+#define REPEAT_0_TIMES(code_to_repeat) /* do nothing */
+#define REPEAT_1_TIMES(code_to_repeat) code_to_repeat
+#define REPEAT_2_TIMES(code_to_repeat) \
+ REPEAT_1_TIMES(code_to_repeat) \
+ code_to_repeat
+#define REPEAT_3_TIMES(code_to_repeat) \
+ REPEAT_2_TIMES(code_to_repeat) \
+ code_to_repeat
+#define REPEAT_4_TIMES(code_to_repeat) \
+ REPEAT_3_TIMES(code_to_repeat) \
+ code_to_repeat
+#define REPEAT_N_TIMES_(N, code_to_repeat) REPEAT_##N##_TIMES(code_to_repeat)
+#define REPEAT_N_TIMES(N, code_to_repeat) REPEAT_N_TIMES_(N, code_to_repeat)
+#endif // INT_UTIL_H
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/lshrdi3.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/lshrdi3.c
index 67b2a76..6072152 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/lshrdi3.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/lshrdi3.c
@@ -1,45 +1,38 @@
-/* ===-- lshrdi3.c - Implement __lshrdi3 -----------------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __lshrdi3 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- lshrdi3.c - Implement __lshrdi3 -----------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __lshrdi3 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Returns: logical a >> b */
+// Returns: logical a >> b
-/* Precondition: 0 <= b < bits_in_dword */
+// Precondition: 0 <= b < bits_in_dword
-__lshrdi3(di_int a, si_int b)
- const int bits_in_word = (int)(sizeof(si_int) * CHAR_BIT);
- udwords input;
- udwords result;
- input.all = a;
- if (b & bits_in_word) /* bits_in_word <= b < bits_in_dword */
- {
- result.s.high = 0;
- result.s.low = input.s.high >> (b - bits_in_word);
- }
- else /* 0 <= b < bits_in_word */
- {
- if (b == 0)
- return a;
- result.s.high = input.s.high >> b;
- result.s.low = (input.s.high << (bits_in_word - b)) | (input.s.low >> b);
- }
- return result.all;
+COMPILER_RT_ABI di_int __lshrdi3(di_int a, int b) {
+ const int bits_in_word = (int)(sizeof(si_int) * CHAR_BIT);
+ udwords input;
+ udwords result;
+ input.all = a;
+ if (b & bits_in_word) /* bits_in_word <= b < bits_in_dword */ {
+ result.s.high = 0;
+ result.s.low = input.s.high >> (b - bits_in_word);
+ } else /* 0 <= b < bits_in_word */ {
+ if (b == 0)
+ return a;
+ result.s.high = input.s.high >> b;
+ result.s.low = (input.s.high << (bits_in_word - b)) | (input.s.low >> b);
+ }
+ return result.all;
#if defined(__ARM_EABI__)
-AEABI_RTABI di_int __aeabi_llsr(di_int a, si_int b) COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__lshrdi3);
+COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__lshrdi3, __aeabi_llsr)
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountdi2.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountdi2.c
index 5e8a62f..20dd0b0 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountdi2.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountdi2.c
@@ -1,36 +1,32 @@
-/* ===-- popcountdi2.c - Implement __popcountdi2 ----------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __popcountdi2 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- popcountdi2.c - Implement __popcountdi2 ---------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __popcountdi2 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Returns: count of 1 bits */
+// Returns: count of 1 bits
-__popcountdi2(di_int a)
- du_int x2 = (du_int)a;
- x2 = x2 - ((x2 >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555uLL);
- /* Every 2 bits holds the sum of every pair of bits (32) */
- x2 = ((x2 >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333uLL) + (x2 & 0x3333333333333333uLL);
- /* Every 4 bits holds the sum of every 4-set of bits (3 significant bits) (16) */
- x2 = (x2 + (x2 >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FuLL;
- /* Every 8 bits holds the sum of every 8-set of bits (4 significant bits) (8) */
- su_int x = (su_int)(x2 + (x2 >> 32));
- /* The lower 32 bits hold four 16 bit sums (5 significant bits). */
- /* Upper 32 bits are garbage */
- x = x + (x >> 16);
- /* The lower 16 bits hold two 32 bit sums (6 significant bits). */
- /* Upper 16 bits are garbage */
- return (x + (x >> 8)) & 0x0000007F; /* (7 significant bits) */
+COMPILER_RT_ABI int __popcountdi2(di_int a) {
+ du_int x2 = (du_int)a;
+ x2 = x2 - ((x2 >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555uLL);
+ // Every 2 bits holds the sum of every pair of bits (32)
+ x2 = ((x2 >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333uLL) + (x2 & 0x3333333333333333uLL);
+ // Every 4 bits holds the sum of every 4-set of bits (3 significant bits) (16)
+ x2 = (x2 + (x2 >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FuLL;
+ // Every 8 bits holds the sum of every 8-set of bits (4 significant bits) (8)
+ su_int x = (su_int)(x2 + (x2 >> 32));
+ // The lower 32 bits hold four 16 bit sums (5 significant bits).
+ // Upper 32 bits are garbage
+ x = x + (x >> 16);
+ // The lower 16 bits hold two 32 bit sums (6 significant bits).
+ // Upper 16 bits are garbage
+ return (x + (x >> 8)) & 0x0000007F; // (7 significant bits)
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountsi2.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountsi2.c
index 44544ff..4d346c4 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountsi2.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/popcountsi2.c
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
-/* ===-- popcountsi2.c - Implement __popcountsi2 ---------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __popcountsi2 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- popcountsi2.c - Implement __popcountsi2 ---------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __popcountsi2 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Returns: count of 1 bits */
+// Returns: count of 1 bits
-__popcountsi2(si_int a)
- su_int x = (su_int)a;
- x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
- /* Every 2 bits holds the sum of every pair of bits */
- x = ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333);
- /* Every 4 bits holds the sum of every 4-set of bits (3 significant bits) */
- x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
- /* Every 8 bits holds the sum of every 8-set of bits (4 significant bits) */
- x = (x + (x >> 16));
- /* The lower 16 bits hold two 8 bit sums (5 significant bits).*/
- /* Upper 16 bits are garbage */
- return (x + (x >> 8)) & 0x0000003F; /* (6 significant bits) */
+COMPILER_RT_ABI int __popcountsi2(si_int a) {
+ su_int x = (su_int)a;
+ x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
+ // Every 2 bits holds the sum of every pair of bits
+ x = ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333);
+ // Every 4 bits holds the sum of every 4-set of bits (3 significant bits)
+ x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
+ // Every 8 bits holds the sum of every 8-set of bits (4 significant bits)
+ x = (x + (x >> 16));
+ // The lower 16 bits hold two 8 bit sums (5 significant bits).
+ // Upper 16 bits are garbage
+ return (x + (x >> 8)) & 0x0000003F; // (6 significant bits)
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/udivmoddi4.c b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/udivmoddi4.c
index 0c8b4ff..123e5fb 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/udivmoddi4.c
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/builtins/udivmoddi4.c
@@ -1,231 +1,200 @@
-/* ===-- udivmoddi4.c - Implement __udivmoddi4 -----------------------------===
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
- * Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This file implements __udivmoddi4 for the compiler_rt library.
- *
- * ===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- */
+//===-- udivmoddi4.c - Implement __udivmoddi4 -----------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements __udivmoddi4 for the compiler_rt library.
#include "int_lib.h"
-/* Effects: if rem != 0, *rem = a % b
- * Returns: a / b
- */
+// Effects: if rem != 0, *rem = a % b
+// Returns: a / b
-/* Translated from Figure 3-40 of The PowerPC Compiler Writer's Guide */
+// Translated from Figure 3-40 of The PowerPC Compiler Writer's Guide
-__udivmoddi4(du_int a, du_int b, du_int* rem)
- const unsigned n_uword_bits = sizeof(su_int) * CHAR_BIT;
- const unsigned n_udword_bits = sizeof(du_int) * CHAR_BIT;
- udwords n;
- n.all = a;
- udwords d;
- d.all = b;
- udwords q;
- udwords r;
- unsigned sr;
- /* special cases, X is unknown, K != 0 */
- if (n.s.high == 0)
- {
- if (d.s.high == 0)
- {
- /* 0 X
- * ---
- * 0 X
- */
- if (rem)
- *rem = n.s.low % d.s.low;
- return n.s.low / d.s.low;
- }
- /* 0 X
- * ---
- * K X
- */
- if (rem)
- *rem = n.s.low;
- return 0;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
+// MSVC throws a warning about mod 0 here, disable it for builds that
+// warn-as-error
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4723 4724)
+COMPILER_RT_ABI du_int __udivmoddi4(du_int a, du_int b, du_int *rem) {
+ const unsigned n_uword_bits = sizeof(su_int) * CHAR_BIT;
+ const unsigned n_udword_bits = sizeof(du_int) * CHAR_BIT;
+ udwords n;
+ n.all = a;
+ udwords d;
+ d.all = b;
+ udwords q;
+ udwords r;
+ unsigned sr;
+ // special cases, X is unknown, K != 0
+ if (n.s.high == 0) {
+ if (d.s.high == 0) {
+ // 0 X
+ // ---
+ // 0 X
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = n.s.low % d.s.low;
+ return n.s.low / d.s.low;
- /* n.s.high != 0 */
- if (d.s.low == 0)
- {
- if (d.s.high == 0)
- {
- /* K X
- * ---
- * 0 0
- */
- if (rem)
- *rem = n.s.high % d.s.low;
- return n.s.high / d.s.low;
- }
- /* d.s.high != 0 */
- if (n.s.low == 0)
- {
- /* K 0
- * ---
- * K 0
- */
- if (rem)
- {
- r.s.high = n.s.high % d.s.high;
- r.s.low = 0;
- *rem = r.all;
- }
- return n.s.high / d.s.high;
- }
- /* K K
- * ---
- * K 0
- */
- if ((d.s.high & (d.s.high - 1)) == 0) /* if d is a power of 2 */
- {
- if (rem)
- {
- r.s.low = n.s.low;
- r.s.high = n.s.high & (d.s.high - 1);
- *rem = r.all;
- }
- return n.s.high >> __builtin_ctz(d.s.high);
- }
- /* K K
- * ---
- * K 0
- */
- sr = __builtin_clz(d.s.high) - __builtin_clz(n.s.high);
- /* 0 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 2 or sr large */
- if (sr > n_uword_bits - 2)
- {
- if (rem)
- *rem = n.all;
- return 0;
- }
- ++sr;
- /* 1 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 1 */
- /* q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr); */
+ // 0 X
+ // ---
+ // K X
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = n.s.low;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // n.s.high != 0
+ if (d.s.low == 0) {
+ if (d.s.high == 0) {
+ // K X
+ // ---
+ // 0 0
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = n.s.high % d.s.low;
+ return n.s.high / d.s.low;
+ }
+ // d.s.high != 0
+ if (n.s.low == 0) {
+ // K 0
+ // ---
+ // K 0
+ if (rem) {
+ r.s.high = n.s.high % d.s.high;
+ r.s.low = 0;
+ *rem = r.all;
+ }
+ return n.s.high / d.s.high;
+ }
+ // K K
+ // ---
+ // K 0
+ if ((d.s.high & (d.s.high - 1)) == 0) /* if d is a power of 2 */ {
+ if (rem) {
+ r.s.low = n.s.low;
+ r.s.high = n.s.high & (d.s.high - 1);
+ *rem = r.all;
+ }
+ return n.s.high >> ctzsi(d.s.high);
+ }
+ // K K
+ // ---
+ // K 0
+ sr = clzsi(d.s.high) - clzsi(n.s.high);
+ // 0 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 2 or sr large
+ if (sr > n_uword_bits - 2) {
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = n.all;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ++sr;
+ // 1 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 1
+ // q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr);
+ q.s.low = 0;
+ q.s.high = n.s.low << (n_uword_bits - sr);
+ // r.all = n.all >> sr;
+ r.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
+ r.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
+ } else /* d.s.low != 0 */ {
+ if (d.s.high == 0) {
+ // K X
+ // ---
+ // 0 K
+ if ((d.s.low & (d.s.low - 1)) == 0) /* if d is a power of 2 */ {
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = n.s.low & (d.s.low - 1);
+ if (d.s.low == 1)
+ return n.all;
+ sr = ctzsi(d.s.low);
+ q.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
+ q.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
+ return q.all;
+ }
+ // K X
+ // ---
+ // 0 K
+ sr = 1 + n_uword_bits + clzsi(d.s.low) - clzsi(n.s.high);
+ // 2 <= sr <= n_udword_bits - 1
+ // q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr);
+ // r.all = n.all >> sr;
+ if (sr == n_uword_bits) {
+ q.s.low = 0;
+ q.s.high = n.s.low;
+ r.s.high = 0;
+ r.s.low = n.s.high;
+ } else if (sr < n_uword_bits) /* 2 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 1 */ {
q.s.low = 0;
q.s.high = n.s.low << (n_uword_bits - sr);
- /* r.all = n.all >> sr; */
r.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
r.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
- }
- else /* d.s.low != 0 */
- {
- if (d.s.high == 0)
- {
- /* K X
- * ---
- * 0 K
- */
- if ((d.s.low & (d.s.low - 1)) == 0) /* if d is a power of 2 */
- {
- if (rem)
- *rem = n.s.low & (d.s.low - 1);
- if (d.s.low == 1)
- return n.all;
- sr = __builtin_ctz(d.s.low);
- q.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
- q.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
- return q.all;
- }
- /* K X
- * ---
- * 0 K
- */
- sr = 1 + n_uword_bits + __builtin_clz(d.s.low) - __builtin_clz(n.s.high);
- /* 2 <= sr <= n_udword_bits - 1
- * q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr);
- * r.all = n.all >> sr;
- */
- if (sr == n_uword_bits)
- {
- q.s.low = 0;
- q.s.high = n.s.low;
- r.s.high = 0;
- r.s.low = n.s.high;
- }
- else if (sr < n_uword_bits) // 2 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 1
- {
- q.s.low = 0;
- q.s.high = n.s.low << (n_uword_bits - sr);
- r.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
- r.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
- }
- else // n_uword_bits + 1 <= sr <= n_udword_bits - 1
- {
- q.s.low = n.s.low << (n_udword_bits - sr);
- q.s.high = (n.s.high << (n_udword_bits - sr)) |
- (n.s.low >> (sr - n_uword_bits));
- r.s.high = 0;
- r.s.low = n.s.high >> (sr - n_uword_bits);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* K X
- * ---
- * K K
- */
- sr = __builtin_clz(d.s.high) - __builtin_clz(n.s.high);
- /* 0 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 1 or sr large */
- if (sr > n_uword_bits - 1)
- {
- if (rem)
- *rem = n.all;
- return 0;
- }
- ++sr;
- /* 1 <= sr <= n_uword_bits */
- /* q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr); */
- q.s.low = 0;
- if (sr == n_uword_bits)
- {
- q.s.high = n.s.low;
- r.s.high = 0;
- r.s.low = n.s.high;
- }
- else
- {
- q.s.high = n.s.low << (n_uword_bits - sr);
- r.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
- r.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Not a special case
- * q and r are initialized with:
- * q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr);
- * r.all = n.all >> sr;
- * 1 <= sr <= n_udword_bits - 1
- */
- su_int carry = 0;
- for (; sr > 0; --sr)
- {
- /* r:q = ((r:q) << 1) | carry */
- r.s.high = (r.s.high << 1) | (r.s.low >> (n_uword_bits - 1));
- r.s.low = (r.s.low << 1) | (q.s.high >> (n_uword_bits - 1));
- q.s.high = (q.s.high << 1) | (q.s.low >> (n_uword_bits - 1));
- q.s.low = (q.s.low << 1) | carry;
- /* carry = 0;
- * if (r.all >= d.all)
- * {
- * r.all -= d.all;
- * carry = 1;
- * }
- */
- const di_int s = (di_int)(d.all - r.all - 1) >> (n_udword_bits - 1);
- carry = s & 1;
- r.all -= d.all & s;
+ } else /* n_uword_bits + 1 <= sr <= n_udword_bits - 1 */ {
+ q.s.low = n.s.low << (n_udword_bits - sr);
+ q.s.high = (n.s.high << (n_udword_bits - sr)) |
+ (n.s.low >> (sr - n_uword_bits));
+ r.s.high = 0;
+ r.s.low = n.s.high >> (sr - n_uword_bits);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // K X
+ // ---
+ // K K
+ sr = clzsi(d.s.high) - clzsi(n.s.high);
+ // 0 <= sr <= n_uword_bits - 1 or sr large
+ if (sr > n_uword_bits - 1) {
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = n.all;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ++sr;
+ // 1 <= sr <= n_uword_bits
+ // q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr);
+ q.s.low = 0;
+ if (sr == n_uword_bits) {
+ q.s.high = n.s.low;
+ r.s.high = 0;
+ r.s.low = n.s.high;
+ } else {
+ q.s.high = n.s.low << (n_uword_bits - sr);
+ r.s.high = n.s.high >> sr;
+ r.s.low = (n.s.high << (n_uword_bits - sr)) | (n.s.low >> sr);
+ }
- q.all = (q.all << 1) | carry;
- if (rem)
- *rem = r.all;
- return q.all;
+ }
+ // Not a special case
+ // q and r are initialized with:
+ // q.all = n.all << (n_udword_bits - sr);
+ // r.all = n.all >> sr;
+ // 1 <= sr <= n_udword_bits - 1
+ su_int carry = 0;
+ for (; sr > 0; --sr) {
+ // r:q = ((r:q) << 1) | carry
+ r.s.high = (r.s.high << 1) | (r.s.low >> (n_uword_bits - 1));
+ r.s.low = (r.s.low << 1) | (q.s.high >> (n_uword_bits - 1));
+ q.s.high = (q.s.high << 1) | (q.s.low >> (n_uword_bits - 1));
+ q.s.low = (q.s.low << 1) | carry;
+ // carry = 0;
+ // if (r.all >= d.all)
+ // {
+ // r.all -= d.all;
+ // carry = 1;
+ // }
+ const di_int s = (di_int)(d.all - r.all - 1) >> (n_udword_bits - 1);
+ carry = s & 1;
+ r.all -= d.all & s;
+ }
+ q.all = (q.all << 1) | carry;
+ if (rem)
+ *rem = r.all;
+ return q.all;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
+#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/lib/compiler-rt/ b/lib/compiler-rt/
index 40c669f..2338908 100644
--- a/lib/compiler-rt/
+++ b/lib/compiler-rt/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
ifeq (${ARCH},aarch32)
COMPILER_RT_SRCS += lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_ldivmod.S \
lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_uldivmod.S \
+ lib/compiler-rt/builtins/arm/aeabi_memcpy.S \
lib/compiler-rt/builtins/ctzdi2.c \
lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divdi3.c \
lib/compiler-rt/builtins/divmoddi4.c \
diff --git a/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.S b/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.S
index 77f7a8d..fed3f33 100644
--- a/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.S
+++ b/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_a710.S
@@ -383,6 +383,34 @@
b cpu_rev_var_ls
endfunc check_errata_2282622
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Errata Workaround for Cortex-A710 Erratum 2291219 on power down request.
+ * This applies to revision <= r2p0 and is fixed in r2p1.
+ * Inputs:
+ * x0: variant[4:7] and revision[0:3] of current cpu.
+ * Shall clobber: x0-x1, x17
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func errata_a710_2291219_wa
+ /* Check revision. */
+ mov x17, x30
+ bl check_errata_2291219
+ cbz x0, 1f
+ /* Set bit 36 in ACTLR2_EL1 */
+ mrs x1, CORTEX_A710_CPUACTLR2_EL1
+ orr x1, x1, #CORTEX_A710_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_36
+ msr CORTEX_A710_CPUACTLR2_EL1, x1
+ ret x17
+endfunc errata_a710_2291219_wa
+func check_errata_2291219
+ /* Applies to <= r2p0. */
+ mov x1, #0x20
+ b cpu_rev_var_ls
+endfunc check_errata_2291219
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Errata Workaround for Cortex-A710 Erratum 2008768.
* This applies to revision r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0.
@@ -476,6 +504,13 @@
mov x30, x4
+#if ERRATA_A710_2291219
+ mov x15, x30
+ bl cpu_get_rev_var
+ bl errata_a710_2291219_wa
+ mov x30, x15
+#endif /* ERRATA_A710_2291219 */
/* ---------------------------------------------------
* Enable CPU power down bit in power control register
* ---------------------------------------------------
@@ -513,6 +548,7 @@
report_errata ERRATA_A710_2008768, cortex_a710, 2008768
report_errata ERRATA_A710_2147715, cortex_a710, 2147715
report_errata ERRATA_A710_2216384, cortex_a710, 2216384
+ report_errata ERRATA_A710_2291219, cortex_a710, 2291219
report_errata ERRATA_A710_2371105, cortex_a710, 2371105
report_errata WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960, cortex_a710, cve_2022_23960
report_errata ERRATA_DSU_2313941, cortex_a710, dsu_2313941
diff --git a/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.S b/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.S
index f4d2df0..bf1b6ec 100644
--- a/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.S
+++ b/lib/cpus/aarch64/cortex_x3.S
@@ -7,40 +7,47 @@
#include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>
#include <common/bl_common.h>
-#include <cortex_makalu_elp_arm.h>
+#include <cortex_x3.h>
#include <cpu_macros.S>
#include <plat_macros.S>
#include "wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb_vector.S"
/* Hardware handled coherency */
-#error "Cortex Makalu ELP must be compiled with HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY enabled"
+#error "Cortex-X3 must be compiled with HW_ASSISTED_COHERENCY enabled"
/* 64-bit only core */
-#error "Cortex Makalu ELP supports only AArch64. Compile with CTX_INCLUDE_AARCH32_REGS=0"
+#error "Cortex-X3 supports only AArch64. Compile with CTX_INCLUDE_AARCH32_REGS=0"
#if WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960
- wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb_vector_table CORTEX_MAKALU_ELP_ARM_BHB_LOOP_COUNT, cortex_makalu_elp_arm
+ wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb_vector_table CORTEX_X3_BHB_LOOP_COUNT, cortex_x3
#endif /* WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960 */
/* ----------------------------------------------------
* HW will do the cache maintenance while powering down
* ----------------------------------------------------
-func cortex_makalu_elp_arm_core_pwr_dwn
+func cortex_x3_core_pwr_dwn
+#if ERRATA_X3_2313909
+ mov x15, x30
+ bl cpu_get_rev_var
+ bl errata_cortex_x3_2313909_wa
+ mov x30, x15
+#endif /* ERRATA_X3_2313909 */
/* ---------------------------------------------------
* Enable CPU power down bit in power control register
* ---------------------------------------------------
-endfunc cortex_makalu_elp_arm_core_pwr_dwn
+endfunc cortex_x3_core_pwr_dwn
func check_errata_cve_2022_23960
#if WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960
@@ -51,28 +58,56 @@
endfunc check_errata_cve_2022_23960
-func cortex_makalu_elp_arm_reset_func
+func cortex_x3_reset_func
/* Disable speculative loads */
msr SSBS, xzr
#if IMAGE_BL31 && WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960
- * The Cortex Makalu ELP generic vectors are overridden to apply
+ * The Cortex-X3 generic vectors are overridden to apply
* errata mitigation on exception entry from lower ELs.
- adr x0, wa_cve_vbar_cortex_makalu_elp_arm
+ adr x0, wa_cve_vbar_cortex_x3
msr vbar_el3, x0
#endif /* IMAGE_BL31 && WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960 */
-endfunc cortex_makalu_elp_arm_reset_func
+endfunc cortex_x3_reset_func
- * Errata printing function for Cortex Makalu ELP. Must follow AAPCS.
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Errata Workaround for Cortex-X3 Erratum 2313909 on power down request.
+ * This applies to revision r0p0 and r1p0 of Cortex-X3. Fixed in r1p1.
+ * Inputs:
+ * x0: variant[4:7] and revision[0:3] of current cpu.
+ * Shall clobber: x0-x1, x17
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-func cortex_makalu_elp_arm_errata_report
+func errata_cortex_x3_2313909_wa
+ /* Check revision. */
+ mov x17, x30
+ bl check_errata_2313909
+ cbz x0, 1f
+ /* Set bit 36 in ACTLR2_EL1 */
+ orr x1, x1, #CORTEX_X3_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_36
+ ret x17
+endfunc errata_cortex_x3_2313909_wa
+func check_errata_2313909
+ /* Applies to r0p0 and r1p0 */
+ mov x1, #0x10
+ b cpu_rev_var_ls
+endfunc check_errata_2313909
+ /*
+ * Errata printing function for Cortex-X3. Must follow AAPCS.
+ */
+func cortex_x3_errata_report
stp x8, x30, [sp, #-16]!
bl cpu_get_rev_var
@@ -82,15 +117,16 @@
* Report all errata. The revision-variant information is passed to
* checking functions of each errata.
- report_errata WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960, cortex_makalu_elp_arm, cve_2022_23960
+ report_errata ERRATA_X3_2313909, cortex_x3, 2313909
+ report_errata WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960, cortex_x3, cve_2022_23960
ldp x8, x30, [sp], #16
-endfunc cortex_makalu_elp_arm_errata_report
+endfunc cortex_x3_errata_report
/* ---------------------------------------------
- * This function provides Cortex Makalu ELP-
+ * This function provides Cortex-X3-
* specific register information for crash
* reporting. It needs to return with x6
* pointing to a list of register names in ascii
@@ -98,16 +134,16 @@
* reported.
* ---------------------------------------------
-.section .rodata.cortex_makalu_elp_arm_regs, "aS"
-cortex_makalu_elp_arm_regs: /* The ascii list of register names to be reported */
+.section .rodata.cortex_x3_regs, "aS"
+cortex_x3_regs: /* The ascii list of register names to be reported */
.asciz "cpuectlr_el1", ""
-func cortex_makalu_elp_arm_cpu_reg_dump
- adr x6, cortex_makalu_elp_arm_regs
+func cortex_x3_cpu_reg_dump
+ adr x6, cortex_x3_regs
-endfunc cortex_makalu_elp_arm_cpu_reg_dump
+endfunc cortex_x3_cpu_reg_dump
-declare_cpu_ops cortex_makalu_elp_arm, CORTEX_MAKALU_ELP_ARM_MIDR, \
- cortex_makalu_elp_arm_reset_func, \
- cortex_makalu_elp_arm_core_pwr_dwn
+declare_cpu_ops cortex_x3, CORTEX_X3_MIDR, \
+ cortex_x3_reset_func, \
+ cortex_x3_core_pwr_dwn
diff --git a/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.S b/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.S
index 72e5ca8..5861dec 100644
--- a/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.S
+++ b/lib/cpus/aarch64/neoverse_n2.S
@@ -338,6 +338,34 @@
b cpu_rev_var_ls
endfunc check_errata_2280757
+/* --------------------------------------------------
+ * Errata Workaround for Neoverse N2 Erratum 2326639.
+ * This applies to revision r0p0 of Neoverse N2,
+ * fixed in r0p1.
+ * Inputs:
+ * x0: variant[4:7] and revision[0:3] of current cpu.
+ * Shall clobber: x0-x1, x17
+ * --------------------------------------------------
+ */
+func errata_n2_2326639_wa
+ /* Check revision. */
+ mov x17, x30
+ bl check_errata_2326639
+ cbz x0, 1f
+ /* Set bit 36 in ACTLR2_EL1 */
+ orr x1, x1, #NEOVERSE_N2_CPUACTLR2_EL1_BIT_36
+ ret x17
+endfunc errata_n2_2326639_wa
+func check_errata_2326639
+ /* Applies to r0p0, fixed in r0p1 */
+ mov x1, #0x00
+ b cpu_rev_var_ls
+endfunc check_errata_2326639
/* --------------------------------------------------
* Errata Workaround for Neoverse N2 Erratum 2376738.
@@ -533,6 +561,13 @@
endfunc neoverse_n2_reset_func
func neoverse_n2_core_pwr_dwn
+#if ERRATA_N2_2326639
+ mov x15, x30
+ bl cpu_get_rev_var
+ bl errata_n2_2326639_wa
+ mov x30, x15
+#endif /* ERRATA_N2_2326639 */
/* ---------------------------------------------------
* Enable CPU power down bit in power control register
* No need to do cache maintenance here.
@@ -569,6 +604,7 @@
report_errata ERRATA_N2_2138958, neoverse_n2, 2138958
report_errata ERRATA_N2_2242400, neoverse_n2, 2242400
report_errata ERRATA_N2_2280757, neoverse_n2, 2280757
+ report_errata ERRATA_N2_2326639, neoverse_n2, 2326639
report_errata ERRATA_N2_2376738, neoverse_n2, 2376738
report_errata ERRATA_N2_2388450, neoverse_n2, 2388450
report_errata WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960, neoverse_n2, cve_2022_23960
diff --git a/lib/cpus/aarch64/wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb.S b/lib/cpus/aarch64/wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb.S
index e0e41cc..ceb93f1 100644
--- a/lib/cpus/aarch64/wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb.S
+++ b/lib/cpus/aarch64/wa_cve_2022_23960_bhb.S
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
#if WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960
* This macro applies the mitigation for CVE-2022-23960.
- * The macro saves x2-x3 to the CPU context.
+ * The macro saves x2 to the CPU context.
* SP should point to the CPU context.
.macro apply_cve_2022_23960_bhb_wa _bhb_loop_count
- stp x2, x3, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X2]
+ str x2, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X2]
/* CVE-BHB-NUM loop count */
mov x2, \_bhb_loop_count
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
subs x2, x2, #1
bne 1b
- dsb sy
- isb
- ldp x2, x3, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X2]
+ speculation_barrier
+ ldr x2, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_X2]
#endif /* WORKAROUND_CVE_2022_23960 */
diff --git a/lib/cpus/ b/lib/cpus/
index ec0d95e..b4421dd 100644
--- a/lib/cpus/
+++ b/lib/cpus/
@@ -548,6 +548,10 @@
# to revision r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0 of the Cortex-A710 cpu and is fixed in r2p1.
ERRATA_A710_2282622 ?=0
+# Flag to apply erratum 2291219 workaround during reset. This erratum applies
+# to revision r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0 of the Cortex-A710 cpu and is fixed in r2p1.
+ERRATA_A710_2291219 ?=0
# Flag to apply erratum 2008768 workaround during reset. This erratum applies
# to revision r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0 of the Cortex-A710 cpu and is fixed in r2p1.
ERRATA_A710_2008768 ?=0
@@ -592,6 +596,10 @@
# to revision r0p0 of the Neoverse N2 cpu and is still open.
ERRATA_N2_2280757 ?=0
+# Flag to apply erraturm 2326639 workaroud during powerdown. This erratum
+# applies to revision r0p0 of the Neoverse N2 cpu and is fixed in r0p1.
+ERRATA_N2_2326639 ?=0
# Flag to apply erratum 2376738 workaround during reset. This erratum applies
# to revision r0p0 of the Neoverse N2 cpu, it is fixed in r0p1.
ERRATA_N2_2376738 ?=0
@@ -635,6 +643,10 @@
# to revision r0p0, r1p0 and r2p0 of the Cortex-X2 cpu and is fixed in r2p1.
ERRATA_X2_2371105 ?=0
+# Flag to apply erratum 2313909 workaround on powerdown. This erratum applies
+# to revisions r0p0 and r1p0 of the Cortex-X3 cpu, it is fixed in r1p1.
+ERRATA_X3_2313909 ?=0
# Flag to apply erratum 1922240 workaround during reset. This erratum applies
# to revision r0p0 of the Cortex-A510 cpu and is fixed in r0p1.
ERRATA_A510_1922240 ?=0
@@ -1156,6 +1168,10 @@
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_A710_2282622))
$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_A710_2282622))
+# Process ERRATA_A710_2291219 flag
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_A710_2291219))
+$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_A710_2291219))
# Process ERRATA_A710_2008768 flag
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_A710_2008768))
$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_A710_2008768))
@@ -1200,6 +1216,10 @@
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_N2_2280757))
$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_N2_2280757))
+# Process ERRATA_N2_2326639 flag
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_N2_2326639))
+$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_N2_2326639))
# Process ERRATA_N2_2376738 flag
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_N2_2376738))
$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_N2_2376738))
@@ -1240,6 +1260,10 @@
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_X2_2371105))
$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_X2_2371105))
+# Process ERRATA_X3_2313909 flag
+$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_X3_2313909))
+$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_X3_2313909))
# Process ERRATA_A510_1922240 flag
$(eval $(call assert_boolean,ERRATA_A510_1922240))
$(eval $(call add_define,ERRATA_A510_1922240))
diff --git a/lib/extensions/sme/sme.c b/lib/extensions/sme/sme.c
index 958b623..ec8cca8 100644
--- a/lib/extensions/sme/sme.c
+++ b/lib/extensions/sme/sme.c
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
/* Set CPTR_EL3.ESM bit so we can write SMCR_EL3 without trapping. */
cptr_el3 = read_cptr_el3();
write_cptr_el3(cptr_el3 | ESM_BIT);
+ isb();
* Set the max LEN value and FA64 bit. This register is set up globally
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
/* Reset CPTR_EL3 value. */
+ isb();
/* Enable SVE/FPU in addition to SME. */
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt.c
index 6cf2fa0..9fe7cf4 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt.c
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
if (can_assume(VALID_DTB))
return totalsize;
+ /* The device tree must be at an 8-byte aligned address */
+ if ((uintptr_t)fdt & 7)
if (fdt_magic(fdt) == FDT_MAGIC) {
/* Complete tree */
if (!can_assume(LATEST)) {
@@ -86,6 +90,10 @@
size_t hdrsize;
+ /* The device tree must be at an 8-byte aligned address */
+ if ((uintptr_t)fdt & 7)
if (fdt_magic(fdt) != FDT_MAGIC)
if (!can_assume(LATEST)) {
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt_addresses.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt_addresses.c
index 9a82cd0..c40ba09 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt_addresses.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt_addresses.c
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
/* check validity of address */
prop = data;
if (addr_cells == 1) {
- if ((addr > UINT32_MAX) || ((UINT32_MAX + 1 - addr) < size))
+ if ((addr > UINT32_MAX) || (((uint64_t) UINT32_MAX + 1 - addr) < size))
fdt32_st(prop, (uint32_t)addr);
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt_overlay.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt_overlay.c
index d217e79..5c0c398 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt_overlay.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt_overlay.c
@@ -40,37 +40,22 @@
return fdt32_to_cpu(*val);
- * overlay_get_target - retrieves the offset of a fragment's target
- * @fdt: Base device tree blob
- * @fdto: Device tree overlay blob
- * @fragment: node offset of the fragment in the overlay
- * @pathp: pointer which receives the path of the target (or NULL)
- *
- * overlay_get_target() retrieves the target offset in the base
- * device tree of a fragment, no matter how the actual targeting is
- * done (through a phandle or a path)
- *
- * returns:
- * the targeted node offset in the base device tree
- * Negative error code on error
- */
-static int overlay_get_target(const void *fdt, const void *fdto,
- int fragment, char const **pathp)
+int fdt_overlay_target_offset(const void *fdt, const void *fdto,
+ int fragment_offset, char const **pathp)
uint32_t phandle;
const char *path = NULL;
int path_len = 0, ret;
/* Try first to do a phandle based lookup */
- phandle = overlay_get_target_phandle(fdto, fragment);
+ phandle = overlay_get_target_phandle(fdto, fragment_offset);
if (phandle == (uint32_t)-1)
/* no phandle, try path */
if (!phandle) {
/* And then a path based lookup */
- path = fdt_getprop(fdto, fragment, "target-path", &path_len);
+ path = fdt_getprop(fdto, fragment_offset, "target-path", &path_len);
if (path)
ret = fdt_path_offset(fdt, path);
@@ -636,7 +621,7 @@
if (overlay < 0)
return overlay;
- target = overlay_get_target(fdt, fdto, fragment, NULL);
+ target = fdt_overlay_target_offset(fdt, fdto, fragment, NULL);
if (target < 0)
return target;
@@ -779,7 +764,7 @@
/* get the target of the fragment */
- ret = overlay_get_target(fdt, fdto, fragment, &target_path);
+ ret = fdt_overlay_target_offset(fdt, fdto, fragment, &target_path);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
target = ret;
@@ -801,7 +786,7 @@
if (!target_path) {
/* again in case setprop_placeholder changed it */
- ret = overlay_get_target(fdt, fdto, fragment, &target_path);
+ ret = fdt_overlay_target_offset(fdt, fdto, fragment, &target_path);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
target = ret;
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt_ro.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt_ro.c
index 91cc6fe..9f6c551 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt_ro.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt_ro.c
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
if (!can_assume(VALID_INPUT) && !re)
- *address = fdt64_ld(&re->address);
- *size = fdt64_ld(&re->size);
+ *address = fdt64_ld_(&re->address);
+ *size = fdt64_ld_(&re->size);
return 0;
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
const struct fdt_reserve_entry *re;
for (i = 0; (re = fdt_mem_rsv(fdt, i)) != NULL; i++) {
- if (fdt64_ld(&re->size) == 0)
+ if (fdt64_ld_(&re->size) == 0)
return i;
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
prop = fdt_offset_ptr_(fdt, offset);
if (lenp)
- *lenp = fdt32_ld(&prop->len);
+ *lenp = fdt32_ld_(&prop->len);
return prop;
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
- if (fdt_string_eq_(fdt, fdt32_ld(&prop->nameoff),
+ if (fdt_string_eq_(fdt, fdt32_ld_(&prop->nameoff),
name, namelen)) {
if (poffset)
*poffset = offset;
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
/* Handle realignment */
if (!can_assume(LATEST) && fdt_version(fdt) < 0x10 &&
- (poffset + sizeof(*prop)) % 8 && fdt32_ld(&prop->len) >= 8)
+ (poffset + sizeof(*prop)) % 8 && fdt32_ld_(&prop->len) >= 8)
return prop->data + 4;
return prop->data;
@@ -479,22 +479,22 @@
int namelen;
if (!can_assume(VALID_INPUT)) {
- name = fdt_get_string(fdt, fdt32_ld(&prop->nameoff),
+ name = fdt_get_string(fdt, fdt32_ld_(&prop->nameoff),
+ *namep = name;
if (!name) {
if (lenp)
*lenp = namelen;
return NULL;
- *namep = name;
} else {
- *namep = fdt_string(fdt, fdt32_ld(&prop->nameoff));
+ *namep = fdt_string(fdt, fdt32_ld_(&prop->nameoff));
/* Handle realignment */
if (!can_assume(LATEST) && fdt_version(fdt) < 0x10 &&
- (offset + sizeof(*prop)) % 8 && fdt32_ld(&prop->len) >= 8)
+ (offset + sizeof(*prop)) % 8 && fdt32_ld_(&prop->len) >= 8)
return prop->data + 4;
return prop->data;
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
return 0;
- return fdt32_ld(php);
+ return fdt32_ld_(php);
const char *fdt_get_alias_namelen(const void *fdt,
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt_rw.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt_rw.c
index 68887b9..3621d36 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt_rw.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt_rw.c
@@ -349,7 +349,10 @@
return offset;
/* Try to place the new node after the parent's properties */
- fdt_next_tag(fdt, parentoffset, &nextoffset); /* skip the BEGIN_NODE */
+ tag = fdt_next_tag(fdt, parentoffset, &nextoffset);
+ /* the fdt_subnode_offset_namelen() should ensure this never hits */
+ if (!can_assume(LIBFDT_FLAWLESS) && (tag != FDT_BEGIN_NODE))
do {
offset = nextoffset;
tag = fdt_next_tag(fdt, offset, &nextoffset);
@@ -391,7 +394,9 @@
static void fdt_packblocks_(const char *old, char *new,
- int mem_rsv_size, int struct_size)
+ int mem_rsv_size,
+ int struct_size,
+ int strings_size)
int mem_rsv_off, struct_off, strings_off;
@@ -406,8 +411,7 @@
fdt_set_off_dt_struct(new, struct_off);
fdt_set_size_dt_struct(new, struct_size);
- memmove(new + strings_off, old + fdt_off_dt_strings(old),
- fdt_size_dt_strings(old));
+ memmove(new + strings_off, old + fdt_off_dt_strings(old), strings_size);
fdt_set_off_dt_strings(new, strings_off);
fdt_set_size_dt_strings(new, fdt_size_dt_strings(old));
@@ -428,12 +432,14 @@
if (can_assume(LATEST) || fdt_version(fdt) >= 17) {
struct_size = fdt_size_dt_struct(fdt);
- } else {
+ } else if (fdt_version(fdt) == 16) {
struct_size = 0;
while (fdt_next_tag(fdt, struct_size, &struct_size) != FDT_END)
if (struct_size < 0)
return struct_size;
+ } else {
if (can_assume(LIBFDT_ORDER) ||
@@ -465,7 +471,8 @@
- fdt_packblocks_(fdt, tmp, mem_rsv_size, struct_size);
+ fdt_packblocks_(fdt, tmp, mem_rsv_size, struct_size,
+ fdt_size_dt_strings(fdt));
memmove(buf, tmp, newsize);
fdt_set_magic(buf, FDT_MAGIC);
@@ -485,7 +492,8 @@
mem_rsv_size = (fdt_num_mem_rsv(fdt)+1)
* sizeof(struct fdt_reserve_entry);
- fdt_packblocks_(fdt, fdt, mem_rsv_size, fdt_size_dt_struct(fdt));
+ fdt_packblocks_(fdt, fdt, mem_rsv_size, fdt_size_dt_struct(fdt),
+ fdt_size_dt_strings(fdt));
fdt_set_totalsize(fdt, fdt_data_size_(fdt));
return 0;
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt_strerror.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt_strerror.c
index b435693..d852b77 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt_strerror.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt_strerror.c
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#define FDT_ERRTABSIZE ((int)(sizeof(fdt_errtable) / sizeof(fdt_errtable[0])))
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/fdt_sw.c b/lib/libfdt/fdt_sw.c
index 68b543c..4c569ee 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/fdt_sw.c
+++ b/lib/libfdt/fdt_sw.c
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
fdt_set_totalsize(fdt, newstroffset + fdt_size_dt_strings(fdt));
/* And fix up fields that were keeping intermediate state. */
- fdt_set_last_comp_version(fdt, FDT_FIRST_SUPPORTED_VERSION);
+ fdt_set_last_comp_version(fdt, FDT_LAST_COMPATIBLE_VERSION);
fdt_set_magic(fdt, FDT_MAGIC);
return 0;
diff --git a/lib/libfdt/libfdt_internal.h b/lib/libfdt/libfdt_internal.h
index d4e0bd4..16bda19 100644
--- a/lib/libfdt/libfdt_internal.h
+++ b/lib/libfdt/libfdt_internal.h
@@ -46,6 +46,25 @@
return (void *)(uintptr_t)fdt_mem_rsv_(fdt, n);
+ * Internal helpers to access tructural elements of the device tree
+ * blob (rather than for exaple reading integers from within property
+ * values). We assume that we are either given a naturally aligned
+ * address for the platform or if we are not, we are on a platform
+ * where unaligned memory reads will be handled in a graceful manner.
+ * If not the external helpers fdtXX_ld() from libfdt.h can be used
+ * instead.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t fdt32_ld_(const fdt32_t *p)
+ return fdt32_to_cpu(*p);
+static inline uint64_t fdt64_ld_(const fdt64_t *p)
+ return fdt64_to_cpu(*p);
diff --git a/lib/zlib/crc32.c b/lib/zlib/crc32.c
index 9580440..f8357b0 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/crc32.c
+++ b/lib/zlib/crc32.c
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
/* crc32.c -- compute the CRC-32 of a data stream
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016 Mark Adler
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- * Thanks to Rodney Brown <> for his contribution of faster
- * CRC methods: exclusive-oring 32 bits of data at a time, and pre-computing
- * tables for updating the shift register in one step with three exclusive-ors
- * instead of four steps with four exclusive-ors. This results in about a
- * factor of two increase in speed on a Power PC G4 (PPC7455) using gcc -O3.
+ * This interleaved implementation of a CRC makes use of pipelined multiple
+ * arithmetic-logic units, commonly found in modern CPU cores. It is due to
+ * Kadatch and Jenkins (2010). See doc/crc-doc.1.0.pdf in this distribution.
/* @(#) $Id$ */
@@ -14,11 +12,12 @@
Note on the use of DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE: there is no mutex or semaphore
protection on the static variables used to control the first-use generation
- of the crc tables. Therefore, if you #define DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE, you should
+ of the crc tables. Therefore, if you #define DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE, you should
first call get_crc_table() to initialize the tables before allowing more than
one thread to use crc32().
- DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE and MAKECRCH can be #defined to write out crc32.h.
+ MAKECRCH can be #defined to write out crc32.h. A main() routine is also
+ produced, so that this one source file can be compiled to an executable.
@@ -28,400 +27,1066 @@
# endif /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
-#include "zutil.h" /* for STDC and FAR definitions */
+#include "zutil.h" /* for Z_U4, Z_U8, z_crc_t, and FAR definitions */
-/* Definitions for doing the crc four data bytes at a time. */
-#if !defined(NOBYFOUR) && defined(Z_U4)
-# define BYFOUR
+ /*
+ A CRC of a message is computed on N braids of words in the message, where
+ each word consists of W bytes (4 or 8). If N is 3, for example, then three
+ running sparse CRCs are calculated respectively on each braid, at these
+ indices in the array of words: 0, 3, 6, ..., 1, 4, 7, ..., and 2, 5, 8, ...
+ This is done starting at a word boundary, and continues until as many blocks
+ of N * W bytes as are available have been processed. The results are combined
+ into a single CRC at the end. For this code, N must be in the range 1..6 and
+ W must be 4 or 8. The upper limit on N can be increased if desired by adding
+ more #if blocks, extending the patterns apparent in the code. In addition,
+ crc32.h would need to be regenerated, if the maximum N value is increased.
+ N and W are chosen empirically by benchmarking the execution time on a given
+ processor. The choices for N and W below were based on testing on Intel Kaby
+ Lake i7, AMD Ryzen 7, ARM Cortex-A57, Sparc64-VII, PowerPC POWER9, and MIPS64
+ Octeon II processors. The Intel, AMD, and ARM processors were all fastest
+ with N=5, W=8. The Sparc, PowerPC, and MIPS64 were all fastest at N=5, W=4.
+ They were all tested with either gcc or clang, all using the -O3 optimization
+ level. Your mileage may vary.
+ */
+/* Define N */
+#ifdef Z_TESTN
+# define N Z_TESTN
+# define N 5
+#if N < 1 || N > 6
+# error N must be in 1..6
-#ifdef BYFOUR
- local unsigned long crc32_little OF((unsigned long,
- const unsigned char FAR *, z_size_t));
- local unsigned long crc32_big OF((unsigned long,
- const unsigned char FAR *, z_size_t));
-# define TBLS 8
+ z_crc_t must be at least 32 bits. z_word_t must be at least as long as
+ z_crc_t. It is assumed here that z_word_t is either 32 bits or 64 bits, and
+ that bytes are eight bits.
+ */
+ Define W and the associated z_word_t type. If W is not defined, then a
+ braided calculation is not used, and the associated tables and code are not
+ compiled.
+ */
+#ifdef Z_TESTW
+# if Z_TESTW-1 != -1
+# define W Z_TESTW
+# endif
-# define TBLS 1
-#endif /* BYFOUR */
+# ifdef MAKECRCH
+# define W 8 /* required for MAKECRCH */
+# else
+# if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__)
+# define W 8
+# else
+# define W 4
+# endif
+# endif
+#ifdef W
+# if W == 8 && defined(Z_U8)
+ typedef Z_U8 z_word_t;
+# elif defined(Z_U4)
+# undef W
+# define W 4
+ typedef Z_U4 z_word_t;
+# else
+# undef W
+# endif
+/* If available, use the ARM processor CRC32 instruction. */
+#if defined(__aarch64__) && defined(__ARM_FEATURE_CRC32) && W == 8
+# define ARMCRC32
-/* Local functions for crc concatenation */
-local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times OF((unsigned long *mat,
- unsigned long vec));
-local void gf2_matrix_square OF((unsigned long *square, unsigned long *mat));
-local uLong crc32_combine_ OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off64_t len2));
+/* Local functions. */
+local z_crc_t multmodp OF((z_crc_t a, z_crc_t b));
+local z_crc_t x2nmodp OF((z_off64_t n, unsigned k));
+#if defined(W) && (!defined(ARMCRC32) || defined(DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE))
+ local z_word_t byte_swap OF((z_word_t word));
+#if defined(W) && !defined(ARMCRC32)
+ local z_crc_t crc_word OF((z_word_t data));
+ local z_word_t crc_word_big OF((z_word_t data));
+#if defined(W) && (!defined(ARMCRC32) || defined(DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE))
+ Swap the bytes in a z_word_t to convert between little and big endian. Any
+ self-respecting compiler will optimize this to a single machine byte-swap
+ instruction, if one is available. This assumes that word_t is either 32 bits
+ or 64 bits.
+ */
+local z_word_t byte_swap(word)
+ z_word_t word;
+# if W == 8
+ return
+ (word & 0xff00000000000000) >> 56 |
+ (word & 0xff000000000000) >> 40 |
+ (word & 0xff0000000000) >> 24 |
+ (word & 0xff00000000) >> 8 |
+ (word & 0xff000000) << 8 |
+ (word & 0xff0000) << 24 |
+ (word & 0xff00) << 40 |
+ (word & 0xff) << 56;
+# else /* W == 4 */
+ return
+ (word & 0xff000000) >> 24 |
+ (word & 0xff0000) >> 8 |
+ (word & 0xff00) << 8 |
+ (word & 0xff) << 24;
+# endif
+/* CRC polynomial. */
+#define POLY 0xedb88320 /* p(x) reflected, with x^32 implied */
-local volatile int crc_table_empty = 1;
-local z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256];
+local z_crc_t FAR crc_table[256];
+local z_crc_t FAR x2n_table[32];
local void make_crc_table OF((void));
+#ifdef W
+ local z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[256];
+ local z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[W][256];
+ local z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[W][256];
+ local void braid OF((z_crc_t [][256], z_word_t [][256], int, int));
- local void write_table OF((FILE *, const z_crc_t FAR *));
+ local void write_table OF((FILE *, const z_crc_t FAR *, int));
+ local void write_table32hi OF((FILE *, const z_word_t FAR *, int));
+ local void write_table64 OF((FILE *, const z_word_t FAR *, int));
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
+ Define a once() function depending on the availability of atomics. If this is
+ compiled with DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE defined, and if CRCs will be computed in
+ multiple threads, and if atomics are not available, then get_crc_table() must
+ be called to initialize the tables and must return before any threads are
+ allowed to compute or combine CRCs.
+ */
+/* Definition of once functionality. */
+typedef struct once_s once_t;
+local void once OF((once_t *, void (*)(void)));
+/* Check for the availability of atomics. */
+#if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L && \
+ !defined(__STDC_NO_ATOMICS__)
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+/* Structure for once(), which must be initialized with ONCE_INIT. */
+struct once_s {
+ atomic_flag begun;
+ atomic_int done;
+ Run the provided init() function exactly once, even if multiple threads
+ invoke once() at the same time. The state must be a once_t initialized with
+ */
+local void once(state, init)
+ once_t *state;
+ void (*init)(void);
+ if (!atomic_load(&state->done)) {
+ if (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&state->begun))
+ while (!atomic_load(&state->done))
+ ;
+ else {
+ init();
+ atomic_store(&state->done, 1);
+ }
+ }
+#else /* no atomics */
+/* Structure for once(), which must be initialized with ONCE_INIT. */
+struct once_s {
+ volatile int begun;
+ volatile int done;
+#define ONCE_INIT {0, 0}
+/* Test and set. Alas, not atomic, but tries to minimize the period of
+ vulnerability. */
+local int test_and_set OF((int volatile *));
+local int test_and_set(flag)
+ int volatile *flag;
+ int was;
+ was = *flag;
+ *flag = 1;
+ return was;
+/* Run the provided init() function once. This is not thread-safe. */
+local void once(state, init)
+ once_t *state;
+ void (*init)(void);
+ if (!state->done) {
+ if (test_and_set(&state->begun))
+ while (!state->done)
+ ;
+ else {
+ init();
+ state->done = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* State for once(). */
+local once_t made = ONCE_INIT;
Generate tables for a byte-wise 32-bit CRC calculation on the polynomial:
Polynomials over GF(2) are represented in binary, one bit per coefficient,
- with the lowest powers in the most significant bit. Then adding polynomials
+ with the lowest powers in the most significant bit. Then adding polynomials
is just exclusive-or, and multiplying a polynomial by x is a right shift by
- one. If we call the above polynomial p, and represent a byte as the
+ one. If we call the above polynomial p, and represent a byte as the
polynomial q, also with the lowest power in the most significant bit (so the
- byte 0xb1 is the polynomial x^7+x^3+x+1), then the CRC is (q*x^32) mod p,
+ byte 0xb1 is the polynomial x^7+x^3+x^2+1), then the CRC is (q*x^32) mod p,
where a mod b means the remainder after dividing a by b.
This calculation is done using the shift-register method of multiplying and
- taking the remainder. The register is initialized to zero, and for each
+ taking the remainder. The register is initialized to zero, and for each
incoming bit, x^32 is added mod p to the register if the bit is a one (where
- x^32 mod p is p+x^32 = x^26+...+1), and the register is multiplied mod p by
- x (which is shifting right by one and adding x^32 mod p if the bit shifted
- out is a one). We start with the highest power (least significant bit) of
- q and repeat for all eight bits of q.
+ x^32 mod p is p+x^32 = x^26+...+1), and the register is multiplied mod p by x
+ (which is shifting right by one and adding x^32 mod p if the bit shifted out
+ is a one). We start with the highest power (least significant bit) of q and
+ repeat for all eight bits of q.
+ The table is simply the CRC of all possible eight bit values. This is all the
+ information needed to generate CRCs on data a byte at a time for all
+ combinations of CRC register values and incoming bytes.
+ */
- The first table is simply the CRC of all possible eight bit values. This is
- all the information needed to generate CRCs on data a byte at a time for all
- combinations of CRC register values and incoming bytes. The remaining tables
- allow for word-at-a-time CRC calculation for both big-endian and little-
- endian machines, where a word is four bytes.
local void make_crc_table()
- z_crc_t c;
- int n, k;
- z_crc_t poly; /* polynomial exclusive-or pattern */
- /* terms of polynomial defining this crc (except x^32): */
- static volatile int first = 1; /* flag to limit concurrent making */
- static const unsigned char p[] = {0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26};
+ unsigned i, j, n;
+ z_crc_t p;
- /* See if another task is already doing this (not thread-safe, but better
- than nothing -- significantly reduces duration of vulnerability in
- case the advice about DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE is ignored) */
- if (first) {
- first = 0;
- /* make exclusive-or pattern from polynomial (0xedb88320UL) */
- poly = 0;
- for (n = 0; n < (int)(sizeof(p)/sizeof(unsigned char)); n++)
- poly |= (z_crc_t)1 << (31 - p[n]);
- /* generate a crc for every 8-bit value */
- for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
- c = (z_crc_t)n;
- for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
- c = c & 1 ? poly ^ (c >> 1) : c >> 1;
- crc_table[0][n] = c;
- }
+ /* initialize the CRC of bytes tables */
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ p = i;
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ p = p & 1 ? (p >> 1) ^ POLY : p >> 1;
+ crc_table[i] = p;
+#ifdef W
+ crc_big_table[i] = byte_swap(p);
+ }
-#ifdef BYFOUR
- /* generate crc for each value followed by one, two, and three zeros,
- and then the byte reversal of those as well as the first table */
- for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
- c = crc_table[0][n];
- crc_table[4][n] = ZSWAP32(c);
- for (k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
- c = crc_table[0][c & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
- crc_table[k][n] = c;
- crc_table[k + 4][n] = ZSWAP32(c);
- }
- }
-#endif /* BYFOUR */
+ /* initialize the x^2^n mod p(x) table */
+ p = (z_crc_t)1 << 30; /* x^1 */
+ x2n_table[0] = p;
+ for (n = 1; n < 32; n++)
+ x2n_table[n] = p = multmodp(p, p);
- crc_table_empty = 0;
- }
- else { /* not first */
- /* wait for the other guy to finish (not efficient, but rare) */
- while (crc_table_empty)
- ;
- }
+#ifdef W
+ /* initialize the braiding tables -- needs x2n_table[] */
+ braid(crc_braid_table, crc_braid_big_table, N, W);
- /* write out CRC tables to crc32.h */
+ /*
+ The crc32.h header file contains tables for both 32-bit and 64-bit
+ z_word_t's, and so requires a 64-bit type be available. In that case,
+ z_word_t must be defined to be 64-bits. This code then also generates
+ and writes out the tables for the case that z_word_t is 32 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(W) || W != 8
+# error Need a 64-bit integer type in order to generate crc32.h.
FILE *out;
+ int k, n;
+ z_crc_t ltl[8][256];
+ z_word_t big[8][256];
out = fopen("crc32.h", "w");
if (out == NULL) return;
- fprintf(out, "/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation\n");
- fprintf(out, " * Generated automatically by crc32.c\n */\n\n");
- fprintf(out, "local const z_crc_t FAR ");
- fprintf(out, "crc_table[TBLS][256] =\n{\n {\n");
- write_table(out, crc_table[0]);
-# ifdef BYFOUR
- fprintf(out, "#ifdef BYFOUR\n");
- for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) {
- fprintf(out, " },\n {\n");
- write_table(out, crc_table[k]);
+ /* write out little-endian CRC table to crc32.h */
+ fprintf(out,
+ "/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation\n"
+ " * Generated automatically by crc32.c\n */\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[] = {\n"
+ " ");
+ write_table(out, crc_table, 256);
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n");
+ /* write out big-endian CRC table for 64-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "#ifdef W\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#if W == 8\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = {\n"
+ " ");
+ write_table64(out, crc_big_table, 256);
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n");
+ /* write out big-endian CRC table for 32-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "#else /* W == 4 */\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = {\n"
+ " ");
+ write_table32hi(out, crc_big_table, 256);
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#endif\n");
+ /* write out braid tables for each value of N */
+ for (n = 1; n <= 6; n++) {
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "#if N == %d\n", n);
+ /* compute braid tables for this N and 64-bit word_t */
+ braid(ltl, big, n, 8);
+ /* write out braid tables for 64-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "#if W == 8\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {\n");
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
+ fprintf(out, " {");
+ write_table(out, ltl[k], 256);
+ fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 7 ? ",\n" : "");
+ }
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {\n");
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
+ fprintf(out, " {");
+ write_table64(out, big[k], 256);
+ fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 7 ? ",\n" : "");
+ }
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n");
+ /* compute braid tables for this N and 32-bit word_t */
+ braid(ltl, big, n, 4);
+ /* write out braid tables for 32-bit z_word_t to crc32.h */
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "#else /* W == 4 */\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {\n");
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ fprintf(out, " {");
+ write_table(out, ltl[k], 256);
+ fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 3 ? ",\n" : "");
+ }
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {\n");
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ fprintf(out, " {");
+ write_table32hi(out, big[k], 256);
+ fprintf(out, "}%s", k < 3 ? ",\n" : "");
+ }
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#endif\n"
+ "\n"
+ "#endif\n");
- fprintf(out, "#endif\n");
-# endif /* BYFOUR */
- fprintf(out, " }\n};\n");
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "#endif\n");
+ /* write out zeros operator table to crc32.h */
+ fprintf(out,
+ "\n"
+ "local const z_crc_t FAR x2n_table[] = {\n"
+ " ");
+ write_table(out, x2n_table, 32);
+ fprintf(out,
+ "};\n");
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
-local void write_table(out, table)
+ Write the 32-bit values in table[0..k-1] to out, five per line in
+ hexadecimal separated by commas.
+ */
+local void write_table(out, table, k)
FILE *out;
const z_crc_t FAR *table;
+ int k;
int n;
- for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
- fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lxUL%s", n % 5 ? "" : " ",
+ for (n = 0; n < k; n++)
+ fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lx%s", n == 0 || n % 5 ? "" : " ",
(unsigned long)(table[n]),
- n == 255 ? "\n" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", "));
+ n == k - 1 ? "" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", "));
+ Write the high 32-bits of each value in table[0..k-1] to out, five per line
+ in hexadecimal separated by commas.
+ */
+local void write_table32hi(out, table, k)
+FILE *out;
+const z_word_t FAR *table;
+int k;
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < k; n++)
+ fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lx%s", n == 0 || n % 5 ? "" : " ",
+ (unsigned long)(table[n] >> 32),
+ n == k - 1 ? "" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", "));
+ Write the 64-bit values in table[0..k-1] to out, three per line in
+ hexadecimal separated by commas. This assumes that if there is a 64-bit
+ type, then there is also a long long integer type, and it is at least 64
+ bits. If not, then the type cast and format string can be adjusted
+ accordingly.
+ */
+local void write_table64(out, table, k)
+ FILE *out;
+ const z_word_t FAR *table;
+ int k;
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < k; n++)
+ fprintf(out, "%s0x%016llx%s", n == 0 || n % 3 ? "" : " ",
+ (unsigned long long)(table[n]),
+ n == k - 1 ? "" : (n % 3 == 2 ? ",\n" : ", "));
+/* Actually do the deed. */
+int main()
+ make_crc_table();
+ return 0;
#endif /* MAKECRCH */
+#ifdef W
+ Generate the little and big-endian braid tables for the given n and z_word_t
+ size w. Each array must have room for w blocks of 256 elements.
+ */
+local void braid(ltl, big, n, w)
+ z_crc_t ltl[][256];
+ z_word_t big[][256];
+ int n;
+ int w;
+ int k;
+ z_crc_t i, p, q;
+ for (k = 0; k < w; k++) {
+ p = x2nmodp((n * w + 3 - k) << 3, 0);
+ ltl[k][0] = 0;
+ big[w - 1 - k][0] = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
+ ltl[k][i] = q = multmodp(i << 24, p);
+ big[w - 1 - k][i] = byte_swap(q);
+ }
+ }
#else /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
/* ========================================================================
- * Tables of CRC-32s of all single-byte values, made by make_crc_table().
+ * Tables for byte-wise and braided CRC-32 calculations, and a table of powers
+ * of x for combining CRC-32s, all made by make_crc_table().
#include "crc32.h"
#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Routines used for CRC calculation. Some are also required for the table
+ * generation above.
+ */
+ Return a(x) multiplied by b(x) modulo p(x), where p(x) is the CRC polynomial,
+ reflected. For speed, this requires that a not be zero.
+ */
+local z_crc_t multmodp(a, b)
+ z_crc_t a;
+ z_crc_t b;
+ z_crc_t m, p;
+ m = (z_crc_t)1 << 31;
+ p = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (a & m) {
+ p ^= b;
+ if ((a & (m - 1)) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ m >>= 1;
+ b = b & 1 ? (b >> 1) ^ POLY : b >> 1;
+ }
+ return p;
+ Return x^(n * 2^k) modulo p(x). Requires that x2n_table[] has been
+ initialized.
+ */
+local z_crc_t x2nmodp(n, k)
+ z_off64_t n;
+ unsigned k;
+ z_crc_t p;
+ p = (z_crc_t)1 << 31; /* x^0 == 1 */
+ while (n) {
+ if (n & 1)
+ p = multmodp(x2n_table[k & 31], p);
+ n >>= 1;
+ k++;
+ }
+ return p;
/* =========================================================================
- * This function can be used by asm versions of crc32()
+ * This function can be used by asm versions of crc32(), and to force the
+ * generation of the CRC tables in a threaded application.
const z_crc_t FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table()
- if (crc_table_empty)
- make_crc_table();
+ once(&made, make_crc_table);
#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
return (const z_crc_t FAR *)crc_table;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-#define DO1 crc = crc_table[0][((int)crc ^ (*buf++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)
-#define DO8 DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1
+/* =========================================================================
+ * Use ARM machine instructions if available. This will compute the CRC about
+ * ten times faster than the braided calculation. This code does not check for
+ * the presence of the CRC instruction at run time. __ARM_FEATURE_CRC32 will
+ * only be defined if the compilation specifies an ARM processor architecture
+ * that has the instructions. For example, compiling with -march=armv8.1-a or
+ * -march=armv8-a+crc, or -march=native if the compile machine has the crc32
+ * instructions.
+ */
+#ifdef ARMCRC32
-/* ========================================================================= */
+ Constants empirically determined to maximize speed. These values are from
+ measurements on a Cortex-A57. Your mileage may vary.
+ */
+#define Z_BATCH 3990 /* number of words in a batch */
+#define Z_BATCH_ZEROS 0xa10d3d0c /* computed from Z_BATCH = 3990 */
+#define Z_BATCH_MIN 800 /* fewest words in a final batch */
unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32_z(crc, buf, len)
unsigned long crc;
const unsigned char FAR *buf;
z_size_t len;
- if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0UL;
+ z_crc_t val;
+ z_word_t crc1, crc2;
+ const z_word_t *word;
+ z_word_t val0, val1, val2;
+ z_size_t last, last2, i;
+ z_size_t num;
+ /* Return initial CRC, if requested. */
+ if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0;
- if (crc_table_empty)
- make_crc_table();
+ once(&made, make_crc_table);
#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
-#ifdef BYFOUR
- if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(ptrdiff_t)) {
- z_crc_t endian;
+ /* Pre-condition the CRC */
+ crc = (~crc) & 0xffffffff;
- endian = 1;
- if (*((unsigned char *)(&endian)))
- return crc32_little(crc, buf, len);
- else
- return crc32_big(crc, buf, len);
+ /* Compute the CRC up to a word boundary. */
+ while (len && ((z_size_t)buf & 7) != 0) {
+ len--;
+ val = *buf++;
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32b %w0, %w0, %w1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val));
-#endif /* BYFOUR */
- crc = crc ^ 0xffffffffUL;
- while (len >= 8) {
- DO8;
- len -= 8;
+ /* Prepare to compute the CRC on full 64-bit words word[0..num-1]. */
+ word = (z_word_t const *)buf;
+ num = len >> 3;
+ len &= 7;
+ /* Do three interleaved CRCs to realize the throughput of one crc32x
+ instruction per cycle. Each CRC is calculated on Z_BATCH words. The
+ three CRCs are combined into a single CRC after each set of batches. */
+ while (num >= 3 * Z_BATCH) {
+ crc1 = 0;
+ crc2 = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < Z_BATCH; i++) {
+ val0 = word[i];
+ val1 = word[i + Z_BATCH];
+ val2 = word[i + 2 * Z_BATCH];
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val0));
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc1) : "r"(val1));
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc2) : "r"(val2));
+ }
+ word += 3 * Z_BATCH;
+ num -= 3 * Z_BATCH;
+ crc = multmodp(Z_BATCH_ZEROS, crc) ^ crc1;
+ crc = multmodp(Z_BATCH_ZEROS, crc) ^ crc2;
- if (len) do {
- DO1;
- } while (--len);
- return crc ^ 0xffffffffUL;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32(crc, buf, len)
- unsigned long crc;
- const unsigned char FAR *buf;
- uInt len;
- return crc32_z(crc, buf, len);
+ /* Do one last smaller batch with the remaining words, if there are enough
+ to pay for the combination of CRCs. */
+ last = num / 3;
+ if (last >= Z_BATCH_MIN) {
+ last2 = last << 1;
+ crc1 = 0;
+ crc2 = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < last; i++) {
+ val0 = word[i];
+ val1 = word[i + last];
+ val2 = word[i + last2];
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val0));
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc1) : "r"(val1));
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc2) : "r"(val2));
+ }
+ word += 3 * last;
+ num -= 3 * last;
+ val = x2nmodp(last, 6);
+ crc = multmodp(val, crc) ^ crc1;
+ crc = multmodp(val, crc) ^ crc2;
+ }
+ /* Compute the CRC on any remaining words. */
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ val0 = word[i];
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32x %w0, %w0, %x1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val0));
+ }
+ word += num;
+ /* Complete the CRC on any remaining bytes. */
+ buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)word;
+ while (len) {
+ len--;
+ val = *buf++;
+ __asm__ volatile("crc32b %w0, %w0, %w1" : "+r"(crc) : "r"(val));
+ }
+ /* Return the CRC, post-conditioned. */
+ return crc ^ 0xffffffff;
-#ifdef BYFOUR
+#ifdef W
- This BYFOUR code accesses the passed unsigned char * buffer with a 32-bit
- integer pointer type. This violates the strict aliasing rule, where a
- compiler can assume, for optimization purposes, that two pointers to
- fundamentally different types won't ever point to the same memory. This can
- manifest as a problem only if one of the pointers is written to. This code
- only reads from those pointers. So long as this code remains isolated in
- this compilation unit, there won't be a problem. For this reason, this code
- should not be copied and pasted into a compilation unit in which other code
- writes to the buffer that is passed to these routines.
+ Return the CRC of the W bytes in the word_t data, taking the
+ least-significant byte of the word as the first byte of data, without any pre
+ or post conditioning. This is used to combine the CRCs of each braid.
+local z_crc_t crc_word(data)
+ z_word_t data;
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < W; k++)
+ data = (data >> 8) ^ crc_table[data & 0xff];
+ return (z_crc_t)data;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-#define DOLIT4 c ^= *buf4++; \
- c = crc_table[3][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[2][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
- crc_table[1][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[0][c >> 24]
+local z_word_t crc_word_big(data)
+ z_word_t data;
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < W; k++)
+ data = (data << 8) ^
+ crc_big_table[(data >> ((W - 1) << 3)) & 0xff];
+ return data;
/* ========================================================================= */
-local unsigned long crc32_little(crc, buf, len)
+unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32_z(crc, buf, len)
unsigned long crc;
const unsigned char FAR *buf;
z_size_t len;
- register z_crc_t c;
- register const z_crc_t FAR *buf4;
+ /* Return initial CRC, if requested. */
+ if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0;
- c = (z_crc_t)crc;
- c = ~c;
- while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)buf & 3)) {
- c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
- len--;
- }
+ once(&made, make_crc_table);
+#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
- buf4 = (const z_crc_t FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf;
- while (len >= 32) {
- DOLIT32;
- len -= 32;
- }
- while (len >= 4) {
- len -= 4;
- }
- buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4;
+ /* Pre-condition the CRC */
+ crc = (~crc) & 0xffffffff;
- if (len) do {
- c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
- } while (--len);
- c = ~c;
- return (unsigned long)c;
+#ifdef W
-/* ========================================================================= */
-#define DOBIG4 c ^= *buf4++; \
- c = crc_table[4][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[5][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
- crc_table[6][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[7][c >> 24]
+ /* If provided enough bytes, do a braided CRC calculation. */
+ if (len >= N * W + W - 1) {
+ z_size_t blks;
+ z_word_t const *words;
+ unsigned endian;
+ int k;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-local unsigned long crc32_big(crc, buf, len)
- unsigned long crc;
- const unsigned char FAR *buf;
- z_size_t len;
- register z_crc_t c;
- register const z_crc_t FAR *buf4;
+ /* Compute the CRC up to a z_word_t boundary. */
+ while (len && ((z_size_t)buf & (W - 1)) != 0) {
+ len--;
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ }
- c = ZSWAP32((z_crc_t)crc);
- c = ~c;
- while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)buf & 3)) {
- c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
- len--;
- }
+ /* Compute the CRC on as many N z_word_t blocks as are available. */
+ blks = len / (N * W);
+ len -= blks * N * W;
+ words = (z_word_t const *)buf;
- buf4 = (const z_crc_t FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf;
- while (len >= 32) {
- DOBIG32;
- len -= 32;
- }
- while (len >= 4) {
- len -= 4;
- }
- buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4;
+ /* Do endian check at execution time instead of compile time, since ARM
+ processors can change the endianess at execution time. If the
+ compiler knows what the endianess will be, it can optimize out the
+ check and the unused branch. */
+ endian = 1;
+ if (*(unsigned char *)&endian) {
+ /* Little endian. */
- if (len) do {
- c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
- } while (--len);
- c = ~c;
- return (unsigned long)(ZSWAP32(c));
+ z_crc_t crc0;
+ z_word_t word0;
+#if N > 1
+ z_crc_t crc1;
+ z_word_t word1;
+#if N > 2
+ z_crc_t crc2;
+ z_word_t word2;
+#if N > 3
+ z_crc_t crc3;
+ z_word_t word3;
+#if N > 4
+ z_crc_t crc4;
+ z_word_t word4;
+#if N > 5
+ z_crc_t crc5;
+ z_word_t word5;
-#endif /* BYFOUR */
+ /* Initialize the CRC for each braid. */
+ crc0 = crc;
+#if N > 1
+ crc1 = 0;
+#if N > 2
+ crc2 = 0;
+#if N > 3
+ crc3 = 0;
+#if N > 4
+ crc4 = 0;
+#if N > 5
+ crc5 = 0;
-#define GF2_DIM 32 /* dimension of GF(2) vectors (length of CRC) */
+ /*
+ Process the first blks-1 blocks, computing the CRCs on each braid
+ independently.
+ */
+ while (--blks) {
+ /* Load the word for each braid into registers. */
+ word0 = crc0 ^ words[0];
+#if N > 1
+ word1 = crc1 ^ words[1];
+#if N > 2
+ word2 = crc2 ^ words[2];
+#if N > 3
+ word3 = crc3 ^ words[3];
+#if N > 4
+ word4 = crc4 ^ words[4];
+#if N > 5
+ word5 = crc5 ^ words[5];
+ words += N;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times(mat, vec)
- unsigned long *mat;
- unsigned long vec;
- unsigned long sum;
+ /* Compute and update the CRC for each word. The loop should
+ get unrolled. */
+ crc0 = crc_braid_table[0][word0 & 0xff];
+#if N > 1
+ crc1 = crc_braid_table[0][word1 & 0xff];
+#if N > 2
+ crc2 = crc_braid_table[0][word2 & 0xff];
+#if N > 3
+ crc3 = crc_braid_table[0][word3 & 0xff];
+#if N > 4
+ crc4 = crc_braid_table[0][word4 & 0xff];
+#if N > 5
+ crc5 = crc_braid_table[0][word5 & 0xff];
+ for (k = 1; k < W; k++) {
+ crc0 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word0 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 1
+ crc1 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word1 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 2
+ crc2 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word2 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 3
+ crc3 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word3 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 4
+ crc4 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word4 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 5
+ crc5 ^= crc_braid_table[k][(word5 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+ }
+ }
- sum = 0;
- while (vec) {
- if (vec & 1)
- sum ^= *mat;
- vec >>= 1;
- mat++;
- }
- return sum;
+ /*
+ Process the last block, combining the CRCs of the N braids at the
+ same time.
+ */
+ crc = crc_word(crc0 ^ words[0]);
+#if N > 1
+ crc = crc_word(crc1 ^ words[1] ^ crc);
+#if N > 2
+ crc = crc_word(crc2 ^ words[2] ^ crc);
+#if N > 3
+ crc = crc_word(crc3 ^ words[3] ^ crc);
+#if N > 4
+ crc = crc_word(crc4 ^ words[4] ^ crc);
+#if N > 5
+ crc = crc_word(crc5 ^ words[5] ^ crc);
+ words += N;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Big endian. */
-/* ========================================================================= */
-local void gf2_matrix_square(square, mat)
- unsigned long *square;
- unsigned long *mat;
- int n;
+ z_word_t crc0, word0, comb;
+#if N > 1
+ z_word_t crc1, word1;
+#if N > 2
+ z_word_t crc2, word2;
+#if N > 3
+ z_word_t crc3, word3;
+#if N > 4
+ z_word_t crc4, word4;
+#if N > 5
+ z_word_t crc5, word5;
- for (n = 0; n < GF2_DIM; n++)
- square[n] = gf2_matrix_times(mat, mat[n]);
+ /* Initialize the CRC for each braid. */
+ crc0 = byte_swap(crc);
+#if N > 1
+ crc1 = 0;
+#if N > 2
+ crc2 = 0;
+#if N > 3
+ crc3 = 0;
+#if N > 4
+ crc4 = 0;
+#if N > 5
+ crc5 = 0;
-/* ========================================================================= */
-local uLong crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2)
- uLong crc1;
- uLong crc2;
- z_off64_t len2;
- int n;
- unsigned long row;
- unsigned long even[GF2_DIM]; /* even-power-of-two zeros operator */
- unsigned long odd[GF2_DIM]; /* odd-power-of-two zeros operator */
+ /*
+ Process the first blks-1 blocks, computing the CRCs on each braid
+ independently.
+ */
+ while (--blks) {
+ /* Load the word for each braid into registers. */
+ word0 = crc0 ^ words[0];
+#if N > 1
+ word1 = crc1 ^ words[1];
+#if N > 2
+ word2 = crc2 ^ words[2];
+#if N > 3
+ word3 = crc3 ^ words[3];
+#if N > 4
+ word4 = crc4 ^ words[4];
+#if N > 5
+ word5 = crc5 ^ words[5];
+ words += N;
- /* degenerate case (also disallow negative lengths) */
- if (len2 <= 0)
- return crc1;
+ /* Compute and update the CRC for each word. The loop should
+ get unrolled. */
+ crc0 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word0 & 0xff];
+#if N > 1
+ crc1 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word1 & 0xff];
+#if N > 2
+ crc2 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word2 & 0xff];
+#if N > 3
+ crc3 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word3 & 0xff];
+#if N > 4
+ crc4 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word4 & 0xff];
+#if N > 5
+ crc5 = crc_braid_big_table[0][word5 & 0xff];
+ for (k = 1; k < W; k++) {
+ crc0 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word0 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 1
+ crc1 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word1 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 2
+ crc2 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word2 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 3
+ crc3 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word3 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 4
+ crc4 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word4 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+#if N > 5
+ crc5 ^= crc_braid_big_table[k][(word5 >> (k << 3)) & 0xff];
+ }
+ }
- /* put operator for one zero bit in odd */
- odd[0] = 0xedb88320UL; /* CRC-32 polynomial */
- row = 1;
- for (n = 1; n < GF2_DIM; n++) {
- odd[n] = row;
- row <<= 1;
- }
+ /*
+ Process the last block, combining the CRCs of the N braids at the
+ same time.
+ */
+ comb = crc_word_big(crc0 ^ words[0]);
+#if N > 1
+ comb = crc_word_big(crc1 ^ words[1] ^ comb);
+#if N > 2
+ comb = crc_word_big(crc2 ^ words[2] ^ comb);
+#if N > 3
+ comb = crc_word_big(crc3 ^ words[3] ^ comb);
+#if N > 4
+ comb = crc_word_big(crc4 ^ words[4] ^ comb);
+#if N > 5
+ comb = crc_word_big(crc5 ^ words[5] ^ comb);
+ words += N;
+ crc = byte_swap(comb);
+ }
- /* put operator for two zero bits in even */
- gf2_matrix_square(even, odd);
+ /*
+ Update the pointer to the remaining bytes to process.
+ */
+ buf = (unsigned char const *)words;
+ }
- /* put operator for four zero bits in odd */
- gf2_matrix_square(odd, even);
+#endif /* W */
- /* apply len2 zeros to crc1 (first square will put the operator for one
- zero byte, eight zero bits, in even) */
- do {
- /* apply zeros operator for this bit of len2 */
- gf2_matrix_square(even, odd);
- if (len2 & 1)
- crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(even, crc1);
- len2 >>= 1;
+ /* Complete the computation of the CRC on any remaining bytes. */
+ while (len >= 8) {
+ len -= 8;
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ }
+ while (len) {
+ len--;
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ *buf++) & 0xff];
+ }
- /* if no more bits set, then done */
- if (len2 == 0)
- break;
+ /* Return the CRC, post-conditioned. */
+ return crc ^ 0xffffffff;
- /* another iteration of the loop with odd and even swapped */
- gf2_matrix_square(odd, even);
- if (len2 & 1)
- crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(odd, crc1);
- len2 >>= 1;
- /* if no more bits set, then done */
- } while (len2 != 0);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32(crc, buf, len)
+ unsigned long crc;
+ const unsigned char FAR *buf;
+ uInt len;
+ return crc32_z(crc, buf, len);
- /* return combined crc */
- crc1 ^= crc2;
- return crc1;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, len2)
+ uLong crc1;
+ uLong crc2;
+ z_off64_t len2;
+ once(&made, make_crc_table);
+#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+ return multmodp(x2nmodp(len2, 3), crc1) ^ (crc2 & 0xffffffff);
/* ========================================================================= */
@@ -430,13 +1095,31 @@
uLong crc2;
z_off_t len2;
- return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2);
+ return crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, (z_off64_t)len2);
-uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, len2)
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64(len2)
+ z_off64_t len2;
+ once(&made, make_crc_table);
+#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+ return x2nmodp(len2, 3);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen(len2)
+ z_off_t len2;
+ return crc32_combine_gen64((z_off64_t)len2);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_op(crc1, crc2, op)
uLong crc1;
uLong crc2;
- z_off64_t len2;
+ uLong op;
- return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2);
+ return multmodp(op, crc1) ^ (crc2 & 0xffffffff);
diff --git a/lib/zlib/crc32.h b/lib/zlib/crc32.h
index 9e0c778..137df68 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/crc32.h
+++ b/lib/zlib/crc32.h
@@ -2,440 +2,9445 @@
* Generated automatically by crc32.c
-local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256] =
- {
- 0x00000000UL, 0x77073096UL, 0xee0e612cUL, 0x990951baUL, 0x076dc419UL,
- 0x706af48fUL, 0xe963a535UL, 0x9e6495a3UL, 0x0edb8832UL, 0x79dcb8a4UL,
- 0xe0d5e91eUL, 0x97d2d988UL, 0x09b64c2bUL, 0x7eb17cbdUL, 0xe7b82d07UL,
- 0x90bf1d91UL, 0x1db71064UL, 0x6ab020f2UL, 0xf3b97148UL, 0x84be41deUL,
- 0x1adad47dUL, 0x6ddde4ebUL, 0xf4d4b551UL, 0x83d385c7UL, 0x136c9856UL,
- 0x646ba8c0UL, 0xfd62f97aUL, 0x8a65c9ecUL, 0x14015c4fUL, 0x63066cd9UL,
- 0xfa0f3d63UL, 0x8d080df5UL, 0x3b6e20c8UL, 0x4c69105eUL, 0xd56041e4UL,
- 0xa2677172UL, 0x3c03e4d1UL, 0x4b04d447UL, 0xd20d85fdUL, 0xa50ab56bUL,
- 0x35b5a8faUL, 0x42b2986cUL, 0xdbbbc9d6UL, 0xacbcf940UL, 0x32d86ce3UL,
- 0x45df5c75UL, 0xdcd60dcfUL, 0xabd13d59UL, 0x26d930acUL, 0x51de003aUL,
- 0xc8d75180UL, 0xbfd06116UL, 0x21b4f4b5UL, 0x56b3c423UL, 0xcfba9599UL,
- 0xb8bda50fUL, 0x2802b89eUL, 0x5f058808UL, 0xc60cd9b2UL, 0xb10be924UL,
- 0x2f6f7c87UL, 0x58684c11UL, 0xc1611dabUL, 0xb6662d3dUL, 0x76dc4190UL,
- 0x01db7106UL, 0x98d220bcUL, 0xefd5102aUL, 0x71b18589UL, 0x06b6b51fUL,
- 0x9fbfe4a5UL, 0xe8b8d433UL, 0x7807c9a2UL, 0x0f00f934UL, 0x9609a88eUL,
- 0xe10e9818UL, 0x7f6a0dbbUL, 0x086d3d2dUL, 0x91646c97UL, 0xe6635c01UL,
- 0x6b6b51f4UL, 0x1c6c6162UL, 0x856530d8UL, 0xf262004eUL, 0x6c0695edUL,
- 0x1b01a57bUL, 0x8208f4c1UL, 0xf50fc457UL, 0x65b0d9c6UL, 0x12b7e950UL,
- 0x8bbeb8eaUL, 0xfcb9887cUL, 0x62dd1ddfUL, 0x15da2d49UL, 0x8cd37cf3UL,
- 0xfbd44c65UL, 0x4db26158UL, 0x3ab551ceUL, 0xa3bc0074UL, 0xd4bb30e2UL,
- 0x4adfa541UL, 0x3dd895d7UL, 0xa4d1c46dUL, 0xd3d6f4fbUL, 0x4369e96aUL,
- 0x346ed9fcUL, 0xad678846UL, 0xda60b8d0UL, 0x44042d73UL, 0x33031de5UL,
- 0xaa0a4c5fUL, 0xdd0d7cc9UL, 0x5005713cUL, 0x270241aaUL, 0xbe0b1010UL,
- 0xc90c2086UL, 0x5768b525UL, 0x206f85b3UL, 0xb966d409UL, 0xce61e49fUL,
- 0x5edef90eUL, 0x29d9c998UL, 0xb0d09822UL, 0xc7d7a8b4UL, 0x59b33d17UL,
- 0x2eb40d81UL, 0xb7bd5c3bUL, 0xc0ba6cadUL, 0xedb88320UL, 0x9abfb3b6UL,
- 0x03b6e20cUL, 0x74b1d29aUL, 0xead54739UL, 0x9dd277afUL, 0x04db2615UL,
- 0x73dc1683UL, 0xe3630b12UL, 0x94643b84UL, 0x0d6d6a3eUL, 0x7a6a5aa8UL,
- 0xe40ecf0bUL, 0x9309ff9dUL, 0x0a00ae27UL, 0x7d079eb1UL, 0xf00f9344UL,
- 0x8708a3d2UL, 0x1e01f268UL, 0x6906c2feUL, 0xf762575dUL, 0x806567cbUL,
- 0x196c3671UL, 0x6e6b06e7UL, 0xfed41b76UL, 0x89d32be0UL, 0x10da7a5aUL,
- 0x67dd4accUL, 0xf9b9df6fUL, 0x8ebeeff9UL, 0x17b7be43UL, 0x60b08ed5UL,
- 0xd6d6a3e8UL, 0xa1d1937eUL, 0x38d8c2c4UL, 0x4fdff252UL, 0xd1bb67f1UL,
- 0xa6bc5767UL, 0x3fb506ddUL, 0x48b2364bUL, 0xd80d2bdaUL, 0xaf0a1b4cUL,
- 0x36034af6UL, 0x41047a60UL, 0xdf60efc3UL, 0xa867df55UL, 0x316e8eefUL,
- 0x4669be79UL, 0xcb61b38cUL, 0xbc66831aUL, 0x256fd2a0UL, 0x5268e236UL,
- 0xcc0c7795UL, 0xbb0b4703UL, 0x220216b9UL, 0x5505262fUL, 0xc5ba3bbeUL,
- 0xb2bd0b28UL, 0x2bb45a92UL, 0x5cb36a04UL, 0xc2d7ffa7UL, 0xb5d0cf31UL,
- 0x2cd99e8bUL, 0x5bdeae1dUL, 0x9b64c2b0UL, 0xec63f226UL, 0x756aa39cUL,
- 0x026d930aUL, 0x9c0906a9UL, 0xeb0e363fUL, 0x72076785UL, 0x05005713UL,
- 0x95bf4a82UL, 0xe2b87a14UL, 0x7bb12baeUL, 0x0cb61b38UL, 0x92d28e9bUL,
- 0xe5d5be0dUL, 0x7cdcefb7UL, 0x0bdbdf21UL, 0x86d3d2d4UL, 0xf1d4e242UL,
- 0x68ddb3f8UL, 0x1fda836eUL, 0x81be16cdUL, 0xf6b9265bUL, 0x6fb077e1UL,
- 0x18b74777UL, 0x88085ae6UL, 0xff0f6a70UL, 0x66063bcaUL, 0x11010b5cUL,
- 0x8f659effUL, 0xf862ae69UL, 0x616bffd3UL, 0x166ccf45UL, 0xa00ae278UL,
- 0xd70dd2eeUL, 0x4e048354UL, 0x3903b3c2UL, 0xa7672661UL, 0xd06016f7UL,
- 0x4969474dUL, 0x3e6e77dbUL, 0xaed16a4aUL, 0xd9d65adcUL, 0x40df0b66UL,
- 0x37d83bf0UL, 0xa9bcae53UL, 0xdebb9ec5UL, 0x47b2cf7fUL, 0x30b5ffe9UL,
- 0xbdbdf21cUL, 0xcabac28aUL, 0x53b39330UL, 0x24b4a3a6UL, 0xbad03605UL,
- 0xcdd70693UL, 0x54de5729UL, 0x23d967bfUL, 0xb3667a2eUL, 0xc4614ab8UL,
- 0x5d681b02UL, 0x2a6f2b94UL, 0xb40bbe37UL, 0xc30c8ea1UL, 0x5a05df1bUL,
- 0x2d02ef8dUL
-#ifdef BYFOUR
- },
- {
- 0x00000000UL, 0x191b3141UL, 0x32366282UL, 0x2b2d53c3UL, 0x646cc504UL,
- 0x7d77f445UL, 0x565aa786UL, 0x4f4196c7UL, 0xc8d98a08UL, 0xd1c2bb49UL,
- 0xfaefe88aUL, 0xe3f4d9cbUL, 0xacb54f0cUL, 0xb5ae7e4dUL, 0x9e832d8eUL,
- 0x87981ccfUL, 0x4ac21251UL, 0x53d92310UL, 0x78f470d3UL, 0x61ef4192UL,
- 0x2eaed755UL, 0x37b5e614UL, 0x1c98b5d7UL, 0x05838496UL, 0x821b9859UL,
- 0x9b00a918UL, 0xb02dfadbUL, 0xa936cb9aUL, 0xe6775d5dUL, 0xff6c6c1cUL,
- 0xd4413fdfUL, 0xcd5a0e9eUL, 0x958424a2UL, 0x8c9f15e3UL, 0xa7b24620UL,
- 0xbea97761UL, 0xf1e8e1a6UL, 0xe8f3d0e7UL, 0xc3de8324UL, 0xdac5b265UL,
- 0x5d5daeaaUL, 0x44469febUL, 0x6f6bcc28UL, 0x7670fd69UL, 0x39316baeUL,
- 0x202a5aefUL, 0x0b07092cUL, 0x121c386dUL, 0xdf4636f3UL, 0xc65d07b2UL,
- 0xed705471UL, 0xf46b6530UL, 0xbb2af3f7UL, 0xa231c2b6UL, 0x891c9175UL,
- 0x9007a034UL, 0x179fbcfbUL, 0x0e848dbaUL, 0x25a9de79UL, 0x3cb2ef38UL,
- 0x73f379ffUL, 0x6ae848beUL, 0x41c51b7dUL, 0x58de2a3cUL, 0xf0794f05UL,
- 0xe9627e44UL, 0xc24f2d87UL, 0xdb541cc6UL, 0x94158a01UL, 0x8d0ebb40UL,
- 0xa623e883UL, 0xbf38d9c2UL, 0x38a0c50dUL, 0x21bbf44cUL, 0x0a96a78fUL,
- 0x138d96ceUL, 0x5ccc0009UL, 0x45d73148UL, 0x6efa628bUL, 0x77e153caUL,
- 0xbabb5d54UL, 0xa3a06c15UL, 0x888d3fd6UL, 0x91960e97UL, 0xded79850UL,
- 0xc7cca911UL, 0xece1fad2UL, 0xf5facb93UL, 0x7262d75cUL, 0x6b79e61dUL,
- 0x4054b5deUL, 0x594f849fUL, 0x160e1258UL, 0x0f152319UL, 0x243870daUL,
- 0x3d23419bUL, 0x65fd6ba7UL, 0x7ce65ae6UL, 0x57cb0925UL, 0x4ed03864UL,
- 0x0191aea3UL, 0x188a9fe2UL, 0x33a7cc21UL, 0x2abcfd60UL, 0xad24e1afUL,
- 0xb43fd0eeUL, 0x9f12832dUL, 0x8609b26cUL, 0xc94824abUL, 0xd05315eaUL,
- 0xfb7e4629UL, 0xe2657768UL, 0x2f3f79f6UL, 0x362448b7UL, 0x1d091b74UL,
- 0x04122a35UL, 0x4b53bcf2UL, 0x52488db3UL, 0x7965de70UL, 0x607eef31UL,
- 0xe7e6f3feUL, 0xfefdc2bfUL, 0xd5d0917cUL, 0xcccba03dUL, 0x838a36faUL,
- 0x9a9107bbUL, 0xb1bc5478UL, 0xa8a76539UL, 0x3b83984bUL, 0x2298a90aUL,
- 0x09b5fac9UL, 0x10aecb88UL, 0x5fef5d4fUL, 0x46f46c0eUL, 0x6dd93fcdUL,
- 0x74c20e8cUL, 0xf35a1243UL, 0xea412302UL, 0xc16c70c1UL, 0xd8774180UL,
- 0x9736d747UL, 0x8e2de606UL, 0xa500b5c5UL, 0xbc1b8484UL, 0x71418a1aUL,
- 0x685abb5bUL, 0x4377e898UL, 0x5a6cd9d9UL, 0x152d4f1eUL, 0x0c367e5fUL,
- 0x271b2d9cUL, 0x3e001cddUL, 0xb9980012UL, 0xa0833153UL, 0x8bae6290UL,
- 0x92b553d1UL, 0xddf4c516UL, 0xc4eff457UL, 0xefc2a794UL, 0xf6d996d5UL,
- 0xae07bce9UL, 0xb71c8da8UL, 0x9c31de6bUL, 0x852aef2aUL, 0xca6b79edUL,
- 0xd37048acUL, 0xf85d1b6fUL, 0xe1462a2eUL, 0x66de36e1UL, 0x7fc507a0UL,
- 0x54e85463UL, 0x4df36522UL, 0x02b2f3e5UL, 0x1ba9c2a4UL, 0x30849167UL,
- 0x299fa026UL, 0xe4c5aeb8UL, 0xfdde9ff9UL, 0xd6f3cc3aUL, 0xcfe8fd7bUL,
- 0x80a96bbcUL, 0x99b25afdUL, 0xb29f093eUL, 0xab84387fUL, 0x2c1c24b0UL,
- 0x350715f1UL, 0x1e2a4632UL, 0x07317773UL, 0x4870e1b4UL, 0x516bd0f5UL,
- 0x7a468336UL, 0x635db277UL, 0xcbfad74eUL, 0xd2e1e60fUL, 0xf9ccb5ccUL,
- 0xe0d7848dUL, 0xaf96124aUL, 0xb68d230bUL, 0x9da070c8UL, 0x84bb4189UL,
- 0x03235d46UL, 0x1a386c07UL, 0x31153fc4UL, 0x280e0e85UL, 0x674f9842UL,
- 0x7e54a903UL, 0x5579fac0UL, 0x4c62cb81UL, 0x8138c51fUL, 0x9823f45eUL,
- 0xb30ea79dUL, 0xaa1596dcUL, 0xe554001bUL, 0xfc4f315aUL, 0xd7626299UL,
- 0xce7953d8UL, 0x49e14f17UL, 0x50fa7e56UL, 0x7bd72d95UL, 0x62cc1cd4UL,
- 0x2d8d8a13UL, 0x3496bb52UL, 0x1fbbe891UL, 0x06a0d9d0UL, 0x5e7ef3ecUL,
- 0x4765c2adUL, 0x6c48916eUL, 0x7553a02fUL, 0x3a1236e8UL, 0x230907a9UL,
- 0x0824546aUL, 0x113f652bUL, 0x96a779e4UL, 0x8fbc48a5UL, 0xa4911b66UL,
- 0xbd8a2a27UL, 0xf2cbbce0UL, 0xebd08da1UL, 0xc0fdde62UL, 0xd9e6ef23UL,
- 0x14bce1bdUL, 0x0da7d0fcUL, 0x268a833fUL, 0x3f91b27eUL, 0x70d024b9UL,
- 0x69cb15f8UL, 0x42e6463bUL, 0x5bfd777aUL, 0xdc656bb5UL, 0xc57e5af4UL,
- 0xee530937UL, 0xf7483876UL, 0xb809aeb1UL, 0xa1129ff0UL, 0x8a3fcc33UL,
- 0x9324fd72UL
- },
- {
- 0x00000000UL, 0x01c26a37UL, 0x0384d46eUL, 0x0246be59UL, 0x0709a8dcUL,
- 0x06cbc2ebUL, 0x048d7cb2UL, 0x054f1685UL, 0x0e1351b8UL, 0x0fd13b8fUL,
- 0x0d9785d6UL, 0x0c55efe1UL, 0x091af964UL, 0x08d89353UL, 0x0a9e2d0aUL,
- 0x0b5c473dUL, 0x1c26a370UL, 0x1de4c947UL, 0x1fa2771eUL, 0x1e601d29UL,
- 0x1b2f0bacUL, 0x1aed619bUL, 0x18abdfc2UL, 0x1969b5f5UL, 0x1235f2c8UL,
- 0x13f798ffUL, 0x11b126a6UL, 0x10734c91UL, 0x153c5a14UL, 0x14fe3023UL,
- 0x16b88e7aUL, 0x177ae44dUL, 0x384d46e0UL, 0x398f2cd7UL, 0x3bc9928eUL,
- 0x3a0bf8b9UL, 0x3f44ee3cUL, 0x3e86840bUL, 0x3cc03a52UL, 0x3d025065UL,
- 0x365e1758UL, 0x379c7d6fUL, 0x35dac336UL, 0x3418a901UL, 0x3157bf84UL,
- 0x3095d5b3UL, 0x32d36beaUL, 0x331101ddUL, 0x246be590UL, 0x25a98fa7UL,
- 0x27ef31feUL, 0x262d5bc9UL, 0x23624d4cUL, 0x22a0277bUL, 0x20e69922UL,
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- 0x8c0ec274UL, 0x43125af3UL, 0x022341eaUL, 0xc1706cc1UL, 0x804177d8UL,
- 0x47d73697UL, 0x06e62d8eUL, 0xc5b500a5UL, 0x84841bbcUL, 0x1a8a4171UL,
- 0x5bbb5a68UL, 0x98e87743UL, 0xd9d96c5aUL, 0x1e4f2d15UL, 0x5f7e360cUL,
- 0x9c2d1b27UL, 0xdd1c003eUL, 0x120098b9UL, 0x533183a0UL, 0x9062ae8bUL,
- 0xd153b592UL, 0x16c5f4ddUL, 0x57f4efc4UL, 0x94a7c2efUL, 0xd596d9f6UL,
- 0xe9bc07aeUL, 0xa88d1cb7UL, 0x6bde319cUL, 0x2aef2a85UL, 0xed796bcaUL,
- 0xac4870d3UL, 0x6f1b5df8UL, 0x2e2a46e1UL, 0xe136de66UL, 0xa007c57fUL,
- 0x6354e854UL, 0x2265f34dUL, 0xe5f3b202UL, 0xa4c2a91bUL, 0x67918430UL,
- 0x26a09f29UL, 0xb8aec5e4UL, 0xf99fdefdUL, 0x3accf3d6UL, 0x7bfde8cfUL,
- 0xbc6ba980UL, 0xfd5ab299UL, 0x3e099fb2UL, 0x7f3884abUL, 0xb0241c2cUL,
- 0xf1150735UL, 0x32462a1eUL, 0x73773107UL, 0xb4e17048UL, 0xf5d06b51UL,
- 0x3683467aUL, 0x77b25d63UL, 0x4ed7facbUL, 0x0fe6e1d2UL, 0xccb5ccf9UL,
- 0x8d84d7e0UL, 0x4a1296afUL, 0x0b238db6UL, 0xc870a09dUL, 0x8941bb84UL,
- 0x465d2303UL, 0x076c381aUL, 0xc43f1531UL, 0x850e0e28UL, 0x42984f67UL,
- 0x03a9547eUL, 0xc0fa7955UL, 0x81cb624cUL, 0x1fc53881UL, 0x5ef42398UL,
- 0x9da70eb3UL, 0xdc9615aaUL, 0x1b0054e5UL, 0x5a314ffcUL, 0x996262d7UL,
- 0xd85379ceUL, 0x174fe149UL, 0x567efa50UL, 0x952dd77bUL, 0xd41ccc62UL,
- 0x138a8d2dUL, 0x52bb9634UL, 0x91e8bb1fUL, 0xd0d9a006UL, 0xecf37e5eUL,
- 0xadc26547UL, 0x6e91486cUL, 0x2fa05375UL, 0xe836123aUL, 0xa9070923UL,
- 0x6a542408UL, 0x2b653f11UL, 0xe479a796UL, 0xa548bc8fUL, 0x661b91a4UL,
- 0x272a8abdUL, 0xe0bccbf2UL, 0xa18dd0ebUL, 0x62defdc0UL, 0x23efe6d9UL,
- 0xbde1bc14UL, 0xfcd0a70dUL, 0x3f838a26UL, 0x7eb2913fUL, 0xb924d070UL,
- 0xf815cb69UL, 0x3b46e642UL, 0x7a77fd5bUL, 0xb56b65dcUL, 0xf45a7ec5UL,
- 0x370953eeUL, 0x763848f7UL, 0xb1ae09b8UL, 0xf09f12a1UL, 0x33cc3f8aUL,
- 0x72fd2493UL
- },
- {
- 0x00000000UL, 0x376ac201UL, 0x6ed48403UL, 0x59be4602UL, 0xdca80907UL,
- 0xebc2cb06UL, 0xb27c8d04UL, 0x85164f05UL, 0xb851130eUL, 0x8f3bd10fUL,
- 0xd685970dUL, 0xe1ef550cUL, 0x64f91a09UL, 0x5393d808UL, 0x0a2d9e0aUL,
- 0x3d475c0bUL, 0x70a3261cUL, 0x47c9e41dUL, 0x1e77a21fUL, 0x291d601eUL,
- 0xac0b2f1bUL, 0x9b61ed1aUL, 0xc2dfab18UL, 0xf5b56919UL, 0xc8f23512UL,
- 0xff98f713UL, 0xa626b111UL, 0x914c7310UL, 0x145a3c15UL, 0x2330fe14UL,
- 0x7a8eb816UL, 0x4de47a17UL, 0xe0464d38UL, 0xd72c8f39UL, 0x8e92c93bUL,
- 0xb9f80b3aUL, 0x3cee443fUL, 0x0b84863eUL, 0x523ac03cUL, 0x6550023dUL,
- 0x58175e36UL, 0x6f7d9c37UL, 0x36c3da35UL, 0x01a91834UL, 0x84bf5731UL,
- 0xb3d59530UL, 0xea6bd332UL, 0xdd011133UL, 0x90e56b24UL, 0xa78fa925UL,
- 0xfe31ef27UL, 0xc95b2d26UL, 0x4c4d6223UL, 0x7b27a022UL, 0x2299e620UL,
- 0x15f32421UL, 0x28b4782aUL, 0x1fdeba2bUL, 0x4660fc29UL, 0x710a3e28UL,
- 0xf41c712dUL, 0xc376b32cUL, 0x9ac8f52eUL, 0xada2372fUL, 0xc08d9a70UL,
- 0xf7e75871UL, 0xae591e73UL, 0x9933dc72UL, 0x1c259377UL, 0x2b4f5176UL,
- 0x72f11774UL, 0x459bd575UL, 0x78dc897eUL, 0x4fb64b7fUL, 0x16080d7dUL,
- 0x2162cf7cUL, 0xa4748079UL, 0x931e4278UL, 0xcaa0047aUL, 0xfdcac67bUL,
- 0xb02ebc6cUL, 0x87447e6dUL, 0xdefa386fUL, 0xe990fa6eUL, 0x6c86b56bUL,
- 0x5bec776aUL, 0x02523168UL, 0x3538f369UL, 0x087faf62UL, 0x3f156d63UL,
- 0x66ab2b61UL, 0x51c1e960UL, 0xd4d7a665UL, 0xe3bd6464UL, 0xba032266UL,
- 0x8d69e067UL, 0x20cbd748UL, 0x17a11549UL, 0x4e1f534bUL, 0x7975914aUL,
- 0xfc63de4fUL, 0xcb091c4eUL, 0x92b75a4cUL, 0xa5dd984dUL, 0x989ac446UL,
- 0xaff00647UL, 0xf64e4045UL, 0xc1248244UL, 0x4432cd41UL, 0x73580f40UL,
- 0x2ae64942UL, 0x1d8c8b43UL, 0x5068f154UL, 0x67023355UL, 0x3ebc7557UL,
- 0x09d6b756UL, 0x8cc0f853UL, 0xbbaa3a52UL, 0xe2147c50UL, 0xd57ebe51UL,
- 0xe839e25aUL, 0xdf53205bUL, 0x86ed6659UL, 0xb187a458UL, 0x3491eb5dUL,
- 0x03fb295cUL, 0x5a456f5eUL, 0x6d2fad5fUL, 0x801b35e1UL, 0xb771f7e0UL,
- 0xeecfb1e2UL, 0xd9a573e3UL, 0x5cb33ce6UL, 0x6bd9fee7UL, 0x3267b8e5UL,
- 0x050d7ae4UL, 0x384a26efUL, 0x0f20e4eeUL, 0x569ea2ecUL, 0x61f460edUL,
- 0xe4e22fe8UL, 0xd388ede9UL, 0x8a36abebUL, 0xbd5c69eaUL, 0xf0b813fdUL,
- 0xc7d2d1fcUL, 0x9e6c97feUL, 0xa90655ffUL, 0x2c101afaUL, 0x1b7ad8fbUL,
- 0x42c49ef9UL, 0x75ae5cf8UL, 0x48e900f3UL, 0x7f83c2f2UL, 0x263d84f0UL,
- 0x115746f1UL, 0x944109f4UL, 0xa32bcbf5UL, 0xfa958df7UL, 0xcdff4ff6UL,
- 0x605d78d9UL, 0x5737bad8UL, 0x0e89fcdaUL, 0x39e33edbUL, 0xbcf571deUL,
- 0x8b9fb3dfUL, 0xd221f5ddUL, 0xe54b37dcUL, 0xd80c6bd7UL, 0xef66a9d6UL,
- 0xb6d8efd4UL, 0x81b22dd5UL, 0x04a462d0UL, 0x33cea0d1UL, 0x6a70e6d3UL,
- 0x5d1a24d2UL, 0x10fe5ec5UL, 0x27949cc4UL, 0x7e2adac6UL, 0x494018c7UL,
- 0xcc5657c2UL, 0xfb3c95c3UL, 0xa282d3c1UL, 0x95e811c0UL, 0xa8af4dcbUL,
- 0x9fc58fcaUL, 0xc67bc9c8UL, 0xf1110bc9UL, 0x740744ccUL, 0x436d86cdUL,
- 0x1ad3c0cfUL, 0x2db902ceUL, 0x4096af91UL, 0x77fc6d90UL, 0x2e422b92UL,
- 0x1928e993UL, 0x9c3ea696UL, 0xab546497UL, 0xf2ea2295UL, 0xc580e094UL,
- 0xf8c7bc9fUL, 0xcfad7e9eUL, 0x9613389cUL, 0xa179fa9dUL, 0x246fb598UL,
- 0x13057799UL, 0x4abb319bUL, 0x7dd1f39aUL, 0x3035898dUL, 0x075f4b8cUL,
- 0x5ee10d8eUL, 0x698bcf8fUL, 0xec9d808aUL, 0xdbf7428bUL, 0x82490489UL,
- 0xb523c688UL, 0x88649a83UL, 0xbf0e5882UL, 0xe6b01e80UL, 0xd1dadc81UL,
- 0x54cc9384UL, 0x63a65185UL, 0x3a181787UL, 0x0d72d586UL, 0xa0d0e2a9UL,
- 0x97ba20a8UL, 0xce0466aaUL, 0xf96ea4abUL, 0x7c78ebaeUL, 0x4b1229afUL,
- 0x12ac6fadUL, 0x25c6adacUL, 0x1881f1a7UL, 0x2feb33a6UL, 0x765575a4UL,
- 0x413fb7a5UL, 0xc429f8a0UL, 0xf3433aa1UL, 0xaafd7ca3UL, 0x9d97bea2UL,
- 0xd073c4b5UL, 0xe71906b4UL, 0xbea740b6UL, 0x89cd82b7UL, 0x0cdbcdb2UL,
- 0x3bb10fb3UL, 0x620f49b1UL, 0x55658bb0UL, 0x6822d7bbUL, 0x5f4815baUL,
- 0x06f653b8UL, 0x319c91b9UL, 0xb48adebcUL, 0x83e01cbdUL, 0xda5e5abfUL,
- 0xed3498beUL
- },
- {
- 0x00000000UL, 0x6567bcb8UL, 0x8bc809aaUL, 0xeeafb512UL, 0x5797628fUL,
- 0x32f0de37UL, 0xdc5f6b25UL, 0xb938d79dUL, 0xef28b4c5UL, 0x8a4f087dUL,
- 0x64e0bd6fUL, 0x018701d7UL, 0xb8bfd64aUL, 0xddd86af2UL, 0x3377dfe0UL,
- 0x56106358UL, 0x9f571950UL, 0xfa30a5e8UL, 0x149f10faUL, 0x71f8ac42UL,
- 0xc8c07bdfUL, 0xada7c767UL, 0x43087275UL, 0x266fcecdUL, 0x707fad95UL,
- 0x1518112dUL, 0xfbb7a43fUL, 0x9ed01887UL, 0x27e8cf1aUL, 0x428f73a2UL,
- 0xac20c6b0UL, 0xc9477a08UL, 0x3eaf32a0UL, 0x5bc88e18UL, 0xb5673b0aUL,
- 0xd00087b2UL, 0x6938502fUL, 0x0c5fec97UL, 0xe2f05985UL, 0x8797e53dUL,
- 0xd1878665UL, 0xb4e03addUL, 0x5a4f8fcfUL, 0x3f283377UL, 0x8610e4eaUL,
- 0xe3775852UL, 0x0dd8ed40UL, 0x68bf51f8UL, 0xa1f82bf0UL, 0xc49f9748UL,
- 0x2a30225aUL, 0x4f579ee2UL, 0xf66f497fUL, 0x9308f5c7UL, 0x7da740d5UL,
- 0x18c0fc6dUL, 0x4ed09f35UL, 0x2bb7238dUL, 0xc518969fUL, 0xa07f2a27UL,
- 0x1947fdbaUL, 0x7c204102UL, 0x928ff410UL, 0xf7e848a8UL, 0x3d58149bUL,
- 0x583fa823UL, 0xb6901d31UL, 0xd3f7a189UL, 0x6acf7614UL, 0x0fa8caacUL,
- 0xe1077fbeUL, 0x8460c306UL, 0xd270a05eUL, 0xb7171ce6UL, 0x59b8a9f4UL,
- 0x3cdf154cUL, 0x85e7c2d1UL, 0xe0807e69UL, 0x0e2fcb7bUL, 0x6b4877c3UL,
- 0xa20f0dcbUL, 0xc768b173UL, 0x29c70461UL, 0x4ca0b8d9UL, 0xf5986f44UL,
- 0x90ffd3fcUL, 0x7e5066eeUL, 0x1b37da56UL, 0x4d27b90eUL, 0x284005b6UL,
- 0xc6efb0a4UL, 0xa3880c1cUL, 0x1ab0db81UL, 0x7fd76739UL, 0x9178d22bUL,
- 0xf41f6e93UL, 0x03f7263bUL, 0x66909a83UL, 0x883f2f91UL, 0xed589329UL,
- 0x546044b4UL, 0x3107f80cUL, 0xdfa84d1eUL, 0xbacff1a6UL, 0xecdf92feUL,
- 0x89b82e46UL, 0x67179b54UL, 0x027027ecUL, 0xbb48f071UL, 0xde2f4cc9UL,
- 0x3080f9dbUL, 0x55e74563UL, 0x9ca03f6bUL, 0xf9c783d3UL, 0x176836c1UL,
- 0x720f8a79UL, 0xcb375de4UL, 0xae50e15cUL, 0x40ff544eUL, 0x2598e8f6UL,
- 0x73888baeUL, 0x16ef3716UL, 0xf8408204UL, 0x9d273ebcUL, 0x241fe921UL,
- 0x41785599UL, 0xafd7e08bUL, 0xcab05c33UL, 0x3bb659edUL, 0x5ed1e555UL,
- 0xb07e5047UL, 0xd519ecffUL, 0x6c213b62UL, 0x094687daUL, 0xe7e932c8UL,
- 0x828e8e70UL, 0xd49eed28UL, 0xb1f95190UL, 0x5f56e482UL, 0x3a31583aUL,
- 0x83098fa7UL, 0xe66e331fUL, 0x08c1860dUL, 0x6da63ab5UL, 0xa4e140bdUL,
- 0xc186fc05UL, 0x2f294917UL, 0x4a4ef5afUL, 0xf3762232UL, 0x96119e8aUL,
- 0x78be2b98UL, 0x1dd99720UL, 0x4bc9f478UL, 0x2eae48c0UL, 0xc001fdd2UL,
- 0xa566416aUL, 0x1c5e96f7UL, 0x79392a4fUL, 0x97969f5dUL, 0xf2f123e5UL,
- 0x05196b4dUL, 0x607ed7f5UL, 0x8ed162e7UL, 0xebb6de5fUL, 0x528e09c2UL,
- 0x37e9b57aUL, 0xd9460068UL, 0xbc21bcd0UL, 0xea31df88UL, 0x8f566330UL,
- 0x61f9d622UL, 0x049e6a9aUL, 0xbda6bd07UL, 0xd8c101bfUL, 0x366eb4adUL,
- 0x53090815UL, 0x9a4e721dUL, 0xff29cea5UL, 0x11867bb7UL, 0x74e1c70fUL,
- 0xcdd91092UL, 0xa8beac2aUL, 0x46111938UL, 0x2376a580UL, 0x7566c6d8UL,
- 0x10017a60UL, 0xfeaecf72UL, 0x9bc973caUL, 0x22f1a457UL, 0x479618efUL,
- 0xa939adfdUL, 0xcc5e1145UL, 0x06ee4d76UL, 0x6389f1ceUL, 0x8d2644dcUL,
- 0xe841f864UL, 0x51792ff9UL, 0x341e9341UL, 0xdab12653UL, 0xbfd69aebUL,
- 0xe9c6f9b3UL, 0x8ca1450bUL, 0x620ef019UL, 0x07694ca1UL, 0xbe519b3cUL,
- 0xdb362784UL, 0x35999296UL, 0x50fe2e2eUL, 0x99b95426UL, 0xfcdee89eUL,
- 0x12715d8cUL, 0x7716e134UL, 0xce2e36a9UL, 0xab498a11UL, 0x45e63f03UL,
- 0x208183bbUL, 0x7691e0e3UL, 0x13f65c5bUL, 0xfd59e949UL, 0x983e55f1UL,
- 0x2106826cUL, 0x44613ed4UL, 0xaace8bc6UL, 0xcfa9377eUL, 0x38417fd6UL,
- 0x5d26c36eUL, 0xb389767cUL, 0xd6eecac4UL, 0x6fd61d59UL, 0x0ab1a1e1UL,
- 0xe41e14f3UL, 0x8179a84bUL, 0xd769cb13UL, 0xb20e77abUL, 0x5ca1c2b9UL,
- 0x39c67e01UL, 0x80fea99cUL, 0xe5991524UL, 0x0b36a036UL, 0x6e511c8eUL,
- 0xa7166686UL, 0xc271da3eUL, 0x2cde6f2cUL, 0x49b9d394UL, 0xf0810409UL,
- 0x95e6b8b1UL, 0x7b490da3UL, 0x1e2eb11bUL, 0x483ed243UL, 0x2d596efbUL,
- 0xc3f6dbe9UL, 0xa6916751UL, 0x1fa9b0ccUL, 0x7ace0c74UL, 0x9461b966UL,
- 0xf10605deUL
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[] = {
+ 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419,
+ 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4,
+ 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07,
+ 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de,
+ 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856,
+ 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9,
+ 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4,
+ 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b,
+ 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3,
+ 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a,
+ 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599,
+ 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924,
+ 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190,
+ 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f,
+ 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e,
+ 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01,
+ 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed,
+ 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950,
+ 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3,
+ 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2,
+ 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a,
+ 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5,
+ 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010,
+ 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f,
+ 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17,
+ 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6,
+ 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615,
+ 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8,
+ 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344,
+ 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb,
+ 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a,
+ 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5,
+ 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1,
+ 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c,
+ 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef,
+ 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236,
+ 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe,
+ 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31,
+ 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c,
+ 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
+ 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b,
+ 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242,
+ 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1,
+ 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c,
+ 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278,
+ 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7,
+ 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66,
+ 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9,
+ 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605,
+ 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8,
+ 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b,
+ 0x2d02ef8d};
+#ifdef W
+#if W == 8
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = {
+ 0x0000000000000000, 0x9630077700000000, 0x2c610eee00000000,
+ 0xba51099900000000, 0x19c46d0700000000, 0x8ff46a7000000000,
+ 0x35a563e900000000, 0xa395649e00000000, 0x3288db0e00000000,
+ 0xa4b8dc7900000000, 0x1ee9d5e000000000, 0x88d9d29700000000,
+ 0x2b4cb60900000000, 0xbd7cb17e00000000, 0x072db8e700000000,
+ 0x911dbf9000000000, 0x6410b71d00000000, 0xf220b06a00000000,
+ 0x4871b9f300000000, 0xde41be8400000000, 0x7dd4da1a00000000,
+ 0xebe4dd6d00000000, 0x51b5d4f400000000, 0xc785d38300000000,
+ 0x56986c1300000000, 0xc0a86b6400000000, 0x7af962fd00000000,
+ 0xecc9658a00000000, 0x4f5c011400000000, 0xd96c066300000000,
+ 0x633d0ffa00000000, 0xf50d088d00000000, 0xc8206e3b00000000,
+ 0x5e10694c00000000, 0xe44160d500000000, 0x727167a200000000,
+ 0xd1e4033c00000000, 0x47d4044b00000000, 0xfd850dd200000000,
+ 0x6bb50aa500000000, 0xfaa8b53500000000, 0x6c98b24200000000,
+ 0xd6c9bbdb00000000, 0x40f9bcac00000000, 0xe36cd83200000000,
+ 0x755cdf4500000000, 0xcf0dd6dc00000000, 0x593dd1ab00000000,
+ 0xac30d92600000000, 0x3a00de5100000000, 0x8051d7c800000000,
+ 0x1661d0bf00000000, 0xb5f4b42100000000, 0x23c4b35600000000,
+ 0x9995bacf00000000, 0x0fa5bdb800000000, 0x9eb8022800000000,
+ 0x0888055f00000000, 0xb2d90cc600000000, 0x24e90bb100000000,
+ 0x877c6f2f00000000, 0x114c685800000000, 0xab1d61c100000000,
+ 0x3d2d66b600000000, 0x9041dc7600000000, 0x0671db0100000000,
+ 0xbc20d29800000000, 0x2a10d5ef00000000, 0x8985b17100000000,
+ 0x1fb5b60600000000, 0xa5e4bf9f00000000, 0x33d4b8e800000000,
+ 0xa2c9077800000000, 0x34f9000f00000000, 0x8ea8099600000000,
+ 0x18980ee100000000, 0xbb0d6a7f00000000, 0x2d3d6d0800000000,
+ 0x976c649100000000, 0x015c63e600000000, 0xf4516b6b00000000,
+ 0x62616c1c00000000, 0xd830658500000000, 0x4e0062f200000000,
+ 0xed95066c00000000, 0x7ba5011b00000000, 0xc1f4088200000000,
+ 0x57c40ff500000000, 0xc6d9b06500000000, 0x50e9b71200000000,
+ 0xeab8be8b00000000, 0x7c88b9fc00000000, 0xdf1ddd6200000000,
+ 0x492dda1500000000, 0xf37cd38c00000000, 0x654cd4fb00000000,
+ 0x5861b24d00000000, 0xce51b53a00000000, 0x7400bca300000000,
+ 0xe230bbd400000000, 0x41a5df4a00000000, 0xd795d83d00000000,
+ 0x6dc4d1a400000000, 0xfbf4d6d300000000, 0x6ae9694300000000,
+ 0xfcd96e3400000000, 0x468867ad00000000, 0xd0b860da00000000,
+ 0x732d044400000000, 0xe51d033300000000, 0x5f4c0aaa00000000,
+ 0xc97c0ddd00000000, 0x3c71055000000000, 0xaa41022700000000,
+ 0x10100bbe00000000, 0x86200cc900000000, 0x25b5685700000000,
+ 0xb3856f2000000000, 0x09d466b900000000, 0x9fe461ce00000000,
+ 0x0ef9de5e00000000, 0x98c9d92900000000, 0x2298d0b000000000,
+ 0xb4a8d7c700000000, 0x173db35900000000, 0x810db42e00000000,
+ 0x3b5cbdb700000000, 0xad6cbac000000000, 0x2083b8ed00000000,
+ 0xb6b3bf9a00000000, 0x0ce2b60300000000, 0x9ad2b17400000000,
+ 0x3947d5ea00000000, 0xaf77d29d00000000, 0x1526db0400000000,
+ 0x8316dc7300000000, 0x120b63e300000000, 0x843b649400000000,
+ 0x3e6a6d0d00000000, 0xa85a6a7a00000000, 0x0bcf0ee400000000,
+ 0x9dff099300000000, 0x27ae000a00000000, 0xb19e077d00000000,
+ 0x44930ff000000000, 0xd2a3088700000000, 0x68f2011e00000000,
+ 0xfec2066900000000, 0x5d5762f700000000, 0xcb67658000000000,
+ 0x71366c1900000000, 0xe7066b6e00000000, 0x761bd4fe00000000,
+ 0xe02bd38900000000, 0x5a7ada1000000000, 0xcc4add6700000000,
+ 0x6fdfb9f900000000, 0xf9efbe8e00000000, 0x43beb71700000000,
+ 0xd58eb06000000000, 0xe8a3d6d600000000, 0x7e93d1a100000000,
+ 0xc4c2d83800000000, 0x52f2df4f00000000, 0xf167bbd100000000,
+ 0x6757bca600000000, 0xdd06b53f00000000, 0x4b36b24800000000,
+ 0xda2b0dd800000000, 0x4c1b0aaf00000000, 0xf64a033600000000,
+ 0x607a044100000000, 0xc3ef60df00000000, 0x55df67a800000000,
+ 0xef8e6e3100000000, 0x79be694600000000, 0x8cb361cb00000000,
+ 0x1a8366bc00000000, 0xa0d26f2500000000, 0x36e2685200000000,
+ 0x95770ccc00000000, 0x03470bbb00000000, 0xb916022200000000,
+ 0x2f26055500000000, 0xbe3bbac500000000, 0x280bbdb200000000,
+ 0x925ab42b00000000, 0x046ab35c00000000, 0xa7ffd7c200000000,
+ 0x31cfd0b500000000, 0x8b9ed92c00000000, 0x1daede5b00000000,
+ 0xb0c2649b00000000, 0x26f263ec00000000, 0x9ca36a7500000000,
+ 0x0a936d0200000000, 0xa906099c00000000, 0x3f360eeb00000000,
+ 0x8567077200000000, 0x1357000500000000, 0x824abf9500000000,
+ 0x147ab8e200000000, 0xae2bb17b00000000, 0x381bb60c00000000,
+ 0x9b8ed29200000000, 0x0dbed5e500000000, 0xb7efdc7c00000000,
+ 0x21dfdb0b00000000, 0xd4d2d38600000000, 0x42e2d4f100000000,
+ 0xf8b3dd6800000000, 0x6e83da1f00000000, 0xcd16be8100000000,
+ 0x5b26b9f600000000, 0xe177b06f00000000, 0x7747b71800000000,
+ 0xe65a088800000000, 0x706a0fff00000000, 0xca3b066600000000,
+ 0x5c0b011100000000, 0xff9e658f00000000, 0x69ae62f800000000,
+ 0xd3ff6b6100000000, 0x45cf6c1600000000, 0x78e20aa000000000,
+ 0xeed20dd700000000, 0x5483044e00000000, 0xc2b3033900000000,
+ 0x612667a700000000, 0xf71660d000000000, 0x4d47694900000000,
+ 0xdb776e3e00000000, 0x4a6ad1ae00000000, 0xdc5ad6d900000000,
+ 0x660bdf4000000000, 0xf03bd83700000000, 0x53aebca900000000,
+ 0xc59ebbde00000000, 0x7fcfb24700000000, 0xe9ffb53000000000,
+ 0x1cf2bdbd00000000, 0x8ac2baca00000000, 0x3093b35300000000,
+ 0xa6a3b42400000000, 0x0536d0ba00000000, 0x9306d7cd00000000,
+ 0x2957de5400000000, 0xbf67d92300000000, 0x2e7a66b300000000,
+ 0xb84a61c400000000, 0x021b685d00000000, 0x942b6f2a00000000,
+ 0x37be0bb400000000, 0xa18e0cc300000000, 0x1bdf055a00000000,
+ 0x8def022d00000000};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_big_table[] = {
+ 0x00000000, 0x96300777, 0x2c610eee, 0xba510999, 0x19c46d07,
+ 0x8ff46a70, 0x35a563e9, 0xa395649e, 0x3288db0e, 0xa4b8dc79,
+ 0x1ee9d5e0, 0x88d9d297, 0x2b4cb609, 0xbd7cb17e, 0x072db8e7,
+ 0x911dbf90, 0x6410b71d, 0xf220b06a, 0x4871b9f3, 0xde41be84,
+ 0x7dd4da1a, 0xebe4dd6d, 0x51b5d4f4, 0xc785d383, 0x56986c13,
+ 0xc0a86b64, 0x7af962fd, 0xecc9658a, 0x4f5c0114, 0xd96c0663,
+ 0x633d0ffa, 0xf50d088d, 0xc8206e3b, 0x5e10694c, 0xe44160d5,
+ 0x727167a2, 0xd1e4033c, 0x47d4044b, 0xfd850dd2, 0x6bb50aa5,
+ 0xfaa8b535, 0x6c98b242, 0xd6c9bbdb, 0x40f9bcac, 0xe36cd832,
+ 0x755cdf45, 0xcf0dd6dc, 0x593dd1ab, 0xac30d926, 0x3a00de51,
+ 0x8051d7c8, 0x1661d0bf, 0xb5f4b421, 0x23c4b356, 0x9995bacf,
+ 0x0fa5bdb8, 0x9eb80228, 0x0888055f, 0xb2d90cc6, 0x24e90bb1,
+ 0x877c6f2f, 0x114c6858, 0xab1d61c1, 0x3d2d66b6, 0x9041dc76,
+ 0x0671db01, 0xbc20d298, 0x2a10d5ef, 0x8985b171, 0x1fb5b606,
+ 0xa5e4bf9f, 0x33d4b8e8, 0xa2c90778, 0x34f9000f, 0x8ea80996,
+ 0x18980ee1, 0xbb0d6a7f, 0x2d3d6d08, 0x976c6491, 0x015c63e6,
+ 0xf4516b6b, 0x62616c1c, 0xd8306585, 0x4e0062f2, 0xed95066c,
+ 0x7ba5011b, 0xc1f40882, 0x57c40ff5, 0xc6d9b065, 0x50e9b712,
+ 0xeab8be8b, 0x7c88b9fc, 0xdf1ddd62, 0x492dda15, 0xf37cd38c,
+ 0x654cd4fb, 0x5861b24d, 0xce51b53a, 0x7400bca3, 0xe230bbd4,
+ 0x41a5df4a, 0xd795d83d, 0x6dc4d1a4, 0xfbf4d6d3, 0x6ae96943,
+ 0xfcd96e34, 0x468867ad, 0xd0b860da, 0x732d0444, 0xe51d0333,
+ 0x5f4c0aaa, 0xc97c0ddd, 0x3c710550, 0xaa410227, 0x10100bbe,
+ 0x86200cc9, 0x25b56857, 0xb3856f20, 0x09d466b9, 0x9fe461ce,
+ 0x0ef9de5e, 0x98c9d929, 0x2298d0b0, 0xb4a8d7c7, 0x173db359,
+ 0x810db42e, 0x3b5cbdb7, 0xad6cbac0, 0x2083b8ed, 0xb6b3bf9a,
+ 0x0ce2b603, 0x9ad2b174, 0x3947d5ea, 0xaf77d29d, 0x1526db04,
+ 0x8316dc73, 0x120b63e3, 0x843b6494, 0x3e6a6d0d, 0xa85a6a7a,
+ 0x0bcf0ee4, 0x9dff0993, 0x27ae000a, 0xb19e077d, 0x44930ff0,
+ 0xd2a30887, 0x68f2011e, 0xfec20669, 0x5d5762f7, 0xcb676580,
+ 0x71366c19, 0xe7066b6e, 0x761bd4fe, 0xe02bd389, 0x5a7ada10,
+ 0xcc4add67, 0x6fdfb9f9, 0xf9efbe8e, 0x43beb717, 0xd58eb060,
+ 0xe8a3d6d6, 0x7e93d1a1, 0xc4c2d838, 0x52f2df4f, 0xf167bbd1,
+ 0x6757bca6, 0xdd06b53f, 0x4b36b248, 0xda2b0dd8, 0x4c1b0aaf,
+ 0xf64a0336, 0x607a0441, 0xc3ef60df, 0x55df67a8, 0xef8e6e31,
+ 0x79be6946, 0x8cb361cb, 0x1a8366bc, 0xa0d26f25, 0x36e26852,
+ 0x95770ccc, 0x03470bbb, 0xb9160222, 0x2f260555, 0xbe3bbac5,
+ 0x280bbdb2, 0x925ab42b, 0x046ab35c, 0xa7ffd7c2, 0x31cfd0b5,
+ 0x8b9ed92c, 0x1daede5b, 0xb0c2649b, 0x26f263ec, 0x9ca36a75,
+ 0x0a936d02, 0xa906099c, 0x3f360eeb, 0x85670772, 0x13570005,
+ 0x824abf95, 0x147ab8e2, 0xae2bb17b, 0x381bb60c, 0x9b8ed292,
+ 0x0dbed5e5, 0xb7efdc7c, 0x21dfdb0b, 0xd4d2d386, 0x42e2d4f1,
+ 0xf8b3dd68, 0x6e83da1f, 0xcd16be81, 0x5b26b9f6, 0xe177b06f,
+ 0x7747b718, 0xe65a0888, 0x706a0fff, 0xca3b0666, 0x5c0b0111,
+ 0xff9e658f, 0x69ae62f8, 0xd3ff6b61, 0x45cf6c16, 0x78e20aa0,
+ 0xeed20dd7, 0x5483044e, 0xc2b30339, 0x612667a7, 0xf71660d0,
+ 0x4d476949, 0xdb776e3e, 0x4a6ad1ae, 0xdc5ad6d9, 0x660bdf40,
+ 0xf03bd837, 0x53aebca9, 0xc59ebbde, 0x7fcfb247, 0xe9ffb530,
+ 0x1cf2bdbd, 0x8ac2baca, 0x3093b353, 0xa6a3b424, 0x0536d0ba,
+ 0x9306d7cd, 0x2957de54, 0xbf67d923, 0x2e7a66b3, 0xb84a61c4,
+ 0x021b685d, 0x942b6f2a, 0x37be0bb4, 0xa18e0cc3, 0x1bdf055a,
+ 0x8def022d};
+#if N == 1
+#if W == 8
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xccaa009e, 0x4225077d, 0x8e8f07e3, 0x844a0efa,
+ 0x48e00e64, 0xc66f0987, 0x0ac50919, 0xd3e51bb5, 0x1f4f1b2b,
+ 0x91c01cc8, 0x5d6a1c56, 0x57af154f, 0x9b0515d1, 0x158a1232,
+ 0xd92012ac, 0x7cbb312b, 0xb01131b5, 0x3e9e3656, 0xf23436c8,
+ 0xf8f13fd1, 0x345b3f4f, 0xbad438ac, 0x767e3832, 0xaf5e2a9e,
+ 0x63f42a00, 0xed7b2de3, 0x21d12d7d, 0x2b142464, 0xe7be24fa,
+ 0x69312319, 0xa59b2387, 0xf9766256, 0x35dc62c8, 0xbb53652b,
+ 0x77f965b5, 0x7d3c6cac, 0xb1966c32, 0x3f196bd1, 0xf3b36b4f,
+ 0x2a9379e3, 0xe639797d, 0x68b67e9e, 0xa41c7e00, 0xaed97719,
+ 0x62737787, 0xecfc7064, 0x205670fa, 0x85cd537d, 0x496753e3,
+ 0xc7e85400, 0x0b42549e, 0x01875d87, 0xcd2d5d19, 0x43a25afa,
+ 0x8f085a64, 0x562848c8, 0x9a824856, 0x140d4fb5, 0xd8a74f2b,
+ 0xd2624632, 0x1ec846ac, 0x9047414f, 0x5ced41d1, 0x299dc2ed,
+ 0xe537c273, 0x6bb8c590, 0xa712c50e, 0xadd7cc17, 0x617dcc89,
+ 0xeff2cb6a, 0x2358cbf4, 0xfa78d958, 0x36d2d9c6, 0xb85dde25,
+ 0x74f7debb, 0x7e32d7a2, 0xb298d73c, 0x3c17d0df, 0xf0bdd041,
+ 0x5526f3c6, 0x998cf358, 0x1703f4bb, 0xdba9f425, 0xd16cfd3c,
+ 0x1dc6fda2, 0x9349fa41, 0x5fe3fadf, 0x86c3e873, 0x4a69e8ed,
+ 0xc4e6ef0e, 0x084cef90, 0x0289e689, 0xce23e617, 0x40ace1f4,
+ 0x8c06e16a, 0xd0eba0bb, 0x1c41a025, 0x92cea7c6, 0x5e64a758,
+ 0x54a1ae41, 0x980baedf, 0x1684a93c, 0xda2ea9a2, 0x030ebb0e,
+ 0xcfa4bb90, 0x412bbc73, 0x8d81bced, 0x8744b5f4, 0x4beeb56a,
+ 0xc561b289, 0x09cbb217, 0xac509190, 0x60fa910e, 0xee7596ed,
+ 0x22df9673, 0x281a9f6a, 0xe4b09ff4, 0x6a3f9817, 0xa6959889,
+ 0x7fb58a25, 0xb31f8abb, 0x3d908d58, 0xf13a8dc6, 0xfbff84df,
+ 0x37558441, 0xb9da83a2, 0x7570833c, 0x533b85da, 0x9f918544,
+ 0x111e82a7, 0xddb48239, 0xd7718b20, 0x1bdb8bbe, 0x95548c5d,
+ 0x59fe8cc3, 0x80de9e6f, 0x4c749ef1, 0xc2fb9912, 0x0e51998c,
+ 0x04949095, 0xc83e900b, 0x46b197e8, 0x8a1b9776, 0x2f80b4f1,
+ 0xe32ab46f, 0x6da5b38c, 0xa10fb312, 0xabcaba0b, 0x6760ba95,
+ 0xe9efbd76, 0x2545bde8, 0xfc65af44, 0x30cfafda, 0xbe40a839,
+ 0x72eaa8a7, 0x782fa1be, 0xb485a120, 0x3a0aa6c3, 0xf6a0a65d,
+ 0xaa4de78c, 0x66e7e712, 0xe868e0f1, 0x24c2e06f, 0x2e07e976,
+ 0xe2ade9e8, 0x6c22ee0b, 0xa088ee95, 0x79a8fc39, 0xb502fca7,
+ 0x3b8dfb44, 0xf727fbda, 0xfde2f2c3, 0x3148f25d, 0xbfc7f5be,
+ 0x736df520, 0xd6f6d6a7, 0x1a5cd639, 0x94d3d1da, 0x5879d144,
+ 0x52bcd85d, 0x9e16d8c3, 0x1099df20, 0xdc33dfbe, 0x0513cd12,
+ 0xc9b9cd8c, 0x4736ca6f, 0x8b9ccaf1, 0x8159c3e8, 0x4df3c376,
+ 0xc37cc495, 0x0fd6c40b, 0x7aa64737, 0xb60c47a9, 0x3883404a,
+ 0xf42940d4, 0xfeec49cd, 0x32464953, 0xbcc94eb0, 0x70634e2e,
+ 0xa9435c82, 0x65e95c1c, 0xeb665bff, 0x27cc5b61, 0x2d095278,
+ 0xe1a352e6, 0x6f2c5505, 0xa386559b, 0x061d761c, 0xcab77682,
+ 0x44387161, 0x889271ff, 0x825778e6, 0x4efd7878, 0xc0727f9b,
+ 0x0cd87f05, 0xd5f86da9, 0x19526d37, 0x97dd6ad4, 0x5b776a4a,
+ 0x51b26353, 0x9d1863cd, 0x1397642e, 0xdf3d64b0, 0x83d02561,
+ 0x4f7a25ff, 0xc1f5221c, 0x0d5f2282, 0x079a2b9b, 0xcb302b05,
+ 0x45bf2ce6, 0x89152c78, 0x50353ed4, 0x9c9f3e4a, 0x121039a9,
+ 0xdeba3937, 0xd47f302e, 0x18d530b0, 0x965a3753, 0x5af037cd,
+ 0xff6b144a, 0x33c114d4, 0xbd4e1337, 0x71e413a9, 0x7b211ab0,
+ 0xb78b1a2e, 0x39041dcd, 0xf5ae1d53, 0x2c8e0fff, 0xe0240f61,
+ 0x6eab0882, 0xa201081c, 0xa8c40105, 0x646e019b, 0xeae10678,
+ 0x264b06e6},
+ {0x00000000, 0xa6770bb4, 0x979f1129, 0x31e81a9d, 0xf44f2413,
+ 0x52382fa7, 0x63d0353a, 0xc5a73e8e, 0x33ef4e67, 0x959845d3,
+ 0xa4705f4e, 0x020754fa, 0xc7a06a74, 0x61d761c0, 0x503f7b5d,
+ 0xf64870e9, 0x67de9cce, 0xc1a9977a, 0xf0418de7, 0x56368653,
+ 0x9391b8dd, 0x35e6b369, 0x040ea9f4, 0xa279a240, 0x5431d2a9,
+ 0xf246d91d, 0xc3aec380, 0x65d9c834, 0xa07ef6ba, 0x0609fd0e,
+ 0x37e1e793, 0x9196ec27, 0xcfbd399c, 0x69ca3228, 0x582228b5,
+ 0xfe552301, 0x3bf21d8f, 0x9d85163b, 0xac6d0ca6, 0x0a1a0712,
+ 0xfc5277fb, 0x5a257c4f, 0x6bcd66d2, 0xcdba6d66, 0x081d53e8,
+ 0xae6a585c, 0x9f8242c1, 0x39f54975, 0xa863a552, 0x0e14aee6,
+ 0x3ffcb47b, 0x998bbfcf, 0x5c2c8141, 0xfa5b8af5, 0xcbb39068,
+ 0x6dc49bdc, 0x9b8ceb35, 0x3dfbe081, 0x0c13fa1c, 0xaa64f1a8,
+ 0x6fc3cf26, 0xc9b4c492, 0xf85cde0f, 0x5e2bd5bb, 0x440b7579,
+ 0xe27c7ecd, 0xd3946450, 0x75e36fe4, 0xb044516a, 0x16335ade,
+ 0x27db4043, 0x81ac4bf7, 0x77e43b1e, 0xd19330aa, 0xe07b2a37,
+ 0x460c2183, 0x83ab1f0d, 0x25dc14b9, 0x14340e24, 0xb2430590,
+ 0x23d5e9b7, 0x85a2e203, 0xb44af89e, 0x123df32a, 0xd79acda4,
+ 0x71edc610, 0x4005dc8d, 0xe672d739, 0x103aa7d0, 0xb64dac64,
+ 0x87a5b6f9, 0x21d2bd4d, 0xe47583c3, 0x42028877, 0x73ea92ea,
+ 0xd59d995e, 0x8bb64ce5, 0x2dc14751, 0x1c295dcc, 0xba5e5678,
+ 0x7ff968f6, 0xd98e6342, 0xe86679df, 0x4e11726b, 0xb8590282,
+ 0x1e2e0936, 0x2fc613ab, 0x89b1181f, 0x4c162691, 0xea612d25,
+ 0xdb8937b8, 0x7dfe3c0c, 0xec68d02b, 0x4a1fdb9f, 0x7bf7c102,
+ 0xdd80cab6, 0x1827f438, 0xbe50ff8c, 0x8fb8e511, 0x29cfeea5,
+ 0xdf879e4c, 0x79f095f8, 0x48188f65, 0xee6f84d1, 0x2bc8ba5f,
+ 0x8dbfb1eb, 0xbc57ab76, 0x1a20a0c2, 0x8816eaf2, 0x2e61e146,
+ 0x1f89fbdb, 0xb9fef06f, 0x7c59cee1, 0xda2ec555, 0xebc6dfc8,
+ 0x4db1d47c, 0xbbf9a495, 0x1d8eaf21, 0x2c66b5bc, 0x8a11be08,
+ 0x4fb68086, 0xe9c18b32, 0xd82991af, 0x7e5e9a1b, 0xefc8763c,
+ 0x49bf7d88, 0x78576715, 0xde206ca1, 0x1b87522f, 0xbdf0599b,
+ 0x8c184306, 0x2a6f48b2, 0xdc27385b, 0x7a5033ef, 0x4bb82972,
+ 0xedcf22c6, 0x28681c48, 0x8e1f17fc, 0xbff70d61, 0x198006d5,
+ 0x47abd36e, 0xe1dcd8da, 0xd034c247, 0x7643c9f3, 0xb3e4f77d,
+ 0x1593fcc9, 0x247be654, 0x820cede0, 0x74449d09, 0xd23396bd,
+ 0xe3db8c20, 0x45ac8794, 0x800bb91a, 0x267cb2ae, 0x1794a833,
+ 0xb1e3a387, 0x20754fa0, 0x86024414, 0xb7ea5e89, 0x119d553d,
+ 0xd43a6bb3, 0x724d6007, 0x43a57a9a, 0xe5d2712e, 0x139a01c7,
+ 0xb5ed0a73, 0x840510ee, 0x22721b5a, 0xe7d525d4, 0x41a22e60,
+ 0x704a34fd, 0xd63d3f49, 0xcc1d9f8b, 0x6a6a943f, 0x5b828ea2,
+ 0xfdf58516, 0x3852bb98, 0x9e25b02c, 0xafcdaab1, 0x09baa105,
+ 0xfff2d1ec, 0x5985da58, 0x686dc0c5, 0xce1acb71, 0x0bbdf5ff,
+ 0xadcafe4b, 0x9c22e4d6, 0x3a55ef62, 0xabc30345, 0x0db408f1,
+ 0x3c5c126c, 0x9a2b19d8, 0x5f8c2756, 0xf9fb2ce2, 0xc813367f,
+ 0x6e643dcb, 0x982c4d22, 0x3e5b4696, 0x0fb35c0b, 0xa9c457bf,
+ 0x6c636931, 0xca146285, 0xfbfc7818, 0x5d8b73ac, 0x03a0a617,
+ 0xa5d7ada3, 0x943fb73e, 0x3248bc8a, 0xf7ef8204, 0x519889b0,
+ 0x6070932d, 0xc6079899, 0x304fe870, 0x9638e3c4, 0xa7d0f959,
+ 0x01a7f2ed, 0xc400cc63, 0x6277c7d7, 0x539fdd4a, 0xf5e8d6fe,
+ 0x647e3ad9, 0xc209316d, 0xf3e12bf0, 0x55962044, 0x90311eca,
+ 0x3646157e, 0x07ae0fe3, 0xa1d90457, 0x579174be, 0xf1e67f0a,
+ 0xc00e6597, 0x66796e23, 0xa3de50ad, 0x05a95b19, 0x34414184,
+ 0x92364a30},
+ {0x00000000, 0xcb5cd3a5, 0x4dc8a10b, 0x869472ae, 0x9b914216,
+ 0x50cd91b3, 0xd659e31d, 0x1d0530b8, 0xec53826d, 0x270f51c8,
+ 0xa19b2366, 0x6ac7f0c3, 0x77c2c07b, 0xbc9e13de, 0x3a0a6170,
+ 0xf156b2d5, 0x03d6029b, 0xc88ad13e, 0x4e1ea390, 0x85427035,
+ 0x9847408d, 0x531b9328, 0xd58fe186, 0x1ed33223, 0xef8580f6,
+ 0x24d95353, 0xa24d21fd, 0x6911f258, 0x7414c2e0, 0xbf481145,
+ 0x39dc63eb, 0xf280b04e, 0x07ac0536, 0xccf0d693, 0x4a64a43d,
+ 0x81387798, 0x9c3d4720, 0x57619485, 0xd1f5e62b, 0x1aa9358e,
+ 0xebff875b, 0x20a354fe, 0xa6372650, 0x6d6bf5f5, 0x706ec54d,
+ 0xbb3216e8, 0x3da66446, 0xf6fab7e3, 0x047a07ad, 0xcf26d408,
+ 0x49b2a6a6, 0x82ee7503, 0x9feb45bb, 0x54b7961e, 0xd223e4b0,
+ 0x197f3715, 0xe82985c0, 0x23755665, 0xa5e124cb, 0x6ebdf76e,
+ 0x73b8c7d6, 0xb8e41473, 0x3e7066dd, 0xf52cb578, 0x0f580a6c,
+ 0xc404d9c9, 0x4290ab67, 0x89cc78c2, 0x94c9487a, 0x5f959bdf,
+ 0xd901e971, 0x125d3ad4, 0xe30b8801, 0x28575ba4, 0xaec3290a,
+ 0x659ffaaf, 0x789aca17, 0xb3c619b2, 0x35526b1c, 0xfe0eb8b9,
+ 0x0c8e08f7, 0xc7d2db52, 0x4146a9fc, 0x8a1a7a59, 0x971f4ae1,
+ 0x5c439944, 0xdad7ebea, 0x118b384f, 0xe0dd8a9a, 0x2b81593f,
+ 0xad152b91, 0x6649f834, 0x7b4cc88c, 0xb0101b29, 0x36846987,
+ 0xfdd8ba22, 0x08f40f5a, 0xc3a8dcff, 0x453cae51, 0x8e607df4,
+ 0x93654d4c, 0x58399ee9, 0xdeadec47, 0x15f13fe2, 0xe4a78d37,
+ 0x2ffb5e92, 0xa96f2c3c, 0x6233ff99, 0x7f36cf21, 0xb46a1c84,
+ 0x32fe6e2a, 0xf9a2bd8f, 0x0b220dc1, 0xc07ede64, 0x46eaacca,
+ 0x8db67f6f, 0x90b34fd7, 0x5bef9c72, 0xdd7beedc, 0x16273d79,
+ 0xe7718fac, 0x2c2d5c09, 0xaab92ea7, 0x61e5fd02, 0x7ce0cdba,
+ 0xb7bc1e1f, 0x31286cb1, 0xfa74bf14, 0x1eb014d8, 0xd5ecc77d,
+ 0x5378b5d3, 0x98246676, 0x852156ce, 0x4e7d856b, 0xc8e9f7c5,
+ 0x03b52460, 0xf2e396b5, 0x39bf4510, 0xbf2b37be, 0x7477e41b,
+ 0x6972d4a3, 0xa22e0706, 0x24ba75a8, 0xefe6a60d, 0x1d661643,
+ 0xd63ac5e6, 0x50aeb748, 0x9bf264ed, 0x86f75455, 0x4dab87f0,
+ 0xcb3ff55e, 0x006326fb, 0xf135942e, 0x3a69478b, 0xbcfd3525,
+ 0x77a1e680, 0x6aa4d638, 0xa1f8059d, 0x276c7733, 0xec30a496,
+ 0x191c11ee, 0xd240c24b, 0x54d4b0e5, 0x9f886340, 0x828d53f8,
+ 0x49d1805d, 0xcf45f2f3, 0x04192156, 0xf54f9383, 0x3e134026,
+ 0xb8873288, 0x73dbe12d, 0x6eded195, 0xa5820230, 0x2316709e,
+ 0xe84aa33b, 0x1aca1375, 0xd196c0d0, 0x5702b27e, 0x9c5e61db,
+ 0x815b5163, 0x4a0782c6, 0xcc93f068, 0x07cf23cd, 0xf6999118,
+ 0x3dc542bd, 0xbb513013, 0x700de3b6, 0x6d08d30e, 0xa65400ab,
+ 0x20c07205, 0xeb9ca1a0, 0x11e81eb4, 0xdab4cd11, 0x5c20bfbf,
+ 0x977c6c1a, 0x8a795ca2, 0x41258f07, 0xc7b1fda9, 0x0ced2e0c,
+ 0xfdbb9cd9, 0x36e74f7c, 0xb0733dd2, 0x7b2fee77, 0x662adecf,
+ 0xad760d6a, 0x2be27fc4, 0xe0beac61, 0x123e1c2f, 0xd962cf8a,
+ 0x5ff6bd24, 0x94aa6e81, 0x89af5e39, 0x42f38d9c, 0xc467ff32,
+ 0x0f3b2c97, 0xfe6d9e42, 0x35314de7, 0xb3a53f49, 0x78f9ecec,
+ 0x65fcdc54, 0xaea00ff1, 0x28347d5f, 0xe368aefa, 0x16441b82,
+ 0xdd18c827, 0x5b8cba89, 0x90d0692c, 0x8dd55994, 0x46898a31,
+ 0xc01df89f, 0x0b412b3a, 0xfa1799ef, 0x314b4a4a, 0xb7df38e4,
+ 0x7c83eb41, 0x6186dbf9, 0xaada085c, 0x2c4e7af2, 0xe712a957,
+ 0x15921919, 0xdececabc, 0x585ab812, 0x93066bb7, 0x8e035b0f,
+ 0x455f88aa, 0xc3cbfa04, 0x089729a1, 0xf9c19b74, 0x329d48d1,
+ 0xb4093a7f, 0x7f55e9da, 0x6250d962, 0xa90c0ac7, 0x2f987869,
+ 0xe4c4abcc},
+ {0x00000000, 0x3d6029b0, 0x7ac05360, 0x47a07ad0, 0xf580a6c0,
+ 0xc8e08f70, 0x8f40f5a0, 0xb220dc10, 0x30704bc1, 0x0d106271,
+ 0x4ab018a1, 0x77d03111, 0xc5f0ed01, 0xf890c4b1, 0xbf30be61,
+ 0x825097d1, 0x60e09782, 0x5d80be32, 0x1a20c4e2, 0x2740ed52,
+ 0x95603142, 0xa80018f2, 0xefa06222, 0xd2c04b92, 0x5090dc43,
+ 0x6df0f5f3, 0x2a508f23, 0x1730a693, 0xa5107a83, 0x98705333,
+ 0xdfd029e3, 0xe2b00053, 0xc1c12f04, 0xfca106b4, 0xbb017c64,
+ 0x866155d4, 0x344189c4, 0x0921a074, 0x4e81daa4, 0x73e1f314,
+ 0xf1b164c5, 0xccd14d75, 0x8b7137a5, 0xb6111e15, 0x0431c205,
+ 0x3951ebb5, 0x7ef19165, 0x4391b8d5, 0xa121b886, 0x9c419136,
+ 0xdbe1ebe6, 0xe681c256, 0x54a11e46, 0x69c137f6, 0x2e614d26,
+ 0x13016496, 0x9151f347, 0xac31daf7, 0xeb91a027, 0xd6f18997,
+ 0x64d15587, 0x59b17c37, 0x1e1106e7, 0x23712f57, 0x58f35849,
+ 0x659371f9, 0x22330b29, 0x1f532299, 0xad73fe89, 0x9013d739,
+ 0xd7b3ade9, 0xead38459, 0x68831388, 0x55e33a38, 0x124340e8,
+ 0x2f236958, 0x9d03b548, 0xa0639cf8, 0xe7c3e628, 0xdaa3cf98,
+ 0x3813cfcb, 0x0573e67b, 0x42d39cab, 0x7fb3b51b, 0xcd93690b,
+ 0xf0f340bb, 0xb7533a6b, 0x8a3313db, 0x0863840a, 0x3503adba,
+ 0x72a3d76a, 0x4fc3feda, 0xfde322ca, 0xc0830b7a, 0x872371aa,
+ 0xba43581a, 0x9932774d, 0xa4525efd, 0xe3f2242d, 0xde920d9d,
+ 0x6cb2d18d, 0x51d2f83d, 0x167282ed, 0x2b12ab5d, 0xa9423c8c,
+ 0x9422153c, 0xd3826fec, 0xeee2465c, 0x5cc29a4c, 0x61a2b3fc,
+ 0x2602c92c, 0x1b62e09c, 0xf9d2e0cf, 0xc4b2c97f, 0x8312b3af,
+ 0xbe729a1f, 0x0c52460f, 0x31326fbf, 0x7692156f, 0x4bf23cdf,
+ 0xc9a2ab0e, 0xf4c282be, 0xb362f86e, 0x8e02d1de, 0x3c220dce,
+ 0x0142247e, 0x46e25eae, 0x7b82771e, 0xb1e6b092, 0x8c869922,
+ 0xcb26e3f2, 0xf646ca42, 0x44661652, 0x79063fe2, 0x3ea64532,
+ 0x03c66c82, 0x8196fb53, 0xbcf6d2e3, 0xfb56a833, 0xc6368183,
+ 0x74165d93, 0x49767423, 0x0ed60ef3, 0x33b62743, 0xd1062710,
+ 0xec660ea0, 0xabc67470, 0x96a65dc0, 0x248681d0, 0x19e6a860,
+ 0x5e46d2b0, 0x6326fb00, 0xe1766cd1, 0xdc164561, 0x9bb63fb1,
+ 0xa6d61601, 0x14f6ca11, 0x2996e3a1, 0x6e369971, 0x5356b0c1,
+ 0x70279f96, 0x4d47b626, 0x0ae7ccf6, 0x3787e546, 0x85a73956,
+ 0xb8c710e6, 0xff676a36, 0xc2074386, 0x4057d457, 0x7d37fde7,
+ 0x3a978737, 0x07f7ae87, 0xb5d77297, 0x88b75b27, 0xcf1721f7,
+ 0xf2770847, 0x10c70814, 0x2da721a4, 0x6a075b74, 0x576772c4,
+ 0xe547aed4, 0xd8278764, 0x9f87fdb4, 0xa2e7d404, 0x20b743d5,
+ 0x1dd76a65, 0x5a7710b5, 0x67173905, 0xd537e515, 0xe857cca5,
+ 0xaff7b675, 0x92979fc5, 0xe915e8db, 0xd475c16b, 0x93d5bbbb,
+ 0xaeb5920b, 0x1c954e1b, 0x21f567ab, 0x66551d7b, 0x5b3534cb,
+ 0xd965a31a, 0xe4058aaa, 0xa3a5f07a, 0x9ec5d9ca, 0x2ce505da,
+ 0x11852c6a, 0x562556ba, 0x6b457f0a, 0x89f57f59, 0xb49556e9,
+ 0xf3352c39, 0xce550589, 0x7c75d999, 0x4115f029, 0x06b58af9,
+ 0x3bd5a349, 0xb9853498, 0x84e51d28, 0xc34567f8, 0xfe254e48,
+ 0x4c059258, 0x7165bbe8, 0x36c5c138, 0x0ba5e888, 0x28d4c7df,
+ 0x15b4ee6f, 0x521494bf, 0x6f74bd0f, 0xdd54611f, 0xe03448af,
+ 0xa794327f, 0x9af41bcf, 0x18a48c1e, 0x25c4a5ae, 0x6264df7e,
+ 0x5f04f6ce, 0xed242ade, 0xd044036e, 0x97e479be, 0xaa84500e,
+ 0x4834505d, 0x755479ed, 0x32f4033d, 0x0f942a8d, 0xbdb4f69d,
+ 0x80d4df2d, 0xc774a5fd, 0xfa148c4d, 0x78441b9c, 0x4524322c,
+ 0x028448fc, 0x3fe4614c, 0x8dc4bd5c, 0xb0a494ec, 0xf704ee3c,
+ 0xca64c78c},
+ {0x00000000, 0xb8bc6765, 0xaa09c88b, 0x12b5afee, 0x8f629757,
+ 0x37def032, 0x256b5fdc, 0x9dd738b9, 0xc5b428ef, 0x7d084f8a,
+ 0x6fbde064, 0xd7018701, 0x4ad6bfb8, 0xf26ad8dd, 0xe0df7733,
+ 0x58631056, 0x5019579f, 0xe8a530fa, 0xfa109f14, 0x42acf871,
+ 0xdf7bc0c8, 0x67c7a7ad, 0x75720843, 0xcdce6f26, 0x95ad7f70,
+ 0x2d111815, 0x3fa4b7fb, 0x8718d09e, 0x1acfe827, 0xa2738f42,
+ 0xb0c620ac, 0x087a47c9, 0xa032af3e, 0x188ec85b, 0x0a3b67b5,
+ 0xb28700d0, 0x2f503869, 0x97ec5f0c, 0x8559f0e2, 0x3de59787,
+ 0x658687d1, 0xdd3ae0b4, 0xcf8f4f5a, 0x7733283f, 0xeae41086,
+ 0x525877e3, 0x40edd80d, 0xf851bf68, 0xf02bf8a1, 0x48979fc4,
+ 0x5a22302a, 0xe29e574f, 0x7f496ff6, 0xc7f50893, 0xd540a77d,
+ 0x6dfcc018, 0x359fd04e, 0x8d23b72b, 0x9f9618c5, 0x272a7fa0,
+ 0xbafd4719, 0x0241207c, 0x10f48f92, 0xa848e8f7, 0x9b14583d,
+ 0x23a83f58, 0x311d90b6, 0x89a1f7d3, 0x1476cf6a, 0xaccaa80f,
+ 0xbe7f07e1, 0x06c36084, 0x5ea070d2, 0xe61c17b7, 0xf4a9b859,
+ 0x4c15df3c, 0xd1c2e785, 0x697e80e0, 0x7bcb2f0e, 0xc377486b,
+ 0xcb0d0fa2, 0x73b168c7, 0x6104c729, 0xd9b8a04c, 0x446f98f5,
+ 0xfcd3ff90, 0xee66507e, 0x56da371b, 0x0eb9274d, 0xb6054028,
+ 0xa4b0efc6, 0x1c0c88a3, 0x81dbb01a, 0x3967d77f, 0x2bd27891,
+ 0x936e1ff4, 0x3b26f703, 0x839a9066, 0x912f3f88, 0x299358ed,
+ 0xb4446054, 0x0cf80731, 0x1e4da8df, 0xa6f1cfba, 0xfe92dfec,
+ 0x462eb889, 0x549b1767, 0xec277002, 0x71f048bb, 0xc94c2fde,
+ 0xdbf98030, 0x6345e755, 0x6b3fa09c, 0xd383c7f9, 0xc1366817,
+ 0x798a0f72, 0xe45d37cb, 0x5ce150ae, 0x4e54ff40, 0xf6e89825,
+ 0xae8b8873, 0x1637ef16, 0x048240f8, 0xbc3e279d, 0x21e91f24,
+ 0x99557841, 0x8be0d7af, 0x335cb0ca, 0xed59b63b, 0x55e5d15e,
+ 0x47507eb0, 0xffec19d5, 0x623b216c, 0xda874609, 0xc832e9e7,
+ 0x708e8e82, 0x28ed9ed4, 0x9051f9b1, 0x82e4565f, 0x3a58313a,
+ 0xa78f0983, 0x1f336ee6, 0x0d86c108, 0xb53aa66d, 0xbd40e1a4,
+ 0x05fc86c1, 0x1749292f, 0xaff54e4a, 0x322276f3, 0x8a9e1196,
+ 0x982bbe78, 0x2097d91d, 0x78f4c94b, 0xc048ae2e, 0xd2fd01c0,
+ 0x6a4166a5, 0xf7965e1c, 0x4f2a3979, 0x5d9f9697, 0xe523f1f2,
+ 0x4d6b1905, 0xf5d77e60, 0xe762d18e, 0x5fdeb6eb, 0xc2098e52,
+ 0x7ab5e937, 0x680046d9, 0xd0bc21bc, 0x88df31ea, 0x3063568f,
+ 0x22d6f961, 0x9a6a9e04, 0x07bda6bd, 0xbf01c1d8, 0xadb46e36,
+ 0x15080953, 0x1d724e9a, 0xa5ce29ff, 0xb77b8611, 0x0fc7e174,
+ 0x9210d9cd, 0x2aacbea8, 0x38191146, 0x80a57623, 0xd8c66675,
+ 0x607a0110, 0x72cfaefe, 0xca73c99b, 0x57a4f122, 0xef189647,
+ 0xfdad39a9, 0x45115ecc, 0x764dee06, 0xcef18963, 0xdc44268d,
+ 0x64f841e8, 0xf92f7951, 0x41931e34, 0x5326b1da, 0xeb9ad6bf,
+ 0xb3f9c6e9, 0x0b45a18c, 0x19f00e62, 0xa14c6907, 0x3c9b51be,
+ 0x842736db, 0x96929935, 0x2e2efe50, 0x2654b999, 0x9ee8defc,
+ 0x8c5d7112, 0x34e11677, 0xa9362ece, 0x118a49ab, 0x033fe645,
+ 0xbb838120, 0xe3e09176, 0x5b5cf613, 0x49e959fd, 0xf1553e98,
+ 0x6c820621, 0xd43e6144, 0xc68bceaa, 0x7e37a9cf, 0xd67f4138,
+ 0x6ec3265d, 0x7c7689b3, 0xc4caeed6, 0x591dd66f, 0xe1a1b10a,
+ 0xf3141ee4, 0x4ba87981, 0x13cb69d7, 0xab770eb2, 0xb9c2a15c,
+ 0x017ec639, 0x9ca9fe80, 0x241599e5, 0x36a0360b, 0x8e1c516e,
+ 0x866616a7, 0x3eda71c2, 0x2c6fde2c, 0x94d3b949, 0x090481f0,
+ 0xb1b8e695, 0xa30d497b, 0x1bb12e1e, 0x43d23e48, 0xfb6e592d,
+ 0xe9dbf6c3, 0x516791a6, 0xccb0a91f, 0x740cce7a, 0x66b96194,
+ 0xde0506f1},
+ {0x00000000, 0x01c26a37, 0x0384d46e, 0x0246be59, 0x0709a8dc,
+ 0x06cbc2eb, 0x048d7cb2, 0x054f1685, 0x0e1351b8, 0x0fd13b8f,
+ 0x0d9785d6, 0x0c55efe1, 0x091af964, 0x08d89353, 0x0a9e2d0a,
+ 0x0b5c473d, 0x1c26a370, 0x1de4c947, 0x1fa2771e, 0x1e601d29,
+ 0x1b2f0bac, 0x1aed619b, 0x18abdfc2, 0x1969b5f5, 0x1235f2c8,
+ 0x13f798ff, 0x11b126a6, 0x10734c91, 0x153c5a14, 0x14fe3023,
+ 0x16b88e7a, 0x177ae44d, 0x384d46e0, 0x398f2cd7, 0x3bc9928e,
+ 0x3a0bf8b9, 0x3f44ee3c, 0x3e86840b, 0x3cc03a52, 0x3d025065,
+ 0x365e1758, 0x379c7d6f, 0x35dac336, 0x3418a901, 0x3157bf84,
+ 0x3095d5b3, 0x32d36bea, 0x331101dd, 0x246be590, 0x25a98fa7,
+ 0x27ef31fe, 0x262d5bc9, 0x23624d4c, 0x22a0277b, 0x20e69922,
+ 0x2124f315, 0x2a78b428, 0x2bbade1f, 0x29fc6046, 0x283e0a71,
+ 0x2d711cf4, 0x2cb376c3, 0x2ef5c89a, 0x2f37a2ad, 0x709a8dc0,
+ 0x7158e7f7, 0x731e59ae, 0x72dc3399, 0x7793251c, 0x76514f2b,
+ 0x7417f172, 0x75d59b45, 0x7e89dc78, 0x7f4bb64f, 0x7d0d0816,
+ 0x7ccf6221, 0x798074a4, 0x78421e93, 0x7a04a0ca, 0x7bc6cafd,
+ 0x6cbc2eb0, 0x6d7e4487, 0x6f38fade, 0x6efa90e9, 0x6bb5866c,
+ 0x6a77ec5b, 0x68315202, 0x69f33835, 0x62af7f08, 0x636d153f,
+ 0x612bab66, 0x60e9c151, 0x65a6d7d4, 0x6464bde3, 0x662203ba,
+ 0x67e0698d, 0x48d7cb20, 0x4915a117, 0x4b531f4e, 0x4a917579,
+ 0x4fde63fc, 0x4e1c09cb, 0x4c5ab792, 0x4d98dda5, 0x46c49a98,
+ 0x4706f0af, 0x45404ef6, 0x448224c1, 0x41cd3244, 0x400f5873,
+ 0x4249e62a, 0x438b8c1d, 0x54f16850, 0x55330267, 0x5775bc3e,
+ 0x56b7d609, 0x53f8c08c, 0x523aaabb, 0x507c14e2, 0x51be7ed5,
+ 0x5ae239e8, 0x5b2053df, 0x5966ed86, 0x58a487b1, 0x5deb9134,
+ 0x5c29fb03, 0x5e6f455a, 0x5fad2f6d, 0xe1351b80, 0xe0f771b7,
+ 0xe2b1cfee, 0xe373a5d9, 0xe63cb35c, 0xe7fed96b, 0xe5b86732,
+ 0xe47a0d05, 0xef264a38, 0xeee4200f, 0xeca29e56, 0xed60f461,
+ 0xe82fe2e4, 0xe9ed88d3, 0xebab368a, 0xea695cbd, 0xfd13b8f0,
+ 0xfcd1d2c7, 0xfe976c9e, 0xff5506a9, 0xfa1a102c, 0xfbd87a1b,
+ 0xf99ec442, 0xf85cae75, 0xf300e948, 0xf2c2837f, 0xf0843d26,
+ 0xf1465711, 0xf4094194, 0xf5cb2ba3, 0xf78d95fa, 0xf64fffcd,
+ 0xd9785d60, 0xd8ba3757, 0xdafc890e, 0xdb3ee339, 0xde71f5bc,
+ 0xdfb39f8b, 0xddf521d2, 0xdc374be5, 0xd76b0cd8, 0xd6a966ef,
+ 0xd4efd8b6, 0xd52db281, 0xd062a404, 0xd1a0ce33, 0xd3e6706a,
+ 0xd2241a5d, 0xc55efe10, 0xc49c9427, 0xc6da2a7e, 0xc7184049,
+ 0xc25756cc, 0xc3953cfb, 0xc1d382a2, 0xc011e895, 0xcb4dafa8,
+ 0xca8fc59f, 0xc8c97bc6, 0xc90b11f1, 0xcc440774, 0xcd866d43,
+ 0xcfc0d31a, 0xce02b92d, 0x91af9640, 0x906dfc77, 0x922b422e,
+ 0x93e92819, 0x96a63e9c, 0x976454ab, 0x9522eaf2, 0x94e080c5,
+ 0x9fbcc7f8, 0x9e7eadcf, 0x9c381396, 0x9dfa79a1, 0x98b56f24,
+ 0x99770513, 0x9b31bb4a, 0x9af3d17d, 0x8d893530, 0x8c4b5f07,
+ 0x8e0de15e, 0x8fcf8b69, 0x8a809dec, 0x8b42f7db, 0x89044982,
+ 0x88c623b5, 0x839a6488, 0x82580ebf, 0x801eb0e6, 0x81dcdad1,
+ 0x8493cc54, 0x8551a663, 0x8717183a, 0x86d5720d, 0xa9e2d0a0,
+ 0xa820ba97, 0xaa6604ce, 0xaba46ef9, 0xaeeb787c, 0xaf29124b,
+ 0xad6fac12, 0xacadc625, 0xa7f18118, 0xa633eb2f, 0xa4755576,
+ 0xa5b73f41, 0xa0f829c4, 0xa13a43f3, 0xa37cfdaa, 0xa2be979d,
+ 0xb5c473d0, 0xb40619e7, 0xb640a7be, 0xb782cd89, 0xb2cddb0c,
+ 0xb30fb13b, 0xb1490f62, 0xb08b6555, 0xbbd72268, 0xba15485f,
+ 0xb853f606, 0xb9919c31, 0xbcde8ab4, 0xbd1ce083, 0xbf5a5eda,
+ 0xbe9834ed},
+ {0x00000000, 0x191b3141, 0x32366282, 0x2b2d53c3, 0x646cc504,
+ 0x7d77f445, 0x565aa786, 0x4f4196c7, 0xc8d98a08, 0xd1c2bb49,
+ 0xfaefe88a, 0xe3f4d9cb, 0xacb54f0c, 0xb5ae7e4d, 0x9e832d8e,
+ 0x87981ccf, 0x4ac21251, 0x53d92310, 0x78f470d3, 0x61ef4192,
+ 0x2eaed755, 0x37b5e614, 0x1c98b5d7, 0x05838496, 0x821b9859,
+ 0x9b00a918, 0xb02dfadb, 0xa936cb9a, 0xe6775d5d, 0xff6c6c1c,
+ 0xd4413fdf, 0xcd5a0e9e, 0x958424a2, 0x8c9f15e3, 0xa7b24620,
+ 0xbea97761, 0xf1e8e1a6, 0xe8f3d0e7, 0xc3de8324, 0xdac5b265,
+ 0x5d5daeaa, 0x44469feb, 0x6f6bcc28, 0x7670fd69, 0x39316bae,
+ 0x202a5aef, 0x0b07092c, 0x121c386d, 0xdf4636f3, 0xc65d07b2,
+ 0xed705471, 0xf46b6530, 0xbb2af3f7, 0xa231c2b6, 0x891c9175,
+ 0x9007a034, 0x179fbcfb, 0x0e848dba, 0x25a9de79, 0x3cb2ef38,
+ 0x73f379ff, 0x6ae848be, 0x41c51b7d, 0x58de2a3c, 0xf0794f05,
+ 0xe9627e44, 0xc24f2d87, 0xdb541cc6, 0x94158a01, 0x8d0ebb40,
+ 0xa623e883, 0xbf38d9c2, 0x38a0c50d, 0x21bbf44c, 0x0a96a78f,
+ 0x138d96ce, 0x5ccc0009, 0x45d73148, 0x6efa628b, 0x77e153ca,
+ 0xbabb5d54, 0xa3a06c15, 0x888d3fd6, 0x91960e97, 0xded79850,
+ 0xc7cca911, 0xece1fad2, 0xf5facb93, 0x7262d75c, 0x6b79e61d,
+ 0x4054b5de, 0x594f849f, 0x160e1258, 0x0f152319, 0x243870da,
+ 0x3d23419b, 0x65fd6ba7, 0x7ce65ae6, 0x57cb0925, 0x4ed03864,
+ 0x0191aea3, 0x188a9fe2, 0x33a7cc21, 0x2abcfd60, 0xad24e1af,
+ 0xb43fd0ee, 0x9f12832d, 0x8609b26c, 0xc94824ab, 0xd05315ea,
+ 0xfb7e4629, 0xe2657768, 0x2f3f79f6, 0x362448b7, 0x1d091b74,
+ 0x04122a35, 0x4b53bcf2, 0x52488db3, 0x7965de70, 0x607eef31,
+ 0xe7e6f3fe, 0xfefdc2bf, 0xd5d0917c, 0xcccba03d, 0x838a36fa,
+ 0x9a9107bb, 0xb1bc5478, 0xa8a76539, 0x3b83984b, 0x2298a90a,
+ 0x09b5fac9, 0x10aecb88, 0x5fef5d4f, 0x46f46c0e, 0x6dd93fcd,
+ 0x74c20e8c, 0xf35a1243, 0xea412302, 0xc16c70c1, 0xd8774180,
+ 0x9736d747, 0x8e2de606, 0xa500b5c5, 0xbc1b8484, 0x71418a1a,
+ 0x685abb5b, 0x4377e898, 0x5a6cd9d9, 0x152d4f1e, 0x0c367e5f,
+ 0x271b2d9c, 0x3e001cdd, 0xb9980012, 0xa0833153, 0x8bae6290,
+ 0x92b553d1, 0xddf4c516, 0xc4eff457, 0xefc2a794, 0xf6d996d5,
+ 0xae07bce9, 0xb71c8da8, 0x9c31de6b, 0x852aef2a, 0xca6b79ed,
+ 0xd37048ac, 0xf85d1b6f, 0xe1462a2e, 0x66de36e1, 0x7fc507a0,
+ 0x54e85463, 0x4df36522, 0x02b2f3e5, 0x1ba9c2a4, 0x30849167,
+ 0x299fa026, 0xe4c5aeb8, 0xfdde9ff9, 0xd6f3cc3a, 0xcfe8fd7b,
+ 0x80a96bbc, 0x99b25afd, 0xb29f093e, 0xab84387f, 0x2c1c24b0,
+ 0x350715f1, 0x1e2a4632, 0x07317773, 0x4870e1b4, 0x516bd0f5,
+ 0x7a468336, 0x635db277, 0xcbfad74e, 0xd2e1e60f, 0xf9ccb5cc,
+ 0xe0d7848d, 0xaf96124a, 0xb68d230b, 0x9da070c8, 0x84bb4189,
+ 0x03235d46, 0x1a386c07, 0x31153fc4, 0x280e0e85, 0x674f9842,
+ 0x7e54a903, 0x5579fac0, 0x4c62cb81, 0x8138c51f, 0x9823f45e,
+ 0xb30ea79d, 0xaa1596dc, 0xe554001b, 0xfc4f315a, 0xd7626299,
+ 0xce7953d8, 0x49e14f17, 0x50fa7e56, 0x7bd72d95, 0x62cc1cd4,
+ 0x2d8d8a13, 0x3496bb52, 0x1fbbe891, 0x06a0d9d0, 0x5e7ef3ec,
+ 0x4765c2ad, 0x6c48916e, 0x7553a02f, 0x3a1236e8, 0x230907a9,
+ 0x0824546a, 0x113f652b, 0x96a779e4, 0x8fbc48a5, 0xa4911b66,
+ 0xbd8a2a27, 0xf2cbbce0, 0xebd08da1, 0xc0fdde62, 0xd9e6ef23,
+ 0x14bce1bd, 0x0da7d0fc, 0x268a833f, 0x3f91b27e, 0x70d024b9,
+ 0x69cb15f8, 0x42e6463b, 0x5bfd777a, 0xdc656bb5, 0xc57e5af4,
+ 0xee530937, 0xf7483876, 0xb809aeb1, 0xa1129ff0, 0x8a3fcc33,
+ 0x9324fd72},
+ {0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419,
+ 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4,
+ 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07,
+ 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de,
+ 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856,
+ 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9,
+ 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4,
+ 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b,
+ 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3,
+ 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a,
+ 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599,
+ 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924,
+ 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190,
+ 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f,
+ 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e,
+ 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01,
+ 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed,
+ 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950,
+ 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3,
+ 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2,
+ 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a,
+ 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5,
+ 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010,
+ 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f,
+ 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17,
+ 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6,
+ 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615,
+ 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8,
+ 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344,
+ 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb,
+ 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a,
+ 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5,
+ 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1,
+ 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c,
+ 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef,
+ 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236,
+ 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe,
+ 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31,
+ 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c,
+ 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
+ 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b,
+ 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242,
+ 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1,
+ 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c,
+ 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278,
+ 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7,
+ 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66,
+ 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9,
+ 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605,
+ 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8,
+ 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b,
+ 0x2d02ef8d}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x9630077700000000, 0x2c610eee00000000,
+ 0xba51099900000000, 0x19c46d0700000000, 0x8ff46a7000000000,
+ 0x35a563e900000000, 0xa395649e00000000, 0x3288db0e00000000,
+ 0xa4b8dc7900000000, 0x1ee9d5e000000000, 0x88d9d29700000000,
+ 0x2b4cb60900000000, 0xbd7cb17e00000000, 0x072db8e700000000,
+ 0x911dbf9000000000, 0x6410b71d00000000, 0xf220b06a00000000,
+ 0x4871b9f300000000, 0xde41be8400000000, 0x7dd4da1a00000000,
+ 0xebe4dd6d00000000, 0x51b5d4f400000000, 0xc785d38300000000,
+ 0x56986c1300000000, 0xc0a86b6400000000, 0x7af962fd00000000,
+ 0xecc9658a00000000, 0x4f5c011400000000, 0xd96c066300000000,
+ 0x633d0ffa00000000, 0xf50d088d00000000, 0xc8206e3b00000000,
+ 0x5e10694c00000000, 0xe44160d500000000, 0x727167a200000000,
+ 0xd1e4033c00000000, 0x47d4044b00000000, 0xfd850dd200000000,
+ 0x6bb50aa500000000, 0xfaa8b53500000000, 0x6c98b24200000000,
+ 0xd6c9bbdb00000000, 0x40f9bcac00000000, 0xe36cd83200000000,
+ 0x755cdf4500000000, 0xcf0dd6dc00000000, 0x593dd1ab00000000,
+ 0xac30d92600000000, 0x3a00de5100000000, 0x8051d7c800000000,
+ 0x1661d0bf00000000, 0xb5f4b42100000000, 0x23c4b35600000000,
+ 0x9995bacf00000000, 0x0fa5bdb800000000, 0x9eb8022800000000,
+ 0x0888055f00000000, 0xb2d90cc600000000, 0x24e90bb100000000,
+ 0x877c6f2f00000000, 0x114c685800000000, 0xab1d61c100000000,
+ 0x3d2d66b600000000, 0x9041dc7600000000, 0x0671db0100000000,
+ 0xbc20d29800000000, 0x2a10d5ef00000000, 0x8985b17100000000,
+ 0x1fb5b60600000000, 0xa5e4bf9f00000000, 0x33d4b8e800000000,
+ 0xa2c9077800000000, 0x34f9000f00000000, 0x8ea8099600000000,
+ 0x18980ee100000000, 0xbb0d6a7f00000000, 0x2d3d6d0800000000,
+ 0x976c649100000000, 0x015c63e600000000, 0xf4516b6b00000000,
+ 0x62616c1c00000000, 0xd830658500000000, 0x4e0062f200000000,
+ 0xed95066c00000000, 0x7ba5011b00000000, 0xc1f4088200000000,
+ 0x57c40ff500000000, 0xc6d9b06500000000, 0x50e9b71200000000,
+ 0xeab8be8b00000000, 0x7c88b9fc00000000, 0xdf1ddd6200000000,
+ 0x492dda1500000000, 0xf37cd38c00000000, 0x654cd4fb00000000,
+ 0x5861b24d00000000, 0xce51b53a00000000, 0x7400bca300000000,
+ 0xe230bbd400000000, 0x41a5df4a00000000, 0xd795d83d00000000,
+ 0x6dc4d1a400000000, 0xfbf4d6d300000000, 0x6ae9694300000000,
+ 0xfcd96e3400000000, 0x468867ad00000000, 0xd0b860da00000000,
+ 0x732d044400000000, 0xe51d033300000000, 0x5f4c0aaa00000000,
+ 0xc97c0ddd00000000, 0x3c71055000000000, 0xaa41022700000000,
+ 0x10100bbe00000000, 0x86200cc900000000, 0x25b5685700000000,
+ 0xb3856f2000000000, 0x09d466b900000000, 0x9fe461ce00000000,
+ 0x0ef9de5e00000000, 0x98c9d92900000000, 0x2298d0b000000000,
+ 0xb4a8d7c700000000, 0x173db35900000000, 0x810db42e00000000,
+ 0x3b5cbdb700000000, 0xad6cbac000000000, 0x2083b8ed00000000,
+ 0xb6b3bf9a00000000, 0x0ce2b60300000000, 0x9ad2b17400000000,
+ 0x3947d5ea00000000, 0xaf77d29d00000000, 0x1526db0400000000,
+ 0x8316dc7300000000, 0x120b63e300000000, 0x843b649400000000,
+ 0x3e6a6d0d00000000, 0xa85a6a7a00000000, 0x0bcf0ee400000000,
+ 0x9dff099300000000, 0x27ae000a00000000, 0xb19e077d00000000,
+ 0x44930ff000000000, 0xd2a3088700000000, 0x68f2011e00000000,
+ 0xfec2066900000000, 0x5d5762f700000000, 0xcb67658000000000,
+ 0x71366c1900000000, 0xe7066b6e00000000, 0x761bd4fe00000000,
+ 0xe02bd38900000000, 0x5a7ada1000000000, 0xcc4add6700000000,
+ 0x6fdfb9f900000000, 0xf9efbe8e00000000, 0x43beb71700000000,
+ 0xd58eb06000000000, 0xe8a3d6d600000000, 0x7e93d1a100000000,
+ 0xc4c2d83800000000, 0x52f2df4f00000000, 0xf167bbd100000000,
+ 0x6757bca600000000, 0xdd06b53f00000000, 0x4b36b24800000000,
+ 0xda2b0dd800000000, 0x4c1b0aaf00000000, 0xf64a033600000000,
+ 0x607a044100000000, 0xc3ef60df00000000, 0x55df67a800000000,
+ 0xef8e6e3100000000, 0x79be694600000000, 0x8cb361cb00000000,
+ 0x1a8366bc00000000, 0xa0d26f2500000000, 0x36e2685200000000,
+ 0x95770ccc00000000, 0x03470bbb00000000, 0xb916022200000000,
+ 0x2f26055500000000, 0xbe3bbac500000000, 0x280bbdb200000000,
+ 0x925ab42b00000000, 0x046ab35c00000000, 0xa7ffd7c200000000,
+ 0x31cfd0b500000000, 0x8b9ed92c00000000, 0x1daede5b00000000,
+ 0xb0c2649b00000000, 0x26f263ec00000000, 0x9ca36a7500000000,
+ 0x0a936d0200000000, 0xa906099c00000000, 0x3f360eeb00000000,
+ 0x8567077200000000, 0x1357000500000000, 0x824abf9500000000,
+ 0x147ab8e200000000, 0xae2bb17b00000000, 0x381bb60c00000000,
+ 0x9b8ed29200000000, 0x0dbed5e500000000, 0xb7efdc7c00000000,
+ 0x21dfdb0b00000000, 0xd4d2d38600000000, 0x42e2d4f100000000,
+ 0xf8b3dd6800000000, 0x6e83da1f00000000, 0xcd16be8100000000,
+ 0x5b26b9f600000000, 0xe177b06f00000000, 0x7747b71800000000,
+ 0xe65a088800000000, 0x706a0fff00000000, 0xca3b066600000000,
+ 0x5c0b011100000000, 0xff9e658f00000000, 0x69ae62f800000000,
+ 0xd3ff6b6100000000, 0x45cf6c1600000000, 0x78e20aa000000000,
+ 0xeed20dd700000000, 0x5483044e00000000, 0xc2b3033900000000,
+ 0x612667a700000000, 0xf71660d000000000, 0x4d47694900000000,
+ 0xdb776e3e00000000, 0x4a6ad1ae00000000, 0xdc5ad6d900000000,
+ 0x660bdf4000000000, 0xf03bd83700000000, 0x53aebca900000000,
+ 0xc59ebbde00000000, 0x7fcfb24700000000, 0xe9ffb53000000000,
+ 0x1cf2bdbd00000000, 0x8ac2baca00000000, 0x3093b35300000000,
+ 0xa6a3b42400000000, 0x0536d0ba00000000, 0x9306d7cd00000000,
+ 0x2957de5400000000, 0xbf67d92300000000, 0x2e7a66b300000000,
+ 0xb84a61c400000000, 0x021b685d00000000, 0x942b6f2a00000000,
+ 0x37be0bb400000000, 0xa18e0cc300000000, 0x1bdf055a00000000,
+ 0x8def022d00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x41311b1900000000, 0x8262363200000000,
+ 0xc3532d2b00000000, 0x04c56c6400000000, 0x45f4777d00000000,
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+ 0x49bbc2d100000000, 0x8ae8effa00000000, 0xcbd9f4e300000000,
+ 0x0c4fb5ac00000000, 0x4d7eaeb500000000, 0x8e2d839e00000000,
+ 0xcf1c988700000000, 0x5112c24a00000000, 0x1023d95300000000,
+ 0xd370f47800000000, 0x9241ef6100000000, 0x55d7ae2e00000000,
+ 0x14e6b53700000000, 0xd7b5981c00000000, 0x9684830500000000,
+ 0x59981b8200000000, 0x18a9009b00000000, 0xdbfa2db000000000,
+ 0x9acb36a900000000, 0x5d5d77e600000000, 0x1c6c6cff00000000,
+ 0xdf3f41d400000000, 0x9e0e5acd00000000, 0xa224849500000000,
+ 0xe3159f8c00000000, 0x2046b2a700000000, 0x6177a9be00000000,
+ 0xa6e1e8f100000000, 0xe7d0f3e800000000, 0x2483dec300000000,
+ 0x65b2c5da00000000, 0xaaae5d5d00000000, 0xeb9f464400000000,
+ 0x28cc6b6f00000000, 0x69fd707600000000, 0xae6b313900000000,
+ 0xef5a2a2000000000, 0x2c09070b00000000, 0x6d381c1200000000,
+ 0xf33646df00000000, 0xb2075dc600000000, 0x715470ed00000000,
+ 0x30656bf400000000, 0xf7f32abb00000000, 0xb6c231a200000000,
+ 0x75911c8900000000, 0x34a0079000000000, 0xfbbc9f1700000000,
+ 0xba8d840e00000000, 0x79dea92500000000, 0x38efb23c00000000,
+ 0xff79f37300000000, 0xbe48e86a00000000, 0x7d1bc54100000000,
+ 0x3c2ade5800000000, 0x054f79f000000000, 0x447e62e900000000,
+ 0x872d4fc200000000, 0xc61c54db00000000, 0x018a159400000000,
+ 0x40bb0e8d00000000, 0x83e823a600000000, 0xc2d938bf00000000,
+ 0x0dc5a03800000000, 0x4cf4bb2100000000, 0x8fa7960a00000000,
+ 0xce968d1300000000, 0x0900cc5c00000000, 0x4831d74500000000,
+ 0x8b62fa6e00000000, 0xca53e17700000000, 0x545dbbba00000000,
+ 0x156ca0a300000000, 0xd63f8d8800000000, 0x970e969100000000,
+ 0x5098d7de00000000, 0x11a9ccc700000000, 0xd2fae1ec00000000,
+ 0x93cbfaf500000000, 0x5cd7627200000000, 0x1de6796b00000000,
+ 0xdeb5544000000000, 0x9f844f5900000000, 0x58120e1600000000,
+ 0x1923150f00000000, 0xda70382400000000, 0x9b41233d00000000,
+ 0xa76bfd6500000000, 0xe65ae67c00000000, 0x2509cb5700000000,
+ 0x6438d04e00000000, 0xa3ae910100000000, 0xe29f8a1800000000,
+ 0x21cca73300000000, 0x60fdbc2a00000000, 0xafe124ad00000000,
+ 0xeed03fb400000000, 0x2d83129f00000000, 0x6cb2098600000000,
+ 0xab2448c900000000, 0xea1553d000000000, 0x29467efb00000000,
+ 0x687765e200000000, 0xf6793f2f00000000, 0xb748243600000000,
+ 0x741b091d00000000, 0x352a120400000000, 0xf2bc534b00000000,
+ 0xb38d485200000000, 0x70de657900000000, 0x31ef7e6000000000,
+ 0xfef3e6e700000000, 0xbfc2fdfe00000000, 0x7c91d0d500000000,
+ 0x3da0cbcc00000000, 0xfa368a8300000000, 0xbb07919a00000000,
+ 0x7854bcb100000000, 0x3965a7a800000000, 0x4b98833b00000000,
+ 0x0aa9982200000000, 0xc9fab50900000000, 0x88cbae1000000000,
+ 0x4f5def5f00000000, 0x0e6cf44600000000, 0xcd3fd96d00000000,
+ 0x8c0ec27400000000, 0x43125af300000000, 0x022341ea00000000,
+ 0xc1706cc100000000, 0x804177d800000000, 0x47d7369700000000,
+ 0x06e62d8e00000000, 0xc5b500a500000000, 0x84841bbc00000000,
+ 0x1a8a417100000000, 0x5bbb5a6800000000, 0x98e8774300000000,
+ 0xd9d96c5a00000000, 0x1e4f2d1500000000, 0x5f7e360c00000000,
+ 0x9c2d1b2700000000, 0xdd1c003e00000000, 0x120098b900000000,
+ 0x533183a000000000, 0x9062ae8b00000000, 0xd153b59200000000,
+ 0x16c5f4dd00000000, 0x57f4efc400000000, 0x94a7c2ef00000000,
+ 0xd596d9f600000000, 0xe9bc07ae00000000, 0xa88d1cb700000000,
+ 0x6bde319c00000000, 0x2aef2a8500000000, 0xed796bca00000000,
+ 0xac4870d300000000, 0x6f1b5df800000000, 0x2e2a46e100000000,
+ 0xe136de6600000000, 0xa007c57f00000000, 0x6354e85400000000,
+ 0x2265f34d00000000, 0xe5f3b20200000000, 0xa4c2a91b00000000,
+ 0x6791843000000000, 0x26a09f2900000000, 0xb8aec5e400000000,
+ 0xf99fdefd00000000, 0x3accf3d600000000, 0x7bfde8cf00000000,
+ 0xbc6ba98000000000, 0xfd5ab29900000000, 0x3e099fb200000000,
+ 0x7f3884ab00000000, 0xb0241c2c00000000, 0xf115073500000000,
+ 0x32462a1e00000000, 0x7377310700000000, 0xb4e1704800000000,
+ 0xf5d06b5100000000, 0x3683467a00000000, 0x77b25d6300000000,
+ 0x4ed7facb00000000, 0x0fe6e1d200000000, 0xccb5ccf900000000,
+ 0x8d84d7e000000000, 0x4a1296af00000000, 0x0b238db600000000,
+ 0xc870a09d00000000, 0x8941bb8400000000, 0x465d230300000000,
+ 0x076c381a00000000, 0xc43f153100000000, 0x850e0e2800000000,
+ 0x42984f6700000000, 0x03a9547e00000000, 0xc0fa795500000000,
+ 0x81cb624c00000000, 0x1fc5388100000000, 0x5ef4239800000000,
+ 0x9da70eb300000000, 0xdc9615aa00000000, 0x1b0054e500000000,
+ 0x5a314ffc00000000, 0x996262d700000000, 0xd85379ce00000000,
+ 0x174fe14900000000, 0x567efa5000000000, 0x952dd77b00000000,
+ 0xd41ccc6200000000, 0x138a8d2d00000000, 0x52bb963400000000,
+ 0x91e8bb1f00000000, 0xd0d9a00600000000, 0xecf37e5e00000000,
+ 0xadc2654700000000, 0x6e91486c00000000, 0x2fa0537500000000,
+ 0xe836123a00000000, 0xa907092300000000, 0x6a54240800000000,
+ 0x2b653f1100000000, 0xe479a79600000000, 0xa548bc8f00000000,
+ 0x661b91a400000000, 0x272a8abd00000000, 0xe0bccbf200000000,
+ 0xa18dd0eb00000000, 0x62defdc000000000, 0x23efe6d900000000,
+ 0xbde1bc1400000000, 0xfcd0a70d00000000, 0x3f838a2600000000,
+ 0x7eb2913f00000000, 0xb924d07000000000, 0xf815cb6900000000,
+ 0x3b46e64200000000, 0x7a77fd5b00000000, 0xb56b65dc00000000,
+ 0xf45a7ec500000000, 0x370953ee00000000, 0x763848f700000000,
+ 0xb1ae09b800000000, 0xf09f12a100000000, 0x33cc3f8a00000000,
+ 0x72fd249300000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x376ac20100000000, 0x6ed4840300000000,
+ 0x59be460200000000, 0xdca8090700000000, 0xebc2cb0600000000,
+ 0xb27c8d0400000000, 0x85164f0500000000, 0xb851130e00000000,
+ 0x8f3bd10f00000000, 0xd685970d00000000, 0xe1ef550c00000000,
+ 0x64f91a0900000000, 0x5393d80800000000, 0x0a2d9e0a00000000,
+ 0x3d475c0b00000000, 0x70a3261c00000000, 0x47c9e41d00000000,
+ 0x1e77a21f00000000, 0x291d601e00000000, 0xac0b2f1b00000000,
+ 0x9b61ed1a00000000, 0xc2dfab1800000000, 0xf5b5691900000000,
+ 0xc8f2351200000000, 0xff98f71300000000, 0xa626b11100000000,
+ 0x914c731000000000, 0x145a3c1500000000, 0x2330fe1400000000,
+ 0x7a8eb81600000000, 0x4de47a1700000000, 0xe0464d3800000000,
+ 0xd72c8f3900000000, 0x8e92c93b00000000, 0xb9f80b3a00000000,
+ 0x3cee443f00000000, 0x0b84863e00000000, 0x523ac03c00000000,
+ 0x6550023d00000000, 0x58175e3600000000, 0x6f7d9c3700000000,
+ 0x36c3da3500000000, 0x01a9183400000000, 0x84bf573100000000,
+ 0xb3d5953000000000, 0xea6bd33200000000, 0xdd01113300000000,
+ 0x90e56b2400000000, 0xa78fa92500000000, 0xfe31ef2700000000,
+ 0xc95b2d2600000000, 0x4c4d622300000000, 0x7b27a02200000000,
+ 0x2299e62000000000, 0x15f3242100000000, 0x28b4782a00000000,
+ 0x1fdeba2b00000000, 0x4660fc2900000000, 0x710a3e2800000000,
+ 0xf41c712d00000000, 0xc376b32c00000000, 0x9ac8f52e00000000,
+ 0xada2372f00000000, 0xc08d9a7000000000, 0xf7e7587100000000,
+ 0xae591e7300000000, 0x9933dc7200000000, 0x1c25937700000000,
+ 0x2b4f517600000000, 0x72f1177400000000, 0x459bd57500000000,
+ 0x78dc897e00000000, 0x4fb64b7f00000000, 0x16080d7d00000000,
+ 0x2162cf7c00000000, 0xa474807900000000, 0x931e427800000000,
+ 0xcaa0047a00000000, 0xfdcac67b00000000, 0xb02ebc6c00000000,
+ 0x87447e6d00000000, 0xdefa386f00000000, 0xe990fa6e00000000,
+ 0x6c86b56b00000000, 0x5bec776a00000000, 0x0252316800000000,
+ 0x3538f36900000000, 0x087faf6200000000, 0x3f156d6300000000,
+ 0x66ab2b6100000000, 0x51c1e96000000000, 0xd4d7a66500000000,
+ 0xe3bd646400000000, 0xba03226600000000, 0x8d69e06700000000,
+ 0x20cbd74800000000, 0x17a1154900000000, 0x4e1f534b00000000,
+ 0x7975914a00000000, 0xfc63de4f00000000, 0xcb091c4e00000000,
+ 0x92b75a4c00000000, 0xa5dd984d00000000, 0x989ac44600000000,
+ 0xaff0064700000000, 0xf64e404500000000, 0xc124824400000000,
+ 0x4432cd4100000000, 0x73580f4000000000, 0x2ae6494200000000,
+ 0x1d8c8b4300000000, 0x5068f15400000000, 0x6702335500000000,
+ 0x3ebc755700000000, 0x09d6b75600000000, 0x8cc0f85300000000,
+ 0xbbaa3a5200000000, 0xe2147c5000000000, 0xd57ebe5100000000,
+ 0xe839e25a00000000, 0xdf53205b00000000, 0x86ed665900000000,
+ 0xb187a45800000000, 0x3491eb5d00000000, 0x03fb295c00000000,
+ 0x5a456f5e00000000, 0x6d2fad5f00000000, 0x801b35e100000000,
+ 0xb771f7e000000000, 0xeecfb1e200000000, 0xd9a573e300000000,
+ 0x5cb33ce600000000, 0x6bd9fee700000000, 0x3267b8e500000000,
+ 0x050d7ae400000000, 0x384a26ef00000000, 0x0f20e4ee00000000,
+ 0x569ea2ec00000000, 0x61f460ed00000000, 0xe4e22fe800000000,
+ 0xd388ede900000000, 0x8a36abeb00000000, 0xbd5c69ea00000000,
+ 0xf0b813fd00000000, 0xc7d2d1fc00000000, 0x9e6c97fe00000000,
+ 0xa90655ff00000000, 0x2c101afa00000000, 0x1b7ad8fb00000000,
+ 0x42c49ef900000000, 0x75ae5cf800000000, 0x48e900f300000000,
+ 0x7f83c2f200000000, 0x263d84f000000000, 0x115746f100000000,
+ 0x944109f400000000, 0xa32bcbf500000000, 0xfa958df700000000,
+ 0xcdff4ff600000000, 0x605d78d900000000, 0x5737bad800000000,
+ 0x0e89fcda00000000, 0x39e33edb00000000, 0xbcf571de00000000,
+ 0x8b9fb3df00000000, 0xd221f5dd00000000, 0xe54b37dc00000000,
+ 0xd80c6bd700000000, 0xef66a9d600000000, 0xb6d8efd400000000,
+ 0x81b22dd500000000, 0x04a462d000000000, 0x33cea0d100000000,
+ 0x6a70e6d300000000, 0x5d1a24d200000000, 0x10fe5ec500000000,
+ 0x27949cc400000000, 0x7e2adac600000000, 0x494018c700000000,
+ 0xcc5657c200000000, 0xfb3c95c300000000, 0xa282d3c100000000,
+ 0x95e811c000000000, 0xa8af4dcb00000000, 0x9fc58fca00000000,
+ 0xc67bc9c800000000, 0xf1110bc900000000, 0x740744cc00000000,
+ 0x436d86cd00000000, 0x1ad3c0cf00000000, 0x2db902ce00000000,
+ 0x4096af9100000000, 0x77fc6d9000000000, 0x2e422b9200000000,
+ 0x1928e99300000000, 0x9c3ea69600000000, 0xab54649700000000,
+ 0xf2ea229500000000, 0xc580e09400000000, 0xf8c7bc9f00000000,
+ 0xcfad7e9e00000000, 0x9613389c00000000, 0xa179fa9d00000000,
+ 0x246fb59800000000, 0x1305779900000000, 0x4abb319b00000000,
+ 0x7dd1f39a00000000, 0x3035898d00000000, 0x075f4b8c00000000,
+ 0x5ee10d8e00000000, 0x698bcf8f00000000, 0xec9d808a00000000,
+ 0xdbf7428b00000000, 0x8249048900000000, 0xb523c68800000000,
+ 0x88649a8300000000, 0xbf0e588200000000, 0xe6b01e8000000000,
+ 0xd1dadc8100000000, 0x54cc938400000000, 0x63a6518500000000,
+ 0x3a18178700000000, 0x0d72d58600000000, 0xa0d0e2a900000000,
+ 0x97ba20a800000000, 0xce0466aa00000000, 0xf96ea4ab00000000,
+ 0x7c78ebae00000000, 0x4b1229af00000000, 0x12ac6fad00000000,
+ 0x25c6adac00000000, 0x1881f1a700000000, 0x2feb33a600000000,
+ 0x765575a400000000, 0x413fb7a500000000, 0xc429f8a000000000,
+ 0xf3433aa100000000, 0xaafd7ca300000000, 0x9d97bea200000000,
+ 0xd073c4b500000000, 0xe71906b400000000, 0xbea740b600000000,
+ 0x89cd82b700000000, 0x0cdbcdb200000000, 0x3bb10fb300000000,
+ 0x620f49b100000000, 0x55658bb000000000, 0x6822d7bb00000000,
+ 0x5f4815ba00000000, 0x06f653b800000000, 0x319c91b900000000,
+ 0xb48adebc00000000, 0x83e01cbd00000000, 0xda5e5abf00000000,
+ 0xed3498be00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x6567bcb800000000, 0x8bc809aa00000000,
+ 0xeeafb51200000000, 0x5797628f00000000, 0x32f0de3700000000,
+ 0xdc5f6b2500000000, 0xb938d79d00000000, 0xef28b4c500000000,
+ 0x8a4f087d00000000, 0x64e0bd6f00000000, 0x018701d700000000,
+ 0xb8bfd64a00000000, 0xddd86af200000000, 0x3377dfe000000000,
+ 0x5610635800000000, 0x9f57195000000000, 0xfa30a5e800000000,
+ 0x149f10fa00000000, 0x71f8ac4200000000, 0xc8c07bdf00000000,
+ 0xada7c76700000000, 0x4308727500000000, 0x266fcecd00000000,
+ 0x707fad9500000000, 0x1518112d00000000, 0xfbb7a43f00000000,
+ 0x9ed0188700000000, 0x27e8cf1a00000000, 0x428f73a200000000,
+ 0xac20c6b000000000, 0xc9477a0800000000, 0x3eaf32a000000000,
+ 0x5bc88e1800000000, 0xb5673b0a00000000, 0xd00087b200000000,
+ 0x6938502f00000000, 0x0c5fec9700000000, 0xe2f0598500000000,
+ 0x8797e53d00000000, 0xd187866500000000, 0xb4e03add00000000,
+ 0x5a4f8fcf00000000, 0x3f28337700000000, 0x8610e4ea00000000,
+ 0xe377585200000000, 0x0dd8ed4000000000, 0x68bf51f800000000,
+ 0xa1f82bf000000000, 0xc49f974800000000, 0x2a30225a00000000,
+ 0x4f579ee200000000, 0xf66f497f00000000, 0x9308f5c700000000,
+ 0x7da740d500000000, 0x18c0fc6d00000000, 0x4ed09f3500000000,
+ 0x2bb7238d00000000, 0xc518969f00000000, 0xa07f2a2700000000,
+ 0x1947fdba00000000, 0x7c20410200000000, 0x928ff41000000000,
+ 0xf7e848a800000000, 0x3d58149b00000000, 0x583fa82300000000,
+ 0xb6901d3100000000, 0xd3f7a18900000000, 0x6acf761400000000,
+ 0x0fa8caac00000000, 0xe1077fbe00000000, 0x8460c30600000000,
+ 0xd270a05e00000000, 0xb7171ce600000000, 0x59b8a9f400000000,
+ 0x3cdf154c00000000, 0x85e7c2d100000000, 0xe0807e6900000000,
+ 0x0e2fcb7b00000000, 0x6b4877c300000000, 0xa20f0dcb00000000,
+ 0xc768b17300000000, 0x29c7046100000000, 0x4ca0b8d900000000,
+ 0xf5986f4400000000, 0x90ffd3fc00000000, 0x7e5066ee00000000,
+ 0x1b37da5600000000, 0x4d27b90e00000000, 0x284005b600000000,
+ 0xc6efb0a400000000, 0xa3880c1c00000000, 0x1ab0db8100000000,
+ 0x7fd7673900000000, 0x9178d22b00000000, 0xf41f6e9300000000,
+ 0x03f7263b00000000, 0x66909a8300000000, 0x883f2f9100000000,
+ 0xed58932900000000, 0x546044b400000000, 0x3107f80c00000000,
+ 0xdfa84d1e00000000, 0xbacff1a600000000, 0xecdf92fe00000000,
+ 0x89b82e4600000000, 0x67179b5400000000, 0x027027ec00000000,
+ 0xbb48f07100000000, 0xde2f4cc900000000, 0x3080f9db00000000,
+ 0x55e7456300000000, 0x9ca03f6b00000000, 0xf9c783d300000000,
+ 0x176836c100000000, 0x720f8a7900000000, 0xcb375de400000000,
+ 0xae50e15c00000000, 0x40ff544e00000000, 0x2598e8f600000000,
+ 0x73888bae00000000, 0x16ef371600000000, 0xf840820400000000,
+ 0x9d273ebc00000000, 0x241fe92100000000, 0x4178559900000000,
+ 0xafd7e08b00000000, 0xcab05c3300000000, 0x3bb659ed00000000,
+ 0x5ed1e55500000000, 0xb07e504700000000, 0xd519ecff00000000,
+ 0x6c213b6200000000, 0x094687da00000000, 0xe7e932c800000000,
+ 0x828e8e7000000000, 0xd49eed2800000000, 0xb1f9519000000000,
+ 0x5f56e48200000000, 0x3a31583a00000000, 0x83098fa700000000,
+ 0xe66e331f00000000, 0x08c1860d00000000, 0x6da63ab500000000,
+ 0xa4e140bd00000000, 0xc186fc0500000000, 0x2f29491700000000,
+ 0x4a4ef5af00000000, 0xf376223200000000, 0x96119e8a00000000,
+ 0x78be2b9800000000, 0x1dd9972000000000, 0x4bc9f47800000000,
+ 0x2eae48c000000000, 0xc001fdd200000000, 0xa566416a00000000,
+ 0x1c5e96f700000000, 0x79392a4f00000000, 0x97969f5d00000000,
+ 0xf2f123e500000000, 0x05196b4d00000000, 0x607ed7f500000000,
+ 0x8ed162e700000000, 0xebb6de5f00000000, 0x528e09c200000000,
+ 0x37e9b57a00000000, 0xd946006800000000, 0xbc21bcd000000000,
+ 0xea31df8800000000, 0x8f56633000000000, 0x61f9d62200000000,
+ 0x049e6a9a00000000, 0xbda6bd0700000000, 0xd8c101bf00000000,
+ 0x366eb4ad00000000, 0x5309081500000000, 0x9a4e721d00000000,
+ 0xff29cea500000000, 0x11867bb700000000, 0x74e1c70f00000000,
+ 0xcdd9109200000000, 0xa8beac2a00000000, 0x4611193800000000,
+ 0x2376a58000000000, 0x7566c6d800000000, 0x10017a6000000000,
+ 0xfeaecf7200000000, 0x9bc973ca00000000, 0x22f1a45700000000,
+ 0x479618ef00000000, 0xa939adfd00000000, 0xcc5e114500000000,
+ 0x06ee4d7600000000, 0x6389f1ce00000000, 0x8d2644dc00000000,
+ 0xe841f86400000000, 0x51792ff900000000, 0x341e934100000000,
+ 0xdab1265300000000, 0xbfd69aeb00000000, 0xe9c6f9b300000000,
+ 0x8ca1450b00000000, 0x620ef01900000000, 0x07694ca100000000,
+ 0xbe519b3c00000000, 0xdb36278400000000, 0x3599929600000000,
+ 0x50fe2e2e00000000, 0x99b9542600000000, 0xfcdee89e00000000,
+ 0x12715d8c00000000, 0x7716e13400000000, 0xce2e36a900000000,
+ 0xab498a1100000000, 0x45e63f0300000000, 0x208183bb00000000,
+ 0x7691e0e300000000, 0x13f65c5b00000000, 0xfd59e94900000000,
+ 0x983e55f100000000, 0x2106826c00000000, 0x44613ed400000000,
+ 0xaace8bc600000000, 0xcfa9377e00000000, 0x38417fd600000000,
+ 0x5d26c36e00000000, 0xb389767c00000000, 0xd6eecac400000000,
+ 0x6fd61d5900000000, 0x0ab1a1e100000000, 0xe41e14f300000000,
+ 0x8179a84b00000000, 0xd769cb1300000000, 0xb20e77ab00000000,
+ 0x5ca1c2b900000000, 0x39c67e0100000000, 0x80fea99c00000000,
+ 0xe599152400000000, 0x0b36a03600000000, 0x6e511c8e00000000,
+ 0xa716668600000000, 0xc271da3e00000000, 0x2cde6f2c00000000,
+ 0x49b9d39400000000, 0xf081040900000000, 0x95e6b8b100000000,
+ 0x7b490da300000000, 0x1e2eb11b00000000, 0x483ed24300000000,
+ 0x2d596efb00000000, 0xc3f6dbe900000000, 0xa691675100000000,
+ 0x1fa9b0cc00000000, 0x7ace0c7400000000, 0x9461b96600000000,
+ 0xf10605de00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xb029603d00000000, 0x6053c07a00000000,
+ 0xd07aa04700000000, 0xc0a680f500000000, 0x708fe0c800000000,
+ 0xa0f5408f00000000, 0x10dc20b200000000, 0xc14b703000000000,
+ 0x7162100d00000000, 0xa118b04a00000000, 0x1131d07700000000,
+ 0x01edf0c500000000, 0xb1c490f800000000, 0x61be30bf00000000,
+ 0xd197508200000000, 0x8297e06000000000, 0x32be805d00000000,
+ 0xe2c4201a00000000, 0x52ed402700000000, 0x4231609500000000,
+ 0xf21800a800000000, 0x2262a0ef00000000, 0x924bc0d200000000,
+ 0x43dc905000000000, 0xf3f5f06d00000000, 0x238f502a00000000,
+ 0x93a6301700000000, 0x837a10a500000000, 0x3353709800000000,
+ 0xe329d0df00000000, 0x5300b0e200000000, 0x042fc1c100000000,
+ 0xb406a1fc00000000, 0x647c01bb00000000, 0xd455618600000000,
+ 0xc489413400000000, 0x74a0210900000000, 0xa4da814e00000000,
+ 0x14f3e17300000000, 0xc564b1f100000000, 0x754dd1cc00000000,
+ 0xa537718b00000000, 0x151e11b600000000, 0x05c2310400000000,
+ 0xb5eb513900000000, 0x6591f17e00000000, 0xd5b8914300000000,
+ 0x86b821a100000000, 0x3691419c00000000, 0xe6ebe1db00000000,
+ 0x56c281e600000000, 0x461ea15400000000, 0xf637c16900000000,
+ 0x264d612e00000000, 0x9664011300000000, 0x47f3519100000000,
+ 0xf7da31ac00000000, 0x27a091eb00000000, 0x9789f1d600000000,
+ 0x8755d16400000000, 0x377cb15900000000, 0xe706111e00000000,
+ 0x572f712300000000, 0x4958f35800000000, 0xf971936500000000,
+ 0x290b332200000000, 0x9922531f00000000, 0x89fe73ad00000000,
+ 0x39d7139000000000, 0xe9adb3d700000000, 0x5984d3ea00000000,
+ 0x8813836800000000, 0x383ae35500000000, 0xe840431200000000,
+ 0x5869232f00000000, 0x48b5039d00000000, 0xf89c63a000000000,
+ 0x28e6c3e700000000, 0x98cfa3da00000000, 0xcbcf133800000000,
+ 0x7be6730500000000, 0xab9cd34200000000, 0x1bb5b37f00000000,
+ 0x0b6993cd00000000, 0xbb40f3f000000000, 0x6b3a53b700000000,
+ 0xdb13338a00000000, 0x0a84630800000000, 0xbaad033500000000,
+ 0x6ad7a37200000000, 0xdafec34f00000000, 0xca22e3fd00000000,
+ 0x7a0b83c000000000, 0xaa71238700000000, 0x1a5843ba00000000,
+ 0x4d77329900000000, 0xfd5e52a400000000, 0x2d24f2e300000000,
+ 0x9d0d92de00000000, 0x8dd1b26c00000000, 0x3df8d25100000000,
+ 0xed82721600000000, 0x5dab122b00000000, 0x8c3c42a900000000,
+ 0x3c15229400000000, 0xec6f82d300000000, 0x5c46e2ee00000000,
+ 0x4c9ac25c00000000, 0xfcb3a26100000000, 0x2cc9022600000000,
+ 0x9ce0621b00000000, 0xcfe0d2f900000000, 0x7fc9b2c400000000,
+ 0xafb3128300000000, 0x1f9a72be00000000, 0x0f46520c00000000,
+ 0xbf6f323100000000, 0x6f15927600000000, 0xdf3cf24b00000000,
+ 0x0eaba2c900000000, 0xbe82c2f400000000, 0x6ef862b300000000,
+ 0xded1028e00000000, 0xce0d223c00000000, 0x7e24420100000000,
+ 0xae5ee24600000000, 0x1e77827b00000000, 0x92b0e6b100000000,
+ 0x2299868c00000000, 0xf2e326cb00000000, 0x42ca46f600000000,
+ 0x5216664400000000, 0xe23f067900000000, 0x3245a63e00000000,
+ 0x826cc60300000000, 0x53fb968100000000, 0xe3d2f6bc00000000,
+ 0x33a856fb00000000, 0x838136c600000000, 0x935d167400000000,
+ 0x2374764900000000, 0xf30ed60e00000000, 0x4327b63300000000,
+ 0x102706d100000000, 0xa00e66ec00000000, 0x7074c6ab00000000,
+ 0xc05da69600000000, 0xd081862400000000, 0x60a8e61900000000,
+ 0xb0d2465e00000000, 0x00fb266300000000, 0xd16c76e100000000,
+ 0x614516dc00000000, 0xb13fb69b00000000, 0x0116d6a600000000,
+ 0x11caf61400000000, 0xa1e3962900000000, 0x7199366e00000000,
+ 0xc1b0565300000000, 0x969f277000000000, 0x26b6474d00000000,
+ 0xf6cce70a00000000, 0x46e5873700000000, 0x5639a78500000000,
+ 0xe610c7b800000000, 0x366a67ff00000000, 0x864307c200000000,
+ 0x57d4574000000000, 0xe7fd377d00000000, 0x3787973a00000000,
+ 0x87aef70700000000, 0x9772d7b500000000, 0x275bb78800000000,
+ 0xf72117cf00000000, 0x470877f200000000, 0x1408c71000000000,
+ 0xa421a72d00000000, 0x745b076a00000000, 0xc472675700000000,
+ 0xd4ae47e500000000, 0x648727d800000000, 0xb4fd879f00000000,
+ 0x04d4e7a200000000, 0xd543b72000000000, 0x656ad71d00000000,
+ 0xb510775a00000000, 0x0539176700000000, 0x15e537d500000000,
+ 0xa5cc57e800000000, 0x75b6f7af00000000, 0xc59f979200000000,
+ 0xdbe815e900000000, 0x6bc175d400000000, 0xbbbbd59300000000,
+ 0x0b92b5ae00000000, 0x1b4e951c00000000, 0xab67f52100000000,
+ 0x7b1d556600000000, 0xcb34355b00000000, 0x1aa365d900000000,
+ 0xaa8a05e400000000, 0x7af0a5a300000000, 0xcad9c59e00000000,
+ 0xda05e52c00000000, 0x6a2c851100000000, 0xba56255600000000,
+ 0x0a7f456b00000000, 0x597ff58900000000, 0xe95695b400000000,
+ 0x392c35f300000000, 0x890555ce00000000, 0x99d9757c00000000,
+ 0x29f0154100000000, 0xf98ab50600000000, 0x49a3d53b00000000,
+ 0x983485b900000000, 0x281de58400000000, 0xf86745c300000000,
+ 0x484e25fe00000000, 0x5892054c00000000, 0xe8bb657100000000,
+ 0x38c1c53600000000, 0x88e8a50b00000000, 0xdfc7d42800000000,
+ 0x6feeb41500000000, 0xbf94145200000000, 0x0fbd746f00000000,
+ 0x1f6154dd00000000, 0xaf4834e000000000, 0x7f3294a700000000,
+ 0xcf1bf49a00000000, 0x1e8ca41800000000, 0xaea5c42500000000,
+ 0x7edf646200000000, 0xcef6045f00000000, 0xde2a24ed00000000,
+ 0x6e0344d000000000, 0xbe79e49700000000, 0x0e5084aa00000000,
+ 0x5d50344800000000, 0xed79547500000000, 0x3d03f43200000000,
+ 0x8d2a940f00000000, 0x9df6b4bd00000000, 0x2ddfd48000000000,
+ 0xfda574c700000000, 0x4d8c14fa00000000, 0x9c1b447800000000,
+ 0x2c32244500000000, 0xfc48840200000000, 0x4c61e43f00000000,
+ 0x5cbdc48d00000000, 0xec94a4b000000000, 0x3cee04f700000000,
+ 0x8cc764ca00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xa5d35ccb00000000, 0x0ba1c84d00000000,
+ 0xae72948600000000, 0x1642919b00000000, 0xb391cd5000000000,
+ 0x1de359d600000000, 0xb830051d00000000, 0x6d8253ec00000000,
+ 0xc8510f2700000000, 0x66239ba100000000, 0xc3f0c76a00000000,
+ 0x7bc0c27700000000, 0xde139ebc00000000, 0x70610a3a00000000,
+ 0xd5b256f100000000, 0x9b02d60300000000, 0x3ed18ac800000000,
+ 0x90a31e4e00000000, 0x3570428500000000, 0x8d40479800000000,
+ 0x28931b5300000000, 0x86e18fd500000000, 0x2332d31e00000000,
+ 0xf68085ef00000000, 0x5353d92400000000, 0xfd214da200000000,
+ 0x58f2116900000000, 0xe0c2147400000000, 0x451148bf00000000,
+ 0xeb63dc3900000000, 0x4eb080f200000000, 0x3605ac0700000000,
+ 0x93d6f0cc00000000, 0x3da4644a00000000, 0x9877388100000000,
+ 0x20473d9c00000000, 0x8594615700000000, 0x2be6f5d100000000,
+ 0x8e35a91a00000000, 0x5b87ffeb00000000, 0xfe54a32000000000,
+ 0x502637a600000000, 0xf5f56b6d00000000, 0x4dc56e7000000000,
+ 0xe81632bb00000000, 0x4664a63d00000000, 0xe3b7faf600000000,
+ 0xad077a0400000000, 0x08d426cf00000000, 0xa6a6b24900000000,
+ 0x0375ee8200000000, 0xbb45eb9f00000000, 0x1e96b75400000000,
+ 0xb0e423d200000000, 0x15377f1900000000, 0xc08529e800000000,
+ 0x6556752300000000, 0xcb24e1a500000000, 0x6ef7bd6e00000000,
+ 0xd6c7b87300000000, 0x7314e4b800000000, 0xdd66703e00000000,
+ 0x78b52cf500000000, 0x6c0a580f00000000, 0xc9d904c400000000,
+ 0x67ab904200000000, 0xc278cc8900000000, 0x7a48c99400000000,
+ 0xdf9b955f00000000, 0x71e901d900000000, 0xd43a5d1200000000,
+ 0x01880be300000000, 0xa45b572800000000, 0x0a29c3ae00000000,
+ 0xaffa9f6500000000, 0x17ca9a7800000000, 0xb219c6b300000000,
+ 0x1c6b523500000000, 0xb9b80efe00000000, 0xf7088e0c00000000,
+ 0x52dbd2c700000000, 0xfca9464100000000, 0x597a1a8a00000000,
+ 0xe14a1f9700000000, 0x4499435c00000000, 0xeaebd7da00000000,
+ 0x4f388b1100000000, 0x9a8adde000000000, 0x3f59812b00000000,
+ 0x912b15ad00000000, 0x34f8496600000000, 0x8cc84c7b00000000,
+ 0x291b10b000000000, 0x8769843600000000, 0x22bad8fd00000000,
+ 0x5a0ff40800000000, 0xffdca8c300000000, 0x51ae3c4500000000,
+ 0xf47d608e00000000, 0x4c4d659300000000, 0xe99e395800000000,
+ 0x47ecadde00000000, 0xe23ff11500000000, 0x378da7e400000000,
+ 0x925efb2f00000000, 0x3c2c6fa900000000, 0x99ff336200000000,
+ 0x21cf367f00000000, 0x841c6ab400000000, 0x2a6efe3200000000,
+ 0x8fbda2f900000000, 0xc10d220b00000000, 0x64de7ec000000000,
+ 0xcaacea4600000000, 0x6f7fb68d00000000, 0xd74fb39000000000,
+ 0x729cef5b00000000, 0xdcee7bdd00000000, 0x793d271600000000,
+ 0xac8f71e700000000, 0x095c2d2c00000000, 0xa72eb9aa00000000,
+ 0x02fde56100000000, 0xbacde07c00000000, 0x1f1ebcb700000000,
+ 0xb16c283100000000, 0x14bf74fa00000000, 0xd814b01e00000000,
+ 0x7dc7ecd500000000, 0xd3b5785300000000, 0x7666249800000000,
+ 0xce56218500000000, 0x6b857d4e00000000, 0xc5f7e9c800000000,
+ 0x6024b50300000000, 0xb596e3f200000000, 0x1045bf3900000000,
+ 0xbe372bbf00000000, 0x1be4777400000000, 0xa3d4726900000000,
+ 0x06072ea200000000, 0xa875ba2400000000, 0x0da6e6ef00000000,
+ 0x4316661d00000000, 0xe6c53ad600000000, 0x48b7ae5000000000,
+ 0xed64f29b00000000, 0x5554f78600000000, 0xf087ab4d00000000,
+ 0x5ef53fcb00000000, 0xfb26630000000000, 0x2e9435f100000000,
+ 0x8b47693a00000000, 0x2535fdbc00000000, 0x80e6a17700000000,
+ 0x38d6a46a00000000, 0x9d05f8a100000000, 0x33776c2700000000,
+ 0x96a430ec00000000, 0xee111c1900000000, 0x4bc240d200000000,
+ 0xe5b0d45400000000, 0x4063889f00000000, 0xf8538d8200000000,
+ 0x5d80d14900000000, 0xf3f245cf00000000, 0x5621190400000000,
+ 0x83934ff500000000, 0x2640133e00000000, 0x883287b800000000,
+ 0x2de1db7300000000, 0x95d1de6e00000000, 0x300282a500000000,
+ 0x9e70162300000000, 0x3ba34ae800000000, 0x7513ca1a00000000,
+ 0xd0c096d100000000, 0x7eb2025700000000, 0xdb615e9c00000000,
+ 0x63515b8100000000, 0xc682074a00000000, 0x68f093cc00000000,
+ 0xcd23cf0700000000, 0x189199f600000000, 0xbd42c53d00000000,
+ 0x133051bb00000000, 0xb6e30d7000000000, 0x0ed3086d00000000,
+ 0xab0054a600000000, 0x0572c02000000000, 0xa0a19ceb00000000,
+ 0xb41ee81100000000, 0x11cdb4da00000000, 0xbfbf205c00000000,
+ 0x1a6c7c9700000000, 0xa25c798a00000000, 0x078f254100000000,
+ 0xa9fdb1c700000000, 0x0c2eed0c00000000, 0xd99cbbfd00000000,
+ 0x7c4fe73600000000, 0xd23d73b000000000, 0x77ee2f7b00000000,
+ 0xcfde2a6600000000, 0x6a0d76ad00000000, 0xc47fe22b00000000,
+ 0x61acbee000000000, 0x2f1c3e1200000000, 0x8acf62d900000000,
+ 0x24bdf65f00000000, 0x816eaa9400000000, 0x395eaf8900000000,
+ 0x9c8df34200000000, 0x32ff67c400000000, 0x972c3b0f00000000,
+ 0x429e6dfe00000000, 0xe74d313500000000, 0x493fa5b300000000,
+ 0xececf97800000000, 0x54dcfc6500000000, 0xf10fa0ae00000000,
+ 0x5f7d342800000000, 0xfaae68e300000000, 0x821b441600000000,
+ 0x27c818dd00000000, 0x89ba8c5b00000000, 0x2c69d09000000000,
+ 0x9459d58d00000000, 0x318a894600000000, 0x9ff81dc000000000,
+ 0x3a2b410b00000000, 0xef9917fa00000000, 0x4a4a4b3100000000,
+ 0xe438dfb700000000, 0x41eb837c00000000, 0xf9db866100000000,
+ 0x5c08daaa00000000, 0xf27a4e2c00000000, 0x57a912e700000000,
+ 0x1919921500000000, 0xbccacede00000000, 0x12b85a5800000000,
+ 0xb76b069300000000, 0x0f5b038e00000000, 0xaa885f4500000000,
+ 0x04facbc300000000, 0xa129970800000000, 0x749bc1f900000000,
+ 0xd1489d3200000000, 0x7f3a09b400000000, 0xdae9557f00000000,
+ 0x62d9506200000000, 0xc70a0ca900000000, 0x6978982f00000000,
+ 0xccabc4e400000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xb40b77a600000000, 0x29119f9700000000,
+ 0x9d1ae83100000000, 0x13244ff400000000, 0xa72f385200000000,
+ 0x3a35d06300000000, 0x8e3ea7c500000000, 0x674eef3300000000,
+ 0xd345989500000000, 0x4e5f70a400000000, 0xfa54070200000000,
+ 0x746aa0c700000000, 0xc061d76100000000, 0x5d7b3f5000000000,
+ 0xe97048f600000000, 0xce9cde6700000000, 0x7a97a9c100000000,
+ 0xe78d41f000000000, 0x5386365600000000, 0xddb8919300000000,
+ 0x69b3e63500000000, 0xf4a90e0400000000, 0x40a279a200000000,
+ 0xa9d2315400000000, 0x1dd946f200000000, 0x80c3aec300000000,
+ 0x34c8d96500000000, 0xbaf67ea000000000, 0x0efd090600000000,
+ 0x93e7e13700000000, 0x27ec969100000000, 0x9c39bdcf00000000,
+ 0x2832ca6900000000, 0xb528225800000000, 0x012355fe00000000,
+ 0x8f1df23b00000000, 0x3b16859d00000000, 0xa60c6dac00000000,
+ 0x12071a0a00000000, 0xfb7752fc00000000, 0x4f7c255a00000000,
+ 0xd266cd6b00000000, 0x666dbacd00000000, 0xe8531d0800000000,
+ 0x5c586aae00000000, 0xc142829f00000000, 0x7549f53900000000,
+ 0x52a563a800000000, 0xe6ae140e00000000, 0x7bb4fc3f00000000,
+ 0xcfbf8b9900000000, 0x41812c5c00000000, 0xf58a5bfa00000000,
+ 0x6890b3cb00000000, 0xdc9bc46d00000000, 0x35eb8c9b00000000,
+ 0x81e0fb3d00000000, 0x1cfa130c00000000, 0xa8f164aa00000000,
+ 0x26cfc36f00000000, 0x92c4b4c900000000, 0x0fde5cf800000000,
+ 0xbbd52b5e00000000, 0x79750b4400000000, 0xcd7e7ce200000000,
+ 0x506494d300000000, 0xe46fe37500000000, 0x6a5144b000000000,
+ 0xde5a331600000000, 0x4340db2700000000, 0xf74bac8100000000,
+ 0x1e3be47700000000, 0xaa3093d100000000, 0x372a7be000000000,
+ 0x83210c4600000000, 0x0d1fab8300000000, 0xb914dc2500000000,
+ 0x240e341400000000, 0x900543b200000000, 0xb7e9d52300000000,
+ 0x03e2a28500000000, 0x9ef84ab400000000, 0x2af33d1200000000,
+ 0xa4cd9ad700000000, 0x10c6ed7100000000, 0x8ddc054000000000,
+ 0x39d772e600000000, 0xd0a73a1000000000, 0x64ac4db600000000,
+ 0xf9b6a58700000000, 0x4dbdd22100000000, 0xc38375e400000000,
+ 0x7788024200000000, 0xea92ea7300000000, 0x5e999dd500000000,
+ 0xe54cb68b00000000, 0x5147c12d00000000, 0xcc5d291c00000000,
+ 0x78565eba00000000, 0xf668f97f00000000, 0x42638ed900000000,
+ 0xdf7966e800000000, 0x6b72114e00000000, 0x820259b800000000,
+ 0x36092e1e00000000, 0xab13c62f00000000, 0x1f18b18900000000,
+ 0x9126164c00000000, 0x252d61ea00000000, 0xb83789db00000000,
+ 0x0c3cfe7d00000000, 0x2bd068ec00000000, 0x9fdb1f4a00000000,
+ 0x02c1f77b00000000, 0xb6ca80dd00000000, 0x38f4271800000000,
+ 0x8cff50be00000000, 0x11e5b88f00000000, 0xa5eecf2900000000,
+ 0x4c9e87df00000000, 0xf895f07900000000, 0x658f184800000000,
+ 0xd1846fee00000000, 0x5fbac82b00000000, 0xebb1bf8d00000000,
+ 0x76ab57bc00000000, 0xc2a0201a00000000, 0xf2ea168800000000,
+ 0x46e1612e00000000, 0xdbfb891f00000000, 0x6ff0feb900000000,
+ 0xe1ce597c00000000, 0x55c52eda00000000, 0xc8dfc6eb00000000,
+ 0x7cd4b14d00000000, 0x95a4f9bb00000000, 0x21af8e1d00000000,
+ 0xbcb5662c00000000, 0x08be118a00000000, 0x8680b64f00000000,
+ 0x328bc1e900000000, 0xaf9129d800000000, 0x1b9a5e7e00000000,
+ 0x3c76c8ef00000000, 0x887dbf4900000000, 0x1567577800000000,
+ 0xa16c20de00000000, 0x2f52871b00000000, 0x9b59f0bd00000000,
+ 0x0643188c00000000, 0xb2486f2a00000000, 0x5b3827dc00000000,
+ 0xef33507a00000000, 0x7229b84b00000000, 0xc622cfed00000000,
+ 0x481c682800000000, 0xfc171f8e00000000, 0x610df7bf00000000,
+ 0xd506801900000000, 0x6ed3ab4700000000, 0xdad8dce100000000,
+ 0x47c234d000000000, 0xf3c9437600000000, 0x7df7e4b300000000,
+ 0xc9fc931500000000, 0x54e67b2400000000, 0xe0ed0c8200000000,
+ 0x099d447400000000, 0xbd9633d200000000, 0x208cdbe300000000,
+ 0x9487ac4500000000, 0x1ab90b8000000000, 0xaeb27c2600000000,
+ 0x33a8941700000000, 0x87a3e3b100000000, 0xa04f752000000000,
+ 0x1444028600000000, 0x895eeab700000000, 0x3d559d1100000000,
+ 0xb36b3ad400000000, 0x07604d7200000000, 0x9a7aa54300000000,
+ 0x2e71d2e500000000, 0xc7019a1300000000, 0x730aedb500000000,
+ 0xee10058400000000, 0x5a1b722200000000, 0xd425d5e700000000,
+ 0x602ea24100000000, 0xfd344a7000000000, 0x493f3dd600000000,
+ 0x8b9f1dcc00000000, 0x3f946a6a00000000, 0xa28e825b00000000,
+ 0x1685f5fd00000000, 0x98bb523800000000, 0x2cb0259e00000000,
+ 0xb1aacdaf00000000, 0x05a1ba0900000000, 0xecd1f2ff00000000,
+ 0x58da855900000000, 0xc5c06d6800000000, 0x71cb1ace00000000,
+ 0xfff5bd0b00000000, 0x4bfecaad00000000, 0xd6e4229c00000000,
+ 0x62ef553a00000000, 0x4503c3ab00000000, 0xf108b40d00000000,
+ 0x6c125c3c00000000, 0xd8192b9a00000000, 0x56278c5f00000000,
+ 0xe22cfbf900000000, 0x7f3613c800000000, 0xcb3d646e00000000,
+ 0x224d2c9800000000, 0x96465b3e00000000, 0x0b5cb30f00000000,
+ 0xbf57c4a900000000, 0x3169636c00000000, 0x856214ca00000000,
+ 0x1878fcfb00000000, 0xac738b5d00000000, 0x17a6a00300000000,
+ 0xa3add7a500000000, 0x3eb73f9400000000, 0x8abc483200000000,
+ 0x0482eff700000000, 0xb089985100000000, 0x2d93706000000000,
+ 0x999807c600000000, 0x70e84f3000000000, 0xc4e3389600000000,
+ 0x59f9d0a700000000, 0xedf2a70100000000, 0x63cc00c400000000,
+ 0xd7c7776200000000, 0x4add9f5300000000, 0xfed6e8f500000000,
+ 0xd93a7e6400000000, 0x6d3109c200000000, 0xf02be1f300000000,
+ 0x4420965500000000, 0xca1e319000000000, 0x7e15463600000000,
+ 0xe30fae0700000000, 0x5704d9a100000000, 0xbe74915700000000,
+ 0x0a7fe6f100000000, 0x97650ec000000000, 0x236e796600000000,
+ 0xad50dea300000000, 0x195ba90500000000, 0x8441413400000000,
+ 0x304a369200000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x9e00aacc00000000, 0x7d07254200000000,
+ 0xe3078f8e00000000, 0xfa0e4a8400000000, 0x640ee04800000000,
+ 0x87096fc600000000, 0x1909c50a00000000, 0xb51be5d300000000,
+ 0x2b1b4f1f00000000, 0xc81cc09100000000, 0x561c6a5d00000000,
+ 0x4f15af5700000000, 0xd115059b00000000, 0x32128a1500000000,
+ 0xac1220d900000000, 0x2b31bb7c00000000, 0xb53111b000000000,
+ 0x56369e3e00000000, 0xc83634f200000000, 0xd13ff1f800000000,
+ 0x4f3f5b3400000000, 0xac38d4ba00000000, 0x32387e7600000000,
+ 0x9e2a5eaf00000000, 0x002af46300000000, 0xe32d7bed00000000,
+ 0x7d2dd12100000000, 0x6424142b00000000, 0xfa24bee700000000,
+ 0x1923316900000000, 0x87239ba500000000, 0x566276f900000000,
+ 0xc862dc3500000000, 0x2b6553bb00000000, 0xb565f97700000000,
+ 0xac6c3c7d00000000, 0x326c96b100000000, 0xd16b193f00000000,
+ 0x4f6bb3f300000000, 0xe379932a00000000, 0x7d7939e600000000,
+ 0x9e7eb66800000000, 0x007e1ca400000000, 0x1977d9ae00000000,
+ 0x8777736200000000, 0x6470fcec00000000, 0xfa70562000000000,
+ 0x7d53cd8500000000, 0xe353674900000000, 0x0054e8c700000000,
+ 0x9e54420b00000000, 0x875d870100000000, 0x195d2dcd00000000,
+ 0xfa5aa24300000000, 0x645a088f00000000, 0xc848285600000000,
+ 0x5648829a00000000, 0xb54f0d1400000000, 0x2b4fa7d800000000,
+ 0x324662d200000000, 0xac46c81e00000000, 0x4f41479000000000,
+ 0xd141ed5c00000000, 0xedc29d2900000000, 0x73c237e500000000,
+ 0x90c5b86b00000000, 0x0ec512a700000000, 0x17ccd7ad00000000,
+ 0x89cc7d6100000000, 0x6acbf2ef00000000, 0xf4cb582300000000,
+ 0x58d978fa00000000, 0xc6d9d23600000000, 0x25de5db800000000,
+ 0xbbdef77400000000, 0xa2d7327e00000000, 0x3cd798b200000000,
+ 0xdfd0173c00000000, 0x41d0bdf000000000, 0xc6f3265500000000,
+ 0x58f38c9900000000, 0xbbf4031700000000, 0x25f4a9db00000000,
+ 0x3cfd6cd100000000, 0xa2fdc61d00000000, 0x41fa499300000000,
+ 0xdffae35f00000000, 0x73e8c38600000000, 0xede8694a00000000,
+ 0x0eefe6c400000000, 0x90ef4c0800000000, 0x89e6890200000000,
+ 0x17e623ce00000000, 0xf4e1ac4000000000, 0x6ae1068c00000000,
+ 0xbba0ebd000000000, 0x25a0411c00000000, 0xc6a7ce9200000000,
+ 0x58a7645e00000000, 0x41aea15400000000, 0xdfae0b9800000000,
+ 0x3ca9841600000000, 0xa2a92eda00000000, 0x0ebb0e0300000000,
+ 0x90bba4cf00000000, 0x73bc2b4100000000, 0xedbc818d00000000,
+ 0xf4b5448700000000, 0x6ab5ee4b00000000, 0x89b261c500000000,
+ 0x17b2cb0900000000, 0x909150ac00000000, 0x0e91fa6000000000,
+ 0xed9675ee00000000, 0x7396df2200000000, 0x6a9f1a2800000000,
+ 0xf49fb0e400000000, 0x17983f6a00000000, 0x899895a600000000,
+ 0x258ab57f00000000, 0xbb8a1fb300000000, 0x588d903d00000000,
+ 0xc68d3af100000000, 0xdf84fffb00000000, 0x4184553700000000,
+ 0xa283dab900000000, 0x3c83707500000000, 0xda853b5300000000,
+ 0x4485919f00000000, 0xa7821e1100000000, 0x3982b4dd00000000,
+ 0x208b71d700000000, 0xbe8bdb1b00000000, 0x5d8c549500000000,
+ 0xc38cfe5900000000, 0x6f9ede8000000000, 0xf19e744c00000000,
+ 0x1299fbc200000000, 0x8c99510e00000000, 0x9590940400000000,
+ 0x0b903ec800000000, 0xe897b14600000000, 0x76971b8a00000000,
+ 0xf1b4802f00000000, 0x6fb42ae300000000, 0x8cb3a56d00000000,
+ 0x12b30fa100000000, 0x0bbacaab00000000, 0x95ba606700000000,
+ 0x76bdefe900000000, 0xe8bd452500000000, 0x44af65fc00000000,
+ 0xdaafcf3000000000, 0x39a840be00000000, 0xa7a8ea7200000000,
+ 0xbea12f7800000000, 0x20a185b400000000, 0xc3a60a3a00000000,
+ 0x5da6a0f600000000, 0x8ce74daa00000000, 0x12e7e76600000000,
+ 0xf1e068e800000000, 0x6fe0c22400000000, 0x76e9072e00000000,
+ 0xe8e9ade200000000, 0x0bee226c00000000, 0x95ee88a000000000,
+ 0x39fca87900000000, 0xa7fc02b500000000, 0x44fb8d3b00000000,
+ 0xdafb27f700000000, 0xc3f2e2fd00000000, 0x5df2483100000000,
+ 0xbef5c7bf00000000, 0x20f56d7300000000, 0xa7d6f6d600000000,
+ 0x39d65c1a00000000, 0xdad1d39400000000, 0x44d1795800000000,
+ 0x5dd8bc5200000000, 0xc3d8169e00000000, 0x20df991000000000,
+ 0xbedf33dc00000000, 0x12cd130500000000, 0x8ccdb9c900000000,
+ 0x6fca364700000000, 0xf1ca9c8b00000000, 0xe8c3598100000000,
+ 0x76c3f34d00000000, 0x95c47cc300000000, 0x0bc4d60f00000000,
+ 0x3747a67a00000000, 0xa9470cb600000000, 0x4a40833800000000,
+ 0xd44029f400000000, 0xcd49ecfe00000000, 0x5349463200000000,
+ 0xb04ec9bc00000000, 0x2e4e637000000000, 0x825c43a900000000,
+ 0x1c5ce96500000000, 0xff5b66eb00000000, 0x615bcc2700000000,
+ 0x7852092d00000000, 0xe652a3e100000000, 0x05552c6f00000000,
+ 0x9b5586a300000000, 0x1c761d0600000000, 0x8276b7ca00000000,
+ 0x6171384400000000, 0xff71928800000000, 0xe678578200000000,
+ 0x7878fd4e00000000, 0x9b7f72c000000000, 0x057fd80c00000000,
+ 0xa96df8d500000000, 0x376d521900000000, 0xd46add9700000000,
+ 0x4a6a775b00000000, 0x5363b25100000000, 0xcd63189d00000000,
+ 0x2e64971300000000, 0xb0643ddf00000000, 0x6125d08300000000,
+ 0xff257a4f00000000, 0x1c22f5c100000000, 0x82225f0d00000000,
+ 0x9b2b9a0700000000, 0x052b30cb00000000, 0xe62cbf4500000000,
+ 0x782c158900000000, 0xd43e355000000000, 0x4a3e9f9c00000000,
+ 0xa939101200000000, 0x3739bade00000000, 0x2e307fd400000000,
+ 0xb030d51800000000, 0x53375a9600000000, 0xcd37f05a00000000,
+ 0x4a146bff00000000, 0xd414c13300000000, 0x37134ebd00000000,
+ 0xa913e47100000000, 0xb01a217b00000000, 0x2e1a8bb700000000,
+ 0xcd1d043900000000, 0x531daef500000000, 0xff0f8e2c00000000,
+ 0x610f24e000000000, 0x8208ab6e00000000, 0x1c0801a200000000,
+ 0x0501c4a800000000, 0x9b016e6400000000, 0x7806e1ea00000000,
+ 0xe6064b2600000000}};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xb8bc6765, 0xaa09c88b, 0x12b5afee, 0x8f629757,
+ 0x37def032, 0x256b5fdc, 0x9dd738b9, 0xc5b428ef, 0x7d084f8a,
+ 0x6fbde064, 0xd7018701, 0x4ad6bfb8, 0xf26ad8dd, 0xe0df7733,
+ 0x58631056, 0x5019579f, 0xe8a530fa, 0xfa109f14, 0x42acf871,
+ 0xdf7bc0c8, 0x67c7a7ad, 0x75720843, 0xcdce6f26, 0x95ad7f70,
+ 0x2d111815, 0x3fa4b7fb, 0x8718d09e, 0x1acfe827, 0xa2738f42,
+ 0xb0c620ac, 0x087a47c9, 0xa032af3e, 0x188ec85b, 0x0a3b67b5,
+ 0xb28700d0, 0x2f503869, 0x97ec5f0c, 0x8559f0e2, 0x3de59787,
+ 0x658687d1, 0xdd3ae0b4, 0xcf8f4f5a, 0x7733283f, 0xeae41086,
+ 0x525877e3, 0x40edd80d, 0xf851bf68, 0xf02bf8a1, 0x48979fc4,
+ 0x5a22302a, 0xe29e574f, 0x7f496ff6, 0xc7f50893, 0xd540a77d,
+ 0x6dfcc018, 0x359fd04e, 0x8d23b72b, 0x9f9618c5, 0x272a7fa0,
+ 0xbafd4719, 0x0241207c, 0x10f48f92, 0xa848e8f7, 0x9b14583d,
+ 0x23a83f58, 0x311d90b6, 0x89a1f7d3, 0x1476cf6a, 0xaccaa80f,
+ 0xbe7f07e1, 0x06c36084, 0x5ea070d2, 0xe61c17b7, 0xf4a9b859,
+ 0x4c15df3c, 0xd1c2e785, 0x697e80e0, 0x7bcb2f0e, 0xc377486b,
+ 0xcb0d0fa2, 0x73b168c7, 0x6104c729, 0xd9b8a04c, 0x446f98f5,
+ 0xfcd3ff90, 0xee66507e, 0x56da371b, 0x0eb9274d, 0xb6054028,
+ 0xa4b0efc6, 0x1c0c88a3, 0x81dbb01a, 0x3967d77f, 0x2bd27891,
+ 0x936e1ff4, 0x3b26f703, 0x839a9066, 0x912f3f88, 0x299358ed,
+ 0xb4446054, 0x0cf80731, 0x1e4da8df, 0xa6f1cfba, 0xfe92dfec,
+ 0x462eb889, 0x549b1767, 0xec277002, 0x71f048bb, 0xc94c2fde,
+ 0xdbf98030, 0x6345e755, 0x6b3fa09c, 0xd383c7f9, 0xc1366817,
+ 0x798a0f72, 0xe45d37cb, 0x5ce150ae, 0x4e54ff40, 0xf6e89825,
+ 0xae8b8873, 0x1637ef16, 0x048240f8, 0xbc3e279d, 0x21e91f24,
+ 0x99557841, 0x8be0d7af, 0x335cb0ca, 0xed59b63b, 0x55e5d15e,
+ 0x47507eb0, 0xffec19d5, 0x623b216c, 0xda874609, 0xc832e9e7,
+ 0x708e8e82, 0x28ed9ed4, 0x9051f9b1, 0x82e4565f, 0x3a58313a,
+ 0xa78f0983, 0x1f336ee6, 0x0d86c108, 0xb53aa66d, 0xbd40e1a4,
+ 0x05fc86c1, 0x1749292f, 0xaff54e4a, 0x322276f3, 0x8a9e1196,
+ 0x982bbe78, 0x2097d91d, 0x78f4c94b, 0xc048ae2e, 0xd2fd01c0,
+ 0x6a4166a5, 0xf7965e1c, 0x4f2a3979, 0x5d9f9697, 0xe523f1f2,
+ 0x4d6b1905, 0xf5d77e60, 0xe762d18e, 0x5fdeb6eb, 0xc2098e52,
+ 0x7ab5e937, 0x680046d9, 0xd0bc21bc, 0x88df31ea, 0x3063568f,
+ 0x22d6f961, 0x9a6a9e04, 0x07bda6bd, 0xbf01c1d8, 0xadb46e36,
+ 0x15080953, 0x1d724e9a, 0xa5ce29ff, 0xb77b8611, 0x0fc7e174,
+ 0x9210d9cd, 0x2aacbea8, 0x38191146, 0x80a57623, 0xd8c66675,
+ 0x607a0110, 0x72cfaefe, 0xca73c99b, 0x57a4f122, 0xef189647,
+ 0xfdad39a9, 0x45115ecc, 0x764dee06, 0xcef18963, 0xdc44268d,
+ 0x64f841e8, 0xf92f7951, 0x41931e34, 0x5326b1da, 0xeb9ad6bf,
+ 0xb3f9c6e9, 0x0b45a18c, 0x19f00e62, 0xa14c6907, 0x3c9b51be,
+ 0x842736db, 0x96929935, 0x2e2efe50, 0x2654b999, 0x9ee8defc,
+ 0x8c5d7112, 0x34e11677, 0xa9362ece, 0x118a49ab, 0x033fe645,
+ 0xbb838120, 0xe3e09176, 0x5b5cf613, 0x49e959fd, 0xf1553e98,
+ 0x6c820621, 0xd43e6144, 0xc68bceaa, 0x7e37a9cf, 0xd67f4138,
+ 0x6ec3265d, 0x7c7689b3, 0xc4caeed6, 0x591dd66f, 0xe1a1b10a,
+ 0xf3141ee4, 0x4ba87981, 0x13cb69d7, 0xab770eb2, 0xb9c2a15c,
+ 0x017ec639, 0x9ca9fe80, 0x241599e5, 0x36a0360b, 0x8e1c516e,
+ 0x866616a7, 0x3eda71c2, 0x2c6fde2c, 0x94d3b949, 0x090481f0,
+ 0xb1b8e695, 0xa30d497b, 0x1bb12e1e, 0x43d23e48, 0xfb6e592d,
+ 0xe9dbf6c3, 0x516791a6, 0xccb0a91f, 0x740cce7a, 0x66b96194,
+ 0xde0506f1},
+ {0x00000000, 0x01c26a37, 0x0384d46e, 0x0246be59, 0x0709a8dc,
+ 0x06cbc2eb, 0x048d7cb2, 0x054f1685, 0x0e1351b8, 0x0fd13b8f,
+ 0x0d9785d6, 0x0c55efe1, 0x091af964, 0x08d89353, 0x0a9e2d0a,
+ 0x0b5c473d, 0x1c26a370, 0x1de4c947, 0x1fa2771e, 0x1e601d29,
+ 0x1b2f0bac, 0x1aed619b, 0x18abdfc2, 0x1969b5f5, 0x1235f2c8,
+ 0x13f798ff, 0x11b126a6, 0x10734c91, 0x153c5a14, 0x14fe3023,
+ 0x16b88e7a, 0x177ae44d, 0x384d46e0, 0x398f2cd7, 0x3bc9928e,
+ 0x3a0bf8b9, 0x3f44ee3c, 0x3e86840b, 0x3cc03a52, 0x3d025065,
+ 0x365e1758, 0x379c7d6f, 0x35dac336, 0x3418a901, 0x3157bf84,
+ 0x3095d5b3, 0x32d36bea, 0x331101dd, 0x246be590, 0x25a98fa7,
+ 0x27ef31fe, 0x262d5bc9, 0x23624d4c, 0x22a0277b, 0x20e69922,
+ 0x2124f315, 0x2a78b428, 0x2bbade1f, 0x29fc6046, 0x283e0a71,
+ 0x2d711cf4, 0x2cb376c3, 0x2ef5c89a, 0x2f37a2ad, 0x709a8dc0,
+ 0x7158e7f7, 0x731e59ae, 0x72dc3399, 0x7793251c, 0x76514f2b,
+ 0x7417f172, 0x75d59b45, 0x7e89dc78, 0x7f4bb64f, 0x7d0d0816,
+ 0x7ccf6221, 0x798074a4, 0x78421e93, 0x7a04a0ca, 0x7bc6cafd,
+ 0x6cbc2eb0, 0x6d7e4487, 0x6f38fade, 0x6efa90e9, 0x6bb5866c,
+ 0x6a77ec5b, 0x68315202, 0x69f33835, 0x62af7f08, 0x636d153f,
+ 0x612bab66, 0x60e9c151, 0x65a6d7d4, 0x6464bde3, 0x662203ba,
+ 0x67e0698d, 0x48d7cb20, 0x4915a117, 0x4b531f4e, 0x4a917579,
+ 0x4fde63fc, 0x4e1c09cb, 0x4c5ab792, 0x4d98dda5, 0x46c49a98,
+ 0x4706f0af, 0x45404ef6, 0x448224c1, 0x41cd3244, 0x400f5873,
+ 0x4249e62a, 0x438b8c1d, 0x54f16850, 0x55330267, 0x5775bc3e,
+ 0x56b7d609, 0x53f8c08c, 0x523aaabb, 0x507c14e2, 0x51be7ed5,
+ 0x5ae239e8, 0x5b2053df, 0x5966ed86, 0x58a487b1, 0x5deb9134,
+ 0x5c29fb03, 0x5e6f455a, 0x5fad2f6d, 0xe1351b80, 0xe0f771b7,
+ 0xe2b1cfee, 0xe373a5d9, 0xe63cb35c, 0xe7fed96b, 0xe5b86732,
+ 0xe47a0d05, 0xef264a38, 0xeee4200f, 0xeca29e56, 0xed60f461,
+ 0xe82fe2e4, 0xe9ed88d3, 0xebab368a, 0xea695cbd, 0xfd13b8f0,
+ 0xfcd1d2c7, 0xfe976c9e, 0xff5506a9, 0xfa1a102c, 0xfbd87a1b,
+ 0xf99ec442, 0xf85cae75, 0xf300e948, 0xf2c2837f, 0xf0843d26,
+ 0xf1465711, 0xf4094194, 0xf5cb2ba3, 0xf78d95fa, 0xf64fffcd,
+ 0xd9785d60, 0xd8ba3757, 0xdafc890e, 0xdb3ee339, 0xde71f5bc,
+ 0xdfb39f8b, 0xddf521d2, 0xdc374be5, 0xd76b0cd8, 0xd6a966ef,
+ 0xd4efd8b6, 0xd52db281, 0xd062a404, 0xd1a0ce33, 0xd3e6706a,
+ 0xd2241a5d, 0xc55efe10, 0xc49c9427, 0xc6da2a7e, 0xc7184049,
+ 0xc25756cc, 0xc3953cfb, 0xc1d382a2, 0xc011e895, 0xcb4dafa8,
+ 0xca8fc59f, 0xc8c97bc6, 0xc90b11f1, 0xcc440774, 0xcd866d43,
+ 0xcfc0d31a, 0xce02b92d, 0x91af9640, 0x906dfc77, 0x922b422e,
+ 0x93e92819, 0x96a63e9c, 0x976454ab, 0x9522eaf2, 0x94e080c5,
+ 0x9fbcc7f8, 0x9e7eadcf, 0x9c381396, 0x9dfa79a1, 0x98b56f24,
+ 0x99770513, 0x9b31bb4a, 0x9af3d17d, 0x8d893530, 0x8c4b5f07,
+ 0x8e0de15e, 0x8fcf8b69, 0x8a809dec, 0x8b42f7db, 0x89044982,
+ 0x88c623b5, 0x839a6488, 0x82580ebf, 0x801eb0e6, 0x81dcdad1,
+ 0x8493cc54, 0x8551a663, 0x8717183a, 0x86d5720d, 0xa9e2d0a0,
+ 0xa820ba97, 0xaa6604ce, 0xaba46ef9, 0xaeeb787c, 0xaf29124b,
+ 0xad6fac12, 0xacadc625, 0xa7f18118, 0xa633eb2f, 0xa4755576,
+ 0xa5b73f41, 0xa0f829c4, 0xa13a43f3, 0xa37cfdaa, 0xa2be979d,
+ 0xb5c473d0, 0xb40619e7, 0xb640a7be, 0xb782cd89, 0xb2cddb0c,
+ 0xb30fb13b, 0xb1490f62, 0xb08b6555, 0xbbd72268, 0xba15485f,
+ 0xb853f606, 0xb9919c31, 0xbcde8ab4, 0xbd1ce083, 0xbf5a5eda,
+ 0xbe9834ed},
+ {0x00000000, 0x191b3141, 0x32366282, 0x2b2d53c3, 0x646cc504,
+ 0x7d77f445, 0x565aa786, 0x4f4196c7, 0xc8d98a08, 0xd1c2bb49,
+ 0xfaefe88a, 0xe3f4d9cb, 0xacb54f0c, 0xb5ae7e4d, 0x9e832d8e,
+ 0x87981ccf, 0x4ac21251, 0x53d92310, 0x78f470d3, 0x61ef4192,
+ 0x2eaed755, 0x37b5e614, 0x1c98b5d7, 0x05838496, 0x821b9859,
+ 0x9b00a918, 0xb02dfadb, 0xa936cb9a, 0xe6775d5d, 0xff6c6c1c,
+ 0xd4413fdf, 0xcd5a0e9e, 0x958424a2, 0x8c9f15e3, 0xa7b24620,
+ 0xbea97761, 0xf1e8e1a6, 0xe8f3d0e7, 0xc3de8324, 0xdac5b265,
+ 0x5d5daeaa, 0x44469feb, 0x6f6bcc28, 0x7670fd69, 0x39316bae,
+ 0x202a5aef, 0x0b07092c, 0x121c386d, 0xdf4636f3, 0xc65d07b2,
+ 0xed705471, 0xf46b6530, 0xbb2af3f7, 0xa231c2b6, 0x891c9175,
+ 0x9007a034, 0x179fbcfb, 0x0e848dba, 0x25a9de79, 0x3cb2ef38,
+ 0x73f379ff, 0x6ae848be, 0x41c51b7d, 0x58de2a3c, 0xf0794f05,
+ 0xe9627e44, 0xc24f2d87, 0xdb541cc6, 0x94158a01, 0x8d0ebb40,
+ 0xa623e883, 0xbf38d9c2, 0x38a0c50d, 0x21bbf44c, 0x0a96a78f,
+ 0x138d96ce, 0x5ccc0009, 0x45d73148, 0x6efa628b, 0x77e153ca,
+ 0xbabb5d54, 0xa3a06c15, 0x888d3fd6, 0x91960e97, 0xded79850,
+ 0xc7cca911, 0xece1fad2, 0xf5facb93, 0x7262d75c, 0x6b79e61d,
+ 0x4054b5de, 0x594f849f, 0x160e1258, 0x0f152319, 0x243870da,
+ 0x3d23419b, 0x65fd6ba7, 0x7ce65ae6, 0x57cb0925, 0x4ed03864,
+ 0x0191aea3, 0x188a9fe2, 0x33a7cc21, 0x2abcfd60, 0xad24e1af,
+ 0xb43fd0ee, 0x9f12832d, 0x8609b26c, 0xc94824ab, 0xd05315ea,
+ 0xfb7e4629, 0xe2657768, 0x2f3f79f6, 0x362448b7, 0x1d091b74,
+ 0x04122a35, 0x4b53bcf2, 0x52488db3, 0x7965de70, 0x607eef31,
+ 0xe7e6f3fe, 0xfefdc2bf, 0xd5d0917c, 0xcccba03d, 0x838a36fa,
+ 0x9a9107bb, 0xb1bc5478, 0xa8a76539, 0x3b83984b, 0x2298a90a,
+ 0x09b5fac9, 0x10aecb88, 0x5fef5d4f, 0x46f46c0e, 0x6dd93fcd,
+ 0x74c20e8c, 0xf35a1243, 0xea412302, 0xc16c70c1, 0xd8774180,
+ 0x9736d747, 0x8e2de606, 0xa500b5c5, 0xbc1b8484, 0x71418a1a,
+ 0x685abb5b, 0x4377e898, 0x5a6cd9d9, 0x152d4f1e, 0x0c367e5f,
+ 0x271b2d9c, 0x3e001cdd, 0xb9980012, 0xa0833153, 0x8bae6290,
+ 0x92b553d1, 0xddf4c516, 0xc4eff457, 0xefc2a794, 0xf6d996d5,
+ 0xae07bce9, 0xb71c8da8, 0x9c31de6b, 0x852aef2a, 0xca6b79ed,
+ 0xd37048ac, 0xf85d1b6f, 0xe1462a2e, 0x66de36e1, 0x7fc507a0,
+ 0x54e85463, 0x4df36522, 0x02b2f3e5, 0x1ba9c2a4, 0x30849167,
+ 0x299fa026, 0xe4c5aeb8, 0xfdde9ff9, 0xd6f3cc3a, 0xcfe8fd7b,
+ 0x80a96bbc, 0x99b25afd, 0xb29f093e, 0xab84387f, 0x2c1c24b0,
+ 0x350715f1, 0x1e2a4632, 0x07317773, 0x4870e1b4, 0x516bd0f5,
+ 0x7a468336, 0x635db277, 0xcbfad74e, 0xd2e1e60f, 0xf9ccb5cc,
+ 0xe0d7848d, 0xaf96124a, 0xb68d230b, 0x9da070c8, 0x84bb4189,
+ 0x03235d46, 0x1a386c07, 0x31153fc4, 0x280e0e85, 0x674f9842,
+ 0x7e54a903, 0x5579fac0, 0x4c62cb81, 0x8138c51f, 0x9823f45e,
+ 0xb30ea79d, 0xaa1596dc, 0xe554001b, 0xfc4f315a, 0xd7626299,
+ 0xce7953d8, 0x49e14f17, 0x50fa7e56, 0x7bd72d95, 0x62cc1cd4,
+ 0x2d8d8a13, 0x3496bb52, 0x1fbbe891, 0x06a0d9d0, 0x5e7ef3ec,
+ 0x4765c2ad, 0x6c48916e, 0x7553a02f, 0x3a1236e8, 0x230907a9,
+ 0x0824546a, 0x113f652b, 0x96a779e4, 0x8fbc48a5, 0xa4911b66,
+ 0xbd8a2a27, 0xf2cbbce0, 0xebd08da1, 0xc0fdde62, 0xd9e6ef23,
+ 0x14bce1bd, 0x0da7d0fc, 0x268a833f, 0x3f91b27e, 0x70d024b9,
+ 0x69cb15f8, 0x42e6463b, 0x5bfd777a, 0xdc656bb5, 0xc57e5af4,
+ 0xee530937, 0xf7483876, 0xb809aeb1, 0xa1129ff0, 0x8a3fcc33,
+ 0x9324fd72},
+ {0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419,
+ 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4,
+ 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07,
+ 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de,
+ 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856,
+ 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9,
+ 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4,
+ 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b,
+ 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3,
+ 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a,
+ 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599,
+ 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924,
+ 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190,
+ 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f,
+ 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e,
+ 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01,
+ 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed,
+ 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950,
+ 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3,
+ 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2,
+ 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a,
+ 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5,
+ 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010,
+ 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f,
+ 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17,
+ 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6,
+ 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615,
+ 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8,
+ 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344,
+ 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb,
+ 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a,
+ 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5,
+ 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1,
+ 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c,
+ 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef,
+ 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236,
+ 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe,
+ 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31,
+ 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c,
+ 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
+ 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b,
+ 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242,
+ 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1,
+ 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c,
+ 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278,
+ 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7,
+ 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66,
+ 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9,
+ 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605,
+ 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8,
+ 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b,
+ 0x2d02ef8d}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x96300777, 0x2c610eee, 0xba510999, 0x19c46d07,
+ 0x8ff46a70, 0x35a563e9, 0xa395649e, 0x3288db0e, 0xa4b8dc79,
+ 0x1ee9d5e0, 0x88d9d297, 0x2b4cb609, 0xbd7cb17e, 0x072db8e7,
+ 0x911dbf90, 0x6410b71d, 0xf220b06a, 0x4871b9f3, 0xde41be84,
+ 0x7dd4da1a, 0xebe4dd6d, 0x51b5d4f4, 0xc785d383, 0x56986c13,
+ 0xc0a86b64, 0x7af962fd, 0xecc9658a, 0x4f5c0114, 0xd96c0663,
+ 0x633d0ffa, 0xf50d088d, 0xc8206e3b, 0x5e10694c, 0xe44160d5,
+ 0x727167a2, 0xd1e4033c, 0x47d4044b, 0xfd850dd2, 0x6bb50aa5,
+ 0xfaa8b535, 0x6c98b242, 0xd6c9bbdb, 0x40f9bcac, 0xe36cd832,
+ 0x755cdf45, 0xcf0dd6dc, 0x593dd1ab, 0xac30d926, 0x3a00de51,
+ 0x8051d7c8, 0x1661d0bf, 0xb5f4b421, 0x23c4b356, 0x9995bacf,
+ 0x0fa5bdb8, 0x9eb80228, 0x0888055f, 0xb2d90cc6, 0x24e90bb1,
+ 0x877c6f2f, 0x114c6858, 0xab1d61c1, 0x3d2d66b6, 0x9041dc76,
+ 0x0671db01, 0xbc20d298, 0x2a10d5ef, 0x8985b171, 0x1fb5b606,
+ 0xa5e4bf9f, 0x33d4b8e8, 0xa2c90778, 0x34f9000f, 0x8ea80996,
+ 0x18980ee1, 0xbb0d6a7f, 0x2d3d6d08, 0x976c6491, 0x015c63e6,
+ 0xf4516b6b, 0x62616c1c, 0xd8306585, 0x4e0062f2, 0xed95066c,
+ 0x7ba5011b, 0xc1f40882, 0x57c40ff5, 0xc6d9b065, 0x50e9b712,
+ 0xeab8be8b, 0x7c88b9fc, 0xdf1ddd62, 0x492dda15, 0xf37cd38c,
+ 0x654cd4fb, 0x5861b24d, 0xce51b53a, 0x7400bca3, 0xe230bbd4,
+ 0x41a5df4a, 0xd795d83d, 0x6dc4d1a4, 0xfbf4d6d3, 0x6ae96943,
+ 0xfcd96e34, 0x468867ad, 0xd0b860da, 0x732d0444, 0xe51d0333,
+ 0x5f4c0aaa, 0xc97c0ddd, 0x3c710550, 0xaa410227, 0x10100bbe,
+ 0x86200cc9, 0x25b56857, 0xb3856f20, 0x09d466b9, 0x9fe461ce,
+ 0x0ef9de5e, 0x98c9d929, 0x2298d0b0, 0xb4a8d7c7, 0x173db359,
+ 0x810db42e, 0x3b5cbdb7, 0xad6cbac0, 0x2083b8ed, 0xb6b3bf9a,
+ 0x0ce2b603, 0x9ad2b174, 0x3947d5ea, 0xaf77d29d, 0x1526db04,
+ 0x8316dc73, 0x120b63e3, 0x843b6494, 0x3e6a6d0d, 0xa85a6a7a,
+ 0x0bcf0ee4, 0x9dff0993, 0x27ae000a, 0xb19e077d, 0x44930ff0,
+ 0xd2a30887, 0x68f2011e, 0xfec20669, 0x5d5762f7, 0xcb676580,
+ 0x71366c19, 0xe7066b6e, 0x761bd4fe, 0xe02bd389, 0x5a7ada10,
+ 0xcc4add67, 0x6fdfb9f9, 0xf9efbe8e, 0x43beb717, 0xd58eb060,
+ 0xe8a3d6d6, 0x7e93d1a1, 0xc4c2d838, 0x52f2df4f, 0xf167bbd1,
+ 0x6757bca6, 0xdd06b53f, 0x4b36b248, 0xda2b0dd8, 0x4c1b0aaf,
+ 0xf64a0336, 0x607a0441, 0xc3ef60df, 0x55df67a8, 0xef8e6e31,
+ 0x79be6946, 0x8cb361cb, 0x1a8366bc, 0xa0d26f25, 0x36e26852,
+ 0x95770ccc, 0x03470bbb, 0xb9160222, 0x2f260555, 0xbe3bbac5,
+ 0x280bbdb2, 0x925ab42b, 0x046ab35c, 0xa7ffd7c2, 0x31cfd0b5,
+ 0x8b9ed92c, 0x1daede5b, 0xb0c2649b, 0x26f263ec, 0x9ca36a75,
+ 0x0a936d02, 0xa906099c, 0x3f360eeb, 0x85670772, 0x13570005,
+ 0x824abf95, 0x147ab8e2, 0xae2bb17b, 0x381bb60c, 0x9b8ed292,
+ 0x0dbed5e5, 0xb7efdc7c, 0x21dfdb0b, 0xd4d2d386, 0x42e2d4f1,
+ 0xf8b3dd68, 0x6e83da1f, 0xcd16be81, 0x5b26b9f6, 0xe177b06f,
+ 0x7747b718, 0xe65a0888, 0x706a0fff, 0xca3b0666, 0x5c0b0111,
+ 0xff9e658f, 0x69ae62f8, 0xd3ff6b61, 0x45cf6c16, 0x78e20aa0,
+ 0xeed20dd7, 0x5483044e, 0xc2b30339, 0x612667a7, 0xf71660d0,
+ 0x4d476949, 0xdb776e3e, 0x4a6ad1ae, 0xdc5ad6d9, 0x660bdf40,
+ 0xf03bd837, 0x53aebca9, 0xc59ebbde, 0x7fcfb247, 0xe9ffb530,
+ 0x1cf2bdbd, 0x8ac2baca, 0x3093b353, 0xa6a3b424, 0x0536d0ba,
+ 0x9306d7cd, 0x2957de54, 0xbf67d923, 0x2e7a66b3, 0xb84a61c4,
+ 0x021b685d, 0x942b6f2a, 0x37be0bb4, 0xa18e0cc3, 0x1bdf055a,
+ 0x8def022d},
+ {0x00000000, 0x41311b19, 0x82623632, 0xc3532d2b, 0x04c56c64,
+ 0x45f4777d, 0x86a75a56, 0xc796414f, 0x088ad9c8, 0x49bbc2d1,
+ 0x8ae8effa, 0xcbd9f4e3, 0x0c4fb5ac, 0x4d7eaeb5, 0x8e2d839e,
+ 0xcf1c9887, 0x5112c24a, 0x1023d953, 0xd370f478, 0x9241ef61,
+ 0x55d7ae2e, 0x14e6b537, 0xd7b5981c, 0x96848305, 0x59981b82,
+ 0x18a9009b, 0xdbfa2db0, 0x9acb36a9, 0x5d5d77e6, 0x1c6c6cff,
+ 0xdf3f41d4, 0x9e0e5acd, 0xa2248495, 0xe3159f8c, 0x2046b2a7,
+ 0x6177a9be, 0xa6e1e8f1, 0xe7d0f3e8, 0x2483dec3, 0x65b2c5da,
+ 0xaaae5d5d, 0xeb9f4644, 0x28cc6b6f, 0x69fd7076, 0xae6b3139,
+ 0xef5a2a20, 0x2c09070b, 0x6d381c12, 0xf33646df, 0xb2075dc6,
+ 0x715470ed, 0x30656bf4, 0xf7f32abb, 0xb6c231a2, 0x75911c89,
+ 0x34a00790, 0xfbbc9f17, 0xba8d840e, 0x79dea925, 0x38efb23c,
+ 0xff79f373, 0xbe48e86a, 0x7d1bc541, 0x3c2ade58, 0x054f79f0,
+ 0x447e62e9, 0x872d4fc2, 0xc61c54db, 0x018a1594, 0x40bb0e8d,
+ 0x83e823a6, 0xc2d938bf, 0x0dc5a038, 0x4cf4bb21, 0x8fa7960a,
+ 0xce968d13, 0x0900cc5c, 0x4831d745, 0x8b62fa6e, 0xca53e177,
+ 0x545dbbba, 0x156ca0a3, 0xd63f8d88, 0x970e9691, 0x5098d7de,
+ 0x11a9ccc7, 0xd2fae1ec, 0x93cbfaf5, 0x5cd76272, 0x1de6796b,
+ 0xdeb55440, 0x9f844f59, 0x58120e16, 0x1923150f, 0xda703824,
+ 0x9b41233d, 0xa76bfd65, 0xe65ae67c, 0x2509cb57, 0x6438d04e,
+ 0xa3ae9101, 0xe29f8a18, 0x21cca733, 0x60fdbc2a, 0xafe124ad,
+ 0xeed03fb4, 0x2d83129f, 0x6cb20986, 0xab2448c9, 0xea1553d0,
+ 0x29467efb, 0x687765e2, 0xf6793f2f, 0xb7482436, 0x741b091d,
+ 0x352a1204, 0xf2bc534b, 0xb38d4852, 0x70de6579, 0x31ef7e60,
+ 0xfef3e6e7, 0xbfc2fdfe, 0x7c91d0d5, 0x3da0cbcc, 0xfa368a83,
+ 0xbb07919a, 0x7854bcb1, 0x3965a7a8, 0x4b98833b, 0x0aa99822,
+ 0xc9fab509, 0x88cbae10, 0x4f5def5f, 0x0e6cf446, 0xcd3fd96d,
+ 0x8c0ec274, 0x43125af3, 0x022341ea, 0xc1706cc1, 0x804177d8,
+ 0x47d73697, 0x06e62d8e, 0xc5b500a5, 0x84841bbc, 0x1a8a4171,
+ 0x5bbb5a68, 0x98e87743, 0xd9d96c5a, 0x1e4f2d15, 0x5f7e360c,
+ 0x9c2d1b27, 0xdd1c003e, 0x120098b9, 0x533183a0, 0x9062ae8b,
+ 0xd153b592, 0x16c5f4dd, 0x57f4efc4, 0x94a7c2ef, 0xd596d9f6,
+ 0xe9bc07ae, 0xa88d1cb7, 0x6bde319c, 0x2aef2a85, 0xed796bca,
+ 0xac4870d3, 0x6f1b5df8, 0x2e2a46e1, 0xe136de66, 0xa007c57f,
+ 0x6354e854, 0x2265f34d, 0xe5f3b202, 0xa4c2a91b, 0x67918430,
+ 0x26a09f29, 0xb8aec5e4, 0xf99fdefd, 0x3accf3d6, 0x7bfde8cf,
+ 0xbc6ba980, 0xfd5ab299, 0x3e099fb2, 0x7f3884ab, 0xb0241c2c,
+ 0xf1150735, 0x32462a1e, 0x73773107, 0xb4e17048, 0xf5d06b51,
+ 0x3683467a, 0x77b25d63, 0x4ed7facb, 0x0fe6e1d2, 0xccb5ccf9,
+ 0x8d84d7e0, 0x4a1296af, 0x0b238db6, 0xc870a09d, 0x8941bb84,
+ 0x465d2303, 0x076c381a, 0xc43f1531, 0x850e0e28, 0x42984f67,
+ 0x03a9547e, 0xc0fa7955, 0x81cb624c, 0x1fc53881, 0x5ef42398,
+ 0x9da70eb3, 0xdc9615aa, 0x1b0054e5, 0x5a314ffc, 0x996262d7,
+ 0xd85379ce, 0x174fe149, 0x567efa50, 0x952dd77b, 0xd41ccc62,
+ 0x138a8d2d, 0x52bb9634, 0x91e8bb1f, 0xd0d9a006, 0xecf37e5e,
+ 0xadc26547, 0x6e91486c, 0x2fa05375, 0xe836123a, 0xa9070923,
+ 0x6a542408, 0x2b653f11, 0xe479a796, 0xa548bc8f, 0x661b91a4,
+ 0x272a8abd, 0xe0bccbf2, 0xa18dd0eb, 0x62defdc0, 0x23efe6d9,
+ 0xbde1bc14, 0xfcd0a70d, 0x3f838a26, 0x7eb2913f, 0xb924d070,
+ 0xf815cb69, 0x3b46e642, 0x7a77fd5b, 0xb56b65dc, 0xf45a7ec5,
+ 0x370953ee, 0x763848f7, 0xb1ae09b8, 0xf09f12a1, 0x33cc3f8a,
+ 0x72fd2493},
+ {0x00000000, 0x376ac201, 0x6ed48403, 0x59be4602, 0xdca80907,
+ 0xebc2cb06, 0xb27c8d04, 0x85164f05, 0xb851130e, 0x8f3bd10f,
+ 0xd685970d, 0xe1ef550c, 0x64f91a09, 0x5393d808, 0x0a2d9e0a,
+ 0x3d475c0b, 0x70a3261c, 0x47c9e41d, 0x1e77a21f, 0x291d601e,
+ 0xac0b2f1b, 0x9b61ed1a, 0xc2dfab18, 0xf5b56919, 0xc8f23512,
+ 0xff98f713, 0xa626b111, 0x914c7310, 0x145a3c15, 0x2330fe14,
+ 0x7a8eb816, 0x4de47a17, 0xe0464d38, 0xd72c8f39, 0x8e92c93b,
+ 0xb9f80b3a, 0x3cee443f, 0x0b84863e, 0x523ac03c, 0x6550023d,
+ 0x58175e36, 0x6f7d9c37, 0x36c3da35, 0x01a91834, 0x84bf5731,
+ 0xb3d59530, 0xea6bd332, 0xdd011133, 0x90e56b24, 0xa78fa925,
+ 0xfe31ef27, 0xc95b2d26, 0x4c4d6223, 0x7b27a022, 0x2299e620,
+ 0x15f32421, 0x28b4782a, 0x1fdeba2b, 0x4660fc29, 0x710a3e28,
+ 0xf41c712d, 0xc376b32c, 0x9ac8f52e, 0xada2372f, 0xc08d9a70,
+ 0xf7e75871, 0xae591e73, 0x9933dc72, 0x1c259377, 0x2b4f5176,
+ 0x72f11774, 0x459bd575, 0x78dc897e, 0x4fb64b7f, 0x16080d7d,
+ 0x2162cf7c, 0xa4748079, 0x931e4278, 0xcaa0047a, 0xfdcac67b,
+ 0xb02ebc6c, 0x87447e6d, 0xdefa386f, 0xe990fa6e, 0x6c86b56b,
+ 0x5bec776a, 0x02523168, 0x3538f369, 0x087faf62, 0x3f156d63,
+ 0x66ab2b61, 0x51c1e960, 0xd4d7a665, 0xe3bd6464, 0xba032266,
+ 0x8d69e067, 0x20cbd748, 0x17a11549, 0x4e1f534b, 0x7975914a,
+ 0xfc63de4f, 0xcb091c4e, 0x92b75a4c, 0xa5dd984d, 0x989ac446,
+ 0xaff00647, 0xf64e4045, 0xc1248244, 0x4432cd41, 0x73580f40,
+ 0x2ae64942, 0x1d8c8b43, 0x5068f154, 0x67023355, 0x3ebc7557,
+ 0x09d6b756, 0x8cc0f853, 0xbbaa3a52, 0xe2147c50, 0xd57ebe51,
+ 0xe839e25a, 0xdf53205b, 0x86ed6659, 0xb187a458, 0x3491eb5d,
+ 0x03fb295c, 0x5a456f5e, 0x6d2fad5f, 0x801b35e1, 0xb771f7e0,
+ 0xeecfb1e2, 0xd9a573e3, 0x5cb33ce6, 0x6bd9fee7, 0x3267b8e5,
+ 0x050d7ae4, 0x384a26ef, 0x0f20e4ee, 0x569ea2ec, 0x61f460ed,
+ 0xe4e22fe8, 0xd388ede9, 0x8a36abeb, 0xbd5c69ea, 0xf0b813fd,
+ 0xc7d2d1fc, 0x9e6c97fe, 0xa90655ff, 0x2c101afa, 0x1b7ad8fb,
+ 0x42c49ef9, 0x75ae5cf8, 0x48e900f3, 0x7f83c2f2, 0x263d84f0,
+ 0x115746f1, 0x944109f4, 0xa32bcbf5, 0xfa958df7, 0xcdff4ff6,
+ 0x605d78d9, 0x5737bad8, 0x0e89fcda, 0x39e33edb, 0xbcf571de,
+ 0x8b9fb3df, 0xd221f5dd, 0xe54b37dc, 0xd80c6bd7, 0xef66a9d6,
+ 0xb6d8efd4, 0x81b22dd5, 0x04a462d0, 0x33cea0d1, 0x6a70e6d3,
+ 0x5d1a24d2, 0x10fe5ec5, 0x27949cc4, 0x7e2adac6, 0x494018c7,
+ 0xcc5657c2, 0xfb3c95c3, 0xa282d3c1, 0x95e811c0, 0xa8af4dcb,
+ 0x9fc58fca, 0xc67bc9c8, 0xf1110bc9, 0x740744cc, 0x436d86cd,
+ 0x1ad3c0cf, 0x2db902ce, 0x4096af91, 0x77fc6d90, 0x2e422b92,
+ 0x1928e993, 0x9c3ea696, 0xab546497, 0xf2ea2295, 0xc580e094,
+ 0xf8c7bc9f, 0xcfad7e9e, 0x9613389c, 0xa179fa9d, 0x246fb598,
+ 0x13057799, 0x4abb319b, 0x7dd1f39a, 0x3035898d, 0x075f4b8c,
+ 0x5ee10d8e, 0x698bcf8f, 0xec9d808a, 0xdbf7428b, 0x82490489,
+ 0xb523c688, 0x88649a83, 0xbf0e5882, 0xe6b01e80, 0xd1dadc81,
+ 0x54cc9384, 0x63a65185, 0x3a181787, 0x0d72d586, 0xa0d0e2a9,
+ 0x97ba20a8, 0xce0466aa, 0xf96ea4ab, 0x7c78ebae, 0x4b1229af,
+ 0x12ac6fad, 0x25c6adac, 0x1881f1a7, 0x2feb33a6, 0x765575a4,
+ 0x413fb7a5, 0xc429f8a0, 0xf3433aa1, 0xaafd7ca3, 0x9d97bea2,
+ 0xd073c4b5, 0xe71906b4, 0xbea740b6, 0x89cd82b7, 0x0cdbcdb2,
+ 0x3bb10fb3, 0x620f49b1, 0x55658bb0, 0x6822d7bb, 0x5f4815ba,
+ 0x06f653b8, 0x319c91b9, 0xb48adebc, 0x83e01cbd, 0xda5e5abf,
+ 0xed3498be},
+ {0x00000000, 0x6567bcb8, 0x8bc809aa, 0xeeafb512, 0x5797628f,
+ 0x32f0de37, 0xdc5f6b25, 0xb938d79d, 0xef28b4c5, 0x8a4f087d,
+ 0x64e0bd6f, 0x018701d7, 0xb8bfd64a, 0xddd86af2, 0x3377dfe0,
+ 0x56106358, 0x9f571950, 0xfa30a5e8, 0x149f10fa, 0x71f8ac42,
+ 0xc8c07bdf, 0xada7c767, 0x43087275, 0x266fcecd, 0x707fad95,
+ 0x1518112d, 0xfbb7a43f, 0x9ed01887, 0x27e8cf1a, 0x428f73a2,
+ 0xac20c6b0, 0xc9477a08, 0x3eaf32a0, 0x5bc88e18, 0xb5673b0a,
+ 0xd00087b2, 0x6938502f, 0x0c5fec97, 0xe2f05985, 0x8797e53d,
+ 0xd1878665, 0xb4e03add, 0x5a4f8fcf, 0x3f283377, 0x8610e4ea,
+ 0xe3775852, 0x0dd8ed40, 0x68bf51f8, 0xa1f82bf0, 0xc49f9748,
+ 0x2a30225a, 0x4f579ee2, 0xf66f497f, 0x9308f5c7, 0x7da740d5,
+ 0x18c0fc6d, 0x4ed09f35, 0x2bb7238d, 0xc518969f, 0xa07f2a27,
+ 0x1947fdba, 0x7c204102, 0x928ff410, 0xf7e848a8, 0x3d58149b,
+ 0x583fa823, 0xb6901d31, 0xd3f7a189, 0x6acf7614, 0x0fa8caac,
+ 0xe1077fbe, 0x8460c306, 0xd270a05e, 0xb7171ce6, 0x59b8a9f4,
+ 0x3cdf154c, 0x85e7c2d1, 0xe0807e69, 0x0e2fcb7b, 0x6b4877c3,
+ 0xa20f0dcb, 0xc768b173, 0x29c70461, 0x4ca0b8d9, 0xf5986f44,
+ 0x90ffd3fc, 0x7e5066ee, 0x1b37da56, 0x4d27b90e, 0x284005b6,
+ 0xc6efb0a4, 0xa3880c1c, 0x1ab0db81, 0x7fd76739, 0x9178d22b,
+ 0xf41f6e93, 0x03f7263b, 0x66909a83, 0x883f2f91, 0xed589329,
+ 0x546044b4, 0x3107f80c, 0xdfa84d1e, 0xbacff1a6, 0xecdf92fe,
+ 0x89b82e46, 0x67179b54, 0x027027ec, 0xbb48f071, 0xde2f4cc9,
+ 0x3080f9db, 0x55e74563, 0x9ca03f6b, 0xf9c783d3, 0x176836c1,
+ 0x720f8a79, 0xcb375de4, 0xae50e15c, 0x40ff544e, 0x2598e8f6,
+ 0x73888bae, 0x16ef3716, 0xf8408204, 0x9d273ebc, 0x241fe921,
+ 0x41785599, 0xafd7e08b, 0xcab05c33, 0x3bb659ed, 0x5ed1e555,
+ 0xb07e5047, 0xd519ecff, 0x6c213b62, 0x094687da, 0xe7e932c8,
+ 0x828e8e70, 0xd49eed28, 0xb1f95190, 0x5f56e482, 0x3a31583a,
+ 0x83098fa7, 0xe66e331f, 0x08c1860d, 0x6da63ab5, 0xa4e140bd,
+ 0xc186fc05, 0x2f294917, 0x4a4ef5af, 0xf3762232, 0x96119e8a,
+ 0x78be2b98, 0x1dd99720, 0x4bc9f478, 0x2eae48c0, 0xc001fdd2,
+ 0xa566416a, 0x1c5e96f7, 0x79392a4f, 0x97969f5d, 0xf2f123e5,
+ 0x05196b4d, 0x607ed7f5, 0x8ed162e7, 0xebb6de5f, 0x528e09c2,
+ 0x37e9b57a, 0xd9460068, 0xbc21bcd0, 0xea31df88, 0x8f566330,
+ 0x61f9d622, 0x049e6a9a, 0xbda6bd07, 0xd8c101bf, 0x366eb4ad,
+ 0x53090815, 0x9a4e721d, 0xff29cea5, 0x11867bb7, 0x74e1c70f,
+ 0xcdd91092, 0xa8beac2a, 0x46111938, 0x2376a580, 0x7566c6d8,
+ 0x10017a60, 0xfeaecf72, 0x9bc973ca, 0x22f1a457, 0x479618ef,
+ 0xa939adfd, 0xcc5e1145, 0x06ee4d76, 0x6389f1ce, 0x8d2644dc,
+ 0xe841f864, 0x51792ff9, 0x341e9341, 0xdab12653, 0xbfd69aeb,
+ 0xe9c6f9b3, 0x8ca1450b, 0x620ef019, 0x07694ca1, 0xbe519b3c,
+ 0xdb362784, 0x35999296, 0x50fe2e2e, 0x99b95426, 0xfcdee89e,
+ 0x12715d8c, 0x7716e134, 0xce2e36a9, 0xab498a11, 0x45e63f03,
+ 0x208183bb, 0x7691e0e3, 0x13f65c5b, 0xfd59e949, 0x983e55f1,
+ 0x2106826c, 0x44613ed4, 0xaace8bc6, 0xcfa9377e, 0x38417fd6,
+ 0x5d26c36e, 0xb389767c, 0xd6eecac4, 0x6fd61d59, 0x0ab1a1e1,
+ 0xe41e14f3, 0x8179a84b, 0xd769cb13, 0xb20e77ab, 0x5ca1c2b9,
+ 0x39c67e01, 0x80fea99c, 0xe5991524, 0x0b36a036, 0x6e511c8e,
+ 0xa7166686, 0xc271da3e, 0x2cde6f2c, 0x49b9d394, 0xf0810409,
+ 0x95e6b8b1, 0x7b490da3, 0x1e2eb11b, 0x483ed243, 0x2d596efb,
+ 0xc3f6dbe9, 0xa6916751, 0x1fa9b0cc, 0x7ace0c74, 0x9461b966,
+ 0xf10605de}};
+#if N == 2
+#if W == 8
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xae689191, 0x87a02563, 0x29c8b4f2, 0xd4314c87,
+ 0x7a59dd16, 0x539169e4, 0xfdf9f875, 0x73139f4f, 0xdd7b0ede,
+ 0xf4b3ba2c, 0x5adb2bbd, 0xa722d3c8, 0x094a4259, 0x2082f6ab,
+ 0x8eea673a, 0xe6273e9e, 0x484faf0f, 0x61871bfd, 0xcfef8a6c,
+ 0x32167219, 0x9c7ee388, 0xb5b6577a, 0x1bdec6eb, 0x9534a1d1,
+ 0x3b5c3040, 0x129484b2, 0xbcfc1523, 0x4105ed56, 0xef6d7cc7,
+ 0xc6a5c835, 0x68cd59a4, 0x173f7b7d, 0xb957eaec, 0x909f5e1e,
+ 0x3ef7cf8f, 0xc30e37fa, 0x6d66a66b, 0x44ae1299, 0xeac68308,
+ 0x642ce432, 0xca4475a3, 0xe38cc151, 0x4de450c0, 0xb01da8b5,
+ 0x1e753924, 0x37bd8dd6, 0x99d51c47, 0xf11845e3, 0x5f70d472,
+ 0x76b86080, 0xd8d0f111, 0x25290964, 0x8b4198f5, 0xa2892c07,
+ 0x0ce1bd96, 0x820bdaac, 0x2c634b3d, 0x05abffcf, 0xabc36e5e,
+ 0x563a962b, 0xf85207ba, 0xd19ab348, 0x7ff222d9, 0x2e7ef6fa,
+ 0x8016676b, 0xa9ded399, 0x07b64208, 0xfa4fba7d, 0x54272bec,
+ 0x7def9f1e, 0xd3870e8f, 0x5d6d69b5, 0xf305f824, 0xdacd4cd6,
+ 0x74a5dd47, 0x895c2532, 0x2734b4a3, 0x0efc0051, 0xa09491c0,
+ 0xc859c864, 0x663159f5, 0x4ff9ed07, 0xe1917c96, 0x1c6884e3,
+ 0xb2001572, 0x9bc8a180, 0x35a03011, 0xbb4a572b, 0x1522c6ba,
+ 0x3cea7248, 0x9282e3d9, 0x6f7b1bac, 0xc1138a3d, 0xe8db3ecf,
+ 0x46b3af5e, 0x39418d87, 0x97291c16, 0xbee1a8e4, 0x10893975,
+ 0xed70c100, 0x43185091, 0x6ad0e463, 0xc4b875f2, 0x4a5212c8,
+ 0xe43a8359, 0xcdf237ab, 0x639aa63a, 0x9e635e4f, 0x300bcfde,
+ 0x19c37b2c, 0xb7abeabd, 0xdf66b319, 0x710e2288, 0x58c6967a,
+ 0xf6ae07eb, 0x0b57ff9e, 0xa53f6e0f, 0x8cf7dafd, 0x229f4b6c,
+ 0xac752c56, 0x021dbdc7, 0x2bd50935, 0x85bd98a4, 0x784460d1,
+ 0xd62cf140, 0xffe445b2, 0x518cd423, 0x5cfdedf4, 0xf2957c65,
+ 0xdb5dc897, 0x75355906, 0x88cca173, 0x26a430e2, 0x0f6c8410,
+ 0xa1041581, 0x2fee72bb, 0x8186e32a, 0xa84e57d8, 0x0626c649,
+ 0xfbdf3e3c, 0x55b7afad, 0x7c7f1b5f, 0xd2178ace, 0xbadad36a,
+ 0x14b242fb, 0x3d7af609, 0x93126798, 0x6eeb9fed, 0xc0830e7c,
+ 0xe94bba8e, 0x47232b1f, 0xc9c94c25, 0x67a1ddb4, 0x4e696946,
+ 0xe001f8d7, 0x1df800a2, 0xb3909133, 0x9a5825c1, 0x3430b450,
+ 0x4bc29689, 0xe5aa0718, 0xcc62b3ea, 0x620a227b, 0x9ff3da0e,
+ 0x319b4b9f, 0x1853ff6d, 0xb63b6efc, 0x38d109c6, 0x96b99857,
+ 0xbf712ca5, 0x1119bd34, 0xece04541, 0x4288d4d0, 0x6b406022,
+ 0xc528f1b3, 0xade5a817, 0x038d3986, 0x2a458d74, 0x842d1ce5,
+ 0x79d4e490, 0xd7bc7501, 0xfe74c1f3, 0x501c5062, 0xdef63758,
+ 0x709ea6c9, 0x5956123b, 0xf73e83aa, 0x0ac77bdf, 0xa4afea4e,
+ 0x8d675ebc, 0x230fcf2d, 0x72831b0e, 0xdceb8a9f, 0xf5233e6d,
+ 0x5b4baffc, 0xa6b25789, 0x08dac618, 0x211272ea, 0x8f7ae37b,
+ 0x01908441, 0xaff815d0, 0x8630a122, 0x285830b3, 0xd5a1c8c6,
+ 0x7bc95957, 0x5201eda5, 0xfc697c34, 0x94a42590, 0x3accb401,
+ 0x130400f3, 0xbd6c9162, 0x40956917, 0xeefdf886, 0xc7354c74,
+ 0x695ddde5, 0xe7b7badf, 0x49df2b4e, 0x60179fbc, 0xce7f0e2d,
+ 0x3386f658, 0x9dee67c9, 0xb426d33b, 0x1a4e42aa, 0x65bc6073,
+ 0xcbd4f1e2, 0xe21c4510, 0x4c74d481, 0xb18d2cf4, 0x1fe5bd65,
+ 0x362d0997, 0x98459806, 0x16afff3c, 0xb8c76ead, 0x910fda5f,
+ 0x3f674bce, 0xc29eb3bb, 0x6cf6222a, 0x453e96d8, 0xeb560749,
+ 0x839b5eed, 0x2df3cf7c, 0x043b7b8e, 0xaa53ea1f, 0x57aa126a,
+ 0xf9c283fb, 0xd00a3709, 0x7e62a698, 0xf088c1a2, 0x5ee05033,
+ 0x7728e4c1, 0xd9407550, 0x24b98d25, 0x8ad11cb4, 0xa319a846,
+ 0x0d7139d7},
+ {0x00000000, 0xb9fbdbe8, 0xa886b191, 0x117d6a79, 0x8a7c6563,
+ 0x3387be8b, 0x22fad4f2, 0x9b010f1a, 0xcf89cc87, 0x7672176f,
+ 0x670f7d16, 0xdef4a6fe, 0x45f5a9e4, 0xfc0e720c, 0xed731875,
+ 0x5488c39d, 0x44629f4f, 0xfd9944a7, 0xece42ede, 0x551ff536,
+ 0xce1efa2c, 0x77e521c4, 0x66984bbd, 0xdf639055, 0x8beb53c8,
+ 0x32108820, 0x236de259, 0x9a9639b1, 0x019736ab, 0xb86ced43,
+ 0xa911873a, 0x10ea5cd2, 0x88c53e9e, 0x313ee576, 0x20438f0f,
+ 0x99b854e7, 0x02b95bfd, 0xbb428015, 0xaa3fea6c, 0x13c43184,
+ 0x474cf219, 0xfeb729f1, 0xefca4388, 0x56319860, 0xcd30977a,
+ 0x74cb4c92, 0x65b626eb, 0xdc4dfd03, 0xcca7a1d1, 0x755c7a39,
+ 0x64211040, 0xdddacba8, 0x46dbc4b2, 0xff201f5a, 0xee5d7523,
+ 0x57a6aecb, 0x032e6d56, 0xbad5b6be, 0xaba8dcc7, 0x1253072f,
+ 0x89520835, 0x30a9d3dd, 0x21d4b9a4, 0x982f624c, 0xcafb7b7d,
+ 0x7300a095, 0x627dcaec, 0xdb861104, 0x40871e1e, 0xf97cc5f6,
+ 0xe801af8f, 0x51fa7467, 0x0572b7fa, 0xbc896c12, 0xadf4066b,
+ 0x140fdd83, 0x8f0ed299, 0x36f50971, 0x27886308, 0x9e73b8e0,
+ 0x8e99e432, 0x37623fda, 0x261f55a3, 0x9fe48e4b, 0x04e58151,
+ 0xbd1e5ab9, 0xac6330c0, 0x1598eb28, 0x411028b5, 0xf8ebf35d,
+ 0xe9969924, 0x506d42cc, 0xcb6c4dd6, 0x7297963e, 0x63eafc47,
+ 0xda1127af, 0x423e45e3, 0xfbc59e0b, 0xeab8f472, 0x53432f9a,
+ 0xc8422080, 0x71b9fb68, 0x60c49111, 0xd93f4af9, 0x8db78964,
+ 0x344c528c, 0x253138f5, 0x9ccae31d, 0x07cbec07, 0xbe3037ef,
+ 0xaf4d5d96, 0x16b6867e, 0x065cdaac, 0xbfa70144, 0xaeda6b3d,
+ 0x1721b0d5, 0x8c20bfcf, 0x35db6427, 0x24a60e5e, 0x9d5dd5b6,
+ 0xc9d5162b, 0x702ecdc3, 0x6153a7ba, 0xd8a87c52, 0x43a97348,
+ 0xfa52a8a0, 0xeb2fc2d9, 0x52d41931, 0x4e87f0bb, 0xf77c2b53,
+ 0xe601412a, 0x5ffa9ac2, 0xc4fb95d8, 0x7d004e30, 0x6c7d2449,
+ 0xd586ffa1, 0x810e3c3c, 0x38f5e7d4, 0x29888dad, 0x90735645,
+ 0x0b72595f, 0xb28982b7, 0xa3f4e8ce, 0x1a0f3326, 0x0ae56ff4,
+ 0xb31eb41c, 0xa263de65, 0x1b98058d, 0x80990a97, 0x3962d17f,
+ 0x281fbb06, 0x91e460ee, 0xc56ca373, 0x7c97789b, 0x6dea12e2,
+ 0xd411c90a, 0x4f10c610, 0xf6eb1df8, 0xe7967781, 0x5e6dac69,
+ 0xc642ce25, 0x7fb915cd, 0x6ec47fb4, 0xd73fa45c, 0x4c3eab46,
+ 0xf5c570ae, 0xe4b81ad7, 0x5d43c13f, 0x09cb02a2, 0xb030d94a,
+ 0xa14db333, 0x18b668db, 0x83b767c1, 0x3a4cbc29, 0x2b31d650,
+ 0x92ca0db8, 0x8220516a, 0x3bdb8a82, 0x2aa6e0fb, 0x935d3b13,
+ 0x085c3409, 0xb1a7efe1, 0xa0da8598, 0x19215e70, 0x4da99ded,
+ 0xf4524605, 0xe52f2c7c, 0x5cd4f794, 0xc7d5f88e, 0x7e2e2366,
+ 0x6f53491f, 0xd6a892f7, 0x847c8bc6, 0x3d87502e, 0x2cfa3a57,
+ 0x9501e1bf, 0x0e00eea5, 0xb7fb354d, 0xa6865f34, 0x1f7d84dc,
+ 0x4bf54741, 0xf20e9ca9, 0xe373f6d0, 0x5a882d38, 0xc1892222,
+ 0x7872f9ca, 0x690f93b3, 0xd0f4485b, 0xc01e1489, 0x79e5cf61,
+ 0x6898a518, 0xd1637ef0, 0x4a6271ea, 0xf399aa02, 0xe2e4c07b,
+ 0x5b1f1b93, 0x0f97d80e, 0xb66c03e6, 0xa711699f, 0x1eeab277,
+ 0x85ebbd6d, 0x3c106685, 0x2d6d0cfc, 0x9496d714, 0x0cb9b558,
+ 0xb5426eb0, 0xa43f04c9, 0x1dc4df21, 0x86c5d03b, 0x3f3e0bd3,
+ 0x2e4361aa, 0x97b8ba42, 0xc33079df, 0x7acba237, 0x6bb6c84e,
+ 0xd24d13a6, 0x494c1cbc, 0xf0b7c754, 0xe1caad2d, 0x583176c5,
+ 0x48db2a17, 0xf120f1ff, 0xe05d9b86, 0x59a6406e, 0xc2a74f74,
+ 0x7b5c949c, 0x6a21fee5, 0xd3da250d, 0x8752e690, 0x3ea93d78,
+ 0x2fd45701, 0x962f8ce9, 0x0d2e83f3, 0xb4d5581b, 0xa5a83262,
+ 0x1c53e98a},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9d0fe176, 0xe16ec4ad, 0x7c6125db, 0x19ac8f1b,
+ 0x84a36e6d, 0xf8c24bb6, 0x65cdaac0, 0x33591e36, 0xae56ff40,
+ 0xd237da9b, 0x4f383bed, 0x2af5912d, 0xb7fa705b, 0xcb9b5580,
+ 0x5694b4f6, 0x66b23c6c, 0xfbbddd1a, 0x87dcf8c1, 0x1ad319b7,
+ 0x7f1eb377, 0xe2115201, 0x9e7077da, 0x037f96ac, 0x55eb225a,
+ 0xc8e4c32c, 0xb485e6f7, 0x298a0781, 0x4c47ad41, 0xd1484c37,
+ 0xad2969ec, 0x3026889a, 0xcd6478d8, 0x506b99ae, 0x2c0abc75,
+ 0xb1055d03, 0xd4c8f7c3, 0x49c716b5, 0x35a6336e, 0xa8a9d218,
+ 0xfe3d66ee, 0x63328798, 0x1f53a243, 0x825c4335, 0xe791e9f5,
+ 0x7a9e0883, 0x06ff2d58, 0x9bf0cc2e, 0xabd644b4, 0x36d9a5c2,
+ 0x4ab88019, 0xd7b7616f, 0xb27acbaf, 0x2f752ad9, 0x53140f02,
+ 0xce1bee74, 0x988f5a82, 0x0580bbf4, 0x79e19e2f, 0xe4ee7f59,
+ 0x8123d599, 0x1c2c34ef, 0x604d1134, 0xfd42f042, 0x41b9f7f1,
+ 0xdcb61687, 0xa0d7335c, 0x3dd8d22a, 0x581578ea, 0xc51a999c,
+ 0xb97bbc47, 0x24745d31, 0x72e0e9c7, 0xefef08b1, 0x938e2d6a,
+ 0x0e81cc1c, 0x6b4c66dc, 0xf64387aa, 0x8a22a271, 0x172d4307,
+ 0x270bcb9d, 0xba042aeb, 0xc6650f30, 0x5b6aee46, 0x3ea74486,
+ 0xa3a8a5f0, 0xdfc9802b, 0x42c6615d, 0x1452d5ab, 0x895d34dd,
+ 0xf53c1106, 0x6833f070, 0x0dfe5ab0, 0x90f1bbc6, 0xec909e1d,
+ 0x719f7f6b, 0x8cdd8f29, 0x11d26e5f, 0x6db34b84, 0xf0bcaaf2,
+ 0x95710032, 0x087ee144, 0x741fc49f, 0xe91025e9, 0xbf84911f,
+ 0x228b7069, 0x5eea55b2, 0xc3e5b4c4, 0xa6281e04, 0x3b27ff72,
+ 0x4746daa9, 0xda493bdf, 0xea6fb345, 0x77605233, 0x0b0177e8,
+ 0x960e969e, 0xf3c33c5e, 0x6eccdd28, 0x12adf8f3, 0x8fa21985,
+ 0xd936ad73, 0x44394c05, 0x385869de, 0xa55788a8, 0xc09a2268,
+ 0x5d95c31e, 0x21f4e6c5, 0xbcfb07b3, 0x8373efe2, 0x1e7c0e94,
+ 0x621d2b4f, 0xff12ca39, 0x9adf60f9, 0x07d0818f, 0x7bb1a454,
+ 0xe6be4522, 0xb02af1d4, 0x2d2510a2, 0x51443579, 0xcc4bd40f,
+ 0xa9867ecf, 0x34899fb9, 0x48e8ba62, 0xd5e75b14, 0xe5c1d38e,
+ 0x78ce32f8, 0x04af1723, 0x99a0f655, 0xfc6d5c95, 0x6162bde3,
+ 0x1d039838, 0x800c794e, 0xd698cdb8, 0x4b972cce, 0x37f60915,
+ 0xaaf9e863, 0xcf3442a3, 0x523ba3d5, 0x2e5a860e, 0xb3556778,
+ 0x4e17973a, 0xd318764c, 0xaf795397, 0x3276b2e1, 0x57bb1821,
+ 0xcab4f957, 0xb6d5dc8c, 0x2bda3dfa, 0x7d4e890c, 0xe041687a,
+ 0x9c204da1, 0x012facd7, 0x64e20617, 0xf9ede761, 0x858cc2ba,
+ 0x188323cc, 0x28a5ab56, 0xb5aa4a20, 0xc9cb6ffb, 0x54c48e8d,
+ 0x3109244d, 0xac06c53b, 0xd067e0e0, 0x4d680196, 0x1bfcb560,
+ 0x86f35416, 0xfa9271cd, 0x679d90bb, 0x02503a7b, 0x9f5fdb0d,
+ 0xe33efed6, 0x7e311fa0, 0xc2ca1813, 0x5fc5f965, 0x23a4dcbe,
+ 0xbeab3dc8, 0xdb669708, 0x4669767e, 0x3a0853a5, 0xa707b2d3,
+ 0xf1930625, 0x6c9ce753, 0x10fdc288, 0x8df223fe, 0xe83f893e,
+ 0x75306848, 0x09514d93, 0x945eace5, 0xa478247f, 0x3977c509,
+ 0x4516e0d2, 0xd81901a4, 0xbdd4ab64, 0x20db4a12, 0x5cba6fc9,
+ 0xc1b58ebf, 0x97213a49, 0x0a2edb3f, 0x764ffee4, 0xeb401f92,
+ 0x8e8db552, 0x13825424, 0x6fe371ff, 0xf2ec9089, 0x0fae60cb,
+ 0x92a181bd, 0xeec0a466, 0x73cf4510, 0x1602efd0, 0x8b0d0ea6,
+ 0xf76c2b7d, 0x6a63ca0b, 0x3cf77efd, 0xa1f89f8b, 0xdd99ba50,
+ 0x40965b26, 0x255bf1e6, 0xb8541090, 0xc435354b, 0x593ad43d,
+ 0x691c5ca7, 0xf413bdd1, 0x8872980a, 0x157d797c, 0x70b0d3bc,
+ 0xedbf32ca, 0x91de1711, 0x0cd1f667, 0x5a454291, 0xc74aa3e7,
+ 0xbb2b863c, 0x2624674a, 0x43e9cd8a, 0xdee62cfc, 0xa2870927,
+ 0x3f88e851},
+ {0x00000000, 0xdd96d985, 0x605cb54b, 0xbdca6cce, 0xc0b96a96,
+ 0x1d2fb313, 0xa0e5dfdd, 0x7d730658, 0x5a03d36d, 0x87950ae8,
+ 0x3a5f6626, 0xe7c9bfa3, 0x9abab9fb, 0x472c607e, 0xfae60cb0,
+ 0x2770d535, 0xb407a6da, 0x69917f5f, 0xd45b1391, 0x09cdca14,
+ 0x74becc4c, 0xa92815c9, 0x14e27907, 0xc974a082, 0xee0475b7,
+ 0x3392ac32, 0x8e58c0fc, 0x53ce1979, 0x2ebd1f21, 0xf32bc6a4,
+ 0x4ee1aa6a, 0x937773ef, 0xb37e4bf5, 0x6ee89270, 0xd322febe,
+ 0x0eb4273b, 0x73c72163, 0xae51f8e6, 0x139b9428, 0xce0d4dad,
+ 0xe97d9898, 0x34eb411d, 0x89212dd3, 0x54b7f456, 0x29c4f20e,
+ 0xf4522b8b, 0x49984745, 0x940e9ec0, 0x0779ed2f, 0xdaef34aa,
+ 0x67255864, 0xbab381e1, 0xc7c087b9, 0x1a565e3c, 0xa79c32f2,
+ 0x7a0aeb77, 0x5d7a3e42, 0x80ece7c7, 0x3d268b09, 0xe0b0528c,
+ 0x9dc354d4, 0x40558d51, 0xfd9fe19f, 0x2009381a, 0xbd8d91ab,
+ 0x601b482e, 0xddd124e0, 0x0047fd65, 0x7d34fb3d, 0xa0a222b8,
+ 0x1d684e76, 0xc0fe97f3, 0xe78e42c6, 0x3a189b43, 0x87d2f78d,
+ 0x5a442e08, 0x27372850, 0xfaa1f1d5, 0x476b9d1b, 0x9afd449e,
+ 0x098a3771, 0xd41ceef4, 0x69d6823a, 0xb4405bbf, 0xc9335de7,
+ 0x14a58462, 0xa96fe8ac, 0x74f93129, 0x5389e41c, 0x8e1f3d99,
+ 0x33d55157, 0xee4388d2, 0x93308e8a, 0x4ea6570f, 0xf36c3bc1,
+ 0x2efae244, 0x0ef3da5e, 0xd36503db, 0x6eaf6f15, 0xb339b690,
+ 0xce4ab0c8, 0x13dc694d, 0xae160583, 0x7380dc06, 0x54f00933,
+ 0x8966d0b6, 0x34acbc78, 0xe93a65fd, 0x944963a5, 0x49dfba20,
+ 0xf415d6ee, 0x29830f6b, 0xbaf47c84, 0x6762a501, 0xdaa8c9cf,
+ 0x073e104a, 0x7a4d1612, 0xa7dbcf97, 0x1a11a359, 0xc7877adc,
+ 0xe0f7afe9, 0x3d61766c, 0x80ab1aa2, 0x5d3dc327, 0x204ec57f,
+ 0xfdd81cfa, 0x40127034, 0x9d84a9b1, 0xa06a2517, 0x7dfcfc92,
+ 0xc036905c, 0x1da049d9, 0x60d34f81, 0xbd459604, 0x008ffaca,
+ 0xdd19234f, 0xfa69f67a, 0x27ff2fff, 0x9a354331, 0x47a39ab4,
+ 0x3ad09cec, 0xe7464569, 0x5a8c29a7, 0x871af022, 0x146d83cd,
+ 0xc9fb5a48, 0x74313686, 0xa9a7ef03, 0xd4d4e95b, 0x094230de,
+ 0xb4885c10, 0x691e8595, 0x4e6e50a0, 0x93f88925, 0x2e32e5eb,
+ 0xf3a43c6e, 0x8ed73a36, 0x5341e3b3, 0xee8b8f7d, 0x331d56f8,
+ 0x13146ee2, 0xce82b767, 0x7348dba9, 0xaede022c, 0xd3ad0474,
+ 0x0e3bddf1, 0xb3f1b13f, 0x6e6768ba, 0x4917bd8f, 0x9481640a,
+ 0x294b08c4, 0xf4ddd141, 0x89aed719, 0x54380e9c, 0xe9f26252,
+ 0x3464bbd7, 0xa713c838, 0x7a8511bd, 0xc74f7d73, 0x1ad9a4f6,
+ 0x67aaa2ae, 0xba3c7b2b, 0x07f617e5, 0xda60ce60, 0xfd101b55,
+ 0x2086c2d0, 0x9d4cae1e, 0x40da779b, 0x3da971c3, 0xe03fa846,
+ 0x5df5c488, 0x80631d0d, 0x1de7b4bc, 0xc0716d39, 0x7dbb01f7,
+ 0xa02dd872, 0xdd5ede2a, 0x00c807af, 0xbd026b61, 0x6094b2e4,
+ 0x47e467d1, 0x9a72be54, 0x27b8d29a, 0xfa2e0b1f, 0x875d0d47,
+ 0x5acbd4c2, 0xe701b80c, 0x3a976189, 0xa9e01266, 0x7476cbe3,
+ 0xc9bca72d, 0x142a7ea8, 0x695978f0, 0xb4cfa175, 0x0905cdbb,
+ 0xd493143e, 0xf3e3c10b, 0x2e75188e, 0x93bf7440, 0x4e29adc5,
+ 0x335aab9d, 0xeecc7218, 0x53061ed6, 0x8e90c753, 0xae99ff49,
+ 0x730f26cc, 0xcec54a02, 0x13539387, 0x6e2095df, 0xb3b64c5a,
+ 0x0e7c2094, 0xd3eaf911, 0xf49a2c24, 0x290cf5a1, 0x94c6996f,
+ 0x495040ea, 0x342346b2, 0xe9b59f37, 0x547ff3f9, 0x89e92a7c,
+ 0x1a9e5993, 0xc7088016, 0x7ac2ecd8, 0xa754355d, 0xda273305,
+ 0x07b1ea80, 0xba7b864e, 0x67ed5fcb, 0x409d8afe, 0x9d0b537b,
+ 0x20c13fb5, 0xfd57e630, 0x8024e068, 0x5db239ed, 0xe0785523,
+ 0x3dee8ca6},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9ba54c6f, 0xec3b9e9f, 0x779ed2f0, 0x03063b7f,
+ 0x98a37710, 0xef3da5e0, 0x7498e98f, 0x060c76fe, 0x9da93a91,
+ 0xea37e861, 0x7192a40e, 0x050a4d81, 0x9eaf01ee, 0xe931d31e,
+ 0x72949f71, 0x0c18edfc, 0x97bda193, 0xe0237363, 0x7b863f0c,
+ 0x0f1ed683, 0x94bb9aec, 0xe325481c, 0x78800473, 0x0a149b02,
+ 0x91b1d76d, 0xe62f059d, 0x7d8a49f2, 0x0912a07d, 0x92b7ec12,
+ 0xe5293ee2, 0x7e8c728d, 0x1831dbf8, 0x83949797, 0xf40a4567,
+ 0x6faf0908, 0x1b37e087, 0x8092ace8, 0xf70c7e18, 0x6ca93277,
+ 0x1e3dad06, 0x8598e169, 0xf2063399, 0x69a37ff6, 0x1d3b9679,
+ 0x869eda16, 0xf10008e6, 0x6aa54489, 0x14293604, 0x8f8c7a6b,
+ 0xf812a89b, 0x63b7e4f4, 0x172f0d7b, 0x8c8a4114, 0xfb1493e4,
+ 0x60b1df8b, 0x122540fa, 0x89800c95, 0xfe1ede65, 0x65bb920a,
+ 0x11237b85, 0x8a8637ea, 0xfd18e51a, 0x66bda975, 0x3063b7f0,
+ 0xabc6fb9f, 0xdc58296f, 0x47fd6500, 0x33658c8f, 0xa8c0c0e0,
+ 0xdf5e1210, 0x44fb5e7f, 0x366fc10e, 0xadca8d61, 0xda545f91,
+ 0x41f113fe, 0x3569fa71, 0xaeccb61e, 0xd95264ee, 0x42f72881,
+ 0x3c7b5a0c, 0xa7de1663, 0xd040c493, 0x4be588fc, 0x3f7d6173,
+ 0xa4d82d1c, 0xd346ffec, 0x48e3b383, 0x3a772cf2, 0xa1d2609d,
+ 0xd64cb26d, 0x4de9fe02, 0x3971178d, 0xa2d45be2, 0xd54a8912,
+ 0x4eefc57d, 0x28526c08, 0xb3f72067, 0xc469f297, 0x5fccbef8,
+ 0x2b545777, 0xb0f11b18, 0xc76fc9e8, 0x5cca8587, 0x2e5e1af6,
+ 0xb5fb5699, 0xc2658469, 0x59c0c806, 0x2d582189, 0xb6fd6de6,
+ 0xc163bf16, 0x5ac6f379, 0x244a81f4, 0xbfefcd9b, 0xc8711f6b,
+ 0x53d45304, 0x274cba8b, 0xbce9f6e4, 0xcb772414, 0x50d2687b,
+ 0x2246f70a, 0xb9e3bb65, 0xce7d6995, 0x55d825fa, 0x2140cc75,
+ 0xbae5801a, 0xcd7b52ea, 0x56de1e85, 0x60c76fe0, 0xfb62238f,
+ 0x8cfcf17f, 0x1759bd10, 0x63c1549f, 0xf86418f0, 0x8ffaca00,
+ 0x145f866f, 0x66cb191e, 0xfd6e5571, 0x8af08781, 0x1155cbee,
+ 0x65cd2261, 0xfe686e0e, 0x89f6bcfe, 0x1253f091, 0x6cdf821c,
+ 0xf77ace73, 0x80e41c83, 0x1b4150ec, 0x6fd9b963, 0xf47cf50c,
+ 0x83e227fc, 0x18476b93, 0x6ad3f4e2, 0xf176b88d, 0x86e86a7d,
+ 0x1d4d2612, 0x69d5cf9d, 0xf27083f2, 0x85ee5102, 0x1e4b1d6d,
+ 0x78f6b418, 0xe353f877, 0x94cd2a87, 0x0f6866e8, 0x7bf08f67,
+ 0xe055c308, 0x97cb11f8, 0x0c6e5d97, 0x7efac2e6, 0xe55f8e89,
+ 0x92c15c79, 0x09641016, 0x7dfcf999, 0xe659b5f6, 0x91c76706,
+ 0x0a622b69, 0x74ee59e4, 0xef4b158b, 0x98d5c77b, 0x03708b14,
+ 0x77e8629b, 0xec4d2ef4, 0x9bd3fc04, 0x0076b06b, 0x72e22f1a,
+ 0xe9476375, 0x9ed9b185, 0x057cfdea, 0x71e41465, 0xea41580a,
+ 0x9ddf8afa, 0x067ac695, 0x50a4d810, 0xcb01947f, 0xbc9f468f,
+ 0x273a0ae0, 0x53a2e36f, 0xc807af00, 0xbf997df0, 0x243c319f,
+ 0x56a8aeee, 0xcd0de281, 0xba933071, 0x21367c1e, 0x55ae9591,
+ 0xce0bd9fe, 0xb9950b0e, 0x22304761, 0x5cbc35ec, 0xc7197983,
+ 0xb087ab73, 0x2b22e71c, 0x5fba0e93, 0xc41f42fc, 0xb381900c,
+ 0x2824dc63, 0x5ab04312, 0xc1150f7d, 0xb68bdd8d, 0x2d2e91e2,
+ 0x59b6786d, 0xc2133402, 0xb58de6f2, 0x2e28aa9d, 0x489503e8,
+ 0xd3304f87, 0xa4ae9d77, 0x3f0bd118, 0x4b933897, 0xd03674f8,
+ 0xa7a8a608, 0x3c0dea67, 0x4e997516, 0xd53c3979, 0xa2a2eb89,
+ 0x3907a7e6, 0x4d9f4e69, 0xd63a0206, 0xa1a4d0f6, 0x3a019c99,
+ 0x448dee14, 0xdf28a27b, 0xa8b6708b, 0x33133ce4, 0x478bd56b,
+ 0xdc2e9904, 0xabb04bf4, 0x3015079b, 0x428198ea, 0xd924d485,
+ 0xaeba0675, 0x351f4a1a, 0x4187a395, 0xda22effa, 0xadbc3d0a,
+ 0x36197165},
+ {0x00000000, 0xc18edfc0, 0x586cb9c1, 0x99e26601, 0xb0d97382,
+ 0x7157ac42, 0xe8b5ca43, 0x293b1583, 0xbac3e145, 0x7b4d3e85,
+ 0xe2af5884, 0x23218744, 0x0a1a92c7, 0xcb944d07, 0x52762b06,
+ 0x93f8f4c6, 0xaef6c4cb, 0x6f781b0b, 0xf69a7d0a, 0x3714a2ca,
+ 0x1e2fb749, 0xdfa16889, 0x46430e88, 0x87cdd148, 0x1435258e,
+ 0xd5bbfa4e, 0x4c599c4f, 0x8dd7438f, 0xa4ec560c, 0x656289cc,
+ 0xfc80efcd, 0x3d0e300d, 0x869c8fd7, 0x47125017, 0xdef03616,
+ 0x1f7ee9d6, 0x3645fc55, 0xf7cb2395, 0x6e294594, 0xafa79a54,
+ 0x3c5f6e92, 0xfdd1b152, 0x6433d753, 0xa5bd0893, 0x8c861d10,
+ 0x4d08c2d0, 0xd4eaa4d1, 0x15647b11, 0x286a4b1c, 0xe9e494dc,
+ 0x7006f2dd, 0xb1882d1d, 0x98b3389e, 0x593de75e, 0xc0df815f,
+ 0x01515e9f, 0x92a9aa59, 0x53277599, 0xcac51398, 0x0b4bcc58,
+ 0x2270d9db, 0xe3fe061b, 0x7a1c601a, 0xbb92bfda, 0xd64819ef,
+ 0x17c6c62f, 0x8e24a02e, 0x4faa7fee, 0x66916a6d, 0xa71fb5ad,
+ 0x3efdd3ac, 0xff730c6c, 0x6c8bf8aa, 0xad05276a, 0x34e7416b,
+ 0xf5699eab, 0xdc528b28, 0x1ddc54e8, 0x843e32e9, 0x45b0ed29,
+ 0x78bedd24, 0xb93002e4, 0x20d264e5, 0xe15cbb25, 0xc867aea6,
+ 0x09e97166, 0x900b1767, 0x5185c8a7, 0xc27d3c61, 0x03f3e3a1,
+ 0x9a1185a0, 0x5b9f5a60, 0x72a44fe3, 0xb32a9023, 0x2ac8f622,
+ 0xeb4629e2, 0x50d49638, 0x915a49f8, 0x08b82ff9, 0xc936f039,
+ 0xe00de5ba, 0x21833a7a, 0xb8615c7b, 0x79ef83bb, 0xea17777d,
+ 0x2b99a8bd, 0xb27bcebc, 0x73f5117c, 0x5ace04ff, 0x9b40db3f,
+ 0x02a2bd3e, 0xc32c62fe, 0xfe2252f3, 0x3fac8d33, 0xa64eeb32,
+ 0x67c034f2, 0x4efb2171, 0x8f75feb1, 0x169798b0, 0xd7194770,
+ 0x44e1b3b6, 0x856f6c76, 0x1c8d0a77, 0xdd03d5b7, 0xf438c034,
+ 0x35b61ff4, 0xac5479f5, 0x6ddaa635, 0x77e1359f, 0xb66fea5f,
+ 0x2f8d8c5e, 0xee03539e, 0xc738461d, 0x06b699dd, 0x9f54ffdc,
+ 0x5eda201c, 0xcd22d4da, 0x0cac0b1a, 0x954e6d1b, 0x54c0b2db,
+ 0x7dfba758, 0xbc757898, 0x25971e99, 0xe419c159, 0xd917f154,
+ 0x18992e94, 0x817b4895, 0x40f59755, 0x69ce82d6, 0xa8405d16,
+ 0x31a23b17, 0xf02ce4d7, 0x63d41011, 0xa25acfd1, 0x3bb8a9d0,
+ 0xfa367610, 0xd30d6393, 0x1283bc53, 0x8b61da52, 0x4aef0592,
+ 0xf17dba48, 0x30f36588, 0xa9110389, 0x689fdc49, 0x41a4c9ca,
+ 0x802a160a, 0x19c8700b, 0xd846afcb, 0x4bbe5b0d, 0x8a3084cd,
+ 0x13d2e2cc, 0xd25c3d0c, 0xfb67288f, 0x3ae9f74f, 0xa30b914e,
+ 0x62854e8e, 0x5f8b7e83, 0x9e05a143, 0x07e7c742, 0xc6691882,
+ 0xef520d01, 0x2edcd2c1, 0xb73eb4c0, 0x76b06b00, 0xe5489fc6,
+ 0x24c64006, 0xbd242607, 0x7caaf9c7, 0x5591ec44, 0x941f3384,
+ 0x0dfd5585, 0xcc738a45, 0xa1a92c70, 0x6027f3b0, 0xf9c595b1,
+ 0x384b4a71, 0x11705ff2, 0xd0fe8032, 0x491ce633, 0x889239f3,
+ 0x1b6acd35, 0xdae412f5, 0x430674f4, 0x8288ab34, 0xabb3beb7,
+ 0x6a3d6177, 0xf3df0776, 0x3251d8b6, 0x0f5fe8bb, 0xced1377b,
+ 0x5733517a, 0x96bd8eba, 0xbf869b39, 0x7e0844f9, 0xe7ea22f8,
+ 0x2664fd38, 0xb59c09fe, 0x7412d63e, 0xedf0b03f, 0x2c7e6fff,
+ 0x05457a7c, 0xc4cba5bc, 0x5d29c3bd, 0x9ca71c7d, 0x2735a3a7,
+ 0xe6bb7c67, 0x7f591a66, 0xbed7c5a6, 0x97ecd025, 0x56620fe5,
+ 0xcf8069e4, 0x0e0eb624, 0x9df642e2, 0x5c789d22, 0xc59afb23,
+ 0x041424e3, 0x2d2f3160, 0xeca1eea0, 0x754388a1, 0xb4cd5761,
+ 0x89c3676c, 0x484db8ac, 0xd1afdead, 0x1021016d, 0x391a14ee,
+ 0xf894cb2e, 0x6176ad2f, 0xa0f872ef, 0x33008629, 0xf28e59e9,
+ 0x6b6c3fe8, 0xaae2e028, 0x83d9f5ab, 0x42572a6b, 0xdbb54c6a,
+ 0x1a3b93aa},
+ {0x00000000, 0xefc26b3e, 0x04f5d03d, 0xeb37bb03, 0x09eba07a,
+ 0xe629cb44, 0x0d1e7047, 0xe2dc1b79, 0x13d740f4, 0xfc152bca,
+ 0x172290c9, 0xf8e0fbf7, 0x1a3ce08e, 0xf5fe8bb0, 0x1ec930b3,
+ 0xf10b5b8d, 0x27ae81e8, 0xc86cead6, 0x235b51d5, 0xcc993aeb,
+ 0x2e452192, 0xc1874aac, 0x2ab0f1af, 0xc5729a91, 0x3479c11c,
+ 0xdbbbaa22, 0x308c1121, 0xdf4e7a1f, 0x3d926166, 0xd2500a58,
+ 0x3967b15b, 0xd6a5da65, 0x4f5d03d0, 0xa09f68ee, 0x4ba8d3ed,
+ 0xa46ab8d3, 0x46b6a3aa, 0xa974c894, 0x42437397, 0xad8118a9,
+ 0x5c8a4324, 0xb348281a, 0x587f9319, 0xb7bdf827, 0x5561e35e,
+ 0xbaa38860, 0x51943363, 0xbe56585d, 0x68f38238, 0x8731e906,
+ 0x6c065205, 0x83c4393b, 0x61182242, 0x8eda497c, 0x65edf27f,
+ 0x8a2f9941, 0x7b24c2cc, 0x94e6a9f2, 0x7fd112f1, 0x901379cf,
+ 0x72cf62b6, 0x9d0d0988, 0x763ab28b, 0x99f8d9b5, 0x9eba07a0,
+ 0x71786c9e, 0x9a4fd79d, 0x758dbca3, 0x9751a7da, 0x7893cce4,
+ 0x93a477e7, 0x7c661cd9, 0x8d6d4754, 0x62af2c6a, 0x89989769,
+ 0x665afc57, 0x8486e72e, 0x6b448c10, 0x80733713, 0x6fb15c2d,
+ 0xb9148648, 0x56d6ed76, 0xbde15675, 0x52233d4b, 0xb0ff2632,
+ 0x5f3d4d0c, 0xb40af60f, 0x5bc89d31, 0xaac3c6bc, 0x4501ad82,
+ 0xae361681, 0x41f47dbf, 0xa32866c6, 0x4cea0df8, 0xa7ddb6fb,
+ 0x481fddc5, 0xd1e70470, 0x3e256f4e, 0xd512d44d, 0x3ad0bf73,
+ 0xd80ca40a, 0x37cecf34, 0xdcf97437, 0x333b1f09, 0xc2304484,
+ 0x2df22fba, 0xc6c594b9, 0x2907ff87, 0xcbdbe4fe, 0x24198fc0,
+ 0xcf2e34c3, 0x20ec5ffd, 0xf6498598, 0x198beea6, 0xf2bc55a5,
+ 0x1d7e3e9b, 0xffa225e2, 0x10604edc, 0xfb57f5df, 0x14959ee1,
+ 0xe59ec56c, 0x0a5cae52, 0xe16b1551, 0x0ea97e6f, 0xec756516,
+ 0x03b70e28, 0xe880b52b, 0x0742de15, 0xe6050901, 0x09c7623f,
+ 0xe2f0d93c, 0x0d32b202, 0xefeea97b, 0x002cc245, 0xeb1b7946,
+ 0x04d91278, 0xf5d249f5, 0x1a1022cb, 0xf12799c8, 0x1ee5f2f6,
+ 0xfc39e98f, 0x13fb82b1, 0xf8cc39b2, 0x170e528c, 0xc1ab88e9,
+ 0x2e69e3d7, 0xc55e58d4, 0x2a9c33ea, 0xc8402893, 0x278243ad,
+ 0xccb5f8ae, 0x23779390, 0xd27cc81d, 0x3dbea323, 0xd6891820,
+ 0x394b731e, 0xdb976867, 0x34550359, 0xdf62b85a, 0x30a0d364,
+ 0xa9580ad1, 0x469a61ef, 0xadaddaec, 0x426fb1d2, 0xa0b3aaab,
+ 0x4f71c195, 0xa4467a96, 0x4b8411a8, 0xba8f4a25, 0x554d211b,
+ 0xbe7a9a18, 0x51b8f126, 0xb364ea5f, 0x5ca68161, 0xb7913a62,
+ 0x5853515c, 0x8ef68b39, 0x6134e007, 0x8a035b04, 0x65c1303a,
+ 0x871d2b43, 0x68df407d, 0x83e8fb7e, 0x6c2a9040, 0x9d21cbcd,
+ 0x72e3a0f3, 0x99d41bf0, 0x761670ce, 0x94ca6bb7, 0x7b080089,
+ 0x903fbb8a, 0x7ffdd0b4, 0x78bf0ea1, 0x977d659f, 0x7c4ade9c,
+ 0x9388b5a2, 0x7154aedb, 0x9e96c5e5, 0x75a17ee6, 0x9a6315d8,
+ 0x6b684e55, 0x84aa256b, 0x6f9d9e68, 0x805ff556, 0x6283ee2f,
+ 0x8d418511, 0x66763e12, 0x89b4552c, 0x5f118f49, 0xb0d3e477,
+ 0x5be45f74, 0xb426344a, 0x56fa2f33, 0xb938440d, 0x520fff0e,
+ 0xbdcd9430, 0x4cc6cfbd, 0xa304a483, 0x48331f80, 0xa7f174be,
+ 0x452d6fc7, 0xaaef04f9, 0x41d8bffa, 0xae1ad4c4, 0x37e20d71,
+ 0xd820664f, 0x3317dd4c, 0xdcd5b672, 0x3e09ad0b, 0xd1cbc635,
+ 0x3afc7d36, 0xd53e1608, 0x24354d85, 0xcbf726bb, 0x20c09db8,
+ 0xcf02f686, 0x2ddeedff, 0xc21c86c1, 0x292b3dc2, 0xc6e956fc,
+ 0x104c8c99, 0xff8ee7a7, 0x14b95ca4, 0xfb7b379a, 0x19a72ce3,
+ 0xf66547dd, 0x1d52fcde, 0xf29097e0, 0x039bcc6d, 0xec59a753,
+ 0x076e1c50, 0xe8ac776e, 0x0a706c17, 0xe5b20729, 0x0e85bc2a,
+ 0xe147d714},
+ {0x00000000, 0x177b1443, 0x2ef62886, 0x398d3cc5, 0x5dec510c,
+ 0x4a97454f, 0x731a798a, 0x64616dc9, 0xbbd8a218, 0xaca3b65b,
+ 0x952e8a9e, 0x82559edd, 0xe634f314, 0xf14fe757, 0xc8c2db92,
+ 0xdfb9cfd1, 0xacc04271, 0xbbbb5632, 0x82366af7, 0x954d7eb4,
+ 0xf12c137d, 0xe657073e, 0xdfda3bfb, 0xc8a12fb8, 0x1718e069,
+ 0x0063f42a, 0x39eec8ef, 0x2e95dcac, 0x4af4b165, 0x5d8fa526,
+ 0x640299e3, 0x73798da0, 0x82f182a3, 0x958a96e0, 0xac07aa25,
+ 0xbb7cbe66, 0xdf1dd3af, 0xc866c7ec, 0xf1ebfb29, 0xe690ef6a,
+ 0x392920bb, 0x2e5234f8, 0x17df083d, 0x00a41c7e, 0x64c571b7,
+ 0x73be65f4, 0x4a335931, 0x5d484d72, 0x2e31c0d2, 0x394ad491,
+ 0x00c7e854, 0x17bcfc17, 0x73dd91de, 0x64a6859d, 0x5d2bb958,
+ 0x4a50ad1b, 0x95e962ca, 0x82927689, 0xbb1f4a4c, 0xac645e0f,
+ 0xc80533c6, 0xdf7e2785, 0xe6f31b40, 0xf1880f03, 0xde920307,
+ 0xc9e91744, 0xf0642b81, 0xe71f3fc2, 0x837e520b, 0x94054648,
+ 0xad887a8d, 0xbaf36ece, 0x654aa11f, 0x7231b55c, 0x4bbc8999,
+ 0x5cc79dda, 0x38a6f013, 0x2fdde450, 0x1650d895, 0x012bccd6,
+ 0x72524176, 0x65295535, 0x5ca469f0, 0x4bdf7db3, 0x2fbe107a,
+ 0x38c50439, 0x014838fc, 0x16332cbf, 0xc98ae36e, 0xdef1f72d,
+ 0xe77ccbe8, 0xf007dfab, 0x9466b262, 0x831da621, 0xba909ae4,
+ 0xadeb8ea7, 0x5c6381a4, 0x4b1895e7, 0x7295a922, 0x65eebd61,
+ 0x018fd0a8, 0x16f4c4eb, 0x2f79f82e, 0x3802ec6d, 0xe7bb23bc,
+ 0xf0c037ff, 0xc94d0b3a, 0xde361f79, 0xba5772b0, 0xad2c66f3,
+ 0x94a15a36, 0x83da4e75, 0xf0a3c3d5, 0xe7d8d796, 0xde55eb53,
+ 0xc92eff10, 0xad4f92d9, 0xba34869a, 0x83b9ba5f, 0x94c2ae1c,
+ 0x4b7b61cd, 0x5c00758e, 0x658d494b, 0x72f65d08, 0x169730c1,
+ 0x01ec2482, 0x38611847, 0x2f1a0c04, 0x6655004f, 0x712e140c,
+ 0x48a328c9, 0x5fd83c8a, 0x3bb95143, 0x2cc24500, 0x154f79c5,
+ 0x02346d86, 0xdd8da257, 0xcaf6b614, 0xf37b8ad1, 0xe4009e92,
+ 0x8061f35b, 0x971ae718, 0xae97dbdd, 0xb9eccf9e, 0xca95423e,
+ 0xddee567d, 0xe4636ab8, 0xf3187efb, 0x97791332, 0x80020771,
+ 0xb98f3bb4, 0xaef42ff7, 0x714de026, 0x6636f465, 0x5fbbc8a0,
+ 0x48c0dce3, 0x2ca1b12a, 0x3bdaa569, 0x025799ac, 0x152c8def,
+ 0xe4a482ec, 0xf3df96af, 0xca52aa6a, 0xdd29be29, 0xb948d3e0,
+ 0xae33c7a3, 0x97befb66, 0x80c5ef25, 0x5f7c20f4, 0x480734b7,
+ 0x718a0872, 0x66f11c31, 0x029071f8, 0x15eb65bb, 0x2c66597e,
+ 0x3b1d4d3d, 0x4864c09d, 0x5f1fd4de, 0x6692e81b, 0x71e9fc58,
+ 0x15889191, 0x02f385d2, 0x3b7eb917, 0x2c05ad54, 0xf3bc6285,
+ 0xe4c776c6, 0xdd4a4a03, 0xca315e40, 0xae503389, 0xb92b27ca,
+ 0x80a61b0f, 0x97dd0f4c, 0xb8c70348, 0xafbc170b, 0x96312bce,
+ 0x814a3f8d, 0xe52b5244, 0xf2504607, 0xcbdd7ac2, 0xdca66e81,
+ 0x031fa150, 0x1464b513, 0x2de989d6, 0x3a929d95, 0x5ef3f05c,
+ 0x4988e41f, 0x7005d8da, 0x677ecc99, 0x14074139, 0x037c557a,
+ 0x3af169bf, 0x2d8a7dfc, 0x49eb1035, 0x5e900476, 0x671d38b3,
+ 0x70662cf0, 0xafdfe321, 0xb8a4f762, 0x8129cba7, 0x9652dfe4,
+ 0xf233b22d, 0xe548a66e, 0xdcc59aab, 0xcbbe8ee8, 0x3a3681eb,
+ 0x2d4d95a8, 0x14c0a96d, 0x03bbbd2e, 0x67dad0e7, 0x70a1c4a4,
+ 0x492cf861, 0x5e57ec22, 0x81ee23f3, 0x969537b0, 0xaf180b75,
+ 0xb8631f36, 0xdc0272ff, 0xcb7966bc, 0xf2f45a79, 0xe58f4e3a,
+ 0x96f6c39a, 0x818dd7d9, 0xb800eb1c, 0xaf7bff5f, 0xcb1a9296,
+ 0xdc6186d5, 0xe5ecba10, 0xf297ae53, 0x2d2e6182, 0x3a5575c1,
+ 0x03d84904, 0x14a35d47, 0x70c2308e, 0x67b924cd, 0x5e341808,
+ 0x494f0c4b}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x43147b1700000000, 0x8628f62e00000000,
+ 0xc53c8d3900000000, 0x0c51ec5d00000000, 0x4f45974a00000000,
+ 0x8a791a7300000000, 0xc96d616400000000, 0x18a2d8bb00000000,
+ 0x5bb6a3ac00000000, 0x9e8a2e9500000000, 0xdd9e558200000000,
+ 0x14f334e600000000, 0x57e74ff100000000, 0x92dbc2c800000000,
+ 0xd1cfb9df00000000, 0x7142c0ac00000000, 0x3256bbbb00000000,
+ 0xf76a368200000000, 0xb47e4d9500000000, 0x7d132cf100000000,
+ 0x3e0757e600000000, 0xfb3bdadf00000000, 0xb82fa1c800000000,
+ 0x69e0181700000000, 0x2af4630000000000, 0xefc8ee3900000000,
+ 0xacdc952e00000000, 0x65b1f44a00000000, 0x26a58f5d00000000,
+ 0xe399026400000000, 0xa08d797300000000, 0xa382f18200000000,
+ 0xe0968a9500000000, 0x25aa07ac00000000, 0x66be7cbb00000000,
+ 0xafd31ddf00000000, 0xecc766c800000000, 0x29fbebf100000000,
+ 0x6aef90e600000000, 0xbb20293900000000, 0xf834522e00000000,
+ 0x3d08df1700000000, 0x7e1ca40000000000, 0xb771c56400000000,
+ 0xf465be7300000000, 0x3159334a00000000, 0x724d485d00000000,
+ 0xd2c0312e00000000, 0x91d44a3900000000, 0x54e8c70000000000,
+ 0x17fcbc1700000000, 0xde91dd7300000000, 0x9d85a66400000000,
+ 0x58b92b5d00000000, 0x1bad504a00000000, 0xca62e99500000000,
+ 0x8976928200000000, 0x4c4a1fbb00000000, 0x0f5e64ac00000000,
+ 0xc63305c800000000, 0x85277edf00000000, 0x401bf3e600000000,
+ 0x030f88f100000000, 0x070392de00000000, 0x4417e9c900000000,
+ 0x812b64f000000000, 0xc23f1fe700000000, 0x0b527e8300000000,
+ 0x4846059400000000, 0x8d7a88ad00000000, 0xce6ef3ba00000000,
+ 0x1fa14a6500000000, 0x5cb5317200000000, 0x9989bc4b00000000,
+ 0xda9dc75c00000000, 0x13f0a63800000000, 0x50e4dd2f00000000,
+ 0x95d8501600000000, 0xd6cc2b0100000000, 0x7641527200000000,
+ 0x3555296500000000, 0xf069a45c00000000, 0xb37ddf4b00000000,
+ 0x7a10be2f00000000, 0x3904c53800000000, 0xfc38480100000000,
+ 0xbf2c331600000000, 0x6ee38ac900000000, 0x2df7f1de00000000,
+ 0xe8cb7ce700000000, 0xabdf07f000000000, 0x62b2669400000000,
+ 0x21a61d8300000000, 0xe49a90ba00000000, 0xa78eebad00000000,
+ 0xa481635c00000000, 0xe795184b00000000, 0x22a9957200000000,
+ 0x61bdee6500000000, 0xa8d08f0100000000, 0xebc4f41600000000,
+ 0x2ef8792f00000000, 0x6dec023800000000, 0xbc23bbe700000000,
+ 0xff37c0f000000000, 0x3a0b4dc900000000, 0x791f36de00000000,
+ 0xb07257ba00000000, 0xf3662cad00000000, 0x365aa19400000000,
+ 0x754eda8300000000, 0xd5c3a3f000000000, 0x96d7d8e700000000,
+ 0x53eb55de00000000, 0x10ff2ec900000000, 0xd9924fad00000000,
+ 0x9a8634ba00000000, 0x5fbab98300000000, 0x1caec29400000000,
+ 0xcd617b4b00000000, 0x8e75005c00000000, 0x4b498d6500000000,
+ 0x085df67200000000, 0xc130971600000000, 0x8224ec0100000000,
+ 0x4718613800000000, 0x040c1a2f00000000, 0x4f00556600000000,
+ 0x0c142e7100000000, 0xc928a34800000000, 0x8a3cd85f00000000,
+ 0x4351b93b00000000, 0x0045c22c00000000, 0xc5794f1500000000,
+ 0x866d340200000000, 0x57a28ddd00000000, 0x14b6f6ca00000000,
+ 0xd18a7bf300000000, 0x929e00e400000000, 0x5bf3618000000000,
+ 0x18e71a9700000000, 0xdddb97ae00000000, 0x9ecfecb900000000,
+ 0x3e4295ca00000000, 0x7d56eedd00000000, 0xb86a63e400000000,
+ 0xfb7e18f300000000, 0x3213799700000000, 0x7107028000000000,
+ 0xb43b8fb900000000, 0xf72ff4ae00000000, 0x26e04d7100000000,
+ 0x65f4366600000000, 0xa0c8bb5f00000000, 0xe3dcc04800000000,
+ 0x2ab1a12c00000000, 0x69a5da3b00000000, 0xac99570200000000,
+ 0xef8d2c1500000000, 0xec82a4e400000000, 0xaf96dff300000000,
+ 0x6aaa52ca00000000, 0x29be29dd00000000, 0xe0d348b900000000,
+ 0xa3c733ae00000000, 0x66fbbe9700000000, 0x25efc58000000000,
+ 0xf4207c5f00000000, 0xb734074800000000, 0x72088a7100000000,
+ 0x311cf16600000000, 0xf871900200000000, 0xbb65eb1500000000,
+ 0x7e59662c00000000, 0x3d4d1d3b00000000, 0x9dc0644800000000,
+ 0xded41f5f00000000, 0x1be8926600000000, 0x58fce97100000000,
+ 0x9191881500000000, 0xd285f30200000000, 0x17b97e3b00000000,
+ 0x54ad052c00000000, 0x8562bcf300000000, 0xc676c7e400000000,
+ 0x034a4add00000000, 0x405e31ca00000000, 0x893350ae00000000,
+ 0xca272bb900000000, 0x0f1ba68000000000, 0x4c0fdd9700000000,
+ 0x4803c7b800000000, 0x0b17bcaf00000000, 0xce2b319600000000,
+ 0x8d3f4a8100000000, 0x44522be500000000, 0x074650f200000000,
+ 0xc27addcb00000000, 0x816ea6dc00000000, 0x50a11f0300000000,
+ 0x13b5641400000000, 0xd689e92d00000000, 0x959d923a00000000,
+ 0x5cf0f35e00000000, 0x1fe4884900000000, 0xdad8057000000000,
+ 0x99cc7e6700000000, 0x3941071400000000, 0x7a557c0300000000,
+ 0xbf69f13a00000000, 0xfc7d8a2d00000000, 0x3510eb4900000000,
+ 0x7604905e00000000, 0xb3381d6700000000, 0xf02c667000000000,
+ 0x21e3dfaf00000000, 0x62f7a4b800000000, 0xa7cb298100000000,
+ 0xe4df529600000000, 0x2db233f200000000, 0x6ea648e500000000,
+ 0xab9ac5dc00000000, 0xe88ebecb00000000, 0xeb81363a00000000,
+ 0xa8954d2d00000000, 0x6da9c01400000000, 0x2ebdbb0300000000,
+ 0xe7d0da6700000000, 0xa4c4a17000000000, 0x61f82c4900000000,
+ 0x22ec575e00000000, 0xf323ee8100000000, 0xb037959600000000,
+ 0x750b18af00000000, 0x361f63b800000000, 0xff7202dc00000000,
+ 0xbc6679cb00000000, 0x795af4f200000000, 0x3a4e8fe500000000,
+ 0x9ac3f69600000000, 0xd9d78d8100000000, 0x1ceb00b800000000,
+ 0x5fff7baf00000000, 0x96921acb00000000, 0xd58661dc00000000,
+ 0x10baece500000000, 0x53ae97f200000000, 0x82612e2d00000000,
+ 0xc175553a00000000, 0x0449d80300000000, 0x475da31400000000,
+ 0x8e30c27000000000, 0xcd24b96700000000, 0x0818345e00000000,
+ 0x4b0c4f4900000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x3e6bc2ef00000000, 0x3dd0f50400000000,
+ 0x03bb37eb00000000, 0x7aa0eb0900000000, 0x44cb29e600000000,
+ 0x47701e0d00000000, 0x791bdce200000000, 0xf440d71300000000,
+ 0xca2b15fc00000000, 0xc990221700000000, 0xf7fbe0f800000000,
+ 0x8ee03c1a00000000, 0xb08bfef500000000, 0xb330c91e00000000,
+ 0x8d5b0bf100000000, 0xe881ae2700000000, 0xd6ea6cc800000000,
+ 0xd5515b2300000000, 0xeb3a99cc00000000, 0x9221452e00000000,
+ 0xac4a87c100000000, 0xaff1b02a00000000, 0x919a72c500000000,
+ 0x1cc1793400000000, 0x22aabbdb00000000, 0x21118c3000000000,
+ 0x1f7a4edf00000000, 0x6661923d00000000, 0x580a50d200000000,
+ 0x5bb1673900000000, 0x65daa5d600000000, 0xd0035d4f00000000,
+ 0xee689fa000000000, 0xedd3a84b00000000, 0xd3b86aa400000000,
+ 0xaaa3b64600000000, 0x94c874a900000000, 0x9773434200000000,
+ 0xa91881ad00000000, 0x24438a5c00000000, 0x1a2848b300000000,
+ 0x19937f5800000000, 0x27f8bdb700000000, 0x5ee3615500000000,
+ 0x6088a3ba00000000, 0x6333945100000000, 0x5d5856be00000000,
+ 0x3882f36800000000, 0x06e9318700000000, 0x0552066c00000000,
+ 0x3b39c48300000000, 0x4222186100000000, 0x7c49da8e00000000,
+ 0x7ff2ed6500000000, 0x41992f8a00000000, 0xccc2247b00000000,
+ 0xf2a9e69400000000, 0xf112d17f00000000, 0xcf79139000000000,
+ 0xb662cf7200000000, 0x88090d9d00000000, 0x8bb23a7600000000,
+ 0xb5d9f89900000000, 0xa007ba9e00000000, 0x9e6c787100000000,
+ 0x9dd74f9a00000000, 0xa3bc8d7500000000, 0xdaa7519700000000,
+ 0xe4cc937800000000, 0xe777a49300000000, 0xd91c667c00000000,
+ 0x54476d8d00000000, 0x6a2caf6200000000, 0x6997988900000000,
+ 0x57fc5a6600000000, 0x2ee7868400000000, 0x108c446b00000000,
+ 0x1337738000000000, 0x2d5cb16f00000000, 0x488614b900000000,
+ 0x76edd65600000000, 0x7556e1bd00000000, 0x4b3d235200000000,
+ 0x3226ffb000000000, 0x0c4d3d5f00000000, 0x0ff60ab400000000,
+ 0x319dc85b00000000, 0xbcc6c3aa00000000, 0x82ad014500000000,
+ 0x811636ae00000000, 0xbf7df44100000000, 0xc66628a300000000,
+ 0xf80dea4c00000000, 0xfbb6dda700000000, 0xc5dd1f4800000000,
+ 0x7004e7d100000000, 0x4e6f253e00000000, 0x4dd412d500000000,
+ 0x73bfd03a00000000, 0x0aa40cd800000000, 0x34cfce3700000000,
+ 0x3774f9dc00000000, 0x091f3b3300000000, 0x844430c200000000,
+ 0xba2ff22d00000000, 0xb994c5c600000000, 0x87ff072900000000,
+ 0xfee4dbcb00000000, 0xc08f192400000000, 0xc3342ecf00000000,
+ 0xfd5fec2000000000, 0x988549f600000000, 0xa6ee8b1900000000,
+ 0xa555bcf200000000, 0x9b3e7e1d00000000, 0xe225a2ff00000000,
+ 0xdc4e601000000000, 0xdff557fb00000000, 0xe19e951400000000,
+ 0x6cc59ee500000000, 0x52ae5c0a00000000, 0x51156be100000000,
+ 0x6f7ea90e00000000, 0x166575ec00000000, 0x280eb70300000000,
+ 0x2bb580e800000000, 0x15de420700000000, 0x010905e600000000,
+ 0x3f62c70900000000, 0x3cd9f0e200000000, 0x02b2320d00000000,
+ 0x7ba9eeef00000000, 0x45c22c0000000000, 0x46791beb00000000,
+ 0x7812d90400000000, 0xf549d2f500000000, 0xcb22101a00000000,
+ 0xc89927f100000000, 0xf6f2e51e00000000, 0x8fe939fc00000000,
+ 0xb182fb1300000000, 0xb239ccf800000000, 0x8c520e1700000000,
+ 0xe988abc100000000, 0xd7e3692e00000000, 0xd4585ec500000000,
+ 0xea339c2a00000000, 0x932840c800000000, 0xad43822700000000,
+ 0xaef8b5cc00000000, 0x9093772300000000, 0x1dc87cd200000000,
+ 0x23a3be3d00000000, 0x201889d600000000, 0x1e734b3900000000,
+ 0x676897db00000000, 0x5903553400000000, 0x5ab862df00000000,
+ 0x64d3a03000000000, 0xd10a58a900000000, 0xef619a4600000000,
+ 0xecdaadad00000000, 0xd2b16f4200000000, 0xabaab3a000000000,
+ 0x95c1714f00000000, 0x967a46a400000000, 0xa811844b00000000,
+ 0x254a8fba00000000, 0x1b214d5500000000, 0x189a7abe00000000,
+ 0x26f1b85100000000, 0x5fea64b300000000, 0x6181a65c00000000,
+ 0x623a91b700000000, 0x5c51535800000000, 0x398bf68e00000000,
+ 0x07e0346100000000, 0x045b038a00000000, 0x3a30c16500000000,
+ 0x432b1d8700000000, 0x7d40df6800000000, 0x7efbe88300000000,
+ 0x40902a6c00000000, 0xcdcb219d00000000, 0xf3a0e37200000000,
+ 0xf01bd49900000000, 0xce70167600000000, 0xb76bca9400000000,
+ 0x8900087b00000000, 0x8abb3f9000000000, 0xb4d0fd7f00000000,
+ 0xa10ebf7800000000, 0x9f657d9700000000, 0x9cde4a7c00000000,
+ 0xa2b5889300000000, 0xdbae547100000000, 0xe5c5969e00000000,
+ 0xe67ea17500000000, 0xd815639a00000000, 0x554e686b00000000,
+ 0x6b25aa8400000000, 0x689e9d6f00000000, 0x56f55f8000000000,
+ 0x2fee836200000000, 0x1185418d00000000, 0x123e766600000000,
+ 0x2c55b48900000000, 0x498f115f00000000, 0x77e4d3b000000000,
+ 0x745fe45b00000000, 0x4a3426b400000000, 0x332ffa5600000000,
+ 0x0d4438b900000000, 0x0eff0f5200000000, 0x3094cdbd00000000,
+ 0xbdcfc64c00000000, 0x83a404a300000000, 0x801f334800000000,
+ 0xbe74f1a700000000, 0xc76f2d4500000000, 0xf904efaa00000000,
+ 0xfabfd84100000000, 0xc4d41aae00000000, 0x710de23700000000,
+ 0x4f6620d800000000, 0x4cdd173300000000, 0x72b6d5dc00000000,
+ 0x0bad093e00000000, 0x35c6cbd100000000, 0x367dfc3a00000000,
+ 0x08163ed500000000, 0x854d352400000000, 0xbb26f7cb00000000,
+ 0xb89dc02000000000, 0x86f602cf00000000, 0xffedde2d00000000,
+ 0xc1861cc200000000, 0xc23d2b2900000000, 0xfc56e9c600000000,
+ 0x998c4c1000000000, 0xa7e78eff00000000, 0xa45cb91400000000,
+ 0x9a377bfb00000000, 0xe32ca71900000000, 0xdd4765f600000000,
+ 0xdefc521d00000000, 0xe09790f200000000, 0x6dcc9b0300000000,
+ 0x53a759ec00000000, 0x501c6e0700000000, 0x6e77ace800000000,
+ 0x176c700a00000000, 0x2907b2e500000000, 0x2abc850e00000000,
+ 0x14d747e100000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xc0df8ec100000000, 0xc1b96c5800000000,
+ 0x0166e29900000000, 0x8273d9b000000000, 0x42ac577100000000,
+ 0x43cab5e800000000, 0x83153b2900000000, 0x45e1c3ba00000000,
+ 0x853e4d7b00000000, 0x8458afe200000000, 0x4487212300000000,
+ 0xc7921a0a00000000, 0x074d94cb00000000, 0x062b765200000000,
+ 0xc6f4f89300000000, 0xcbc4f6ae00000000, 0x0b1b786f00000000,
+ 0x0a7d9af600000000, 0xcaa2143700000000, 0x49b72f1e00000000,
+ 0x8968a1df00000000, 0x880e434600000000, 0x48d1cd8700000000,
+ 0x8e25351400000000, 0x4efabbd500000000, 0x4f9c594c00000000,
+ 0x8f43d78d00000000, 0x0c56eca400000000, 0xcc89626500000000,
+ 0xcdef80fc00000000, 0x0d300e3d00000000, 0xd78f9c8600000000,
+ 0x1750124700000000, 0x1636f0de00000000, 0xd6e97e1f00000000,
+ 0x55fc453600000000, 0x9523cbf700000000, 0x9445296e00000000,
+ 0x549aa7af00000000, 0x926e5f3c00000000, 0x52b1d1fd00000000,
+ 0x53d7336400000000, 0x9308bda500000000, 0x101d868c00000000,
+ 0xd0c2084d00000000, 0xd1a4ead400000000, 0x117b641500000000,
+ 0x1c4b6a2800000000, 0xdc94e4e900000000, 0xddf2067000000000,
+ 0x1d2d88b100000000, 0x9e38b39800000000, 0x5ee73d5900000000,
+ 0x5f81dfc000000000, 0x9f5e510100000000, 0x59aaa99200000000,
+ 0x9975275300000000, 0x9813c5ca00000000, 0x58cc4b0b00000000,
+ 0xdbd9702200000000, 0x1b06fee300000000, 0x1a601c7a00000000,
+ 0xdabf92bb00000000, 0xef1948d600000000, 0x2fc6c61700000000,
+ 0x2ea0248e00000000, 0xee7faa4f00000000, 0x6d6a916600000000,
+ 0xadb51fa700000000, 0xacd3fd3e00000000, 0x6c0c73ff00000000,
+ 0xaaf88b6c00000000, 0x6a2705ad00000000, 0x6b41e73400000000,
+ 0xab9e69f500000000, 0x288b52dc00000000, 0xe854dc1d00000000,
+ 0xe9323e8400000000, 0x29edb04500000000, 0x24ddbe7800000000,
+ 0xe40230b900000000, 0xe564d22000000000, 0x25bb5ce100000000,
+ 0xa6ae67c800000000, 0x6671e90900000000, 0x67170b9000000000,
+ 0xa7c8855100000000, 0x613c7dc200000000, 0xa1e3f30300000000,
+ 0xa085119a00000000, 0x605a9f5b00000000, 0xe34fa47200000000,
+ 0x23902ab300000000, 0x22f6c82a00000000, 0xe22946eb00000000,
+ 0x3896d45000000000, 0xf8495a9100000000, 0xf92fb80800000000,
+ 0x39f036c900000000, 0xbae50de000000000, 0x7a3a832100000000,
+ 0x7b5c61b800000000, 0xbb83ef7900000000, 0x7d7717ea00000000,
+ 0xbda8992b00000000, 0xbcce7bb200000000, 0x7c11f57300000000,
+ 0xff04ce5a00000000, 0x3fdb409b00000000, 0x3ebda20200000000,
+ 0xfe622cc300000000, 0xf35222fe00000000, 0x338dac3f00000000,
+ 0x32eb4ea600000000, 0xf234c06700000000, 0x7121fb4e00000000,
+ 0xb1fe758f00000000, 0xb098971600000000, 0x704719d700000000,
+ 0xb6b3e14400000000, 0x766c6f8500000000, 0x770a8d1c00000000,
+ 0xb7d503dd00000000, 0x34c038f400000000, 0xf41fb63500000000,
+ 0xf57954ac00000000, 0x35a6da6d00000000, 0x9f35e17700000000,
+ 0x5fea6fb600000000, 0x5e8c8d2f00000000, 0x9e5303ee00000000,
+ 0x1d4638c700000000, 0xdd99b60600000000, 0xdcff549f00000000,
+ 0x1c20da5e00000000, 0xdad422cd00000000, 0x1a0bac0c00000000,
+ 0x1b6d4e9500000000, 0xdbb2c05400000000, 0x58a7fb7d00000000,
+ 0x987875bc00000000, 0x991e972500000000, 0x59c119e400000000,
+ 0x54f117d900000000, 0x942e991800000000, 0x95487b8100000000,
+ 0x5597f54000000000, 0xd682ce6900000000, 0x165d40a800000000,
+ 0x173ba23100000000, 0xd7e42cf000000000, 0x1110d46300000000,
+ 0xd1cf5aa200000000, 0xd0a9b83b00000000, 0x107636fa00000000,
+ 0x93630dd300000000, 0x53bc831200000000, 0x52da618b00000000,
+ 0x9205ef4a00000000, 0x48ba7df100000000, 0x8865f33000000000,
+ 0x890311a900000000, 0x49dc9f6800000000, 0xcac9a44100000000,
+ 0x0a162a8000000000, 0x0b70c81900000000, 0xcbaf46d800000000,
+ 0x0d5bbe4b00000000, 0xcd84308a00000000, 0xcce2d21300000000,
+ 0x0c3d5cd200000000, 0x8f2867fb00000000, 0x4ff7e93a00000000,
+ 0x4e910ba300000000, 0x8e4e856200000000, 0x837e8b5f00000000,
+ 0x43a1059e00000000, 0x42c7e70700000000, 0x821869c600000000,
+ 0x010d52ef00000000, 0xc1d2dc2e00000000, 0xc0b43eb700000000,
+ 0x006bb07600000000, 0xc69f48e500000000, 0x0640c62400000000,
+ 0x072624bd00000000, 0xc7f9aa7c00000000, 0x44ec915500000000,
+ 0x84331f9400000000, 0x8555fd0d00000000, 0x458a73cc00000000,
+ 0x702ca9a100000000, 0xb0f3276000000000, 0xb195c5f900000000,
+ 0x714a4b3800000000, 0xf25f701100000000, 0x3280fed000000000,
+ 0x33e61c4900000000, 0xf339928800000000, 0x35cd6a1b00000000,
+ 0xf512e4da00000000, 0xf474064300000000, 0x34ab888200000000,
+ 0xb7beb3ab00000000, 0x77613d6a00000000, 0x7607dff300000000,
+ 0xb6d8513200000000, 0xbbe85f0f00000000, 0x7b37d1ce00000000,
+ 0x7a51335700000000, 0xba8ebd9600000000, 0x399b86bf00000000,
+ 0xf944087e00000000, 0xf822eae700000000, 0x38fd642600000000,
+ 0xfe099cb500000000, 0x3ed6127400000000, 0x3fb0f0ed00000000,
+ 0xff6f7e2c00000000, 0x7c7a450500000000, 0xbca5cbc400000000,
+ 0xbdc3295d00000000, 0x7d1ca79c00000000, 0xa7a3352700000000,
+ 0x677cbbe600000000, 0x661a597f00000000, 0xa6c5d7be00000000,
+ 0x25d0ec9700000000, 0xe50f625600000000, 0xe46980cf00000000,
+ 0x24b60e0e00000000, 0xe242f69d00000000, 0x229d785c00000000,
+ 0x23fb9ac500000000, 0xe324140400000000, 0x60312f2d00000000,
+ 0xa0eea1ec00000000, 0xa188437500000000, 0x6157cdb400000000,
+ 0x6c67c38900000000, 0xacb84d4800000000, 0xaddeafd100000000,
+ 0x6d01211000000000, 0xee141a3900000000, 0x2ecb94f800000000,
+ 0x2fad766100000000, 0xef72f8a000000000, 0x2986003300000000,
+ 0xe9598ef200000000, 0xe83f6c6b00000000, 0x28e0e2aa00000000,
+ 0xabf5d98300000000, 0x6b2a574200000000, 0x6a4cb5db00000000,
+ 0xaa933b1a00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x6f4ca59b00000000, 0x9f9e3bec00000000,
+ 0xf0d29e7700000000, 0x7f3b060300000000, 0x1077a39800000000,
+ 0xe0a53def00000000, 0x8fe9987400000000, 0xfe760c0600000000,
+ 0x913aa99d00000000, 0x61e837ea00000000, 0x0ea4927100000000,
+ 0x814d0a0500000000, 0xee01af9e00000000, 0x1ed331e900000000,
+ 0x719f947200000000, 0xfced180c00000000, 0x93a1bd9700000000,
+ 0x637323e000000000, 0x0c3f867b00000000, 0x83d61e0f00000000,
+ 0xec9abb9400000000, 0x1c4825e300000000, 0x7304807800000000,
+ 0x029b140a00000000, 0x6dd7b19100000000, 0x9d052fe600000000,
+ 0xf2498a7d00000000, 0x7da0120900000000, 0x12ecb79200000000,
+ 0xe23e29e500000000, 0x8d728c7e00000000, 0xf8db311800000000,
+ 0x9797948300000000, 0x67450af400000000, 0x0809af6f00000000,
+ 0x87e0371b00000000, 0xe8ac928000000000, 0x187e0cf700000000,
+ 0x7732a96c00000000, 0x06ad3d1e00000000, 0x69e1988500000000,
+ 0x993306f200000000, 0xf67fa36900000000, 0x79963b1d00000000,
+ 0x16da9e8600000000, 0xe60800f100000000, 0x8944a56a00000000,
+ 0x0436291400000000, 0x6b7a8c8f00000000, 0x9ba812f800000000,
+ 0xf4e4b76300000000, 0x7b0d2f1700000000, 0x14418a8c00000000,
+ 0xe49314fb00000000, 0x8bdfb16000000000, 0xfa40251200000000,
+ 0x950c808900000000, 0x65de1efe00000000, 0x0a92bb6500000000,
+ 0x857b231100000000, 0xea37868a00000000, 0x1ae518fd00000000,
+ 0x75a9bd6600000000, 0xf0b7633000000000, 0x9ffbc6ab00000000,
+ 0x6f2958dc00000000, 0x0065fd4700000000, 0x8f8c653300000000,
+ 0xe0c0c0a800000000, 0x10125edf00000000, 0x7f5efb4400000000,
+ 0x0ec16f3600000000, 0x618dcaad00000000, 0x915f54da00000000,
+ 0xfe13f14100000000, 0x71fa693500000000, 0x1eb6ccae00000000,
+ 0xee6452d900000000, 0x8128f74200000000, 0x0c5a7b3c00000000,
+ 0x6316dea700000000, 0x93c440d000000000, 0xfc88e54b00000000,
+ 0x73617d3f00000000, 0x1c2dd8a400000000, 0xecff46d300000000,
+ 0x83b3e34800000000, 0xf22c773a00000000, 0x9d60d2a100000000,
+ 0x6db24cd600000000, 0x02fee94d00000000, 0x8d17713900000000,
+ 0xe25bd4a200000000, 0x12894ad500000000, 0x7dc5ef4e00000000,
+ 0x086c522800000000, 0x6720f7b300000000, 0x97f269c400000000,
+ 0xf8becc5f00000000, 0x7757542b00000000, 0x181bf1b000000000,
+ 0xe8c96fc700000000, 0x8785ca5c00000000, 0xf61a5e2e00000000,
+ 0x9956fbb500000000, 0x698465c200000000, 0x06c8c05900000000,
+ 0x8921582d00000000, 0xe66dfdb600000000, 0x16bf63c100000000,
+ 0x79f3c65a00000000, 0xf4814a2400000000, 0x9bcdefbf00000000,
+ 0x6b1f71c800000000, 0x0453d45300000000, 0x8bba4c2700000000,
+ 0xe4f6e9bc00000000, 0x142477cb00000000, 0x7b68d25000000000,
+ 0x0af7462200000000, 0x65bbe3b900000000, 0x95697dce00000000,
+ 0xfa25d85500000000, 0x75cc402100000000, 0x1a80e5ba00000000,
+ 0xea527bcd00000000, 0x851ede5600000000, 0xe06fc76000000000,
+ 0x8f2362fb00000000, 0x7ff1fc8c00000000, 0x10bd591700000000,
+ 0x9f54c16300000000, 0xf01864f800000000, 0x00cafa8f00000000,
+ 0x6f865f1400000000, 0x1e19cb6600000000, 0x71556efd00000000,
+ 0x8187f08a00000000, 0xeecb551100000000, 0x6122cd6500000000,
+ 0x0e6e68fe00000000, 0xfebcf68900000000, 0x91f0531200000000,
+ 0x1c82df6c00000000, 0x73ce7af700000000, 0x831ce48000000000,
+ 0xec50411b00000000, 0x63b9d96f00000000, 0x0cf57cf400000000,
+ 0xfc27e28300000000, 0x936b471800000000, 0xe2f4d36a00000000,
+ 0x8db876f100000000, 0x7d6ae88600000000, 0x12264d1d00000000,
+ 0x9dcfd56900000000, 0xf28370f200000000, 0x0251ee8500000000,
+ 0x6d1d4b1e00000000, 0x18b4f67800000000, 0x77f853e300000000,
+ 0x872acd9400000000, 0xe866680f00000000, 0x678ff07b00000000,
+ 0x08c355e000000000, 0xf811cb9700000000, 0x975d6e0c00000000,
+ 0xe6c2fa7e00000000, 0x898e5fe500000000, 0x795cc19200000000,
+ 0x1610640900000000, 0x99f9fc7d00000000, 0xf6b559e600000000,
+ 0x0667c79100000000, 0x692b620a00000000, 0xe459ee7400000000,
+ 0x8b154bef00000000, 0x7bc7d59800000000, 0x148b700300000000,
+ 0x9b62e87700000000, 0xf42e4dec00000000, 0x04fcd39b00000000,
+ 0x6bb0760000000000, 0x1a2fe27200000000, 0x756347e900000000,
+ 0x85b1d99e00000000, 0xeafd7c0500000000, 0x6514e47100000000,
+ 0x0a5841ea00000000, 0xfa8adf9d00000000, 0x95c67a0600000000,
+ 0x10d8a45000000000, 0x7f9401cb00000000, 0x8f469fbc00000000,
+ 0xe00a3a2700000000, 0x6fe3a25300000000, 0x00af07c800000000,
+ 0xf07d99bf00000000, 0x9f313c2400000000, 0xeeaea85600000000,
+ 0x81e20dcd00000000, 0x713093ba00000000, 0x1e7c362100000000,
+ 0x9195ae5500000000, 0xfed90bce00000000, 0x0e0b95b900000000,
+ 0x6147302200000000, 0xec35bc5c00000000, 0x837919c700000000,
+ 0x73ab87b000000000, 0x1ce7222b00000000, 0x930eba5f00000000,
+ 0xfc421fc400000000, 0x0c9081b300000000, 0x63dc242800000000,
+ 0x1243b05a00000000, 0x7d0f15c100000000, 0x8ddd8bb600000000,
+ 0xe2912e2d00000000, 0x6d78b65900000000, 0x023413c200000000,
+ 0xf2e68db500000000, 0x9daa282e00000000, 0xe803954800000000,
+ 0x874f30d300000000, 0x779daea400000000, 0x18d10b3f00000000,
+ 0x9738934b00000000, 0xf87436d000000000, 0x08a6a8a700000000,
+ 0x67ea0d3c00000000, 0x1675994e00000000, 0x79393cd500000000,
+ 0x89eba2a200000000, 0xe6a7073900000000, 0x694e9f4d00000000,
+ 0x06023ad600000000, 0xf6d0a4a100000000, 0x999c013a00000000,
+ 0x14ee8d4400000000, 0x7ba228df00000000, 0x8b70b6a800000000,
+ 0xe43c133300000000, 0x6bd58b4700000000, 0x04992edc00000000,
+ 0xf44bb0ab00000000, 0x9b07153000000000, 0xea98814200000000,
+ 0x85d424d900000000, 0x7506baae00000000, 0x1a4a1f3500000000,
+ 0x95a3874100000000, 0xfaef22da00000000, 0x0a3dbcad00000000,
+ 0x6571193600000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x85d996dd00000000, 0x4bb55c6000000000,
+ 0xce6ccabd00000000, 0x966ab9c000000000, 0x13b32f1d00000000,
+ 0xdddfe5a000000000, 0x5806737d00000000, 0x6dd3035a00000000,
+ 0xe80a958700000000, 0x26665f3a00000000, 0xa3bfc9e700000000,
+ 0xfbb9ba9a00000000, 0x7e602c4700000000, 0xb00ce6fa00000000,
+ 0x35d5702700000000, 0xdaa607b400000000, 0x5f7f916900000000,
+ 0x91135bd400000000, 0x14cacd0900000000, 0x4cccbe7400000000,
+ 0xc91528a900000000, 0x0779e21400000000, 0x82a074c900000000,
+ 0xb77504ee00000000, 0x32ac923300000000, 0xfcc0588e00000000,
+ 0x7919ce5300000000, 0x211fbd2e00000000, 0xa4c62bf300000000,
+ 0x6aaae14e00000000, 0xef73779300000000, 0xf54b7eb300000000,
+ 0x7092e86e00000000, 0xbefe22d300000000, 0x3b27b40e00000000,
+ 0x6321c77300000000, 0xe6f851ae00000000, 0x28949b1300000000,
+ 0xad4d0dce00000000, 0x98987de900000000, 0x1d41eb3400000000,
+ 0xd32d218900000000, 0x56f4b75400000000, 0x0ef2c42900000000,
+ 0x8b2b52f400000000, 0x4547984900000000, 0xc09e0e9400000000,
+ 0x2fed790700000000, 0xaa34efda00000000, 0x6458256700000000,
+ 0xe181b3ba00000000, 0xb987c0c700000000, 0x3c5e561a00000000,
+ 0xf2329ca700000000, 0x77eb0a7a00000000, 0x423e7a5d00000000,
+ 0xc7e7ec8000000000, 0x098b263d00000000, 0x8c52b0e000000000,
+ 0xd454c39d00000000, 0x518d554000000000, 0x9fe19ffd00000000,
+ 0x1a38092000000000, 0xab918dbd00000000, 0x2e481b6000000000,
+ 0xe024d1dd00000000, 0x65fd470000000000, 0x3dfb347d00000000,
+ 0xb822a2a000000000, 0x764e681d00000000, 0xf397fec000000000,
+ 0xc6428ee700000000, 0x439b183a00000000, 0x8df7d28700000000,
+ 0x082e445a00000000, 0x5028372700000000, 0xd5f1a1fa00000000,
+ 0x1b9d6b4700000000, 0x9e44fd9a00000000, 0x71378a0900000000,
+ 0xf4ee1cd400000000, 0x3a82d66900000000, 0xbf5b40b400000000,
+ 0xe75d33c900000000, 0x6284a51400000000, 0xace86fa900000000,
+ 0x2931f97400000000, 0x1ce4895300000000, 0x993d1f8e00000000,
+ 0x5751d53300000000, 0xd28843ee00000000, 0x8a8e309300000000,
+ 0x0f57a64e00000000, 0xc13b6cf300000000, 0x44e2fa2e00000000,
+ 0x5edaf30e00000000, 0xdb0365d300000000, 0x156faf6e00000000,
+ 0x90b639b300000000, 0xc8b04ace00000000, 0x4d69dc1300000000,
+ 0x830516ae00000000, 0x06dc807300000000, 0x3309f05400000000,
+ 0xb6d0668900000000, 0x78bcac3400000000, 0xfd653ae900000000,
+ 0xa563499400000000, 0x20badf4900000000, 0xeed615f400000000,
+ 0x6b0f832900000000, 0x847cf4ba00000000, 0x01a5626700000000,
+ 0xcfc9a8da00000000, 0x4a103e0700000000, 0x12164d7a00000000,
+ 0x97cfdba700000000, 0x59a3111a00000000, 0xdc7a87c700000000,
+ 0xe9aff7e000000000, 0x6c76613d00000000, 0xa21aab8000000000,
+ 0x27c33d5d00000000, 0x7fc54e2000000000, 0xfa1cd8fd00000000,
+ 0x3470124000000000, 0xb1a9849d00000000, 0x17256aa000000000,
+ 0x92fcfc7d00000000, 0x5c9036c000000000, 0xd949a01d00000000,
+ 0x814fd36000000000, 0x049645bd00000000, 0xcafa8f0000000000,
+ 0x4f2319dd00000000, 0x7af669fa00000000, 0xff2fff2700000000,
+ 0x3143359a00000000, 0xb49aa34700000000, 0xec9cd03a00000000,
+ 0x694546e700000000, 0xa7298c5a00000000, 0x22f01a8700000000,
+ 0xcd836d1400000000, 0x485afbc900000000, 0x8636317400000000,
+ 0x03efa7a900000000, 0x5be9d4d400000000, 0xde30420900000000,
+ 0x105c88b400000000, 0x95851e6900000000, 0xa0506e4e00000000,
+ 0x2589f89300000000, 0xebe5322e00000000, 0x6e3ca4f300000000,
+ 0x363ad78e00000000, 0xb3e3415300000000, 0x7d8f8bee00000000,
+ 0xf8561d3300000000, 0xe26e141300000000, 0x67b782ce00000000,
+ 0xa9db487300000000, 0x2c02deae00000000, 0x7404add300000000,
+ 0xf1dd3b0e00000000, 0x3fb1f1b300000000, 0xba68676e00000000,
+ 0x8fbd174900000000, 0x0a64819400000000, 0xc4084b2900000000,
+ 0x41d1ddf400000000, 0x19d7ae8900000000, 0x9c0e385400000000,
+ 0x5262f2e900000000, 0xd7bb643400000000, 0x38c813a700000000,
+ 0xbd11857a00000000, 0x737d4fc700000000, 0xf6a4d91a00000000,
+ 0xaea2aa6700000000, 0x2b7b3cba00000000, 0xe517f60700000000,
+ 0x60ce60da00000000, 0x551b10fd00000000, 0xd0c2862000000000,
+ 0x1eae4c9d00000000, 0x9b77da4000000000, 0xc371a93d00000000,
+ 0x46a83fe000000000, 0x88c4f55d00000000, 0x0d1d638000000000,
+ 0xbcb4e71d00000000, 0x396d71c000000000, 0xf701bb7d00000000,
+ 0x72d82da000000000, 0x2ade5edd00000000, 0xaf07c80000000000,
+ 0x616b02bd00000000, 0xe4b2946000000000, 0xd167e44700000000,
+ 0x54be729a00000000, 0x9ad2b82700000000, 0x1f0b2efa00000000,
+ 0x470d5d8700000000, 0xc2d4cb5a00000000, 0x0cb801e700000000,
+ 0x8961973a00000000, 0x6612e0a900000000, 0xe3cb767400000000,
+ 0x2da7bcc900000000, 0xa87e2a1400000000, 0xf078596900000000,
+ 0x75a1cfb400000000, 0xbbcd050900000000, 0x3e1493d400000000,
+ 0x0bc1e3f300000000, 0x8e18752e00000000, 0x4074bf9300000000,
+ 0xc5ad294e00000000, 0x9dab5a3300000000, 0x1872ccee00000000,
+ 0xd61e065300000000, 0x53c7908e00000000, 0x49ff99ae00000000,
+ 0xcc260f7300000000, 0x024ac5ce00000000, 0x8793531300000000,
+ 0xdf95206e00000000, 0x5a4cb6b300000000, 0x94207c0e00000000,
+ 0x11f9ead300000000, 0x242c9af400000000, 0xa1f50c2900000000,
+ 0x6f99c69400000000, 0xea40504900000000, 0xb246233400000000,
+ 0x379fb5e900000000, 0xf9f37f5400000000, 0x7c2ae98900000000,
+ 0x93599e1a00000000, 0x168008c700000000, 0xd8ecc27a00000000,
+ 0x5d3554a700000000, 0x053327da00000000, 0x80eab10700000000,
+ 0x4e867bba00000000, 0xcb5fed6700000000, 0xfe8a9d4000000000,
+ 0x7b530b9d00000000, 0xb53fc12000000000, 0x30e657fd00000000,
+ 0x68e0248000000000, 0xed39b25d00000000, 0x235578e000000000,
+ 0xa68cee3d00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x76e10f9d00000000, 0xadc46ee100000000,
+ 0xdb25617c00000000, 0x1b8fac1900000000, 0x6d6ea38400000000,
+ 0xb64bc2f800000000, 0xc0aacd6500000000, 0x361e593300000000,
+ 0x40ff56ae00000000, 0x9bda37d200000000, 0xed3b384f00000000,
+ 0x2d91f52a00000000, 0x5b70fab700000000, 0x80559bcb00000000,
+ 0xf6b4945600000000, 0x6c3cb26600000000, 0x1addbdfb00000000,
+ 0xc1f8dc8700000000, 0xb719d31a00000000, 0x77b31e7f00000000,
+ 0x015211e200000000, 0xda77709e00000000, 0xac967f0300000000,
+ 0x5a22eb5500000000, 0x2cc3e4c800000000, 0xf7e685b400000000,
+ 0x81078a2900000000, 0x41ad474c00000000, 0x374c48d100000000,
+ 0xec6929ad00000000, 0x9a88263000000000, 0xd87864cd00000000,
+ 0xae996b5000000000, 0x75bc0a2c00000000, 0x035d05b100000000,
+ 0xc3f7c8d400000000, 0xb516c74900000000, 0x6e33a63500000000,
+ 0x18d2a9a800000000, 0xee663dfe00000000, 0x9887326300000000,
+ 0x43a2531f00000000, 0x35435c8200000000, 0xf5e991e700000000,
+ 0x83089e7a00000000, 0x582dff0600000000, 0x2eccf09b00000000,
+ 0xb444d6ab00000000, 0xc2a5d93600000000, 0x1980b84a00000000,
+ 0x6f61b7d700000000, 0xafcb7ab200000000, 0xd92a752f00000000,
+ 0x020f145300000000, 0x74ee1bce00000000, 0x825a8f9800000000,
+ 0xf4bb800500000000, 0x2f9ee17900000000, 0x597feee400000000,
+ 0x99d5238100000000, 0xef342c1c00000000, 0x34114d6000000000,
+ 0x42f042fd00000000, 0xf1f7b94100000000, 0x8716b6dc00000000,
+ 0x5c33d7a000000000, 0x2ad2d83d00000000, 0xea78155800000000,
+ 0x9c991ac500000000, 0x47bc7bb900000000, 0x315d742400000000,
+ 0xc7e9e07200000000, 0xb108efef00000000, 0x6a2d8e9300000000,
+ 0x1ccc810e00000000, 0xdc664c6b00000000, 0xaa8743f600000000,
+ 0x71a2228a00000000, 0x07432d1700000000, 0x9dcb0b2700000000,
+ 0xeb2a04ba00000000, 0x300f65c600000000, 0x46ee6a5b00000000,
+ 0x8644a73e00000000, 0xf0a5a8a300000000, 0x2b80c9df00000000,
+ 0x5d61c64200000000, 0xabd5521400000000, 0xdd345d8900000000,
+ 0x06113cf500000000, 0x70f0336800000000, 0xb05afe0d00000000,
+ 0xc6bbf19000000000, 0x1d9e90ec00000000, 0x6b7f9f7100000000,
+ 0x298fdd8c00000000, 0x5f6ed21100000000, 0x844bb36d00000000,
+ 0xf2aabcf000000000, 0x3200719500000000, 0x44e17e0800000000,
+ 0x9fc41f7400000000, 0xe92510e900000000, 0x1f9184bf00000000,
+ 0x69708b2200000000, 0xb255ea5e00000000, 0xc4b4e5c300000000,
+ 0x041e28a600000000, 0x72ff273b00000000, 0xa9da464700000000,
+ 0xdf3b49da00000000, 0x45b36fea00000000, 0x3352607700000000,
+ 0xe877010b00000000, 0x9e960e9600000000, 0x5e3cc3f300000000,
+ 0x28ddcc6e00000000, 0xf3f8ad1200000000, 0x8519a28f00000000,
+ 0x73ad36d900000000, 0x054c394400000000, 0xde69583800000000,
+ 0xa88857a500000000, 0x68229ac000000000, 0x1ec3955d00000000,
+ 0xc5e6f42100000000, 0xb307fbbc00000000, 0xe2ef738300000000,
+ 0x940e7c1e00000000, 0x4f2b1d6200000000, 0x39ca12ff00000000,
+ 0xf960df9a00000000, 0x8f81d00700000000, 0x54a4b17b00000000,
+ 0x2245bee600000000, 0xd4f12ab000000000, 0xa210252d00000000,
+ 0x7935445100000000, 0x0fd44bcc00000000, 0xcf7e86a900000000,
+ 0xb99f893400000000, 0x62bae84800000000, 0x145be7d500000000,
+ 0x8ed3c1e500000000, 0xf832ce7800000000, 0x2317af0400000000,
+ 0x55f6a09900000000, 0x955c6dfc00000000, 0xe3bd626100000000,
+ 0x3898031d00000000, 0x4e790c8000000000, 0xb8cd98d600000000,
+ 0xce2c974b00000000, 0x1509f63700000000, 0x63e8f9aa00000000,
+ 0xa34234cf00000000, 0xd5a33b5200000000, 0x0e865a2e00000000,
+ 0x786755b300000000, 0x3a97174e00000000, 0x4c7618d300000000,
+ 0x975379af00000000, 0xe1b2763200000000, 0x2118bb5700000000,
+ 0x57f9b4ca00000000, 0x8cdcd5b600000000, 0xfa3dda2b00000000,
+ 0x0c894e7d00000000, 0x7a6841e000000000, 0xa14d209c00000000,
+ 0xd7ac2f0100000000, 0x1706e26400000000, 0x61e7edf900000000,
+ 0xbac28c8500000000, 0xcc23831800000000, 0x56aba52800000000,
+ 0x204aaab500000000, 0xfb6fcbc900000000, 0x8d8ec45400000000,
+ 0x4d24093100000000, 0x3bc506ac00000000, 0xe0e067d000000000,
+ 0x9601684d00000000, 0x60b5fc1b00000000, 0x1654f38600000000,
+ 0xcd7192fa00000000, 0xbb909d6700000000, 0x7b3a500200000000,
+ 0x0ddb5f9f00000000, 0xd6fe3ee300000000, 0xa01f317e00000000,
+ 0x1318cac200000000, 0x65f9c55f00000000, 0xbedca42300000000,
+ 0xc83dabbe00000000, 0x089766db00000000, 0x7e76694600000000,
+ 0xa553083a00000000, 0xd3b207a700000000, 0x250693f100000000,
+ 0x53e79c6c00000000, 0x88c2fd1000000000, 0xfe23f28d00000000,
+ 0x3e893fe800000000, 0x4868307500000000, 0x934d510900000000,
+ 0xe5ac5e9400000000, 0x7f2478a400000000, 0x09c5773900000000,
+ 0xd2e0164500000000, 0xa40119d800000000, 0x64abd4bd00000000,
+ 0x124adb2000000000, 0xc96fba5c00000000, 0xbf8eb5c100000000,
+ 0x493a219700000000, 0x3fdb2e0a00000000, 0xe4fe4f7600000000,
+ 0x921f40eb00000000, 0x52b58d8e00000000, 0x2454821300000000,
+ 0xff71e36f00000000, 0x8990ecf200000000, 0xcb60ae0f00000000,
+ 0xbd81a19200000000, 0x66a4c0ee00000000, 0x1045cf7300000000,
+ 0xd0ef021600000000, 0xa60e0d8b00000000, 0x7d2b6cf700000000,
+ 0x0bca636a00000000, 0xfd7ef73c00000000, 0x8b9ff8a100000000,
+ 0x50ba99dd00000000, 0x265b964000000000, 0xe6f15b2500000000,
+ 0x901054b800000000, 0x4b3535c400000000, 0x3dd43a5900000000,
+ 0xa75c1c6900000000, 0xd1bd13f400000000, 0x0a98728800000000,
+ 0x7c797d1500000000, 0xbcd3b07000000000, 0xca32bfed00000000,
+ 0x1117de9100000000, 0x67f6d10c00000000, 0x9142455a00000000,
+ 0xe7a34ac700000000, 0x3c862bbb00000000, 0x4a67242600000000,
+ 0x8acde94300000000, 0xfc2ce6de00000000, 0x270987a200000000,
+ 0x51e8883f00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xe8dbfbb900000000, 0x91b186a800000000,
+ 0x796a7d1100000000, 0x63657c8a00000000, 0x8bbe873300000000,
+ 0xf2d4fa2200000000, 0x1a0f019b00000000, 0x87cc89cf00000000,
+ 0x6f17727600000000, 0x167d0f6700000000, 0xfea6f4de00000000,
+ 0xe4a9f54500000000, 0x0c720efc00000000, 0x751873ed00000000,
+ 0x9dc3885400000000, 0x4f9f624400000000, 0xa74499fd00000000,
+ 0xde2ee4ec00000000, 0x36f51f5500000000, 0x2cfa1ece00000000,
+ 0xc421e57700000000, 0xbd4b986600000000, 0x559063df00000000,
+ 0xc853eb8b00000000, 0x2088103200000000, 0x59e26d2300000000,
+ 0xb139969a00000000, 0xab36970100000000, 0x43ed6cb800000000,
+ 0x3a8711a900000000, 0xd25cea1000000000, 0x9e3ec58800000000,
+ 0x76e53e3100000000, 0x0f8f432000000000, 0xe754b89900000000,
+ 0xfd5bb90200000000, 0x158042bb00000000, 0x6cea3faa00000000,
+ 0x8431c41300000000, 0x19f24c4700000000, 0xf129b7fe00000000,
+ 0x8843caef00000000, 0x6098315600000000, 0x7a9730cd00000000,
+ 0x924ccb7400000000, 0xeb26b66500000000, 0x03fd4ddc00000000,
+ 0xd1a1a7cc00000000, 0x397a5c7500000000, 0x4010216400000000,
+ 0xa8cbdadd00000000, 0xb2c4db4600000000, 0x5a1f20ff00000000,
+ 0x23755dee00000000, 0xcbaea65700000000, 0x566d2e0300000000,
+ 0xbeb6d5ba00000000, 0xc7dca8ab00000000, 0x2f07531200000000,
+ 0x3508528900000000, 0xddd3a93000000000, 0xa4b9d42100000000,
+ 0x4c622f9800000000, 0x7d7bfbca00000000, 0x95a0007300000000,
+ 0xecca7d6200000000, 0x041186db00000000, 0x1e1e874000000000,
+ 0xf6c57cf900000000, 0x8faf01e800000000, 0x6774fa5100000000,
+ 0xfab7720500000000, 0x126c89bc00000000, 0x6b06f4ad00000000,
+ 0x83dd0f1400000000, 0x99d20e8f00000000, 0x7109f53600000000,
+ 0x0863882700000000, 0xe0b8739e00000000, 0x32e4998e00000000,
+ 0xda3f623700000000, 0xa3551f2600000000, 0x4b8ee49f00000000,
+ 0x5181e50400000000, 0xb95a1ebd00000000, 0xc03063ac00000000,
+ 0x28eb981500000000, 0xb528104100000000, 0x5df3ebf800000000,
+ 0x249996e900000000, 0xcc426d5000000000, 0xd64d6ccb00000000,
+ 0x3e96977200000000, 0x47fcea6300000000, 0xaf2711da00000000,
+ 0xe3453e4200000000, 0x0b9ec5fb00000000, 0x72f4b8ea00000000,
+ 0x9a2f435300000000, 0x802042c800000000, 0x68fbb97100000000,
+ 0x1191c46000000000, 0xf94a3fd900000000, 0x6489b78d00000000,
+ 0x8c524c3400000000, 0xf538312500000000, 0x1de3ca9c00000000,
+ 0x07eccb0700000000, 0xef3730be00000000, 0x965d4daf00000000,
+ 0x7e86b61600000000, 0xacda5c0600000000, 0x4401a7bf00000000,
+ 0x3d6bdaae00000000, 0xd5b0211700000000, 0xcfbf208c00000000,
+ 0x2764db3500000000, 0x5e0ea62400000000, 0xb6d55d9d00000000,
+ 0x2b16d5c900000000, 0xc3cd2e7000000000, 0xbaa7536100000000,
+ 0x527ca8d800000000, 0x4873a94300000000, 0xa0a852fa00000000,
+ 0xd9c22feb00000000, 0x3119d45200000000, 0xbbf0874e00000000,
+ 0x532b7cf700000000, 0x2a4101e600000000, 0xc29afa5f00000000,
+ 0xd895fbc400000000, 0x304e007d00000000, 0x49247d6c00000000,
+ 0xa1ff86d500000000, 0x3c3c0e8100000000, 0xd4e7f53800000000,
+ 0xad8d882900000000, 0x4556739000000000, 0x5f59720b00000000,
+ 0xb78289b200000000, 0xcee8f4a300000000, 0x26330f1a00000000,
+ 0xf46fe50a00000000, 0x1cb41eb300000000, 0x65de63a200000000,
+ 0x8d05981b00000000, 0x970a998000000000, 0x7fd1623900000000,
+ 0x06bb1f2800000000, 0xee60e49100000000, 0x73a36cc500000000,
+ 0x9b78977c00000000, 0xe212ea6d00000000, 0x0ac911d400000000,
+ 0x10c6104f00000000, 0xf81debf600000000, 0x817796e700000000,
+ 0x69ac6d5e00000000, 0x25ce42c600000000, 0xcd15b97f00000000,
+ 0xb47fc46e00000000, 0x5ca43fd700000000, 0x46ab3e4c00000000,
+ 0xae70c5f500000000, 0xd71ab8e400000000, 0x3fc1435d00000000,
+ 0xa202cb0900000000, 0x4ad930b000000000, 0x33b34da100000000,
+ 0xdb68b61800000000, 0xc167b78300000000, 0x29bc4c3a00000000,
+ 0x50d6312b00000000, 0xb80dca9200000000, 0x6a51208200000000,
+ 0x828adb3b00000000, 0xfbe0a62a00000000, 0x133b5d9300000000,
+ 0x09345c0800000000, 0xe1efa7b100000000, 0x9885daa000000000,
+ 0x705e211900000000, 0xed9da94d00000000, 0x054652f400000000,
+ 0x7c2c2fe500000000, 0x94f7d45c00000000, 0x8ef8d5c700000000,
+ 0x66232e7e00000000, 0x1f49536f00000000, 0xf792a8d600000000,
+ 0xc68b7c8400000000, 0x2e50873d00000000, 0x573afa2c00000000,
+ 0xbfe1019500000000, 0xa5ee000e00000000, 0x4d35fbb700000000,
+ 0x345f86a600000000, 0xdc847d1f00000000, 0x4147f54b00000000,
+ 0xa99c0ef200000000, 0xd0f673e300000000, 0x382d885a00000000,
+ 0x222289c100000000, 0xcaf9727800000000, 0xb3930f6900000000,
+ 0x5b48f4d000000000, 0x89141ec000000000, 0x61cfe57900000000,
+ 0x18a5986800000000, 0xf07e63d100000000, 0xea71624a00000000,
+ 0x02aa99f300000000, 0x7bc0e4e200000000, 0x931b1f5b00000000,
+ 0x0ed8970f00000000, 0xe6036cb600000000, 0x9f6911a700000000,
+ 0x77b2ea1e00000000, 0x6dbdeb8500000000, 0x8566103c00000000,
+ 0xfc0c6d2d00000000, 0x14d7969400000000, 0x58b5b90c00000000,
+ 0xb06e42b500000000, 0xc9043fa400000000, 0x21dfc41d00000000,
+ 0x3bd0c58600000000, 0xd30b3e3f00000000, 0xaa61432e00000000,
+ 0x42bab89700000000, 0xdf7930c300000000, 0x37a2cb7a00000000,
+ 0x4ec8b66b00000000, 0xa6134dd200000000, 0xbc1c4c4900000000,
+ 0x54c7b7f000000000, 0x2dadcae100000000, 0xc576315800000000,
+ 0x172adb4800000000, 0xfff120f100000000, 0x869b5de000000000,
+ 0x6e40a65900000000, 0x744fa7c200000000, 0x9c945c7b00000000,
+ 0xe5fe216a00000000, 0x0d25dad300000000, 0x90e6528700000000,
+ 0x783da93e00000000, 0x0157d42f00000000, 0xe98c2f9600000000,
+ 0xf3832e0d00000000, 0x1b58d5b400000000, 0x6232a8a500000000,
+ 0x8ae9531c00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x919168ae00000000, 0x6325a08700000000,
+ 0xf2b4c82900000000, 0x874c31d400000000, 0x16dd597a00000000,
+ 0xe469915300000000, 0x75f8f9fd00000000, 0x4f9f137300000000,
+ 0xde0e7bdd00000000, 0x2cbab3f400000000, 0xbd2bdb5a00000000,
+ 0xc8d322a700000000, 0x59424a0900000000, 0xabf6822000000000,
+ 0x3a67ea8e00000000, 0x9e3e27e600000000, 0x0faf4f4800000000,
+ 0xfd1b876100000000, 0x6c8aefcf00000000, 0x1972163200000000,
+ 0x88e37e9c00000000, 0x7a57b6b500000000, 0xebc6de1b00000000,
+ 0xd1a1349500000000, 0x40305c3b00000000, 0xb284941200000000,
+ 0x2315fcbc00000000, 0x56ed054100000000, 0xc77c6def00000000,
+ 0x35c8a5c600000000, 0xa459cd6800000000, 0x7d7b3f1700000000,
+ 0xecea57b900000000, 0x1e5e9f9000000000, 0x8fcff73e00000000,
+ 0xfa370ec300000000, 0x6ba6666d00000000, 0x9912ae4400000000,
+ 0x0883c6ea00000000, 0x32e42c6400000000, 0xa37544ca00000000,
+ 0x51c18ce300000000, 0xc050e44d00000000, 0xb5a81db000000000,
+ 0x2439751e00000000, 0xd68dbd3700000000, 0x471cd59900000000,
+ 0xe34518f100000000, 0x72d4705f00000000, 0x8060b87600000000,
+ 0x11f1d0d800000000, 0x6409292500000000, 0xf598418b00000000,
+ 0x072c89a200000000, 0x96bde10c00000000, 0xacda0b8200000000,
+ 0x3d4b632c00000000, 0xcfffab0500000000, 0x5e6ec3ab00000000,
+ 0x2b963a5600000000, 0xba0752f800000000, 0x48b39ad100000000,
+ 0xd922f27f00000000, 0xfaf67e2e00000000, 0x6b67168000000000,
+ 0x99d3dea900000000, 0x0842b60700000000, 0x7dba4ffa00000000,
+ 0xec2b275400000000, 0x1e9fef7d00000000, 0x8f0e87d300000000,
+ 0xb5696d5d00000000, 0x24f805f300000000, 0xd64ccdda00000000,
+ 0x47dda57400000000, 0x32255c8900000000, 0xa3b4342700000000,
+ 0x5100fc0e00000000, 0xc09194a000000000, 0x64c859c800000000,
+ 0xf559316600000000, 0x07edf94f00000000, 0x967c91e100000000,
+ 0xe384681c00000000, 0x721500b200000000, 0x80a1c89b00000000,
+ 0x1130a03500000000, 0x2b574abb00000000, 0xbac6221500000000,
+ 0x4872ea3c00000000, 0xd9e3829200000000, 0xac1b7b6f00000000,
+ 0x3d8a13c100000000, 0xcf3edbe800000000, 0x5eafb34600000000,
+ 0x878d413900000000, 0x161c299700000000, 0xe4a8e1be00000000,
+ 0x7539891000000000, 0x00c170ed00000000, 0x9150184300000000,
+ 0x63e4d06a00000000, 0xf275b8c400000000, 0xc812524a00000000,
+ 0x59833ae400000000, 0xab37f2cd00000000, 0x3aa69a6300000000,
+ 0x4f5e639e00000000, 0xdecf0b3000000000, 0x2c7bc31900000000,
+ 0xbdeaabb700000000, 0x19b366df00000000, 0x88220e7100000000,
+ 0x7a96c65800000000, 0xeb07aef600000000, 0x9eff570b00000000,
+ 0x0f6e3fa500000000, 0xfddaf78c00000000, 0x6c4b9f2200000000,
+ 0x562c75ac00000000, 0xc7bd1d0200000000, 0x3509d52b00000000,
+ 0xa498bd8500000000, 0xd160447800000000, 0x40f12cd600000000,
+ 0xb245e4ff00000000, 0x23d48c5100000000, 0xf4edfd5c00000000,
+ 0x657c95f200000000, 0x97c85ddb00000000, 0x0659357500000000,
+ 0x73a1cc8800000000, 0xe230a42600000000, 0x10846c0f00000000,
+ 0x811504a100000000, 0xbb72ee2f00000000, 0x2ae3868100000000,
+ 0xd8574ea800000000, 0x49c6260600000000, 0x3c3edffb00000000,
+ 0xadafb75500000000, 0x5f1b7f7c00000000, 0xce8a17d200000000,
+ 0x6ad3daba00000000, 0xfb42b21400000000, 0x09f67a3d00000000,
+ 0x9867129300000000, 0xed9feb6e00000000, 0x7c0e83c000000000,
+ 0x8eba4be900000000, 0x1f2b234700000000, 0x254cc9c900000000,
+ 0xb4dda16700000000, 0x4669694e00000000, 0xd7f801e000000000,
+ 0xa200f81d00000000, 0x339190b300000000, 0xc125589a00000000,
+ 0x50b4303400000000, 0x8996c24b00000000, 0x1807aae500000000,
+ 0xeab362cc00000000, 0x7b220a6200000000, 0x0edaf39f00000000,
+ 0x9f4b9b3100000000, 0x6dff531800000000, 0xfc6e3bb600000000,
+ 0xc609d13800000000, 0x5798b99600000000, 0xa52c71bf00000000,
+ 0x34bd191100000000, 0x4145e0ec00000000, 0xd0d4884200000000,
+ 0x2260406b00000000, 0xb3f128c500000000, 0x17a8e5ad00000000,
+ 0x86398d0300000000, 0x748d452a00000000, 0xe51c2d8400000000,
+ 0x90e4d47900000000, 0x0175bcd700000000, 0xf3c174fe00000000,
+ 0x62501c5000000000, 0x5837f6de00000000, 0xc9a69e7000000000,
+ 0x3b12565900000000, 0xaa833ef700000000, 0xdf7bc70a00000000,
+ 0x4eeaafa400000000, 0xbc5e678d00000000, 0x2dcf0f2300000000,
+ 0x0e1b837200000000, 0x9f8aebdc00000000, 0x6d3e23f500000000,
+ 0xfcaf4b5b00000000, 0x8957b2a600000000, 0x18c6da0800000000,
+ 0xea72122100000000, 0x7be37a8f00000000, 0x4184900100000000,
+ 0xd015f8af00000000, 0x22a1308600000000, 0xb330582800000000,
+ 0xc6c8a1d500000000, 0x5759c97b00000000, 0xa5ed015200000000,
+ 0x347c69fc00000000, 0x9025a49400000000, 0x01b4cc3a00000000,
+ 0xf300041300000000, 0x62916cbd00000000, 0x1769954000000000,
+ 0x86f8fdee00000000, 0x744c35c700000000, 0xe5dd5d6900000000,
+ 0xdfbab7e700000000, 0x4e2bdf4900000000, 0xbc9f176000000000,
+ 0x2d0e7fce00000000, 0x58f6863300000000, 0xc967ee9d00000000,
+ 0x3bd326b400000000, 0xaa424e1a00000000, 0x7360bc6500000000,
+ 0xe2f1d4cb00000000, 0x10451ce200000000, 0x81d4744c00000000,
+ 0xf42c8db100000000, 0x65bde51f00000000, 0x97092d3600000000,
+ 0x0698459800000000, 0x3cffaf1600000000, 0xad6ec7b800000000,
+ 0x5fda0f9100000000, 0xce4b673f00000000, 0xbbb39ec200000000,
+ 0x2a22f66c00000000, 0xd8963e4500000000, 0x490756eb00000000,
+ 0xed5e9b8300000000, 0x7ccff32d00000000, 0x8e7b3b0400000000,
+ 0x1fea53aa00000000, 0x6a12aa5700000000, 0xfb83c2f900000000,
+ 0x09370ad000000000, 0x98a6627e00000000, 0xa2c188f000000000,
+ 0x3350e05e00000000, 0xc1e4287700000000, 0x507540d900000000,
+ 0x258db92400000000, 0xb41cd18a00000000, 0x46a819a300000000,
+ 0xd739710d00000000}};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xccaa009e, 0x4225077d, 0x8e8f07e3, 0x844a0efa,
+ 0x48e00e64, 0xc66f0987, 0x0ac50919, 0xd3e51bb5, 0x1f4f1b2b,
+ 0x91c01cc8, 0x5d6a1c56, 0x57af154f, 0x9b0515d1, 0x158a1232,
+ 0xd92012ac, 0x7cbb312b, 0xb01131b5, 0x3e9e3656, 0xf23436c8,
+ 0xf8f13fd1, 0x345b3f4f, 0xbad438ac, 0x767e3832, 0xaf5e2a9e,
+ 0x63f42a00, 0xed7b2de3, 0x21d12d7d, 0x2b142464, 0xe7be24fa,
+ 0x69312319, 0xa59b2387, 0xf9766256, 0x35dc62c8, 0xbb53652b,
+ 0x77f965b5, 0x7d3c6cac, 0xb1966c32, 0x3f196bd1, 0xf3b36b4f,
+ 0x2a9379e3, 0xe639797d, 0x68b67e9e, 0xa41c7e00, 0xaed97719,
+ 0x62737787, 0xecfc7064, 0x205670fa, 0x85cd537d, 0x496753e3,
+ 0xc7e85400, 0x0b42549e, 0x01875d87, 0xcd2d5d19, 0x43a25afa,
+ 0x8f085a64, 0x562848c8, 0x9a824856, 0x140d4fb5, 0xd8a74f2b,
+ 0xd2624632, 0x1ec846ac, 0x9047414f, 0x5ced41d1, 0x299dc2ed,
+ 0xe537c273, 0x6bb8c590, 0xa712c50e, 0xadd7cc17, 0x617dcc89,
+ 0xeff2cb6a, 0x2358cbf4, 0xfa78d958, 0x36d2d9c6, 0xb85dde25,
+ 0x74f7debb, 0x7e32d7a2, 0xb298d73c, 0x3c17d0df, 0xf0bdd041,
+ 0x5526f3c6, 0x998cf358, 0x1703f4bb, 0xdba9f425, 0xd16cfd3c,
+ 0x1dc6fda2, 0x9349fa41, 0x5fe3fadf, 0x86c3e873, 0x4a69e8ed,
+ 0xc4e6ef0e, 0x084cef90, 0x0289e689, 0xce23e617, 0x40ace1f4,
+ 0x8c06e16a, 0xd0eba0bb, 0x1c41a025, 0x92cea7c6, 0x5e64a758,
+ 0x54a1ae41, 0x980baedf, 0x1684a93c, 0xda2ea9a2, 0x030ebb0e,
+ 0xcfa4bb90, 0x412bbc73, 0x8d81bced, 0x8744b5f4, 0x4beeb56a,
+ 0xc561b289, 0x09cbb217, 0xac509190, 0x60fa910e, 0xee7596ed,
+ 0x22df9673, 0x281a9f6a, 0xe4b09ff4, 0x6a3f9817, 0xa6959889,
+ 0x7fb58a25, 0xb31f8abb, 0x3d908d58, 0xf13a8dc6, 0xfbff84df,
+ 0x37558441, 0xb9da83a2, 0x7570833c, 0x533b85da, 0x9f918544,
+ 0x111e82a7, 0xddb48239, 0xd7718b20, 0x1bdb8bbe, 0x95548c5d,
+ 0x59fe8cc3, 0x80de9e6f, 0x4c749ef1, 0xc2fb9912, 0x0e51998c,
+ 0x04949095, 0xc83e900b, 0x46b197e8, 0x8a1b9776, 0x2f80b4f1,
+ 0xe32ab46f, 0x6da5b38c, 0xa10fb312, 0xabcaba0b, 0x6760ba95,
+ 0xe9efbd76, 0x2545bde8, 0xfc65af44, 0x30cfafda, 0xbe40a839,
+ 0x72eaa8a7, 0x782fa1be, 0xb485a120, 0x3a0aa6c3, 0xf6a0a65d,
+ 0xaa4de78c, 0x66e7e712, 0xe868e0f1, 0x24c2e06f, 0x2e07e976,
+ 0xe2ade9e8, 0x6c22ee0b, 0xa088ee95, 0x79a8fc39, 0xb502fca7,
+ 0x3b8dfb44, 0xf727fbda, 0xfde2f2c3, 0x3148f25d, 0xbfc7f5be,
+ 0x736df520, 0xd6f6d6a7, 0x1a5cd639, 0x94d3d1da, 0x5879d144,
+ 0x52bcd85d, 0x9e16d8c3, 0x1099df20, 0xdc33dfbe, 0x0513cd12,
+ 0xc9b9cd8c, 0x4736ca6f, 0x8b9ccaf1, 0x8159c3e8, 0x4df3c376,
+ 0xc37cc495, 0x0fd6c40b, 0x7aa64737, 0xb60c47a9, 0x3883404a,
+ 0xf42940d4, 0xfeec49cd, 0x32464953, 0xbcc94eb0, 0x70634e2e,
+ 0xa9435c82, 0x65e95c1c, 0xeb665bff, 0x27cc5b61, 0x2d095278,
+ 0xe1a352e6, 0x6f2c5505, 0xa386559b, 0x061d761c, 0xcab77682,
+ 0x44387161, 0x889271ff, 0x825778e6, 0x4efd7878, 0xc0727f9b,
+ 0x0cd87f05, 0xd5f86da9, 0x19526d37, 0x97dd6ad4, 0x5b776a4a,
+ 0x51b26353, 0x9d1863cd, 0x1397642e, 0xdf3d64b0, 0x83d02561,
+ 0x4f7a25ff, 0xc1f5221c, 0x0d5f2282, 0x079a2b9b, 0xcb302b05,
+ 0x45bf2ce6, 0x89152c78, 0x50353ed4, 0x9c9f3e4a, 0x121039a9,
+ 0xdeba3937, 0xd47f302e, 0x18d530b0, 0x965a3753, 0x5af037cd,
+ 0xff6b144a, 0x33c114d4, 0xbd4e1337, 0x71e413a9, 0x7b211ab0,
+ 0xb78b1a2e, 0x39041dcd, 0xf5ae1d53, 0x2c8e0fff, 0xe0240f61,
+ 0x6eab0882, 0xa201081c, 0xa8c40105, 0x646e019b, 0xeae10678,
+ 0x264b06e6},
+ {0x00000000, 0xa6770bb4, 0x979f1129, 0x31e81a9d, 0xf44f2413,
+ 0x52382fa7, 0x63d0353a, 0xc5a73e8e, 0x33ef4e67, 0x959845d3,
+ 0xa4705f4e, 0x020754fa, 0xc7a06a74, 0x61d761c0, 0x503f7b5d,
+ 0xf64870e9, 0x67de9cce, 0xc1a9977a, 0xf0418de7, 0x56368653,
+ 0x9391b8dd, 0x35e6b369, 0x040ea9f4, 0xa279a240, 0x5431d2a9,
+ 0xf246d91d, 0xc3aec380, 0x65d9c834, 0xa07ef6ba, 0x0609fd0e,
+ 0x37e1e793, 0x9196ec27, 0xcfbd399c, 0x69ca3228, 0x582228b5,
+ 0xfe552301, 0x3bf21d8f, 0x9d85163b, 0xac6d0ca6, 0x0a1a0712,
+ 0xfc5277fb, 0x5a257c4f, 0x6bcd66d2, 0xcdba6d66, 0x081d53e8,
+ 0xae6a585c, 0x9f8242c1, 0x39f54975, 0xa863a552, 0x0e14aee6,
+ 0x3ffcb47b, 0x998bbfcf, 0x5c2c8141, 0xfa5b8af5, 0xcbb39068,
+ 0x6dc49bdc, 0x9b8ceb35, 0x3dfbe081, 0x0c13fa1c, 0xaa64f1a8,
+ 0x6fc3cf26, 0xc9b4c492, 0xf85cde0f, 0x5e2bd5bb, 0x440b7579,
+ 0xe27c7ecd, 0xd3946450, 0x75e36fe4, 0xb044516a, 0x16335ade,
+ 0x27db4043, 0x81ac4bf7, 0x77e43b1e, 0xd19330aa, 0xe07b2a37,
+ 0x460c2183, 0x83ab1f0d, 0x25dc14b9, 0x14340e24, 0xb2430590,
+ 0x23d5e9b7, 0x85a2e203, 0xb44af89e, 0x123df32a, 0xd79acda4,
+ 0x71edc610, 0x4005dc8d, 0xe672d739, 0x103aa7d0, 0xb64dac64,
+ 0x87a5b6f9, 0x21d2bd4d, 0xe47583c3, 0x42028877, 0x73ea92ea,
+ 0xd59d995e, 0x8bb64ce5, 0x2dc14751, 0x1c295dcc, 0xba5e5678,
+ 0x7ff968f6, 0xd98e6342, 0xe86679df, 0x4e11726b, 0xb8590282,
+ 0x1e2e0936, 0x2fc613ab, 0x89b1181f, 0x4c162691, 0xea612d25,
+ 0xdb8937b8, 0x7dfe3c0c, 0xec68d02b, 0x4a1fdb9f, 0x7bf7c102,
+ 0xdd80cab6, 0x1827f438, 0xbe50ff8c, 0x8fb8e511, 0x29cfeea5,
+ 0xdf879e4c, 0x79f095f8, 0x48188f65, 0xee6f84d1, 0x2bc8ba5f,
+ 0x8dbfb1eb, 0xbc57ab76, 0x1a20a0c2, 0x8816eaf2, 0x2e61e146,
+ 0x1f89fbdb, 0xb9fef06f, 0x7c59cee1, 0xda2ec555, 0xebc6dfc8,
+ 0x4db1d47c, 0xbbf9a495, 0x1d8eaf21, 0x2c66b5bc, 0x8a11be08,
+ 0x4fb68086, 0xe9c18b32, 0xd82991af, 0x7e5e9a1b, 0xefc8763c,
+ 0x49bf7d88, 0x78576715, 0xde206ca1, 0x1b87522f, 0xbdf0599b,
+ 0x8c184306, 0x2a6f48b2, 0xdc27385b, 0x7a5033ef, 0x4bb82972,
+ 0xedcf22c6, 0x28681c48, 0x8e1f17fc, 0xbff70d61, 0x198006d5,
+ 0x47abd36e, 0xe1dcd8da, 0xd034c247, 0x7643c9f3, 0xb3e4f77d,
+ 0x1593fcc9, 0x247be654, 0x820cede0, 0x74449d09, 0xd23396bd,
+ 0xe3db8c20, 0x45ac8794, 0x800bb91a, 0x267cb2ae, 0x1794a833,
+ 0xb1e3a387, 0x20754fa0, 0x86024414, 0xb7ea5e89, 0x119d553d,
+ 0xd43a6bb3, 0x724d6007, 0x43a57a9a, 0xe5d2712e, 0x139a01c7,
+ 0xb5ed0a73, 0x840510ee, 0x22721b5a, 0xe7d525d4, 0x41a22e60,
+ 0x704a34fd, 0xd63d3f49, 0xcc1d9f8b, 0x6a6a943f, 0x5b828ea2,
+ 0xfdf58516, 0x3852bb98, 0x9e25b02c, 0xafcdaab1, 0x09baa105,
+ 0xfff2d1ec, 0x5985da58, 0x686dc0c5, 0xce1acb71, 0x0bbdf5ff,
+ 0xadcafe4b, 0x9c22e4d6, 0x3a55ef62, 0xabc30345, 0x0db408f1,
+ 0x3c5c126c, 0x9a2b19d8, 0x5f8c2756, 0xf9fb2ce2, 0xc813367f,
+ 0x6e643dcb, 0x982c4d22, 0x3e5b4696, 0x0fb35c0b, 0xa9c457bf,
+ 0x6c636931, 0xca146285, 0xfbfc7818, 0x5d8b73ac, 0x03a0a617,
+ 0xa5d7ada3, 0x943fb73e, 0x3248bc8a, 0xf7ef8204, 0x519889b0,
+ 0x6070932d, 0xc6079899, 0x304fe870, 0x9638e3c4, 0xa7d0f959,
+ 0x01a7f2ed, 0xc400cc63, 0x6277c7d7, 0x539fdd4a, 0xf5e8d6fe,
+ 0x647e3ad9, 0xc209316d, 0xf3e12bf0, 0x55962044, 0x90311eca,
+ 0x3646157e, 0x07ae0fe3, 0xa1d90457, 0x579174be, 0xf1e67f0a,
+ 0xc00e6597, 0x66796e23, 0xa3de50ad, 0x05a95b19, 0x34414184,
+ 0x92364a30},
+ {0x00000000, 0xcb5cd3a5, 0x4dc8a10b, 0x869472ae, 0x9b914216,
+ 0x50cd91b3, 0xd659e31d, 0x1d0530b8, 0xec53826d, 0x270f51c8,
+ 0xa19b2366, 0x6ac7f0c3, 0x77c2c07b, 0xbc9e13de, 0x3a0a6170,
+ 0xf156b2d5, 0x03d6029b, 0xc88ad13e, 0x4e1ea390, 0x85427035,
+ 0x9847408d, 0x531b9328, 0xd58fe186, 0x1ed33223, 0xef8580f6,
+ 0x24d95353, 0xa24d21fd, 0x6911f258, 0x7414c2e0, 0xbf481145,
+ 0x39dc63eb, 0xf280b04e, 0x07ac0536, 0xccf0d693, 0x4a64a43d,
+ 0x81387798, 0x9c3d4720, 0x57619485, 0xd1f5e62b, 0x1aa9358e,
+ 0xebff875b, 0x20a354fe, 0xa6372650, 0x6d6bf5f5, 0x706ec54d,
+ 0xbb3216e8, 0x3da66446, 0xf6fab7e3, 0x047a07ad, 0xcf26d408,
+ 0x49b2a6a6, 0x82ee7503, 0x9feb45bb, 0x54b7961e, 0xd223e4b0,
+ 0x197f3715, 0xe82985c0, 0x23755665, 0xa5e124cb, 0x6ebdf76e,
+ 0x73b8c7d6, 0xb8e41473, 0x3e7066dd, 0xf52cb578, 0x0f580a6c,
+ 0xc404d9c9, 0x4290ab67, 0x89cc78c2, 0x94c9487a, 0x5f959bdf,
+ 0xd901e971, 0x125d3ad4, 0xe30b8801, 0x28575ba4, 0xaec3290a,
+ 0x659ffaaf, 0x789aca17, 0xb3c619b2, 0x35526b1c, 0xfe0eb8b9,
+ 0x0c8e08f7, 0xc7d2db52, 0x4146a9fc, 0x8a1a7a59, 0x971f4ae1,
+ 0x5c439944, 0xdad7ebea, 0x118b384f, 0xe0dd8a9a, 0x2b81593f,
+ 0xad152b91, 0x6649f834, 0x7b4cc88c, 0xb0101b29, 0x36846987,
+ 0xfdd8ba22, 0x08f40f5a, 0xc3a8dcff, 0x453cae51, 0x8e607df4,
+ 0x93654d4c, 0x58399ee9, 0xdeadec47, 0x15f13fe2, 0xe4a78d37,
+ 0x2ffb5e92, 0xa96f2c3c, 0x6233ff99, 0x7f36cf21, 0xb46a1c84,
+ 0x32fe6e2a, 0xf9a2bd8f, 0x0b220dc1, 0xc07ede64, 0x46eaacca,
+ 0x8db67f6f, 0x90b34fd7, 0x5bef9c72, 0xdd7beedc, 0x16273d79,
+ 0xe7718fac, 0x2c2d5c09, 0xaab92ea7, 0x61e5fd02, 0x7ce0cdba,
+ 0xb7bc1e1f, 0x31286cb1, 0xfa74bf14, 0x1eb014d8, 0xd5ecc77d,
+ 0x5378b5d3, 0x98246676, 0x852156ce, 0x4e7d856b, 0xc8e9f7c5,
+ 0x03b52460, 0xf2e396b5, 0x39bf4510, 0xbf2b37be, 0x7477e41b,
+ 0x6972d4a3, 0xa22e0706, 0x24ba75a8, 0xefe6a60d, 0x1d661643,
+ 0xd63ac5e6, 0x50aeb748, 0x9bf264ed, 0x86f75455, 0x4dab87f0,
+ 0xcb3ff55e, 0x006326fb, 0xf135942e, 0x3a69478b, 0xbcfd3525,
+ 0x77a1e680, 0x6aa4d638, 0xa1f8059d, 0x276c7733, 0xec30a496,
+ 0x191c11ee, 0xd240c24b, 0x54d4b0e5, 0x9f886340, 0x828d53f8,
+ 0x49d1805d, 0xcf45f2f3, 0x04192156, 0xf54f9383, 0x3e134026,
+ 0xb8873288, 0x73dbe12d, 0x6eded195, 0xa5820230, 0x2316709e,
+ 0xe84aa33b, 0x1aca1375, 0xd196c0d0, 0x5702b27e, 0x9c5e61db,
+ 0x815b5163, 0x4a0782c6, 0xcc93f068, 0x07cf23cd, 0xf6999118,
+ 0x3dc542bd, 0xbb513013, 0x700de3b6, 0x6d08d30e, 0xa65400ab,
+ 0x20c07205, 0xeb9ca1a0, 0x11e81eb4, 0xdab4cd11, 0x5c20bfbf,
+ 0x977c6c1a, 0x8a795ca2, 0x41258f07, 0xc7b1fda9, 0x0ced2e0c,
+ 0xfdbb9cd9, 0x36e74f7c, 0xb0733dd2, 0x7b2fee77, 0x662adecf,
+ 0xad760d6a, 0x2be27fc4, 0xe0beac61, 0x123e1c2f, 0xd962cf8a,
+ 0x5ff6bd24, 0x94aa6e81, 0x89af5e39, 0x42f38d9c, 0xc467ff32,
+ 0x0f3b2c97, 0xfe6d9e42, 0x35314de7, 0xb3a53f49, 0x78f9ecec,
+ 0x65fcdc54, 0xaea00ff1, 0x28347d5f, 0xe368aefa, 0x16441b82,
+ 0xdd18c827, 0x5b8cba89, 0x90d0692c, 0x8dd55994, 0x46898a31,
+ 0xc01df89f, 0x0b412b3a, 0xfa1799ef, 0x314b4a4a, 0xb7df38e4,
+ 0x7c83eb41, 0x6186dbf9, 0xaada085c, 0x2c4e7af2, 0xe712a957,
+ 0x15921919, 0xdececabc, 0x585ab812, 0x93066bb7, 0x8e035b0f,
+ 0x455f88aa, 0xc3cbfa04, 0x089729a1, 0xf9c19b74, 0x329d48d1,
+ 0xb4093a7f, 0x7f55e9da, 0x6250d962, 0xa90c0ac7, 0x2f987869,
+ 0xe4c4abcc},
+ {0x00000000, 0x3d6029b0, 0x7ac05360, 0x47a07ad0, 0xf580a6c0,
+ 0xc8e08f70, 0x8f40f5a0, 0xb220dc10, 0x30704bc1, 0x0d106271,
+ 0x4ab018a1, 0x77d03111, 0xc5f0ed01, 0xf890c4b1, 0xbf30be61,
+ 0x825097d1, 0x60e09782, 0x5d80be32, 0x1a20c4e2, 0x2740ed52,
+ 0x95603142, 0xa80018f2, 0xefa06222, 0xd2c04b92, 0x5090dc43,
+ 0x6df0f5f3, 0x2a508f23, 0x1730a693, 0xa5107a83, 0x98705333,
+ 0xdfd029e3, 0xe2b00053, 0xc1c12f04, 0xfca106b4, 0xbb017c64,
+ 0x866155d4, 0x344189c4, 0x0921a074, 0x4e81daa4, 0x73e1f314,
+ 0xf1b164c5, 0xccd14d75, 0x8b7137a5, 0xb6111e15, 0x0431c205,
+ 0x3951ebb5, 0x7ef19165, 0x4391b8d5, 0xa121b886, 0x9c419136,
+ 0xdbe1ebe6, 0xe681c256, 0x54a11e46, 0x69c137f6, 0x2e614d26,
+ 0x13016496, 0x9151f347, 0xac31daf7, 0xeb91a027, 0xd6f18997,
+ 0x64d15587, 0x59b17c37, 0x1e1106e7, 0x23712f57, 0x58f35849,
+ 0x659371f9, 0x22330b29, 0x1f532299, 0xad73fe89, 0x9013d739,
+ 0xd7b3ade9, 0xead38459, 0x68831388, 0x55e33a38, 0x124340e8,
+ 0x2f236958, 0x9d03b548, 0xa0639cf8, 0xe7c3e628, 0xdaa3cf98,
+ 0x3813cfcb, 0x0573e67b, 0x42d39cab, 0x7fb3b51b, 0xcd93690b,
+ 0xf0f340bb, 0xb7533a6b, 0x8a3313db, 0x0863840a, 0x3503adba,
+ 0x72a3d76a, 0x4fc3feda, 0xfde322ca, 0xc0830b7a, 0x872371aa,
+ 0xba43581a, 0x9932774d, 0xa4525efd, 0xe3f2242d, 0xde920d9d,
+ 0x6cb2d18d, 0x51d2f83d, 0x167282ed, 0x2b12ab5d, 0xa9423c8c,
+ 0x9422153c, 0xd3826fec, 0xeee2465c, 0x5cc29a4c, 0x61a2b3fc,
+ 0x2602c92c, 0x1b62e09c, 0xf9d2e0cf, 0xc4b2c97f, 0x8312b3af,
+ 0xbe729a1f, 0x0c52460f, 0x31326fbf, 0x7692156f, 0x4bf23cdf,
+ 0xc9a2ab0e, 0xf4c282be, 0xb362f86e, 0x8e02d1de, 0x3c220dce,
+ 0x0142247e, 0x46e25eae, 0x7b82771e, 0xb1e6b092, 0x8c869922,
+ 0xcb26e3f2, 0xf646ca42, 0x44661652, 0x79063fe2, 0x3ea64532,
+ 0x03c66c82, 0x8196fb53, 0xbcf6d2e3, 0xfb56a833, 0xc6368183,
+ 0x74165d93, 0x49767423, 0x0ed60ef3, 0x33b62743, 0xd1062710,
+ 0xec660ea0, 0xabc67470, 0x96a65dc0, 0x248681d0, 0x19e6a860,
+ 0x5e46d2b0, 0x6326fb00, 0xe1766cd1, 0xdc164561, 0x9bb63fb1,
+ 0xa6d61601, 0x14f6ca11, 0x2996e3a1, 0x6e369971, 0x5356b0c1,
+ 0x70279f96, 0x4d47b626, 0x0ae7ccf6, 0x3787e546, 0x85a73956,
+ 0xb8c710e6, 0xff676a36, 0xc2074386, 0x4057d457, 0x7d37fde7,
+ 0x3a978737, 0x07f7ae87, 0xb5d77297, 0x88b75b27, 0xcf1721f7,
+ 0xf2770847, 0x10c70814, 0x2da721a4, 0x6a075b74, 0x576772c4,
+ 0xe547aed4, 0xd8278764, 0x9f87fdb4, 0xa2e7d404, 0x20b743d5,
+ 0x1dd76a65, 0x5a7710b5, 0x67173905, 0xd537e515, 0xe857cca5,
+ 0xaff7b675, 0x92979fc5, 0xe915e8db, 0xd475c16b, 0x93d5bbbb,
+ 0xaeb5920b, 0x1c954e1b, 0x21f567ab, 0x66551d7b, 0x5b3534cb,
+ 0xd965a31a, 0xe4058aaa, 0xa3a5f07a, 0x9ec5d9ca, 0x2ce505da,
+ 0x11852c6a, 0x562556ba, 0x6b457f0a, 0x89f57f59, 0xb49556e9,
+ 0xf3352c39, 0xce550589, 0x7c75d999, 0x4115f029, 0x06b58af9,
+ 0x3bd5a349, 0xb9853498, 0x84e51d28, 0xc34567f8, 0xfe254e48,
+ 0x4c059258, 0x7165bbe8, 0x36c5c138, 0x0ba5e888, 0x28d4c7df,
+ 0x15b4ee6f, 0x521494bf, 0x6f74bd0f, 0xdd54611f, 0xe03448af,
+ 0xa794327f, 0x9af41bcf, 0x18a48c1e, 0x25c4a5ae, 0x6264df7e,
+ 0x5f04f6ce, 0xed242ade, 0xd044036e, 0x97e479be, 0xaa84500e,
+ 0x4834505d, 0x755479ed, 0x32f4033d, 0x0f942a8d, 0xbdb4f69d,
+ 0x80d4df2d, 0xc774a5fd, 0xfa148c4d, 0x78441b9c, 0x4524322c,
+ 0x028448fc, 0x3fe4614c, 0x8dc4bd5c, 0xb0a494ec, 0xf704ee3c,
+ 0xca64c78c}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xb029603d, 0x6053c07a, 0xd07aa047, 0xc0a680f5,
+ 0x708fe0c8, 0xa0f5408f, 0x10dc20b2, 0xc14b7030, 0x7162100d,
+ 0xa118b04a, 0x1131d077, 0x01edf0c5, 0xb1c490f8, 0x61be30bf,
+ 0xd1975082, 0x8297e060, 0x32be805d, 0xe2c4201a, 0x52ed4027,
+ 0x42316095, 0xf21800a8, 0x2262a0ef, 0x924bc0d2, 0x43dc9050,
+ 0xf3f5f06d, 0x238f502a, 0x93a63017, 0x837a10a5, 0x33537098,
+ 0xe329d0df, 0x5300b0e2, 0x042fc1c1, 0xb406a1fc, 0x647c01bb,
+ 0xd4556186, 0xc4894134, 0x74a02109, 0xa4da814e, 0x14f3e173,
+ 0xc564b1f1, 0x754dd1cc, 0xa537718b, 0x151e11b6, 0x05c23104,
+ 0xb5eb5139, 0x6591f17e, 0xd5b89143, 0x86b821a1, 0x3691419c,
+ 0xe6ebe1db, 0x56c281e6, 0x461ea154, 0xf637c169, 0x264d612e,
+ 0x96640113, 0x47f35191, 0xf7da31ac, 0x27a091eb, 0x9789f1d6,
+ 0x8755d164, 0x377cb159, 0xe706111e, 0x572f7123, 0x4958f358,
+ 0xf9719365, 0x290b3322, 0x9922531f, 0x89fe73ad, 0x39d71390,
+ 0xe9adb3d7, 0x5984d3ea, 0x88138368, 0x383ae355, 0xe8404312,
+ 0x5869232f, 0x48b5039d, 0xf89c63a0, 0x28e6c3e7, 0x98cfa3da,
+ 0xcbcf1338, 0x7be67305, 0xab9cd342, 0x1bb5b37f, 0x0b6993cd,
+ 0xbb40f3f0, 0x6b3a53b7, 0xdb13338a, 0x0a846308, 0xbaad0335,
+ 0x6ad7a372, 0xdafec34f, 0xca22e3fd, 0x7a0b83c0, 0xaa712387,
+ 0x1a5843ba, 0x4d773299, 0xfd5e52a4, 0x2d24f2e3, 0x9d0d92de,
+ 0x8dd1b26c, 0x3df8d251, 0xed827216, 0x5dab122b, 0x8c3c42a9,
+ 0x3c152294, 0xec6f82d3, 0x5c46e2ee, 0x4c9ac25c, 0xfcb3a261,
+ 0x2cc90226, 0x9ce0621b, 0xcfe0d2f9, 0x7fc9b2c4, 0xafb31283,
+ 0x1f9a72be, 0x0f46520c, 0xbf6f3231, 0x6f159276, 0xdf3cf24b,
+ 0x0eaba2c9, 0xbe82c2f4, 0x6ef862b3, 0xded1028e, 0xce0d223c,
+ 0x7e244201, 0xae5ee246, 0x1e77827b, 0x92b0e6b1, 0x2299868c,
+ 0xf2e326cb, 0x42ca46f6, 0x52166644, 0xe23f0679, 0x3245a63e,
+ 0x826cc603, 0x53fb9681, 0xe3d2f6bc, 0x33a856fb, 0x838136c6,
+ 0x935d1674, 0x23747649, 0xf30ed60e, 0x4327b633, 0x102706d1,
+ 0xa00e66ec, 0x7074c6ab, 0xc05da696, 0xd0818624, 0x60a8e619,
+ 0xb0d2465e, 0x00fb2663, 0xd16c76e1, 0x614516dc, 0xb13fb69b,
+ 0x0116d6a6, 0x11caf614, 0xa1e39629, 0x7199366e, 0xc1b05653,
+ 0x969f2770, 0x26b6474d, 0xf6cce70a, 0x46e58737, 0x5639a785,
+ 0xe610c7b8, 0x366a67ff, 0x864307c2, 0x57d45740, 0xe7fd377d,
+ 0x3787973a, 0x87aef707, 0x9772d7b5, 0x275bb788, 0xf72117cf,
+ 0x470877f2, 0x1408c710, 0xa421a72d, 0x745b076a, 0xc4726757,
+ 0xd4ae47e5, 0x648727d8, 0xb4fd879f, 0x04d4e7a2, 0xd543b720,
+ 0x656ad71d, 0xb510775a, 0x05391767, 0x15e537d5, 0xa5cc57e8,
+ 0x75b6f7af, 0xc59f9792, 0xdbe815e9, 0x6bc175d4, 0xbbbbd593,
+ 0x0b92b5ae, 0x1b4e951c, 0xab67f521, 0x7b1d5566, 0xcb34355b,
+ 0x1aa365d9, 0xaa8a05e4, 0x7af0a5a3, 0xcad9c59e, 0xda05e52c,
+ 0x6a2c8511, 0xba562556, 0x0a7f456b, 0x597ff589, 0xe95695b4,
+ 0x392c35f3, 0x890555ce, 0x99d9757c, 0x29f01541, 0xf98ab506,
+ 0x49a3d53b, 0x983485b9, 0x281de584, 0xf86745c3, 0x484e25fe,
+ 0x5892054c, 0xe8bb6571, 0x38c1c536, 0x88e8a50b, 0xdfc7d428,
+ 0x6feeb415, 0xbf941452, 0x0fbd746f, 0x1f6154dd, 0xaf4834e0,
+ 0x7f3294a7, 0xcf1bf49a, 0x1e8ca418, 0xaea5c425, 0x7edf6462,
+ 0xcef6045f, 0xde2a24ed, 0x6e0344d0, 0xbe79e497, 0x0e5084aa,
+ 0x5d503448, 0xed795475, 0x3d03f432, 0x8d2a940f, 0x9df6b4bd,
+ 0x2ddfd480, 0xfda574c7, 0x4d8c14fa, 0x9c1b4478, 0x2c322445,
+ 0xfc488402, 0x4c61e43f, 0x5cbdc48d, 0xec94a4b0, 0x3cee04f7,
+ 0x8cc764ca},
+ {0x00000000, 0xa5d35ccb, 0x0ba1c84d, 0xae729486, 0x1642919b,
+ 0xb391cd50, 0x1de359d6, 0xb830051d, 0x6d8253ec, 0xc8510f27,
+ 0x66239ba1, 0xc3f0c76a, 0x7bc0c277, 0xde139ebc, 0x70610a3a,
+ 0xd5b256f1, 0x9b02d603, 0x3ed18ac8, 0x90a31e4e, 0x35704285,
+ 0x8d404798, 0x28931b53, 0x86e18fd5, 0x2332d31e, 0xf68085ef,
+ 0x5353d924, 0xfd214da2, 0x58f21169, 0xe0c21474, 0x451148bf,
+ 0xeb63dc39, 0x4eb080f2, 0x3605ac07, 0x93d6f0cc, 0x3da4644a,
+ 0x98773881, 0x20473d9c, 0x85946157, 0x2be6f5d1, 0x8e35a91a,
+ 0x5b87ffeb, 0xfe54a320, 0x502637a6, 0xf5f56b6d, 0x4dc56e70,
+ 0xe81632bb, 0x4664a63d, 0xe3b7faf6, 0xad077a04, 0x08d426cf,
+ 0xa6a6b249, 0x0375ee82, 0xbb45eb9f, 0x1e96b754, 0xb0e423d2,
+ 0x15377f19, 0xc08529e8, 0x65567523, 0xcb24e1a5, 0x6ef7bd6e,
+ 0xd6c7b873, 0x7314e4b8, 0xdd66703e, 0x78b52cf5, 0x6c0a580f,
+ 0xc9d904c4, 0x67ab9042, 0xc278cc89, 0x7a48c994, 0xdf9b955f,
+ 0x71e901d9, 0xd43a5d12, 0x01880be3, 0xa45b5728, 0x0a29c3ae,
+ 0xaffa9f65, 0x17ca9a78, 0xb219c6b3, 0x1c6b5235, 0xb9b80efe,
+ 0xf7088e0c, 0x52dbd2c7, 0xfca94641, 0x597a1a8a, 0xe14a1f97,
+ 0x4499435c, 0xeaebd7da, 0x4f388b11, 0x9a8adde0, 0x3f59812b,
+ 0x912b15ad, 0x34f84966, 0x8cc84c7b, 0x291b10b0, 0x87698436,
+ 0x22bad8fd, 0x5a0ff408, 0xffdca8c3, 0x51ae3c45, 0xf47d608e,
+ 0x4c4d6593, 0xe99e3958, 0x47ecadde, 0xe23ff115, 0x378da7e4,
+ 0x925efb2f, 0x3c2c6fa9, 0x99ff3362, 0x21cf367f, 0x841c6ab4,
+ 0x2a6efe32, 0x8fbda2f9, 0xc10d220b, 0x64de7ec0, 0xcaacea46,
+ 0x6f7fb68d, 0xd74fb390, 0x729cef5b, 0xdcee7bdd, 0x793d2716,
+ 0xac8f71e7, 0x095c2d2c, 0xa72eb9aa, 0x02fde561, 0xbacde07c,
+ 0x1f1ebcb7, 0xb16c2831, 0x14bf74fa, 0xd814b01e, 0x7dc7ecd5,
+ 0xd3b57853, 0x76662498, 0xce562185, 0x6b857d4e, 0xc5f7e9c8,
+ 0x6024b503, 0xb596e3f2, 0x1045bf39, 0xbe372bbf, 0x1be47774,
+ 0xa3d47269, 0x06072ea2, 0xa875ba24, 0x0da6e6ef, 0x4316661d,
+ 0xe6c53ad6, 0x48b7ae50, 0xed64f29b, 0x5554f786, 0xf087ab4d,
+ 0x5ef53fcb, 0xfb266300, 0x2e9435f1, 0x8b47693a, 0x2535fdbc,
+ 0x80e6a177, 0x38d6a46a, 0x9d05f8a1, 0x33776c27, 0x96a430ec,
+ 0xee111c19, 0x4bc240d2, 0xe5b0d454, 0x4063889f, 0xf8538d82,
+ 0x5d80d149, 0xf3f245cf, 0x56211904, 0x83934ff5, 0x2640133e,
+ 0x883287b8, 0x2de1db73, 0x95d1de6e, 0x300282a5, 0x9e701623,
+ 0x3ba34ae8, 0x7513ca1a, 0xd0c096d1, 0x7eb20257, 0xdb615e9c,
+ 0x63515b81, 0xc682074a, 0x68f093cc, 0xcd23cf07, 0x189199f6,
+ 0xbd42c53d, 0x133051bb, 0xb6e30d70, 0x0ed3086d, 0xab0054a6,
+ 0x0572c020, 0xa0a19ceb, 0xb41ee811, 0x11cdb4da, 0xbfbf205c,
+ 0x1a6c7c97, 0xa25c798a, 0x078f2541, 0xa9fdb1c7, 0x0c2eed0c,
+ 0xd99cbbfd, 0x7c4fe736, 0xd23d73b0, 0x77ee2f7b, 0xcfde2a66,
+ 0x6a0d76ad, 0xc47fe22b, 0x61acbee0, 0x2f1c3e12, 0x8acf62d9,
+ 0x24bdf65f, 0x816eaa94, 0x395eaf89, 0x9c8df342, 0x32ff67c4,
+ 0x972c3b0f, 0x429e6dfe, 0xe74d3135, 0x493fa5b3, 0xececf978,
+ 0x54dcfc65, 0xf10fa0ae, 0x5f7d3428, 0xfaae68e3, 0x821b4416,
+ 0x27c818dd, 0x89ba8c5b, 0x2c69d090, 0x9459d58d, 0x318a8946,
+ 0x9ff81dc0, 0x3a2b410b, 0xef9917fa, 0x4a4a4b31, 0xe438dfb7,
+ 0x41eb837c, 0xf9db8661, 0x5c08daaa, 0xf27a4e2c, 0x57a912e7,
+ 0x19199215, 0xbccacede, 0x12b85a58, 0xb76b0693, 0x0f5b038e,
+ 0xaa885f45, 0x04facbc3, 0xa1299708, 0x749bc1f9, 0xd1489d32,
+ 0x7f3a09b4, 0xdae9557f, 0x62d95062, 0xc70a0ca9, 0x6978982f,
+ 0xccabc4e4},
+ {0x00000000, 0xb40b77a6, 0x29119f97, 0x9d1ae831, 0x13244ff4,
+ 0xa72f3852, 0x3a35d063, 0x8e3ea7c5, 0x674eef33, 0xd3459895,
+ 0x4e5f70a4, 0xfa540702, 0x746aa0c7, 0xc061d761, 0x5d7b3f50,
+ 0xe97048f6, 0xce9cde67, 0x7a97a9c1, 0xe78d41f0, 0x53863656,
+ 0xddb89193, 0x69b3e635, 0xf4a90e04, 0x40a279a2, 0xa9d23154,
+ 0x1dd946f2, 0x80c3aec3, 0x34c8d965, 0xbaf67ea0, 0x0efd0906,
+ 0x93e7e137, 0x27ec9691, 0x9c39bdcf, 0x2832ca69, 0xb5282258,
+ 0x012355fe, 0x8f1df23b, 0x3b16859d, 0xa60c6dac, 0x12071a0a,
+ 0xfb7752fc, 0x4f7c255a, 0xd266cd6b, 0x666dbacd, 0xe8531d08,
+ 0x5c586aae, 0xc142829f, 0x7549f539, 0x52a563a8, 0xe6ae140e,
+ 0x7bb4fc3f, 0xcfbf8b99, 0x41812c5c, 0xf58a5bfa, 0x6890b3cb,
+ 0xdc9bc46d, 0x35eb8c9b, 0x81e0fb3d, 0x1cfa130c, 0xa8f164aa,
+ 0x26cfc36f, 0x92c4b4c9, 0x0fde5cf8, 0xbbd52b5e, 0x79750b44,
+ 0xcd7e7ce2, 0x506494d3, 0xe46fe375, 0x6a5144b0, 0xde5a3316,
+ 0x4340db27, 0xf74bac81, 0x1e3be477, 0xaa3093d1, 0x372a7be0,
+ 0x83210c46, 0x0d1fab83, 0xb914dc25, 0x240e3414, 0x900543b2,
+ 0xb7e9d523, 0x03e2a285, 0x9ef84ab4, 0x2af33d12, 0xa4cd9ad7,
+ 0x10c6ed71, 0x8ddc0540, 0x39d772e6, 0xd0a73a10, 0x64ac4db6,
+ 0xf9b6a587, 0x4dbdd221, 0xc38375e4, 0x77880242, 0xea92ea73,
+ 0x5e999dd5, 0xe54cb68b, 0x5147c12d, 0xcc5d291c, 0x78565eba,
+ 0xf668f97f, 0x42638ed9, 0xdf7966e8, 0x6b72114e, 0x820259b8,
+ 0x36092e1e, 0xab13c62f, 0x1f18b189, 0x9126164c, 0x252d61ea,
+ 0xb83789db, 0x0c3cfe7d, 0x2bd068ec, 0x9fdb1f4a, 0x02c1f77b,
+ 0xb6ca80dd, 0x38f42718, 0x8cff50be, 0x11e5b88f, 0xa5eecf29,
+ 0x4c9e87df, 0xf895f079, 0x658f1848, 0xd1846fee, 0x5fbac82b,
+ 0xebb1bf8d, 0x76ab57bc, 0xc2a0201a, 0xf2ea1688, 0x46e1612e,
+ 0xdbfb891f, 0x6ff0feb9, 0xe1ce597c, 0x55c52eda, 0xc8dfc6eb,
+ 0x7cd4b14d, 0x95a4f9bb, 0x21af8e1d, 0xbcb5662c, 0x08be118a,
+ 0x8680b64f, 0x328bc1e9, 0xaf9129d8, 0x1b9a5e7e, 0x3c76c8ef,
+ 0x887dbf49, 0x15675778, 0xa16c20de, 0x2f52871b, 0x9b59f0bd,
+ 0x0643188c, 0xb2486f2a, 0x5b3827dc, 0xef33507a, 0x7229b84b,
+ 0xc622cfed, 0x481c6828, 0xfc171f8e, 0x610df7bf, 0xd5068019,
+ 0x6ed3ab47, 0xdad8dce1, 0x47c234d0, 0xf3c94376, 0x7df7e4b3,
+ 0xc9fc9315, 0x54e67b24, 0xe0ed0c82, 0x099d4474, 0xbd9633d2,
+ 0x208cdbe3, 0x9487ac45, 0x1ab90b80, 0xaeb27c26, 0x33a89417,
+ 0x87a3e3b1, 0xa04f7520, 0x14440286, 0x895eeab7, 0x3d559d11,
+ 0xb36b3ad4, 0x07604d72, 0x9a7aa543, 0x2e71d2e5, 0xc7019a13,
+ 0x730aedb5, 0xee100584, 0x5a1b7222, 0xd425d5e7, 0x602ea241,
+ 0xfd344a70, 0x493f3dd6, 0x8b9f1dcc, 0x3f946a6a, 0xa28e825b,
+ 0x1685f5fd, 0x98bb5238, 0x2cb0259e, 0xb1aacdaf, 0x05a1ba09,
+ 0xecd1f2ff, 0x58da8559, 0xc5c06d68, 0x71cb1ace, 0xfff5bd0b,
+ 0x4bfecaad, 0xd6e4229c, 0x62ef553a, 0x4503c3ab, 0xf108b40d,
+ 0x6c125c3c, 0xd8192b9a, 0x56278c5f, 0xe22cfbf9, 0x7f3613c8,
+ 0xcb3d646e, 0x224d2c98, 0x96465b3e, 0x0b5cb30f, 0xbf57c4a9,
+ 0x3169636c, 0x856214ca, 0x1878fcfb, 0xac738b5d, 0x17a6a003,
+ 0xa3add7a5, 0x3eb73f94, 0x8abc4832, 0x0482eff7, 0xb0899851,
+ 0x2d937060, 0x999807c6, 0x70e84f30, 0xc4e33896, 0x59f9d0a7,
+ 0xedf2a701, 0x63cc00c4, 0xd7c77762, 0x4add9f53, 0xfed6e8f5,
+ 0xd93a7e64, 0x6d3109c2, 0xf02be1f3, 0x44209655, 0xca1e3190,
+ 0x7e154636, 0xe30fae07, 0x5704d9a1, 0xbe749157, 0x0a7fe6f1,
+ 0x97650ec0, 0x236e7966, 0xad50dea3, 0x195ba905, 0x84414134,
+ 0x304a3692},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9e00aacc, 0x7d072542, 0xe3078f8e, 0xfa0e4a84,
+ 0x640ee048, 0x87096fc6, 0x1909c50a, 0xb51be5d3, 0x2b1b4f1f,
+ 0xc81cc091, 0x561c6a5d, 0x4f15af57, 0xd115059b, 0x32128a15,
+ 0xac1220d9, 0x2b31bb7c, 0xb53111b0, 0x56369e3e, 0xc83634f2,
+ 0xd13ff1f8, 0x4f3f5b34, 0xac38d4ba, 0x32387e76, 0x9e2a5eaf,
+ 0x002af463, 0xe32d7bed, 0x7d2dd121, 0x6424142b, 0xfa24bee7,
+ 0x19233169, 0x87239ba5, 0x566276f9, 0xc862dc35, 0x2b6553bb,
+ 0xb565f977, 0xac6c3c7d, 0x326c96b1, 0xd16b193f, 0x4f6bb3f3,
+ 0xe379932a, 0x7d7939e6, 0x9e7eb668, 0x007e1ca4, 0x1977d9ae,
+ 0x87777362, 0x6470fcec, 0xfa705620, 0x7d53cd85, 0xe3536749,
+ 0x0054e8c7, 0x9e54420b, 0x875d8701, 0x195d2dcd, 0xfa5aa243,
+ 0x645a088f, 0xc8482856, 0x5648829a, 0xb54f0d14, 0x2b4fa7d8,
+ 0x324662d2, 0xac46c81e, 0x4f414790, 0xd141ed5c, 0xedc29d29,
+ 0x73c237e5, 0x90c5b86b, 0x0ec512a7, 0x17ccd7ad, 0x89cc7d61,
+ 0x6acbf2ef, 0xf4cb5823, 0x58d978fa, 0xc6d9d236, 0x25de5db8,
+ 0xbbdef774, 0xa2d7327e, 0x3cd798b2, 0xdfd0173c, 0x41d0bdf0,
+ 0xc6f32655, 0x58f38c99, 0xbbf40317, 0x25f4a9db, 0x3cfd6cd1,
+ 0xa2fdc61d, 0x41fa4993, 0xdffae35f, 0x73e8c386, 0xede8694a,
+ 0x0eefe6c4, 0x90ef4c08, 0x89e68902, 0x17e623ce, 0xf4e1ac40,
+ 0x6ae1068c, 0xbba0ebd0, 0x25a0411c, 0xc6a7ce92, 0x58a7645e,
+ 0x41aea154, 0xdfae0b98, 0x3ca98416, 0xa2a92eda, 0x0ebb0e03,
+ 0x90bba4cf, 0x73bc2b41, 0xedbc818d, 0xf4b54487, 0x6ab5ee4b,
+ 0x89b261c5, 0x17b2cb09, 0x909150ac, 0x0e91fa60, 0xed9675ee,
+ 0x7396df22, 0x6a9f1a28, 0xf49fb0e4, 0x17983f6a, 0x899895a6,
+ 0x258ab57f, 0xbb8a1fb3, 0x588d903d, 0xc68d3af1, 0xdf84fffb,
+ 0x41845537, 0xa283dab9, 0x3c837075, 0xda853b53, 0x4485919f,
+ 0xa7821e11, 0x3982b4dd, 0x208b71d7, 0xbe8bdb1b, 0x5d8c5495,
+ 0xc38cfe59, 0x6f9ede80, 0xf19e744c, 0x1299fbc2, 0x8c99510e,
+ 0x95909404, 0x0b903ec8, 0xe897b146, 0x76971b8a, 0xf1b4802f,
+ 0x6fb42ae3, 0x8cb3a56d, 0x12b30fa1, 0x0bbacaab, 0x95ba6067,
+ 0x76bdefe9, 0xe8bd4525, 0x44af65fc, 0xdaafcf30, 0x39a840be,
+ 0xa7a8ea72, 0xbea12f78, 0x20a185b4, 0xc3a60a3a, 0x5da6a0f6,
+ 0x8ce74daa, 0x12e7e766, 0xf1e068e8, 0x6fe0c224, 0x76e9072e,
+ 0xe8e9ade2, 0x0bee226c, 0x95ee88a0, 0x39fca879, 0xa7fc02b5,
+ 0x44fb8d3b, 0xdafb27f7, 0xc3f2e2fd, 0x5df24831, 0xbef5c7bf,
+ 0x20f56d73, 0xa7d6f6d6, 0x39d65c1a, 0xdad1d394, 0x44d17958,
+ 0x5dd8bc52, 0xc3d8169e, 0x20df9910, 0xbedf33dc, 0x12cd1305,
+ 0x8ccdb9c9, 0x6fca3647, 0xf1ca9c8b, 0xe8c35981, 0x76c3f34d,
+ 0x95c47cc3, 0x0bc4d60f, 0x3747a67a, 0xa9470cb6, 0x4a408338,
+ 0xd44029f4, 0xcd49ecfe, 0x53494632, 0xb04ec9bc, 0x2e4e6370,
+ 0x825c43a9, 0x1c5ce965, 0xff5b66eb, 0x615bcc27, 0x7852092d,
+ 0xe652a3e1, 0x05552c6f, 0x9b5586a3, 0x1c761d06, 0x8276b7ca,
+ 0x61713844, 0xff719288, 0xe6785782, 0x7878fd4e, 0x9b7f72c0,
+ 0x057fd80c, 0xa96df8d5, 0x376d5219, 0xd46add97, 0x4a6a775b,
+ 0x5363b251, 0xcd63189d, 0x2e649713, 0xb0643ddf, 0x6125d083,
+ 0xff257a4f, 0x1c22f5c1, 0x82225f0d, 0x9b2b9a07, 0x052b30cb,
+ 0xe62cbf45, 0x782c1589, 0xd43e3550, 0x4a3e9f9c, 0xa9391012,
+ 0x3739bade, 0x2e307fd4, 0xb030d518, 0x53375a96, 0xcd37f05a,
+ 0x4a146bff, 0xd414c133, 0x37134ebd, 0xa913e471, 0xb01a217b,
+ 0x2e1a8bb7, 0xcd1d0439, 0x531daef5, 0xff0f8e2c, 0x610f24e0,
+ 0x8208ab6e, 0x1c0801a2, 0x0501c4a8, 0x9b016e64, 0x7806e1ea,
+ 0xe6064b26}};
+#if N == 3
+#if W == 8
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x81256527, 0xd93bcc0f, 0x581ea928, 0x69069e5f,
+ 0xe823fb78, 0xb03d5250, 0x31183777, 0xd20d3cbe, 0x53285999,
+ 0x0b36f0b1, 0x8a139596, 0xbb0ba2e1, 0x3a2ec7c6, 0x62306eee,
+ 0xe3150bc9, 0x7f6b7f3d, 0xfe4e1a1a, 0xa650b332, 0x2775d615,
+ 0x166de162, 0x97488445, 0xcf562d6d, 0x4e73484a, 0xad664383,
+ 0x2c4326a4, 0x745d8f8c, 0xf578eaab, 0xc460dddc, 0x4545b8fb,
+ 0x1d5b11d3, 0x9c7e74f4, 0xfed6fe7a, 0x7ff39b5d, 0x27ed3275,
+ 0xa6c85752, 0x97d06025, 0x16f50502, 0x4eebac2a, 0xcfcec90d,
+ 0x2cdbc2c4, 0xadfea7e3, 0xf5e00ecb, 0x74c56bec, 0x45dd5c9b,
+ 0xc4f839bc, 0x9ce69094, 0x1dc3f5b3, 0x81bd8147, 0x0098e460,
+ 0x58864d48, 0xd9a3286f, 0xe8bb1f18, 0x699e7a3f, 0x3180d317,
+ 0xb0a5b630, 0x53b0bdf9, 0xd295d8de, 0x8a8b71f6, 0x0bae14d1,
+ 0x3ab623a6, 0xbb934681, 0xe38defa9, 0x62a88a8e, 0x26dcfab5,
+ 0xa7f99f92, 0xffe736ba, 0x7ec2539d, 0x4fda64ea, 0xceff01cd,
+ 0x96e1a8e5, 0x17c4cdc2, 0xf4d1c60b, 0x75f4a32c, 0x2dea0a04,
+ 0xaccf6f23, 0x9dd75854, 0x1cf23d73, 0x44ec945b, 0xc5c9f17c,
+ 0x59b78588, 0xd892e0af, 0x808c4987, 0x01a92ca0, 0x30b11bd7,
+ 0xb1947ef0, 0xe98ad7d8, 0x68afb2ff, 0x8bbab936, 0x0a9fdc11,
+ 0x52817539, 0xd3a4101e, 0xe2bc2769, 0x6399424e, 0x3b87eb66,
+ 0xbaa28e41, 0xd80a04cf, 0x592f61e8, 0x0131c8c0, 0x8014ade7,
+ 0xb10c9a90, 0x3029ffb7, 0x6837569f, 0xe91233b8, 0x0a073871,
+ 0x8b225d56, 0xd33cf47e, 0x52199159, 0x6301a62e, 0xe224c309,
+ 0xba3a6a21, 0x3b1f0f06, 0xa7617bf2, 0x26441ed5, 0x7e5ab7fd,
+ 0xff7fd2da, 0xce67e5ad, 0x4f42808a, 0x175c29a2, 0x96794c85,
+ 0x756c474c, 0xf449226b, 0xac578b43, 0x2d72ee64, 0x1c6ad913,
+ 0x9d4fbc34, 0xc551151c, 0x4474703b, 0x4db9f56a, 0xcc9c904d,
+ 0x94823965, 0x15a75c42, 0x24bf6b35, 0xa59a0e12, 0xfd84a73a,
+ 0x7ca1c21d, 0x9fb4c9d4, 0x1e91acf3, 0x468f05db, 0xc7aa60fc,
+ 0xf6b2578b, 0x779732ac, 0x2f899b84, 0xaeacfea3, 0x32d28a57,
+ 0xb3f7ef70, 0xebe94658, 0x6acc237f, 0x5bd41408, 0xdaf1712f,
+ 0x82efd807, 0x03cabd20, 0xe0dfb6e9, 0x61fad3ce, 0x39e47ae6,
+ 0xb8c11fc1, 0x89d928b6, 0x08fc4d91, 0x50e2e4b9, 0xd1c7819e,
+ 0xb36f0b10, 0x324a6e37, 0x6a54c71f, 0xeb71a238, 0xda69954f,
+ 0x5b4cf068, 0x03525940, 0x82773c67, 0x616237ae, 0xe0475289,
+ 0xb859fba1, 0x397c9e86, 0x0864a9f1, 0x8941ccd6, 0xd15f65fe,
+ 0x507a00d9, 0xcc04742d, 0x4d21110a, 0x153fb822, 0x941add05,
+ 0xa502ea72, 0x24278f55, 0x7c39267d, 0xfd1c435a, 0x1e094893,
+ 0x9f2c2db4, 0xc732849c, 0x4617e1bb, 0x770fd6cc, 0xf62ab3eb,
+ 0xae341ac3, 0x2f117fe4, 0x6b650fdf, 0xea406af8, 0xb25ec3d0,
+ 0x337ba6f7, 0x02639180, 0x8346f4a7, 0xdb585d8f, 0x5a7d38a8,
+ 0xb9683361, 0x384d5646, 0x6053ff6e, 0xe1769a49, 0xd06ead3e,
+ 0x514bc819, 0x09556131, 0x88700416, 0x140e70e2, 0x952b15c5,
+ 0xcd35bced, 0x4c10d9ca, 0x7d08eebd, 0xfc2d8b9a, 0xa43322b2,
+ 0x25164795, 0xc6034c5c, 0x4726297b, 0x1f388053, 0x9e1de574,
+ 0xaf05d203, 0x2e20b724, 0x763e1e0c, 0xf71b7b2b, 0x95b3f1a5,
+ 0x14969482, 0x4c883daa, 0xcdad588d, 0xfcb56ffa, 0x7d900add,
+ 0x258ea3f5, 0xa4abc6d2, 0x47becd1b, 0xc69ba83c, 0x9e850114,
+ 0x1fa06433, 0x2eb85344, 0xaf9d3663, 0xf7839f4b, 0x76a6fa6c,
+ 0xead88e98, 0x6bfdebbf, 0x33e34297, 0xb2c627b0, 0x83de10c7,
+ 0x02fb75e0, 0x5ae5dcc8, 0xdbc0b9ef, 0x38d5b226, 0xb9f0d701,
+ 0xe1ee7e29, 0x60cb1b0e, 0x51d32c79, 0xd0f6495e, 0x88e8e076,
+ 0x09cd8551},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9b73ead4, 0xed96d3e9, 0x76e5393d, 0x005ca193,
+ 0x9b2f4b47, 0xedca727a, 0x76b998ae, 0x00b94326, 0x9bcaa9f2,
+ 0xed2f90cf, 0x765c7a1b, 0x00e5e2b5, 0x9b960861, 0xed73315c,
+ 0x7600db88, 0x0172864c, 0x9a016c98, 0xece455a5, 0x7797bf71,
+ 0x012e27df, 0x9a5dcd0b, 0xecb8f436, 0x77cb1ee2, 0x01cbc56a,
+ 0x9ab82fbe, 0xec5d1683, 0x772efc57, 0x019764f9, 0x9ae48e2d,
+ 0xec01b710, 0x77725dc4, 0x02e50c98, 0x9996e64c, 0xef73df71,
+ 0x740035a5, 0x02b9ad0b, 0x99ca47df, 0xef2f7ee2, 0x745c9436,
+ 0x025c4fbe, 0x992fa56a, 0xefca9c57, 0x74b97683, 0x0200ee2d,
+ 0x997304f9, 0xef963dc4, 0x74e5d710, 0x03978ad4, 0x98e46000,
+ 0xee01593d, 0x7572b3e9, 0x03cb2b47, 0x98b8c193, 0xee5df8ae,
+ 0x752e127a, 0x032ec9f2, 0x985d2326, 0xeeb81a1b, 0x75cbf0cf,
+ 0x03726861, 0x980182b5, 0xeee4bb88, 0x7597515c, 0x05ca1930,
+ 0x9eb9f3e4, 0xe85ccad9, 0x732f200d, 0x0596b8a3, 0x9ee55277,
+ 0xe8006b4a, 0x7373819e, 0x05735a16, 0x9e00b0c2, 0xe8e589ff,
+ 0x7396632b, 0x052ffb85, 0x9e5c1151, 0xe8b9286c, 0x73cac2b8,
+ 0x04b89f7c, 0x9fcb75a8, 0xe92e4c95, 0x725da641, 0x04e43eef,
+ 0x9f97d43b, 0xe972ed06, 0x720107d2, 0x0401dc5a, 0x9f72368e,
+ 0xe9970fb3, 0x72e4e567, 0x045d7dc9, 0x9f2e971d, 0xe9cbae20,
+ 0x72b844f4, 0x072f15a8, 0x9c5cff7c, 0xeab9c641, 0x71ca2c95,
+ 0x0773b43b, 0x9c005eef, 0xeae567d2, 0x71968d06, 0x0796568e,
+ 0x9ce5bc5a, 0xea008567, 0x71736fb3, 0x07caf71d, 0x9cb91dc9,
+ 0xea5c24f4, 0x712fce20, 0x065d93e4, 0x9d2e7930, 0xebcb400d,
+ 0x70b8aad9, 0x06013277, 0x9d72d8a3, 0xeb97e19e, 0x70e40b4a,
+ 0x06e4d0c2, 0x9d973a16, 0xeb72032b, 0x7001e9ff, 0x06b87151,
+ 0x9dcb9b85, 0xeb2ea2b8, 0x705d486c, 0x0b943260, 0x90e7d8b4,
+ 0xe602e189, 0x7d710b5d, 0x0bc893f3, 0x90bb7927, 0xe65e401a,
+ 0x7d2daace, 0x0b2d7146, 0x905e9b92, 0xe6bba2af, 0x7dc8487b,
+ 0x0b71d0d5, 0x90023a01, 0xe6e7033c, 0x7d94e9e8, 0x0ae6b42c,
+ 0x91955ef8, 0xe77067c5, 0x7c038d11, 0x0aba15bf, 0x91c9ff6b,
+ 0xe72cc656, 0x7c5f2c82, 0x0a5ff70a, 0x912c1dde, 0xe7c924e3,
+ 0x7cbace37, 0x0a035699, 0x9170bc4d, 0xe7958570, 0x7ce66fa4,
+ 0x09713ef8, 0x9202d42c, 0xe4e7ed11, 0x7f9407c5, 0x092d9f6b,
+ 0x925e75bf, 0xe4bb4c82, 0x7fc8a656, 0x09c87dde, 0x92bb970a,
+ 0xe45eae37, 0x7f2d44e3, 0x0994dc4d, 0x92e73699, 0xe4020fa4,
+ 0x7f71e570, 0x0803b8b4, 0x93705260, 0xe5956b5d, 0x7ee68189,
+ 0x085f1927, 0x932cf3f3, 0xe5c9cace, 0x7eba201a, 0x08bafb92,
+ 0x93c91146, 0xe52c287b, 0x7e5fc2af, 0x08e65a01, 0x9395b0d5,
+ 0xe57089e8, 0x7e03633c, 0x0e5e2b50, 0x952dc184, 0xe3c8f8b9,
+ 0x78bb126d, 0x0e028ac3, 0x95716017, 0xe394592a, 0x78e7b3fe,
+ 0x0ee76876, 0x959482a2, 0xe371bb9f, 0x7802514b, 0x0ebbc9e5,
+ 0x95c82331, 0xe32d1a0c, 0x785ef0d8, 0x0f2cad1c, 0x945f47c8,
+ 0xe2ba7ef5, 0x79c99421, 0x0f700c8f, 0x9403e65b, 0xe2e6df66,
+ 0x799535b2, 0x0f95ee3a, 0x94e604ee, 0xe2033dd3, 0x7970d707,
+ 0x0fc94fa9, 0x94baa57d, 0xe25f9c40, 0x792c7694, 0x0cbb27c8,
+ 0x97c8cd1c, 0xe12df421, 0x7a5e1ef5, 0x0ce7865b, 0x97946c8f,
+ 0xe17155b2, 0x7a02bf66, 0x0c0264ee, 0x97718e3a, 0xe194b707,
+ 0x7ae75dd3, 0x0c5ec57d, 0x972d2fa9, 0xe1c81694, 0x7abbfc40,
+ 0x0dc9a184, 0x96ba4b50, 0xe05f726d, 0x7b2c98b9, 0x0d950017,
+ 0x96e6eac3, 0xe003d3fe, 0x7b70392a, 0x0d70e2a2, 0x96030876,
+ 0xe0e6314b, 0x7b95db9f, 0x0d2c4331, 0x965fa9e5, 0xe0ba90d8,
+ 0x7bc97a0c},
+ {0x00000000, 0x172864c0, 0x2e50c980, 0x3978ad40, 0x5ca19300,
+ 0x4b89f7c0, 0x72f15a80, 0x65d93e40, 0xb9432600, 0xae6b42c0,
+ 0x9713ef80, 0x803b8b40, 0xe5e2b500, 0xf2cad1c0, 0xcbb27c80,
+ 0xdc9a1840, 0xa9f74a41, 0xbedf2e81, 0x87a783c1, 0x908fe701,
+ 0xf556d941, 0xe27ebd81, 0xdb0610c1, 0xcc2e7401, 0x10b46c41,
+ 0x079c0881, 0x3ee4a5c1, 0x29ccc101, 0x4c15ff41, 0x5b3d9b81,
+ 0x624536c1, 0x756d5201, 0x889f92c3, 0x9fb7f603, 0xa6cf5b43,
+ 0xb1e73f83, 0xd43e01c3, 0xc3166503, 0xfa6ec843, 0xed46ac83,
+ 0x31dcb4c3, 0x26f4d003, 0x1f8c7d43, 0x08a41983, 0x6d7d27c3,
+ 0x7a554303, 0x432dee43, 0x54058a83, 0x2168d882, 0x3640bc42,
+ 0x0f381102, 0x181075c2, 0x7dc94b82, 0x6ae12f42, 0x53998202,
+ 0x44b1e6c2, 0x982bfe82, 0x8f039a42, 0xb67b3702, 0xa15353c2,
+ 0xc48a6d82, 0xd3a20942, 0xeadaa402, 0xfdf2c0c2, 0xca4e23c7,
+ 0xdd664707, 0xe41eea47, 0xf3368e87, 0x96efb0c7, 0x81c7d407,
+ 0xb8bf7947, 0xaf971d87, 0x730d05c7, 0x64256107, 0x5d5dcc47,
+ 0x4a75a887, 0x2fac96c7, 0x3884f207, 0x01fc5f47, 0x16d43b87,
+ 0x63b96986, 0x74910d46, 0x4de9a006, 0x5ac1c4c6, 0x3f18fa86,
+ 0x28309e46, 0x11483306, 0x066057c6, 0xdafa4f86, 0xcdd22b46,
+ 0xf4aa8606, 0xe382e2c6, 0x865bdc86, 0x9173b846, 0xa80b1506,
+ 0xbf2371c6, 0x42d1b104, 0x55f9d5c4, 0x6c817884, 0x7ba91c44,
+ 0x1e702204, 0x095846c4, 0x3020eb84, 0x27088f44, 0xfb929704,
+ 0xecbaf3c4, 0xd5c25e84, 0xc2ea3a44, 0xa7330404, 0xb01b60c4,
+ 0x8963cd84, 0x9e4ba944, 0xeb26fb45, 0xfc0e9f85, 0xc57632c5,
+ 0xd25e5605, 0xb7876845, 0xa0af0c85, 0x99d7a1c5, 0x8effc505,
+ 0x5265dd45, 0x454db985, 0x7c3514c5, 0x6b1d7005, 0x0ec44e45,
+ 0x19ec2a85, 0x209487c5, 0x37bce305, 0x4fed41cf, 0x58c5250f,
+ 0x61bd884f, 0x7695ec8f, 0x134cd2cf, 0x0464b60f, 0x3d1c1b4f,
+ 0x2a347f8f, 0xf6ae67cf, 0xe186030f, 0xd8feae4f, 0xcfd6ca8f,
+ 0xaa0ff4cf, 0xbd27900f, 0x845f3d4f, 0x9377598f, 0xe61a0b8e,
+ 0xf1326f4e, 0xc84ac20e, 0xdf62a6ce, 0xbabb988e, 0xad93fc4e,
+ 0x94eb510e, 0x83c335ce, 0x5f592d8e, 0x4871494e, 0x7109e40e,
+ 0x662180ce, 0x03f8be8e, 0x14d0da4e, 0x2da8770e, 0x3a8013ce,
+ 0xc772d30c, 0xd05ab7cc, 0xe9221a8c, 0xfe0a7e4c, 0x9bd3400c,
+ 0x8cfb24cc, 0xb583898c, 0xa2abed4c, 0x7e31f50c, 0x691991cc,
+ 0x50613c8c, 0x4749584c, 0x2290660c, 0x35b802cc, 0x0cc0af8c,
+ 0x1be8cb4c, 0x6e85994d, 0x79adfd8d, 0x40d550cd, 0x57fd340d,
+ 0x32240a4d, 0x250c6e8d, 0x1c74c3cd, 0x0b5ca70d, 0xd7c6bf4d,
+ 0xc0eedb8d, 0xf99676cd, 0xeebe120d, 0x8b672c4d, 0x9c4f488d,
+ 0xa537e5cd, 0xb21f810d, 0x85a36208, 0x928b06c8, 0xabf3ab88,
+ 0xbcdbcf48, 0xd902f108, 0xce2a95c8, 0xf7523888, 0xe07a5c48,
+ 0x3ce04408, 0x2bc820c8, 0x12b08d88, 0x0598e948, 0x6041d708,
+ 0x7769b3c8, 0x4e111e88, 0x59397a48, 0x2c542849, 0x3b7c4c89,
+ 0x0204e1c9, 0x152c8509, 0x70f5bb49, 0x67dddf89, 0x5ea572c9,
+ 0x498d1609, 0x95170e49, 0x823f6a89, 0xbb47c7c9, 0xac6fa309,
+ 0xc9b69d49, 0xde9ef989, 0xe7e654c9, 0xf0ce3009, 0x0d3cf0cb,
+ 0x1a14940b, 0x236c394b, 0x34445d8b, 0x519d63cb, 0x46b5070b,
+ 0x7fcdaa4b, 0x68e5ce8b, 0xb47fd6cb, 0xa357b20b, 0x9a2f1f4b,
+ 0x8d077b8b, 0xe8de45cb, 0xfff6210b, 0xc68e8c4b, 0xd1a6e88b,
+ 0xa4cbba8a, 0xb3e3de4a, 0x8a9b730a, 0x9db317ca, 0xf86a298a,
+ 0xef424d4a, 0xd63ae00a, 0xc11284ca, 0x1d889c8a, 0x0aa0f84a,
+ 0x33d8550a, 0x24f031ca, 0x41290f8a, 0x56016b4a, 0x6f79c60a,
+ 0x7851a2ca},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9fda839e, 0xe4c4017d, 0x7b1e82e3, 0x12f904bb,
+ 0x8d238725, 0xf63d05c6, 0x69e78658, 0x25f20976, 0xba288ae8,
+ 0xc136080b, 0x5eec8b95, 0x370b0dcd, 0xa8d18e53, 0xd3cf0cb0,
+ 0x4c158f2e, 0x4be412ec, 0xd43e9172, 0xaf201391, 0x30fa900f,
+ 0x591d1657, 0xc6c795c9, 0xbdd9172a, 0x220394b4, 0x6e161b9a,
+ 0xf1cc9804, 0x8ad21ae7, 0x15089979, 0x7cef1f21, 0xe3359cbf,
+ 0x982b1e5c, 0x07f19dc2, 0x97c825d8, 0x0812a646, 0x730c24a5,
+ 0xecd6a73b, 0x85312163, 0x1aeba2fd, 0x61f5201e, 0xfe2fa380,
+ 0xb23a2cae, 0x2de0af30, 0x56fe2dd3, 0xc924ae4d, 0xa0c32815,
+ 0x3f19ab8b, 0x44072968, 0xdbddaaf6, 0xdc2c3734, 0x43f6b4aa,
+ 0x38e83649, 0xa732b5d7, 0xced5338f, 0x510fb011, 0x2a1132f2,
+ 0xb5cbb16c, 0xf9de3e42, 0x6604bddc, 0x1d1a3f3f, 0x82c0bca1,
+ 0xeb273af9, 0x74fdb967, 0x0fe33b84, 0x9039b81a, 0xf4e14df1,
+ 0x6b3bce6f, 0x10254c8c, 0x8fffcf12, 0xe618494a, 0x79c2cad4,
+ 0x02dc4837, 0x9d06cba9, 0xd1134487, 0x4ec9c719, 0x35d745fa,
+ 0xaa0dc664, 0xc3ea403c, 0x5c30c3a2, 0x272e4141, 0xb8f4c2df,
+ 0xbf055f1d, 0x20dfdc83, 0x5bc15e60, 0xc41bddfe, 0xadfc5ba6,
+ 0x3226d838, 0x49385adb, 0xd6e2d945, 0x9af7566b, 0x052dd5f5,
+ 0x7e335716, 0xe1e9d488, 0x880e52d0, 0x17d4d14e, 0x6cca53ad,
+ 0xf310d033, 0x63296829, 0xfcf3ebb7, 0x87ed6954, 0x1837eaca,
+ 0x71d06c92, 0xee0aef0c, 0x95146def, 0x0aceee71, 0x46db615f,
+ 0xd901e2c1, 0xa21f6022, 0x3dc5e3bc, 0x542265e4, 0xcbf8e67a,
+ 0xb0e66499, 0x2f3ce707, 0x28cd7ac5, 0xb717f95b, 0xcc097bb8,
+ 0x53d3f826, 0x3a347e7e, 0xa5eefde0, 0xdef07f03, 0x412afc9d,
+ 0x0d3f73b3, 0x92e5f02d, 0xe9fb72ce, 0x7621f150, 0x1fc67708,
+ 0x801cf496, 0xfb027675, 0x64d8f5eb, 0x32b39da3, 0xad691e3d,
+ 0xd6779cde, 0x49ad1f40, 0x204a9918, 0xbf901a86, 0xc48e9865,
+ 0x5b541bfb, 0x174194d5, 0x889b174b, 0xf38595a8, 0x6c5f1636,
+ 0x05b8906e, 0x9a6213f0, 0xe17c9113, 0x7ea6128d, 0x79578f4f,
+ 0xe68d0cd1, 0x9d938e32, 0x02490dac, 0x6bae8bf4, 0xf474086a,
+ 0x8f6a8a89, 0x10b00917, 0x5ca58639, 0xc37f05a7, 0xb8618744,
+ 0x27bb04da, 0x4e5c8282, 0xd186011c, 0xaa9883ff, 0x35420061,
+ 0xa57bb87b, 0x3aa13be5, 0x41bfb906, 0xde653a98, 0xb782bcc0,
+ 0x28583f5e, 0x5346bdbd, 0xcc9c3e23, 0x8089b10d, 0x1f533293,
+ 0x644db070, 0xfb9733ee, 0x9270b5b6, 0x0daa3628, 0x76b4b4cb,
+ 0xe96e3755, 0xee9faa97, 0x71452909, 0x0a5babea, 0x95812874,
+ 0xfc66ae2c, 0x63bc2db2, 0x18a2af51, 0x87782ccf, 0xcb6da3e1,
+ 0x54b7207f, 0x2fa9a29c, 0xb0732102, 0xd994a75a, 0x464e24c4,
+ 0x3d50a627, 0xa28a25b9, 0xc652d052, 0x598853cc, 0x2296d12f,
+ 0xbd4c52b1, 0xd4abd4e9, 0x4b715777, 0x306fd594, 0xafb5560a,
+ 0xe3a0d924, 0x7c7a5aba, 0x0764d859, 0x98be5bc7, 0xf159dd9f,
+ 0x6e835e01, 0x159ddce2, 0x8a475f7c, 0x8db6c2be, 0x126c4120,
+ 0x6972c3c3, 0xf6a8405d, 0x9f4fc605, 0x0095459b, 0x7b8bc778,
+ 0xe45144e6, 0xa844cbc8, 0x379e4856, 0x4c80cab5, 0xd35a492b,
+ 0xbabdcf73, 0x25674ced, 0x5e79ce0e, 0xc1a34d90, 0x519af58a,
+ 0xce407614, 0xb55ef4f7, 0x2a847769, 0x4363f131, 0xdcb972af,
+ 0xa7a7f04c, 0x387d73d2, 0x7468fcfc, 0xebb27f62, 0x90acfd81,
+ 0x0f767e1f, 0x6691f847, 0xf94b7bd9, 0x8255f93a, 0x1d8f7aa4,
+ 0x1a7ee766, 0x85a464f8, 0xfebae61b, 0x61606585, 0x0887e3dd,
+ 0x975d6043, 0xec43e2a0, 0x7399613e, 0x3f8cee10, 0xa0566d8e,
+ 0xdb48ef6d, 0x44926cf3, 0x2d75eaab, 0xb2af6935, 0xc9b1ebd6,
+ 0x566b6848},
+ {0x00000000, 0x65673b46, 0xcace768c, 0xafa94dca, 0x4eedeb59,
+ 0x2b8ad01f, 0x84239dd5, 0xe144a693, 0x9ddbd6b2, 0xf8bcedf4,
+ 0x5715a03e, 0x32729b78, 0xd3363deb, 0xb65106ad, 0x19f84b67,
+ 0x7c9f7021, 0xe0c6ab25, 0x85a19063, 0x2a08dda9, 0x4f6fe6ef,
+ 0xae2b407c, 0xcb4c7b3a, 0x64e536f0, 0x01820db6, 0x7d1d7d97,
+ 0x187a46d1, 0xb7d30b1b, 0xd2b4305d, 0x33f096ce, 0x5697ad88,
+ 0xf93ee042, 0x9c59db04, 0x1afc500b, 0x7f9b6b4d, 0xd0322687,
+ 0xb5551dc1, 0x5411bb52, 0x31768014, 0x9edfcdde, 0xfbb8f698,
+ 0x872786b9, 0xe240bdff, 0x4de9f035, 0x288ecb73, 0xc9ca6de0,
+ 0xacad56a6, 0x03041b6c, 0x6663202a, 0xfa3afb2e, 0x9f5dc068,
+ 0x30f48da2, 0x5593b6e4, 0xb4d71077, 0xd1b02b31, 0x7e1966fb,
+ 0x1b7e5dbd, 0x67e12d9c, 0x028616da, 0xad2f5b10, 0xc8486056,
+ 0x290cc6c5, 0x4c6bfd83, 0xe3c2b049, 0x86a58b0f, 0x35f8a016,
+ 0x509f9b50, 0xff36d69a, 0x9a51eddc, 0x7b154b4f, 0x1e727009,
+ 0xb1db3dc3, 0xd4bc0685, 0xa82376a4, 0xcd444de2, 0x62ed0028,
+ 0x078a3b6e, 0xe6ce9dfd, 0x83a9a6bb, 0x2c00eb71, 0x4967d037,
+ 0xd53e0b33, 0xb0593075, 0x1ff07dbf, 0x7a9746f9, 0x9bd3e06a,
+ 0xfeb4db2c, 0x511d96e6, 0x347aada0, 0x48e5dd81, 0x2d82e6c7,
+ 0x822bab0d, 0xe74c904b, 0x060836d8, 0x636f0d9e, 0xccc64054,
+ 0xa9a17b12, 0x2f04f01d, 0x4a63cb5b, 0xe5ca8691, 0x80adbdd7,
+ 0x61e91b44, 0x048e2002, 0xab276dc8, 0xce40568e, 0xb2df26af,
+ 0xd7b81de9, 0x78115023, 0x1d766b65, 0xfc32cdf6, 0x9955f6b0,
+ 0x36fcbb7a, 0x539b803c, 0xcfc25b38, 0xaaa5607e, 0x050c2db4,
+ 0x606b16f2, 0x812fb061, 0xe4488b27, 0x4be1c6ed, 0x2e86fdab,
+ 0x52198d8a, 0x377eb6cc, 0x98d7fb06, 0xfdb0c040, 0x1cf466d3,
+ 0x79935d95, 0xd63a105f, 0xb35d2b19, 0x6bf1402c, 0x0e967b6a,
+ 0xa13f36a0, 0xc4580de6, 0x251cab75, 0x407b9033, 0xefd2ddf9,
+ 0x8ab5e6bf, 0xf62a969e, 0x934dadd8, 0x3ce4e012, 0x5983db54,
+ 0xb8c77dc7, 0xdda04681, 0x72090b4b, 0x176e300d, 0x8b37eb09,
+ 0xee50d04f, 0x41f99d85, 0x249ea6c3, 0xc5da0050, 0xa0bd3b16,
+ 0x0f1476dc, 0x6a734d9a, 0x16ec3dbb, 0x738b06fd, 0xdc224b37,
+ 0xb9457071, 0x5801d6e2, 0x3d66eda4, 0x92cfa06e, 0xf7a89b28,
+ 0x710d1027, 0x146a2b61, 0xbbc366ab, 0xdea45ded, 0x3fe0fb7e,
+ 0x5a87c038, 0xf52e8df2, 0x9049b6b4, 0xecd6c695, 0x89b1fdd3,
+ 0x2618b019, 0x437f8b5f, 0xa23b2dcc, 0xc75c168a, 0x68f55b40,
+ 0x0d926006, 0x91cbbb02, 0xf4ac8044, 0x5b05cd8e, 0x3e62f6c8,
+ 0xdf26505b, 0xba416b1d, 0x15e826d7, 0x708f1d91, 0x0c106db0,
+ 0x697756f6, 0xc6de1b3c, 0xa3b9207a, 0x42fd86e9, 0x279abdaf,
+ 0x8833f065, 0xed54cb23, 0x5e09e03a, 0x3b6edb7c, 0x94c796b6,
+ 0xf1a0adf0, 0x10e40b63, 0x75833025, 0xda2a7def, 0xbf4d46a9,
+ 0xc3d23688, 0xa6b50dce, 0x091c4004, 0x6c7b7b42, 0x8d3fddd1,
+ 0xe858e697, 0x47f1ab5d, 0x2296901b, 0xbecf4b1f, 0xdba87059,
+ 0x74013d93, 0x116606d5, 0xf022a046, 0x95459b00, 0x3aecd6ca,
+ 0x5f8bed8c, 0x23149dad, 0x4673a6eb, 0xe9daeb21, 0x8cbdd067,
+ 0x6df976f4, 0x089e4db2, 0xa7370078, 0xc2503b3e, 0x44f5b031,
+ 0x21928b77, 0x8e3bc6bd, 0xeb5cfdfb, 0x0a185b68, 0x6f7f602e,
+ 0xc0d62de4, 0xa5b116a2, 0xd92e6683, 0xbc495dc5, 0x13e0100f,
+ 0x76872b49, 0x97c38dda, 0xf2a4b69c, 0x5d0dfb56, 0x386ac010,
+ 0xa4331b14, 0xc1542052, 0x6efd6d98, 0x0b9a56de, 0xeadef04d,
+ 0x8fb9cb0b, 0x201086c1, 0x4577bd87, 0x39e8cda6, 0x5c8ff6e0,
+ 0xf326bb2a, 0x9641806c, 0x770526ff, 0x12621db9, 0xbdcb5073,
+ 0xd8ac6b35},
+ {0x00000000, 0xd7e28058, 0x74b406f1, 0xa35686a9, 0xe9680de2,
+ 0x3e8a8dba, 0x9ddc0b13, 0x4a3e8b4b, 0x09a11d85, 0xde439ddd,
+ 0x7d151b74, 0xaaf79b2c, 0xe0c91067, 0x372b903f, 0x947d1696,
+ 0x439f96ce, 0x13423b0a, 0xc4a0bb52, 0x67f63dfb, 0xb014bda3,
+ 0xfa2a36e8, 0x2dc8b6b0, 0x8e9e3019, 0x597cb041, 0x1ae3268f,
+ 0xcd01a6d7, 0x6e57207e, 0xb9b5a026, 0xf38b2b6d, 0x2469ab35,
+ 0x873f2d9c, 0x50ddadc4, 0x26847614, 0xf166f64c, 0x523070e5,
+ 0x85d2f0bd, 0xcfec7bf6, 0x180efbae, 0xbb587d07, 0x6cbafd5f,
+ 0x2f256b91, 0xf8c7ebc9, 0x5b916d60, 0x8c73ed38, 0xc64d6673,
+ 0x11afe62b, 0xb2f96082, 0x651be0da, 0x35c64d1e, 0xe224cd46,
+ 0x41724bef, 0x9690cbb7, 0xdcae40fc, 0x0b4cc0a4, 0xa81a460d,
+ 0x7ff8c655, 0x3c67509b, 0xeb85d0c3, 0x48d3566a, 0x9f31d632,
+ 0xd50f5d79, 0x02eddd21, 0xa1bb5b88, 0x7659dbd0, 0x4d08ec28,
+ 0x9aea6c70, 0x39bcead9, 0xee5e6a81, 0xa460e1ca, 0x73826192,
+ 0xd0d4e73b, 0x07366763, 0x44a9f1ad, 0x934b71f5, 0x301df75c,
+ 0xe7ff7704, 0xadc1fc4f, 0x7a237c17, 0xd975fabe, 0x0e977ae6,
+ 0x5e4ad722, 0x89a8577a, 0x2afed1d3, 0xfd1c518b, 0xb722dac0,
+ 0x60c05a98, 0xc396dc31, 0x14745c69, 0x57ebcaa7, 0x80094aff,
+ 0x235fcc56, 0xf4bd4c0e, 0xbe83c745, 0x6961471d, 0xca37c1b4,
+ 0x1dd541ec, 0x6b8c9a3c, 0xbc6e1a64, 0x1f389ccd, 0xc8da1c95,
+ 0x82e497de, 0x55061786, 0xf650912f, 0x21b21177, 0x622d87b9,
+ 0xb5cf07e1, 0x16998148, 0xc17b0110, 0x8b458a5b, 0x5ca70a03,
+ 0xfff18caa, 0x28130cf2, 0x78cea136, 0xaf2c216e, 0x0c7aa7c7,
+ 0xdb98279f, 0x91a6acd4, 0x46442c8c, 0xe512aa25, 0x32f02a7d,
+ 0x716fbcb3, 0xa68d3ceb, 0x05dbba42, 0xd2393a1a, 0x9807b151,
+ 0x4fe53109, 0xecb3b7a0, 0x3b5137f8, 0x9a11d850, 0x4df35808,
+ 0xeea5dea1, 0x39475ef9, 0x7379d5b2, 0xa49b55ea, 0x07cdd343,
+ 0xd02f531b, 0x93b0c5d5, 0x4452458d, 0xe704c324, 0x30e6437c,
+ 0x7ad8c837, 0xad3a486f, 0x0e6ccec6, 0xd98e4e9e, 0x8953e35a,
+ 0x5eb16302, 0xfde7e5ab, 0x2a0565f3, 0x603beeb8, 0xb7d96ee0,
+ 0x148fe849, 0xc36d6811, 0x80f2fedf, 0x57107e87, 0xf446f82e,
+ 0x23a47876, 0x699af33d, 0xbe787365, 0x1d2ef5cc, 0xcacc7594,
+ 0xbc95ae44, 0x6b772e1c, 0xc821a8b5, 0x1fc328ed, 0x55fda3a6,
+ 0x821f23fe, 0x2149a557, 0xf6ab250f, 0xb534b3c1, 0x62d63399,
+ 0xc180b530, 0x16623568, 0x5c5cbe23, 0x8bbe3e7b, 0x28e8b8d2,
+ 0xff0a388a, 0xafd7954e, 0x78351516, 0xdb6393bf, 0x0c8113e7,
+ 0x46bf98ac, 0x915d18f4, 0x320b9e5d, 0xe5e91e05, 0xa67688cb,
+ 0x71940893, 0xd2c28e3a, 0x05200e62, 0x4f1e8529, 0x98fc0571,
+ 0x3baa83d8, 0xec480380, 0xd7193478, 0x00fbb420, 0xa3ad3289,
+ 0x744fb2d1, 0x3e71399a, 0xe993b9c2, 0x4ac53f6b, 0x9d27bf33,
+ 0xdeb829fd, 0x095aa9a5, 0xaa0c2f0c, 0x7deeaf54, 0x37d0241f,
+ 0xe032a447, 0x436422ee, 0x9486a2b6, 0xc45b0f72, 0x13b98f2a,
+ 0xb0ef0983, 0x670d89db, 0x2d330290, 0xfad182c8, 0x59870461,
+ 0x8e658439, 0xcdfa12f7, 0x1a1892af, 0xb94e1406, 0x6eac945e,
+ 0x24921f15, 0xf3709f4d, 0x502619e4, 0x87c499bc, 0xf19d426c,
+ 0x267fc234, 0x8529449d, 0x52cbc4c5, 0x18f54f8e, 0xcf17cfd6,
+ 0x6c41497f, 0xbba3c927, 0xf83c5fe9, 0x2fdedfb1, 0x8c885918,
+ 0x5b6ad940, 0x1154520b, 0xc6b6d253, 0x65e054fa, 0xb202d4a2,
+ 0xe2df7966, 0x353df93e, 0x966b7f97, 0x4189ffcf, 0x0bb77484,
+ 0xdc55f4dc, 0x7f037275, 0xa8e1f22d, 0xeb7e64e3, 0x3c9ce4bb,
+ 0x9fca6212, 0x4828e24a, 0x02166901, 0xd5f4e959, 0x76a26ff0,
+ 0xa140efa8},
+ {0x00000000, 0xef52b6e1, 0x05d46b83, 0xea86dd62, 0x0ba8d706,
+ 0xe4fa61e7, 0x0e7cbc85, 0xe12e0a64, 0x1751ae0c, 0xf80318ed,
+ 0x1285c58f, 0xfdd7736e, 0x1cf9790a, 0xf3abcfeb, 0x192d1289,
+ 0xf67fa468, 0x2ea35c18, 0xc1f1eaf9, 0x2b77379b, 0xc425817a,
+ 0x250b8b1e, 0xca593dff, 0x20dfe09d, 0xcf8d567c, 0x39f2f214,
+ 0xd6a044f5, 0x3c269997, 0xd3742f76, 0x325a2512, 0xdd0893f3,
+ 0x378e4e91, 0xd8dcf870, 0x5d46b830, 0xb2140ed1, 0x5892d3b3,
+ 0xb7c06552, 0x56ee6f36, 0xb9bcd9d7, 0x533a04b5, 0xbc68b254,
+ 0x4a17163c, 0xa545a0dd, 0x4fc37dbf, 0xa091cb5e, 0x41bfc13a,
+ 0xaeed77db, 0x446baab9, 0xab391c58, 0x73e5e428, 0x9cb752c9,
+ 0x76318fab, 0x9963394a, 0x784d332e, 0x971f85cf, 0x7d9958ad,
+ 0x92cbee4c, 0x64b44a24, 0x8be6fcc5, 0x616021a7, 0x8e329746,
+ 0x6f1c9d22, 0x804e2bc3, 0x6ac8f6a1, 0x859a4040, 0xba8d7060,
+ 0x55dfc681, 0xbf591be3, 0x500bad02, 0xb125a766, 0x5e771187,
+ 0xb4f1cce5, 0x5ba37a04, 0xaddcde6c, 0x428e688d, 0xa808b5ef,
+ 0x475a030e, 0xa674096a, 0x4926bf8b, 0xa3a062e9, 0x4cf2d408,
+ 0x942e2c78, 0x7b7c9a99, 0x91fa47fb, 0x7ea8f11a, 0x9f86fb7e,
+ 0x70d44d9f, 0x9a5290fd, 0x7500261c, 0x837f8274, 0x6c2d3495,
+ 0x86abe9f7, 0x69f95f16, 0x88d75572, 0x6785e393, 0x8d033ef1,
+ 0x62518810, 0xe7cbc850, 0x08997eb1, 0xe21fa3d3, 0x0d4d1532,
+ 0xec631f56, 0x0331a9b7, 0xe9b774d5, 0x06e5c234, 0xf09a665c,
+ 0x1fc8d0bd, 0xf54e0ddf, 0x1a1cbb3e, 0xfb32b15a, 0x146007bb,
+ 0xfee6dad9, 0x11b46c38, 0xc9689448, 0x263a22a9, 0xccbcffcb,
+ 0x23ee492a, 0xc2c0434e, 0x2d92f5af, 0xc71428cd, 0x28469e2c,
+ 0xde393a44, 0x316b8ca5, 0xdbed51c7, 0x34bfe726, 0xd591ed42,
+ 0x3ac35ba3, 0xd04586c1, 0x3f173020, 0xae6be681, 0x41395060,
+ 0xabbf8d02, 0x44ed3be3, 0xa5c33187, 0x4a918766, 0xa0175a04,
+ 0x4f45ece5, 0xb93a488d, 0x5668fe6c, 0xbcee230e, 0x53bc95ef,
+ 0xb2929f8b, 0x5dc0296a, 0xb746f408, 0x581442e9, 0x80c8ba99,
+ 0x6f9a0c78, 0x851cd11a, 0x6a4e67fb, 0x8b606d9f, 0x6432db7e,
+ 0x8eb4061c, 0x61e6b0fd, 0x97991495, 0x78cba274, 0x924d7f16,
+ 0x7d1fc9f7, 0x9c31c393, 0x73637572, 0x99e5a810, 0x76b71ef1,
+ 0xf32d5eb1, 0x1c7fe850, 0xf6f93532, 0x19ab83d3, 0xf88589b7,
+ 0x17d73f56, 0xfd51e234, 0x120354d5, 0xe47cf0bd, 0x0b2e465c,
+ 0xe1a89b3e, 0x0efa2ddf, 0xefd427bb, 0x0086915a, 0xea004c38,
+ 0x0552fad9, 0xdd8e02a9, 0x32dcb448, 0xd85a692a, 0x3708dfcb,
+ 0xd626d5af, 0x3974634e, 0xd3f2be2c, 0x3ca008cd, 0xcadfaca5,
+ 0x258d1a44, 0xcf0bc726, 0x205971c7, 0xc1777ba3, 0x2e25cd42,
+ 0xc4a31020, 0x2bf1a6c1, 0x14e696e1, 0xfbb42000, 0x1132fd62,
+ 0xfe604b83, 0x1f4e41e7, 0xf01cf706, 0x1a9a2a64, 0xf5c89c85,
+ 0x03b738ed, 0xece58e0c, 0x0663536e, 0xe931e58f, 0x081fefeb,
+ 0xe74d590a, 0x0dcb8468, 0xe2993289, 0x3a45caf9, 0xd5177c18,
+ 0x3f91a17a, 0xd0c3179b, 0x31ed1dff, 0xdebfab1e, 0x3439767c,
+ 0xdb6bc09d, 0x2d1464f5, 0xc246d214, 0x28c00f76, 0xc792b997,
+ 0x26bcb3f3, 0xc9ee0512, 0x2368d870, 0xcc3a6e91, 0x49a02ed1,
+ 0xa6f29830, 0x4c744552, 0xa326f3b3, 0x4208f9d7, 0xad5a4f36,
+ 0x47dc9254, 0xa88e24b5, 0x5ef180dd, 0xb1a3363c, 0x5b25eb5e,
+ 0xb4775dbf, 0x555957db, 0xba0be13a, 0x508d3c58, 0xbfdf8ab9,
+ 0x670372c9, 0x8851c428, 0x62d7194a, 0x8d85afab, 0x6caba5cf,
+ 0x83f9132e, 0x697fce4c, 0x862d78ad, 0x7052dcc5, 0x9f006a24,
+ 0x7586b746, 0x9ad401a7, 0x7bfa0bc3, 0x94a8bd22, 0x7e2e6040,
+ 0x917cd6a1},
+ {0x00000000, 0x87a6cb43, 0xd43c90c7, 0x539a5b84, 0x730827cf,
+ 0xf4aeec8c, 0xa734b708, 0x20927c4b, 0xe6104f9e, 0x61b684dd,
+ 0x322cdf59, 0xb58a141a, 0x95186851, 0x12bea312, 0x4124f896,
+ 0xc68233d5, 0x1751997d, 0x90f7523e, 0xc36d09ba, 0x44cbc2f9,
+ 0x6459beb2, 0xe3ff75f1, 0xb0652e75, 0x37c3e536, 0xf141d6e3,
+ 0x76e71da0, 0x257d4624, 0xa2db8d67, 0x8249f12c, 0x05ef3a6f,
+ 0x567561eb, 0xd1d3aaa8, 0x2ea332fa, 0xa905f9b9, 0xfa9fa23d,
+ 0x7d39697e, 0x5dab1535, 0xda0dde76, 0x899785f2, 0x0e314eb1,
+ 0xc8b37d64, 0x4f15b627, 0x1c8feda3, 0x9b2926e0, 0xbbbb5aab,
+ 0x3c1d91e8, 0x6f87ca6c, 0xe821012f, 0x39f2ab87, 0xbe5460c4,
+ 0xedce3b40, 0x6a68f003, 0x4afa8c48, 0xcd5c470b, 0x9ec61c8f,
+ 0x1960d7cc, 0xdfe2e419, 0x58442f5a, 0x0bde74de, 0x8c78bf9d,
+ 0xaceac3d6, 0x2b4c0895, 0x78d65311, 0xff709852, 0x5d4665f4,
+ 0xdae0aeb7, 0x897af533, 0x0edc3e70, 0x2e4e423b, 0xa9e88978,
+ 0xfa72d2fc, 0x7dd419bf, 0xbb562a6a, 0x3cf0e129, 0x6f6abaad,
+ 0xe8cc71ee, 0xc85e0da5, 0x4ff8c6e6, 0x1c629d62, 0x9bc45621,
+ 0x4a17fc89, 0xcdb137ca, 0x9e2b6c4e, 0x198da70d, 0x391fdb46,
+ 0xbeb91005, 0xed234b81, 0x6a8580c2, 0xac07b317, 0x2ba17854,
+ 0x783b23d0, 0xff9de893, 0xdf0f94d8, 0x58a95f9b, 0x0b33041f,
+ 0x8c95cf5c, 0x73e5570e, 0xf4439c4d, 0xa7d9c7c9, 0x207f0c8a,
+ 0x00ed70c1, 0x874bbb82, 0xd4d1e006, 0x53772b45, 0x95f51890,
+ 0x1253d3d3, 0x41c98857, 0xc66f4314, 0xe6fd3f5f, 0x615bf41c,
+ 0x32c1af98, 0xb56764db, 0x64b4ce73, 0xe3120530, 0xb0885eb4,
+ 0x372e95f7, 0x17bce9bc, 0x901a22ff, 0xc380797b, 0x4426b238,
+ 0x82a481ed, 0x05024aae, 0x5698112a, 0xd13eda69, 0xf1aca622,
+ 0x760a6d61, 0x259036e5, 0xa236fda6, 0xba8ccbe8, 0x3d2a00ab,
+ 0x6eb05b2f, 0xe916906c, 0xc984ec27, 0x4e222764, 0x1db87ce0,
+ 0x9a1eb7a3, 0x5c9c8476, 0xdb3a4f35, 0x88a014b1, 0x0f06dff2,
+ 0x2f94a3b9, 0xa83268fa, 0xfba8337e, 0x7c0ef83d, 0xaddd5295,
+ 0x2a7b99d6, 0x79e1c252, 0xfe470911, 0xded5755a, 0x5973be19,
+ 0x0ae9e59d, 0x8d4f2ede, 0x4bcd1d0b, 0xcc6bd648, 0x9ff18dcc,
+ 0x1857468f, 0x38c53ac4, 0xbf63f187, 0xecf9aa03, 0x6b5f6140,
+ 0x942ff912, 0x13893251, 0x401369d5, 0xc7b5a296, 0xe727dedd,
+ 0x6081159e, 0x331b4e1a, 0xb4bd8559, 0x723fb68c, 0xf5997dcf,
+ 0xa603264b, 0x21a5ed08, 0x01379143, 0x86915a00, 0xd50b0184,
+ 0x52adcac7, 0x837e606f, 0x04d8ab2c, 0x5742f0a8, 0xd0e43beb,
+ 0xf07647a0, 0x77d08ce3, 0x244ad767, 0xa3ec1c24, 0x656e2ff1,
+ 0xe2c8e4b2, 0xb152bf36, 0x36f47475, 0x1666083e, 0x91c0c37d,
+ 0xc25a98f9, 0x45fc53ba, 0xe7caae1c, 0x606c655f, 0x33f63edb,
+ 0xb450f598, 0x94c289d3, 0x13644290, 0x40fe1914, 0xc758d257,
+ 0x01dae182, 0x867c2ac1, 0xd5e67145, 0x5240ba06, 0x72d2c64d,
+ 0xf5740d0e, 0xa6ee568a, 0x21489dc9, 0xf09b3761, 0x773dfc22,
+ 0x24a7a7a6, 0xa3016ce5, 0x839310ae, 0x0435dbed, 0x57af8069,
+ 0xd0094b2a, 0x168b78ff, 0x912db3bc, 0xc2b7e838, 0x4511237b,
+ 0x65835f30, 0xe2259473, 0xb1bfcff7, 0x361904b4, 0xc9699ce6,
+ 0x4ecf57a5, 0x1d550c21, 0x9af3c762, 0xba61bb29, 0x3dc7706a,
+ 0x6e5d2bee, 0xe9fbe0ad, 0x2f79d378, 0xa8df183b, 0xfb4543bf,
+ 0x7ce388fc, 0x5c71f4b7, 0xdbd73ff4, 0x884d6470, 0x0febaf33,
+ 0xde38059b, 0x599eced8, 0x0a04955c, 0x8da25e1f, 0xad302254,
+ 0x2a96e917, 0x790cb293, 0xfeaa79d0, 0x38284a05, 0xbf8e8146,
+ 0xec14dac2, 0x6bb21181, 0x4b206dca, 0xcc86a689, 0x9f1cfd0d,
+ 0x18ba364e}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x43cba68700000000, 0xc7903cd400000000,
+ 0x845b9a5300000000, 0xcf27087300000000, 0x8cecaef400000000,
+ 0x08b734a700000000, 0x4b7c922000000000, 0x9e4f10e600000000,
+ 0xdd84b66100000000, 0x59df2c3200000000, 0x1a148ab500000000,
+ 0x5168189500000000, 0x12a3be1200000000, 0x96f8244100000000,
+ 0xd53382c600000000, 0x7d99511700000000, 0x3e52f79000000000,
+ 0xba096dc300000000, 0xf9c2cb4400000000, 0xb2be596400000000,
+ 0xf175ffe300000000, 0x752e65b000000000, 0x36e5c33700000000,
+ 0xe3d641f100000000, 0xa01de77600000000, 0x24467d2500000000,
+ 0x678ddba200000000, 0x2cf1498200000000, 0x6f3aef0500000000,
+ 0xeb61755600000000, 0xa8aad3d100000000, 0xfa32a32e00000000,
+ 0xb9f905a900000000, 0x3da29ffa00000000, 0x7e69397d00000000,
+ 0x3515ab5d00000000, 0x76de0dda00000000, 0xf285978900000000,
+ 0xb14e310e00000000, 0x647db3c800000000, 0x27b6154f00000000,
+ 0xa3ed8f1c00000000, 0xe026299b00000000, 0xab5abbbb00000000,
+ 0xe8911d3c00000000, 0x6cca876f00000000, 0x2f0121e800000000,
+ 0x87abf23900000000, 0xc46054be00000000, 0x403bceed00000000,
+ 0x03f0686a00000000, 0x488cfa4a00000000, 0x0b475ccd00000000,
+ 0x8f1cc69e00000000, 0xccd7601900000000, 0x19e4e2df00000000,
+ 0x5a2f445800000000, 0xde74de0b00000000, 0x9dbf788c00000000,
+ 0xd6c3eaac00000000, 0x95084c2b00000000, 0x1153d67800000000,
+ 0x529870ff00000000, 0xf465465d00000000, 0xb7aee0da00000000,
+ 0x33f57a8900000000, 0x703edc0e00000000, 0x3b424e2e00000000,
+ 0x7889e8a900000000, 0xfcd272fa00000000, 0xbf19d47d00000000,
+ 0x6a2a56bb00000000, 0x29e1f03c00000000, 0xadba6a6f00000000,
+ 0xee71cce800000000, 0xa50d5ec800000000, 0xe6c6f84f00000000,
+ 0x629d621c00000000, 0x2156c49b00000000, 0x89fc174a00000000,
+ 0xca37b1cd00000000, 0x4e6c2b9e00000000, 0x0da78d1900000000,
+ 0x46db1f3900000000, 0x0510b9be00000000, 0x814b23ed00000000,
+ 0xc280856a00000000, 0x17b307ac00000000, 0x5478a12b00000000,
+ 0xd0233b7800000000, 0x93e89dff00000000, 0xd8940fdf00000000,
+ 0x9b5fa95800000000, 0x1f04330b00000000, 0x5ccf958c00000000,
+ 0x0e57e57300000000, 0x4d9c43f400000000, 0xc9c7d9a700000000,
+ 0x8a0c7f2000000000, 0xc170ed0000000000, 0x82bb4b8700000000,
+ 0x06e0d1d400000000, 0x452b775300000000, 0x9018f59500000000,
+ 0xd3d3531200000000, 0x5788c94100000000, 0x14436fc600000000,
+ 0x5f3ffde600000000, 0x1cf45b6100000000, 0x98afc13200000000,
+ 0xdb6467b500000000, 0x73ceb46400000000, 0x300512e300000000,
+ 0xb45e88b000000000, 0xf7952e3700000000, 0xbce9bc1700000000,
+ 0xff221a9000000000, 0x7b7980c300000000, 0x38b2264400000000,
+ 0xed81a48200000000, 0xae4a020500000000, 0x2a11985600000000,
+ 0x69da3ed100000000, 0x22a6acf100000000, 0x616d0a7600000000,
+ 0xe536902500000000, 0xa6fd36a200000000, 0xe8cb8cba00000000,
+ 0xab002a3d00000000, 0x2f5bb06e00000000, 0x6c9016e900000000,
+ 0x27ec84c900000000, 0x6427224e00000000, 0xe07cb81d00000000,
+ 0xa3b71e9a00000000, 0x76849c5c00000000, 0x354f3adb00000000,
+ 0xb114a08800000000, 0xf2df060f00000000, 0xb9a3942f00000000,
+ 0xfa6832a800000000, 0x7e33a8fb00000000, 0x3df80e7c00000000,
+ 0x9552ddad00000000, 0xd6997b2a00000000, 0x52c2e17900000000,
+ 0x110947fe00000000, 0x5a75d5de00000000, 0x19be735900000000,
+ 0x9de5e90a00000000, 0xde2e4f8d00000000, 0x0b1dcd4b00000000,
+ 0x48d66bcc00000000, 0xcc8df19f00000000, 0x8f46571800000000,
+ 0xc43ac53800000000, 0x87f163bf00000000, 0x03aaf9ec00000000,
+ 0x40615f6b00000000, 0x12f92f9400000000, 0x5132891300000000,
+ 0xd569134000000000, 0x96a2b5c700000000, 0xddde27e700000000,
+ 0x9e15816000000000, 0x1a4e1b3300000000, 0x5985bdb400000000,
+ 0x8cb63f7200000000, 0xcf7d99f500000000, 0x4b2603a600000000,
+ 0x08eda52100000000, 0x4391370100000000, 0x005a918600000000,
+ 0x84010bd500000000, 0xc7caad5200000000, 0x6f607e8300000000,
+ 0x2cabd80400000000, 0xa8f0425700000000, 0xeb3be4d000000000,
+ 0xa04776f000000000, 0xe38cd07700000000, 0x67d74a2400000000,
+ 0x241ceca300000000, 0xf12f6e6500000000, 0xb2e4c8e200000000,
+ 0x36bf52b100000000, 0x7574f43600000000, 0x3e08661600000000,
+ 0x7dc3c09100000000, 0xf9985ac200000000, 0xba53fc4500000000,
+ 0x1caecae700000000, 0x5f656c6000000000, 0xdb3ef63300000000,
+ 0x98f550b400000000, 0xd389c29400000000, 0x9042641300000000,
+ 0x1419fe4000000000, 0x57d258c700000000, 0x82e1da0100000000,
+ 0xc12a7c8600000000, 0x4571e6d500000000, 0x06ba405200000000,
+ 0x4dc6d27200000000, 0x0e0d74f500000000, 0x8a56eea600000000,
+ 0xc99d482100000000, 0x61379bf000000000, 0x22fc3d7700000000,
+ 0xa6a7a72400000000, 0xe56c01a300000000, 0xae10938300000000,
+ 0xeddb350400000000, 0x6980af5700000000, 0x2a4b09d000000000,
+ 0xff788b1600000000, 0xbcb32d9100000000, 0x38e8b7c200000000,
+ 0x7b23114500000000, 0x305f836500000000, 0x739425e200000000,
+ 0xf7cfbfb100000000, 0xb404193600000000, 0xe69c69c900000000,
+ 0xa557cf4e00000000, 0x210c551d00000000, 0x62c7f39a00000000,
+ 0x29bb61ba00000000, 0x6a70c73d00000000, 0xee2b5d6e00000000,
+ 0xade0fbe900000000, 0x78d3792f00000000, 0x3b18dfa800000000,
+ 0xbf4345fb00000000, 0xfc88e37c00000000, 0xb7f4715c00000000,
+ 0xf43fd7db00000000, 0x70644d8800000000, 0x33afeb0f00000000,
+ 0x9b0538de00000000, 0xd8ce9e5900000000, 0x5c95040a00000000,
+ 0x1f5ea28d00000000, 0x542230ad00000000, 0x17e9962a00000000,
+ 0x93b20c7900000000, 0xd079aafe00000000, 0x054a283800000000,
+ 0x46818ebf00000000, 0xc2da14ec00000000, 0x8111b26b00000000,
+ 0xca6d204b00000000, 0x89a686cc00000000, 0x0dfd1c9f00000000,
+ 0x4e36ba1800000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xe1b652ef00000000, 0x836bd40500000000,
+ 0x62dd86ea00000000, 0x06d7a80b00000000, 0xe761fae400000000,
+ 0x85bc7c0e00000000, 0x640a2ee100000000, 0x0cae511700000000,
+ 0xed1803f800000000, 0x8fc5851200000000, 0x6e73d7fd00000000,
+ 0x0a79f91c00000000, 0xebcfabf300000000, 0x89122d1900000000,
+ 0x68a47ff600000000, 0x185ca32e00000000, 0xf9eaf1c100000000,
+ 0x9b37772b00000000, 0x7a8125c400000000, 0x1e8b0b2500000000,
+ 0xff3d59ca00000000, 0x9de0df2000000000, 0x7c568dcf00000000,
+ 0x14f2f23900000000, 0xf544a0d600000000, 0x9799263c00000000,
+ 0x762f74d300000000, 0x12255a3200000000, 0xf39308dd00000000,
+ 0x914e8e3700000000, 0x70f8dcd800000000, 0x30b8465d00000000,
+ 0xd10e14b200000000, 0xb3d3925800000000, 0x5265c0b700000000,
+ 0x366fee5600000000, 0xd7d9bcb900000000, 0xb5043a5300000000,
+ 0x54b268bc00000000, 0x3c16174a00000000, 0xdda045a500000000,
+ 0xbf7dc34f00000000, 0x5ecb91a000000000, 0x3ac1bf4100000000,
+ 0xdb77edae00000000, 0xb9aa6b4400000000, 0x581c39ab00000000,
+ 0x28e4e57300000000, 0xc952b79c00000000, 0xab8f317600000000,
+ 0x4a39639900000000, 0x2e334d7800000000, 0xcf851f9700000000,
+ 0xad58997d00000000, 0x4ceecb9200000000, 0x244ab46400000000,
+ 0xc5fce68b00000000, 0xa721606100000000, 0x4697328e00000000,
+ 0x229d1c6f00000000, 0xc32b4e8000000000, 0xa1f6c86a00000000,
+ 0x40409a8500000000, 0x60708dba00000000, 0x81c6df5500000000,
+ 0xe31b59bf00000000, 0x02ad0b5000000000, 0x66a725b100000000,
+ 0x8711775e00000000, 0xe5ccf1b400000000, 0x047aa35b00000000,
+ 0x6cdedcad00000000, 0x8d688e4200000000, 0xefb508a800000000,
+ 0x0e035a4700000000, 0x6a0974a600000000, 0x8bbf264900000000,
+ 0xe962a0a300000000, 0x08d4f24c00000000, 0x782c2e9400000000,
+ 0x999a7c7b00000000, 0xfb47fa9100000000, 0x1af1a87e00000000,
+ 0x7efb869f00000000, 0x9f4dd47000000000, 0xfd90529a00000000,
+ 0x1c26007500000000, 0x74827f8300000000, 0x95342d6c00000000,
+ 0xf7e9ab8600000000, 0x165ff96900000000, 0x7255d78800000000,
+ 0x93e3856700000000, 0xf13e038d00000000, 0x1088516200000000,
+ 0x50c8cbe700000000, 0xb17e990800000000, 0xd3a31fe200000000,
+ 0x32154d0d00000000, 0x561f63ec00000000, 0xb7a9310300000000,
+ 0xd574b7e900000000, 0x34c2e50600000000, 0x5c669af000000000,
+ 0xbdd0c81f00000000, 0xdf0d4ef500000000, 0x3ebb1c1a00000000,
+ 0x5ab132fb00000000, 0xbb07601400000000, 0xd9dae6fe00000000,
+ 0x386cb41100000000, 0x489468c900000000, 0xa9223a2600000000,
+ 0xcbffbccc00000000, 0x2a49ee2300000000, 0x4e43c0c200000000,
+ 0xaff5922d00000000, 0xcd2814c700000000, 0x2c9e462800000000,
+ 0x443a39de00000000, 0xa58c6b3100000000, 0xc751eddb00000000,
+ 0x26e7bf3400000000, 0x42ed91d500000000, 0xa35bc33a00000000,
+ 0xc18645d000000000, 0x2030173f00000000, 0x81e66bae00000000,
+ 0x6050394100000000, 0x028dbfab00000000, 0xe33bed4400000000,
+ 0x8731c3a500000000, 0x6687914a00000000, 0x045a17a000000000,
+ 0xe5ec454f00000000, 0x8d483ab900000000, 0x6cfe685600000000,
+ 0x0e23eebc00000000, 0xef95bc5300000000, 0x8b9f92b200000000,
+ 0x6a29c05d00000000, 0x08f446b700000000, 0xe942145800000000,
+ 0x99bac88000000000, 0x780c9a6f00000000, 0x1ad11c8500000000,
+ 0xfb674e6a00000000, 0x9f6d608b00000000, 0x7edb326400000000,
+ 0x1c06b48e00000000, 0xfdb0e66100000000, 0x9514999700000000,
+ 0x74a2cb7800000000, 0x167f4d9200000000, 0xf7c91f7d00000000,
+ 0x93c3319c00000000, 0x7275637300000000, 0x10a8e59900000000,
+ 0xf11eb77600000000, 0xb15e2df300000000, 0x50e87f1c00000000,
+ 0x3235f9f600000000, 0xd383ab1900000000, 0xb78985f800000000,
+ 0x563fd71700000000, 0x34e251fd00000000, 0xd554031200000000,
+ 0xbdf07ce400000000, 0x5c462e0b00000000, 0x3e9ba8e100000000,
+ 0xdf2dfa0e00000000, 0xbb27d4ef00000000, 0x5a91860000000000,
+ 0x384c00ea00000000, 0xd9fa520500000000, 0xa9028edd00000000,
+ 0x48b4dc3200000000, 0x2a695ad800000000, 0xcbdf083700000000,
+ 0xafd526d600000000, 0x4e63743900000000, 0x2cbef2d300000000,
+ 0xcd08a03c00000000, 0xa5acdfca00000000, 0x441a8d2500000000,
+ 0x26c70bcf00000000, 0xc771592000000000, 0xa37b77c100000000,
+ 0x42cd252e00000000, 0x2010a3c400000000, 0xc1a6f12b00000000,
+ 0xe196e61400000000, 0x0020b4fb00000000, 0x62fd321100000000,
+ 0x834b60fe00000000, 0xe7414e1f00000000, 0x06f71cf000000000,
+ 0x642a9a1a00000000, 0x859cc8f500000000, 0xed38b70300000000,
+ 0x0c8ee5ec00000000, 0x6e53630600000000, 0x8fe531e900000000,
+ 0xebef1f0800000000, 0x0a594de700000000, 0x6884cb0d00000000,
+ 0x893299e200000000, 0xf9ca453a00000000, 0x187c17d500000000,
+ 0x7aa1913f00000000, 0x9b17c3d000000000, 0xff1ded3100000000,
+ 0x1eabbfde00000000, 0x7c76393400000000, 0x9dc06bdb00000000,
+ 0xf564142d00000000, 0x14d246c200000000, 0x760fc02800000000,
+ 0x97b992c700000000, 0xf3b3bc2600000000, 0x1205eec900000000,
+ 0x70d8682300000000, 0x916e3acc00000000, 0xd12ea04900000000,
+ 0x3098f2a600000000, 0x5245744c00000000, 0xb3f326a300000000,
+ 0xd7f9084200000000, 0x364f5aad00000000, 0x5492dc4700000000,
+ 0xb5248ea800000000, 0xdd80f15e00000000, 0x3c36a3b100000000,
+ 0x5eeb255b00000000, 0xbf5d77b400000000, 0xdb57595500000000,
+ 0x3ae10bba00000000, 0x583c8d5000000000, 0xb98adfbf00000000,
+ 0xc972036700000000, 0x28c4518800000000, 0x4a19d76200000000,
+ 0xabaf858d00000000, 0xcfa5ab6c00000000, 0x2e13f98300000000,
+ 0x4cce7f6900000000, 0xad782d8600000000, 0xc5dc527000000000,
+ 0x246a009f00000000, 0x46b7867500000000, 0xa701d49a00000000,
+ 0xc30bfa7b00000000, 0x22bda89400000000, 0x40602e7e00000000,
+ 0xa1d67c9100000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x5880e2d700000000, 0xf106b47400000000,
+ 0xa98656a300000000, 0xe20d68e900000000, 0xba8d8a3e00000000,
+ 0x130bdc9d00000000, 0x4b8b3e4a00000000, 0x851da10900000000,
+ 0xdd9d43de00000000, 0x741b157d00000000, 0x2c9bf7aa00000000,
+ 0x6710c9e000000000, 0x3f902b3700000000, 0x96167d9400000000,
+ 0xce969f4300000000, 0x0a3b421300000000, 0x52bba0c400000000,
+ 0xfb3df66700000000, 0xa3bd14b000000000, 0xe8362afa00000000,
+ 0xb0b6c82d00000000, 0x19309e8e00000000, 0x41b07c5900000000,
+ 0x8f26e31a00000000, 0xd7a601cd00000000, 0x7e20576e00000000,
+ 0x26a0b5b900000000, 0x6d2b8bf300000000, 0x35ab692400000000,
+ 0x9c2d3f8700000000, 0xc4addd5000000000, 0x1476842600000000,
+ 0x4cf666f100000000, 0xe570305200000000, 0xbdf0d28500000000,
+ 0xf67beccf00000000, 0xaefb0e1800000000, 0x077d58bb00000000,
+ 0x5ffdba6c00000000, 0x916b252f00000000, 0xc9ebc7f800000000,
+ 0x606d915b00000000, 0x38ed738c00000000, 0x73664dc600000000,
+ 0x2be6af1100000000, 0x8260f9b200000000, 0xdae01b6500000000,
+ 0x1e4dc63500000000, 0x46cd24e200000000, 0xef4b724100000000,
+ 0xb7cb909600000000, 0xfc40aedc00000000, 0xa4c04c0b00000000,
+ 0x0d461aa800000000, 0x55c6f87f00000000, 0x9b50673c00000000,
+ 0xc3d085eb00000000, 0x6a56d34800000000, 0x32d6319f00000000,
+ 0x795d0fd500000000, 0x21dded0200000000, 0x885bbba100000000,
+ 0xd0db597600000000, 0x28ec084d00000000, 0x706cea9a00000000,
+ 0xd9eabc3900000000, 0x816a5eee00000000, 0xcae160a400000000,
+ 0x9261827300000000, 0x3be7d4d000000000, 0x6367360700000000,
+ 0xadf1a94400000000, 0xf5714b9300000000, 0x5cf71d3000000000,
+ 0x0477ffe700000000, 0x4ffcc1ad00000000, 0x177c237a00000000,
+ 0xbefa75d900000000, 0xe67a970e00000000, 0x22d74a5e00000000,
+ 0x7a57a88900000000, 0xd3d1fe2a00000000, 0x8b511cfd00000000,
+ 0xc0da22b700000000, 0x985ac06000000000, 0x31dc96c300000000,
+ 0x695c741400000000, 0xa7caeb5700000000, 0xff4a098000000000,
+ 0x56cc5f2300000000, 0x0e4cbdf400000000, 0x45c783be00000000,
+ 0x1d47616900000000, 0xb4c137ca00000000, 0xec41d51d00000000,
+ 0x3c9a8c6b00000000, 0x641a6ebc00000000, 0xcd9c381f00000000,
+ 0x951cdac800000000, 0xde97e48200000000, 0x8617065500000000,
+ 0x2f9150f600000000, 0x7711b22100000000, 0xb9872d6200000000,
+ 0xe107cfb500000000, 0x4881991600000000, 0x10017bc100000000,
+ 0x5b8a458b00000000, 0x030aa75c00000000, 0xaa8cf1ff00000000,
+ 0xf20c132800000000, 0x36a1ce7800000000, 0x6e212caf00000000,
+ 0xc7a77a0c00000000, 0x9f2798db00000000, 0xd4aca69100000000,
+ 0x8c2c444600000000, 0x25aa12e500000000, 0x7d2af03200000000,
+ 0xb3bc6f7100000000, 0xeb3c8da600000000, 0x42badb0500000000,
+ 0x1a3a39d200000000, 0x51b1079800000000, 0x0931e54f00000000,
+ 0xa0b7b3ec00000000, 0xf837513b00000000, 0x50d8119a00000000,
+ 0x0858f34d00000000, 0xa1dea5ee00000000, 0xf95e473900000000,
+ 0xb2d5797300000000, 0xea559ba400000000, 0x43d3cd0700000000,
+ 0x1b532fd000000000, 0xd5c5b09300000000, 0x8d45524400000000,
+ 0x24c304e700000000, 0x7c43e63000000000, 0x37c8d87a00000000,
+ 0x6f483aad00000000, 0xc6ce6c0e00000000, 0x9e4e8ed900000000,
+ 0x5ae3538900000000, 0x0263b15e00000000, 0xabe5e7fd00000000,
+ 0xf365052a00000000, 0xb8ee3b6000000000, 0xe06ed9b700000000,
+ 0x49e88f1400000000, 0x11686dc300000000, 0xdffef28000000000,
+ 0x877e105700000000, 0x2ef846f400000000, 0x7678a42300000000,
+ 0x3df39a6900000000, 0x657378be00000000, 0xccf52e1d00000000,
+ 0x9475ccca00000000, 0x44ae95bc00000000, 0x1c2e776b00000000,
+ 0xb5a821c800000000, 0xed28c31f00000000, 0xa6a3fd5500000000,
+ 0xfe231f8200000000, 0x57a5492100000000, 0x0f25abf600000000,
+ 0xc1b334b500000000, 0x9933d66200000000, 0x30b580c100000000,
+ 0x6835621600000000, 0x23be5c5c00000000, 0x7b3ebe8b00000000,
+ 0xd2b8e82800000000, 0x8a380aff00000000, 0x4e95d7af00000000,
+ 0x1615357800000000, 0xbf9363db00000000, 0xe713810c00000000,
+ 0xac98bf4600000000, 0xf4185d9100000000, 0x5d9e0b3200000000,
+ 0x051ee9e500000000, 0xcb8876a600000000, 0x9308947100000000,
+ 0x3a8ec2d200000000, 0x620e200500000000, 0x29851e4f00000000,
+ 0x7105fc9800000000, 0xd883aa3b00000000, 0x800348ec00000000,
+ 0x783419d700000000, 0x20b4fb0000000000, 0x8932ada300000000,
+ 0xd1b24f7400000000, 0x9a39713e00000000, 0xc2b993e900000000,
+ 0x6b3fc54a00000000, 0x33bf279d00000000, 0xfd29b8de00000000,
+ 0xa5a95a0900000000, 0x0c2f0caa00000000, 0x54afee7d00000000,
+ 0x1f24d03700000000, 0x47a432e000000000, 0xee22644300000000,
+ 0xb6a2869400000000, 0x720f5bc400000000, 0x2a8fb91300000000,
+ 0x8309efb000000000, 0xdb890d6700000000, 0x9002332d00000000,
+ 0xc882d1fa00000000, 0x6104875900000000, 0x3984658e00000000,
+ 0xf712facd00000000, 0xaf92181a00000000, 0x06144eb900000000,
+ 0x5e94ac6e00000000, 0x151f922400000000, 0x4d9f70f300000000,
+ 0xe419265000000000, 0xbc99c48700000000, 0x6c429df100000000,
+ 0x34c27f2600000000, 0x9d44298500000000, 0xc5c4cb5200000000,
+ 0x8e4ff51800000000, 0xd6cf17cf00000000, 0x7f49416c00000000,
+ 0x27c9a3bb00000000, 0xe95f3cf800000000, 0xb1dfde2f00000000,
+ 0x1859888c00000000, 0x40d96a5b00000000, 0x0b52541100000000,
+ 0x53d2b6c600000000, 0xfa54e06500000000, 0xa2d402b200000000,
+ 0x6679dfe200000000, 0x3ef93d3500000000, 0x977f6b9600000000,
+ 0xcfff894100000000, 0x8474b70b00000000, 0xdcf455dc00000000,
+ 0x7572037f00000000, 0x2df2e1a800000000, 0xe3647eeb00000000,
+ 0xbbe49c3c00000000, 0x1262ca9f00000000, 0x4ae2284800000000,
+ 0x0169160200000000, 0x59e9f4d500000000, 0xf06fa27600000000,
+ 0xa8ef40a100000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x463b676500000000, 0x8c76ceca00000000,
+ 0xca4da9af00000000, 0x59ebed4e00000000, 0x1fd08a2b00000000,
+ 0xd59d238400000000, 0x93a644e100000000, 0xb2d6db9d00000000,
+ 0xf4edbcf800000000, 0x3ea0155700000000, 0x789b723200000000,
+ 0xeb3d36d300000000, 0xad0651b600000000, 0x674bf81900000000,
+ 0x21709f7c00000000, 0x25abc6e000000000, 0x6390a18500000000,
+ 0xa9dd082a00000000, 0xefe66f4f00000000, 0x7c402bae00000000,
+ 0x3a7b4ccb00000000, 0xf036e56400000000, 0xb60d820100000000,
+ 0x977d1d7d00000000, 0xd1467a1800000000, 0x1b0bd3b700000000,
+ 0x5d30b4d200000000, 0xce96f03300000000, 0x88ad975600000000,
+ 0x42e03ef900000000, 0x04db599c00000000, 0x0b50fc1a00000000,
+ 0x4d6b9b7f00000000, 0x872632d000000000, 0xc11d55b500000000,
+ 0x52bb115400000000, 0x1480763100000000, 0xdecddf9e00000000,
+ 0x98f6b8fb00000000, 0xb986278700000000, 0xffbd40e200000000,
+ 0x35f0e94d00000000, 0x73cb8e2800000000, 0xe06dcac900000000,
+ 0xa656adac00000000, 0x6c1b040300000000, 0x2a20636600000000,
+ 0x2efb3afa00000000, 0x68c05d9f00000000, 0xa28df43000000000,
+ 0xe4b6935500000000, 0x7710d7b400000000, 0x312bb0d100000000,
+ 0xfb66197e00000000, 0xbd5d7e1b00000000, 0x9c2de16700000000,
+ 0xda16860200000000, 0x105b2fad00000000, 0x566048c800000000,
+ 0xc5c60c2900000000, 0x83fd6b4c00000000, 0x49b0c2e300000000,
+ 0x0f8ba58600000000, 0x16a0f83500000000, 0x509b9f5000000000,
+ 0x9ad636ff00000000, 0xdced519a00000000, 0x4f4b157b00000000,
+ 0x0970721e00000000, 0xc33ddbb100000000, 0x8506bcd400000000,
+ 0xa47623a800000000, 0xe24d44cd00000000, 0x2800ed6200000000,
+ 0x6e3b8a0700000000, 0xfd9dcee600000000, 0xbba6a98300000000,
+ 0x71eb002c00000000, 0x37d0674900000000, 0x330b3ed500000000,
+ 0x753059b000000000, 0xbf7df01f00000000, 0xf946977a00000000,
+ 0x6ae0d39b00000000, 0x2cdbb4fe00000000, 0xe6961d5100000000,
+ 0xa0ad7a3400000000, 0x81dde54800000000, 0xc7e6822d00000000,
+ 0x0dab2b8200000000, 0x4b904ce700000000, 0xd836080600000000,
+ 0x9e0d6f6300000000, 0x5440c6cc00000000, 0x127ba1a900000000,
+ 0x1df0042f00000000, 0x5bcb634a00000000, 0x9186cae500000000,
+ 0xd7bdad8000000000, 0x441be96100000000, 0x02208e0400000000,
+ 0xc86d27ab00000000, 0x8e5640ce00000000, 0xaf26dfb200000000,
+ 0xe91db8d700000000, 0x2350117800000000, 0x656b761d00000000,
+ 0xf6cd32fc00000000, 0xb0f6559900000000, 0x7abbfc3600000000,
+ 0x3c809b5300000000, 0x385bc2cf00000000, 0x7e60a5aa00000000,
+ 0xb42d0c0500000000, 0xf2166b6000000000, 0x61b02f8100000000,
+ 0x278b48e400000000, 0xedc6e14b00000000, 0xabfd862e00000000,
+ 0x8a8d195200000000, 0xccb67e3700000000, 0x06fbd79800000000,
+ 0x40c0b0fd00000000, 0xd366f41c00000000, 0x955d937900000000,
+ 0x5f103ad600000000, 0x192b5db300000000, 0x2c40f16b00000000,
+ 0x6a7b960e00000000, 0xa0363fa100000000, 0xe60d58c400000000,
+ 0x75ab1c2500000000, 0x33907b4000000000, 0xf9ddd2ef00000000,
+ 0xbfe6b58a00000000, 0x9e962af600000000, 0xd8ad4d9300000000,
+ 0x12e0e43c00000000, 0x54db835900000000, 0xc77dc7b800000000,
+ 0x8146a0dd00000000, 0x4b0b097200000000, 0x0d306e1700000000,
+ 0x09eb378b00000000, 0x4fd050ee00000000, 0x859df94100000000,
+ 0xc3a69e2400000000, 0x5000dac500000000, 0x163bbda000000000,
+ 0xdc76140f00000000, 0x9a4d736a00000000, 0xbb3dec1600000000,
+ 0xfd068b7300000000, 0x374b22dc00000000, 0x717045b900000000,
+ 0xe2d6015800000000, 0xa4ed663d00000000, 0x6ea0cf9200000000,
+ 0x289ba8f700000000, 0x27100d7100000000, 0x612b6a1400000000,
+ 0xab66c3bb00000000, 0xed5da4de00000000, 0x7efbe03f00000000,
+ 0x38c0875a00000000, 0xf28d2ef500000000, 0xb4b6499000000000,
+ 0x95c6d6ec00000000, 0xd3fdb18900000000, 0x19b0182600000000,
+ 0x5f8b7f4300000000, 0xcc2d3ba200000000, 0x8a165cc700000000,
+ 0x405bf56800000000, 0x0660920d00000000, 0x02bbcb9100000000,
+ 0x4480acf400000000, 0x8ecd055b00000000, 0xc8f6623e00000000,
+ 0x5b5026df00000000, 0x1d6b41ba00000000, 0xd726e81500000000,
+ 0x911d8f7000000000, 0xb06d100c00000000, 0xf656776900000000,
+ 0x3c1bdec600000000, 0x7a20b9a300000000, 0xe986fd4200000000,
+ 0xafbd9a2700000000, 0x65f0338800000000, 0x23cb54ed00000000,
+ 0x3ae0095e00000000, 0x7cdb6e3b00000000, 0xb696c79400000000,
+ 0xf0ada0f100000000, 0x630be41000000000, 0x2530837500000000,
+ 0xef7d2ada00000000, 0xa9464dbf00000000, 0x8836d2c300000000,
+ 0xce0db5a600000000, 0x04401c0900000000, 0x427b7b6c00000000,
+ 0xd1dd3f8d00000000, 0x97e658e800000000, 0x5dabf14700000000,
+ 0x1b90962200000000, 0x1f4bcfbe00000000, 0x5970a8db00000000,
+ 0x933d017400000000, 0xd506661100000000, 0x46a022f000000000,
+ 0x009b459500000000, 0xcad6ec3a00000000, 0x8ced8b5f00000000,
+ 0xad9d142300000000, 0xeba6734600000000, 0x21ebdae900000000,
+ 0x67d0bd8c00000000, 0xf476f96d00000000, 0xb24d9e0800000000,
+ 0x780037a700000000, 0x3e3b50c200000000, 0x31b0f54400000000,
+ 0x778b922100000000, 0xbdc63b8e00000000, 0xfbfd5ceb00000000,
+ 0x685b180a00000000, 0x2e607f6f00000000, 0xe42dd6c000000000,
+ 0xa216b1a500000000, 0x83662ed900000000, 0xc55d49bc00000000,
+ 0x0f10e01300000000, 0x492b877600000000, 0xda8dc39700000000,
+ 0x9cb6a4f200000000, 0x56fb0d5d00000000, 0x10c06a3800000000,
+ 0x141b33a400000000, 0x522054c100000000, 0x986dfd6e00000000,
+ 0xde569a0b00000000, 0x4df0deea00000000, 0x0bcbb98f00000000,
+ 0xc186102000000000, 0x87bd774500000000, 0xa6cde83900000000,
+ 0xe0f68f5c00000000, 0x2abb26f300000000, 0x6c80419600000000,
+ 0xff26057700000000, 0xb91d621200000000, 0x7350cbbd00000000,
+ 0x356bacd800000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x9e83da9f00000000, 0x7d01c4e400000000,
+ 0xe3821e7b00000000, 0xbb04f91200000000, 0x2587238d00000000,
+ 0xc6053df600000000, 0x5886e76900000000, 0x7609f22500000000,
+ 0xe88a28ba00000000, 0x0b0836c100000000, 0x958bec5e00000000,
+ 0xcd0d0b3700000000, 0x538ed1a800000000, 0xb00ccfd300000000,
+ 0x2e8f154c00000000, 0xec12e44b00000000, 0x72913ed400000000,
+ 0x911320af00000000, 0x0f90fa3000000000, 0x57161d5900000000,
+ 0xc995c7c600000000, 0x2a17d9bd00000000, 0xb494032200000000,
+ 0x9a1b166e00000000, 0x0498ccf100000000, 0xe71ad28a00000000,
+ 0x7999081500000000, 0x211fef7c00000000, 0xbf9c35e300000000,
+ 0x5c1e2b9800000000, 0xc29df10700000000, 0xd825c89700000000,
+ 0x46a6120800000000, 0xa5240c7300000000, 0x3ba7d6ec00000000,
+ 0x6321318500000000, 0xfda2eb1a00000000, 0x1e20f56100000000,
+ 0x80a32ffe00000000, 0xae2c3ab200000000, 0x30afe02d00000000,
+ 0xd32dfe5600000000, 0x4dae24c900000000, 0x1528c3a000000000,
+ 0x8bab193f00000000, 0x6829074400000000, 0xf6aadddb00000000,
+ 0x34372cdc00000000, 0xaab4f64300000000, 0x4936e83800000000,
+ 0xd7b532a700000000, 0x8f33d5ce00000000, 0x11b00f5100000000,
+ 0xf232112a00000000, 0x6cb1cbb500000000, 0x423edef900000000,
+ 0xdcbd046600000000, 0x3f3f1a1d00000000, 0xa1bcc08200000000,
+ 0xf93a27eb00000000, 0x67b9fd7400000000, 0x843be30f00000000,
+ 0x1ab8399000000000, 0xf14de1f400000000, 0x6fce3b6b00000000,
+ 0x8c4c251000000000, 0x12cfff8f00000000, 0x4a4918e600000000,
+ 0xd4cac27900000000, 0x3748dc0200000000, 0xa9cb069d00000000,
+ 0x874413d100000000, 0x19c7c94e00000000, 0xfa45d73500000000,
+ 0x64c60daa00000000, 0x3c40eac300000000, 0xa2c3305c00000000,
+ 0x41412e2700000000, 0xdfc2f4b800000000, 0x1d5f05bf00000000,
+ 0x83dcdf2000000000, 0x605ec15b00000000, 0xfedd1bc400000000,
+ 0xa65bfcad00000000, 0x38d8263200000000, 0xdb5a384900000000,
+ 0x45d9e2d600000000, 0x6b56f79a00000000, 0xf5d52d0500000000,
+ 0x1657337e00000000, 0x88d4e9e100000000, 0xd0520e8800000000,
+ 0x4ed1d41700000000, 0xad53ca6c00000000, 0x33d010f300000000,
+ 0x2968296300000000, 0xb7ebf3fc00000000, 0x5469ed8700000000,
+ 0xcaea371800000000, 0x926cd07100000000, 0x0cef0aee00000000,
+ 0xef6d149500000000, 0x71eece0a00000000, 0x5f61db4600000000,
+ 0xc1e201d900000000, 0x22601fa200000000, 0xbce3c53d00000000,
+ 0xe465225400000000, 0x7ae6f8cb00000000, 0x9964e6b000000000,
+ 0x07e73c2f00000000, 0xc57acd2800000000, 0x5bf917b700000000,
+ 0xb87b09cc00000000, 0x26f8d35300000000, 0x7e7e343a00000000,
+ 0xe0fdeea500000000, 0x037ff0de00000000, 0x9dfc2a4100000000,
+ 0xb3733f0d00000000, 0x2df0e59200000000, 0xce72fbe900000000,
+ 0x50f1217600000000, 0x0877c61f00000000, 0x96f41c8000000000,
+ 0x757602fb00000000, 0xebf5d86400000000, 0xa39db33200000000,
+ 0x3d1e69ad00000000, 0xde9c77d600000000, 0x401fad4900000000,
+ 0x18994a2000000000, 0x861a90bf00000000, 0x65988ec400000000,
+ 0xfb1b545b00000000, 0xd594411700000000, 0x4b179b8800000000,
+ 0xa89585f300000000, 0x36165f6c00000000, 0x6e90b80500000000,
+ 0xf013629a00000000, 0x13917ce100000000, 0x8d12a67e00000000,
+ 0x4f8f577900000000, 0xd10c8de600000000, 0x328e939d00000000,
+ 0xac0d490200000000, 0xf48bae6b00000000, 0x6a0874f400000000,
+ 0x898a6a8f00000000, 0x1709b01000000000, 0x3986a55c00000000,
+ 0xa7057fc300000000, 0x448761b800000000, 0xda04bb2700000000,
+ 0x82825c4e00000000, 0x1c0186d100000000, 0xff8398aa00000000,
+ 0x6100423500000000, 0x7bb87ba500000000, 0xe53ba13a00000000,
+ 0x06b9bf4100000000, 0x983a65de00000000, 0xc0bc82b700000000,
+ 0x5e3f582800000000, 0xbdbd465300000000, 0x233e9ccc00000000,
+ 0x0db1898000000000, 0x9332531f00000000, 0x70b04d6400000000,
+ 0xee3397fb00000000, 0xb6b5709200000000, 0x2836aa0d00000000,
+ 0xcbb4b47600000000, 0x55376ee900000000, 0x97aa9fee00000000,
+ 0x0929457100000000, 0xeaab5b0a00000000, 0x7428819500000000,
+ 0x2cae66fc00000000, 0xb22dbc6300000000, 0x51afa21800000000,
+ 0xcf2c788700000000, 0xe1a36dcb00000000, 0x7f20b75400000000,
+ 0x9ca2a92f00000000, 0x022173b000000000, 0x5aa794d900000000,
+ 0xc4244e4600000000, 0x27a6503d00000000, 0xb9258aa200000000,
+ 0x52d052c600000000, 0xcc53885900000000, 0x2fd1962200000000,
+ 0xb1524cbd00000000, 0xe9d4abd400000000, 0x7757714b00000000,
+ 0x94d56f3000000000, 0x0a56b5af00000000, 0x24d9a0e300000000,
+ 0xba5a7a7c00000000, 0x59d8640700000000, 0xc75bbe9800000000,
+ 0x9fdd59f100000000, 0x015e836e00000000, 0xe2dc9d1500000000,
+ 0x7c5f478a00000000, 0xbec2b68d00000000, 0x20416c1200000000,
+ 0xc3c3726900000000, 0x5d40a8f600000000, 0x05c64f9f00000000,
+ 0x9b45950000000000, 0x78c78b7b00000000, 0xe64451e400000000,
+ 0xc8cb44a800000000, 0x56489e3700000000, 0xb5ca804c00000000,
+ 0x2b495ad300000000, 0x73cfbdba00000000, 0xed4c672500000000,
+ 0x0ece795e00000000, 0x904da3c100000000, 0x8af59a5100000000,
+ 0x147640ce00000000, 0xf7f45eb500000000, 0x6977842a00000000,
+ 0x31f1634300000000, 0xaf72b9dc00000000, 0x4cf0a7a700000000,
+ 0xd2737d3800000000, 0xfcfc687400000000, 0x627fb2eb00000000,
+ 0x81fdac9000000000, 0x1f7e760f00000000, 0x47f8916600000000,
+ 0xd97b4bf900000000, 0x3af9558200000000, 0xa47a8f1d00000000,
+ 0x66e77e1a00000000, 0xf864a48500000000, 0x1be6bafe00000000,
+ 0x8565606100000000, 0xdde3870800000000, 0x43605d9700000000,
+ 0xa0e243ec00000000, 0x3e61997300000000, 0x10ee8c3f00000000,
+ 0x8e6d56a000000000, 0x6def48db00000000, 0xf36c924400000000,
+ 0xabea752d00000000, 0x3569afb200000000, 0xd6ebb1c900000000,
+ 0x48686b5600000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xc064281700000000, 0x80c9502e00000000,
+ 0x40ad783900000000, 0x0093a15c00000000, 0xc0f7894b00000000,
+ 0x805af17200000000, 0x403ed96500000000, 0x002643b900000000,
+ 0xc0426bae00000000, 0x80ef139700000000, 0x408b3b8000000000,
+ 0x00b5e2e500000000, 0xc0d1caf200000000, 0x807cb2cb00000000,
+ 0x40189adc00000000, 0x414af7a900000000, 0x812edfbe00000000,
+ 0xc183a78700000000, 0x01e78f9000000000, 0x41d956f500000000,
+ 0x81bd7ee200000000, 0xc11006db00000000, 0x01742ecc00000000,
+ 0x416cb41000000000, 0x81089c0700000000, 0xc1a5e43e00000000,
+ 0x01c1cc2900000000, 0x41ff154c00000000, 0x819b3d5b00000000,
+ 0xc136456200000000, 0x01526d7500000000, 0xc3929f8800000000,
+ 0x03f6b79f00000000, 0x435bcfa600000000, 0x833fe7b100000000,
+ 0xc3013ed400000000, 0x036516c300000000, 0x43c86efa00000000,
+ 0x83ac46ed00000000, 0xc3b4dc3100000000, 0x03d0f42600000000,
+ 0x437d8c1f00000000, 0x8319a40800000000, 0xc3277d6d00000000,
+ 0x0343557a00000000, 0x43ee2d4300000000, 0x838a055400000000,
+ 0x82d8682100000000, 0x42bc403600000000, 0x0211380f00000000,
+ 0xc275101800000000, 0x824bc97d00000000, 0x422fe16a00000000,
+ 0x0282995300000000, 0xc2e6b14400000000, 0x82fe2b9800000000,
+ 0x429a038f00000000, 0x02377bb600000000, 0xc25353a100000000,
+ 0x826d8ac400000000, 0x4209a2d300000000, 0x02a4daea00000000,
+ 0xc2c0f2fd00000000, 0xc7234eca00000000, 0x074766dd00000000,
+ 0x47ea1ee400000000, 0x878e36f300000000, 0xc7b0ef9600000000,
+ 0x07d4c78100000000, 0x4779bfb800000000, 0x871d97af00000000,
+ 0xc7050d7300000000, 0x0761256400000000, 0x47cc5d5d00000000,
+ 0x87a8754a00000000, 0xc796ac2f00000000, 0x07f2843800000000,
+ 0x475ffc0100000000, 0x873bd41600000000, 0x8669b96300000000,
+ 0x460d917400000000, 0x06a0e94d00000000, 0xc6c4c15a00000000,
+ 0x86fa183f00000000, 0x469e302800000000, 0x0633481100000000,
+ 0xc657600600000000, 0x864ffada00000000, 0x462bd2cd00000000,
+ 0x0686aaf400000000, 0xc6e282e300000000, 0x86dc5b8600000000,
+ 0x46b8739100000000, 0x06150ba800000000, 0xc67123bf00000000,
+ 0x04b1d14200000000, 0xc4d5f95500000000, 0x8478816c00000000,
+ 0x441ca97b00000000, 0x0422701e00000000, 0xc446580900000000,
+ 0x84eb203000000000, 0x448f082700000000, 0x049792fb00000000,
+ 0xc4f3baec00000000, 0x845ec2d500000000, 0x443aeac200000000,
+ 0x040433a700000000, 0xc4601bb000000000, 0x84cd638900000000,
+ 0x44a94b9e00000000, 0x45fb26eb00000000, 0x859f0efc00000000,
+ 0xc53276c500000000, 0x05565ed200000000, 0x456887b700000000,
+ 0x850cafa000000000, 0xc5a1d79900000000, 0x05c5ff8e00000000,
+ 0x45dd655200000000, 0x85b94d4500000000, 0xc514357c00000000,
+ 0x05701d6b00000000, 0x454ec40e00000000, 0x852aec1900000000,
+ 0xc587942000000000, 0x05e3bc3700000000, 0xcf41ed4f00000000,
+ 0x0f25c55800000000, 0x4f88bd6100000000, 0x8fec957600000000,
+ 0xcfd24c1300000000, 0x0fb6640400000000, 0x4f1b1c3d00000000,
+ 0x8f7f342a00000000, 0xcf67aef600000000, 0x0f0386e100000000,
+ 0x4faefed800000000, 0x8fcad6cf00000000, 0xcff40faa00000000,
+ 0x0f9027bd00000000, 0x4f3d5f8400000000, 0x8f59779300000000,
+ 0x8e0b1ae600000000, 0x4e6f32f100000000, 0x0ec24ac800000000,
+ 0xcea662df00000000, 0x8e98bbba00000000, 0x4efc93ad00000000,
+ 0x0e51eb9400000000, 0xce35c38300000000, 0x8e2d595f00000000,
+ 0x4e49714800000000, 0x0ee4097100000000, 0xce80216600000000,
+ 0x8ebef80300000000, 0x4edad01400000000, 0x0e77a82d00000000,
+ 0xce13803a00000000, 0x0cd372c700000000, 0xccb75ad000000000,
+ 0x8c1a22e900000000, 0x4c7e0afe00000000, 0x0c40d39b00000000,
+ 0xcc24fb8c00000000, 0x8c8983b500000000, 0x4cedaba200000000,
+ 0x0cf5317e00000000, 0xcc91196900000000, 0x8c3c615000000000,
+ 0x4c58494700000000, 0x0c66902200000000, 0xcc02b83500000000,
+ 0x8cafc00c00000000, 0x4ccbe81b00000000, 0x4d99856e00000000,
+ 0x8dfdad7900000000, 0xcd50d54000000000, 0x0d34fd5700000000,
+ 0x4d0a243200000000, 0x8d6e0c2500000000, 0xcdc3741c00000000,
+ 0x0da75c0b00000000, 0x4dbfc6d700000000, 0x8ddbeec000000000,
+ 0xcd7696f900000000, 0x0d12beee00000000, 0x4d2c678b00000000,
+ 0x8d484f9c00000000, 0xcde537a500000000, 0x0d811fb200000000,
+ 0x0862a38500000000, 0xc8068b9200000000, 0x88abf3ab00000000,
+ 0x48cfdbbc00000000, 0x08f102d900000000, 0xc8952ace00000000,
+ 0x883852f700000000, 0x485c7ae000000000, 0x0844e03c00000000,
+ 0xc820c82b00000000, 0x888db01200000000, 0x48e9980500000000,
+ 0x08d7416000000000, 0xc8b3697700000000, 0x881e114e00000000,
+ 0x487a395900000000, 0x4928542c00000000, 0x894c7c3b00000000,
+ 0xc9e1040200000000, 0x09852c1500000000, 0x49bbf57000000000,
+ 0x89dfdd6700000000, 0xc972a55e00000000, 0x09168d4900000000,
+ 0x490e179500000000, 0x896a3f8200000000, 0xc9c747bb00000000,
+ 0x09a36fac00000000, 0x499db6c900000000, 0x89f99ede00000000,
+ 0xc954e6e700000000, 0x0930cef000000000, 0xcbf03c0d00000000,
+ 0x0b94141a00000000, 0x4b396c2300000000, 0x8b5d443400000000,
+ 0xcb639d5100000000, 0x0b07b54600000000, 0x4baacd7f00000000,
+ 0x8bcee56800000000, 0xcbd67fb400000000, 0x0bb257a300000000,
+ 0x4b1f2f9a00000000, 0x8b7b078d00000000, 0xcb45dee800000000,
+ 0x0b21f6ff00000000, 0x4b8c8ec600000000, 0x8be8a6d100000000,
+ 0x8abacba400000000, 0x4adee3b300000000, 0x0a739b8a00000000,
+ 0xca17b39d00000000, 0x8a296af800000000, 0x4a4d42ef00000000,
+ 0x0ae03ad600000000, 0xca8412c100000000, 0x8a9c881d00000000,
+ 0x4af8a00a00000000, 0x0a55d83300000000, 0xca31f02400000000,
+ 0x8a0f294100000000, 0x4a6b015600000000, 0x0ac6796f00000000,
+ 0xcaa2517800000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xd4ea739b00000000, 0xe9d396ed00000000,
+ 0x3d39e57600000000, 0x93a15c0000000000, 0x474b2f9b00000000,
+ 0x7a72caed00000000, 0xae98b97600000000, 0x2643b90000000000,
+ 0xf2a9ca9b00000000, 0xcf902fed00000000, 0x1b7a5c7600000000,
+ 0xb5e2e50000000000, 0x6108969b00000000, 0x5c3173ed00000000,
+ 0x88db007600000000, 0x4c86720100000000, 0x986c019a00000000,
+ 0xa555e4ec00000000, 0x71bf977700000000, 0xdf272e0100000000,
+ 0x0bcd5d9a00000000, 0x36f4b8ec00000000, 0xe21ecb7700000000,
+ 0x6ac5cb0100000000, 0xbe2fb89a00000000, 0x83165dec00000000,
+ 0x57fc2e7700000000, 0xf964970100000000, 0x2d8ee49a00000000,
+ 0x10b701ec00000000, 0xc45d727700000000, 0x980ce50200000000,
+ 0x4ce6969900000000, 0x71df73ef00000000, 0xa535007400000000,
+ 0x0badb90200000000, 0xdf47ca9900000000, 0xe27e2fef00000000,
+ 0x36945c7400000000, 0xbe4f5c0200000000, 0x6aa52f9900000000,
+ 0x579ccaef00000000, 0x8376b97400000000, 0x2dee000200000000,
+ 0xf904739900000000, 0xc43d96ef00000000, 0x10d7e57400000000,
+ 0xd48a970300000000, 0x0060e49800000000, 0x3d5901ee00000000,
+ 0xe9b3727500000000, 0x472bcb0300000000, 0x93c1b89800000000,
+ 0xaef85dee00000000, 0x7a122e7500000000, 0xf2c92e0300000000,
+ 0x26235d9800000000, 0x1b1ab8ee00000000, 0xcff0cb7500000000,
+ 0x6168720300000000, 0xb582019800000000, 0x88bbe4ee00000000,
+ 0x5c51977500000000, 0x3019ca0500000000, 0xe4f3b99e00000000,
+ 0xd9ca5ce800000000, 0x0d202f7300000000, 0xa3b8960500000000,
+ 0x7752e59e00000000, 0x4a6b00e800000000, 0x9e81737300000000,
+ 0x165a730500000000, 0xc2b0009e00000000, 0xff89e5e800000000,
+ 0x2b63967300000000, 0x85fb2f0500000000, 0x51115c9e00000000,
+ 0x6c28b9e800000000, 0xb8c2ca7300000000, 0x7c9fb80400000000,
+ 0xa875cb9f00000000, 0x954c2ee900000000, 0x41a65d7200000000,
+ 0xef3ee40400000000, 0x3bd4979f00000000, 0x06ed72e900000000,
+ 0xd207017200000000, 0x5adc010400000000, 0x8e36729f00000000,
+ 0xb30f97e900000000, 0x67e5e47200000000, 0xc97d5d0400000000,
+ 0x1d972e9f00000000, 0x20aecbe900000000, 0xf444b87200000000,
+ 0xa8152f0700000000, 0x7cff5c9c00000000, 0x41c6b9ea00000000,
+ 0x952cca7100000000, 0x3bb4730700000000, 0xef5e009c00000000,
+ 0xd267e5ea00000000, 0x068d967100000000, 0x8e56960700000000,
+ 0x5abce59c00000000, 0x678500ea00000000, 0xb36f737100000000,
+ 0x1df7ca0700000000, 0xc91db99c00000000, 0xf4245cea00000000,
+ 0x20ce2f7100000000, 0xe4935d0600000000, 0x30792e9d00000000,
+ 0x0d40cbeb00000000, 0xd9aab87000000000, 0x7732010600000000,
+ 0xa3d8729d00000000, 0x9ee197eb00000000, 0x4a0be47000000000,
+ 0xc2d0e40600000000, 0x163a979d00000000, 0x2b0372eb00000000,
+ 0xffe9017000000000, 0x5171b80600000000, 0x859bcb9d00000000,
+ 0xb8a22eeb00000000, 0x6c485d7000000000, 0x6032940b00000000,
+ 0xb4d8e79000000000, 0x89e102e600000000, 0x5d0b717d00000000,
+ 0xf393c80b00000000, 0x2779bb9000000000, 0x1a405ee600000000,
+ 0xceaa2d7d00000000, 0x46712d0b00000000, 0x929b5e9000000000,
+ 0xafa2bbe600000000, 0x7b48c87d00000000, 0xd5d0710b00000000,
+ 0x013a029000000000, 0x3c03e7e600000000, 0xe8e9947d00000000,
+ 0x2cb4e60a00000000, 0xf85e959100000000, 0xc56770e700000000,
+ 0x118d037c00000000, 0xbf15ba0a00000000, 0x6bffc99100000000,
+ 0x56c62ce700000000, 0x822c5f7c00000000, 0x0af75f0a00000000,
+ 0xde1d2c9100000000, 0xe324c9e700000000, 0x37ceba7c00000000,
+ 0x9956030a00000000, 0x4dbc709100000000, 0x708595e700000000,
+ 0xa46fe67c00000000, 0xf83e710900000000, 0x2cd4029200000000,
+ 0x11ede7e400000000, 0xc507947f00000000, 0x6b9f2d0900000000,
+ 0xbf755e9200000000, 0x824cbbe400000000, 0x56a6c87f00000000,
+ 0xde7dc80900000000, 0x0a97bb9200000000, 0x37ae5ee400000000,
+ 0xe3442d7f00000000, 0x4ddc940900000000, 0x9936e79200000000,
+ 0xa40f02e400000000, 0x70e5717f00000000, 0xb4b8030800000000,
+ 0x6052709300000000, 0x5d6b95e500000000, 0x8981e67e00000000,
+ 0x27195f0800000000, 0xf3f32c9300000000, 0xcecac9e500000000,
+ 0x1a20ba7e00000000, 0x92fbba0800000000, 0x4611c99300000000,
+ 0x7b282ce500000000, 0xafc25f7e00000000, 0x015ae60800000000,
+ 0xd5b0959300000000, 0xe88970e500000000, 0x3c63037e00000000,
+ 0x502b5e0e00000000, 0x84c12d9500000000, 0xb9f8c8e300000000,
+ 0x6d12bb7800000000, 0xc38a020e00000000, 0x1760719500000000,
+ 0x2a5994e300000000, 0xfeb3e77800000000, 0x7668e70e00000000,
+ 0xa282949500000000, 0x9fbb71e300000000, 0x4b51027800000000,
+ 0xe5c9bb0e00000000, 0x3123c89500000000, 0x0c1a2de300000000,
+ 0xd8f05e7800000000, 0x1cad2c0f00000000, 0xc8475f9400000000,
+ 0xf57ebae200000000, 0x2194c97900000000, 0x8f0c700f00000000,
+ 0x5be6039400000000, 0x66dfe6e200000000, 0xb235957900000000,
+ 0x3aee950f00000000, 0xee04e69400000000, 0xd33d03e200000000,
+ 0x07d7707900000000, 0xa94fc90f00000000, 0x7da5ba9400000000,
+ 0x409c5fe200000000, 0x94762c7900000000, 0xc827bb0c00000000,
+ 0x1ccdc89700000000, 0x21f42de100000000, 0xf51e5e7a00000000,
+ 0x5b86e70c00000000, 0x8f6c949700000000, 0xb25571e100000000,
+ 0x66bf027a00000000, 0xee64020c00000000, 0x3a8e719700000000,
+ 0x07b794e100000000, 0xd35de77a00000000, 0x7dc55e0c00000000,
+ 0xa92f2d9700000000, 0x9416c8e100000000, 0x40fcbb7a00000000,
+ 0x84a1c90d00000000, 0x504bba9600000000, 0x6d725fe000000000,
+ 0xb9982c7b00000000, 0x1700950d00000000, 0xc3eae69600000000,
+ 0xfed303e000000000, 0x2a39707b00000000, 0xa2e2700d00000000,
+ 0x7608039600000000, 0x4b31e6e000000000, 0x9fdb957b00000000,
+ 0x31432c0d00000000, 0xe5a95f9600000000, 0xd890bae000000000,
+ 0x0c7ac97b00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x2765258100000000, 0x0fcc3bd900000000,
+ 0x28a91e5800000000, 0x5f9e066900000000, 0x78fb23e800000000,
+ 0x50523db000000000, 0x7737183100000000, 0xbe3c0dd200000000,
+ 0x9959285300000000, 0xb1f0360b00000000, 0x9695138a00000000,
+ 0xe1a20bbb00000000, 0xc6c72e3a00000000, 0xee6e306200000000,
+ 0xc90b15e300000000, 0x3d7f6b7f00000000, 0x1a1a4efe00000000,
+ 0x32b350a600000000, 0x15d6752700000000, 0x62e16d1600000000,
+ 0x4584489700000000, 0x6d2d56cf00000000, 0x4a48734e00000000,
+ 0x834366ad00000000, 0xa426432c00000000, 0x8c8f5d7400000000,
+ 0xabea78f500000000, 0xdcdd60c400000000, 0xfbb8454500000000,
+ 0xd3115b1d00000000, 0xf4747e9c00000000, 0x7afed6fe00000000,
+ 0x5d9bf37f00000000, 0x7532ed2700000000, 0x5257c8a600000000,
+ 0x2560d09700000000, 0x0205f51600000000, 0x2aaceb4e00000000,
+ 0x0dc9cecf00000000, 0xc4c2db2c00000000, 0xe3a7fead00000000,
+ 0xcb0ee0f500000000, 0xec6bc57400000000, 0x9b5cdd4500000000,
+ 0xbc39f8c400000000, 0x9490e69c00000000, 0xb3f5c31d00000000,
+ 0x4781bd8100000000, 0x60e4980000000000, 0x484d865800000000,
+ 0x6f28a3d900000000, 0x181fbbe800000000, 0x3f7a9e6900000000,
+ 0x17d3803100000000, 0x30b6a5b000000000, 0xf9bdb05300000000,
+ 0xded895d200000000, 0xf6718b8a00000000, 0xd114ae0b00000000,
+ 0xa623b63a00000000, 0x814693bb00000000, 0xa9ef8de300000000,
+ 0x8e8aa86200000000, 0xb5fadc2600000000, 0x929ff9a700000000,
+ 0xba36e7ff00000000, 0x9d53c27e00000000, 0xea64da4f00000000,
+ 0xcd01ffce00000000, 0xe5a8e19600000000, 0xc2cdc41700000000,
+ 0x0bc6d1f400000000, 0x2ca3f47500000000, 0x040aea2d00000000,
+ 0x236fcfac00000000, 0x5458d79d00000000, 0x733df21c00000000,
+ 0x5b94ec4400000000, 0x7cf1c9c500000000, 0x8885b75900000000,
+ 0xafe092d800000000, 0x87498c8000000000, 0xa02ca90100000000,
+ 0xd71bb13000000000, 0xf07e94b100000000, 0xd8d78ae900000000,
+ 0xffb2af6800000000, 0x36b9ba8b00000000, 0x11dc9f0a00000000,
+ 0x3975815200000000, 0x1e10a4d300000000, 0x6927bce200000000,
+ 0x4e42996300000000, 0x66eb873b00000000, 0x418ea2ba00000000,
+ 0xcf040ad800000000, 0xe8612f5900000000, 0xc0c8310100000000,
+ 0xe7ad148000000000, 0x909a0cb100000000, 0xb7ff293000000000,
+ 0x9f56376800000000, 0xb83312e900000000, 0x7138070a00000000,
+ 0x565d228b00000000, 0x7ef43cd300000000, 0x5991195200000000,
+ 0x2ea6016300000000, 0x09c324e200000000, 0x216a3aba00000000,
+ 0x060f1f3b00000000, 0xf27b61a700000000, 0xd51e442600000000,
+ 0xfdb75a7e00000000, 0xdad27fff00000000, 0xade567ce00000000,
+ 0x8a80424f00000000, 0xa2295c1700000000, 0x854c799600000000,
+ 0x4c476c7500000000, 0x6b2249f400000000, 0x438b57ac00000000,
+ 0x64ee722d00000000, 0x13d96a1c00000000, 0x34bc4f9d00000000,
+ 0x1c1551c500000000, 0x3b70744400000000, 0x6af5b94d00000000,
+ 0x4d909ccc00000000, 0x6539829400000000, 0x425ca71500000000,
+ 0x356bbf2400000000, 0x120e9aa500000000, 0x3aa784fd00000000,
+ 0x1dc2a17c00000000, 0xd4c9b49f00000000, 0xf3ac911e00000000,
+ 0xdb058f4600000000, 0xfc60aac700000000, 0x8b57b2f600000000,
+ 0xac32977700000000, 0x849b892f00000000, 0xa3feacae00000000,
+ 0x578ad23200000000, 0x70eff7b300000000, 0x5846e9eb00000000,
+ 0x7f23cc6a00000000, 0x0814d45b00000000, 0x2f71f1da00000000,
+ 0x07d8ef8200000000, 0x20bdca0300000000, 0xe9b6dfe000000000,
+ 0xced3fa6100000000, 0xe67ae43900000000, 0xc11fc1b800000000,
+ 0xb628d98900000000, 0x914dfc0800000000, 0xb9e4e25000000000,
+ 0x9e81c7d100000000, 0x100b6fb300000000, 0x376e4a3200000000,
+ 0x1fc7546a00000000, 0x38a271eb00000000, 0x4f9569da00000000,
+ 0x68f04c5b00000000, 0x4059520300000000, 0x673c778200000000,
+ 0xae37626100000000, 0x895247e000000000, 0xa1fb59b800000000,
+ 0x869e7c3900000000, 0xf1a9640800000000, 0xd6cc418900000000,
+ 0xfe655fd100000000, 0xd9007a5000000000, 0x2d7404cc00000000,
+ 0x0a11214d00000000, 0x22b83f1500000000, 0x05dd1a9400000000,
+ 0x72ea02a500000000, 0x558f272400000000, 0x7d26397c00000000,
+ 0x5a431cfd00000000, 0x9348091e00000000, 0xb42d2c9f00000000,
+ 0x9c8432c700000000, 0xbbe1174600000000, 0xccd60f7700000000,
+ 0xebb32af600000000, 0xc31a34ae00000000, 0xe47f112f00000000,
+ 0xdf0f656b00000000, 0xf86a40ea00000000, 0xd0c35eb200000000,
+ 0xf7a67b3300000000, 0x8091630200000000, 0xa7f4468300000000,
+ 0x8f5d58db00000000, 0xa8387d5a00000000, 0x613368b900000000,
+ 0x46564d3800000000, 0x6eff536000000000, 0x499a76e100000000,
+ 0x3ead6ed000000000, 0x19c84b5100000000, 0x3161550900000000,
+ 0x1604708800000000, 0xe2700e1400000000, 0xc5152b9500000000,
+ 0xedbc35cd00000000, 0xcad9104c00000000, 0xbdee087d00000000,
+ 0x9a8b2dfc00000000, 0xb22233a400000000, 0x9547162500000000,
+ 0x5c4c03c600000000, 0x7b29264700000000, 0x5380381f00000000,
+ 0x74e51d9e00000000, 0x03d205af00000000, 0x24b7202e00000000,
+ 0x0c1e3e7600000000, 0x2b7b1bf700000000, 0xa5f1b39500000000,
+ 0x8294961400000000, 0xaa3d884c00000000, 0x8d58adcd00000000,
+ 0xfa6fb5fc00000000, 0xdd0a907d00000000, 0xf5a38e2500000000,
+ 0xd2c6aba400000000, 0x1bcdbe4700000000, 0x3ca89bc600000000,
+ 0x1401859e00000000, 0x3364a01f00000000, 0x4453b82e00000000,
+ 0x63369daf00000000, 0x4b9f83f700000000, 0x6cfaa67600000000,
+ 0x988ed8ea00000000, 0xbfebfd6b00000000, 0x9742e33300000000,
+ 0xb027c6b200000000, 0xc710de8300000000, 0xe075fb0200000000,
+ 0xc8dce55a00000000, 0xefb9c0db00000000, 0x26b2d53800000000,
+ 0x01d7f0b900000000, 0x297eeee100000000, 0x0e1bcb6000000000,
+ 0x792cd35100000000, 0x5e49f6d000000000, 0x76e0e88800000000,
+ 0x5185cd0900000000}};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x9ba54c6f, 0xec3b9e9f, 0x779ed2f0, 0x03063b7f,
+ 0x98a37710, 0xef3da5e0, 0x7498e98f, 0x060c76fe, 0x9da93a91,
+ 0xea37e861, 0x7192a40e, 0x050a4d81, 0x9eaf01ee, 0xe931d31e,
+ 0x72949f71, 0x0c18edfc, 0x97bda193, 0xe0237363, 0x7b863f0c,
+ 0x0f1ed683, 0x94bb9aec, 0xe325481c, 0x78800473, 0x0a149b02,
+ 0x91b1d76d, 0xe62f059d, 0x7d8a49f2, 0x0912a07d, 0x92b7ec12,
+ 0xe5293ee2, 0x7e8c728d, 0x1831dbf8, 0x83949797, 0xf40a4567,
+ 0x6faf0908, 0x1b37e087, 0x8092ace8, 0xf70c7e18, 0x6ca93277,
+ 0x1e3dad06, 0x8598e169, 0xf2063399, 0x69a37ff6, 0x1d3b9679,
+ 0x869eda16, 0xf10008e6, 0x6aa54489, 0x14293604, 0x8f8c7a6b,
+ 0xf812a89b, 0x63b7e4f4, 0x172f0d7b, 0x8c8a4114, 0xfb1493e4,
+ 0x60b1df8b, 0x122540fa, 0x89800c95, 0xfe1ede65, 0x65bb920a,
+ 0x11237b85, 0x8a8637ea, 0xfd18e51a, 0x66bda975, 0x3063b7f0,
+ 0xabc6fb9f, 0xdc58296f, 0x47fd6500, 0x33658c8f, 0xa8c0c0e0,
+ 0xdf5e1210, 0x44fb5e7f, 0x366fc10e, 0xadca8d61, 0xda545f91,
+ 0x41f113fe, 0x3569fa71, 0xaeccb61e, 0xd95264ee, 0x42f72881,
+ 0x3c7b5a0c, 0xa7de1663, 0xd040c493, 0x4be588fc, 0x3f7d6173,
+ 0xa4d82d1c, 0xd346ffec, 0x48e3b383, 0x3a772cf2, 0xa1d2609d,
+ 0xd64cb26d, 0x4de9fe02, 0x3971178d, 0xa2d45be2, 0xd54a8912,
+ 0x4eefc57d, 0x28526c08, 0xb3f72067, 0xc469f297, 0x5fccbef8,
+ 0x2b545777, 0xb0f11b18, 0xc76fc9e8, 0x5cca8587, 0x2e5e1af6,
+ 0xb5fb5699, 0xc2658469, 0x59c0c806, 0x2d582189, 0xb6fd6de6,
+ 0xc163bf16, 0x5ac6f379, 0x244a81f4, 0xbfefcd9b, 0xc8711f6b,
+ 0x53d45304, 0x274cba8b, 0xbce9f6e4, 0xcb772414, 0x50d2687b,
+ 0x2246f70a, 0xb9e3bb65, 0xce7d6995, 0x55d825fa, 0x2140cc75,
+ 0xbae5801a, 0xcd7b52ea, 0x56de1e85, 0x60c76fe0, 0xfb62238f,
+ 0x8cfcf17f, 0x1759bd10, 0x63c1549f, 0xf86418f0, 0x8ffaca00,
+ 0x145f866f, 0x66cb191e, 0xfd6e5571, 0x8af08781, 0x1155cbee,
+ 0x65cd2261, 0xfe686e0e, 0x89f6bcfe, 0x1253f091, 0x6cdf821c,
+ 0xf77ace73, 0x80e41c83, 0x1b4150ec, 0x6fd9b963, 0xf47cf50c,
+ 0x83e227fc, 0x18476b93, 0x6ad3f4e2, 0xf176b88d, 0x86e86a7d,
+ 0x1d4d2612, 0x69d5cf9d, 0xf27083f2, 0x85ee5102, 0x1e4b1d6d,
+ 0x78f6b418, 0xe353f877, 0x94cd2a87, 0x0f6866e8, 0x7bf08f67,
+ 0xe055c308, 0x97cb11f8, 0x0c6e5d97, 0x7efac2e6, 0xe55f8e89,
+ 0x92c15c79, 0x09641016, 0x7dfcf999, 0xe659b5f6, 0x91c76706,
+ 0x0a622b69, 0x74ee59e4, 0xef4b158b, 0x98d5c77b, 0x03708b14,
+ 0x77e8629b, 0xec4d2ef4, 0x9bd3fc04, 0x0076b06b, 0x72e22f1a,
+ 0xe9476375, 0x9ed9b185, 0x057cfdea, 0x71e41465, 0xea41580a,
+ 0x9ddf8afa, 0x067ac695, 0x50a4d810, 0xcb01947f, 0xbc9f468f,
+ 0x273a0ae0, 0x53a2e36f, 0xc807af00, 0xbf997df0, 0x243c319f,
+ 0x56a8aeee, 0xcd0de281, 0xba933071, 0x21367c1e, 0x55ae9591,
+ 0xce0bd9fe, 0xb9950b0e, 0x22304761, 0x5cbc35ec, 0xc7197983,
+ 0xb087ab73, 0x2b22e71c, 0x5fba0e93, 0xc41f42fc, 0xb381900c,
+ 0x2824dc63, 0x5ab04312, 0xc1150f7d, 0xb68bdd8d, 0x2d2e91e2,
+ 0x59b6786d, 0xc2133402, 0xb58de6f2, 0x2e28aa9d, 0x489503e8,
+ 0xd3304f87, 0xa4ae9d77, 0x3f0bd118, 0x4b933897, 0xd03674f8,
+ 0xa7a8a608, 0x3c0dea67, 0x4e997516, 0xd53c3979, 0xa2a2eb89,
+ 0x3907a7e6, 0x4d9f4e69, 0xd63a0206, 0xa1a4d0f6, 0x3a019c99,
+ 0x448dee14, 0xdf28a27b, 0xa8b6708b, 0x33133ce4, 0x478bd56b,
+ 0xdc2e9904, 0xabb04bf4, 0x3015079b, 0x428198ea, 0xd924d485,
+ 0xaeba0675, 0x351f4a1a, 0x4187a395, 0xda22effa, 0xadbc3d0a,
+ 0x36197165},
+ {0x00000000, 0xc18edfc0, 0x586cb9c1, 0x99e26601, 0xb0d97382,
+ 0x7157ac42, 0xe8b5ca43, 0x293b1583, 0xbac3e145, 0x7b4d3e85,
+ 0xe2af5884, 0x23218744, 0x0a1a92c7, 0xcb944d07, 0x52762b06,
+ 0x93f8f4c6, 0xaef6c4cb, 0x6f781b0b, 0xf69a7d0a, 0x3714a2ca,
+ 0x1e2fb749, 0xdfa16889, 0x46430e88, 0x87cdd148, 0x1435258e,
+ 0xd5bbfa4e, 0x4c599c4f, 0x8dd7438f, 0xa4ec560c, 0x656289cc,
+ 0xfc80efcd, 0x3d0e300d, 0x869c8fd7, 0x47125017, 0xdef03616,
+ 0x1f7ee9d6, 0x3645fc55, 0xf7cb2395, 0x6e294594, 0xafa79a54,
+ 0x3c5f6e92, 0xfdd1b152, 0x6433d753, 0xa5bd0893, 0x8c861d10,
+ 0x4d08c2d0, 0xd4eaa4d1, 0x15647b11, 0x286a4b1c, 0xe9e494dc,
+ 0x7006f2dd, 0xb1882d1d, 0x98b3389e, 0x593de75e, 0xc0df815f,
+ 0x01515e9f, 0x92a9aa59, 0x53277599, 0xcac51398, 0x0b4bcc58,
+ 0x2270d9db, 0xe3fe061b, 0x7a1c601a, 0xbb92bfda, 0xd64819ef,
+ 0x17c6c62f, 0x8e24a02e, 0x4faa7fee, 0x66916a6d, 0xa71fb5ad,
+ 0x3efdd3ac, 0xff730c6c, 0x6c8bf8aa, 0xad05276a, 0x34e7416b,
+ 0xf5699eab, 0xdc528b28, 0x1ddc54e8, 0x843e32e9, 0x45b0ed29,
+ 0x78bedd24, 0xb93002e4, 0x20d264e5, 0xe15cbb25, 0xc867aea6,
+ 0x09e97166, 0x900b1767, 0x5185c8a7, 0xc27d3c61, 0x03f3e3a1,
+ 0x9a1185a0, 0x5b9f5a60, 0x72a44fe3, 0xb32a9023, 0x2ac8f622,
+ 0xeb4629e2, 0x50d49638, 0x915a49f8, 0x08b82ff9, 0xc936f039,
+ 0xe00de5ba, 0x21833a7a, 0xb8615c7b, 0x79ef83bb, 0xea17777d,
+ 0x2b99a8bd, 0xb27bcebc, 0x73f5117c, 0x5ace04ff, 0x9b40db3f,
+ 0x02a2bd3e, 0xc32c62fe, 0xfe2252f3, 0x3fac8d33, 0xa64eeb32,
+ 0x67c034f2, 0x4efb2171, 0x8f75feb1, 0x169798b0, 0xd7194770,
+ 0x44e1b3b6, 0x856f6c76, 0x1c8d0a77, 0xdd03d5b7, 0xf438c034,
+ 0x35b61ff4, 0xac5479f5, 0x6ddaa635, 0x77e1359f, 0xb66fea5f,
+ 0x2f8d8c5e, 0xee03539e, 0xc738461d, 0x06b699dd, 0x9f54ffdc,
+ 0x5eda201c, 0xcd22d4da, 0x0cac0b1a, 0x954e6d1b, 0x54c0b2db,
+ 0x7dfba758, 0xbc757898, 0x25971e99, 0xe419c159, 0xd917f154,
+ 0x18992e94, 0x817b4895, 0x40f59755, 0x69ce82d6, 0xa8405d16,
+ 0x31a23b17, 0xf02ce4d7, 0x63d41011, 0xa25acfd1, 0x3bb8a9d0,
+ 0xfa367610, 0xd30d6393, 0x1283bc53, 0x8b61da52, 0x4aef0592,
+ 0xf17dba48, 0x30f36588, 0xa9110389, 0x689fdc49, 0x41a4c9ca,
+ 0x802a160a, 0x19c8700b, 0xd846afcb, 0x4bbe5b0d, 0x8a3084cd,
+ 0x13d2e2cc, 0xd25c3d0c, 0xfb67288f, 0x3ae9f74f, 0xa30b914e,
+ 0x62854e8e, 0x5f8b7e83, 0x9e05a143, 0x07e7c742, 0xc6691882,
+ 0xef520d01, 0x2edcd2c1, 0xb73eb4c0, 0x76b06b00, 0xe5489fc6,
+ 0x24c64006, 0xbd242607, 0x7caaf9c7, 0x5591ec44, 0x941f3384,
+ 0x0dfd5585, 0xcc738a45, 0xa1a92c70, 0x6027f3b0, 0xf9c595b1,
+ 0x384b4a71, 0x11705ff2, 0xd0fe8032, 0x491ce633, 0x889239f3,
+ 0x1b6acd35, 0xdae412f5, 0x430674f4, 0x8288ab34, 0xabb3beb7,
+ 0x6a3d6177, 0xf3df0776, 0x3251d8b6, 0x0f5fe8bb, 0xced1377b,
+ 0x5733517a, 0x96bd8eba, 0xbf869b39, 0x7e0844f9, 0xe7ea22f8,
+ 0x2664fd38, 0xb59c09fe, 0x7412d63e, 0xedf0b03f, 0x2c7e6fff,
+ 0x05457a7c, 0xc4cba5bc, 0x5d29c3bd, 0x9ca71c7d, 0x2735a3a7,
+ 0xe6bb7c67, 0x7f591a66, 0xbed7c5a6, 0x97ecd025, 0x56620fe5,
+ 0xcf8069e4, 0x0e0eb624, 0x9df642e2, 0x5c789d22, 0xc59afb23,
+ 0x041424e3, 0x2d2f3160, 0xeca1eea0, 0x754388a1, 0xb4cd5761,
+ 0x89c3676c, 0x484db8ac, 0xd1afdead, 0x1021016d, 0x391a14ee,
+ 0xf894cb2e, 0x6176ad2f, 0xa0f872ef, 0x33008629, 0xf28e59e9,
+ 0x6b6c3fe8, 0xaae2e028, 0x83d9f5ab, 0x42572a6b, 0xdbb54c6a,
+ 0x1a3b93aa},
+ {0x00000000, 0xefc26b3e, 0x04f5d03d, 0xeb37bb03, 0x09eba07a,
+ 0xe629cb44, 0x0d1e7047, 0xe2dc1b79, 0x13d740f4, 0xfc152bca,
+ 0x172290c9, 0xf8e0fbf7, 0x1a3ce08e, 0xf5fe8bb0, 0x1ec930b3,
+ 0xf10b5b8d, 0x27ae81e8, 0xc86cead6, 0x235b51d5, 0xcc993aeb,
+ 0x2e452192, 0xc1874aac, 0x2ab0f1af, 0xc5729a91, 0x3479c11c,
+ 0xdbbbaa22, 0x308c1121, 0xdf4e7a1f, 0x3d926166, 0xd2500a58,
+ 0x3967b15b, 0xd6a5da65, 0x4f5d03d0, 0xa09f68ee, 0x4ba8d3ed,
+ 0xa46ab8d3, 0x46b6a3aa, 0xa974c894, 0x42437397, 0xad8118a9,
+ 0x5c8a4324, 0xb348281a, 0x587f9319, 0xb7bdf827, 0x5561e35e,
+ 0xbaa38860, 0x51943363, 0xbe56585d, 0x68f38238, 0x8731e906,
+ 0x6c065205, 0x83c4393b, 0x61182242, 0x8eda497c, 0x65edf27f,
+ 0x8a2f9941, 0x7b24c2cc, 0x94e6a9f2, 0x7fd112f1, 0x901379cf,
+ 0x72cf62b6, 0x9d0d0988, 0x763ab28b, 0x99f8d9b5, 0x9eba07a0,
+ 0x71786c9e, 0x9a4fd79d, 0x758dbca3, 0x9751a7da, 0x7893cce4,
+ 0x93a477e7, 0x7c661cd9, 0x8d6d4754, 0x62af2c6a, 0x89989769,
+ 0x665afc57, 0x8486e72e, 0x6b448c10, 0x80733713, 0x6fb15c2d,
+ 0xb9148648, 0x56d6ed76, 0xbde15675, 0x52233d4b, 0xb0ff2632,
+ 0x5f3d4d0c, 0xb40af60f, 0x5bc89d31, 0xaac3c6bc, 0x4501ad82,
+ 0xae361681, 0x41f47dbf, 0xa32866c6, 0x4cea0df8, 0xa7ddb6fb,
+ 0x481fddc5, 0xd1e70470, 0x3e256f4e, 0xd512d44d, 0x3ad0bf73,
+ 0xd80ca40a, 0x37cecf34, 0xdcf97437, 0x333b1f09, 0xc2304484,
+ 0x2df22fba, 0xc6c594b9, 0x2907ff87, 0xcbdbe4fe, 0x24198fc0,
+ 0xcf2e34c3, 0x20ec5ffd, 0xf6498598, 0x198beea6, 0xf2bc55a5,
+ 0x1d7e3e9b, 0xffa225e2, 0x10604edc, 0xfb57f5df, 0x14959ee1,
+ 0xe59ec56c, 0x0a5cae52, 0xe16b1551, 0x0ea97e6f, 0xec756516,
+ 0x03b70e28, 0xe880b52b, 0x0742de15, 0xe6050901, 0x09c7623f,
+ 0xe2f0d93c, 0x0d32b202, 0xefeea97b, 0x002cc245, 0xeb1b7946,
+ 0x04d91278, 0xf5d249f5, 0x1a1022cb, 0xf12799c8, 0x1ee5f2f6,
+ 0xfc39e98f, 0x13fb82b1, 0xf8cc39b2, 0x170e528c, 0xc1ab88e9,
+ 0x2e69e3d7, 0xc55e58d4, 0x2a9c33ea, 0xc8402893, 0x278243ad,
+ 0xccb5f8ae, 0x23779390, 0xd27cc81d, 0x3dbea323, 0xd6891820,
+ 0x394b731e, 0xdb976867, 0x34550359, 0xdf62b85a, 0x30a0d364,
+ 0xa9580ad1, 0x469a61ef, 0xadaddaec, 0x426fb1d2, 0xa0b3aaab,
+ 0x4f71c195, 0xa4467a96, 0x4b8411a8, 0xba8f4a25, 0x554d211b,
+ 0xbe7a9a18, 0x51b8f126, 0xb364ea5f, 0x5ca68161, 0xb7913a62,
+ 0x5853515c, 0x8ef68b39, 0x6134e007, 0x8a035b04, 0x65c1303a,
+ 0x871d2b43, 0x68df407d, 0x83e8fb7e, 0x6c2a9040, 0x9d21cbcd,
+ 0x72e3a0f3, 0x99d41bf0, 0x761670ce, 0x94ca6bb7, 0x7b080089,
+ 0x903fbb8a, 0x7ffdd0b4, 0x78bf0ea1, 0x977d659f, 0x7c4ade9c,
+ 0x9388b5a2, 0x7154aedb, 0x9e96c5e5, 0x75a17ee6, 0x9a6315d8,
+ 0x6b684e55, 0x84aa256b, 0x6f9d9e68, 0x805ff556, 0x6283ee2f,
+ 0x8d418511, 0x66763e12, 0x89b4552c, 0x5f118f49, 0xb0d3e477,
+ 0x5be45f74, 0xb426344a, 0x56fa2f33, 0xb938440d, 0x520fff0e,
+ 0xbdcd9430, 0x4cc6cfbd, 0xa304a483, 0x48331f80, 0xa7f174be,
+ 0x452d6fc7, 0xaaef04f9, 0x41d8bffa, 0xae1ad4c4, 0x37e20d71,
+ 0xd820664f, 0x3317dd4c, 0xdcd5b672, 0x3e09ad0b, 0xd1cbc635,
+ 0x3afc7d36, 0xd53e1608, 0x24354d85, 0xcbf726bb, 0x20c09db8,
+ 0xcf02f686, 0x2ddeedff, 0xc21c86c1, 0x292b3dc2, 0xc6e956fc,
+ 0x104c8c99, 0xff8ee7a7, 0x14b95ca4, 0xfb7b379a, 0x19a72ce3,
+ 0xf66547dd, 0x1d52fcde, 0xf29097e0, 0x039bcc6d, 0xec59a753,
+ 0x076e1c50, 0xe8ac776e, 0x0a706c17, 0xe5b20729, 0x0e85bc2a,
+ 0xe147d714},
+ {0x00000000, 0x177b1443, 0x2ef62886, 0x398d3cc5, 0x5dec510c,
+ 0x4a97454f, 0x731a798a, 0x64616dc9, 0xbbd8a218, 0xaca3b65b,
+ 0x952e8a9e, 0x82559edd, 0xe634f314, 0xf14fe757, 0xc8c2db92,
+ 0xdfb9cfd1, 0xacc04271, 0xbbbb5632, 0x82366af7, 0x954d7eb4,
+ 0xf12c137d, 0xe657073e, 0xdfda3bfb, 0xc8a12fb8, 0x1718e069,
+ 0x0063f42a, 0x39eec8ef, 0x2e95dcac, 0x4af4b165, 0x5d8fa526,
+ 0x640299e3, 0x73798da0, 0x82f182a3, 0x958a96e0, 0xac07aa25,
+ 0xbb7cbe66, 0xdf1dd3af, 0xc866c7ec, 0xf1ebfb29, 0xe690ef6a,
+ 0x392920bb, 0x2e5234f8, 0x17df083d, 0x00a41c7e, 0x64c571b7,
+ 0x73be65f4, 0x4a335931, 0x5d484d72, 0x2e31c0d2, 0x394ad491,
+ 0x00c7e854, 0x17bcfc17, 0x73dd91de, 0x64a6859d, 0x5d2bb958,
+ 0x4a50ad1b, 0x95e962ca, 0x82927689, 0xbb1f4a4c, 0xac645e0f,
+ 0xc80533c6, 0xdf7e2785, 0xe6f31b40, 0xf1880f03, 0xde920307,
+ 0xc9e91744, 0xf0642b81, 0xe71f3fc2, 0x837e520b, 0x94054648,
+ 0xad887a8d, 0xbaf36ece, 0x654aa11f, 0x7231b55c, 0x4bbc8999,
+ 0x5cc79dda, 0x38a6f013, 0x2fdde450, 0x1650d895, 0x012bccd6,
+ 0x72524176, 0x65295535, 0x5ca469f0, 0x4bdf7db3, 0x2fbe107a,
+ 0x38c50439, 0x014838fc, 0x16332cbf, 0xc98ae36e, 0xdef1f72d,
+ 0xe77ccbe8, 0xf007dfab, 0x9466b262, 0x831da621, 0xba909ae4,
+ 0xadeb8ea7, 0x5c6381a4, 0x4b1895e7, 0x7295a922, 0x65eebd61,
+ 0x018fd0a8, 0x16f4c4eb, 0x2f79f82e, 0x3802ec6d, 0xe7bb23bc,
+ 0xf0c037ff, 0xc94d0b3a, 0xde361f79, 0xba5772b0, 0xad2c66f3,
+ 0x94a15a36, 0x83da4e75, 0xf0a3c3d5, 0xe7d8d796, 0xde55eb53,
+ 0xc92eff10, 0xad4f92d9, 0xba34869a, 0x83b9ba5f, 0x94c2ae1c,
+ 0x4b7b61cd, 0x5c00758e, 0x658d494b, 0x72f65d08, 0x169730c1,
+ 0x01ec2482, 0x38611847, 0x2f1a0c04, 0x6655004f, 0x712e140c,
+ 0x48a328c9, 0x5fd83c8a, 0x3bb95143, 0x2cc24500, 0x154f79c5,
+ 0x02346d86, 0xdd8da257, 0xcaf6b614, 0xf37b8ad1, 0xe4009e92,
+ 0x8061f35b, 0x971ae718, 0xae97dbdd, 0xb9eccf9e, 0xca95423e,
+ 0xddee567d, 0xe4636ab8, 0xf3187efb, 0x97791332, 0x80020771,
+ 0xb98f3bb4, 0xaef42ff7, 0x714de026, 0x6636f465, 0x5fbbc8a0,
+ 0x48c0dce3, 0x2ca1b12a, 0x3bdaa569, 0x025799ac, 0x152c8def,
+ 0xe4a482ec, 0xf3df96af, 0xca52aa6a, 0xdd29be29, 0xb948d3e0,
+ 0xae33c7a3, 0x97befb66, 0x80c5ef25, 0x5f7c20f4, 0x480734b7,
+ 0x718a0872, 0x66f11c31, 0x029071f8, 0x15eb65bb, 0x2c66597e,
+ 0x3b1d4d3d, 0x4864c09d, 0x5f1fd4de, 0x6692e81b, 0x71e9fc58,
+ 0x15889191, 0x02f385d2, 0x3b7eb917, 0x2c05ad54, 0xf3bc6285,
+ 0xe4c776c6, 0xdd4a4a03, 0xca315e40, 0xae503389, 0xb92b27ca,
+ 0x80a61b0f, 0x97dd0f4c, 0xb8c70348, 0xafbc170b, 0x96312bce,
+ 0x814a3f8d, 0xe52b5244, 0xf2504607, 0xcbdd7ac2, 0xdca66e81,
+ 0x031fa150, 0x1464b513, 0x2de989d6, 0x3a929d95, 0x5ef3f05c,
+ 0x4988e41f, 0x7005d8da, 0x677ecc99, 0x14074139, 0x037c557a,
+ 0x3af169bf, 0x2d8a7dfc, 0x49eb1035, 0x5e900476, 0x671d38b3,
+ 0x70662cf0, 0xafdfe321, 0xb8a4f762, 0x8129cba7, 0x9652dfe4,
+ 0xf233b22d, 0xe548a66e, 0xdcc59aab, 0xcbbe8ee8, 0x3a3681eb,
+ 0x2d4d95a8, 0x14c0a96d, 0x03bbbd2e, 0x67dad0e7, 0x70a1c4a4,
+ 0x492cf861, 0x5e57ec22, 0x81ee23f3, 0x969537b0, 0xaf180b75,
+ 0xb8631f36, 0xdc0272ff, 0xcb7966bc, 0xf2f45a79, 0xe58f4e3a,
+ 0x96f6c39a, 0x818dd7d9, 0xb800eb1c, 0xaf7bff5f, 0xcb1a9296,
+ 0xdc6186d5, 0xe5ecba10, 0xf297ae53, 0x2d2e6182, 0x3a5575c1,
+ 0x03d84904, 0x14a35d47, 0x70c2308e, 0x67b924cd, 0x5e341808,
+ 0x494f0c4b}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x43147b17, 0x8628f62e, 0xc53c8d39, 0x0c51ec5d,
+ 0x4f45974a, 0x8a791a73, 0xc96d6164, 0x18a2d8bb, 0x5bb6a3ac,
+ 0x9e8a2e95, 0xdd9e5582, 0x14f334e6, 0x57e74ff1, 0x92dbc2c8,
+ 0xd1cfb9df, 0x7142c0ac, 0x3256bbbb, 0xf76a3682, 0xb47e4d95,
+ 0x7d132cf1, 0x3e0757e6, 0xfb3bdadf, 0xb82fa1c8, 0x69e01817,
+ 0x2af46300, 0xefc8ee39, 0xacdc952e, 0x65b1f44a, 0x26a58f5d,
+ 0xe3990264, 0xa08d7973, 0xa382f182, 0xe0968a95, 0x25aa07ac,
+ 0x66be7cbb, 0xafd31ddf, 0xecc766c8, 0x29fbebf1, 0x6aef90e6,
+ 0xbb202939, 0xf834522e, 0x3d08df17, 0x7e1ca400, 0xb771c564,
+ 0xf465be73, 0x3159334a, 0x724d485d, 0xd2c0312e, 0x91d44a39,
+ 0x54e8c700, 0x17fcbc17, 0xde91dd73, 0x9d85a664, 0x58b92b5d,
+ 0x1bad504a, 0xca62e995, 0x89769282, 0x4c4a1fbb, 0x0f5e64ac,
+ 0xc63305c8, 0x85277edf, 0x401bf3e6, 0x030f88f1, 0x070392de,
+ 0x4417e9c9, 0x812b64f0, 0xc23f1fe7, 0x0b527e83, 0x48460594,
+ 0x8d7a88ad, 0xce6ef3ba, 0x1fa14a65, 0x5cb53172, 0x9989bc4b,
+ 0xda9dc75c, 0x13f0a638, 0x50e4dd2f, 0x95d85016, 0xd6cc2b01,
+ 0x76415272, 0x35552965, 0xf069a45c, 0xb37ddf4b, 0x7a10be2f,
+ 0x3904c538, 0xfc384801, 0xbf2c3316, 0x6ee38ac9, 0x2df7f1de,
+ 0xe8cb7ce7, 0xabdf07f0, 0x62b26694, 0x21a61d83, 0xe49a90ba,
+ 0xa78eebad, 0xa481635c, 0xe795184b, 0x22a99572, 0x61bdee65,
+ 0xa8d08f01, 0xebc4f416, 0x2ef8792f, 0x6dec0238, 0xbc23bbe7,
+ 0xff37c0f0, 0x3a0b4dc9, 0x791f36de, 0xb07257ba, 0xf3662cad,
+ 0x365aa194, 0x754eda83, 0xd5c3a3f0, 0x96d7d8e7, 0x53eb55de,
+ 0x10ff2ec9, 0xd9924fad, 0x9a8634ba, 0x5fbab983, 0x1caec294,
+ 0xcd617b4b, 0x8e75005c, 0x4b498d65, 0x085df672, 0xc1309716,
+ 0x8224ec01, 0x47186138, 0x040c1a2f, 0x4f005566, 0x0c142e71,
+ 0xc928a348, 0x8a3cd85f, 0x4351b93b, 0x0045c22c, 0xc5794f15,
+ 0x866d3402, 0x57a28ddd, 0x14b6f6ca, 0xd18a7bf3, 0x929e00e4,
+ 0x5bf36180, 0x18e71a97, 0xdddb97ae, 0x9ecfecb9, 0x3e4295ca,
+ 0x7d56eedd, 0xb86a63e4, 0xfb7e18f3, 0x32137997, 0x71070280,
+ 0xb43b8fb9, 0xf72ff4ae, 0x26e04d71, 0x65f43666, 0xa0c8bb5f,
+ 0xe3dcc048, 0x2ab1a12c, 0x69a5da3b, 0xac995702, 0xef8d2c15,
+ 0xec82a4e4, 0xaf96dff3, 0x6aaa52ca, 0x29be29dd, 0xe0d348b9,
+ 0xa3c733ae, 0x66fbbe97, 0x25efc580, 0xf4207c5f, 0xb7340748,
+ 0x72088a71, 0x311cf166, 0xf8719002, 0xbb65eb15, 0x7e59662c,
+ 0x3d4d1d3b, 0x9dc06448, 0xded41f5f, 0x1be89266, 0x58fce971,
+ 0x91918815, 0xd285f302, 0x17b97e3b, 0x54ad052c, 0x8562bcf3,
+ 0xc676c7e4, 0x034a4add, 0x405e31ca, 0x893350ae, 0xca272bb9,
+ 0x0f1ba680, 0x4c0fdd97, 0x4803c7b8, 0x0b17bcaf, 0xce2b3196,
+ 0x8d3f4a81, 0x44522be5, 0x074650f2, 0xc27addcb, 0x816ea6dc,
+ 0x50a11f03, 0x13b56414, 0xd689e92d, 0x959d923a, 0x5cf0f35e,
+ 0x1fe48849, 0xdad80570, 0x99cc7e67, 0x39410714, 0x7a557c03,
+ 0xbf69f13a, 0xfc7d8a2d, 0x3510eb49, 0x7604905e, 0xb3381d67,
+ 0xf02c6670, 0x21e3dfaf, 0x62f7a4b8, 0xa7cb2981, 0xe4df5296,
+ 0x2db233f2, 0x6ea648e5, 0xab9ac5dc, 0xe88ebecb, 0xeb81363a,
+ 0xa8954d2d, 0x6da9c014, 0x2ebdbb03, 0xe7d0da67, 0xa4c4a170,
+ 0x61f82c49, 0x22ec575e, 0xf323ee81, 0xb0379596, 0x750b18af,
+ 0x361f63b8, 0xff7202dc, 0xbc6679cb, 0x795af4f2, 0x3a4e8fe5,
+ 0x9ac3f696, 0xd9d78d81, 0x1ceb00b8, 0x5fff7baf, 0x96921acb,
+ 0xd58661dc, 0x10baece5, 0x53ae97f2, 0x82612e2d, 0xc175553a,
+ 0x0449d803, 0x475da314, 0x8e30c270, 0xcd24b967, 0x0818345e,
+ 0x4b0c4f49},
+ {0x00000000, 0x3e6bc2ef, 0x3dd0f504, 0x03bb37eb, 0x7aa0eb09,
+ 0x44cb29e6, 0x47701e0d, 0x791bdce2, 0xf440d713, 0xca2b15fc,
+ 0xc9902217, 0xf7fbe0f8, 0x8ee03c1a, 0xb08bfef5, 0xb330c91e,
+ 0x8d5b0bf1, 0xe881ae27, 0xd6ea6cc8, 0xd5515b23, 0xeb3a99cc,
+ 0x9221452e, 0xac4a87c1, 0xaff1b02a, 0x919a72c5, 0x1cc17934,
+ 0x22aabbdb, 0x21118c30, 0x1f7a4edf, 0x6661923d, 0x580a50d2,
+ 0x5bb16739, 0x65daa5d6, 0xd0035d4f, 0xee689fa0, 0xedd3a84b,
+ 0xd3b86aa4, 0xaaa3b646, 0x94c874a9, 0x97734342, 0xa91881ad,
+ 0x24438a5c, 0x1a2848b3, 0x19937f58, 0x27f8bdb7, 0x5ee36155,
+ 0x6088a3ba, 0x63339451, 0x5d5856be, 0x3882f368, 0x06e93187,
+ 0x0552066c, 0x3b39c483, 0x42221861, 0x7c49da8e, 0x7ff2ed65,
+ 0x41992f8a, 0xccc2247b, 0xf2a9e694, 0xf112d17f, 0xcf791390,
+ 0xb662cf72, 0x88090d9d, 0x8bb23a76, 0xb5d9f899, 0xa007ba9e,
+ 0x9e6c7871, 0x9dd74f9a, 0xa3bc8d75, 0xdaa75197, 0xe4cc9378,
+ 0xe777a493, 0xd91c667c, 0x54476d8d, 0x6a2caf62, 0x69979889,
+ 0x57fc5a66, 0x2ee78684, 0x108c446b, 0x13377380, 0x2d5cb16f,
+ 0x488614b9, 0x76edd656, 0x7556e1bd, 0x4b3d2352, 0x3226ffb0,
+ 0x0c4d3d5f, 0x0ff60ab4, 0x319dc85b, 0xbcc6c3aa, 0x82ad0145,
+ 0x811636ae, 0xbf7df441, 0xc66628a3, 0xf80dea4c, 0xfbb6dda7,
+ 0xc5dd1f48, 0x7004e7d1, 0x4e6f253e, 0x4dd412d5, 0x73bfd03a,
+ 0x0aa40cd8, 0x34cfce37, 0x3774f9dc, 0x091f3b33, 0x844430c2,
+ 0xba2ff22d, 0xb994c5c6, 0x87ff0729, 0xfee4dbcb, 0xc08f1924,
+ 0xc3342ecf, 0xfd5fec20, 0x988549f6, 0xa6ee8b19, 0xa555bcf2,
+ 0x9b3e7e1d, 0xe225a2ff, 0xdc4e6010, 0xdff557fb, 0xe19e9514,
+ 0x6cc59ee5, 0x52ae5c0a, 0x51156be1, 0x6f7ea90e, 0x166575ec,
+ 0x280eb703, 0x2bb580e8, 0x15de4207, 0x010905e6, 0x3f62c709,
+ 0x3cd9f0e2, 0x02b2320d, 0x7ba9eeef, 0x45c22c00, 0x46791beb,
+ 0x7812d904, 0xf549d2f5, 0xcb22101a, 0xc89927f1, 0xf6f2e51e,
+ 0x8fe939fc, 0xb182fb13, 0xb239ccf8, 0x8c520e17, 0xe988abc1,
+ 0xd7e3692e, 0xd4585ec5, 0xea339c2a, 0x932840c8, 0xad438227,
+ 0xaef8b5cc, 0x90937723, 0x1dc87cd2, 0x23a3be3d, 0x201889d6,
+ 0x1e734b39, 0x676897db, 0x59035534, 0x5ab862df, 0x64d3a030,
+ 0xd10a58a9, 0xef619a46, 0xecdaadad, 0xd2b16f42, 0xabaab3a0,
+ 0x95c1714f, 0x967a46a4, 0xa811844b, 0x254a8fba, 0x1b214d55,
+ 0x189a7abe, 0x26f1b851, 0x5fea64b3, 0x6181a65c, 0x623a91b7,
+ 0x5c515358, 0x398bf68e, 0x07e03461, 0x045b038a, 0x3a30c165,
+ 0x432b1d87, 0x7d40df68, 0x7efbe883, 0x40902a6c, 0xcdcb219d,
+ 0xf3a0e372, 0xf01bd499, 0xce701676, 0xb76bca94, 0x8900087b,
+ 0x8abb3f90, 0xb4d0fd7f, 0xa10ebf78, 0x9f657d97, 0x9cde4a7c,
+ 0xa2b58893, 0xdbae5471, 0xe5c5969e, 0xe67ea175, 0xd815639a,
+ 0x554e686b, 0x6b25aa84, 0x689e9d6f, 0x56f55f80, 0x2fee8362,
+ 0x1185418d, 0x123e7666, 0x2c55b489, 0x498f115f, 0x77e4d3b0,
+ 0x745fe45b, 0x4a3426b4, 0x332ffa56, 0x0d4438b9, 0x0eff0f52,
+ 0x3094cdbd, 0xbdcfc64c, 0x83a404a3, 0x801f3348, 0xbe74f1a7,
+ 0xc76f2d45, 0xf904efaa, 0xfabfd841, 0xc4d41aae, 0x710de237,
+ 0x4f6620d8, 0x4cdd1733, 0x72b6d5dc, 0x0bad093e, 0x35c6cbd1,
+ 0x367dfc3a, 0x08163ed5, 0x854d3524, 0xbb26f7cb, 0xb89dc020,
+ 0x86f602cf, 0xffedde2d, 0xc1861cc2, 0xc23d2b29, 0xfc56e9c6,
+ 0x998c4c10, 0xa7e78eff, 0xa45cb914, 0x9a377bfb, 0xe32ca719,
+ 0xdd4765f6, 0xdefc521d, 0xe09790f2, 0x6dcc9b03, 0x53a759ec,
+ 0x501c6e07, 0x6e77ace8, 0x176c700a, 0x2907b2e5, 0x2abc850e,
+ 0x14d747e1},
+ {0x00000000, 0xc0df8ec1, 0xc1b96c58, 0x0166e299, 0x8273d9b0,
+ 0x42ac5771, 0x43cab5e8, 0x83153b29, 0x45e1c3ba, 0x853e4d7b,
+ 0x8458afe2, 0x44872123, 0xc7921a0a, 0x074d94cb, 0x062b7652,
+ 0xc6f4f893, 0xcbc4f6ae, 0x0b1b786f, 0x0a7d9af6, 0xcaa21437,
+ 0x49b72f1e, 0x8968a1df, 0x880e4346, 0x48d1cd87, 0x8e253514,
+ 0x4efabbd5, 0x4f9c594c, 0x8f43d78d, 0x0c56eca4, 0xcc896265,
+ 0xcdef80fc, 0x0d300e3d, 0xd78f9c86, 0x17501247, 0x1636f0de,
+ 0xd6e97e1f, 0x55fc4536, 0x9523cbf7, 0x9445296e, 0x549aa7af,
+ 0x926e5f3c, 0x52b1d1fd, 0x53d73364, 0x9308bda5, 0x101d868c,
+ 0xd0c2084d, 0xd1a4ead4, 0x117b6415, 0x1c4b6a28, 0xdc94e4e9,
+ 0xddf20670, 0x1d2d88b1, 0x9e38b398, 0x5ee73d59, 0x5f81dfc0,
+ 0x9f5e5101, 0x59aaa992, 0x99752753, 0x9813c5ca, 0x58cc4b0b,
+ 0xdbd97022, 0x1b06fee3, 0x1a601c7a, 0xdabf92bb, 0xef1948d6,
+ 0x2fc6c617, 0x2ea0248e, 0xee7faa4f, 0x6d6a9166, 0xadb51fa7,
+ 0xacd3fd3e, 0x6c0c73ff, 0xaaf88b6c, 0x6a2705ad, 0x6b41e734,
+ 0xab9e69f5, 0x288b52dc, 0xe854dc1d, 0xe9323e84, 0x29edb045,
+ 0x24ddbe78, 0xe40230b9, 0xe564d220, 0x25bb5ce1, 0xa6ae67c8,
+ 0x6671e909, 0x67170b90, 0xa7c88551, 0x613c7dc2, 0xa1e3f303,
+ 0xa085119a, 0x605a9f5b, 0xe34fa472, 0x23902ab3, 0x22f6c82a,
+ 0xe22946eb, 0x3896d450, 0xf8495a91, 0xf92fb808, 0x39f036c9,
+ 0xbae50de0, 0x7a3a8321, 0x7b5c61b8, 0xbb83ef79, 0x7d7717ea,
+ 0xbda8992b, 0xbcce7bb2, 0x7c11f573, 0xff04ce5a, 0x3fdb409b,
+ 0x3ebda202, 0xfe622cc3, 0xf35222fe, 0x338dac3f, 0x32eb4ea6,
+ 0xf234c067, 0x7121fb4e, 0xb1fe758f, 0xb0989716, 0x704719d7,
+ 0xb6b3e144, 0x766c6f85, 0x770a8d1c, 0xb7d503dd, 0x34c038f4,
+ 0xf41fb635, 0xf57954ac, 0x35a6da6d, 0x9f35e177, 0x5fea6fb6,
+ 0x5e8c8d2f, 0x9e5303ee, 0x1d4638c7, 0xdd99b606, 0xdcff549f,
+ 0x1c20da5e, 0xdad422cd, 0x1a0bac0c, 0x1b6d4e95, 0xdbb2c054,
+ 0x58a7fb7d, 0x987875bc, 0x991e9725, 0x59c119e4, 0x54f117d9,
+ 0x942e9918, 0x95487b81, 0x5597f540, 0xd682ce69, 0x165d40a8,
+ 0x173ba231, 0xd7e42cf0, 0x1110d463, 0xd1cf5aa2, 0xd0a9b83b,
+ 0x107636fa, 0x93630dd3, 0x53bc8312, 0x52da618b, 0x9205ef4a,
+ 0x48ba7df1, 0x8865f330, 0x890311a9, 0x49dc9f68, 0xcac9a441,
+ 0x0a162a80, 0x0b70c819, 0xcbaf46d8, 0x0d5bbe4b, 0xcd84308a,
+ 0xcce2d213, 0x0c3d5cd2, 0x8f2867fb, 0x4ff7e93a, 0x4e910ba3,
+ 0x8e4e8562, 0x837e8b5f, 0x43a1059e, 0x42c7e707, 0x821869c6,
+ 0x010d52ef, 0xc1d2dc2e, 0xc0b43eb7, 0x006bb076, 0xc69f48e5,
+ 0x0640c624, 0x072624bd, 0xc7f9aa7c, 0x44ec9155, 0x84331f94,
+ 0x8555fd0d, 0x458a73cc, 0x702ca9a1, 0xb0f32760, 0xb195c5f9,
+ 0x714a4b38, 0xf25f7011, 0x3280fed0, 0x33e61c49, 0xf3399288,
+ 0x35cd6a1b, 0xf512e4da, 0xf4740643, 0x34ab8882, 0xb7beb3ab,
+ 0x77613d6a, 0x7607dff3, 0xb6d85132, 0xbbe85f0f, 0x7b37d1ce,
+ 0x7a513357, 0xba8ebd96, 0x399b86bf, 0xf944087e, 0xf822eae7,
+ 0x38fd6426, 0xfe099cb5, 0x3ed61274, 0x3fb0f0ed, 0xff6f7e2c,
+ 0x7c7a4505, 0xbca5cbc4, 0xbdc3295d, 0x7d1ca79c, 0xa7a33527,
+ 0x677cbbe6, 0x661a597f, 0xa6c5d7be, 0x25d0ec97, 0xe50f6256,
+ 0xe46980cf, 0x24b60e0e, 0xe242f69d, 0x229d785c, 0x23fb9ac5,
+ 0xe3241404, 0x60312f2d, 0xa0eea1ec, 0xa1884375, 0x6157cdb4,
+ 0x6c67c389, 0xacb84d48, 0xaddeafd1, 0x6d012110, 0xee141a39,
+ 0x2ecb94f8, 0x2fad7661, 0xef72f8a0, 0x29860033, 0xe9598ef2,
+ 0xe83f6c6b, 0x28e0e2aa, 0xabf5d983, 0x6b2a5742, 0x6a4cb5db,
+ 0xaa933b1a},
+ {0x00000000, 0x6f4ca59b, 0x9f9e3bec, 0xf0d29e77, 0x7f3b0603,
+ 0x1077a398, 0xe0a53def, 0x8fe99874, 0xfe760c06, 0x913aa99d,
+ 0x61e837ea, 0x0ea49271, 0x814d0a05, 0xee01af9e, 0x1ed331e9,
+ 0x719f9472, 0xfced180c, 0x93a1bd97, 0x637323e0, 0x0c3f867b,
+ 0x83d61e0f, 0xec9abb94, 0x1c4825e3, 0x73048078, 0x029b140a,
+ 0x6dd7b191, 0x9d052fe6, 0xf2498a7d, 0x7da01209, 0x12ecb792,
+ 0xe23e29e5, 0x8d728c7e, 0xf8db3118, 0x97979483, 0x67450af4,
+ 0x0809af6f, 0x87e0371b, 0xe8ac9280, 0x187e0cf7, 0x7732a96c,
+ 0x06ad3d1e, 0x69e19885, 0x993306f2, 0xf67fa369, 0x79963b1d,
+ 0x16da9e86, 0xe60800f1, 0x8944a56a, 0x04362914, 0x6b7a8c8f,
+ 0x9ba812f8, 0xf4e4b763, 0x7b0d2f17, 0x14418a8c, 0xe49314fb,
+ 0x8bdfb160, 0xfa402512, 0x950c8089, 0x65de1efe, 0x0a92bb65,
+ 0x857b2311, 0xea37868a, 0x1ae518fd, 0x75a9bd66, 0xf0b76330,
+ 0x9ffbc6ab, 0x6f2958dc, 0x0065fd47, 0x8f8c6533, 0xe0c0c0a8,
+ 0x10125edf, 0x7f5efb44, 0x0ec16f36, 0x618dcaad, 0x915f54da,
+ 0xfe13f141, 0x71fa6935, 0x1eb6ccae, 0xee6452d9, 0x8128f742,
+ 0x0c5a7b3c, 0x6316dea7, 0x93c440d0, 0xfc88e54b, 0x73617d3f,
+ 0x1c2dd8a4, 0xecff46d3, 0x83b3e348, 0xf22c773a, 0x9d60d2a1,
+ 0x6db24cd6, 0x02fee94d, 0x8d177139, 0xe25bd4a2, 0x12894ad5,
+ 0x7dc5ef4e, 0x086c5228, 0x6720f7b3, 0x97f269c4, 0xf8becc5f,
+ 0x7757542b, 0x181bf1b0, 0xe8c96fc7, 0x8785ca5c, 0xf61a5e2e,
+ 0x9956fbb5, 0x698465c2, 0x06c8c059, 0x8921582d, 0xe66dfdb6,
+ 0x16bf63c1, 0x79f3c65a, 0xf4814a24, 0x9bcdefbf, 0x6b1f71c8,
+ 0x0453d453, 0x8bba4c27, 0xe4f6e9bc, 0x142477cb, 0x7b68d250,
+ 0x0af74622, 0x65bbe3b9, 0x95697dce, 0xfa25d855, 0x75cc4021,
+ 0x1a80e5ba, 0xea527bcd, 0x851ede56, 0xe06fc760, 0x8f2362fb,
+ 0x7ff1fc8c, 0x10bd5917, 0x9f54c163, 0xf01864f8, 0x00cafa8f,
+ 0x6f865f14, 0x1e19cb66, 0x71556efd, 0x8187f08a, 0xeecb5511,
+ 0x6122cd65, 0x0e6e68fe, 0xfebcf689, 0x91f05312, 0x1c82df6c,
+ 0x73ce7af7, 0x831ce480, 0xec50411b, 0x63b9d96f, 0x0cf57cf4,
+ 0xfc27e283, 0x936b4718, 0xe2f4d36a, 0x8db876f1, 0x7d6ae886,
+ 0x12264d1d, 0x9dcfd569, 0xf28370f2, 0x0251ee85, 0x6d1d4b1e,
+ 0x18b4f678, 0x77f853e3, 0x872acd94, 0xe866680f, 0x678ff07b,
+ 0x08c355e0, 0xf811cb97, 0x975d6e0c, 0xe6c2fa7e, 0x898e5fe5,
+ 0x795cc192, 0x16106409, 0x99f9fc7d, 0xf6b559e6, 0x0667c791,
+ 0x692b620a, 0xe459ee74, 0x8b154bef, 0x7bc7d598, 0x148b7003,
+ 0x9b62e877, 0xf42e4dec, 0x04fcd39b, 0x6bb07600, 0x1a2fe272,
+ 0x756347e9, 0x85b1d99e, 0xeafd7c05, 0x6514e471, 0x0a5841ea,
+ 0xfa8adf9d, 0x95c67a06, 0x10d8a450, 0x7f9401cb, 0x8f469fbc,
+ 0xe00a3a27, 0x6fe3a253, 0x00af07c8, 0xf07d99bf, 0x9f313c24,
+ 0xeeaea856, 0x81e20dcd, 0x713093ba, 0x1e7c3621, 0x9195ae55,
+ 0xfed90bce, 0x0e0b95b9, 0x61473022, 0xec35bc5c, 0x837919c7,
+ 0x73ab87b0, 0x1ce7222b, 0x930eba5f, 0xfc421fc4, 0x0c9081b3,
+ 0x63dc2428, 0x1243b05a, 0x7d0f15c1, 0x8ddd8bb6, 0xe2912e2d,
+ 0x6d78b659, 0x023413c2, 0xf2e68db5, 0x9daa282e, 0xe8039548,
+ 0x874f30d3, 0x779daea4, 0x18d10b3f, 0x9738934b, 0xf87436d0,
+ 0x08a6a8a7, 0x67ea0d3c, 0x1675994e, 0x79393cd5, 0x89eba2a2,
+ 0xe6a70739, 0x694e9f4d, 0x06023ad6, 0xf6d0a4a1, 0x999c013a,
+ 0x14ee8d44, 0x7ba228df, 0x8b70b6a8, 0xe43c1333, 0x6bd58b47,
+ 0x04992edc, 0xf44bb0ab, 0x9b071530, 0xea988142, 0x85d424d9,
+ 0x7506baae, 0x1a4a1f35, 0x95a38741, 0xfaef22da, 0x0a3dbcad,
+ 0x65711936}};
+#if N == 4
+#if W == 8
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xf1da05aa, 0x38c50d15, 0xc91f08bf, 0x718a1a2a,
+ 0x80501f80, 0x494f173f, 0xb8951295, 0xe3143454, 0x12ce31fe,
+ 0xdbd13941, 0x2a0b3ceb, 0x929e2e7e, 0x63442bd4, 0xaa5b236b,
+ 0x5b8126c1, 0x1d596ee9, 0xec836b43, 0x259c63fc, 0xd4466656,
+ 0x6cd374c3, 0x9d097169, 0x541679d6, 0xa5cc7c7c, 0xfe4d5abd,
+ 0x0f975f17, 0xc68857a8, 0x37525202, 0x8fc74097, 0x7e1d453d,
+ 0xb7024d82, 0x46d84828, 0x3ab2ddd2, 0xcb68d878, 0x0277d0c7,
+ 0xf3add56d, 0x4b38c7f8, 0xbae2c252, 0x73fdcaed, 0x8227cf47,
+ 0xd9a6e986, 0x287cec2c, 0xe163e493, 0x10b9e139, 0xa82cf3ac,
+ 0x59f6f606, 0x90e9feb9, 0x6133fb13, 0x27ebb33b, 0xd631b691,
+ 0x1f2ebe2e, 0xeef4bb84, 0x5661a911, 0xa7bbacbb, 0x6ea4a404,
+ 0x9f7ea1ae, 0xc4ff876f, 0x352582c5, 0xfc3a8a7a, 0x0de08fd0,
+ 0xb5759d45, 0x44af98ef, 0x8db09050, 0x7c6a95fa, 0x7565bba4,
+ 0x84bfbe0e, 0x4da0b6b1, 0xbc7ab31b, 0x04efa18e, 0xf535a424,
+ 0x3c2aac9b, 0xcdf0a931, 0x96718ff0, 0x67ab8a5a, 0xaeb482e5,
+ 0x5f6e874f, 0xe7fb95da, 0x16219070, 0xdf3e98cf, 0x2ee49d65,
+ 0x683cd54d, 0x99e6d0e7, 0x50f9d858, 0xa123ddf2, 0x19b6cf67,
+ 0xe86ccacd, 0x2173c272, 0xd0a9c7d8, 0x8b28e119, 0x7af2e4b3,
+ 0xb3edec0c, 0x4237e9a6, 0xfaa2fb33, 0x0b78fe99, 0xc267f626,
+ 0x33bdf38c, 0x4fd76676, 0xbe0d63dc, 0x77126b63, 0x86c86ec9,
+ 0x3e5d7c5c, 0xcf8779f6, 0x06987149, 0xf74274e3, 0xacc35222,
+ 0x5d195788, 0x94065f37, 0x65dc5a9d, 0xdd494808, 0x2c934da2,
+ 0xe58c451d, 0x145640b7, 0x528e089f, 0xa3540d35, 0x6a4b058a,
+ 0x9b910020, 0x230412b5, 0xd2de171f, 0x1bc11fa0, 0xea1b1a0a,
+ 0xb19a3ccb, 0x40403961, 0x895f31de, 0x78853474, 0xc01026e1,
+ 0x31ca234b, 0xf8d52bf4, 0x090f2e5e, 0xeacb7748, 0x1b1172e2,
+ 0xd20e7a5d, 0x23d47ff7, 0x9b416d62, 0x6a9b68c8, 0xa3846077,
+ 0x525e65dd, 0x09df431c, 0xf80546b6, 0x311a4e09, 0xc0c04ba3,
+ 0x78555936, 0x898f5c9c, 0x40905423, 0xb14a5189, 0xf79219a1,
+ 0x06481c0b, 0xcf5714b4, 0x3e8d111e, 0x8618038b, 0x77c20621,
+ 0xbedd0e9e, 0x4f070b34, 0x14862df5, 0xe55c285f, 0x2c4320e0,
+ 0xdd99254a, 0x650c37df, 0x94d63275, 0x5dc93aca, 0xac133f60,
+ 0xd079aa9a, 0x21a3af30, 0xe8bca78f, 0x1966a225, 0xa1f3b0b0,
+ 0x5029b51a, 0x9936bda5, 0x68ecb80f, 0x336d9ece, 0xc2b79b64,
+ 0x0ba893db, 0xfa729671, 0x42e784e4, 0xb33d814e, 0x7a2289f1,
+ 0x8bf88c5b, 0xcd20c473, 0x3cfac1d9, 0xf5e5c966, 0x043fcccc,
+ 0xbcaade59, 0x4d70dbf3, 0x846fd34c, 0x75b5d6e6, 0x2e34f027,
+ 0xdfeef58d, 0x16f1fd32, 0xe72bf898, 0x5fbeea0d, 0xae64efa7,
+ 0x677be718, 0x96a1e2b2, 0x9faeccec, 0x6e74c946, 0xa76bc1f9,
+ 0x56b1c453, 0xee24d6c6, 0x1ffed36c, 0xd6e1dbd3, 0x273bde79,
+ 0x7cbaf8b8, 0x8d60fd12, 0x447ff5ad, 0xb5a5f007, 0x0d30e292,
+ 0xfceae738, 0x35f5ef87, 0xc42fea2d, 0x82f7a205, 0x732da7af,
+ 0xba32af10, 0x4be8aaba, 0xf37db82f, 0x02a7bd85, 0xcbb8b53a,
+ 0x3a62b090, 0x61e39651, 0x903993fb, 0x59269b44, 0xa8fc9eee,
+ 0x10698c7b, 0xe1b389d1, 0x28ac816e, 0xd97684c4, 0xa51c113e,
+ 0x54c61494, 0x9dd91c2b, 0x6c031981, 0xd4960b14, 0x254c0ebe,
+ 0xec530601, 0x1d8903ab, 0x4608256a, 0xb7d220c0, 0x7ecd287f,
+ 0x8f172dd5, 0x37823f40, 0xc6583aea, 0x0f473255, 0xfe9d37ff,
+ 0xb8457fd7, 0x499f7a7d, 0x808072c2, 0x715a7768, 0xc9cf65fd,
+ 0x38156057, 0xf10a68e8, 0x00d06d42, 0x5b514b83, 0xaa8b4e29,
+ 0x63944696, 0x924e433c, 0x2adb51a9, 0xdb015403, 0x121e5cbc,
+ 0xe3c45916},
+ {0x00000000, 0x0ee7e8d1, 0x1dcfd1a2, 0x13283973, 0x3b9fa344,
+ 0x35784b95, 0x265072e6, 0x28b79a37, 0x773f4688, 0x79d8ae59,
+ 0x6af0972a, 0x64177ffb, 0x4ca0e5cc, 0x42470d1d, 0x516f346e,
+ 0x5f88dcbf, 0xee7e8d10, 0xe09965c1, 0xf3b15cb2, 0xfd56b463,
+ 0xd5e12e54, 0xdb06c685, 0xc82efff6, 0xc6c91727, 0x9941cb98,
+ 0x97a62349, 0x848e1a3a, 0x8a69f2eb, 0xa2de68dc, 0xac39800d,
+ 0xbf11b97e, 0xb1f651af, 0x078c1c61, 0x096bf4b0, 0x1a43cdc3,
+ 0x14a42512, 0x3c13bf25, 0x32f457f4, 0x21dc6e87, 0x2f3b8656,
+ 0x70b35ae9, 0x7e54b238, 0x6d7c8b4b, 0x639b639a, 0x4b2cf9ad,
+ 0x45cb117c, 0x56e3280f, 0x5804c0de, 0xe9f29171, 0xe71579a0,
+ 0xf43d40d3, 0xfadaa802, 0xd26d3235, 0xdc8adae4, 0xcfa2e397,
+ 0xc1450b46, 0x9ecdd7f9, 0x902a3f28, 0x8302065b, 0x8de5ee8a,
+ 0xa55274bd, 0xabb59c6c, 0xb89da51f, 0xb67a4dce, 0x0f1838c2,
+ 0x01ffd013, 0x12d7e960, 0x1c3001b1, 0x34879b86, 0x3a607357,
+ 0x29484a24, 0x27afa2f5, 0x78277e4a, 0x76c0969b, 0x65e8afe8,
+ 0x6b0f4739, 0x43b8dd0e, 0x4d5f35df, 0x5e770cac, 0x5090e47d,
+ 0xe166b5d2, 0xef815d03, 0xfca96470, 0xf24e8ca1, 0xdaf91696,
+ 0xd41efe47, 0xc736c734, 0xc9d12fe5, 0x9659f35a, 0x98be1b8b,
+ 0x8b9622f8, 0x8571ca29, 0xadc6501e, 0xa321b8cf, 0xb00981bc,
+ 0xbeee696d, 0x089424a3, 0x0673cc72, 0x155bf501, 0x1bbc1dd0,
+ 0x330b87e7, 0x3dec6f36, 0x2ec45645, 0x2023be94, 0x7fab622b,
+ 0x714c8afa, 0x6264b389, 0x6c835b58, 0x4434c16f, 0x4ad329be,
+ 0x59fb10cd, 0x571cf81c, 0xe6eaa9b3, 0xe80d4162, 0xfb257811,
+ 0xf5c290c0, 0xdd750af7, 0xd392e226, 0xc0badb55, 0xce5d3384,
+ 0x91d5ef3b, 0x9f3207ea, 0x8c1a3e99, 0x82fdd648, 0xaa4a4c7f,
+ 0xa4ada4ae, 0xb7859ddd, 0xb962750c, 0x1e307184, 0x10d79955,
+ 0x03ffa026, 0x0d1848f7, 0x25afd2c0, 0x2b483a11, 0x38600362,
+ 0x3687ebb3, 0x690f370c, 0x67e8dfdd, 0x74c0e6ae, 0x7a270e7f,
+ 0x52909448, 0x5c777c99, 0x4f5f45ea, 0x41b8ad3b, 0xf04efc94,
+ 0xfea91445, 0xed812d36, 0xe366c5e7, 0xcbd15fd0, 0xc536b701,
+ 0xd61e8e72, 0xd8f966a3, 0x8771ba1c, 0x899652cd, 0x9abe6bbe,
+ 0x9459836f, 0xbcee1958, 0xb209f189, 0xa121c8fa, 0xafc6202b,
+ 0x19bc6de5, 0x175b8534, 0x0473bc47, 0x0a945496, 0x2223cea1,
+ 0x2cc42670, 0x3fec1f03, 0x310bf7d2, 0x6e832b6d, 0x6064c3bc,
+ 0x734cfacf, 0x7dab121e, 0x551c8829, 0x5bfb60f8, 0x48d3598b,
+ 0x4634b15a, 0xf7c2e0f5, 0xf9250824, 0xea0d3157, 0xe4ead986,
+ 0xcc5d43b1, 0xc2baab60, 0xd1929213, 0xdf757ac2, 0x80fda67d,
+ 0x8e1a4eac, 0x9d3277df, 0x93d59f0e, 0xbb620539, 0xb585ede8,
+ 0xa6add49b, 0xa84a3c4a, 0x11284946, 0x1fcfa197, 0x0ce798e4,
+ 0x02007035, 0x2ab7ea02, 0x245002d3, 0x37783ba0, 0x399fd371,
+ 0x66170fce, 0x68f0e71f, 0x7bd8de6c, 0x753f36bd, 0x5d88ac8a,
+ 0x536f445b, 0x40477d28, 0x4ea095f9, 0xff56c456, 0xf1b12c87,
+ 0xe29915f4, 0xec7efd25, 0xc4c96712, 0xca2e8fc3, 0xd906b6b0,
+ 0xd7e15e61, 0x886982de, 0x868e6a0f, 0x95a6537c, 0x9b41bbad,
+ 0xb3f6219a, 0xbd11c94b, 0xae39f038, 0xa0de18e9, 0x16a45527,
+ 0x1843bdf6, 0x0b6b8485, 0x058c6c54, 0x2d3bf663, 0x23dc1eb2,
+ 0x30f427c1, 0x3e13cf10, 0x619b13af, 0x6f7cfb7e, 0x7c54c20d,
+ 0x72b32adc, 0x5a04b0eb, 0x54e3583a, 0x47cb6149, 0x492c8998,
+ 0xf8dad837, 0xf63d30e6, 0xe5150995, 0xebf2e144, 0xc3457b73,
+ 0xcda293a2, 0xde8aaad1, 0xd06d4200, 0x8fe59ebf, 0x8102766e,
+ 0x922a4f1d, 0x9ccda7cc, 0xb47a3dfb, 0xba9dd52a, 0xa9b5ec59,
+ 0xa7520488},
+ {0x00000000, 0x3c60e308, 0x78c1c610, 0x44a12518, 0xf1838c20,
+ 0xcde36f28, 0x89424a30, 0xb522a938, 0x38761e01, 0x0416fd09,
+ 0x40b7d811, 0x7cd73b19, 0xc9f59221, 0xf5957129, 0xb1345431,
+ 0x8d54b739, 0x70ec3c02, 0x4c8cdf0a, 0x082dfa12, 0x344d191a,
+ 0x816fb022, 0xbd0f532a, 0xf9ae7632, 0xc5ce953a, 0x489a2203,
+ 0x74fac10b, 0x305be413, 0x0c3b071b, 0xb919ae23, 0x85794d2b,
+ 0xc1d86833, 0xfdb88b3b, 0xe1d87804, 0xddb89b0c, 0x9919be14,
+ 0xa5795d1c, 0x105bf424, 0x2c3b172c, 0x689a3234, 0x54fad13c,
+ 0xd9ae6605, 0xe5ce850d, 0xa16fa015, 0x9d0f431d, 0x282dea25,
+ 0x144d092d, 0x50ec2c35, 0x6c8ccf3d, 0x91344406, 0xad54a70e,
+ 0xe9f58216, 0xd595611e, 0x60b7c826, 0x5cd72b2e, 0x18760e36,
+ 0x2416ed3e, 0xa9425a07, 0x9522b90f, 0xd1839c17, 0xede37f1f,
+ 0x58c1d627, 0x64a1352f, 0x20001037, 0x1c60f33f, 0x18c1f649,
+ 0x24a11541, 0x60003059, 0x5c60d351, 0xe9427a69, 0xd5229961,
+ 0x9183bc79, 0xade35f71, 0x20b7e848, 0x1cd70b40, 0x58762e58,
+ 0x6416cd50, 0xd1346468, 0xed548760, 0xa9f5a278, 0x95954170,
+ 0x682dca4b, 0x544d2943, 0x10ec0c5b, 0x2c8cef53, 0x99ae466b,
+ 0xa5cea563, 0xe16f807b, 0xdd0f6373, 0x505bd44a, 0x6c3b3742,
+ 0x289a125a, 0x14faf152, 0xa1d8586a, 0x9db8bb62, 0xd9199e7a,
+ 0xe5797d72, 0xf9198e4d, 0xc5796d45, 0x81d8485d, 0xbdb8ab55,
+ 0x089a026d, 0x34fae165, 0x705bc47d, 0x4c3b2775, 0xc16f904c,
+ 0xfd0f7344, 0xb9ae565c, 0x85ceb554, 0x30ec1c6c, 0x0c8cff64,
+ 0x482dda7c, 0x744d3974, 0x89f5b24f, 0xb5955147, 0xf134745f,
+ 0xcd549757, 0x78763e6f, 0x4416dd67, 0x00b7f87f, 0x3cd71b77,
+ 0xb183ac4e, 0x8de34f46, 0xc9426a5e, 0xf5228956, 0x4000206e,
+ 0x7c60c366, 0x38c1e67e, 0x04a10576, 0x3183ec92, 0x0de30f9a,
+ 0x49422a82, 0x7522c98a, 0xc00060b2, 0xfc6083ba, 0xb8c1a6a2,
+ 0x84a145aa, 0x09f5f293, 0x3595119b, 0x71343483, 0x4d54d78b,
+ 0xf8767eb3, 0xc4169dbb, 0x80b7b8a3, 0xbcd75bab, 0x416fd090,
+ 0x7d0f3398, 0x39ae1680, 0x05cef588, 0xb0ec5cb0, 0x8c8cbfb8,
+ 0xc82d9aa0, 0xf44d79a8, 0x7919ce91, 0x45792d99, 0x01d80881,
+ 0x3db8eb89, 0x889a42b1, 0xb4faa1b9, 0xf05b84a1, 0xcc3b67a9,
+ 0xd05b9496, 0xec3b779e, 0xa89a5286, 0x94fab18e, 0x21d818b6,
+ 0x1db8fbbe, 0x5919dea6, 0x65793dae, 0xe82d8a97, 0xd44d699f,
+ 0x90ec4c87, 0xac8caf8f, 0x19ae06b7, 0x25cee5bf, 0x616fc0a7,
+ 0x5d0f23af, 0xa0b7a894, 0x9cd74b9c, 0xd8766e84, 0xe4168d8c,
+ 0x513424b4, 0x6d54c7bc, 0x29f5e2a4, 0x159501ac, 0x98c1b695,
+ 0xa4a1559d, 0xe0007085, 0xdc60938d, 0x69423ab5, 0x5522d9bd,
+ 0x1183fca5, 0x2de31fad, 0x29421adb, 0x1522f9d3, 0x5183dccb,
+ 0x6de33fc3, 0xd8c196fb, 0xe4a175f3, 0xa00050eb, 0x9c60b3e3,
+ 0x113404da, 0x2d54e7d2, 0x69f5c2ca, 0x559521c2, 0xe0b788fa,
+ 0xdcd76bf2, 0x98764eea, 0xa416ade2, 0x59ae26d9, 0x65cec5d1,
+ 0x216fe0c9, 0x1d0f03c1, 0xa82daaf9, 0x944d49f1, 0xd0ec6ce9,
+ 0xec8c8fe1, 0x61d838d8, 0x5db8dbd0, 0x1919fec8, 0x25791dc0,
+ 0x905bb4f8, 0xac3b57f0, 0xe89a72e8, 0xd4fa91e0, 0xc89a62df,
+ 0xf4fa81d7, 0xb05ba4cf, 0x8c3b47c7, 0x3919eeff, 0x05790df7,
+ 0x41d828ef, 0x7db8cbe7, 0xf0ec7cde, 0xcc8c9fd6, 0x882dbace,
+ 0xb44d59c6, 0x016ff0fe, 0x3d0f13f6, 0x79ae36ee, 0x45ced5e6,
+ 0xb8765edd, 0x8416bdd5, 0xc0b798cd, 0xfcd77bc5, 0x49f5d2fd,
+ 0x759531f5, 0x313414ed, 0x0d54f7e5, 0x800040dc, 0xbc60a3d4,
+ 0xf8c186cc, 0xc4a165c4, 0x7183ccfc, 0x4de32ff4, 0x09420aec,
+ 0x3522e9e4},
+ {0x00000000, 0x6307d924, 0xc60fb248, 0xa5086b6c, 0x576e62d1,
+ 0x3469bbf5, 0x9161d099, 0xf26609bd, 0xaedcc5a2, 0xcddb1c86,
+ 0x68d377ea, 0x0bd4aece, 0xf9b2a773, 0x9ab57e57, 0x3fbd153b,
+ 0x5cbacc1f, 0x86c88d05, 0xe5cf5421, 0x40c73f4d, 0x23c0e669,
+ 0xd1a6efd4, 0xb2a136f0, 0x17a95d9c, 0x74ae84b8, 0x281448a7,
+ 0x4b139183, 0xee1bfaef, 0x8d1c23cb, 0x7f7a2a76, 0x1c7df352,
+ 0xb975983e, 0xda72411a, 0xd6e01c4b, 0xb5e7c56f, 0x10efae03,
+ 0x73e87727, 0x818e7e9a, 0xe289a7be, 0x4781ccd2, 0x248615f6,
+ 0x783cd9e9, 0x1b3b00cd, 0xbe336ba1, 0xdd34b285, 0x2f52bb38,
+ 0x4c55621c, 0xe95d0970, 0x8a5ad054, 0x5028914e, 0x332f486a,
+ 0x96272306, 0xf520fa22, 0x0746f39f, 0x64412abb, 0xc14941d7,
+ 0xa24e98f3, 0xfef454ec, 0x9df38dc8, 0x38fbe6a4, 0x5bfc3f80,
+ 0xa99a363d, 0xca9def19, 0x6f958475, 0x0c925d51, 0x76b13ed7,
+ 0x15b6e7f3, 0xb0be8c9f, 0xd3b955bb, 0x21df5c06, 0x42d88522,
+ 0xe7d0ee4e, 0x84d7376a, 0xd86dfb75, 0xbb6a2251, 0x1e62493d,
+ 0x7d659019, 0x8f0399a4, 0xec044080, 0x490c2bec, 0x2a0bf2c8,
+ 0xf079b3d2, 0x937e6af6, 0x3676019a, 0x5571d8be, 0xa717d103,
+ 0xc4100827, 0x6118634b, 0x021fba6f, 0x5ea57670, 0x3da2af54,
+ 0x98aac438, 0xfbad1d1c, 0x09cb14a1, 0x6acccd85, 0xcfc4a6e9,
+ 0xacc37fcd, 0xa051229c, 0xc356fbb8, 0x665e90d4, 0x055949f0,
+ 0xf73f404d, 0x94389969, 0x3130f205, 0x52372b21, 0x0e8de73e,
+ 0x6d8a3e1a, 0xc8825576, 0xab858c52, 0x59e385ef, 0x3ae45ccb,
+ 0x9fec37a7, 0xfcebee83, 0x2699af99, 0x459e76bd, 0xe0961dd1,
+ 0x8391c4f5, 0x71f7cd48, 0x12f0146c, 0xb7f87f00, 0xd4ffa624,
+ 0x88456a3b, 0xeb42b31f, 0x4e4ad873, 0x2d4d0157, 0xdf2b08ea,
+ 0xbc2cd1ce, 0x1924baa2, 0x7a236386, 0xed627dae, 0x8e65a48a,
+ 0x2b6dcfe6, 0x486a16c2, 0xba0c1f7f, 0xd90bc65b, 0x7c03ad37,
+ 0x1f047413, 0x43beb80c, 0x20b96128, 0x85b10a44, 0xe6b6d360,
+ 0x14d0dadd, 0x77d703f9, 0xd2df6895, 0xb1d8b1b1, 0x6baaf0ab,
+ 0x08ad298f, 0xada542e3, 0xcea29bc7, 0x3cc4927a, 0x5fc34b5e,
+ 0xfacb2032, 0x99ccf916, 0xc5763509, 0xa671ec2d, 0x03798741,
+ 0x607e5e65, 0x921857d8, 0xf11f8efc, 0x5417e590, 0x37103cb4,
+ 0x3b8261e5, 0x5885b8c1, 0xfd8dd3ad, 0x9e8a0a89, 0x6cec0334,
+ 0x0febda10, 0xaae3b17c, 0xc9e46858, 0x955ea447, 0xf6597d63,
+ 0x5351160f, 0x3056cf2b, 0xc230c696, 0xa1371fb2, 0x043f74de,
+ 0x6738adfa, 0xbd4aece0, 0xde4d35c4, 0x7b455ea8, 0x1842878c,
+ 0xea248e31, 0x89235715, 0x2c2b3c79, 0x4f2ce55d, 0x13962942,
+ 0x7091f066, 0xd5999b0a, 0xb69e422e, 0x44f84b93, 0x27ff92b7,
+ 0x82f7f9db, 0xe1f020ff, 0x9bd34379, 0xf8d49a5d, 0x5ddcf131,
+ 0x3edb2815, 0xccbd21a8, 0xafbaf88c, 0x0ab293e0, 0x69b54ac4,
+ 0x350f86db, 0x56085fff, 0xf3003493, 0x9007edb7, 0x6261e40a,
+ 0x01663d2e, 0xa46e5642, 0xc7698f66, 0x1d1bce7c, 0x7e1c1758,
+ 0xdb147c34, 0xb813a510, 0x4a75acad, 0x29727589, 0x8c7a1ee5,
+ 0xef7dc7c1, 0xb3c70bde, 0xd0c0d2fa, 0x75c8b996, 0x16cf60b2,
+ 0xe4a9690f, 0x87aeb02b, 0x22a6db47, 0x41a10263, 0x4d335f32,
+ 0x2e348616, 0x8b3ced7a, 0xe83b345e, 0x1a5d3de3, 0x795ae4c7,
+ 0xdc528fab, 0xbf55568f, 0xe3ef9a90, 0x80e843b4, 0x25e028d8,
+ 0x46e7f1fc, 0xb481f841, 0xd7862165, 0x728e4a09, 0x1189932d,
+ 0xcbfbd237, 0xa8fc0b13, 0x0df4607f, 0x6ef3b95b, 0x9c95b0e6,
+ 0xff9269c2, 0x5a9a02ae, 0x399ddb8a, 0x65271795, 0x0620ceb1,
+ 0xa328a5dd, 0xc02f7cf9, 0x32497544, 0x514eac60, 0xf446c70c,
+ 0x97411e28},
+ {0x00000000, 0x01b5fd1d, 0x036bfa3a, 0x02de0727, 0x06d7f474,
+ 0x07620969, 0x05bc0e4e, 0x0409f353, 0x0dafe8e8, 0x0c1a15f5,
+ 0x0ec412d2, 0x0f71efcf, 0x0b781c9c, 0x0acde181, 0x0813e6a6,
+ 0x09a61bbb, 0x1b5fd1d0, 0x1aea2ccd, 0x18342bea, 0x1981d6f7,
+ 0x1d8825a4, 0x1c3dd8b9, 0x1ee3df9e, 0x1f562283, 0x16f03938,
+ 0x1745c425, 0x159bc302, 0x142e3e1f, 0x1027cd4c, 0x11923051,
+ 0x134c3776, 0x12f9ca6b, 0x36bfa3a0, 0x370a5ebd, 0x35d4599a,
+ 0x3461a487, 0x306857d4, 0x31ddaac9, 0x3303adee, 0x32b650f3,
+ 0x3b104b48, 0x3aa5b655, 0x387bb172, 0x39ce4c6f, 0x3dc7bf3c,
+ 0x3c724221, 0x3eac4506, 0x3f19b81b, 0x2de07270, 0x2c558f6d,
+ 0x2e8b884a, 0x2f3e7557, 0x2b378604, 0x2a827b19, 0x285c7c3e,
+ 0x29e98123, 0x204f9a98, 0x21fa6785, 0x232460a2, 0x22919dbf,
+ 0x26986eec, 0x272d93f1, 0x25f394d6, 0x244669cb, 0x6d7f4740,
+ 0x6ccaba5d, 0x6e14bd7a, 0x6fa14067, 0x6ba8b334, 0x6a1d4e29,
+ 0x68c3490e, 0x6976b413, 0x60d0afa8, 0x616552b5, 0x63bb5592,
+ 0x620ea88f, 0x66075bdc, 0x67b2a6c1, 0x656ca1e6, 0x64d95cfb,
+ 0x76209690, 0x77956b8d, 0x754b6caa, 0x74fe91b7, 0x70f762e4,
+ 0x71429ff9, 0x739c98de, 0x722965c3, 0x7b8f7e78, 0x7a3a8365,
+ 0x78e48442, 0x7951795f, 0x7d588a0c, 0x7ced7711, 0x7e337036,
+ 0x7f868d2b, 0x5bc0e4e0, 0x5a7519fd, 0x58ab1eda, 0x591ee3c7,
+ 0x5d171094, 0x5ca2ed89, 0x5e7ceaae, 0x5fc917b3, 0x566f0c08,
+ 0x57daf115, 0x5504f632, 0x54b10b2f, 0x50b8f87c, 0x510d0561,
+ 0x53d30246, 0x5266ff5b, 0x409f3530, 0x412ac82d, 0x43f4cf0a,
+ 0x42413217, 0x4648c144, 0x47fd3c59, 0x45233b7e, 0x4496c663,
+ 0x4d30ddd8, 0x4c8520c5, 0x4e5b27e2, 0x4feedaff, 0x4be729ac,
+ 0x4a52d4b1, 0x488cd396, 0x49392e8b, 0xdafe8e80, 0xdb4b739d,
+ 0xd99574ba, 0xd82089a7, 0xdc297af4, 0xdd9c87e9, 0xdf4280ce,
+ 0xdef77dd3, 0xd7516668, 0xd6e49b75, 0xd43a9c52, 0xd58f614f,
+ 0xd186921c, 0xd0336f01, 0xd2ed6826, 0xd358953b, 0xc1a15f50,
+ 0xc014a24d, 0xc2caa56a, 0xc37f5877, 0xc776ab24, 0xc6c35639,
+ 0xc41d511e, 0xc5a8ac03, 0xcc0eb7b8, 0xcdbb4aa5, 0xcf654d82,
+ 0xced0b09f, 0xcad943cc, 0xcb6cbed1, 0xc9b2b9f6, 0xc80744eb,
+ 0xec412d20, 0xedf4d03d, 0xef2ad71a, 0xee9f2a07, 0xea96d954,
+ 0xeb232449, 0xe9fd236e, 0xe848de73, 0xe1eec5c8, 0xe05b38d5,
+ 0xe2853ff2, 0xe330c2ef, 0xe73931bc, 0xe68ccca1, 0xe452cb86,
+ 0xe5e7369b, 0xf71efcf0, 0xf6ab01ed, 0xf47506ca, 0xf5c0fbd7,
+ 0xf1c90884, 0xf07cf599, 0xf2a2f2be, 0xf3170fa3, 0xfab11418,
+ 0xfb04e905, 0xf9daee22, 0xf86f133f, 0xfc66e06c, 0xfdd31d71,
+ 0xff0d1a56, 0xfeb8e74b, 0xb781c9c0, 0xb63434dd, 0xb4ea33fa,
+ 0xb55fcee7, 0xb1563db4, 0xb0e3c0a9, 0xb23dc78e, 0xb3883a93,
+ 0xba2e2128, 0xbb9bdc35, 0xb945db12, 0xb8f0260f, 0xbcf9d55c,
+ 0xbd4c2841, 0xbf922f66, 0xbe27d27b, 0xacde1810, 0xad6be50d,
+ 0xafb5e22a, 0xae001f37, 0xaa09ec64, 0xabbc1179, 0xa962165e,
+ 0xa8d7eb43, 0xa171f0f8, 0xa0c40de5, 0xa21a0ac2, 0xa3aff7df,
+ 0xa7a6048c, 0xa613f991, 0xa4cdfeb6, 0xa57803ab, 0x813e6a60,
+ 0x808b977d, 0x8255905a, 0x83e06d47, 0x87e99e14, 0x865c6309,
+ 0x8482642e, 0x85379933, 0x8c918288, 0x8d247f95, 0x8ffa78b2,
+ 0x8e4f85af, 0x8a4676fc, 0x8bf38be1, 0x892d8cc6, 0x889871db,
+ 0x9a61bbb0, 0x9bd446ad, 0x990a418a, 0x98bfbc97, 0x9cb64fc4,
+ 0x9d03b2d9, 0x9fddb5fe, 0x9e6848e3, 0x97ce5358, 0x967bae45,
+ 0x94a5a962, 0x9510547f, 0x9119a72c, 0x90ac5a31, 0x92725d16,
+ 0x93c7a00b},
+ {0x00000000, 0x6e8c1b41, 0xdd183682, 0xb3942dc3, 0x61416b45,
+ 0x0fcd7004, 0xbc595dc7, 0xd2d54686, 0xc282d68a, 0xac0ecdcb,
+ 0x1f9ae008, 0x7116fb49, 0xa3c3bdcf, 0xcd4fa68e, 0x7edb8b4d,
+ 0x1057900c, 0x5e74ab55, 0x30f8b014, 0x836c9dd7, 0xede08696,
+ 0x3f35c010, 0x51b9db51, 0xe22df692, 0x8ca1edd3, 0x9cf67ddf,
+ 0xf27a669e, 0x41ee4b5d, 0x2f62501c, 0xfdb7169a, 0x933b0ddb,
+ 0x20af2018, 0x4e233b59, 0xbce956aa, 0xd2654deb, 0x61f16028,
+ 0x0f7d7b69, 0xdda83def, 0xb32426ae, 0x00b00b6d, 0x6e3c102c,
+ 0x7e6b8020, 0x10e79b61, 0xa373b6a2, 0xcdffade3, 0x1f2aeb65,
+ 0x71a6f024, 0xc232dde7, 0xacbec6a6, 0xe29dfdff, 0x8c11e6be,
+ 0x3f85cb7d, 0x5109d03c, 0x83dc96ba, 0xed508dfb, 0x5ec4a038,
+ 0x3048bb79, 0x201f2b75, 0x4e933034, 0xfd071df7, 0x938b06b6,
+ 0x415e4030, 0x2fd25b71, 0x9c4676b2, 0xf2ca6df3, 0xa2a3ab15,
+ 0xcc2fb054, 0x7fbb9d97, 0x113786d6, 0xc3e2c050, 0xad6edb11,
+ 0x1efaf6d2, 0x7076ed93, 0x60217d9f, 0x0ead66de, 0xbd394b1d,
+ 0xd3b5505c, 0x016016da, 0x6fec0d9b, 0xdc782058, 0xb2f43b19,
+ 0xfcd70040, 0x925b1b01, 0x21cf36c2, 0x4f432d83, 0x9d966b05,
+ 0xf31a7044, 0x408e5d87, 0x2e0246c6, 0x3e55d6ca, 0x50d9cd8b,
+ 0xe34de048, 0x8dc1fb09, 0x5f14bd8f, 0x3198a6ce, 0x820c8b0d,
+ 0xec80904c, 0x1e4afdbf, 0x70c6e6fe, 0xc352cb3d, 0xadded07c,
+ 0x7f0b96fa, 0x11878dbb, 0xa213a078, 0xcc9fbb39, 0xdcc82b35,
+ 0xb2443074, 0x01d01db7, 0x6f5c06f6, 0xbd894070, 0xd3055b31,
+ 0x609176f2, 0x0e1d6db3, 0x403e56ea, 0x2eb24dab, 0x9d266068,
+ 0xf3aa7b29, 0x217f3daf, 0x4ff326ee, 0xfc670b2d, 0x92eb106c,
+ 0x82bc8060, 0xec309b21, 0x5fa4b6e2, 0x3128ada3, 0xe3fdeb25,
+ 0x8d71f064, 0x3ee5dda7, 0x5069c6e6, 0x9e36506b, 0xf0ba4b2a,
+ 0x432e66e9, 0x2da27da8, 0xff773b2e, 0x91fb206f, 0x226f0dac,
+ 0x4ce316ed, 0x5cb486e1, 0x32389da0, 0x81acb063, 0xef20ab22,
+ 0x3df5eda4, 0x5379f6e5, 0xe0eddb26, 0x8e61c067, 0xc042fb3e,
+ 0xaecee07f, 0x1d5acdbc, 0x73d6d6fd, 0xa103907b, 0xcf8f8b3a,
+ 0x7c1ba6f9, 0x1297bdb8, 0x02c02db4, 0x6c4c36f5, 0xdfd81b36,
+ 0xb1540077, 0x638146f1, 0x0d0d5db0, 0xbe997073, 0xd0156b32,
+ 0x22df06c1, 0x4c531d80, 0xffc73043, 0x914b2b02, 0x439e6d84,
+ 0x2d1276c5, 0x9e865b06, 0xf00a4047, 0xe05dd04b, 0x8ed1cb0a,
+ 0x3d45e6c9, 0x53c9fd88, 0x811cbb0e, 0xef90a04f, 0x5c048d8c,
+ 0x328896cd, 0x7cabad94, 0x1227b6d5, 0xa1b39b16, 0xcf3f8057,
+ 0x1deac6d1, 0x7366dd90, 0xc0f2f053, 0xae7eeb12, 0xbe297b1e,
+ 0xd0a5605f, 0x63314d9c, 0x0dbd56dd, 0xdf68105b, 0xb1e40b1a,
+ 0x027026d9, 0x6cfc3d98, 0x3c95fb7e, 0x5219e03f, 0xe18dcdfc,
+ 0x8f01d6bd, 0x5dd4903b, 0x33588b7a, 0x80cca6b9, 0xee40bdf8,
+ 0xfe172df4, 0x909b36b5, 0x230f1b76, 0x4d830037, 0x9f5646b1,
+ 0xf1da5df0, 0x424e7033, 0x2cc26b72, 0x62e1502b, 0x0c6d4b6a,
+ 0xbff966a9, 0xd1757de8, 0x03a03b6e, 0x6d2c202f, 0xdeb80dec,
+ 0xb03416ad, 0xa06386a1, 0xceef9de0, 0x7d7bb023, 0x13f7ab62,
+ 0xc122ede4, 0xafaef6a5, 0x1c3adb66, 0x72b6c027, 0x807cadd4,
+ 0xeef0b695, 0x5d649b56, 0x33e88017, 0xe13dc691, 0x8fb1ddd0,
+ 0x3c25f013, 0x52a9eb52, 0x42fe7b5e, 0x2c72601f, 0x9fe64ddc,
+ 0xf16a569d, 0x23bf101b, 0x4d330b5a, 0xfea72699, 0x902b3dd8,
+ 0xde080681, 0xb0841dc0, 0x03103003, 0x6d9c2b42, 0xbf496dc4,
+ 0xd1c57685, 0x62515b46, 0x0cdd4007, 0x1c8ad00b, 0x7206cb4a,
+ 0xc192e689, 0xaf1efdc8, 0x7dcbbb4e, 0x1347a00f, 0xa0d38dcc,
+ 0xce5f968d},
+ {0x00000000, 0xe71da697, 0x154a4b6f, 0xf257edf8, 0x2a9496de,
+ 0xcd893049, 0x3fdeddb1, 0xd8c37b26, 0x55292dbc, 0xb2348b2b,
+ 0x406366d3, 0xa77ec044, 0x7fbdbb62, 0x98a01df5, 0x6af7f00d,
+ 0x8dea569a, 0xaa525b78, 0x4d4ffdef, 0xbf181017, 0x5805b680,
+ 0x80c6cda6, 0x67db6b31, 0x958c86c9, 0x7291205e, 0xff7b76c4,
+ 0x1866d053, 0xea313dab, 0x0d2c9b3c, 0xd5efe01a, 0x32f2468d,
+ 0xc0a5ab75, 0x27b80de2, 0x8fd5b0b1, 0x68c81626, 0x9a9ffbde,
+ 0x7d825d49, 0xa541266f, 0x425c80f8, 0xb00b6d00, 0x5716cb97,
+ 0xdafc9d0d, 0x3de13b9a, 0xcfb6d662, 0x28ab70f5, 0xf0680bd3,
+ 0x1775ad44, 0xe52240bc, 0x023fe62b, 0x2587ebc9, 0xc29a4d5e,
+ 0x30cda0a6, 0xd7d00631, 0x0f137d17, 0xe80edb80, 0x1a593678,
+ 0xfd4490ef, 0x70aec675, 0x97b360e2, 0x65e48d1a, 0x82f92b8d,
+ 0x5a3a50ab, 0xbd27f63c, 0x4f701bc4, 0xa86dbd53, 0xc4da6723,
+ 0x23c7c1b4, 0xd1902c4c, 0x368d8adb, 0xee4ef1fd, 0x0953576a,
+ 0xfb04ba92, 0x1c191c05, 0x91f34a9f, 0x76eeec08, 0x84b901f0,
+ 0x63a4a767, 0xbb67dc41, 0x5c7a7ad6, 0xae2d972e, 0x493031b9,
+ 0x6e883c5b, 0x89959acc, 0x7bc27734, 0x9cdfd1a3, 0x441caa85,
+ 0xa3010c12, 0x5156e1ea, 0xb64b477d, 0x3ba111e7, 0xdcbcb770,
+ 0x2eeb5a88, 0xc9f6fc1f, 0x11358739, 0xf62821ae, 0x047fcc56,
+ 0xe3626ac1, 0x4b0fd792, 0xac127105, 0x5e459cfd, 0xb9583a6a,
+ 0x619b414c, 0x8686e7db, 0x74d10a23, 0x93ccacb4, 0x1e26fa2e,
+ 0xf93b5cb9, 0x0b6cb141, 0xec7117d6, 0x34b26cf0, 0xd3afca67,
+ 0x21f8279f, 0xc6e58108, 0xe15d8cea, 0x06402a7d, 0xf417c785,
+ 0x130a6112, 0xcbc91a34, 0x2cd4bca3, 0xde83515b, 0x399ef7cc,
+ 0xb474a156, 0x536907c1, 0xa13eea39, 0x46234cae, 0x9ee03788,
+ 0x79fd911f, 0x8baa7ce7, 0x6cb7da70, 0x52c5c807, 0xb5d86e90,
+ 0x478f8368, 0xa09225ff, 0x78515ed9, 0x9f4cf84e, 0x6d1b15b6,
+ 0x8a06b321, 0x07ece5bb, 0xe0f1432c, 0x12a6aed4, 0xf5bb0843,
+ 0x2d787365, 0xca65d5f2, 0x3832380a, 0xdf2f9e9d, 0xf897937f,
+ 0x1f8a35e8, 0xedddd810, 0x0ac07e87, 0xd20305a1, 0x351ea336,
+ 0xc7494ece, 0x2054e859, 0xadbebec3, 0x4aa31854, 0xb8f4f5ac,
+ 0x5fe9533b, 0x872a281d, 0x60378e8a, 0x92606372, 0x757dc5e5,
+ 0xdd1078b6, 0x3a0dde21, 0xc85a33d9, 0x2f47954e, 0xf784ee68,
+ 0x109948ff, 0xe2cea507, 0x05d30390, 0x8839550a, 0x6f24f39d,
+ 0x9d731e65, 0x7a6eb8f2, 0xa2adc3d4, 0x45b06543, 0xb7e788bb,
+ 0x50fa2e2c, 0x774223ce, 0x905f8559, 0x620868a1, 0x8515ce36,
+ 0x5dd6b510, 0xbacb1387, 0x489cfe7f, 0xaf8158e8, 0x226b0e72,
+ 0xc576a8e5, 0x3721451d, 0xd03ce38a, 0x08ff98ac, 0xefe23e3b,
+ 0x1db5d3c3, 0xfaa87554, 0x961faf24, 0x710209b3, 0x8355e44b,
+ 0x644842dc, 0xbc8b39fa, 0x5b969f6d, 0xa9c17295, 0x4edcd402,
+ 0xc3368298, 0x242b240f, 0xd67cc9f7, 0x31616f60, 0xe9a21446,
+ 0x0ebfb2d1, 0xfce85f29, 0x1bf5f9be, 0x3c4df45c, 0xdb5052cb,
+ 0x2907bf33, 0xce1a19a4, 0x16d96282, 0xf1c4c415, 0x039329ed,
+ 0xe48e8f7a, 0x6964d9e0, 0x8e797f77, 0x7c2e928f, 0x9b333418,
+ 0x43f04f3e, 0xa4ede9a9, 0x56ba0451, 0xb1a7a2c6, 0x19ca1f95,
+ 0xfed7b902, 0x0c8054fa, 0xeb9df26d, 0x335e894b, 0xd4432fdc,
+ 0x2614c224, 0xc10964b3, 0x4ce33229, 0xabfe94be, 0x59a97946,
+ 0xbeb4dfd1, 0x6677a4f7, 0x816a0260, 0x733def98, 0x9420490f,
+ 0xb39844ed, 0x5485e27a, 0xa6d20f82, 0x41cfa915, 0x990cd233,
+ 0x7e1174a4, 0x8c46995c, 0x6b5b3fcb, 0xe6b16951, 0x01accfc6,
+ 0xf3fb223e, 0x14e684a9, 0xcc25ff8f, 0x2b385918, 0xd96fb4e0,
+ 0x3e721277},
+ {0x00000000, 0xa58b900e, 0x9066265d, 0x35edb653, 0xfbbd4afb,
+ 0x5e36daf5, 0x6bdb6ca6, 0xce50fca8, 0x2c0b93b7, 0x898003b9,
+ 0xbc6db5ea, 0x19e625e4, 0xd7b6d94c, 0x723d4942, 0x47d0ff11,
+ 0xe25b6f1f, 0x5817276e, 0xfd9cb760, 0xc8710133, 0x6dfa913d,
+ 0xa3aa6d95, 0x0621fd9b, 0x33cc4bc8, 0x9647dbc6, 0x741cb4d9,
+ 0xd19724d7, 0xe47a9284, 0x41f1028a, 0x8fa1fe22, 0x2a2a6e2c,
+ 0x1fc7d87f, 0xba4c4871, 0xb02e4edc, 0x15a5ded2, 0x20486881,
+ 0x85c3f88f, 0x4b930427, 0xee189429, 0xdbf5227a, 0x7e7eb274,
+ 0x9c25dd6b, 0x39ae4d65, 0x0c43fb36, 0xa9c86b38, 0x67989790,
+ 0xc213079e, 0xf7feb1cd, 0x527521c3, 0xe83969b2, 0x4db2f9bc,
+ 0x785f4fef, 0xddd4dfe1, 0x13842349, 0xb60fb347, 0x83e20514,
+ 0x2669951a, 0xc432fa05, 0x61b96a0b, 0x5454dc58, 0xf1df4c56,
+ 0x3f8fb0fe, 0x9a0420f0, 0xafe996a3, 0x0a6206ad, 0xbb2d9bf9,
+ 0x1ea60bf7, 0x2b4bbda4, 0x8ec02daa, 0x4090d102, 0xe51b410c,
+ 0xd0f6f75f, 0x757d6751, 0x9726084e, 0x32ad9840, 0x07402e13,
+ 0xa2cbbe1d, 0x6c9b42b5, 0xc910d2bb, 0xfcfd64e8, 0x5976f4e6,
+ 0xe33abc97, 0x46b12c99, 0x735c9aca, 0xd6d70ac4, 0x1887f66c,
+ 0xbd0c6662, 0x88e1d031, 0x2d6a403f, 0xcf312f20, 0x6ababf2e,
+ 0x5f57097d, 0xfadc9973, 0x348c65db, 0x9107f5d5, 0xa4ea4386,
+ 0x0161d388, 0x0b03d525, 0xae88452b, 0x9b65f378, 0x3eee6376,
+ 0xf0be9fde, 0x55350fd0, 0x60d8b983, 0xc553298d, 0x27084692,
+ 0x8283d69c, 0xb76e60cf, 0x12e5f0c1, 0xdcb50c69, 0x793e9c67,
+ 0x4cd32a34, 0xe958ba3a, 0x5314f24b, 0xf69f6245, 0xc372d416,
+ 0x66f94418, 0xa8a9b8b0, 0x0d2228be, 0x38cf9eed, 0x9d440ee3,
+ 0x7f1f61fc, 0xda94f1f2, 0xef7947a1, 0x4af2d7af, 0x84a22b07,
+ 0x2129bb09, 0x14c40d5a, 0xb14f9d54, 0xad2a31b3, 0x08a1a1bd,
+ 0x3d4c17ee, 0x98c787e0, 0x56977b48, 0xf31ceb46, 0xc6f15d15,
+ 0x637acd1b, 0x8121a204, 0x24aa320a, 0x11478459, 0xb4cc1457,
+ 0x7a9ce8ff, 0xdf1778f1, 0xeafacea2, 0x4f715eac, 0xf53d16dd,
+ 0x50b686d3, 0x655b3080, 0xc0d0a08e, 0x0e805c26, 0xab0bcc28,
+ 0x9ee67a7b, 0x3b6dea75, 0xd936856a, 0x7cbd1564, 0x4950a337,
+ 0xecdb3339, 0x228bcf91, 0x87005f9f, 0xb2ede9cc, 0x176679c2,
+ 0x1d047f6f, 0xb88fef61, 0x8d625932, 0x28e9c93c, 0xe6b93594,
+ 0x4332a59a, 0x76df13c9, 0xd35483c7, 0x310fecd8, 0x94847cd6,
+ 0xa169ca85, 0x04e25a8b, 0xcab2a623, 0x6f39362d, 0x5ad4807e,
+ 0xff5f1070, 0x45135801, 0xe098c80f, 0xd5757e5c, 0x70feee52,
+ 0xbeae12fa, 0x1b2582f4, 0x2ec834a7, 0x8b43a4a9, 0x6918cbb6,
+ 0xcc935bb8, 0xf97eedeb, 0x5cf57de5, 0x92a5814d, 0x372e1143,
+ 0x02c3a710, 0xa748371e, 0x1607aa4a, 0xb38c3a44, 0x86618c17,
+ 0x23ea1c19, 0xedbae0b1, 0x483170bf, 0x7ddcc6ec, 0xd85756e2,
+ 0x3a0c39fd, 0x9f87a9f3, 0xaa6a1fa0, 0x0fe18fae, 0xc1b17306,
+ 0x643ae308, 0x51d7555b, 0xf45cc555, 0x4e108d24, 0xeb9b1d2a,
+ 0xde76ab79, 0x7bfd3b77, 0xb5adc7df, 0x102657d1, 0x25cbe182,
+ 0x8040718c, 0x621b1e93, 0xc7908e9d, 0xf27d38ce, 0x57f6a8c0,
+ 0x99a65468, 0x3c2dc466, 0x09c07235, 0xac4be23b, 0xa629e496,
+ 0x03a27498, 0x364fc2cb, 0x93c452c5, 0x5d94ae6d, 0xf81f3e63,
+ 0xcdf28830, 0x6879183e, 0x8a227721, 0x2fa9e72f, 0x1a44517c,
+ 0xbfcfc172, 0x719f3dda, 0xd414add4, 0xe1f91b87, 0x44728b89,
+ 0xfe3ec3f8, 0x5bb553f6, 0x6e58e5a5, 0xcbd375ab, 0x05838903,
+ 0xa008190d, 0x95e5af5e, 0x306e3f50, 0xd235504f, 0x77bec041,
+ 0x42537612, 0xe7d8e61c, 0x29881ab4, 0x8c038aba, 0xb9ee3ce9,
+ 0x1c65ace7}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x0e908ba500000000, 0x5d26669000000000,
+ 0x53b6ed3500000000, 0xfb4abdfb00000000, 0xf5da365e00000000,
+ 0xa66cdb6b00000000, 0xa8fc50ce00000000, 0xb7930b2c00000000,
+ 0xb903808900000000, 0xeab56dbc00000000, 0xe425e61900000000,
+ 0x4cd9b6d700000000, 0x42493d7200000000, 0x11ffd04700000000,
+ 0x1f6f5be200000000, 0x6e27175800000000, 0x60b79cfd00000000,
+ 0x330171c800000000, 0x3d91fa6d00000000, 0x956daaa300000000,
+ 0x9bfd210600000000, 0xc84bcc3300000000, 0xc6db479600000000,
+ 0xd9b41c7400000000, 0xd72497d100000000, 0x84927ae400000000,
+ 0x8a02f14100000000, 0x22fea18f00000000, 0x2c6e2a2a00000000,
+ 0x7fd8c71f00000000, 0x71484cba00000000, 0xdc4e2eb000000000,
+ 0xd2dea51500000000, 0x8168482000000000, 0x8ff8c38500000000,
+ 0x2704934b00000000, 0x299418ee00000000, 0x7a22f5db00000000,
+ 0x74b27e7e00000000, 0x6bdd259c00000000, 0x654dae3900000000,
+ 0x36fb430c00000000, 0x386bc8a900000000, 0x9097986700000000,
+ 0x9e0713c200000000, 0xcdb1fef700000000, 0xc321755200000000,
+ 0xb26939e800000000, 0xbcf9b24d00000000, 0xef4f5f7800000000,
+ 0xe1dfd4dd00000000, 0x4923841300000000, 0x47b30fb600000000,
+ 0x1405e28300000000, 0x1a95692600000000, 0x05fa32c400000000,
+ 0x0b6ab96100000000, 0x58dc545400000000, 0x564cdff100000000,
+ 0xfeb08f3f00000000, 0xf020049a00000000, 0xa396e9af00000000,
+ 0xad06620a00000000, 0xf99b2dbb00000000, 0xf70ba61e00000000,
+ 0xa4bd4b2b00000000, 0xaa2dc08e00000000, 0x02d1904000000000,
+ 0x0c411be500000000, 0x5ff7f6d000000000, 0x51677d7500000000,
+ 0x4e08269700000000, 0x4098ad3200000000, 0x132e400700000000,
+ 0x1dbecba200000000, 0xb5429b6c00000000, 0xbbd210c900000000,
+ 0xe864fdfc00000000, 0xe6f4765900000000, 0x97bc3ae300000000,
+ 0x992cb14600000000, 0xca9a5c7300000000, 0xc40ad7d600000000,
+ 0x6cf6871800000000, 0x62660cbd00000000, 0x31d0e18800000000,
+ 0x3f406a2d00000000, 0x202f31cf00000000, 0x2ebfba6a00000000,
+ 0x7d09575f00000000, 0x7399dcfa00000000, 0xdb658c3400000000,
+ 0xd5f5079100000000, 0x8643eaa400000000, 0x88d3610100000000,
+ 0x25d5030b00000000, 0x2b4588ae00000000, 0x78f3659b00000000,
+ 0x7663ee3e00000000, 0xde9fbef000000000, 0xd00f355500000000,
+ 0x83b9d86000000000, 0x8d2953c500000000, 0x9246082700000000,
+ 0x9cd6838200000000, 0xcf606eb700000000, 0xc1f0e51200000000,
+ 0x690cb5dc00000000, 0x679c3e7900000000, 0x342ad34c00000000,
+ 0x3aba58e900000000, 0x4bf2145300000000, 0x45629ff600000000,
+ 0x16d472c300000000, 0x1844f96600000000, 0xb0b8a9a800000000,
+ 0xbe28220d00000000, 0xed9ecf3800000000, 0xe30e449d00000000,
+ 0xfc611f7f00000000, 0xf2f194da00000000, 0xa14779ef00000000,
+ 0xafd7f24a00000000, 0x072ba28400000000, 0x09bb292100000000,
+ 0x5a0dc41400000000, 0x549d4fb100000000, 0xb3312aad00000000,
+ 0xbda1a10800000000, 0xee174c3d00000000, 0xe087c79800000000,
+ 0x487b975600000000, 0x46eb1cf300000000, 0x155df1c600000000,
+ 0x1bcd7a6300000000, 0x04a2218100000000, 0x0a32aa2400000000,
+ 0x5984471100000000, 0x5714ccb400000000, 0xffe89c7a00000000,
+ 0xf17817df00000000, 0xa2cefaea00000000, 0xac5e714f00000000,
+ 0xdd163df500000000, 0xd386b65000000000, 0x80305b6500000000,
+ 0x8ea0d0c000000000, 0x265c800e00000000, 0x28cc0bab00000000,
+ 0x7b7ae69e00000000, 0x75ea6d3b00000000, 0x6a8536d900000000,
+ 0x6415bd7c00000000, 0x37a3504900000000, 0x3933dbec00000000,
+ 0x91cf8b2200000000, 0x9f5f008700000000, 0xcce9edb200000000,
+ 0xc279661700000000, 0x6f7f041d00000000, 0x61ef8fb800000000,
+ 0x3259628d00000000, 0x3cc9e92800000000, 0x9435b9e600000000,
+ 0x9aa5324300000000, 0xc913df7600000000, 0xc78354d300000000,
+ 0xd8ec0f3100000000, 0xd67c849400000000, 0x85ca69a100000000,
+ 0x8b5ae20400000000, 0x23a6b2ca00000000, 0x2d36396f00000000,
+ 0x7e80d45a00000000, 0x70105fff00000000, 0x0158134500000000,
+ 0x0fc898e000000000, 0x5c7e75d500000000, 0x52eefe7000000000,
+ 0xfa12aebe00000000, 0xf482251b00000000, 0xa734c82e00000000,
+ 0xa9a4438b00000000, 0xb6cb186900000000, 0xb85b93cc00000000,
+ 0xebed7ef900000000, 0xe57df55c00000000, 0x4d81a59200000000,
+ 0x43112e3700000000, 0x10a7c30200000000, 0x1e3748a700000000,
+ 0x4aaa071600000000, 0x443a8cb300000000, 0x178c618600000000,
+ 0x191cea2300000000, 0xb1e0baed00000000, 0xbf70314800000000,
+ 0xecc6dc7d00000000, 0xe25657d800000000, 0xfd390c3a00000000,
+ 0xf3a9879f00000000, 0xa01f6aaa00000000, 0xae8fe10f00000000,
+ 0x0673b1c100000000, 0x08e33a6400000000, 0x5b55d75100000000,
+ 0x55c55cf400000000, 0x248d104e00000000, 0x2a1d9beb00000000,
+ 0x79ab76de00000000, 0x773bfd7b00000000, 0xdfc7adb500000000,
+ 0xd157261000000000, 0x82e1cb2500000000, 0x8c71408000000000,
+ 0x931e1b6200000000, 0x9d8e90c700000000, 0xce387df200000000,
+ 0xc0a8f65700000000, 0x6854a69900000000, 0x66c42d3c00000000,
+ 0x3572c00900000000, 0x3be24bac00000000, 0x96e429a600000000,
+ 0x9874a20300000000, 0xcbc24f3600000000, 0xc552c49300000000,
+ 0x6dae945d00000000, 0x633e1ff800000000, 0x3088f2cd00000000,
+ 0x3e18796800000000, 0x2177228a00000000, 0x2fe7a92f00000000,
+ 0x7c51441a00000000, 0x72c1cfbf00000000, 0xda3d9f7100000000,
+ 0xd4ad14d400000000, 0x871bf9e100000000, 0x898b724400000000,
+ 0xf8c33efe00000000, 0xf653b55b00000000, 0xa5e5586e00000000,
+ 0xab75d3cb00000000, 0x0389830500000000, 0x0d1908a000000000,
+ 0x5eafe59500000000, 0x503f6e3000000000, 0x4f5035d200000000,
+ 0x41c0be7700000000, 0x1276534200000000, 0x1ce6d8e700000000,
+ 0xb41a882900000000, 0xba8a038c00000000, 0xe93ceeb900000000,
+ 0xe7ac651c00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x97a61de700000000, 0x6f4b4a1500000000,
+ 0xf8ed57f200000000, 0xde96942a00000000, 0x493089cd00000000,
+ 0xb1ddde3f00000000, 0x267bc3d800000000, 0xbc2d295500000000,
+ 0x2b8b34b200000000, 0xd366634000000000, 0x44c07ea700000000,
+ 0x62bbbd7f00000000, 0xf51da09800000000, 0x0df0f76a00000000,
+ 0x9a56ea8d00000000, 0x785b52aa00000000, 0xeffd4f4d00000000,
+ 0x171018bf00000000, 0x80b6055800000000, 0xa6cdc68000000000,
+ 0x316bdb6700000000, 0xc9868c9500000000, 0x5e20917200000000,
+ 0xc4767bff00000000, 0x53d0661800000000, 0xab3d31ea00000000,
+ 0x3c9b2c0d00000000, 0x1ae0efd500000000, 0x8d46f23200000000,
+ 0x75aba5c000000000, 0xe20db82700000000, 0xb1b0d58f00000000,
+ 0x2616c86800000000, 0xdefb9f9a00000000, 0x495d827d00000000,
+ 0x6f2641a500000000, 0xf8805c4200000000, 0x006d0bb000000000,
+ 0x97cb165700000000, 0x0d9dfcda00000000, 0x9a3be13d00000000,
+ 0x62d6b6cf00000000, 0xf570ab2800000000, 0xd30b68f000000000,
+ 0x44ad751700000000, 0xbc4022e500000000, 0x2be63f0200000000,
+ 0xc9eb872500000000, 0x5e4d9ac200000000, 0xa6a0cd3000000000,
+ 0x3106d0d700000000, 0x177d130f00000000, 0x80db0ee800000000,
+ 0x7836591a00000000, 0xef9044fd00000000, 0x75c6ae7000000000,
+ 0xe260b39700000000, 0x1a8de46500000000, 0x8d2bf98200000000,
+ 0xab503a5a00000000, 0x3cf627bd00000000, 0xc41b704f00000000,
+ 0x53bd6da800000000, 0x2367dac400000000, 0xb4c1c72300000000,
+ 0x4c2c90d100000000, 0xdb8a8d3600000000, 0xfdf14eee00000000,
+ 0x6a57530900000000, 0x92ba04fb00000000, 0x051c191c00000000,
+ 0x9f4af39100000000, 0x08ecee7600000000, 0xf001b98400000000,
+ 0x67a7a46300000000, 0x41dc67bb00000000, 0xd67a7a5c00000000,
+ 0x2e972dae00000000, 0xb931304900000000, 0x5b3c886e00000000,
+ 0xcc9a958900000000, 0x3477c27b00000000, 0xa3d1df9c00000000,
+ 0x85aa1c4400000000, 0x120c01a300000000, 0xeae1565100000000,
+ 0x7d474bb600000000, 0xe711a13b00000000, 0x70b7bcdc00000000,
+ 0x885aeb2e00000000, 0x1ffcf6c900000000, 0x3987351100000000,
+ 0xae2128f600000000, 0x56cc7f0400000000, 0xc16a62e300000000,
+ 0x92d70f4b00000000, 0x057112ac00000000, 0xfd9c455e00000000,
+ 0x6a3a58b900000000, 0x4c419b6100000000, 0xdbe7868600000000,
+ 0x230ad17400000000, 0xb4accc9300000000, 0x2efa261e00000000,
+ 0xb95c3bf900000000, 0x41b16c0b00000000, 0xd61771ec00000000,
+ 0xf06cb23400000000, 0x67caafd300000000, 0x9f27f82100000000,
+ 0x0881e5c600000000, 0xea8c5de100000000, 0x7d2a400600000000,
+ 0x85c717f400000000, 0x12610a1300000000, 0x341ac9cb00000000,
+ 0xa3bcd42c00000000, 0x5b5183de00000000, 0xccf79e3900000000,
+ 0x56a174b400000000, 0xc107695300000000, 0x39ea3ea100000000,
+ 0xae4c234600000000, 0x8837e09e00000000, 0x1f91fd7900000000,
+ 0xe77caa8b00000000, 0x70dab76c00000000, 0x07c8c55200000000,
+ 0x906ed8b500000000, 0x68838f4700000000, 0xff2592a000000000,
+ 0xd95e517800000000, 0x4ef84c9f00000000, 0xb6151b6d00000000,
+ 0x21b3068a00000000, 0xbbe5ec0700000000, 0x2c43f1e000000000,
+ 0xd4aea61200000000, 0x4308bbf500000000, 0x6573782d00000000,
+ 0xf2d565ca00000000, 0x0a38323800000000, 0x9d9e2fdf00000000,
+ 0x7f9397f800000000, 0xe8358a1f00000000, 0x10d8dded00000000,
+ 0x877ec00a00000000, 0xa10503d200000000, 0x36a31e3500000000,
+ 0xce4e49c700000000, 0x59e8542000000000, 0xc3bebead00000000,
+ 0x5418a34a00000000, 0xacf5f4b800000000, 0x3b53e95f00000000,
+ 0x1d282a8700000000, 0x8a8e376000000000, 0x7263609200000000,
+ 0xe5c57d7500000000, 0xb67810dd00000000, 0x21de0d3a00000000,
+ 0xd9335ac800000000, 0x4e95472f00000000, 0x68ee84f700000000,
+ 0xff48991000000000, 0x07a5cee200000000, 0x9003d30500000000,
+ 0x0a55398800000000, 0x9df3246f00000000, 0x651e739d00000000,
+ 0xf2b86e7a00000000, 0xd4c3ada200000000, 0x4365b04500000000,
+ 0xbb88e7b700000000, 0x2c2efa5000000000, 0xce23427700000000,
+ 0x59855f9000000000, 0xa168086200000000, 0x36ce158500000000,
+ 0x10b5d65d00000000, 0x8713cbba00000000, 0x7ffe9c4800000000,
+ 0xe85881af00000000, 0x720e6b2200000000, 0xe5a876c500000000,
+ 0x1d45213700000000, 0x8ae33cd000000000, 0xac98ff0800000000,
+ 0x3b3ee2ef00000000, 0xc3d3b51d00000000, 0x5475a8fa00000000,
+ 0x24af1f9600000000, 0xb309027100000000, 0x4be4558300000000,
+ 0xdc42486400000000, 0xfa398bbc00000000, 0x6d9f965b00000000,
+ 0x9572c1a900000000, 0x02d4dc4e00000000, 0x988236c300000000,
+ 0x0f242b2400000000, 0xf7c97cd600000000, 0x606f613100000000,
+ 0x4614a2e900000000, 0xd1b2bf0e00000000, 0x295fe8fc00000000,
+ 0xbef9f51b00000000, 0x5cf44d3c00000000, 0xcb5250db00000000,
+ 0x33bf072900000000, 0xa4191ace00000000, 0x8262d91600000000,
+ 0x15c4c4f100000000, 0xed29930300000000, 0x7a8f8ee400000000,
+ 0xe0d9646900000000, 0x777f798e00000000, 0x8f922e7c00000000,
+ 0x1834339b00000000, 0x3e4ff04300000000, 0xa9e9eda400000000,
+ 0x5104ba5600000000, 0xc6a2a7b100000000, 0x951fca1900000000,
+ 0x02b9d7fe00000000, 0xfa54800c00000000, 0x6df29deb00000000,
+ 0x4b895e3300000000, 0xdc2f43d400000000, 0x24c2142600000000,
+ 0xb36409c100000000, 0x2932e34c00000000, 0xbe94feab00000000,
+ 0x4679a95900000000, 0xd1dfb4be00000000, 0xf7a4776600000000,
+ 0x60026a8100000000, 0x98ef3d7300000000, 0x0f49209400000000,
+ 0xed4498b300000000, 0x7ae2855400000000, 0x820fd2a600000000,
+ 0x15a9cf4100000000, 0x33d20c9900000000, 0xa474117e00000000,
+ 0x5c99468c00000000, 0xcb3f5b6b00000000, 0x5169b1e600000000,
+ 0xc6cfac0100000000, 0x3e22fbf300000000, 0xa984e61400000000,
+ 0x8fff25cc00000000, 0x1859382b00000000, 0xe0b46fd900000000,
+ 0x7712723e00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x411b8c6e00000000, 0x823618dd00000000,
+ 0xc32d94b300000000, 0x456b416100000000, 0x0470cd0f00000000,
+ 0xc75d59bc00000000, 0x8646d5d200000000, 0x8ad682c200000000,
+ 0xcbcd0eac00000000, 0x08e09a1f00000000, 0x49fb167100000000,
+ 0xcfbdc3a300000000, 0x8ea64fcd00000000, 0x4d8bdb7e00000000,
+ 0x0c90571000000000, 0x55ab745e00000000, 0x14b0f83000000000,
+ 0xd79d6c8300000000, 0x9686e0ed00000000, 0x10c0353f00000000,
+ 0x51dbb95100000000, 0x92f62de200000000, 0xd3eda18c00000000,
+ 0xdf7df69c00000000, 0x9e667af200000000, 0x5d4bee4100000000,
+ 0x1c50622f00000000, 0x9a16b7fd00000000, 0xdb0d3b9300000000,
+ 0x1820af2000000000, 0x593b234e00000000, 0xaa56e9bc00000000,
+ 0xeb4d65d200000000, 0x2860f16100000000, 0x697b7d0f00000000,
+ 0xef3da8dd00000000, 0xae2624b300000000, 0x6d0bb00000000000,
+ 0x2c103c6e00000000, 0x20806b7e00000000, 0x619be71000000000,
+ 0xa2b673a300000000, 0xe3adffcd00000000, 0x65eb2a1f00000000,
+ 0x24f0a67100000000, 0xe7dd32c200000000, 0xa6c6beac00000000,
+ 0xfffd9de200000000, 0xbee6118c00000000, 0x7dcb853f00000000,
+ 0x3cd0095100000000, 0xba96dc8300000000, 0xfb8d50ed00000000,
+ 0x38a0c45e00000000, 0x79bb483000000000, 0x752b1f2000000000,
+ 0x3430934e00000000, 0xf71d07fd00000000, 0xb6068b9300000000,
+ 0x30405e4100000000, 0x715bd22f00000000, 0xb276469c00000000,
+ 0xf36dcaf200000000, 0x15aba3a200000000, 0x54b02fcc00000000,
+ 0x979dbb7f00000000, 0xd686371100000000, 0x50c0e2c300000000,
+ 0x11db6ead00000000, 0xd2f6fa1e00000000, 0x93ed767000000000,
+ 0x9f7d216000000000, 0xde66ad0e00000000, 0x1d4b39bd00000000,
+ 0x5c50b5d300000000, 0xda16600100000000, 0x9b0dec6f00000000,
+ 0x582078dc00000000, 0x193bf4b200000000, 0x4000d7fc00000000,
+ 0x011b5b9200000000, 0xc236cf2100000000, 0x832d434f00000000,
+ 0x056b969d00000000, 0x44701af300000000, 0x875d8e4000000000,
+ 0xc646022e00000000, 0xcad6553e00000000, 0x8bcdd95000000000,
+ 0x48e04de300000000, 0x09fbc18d00000000, 0x8fbd145f00000000,
+ 0xcea6983100000000, 0x0d8b0c8200000000, 0x4c9080ec00000000,
+ 0xbffd4a1e00000000, 0xfee6c67000000000, 0x3dcb52c300000000,
+ 0x7cd0dead00000000, 0xfa960b7f00000000, 0xbb8d871100000000,
+ 0x78a013a200000000, 0x39bb9fcc00000000, 0x352bc8dc00000000,
+ 0x743044b200000000, 0xb71dd00100000000, 0xf6065c6f00000000,
+ 0x704089bd00000000, 0x315b05d300000000, 0xf276916000000000,
+ 0xb36d1d0e00000000, 0xea563e4000000000, 0xab4db22e00000000,
+ 0x6860269d00000000, 0x297baaf300000000, 0xaf3d7f2100000000,
+ 0xee26f34f00000000, 0x2d0b67fc00000000, 0x6c10eb9200000000,
+ 0x6080bc8200000000, 0x219b30ec00000000, 0xe2b6a45f00000000,
+ 0xa3ad283100000000, 0x25ebfde300000000, 0x64f0718d00000000,
+ 0xa7dde53e00000000, 0xe6c6695000000000, 0x6b50369e00000000,
+ 0x2a4bbaf000000000, 0xe9662e4300000000, 0xa87da22d00000000,
+ 0x2e3b77ff00000000, 0x6f20fb9100000000, 0xac0d6f2200000000,
+ 0xed16e34c00000000, 0xe186b45c00000000, 0xa09d383200000000,
+ 0x63b0ac8100000000, 0x22ab20ef00000000, 0xa4edf53d00000000,
+ 0xe5f6795300000000, 0x26dbede000000000, 0x67c0618e00000000,
+ 0x3efb42c000000000, 0x7fe0ceae00000000, 0xbccd5a1d00000000,
+ 0xfdd6d67300000000, 0x7b9003a100000000, 0x3a8b8fcf00000000,
+ 0xf9a61b7c00000000, 0xb8bd971200000000, 0xb42dc00200000000,
+ 0xf5364c6c00000000, 0x361bd8df00000000, 0x770054b100000000,
+ 0xf146816300000000, 0xb05d0d0d00000000, 0x737099be00000000,
+ 0x326b15d000000000, 0xc106df2200000000, 0x801d534c00000000,
+ 0x4330c7ff00000000, 0x022b4b9100000000, 0x846d9e4300000000,
+ 0xc576122d00000000, 0x065b869e00000000, 0x47400af000000000,
+ 0x4bd05de000000000, 0x0acbd18e00000000, 0xc9e6453d00000000,
+ 0x88fdc95300000000, 0x0ebb1c8100000000, 0x4fa090ef00000000,
+ 0x8c8d045c00000000, 0xcd96883200000000, 0x94adab7c00000000,
+ 0xd5b6271200000000, 0x169bb3a100000000, 0x57803fcf00000000,
+ 0xd1c6ea1d00000000, 0x90dd667300000000, 0x53f0f2c000000000,
+ 0x12eb7eae00000000, 0x1e7b29be00000000, 0x5f60a5d000000000,
+ 0x9c4d316300000000, 0xdd56bd0d00000000, 0x5b1068df00000000,
+ 0x1a0be4b100000000, 0xd926700200000000, 0x983dfc6c00000000,
+ 0x7efb953c00000000, 0x3fe0195200000000, 0xfccd8de100000000,
+ 0xbdd6018f00000000, 0x3b90d45d00000000, 0x7a8b583300000000,
+ 0xb9a6cc8000000000, 0xf8bd40ee00000000, 0xf42d17fe00000000,
+ 0xb5369b9000000000, 0x761b0f2300000000, 0x3700834d00000000,
+ 0xb146569f00000000, 0xf05ddaf100000000, 0x33704e4200000000,
+ 0x726bc22c00000000, 0x2b50e16200000000, 0x6a4b6d0c00000000,
+ 0xa966f9bf00000000, 0xe87d75d100000000, 0x6e3ba00300000000,
+ 0x2f202c6d00000000, 0xec0db8de00000000, 0xad1634b000000000,
+ 0xa18663a000000000, 0xe09defce00000000, 0x23b07b7d00000000,
+ 0x62abf71300000000, 0xe4ed22c100000000, 0xa5f6aeaf00000000,
+ 0x66db3a1c00000000, 0x27c0b67200000000, 0xd4ad7c8000000000,
+ 0x95b6f0ee00000000, 0x569b645d00000000, 0x1780e83300000000,
+ 0x91c63de100000000, 0xd0ddb18f00000000, 0x13f0253c00000000,
+ 0x52eba95200000000, 0x5e7bfe4200000000, 0x1f60722c00000000,
+ 0xdc4de69f00000000, 0x9d566af100000000, 0x1b10bf2300000000,
+ 0x5a0b334d00000000, 0x9926a7fe00000000, 0xd83d2b9000000000,
+ 0x810608de00000000, 0xc01d84b000000000, 0x0330100300000000,
+ 0x422b9c6d00000000, 0xc46d49bf00000000, 0x8576c5d100000000,
+ 0x465b516200000000, 0x0740dd0c00000000, 0x0bd08a1c00000000,
+ 0x4acb067200000000, 0x89e692c100000000, 0xc8fd1eaf00000000,
+ 0x4ebbcb7d00000000, 0x0fa0471300000000, 0xcc8dd3a000000000,
+ 0x8d965fce00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x1dfdb50100000000, 0x3afa6b0300000000,
+ 0x2707de0200000000, 0x74f4d70600000000, 0x6909620700000000,
+ 0x4e0ebc0500000000, 0x53f3090400000000, 0xe8e8af0d00000000,
+ 0xf5151a0c00000000, 0xd212c40e00000000, 0xcfef710f00000000,
+ 0x9c1c780b00000000, 0x81e1cd0a00000000, 0xa6e6130800000000,
+ 0xbb1ba60900000000, 0xd0d15f1b00000000, 0xcd2cea1a00000000,
+ 0xea2b341800000000, 0xf7d6811900000000, 0xa425881d00000000,
+ 0xb9d83d1c00000000, 0x9edfe31e00000000, 0x8322561f00000000,
+ 0x3839f01600000000, 0x25c4451700000000, 0x02c39b1500000000,
+ 0x1f3e2e1400000000, 0x4ccd271000000000, 0x5130921100000000,
+ 0x76374c1300000000, 0x6bcaf91200000000, 0xa0a3bf3600000000,
+ 0xbd5e0a3700000000, 0x9a59d43500000000, 0x87a4613400000000,
+ 0xd457683000000000, 0xc9aadd3100000000, 0xeead033300000000,
+ 0xf350b63200000000, 0x484b103b00000000, 0x55b6a53a00000000,
+ 0x72b17b3800000000, 0x6f4cce3900000000, 0x3cbfc73d00000000,
+ 0x2142723c00000000, 0x0645ac3e00000000, 0x1bb8193f00000000,
+ 0x7072e02d00000000, 0x6d8f552c00000000, 0x4a888b2e00000000,
+ 0x57753e2f00000000, 0x0486372b00000000, 0x197b822a00000000,
+ 0x3e7c5c2800000000, 0x2381e92900000000, 0x989a4f2000000000,
+ 0x8567fa2100000000, 0xa260242300000000, 0xbf9d912200000000,
+ 0xec6e982600000000, 0xf1932d2700000000, 0xd694f32500000000,
+ 0xcb69462400000000, 0x40477f6d00000000, 0x5dbaca6c00000000,
+ 0x7abd146e00000000, 0x6740a16f00000000, 0x34b3a86b00000000,
+ 0x294e1d6a00000000, 0x0e49c36800000000, 0x13b4766900000000,
+ 0xa8afd06000000000, 0xb552656100000000, 0x9255bb6300000000,
+ 0x8fa80e6200000000, 0xdc5b076600000000, 0xc1a6b26700000000,
+ 0xe6a16c6500000000, 0xfb5cd96400000000, 0x9096207600000000,
+ 0x8d6b957700000000, 0xaa6c4b7500000000, 0xb791fe7400000000,
+ 0xe462f77000000000, 0xf99f427100000000, 0xde989c7300000000,
+ 0xc365297200000000, 0x787e8f7b00000000, 0x65833a7a00000000,
+ 0x4284e47800000000, 0x5f79517900000000, 0x0c8a587d00000000,
+ 0x1177ed7c00000000, 0x3670337e00000000, 0x2b8d867f00000000,
+ 0xe0e4c05b00000000, 0xfd19755a00000000, 0xda1eab5800000000,
+ 0xc7e31e5900000000, 0x9410175d00000000, 0x89eda25c00000000,
+ 0xaeea7c5e00000000, 0xb317c95f00000000, 0x080c6f5600000000,
+ 0x15f1da5700000000, 0x32f6045500000000, 0x2f0bb15400000000,
+ 0x7cf8b85000000000, 0x61050d5100000000, 0x4602d35300000000,
+ 0x5bff665200000000, 0x30359f4000000000, 0x2dc82a4100000000,
+ 0x0acff44300000000, 0x1732414200000000, 0x44c1484600000000,
+ 0x593cfd4700000000, 0x7e3b234500000000, 0x63c6964400000000,
+ 0xd8dd304d00000000, 0xc520854c00000000, 0xe2275b4e00000000,
+ 0xffdaee4f00000000, 0xac29e74b00000000, 0xb1d4524a00000000,
+ 0x96d38c4800000000, 0x8b2e394900000000, 0x808efeda00000000,
+ 0x9d734bdb00000000, 0xba7495d900000000, 0xa78920d800000000,
+ 0xf47a29dc00000000, 0xe9879cdd00000000, 0xce8042df00000000,
+ 0xd37df7de00000000, 0x686651d700000000, 0x759be4d600000000,
+ 0x529c3ad400000000, 0x4f618fd500000000, 0x1c9286d100000000,
+ 0x016f33d000000000, 0x2668edd200000000, 0x3b9558d300000000,
+ 0x505fa1c100000000, 0x4da214c000000000, 0x6aa5cac200000000,
+ 0x77587fc300000000, 0x24ab76c700000000, 0x3956c3c600000000,
+ 0x1e511dc400000000, 0x03aca8c500000000, 0xb8b70ecc00000000,
+ 0xa54abbcd00000000, 0x824d65cf00000000, 0x9fb0d0ce00000000,
+ 0xcc43d9ca00000000, 0xd1be6ccb00000000, 0xf6b9b2c900000000,
+ 0xeb4407c800000000, 0x202d41ec00000000, 0x3dd0f4ed00000000,
+ 0x1ad72aef00000000, 0x072a9fee00000000, 0x54d996ea00000000,
+ 0x492423eb00000000, 0x6e23fde900000000, 0x73de48e800000000,
+ 0xc8c5eee100000000, 0xd5385be000000000, 0xf23f85e200000000,
+ 0xefc230e300000000, 0xbc3139e700000000, 0xa1cc8ce600000000,
+ 0x86cb52e400000000, 0x9b36e7e500000000, 0xf0fc1ef700000000,
+ 0xed01abf600000000, 0xca0675f400000000, 0xd7fbc0f500000000,
+ 0x8408c9f100000000, 0x99f57cf000000000, 0xbef2a2f200000000,
+ 0xa30f17f300000000, 0x1814b1fa00000000, 0x05e904fb00000000,
+ 0x22eedaf900000000, 0x3f136ff800000000, 0x6ce066fc00000000,
+ 0x711dd3fd00000000, 0x561a0dff00000000, 0x4be7b8fe00000000,
+ 0xc0c981b700000000, 0xdd3434b600000000, 0xfa33eab400000000,
+ 0xe7ce5fb500000000, 0xb43d56b100000000, 0xa9c0e3b000000000,
+ 0x8ec73db200000000, 0x933a88b300000000, 0x28212eba00000000,
+ 0x35dc9bbb00000000, 0x12db45b900000000, 0x0f26f0b800000000,
+ 0x5cd5f9bc00000000, 0x41284cbd00000000, 0x662f92bf00000000,
+ 0x7bd227be00000000, 0x1018deac00000000, 0x0de56bad00000000,
+ 0x2ae2b5af00000000, 0x371f00ae00000000, 0x64ec09aa00000000,
+ 0x7911bcab00000000, 0x5e1662a900000000, 0x43ebd7a800000000,
+ 0xf8f071a100000000, 0xe50dc4a000000000, 0xc20a1aa200000000,
+ 0xdff7afa300000000, 0x8c04a6a700000000, 0x91f913a600000000,
+ 0xb6fecda400000000, 0xab0378a500000000, 0x606a3e8100000000,
+ 0x7d978b8000000000, 0x5a90558200000000, 0x476de08300000000,
+ 0x149ee98700000000, 0x09635c8600000000, 0x2e64828400000000,
+ 0x3399378500000000, 0x8882918c00000000, 0x957f248d00000000,
+ 0xb278fa8f00000000, 0xaf854f8e00000000, 0xfc76468a00000000,
+ 0xe18bf38b00000000, 0xc68c2d8900000000, 0xdb71988800000000,
+ 0xb0bb619a00000000, 0xad46d49b00000000, 0x8a410a9900000000,
+ 0x97bcbf9800000000, 0xc44fb69c00000000, 0xd9b2039d00000000,
+ 0xfeb5dd9f00000000, 0xe348689e00000000, 0x5853ce9700000000,
+ 0x45ae7b9600000000, 0x62a9a59400000000, 0x7f54109500000000,
+ 0x2ca7199100000000, 0x315aac9000000000, 0x165d729200000000,
+ 0x0ba0c79300000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x24d9076300000000, 0x48b20fc600000000,
+ 0x6c6b08a500000000, 0xd1626e5700000000, 0xf5bb693400000000,
+ 0x99d0619100000000, 0xbd0966f200000000, 0xa2c5dcae00000000,
+ 0x861cdbcd00000000, 0xea77d36800000000, 0xceaed40b00000000,
+ 0x73a7b2f900000000, 0x577eb59a00000000, 0x3b15bd3f00000000,
+ 0x1fccba5c00000000, 0x058dc88600000000, 0x2154cfe500000000,
+ 0x4d3fc74000000000, 0x69e6c02300000000, 0xd4efa6d100000000,
+ 0xf036a1b200000000, 0x9c5da91700000000, 0xb884ae7400000000,
+ 0xa748142800000000, 0x8391134b00000000, 0xeffa1bee00000000,
+ 0xcb231c8d00000000, 0x762a7a7f00000000, 0x52f37d1c00000000,
+ 0x3e9875b900000000, 0x1a4172da00000000, 0x4b1ce0d600000000,
+ 0x6fc5e7b500000000, 0x03aeef1000000000, 0x2777e87300000000,
+ 0x9a7e8e8100000000, 0xbea789e200000000, 0xd2cc814700000000,
+ 0xf615862400000000, 0xe9d93c7800000000, 0xcd003b1b00000000,
+ 0xa16b33be00000000, 0x85b234dd00000000, 0x38bb522f00000000,
+ 0x1c62554c00000000, 0x70095de900000000, 0x54d05a8a00000000,
+ 0x4e91285000000000, 0x6a482f3300000000, 0x0623279600000000,
+ 0x22fa20f500000000, 0x9ff3460700000000, 0xbb2a416400000000,
+ 0xd74149c100000000, 0xf3984ea200000000, 0xec54f4fe00000000,
+ 0xc88df39d00000000, 0xa4e6fb3800000000, 0x803ffc5b00000000,
+ 0x3d369aa900000000, 0x19ef9dca00000000, 0x7584956f00000000,
+ 0x515d920c00000000, 0xd73eb17600000000, 0xf3e7b61500000000,
+ 0x9f8cbeb000000000, 0xbb55b9d300000000, 0x065cdf2100000000,
+ 0x2285d84200000000, 0x4eeed0e700000000, 0x6a37d78400000000,
+ 0x75fb6dd800000000, 0x51226abb00000000, 0x3d49621e00000000,
+ 0x1990657d00000000, 0xa499038f00000000, 0x804004ec00000000,
+ 0xec2b0c4900000000, 0xc8f20b2a00000000, 0xd2b379f000000000,
+ 0xf66a7e9300000000, 0x9a01763600000000, 0xbed8715500000000,
+ 0x03d117a700000000, 0x270810c400000000, 0x4b63186100000000,
+ 0x6fba1f0200000000, 0x7076a55e00000000, 0x54afa23d00000000,
+ 0x38c4aa9800000000, 0x1c1dadfb00000000, 0xa114cb0900000000,
+ 0x85cdcc6a00000000, 0xe9a6c4cf00000000, 0xcd7fc3ac00000000,
+ 0x9c2251a000000000, 0xb8fb56c300000000, 0xd4905e6600000000,
+ 0xf049590500000000, 0x4d403ff700000000, 0x6999389400000000,
+ 0x05f2303100000000, 0x212b375200000000, 0x3ee78d0e00000000,
+ 0x1a3e8a6d00000000, 0x765582c800000000, 0x528c85ab00000000,
+ 0xef85e35900000000, 0xcb5ce43a00000000, 0xa737ec9f00000000,
+ 0x83eeebfc00000000, 0x99af992600000000, 0xbd769e4500000000,
+ 0xd11d96e000000000, 0xf5c4918300000000, 0x48cdf77100000000,
+ 0x6c14f01200000000, 0x007ff8b700000000, 0x24a6ffd400000000,
+ 0x3b6a458800000000, 0x1fb342eb00000000, 0x73d84a4e00000000,
+ 0x57014d2d00000000, 0xea082bdf00000000, 0xced12cbc00000000,
+ 0xa2ba241900000000, 0x8663237a00000000, 0xae7d62ed00000000,
+ 0x8aa4658e00000000, 0xe6cf6d2b00000000, 0xc2166a4800000000,
+ 0x7f1f0cba00000000, 0x5bc60bd900000000, 0x37ad037c00000000,
+ 0x1374041f00000000, 0x0cb8be4300000000, 0x2861b92000000000,
+ 0x440ab18500000000, 0x60d3b6e600000000, 0xdddad01400000000,
+ 0xf903d77700000000, 0x9568dfd200000000, 0xb1b1d8b100000000,
+ 0xabf0aa6b00000000, 0x8f29ad0800000000, 0xe342a5ad00000000,
+ 0xc79ba2ce00000000, 0x7a92c43c00000000, 0x5e4bc35f00000000,
+ 0x3220cbfa00000000, 0x16f9cc9900000000, 0x093576c500000000,
+ 0x2dec71a600000000, 0x4187790300000000, 0x655e7e6000000000,
+ 0xd857189200000000, 0xfc8e1ff100000000, 0x90e5175400000000,
+ 0xb43c103700000000, 0xe561823b00000000, 0xc1b8855800000000,
+ 0xadd38dfd00000000, 0x890a8a9e00000000, 0x3403ec6c00000000,
+ 0x10daeb0f00000000, 0x7cb1e3aa00000000, 0x5868e4c900000000,
+ 0x47a45e9500000000, 0x637d59f600000000, 0x0f16515300000000,
+ 0x2bcf563000000000, 0x96c630c200000000, 0xb21f37a100000000,
+ 0xde743f0400000000, 0xfaad386700000000, 0xe0ec4abd00000000,
+ 0xc4354dde00000000, 0xa85e457b00000000, 0x8c87421800000000,
+ 0x318e24ea00000000, 0x1557238900000000, 0x793c2b2c00000000,
+ 0x5de52c4f00000000, 0x4229961300000000, 0x66f0917000000000,
+ 0x0a9b99d500000000, 0x2e429eb600000000, 0x934bf84400000000,
+ 0xb792ff2700000000, 0xdbf9f78200000000, 0xff20f0e100000000,
+ 0x7943d39b00000000, 0x5d9ad4f800000000, 0x31f1dc5d00000000,
+ 0x1528db3e00000000, 0xa821bdcc00000000, 0x8cf8baaf00000000,
+ 0xe093b20a00000000, 0xc44ab56900000000, 0xdb860f3500000000,
+ 0xff5f085600000000, 0x933400f300000000, 0xb7ed079000000000,
+ 0x0ae4616200000000, 0x2e3d660100000000, 0x42566ea400000000,
+ 0x668f69c700000000, 0x7cce1b1d00000000, 0x58171c7e00000000,
+ 0x347c14db00000000, 0x10a513b800000000, 0xadac754a00000000,
+ 0x8975722900000000, 0xe51e7a8c00000000, 0xc1c77def00000000,
+ 0xde0bc7b300000000, 0xfad2c0d000000000, 0x96b9c87500000000,
+ 0xb260cf1600000000, 0x0f69a9e400000000, 0x2bb0ae8700000000,
+ 0x47dba62200000000, 0x6302a14100000000, 0x325f334d00000000,
+ 0x1686342e00000000, 0x7aed3c8b00000000, 0x5e343be800000000,
+ 0xe33d5d1a00000000, 0xc7e45a7900000000, 0xab8f52dc00000000,
+ 0x8f5655bf00000000, 0x909aefe300000000, 0xb443e88000000000,
+ 0xd828e02500000000, 0xfcf1e74600000000, 0x41f881b400000000,
+ 0x652186d700000000, 0x094a8e7200000000, 0x2d93891100000000,
+ 0x37d2fbcb00000000, 0x130bfca800000000, 0x7f60f40d00000000,
+ 0x5bb9f36e00000000, 0xe6b0959c00000000, 0xc26992ff00000000,
+ 0xae029a5a00000000, 0x8adb9d3900000000, 0x9517276500000000,
+ 0xb1ce200600000000, 0xdda528a300000000, 0xf97c2fc000000000,
+ 0x4475493200000000, 0x60ac4e5100000000, 0x0cc746f400000000,
+ 0x281e419700000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x08e3603c00000000, 0x10c6c17800000000,
+ 0x1825a14400000000, 0x208c83f100000000, 0x286fe3cd00000000,
+ 0x304a428900000000, 0x38a922b500000000, 0x011e763800000000,
+ 0x09fd160400000000, 0x11d8b74000000000, 0x193bd77c00000000,
+ 0x2192f5c900000000, 0x297195f500000000, 0x315434b100000000,
+ 0x39b7548d00000000, 0x023cec7000000000, 0x0adf8c4c00000000,
+ 0x12fa2d0800000000, 0x1a194d3400000000, 0x22b06f8100000000,
+ 0x2a530fbd00000000, 0x3276aef900000000, 0x3a95cec500000000,
+ 0x03229a4800000000, 0x0bc1fa7400000000, 0x13e45b3000000000,
+ 0x1b073b0c00000000, 0x23ae19b900000000, 0x2b4d798500000000,
+ 0x3368d8c100000000, 0x3b8bb8fd00000000, 0x0478d8e100000000,
+ 0x0c9bb8dd00000000, 0x14be199900000000, 0x1c5d79a500000000,
+ 0x24f45b1000000000, 0x2c173b2c00000000, 0x34329a6800000000,
+ 0x3cd1fa5400000000, 0x0566aed900000000, 0x0d85cee500000000,
+ 0x15a06fa100000000, 0x1d430f9d00000000, 0x25ea2d2800000000,
+ 0x2d094d1400000000, 0x352cec5000000000, 0x3dcf8c6c00000000,
+ 0x0644349100000000, 0x0ea754ad00000000, 0x1682f5e900000000,
+ 0x1e6195d500000000, 0x26c8b76000000000, 0x2e2bd75c00000000,
+ 0x360e761800000000, 0x3eed162400000000, 0x075a42a900000000,
+ 0x0fb9229500000000, 0x179c83d100000000, 0x1f7fe3ed00000000,
+ 0x27d6c15800000000, 0x2f35a16400000000, 0x3710002000000000,
+ 0x3ff3601c00000000, 0x49f6c11800000000, 0x4115a12400000000,
+ 0x5930006000000000, 0x51d3605c00000000, 0x697a42e900000000,
+ 0x619922d500000000, 0x79bc839100000000, 0x715fe3ad00000000,
+ 0x48e8b72000000000, 0x400bd71c00000000, 0x582e765800000000,
+ 0x50cd166400000000, 0x686434d100000000, 0x608754ed00000000,
+ 0x78a2f5a900000000, 0x7041959500000000, 0x4bca2d6800000000,
+ 0x43294d5400000000, 0x5b0cec1000000000, 0x53ef8c2c00000000,
+ 0x6b46ae9900000000, 0x63a5cea500000000, 0x7b806fe100000000,
+ 0x73630fdd00000000, 0x4ad45b5000000000, 0x42373b6c00000000,
+ 0x5a129a2800000000, 0x52f1fa1400000000, 0x6a58d8a100000000,
+ 0x62bbb89d00000000, 0x7a9e19d900000000, 0x727d79e500000000,
+ 0x4d8e19f900000000, 0x456d79c500000000, 0x5d48d88100000000,
+ 0x55abb8bd00000000, 0x6d029a0800000000, 0x65e1fa3400000000,
+ 0x7dc45b7000000000, 0x75273b4c00000000, 0x4c906fc100000000,
+ 0x44730ffd00000000, 0x5c56aeb900000000, 0x54b5ce8500000000,
+ 0x6c1cec3000000000, 0x64ff8c0c00000000, 0x7cda2d4800000000,
+ 0x74394d7400000000, 0x4fb2f58900000000, 0x475195b500000000,
+ 0x5f7434f100000000, 0x579754cd00000000, 0x6f3e767800000000,
+ 0x67dd164400000000, 0x7ff8b70000000000, 0x771bd73c00000000,
+ 0x4eac83b100000000, 0x464fe38d00000000, 0x5e6a42c900000000,
+ 0x568922f500000000, 0x6e20004000000000, 0x66c3607c00000000,
+ 0x7ee6c13800000000, 0x7605a10400000000, 0x92ec833100000000,
+ 0x9a0fe30d00000000, 0x822a424900000000, 0x8ac9227500000000,
+ 0xb26000c000000000, 0xba8360fc00000000, 0xa2a6c1b800000000,
+ 0xaa45a18400000000, 0x93f2f50900000000, 0x9b11953500000000,
+ 0x8334347100000000, 0x8bd7544d00000000, 0xb37e76f800000000,
+ 0xbb9d16c400000000, 0xa3b8b78000000000, 0xab5bd7bc00000000,
+ 0x90d06f4100000000, 0x98330f7d00000000, 0x8016ae3900000000,
+ 0x88f5ce0500000000, 0xb05cecb000000000, 0xb8bf8c8c00000000,
+ 0xa09a2dc800000000, 0xa8794df400000000, 0x91ce197900000000,
+ 0x992d794500000000, 0x8108d80100000000, 0x89ebb83d00000000,
+ 0xb1429a8800000000, 0xb9a1fab400000000, 0xa1845bf000000000,
+ 0xa9673bcc00000000, 0x96945bd000000000, 0x9e773bec00000000,
+ 0x86529aa800000000, 0x8eb1fa9400000000, 0xb618d82100000000,
+ 0xbefbb81d00000000, 0xa6de195900000000, 0xae3d796500000000,
+ 0x978a2de800000000, 0x9f694dd400000000, 0x874cec9000000000,
+ 0x8faf8cac00000000, 0xb706ae1900000000, 0xbfe5ce2500000000,
+ 0xa7c06f6100000000, 0xaf230f5d00000000, 0x94a8b7a000000000,
+ 0x9c4bd79c00000000, 0x846e76d800000000, 0x8c8d16e400000000,
+ 0xb424345100000000, 0xbcc7546d00000000, 0xa4e2f52900000000,
+ 0xac01951500000000, 0x95b6c19800000000, 0x9d55a1a400000000,
+ 0x857000e000000000, 0x8d9360dc00000000, 0xb53a426900000000,
+ 0xbdd9225500000000, 0xa5fc831100000000, 0xad1fe32d00000000,
+ 0xdb1a422900000000, 0xd3f9221500000000, 0xcbdc835100000000,
+ 0xc33fe36d00000000, 0xfb96c1d800000000, 0xf375a1e400000000,
+ 0xeb5000a000000000, 0xe3b3609c00000000, 0xda04341100000000,
+ 0xd2e7542d00000000, 0xcac2f56900000000, 0xc221955500000000,
+ 0xfa88b7e000000000, 0xf26bd7dc00000000, 0xea4e769800000000,
+ 0xe2ad16a400000000, 0xd926ae5900000000, 0xd1c5ce6500000000,
+ 0xc9e06f2100000000, 0xc1030f1d00000000, 0xf9aa2da800000000,
+ 0xf1494d9400000000, 0xe96cecd000000000, 0xe18f8cec00000000,
+ 0xd838d86100000000, 0xd0dbb85d00000000, 0xc8fe191900000000,
+ 0xc01d792500000000, 0xf8b45b9000000000, 0xf0573bac00000000,
+ 0xe8729ae800000000, 0xe091fad400000000, 0xdf629ac800000000,
+ 0xd781faf400000000, 0xcfa45bb000000000, 0xc7473b8c00000000,
+ 0xffee193900000000, 0xf70d790500000000, 0xef28d84100000000,
+ 0xe7cbb87d00000000, 0xde7cecf000000000, 0xd69f8ccc00000000,
+ 0xceba2d8800000000, 0xc6594db400000000, 0xfef06f0100000000,
+ 0xf6130f3d00000000, 0xee36ae7900000000, 0xe6d5ce4500000000,
+ 0xdd5e76b800000000, 0xd5bd168400000000, 0xcd98b7c000000000,
+ 0xc57bd7fc00000000, 0xfdd2f54900000000, 0xf531957500000000,
+ 0xed14343100000000, 0xe5f7540d00000000, 0xdc40008000000000,
+ 0xd4a360bc00000000, 0xcc86c1f800000000, 0xc465a1c400000000,
+ 0xfccc837100000000, 0xf42fe34d00000000, 0xec0a420900000000,
+ 0xe4e9223500000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xd1e8e70e00000000, 0xa2d1cf1d00000000,
+ 0x7339281300000000, 0x44a39f3b00000000, 0x954b783500000000,
+ 0xe672502600000000, 0x379ab72800000000, 0x88463f7700000000,
+ 0x59aed87900000000, 0x2a97f06a00000000, 0xfb7f176400000000,
+ 0xcce5a04c00000000, 0x1d0d474200000000, 0x6e346f5100000000,
+ 0xbfdc885f00000000, 0x108d7eee00000000, 0xc16599e000000000,
+ 0xb25cb1f300000000, 0x63b456fd00000000, 0x542ee1d500000000,
+ 0x85c606db00000000, 0xf6ff2ec800000000, 0x2717c9c600000000,
+ 0x98cb419900000000, 0x4923a69700000000, 0x3a1a8e8400000000,
+ 0xebf2698a00000000, 0xdc68dea200000000, 0x0d8039ac00000000,
+ 0x7eb911bf00000000, 0xaf51f6b100000000, 0x611c8c0700000000,
+ 0xb0f46b0900000000, 0xc3cd431a00000000, 0x1225a41400000000,
+ 0x25bf133c00000000, 0xf457f43200000000, 0x876edc2100000000,
+ 0x56863b2f00000000, 0xe95ab37000000000, 0x38b2547e00000000,
+ 0x4b8b7c6d00000000, 0x9a639b6300000000, 0xadf92c4b00000000,
+ 0x7c11cb4500000000, 0x0f28e35600000000, 0xdec0045800000000,
+ 0x7191f2e900000000, 0xa07915e700000000, 0xd3403df400000000,
+ 0x02a8dafa00000000, 0x35326dd200000000, 0xe4da8adc00000000,
+ 0x97e3a2cf00000000, 0x460b45c100000000, 0xf9d7cd9e00000000,
+ 0x283f2a9000000000, 0x5b06028300000000, 0x8aeee58d00000000,
+ 0xbd7452a500000000, 0x6c9cb5ab00000000, 0x1fa59db800000000,
+ 0xce4d7ab600000000, 0xc238180f00000000, 0x13d0ff0100000000,
+ 0x60e9d71200000000, 0xb101301c00000000, 0x869b873400000000,
+ 0x5773603a00000000, 0x244a482900000000, 0xf5a2af2700000000,
+ 0x4a7e277800000000, 0x9b96c07600000000, 0xe8afe86500000000,
+ 0x39470f6b00000000, 0x0eddb84300000000, 0xdf355f4d00000000,
+ 0xac0c775e00000000, 0x7de4905000000000, 0xd2b566e100000000,
+ 0x035d81ef00000000, 0x7064a9fc00000000, 0xa18c4ef200000000,
+ 0x9616f9da00000000, 0x47fe1ed400000000, 0x34c736c700000000,
+ 0xe52fd1c900000000, 0x5af3599600000000, 0x8b1bbe9800000000,
+ 0xf822968b00000000, 0x29ca718500000000, 0x1e50c6ad00000000,
+ 0xcfb821a300000000, 0xbc8109b000000000, 0x6d69eebe00000000,
+ 0xa324940800000000, 0x72cc730600000000, 0x01f55b1500000000,
+ 0xd01dbc1b00000000, 0xe7870b3300000000, 0x366fec3d00000000,
+ 0x4556c42e00000000, 0x94be232000000000, 0x2b62ab7f00000000,
+ 0xfa8a4c7100000000, 0x89b3646200000000, 0x585b836c00000000,
+ 0x6fc1344400000000, 0xbe29d34a00000000, 0xcd10fb5900000000,
+ 0x1cf81c5700000000, 0xb3a9eae600000000, 0x62410de800000000,
+ 0x117825fb00000000, 0xc090c2f500000000, 0xf70a75dd00000000,
+ 0x26e292d300000000, 0x55dbbac000000000, 0x84335dce00000000,
+ 0x3befd59100000000, 0xea07329f00000000, 0x993e1a8c00000000,
+ 0x48d6fd8200000000, 0x7f4c4aaa00000000, 0xaea4ada400000000,
+ 0xdd9d85b700000000, 0x0c7562b900000000, 0x8471301e00000000,
+ 0x5599d71000000000, 0x26a0ff0300000000, 0xf748180d00000000,
+ 0xc0d2af2500000000, 0x113a482b00000000, 0x6203603800000000,
+ 0xb3eb873600000000, 0x0c370f6900000000, 0xdddfe86700000000,
+ 0xaee6c07400000000, 0x7f0e277a00000000, 0x4894905200000000,
+ 0x997c775c00000000, 0xea455f4f00000000, 0x3badb84100000000,
+ 0x94fc4ef000000000, 0x4514a9fe00000000, 0x362d81ed00000000,
+ 0xe7c566e300000000, 0xd05fd1cb00000000, 0x01b736c500000000,
+ 0x728e1ed600000000, 0xa366f9d800000000, 0x1cba718700000000,
+ 0xcd52968900000000, 0xbe6bbe9a00000000, 0x6f83599400000000,
+ 0x5819eebc00000000, 0x89f109b200000000, 0xfac821a100000000,
+ 0x2b20c6af00000000, 0xe56dbc1900000000, 0x34855b1700000000,
+ 0x47bc730400000000, 0x9654940a00000000, 0xa1ce232200000000,
+ 0x7026c42c00000000, 0x031fec3f00000000, 0xd2f70b3100000000,
+ 0x6d2b836e00000000, 0xbcc3646000000000, 0xcffa4c7300000000,
+ 0x1e12ab7d00000000, 0x29881c5500000000, 0xf860fb5b00000000,
+ 0x8b59d34800000000, 0x5ab1344600000000, 0xf5e0c2f700000000,
+ 0x240825f900000000, 0x57310dea00000000, 0x86d9eae400000000,
+ 0xb1435dcc00000000, 0x60abbac200000000, 0x139292d100000000,
+ 0xc27a75df00000000, 0x7da6fd8000000000, 0xac4e1a8e00000000,
+ 0xdf77329d00000000, 0x0e9fd59300000000, 0x390562bb00000000,
+ 0xe8ed85b500000000, 0x9bd4ada600000000, 0x4a3c4aa800000000,
+ 0x4649281100000000, 0x97a1cf1f00000000, 0xe498e70c00000000,
+ 0x3570000200000000, 0x02eab72a00000000, 0xd302502400000000,
+ 0xa03b783700000000, 0x71d39f3900000000, 0xce0f176600000000,
+ 0x1fe7f06800000000, 0x6cded87b00000000, 0xbd363f7500000000,
+ 0x8aac885d00000000, 0x5b446f5300000000, 0x287d474000000000,
+ 0xf995a04e00000000, 0x56c456ff00000000, 0x872cb1f100000000,
+ 0xf41599e200000000, 0x25fd7eec00000000, 0x1267c9c400000000,
+ 0xc38f2eca00000000, 0xb0b606d900000000, 0x615ee1d700000000,
+ 0xde82698800000000, 0x0f6a8e8600000000, 0x7c53a69500000000,
+ 0xadbb419b00000000, 0x9a21f6b300000000, 0x4bc911bd00000000,
+ 0x38f039ae00000000, 0xe918dea000000000, 0x2755a41600000000,
+ 0xf6bd431800000000, 0x85846b0b00000000, 0x546c8c0500000000,
+ 0x63f63b2d00000000, 0xb21edc2300000000, 0xc127f43000000000,
+ 0x10cf133e00000000, 0xaf139b6100000000, 0x7efb7c6f00000000,
+ 0x0dc2547c00000000, 0xdc2ab37200000000, 0xebb0045a00000000,
+ 0x3a58e35400000000, 0x4961cb4700000000, 0x98892c4900000000,
+ 0x37d8daf800000000, 0xe6303df600000000, 0x950915e500000000,
+ 0x44e1f2eb00000000, 0x737b45c300000000, 0xa293a2cd00000000,
+ 0xd1aa8ade00000000, 0x00426dd000000000, 0xbf9ee58f00000000,
+ 0x6e76028100000000, 0x1d4f2a9200000000, 0xcca7cd9c00000000,
+ 0xfb3d7ab400000000, 0x2ad59dba00000000, 0x59ecb5a900000000,
+ 0x880452a700000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xaa05daf100000000, 0x150dc53800000000,
+ 0xbf081fc900000000, 0x2a1a8a7100000000, 0x801f508000000000,
+ 0x3f174f4900000000, 0x951295b800000000, 0x543414e300000000,
+ 0xfe31ce1200000000, 0x4139d1db00000000, 0xeb3c0b2a00000000,
+ 0x7e2e9e9200000000, 0xd42b446300000000, 0x6b235baa00000000,
+ 0xc126815b00000000, 0xe96e591d00000000, 0x436b83ec00000000,
+ 0xfc639c2500000000, 0x566646d400000000, 0xc374d36c00000000,
+ 0x6971099d00000000, 0xd679165400000000, 0x7c7ccca500000000,
+ 0xbd5a4dfe00000000, 0x175f970f00000000, 0xa85788c600000000,
+ 0x0252523700000000, 0x9740c78f00000000, 0x3d451d7e00000000,
+ 0x824d02b700000000, 0x2848d84600000000, 0xd2ddb23a00000000,
+ 0x78d868cb00000000, 0xc7d0770200000000, 0x6dd5adf300000000,
+ 0xf8c7384b00000000, 0x52c2e2ba00000000, 0xedcafd7300000000,
+ 0x47cf278200000000, 0x86e9a6d900000000, 0x2cec7c2800000000,
+ 0x93e463e100000000, 0x39e1b91000000000, 0xacf32ca800000000,
+ 0x06f6f65900000000, 0xb9fee99000000000, 0x13fb336100000000,
+ 0x3bb3eb2700000000, 0x91b631d600000000, 0x2ebe2e1f00000000,
+ 0x84bbf4ee00000000, 0x11a9615600000000, 0xbbacbba700000000,
+ 0x04a4a46e00000000, 0xaea17e9f00000000, 0x6f87ffc400000000,
+ 0xc582253500000000, 0x7a8a3afc00000000, 0xd08fe00d00000000,
+ 0x459d75b500000000, 0xef98af4400000000, 0x5090b08d00000000,
+ 0xfa956a7c00000000, 0xa4bb657500000000, 0x0ebebf8400000000,
+ 0xb1b6a04d00000000, 0x1bb37abc00000000, 0x8ea1ef0400000000,
+ 0x24a435f500000000, 0x9bac2a3c00000000, 0x31a9f0cd00000000,
+ 0xf08f719600000000, 0x5a8aab6700000000, 0xe582b4ae00000000,
+ 0x4f876e5f00000000, 0xda95fbe700000000, 0x7090211600000000,
+ 0xcf983edf00000000, 0x659de42e00000000, 0x4dd53c6800000000,
+ 0xe7d0e69900000000, 0x58d8f95000000000, 0xf2dd23a100000000,
+ 0x67cfb61900000000, 0xcdca6ce800000000, 0x72c2732100000000,
+ 0xd8c7a9d000000000, 0x19e1288b00000000, 0xb3e4f27a00000000,
+ 0x0cecedb300000000, 0xa6e9374200000000, 0x33fba2fa00000000,
+ 0x99fe780b00000000, 0x26f667c200000000, 0x8cf3bd3300000000,
+ 0x7666d74f00000000, 0xdc630dbe00000000, 0x636b127700000000,
+ 0xc96ec88600000000, 0x5c7c5d3e00000000, 0xf67987cf00000000,
+ 0x4971980600000000, 0xe37442f700000000, 0x2252c3ac00000000,
+ 0x8857195d00000000, 0x375f069400000000, 0x9d5adc6500000000,
+ 0x084849dd00000000, 0xa24d932c00000000, 0x1d458ce500000000,
+ 0xb740561400000000, 0x9f088e5200000000, 0x350d54a300000000,
+ 0x8a054b6a00000000, 0x2000919b00000000, 0xb512042300000000,
+ 0x1f17ded200000000, 0xa01fc11b00000000, 0x0a1a1bea00000000,
+ 0xcb3c9ab100000000, 0x6139404000000000, 0xde315f8900000000,
+ 0x7434857800000000, 0xe12610c000000000, 0x4b23ca3100000000,
+ 0xf42bd5f800000000, 0x5e2e0f0900000000, 0x4877cbea00000000,
+ 0xe272111b00000000, 0x5d7a0ed200000000, 0xf77fd42300000000,
+ 0x626d419b00000000, 0xc8689b6a00000000, 0x776084a300000000,
+ 0xdd655e5200000000, 0x1c43df0900000000, 0xb64605f800000000,
+ 0x094e1a3100000000, 0xa34bc0c000000000, 0x3659557800000000,
+ 0x9c5c8f8900000000, 0x2354904000000000, 0x89514ab100000000,
+ 0xa11992f700000000, 0x0b1c480600000000, 0xb41457cf00000000,
+ 0x1e118d3e00000000, 0x8b03188600000000, 0x2106c27700000000,
+ 0x9e0eddbe00000000, 0x340b074f00000000, 0xf52d861400000000,
+ 0x5f285ce500000000, 0xe020432c00000000, 0x4a2599dd00000000,
+ 0xdf370c6500000000, 0x7532d69400000000, 0xca3ac95d00000000,
+ 0x603f13ac00000000, 0x9aaa79d000000000, 0x30afa32100000000,
+ 0x8fa7bce800000000, 0x25a2661900000000, 0xb0b0f3a100000000,
+ 0x1ab5295000000000, 0xa5bd369900000000, 0x0fb8ec6800000000,
+ 0xce9e6d3300000000, 0x649bb7c200000000, 0xdb93a80b00000000,
+ 0x719672fa00000000, 0xe484e74200000000, 0x4e813db300000000,
+ 0xf189227a00000000, 0x5b8cf88b00000000, 0x73c420cd00000000,
+ 0xd9c1fa3c00000000, 0x66c9e5f500000000, 0xcccc3f0400000000,
+ 0x59deaabc00000000, 0xf3db704d00000000, 0x4cd36f8400000000,
+ 0xe6d6b57500000000, 0x27f0342e00000000, 0x8df5eedf00000000,
+ 0x32fdf11600000000, 0x98f82be700000000, 0x0deabe5f00000000,
+ 0xa7ef64ae00000000, 0x18e77b6700000000, 0xb2e2a19600000000,
+ 0xecccae9f00000000, 0x46c9746e00000000, 0xf9c16ba700000000,
+ 0x53c4b15600000000, 0xc6d624ee00000000, 0x6cd3fe1f00000000,
+ 0xd3dbe1d600000000, 0x79de3b2700000000, 0xb8f8ba7c00000000,
+ 0x12fd608d00000000, 0xadf57f4400000000, 0x07f0a5b500000000,
+ 0x92e2300d00000000, 0x38e7eafc00000000, 0x87eff53500000000,
+ 0x2dea2fc400000000, 0x05a2f78200000000, 0xafa72d7300000000,
+ 0x10af32ba00000000, 0xbaaae84b00000000, 0x2fb87df300000000,
+ 0x85bda70200000000, 0x3ab5b8cb00000000, 0x90b0623a00000000,
+ 0x5196e36100000000, 0xfb93399000000000, 0x449b265900000000,
+ 0xee9efca800000000, 0x7b8c691000000000, 0xd189b3e100000000,
+ 0x6e81ac2800000000, 0xc48476d900000000, 0x3e111ca500000000,
+ 0x9414c65400000000, 0x2b1cd99d00000000, 0x8119036c00000000,
+ 0x140b96d400000000, 0xbe0e4c2500000000, 0x010653ec00000000,
+ 0xab03891d00000000, 0x6a25084600000000, 0xc020d2b700000000,
+ 0x7f28cd7e00000000, 0xd52d178f00000000, 0x403f823700000000,
+ 0xea3a58c600000000, 0x5532470f00000000, 0xff379dfe00000000,
+ 0xd77f45b800000000, 0x7d7a9f4900000000, 0xc272808000000000,
+ 0x68775a7100000000, 0xfd65cfc900000000, 0x5760153800000000,
+ 0xe8680af100000000, 0x426dd00000000000, 0x834b515b00000000,
+ 0x294e8baa00000000, 0x9646946300000000, 0x3c434e9200000000,
+ 0xa951db2a00000000, 0x035401db00000000, 0xbc5c1e1200000000,
+ 0x1659c4e300000000}};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xae689191, 0x87a02563, 0x29c8b4f2, 0xd4314c87,
+ 0x7a59dd16, 0x539169e4, 0xfdf9f875, 0x73139f4f, 0xdd7b0ede,
+ 0xf4b3ba2c, 0x5adb2bbd, 0xa722d3c8, 0x094a4259, 0x2082f6ab,
+ 0x8eea673a, 0xe6273e9e, 0x484faf0f, 0x61871bfd, 0xcfef8a6c,
+ 0x32167219, 0x9c7ee388, 0xb5b6577a, 0x1bdec6eb, 0x9534a1d1,
+ 0x3b5c3040, 0x129484b2, 0xbcfc1523, 0x4105ed56, 0xef6d7cc7,
+ 0xc6a5c835, 0x68cd59a4, 0x173f7b7d, 0xb957eaec, 0x909f5e1e,
+ 0x3ef7cf8f, 0xc30e37fa, 0x6d66a66b, 0x44ae1299, 0xeac68308,
+ 0x642ce432, 0xca4475a3, 0xe38cc151, 0x4de450c0, 0xb01da8b5,
+ 0x1e753924, 0x37bd8dd6, 0x99d51c47, 0xf11845e3, 0x5f70d472,
+ 0x76b86080, 0xd8d0f111, 0x25290964, 0x8b4198f5, 0xa2892c07,
+ 0x0ce1bd96, 0x820bdaac, 0x2c634b3d, 0x05abffcf, 0xabc36e5e,
+ 0x563a962b, 0xf85207ba, 0xd19ab348, 0x7ff222d9, 0x2e7ef6fa,
+ 0x8016676b, 0xa9ded399, 0x07b64208, 0xfa4fba7d, 0x54272bec,
+ 0x7def9f1e, 0xd3870e8f, 0x5d6d69b5, 0xf305f824, 0xdacd4cd6,
+ 0x74a5dd47, 0x895c2532, 0x2734b4a3, 0x0efc0051, 0xa09491c0,
+ 0xc859c864, 0x663159f5, 0x4ff9ed07, 0xe1917c96, 0x1c6884e3,
+ 0xb2001572, 0x9bc8a180, 0x35a03011, 0xbb4a572b, 0x1522c6ba,
+ 0x3cea7248, 0x9282e3d9, 0x6f7b1bac, 0xc1138a3d, 0xe8db3ecf,
+ 0x46b3af5e, 0x39418d87, 0x97291c16, 0xbee1a8e4, 0x10893975,
+ 0xed70c100, 0x43185091, 0x6ad0e463, 0xc4b875f2, 0x4a5212c8,
+ 0xe43a8359, 0xcdf237ab, 0x639aa63a, 0x9e635e4f, 0x300bcfde,
+ 0x19c37b2c, 0xb7abeabd, 0xdf66b319, 0x710e2288, 0x58c6967a,
+ 0xf6ae07eb, 0x0b57ff9e, 0xa53f6e0f, 0x8cf7dafd, 0x229f4b6c,
+ 0xac752c56, 0x021dbdc7, 0x2bd50935, 0x85bd98a4, 0x784460d1,
+ 0xd62cf140, 0xffe445b2, 0x518cd423, 0x5cfdedf4, 0xf2957c65,
+ 0xdb5dc897, 0x75355906, 0x88cca173, 0x26a430e2, 0x0f6c8410,
+ 0xa1041581, 0x2fee72bb, 0x8186e32a, 0xa84e57d8, 0x0626c649,
+ 0xfbdf3e3c, 0x55b7afad, 0x7c7f1b5f, 0xd2178ace, 0xbadad36a,
+ 0x14b242fb, 0x3d7af609, 0x93126798, 0x6eeb9fed, 0xc0830e7c,
+ 0xe94bba8e, 0x47232b1f, 0xc9c94c25, 0x67a1ddb4, 0x4e696946,
+ 0xe001f8d7, 0x1df800a2, 0xb3909133, 0x9a5825c1, 0x3430b450,
+ 0x4bc29689, 0xe5aa0718, 0xcc62b3ea, 0x620a227b, 0x9ff3da0e,
+ 0x319b4b9f, 0x1853ff6d, 0xb63b6efc, 0x38d109c6, 0x96b99857,
+ 0xbf712ca5, 0x1119bd34, 0xece04541, 0x4288d4d0, 0x6b406022,
+ 0xc528f1b3, 0xade5a817, 0x038d3986, 0x2a458d74, 0x842d1ce5,
+ 0x79d4e490, 0xd7bc7501, 0xfe74c1f3, 0x501c5062, 0xdef63758,
+ 0x709ea6c9, 0x5956123b, 0xf73e83aa, 0x0ac77bdf, 0xa4afea4e,
+ 0x8d675ebc, 0x230fcf2d, 0x72831b0e, 0xdceb8a9f, 0xf5233e6d,
+ 0x5b4baffc, 0xa6b25789, 0x08dac618, 0x211272ea, 0x8f7ae37b,
+ 0x01908441, 0xaff815d0, 0x8630a122, 0x285830b3, 0xd5a1c8c6,
+ 0x7bc95957, 0x5201eda5, 0xfc697c34, 0x94a42590, 0x3accb401,
+ 0x130400f3, 0xbd6c9162, 0x40956917, 0xeefdf886, 0xc7354c74,
+ 0x695ddde5, 0xe7b7badf, 0x49df2b4e, 0x60179fbc, 0xce7f0e2d,
+ 0x3386f658, 0x9dee67c9, 0xb426d33b, 0x1a4e42aa, 0x65bc6073,
+ 0xcbd4f1e2, 0xe21c4510, 0x4c74d481, 0xb18d2cf4, 0x1fe5bd65,
+ 0x362d0997, 0x98459806, 0x16afff3c, 0xb8c76ead, 0x910fda5f,
+ 0x3f674bce, 0xc29eb3bb, 0x6cf6222a, 0x453e96d8, 0xeb560749,
+ 0x839b5eed, 0x2df3cf7c, 0x043b7b8e, 0xaa53ea1f, 0x57aa126a,
+ 0xf9c283fb, 0xd00a3709, 0x7e62a698, 0xf088c1a2, 0x5ee05033,
+ 0x7728e4c1, 0xd9407550, 0x24b98d25, 0x8ad11cb4, 0xa319a846,
+ 0x0d7139d7},
+ {0x00000000, 0xb9fbdbe8, 0xa886b191, 0x117d6a79, 0x8a7c6563,
+ 0x3387be8b, 0x22fad4f2, 0x9b010f1a, 0xcf89cc87, 0x7672176f,
+ 0x670f7d16, 0xdef4a6fe, 0x45f5a9e4, 0xfc0e720c, 0xed731875,
+ 0x5488c39d, 0x44629f4f, 0xfd9944a7, 0xece42ede, 0x551ff536,
+ 0xce1efa2c, 0x77e521c4, 0x66984bbd, 0xdf639055, 0x8beb53c8,
+ 0x32108820, 0x236de259, 0x9a9639b1, 0x019736ab, 0xb86ced43,
+ 0xa911873a, 0x10ea5cd2, 0x88c53e9e, 0x313ee576, 0x20438f0f,
+ 0x99b854e7, 0x02b95bfd, 0xbb428015, 0xaa3fea6c, 0x13c43184,
+ 0x474cf219, 0xfeb729f1, 0xefca4388, 0x56319860, 0xcd30977a,
+ 0x74cb4c92, 0x65b626eb, 0xdc4dfd03, 0xcca7a1d1, 0x755c7a39,
+ 0x64211040, 0xdddacba8, 0x46dbc4b2, 0xff201f5a, 0xee5d7523,
+ 0x57a6aecb, 0x032e6d56, 0xbad5b6be, 0xaba8dcc7, 0x1253072f,
+ 0x89520835, 0x30a9d3dd, 0x21d4b9a4, 0x982f624c, 0xcafb7b7d,
+ 0x7300a095, 0x627dcaec, 0xdb861104, 0x40871e1e, 0xf97cc5f6,
+ 0xe801af8f, 0x51fa7467, 0x0572b7fa, 0xbc896c12, 0xadf4066b,
+ 0x140fdd83, 0x8f0ed299, 0x36f50971, 0x27886308, 0x9e73b8e0,
+ 0x8e99e432, 0x37623fda, 0x261f55a3, 0x9fe48e4b, 0x04e58151,
+ 0xbd1e5ab9, 0xac6330c0, 0x1598eb28, 0x411028b5, 0xf8ebf35d,
+ 0xe9969924, 0x506d42cc, 0xcb6c4dd6, 0x7297963e, 0x63eafc47,
+ 0xda1127af, 0x423e45e3, 0xfbc59e0b, 0xeab8f472, 0x53432f9a,
+ 0xc8422080, 0x71b9fb68, 0x60c49111, 0xd93f4af9, 0x8db78964,
+ 0x344c528c, 0x253138f5, 0x9ccae31d, 0x07cbec07, 0xbe3037ef,
+ 0xaf4d5d96, 0x16b6867e, 0x065cdaac, 0xbfa70144, 0xaeda6b3d,
+ 0x1721b0d5, 0x8c20bfcf, 0x35db6427, 0x24a60e5e, 0x9d5dd5b6,
+ 0xc9d5162b, 0x702ecdc3, 0x6153a7ba, 0xd8a87c52, 0x43a97348,
+ 0xfa52a8a0, 0xeb2fc2d9, 0x52d41931, 0x4e87f0bb, 0xf77c2b53,
+ 0xe601412a, 0x5ffa9ac2, 0xc4fb95d8, 0x7d004e30, 0x6c7d2449,
+ 0xd586ffa1, 0x810e3c3c, 0x38f5e7d4, 0x29888dad, 0x90735645,
+ 0x0b72595f, 0xb28982b7, 0xa3f4e8ce, 0x1a0f3326, 0x0ae56ff4,
+ 0xb31eb41c, 0xa263de65, 0x1b98058d, 0x80990a97, 0x3962d17f,
+ 0x281fbb06, 0x91e460ee, 0xc56ca373, 0x7c97789b, 0x6dea12e2,
+ 0xd411c90a, 0x4f10c610, 0xf6eb1df8, 0xe7967781, 0x5e6dac69,
+ 0xc642ce25, 0x7fb915cd, 0x6ec47fb4, 0xd73fa45c, 0x4c3eab46,
+ 0xf5c570ae, 0xe4b81ad7, 0x5d43c13f, 0x09cb02a2, 0xb030d94a,
+ 0xa14db333, 0x18b668db, 0x83b767c1, 0x3a4cbc29, 0x2b31d650,
+ 0x92ca0db8, 0x8220516a, 0x3bdb8a82, 0x2aa6e0fb, 0x935d3b13,
+ 0x085c3409, 0xb1a7efe1, 0xa0da8598, 0x19215e70, 0x4da99ded,
+ 0xf4524605, 0xe52f2c7c, 0x5cd4f794, 0xc7d5f88e, 0x7e2e2366,
+ 0x6f53491f, 0xd6a892f7, 0x847c8bc6, 0x3d87502e, 0x2cfa3a57,
+ 0x9501e1bf, 0x0e00eea5, 0xb7fb354d, 0xa6865f34, 0x1f7d84dc,
+ 0x4bf54741, 0xf20e9ca9, 0xe373f6d0, 0x5a882d38, 0xc1892222,
+ 0x7872f9ca, 0x690f93b3, 0xd0f4485b, 0xc01e1489, 0x79e5cf61,
+ 0x6898a518, 0xd1637ef0, 0x4a6271ea, 0xf399aa02, 0xe2e4c07b,
+ 0x5b1f1b93, 0x0f97d80e, 0xb66c03e6, 0xa711699f, 0x1eeab277,
+ 0x85ebbd6d, 0x3c106685, 0x2d6d0cfc, 0x9496d714, 0x0cb9b558,
+ 0xb5426eb0, 0xa43f04c9, 0x1dc4df21, 0x86c5d03b, 0x3f3e0bd3,
+ 0x2e4361aa, 0x97b8ba42, 0xc33079df, 0x7acba237, 0x6bb6c84e,
+ 0xd24d13a6, 0x494c1cbc, 0xf0b7c754, 0xe1caad2d, 0x583176c5,
+ 0x48db2a17, 0xf120f1ff, 0xe05d9b86, 0x59a6406e, 0xc2a74f74,
+ 0x7b5c949c, 0x6a21fee5, 0xd3da250d, 0x8752e690, 0x3ea93d78,
+ 0x2fd45701, 0x962f8ce9, 0x0d2e83f3, 0xb4d5581b, 0xa5a83262,
+ 0x1c53e98a},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9d0fe176, 0xe16ec4ad, 0x7c6125db, 0x19ac8f1b,
+ 0x84a36e6d, 0xf8c24bb6, 0x65cdaac0, 0x33591e36, 0xae56ff40,
+ 0xd237da9b, 0x4f383bed, 0x2af5912d, 0xb7fa705b, 0xcb9b5580,
+ 0x5694b4f6, 0x66b23c6c, 0xfbbddd1a, 0x87dcf8c1, 0x1ad319b7,
+ 0x7f1eb377, 0xe2115201, 0x9e7077da, 0x037f96ac, 0x55eb225a,
+ 0xc8e4c32c, 0xb485e6f7, 0x298a0781, 0x4c47ad41, 0xd1484c37,
+ 0xad2969ec, 0x3026889a, 0xcd6478d8, 0x506b99ae, 0x2c0abc75,
+ 0xb1055d03, 0xd4c8f7c3, 0x49c716b5, 0x35a6336e, 0xa8a9d218,
+ 0xfe3d66ee, 0x63328798, 0x1f53a243, 0x825c4335, 0xe791e9f5,
+ 0x7a9e0883, 0x06ff2d58, 0x9bf0cc2e, 0xabd644b4, 0x36d9a5c2,
+ 0x4ab88019, 0xd7b7616f, 0xb27acbaf, 0x2f752ad9, 0x53140f02,
+ 0xce1bee74, 0x988f5a82, 0x0580bbf4, 0x79e19e2f, 0xe4ee7f59,
+ 0x8123d599, 0x1c2c34ef, 0x604d1134, 0xfd42f042, 0x41b9f7f1,
+ 0xdcb61687, 0xa0d7335c, 0x3dd8d22a, 0x581578ea, 0xc51a999c,
+ 0xb97bbc47, 0x24745d31, 0x72e0e9c7, 0xefef08b1, 0x938e2d6a,
+ 0x0e81cc1c, 0x6b4c66dc, 0xf64387aa, 0x8a22a271, 0x172d4307,
+ 0x270bcb9d, 0xba042aeb, 0xc6650f30, 0x5b6aee46, 0x3ea74486,
+ 0xa3a8a5f0, 0xdfc9802b, 0x42c6615d, 0x1452d5ab, 0x895d34dd,
+ 0xf53c1106, 0x6833f070, 0x0dfe5ab0, 0x90f1bbc6, 0xec909e1d,
+ 0x719f7f6b, 0x8cdd8f29, 0x11d26e5f, 0x6db34b84, 0xf0bcaaf2,
+ 0x95710032, 0x087ee144, 0x741fc49f, 0xe91025e9, 0xbf84911f,
+ 0x228b7069, 0x5eea55b2, 0xc3e5b4c4, 0xa6281e04, 0x3b27ff72,
+ 0x4746daa9, 0xda493bdf, 0xea6fb345, 0x77605233, 0x0b0177e8,
+ 0x960e969e, 0xf3c33c5e, 0x6eccdd28, 0x12adf8f3, 0x8fa21985,
+ 0xd936ad73, 0x44394c05, 0x385869de, 0xa55788a8, 0xc09a2268,
+ 0x5d95c31e, 0x21f4e6c5, 0xbcfb07b3, 0x8373efe2, 0x1e7c0e94,
+ 0x621d2b4f, 0xff12ca39, 0x9adf60f9, 0x07d0818f, 0x7bb1a454,
+ 0xe6be4522, 0xb02af1d4, 0x2d2510a2, 0x51443579, 0xcc4bd40f,
+ 0xa9867ecf, 0x34899fb9, 0x48e8ba62, 0xd5e75b14, 0xe5c1d38e,
+ 0x78ce32f8, 0x04af1723, 0x99a0f655, 0xfc6d5c95, 0x6162bde3,
+ 0x1d039838, 0x800c794e, 0xd698cdb8, 0x4b972cce, 0x37f60915,
+ 0xaaf9e863, 0xcf3442a3, 0x523ba3d5, 0x2e5a860e, 0xb3556778,
+ 0x4e17973a, 0xd318764c, 0xaf795397, 0x3276b2e1, 0x57bb1821,
+ 0xcab4f957, 0xb6d5dc8c, 0x2bda3dfa, 0x7d4e890c, 0xe041687a,
+ 0x9c204da1, 0x012facd7, 0x64e20617, 0xf9ede761, 0x858cc2ba,
+ 0x188323cc, 0x28a5ab56, 0xb5aa4a20, 0xc9cb6ffb, 0x54c48e8d,
+ 0x3109244d, 0xac06c53b, 0xd067e0e0, 0x4d680196, 0x1bfcb560,
+ 0x86f35416, 0xfa9271cd, 0x679d90bb, 0x02503a7b, 0x9f5fdb0d,
+ 0xe33efed6, 0x7e311fa0, 0xc2ca1813, 0x5fc5f965, 0x23a4dcbe,
+ 0xbeab3dc8, 0xdb669708, 0x4669767e, 0x3a0853a5, 0xa707b2d3,
+ 0xf1930625, 0x6c9ce753, 0x10fdc288, 0x8df223fe, 0xe83f893e,
+ 0x75306848, 0x09514d93, 0x945eace5, 0xa478247f, 0x3977c509,
+ 0x4516e0d2, 0xd81901a4, 0xbdd4ab64, 0x20db4a12, 0x5cba6fc9,
+ 0xc1b58ebf, 0x97213a49, 0x0a2edb3f, 0x764ffee4, 0xeb401f92,
+ 0x8e8db552, 0x13825424, 0x6fe371ff, 0xf2ec9089, 0x0fae60cb,
+ 0x92a181bd, 0xeec0a466, 0x73cf4510, 0x1602efd0, 0x8b0d0ea6,
+ 0xf76c2b7d, 0x6a63ca0b, 0x3cf77efd, 0xa1f89f8b, 0xdd99ba50,
+ 0x40965b26, 0x255bf1e6, 0xb8541090, 0xc435354b, 0x593ad43d,
+ 0x691c5ca7, 0xf413bdd1, 0x8872980a, 0x157d797c, 0x70b0d3bc,
+ 0xedbf32ca, 0x91de1711, 0x0cd1f667, 0x5a454291, 0xc74aa3e7,
+ 0xbb2b863c, 0x2624674a, 0x43e9cd8a, 0xdee62cfc, 0xa2870927,
+ 0x3f88e851},
+ {0x00000000, 0xdd96d985, 0x605cb54b, 0xbdca6cce, 0xc0b96a96,
+ 0x1d2fb313, 0xa0e5dfdd, 0x7d730658, 0x5a03d36d, 0x87950ae8,
+ 0x3a5f6626, 0xe7c9bfa3, 0x9abab9fb, 0x472c607e, 0xfae60cb0,
+ 0x2770d535, 0xb407a6da, 0x69917f5f, 0xd45b1391, 0x09cdca14,
+ 0x74becc4c, 0xa92815c9, 0x14e27907, 0xc974a082, 0xee0475b7,
+ 0x3392ac32, 0x8e58c0fc, 0x53ce1979, 0x2ebd1f21, 0xf32bc6a4,
+ 0x4ee1aa6a, 0x937773ef, 0xb37e4bf5, 0x6ee89270, 0xd322febe,
+ 0x0eb4273b, 0x73c72163, 0xae51f8e6, 0x139b9428, 0xce0d4dad,
+ 0xe97d9898, 0x34eb411d, 0x89212dd3, 0x54b7f456, 0x29c4f20e,
+ 0xf4522b8b, 0x49984745, 0x940e9ec0, 0x0779ed2f, 0xdaef34aa,
+ 0x67255864, 0xbab381e1, 0xc7c087b9, 0x1a565e3c, 0xa79c32f2,
+ 0x7a0aeb77, 0x5d7a3e42, 0x80ece7c7, 0x3d268b09, 0xe0b0528c,
+ 0x9dc354d4, 0x40558d51, 0xfd9fe19f, 0x2009381a, 0xbd8d91ab,
+ 0x601b482e, 0xddd124e0, 0x0047fd65, 0x7d34fb3d, 0xa0a222b8,
+ 0x1d684e76, 0xc0fe97f3, 0xe78e42c6, 0x3a189b43, 0x87d2f78d,
+ 0x5a442e08, 0x27372850, 0xfaa1f1d5, 0x476b9d1b, 0x9afd449e,
+ 0x098a3771, 0xd41ceef4, 0x69d6823a, 0xb4405bbf, 0xc9335de7,
+ 0x14a58462, 0xa96fe8ac, 0x74f93129, 0x5389e41c, 0x8e1f3d99,
+ 0x33d55157, 0xee4388d2, 0x93308e8a, 0x4ea6570f, 0xf36c3bc1,
+ 0x2efae244, 0x0ef3da5e, 0xd36503db, 0x6eaf6f15, 0xb339b690,
+ 0xce4ab0c8, 0x13dc694d, 0xae160583, 0x7380dc06, 0x54f00933,
+ 0x8966d0b6, 0x34acbc78, 0xe93a65fd, 0x944963a5, 0x49dfba20,
+ 0xf415d6ee, 0x29830f6b, 0xbaf47c84, 0x6762a501, 0xdaa8c9cf,
+ 0x073e104a, 0x7a4d1612, 0xa7dbcf97, 0x1a11a359, 0xc7877adc,
+ 0xe0f7afe9, 0x3d61766c, 0x80ab1aa2, 0x5d3dc327, 0x204ec57f,
+ 0xfdd81cfa, 0x40127034, 0x9d84a9b1, 0xa06a2517, 0x7dfcfc92,
+ 0xc036905c, 0x1da049d9, 0x60d34f81, 0xbd459604, 0x008ffaca,
+ 0xdd19234f, 0xfa69f67a, 0x27ff2fff, 0x9a354331, 0x47a39ab4,
+ 0x3ad09cec, 0xe7464569, 0x5a8c29a7, 0x871af022, 0x146d83cd,
+ 0xc9fb5a48, 0x74313686, 0xa9a7ef03, 0xd4d4e95b, 0x094230de,
+ 0xb4885c10, 0x691e8595, 0x4e6e50a0, 0x93f88925, 0x2e32e5eb,
+ 0xf3a43c6e, 0x8ed73a36, 0x5341e3b3, 0xee8b8f7d, 0x331d56f8,
+ 0x13146ee2, 0xce82b767, 0x7348dba9, 0xaede022c, 0xd3ad0474,
+ 0x0e3bddf1, 0xb3f1b13f, 0x6e6768ba, 0x4917bd8f, 0x9481640a,
+ 0x294b08c4, 0xf4ddd141, 0x89aed719, 0x54380e9c, 0xe9f26252,
+ 0x3464bbd7, 0xa713c838, 0x7a8511bd, 0xc74f7d73, 0x1ad9a4f6,
+ 0x67aaa2ae, 0xba3c7b2b, 0x07f617e5, 0xda60ce60, 0xfd101b55,
+ 0x2086c2d0, 0x9d4cae1e, 0x40da779b, 0x3da971c3, 0xe03fa846,
+ 0x5df5c488, 0x80631d0d, 0x1de7b4bc, 0xc0716d39, 0x7dbb01f7,
+ 0xa02dd872, 0xdd5ede2a, 0x00c807af, 0xbd026b61, 0x6094b2e4,
+ 0x47e467d1, 0x9a72be54, 0x27b8d29a, 0xfa2e0b1f, 0x875d0d47,
+ 0x5acbd4c2, 0xe701b80c, 0x3a976189, 0xa9e01266, 0x7476cbe3,
+ 0xc9bca72d, 0x142a7ea8, 0x695978f0, 0xb4cfa175, 0x0905cdbb,
+ 0xd493143e, 0xf3e3c10b, 0x2e75188e, 0x93bf7440, 0x4e29adc5,
+ 0x335aab9d, 0xeecc7218, 0x53061ed6, 0x8e90c753, 0xae99ff49,
+ 0x730f26cc, 0xcec54a02, 0x13539387, 0x6e2095df, 0xb3b64c5a,
+ 0x0e7c2094, 0xd3eaf911, 0xf49a2c24, 0x290cf5a1, 0x94c6996f,
+ 0x495040ea, 0x342346b2, 0xe9b59f37, 0x547ff3f9, 0x89e92a7c,
+ 0x1a9e5993, 0xc7088016, 0x7ac2ecd8, 0xa754355d, 0xda273305,
+ 0x07b1ea80, 0xba7b864e, 0x67ed5fcb, 0x409d8afe, 0x9d0b537b,
+ 0x20c13fb5, 0xfd57e630, 0x8024e068, 0x5db239ed, 0xe0785523,
+ 0x3dee8ca6}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x85d996dd, 0x4bb55c60, 0xce6ccabd, 0x966ab9c0,
+ 0x13b32f1d, 0xdddfe5a0, 0x5806737d, 0x6dd3035a, 0xe80a9587,
+ 0x26665f3a, 0xa3bfc9e7, 0xfbb9ba9a, 0x7e602c47, 0xb00ce6fa,
+ 0x35d57027, 0xdaa607b4, 0x5f7f9169, 0x91135bd4, 0x14cacd09,
+ 0x4cccbe74, 0xc91528a9, 0x0779e214, 0x82a074c9, 0xb77504ee,
+ 0x32ac9233, 0xfcc0588e, 0x7919ce53, 0x211fbd2e, 0xa4c62bf3,
+ 0x6aaae14e, 0xef737793, 0xf54b7eb3, 0x7092e86e, 0xbefe22d3,
+ 0x3b27b40e, 0x6321c773, 0xe6f851ae, 0x28949b13, 0xad4d0dce,
+ 0x98987de9, 0x1d41eb34, 0xd32d2189, 0x56f4b754, 0x0ef2c429,
+ 0x8b2b52f4, 0x45479849, 0xc09e0e94, 0x2fed7907, 0xaa34efda,
+ 0x64582567, 0xe181b3ba, 0xb987c0c7, 0x3c5e561a, 0xf2329ca7,
+ 0x77eb0a7a, 0x423e7a5d, 0xc7e7ec80, 0x098b263d, 0x8c52b0e0,
+ 0xd454c39d, 0x518d5540, 0x9fe19ffd, 0x1a380920, 0xab918dbd,
+ 0x2e481b60, 0xe024d1dd, 0x65fd4700, 0x3dfb347d, 0xb822a2a0,
+ 0x764e681d, 0xf397fec0, 0xc6428ee7, 0x439b183a, 0x8df7d287,
+ 0x082e445a, 0x50283727, 0xd5f1a1fa, 0x1b9d6b47, 0x9e44fd9a,
+ 0x71378a09, 0xf4ee1cd4, 0x3a82d669, 0xbf5b40b4, 0xe75d33c9,
+ 0x6284a514, 0xace86fa9, 0x2931f974, 0x1ce48953, 0x993d1f8e,
+ 0x5751d533, 0xd28843ee, 0x8a8e3093, 0x0f57a64e, 0xc13b6cf3,
+ 0x44e2fa2e, 0x5edaf30e, 0xdb0365d3, 0x156faf6e, 0x90b639b3,
+ 0xc8b04ace, 0x4d69dc13, 0x830516ae, 0x06dc8073, 0x3309f054,
+ 0xb6d06689, 0x78bcac34, 0xfd653ae9, 0xa5634994, 0x20badf49,
+ 0xeed615f4, 0x6b0f8329, 0x847cf4ba, 0x01a56267, 0xcfc9a8da,
+ 0x4a103e07, 0x12164d7a, 0x97cfdba7, 0x59a3111a, 0xdc7a87c7,
+ 0xe9aff7e0, 0x6c76613d, 0xa21aab80, 0x27c33d5d, 0x7fc54e20,
+ 0xfa1cd8fd, 0x34701240, 0xb1a9849d, 0x17256aa0, 0x92fcfc7d,
+ 0x5c9036c0, 0xd949a01d, 0x814fd360, 0x049645bd, 0xcafa8f00,
+ 0x4f2319dd, 0x7af669fa, 0xff2fff27, 0x3143359a, 0xb49aa347,
+ 0xec9cd03a, 0x694546e7, 0xa7298c5a, 0x22f01a87, 0xcd836d14,
+ 0x485afbc9, 0x86363174, 0x03efa7a9, 0x5be9d4d4, 0xde304209,
+ 0x105c88b4, 0x95851e69, 0xa0506e4e, 0x2589f893, 0xebe5322e,
+ 0x6e3ca4f3, 0x363ad78e, 0xb3e34153, 0x7d8f8bee, 0xf8561d33,
+ 0xe26e1413, 0x67b782ce, 0xa9db4873, 0x2c02deae, 0x7404add3,
+ 0xf1dd3b0e, 0x3fb1f1b3, 0xba68676e, 0x8fbd1749, 0x0a648194,
+ 0xc4084b29, 0x41d1ddf4, 0x19d7ae89, 0x9c0e3854, 0x5262f2e9,
+ 0xd7bb6434, 0x38c813a7, 0xbd11857a, 0x737d4fc7, 0xf6a4d91a,
+ 0xaea2aa67, 0x2b7b3cba, 0xe517f607, 0x60ce60da, 0x551b10fd,
+ 0xd0c28620, 0x1eae4c9d, 0x9b77da40, 0xc371a93d, 0x46a83fe0,
+ 0x88c4f55d, 0x0d1d6380, 0xbcb4e71d, 0x396d71c0, 0xf701bb7d,
+ 0x72d82da0, 0x2ade5edd, 0xaf07c800, 0x616b02bd, 0xe4b29460,
+ 0xd167e447, 0x54be729a, 0x9ad2b827, 0x1f0b2efa, 0x470d5d87,
+ 0xc2d4cb5a, 0x0cb801e7, 0x8961973a, 0x6612e0a9, 0xe3cb7674,
+ 0x2da7bcc9, 0xa87e2a14, 0xf0785969, 0x75a1cfb4, 0xbbcd0509,
+ 0x3e1493d4, 0x0bc1e3f3, 0x8e18752e, 0x4074bf93, 0xc5ad294e,
+ 0x9dab5a33, 0x1872ccee, 0xd61e0653, 0x53c7908e, 0x49ff99ae,
+ 0xcc260f73, 0x024ac5ce, 0x87935313, 0xdf95206e, 0x5a4cb6b3,
+ 0x94207c0e, 0x11f9ead3, 0x242c9af4, 0xa1f50c29, 0x6f99c694,
+ 0xea405049, 0xb2462334, 0x379fb5e9, 0xf9f37f54, 0x7c2ae989,
+ 0x93599e1a, 0x168008c7, 0xd8ecc27a, 0x5d3554a7, 0x053327da,
+ 0x80eab107, 0x4e867bba, 0xcb5fed67, 0xfe8a9d40, 0x7b530b9d,
+ 0xb53fc120, 0x30e657fd, 0x68e02480, 0xed39b25d, 0x235578e0,
+ 0xa68cee3d},
+ {0x00000000, 0x76e10f9d, 0xadc46ee1, 0xdb25617c, 0x1b8fac19,
+ 0x6d6ea384, 0xb64bc2f8, 0xc0aacd65, 0x361e5933, 0x40ff56ae,
+ 0x9bda37d2, 0xed3b384f, 0x2d91f52a, 0x5b70fab7, 0x80559bcb,
+ 0xf6b49456, 0x6c3cb266, 0x1addbdfb, 0xc1f8dc87, 0xb719d31a,
+ 0x77b31e7f, 0x015211e2, 0xda77709e, 0xac967f03, 0x5a22eb55,
+ 0x2cc3e4c8, 0xf7e685b4, 0x81078a29, 0x41ad474c, 0x374c48d1,
+ 0xec6929ad, 0x9a882630, 0xd87864cd, 0xae996b50, 0x75bc0a2c,
+ 0x035d05b1, 0xc3f7c8d4, 0xb516c749, 0x6e33a635, 0x18d2a9a8,
+ 0xee663dfe, 0x98873263, 0x43a2531f, 0x35435c82, 0xf5e991e7,
+ 0x83089e7a, 0x582dff06, 0x2eccf09b, 0xb444d6ab, 0xc2a5d936,
+ 0x1980b84a, 0x6f61b7d7, 0xafcb7ab2, 0xd92a752f, 0x020f1453,
+ 0x74ee1bce, 0x825a8f98, 0xf4bb8005, 0x2f9ee179, 0x597feee4,
+ 0x99d52381, 0xef342c1c, 0x34114d60, 0x42f042fd, 0xf1f7b941,
+ 0x8716b6dc, 0x5c33d7a0, 0x2ad2d83d, 0xea781558, 0x9c991ac5,
+ 0x47bc7bb9, 0x315d7424, 0xc7e9e072, 0xb108efef, 0x6a2d8e93,
+ 0x1ccc810e, 0xdc664c6b, 0xaa8743f6, 0x71a2228a, 0x07432d17,
+ 0x9dcb0b27, 0xeb2a04ba, 0x300f65c6, 0x46ee6a5b, 0x8644a73e,
+ 0xf0a5a8a3, 0x2b80c9df, 0x5d61c642, 0xabd55214, 0xdd345d89,
+ 0x06113cf5, 0x70f03368, 0xb05afe0d, 0xc6bbf190, 0x1d9e90ec,
+ 0x6b7f9f71, 0x298fdd8c, 0x5f6ed211, 0x844bb36d, 0xf2aabcf0,
+ 0x32007195, 0x44e17e08, 0x9fc41f74, 0xe92510e9, 0x1f9184bf,
+ 0x69708b22, 0xb255ea5e, 0xc4b4e5c3, 0x041e28a6, 0x72ff273b,
+ 0xa9da4647, 0xdf3b49da, 0x45b36fea, 0x33526077, 0xe877010b,
+ 0x9e960e96, 0x5e3cc3f3, 0x28ddcc6e, 0xf3f8ad12, 0x8519a28f,
+ 0x73ad36d9, 0x054c3944, 0xde695838, 0xa88857a5, 0x68229ac0,
+ 0x1ec3955d, 0xc5e6f421, 0xb307fbbc, 0xe2ef7383, 0x940e7c1e,
+ 0x4f2b1d62, 0x39ca12ff, 0xf960df9a, 0x8f81d007, 0x54a4b17b,
+ 0x2245bee6, 0xd4f12ab0, 0xa210252d, 0x79354451, 0x0fd44bcc,
+ 0xcf7e86a9, 0xb99f8934, 0x62bae848, 0x145be7d5, 0x8ed3c1e5,
+ 0xf832ce78, 0x2317af04, 0x55f6a099, 0x955c6dfc, 0xe3bd6261,
+ 0x3898031d, 0x4e790c80, 0xb8cd98d6, 0xce2c974b, 0x1509f637,
+ 0x63e8f9aa, 0xa34234cf, 0xd5a33b52, 0x0e865a2e, 0x786755b3,
+ 0x3a97174e, 0x4c7618d3, 0x975379af, 0xe1b27632, 0x2118bb57,
+ 0x57f9b4ca, 0x8cdcd5b6, 0xfa3dda2b, 0x0c894e7d, 0x7a6841e0,
+ 0xa14d209c, 0xd7ac2f01, 0x1706e264, 0x61e7edf9, 0xbac28c85,
+ 0xcc238318, 0x56aba528, 0x204aaab5, 0xfb6fcbc9, 0x8d8ec454,
+ 0x4d240931, 0x3bc506ac, 0xe0e067d0, 0x9601684d, 0x60b5fc1b,
+ 0x1654f386, 0xcd7192fa, 0xbb909d67, 0x7b3a5002, 0x0ddb5f9f,
+ 0xd6fe3ee3, 0xa01f317e, 0x1318cac2, 0x65f9c55f, 0xbedca423,
+ 0xc83dabbe, 0x089766db, 0x7e766946, 0xa553083a, 0xd3b207a7,
+ 0x250693f1, 0x53e79c6c, 0x88c2fd10, 0xfe23f28d, 0x3e893fe8,
+ 0x48683075, 0x934d5109, 0xe5ac5e94, 0x7f2478a4, 0x09c57739,
+ 0xd2e01645, 0xa40119d8, 0x64abd4bd, 0x124adb20, 0xc96fba5c,
+ 0xbf8eb5c1, 0x493a2197, 0x3fdb2e0a, 0xe4fe4f76, 0x921f40eb,
+ 0x52b58d8e, 0x24548213, 0xff71e36f, 0x8990ecf2, 0xcb60ae0f,
+ 0xbd81a192, 0x66a4c0ee, 0x1045cf73, 0xd0ef0216, 0xa60e0d8b,
+ 0x7d2b6cf7, 0x0bca636a, 0xfd7ef73c, 0x8b9ff8a1, 0x50ba99dd,
+ 0x265b9640, 0xe6f15b25, 0x901054b8, 0x4b3535c4, 0x3dd43a59,
+ 0xa75c1c69, 0xd1bd13f4, 0x0a987288, 0x7c797d15, 0xbcd3b070,
+ 0xca32bfed, 0x1117de91, 0x67f6d10c, 0x9142455a, 0xe7a34ac7,
+ 0x3c862bbb, 0x4a672426, 0x8acde943, 0xfc2ce6de, 0x270987a2,
+ 0x51e8883f},
+ {0x00000000, 0xe8dbfbb9, 0x91b186a8, 0x796a7d11, 0x63657c8a,
+ 0x8bbe8733, 0xf2d4fa22, 0x1a0f019b, 0x87cc89cf, 0x6f177276,
+ 0x167d0f67, 0xfea6f4de, 0xe4a9f545, 0x0c720efc, 0x751873ed,
+ 0x9dc38854, 0x4f9f6244, 0xa74499fd, 0xde2ee4ec, 0x36f51f55,
+ 0x2cfa1ece, 0xc421e577, 0xbd4b9866, 0x559063df, 0xc853eb8b,
+ 0x20881032, 0x59e26d23, 0xb139969a, 0xab369701, 0x43ed6cb8,
+ 0x3a8711a9, 0xd25cea10, 0x9e3ec588, 0x76e53e31, 0x0f8f4320,
+ 0xe754b899, 0xfd5bb902, 0x158042bb, 0x6cea3faa, 0x8431c413,
+ 0x19f24c47, 0xf129b7fe, 0x8843caef, 0x60983156, 0x7a9730cd,
+ 0x924ccb74, 0xeb26b665, 0x03fd4ddc, 0xd1a1a7cc, 0x397a5c75,
+ 0x40102164, 0xa8cbdadd, 0xb2c4db46, 0x5a1f20ff, 0x23755dee,
+ 0xcbaea657, 0x566d2e03, 0xbeb6d5ba, 0xc7dca8ab, 0x2f075312,
+ 0x35085289, 0xddd3a930, 0xa4b9d421, 0x4c622f98, 0x7d7bfbca,
+ 0x95a00073, 0xecca7d62, 0x041186db, 0x1e1e8740, 0xf6c57cf9,
+ 0x8faf01e8, 0x6774fa51, 0xfab77205, 0x126c89bc, 0x6b06f4ad,
+ 0x83dd0f14, 0x99d20e8f, 0x7109f536, 0x08638827, 0xe0b8739e,
+ 0x32e4998e, 0xda3f6237, 0xa3551f26, 0x4b8ee49f, 0x5181e504,
+ 0xb95a1ebd, 0xc03063ac, 0x28eb9815, 0xb5281041, 0x5df3ebf8,
+ 0x249996e9, 0xcc426d50, 0xd64d6ccb, 0x3e969772, 0x47fcea63,
+ 0xaf2711da, 0xe3453e42, 0x0b9ec5fb, 0x72f4b8ea, 0x9a2f4353,
+ 0x802042c8, 0x68fbb971, 0x1191c460, 0xf94a3fd9, 0x6489b78d,
+ 0x8c524c34, 0xf5383125, 0x1de3ca9c, 0x07eccb07, 0xef3730be,
+ 0x965d4daf, 0x7e86b616, 0xacda5c06, 0x4401a7bf, 0x3d6bdaae,
+ 0xd5b02117, 0xcfbf208c, 0x2764db35, 0x5e0ea624, 0xb6d55d9d,
+ 0x2b16d5c9, 0xc3cd2e70, 0xbaa75361, 0x527ca8d8, 0x4873a943,
+ 0xa0a852fa, 0xd9c22feb, 0x3119d452, 0xbbf0874e, 0x532b7cf7,
+ 0x2a4101e6, 0xc29afa5f, 0xd895fbc4, 0x304e007d, 0x49247d6c,
+ 0xa1ff86d5, 0x3c3c0e81, 0xd4e7f538, 0xad8d8829, 0x45567390,
+ 0x5f59720b, 0xb78289b2, 0xcee8f4a3, 0x26330f1a, 0xf46fe50a,
+ 0x1cb41eb3, 0x65de63a2, 0x8d05981b, 0x970a9980, 0x7fd16239,
+ 0x06bb1f28, 0xee60e491, 0x73a36cc5, 0x9b78977c, 0xe212ea6d,
+ 0x0ac911d4, 0x10c6104f, 0xf81debf6, 0x817796e7, 0x69ac6d5e,
+ 0x25ce42c6, 0xcd15b97f, 0xb47fc46e, 0x5ca43fd7, 0x46ab3e4c,
+ 0xae70c5f5, 0xd71ab8e4, 0x3fc1435d, 0xa202cb09, 0x4ad930b0,
+ 0x33b34da1, 0xdb68b618, 0xc167b783, 0x29bc4c3a, 0x50d6312b,
+ 0xb80dca92, 0x6a512082, 0x828adb3b, 0xfbe0a62a, 0x133b5d93,
+ 0x09345c08, 0xe1efa7b1, 0x9885daa0, 0x705e2119, 0xed9da94d,
+ 0x054652f4, 0x7c2c2fe5, 0x94f7d45c, 0x8ef8d5c7, 0x66232e7e,
+ 0x1f49536f, 0xf792a8d6, 0xc68b7c84, 0x2e50873d, 0x573afa2c,
+ 0xbfe10195, 0xa5ee000e, 0x4d35fbb7, 0x345f86a6, 0xdc847d1f,
+ 0x4147f54b, 0xa99c0ef2, 0xd0f673e3, 0x382d885a, 0x222289c1,
+ 0xcaf97278, 0xb3930f69, 0x5b48f4d0, 0x89141ec0, 0x61cfe579,
+ 0x18a59868, 0xf07e63d1, 0xea71624a, 0x02aa99f3, 0x7bc0e4e2,
+ 0x931b1f5b, 0x0ed8970f, 0xe6036cb6, 0x9f6911a7, 0x77b2ea1e,
+ 0x6dbdeb85, 0x8566103c, 0xfc0c6d2d, 0x14d79694, 0x58b5b90c,
+ 0xb06e42b5, 0xc9043fa4, 0x21dfc41d, 0x3bd0c586, 0xd30b3e3f,
+ 0xaa61432e, 0x42bab897, 0xdf7930c3, 0x37a2cb7a, 0x4ec8b66b,
+ 0xa6134dd2, 0xbc1c4c49, 0x54c7b7f0, 0x2dadcae1, 0xc5763158,
+ 0x172adb48, 0xfff120f1, 0x869b5de0, 0x6e40a659, 0x744fa7c2,
+ 0x9c945c7b, 0xe5fe216a, 0x0d25dad3, 0x90e65287, 0x783da93e,
+ 0x0157d42f, 0xe98c2f96, 0xf3832e0d, 0x1b58d5b4, 0x6232a8a5,
+ 0x8ae9531c},
+ {0x00000000, 0x919168ae, 0x6325a087, 0xf2b4c829, 0x874c31d4,
+ 0x16dd597a, 0xe4699153, 0x75f8f9fd, 0x4f9f1373, 0xde0e7bdd,
+ 0x2cbab3f4, 0xbd2bdb5a, 0xc8d322a7, 0x59424a09, 0xabf68220,
+ 0x3a67ea8e, 0x9e3e27e6, 0x0faf4f48, 0xfd1b8761, 0x6c8aefcf,
+ 0x19721632, 0x88e37e9c, 0x7a57b6b5, 0xebc6de1b, 0xd1a13495,
+ 0x40305c3b, 0xb2849412, 0x2315fcbc, 0x56ed0541, 0xc77c6def,
+ 0x35c8a5c6, 0xa459cd68, 0x7d7b3f17, 0xecea57b9, 0x1e5e9f90,
+ 0x8fcff73e, 0xfa370ec3, 0x6ba6666d, 0x9912ae44, 0x0883c6ea,
+ 0x32e42c64, 0xa37544ca, 0x51c18ce3, 0xc050e44d, 0xb5a81db0,
+ 0x2439751e, 0xd68dbd37, 0x471cd599, 0xe34518f1, 0x72d4705f,
+ 0x8060b876, 0x11f1d0d8, 0x64092925, 0xf598418b, 0x072c89a2,
+ 0x96bde10c, 0xacda0b82, 0x3d4b632c, 0xcfffab05, 0x5e6ec3ab,
+ 0x2b963a56, 0xba0752f8, 0x48b39ad1, 0xd922f27f, 0xfaf67e2e,
+ 0x6b671680, 0x99d3dea9, 0x0842b607, 0x7dba4ffa, 0xec2b2754,
+ 0x1e9fef7d, 0x8f0e87d3, 0xb5696d5d, 0x24f805f3, 0xd64ccdda,
+ 0x47dda574, 0x32255c89, 0xa3b43427, 0x5100fc0e, 0xc09194a0,
+ 0x64c859c8, 0xf5593166, 0x07edf94f, 0x967c91e1, 0xe384681c,
+ 0x721500b2, 0x80a1c89b, 0x1130a035, 0x2b574abb, 0xbac62215,
+ 0x4872ea3c, 0xd9e38292, 0xac1b7b6f, 0x3d8a13c1, 0xcf3edbe8,
+ 0x5eafb346, 0x878d4139, 0x161c2997, 0xe4a8e1be, 0x75398910,
+ 0x00c170ed, 0x91501843, 0x63e4d06a, 0xf275b8c4, 0xc812524a,
+ 0x59833ae4, 0xab37f2cd, 0x3aa69a63, 0x4f5e639e, 0xdecf0b30,
+ 0x2c7bc319, 0xbdeaabb7, 0x19b366df, 0x88220e71, 0x7a96c658,
+ 0xeb07aef6, 0x9eff570b, 0x0f6e3fa5, 0xfddaf78c, 0x6c4b9f22,
+ 0x562c75ac, 0xc7bd1d02, 0x3509d52b, 0xa498bd85, 0xd1604478,
+ 0x40f12cd6, 0xb245e4ff, 0x23d48c51, 0xf4edfd5c, 0x657c95f2,
+ 0x97c85ddb, 0x06593575, 0x73a1cc88, 0xe230a426, 0x10846c0f,
+ 0x811504a1, 0xbb72ee2f, 0x2ae38681, 0xd8574ea8, 0x49c62606,
+ 0x3c3edffb, 0xadafb755, 0x5f1b7f7c, 0xce8a17d2, 0x6ad3daba,
+ 0xfb42b214, 0x09f67a3d, 0x98671293, 0xed9feb6e, 0x7c0e83c0,
+ 0x8eba4be9, 0x1f2b2347, 0x254cc9c9, 0xb4dda167, 0x4669694e,
+ 0xd7f801e0, 0xa200f81d, 0x339190b3, 0xc125589a, 0x50b43034,
+ 0x8996c24b, 0x1807aae5, 0xeab362cc, 0x7b220a62, 0x0edaf39f,
+ 0x9f4b9b31, 0x6dff5318, 0xfc6e3bb6, 0xc609d138, 0x5798b996,
+ 0xa52c71bf, 0x34bd1911, 0x4145e0ec, 0xd0d48842, 0x2260406b,
+ 0xb3f128c5, 0x17a8e5ad, 0x86398d03, 0x748d452a, 0xe51c2d84,
+ 0x90e4d479, 0x0175bcd7, 0xf3c174fe, 0x62501c50, 0x5837f6de,
+ 0xc9a69e70, 0x3b125659, 0xaa833ef7, 0xdf7bc70a, 0x4eeaafa4,
+ 0xbc5e678d, 0x2dcf0f23, 0x0e1b8372, 0x9f8aebdc, 0x6d3e23f5,
+ 0xfcaf4b5b, 0x8957b2a6, 0x18c6da08, 0xea721221, 0x7be37a8f,
+ 0x41849001, 0xd015f8af, 0x22a13086, 0xb3305828, 0xc6c8a1d5,
+ 0x5759c97b, 0xa5ed0152, 0x347c69fc, 0x9025a494, 0x01b4cc3a,
+ 0xf3000413, 0x62916cbd, 0x17699540, 0x86f8fdee, 0x744c35c7,
+ 0xe5dd5d69, 0xdfbab7e7, 0x4e2bdf49, 0xbc9f1760, 0x2d0e7fce,
+ 0x58f68633, 0xc967ee9d, 0x3bd326b4, 0xaa424e1a, 0x7360bc65,
+ 0xe2f1d4cb, 0x10451ce2, 0x81d4744c, 0xf42c8db1, 0x65bde51f,
+ 0x97092d36, 0x06984598, 0x3cffaf16, 0xad6ec7b8, 0x5fda0f91,
+ 0xce4b673f, 0xbbb39ec2, 0x2a22f66c, 0xd8963e45, 0x490756eb,
+ 0xed5e9b83, 0x7ccff32d, 0x8e7b3b04, 0x1fea53aa, 0x6a12aa57,
+ 0xfb83c2f9, 0x09370ad0, 0x98a6627e, 0xa2c188f0, 0x3350e05e,
+ 0xc1e42877, 0x507540d9, 0x258db924, 0xb41cd18a, 0x46a819a3,
+ 0xd739710d}};
+#if N == 5
+#if W == 8
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0xaf449247, 0x85f822cf, 0x2abcb088, 0xd08143df,
+ 0x7fc5d198, 0x55796110, 0xfa3df357, 0x7a7381ff, 0xd53713b8,
+ 0xff8ba330, 0x50cf3177, 0xaaf2c220, 0x05b65067, 0x2f0ae0ef,
+ 0x804e72a8, 0xf4e703fe, 0x5ba391b9, 0x711f2131, 0xde5bb376,
+ 0x24664021, 0x8b22d266, 0xa19e62ee, 0x0edaf0a9, 0x8e948201,
+ 0x21d01046, 0x0b6ca0ce, 0xa4283289, 0x5e15c1de, 0xf1515399,
+ 0xdbede311, 0x74a97156, 0x32bf01bd, 0x9dfb93fa, 0xb7472372,
+ 0x1803b135, 0xe23e4262, 0x4d7ad025, 0x67c660ad, 0xc882f2ea,
+ 0x48cc8042, 0xe7881205, 0xcd34a28d, 0x627030ca, 0x984dc39d,
+ 0x370951da, 0x1db5e152, 0xb2f17315, 0xc6580243, 0x691c9004,
+ 0x43a0208c, 0xece4b2cb, 0x16d9419c, 0xb99dd3db, 0x93216353,
+ 0x3c65f114, 0xbc2b83bc, 0x136f11fb, 0x39d3a173, 0x96973334,
+ 0x6caac063, 0xc3ee5224, 0xe952e2ac, 0x461670eb, 0x657e037a,
+ 0xca3a913d, 0xe08621b5, 0x4fc2b3f2, 0xb5ff40a5, 0x1abbd2e2,
+ 0x3007626a, 0x9f43f02d, 0x1f0d8285, 0xb04910c2, 0x9af5a04a,
+ 0x35b1320d, 0xcf8cc15a, 0x60c8531d, 0x4a74e395, 0xe53071d2,
+ 0x91990084, 0x3edd92c3, 0x1461224b, 0xbb25b00c, 0x4118435b,
+ 0xee5cd11c, 0xc4e06194, 0x6ba4f3d3, 0xebea817b, 0x44ae133c,
+ 0x6e12a3b4, 0xc15631f3, 0x3b6bc2a4, 0x942f50e3, 0xbe93e06b,
+ 0x11d7722c, 0x57c102c7, 0xf8859080, 0xd2392008, 0x7d7db24f,
+ 0x87404118, 0x2804d35f, 0x02b863d7, 0xadfcf190, 0x2db28338,
+ 0x82f6117f, 0xa84aa1f7, 0x070e33b0, 0xfd33c0e7, 0x527752a0,
+ 0x78cbe228, 0xd78f706f, 0xa3260139, 0x0c62937e, 0x26de23f6,
+ 0x899ab1b1, 0x73a742e6, 0xdce3d0a1, 0xf65f6029, 0x591bf26e,
+ 0xd95580c6, 0x76111281, 0x5cada209, 0xf3e9304e, 0x09d4c319,
+ 0xa690515e, 0x8c2ce1d6, 0x23687391, 0xcafc06f4, 0x65b894b3,
+ 0x4f04243b, 0xe040b67c, 0x1a7d452b, 0xb539d76c, 0x9f8567e4,
+ 0x30c1f5a3, 0xb08f870b, 0x1fcb154c, 0x3577a5c4, 0x9a333783,
+ 0x600ec4d4, 0xcf4a5693, 0xe5f6e61b, 0x4ab2745c, 0x3e1b050a,
+ 0x915f974d, 0xbbe327c5, 0x14a7b582, 0xee9a46d5, 0x41ded492,
+ 0x6b62641a, 0xc426f65d, 0x446884f5, 0xeb2c16b2, 0xc190a63a,
+ 0x6ed4347d, 0x94e9c72a, 0x3bad556d, 0x1111e5e5, 0xbe5577a2,
+ 0xf8430749, 0x5707950e, 0x7dbb2586, 0xd2ffb7c1, 0x28c24496,
+ 0x8786d6d1, 0xad3a6659, 0x027ef41e, 0x823086b6, 0x2d7414f1,
+ 0x07c8a479, 0xa88c363e, 0x52b1c569, 0xfdf5572e, 0xd749e7a6,
+ 0x780d75e1, 0x0ca404b7, 0xa3e096f0, 0x895c2678, 0x2618b43f,
+ 0xdc254768, 0x7361d52f, 0x59dd65a7, 0xf699f7e0, 0x76d78548,
+ 0xd993170f, 0xf32fa787, 0x5c6b35c0, 0xa656c697, 0x091254d0,
+ 0x23aee458, 0x8cea761f, 0xaf82058e, 0x00c697c9, 0x2a7a2741,
+ 0x853eb506, 0x7f034651, 0xd047d416, 0xfafb649e, 0x55bff6d9,
+ 0xd5f18471, 0x7ab51636, 0x5009a6be, 0xff4d34f9, 0x0570c7ae,
+ 0xaa3455e9, 0x8088e561, 0x2fcc7726, 0x5b650670, 0xf4219437,
+ 0xde9d24bf, 0x71d9b6f8, 0x8be445af, 0x24a0d7e8, 0x0e1c6760,
+ 0xa158f527, 0x2116878f, 0x8e5215c8, 0xa4eea540, 0x0baa3707,
+ 0xf197c450, 0x5ed35617, 0x746fe69f, 0xdb2b74d8, 0x9d3d0433,
+ 0x32799674, 0x18c526fc, 0xb781b4bb, 0x4dbc47ec, 0xe2f8d5ab,
+ 0xc8446523, 0x6700f764, 0xe74e85cc, 0x480a178b, 0x62b6a703,
+ 0xcdf23544, 0x37cfc613, 0x988b5454, 0xb237e4dc, 0x1d73769b,
+ 0x69da07cd, 0xc69e958a, 0xec222502, 0x4366b745, 0xb95b4412,
+ 0x161fd655, 0x3ca366dd, 0x93e7f49a, 0x13a98632, 0xbced1475,
+ 0x9651a4fd, 0x391536ba, 0xc328c5ed, 0x6c6c57aa, 0x46d0e722,
+ 0xe9947565},
+ {0x00000000, 0x4e890ba9, 0x9d121752, 0xd39b1cfb, 0xe15528e5,
+ 0xafdc234c, 0x7c473fb7, 0x32ce341e, 0x19db578b, 0x57525c22,
+ 0x84c940d9, 0xca404b70, 0xf88e7f6e, 0xb60774c7, 0x659c683c,
+ 0x2b156395, 0x33b6af16, 0x7d3fa4bf, 0xaea4b844, 0xe02db3ed,
+ 0xd2e387f3, 0x9c6a8c5a, 0x4ff190a1, 0x01789b08, 0x2a6df89d,
+ 0x64e4f334, 0xb77fefcf, 0xf9f6e466, 0xcb38d078, 0x85b1dbd1,
+ 0x562ac72a, 0x18a3cc83, 0x676d5e2c, 0x29e45585, 0xfa7f497e,
+ 0xb4f642d7, 0x863876c9, 0xc8b17d60, 0x1b2a619b, 0x55a36a32,
+ 0x7eb609a7, 0x303f020e, 0xe3a41ef5, 0xad2d155c, 0x9fe32142,
+ 0xd16a2aeb, 0x02f13610, 0x4c783db9, 0x54dbf13a, 0x1a52fa93,
+ 0xc9c9e668, 0x8740edc1, 0xb58ed9df, 0xfb07d276, 0x289cce8d,
+ 0x6615c524, 0x4d00a6b1, 0x0389ad18, 0xd012b1e3, 0x9e9bba4a,
+ 0xac558e54, 0xe2dc85fd, 0x31479906, 0x7fce92af, 0xcedabc58,
+ 0x8053b7f1, 0x53c8ab0a, 0x1d41a0a3, 0x2f8f94bd, 0x61069f14,
+ 0xb29d83ef, 0xfc148846, 0xd701ebd3, 0x9988e07a, 0x4a13fc81,
+ 0x049af728, 0x3654c336, 0x78ddc89f, 0xab46d464, 0xe5cfdfcd,
+ 0xfd6c134e, 0xb3e518e7, 0x607e041c, 0x2ef70fb5, 0x1c393bab,
+ 0x52b03002, 0x812b2cf9, 0xcfa22750, 0xe4b744c5, 0xaa3e4f6c,
+ 0x79a55397, 0x372c583e, 0x05e26c20, 0x4b6b6789, 0x98f07b72,
+ 0xd67970db, 0xa9b7e274, 0xe73ee9dd, 0x34a5f526, 0x7a2cfe8f,
+ 0x48e2ca91, 0x066bc138, 0xd5f0ddc3, 0x9b79d66a, 0xb06cb5ff,
+ 0xfee5be56, 0x2d7ea2ad, 0x63f7a904, 0x51399d1a, 0x1fb096b3,
+ 0xcc2b8a48, 0x82a281e1, 0x9a014d62, 0xd48846cb, 0x07135a30,
+ 0x499a5199, 0x7b546587, 0x35dd6e2e, 0xe64672d5, 0xa8cf797c,
+ 0x83da1ae9, 0xcd531140, 0x1ec80dbb, 0x50410612, 0x628f320c,
+ 0x2c0639a5, 0xff9d255e, 0xb1142ef7, 0x46c47ef1, 0x084d7558,
+ 0xdbd669a3, 0x955f620a, 0xa7915614, 0xe9185dbd, 0x3a834146,
+ 0x740a4aef, 0x5f1f297a, 0x119622d3, 0xc20d3e28, 0x8c843581,
+ 0xbe4a019f, 0xf0c30a36, 0x235816cd, 0x6dd11d64, 0x7572d1e7,
+ 0x3bfbda4e, 0xe860c6b5, 0xa6e9cd1c, 0x9427f902, 0xdaaef2ab,
+ 0x0935ee50, 0x47bce5f9, 0x6ca9866c, 0x22208dc5, 0xf1bb913e,
+ 0xbf329a97, 0x8dfcae89, 0xc375a520, 0x10eeb9db, 0x5e67b272,
+ 0x21a920dd, 0x6f202b74, 0xbcbb378f, 0xf2323c26, 0xc0fc0838,
+ 0x8e750391, 0x5dee1f6a, 0x136714c3, 0x38727756, 0x76fb7cff,
+ 0xa5606004, 0xebe96bad, 0xd9275fb3, 0x97ae541a, 0x443548e1,
+ 0x0abc4348, 0x121f8fcb, 0x5c968462, 0x8f0d9899, 0xc1849330,
+ 0xf34aa72e, 0xbdc3ac87, 0x6e58b07c, 0x20d1bbd5, 0x0bc4d840,
+ 0x454dd3e9, 0x96d6cf12, 0xd85fc4bb, 0xea91f0a5, 0xa418fb0c,
+ 0x7783e7f7, 0x390aec5e, 0x881ec2a9, 0xc697c900, 0x150cd5fb,
+ 0x5b85de52, 0x694bea4c, 0x27c2e1e5, 0xf459fd1e, 0xbad0f6b7,
+ 0x91c59522, 0xdf4c9e8b, 0x0cd78270, 0x425e89d9, 0x7090bdc7,
+ 0x3e19b66e, 0xed82aa95, 0xa30ba13c, 0xbba86dbf, 0xf5216616,
+ 0x26ba7aed, 0x68337144, 0x5afd455a, 0x14744ef3, 0xc7ef5208,
+ 0x896659a1, 0xa2733a34, 0xecfa319d, 0x3f612d66, 0x71e826cf,
+ 0x432612d1, 0x0daf1978, 0xde340583, 0x90bd0e2a, 0xef739c85,
+ 0xa1fa972c, 0x72618bd7, 0x3ce8807e, 0x0e26b460, 0x40afbfc9,
+ 0x9334a332, 0xddbda89b, 0xf6a8cb0e, 0xb821c0a7, 0x6bbadc5c,
+ 0x2533d7f5, 0x17fde3eb, 0x5974e842, 0x8aeff4b9, 0xc466ff10,
+ 0xdcc53393, 0x924c383a, 0x41d724c1, 0x0f5e2f68, 0x3d901b76,
+ 0x731910df, 0xa0820c24, 0xee0b078d, 0xc51e6418, 0x8b976fb1,
+ 0x580c734a, 0x168578e3, 0x244b4cfd, 0x6ac24754, 0xb9595baf,
+ 0xf7d05006},
+ {0x00000000, 0x8d88fde2, 0xc060fd85, 0x4de80067, 0x5bb0fd4b,
+ 0xd63800a9, 0x9bd000ce, 0x1658fd2c, 0xb761fa96, 0x3ae90774,
+ 0x77010713, 0xfa89faf1, 0xecd107dd, 0x6159fa3f, 0x2cb1fa58,
+ 0xa13907ba, 0xb5b2f36d, 0x383a0e8f, 0x75d20ee8, 0xf85af30a,
+ 0xee020e26, 0x638af3c4, 0x2e62f3a3, 0xa3ea0e41, 0x02d309fb,
+ 0x8f5bf419, 0xc2b3f47e, 0x4f3b099c, 0x5963f4b0, 0xd4eb0952,
+ 0x99030935, 0x148bf4d7, 0xb014e09b, 0x3d9c1d79, 0x70741d1e,
+ 0xfdfce0fc, 0xeba41dd0, 0x662ce032, 0x2bc4e055, 0xa64c1db7,
+ 0x07751a0d, 0x8afde7ef, 0xc715e788, 0x4a9d1a6a, 0x5cc5e746,
+ 0xd14d1aa4, 0x9ca51ac3, 0x112de721, 0x05a613f6, 0x882eee14,
+ 0xc5c6ee73, 0x484e1391, 0x5e16eebd, 0xd39e135f, 0x9e761338,
+ 0x13feeeda, 0xb2c7e960, 0x3f4f1482, 0x72a714e5, 0xff2fe907,
+ 0xe977142b, 0x64ffe9c9, 0x2917e9ae, 0xa49f144c, 0xbb58c777,
+ 0x36d03a95, 0x7b383af2, 0xf6b0c710, 0xe0e83a3c, 0x6d60c7de,
+ 0x2088c7b9, 0xad003a5b, 0x0c393de1, 0x81b1c003, 0xcc59c064,
+ 0x41d13d86, 0x5789c0aa, 0xda013d48, 0x97e93d2f, 0x1a61c0cd,
+ 0x0eea341a, 0x8362c9f8, 0xce8ac99f, 0x4302347d, 0x555ac951,
+ 0xd8d234b3, 0x953a34d4, 0x18b2c936, 0xb98bce8c, 0x3403336e,
+ 0x79eb3309, 0xf463ceeb, 0xe23b33c7, 0x6fb3ce25, 0x225bce42,
+ 0xafd333a0, 0x0b4c27ec, 0x86c4da0e, 0xcb2cda69, 0x46a4278b,
+ 0x50fcdaa7, 0xdd742745, 0x909c2722, 0x1d14dac0, 0xbc2ddd7a,
+ 0x31a52098, 0x7c4d20ff, 0xf1c5dd1d, 0xe79d2031, 0x6a15ddd3,
+ 0x27fdddb4, 0xaa752056, 0xbefed481, 0x33762963, 0x7e9e2904,
+ 0xf316d4e6, 0xe54e29ca, 0x68c6d428, 0x252ed44f, 0xa8a629ad,
+ 0x099f2e17, 0x8417d3f5, 0xc9ffd392, 0x44772e70, 0x522fd35c,
+ 0xdfa72ebe, 0x924f2ed9, 0x1fc7d33b, 0xadc088af, 0x2048754d,
+ 0x6da0752a, 0xe02888c8, 0xf67075e4, 0x7bf88806, 0x36108861,
+ 0xbb987583, 0x1aa17239, 0x97298fdb, 0xdac18fbc, 0x5749725e,
+ 0x41118f72, 0xcc997290, 0x817172f7, 0x0cf98f15, 0x18727bc2,
+ 0x95fa8620, 0xd8128647, 0x559a7ba5, 0x43c28689, 0xce4a7b6b,
+ 0x83a27b0c, 0x0e2a86ee, 0xaf138154, 0x229b7cb6, 0x6f737cd1,
+ 0xe2fb8133, 0xf4a37c1f, 0x792b81fd, 0x34c3819a, 0xb94b7c78,
+ 0x1dd46834, 0x905c95d6, 0xddb495b1, 0x503c6853, 0x4664957f,
+ 0xcbec689d, 0x860468fa, 0x0b8c9518, 0xaab592a2, 0x273d6f40,
+ 0x6ad56f27, 0xe75d92c5, 0xf1056fe9, 0x7c8d920b, 0x3165926c,
+ 0xbced6f8e, 0xa8669b59, 0x25ee66bb, 0x680666dc, 0xe58e9b3e,
+ 0xf3d66612, 0x7e5e9bf0, 0x33b69b97, 0xbe3e6675, 0x1f0761cf,
+ 0x928f9c2d, 0xdf679c4a, 0x52ef61a8, 0x44b79c84, 0xc93f6166,
+ 0x84d76101, 0x095f9ce3, 0x16984fd8, 0x9b10b23a, 0xd6f8b25d,
+ 0x5b704fbf, 0x4d28b293, 0xc0a04f71, 0x8d484f16, 0x00c0b2f4,
+ 0xa1f9b54e, 0x2c7148ac, 0x619948cb, 0xec11b529, 0xfa494805,
+ 0x77c1b5e7, 0x3a29b580, 0xb7a14862, 0xa32abcb5, 0x2ea24157,
+ 0x634a4130, 0xeec2bcd2, 0xf89a41fe, 0x7512bc1c, 0x38fabc7b,
+ 0xb5724199, 0x144b4623, 0x99c3bbc1, 0xd42bbba6, 0x59a34644,
+ 0x4ffbbb68, 0xc273468a, 0x8f9b46ed, 0x0213bb0f, 0xa68caf43,
+ 0x2b0452a1, 0x66ec52c6, 0xeb64af24, 0xfd3c5208, 0x70b4afea,
+ 0x3d5caf8d, 0xb0d4526f, 0x11ed55d5, 0x9c65a837, 0xd18da850,
+ 0x5c0555b2, 0x4a5da89e, 0xc7d5557c, 0x8a3d551b, 0x07b5a8f9,
+ 0x133e5c2e, 0x9eb6a1cc, 0xd35ea1ab, 0x5ed65c49, 0x488ea165,
+ 0xc5065c87, 0x88ee5ce0, 0x0566a102, 0xa45fa6b8, 0x29d75b5a,
+ 0x643f5b3d, 0xe9b7a6df, 0xffef5bf3, 0x7267a611, 0x3f8fa676,
+ 0xb2075b94},
+ {0x00000000, 0x80f0171f, 0xda91287f, 0x5a613f60, 0x6e5356bf,
+ 0xeea341a0, 0xb4c27ec0, 0x343269df, 0xdca6ad7e, 0x5c56ba61,
+ 0x06378501, 0x86c7921e, 0xb2f5fbc1, 0x3205ecde, 0x6864d3be,
+ 0xe894c4a1, 0x623c5cbd, 0xe2cc4ba2, 0xb8ad74c2, 0x385d63dd,
+ 0x0c6f0a02, 0x8c9f1d1d, 0xd6fe227d, 0x560e3562, 0xbe9af1c3,
+ 0x3e6ae6dc, 0x640bd9bc, 0xe4fbcea3, 0xd0c9a77c, 0x5039b063,
+ 0x0a588f03, 0x8aa8981c, 0xc478b97a, 0x4488ae65, 0x1ee99105,
+ 0x9e19861a, 0xaa2befc5, 0x2adbf8da, 0x70bac7ba, 0xf04ad0a5,
+ 0x18de1404, 0x982e031b, 0xc24f3c7b, 0x42bf2b64, 0x768d42bb,
+ 0xf67d55a4, 0xac1c6ac4, 0x2cec7ddb, 0xa644e5c7, 0x26b4f2d8,
+ 0x7cd5cdb8, 0xfc25daa7, 0xc817b378, 0x48e7a467, 0x12869b07,
+ 0x92768c18, 0x7ae248b9, 0xfa125fa6, 0xa07360c6, 0x208377d9,
+ 0x14b11e06, 0x94410919, 0xce203679, 0x4ed02166, 0x538074b5,
+ 0xd37063aa, 0x89115cca, 0x09e14bd5, 0x3dd3220a, 0xbd233515,
+ 0xe7420a75, 0x67b21d6a, 0x8f26d9cb, 0x0fd6ced4, 0x55b7f1b4,
+ 0xd547e6ab, 0xe1758f74, 0x6185986b, 0x3be4a70b, 0xbb14b014,
+ 0x31bc2808, 0xb14c3f17, 0xeb2d0077, 0x6bdd1768, 0x5fef7eb7,
+ 0xdf1f69a8, 0x857e56c8, 0x058e41d7, 0xed1a8576, 0x6dea9269,
+ 0x378bad09, 0xb77bba16, 0x8349d3c9, 0x03b9c4d6, 0x59d8fbb6,
+ 0xd928eca9, 0x97f8cdcf, 0x1708dad0, 0x4d69e5b0, 0xcd99f2af,
+ 0xf9ab9b70, 0x795b8c6f, 0x233ab30f, 0xa3caa410, 0x4b5e60b1,
+ 0xcbae77ae, 0x91cf48ce, 0x113f5fd1, 0x250d360e, 0xa5fd2111,
+ 0xff9c1e71, 0x7f6c096e, 0xf5c49172, 0x7534866d, 0x2f55b90d,
+ 0xafa5ae12, 0x9b97c7cd, 0x1b67d0d2, 0x4106efb2, 0xc1f6f8ad,
+ 0x29623c0c, 0xa9922b13, 0xf3f31473, 0x7303036c, 0x47316ab3,
+ 0xc7c17dac, 0x9da042cc, 0x1d5055d3, 0xa700e96a, 0x27f0fe75,
+ 0x7d91c115, 0xfd61d60a, 0xc953bfd5, 0x49a3a8ca, 0x13c297aa,
+ 0x933280b5, 0x7ba64414, 0xfb56530b, 0xa1376c6b, 0x21c77b74,
+ 0x15f512ab, 0x950505b4, 0xcf643ad4, 0x4f942dcb, 0xc53cb5d7,
+ 0x45cca2c8, 0x1fad9da8, 0x9f5d8ab7, 0xab6fe368, 0x2b9ff477,
+ 0x71fecb17, 0xf10edc08, 0x199a18a9, 0x996a0fb6, 0xc30b30d6,
+ 0x43fb27c9, 0x77c94e16, 0xf7395909, 0xad586669, 0x2da87176,
+ 0x63785010, 0xe388470f, 0xb9e9786f, 0x39196f70, 0x0d2b06af,
+ 0x8ddb11b0, 0xd7ba2ed0, 0x574a39cf, 0xbfdefd6e, 0x3f2eea71,
+ 0x654fd511, 0xe5bfc20e, 0xd18dabd1, 0x517dbcce, 0x0b1c83ae,
+ 0x8bec94b1, 0x01440cad, 0x81b41bb2, 0xdbd524d2, 0x5b2533cd,
+ 0x6f175a12, 0xefe74d0d, 0xb586726d, 0x35766572, 0xdde2a1d3,
+ 0x5d12b6cc, 0x077389ac, 0x87839eb3, 0xb3b1f76c, 0x3341e073,
+ 0x6920df13, 0xe9d0c80c, 0xf4809ddf, 0x74708ac0, 0x2e11b5a0,
+ 0xaee1a2bf, 0x9ad3cb60, 0x1a23dc7f, 0x4042e31f, 0xc0b2f400,
+ 0x282630a1, 0xa8d627be, 0xf2b718de, 0x72470fc1, 0x4675661e,
+ 0xc6857101, 0x9ce44e61, 0x1c14597e, 0x96bcc162, 0x164cd67d,
+ 0x4c2de91d, 0xccddfe02, 0xf8ef97dd, 0x781f80c2, 0x227ebfa2,
+ 0xa28ea8bd, 0x4a1a6c1c, 0xcaea7b03, 0x908b4463, 0x107b537c,
+ 0x24493aa3, 0xa4b92dbc, 0xfed812dc, 0x7e2805c3, 0x30f824a5,
+ 0xb00833ba, 0xea690cda, 0x6a991bc5, 0x5eab721a, 0xde5b6505,
+ 0x843a5a65, 0x04ca4d7a, 0xec5e89db, 0x6cae9ec4, 0x36cfa1a4,
+ 0xb63fb6bb, 0x820ddf64, 0x02fdc87b, 0x589cf71b, 0xd86ce004,
+ 0x52c47818, 0xd2346f07, 0x88555067, 0x08a54778, 0x3c972ea7,
+ 0xbc6739b8, 0xe60606d8, 0x66f611c7, 0x8e62d566, 0x0e92c279,
+ 0x54f3fd19, 0xd403ea06, 0xe03183d9, 0x60c194c6, 0x3aa0aba6,
+ 0xba50bcb9},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9570d495, 0xf190af6b, 0x64e07bfe, 0x38505897,
+ 0xad208c02, 0xc9c0f7fc, 0x5cb02369, 0x70a0b12e, 0xe5d065bb,
+ 0x81301e45, 0x1440cad0, 0x48f0e9b9, 0xdd803d2c, 0xb96046d2,
+ 0x2c109247, 0xe141625c, 0x7431b6c9, 0x10d1cd37, 0x85a119a2,
+ 0xd9113acb, 0x4c61ee5e, 0x288195a0, 0xbdf14135, 0x91e1d372,
+ 0x049107e7, 0x60717c19, 0xf501a88c, 0xa9b18be5, 0x3cc15f70,
+ 0x5821248e, 0xcd51f01b, 0x19f3c2f9, 0x8c83166c, 0xe8636d92,
+ 0x7d13b907, 0x21a39a6e, 0xb4d34efb, 0xd0333505, 0x4543e190,
+ 0x695373d7, 0xfc23a742, 0x98c3dcbc, 0x0db30829, 0x51032b40,
+ 0xc473ffd5, 0xa093842b, 0x35e350be, 0xf8b2a0a5, 0x6dc27430,
+ 0x09220fce, 0x9c52db5b, 0xc0e2f832, 0x55922ca7, 0x31725759,
+ 0xa40283cc, 0x8812118b, 0x1d62c51e, 0x7982bee0, 0xecf26a75,
+ 0xb042491c, 0x25329d89, 0x41d2e677, 0xd4a232e2, 0x33e785f2,
+ 0xa6975167, 0xc2772a99, 0x5707fe0c, 0x0bb7dd65, 0x9ec709f0,
+ 0xfa27720e, 0x6f57a69b, 0x434734dc, 0xd637e049, 0xb2d79bb7,
+ 0x27a74f22, 0x7b176c4b, 0xee67b8de, 0x8a87c320, 0x1ff717b5,
+ 0xd2a6e7ae, 0x47d6333b, 0x233648c5, 0xb6469c50, 0xeaf6bf39,
+ 0x7f866bac, 0x1b661052, 0x8e16c4c7, 0xa2065680, 0x37768215,
+ 0x5396f9eb, 0xc6e62d7e, 0x9a560e17, 0x0f26da82, 0x6bc6a17c,
+ 0xfeb675e9, 0x2a14470b, 0xbf64939e, 0xdb84e860, 0x4ef43cf5,
+ 0x12441f9c, 0x8734cb09, 0xe3d4b0f7, 0x76a46462, 0x5ab4f625,
+ 0xcfc422b0, 0xab24594e, 0x3e548ddb, 0x62e4aeb2, 0xf7947a27,
+ 0x937401d9, 0x0604d54c, 0xcb552557, 0x5e25f1c2, 0x3ac58a3c,
+ 0xafb55ea9, 0xf3057dc0, 0x6675a955, 0x0295d2ab, 0x97e5063e,
+ 0xbbf59479, 0x2e8540ec, 0x4a653b12, 0xdf15ef87, 0x83a5ccee,
+ 0x16d5187b, 0x72356385, 0xe745b710, 0x67cf0be4, 0xf2bfdf71,
+ 0x965fa48f, 0x032f701a, 0x5f9f5373, 0xcaef87e6, 0xae0ffc18,
+ 0x3b7f288d, 0x176fbaca, 0x821f6e5f, 0xe6ff15a1, 0x738fc134,
+ 0x2f3fe25d, 0xba4f36c8, 0xdeaf4d36, 0x4bdf99a3, 0x868e69b8,
+ 0x13febd2d, 0x771ec6d3, 0xe26e1246, 0xbede312f, 0x2baee5ba,
+ 0x4f4e9e44, 0xda3e4ad1, 0xf62ed896, 0x635e0c03, 0x07be77fd,
+ 0x92cea368, 0xce7e8001, 0x5b0e5494, 0x3fee2f6a, 0xaa9efbff,
+ 0x7e3cc91d, 0xeb4c1d88, 0x8fac6676, 0x1adcb2e3, 0x466c918a,
+ 0xd31c451f, 0xb7fc3ee1, 0x228cea74, 0x0e9c7833, 0x9becaca6,
+ 0xff0cd758, 0x6a7c03cd, 0x36cc20a4, 0xa3bcf431, 0xc75c8fcf,
+ 0x522c5b5a, 0x9f7dab41, 0x0a0d7fd4, 0x6eed042a, 0xfb9dd0bf,
+ 0xa72df3d6, 0x325d2743, 0x56bd5cbd, 0xc3cd8828, 0xefdd1a6f,
+ 0x7aadcefa, 0x1e4db504, 0x8b3d6191, 0xd78d42f8, 0x42fd966d,
+ 0x261ded93, 0xb36d3906, 0x54288e16, 0xc1585a83, 0xa5b8217d,
+ 0x30c8f5e8, 0x6c78d681, 0xf9080214, 0x9de879ea, 0x0898ad7f,
+ 0x24883f38, 0xb1f8ebad, 0xd5189053, 0x406844c6, 0x1cd867af,
+ 0x89a8b33a, 0xed48c8c4, 0x78381c51, 0xb569ec4a, 0x201938df,
+ 0x44f94321, 0xd18997b4, 0x8d39b4dd, 0x18496048, 0x7ca91bb6,
+ 0xe9d9cf23, 0xc5c95d64, 0x50b989f1, 0x3459f20f, 0xa129269a,
+ 0xfd9905f3, 0x68e9d166, 0x0c09aa98, 0x99797e0d, 0x4ddb4cef,
+ 0xd8ab987a, 0xbc4be384, 0x293b3711, 0x758b1478, 0xe0fbc0ed,
+ 0x841bbb13, 0x116b6f86, 0x3d7bfdc1, 0xa80b2954, 0xcceb52aa,
+ 0x599b863f, 0x052ba556, 0x905b71c3, 0xf4bb0a3d, 0x61cbdea8,
+ 0xac9a2eb3, 0x39eafa26, 0x5d0a81d8, 0xc87a554d, 0x94ca7624,
+ 0x01baa2b1, 0x655ad94f, 0xf02a0dda, 0xdc3a9f9d, 0x494a4b08,
+ 0x2daa30f6, 0xb8dae463, 0xe46ac70a, 0x711a139f, 0x15fa6861,
+ 0x808abcf4},
+ {0x00000000, 0xcf9e17c8, 0x444d29d1, 0x8bd33e19, 0x889a53a2,
+ 0x4704446a, 0xccd77a73, 0x03496dbb, 0xca45a105, 0x05dbb6cd,
+ 0x8e0888d4, 0x41969f1c, 0x42dff2a7, 0x8d41e56f, 0x0692db76,
+ 0xc90cccbe, 0x4ffa444b, 0x80645383, 0x0bb76d9a, 0xc4297a52,
+ 0xc76017e9, 0x08fe0021, 0x832d3e38, 0x4cb329f0, 0x85bfe54e,
+ 0x4a21f286, 0xc1f2cc9f, 0x0e6cdb57, 0x0d25b6ec, 0xc2bba124,
+ 0x49689f3d, 0x86f688f5, 0x9ff48896, 0x506a9f5e, 0xdbb9a147,
+ 0x1427b68f, 0x176edb34, 0xd8f0ccfc, 0x5323f2e5, 0x9cbde52d,
+ 0x55b12993, 0x9a2f3e5b, 0x11fc0042, 0xde62178a, 0xdd2b7a31,
+ 0x12b56df9, 0x996653e0, 0x56f84428, 0xd00eccdd, 0x1f90db15,
+ 0x9443e50c, 0x5bddf2c4, 0x58949f7f, 0x970a88b7, 0x1cd9b6ae,
+ 0xd347a166, 0x1a4b6dd8, 0xd5d57a10, 0x5e064409, 0x919853c1,
+ 0x92d13e7a, 0x5d4f29b2, 0xd69c17ab, 0x19020063, 0xe498176d,
+ 0x2b0600a5, 0xa0d53ebc, 0x6f4b2974, 0x6c0244cf, 0xa39c5307,
+ 0x284f6d1e, 0xe7d17ad6, 0x2eddb668, 0xe143a1a0, 0x6a909fb9,
+ 0xa50e8871, 0xa647e5ca, 0x69d9f202, 0xe20acc1b, 0x2d94dbd3,
+ 0xab625326, 0x64fc44ee, 0xef2f7af7, 0x20b16d3f, 0x23f80084,
+ 0xec66174c, 0x67b52955, 0xa82b3e9d, 0x6127f223, 0xaeb9e5eb,
+ 0x256adbf2, 0xeaf4cc3a, 0xe9bda181, 0x2623b649, 0xadf08850,
+ 0x626e9f98, 0x7b6c9ffb, 0xb4f28833, 0x3f21b62a, 0xf0bfa1e2,
+ 0xf3f6cc59, 0x3c68db91, 0xb7bbe588, 0x7825f240, 0xb1293efe,
+ 0x7eb72936, 0xf564172f, 0x3afa00e7, 0x39b36d5c, 0xf62d7a94,
+ 0x7dfe448d, 0xb2605345, 0x3496dbb0, 0xfb08cc78, 0x70dbf261,
+ 0xbf45e5a9, 0xbc0c8812, 0x73929fda, 0xf841a1c3, 0x37dfb60b,
+ 0xfed37ab5, 0x314d6d7d, 0xba9e5364, 0x750044ac, 0x76492917,
+ 0xb9d73edf, 0x320400c6, 0xfd9a170e, 0x1241289b, 0xdddf3f53,
+ 0x560c014a, 0x99921682, 0x9adb7b39, 0x55456cf1, 0xde9652e8,
+ 0x11084520, 0xd804899e, 0x179a9e56, 0x9c49a04f, 0x53d7b787,
+ 0x509eda3c, 0x9f00cdf4, 0x14d3f3ed, 0xdb4de425, 0x5dbb6cd0,
+ 0x92257b18, 0x19f64501, 0xd66852c9, 0xd5213f72, 0x1abf28ba,
+ 0x916c16a3, 0x5ef2016b, 0x97fecdd5, 0x5860da1d, 0xd3b3e404,
+ 0x1c2df3cc, 0x1f649e77, 0xd0fa89bf, 0x5b29b7a6, 0x94b7a06e,
+ 0x8db5a00d, 0x422bb7c5, 0xc9f889dc, 0x06669e14, 0x052ff3af,
+ 0xcab1e467, 0x4162da7e, 0x8efccdb6, 0x47f00108, 0x886e16c0,
+ 0x03bd28d9, 0xcc233f11, 0xcf6a52aa, 0x00f44562, 0x8b277b7b,
+ 0x44b96cb3, 0xc24fe446, 0x0dd1f38e, 0x8602cd97, 0x499cda5f,
+ 0x4ad5b7e4, 0x854ba02c, 0x0e989e35, 0xc10689fd, 0x080a4543,
+ 0xc794528b, 0x4c476c92, 0x83d97b5a, 0x809016e1, 0x4f0e0129,
+ 0xc4dd3f30, 0x0b4328f8, 0xf6d93ff6, 0x3947283e, 0xb2941627,
+ 0x7d0a01ef, 0x7e436c54, 0xb1dd7b9c, 0x3a0e4585, 0xf590524d,
+ 0x3c9c9ef3, 0xf302893b, 0x78d1b722, 0xb74fa0ea, 0xb406cd51,
+ 0x7b98da99, 0xf04be480, 0x3fd5f348, 0xb9237bbd, 0x76bd6c75,
+ 0xfd6e526c, 0x32f045a4, 0x31b9281f, 0xfe273fd7, 0x75f401ce,
+ 0xba6a1606, 0x7366dab8, 0xbcf8cd70, 0x372bf369, 0xf8b5e4a1,
+ 0xfbfc891a, 0x34629ed2, 0xbfb1a0cb, 0x702fb703, 0x692db760,
+ 0xa6b3a0a8, 0x2d609eb1, 0xe2fe8979, 0xe1b7e4c2, 0x2e29f30a,
+ 0xa5facd13, 0x6a64dadb, 0xa3681665, 0x6cf601ad, 0xe7253fb4,
+ 0x28bb287c, 0x2bf245c7, 0xe46c520f, 0x6fbf6c16, 0xa0217bde,
+ 0x26d7f32b, 0xe949e4e3, 0x629adafa, 0xad04cd32, 0xae4da089,
+ 0x61d3b741, 0xea008958, 0x259e9e90, 0xec92522e, 0x230c45e6,
+ 0xa8df7bff, 0x67416c37, 0x6408018c, 0xab961644, 0x2045285d,
+ 0xefdb3f95},
+ {0x00000000, 0x24825136, 0x4904a26c, 0x6d86f35a, 0x920944d8,
+ 0xb68b15ee, 0xdb0de6b4, 0xff8fb782, 0xff638ff1, 0xdbe1dec7,
+ 0xb6672d9d, 0x92e57cab, 0x6d6acb29, 0x49e89a1f, 0x246e6945,
+ 0x00ec3873, 0x25b619a3, 0x01344895, 0x6cb2bbcf, 0x4830eaf9,
+ 0xb7bf5d7b, 0x933d0c4d, 0xfebbff17, 0xda39ae21, 0xdad59652,
+ 0xfe57c764, 0x93d1343e, 0xb7536508, 0x48dcd28a, 0x6c5e83bc,
+ 0x01d870e6, 0x255a21d0, 0x4b6c3346, 0x6fee6270, 0x0268912a,
+ 0x26eac01c, 0xd965779e, 0xfde726a8, 0x9061d5f2, 0xb4e384c4,
+ 0xb40fbcb7, 0x908ded81, 0xfd0b1edb, 0xd9894fed, 0x2606f86f,
+ 0x0284a959, 0x6f025a03, 0x4b800b35, 0x6eda2ae5, 0x4a587bd3,
+ 0x27de8889, 0x035cd9bf, 0xfcd36e3d, 0xd8513f0b, 0xb5d7cc51,
+ 0x91559d67, 0x91b9a514, 0xb53bf422, 0xd8bd0778, 0xfc3f564e,
+ 0x03b0e1cc, 0x2732b0fa, 0x4ab443a0, 0x6e361296, 0x96d8668c,
+ 0xb25a37ba, 0xdfdcc4e0, 0xfb5e95d6, 0x04d12254, 0x20537362,
+ 0x4dd58038, 0x6957d10e, 0x69bbe97d, 0x4d39b84b, 0x20bf4b11,
+ 0x043d1a27, 0xfbb2ada5, 0xdf30fc93, 0xb2b60fc9, 0x96345eff,
+ 0xb36e7f2f, 0x97ec2e19, 0xfa6add43, 0xdee88c75, 0x21673bf7,
+ 0x05e56ac1, 0x6863999b, 0x4ce1c8ad, 0x4c0df0de, 0x688fa1e8,
+ 0x050952b2, 0x218b0384, 0xde04b406, 0xfa86e530, 0x9700166a,
+ 0xb382475c, 0xddb455ca, 0xf93604fc, 0x94b0f7a6, 0xb032a690,
+ 0x4fbd1112, 0x6b3f4024, 0x06b9b37e, 0x223be248, 0x22d7da3b,
+ 0x06558b0d, 0x6bd37857, 0x4f512961, 0xb0de9ee3, 0x945ccfd5,
+ 0xf9da3c8f, 0xdd586db9, 0xf8024c69, 0xdc801d5f, 0xb106ee05,
+ 0x9584bf33, 0x6a0b08b1, 0x4e895987, 0x230faadd, 0x078dfbeb,
+ 0x0761c398, 0x23e392ae, 0x4e6561f4, 0x6ae730c2, 0x95688740,
+ 0xb1ead676, 0xdc6c252c, 0xf8ee741a, 0xf6c1cb59, 0xd2439a6f,
+ 0xbfc56935, 0x9b473803, 0x64c88f81, 0x404adeb7, 0x2dcc2ded,
+ 0x094e7cdb, 0x09a244a8, 0x2d20159e, 0x40a6e6c4, 0x6424b7f2,
+ 0x9bab0070, 0xbf295146, 0xd2afa21c, 0xf62df32a, 0xd377d2fa,
+ 0xf7f583cc, 0x9a737096, 0xbef121a0, 0x417e9622, 0x65fcc714,
+ 0x087a344e, 0x2cf86578, 0x2c145d0b, 0x08960c3d, 0x6510ff67,
+ 0x4192ae51, 0xbe1d19d3, 0x9a9f48e5, 0xf719bbbf, 0xd39bea89,
+ 0xbdadf81f, 0x992fa929, 0xf4a95a73, 0xd02b0b45, 0x2fa4bcc7,
+ 0x0b26edf1, 0x66a01eab, 0x42224f9d, 0x42ce77ee, 0x664c26d8,
+ 0x0bcad582, 0x2f4884b4, 0xd0c73336, 0xf4456200, 0x99c3915a,
+ 0xbd41c06c, 0x981be1bc, 0xbc99b08a, 0xd11f43d0, 0xf59d12e6,
+ 0x0a12a564, 0x2e90f452, 0x43160708, 0x6794563e, 0x67786e4d,
+ 0x43fa3f7b, 0x2e7ccc21, 0x0afe9d17, 0xf5712a95, 0xd1f37ba3,
+ 0xbc7588f9, 0x98f7d9cf, 0x6019add5, 0x449bfce3, 0x291d0fb9,
+ 0x0d9f5e8f, 0xf210e90d, 0xd692b83b, 0xbb144b61, 0x9f961a57,
+ 0x9f7a2224, 0xbbf87312, 0xd67e8048, 0xf2fcd17e, 0x0d7366fc,
+ 0x29f137ca, 0x4477c490, 0x60f595a6, 0x45afb476, 0x612de540,
+ 0x0cab161a, 0x2829472c, 0xd7a6f0ae, 0xf324a198, 0x9ea252c2,
+ 0xba2003f4, 0xbacc3b87, 0x9e4e6ab1, 0xf3c899eb, 0xd74ac8dd,
+ 0x28c57f5f, 0x0c472e69, 0x61c1dd33, 0x45438c05, 0x2b759e93,
+ 0x0ff7cfa5, 0x62713cff, 0x46f36dc9, 0xb97cda4b, 0x9dfe8b7d,
+ 0xf0787827, 0xd4fa2911, 0xd4161162, 0xf0944054, 0x9d12b30e,
+ 0xb990e238, 0x461f55ba, 0x629d048c, 0x0f1bf7d6, 0x2b99a6e0,
+ 0x0ec38730, 0x2a41d606, 0x47c7255c, 0x6345746a, 0x9ccac3e8,
+ 0xb84892de, 0xd5ce6184, 0xf14c30b2, 0xf1a008c1, 0xd52259f7,
+ 0xb8a4aaad, 0x9c26fb9b, 0x63a94c19, 0x472b1d2f, 0x2aadee75,
+ 0x0e2fbf43},
+ {0x00000000, 0x36f290f3, 0x6de521e6, 0x5b17b115, 0xdbca43cc,
+ 0xed38d33f, 0xb62f622a, 0x80ddf2d9, 0x6ce581d9, 0x5a17112a,
+ 0x0100a03f, 0x37f230cc, 0xb72fc215, 0x81dd52e6, 0xdacae3f3,
+ 0xec387300, 0xd9cb03b2, 0xef399341, 0xb42e2254, 0x82dcb2a7,
+ 0x0201407e, 0x34f3d08d, 0x6fe46198, 0x5916f16b, 0xb52e826b,
+ 0x83dc1298, 0xd8cba38d, 0xee39337e, 0x6ee4c1a7, 0x58165154,
+ 0x0301e041, 0x35f370b2, 0x68e70125, 0x5e1591d6, 0x050220c3,
+ 0x33f0b030, 0xb32d42e9, 0x85dfd21a, 0xdec8630f, 0xe83af3fc,
+ 0x040280fc, 0x32f0100f, 0x69e7a11a, 0x5f1531e9, 0xdfc8c330,
+ 0xe93a53c3, 0xb22de2d6, 0x84df7225, 0xb12c0297, 0x87de9264,
+ 0xdcc92371, 0xea3bb382, 0x6ae6415b, 0x5c14d1a8, 0x070360bd,
+ 0x31f1f04e, 0xddc9834e, 0xeb3b13bd, 0xb02ca2a8, 0x86de325b,
+ 0x0603c082, 0x30f15071, 0x6be6e164, 0x5d147197, 0xd1ce024a,
+ 0xe73c92b9, 0xbc2b23ac, 0x8ad9b35f, 0x0a044186, 0x3cf6d175,
+ 0x67e16060, 0x5113f093, 0xbd2b8393, 0x8bd91360, 0xd0cea275,
+ 0xe63c3286, 0x66e1c05f, 0x501350ac, 0x0b04e1b9, 0x3df6714a,
+ 0x080501f8, 0x3ef7910b, 0x65e0201e, 0x5312b0ed, 0xd3cf4234,
+ 0xe53dd2c7, 0xbe2a63d2, 0x88d8f321, 0x64e08021, 0x521210d2,
+ 0x0905a1c7, 0x3ff73134, 0xbf2ac3ed, 0x89d8531e, 0xd2cfe20b,
+ 0xe43d72f8, 0xb929036f, 0x8fdb939c, 0xd4cc2289, 0xe23eb27a,
+ 0x62e340a3, 0x5411d050, 0x0f066145, 0x39f4f1b6, 0xd5cc82b6,
+ 0xe33e1245, 0xb829a350, 0x8edb33a3, 0x0e06c17a, 0x38f45189,
+ 0x63e3e09c, 0x5511706f, 0x60e200dd, 0x5610902e, 0x0d07213b,
+ 0x3bf5b1c8, 0xbb284311, 0x8ddad3e2, 0xd6cd62f7, 0xe03ff204,
+ 0x0c078104, 0x3af511f7, 0x61e2a0e2, 0x57103011, 0xd7cdc2c8,
+ 0xe13f523b, 0xba28e32e, 0x8cda73dd, 0x78ed02d5, 0x4e1f9226,
+ 0x15082333, 0x23fab3c0, 0xa3274119, 0x95d5d1ea, 0xcec260ff,
+ 0xf830f00c, 0x1408830c, 0x22fa13ff, 0x79eda2ea, 0x4f1f3219,
+ 0xcfc2c0c0, 0xf9305033, 0xa227e126, 0x94d571d5, 0xa1260167,
+ 0x97d49194, 0xccc32081, 0xfa31b072, 0x7aec42ab, 0x4c1ed258,
+ 0x1709634d, 0x21fbf3be, 0xcdc380be, 0xfb31104d, 0xa026a158,
+ 0x96d431ab, 0x1609c372, 0x20fb5381, 0x7bece294, 0x4d1e7267,
+ 0x100a03f0, 0x26f89303, 0x7def2216, 0x4b1db2e5, 0xcbc0403c,
+ 0xfd32d0cf, 0xa62561da, 0x90d7f129, 0x7cef8229, 0x4a1d12da,
+ 0x110aa3cf, 0x27f8333c, 0xa725c1e5, 0x91d75116, 0xcac0e003,
+ 0xfc3270f0, 0xc9c10042, 0xff3390b1, 0xa42421a4, 0x92d6b157,
+ 0x120b438e, 0x24f9d37d, 0x7fee6268, 0x491cf29b, 0xa524819b,
+ 0x93d61168, 0xc8c1a07d, 0xfe33308e, 0x7eeec257, 0x481c52a4,
+ 0x130be3b1, 0x25f97342, 0xa923009f, 0x9fd1906c, 0xc4c62179,
+ 0xf234b18a, 0x72e94353, 0x441bd3a0, 0x1f0c62b5, 0x29fef246,
+ 0xc5c68146, 0xf33411b5, 0xa823a0a0, 0x9ed13053, 0x1e0cc28a,
+ 0x28fe5279, 0x73e9e36c, 0x451b739f, 0x70e8032d, 0x461a93de,
+ 0x1d0d22cb, 0x2bffb238, 0xab2240e1, 0x9dd0d012, 0xc6c76107,
+ 0xf035f1f4, 0x1c0d82f4, 0x2aff1207, 0x71e8a312, 0x471a33e1,
+ 0xc7c7c138, 0xf13551cb, 0xaa22e0de, 0x9cd0702d, 0xc1c401ba,
+ 0xf7369149, 0xac21205c, 0x9ad3b0af, 0x1a0e4276, 0x2cfcd285,
+ 0x77eb6390, 0x4119f363, 0xad218063, 0x9bd31090, 0xc0c4a185,
+ 0xf6363176, 0x76ebc3af, 0x4019535c, 0x1b0ee249, 0x2dfc72ba,
+ 0x180f0208, 0x2efd92fb, 0x75ea23ee, 0x4318b31d, 0xc3c541c4,
+ 0xf537d137, 0xae206022, 0x98d2f0d1, 0x74ea83d1, 0x42181322,
+ 0x190fa237, 0x2ffd32c4, 0xaf20c01d, 0x99d250ee, 0xc2c5e1fb,
+ 0xf4377108}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xf390f23600000000, 0xe621e56d00000000,
+ 0x15b1175b00000000, 0xcc43cadb00000000, 0x3fd338ed00000000,
+ 0x2a622fb600000000, 0xd9f2dd8000000000, 0xd981e56c00000000,
+ 0x2a11175a00000000, 0x3fa0000100000000, 0xcc30f23700000000,
+ 0x15c22fb700000000, 0xe652dd8100000000, 0xf3e3cada00000000,
+ 0x007338ec00000000, 0xb203cbd900000000, 0x419339ef00000000,
+ 0x54222eb400000000, 0xa7b2dc8200000000, 0x7e40010200000000,
+ 0x8dd0f33400000000, 0x9861e46f00000000, 0x6bf1165900000000,
+ 0x6b822eb500000000, 0x9812dc8300000000, 0x8da3cbd800000000,
+ 0x7e3339ee00000000, 0xa7c1e46e00000000, 0x5451165800000000,
+ 0x41e0010300000000, 0xb270f33500000000, 0x2501e76800000000,
+ 0xd691155e00000000, 0xc320020500000000, 0x30b0f03300000000,
+ 0xe9422db300000000, 0x1ad2df8500000000, 0x0f63c8de00000000,
+ 0xfcf33ae800000000, 0xfc80020400000000, 0x0f10f03200000000,
+ 0x1aa1e76900000000, 0xe931155f00000000, 0x30c3c8df00000000,
+ 0xc3533ae900000000, 0xd6e22db200000000, 0x2572df8400000000,
+ 0x97022cb100000000, 0x6492de8700000000, 0x7123c9dc00000000,
+ 0x82b33bea00000000, 0x5b41e66a00000000, 0xa8d1145c00000000,
+ 0xbd60030700000000, 0x4ef0f13100000000, 0x4e83c9dd00000000,
+ 0xbd133beb00000000, 0xa8a22cb000000000, 0x5b32de8600000000,
+ 0x82c0030600000000, 0x7150f13000000000, 0x64e1e66b00000000,
+ 0x9771145d00000000, 0x4a02ced100000000, 0xb9923ce700000000,
+ 0xac232bbc00000000, 0x5fb3d98a00000000, 0x8641040a00000000,
+ 0x75d1f63c00000000, 0x6060e16700000000, 0x93f0135100000000,
+ 0x93832bbd00000000, 0x6013d98b00000000, 0x75a2ced000000000,
+ 0x86323ce600000000, 0x5fc0e16600000000, 0xac50135000000000,
+ 0xb9e1040b00000000, 0x4a71f63d00000000, 0xf801050800000000,
+ 0x0b91f73e00000000, 0x1e20e06500000000, 0xedb0125300000000,
+ 0x3442cfd300000000, 0xc7d23de500000000, 0xd2632abe00000000,
+ 0x21f3d88800000000, 0x2180e06400000000, 0xd210125200000000,
+ 0xc7a1050900000000, 0x3431f73f00000000, 0xedc32abf00000000,
+ 0x1e53d88900000000, 0x0be2cfd200000000, 0xf8723de400000000,
+ 0x6f0329b900000000, 0x9c93db8f00000000, 0x8922ccd400000000,
+ 0x7ab23ee200000000, 0xa340e36200000000, 0x50d0115400000000,
+ 0x4561060f00000000, 0xb6f1f43900000000, 0xb682ccd500000000,
+ 0x45123ee300000000, 0x50a329b800000000, 0xa333db8e00000000,
+ 0x7ac1060e00000000, 0x8951f43800000000, 0x9ce0e36300000000,
+ 0x6f70115500000000, 0xdd00e26000000000, 0x2e90105600000000,
+ 0x3b21070d00000000, 0xc8b1f53b00000000, 0x114328bb00000000,
+ 0xe2d3da8d00000000, 0xf762cdd600000000, 0x04f23fe000000000,
+ 0x0481070c00000000, 0xf711f53a00000000, 0xe2a0e26100000000,
+ 0x1130105700000000, 0xc8c2cdd700000000, 0x3b523fe100000000,
+ 0x2ee328ba00000000, 0xdd73da8c00000000, 0xd502ed7800000000,
+ 0x26921f4e00000000, 0x3323081500000000, 0xc0b3fa2300000000,
+ 0x194127a300000000, 0xead1d59500000000, 0xff60c2ce00000000,
+ 0x0cf030f800000000, 0x0c83081400000000, 0xff13fa2200000000,
+ 0xeaa2ed7900000000, 0x19321f4f00000000, 0xc0c0c2cf00000000,
+ 0x335030f900000000, 0x26e127a200000000, 0xd571d59400000000,
+ 0x670126a100000000, 0x9491d49700000000, 0x8120c3cc00000000,
+ 0x72b031fa00000000, 0xab42ec7a00000000, 0x58d21e4c00000000,
+ 0x4d63091700000000, 0xbef3fb2100000000, 0xbe80c3cd00000000,
+ 0x4d1031fb00000000, 0x58a126a000000000, 0xab31d49600000000,
+ 0x72c3091600000000, 0x8153fb2000000000, 0x94e2ec7b00000000,
+ 0x67721e4d00000000, 0xf0030a1000000000, 0x0393f82600000000,
+ 0x1622ef7d00000000, 0xe5b21d4b00000000, 0x3c40c0cb00000000,
+ 0xcfd032fd00000000, 0xda6125a600000000, 0x29f1d79000000000,
+ 0x2982ef7c00000000, 0xda121d4a00000000, 0xcfa30a1100000000,
+ 0x3c33f82700000000, 0xe5c125a700000000, 0x1651d79100000000,
+ 0x03e0c0ca00000000, 0xf07032fc00000000, 0x4200c1c900000000,
+ 0xb19033ff00000000, 0xa42124a400000000, 0x57b1d69200000000,
+ 0x8e430b1200000000, 0x7dd3f92400000000, 0x6862ee7f00000000,
+ 0x9bf21c4900000000, 0x9b8124a500000000, 0x6811d69300000000,
+ 0x7da0c1c800000000, 0x8e3033fe00000000, 0x57c2ee7e00000000,
+ 0xa4521c4800000000, 0xb1e30b1300000000, 0x4273f92500000000,
+ 0x9f0023a900000000, 0x6c90d19f00000000, 0x7921c6c400000000,
+ 0x8ab134f200000000, 0x5343e97200000000, 0xa0d31b4400000000,
+ 0xb5620c1f00000000, 0x46f2fe2900000000, 0x4681c6c500000000,
+ 0xb51134f300000000, 0xa0a023a800000000, 0x5330d19e00000000,
+ 0x8ac20c1e00000000, 0x7952fe2800000000, 0x6ce3e97300000000,
+ 0x9f731b4500000000, 0x2d03e87000000000, 0xde931a4600000000,
+ 0xcb220d1d00000000, 0x38b2ff2b00000000, 0xe14022ab00000000,
+ 0x12d0d09d00000000, 0x0761c7c600000000, 0xf4f135f000000000,
+ 0xf4820d1c00000000, 0x0712ff2a00000000, 0x12a3e87100000000,
+ 0xe1331a4700000000, 0x38c1c7c700000000, 0xcb5135f100000000,
+ 0xdee022aa00000000, 0x2d70d09c00000000, 0xba01c4c100000000,
+ 0x499136f700000000, 0x5c2021ac00000000, 0xafb0d39a00000000,
+ 0x76420e1a00000000, 0x85d2fc2c00000000, 0x9063eb7700000000,
+ 0x63f3194100000000, 0x638021ad00000000, 0x9010d39b00000000,
+ 0x85a1c4c000000000, 0x763136f600000000, 0xafc3eb7600000000,
+ 0x5c53194000000000, 0x49e20e1b00000000, 0xba72fc2d00000000,
+ 0x08020f1800000000, 0xfb92fd2e00000000, 0xee23ea7500000000,
+ 0x1db3184300000000, 0xc441c5c300000000, 0x37d137f500000000,
+ 0x226020ae00000000, 0xd1f0d29800000000, 0xd183ea7400000000,
+ 0x2213184200000000, 0x37a20f1900000000, 0xc432fd2f00000000,
+ 0x1dc020af00000000, 0xee50d29900000000, 0xfbe1c5c200000000,
+ 0x087137f400000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x3651822400000000, 0x6ca2044900000000,
+ 0x5af3866d00000000, 0xd844099200000000, 0xee158bb600000000,
+ 0xb4e60ddb00000000, 0x82b78fff00000000, 0xf18f63ff00000000,
+ 0xc7dee1db00000000, 0x9d2d67b600000000, 0xab7ce59200000000,
+ 0x29cb6a6d00000000, 0x1f9ae84900000000, 0x45696e2400000000,
+ 0x7338ec0000000000, 0xa319b62500000000, 0x9548340100000000,
+ 0xcfbbb26c00000000, 0xf9ea304800000000, 0x7b5dbfb700000000,
+ 0x4d0c3d9300000000, 0x17ffbbfe00000000, 0x21ae39da00000000,
+ 0x5296d5da00000000, 0x64c757fe00000000, 0x3e34d19300000000,
+ 0x086553b700000000, 0x8ad2dc4800000000, 0xbc835e6c00000000,
+ 0xe670d80100000000, 0xd0215a2500000000, 0x46336c4b00000000,
+ 0x7062ee6f00000000, 0x2a91680200000000, 0x1cc0ea2600000000,
+ 0x9e7765d900000000, 0xa826e7fd00000000, 0xf2d5619000000000,
+ 0xc484e3b400000000, 0xb7bc0fb400000000, 0x81ed8d9000000000,
+ 0xdb1e0bfd00000000, 0xed4f89d900000000, 0x6ff8062600000000,
+ 0x59a9840200000000, 0x035a026f00000000, 0x350b804b00000000,
+ 0xe52ada6e00000000, 0xd37b584a00000000, 0x8988de2700000000,
+ 0xbfd95c0300000000, 0x3d6ed3fc00000000, 0x0b3f51d800000000,
+ 0x51ccd7b500000000, 0x679d559100000000, 0x14a5b99100000000,
+ 0x22f43bb500000000, 0x7807bdd800000000, 0x4e563ffc00000000,
+ 0xcce1b00300000000, 0xfab0322700000000, 0xa043b44a00000000,
+ 0x9612366e00000000, 0x8c66d89600000000, 0xba375ab200000000,
+ 0xe0c4dcdf00000000, 0xd6955efb00000000, 0x5422d10400000000,
+ 0x6273532000000000, 0x3880d54d00000000, 0x0ed1576900000000,
+ 0x7de9bb6900000000, 0x4bb8394d00000000, 0x114bbf2000000000,
+ 0x271a3d0400000000, 0xa5adb2fb00000000, 0x93fc30df00000000,
+ 0xc90fb6b200000000, 0xff5e349600000000, 0x2f7f6eb300000000,
+ 0x192eec9700000000, 0x43dd6afa00000000, 0x758ce8de00000000,
+ 0xf73b672100000000, 0xc16ae50500000000, 0x9b99636800000000,
+ 0xadc8e14c00000000, 0xdef00d4c00000000, 0xe8a18f6800000000,
+ 0xb252090500000000, 0x84038b2100000000, 0x06b404de00000000,
+ 0x30e586fa00000000, 0x6a16009700000000, 0x5c4782b300000000,
+ 0xca55b4dd00000000, 0xfc0436f900000000, 0xa6f7b09400000000,
+ 0x90a632b000000000, 0x1211bd4f00000000, 0x24403f6b00000000,
+ 0x7eb3b90600000000, 0x48e23b2200000000, 0x3bdad72200000000,
+ 0x0d8b550600000000, 0x5778d36b00000000, 0x6129514f00000000,
+ 0xe39edeb000000000, 0xd5cf5c9400000000, 0x8f3cdaf900000000,
+ 0xb96d58dd00000000, 0x694c02f800000000, 0x5f1d80dc00000000,
+ 0x05ee06b100000000, 0x33bf849500000000, 0xb1080b6a00000000,
+ 0x8759894e00000000, 0xddaa0f2300000000, 0xebfb8d0700000000,
+ 0x98c3610700000000, 0xae92e32300000000, 0xf461654e00000000,
+ 0xc230e76a00000000, 0x4087689500000000, 0x76d6eab100000000,
+ 0x2c256cdc00000000, 0x1a74eef800000000, 0x59cbc1f600000000,
+ 0x6f9a43d200000000, 0x3569c5bf00000000, 0x0338479b00000000,
+ 0x818fc86400000000, 0xb7de4a4000000000, 0xed2dcc2d00000000,
+ 0xdb7c4e0900000000, 0xa844a20900000000, 0x9e15202d00000000,
+ 0xc4e6a64000000000, 0xf2b7246400000000, 0x7000ab9b00000000,
+ 0x465129bf00000000, 0x1ca2afd200000000, 0x2af32df600000000,
+ 0xfad277d300000000, 0xcc83f5f700000000, 0x9670739a00000000,
+ 0xa021f1be00000000, 0x22967e4100000000, 0x14c7fc6500000000,
+ 0x4e347a0800000000, 0x7865f82c00000000, 0x0b5d142c00000000,
+ 0x3d0c960800000000, 0x67ff106500000000, 0x51ae924100000000,
+ 0xd3191dbe00000000, 0xe5489f9a00000000, 0xbfbb19f700000000,
+ 0x89ea9bd300000000, 0x1ff8adbd00000000, 0x29a92f9900000000,
+ 0x735aa9f400000000, 0x450b2bd000000000, 0xc7bca42f00000000,
+ 0xf1ed260b00000000, 0xab1ea06600000000, 0x9d4f224200000000,
+ 0xee77ce4200000000, 0xd8264c6600000000, 0x82d5ca0b00000000,
+ 0xb484482f00000000, 0x3633c7d000000000, 0x006245f400000000,
+ 0x5a91c39900000000, 0x6cc041bd00000000, 0xbce11b9800000000,
+ 0x8ab099bc00000000, 0xd0431fd100000000, 0xe6129df500000000,
+ 0x64a5120a00000000, 0x52f4902e00000000, 0x0807164300000000,
+ 0x3e56946700000000, 0x4d6e786700000000, 0x7b3ffa4300000000,
+ 0x21cc7c2e00000000, 0x179dfe0a00000000, 0x952a71f500000000,
+ 0xa37bf3d100000000, 0xf98875bc00000000, 0xcfd9f79800000000,
+ 0xd5ad196000000000, 0xe3fc9b4400000000, 0xb90f1d2900000000,
+ 0x8f5e9f0d00000000, 0x0de910f200000000, 0x3bb892d600000000,
+ 0x614b14bb00000000, 0x571a969f00000000, 0x24227a9f00000000,
+ 0x1273f8bb00000000, 0x48807ed600000000, 0x7ed1fcf200000000,
+ 0xfc66730d00000000, 0xca37f12900000000, 0x90c4774400000000,
+ 0xa695f56000000000, 0x76b4af4500000000, 0x40e52d6100000000,
+ 0x1a16ab0c00000000, 0x2c47292800000000, 0xaef0a6d700000000,
+ 0x98a124f300000000, 0xc252a29e00000000, 0xf40320ba00000000,
+ 0x873bccba00000000, 0xb16a4e9e00000000, 0xeb99c8f300000000,
+ 0xddc84ad700000000, 0x5f7fc52800000000, 0x692e470c00000000,
+ 0x33ddc16100000000, 0x058c434500000000, 0x939e752b00000000,
+ 0xa5cff70f00000000, 0xff3c716200000000, 0xc96df34600000000,
+ 0x4bda7cb900000000, 0x7d8bfe9d00000000, 0x277878f000000000,
+ 0x1129fad400000000, 0x621116d400000000, 0x544094f000000000,
+ 0x0eb3129d00000000, 0x38e290b900000000, 0xba551f4600000000,
+ 0x8c049d6200000000, 0xd6f71b0f00000000, 0xe0a6992b00000000,
+ 0x3087c30e00000000, 0x06d6412a00000000, 0x5c25c74700000000,
+ 0x6a74456300000000, 0xe8c3ca9c00000000, 0xde9248b800000000,
+ 0x8461ced500000000, 0xb2304cf100000000, 0xc108a0f100000000,
+ 0xf75922d500000000, 0xadaaa4b800000000, 0x9bfb269c00000000,
+ 0x194ca96300000000, 0x2f1d2b4700000000, 0x75eead2a00000000,
+ 0x43bf2f0e00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xc8179ecf00000000, 0xd1294d4400000000,
+ 0x193ed38b00000000, 0xa2539a8800000000, 0x6a44044700000000,
+ 0x737ad7cc00000000, 0xbb6d490300000000, 0x05a145ca00000000,
+ 0xcdb6db0500000000, 0xd488088e00000000, 0x1c9f964100000000,
+ 0xa7f2df4200000000, 0x6fe5418d00000000, 0x76db920600000000,
+ 0xbecc0cc900000000, 0x4b44fa4f00000000, 0x8353648000000000,
+ 0x9a6db70b00000000, 0x527a29c400000000, 0xe91760c700000000,
+ 0x2100fe0800000000, 0x383e2d8300000000, 0xf029b34c00000000,
+ 0x4ee5bf8500000000, 0x86f2214a00000000, 0x9fccf2c100000000,
+ 0x57db6c0e00000000, 0xecb6250d00000000, 0x24a1bbc200000000,
+ 0x3d9f684900000000, 0xf588f68600000000, 0x9688f49f00000000,
+ 0x5e9f6a5000000000, 0x47a1b9db00000000, 0x8fb6271400000000,
+ 0x34db6e1700000000, 0xfcccf0d800000000, 0xe5f2235300000000,
+ 0x2de5bd9c00000000, 0x9329b15500000000, 0x5b3e2f9a00000000,
+ 0x4200fc1100000000, 0x8a1762de00000000, 0x317a2bdd00000000,
+ 0xf96db51200000000, 0xe053669900000000, 0x2844f85600000000,
+ 0xddcc0ed000000000, 0x15db901f00000000, 0x0ce5439400000000,
+ 0xc4f2dd5b00000000, 0x7f9f945800000000, 0xb7880a9700000000,
+ 0xaeb6d91c00000000, 0x66a147d300000000, 0xd86d4b1a00000000,
+ 0x107ad5d500000000, 0x0944065e00000000, 0xc153989100000000,
+ 0x7a3ed19200000000, 0xb2294f5d00000000, 0xab179cd600000000,
+ 0x6300021900000000, 0x6d1798e400000000, 0xa500062b00000000,
+ 0xbc3ed5a000000000, 0x74294b6f00000000, 0xcf44026c00000000,
+ 0x07539ca300000000, 0x1e6d4f2800000000, 0xd67ad1e700000000,
+ 0x68b6dd2e00000000, 0xa0a143e100000000, 0xb99f906a00000000,
+ 0x71880ea500000000, 0xcae547a600000000, 0x02f2d96900000000,
+ 0x1bcc0ae200000000, 0xd3db942d00000000, 0x265362ab00000000,
+ 0xee44fc6400000000, 0xf77a2fef00000000, 0x3f6db12000000000,
+ 0x8400f82300000000, 0x4c1766ec00000000, 0x5529b56700000000,
+ 0x9d3e2ba800000000, 0x23f2276100000000, 0xebe5b9ae00000000,
+ 0xf2db6a2500000000, 0x3accf4ea00000000, 0x81a1bde900000000,
+ 0x49b6232600000000, 0x5088f0ad00000000, 0x989f6e6200000000,
+ 0xfb9f6c7b00000000, 0x3388f2b400000000, 0x2ab6213f00000000,
+ 0xe2a1bff000000000, 0x59ccf6f300000000, 0x91db683c00000000,
+ 0x88e5bbb700000000, 0x40f2257800000000, 0xfe3e29b100000000,
+ 0x3629b77e00000000, 0x2f1764f500000000, 0xe700fa3a00000000,
+ 0x5c6db33900000000, 0x947a2df600000000, 0x8d44fe7d00000000,
+ 0x455360b200000000, 0xb0db963400000000, 0x78cc08fb00000000,
+ 0x61f2db7000000000, 0xa9e545bf00000000, 0x12880cbc00000000,
+ 0xda9f927300000000, 0xc3a141f800000000, 0x0bb6df3700000000,
+ 0xb57ad3fe00000000, 0x7d6d4d3100000000, 0x64539eba00000000,
+ 0xac44007500000000, 0x1729497600000000, 0xdf3ed7b900000000,
+ 0xc600043200000000, 0x0e179afd00000000, 0x9b28411200000000,
+ 0x533fdfdd00000000, 0x4a010c5600000000, 0x8216929900000000,
+ 0x397bdb9a00000000, 0xf16c455500000000, 0xe85296de00000000,
+ 0x2045081100000000, 0x9e8904d800000000, 0x569e9a1700000000,
+ 0x4fa0499c00000000, 0x87b7d75300000000, 0x3cda9e5000000000,
+ 0xf4cd009f00000000, 0xedf3d31400000000, 0x25e44ddb00000000,
+ 0xd06cbb5d00000000, 0x187b259200000000, 0x0145f61900000000,
+ 0xc95268d600000000, 0x723f21d500000000, 0xba28bf1a00000000,
+ 0xa3166c9100000000, 0x6b01f25e00000000, 0xd5cdfe9700000000,
+ 0x1dda605800000000, 0x04e4b3d300000000, 0xccf32d1c00000000,
+ 0x779e641f00000000, 0xbf89fad000000000, 0xa6b7295b00000000,
+ 0x6ea0b79400000000, 0x0da0b58d00000000, 0xc5b72b4200000000,
+ 0xdc89f8c900000000, 0x149e660600000000, 0xaff32f0500000000,
+ 0x67e4b1ca00000000, 0x7eda624100000000, 0xb6cdfc8e00000000,
+ 0x0801f04700000000, 0xc0166e8800000000, 0xd928bd0300000000,
+ 0x113f23cc00000000, 0xaa526acf00000000, 0x6245f40000000000,
+ 0x7b7b278b00000000, 0xb36cb94400000000, 0x46e44fc200000000,
+ 0x8ef3d10d00000000, 0x97cd028600000000, 0x5fda9c4900000000,
+ 0xe4b7d54a00000000, 0x2ca04b8500000000, 0x359e980e00000000,
+ 0xfd8906c100000000, 0x43450a0800000000, 0x8b5294c700000000,
+ 0x926c474c00000000, 0x5a7bd98300000000, 0xe116908000000000,
+ 0x29010e4f00000000, 0x303fddc400000000, 0xf828430b00000000,
+ 0xf63fd9f600000000, 0x3e28473900000000, 0x271694b200000000,
+ 0xef010a7d00000000, 0x546c437e00000000, 0x9c7bddb100000000,
+ 0x85450e3a00000000, 0x4d5290f500000000, 0xf39e9c3c00000000,
+ 0x3b8902f300000000, 0x22b7d17800000000, 0xeaa04fb700000000,
+ 0x51cd06b400000000, 0x99da987b00000000, 0x80e44bf000000000,
+ 0x48f3d53f00000000, 0xbd7b23b900000000, 0x756cbd7600000000,
+ 0x6c526efd00000000, 0xa445f03200000000, 0x1f28b93100000000,
+ 0xd73f27fe00000000, 0xce01f47500000000, 0x06166aba00000000,
+ 0xb8da667300000000, 0x70cdf8bc00000000, 0x69f32b3700000000,
+ 0xa1e4b5f800000000, 0x1a89fcfb00000000, 0xd29e623400000000,
+ 0xcba0b1bf00000000, 0x03b72f7000000000, 0x60b72d6900000000,
+ 0xa8a0b3a600000000, 0xb19e602d00000000, 0x7989fee200000000,
+ 0xc2e4b7e100000000, 0x0af3292e00000000, 0x13cdfaa500000000,
+ 0xdbda646a00000000, 0x651668a300000000, 0xad01f66c00000000,
+ 0xb43f25e700000000, 0x7c28bb2800000000, 0xc745f22b00000000,
+ 0x0f526ce400000000, 0x166cbf6f00000000, 0xde7b21a000000000,
+ 0x2bf3d72600000000, 0xe3e449e900000000, 0xfada9a6200000000,
+ 0x32cd04ad00000000, 0x89a04dae00000000, 0x41b7d36100000000,
+ 0x588900ea00000000, 0x909e9e2500000000, 0x2e5292ec00000000,
+ 0xe6450c2300000000, 0xff7bdfa800000000, 0x376c416700000000,
+ 0x8c01086400000000, 0x441696ab00000000, 0x5d28452000000000,
+ 0x953fdbef00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x95d4709500000000, 0x6baf90f100000000,
+ 0xfe7be06400000000, 0x9758503800000000, 0x028c20ad00000000,
+ 0xfcf7c0c900000000, 0x6923b05c00000000, 0x2eb1a07000000000,
+ 0xbb65d0e500000000, 0x451e308100000000, 0xd0ca401400000000,
+ 0xb9e9f04800000000, 0x2c3d80dd00000000, 0xd24660b900000000,
+ 0x4792102c00000000, 0x5c6241e100000000, 0xc9b6317400000000,
+ 0x37cdd11000000000, 0xa219a18500000000, 0xcb3a11d900000000,
+ 0x5eee614c00000000, 0xa095812800000000, 0x3541f1bd00000000,
+ 0x72d3e19100000000, 0xe707910400000000, 0x197c716000000000,
+ 0x8ca801f500000000, 0xe58bb1a900000000, 0x705fc13c00000000,
+ 0x8e24215800000000, 0x1bf051cd00000000, 0xf9c2f31900000000,
+ 0x6c16838c00000000, 0x926d63e800000000, 0x07b9137d00000000,
+ 0x6e9aa32100000000, 0xfb4ed3b400000000, 0x053533d000000000,
+ 0x90e1434500000000, 0xd773536900000000, 0x42a723fc00000000,
+ 0xbcdcc39800000000, 0x2908b30d00000000, 0x402b035100000000,
+ 0xd5ff73c400000000, 0x2b8493a000000000, 0xbe50e33500000000,
+ 0xa5a0b2f800000000, 0x3074c26d00000000, 0xce0f220900000000,
+ 0x5bdb529c00000000, 0x32f8e2c000000000, 0xa72c925500000000,
+ 0x5957723100000000, 0xcc8302a400000000, 0x8b11128800000000,
+ 0x1ec5621d00000000, 0xe0be827900000000, 0x756af2ec00000000,
+ 0x1c4942b000000000, 0x899d322500000000, 0x77e6d24100000000,
+ 0xe232a2d400000000, 0xf285e73300000000, 0x675197a600000000,
+ 0x992a77c200000000, 0x0cfe075700000000, 0x65ddb70b00000000,
+ 0xf009c79e00000000, 0x0e7227fa00000000, 0x9ba6576f00000000,
+ 0xdc34474300000000, 0x49e037d600000000, 0xb79bd7b200000000,
+ 0x224fa72700000000, 0x4b6c177b00000000, 0xdeb867ee00000000,
+ 0x20c3878a00000000, 0xb517f71f00000000, 0xaee7a6d200000000,
+ 0x3b33d64700000000, 0xc548362300000000, 0x509c46b600000000,
+ 0x39bff6ea00000000, 0xac6b867f00000000, 0x5210661b00000000,
+ 0xc7c4168e00000000, 0x805606a200000000, 0x1582763700000000,
+ 0xebf9965300000000, 0x7e2de6c600000000, 0x170e569a00000000,
+ 0x82da260f00000000, 0x7ca1c66b00000000, 0xe975b6fe00000000,
+ 0x0b47142a00000000, 0x9e9364bf00000000, 0x60e884db00000000,
+ 0xf53cf44e00000000, 0x9c1f441200000000, 0x09cb348700000000,
+ 0xf7b0d4e300000000, 0x6264a47600000000, 0x25f6b45a00000000,
+ 0xb022c4cf00000000, 0x4e5924ab00000000, 0xdb8d543e00000000,
+ 0xb2aee46200000000, 0x277a94f700000000, 0xd901749300000000,
+ 0x4cd5040600000000, 0x572555cb00000000, 0xc2f1255e00000000,
+ 0x3c8ac53a00000000, 0xa95eb5af00000000, 0xc07d05f300000000,
+ 0x55a9756600000000, 0xabd2950200000000, 0x3e06e59700000000,
+ 0x7994f5bb00000000, 0xec40852e00000000, 0x123b654a00000000,
+ 0x87ef15df00000000, 0xeecca58300000000, 0x7b18d51600000000,
+ 0x8563357200000000, 0x10b745e700000000, 0xe40bcf6700000000,
+ 0x71dfbff200000000, 0x8fa45f9600000000, 0x1a702f0300000000,
+ 0x73539f5f00000000, 0xe687efca00000000, 0x18fc0fae00000000,
+ 0x8d287f3b00000000, 0xcaba6f1700000000, 0x5f6e1f8200000000,
+ 0xa115ffe600000000, 0x34c18f7300000000, 0x5de23f2f00000000,
+ 0xc8364fba00000000, 0x364dafde00000000, 0xa399df4b00000000,
+ 0xb8698e8600000000, 0x2dbdfe1300000000, 0xd3c61e7700000000,
+ 0x46126ee200000000, 0x2f31debe00000000, 0xbae5ae2b00000000,
+ 0x449e4e4f00000000, 0xd14a3eda00000000, 0x96d82ef600000000,
+ 0x030c5e6300000000, 0xfd77be0700000000, 0x68a3ce9200000000,
+ 0x01807ece00000000, 0x94540e5b00000000, 0x6a2fee3f00000000,
+ 0xfffb9eaa00000000, 0x1dc93c7e00000000, 0x881d4ceb00000000,
+ 0x7666ac8f00000000, 0xe3b2dc1a00000000, 0x8a916c4600000000,
+ 0x1f451cd300000000, 0xe13efcb700000000, 0x74ea8c2200000000,
+ 0x33789c0e00000000, 0xa6acec9b00000000, 0x58d70cff00000000,
+ 0xcd037c6a00000000, 0xa420cc3600000000, 0x31f4bca300000000,
+ 0xcf8f5cc700000000, 0x5a5b2c5200000000, 0x41ab7d9f00000000,
+ 0xd47f0d0a00000000, 0x2a04ed6e00000000, 0xbfd09dfb00000000,
+ 0xd6f32da700000000, 0x43275d3200000000, 0xbd5cbd5600000000,
+ 0x2888cdc300000000, 0x6f1addef00000000, 0xfacead7a00000000,
+ 0x04b54d1e00000000, 0x91613d8b00000000, 0xf8428dd700000000,
+ 0x6d96fd4200000000, 0x93ed1d2600000000, 0x06396db300000000,
+ 0x168e285400000000, 0x835a58c100000000, 0x7d21b8a500000000,
+ 0xe8f5c83000000000, 0x81d6786c00000000, 0x140208f900000000,
+ 0xea79e89d00000000, 0x7fad980800000000, 0x383f882400000000,
+ 0xadebf8b100000000, 0x539018d500000000, 0xc644684000000000,
+ 0xaf67d81c00000000, 0x3ab3a88900000000, 0xc4c848ed00000000,
+ 0x511c387800000000, 0x4aec69b500000000, 0xdf38192000000000,
+ 0x2143f94400000000, 0xb49789d100000000, 0xddb4398d00000000,
+ 0x4860491800000000, 0xb61ba97c00000000, 0x23cfd9e900000000,
+ 0x645dc9c500000000, 0xf189b95000000000, 0x0ff2593400000000,
+ 0x9a2629a100000000, 0xf30599fd00000000, 0x66d1e96800000000,
+ 0x98aa090c00000000, 0x0d7e799900000000, 0xef4cdb4d00000000,
+ 0x7a98abd800000000, 0x84e34bbc00000000, 0x11373b2900000000,
+ 0x78148b7500000000, 0xedc0fbe000000000, 0x13bb1b8400000000,
+ 0x866f6b1100000000, 0xc1fd7b3d00000000, 0x54290ba800000000,
+ 0xaa52ebcc00000000, 0x3f869b5900000000, 0x56a52b0500000000,
+ 0xc3715b9000000000, 0x3d0abbf400000000, 0xa8decb6100000000,
+ 0xb32e9aac00000000, 0x26faea3900000000, 0xd8810a5d00000000,
+ 0x4d557ac800000000, 0x2476ca9400000000, 0xb1a2ba0100000000,
+ 0x4fd95a6500000000, 0xda0d2af000000000, 0x9d9f3adc00000000,
+ 0x084b4a4900000000, 0xf630aa2d00000000, 0x63e4dab800000000,
+ 0x0ac76ae400000000, 0x9f131a7100000000, 0x6168fa1500000000,
+ 0xf4bc8a8000000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x1f17f08000000000, 0x7f2891da00000000,
+ 0x603f615a00000000, 0xbf56536e00000000, 0xa041a3ee00000000,
+ 0xc07ec2b400000000, 0xdf69323400000000, 0x7eada6dc00000000,
+ 0x61ba565c00000000, 0x0185370600000000, 0x1e92c78600000000,
+ 0xc1fbf5b200000000, 0xdeec053200000000, 0xbed3646800000000,
+ 0xa1c494e800000000, 0xbd5c3c6200000000, 0xa24bcce200000000,
+ 0xc274adb800000000, 0xdd635d3800000000, 0x020a6f0c00000000,
+ 0x1d1d9f8c00000000, 0x7d22fed600000000, 0x62350e5600000000,
+ 0xc3f19abe00000000, 0xdce66a3e00000000, 0xbcd90b6400000000,
+ 0xa3cefbe400000000, 0x7ca7c9d000000000, 0x63b0395000000000,
+ 0x038f580a00000000, 0x1c98a88a00000000, 0x7ab978c400000000,
+ 0x65ae884400000000, 0x0591e91e00000000, 0x1a86199e00000000,
+ 0xc5ef2baa00000000, 0xdaf8db2a00000000, 0xbac7ba7000000000,
+ 0xa5d04af000000000, 0x0414de1800000000, 0x1b032e9800000000,
+ 0x7b3c4fc200000000, 0x642bbf4200000000, 0xbb428d7600000000,
+ 0xa4557df600000000, 0xc46a1cac00000000, 0xdb7dec2c00000000,
+ 0xc7e544a600000000, 0xd8f2b42600000000, 0xb8cdd57c00000000,
+ 0xa7da25fc00000000, 0x78b317c800000000, 0x67a4e74800000000,
+ 0x079b861200000000, 0x188c769200000000, 0xb948e27a00000000,
+ 0xa65f12fa00000000, 0xc66073a000000000, 0xd977832000000000,
+ 0x061eb11400000000, 0x1909419400000000, 0x793620ce00000000,
+ 0x6621d04e00000000, 0xb574805300000000, 0xaa6370d300000000,
+ 0xca5c118900000000, 0xd54be10900000000, 0x0a22d33d00000000,
+ 0x153523bd00000000, 0x750a42e700000000, 0x6a1db26700000000,
+ 0xcbd9268f00000000, 0xd4ced60f00000000, 0xb4f1b75500000000,
+ 0xabe647d500000000, 0x748f75e100000000, 0x6b98856100000000,
+ 0x0ba7e43b00000000, 0x14b014bb00000000, 0x0828bc3100000000,
+ 0x173f4cb100000000, 0x77002deb00000000, 0x6817dd6b00000000,
+ 0xb77eef5f00000000, 0xa8691fdf00000000, 0xc8567e8500000000,
+ 0xd7418e0500000000, 0x76851aed00000000, 0x6992ea6d00000000,
+ 0x09ad8b3700000000, 0x16ba7bb700000000, 0xc9d3498300000000,
+ 0xd6c4b90300000000, 0xb6fbd85900000000, 0xa9ec28d900000000,
+ 0xcfcdf89700000000, 0xd0da081700000000, 0xb0e5694d00000000,
+ 0xaff299cd00000000, 0x709babf900000000, 0x6f8c5b7900000000,
+ 0x0fb33a2300000000, 0x10a4caa300000000, 0xb1605e4b00000000,
+ 0xae77aecb00000000, 0xce48cf9100000000, 0xd15f3f1100000000,
+ 0x0e360d2500000000, 0x1121fda500000000, 0x711e9cff00000000,
+ 0x6e096c7f00000000, 0x7291c4f500000000, 0x6d86347500000000,
+ 0x0db9552f00000000, 0x12aea5af00000000, 0xcdc7979b00000000,
+ 0xd2d0671b00000000, 0xb2ef064100000000, 0xadf8f6c100000000,
+ 0x0c3c622900000000, 0x132b92a900000000, 0x7314f3f300000000,
+ 0x6c03037300000000, 0xb36a314700000000, 0xac7dc1c700000000,
+ 0xcc42a09d00000000, 0xd355501d00000000, 0x6ae900a700000000,
+ 0x75fef02700000000, 0x15c1917d00000000, 0x0ad661fd00000000,
+ 0xd5bf53c900000000, 0xcaa8a34900000000, 0xaa97c21300000000,
+ 0xb580329300000000, 0x1444a67b00000000, 0x0b5356fb00000000,
+ 0x6b6c37a100000000, 0x747bc72100000000, 0xab12f51500000000,
+ 0xb405059500000000, 0xd43a64cf00000000, 0xcb2d944f00000000,
+ 0xd7b53cc500000000, 0xc8a2cc4500000000, 0xa89dad1f00000000,
+ 0xb78a5d9f00000000, 0x68e36fab00000000, 0x77f49f2b00000000,
+ 0x17cbfe7100000000, 0x08dc0ef100000000, 0xa9189a1900000000,
+ 0xb60f6a9900000000, 0xd6300bc300000000, 0xc927fb4300000000,
+ 0x164ec97700000000, 0x095939f700000000, 0x696658ad00000000,
+ 0x7671a82d00000000, 0x1050786300000000, 0x0f4788e300000000,
+ 0x6f78e9b900000000, 0x706f193900000000, 0xaf062b0d00000000,
+ 0xb011db8d00000000, 0xd02ebad700000000, 0xcf394a5700000000,
+ 0x6efddebf00000000, 0x71ea2e3f00000000, 0x11d54f6500000000,
+ 0x0ec2bfe500000000, 0xd1ab8dd100000000, 0xcebc7d5100000000,
+ 0xae831c0b00000000, 0xb194ec8b00000000, 0xad0c440100000000,
+ 0xb21bb48100000000, 0xd224d5db00000000, 0xcd33255b00000000,
+ 0x125a176f00000000, 0x0d4de7ef00000000, 0x6d7286b500000000,
+ 0x7265763500000000, 0xd3a1e2dd00000000, 0xccb6125d00000000,
+ 0xac89730700000000, 0xb39e838700000000, 0x6cf7b1b300000000,
+ 0x73e0413300000000, 0x13df206900000000, 0x0cc8d0e900000000,
+ 0xdf9d80f400000000, 0xc08a707400000000, 0xa0b5112e00000000,
+ 0xbfa2e1ae00000000, 0x60cbd39a00000000, 0x7fdc231a00000000,
+ 0x1fe3424000000000, 0x00f4b2c000000000, 0xa130262800000000,
+ 0xbe27d6a800000000, 0xde18b7f200000000, 0xc10f477200000000,
+ 0x1e66754600000000, 0x017185c600000000, 0x614ee49c00000000,
+ 0x7e59141c00000000, 0x62c1bc9600000000, 0x7dd64c1600000000,
+ 0x1de92d4c00000000, 0x02feddcc00000000, 0xdd97eff800000000,
+ 0xc2801f7800000000, 0xa2bf7e2200000000, 0xbda88ea200000000,
+ 0x1c6c1a4a00000000, 0x037beaca00000000, 0x63448b9000000000,
+ 0x7c537b1000000000, 0xa33a492400000000, 0xbc2db9a400000000,
+ 0xdc12d8fe00000000, 0xc305287e00000000, 0xa524f83000000000,
+ 0xba3308b000000000, 0xda0c69ea00000000, 0xc51b996a00000000,
+ 0x1a72ab5e00000000, 0x05655bde00000000, 0x655a3a8400000000,
+ 0x7a4dca0400000000, 0xdb895eec00000000, 0xc49eae6c00000000,
+ 0xa4a1cf3600000000, 0xbbb63fb600000000, 0x64df0d8200000000,
+ 0x7bc8fd0200000000, 0x1bf79c5800000000, 0x04e06cd800000000,
+ 0x1878c45200000000, 0x076f34d200000000, 0x6750558800000000,
+ 0x7847a50800000000, 0xa72e973c00000000, 0xb83967bc00000000,
+ 0xd80606e600000000, 0xc711f66600000000, 0x66d5628e00000000,
+ 0x79c2920e00000000, 0x19fdf35400000000, 0x06ea03d400000000,
+ 0xd98331e000000000, 0xc694c16000000000, 0xa6aba03a00000000,
+ 0xb9bc50ba00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xe2fd888d00000000, 0x85fd60c000000000,
+ 0x6700e84d00000000, 0x4bfdb05b00000000, 0xa90038d600000000,
+ 0xce00d09b00000000, 0x2cfd581600000000, 0x96fa61b700000000,
+ 0x7407e93a00000000, 0x1307017700000000, 0xf1fa89fa00000000,
+ 0xdd07d1ec00000000, 0x3ffa596100000000, 0x58fab12c00000000,
+ 0xba0739a100000000, 0x6df3b2b500000000, 0x8f0e3a3800000000,
+ 0xe80ed27500000000, 0x0af35af800000000, 0x260e02ee00000000,
+ 0xc4f38a6300000000, 0xa3f3622e00000000, 0x410eeaa300000000,
+ 0xfb09d30200000000, 0x19f45b8f00000000, 0x7ef4b3c200000000,
+ 0x9c093b4f00000000, 0xb0f4635900000000, 0x5209ebd400000000,
+ 0x3509039900000000, 0xd7f48b1400000000, 0x9be014b000000000,
+ 0x791d9c3d00000000, 0x1e1d747000000000, 0xfce0fcfd00000000,
+ 0xd01da4eb00000000, 0x32e02c6600000000, 0x55e0c42b00000000,
+ 0xb71d4ca600000000, 0x0d1a750700000000, 0xefe7fd8a00000000,
+ 0x88e715c700000000, 0x6a1a9d4a00000000, 0x46e7c55c00000000,
+ 0xa41a4dd100000000, 0xc31aa59c00000000, 0x21e72d1100000000,
+ 0xf613a60500000000, 0x14ee2e8800000000, 0x73eec6c500000000,
+ 0x91134e4800000000, 0xbdee165e00000000, 0x5f139ed300000000,
+ 0x3813769e00000000, 0xdaeefe1300000000, 0x60e9c7b200000000,
+ 0x82144f3f00000000, 0xe514a77200000000, 0x07e92fff00000000,
+ 0x2b1477e900000000, 0xc9e9ff6400000000, 0xaee9172900000000,
+ 0x4c149fa400000000, 0x77c758bb00000000, 0x953ad03600000000,
+ 0xf23a387b00000000, 0x10c7b0f600000000, 0x3c3ae8e000000000,
+ 0xdec7606d00000000, 0xb9c7882000000000, 0x5b3a00ad00000000,
+ 0xe13d390c00000000, 0x03c0b18100000000, 0x64c059cc00000000,
+ 0x863dd14100000000, 0xaac0895700000000, 0x483d01da00000000,
+ 0x2f3de99700000000, 0xcdc0611a00000000, 0x1a34ea0e00000000,
+ 0xf8c9628300000000, 0x9fc98ace00000000, 0x7d34024300000000,
+ 0x51c95a5500000000, 0xb334d2d800000000, 0xd4343a9500000000,
+ 0x36c9b21800000000, 0x8cce8bb900000000, 0x6e33033400000000,
+ 0x0933eb7900000000, 0xebce63f400000000, 0xc7333be200000000,
+ 0x25ceb36f00000000, 0x42ce5b2200000000, 0xa033d3af00000000,
+ 0xec274c0b00000000, 0x0edac48600000000, 0x69da2ccb00000000,
+ 0x8b27a44600000000, 0xa7dafc5000000000, 0x452774dd00000000,
+ 0x22279c9000000000, 0xc0da141d00000000, 0x7add2dbc00000000,
+ 0x9820a53100000000, 0xff204d7c00000000, 0x1dddc5f100000000,
+ 0x31209de700000000, 0xd3dd156a00000000, 0xb4ddfd2700000000,
+ 0x562075aa00000000, 0x81d4febe00000000, 0x6329763300000000,
+ 0x04299e7e00000000, 0xe6d416f300000000, 0xca294ee500000000,
+ 0x28d4c66800000000, 0x4fd42e2500000000, 0xad29a6a800000000,
+ 0x172e9f0900000000, 0xf5d3178400000000, 0x92d3ffc900000000,
+ 0x702e774400000000, 0x5cd32f5200000000, 0xbe2ea7df00000000,
+ 0xd92e4f9200000000, 0x3bd3c71f00000000, 0xaf88c0ad00000000,
+ 0x4d75482000000000, 0x2a75a06d00000000, 0xc88828e000000000,
+ 0xe47570f600000000, 0x0688f87b00000000, 0x6188103600000000,
+ 0x837598bb00000000, 0x3972a11a00000000, 0xdb8f299700000000,
+ 0xbc8fc1da00000000, 0x5e72495700000000, 0x728f114100000000,
+ 0x907299cc00000000, 0xf772718100000000, 0x158ff90c00000000,
+ 0xc27b721800000000, 0x2086fa9500000000, 0x478612d800000000,
+ 0xa57b9a5500000000, 0x8986c24300000000, 0x6b7b4ace00000000,
+ 0x0c7ba28300000000, 0xee862a0e00000000, 0x548113af00000000,
+ 0xb67c9b2200000000, 0xd17c736f00000000, 0x3381fbe200000000,
+ 0x1f7ca3f400000000, 0xfd812b7900000000, 0x9a81c33400000000,
+ 0x787c4bb900000000, 0x3468d41d00000000, 0xd6955c9000000000,
+ 0xb195b4dd00000000, 0x53683c5000000000, 0x7f95644600000000,
+ 0x9d68eccb00000000, 0xfa68048600000000, 0x18958c0b00000000,
+ 0xa292b5aa00000000, 0x406f3d2700000000, 0x276fd56a00000000,
+ 0xc5925de700000000, 0xe96f05f100000000, 0x0b928d7c00000000,
+ 0x6c92653100000000, 0x8e6fedbc00000000, 0x599b66a800000000,
+ 0xbb66ee2500000000, 0xdc66066800000000, 0x3e9b8ee500000000,
+ 0x1266d6f300000000, 0xf09b5e7e00000000, 0x979bb63300000000,
+ 0x75663ebe00000000, 0xcf61071f00000000, 0x2d9c8f9200000000,
+ 0x4a9c67df00000000, 0xa861ef5200000000, 0x849cb74400000000,
+ 0x66613fc900000000, 0x0161d78400000000, 0xe39c5f0900000000,
+ 0xd84f981600000000, 0x3ab2109b00000000, 0x5db2f8d600000000,
+ 0xbf4f705b00000000, 0x93b2284d00000000, 0x714fa0c000000000,
+ 0x164f488d00000000, 0xf4b2c00000000000, 0x4eb5f9a100000000,
+ 0xac48712c00000000, 0xcb48996100000000, 0x29b511ec00000000,
+ 0x054849fa00000000, 0xe7b5c17700000000, 0x80b5293a00000000,
+ 0x6248a1b700000000, 0xb5bc2aa300000000, 0x5741a22e00000000,
+ 0x30414a6300000000, 0xd2bcc2ee00000000, 0xfe419af800000000,
+ 0x1cbc127500000000, 0x7bbcfa3800000000, 0x994172b500000000,
+ 0x23464b1400000000, 0xc1bbc39900000000, 0xa6bb2bd400000000,
+ 0x4446a35900000000, 0x68bbfb4f00000000, 0x8a4673c200000000,
+ 0xed469b8f00000000, 0x0fbb130200000000, 0x43af8ca600000000,
+ 0xa152042b00000000, 0xc652ec6600000000, 0x24af64eb00000000,
+ 0x08523cfd00000000, 0xeaafb47000000000, 0x8daf5c3d00000000,
+ 0x6f52d4b000000000, 0xd555ed1100000000, 0x37a8659c00000000,
+ 0x50a88dd100000000, 0xb255055c00000000, 0x9ea85d4a00000000,
+ 0x7c55d5c700000000, 0x1b553d8a00000000, 0xf9a8b50700000000,
+ 0x2e5c3e1300000000, 0xcca1b69e00000000, 0xaba15ed300000000,
+ 0x495cd65e00000000, 0x65a18e4800000000, 0x875c06c500000000,
+ 0xe05cee8800000000, 0x02a1660500000000, 0xb8a65fa400000000,
+ 0x5a5bd72900000000, 0x3d5b3f6400000000, 0xdfa6b7e900000000,
+ 0xf35befff00000000, 0x11a6677200000000, 0x76a68f3f00000000,
+ 0x945b07b200000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xa90b894e00000000, 0x5217129d00000000,
+ 0xfb1c9bd300000000, 0xe52855e100000000, 0x4c23dcaf00000000,
+ 0xb73f477c00000000, 0x1e34ce3200000000, 0x8b57db1900000000,
+ 0x225c525700000000, 0xd940c98400000000, 0x704b40ca00000000,
+ 0x6e7f8ef800000000, 0xc77407b600000000, 0x3c689c6500000000,
+ 0x9563152b00000000, 0x16afb63300000000, 0xbfa43f7d00000000,
+ 0x44b8a4ae00000000, 0xedb32de000000000, 0xf387e3d200000000,
+ 0x5a8c6a9c00000000, 0xa190f14f00000000, 0x089b780100000000,
+ 0x9df86d2a00000000, 0x34f3e46400000000, 0xcfef7fb700000000,
+ 0x66e4f6f900000000, 0x78d038cb00000000, 0xd1dbb18500000000,
+ 0x2ac72a5600000000, 0x83cca31800000000, 0x2c5e6d6700000000,
+ 0x8555e42900000000, 0x7e497ffa00000000, 0xd742f6b400000000,
+ 0xc976388600000000, 0x607db1c800000000, 0x9b612a1b00000000,
+ 0x326aa35500000000, 0xa709b67e00000000, 0x0e023f3000000000,
+ 0xf51ea4e300000000, 0x5c152dad00000000, 0x4221e39f00000000,
+ 0xeb2a6ad100000000, 0x1036f10200000000, 0xb93d784c00000000,
+ 0x3af1db5400000000, 0x93fa521a00000000, 0x68e6c9c900000000,
+ 0xc1ed408700000000, 0xdfd98eb500000000, 0x76d207fb00000000,
+ 0x8dce9c2800000000, 0x24c5156600000000, 0xb1a6004d00000000,
+ 0x18ad890300000000, 0xe3b112d000000000, 0x4aba9b9e00000000,
+ 0x548e55ac00000000, 0xfd85dce200000000, 0x0699473100000000,
+ 0xaf92ce7f00000000, 0x58bcdace00000000, 0xf1b7538000000000,
+ 0x0aabc85300000000, 0xa3a0411d00000000, 0xbd948f2f00000000,
+ 0x149f066100000000, 0xef839db200000000, 0x468814fc00000000,
+ 0xd3eb01d700000000, 0x7ae0889900000000, 0x81fc134a00000000,
+ 0x28f79a0400000000, 0x36c3543600000000, 0x9fc8dd7800000000,
+ 0x64d446ab00000000, 0xcddfcfe500000000, 0x4e136cfd00000000,
+ 0xe718e5b300000000, 0x1c047e6000000000, 0xb50ff72e00000000,
+ 0xab3b391c00000000, 0x0230b05200000000, 0xf92c2b8100000000,
+ 0x5027a2cf00000000, 0xc544b7e400000000, 0x6c4f3eaa00000000,
+ 0x9753a57900000000, 0x3e582c3700000000, 0x206ce20500000000,
+ 0x89676b4b00000000, 0x727bf09800000000, 0xdb7079d600000000,
+ 0x74e2b7a900000000, 0xdde93ee700000000, 0x26f5a53400000000,
+ 0x8ffe2c7a00000000, 0x91cae24800000000, 0x38c16b0600000000,
+ 0xc3ddf0d500000000, 0x6ad6799b00000000, 0xffb56cb000000000,
+ 0x56bee5fe00000000, 0xada27e2d00000000, 0x04a9f76300000000,
+ 0x1a9d395100000000, 0xb396b01f00000000, 0x488a2bcc00000000,
+ 0xe181a28200000000, 0x624d019a00000000, 0xcb4688d400000000,
+ 0x305a130700000000, 0x99519a4900000000, 0x8765547b00000000,
+ 0x2e6edd3500000000, 0xd57246e600000000, 0x7c79cfa800000000,
+ 0xe91ada8300000000, 0x401153cd00000000, 0xbb0dc81e00000000,
+ 0x1206415000000000, 0x0c328f6200000000, 0xa539062c00000000,
+ 0x5e259dff00000000, 0xf72e14b100000000, 0xf17ec44600000000,
+ 0x58754d0800000000, 0xa369d6db00000000, 0x0a625f9500000000,
+ 0x145691a700000000, 0xbd5d18e900000000, 0x4641833a00000000,
+ 0xef4a0a7400000000, 0x7a291f5f00000000, 0xd322961100000000,
+ 0x283e0dc200000000, 0x8135848c00000000, 0x9f014abe00000000,
+ 0x360ac3f000000000, 0xcd16582300000000, 0x641dd16d00000000,
+ 0xe7d1727500000000, 0x4edafb3b00000000, 0xb5c660e800000000,
+ 0x1ccde9a600000000, 0x02f9279400000000, 0xabf2aeda00000000,
+ 0x50ee350900000000, 0xf9e5bc4700000000, 0x6c86a96c00000000,
+ 0xc58d202200000000, 0x3e91bbf100000000, 0x979a32bf00000000,
+ 0x89aefc8d00000000, 0x20a575c300000000, 0xdbb9ee1000000000,
+ 0x72b2675e00000000, 0xdd20a92100000000, 0x742b206f00000000,
+ 0x8f37bbbc00000000, 0x263c32f200000000, 0x3808fcc000000000,
+ 0x9103758e00000000, 0x6a1fee5d00000000, 0xc314671300000000,
+ 0x5677723800000000, 0xff7cfb7600000000, 0x046060a500000000,
+ 0xad6be9eb00000000, 0xb35f27d900000000, 0x1a54ae9700000000,
+ 0xe148354400000000, 0x4843bc0a00000000, 0xcb8f1f1200000000,
+ 0x6284965c00000000, 0x99980d8f00000000, 0x309384c100000000,
+ 0x2ea74af300000000, 0x87acc3bd00000000, 0x7cb0586e00000000,
+ 0xd5bbd12000000000, 0x40d8c40b00000000, 0xe9d34d4500000000,
+ 0x12cfd69600000000, 0xbbc45fd800000000, 0xa5f091ea00000000,
+ 0x0cfb18a400000000, 0xf7e7837700000000, 0x5eec0a3900000000,
+ 0xa9c21e8800000000, 0x00c997c600000000, 0xfbd50c1500000000,
+ 0x52de855b00000000, 0x4cea4b6900000000, 0xe5e1c22700000000,
+ 0x1efd59f400000000, 0xb7f6d0ba00000000, 0x2295c59100000000,
+ 0x8b9e4cdf00000000, 0x7082d70c00000000, 0xd9895e4200000000,
+ 0xc7bd907000000000, 0x6eb6193e00000000, 0x95aa82ed00000000,
+ 0x3ca10ba300000000, 0xbf6da8bb00000000, 0x166621f500000000,
+ 0xed7aba2600000000, 0x4471336800000000, 0x5a45fd5a00000000,
+ 0xf34e741400000000, 0x0852efc700000000, 0xa159668900000000,
+ 0x343a73a200000000, 0x9d31faec00000000, 0x662d613f00000000,
+ 0xcf26e87100000000, 0xd112264300000000, 0x7819af0d00000000,
+ 0x830534de00000000, 0x2a0ebd9000000000, 0x859c73ef00000000,
+ 0x2c97faa100000000, 0xd78b617200000000, 0x7e80e83c00000000,
+ 0x60b4260e00000000, 0xc9bfaf4000000000, 0x32a3349300000000,
+ 0x9ba8bddd00000000, 0x0ecba8f600000000, 0xa7c021b800000000,
+ 0x5cdcba6b00000000, 0xf5d7332500000000, 0xebe3fd1700000000,
+ 0x42e8745900000000, 0xb9f4ef8a00000000, 0x10ff66c400000000,
+ 0x9333c5dc00000000, 0x3a384c9200000000, 0xc124d74100000000,
+ 0x682f5e0f00000000, 0x761b903d00000000, 0xdf10197300000000,
+ 0x240c82a000000000, 0x8d070bee00000000, 0x18641ec500000000,
+ 0xb16f978b00000000, 0x4a730c5800000000, 0xe378851600000000,
+ 0xfd4c4b2400000000, 0x5447c26a00000000, 0xaf5b59b900000000,
+ 0x0650d0f700000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x479244af00000000, 0xcf22f88500000000,
+ 0x88b0bc2a00000000, 0xdf4381d000000000, 0x98d1c57f00000000,
+ 0x1061795500000000, 0x57f33dfa00000000, 0xff81737a00000000,
+ 0xb81337d500000000, 0x30a38bff00000000, 0x7731cf5000000000,
+ 0x20c2f2aa00000000, 0x6750b60500000000, 0xefe00a2f00000000,
+ 0xa8724e8000000000, 0xfe03e7f400000000, 0xb991a35b00000000,
+ 0x31211f7100000000, 0x76b35bde00000000, 0x2140662400000000,
+ 0x66d2228b00000000, 0xee629ea100000000, 0xa9f0da0e00000000,
+ 0x0182948e00000000, 0x4610d02100000000, 0xcea06c0b00000000,
+ 0x893228a400000000, 0xdec1155e00000000, 0x995351f100000000,
+ 0x11e3eddb00000000, 0x5671a97400000000, 0xbd01bf3200000000,
+ 0xfa93fb9d00000000, 0x722347b700000000, 0x35b1031800000000,
+ 0x62423ee200000000, 0x25d07a4d00000000, 0xad60c66700000000,
+ 0xeaf282c800000000, 0x4280cc4800000000, 0x051288e700000000,
+ 0x8da234cd00000000, 0xca30706200000000, 0x9dc34d9800000000,
+ 0xda51093700000000, 0x52e1b51d00000000, 0x1573f1b200000000,
+ 0x430258c600000000, 0x04901c6900000000, 0x8c20a04300000000,
+ 0xcbb2e4ec00000000, 0x9c41d91600000000, 0xdbd39db900000000,
+ 0x5363219300000000, 0x14f1653c00000000, 0xbc832bbc00000000,
+ 0xfb116f1300000000, 0x73a1d33900000000, 0x3433979600000000,
+ 0x63c0aa6c00000000, 0x2452eec300000000, 0xace252e900000000,
+ 0xeb70164600000000, 0x7a037e6500000000, 0x3d913aca00000000,
+ 0xb52186e000000000, 0xf2b3c24f00000000, 0xa540ffb500000000,
+ 0xe2d2bb1a00000000, 0x6a62073000000000, 0x2df0439f00000000,
+ 0x85820d1f00000000, 0xc21049b000000000, 0x4aa0f59a00000000,
+ 0x0d32b13500000000, 0x5ac18ccf00000000, 0x1d53c86000000000,
+ 0x95e3744a00000000, 0xd27130e500000000, 0x8400999100000000,
+ 0xc392dd3e00000000, 0x4b22611400000000, 0x0cb025bb00000000,
+ 0x5b43184100000000, 0x1cd15cee00000000, 0x9461e0c400000000,
+ 0xd3f3a46b00000000, 0x7b81eaeb00000000, 0x3c13ae4400000000,
+ 0xb4a3126e00000000, 0xf33156c100000000, 0xa4c26b3b00000000,
+ 0xe3502f9400000000, 0x6be093be00000000, 0x2c72d71100000000,
+ 0xc702c15700000000, 0x809085f800000000, 0x082039d200000000,
+ 0x4fb27d7d00000000, 0x1841408700000000, 0x5fd3042800000000,
+ 0xd763b80200000000, 0x90f1fcad00000000, 0x3883b22d00000000,
+ 0x7f11f68200000000, 0xf7a14aa800000000, 0xb0330e0700000000,
+ 0xe7c033fd00000000, 0xa052775200000000, 0x28e2cb7800000000,
+ 0x6f708fd700000000, 0x390126a300000000, 0x7e93620c00000000,
+ 0xf623de2600000000, 0xb1b19a8900000000, 0xe642a77300000000,
+ 0xa1d0e3dc00000000, 0x29605ff600000000, 0x6ef21b5900000000,
+ 0xc68055d900000000, 0x8112117600000000, 0x09a2ad5c00000000,
+ 0x4e30e9f300000000, 0x19c3d40900000000, 0x5e5190a600000000,
+ 0xd6e12c8c00000000, 0x9173682300000000, 0xf406fcca00000000,
+ 0xb394b86500000000, 0x3b24044f00000000, 0x7cb640e000000000,
+ 0x2b457d1a00000000, 0x6cd739b500000000, 0xe467859f00000000,
+ 0xa3f5c13000000000, 0x0b878fb000000000, 0x4c15cb1f00000000,
+ 0xc4a5773500000000, 0x8337339a00000000, 0xd4c40e6000000000,
+ 0x93564acf00000000, 0x1be6f6e500000000, 0x5c74b24a00000000,
+ 0x0a051b3e00000000, 0x4d975f9100000000, 0xc527e3bb00000000,
+ 0x82b5a71400000000, 0xd5469aee00000000, 0x92d4de4100000000,
+ 0x1a64626b00000000, 0x5df626c400000000, 0xf584684400000000,
+ 0xb2162ceb00000000, 0x3aa690c100000000, 0x7d34d46e00000000,
+ 0x2ac7e99400000000, 0x6d55ad3b00000000, 0xe5e5111100000000,
+ 0xa27755be00000000, 0x490743f800000000, 0x0e95075700000000,
+ 0x8625bb7d00000000, 0xc1b7ffd200000000, 0x9644c22800000000,
+ 0xd1d6868700000000, 0x59663aad00000000, 0x1ef47e0200000000,
+ 0xb686308200000000, 0xf114742d00000000, 0x79a4c80700000000,
+ 0x3e368ca800000000, 0x69c5b15200000000, 0x2e57f5fd00000000,
+ 0xa6e749d700000000, 0xe1750d7800000000, 0xb704a40c00000000,
+ 0xf096e0a300000000, 0x78265c8900000000, 0x3fb4182600000000,
+ 0x684725dc00000000, 0x2fd5617300000000, 0xa765dd5900000000,
+ 0xe0f799f600000000, 0x4885d77600000000, 0x0f1793d900000000,
+ 0x87a72ff300000000, 0xc0356b5c00000000, 0x97c656a600000000,
+ 0xd054120900000000, 0x58e4ae2300000000, 0x1f76ea8c00000000,
+ 0x8e0582af00000000, 0xc997c60000000000, 0x41277a2a00000000,
+ 0x06b53e8500000000, 0x5146037f00000000, 0x16d447d000000000,
+ 0x9e64fbfa00000000, 0xd9f6bf5500000000, 0x7184f1d500000000,
+ 0x3616b57a00000000, 0xbea6095000000000, 0xf9344dff00000000,
+ 0xaec7700500000000, 0xe95534aa00000000, 0x61e5888000000000,
+ 0x2677cc2f00000000, 0x7006655b00000000, 0x379421f400000000,
+ 0xbf249dde00000000, 0xf8b6d97100000000, 0xaf45e48b00000000,
+ 0xe8d7a02400000000, 0x60671c0e00000000, 0x27f558a100000000,
+ 0x8f87162100000000, 0xc815528e00000000, 0x40a5eea400000000,
+ 0x0737aa0b00000000, 0x50c497f100000000, 0x1756d35e00000000,
+ 0x9fe66f7400000000, 0xd8742bdb00000000, 0x33043d9d00000000,
+ 0x7496793200000000, 0xfc26c51800000000, 0xbbb481b700000000,
+ 0xec47bc4d00000000, 0xabd5f8e200000000, 0x236544c800000000,
+ 0x64f7006700000000, 0xcc854ee700000000, 0x8b170a4800000000,
+ 0x03a7b66200000000, 0x4435f2cd00000000, 0x13c6cf3700000000,
+ 0x54548b9800000000, 0xdce437b200000000, 0x9b76731d00000000,
+ 0xcd07da6900000000, 0x8a959ec600000000, 0x022522ec00000000,
+ 0x45b7664300000000, 0x12445bb900000000, 0x55d61f1600000000,
+ 0xdd66a33c00000000, 0x9af4e79300000000, 0x3286a91300000000,
+ 0x7514edbc00000000, 0xfda4519600000000, 0xba36153900000000,
+ 0xedc528c300000000, 0xaa576c6c00000000, 0x22e7d04600000000,
+ 0x657594e900000000}};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x65673b46, 0xcace768c, 0xafa94dca, 0x4eedeb59,
+ 0x2b8ad01f, 0x84239dd5, 0xe144a693, 0x9ddbd6b2, 0xf8bcedf4,
+ 0x5715a03e, 0x32729b78, 0xd3363deb, 0xb65106ad, 0x19f84b67,
+ 0x7c9f7021, 0xe0c6ab25, 0x85a19063, 0x2a08dda9, 0x4f6fe6ef,
+ 0xae2b407c, 0xcb4c7b3a, 0x64e536f0, 0x01820db6, 0x7d1d7d97,
+ 0x187a46d1, 0xb7d30b1b, 0xd2b4305d, 0x33f096ce, 0x5697ad88,
+ 0xf93ee042, 0x9c59db04, 0x1afc500b, 0x7f9b6b4d, 0xd0322687,
+ 0xb5551dc1, 0x5411bb52, 0x31768014, 0x9edfcdde, 0xfbb8f698,
+ 0x872786b9, 0xe240bdff, 0x4de9f035, 0x288ecb73, 0xc9ca6de0,
+ 0xacad56a6, 0x03041b6c, 0x6663202a, 0xfa3afb2e, 0x9f5dc068,
+ 0x30f48da2, 0x5593b6e4, 0xb4d71077, 0xd1b02b31, 0x7e1966fb,
+ 0x1b7e5dbd, 0x67e12d9c, 0x028616da, 0xad2f5b10, 0xc8486056,
+ 0x290cc6c5, 0x4c6bfd83, 0xe3c2b049, 0x86a58b0f, 0x35f8a016,
+ 0x509f9b50, 0xff36d69a, 0x9a51eddc, 0x7b154b4f, 0x1e727009,
+ 0xb1db3dc3, 0xd4bc0685, 0xa82376a4, 0xcd444de2, 0x62ed0028,
+ 0x078a3b6e, 0xe6ce9dfd, 0x83a9a6bb, 0x2c00eb71, 0x4967d037,
+ 0xd53e0b33, 0xb0593075, 0x1ff07dbf, 0x7a9746f9, 0x9bd3e06a,
+ 0xfeb4db2c, 0x511d96e6, 0x347aada0, 0x48e5dd81, 0x2d82e6c7,
+ 0x822bab0d, 0xe74c904b, 0x060836d8, 0x636f0d9e, 0xccc64054,
+ 0xa9a17b12, 0x2f04f01d, 0x4a63cb5b, 0xe5ca8691, 0x80adbdd7,
+ 0x61e91b44, 0x048e2002, 0xab276dc8, 0xce40568e, 0xb2df26af,
+ 0xd7b81de9, 0x78115023, 0x1d766b65, 0xfc32cdf6, 0x9955f6b0,
+ 0x36fcbb7a, 0x539b803c, 0xcfc25b38, 0xaaa5607e, 0x050c2db4,
+ 0x606b16f2, 0x812fb061, 0xe4488b27, 0x4be1c6ed, 0x2e86fdab,
+ 0x52198d8a, 0x377eb6cc, 0x98d7fb06, 0xfdb0c040, 0x1cf466d3,
+ 0x79935d95, 0xd63a105f, 0xb35d2b19, 0x6bf1402c, 0x0e967b6a,
+ 0xa13f36a0, 0xc4580de6, 0x251cab75, 0x407b9033, 0xefd2ddf9,
+ 0x8ab5e6bf, 0xf62a969e, 0x934dadd8, 0x3ce4e012, 0x5983db54,
+ 0xb8c77dc7, 0xdda04681, 0x72090b4b, 0x176e300d, 0x8b37eb09,
+ 0xee50d04f, 0x41f99d85, 0x249ea6c3, 0xc5da0050, 0xa0bd3b16,
+ 0x0f1476dc, 0x6a734d9a, 0x16ec3dbb, 0x738b06fd, 0xdc224b37,
+ 0xb9457071, 0x5801d6e2, 0x3d66eda4, 0x92cfa06e, 0xf7a89b28,
+ 0x710d1027, 0x146a2b61, 0xbbc366ab, 0xdea45ded, 0x3fe0fb7e,
+ 0x5a87c038, 0xf52e8df2, 0x9049b6b4, 0xecd6c695, 0x89b1fdd3,
+ 0x2618b019, 0x437f8b5f, 0xa23b2dcc, 0xc75c168a, 0x68f55b40,
+ 0x0d926006, 0x91cbbb02, 0xf4ac8044, 0x5b05cd8e, 0x3e62f6c8,
+ 0xdf26505b, 0xba416b1d, 0x15e826d7, 0x708f1d91, 0x0c106db0,
+ 0x697756f6, 0xc6de1b3c, 0xa3b9207a, 0x42fd86e9, 0x279abdaf,
+ 0x8833f065, 0xed54cb23, 0x5e09e03a, 0x3b6edb7c, 0x94c796b6,
+ 0xf1a0adf0, 0x10e40b63, 0x75833025, 0xda2a7def, 0xbf4d46a9,
+ 0xc3d23688, 0xa6b50dce, 0x091c4004, 0x6c7b7b42, 0x8d3fddd1,
+ 0xe858e697, 0x47f1ab5d, 0x2296901b, 0xbecf4b1f, 0xdba87059,
+ 0x74013d93, 0x116606d5, 0xf022a046, 0x95459b00, 0x3aecd6ca,
+ 0x5f8bed8c, 0x23149dad, 0x4673a6eb, 0xe9daeb21, 0x8cbdd067,
+ 0x6df976f4, 0x089e4db2, 0xa7370078, 0xc2503b3e, 0x44f5b031,
+ 0x21928b77, 0x8e3bc6bd, 0xeb5cfdfb, 0x0a185b68, 0x6f7f602e,
+ 0xc0d62de4, 0xa5b116a2, 0xd92e6683, 0xbc495dc5, 0x13e0100f,
+ 0x76872b49, 0x97c38dda, 0xf2a4b69c, 0x5d0dfb56, 0x386ac010,
+ 0xa4331b14, 0xc1542052, 0x6efd6d98, 0x0b9a56de, 0xeadef04d,
+ 0x8fb9cb0b, 0x201086c1, 0x4577bd87, 0x39e8cda6, 0x5c8ff6e0,
+ 0xf326bb2a, 0x9641806c, 0x770526ff, 0x12621db9, 0xbdcb5073,
+ 0xd8ac6b35},
+ {0x00000000, 0xd7e28058, 0x74b406f1, 0xa35686a9, 0xe9680de2,
+ 0x3e8a8dba, 0x9ddc0b13, 0x4a3e8b4b, 0x09a11d85, 0xde439ddd,
+ 0x7d151b74, 0xaaf79b2c, 0xe0c91067, 0x372b903f, 0x947d1696,
+ 0x439f96ce, 0x13423b0a, 0xc4a0bb52, 0x67f63dfb, 0xb014bda3,
+ 0xfa2a36e8, 0x2dc8b6b0, 0x8e9e3019, 0x597cb041, 0x1ae3268f,
+ 0xcd01a6d7, 0x6e57207e, 0xb9b5a026, 0xf38b2b6d, 0x2469ab35,
+ 0x873f2d9c, 0x50ddadc4, 0x26847614, 0xf166f64c, 0x523070e5,
+ 0x85d2f0bd, 0xcfec7bf6, 0x180efbae, 0xbb587d07, 0x6cbafd5f,
+ 0x2f256b91, 0xf8c7ebc9, 0x5b916d60, 0x8c73ed38, 0xc64d6673,
+ 0x11afe62b, 0xb2f96082, 0x651be0da, 0x35c64d1e, 0xe224cd46,
+ 0x41724bef, 0x9690cbb7, 0xdcae40fc, 0x0b4cc0a4, 0xa81a460d,
+ 0x7ff8c655, 0x3c67509b, 0xeb85d0c3, 0x48d3566a, 0x9f31d632,
+ 0xd50f5d79, 0x02eddd21, 0xa1bb5b88, 0x7659dbd0, 0x4d08ec28,
+ 0x9aea6c70, 0x39bcead9, 0xee5e6a81, 0xa460e1ca, 0x73826192,
+ 0xd0d4e73b, 0x07366763, 0x44a9f1ad, 0x934b71f5, 0x301df75c,
+ 0xe7ff7704, 0xadc1fc4f, 0x7a237c17, 0xd975fabe, 0x0e977ae6,
+ 0x5e4ad722, 0x89a8577a, 0x2afed1d3, 0xfd1c518b, 0xb722dac0,
+ 0x60c05a98, 0xc396dc31, 0x14745c69, 0x57ebcaa7, 0x80094aff,
+ 0x235fcc56, 0xf4bd4c0e, 0xbe83c745, 0x6961471d, 0xca37c1b4,
+ 0x1dd541ec, 0x6b8c9a3c, 0xbc6e1a64, 0x1f389ccd, 0xc8da1c95,
+ 0x82e497de, 0x55061786, 0xf650912f, 0x21b21177, 0x622d87b9,
+ 0xb5cf07e1, 0x16998148, 0xc17b0110, 0x8b458a5b, 0x5ca70a03,
+ 0xfff18caa, 0x28130cf2, 0x78cea136, 0xaf2c216e, 0x0c7aa7c7,
+ 0xdb98279f, 0x91a6acd4, 0x46442c8c, 0xe512aa25, 0x32f02a7d,
+ 0x716fbcb3, 0xa68d3ceb, 0x05dbba42, 0xd2393a1a, 0x9807b151,
+ 0x4fe53109, 0xecb3b7a0, 0x3b5137f8, 0x9a11d850, 0x4df35808,
+ 0xeea5dea1, 0x39475ef9, 0x7379d5b2, 0xa49b55ea, 0x07cdd343,
+ 0xd02f531b, 0x93b0c5d5, 0x4452458d, 0xe704c324, 0x30e6437c,
+ 0x7ad8c837, 0xad3a486f, 0x0e6ccec6, 0xd98e4e9e, 0x8953e35a,
+ 0x5eb16302, 0xfde7e5ab, 0x2a0565f3, 0x603beeb8, 0xb7d96ee0,
+ 0x148fe849, 0xc36d6811, 0x80f2fedf, 0x57107e87, 0xf446f82e,
+ 0x23a47876, 0x699af33d, 0xbe787365, 0x1d2ef5cc, 0xcacc7594,
+ 0xbc95ae44, 0x6b772e1c, 0xc821a8b5, 0x1fc328ed, 0x55fda3a6,
+ 0x821f23fe, 0x2149a557, 0xf6ab250f, 0xb534b3c1, 0x62d63399,
+ 0xc180b530, 0x16623568, 0x5c5cbe23, 0x8bbe3e7b, 0x28e8b8d2,
+ 0xff0a388a, 0xafd7954e, 0x78351516, 0xdb6393bf, 0x0c8113e7,
+ 0x46bf98ac, 0x915d18f4, 0x320b9e5d, 0xe5e91e05, 0xa67688cb,
+ 0x71940893, 0xd2c28e3a, 0x05200e62, 0x4f1e8529, 0x98fc0571,
+ 0x3baa83d8, 0xec480380, 0xd7193478, 0x00fbb420, 0xa3ad3289,
+ 0x744fb2d1, 0x3e71399a, 0xe993b9c2, 0x4ac53f6b, 0x9d27bf33,
+ 0xdeb829fd, 0x095aa9a5, 0xaa0c2f0c, 0x7deeaf54, 0x37d0241f,
+ 0xe032a447, 0x436422ee, 0x9486a2b6, 0xc45b0f72, 0x13b98f2a,
+ 0xb0ef0983, 0x670d89db, 0x2d330290, 0xfad182c8, 0x59870461,
+ 0x8e658439, 0xcdfa12f7, 0x1a1892af, 0xb94e1406, 0x6eac945e,
+ 0x24921f15, 0xf3709f4d, 0x502619e4, 0x87c499bc, 0xf19d426c,
+ 0x267fc234, 0x8529449d, 0x52cbc4c5, 0x18f54f8e, 0xcf17cfd6,
+ 0x6c41497f, 0xbba3c927, 0xf83c5fe9, 0x2fdedfb1, 0x8c885918,
+ 0x5b6ad940, 0x1154520b, 0xc6b6d253, 0x65e054fa, 0xb202d4a2,
+ 0xe2df7966, 0x353df93e, 0x966b7f97, 0x4189ffcf, 0x0bb77484,
+ 0xdc55f4dc, 0x7f037275, 0xa8e1f22d, 0xeb7e64e3, 0x3c9ce4bb,
+ 0x9fca6212, 0x4828e24a, 0x02166901, 0xd5f4e959, 0x76a26ff0,
+ 0xa140efa8},
+ {0x00000000, 0xef52b6e1, 0x05d46b83, 0xea86dd62, 0x0ba8d706,
+ 0xe4fa61e7, 0x0e7cbc85, 0xe12e0a64, 0x1751ae0c, 0xf80318ed,
+ 0x1285c58f, 0xfdd7736e, 0x1cf9790a, 0xf3abcfeb, 0x192d1289,
+ 0xf67fa468, 0x2ea35c18, 0xc1f1eaf9, 0x2b77379b, 0xc425817a,
+ 0x250b8b1e, 0xca593dff, 0x20dfe09d, 0xcf8d567c, 0x39f2f214,
+ 0xd6a044f5, 0x3c269997, 0xd3742f76, 0x325a2512, 0xdd0893f3,
+ 0x378e4e91, 0xd8dcf870, 0x5d46b830, 0xb2140ed1, 0x5892d3b3,
+ 0xb7c06552, 0x56ee6f36, 0xb9bcd9d7, 0x533a04b5, 0xbc68b254,
+ 0x4a17163c, 0xa545a0dd, 0x4fc37dbf, 0xa091cb5e, 0x41bfc13a,
+ 0xaeed77db, 0x446baab9, 0xab391c58, 0x73e5e428, 0x9cb752c9,
+ 0x76318fab, 0x9963394a, 0x784d332e, 0x971f85cf, 0x7d9958ad,
+ 0x92cbee4c, 0x64b44a24, 0x8be6fcc5, 0x616021a7, 0x8e329746,
+ 0x6f1c9d22, 0x804e2bc3, 0x6ac8f6a1, 0x859a4040, 0xba8d7060,
+ 0x55dfc681, 0xbf591be3, 0x500bad02, 0xb125a766, 0x5e771187,
+ 0xb4f1cce5, 0x5ba37a04, 0xaddcde6c, 0x428e688d, 0xa808b5ef,
+ 0x475a030e, 0xa674096a, 0x4926bf8b, 0xa3a062e9, 0x4cf2d408,
+ 0x942e2c78, 0x7b7c9a99, 0x91fa47fb, 0x7ea8f11a, 0x9f86fb7e,
+ 0x70d44d9f, 0x9a5290fd, 0x7500261c, 0x837f8274, 0x6c2d3495,
+ 0x86abe9f7, 0x69f95f16, 0x88d75572, 0x6785e393, 0x8d033ef1,
+ 0x62518810, 0xe7cbc850, 0x08997eb1, 0xe21fa3d3, 0x0d4d1532,
+ 0xec631f56, 0x0331a9b7, 0xe9b774d5, 0x06e5c234, 0xf09a665c,
+ 0x1fc8d0bd, 0xf54e0ddf, 0x1a1cbb3e, 0xfb32b15a, 0x146007bb,
+ 0xfee6dad9, 0x11b46c38, 0xc9689448, 0x263a22a9, 0xccbcffcb,
+ 0x23ee492a, 0xc2c0434e, 0x2d92f5af, 0xc71428cd, 0x28469e2c,
+ 0xde393a44, 0x316b8ca5, 0xdbed51c7, 0x34bfe726, 0xd591ed42,
+ 0x3ac35ba3, 0xd04586c1, 0x3f173020, 0xae6be681, 0x41395060,
+ 0xabbf8d02, 0x44ed3be3, 0xa5c33187, 0x4a918766, 0xa0175a04,
+ 0x4f45ece5, 0xb93a488d, 0x5668fe6c, 0xbcee230e, 0x53bc95ef,
+ 0xb2929f8b, 0x5dc0296a, 0xb746f408, 0x581442e9, 0x80c8ba99,
+ 0x6f9a0c78, 0x851cd11a, 0x6a4e67fb, 0x8b606d9f, 0x6432db7e,
+ 0x8eb4061c, 0x61e6b0fd, 0x97991495, 0x78cba274, 0x924d7f16,
+ 0x7d1fc9f7, 0x9c31c393, 0x73637572, 0x99e5a810, 0x76b71ef1,
+ 0xf32d5eb1, 0x1c7fe850, 0xf6f93532, 0x19ab83d3, 0xf88589b7,
+ 0x17d73f56, 0xfd51e234, 0x120354d5, 0xe47cf0bd, 0x0b2e465c,
+ 0xe1a89b3e, 0x0efa2ddf, 0xefd427bb, 0x0086915a, 0xea004c38,
+ 0x0552fad9, 0xdd8e02a9, 0x32dcb448, 0xd85a692a, 0x3708dfcb,
+ 0xd626d5af, 0x3974634e, 0xd3f2be2c, 0x3ca008cd, 0xcadfaca5,
+ 0x258d1a44, 0xcf0bc726, 0x205971c7, 0xc1777ba3, 0x2e25cd42,
+ 0xc4a31020, 0x2bf1a6c1, 0x14e696e1, 0xfbb42000, 0x1132fd62,
+ 0xfe604b83, 0x1f4e41e7, 0xf01cf706, 0x1a9a2a64, 0xf5c89c85,
+ 0x03b738ed, 0xece58e0c, 0x0663536e, 0xe931e58f, 0x081fefeb,
+ 0xe74d590a, 0x0dcb8468, 0xe2993289, 0x3a45caf9, 0xd5177c18,
+ 0x3f91a17a, 0xd0c3179b, 0x31ed1dff, 0xdebfab1e, 0x3439767c,
+ 0xdb6bc09d, 0x2d1464f5, 0xc246d214, 0x28c00f76, 0xc792b997,
+ 0x26bcb3f3, 0xc9ee0512, 0x2368d870, 0xcc3a6e91, 0x49a02ed1,
+ 0xa6f29830, 0x4c744552, 0xa326f3b3, 0x4208f9d7, 0xad5a4f36,
+ 0x47dc9254, 0xa88e24b5, 0x5ef180dd, 0xb1a3363c, 0x5b25eb5e,
+ 0xb4775dbf, 0x555957db, 0xba0be13a, 0x508d3c58, 0xbfdf8ab9,
+ 0x670372c9, 0x8851c428, 0x62d7194a, 0x8d85afab, 0x6caba5cf,
+ 0x83f9132e, 0x697fce4c, 0x862d78ad, 0x7052dcc5, 0x9f006a24,
+ 0x7586b746, 0x9ad401a7, 0x7bfa0bc3, 0x94a8bd22, 0x7e2e6040,
+ 0x917cd6a1},
+ {0x00000000, 0x87a6cb43, 0xd43c90c7, 0x539a5b84, 0x730827cf,
+ 0xf4aeec8c, 0xa734b708, 0x20927c4b, 0xe6104f9e, 0x61b684dd,
+ 0x322cdf59, 0xb58a141a, 0x95186851, 0x12bea312, 0x4124f896,
+ 0xc68233d5, 0x1751997d, 0x90f7523e, 0xc36d09ba, 0x44cbc2f9,
+ 0x6459beb2, 0xe3ff75f1, 0xb0652e75, 0x37c3e536, 0xf141d6e3,
+ 0x76e71da0, 0x257d4624, 0xa2db8d67, 0x8249f12c, 0x05ef3a6f,
+ 0x567561eb, 0xd1d3aaa8, 0x2ea332fa, 0xa905f9b9, 0xfa9fa23d,
+ 0x7d39697e, 0x5dab1535, 0xda0dde76, 0x899785f2, 0x0e314eb1,
+ 0xc8b37d64, 0x4f15b627, 0x1c8feda3, 0x9b2926e0, 0xbbbb5aab,
+ 0x3c1d91e8, 0x6f87ca6c, 0xe821012f, 0x39f2ab87, 0xbe5460c4,
+ 0xedce3b40, 0x6a68f003, 0x4afa8c48, 0xcd5c470b, 0x9ec61c8f,
+ 0x1960d7cc, 0xdfe2e419, 0x58442f5a, 0x0bde74de, 0x8c78bf9d,
+ 0xaceac3d6, 0x2b4c0895, 0x78d65311, 0xff709852, 0x5d4665f4,
+ 0xdae0aeb7, 0x897af533, 0x0edc3e70, 0x2e4e423b, 0xa9e88978,
+ 0xfa72d2fc, 0x7dd419bf, 0xbb562a6a, 0x3cf0e129, 0x6f6abaad,
+ 0xe8cc71ee, 0xc85e0da5, 0x4ff8c6e6, 0x1c629d62, 0x9bc45621,
+ 0x4a17fc89, 0xcdb137ca, 0x9e2b6c4e, 0x198da70d, 0x391fdb46,
+ 0xbeb91005, 0xed234b81, 0x6a8580c2, 0xac07b317, 0x2ba17854,
+ 0x783b23d0, 0xff9de893, 0xdf0f94d8, 0x58a95f9b, 0x0b33041f,
+ 0x8c95cf5c, 0x73e5570e, 0xf4439c4d, 0xa7d9c7c9, 0x207f0c8a,
+ 0x00ed70c1, 0x874bbb82, 0xd4d1e006, 0x53772b45, 0x95f51890,
+ 0x1253d3d3, 0x41c98857, 0xc66f4314, 0xe6fd3f5f, 0x615bf41c,
+ 0x32c1af98, 0xb56764db, 0x64b4ce73, 0xe3120530, 0xb0885eb4,
+ 0x372e95f7, 0x17bce9bc, 0x901a22ff, 0xc380797b, 0x4426b238,
+ 0x82a481ed, 0x05024aae, 0x5698112a, 0xd13eda69, 0xf1aca622,
+ 0x760a6d61, 0x259036e5, 0xa236fda6, 0xba8ccbe8, 0x3d2a00ab,
+ 0x6eb05b2f, 0xe916906c, 0xc984ec27, 0x4e222764, 0x1db87ce0,
+ 0x9a1eb7a3, 0x5c9c8476, 0xdb3a4f35, 0x88a014b1, 0x0f06dff2,
+ 0x2f94a3b9, 0xa83268fa, 0xfba8337e, 0x7c0ef83d, 0xaddd5295,
+ 0x2a7b99d6, 0x79e1c252, 0xfe470911, 0xded5755a, 0x5973be19,
+ 0x0ae9e59d, 0x8d4f2ede, 0x4bcd1d0b, 0xcc6bd648, 0x9ff18dcc,
+ 0x1857468f, 0x38c53ac4, 0xbf63f187, 0xecf9aa03, 0x6b5f6140,
+ 0x942ff912, 0x13893251, 0x401369d5, 0xc7b5a296, 0xe727dedd,
+ 0x6081159e, 0x331b4e1a, 0xb4bd8559, 0x723fb68c, 0xf5997dcf,
+ 0xa603264b, 0x21a5ed08, 0x01379143, 0x86915a00, 0xd50b0184,
+ 0x52adcac7, 0x837e606f, 0x04d8ab2c, 0x5742f0a8, 0xd0e43beb,
+ 0xf07647a0, 0x77d08ce3, 0x244ad767, 0xa3ec1c24, 0x656e2ff1,
+ 0xe2c8e4b2, 0xb152bf36, 0x36f47475, 0x1666083e, 0x91c0c37d,
+ 0xc25a98f9, 0x45fc53ba, 0xe7caae1c, 0x606c655f, 0x33f63edb,
+ 0xb450f598, 0x94c289d3, 0x13644290, 0x40fe1914, 0xc758d257,
+ 0x01dae182, 0x867c2ac1, 0xd5e67145, 0x5240ba06, 0x72d2c64d,
+ 0xf5740d0e, 0xa6ee568a, 0x21489dc9, 0xf09b3761, 0x773dfc22,
+ 0x24a7a7a6, 0xa3016ce5, 0x839310ae, 0x0435dbed, 0x57af8069,
+ 0xd0094b2a, 0x168b78ff, 0x912db3bc, 0xc2b7e838, 0x4511237b,
+ 0x65835f30, 0xe2259473, 0xb1bfcff7, 0x361904b4, 0xc9699ce6,
+ 0x4ecf57a5, 0x1d550c21, 0x9af3c762, 0xba61bb29, 0x3dc7706a,
+ 0x6e5d2bee, 0xe9fbe0ad, 0x2f79d378, 0xa8df183b, 0xfb4543bf,
+ 0x7ce388fc, 0x5c71f4b7, 0xdbd73ff4, 0x884d6470, 0x0febaf33,
+ 0xde38059b, 0x599eced8, 0x0a04955c, 0x8da25e1f, 0xad302254,
+ 0x2a96e917, 0x790cb293, 0xfeaa79d0, 0x38284a05, 0xbf8e8146,
+ 0xec14dac2, 0x6bb21181, 0x4b206dca, 0xcc86a689, 0x9f1cfd0d,
+ 0x18ba364e}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x43cba687, 0xc7903cd4, 0x845b9a53, 0xcf270873,
+ 0x8cecaef4, 0x08b734a7, 0x4b7c9220, 0x9e4f10e6, 0xdd84b661,
+ 0x59df2c32, 0x1a148ab5, 0x51681895, 0x12a3be12, 0x96f82441,
+ 0xd53382c6, 0x7d995117, 0x3e52f790, 0xba096dc3, 0xf9c2cb44,
+ 0xb2be5964, 0xf175ffe3, 0x752e65b0, 0x36e5c337, 0xe3d641f1,
+ 0xa01de776, 0x24467d25, 0x678ddba2, 0x2cf14982, 0x6f3aef05,
+ 0xeb617556, 0xa8aad3d1, 0xfa32a32e, 0xb9f905a9, 0x3da29ffa,
+ 0x7e69397d, 0x3515ab5d, 0x76de0dda, 0xf2859789, 0xb14e310e,
+ 0x647db3c8, 0x27b6154f, 0xa3ed8f1c, 0xe026299b, 0xab5abbbb,
+ 0xe8911d3c, 0x6cca876f, 0x2f0121e8, 0x87abf239, 0xc46054be,
+ 0x403bceed, 0x03f0686a, 0x488cfa4a, 0x0b475ccd, 0x8f1cc69e,
+ 0xccd76019, 0x19e4e2df, 0x5a2f4458, 0xde74de0b, 0x9dbf788c,
+ 0xd6c3eaac, 0x95084c2b, 0x1153d678, 0x529870ff, 0xf465465d,
+ 0xb7aee0da, 0x33f57a89, 0x703edc0e, 0x3b424e2e, 0x7889e8a9,
+ 0xfcd272fa, 0xbf19d47d, 0x6a2a56bb, 0x29e1f03c, 0xadba6a6f,
+ 0xee71cce8, 0xa50d5ec8, 0xe6c6f84f, 0x629d621c, 0x2156c49b,
+ 0x89fc174a, 0xca37b1cd, 0x4e6c2b9e, 0x0da78d19, 0x46db1f39,
+ 0x0510b9be, 0x814b23ed, 0xc280856a, 0x17b307ac, 0x5478a12b,
+ 0xd0233b78, 0x93e89dff, 0xd8940fdf, 0x9b5fa958, 0x1f04330b,
+ 0x5ccf958c, 0x0e57e573, 0x4d9c43f4, 0xc9c7d9a7, 0x8a0c7f20,
+ 0xc170ed00, 0x82bb4b87, 0x06e0d1d4, 0x452b7753, 0x9018f595,
+ 0xd3d35312, 0x5788c941, 0x14436fc6, 0x5f3ffde6, 0x1cf45b61,
+ 0x98afc132, 0xdb6467b5, 0x73ceb464, 0x300512e3, 0xb45e88b0,
+ 0xf7952e37, 0xbce9bc17, 0xff221a90, 0x7b7980c3, 0x38b22644,
+ 0xed81a482, 0xae4a0205, 0x2a119856, 0x69da3ed1, 0x22a6acf1,
+ 0x616d0a76, 0xe5369025, 0xa6fd36a2, 0xe8cb8cba, 0xab002a3d,
+ 0x2f5bb06e, 0x6c9016e9, 0x27ec84c9, 0x6427224e, 0xe07cb81d,
+ 0xa3b71e9a, 0x76849c5c, 0x354f3adb, 0xb114a088, 0xf2df060f,
+ 0xb9a3942f, 0xfa6832a8, 0x7e33a8fb, 0x3df80e7c, 0x9552ddad,
+ 0xd6997b2a, 0x52c2e179, 0x110947fe, 0x5a75d5de, 0x19be7359,
+ 0x9de5e90a, 0xde2e4f8d, 0x0b1dcd4b, 0x48d66bcc, 0xcc8df19f,
+ 0x8f465718, 0xc43ac538, 0x87f163bf, 0x03aaf9ec, 0x40615f6b,
+ 0x12f92f94, 0x51328913, 0xd5691340, 0x96a2b5c7, 0xddde27e7,
+ 0x9e158160, 0x1a4e1b33, 0x5985bdb4, 0x8cb63f72, 0xcf7d99f5,
+ 0x4b2603a6, 0x08eda521, 0x43913701, 0x005a9186, 0x84010bd5,
+ 0xc7caad52, 0x6f607e83, 0x2cabd804, 0xa8f04257, 0xeb3be4d0,
+ 0xa04776f0, 0xe38cd077, 0x67d74a24, 0x241ceca3, 0xf12f6e65,
+ 0xb2e4c8e2, 0x36bf52b1, 0x7574f436, 0x3e086616, 0x7dc3c091,
+ 0xf9985ac2, 0xba53fc45, 0x1caecae7, 0x5f656c60, 0xdb3ef633,
+ 0x98f550b4, 0xd389c294, 0x90426413, 0x1419fe40, 0x57d258c7,
+ 0x82e1da01, 0xc12a7c86, 0x4571e6d5, 0x06ba4052, 0x4dc6d272,
+ 0x0e0d74f5, 0x8a56eea6, 0xc99d4821, 0x61379bf0, 0x22fc3d77,
+ 0xa6a7a724, 0xe56c01a3, 0xae109383, 0xeddb3504, 0x6980af57,
+ 0x2a4b09d0, 0xff788b16, 0xbcb32d91, 0x38e8b7c2, 0x7b231145,
+ 0x305f8365, 0x739425e2, 0xf7cfbfb1, 0xb4041936, 0xe69c69c9,
+ 0xa557cf4e, 0x210c551d, 0x62c7f39a, 0x29bb61ba, 0x6a70c73d,
+ 0xee2b5d6e, 0xade0fbe9, 0x78d3792f, 0x3b18dfa8, 0xbf4345fb,
+ 0xfc88e37c, 0xb7f4715c, 0xf43fd7db, 0x70644d88, 0x33afeb0f,
+ 0x9b0538de, 0xd8ce9e59, 0x5c95040a, 0x1f5ea28d, 0x542230ad,
+ 0x17e9962a, 0x93b20c79, 0xd079aafe, 0x054a2838, 0x46818ebf,
+ 0xc2da14ec, 0x8111b26b, 0xca6d204b, 0x89a686cc, 0x0dfd1c9f,
+ 0x4e36ba18},
+ {0x00000000, 0xe1b652ef, 0x836bd405, 0x62dd86ea, 0x06d7a80b,
+ 0xe761fae4, 0x85bc7c0e, 0x640a2ee1, 0x0cae5117, 0xed1803f8,
+ 0x8fc58512, 0x6e73d7fd, 0x0a79f91c, 0xebcfabf3, 0x89122d19,
+ 0x68a47ff6, 0x185ca32e, 0xf9eaf1c1, 0x9b37772b, 0x7a8125c4,
+ 0x1e8b0b25, 0xff3d59ca, 0x9de0df20, 0x7c568dcf, 0x14f2f239,
+ 0xf544a0d6, 0x9799263c, 0x762f74d3, 0x12255a32, 0xf39308dd,
+ 0x914e8e37, 0x70f8dcd8, 0x30b8465d, 0xd10e14b2, 0xb3d39258,
+ 0x5265c0b7, 0x366fee56, 0xd7d9bcb9, 0xb5043a53, 0x54b268bc,
+ 0x3c16174a, 0xdda045a5, 0xbf7dc34f, 0x5ecb91a0, 0x3ac1bf41,
+ 0xdb77edae, 0xb9aa6b44, 0x581c39ab, 0x28e4e573, 0xc952b79c,
+ 0xab8f3176, 0x4a396399, 0x2e334d78, 0xcf851f97, 0xad58997d,
+ 0x4ceecb92, 0x244ab464, 0xc5fce68b, 0xa7216061, 0x4697328e,
+ 0x229d1c6f, 0xc32b4e80, 0xa1f6c86a, 0x40409a85, 0x60708dba,
+ 0x81c6df55, 0xe31b59bf, 0x02ad0b50, 0x66a725b1, 0x8711775e,
+ 0xe5ccf1b4, 0x047aa35b, 0x6cdedcad, 0x8d688e42, 0xefb508a8,
+ 0x0e035a47, 0x6a0974a6, 0x8bbf2649, 0xe962a0a3, 0x08d4f24c,
+ 0x782c2e94, 0x999a7c7b, 0xfb47fa91, 0x1af1a87e, 0x7efb869f,
+ 0x9f4dd470, 0xfd90529a, 0x1c260075, 0x74827f83, 0x95342d6c,
+ 0xf7e9ab86, 0x165ff969, 0x7255d788, 0x93e38567, 0xf13e038d,
+ 0x10885162, 0x50c8cbe7, 0xb17e9908, 0xd3a31fe2, 0x32154d0d,
+ 0x561f63ec, 0xb7a93103, 0xd574b7e9, 0x34c2e506, 0x5c669af0,
+ 0xbdd0c81f, 0xdf0d4ef5, 0x3ebb1c1a, 0x5ab132fb, 0xbb076014,
+ 0xd9dae6fe, 0x386cb411, 0x489468c9, 0xa9223a26, 0xcbffbccc,
+ 0x2a49ee23, 0x4e43c0c2, 0xaff5922d, 0xcd2814c7, 0x2c9e4628,
+ 0x443a39de, 0xa58c6b31, 0xc751eddb, 0x26e7bf34, 0x42ed91d5,
+ 0xa35bc33a, 0xc18645d0, 0x2030173f, 0x81e66bae, 0x60503941,
+ 0x028dbfab, 0xe33bed44, 0x8731c3a5, 0x6687914a, 0x045a17a0,
+ 0xe5ec454f, 0x8d483ab9, 0x6cfe6856, 0x0e23eebc, 0xef95bc53,
+ 0x8b9f92b2, 0x6a29c05d, 0x08f446b7, 0xe9421458, 0x99bac880,
+ 0x780c9a6f, 0x1ad11c85, 0xfb674e6a, 0x9f6d608b, 0x7edb3264,
+ 0x1c06b48e, 0xfdb0e661, 0x95149997, 0x74a2cb78, 0x167f4d92,
+ 0xf7c91f7d, 0x93c3319c, 0x72756373, 0x10a8e599, 0xf11eb776,
+ 0xb15e2df3, 0x50e87f1c, 0x3235f9f6, 0xd383ab19, 0xb78985f8,
+ 0x563fd717, 0x34e251fd, 0xd5540312, 0xbdf07ce4, 0x5c462e0b,
+ 0x3e9ba8e1, 0xdf2dfa0e, 0xbb27d4ef, 0x5a918600, 0x384c00ea,
+ 0xd9fa5205, 0xa9028edd, 0x48b4dc32, 0x2a695ad8, 0xcbdf0837,
+ 0xafd526d6, 0x4e637439, 0x2cbef2d3, 0xcd08a03c, 0xa5acdfca,
+ 0x441a8d25, 0x26c70bcf, 0xc7715920, 0xa37b77c1, 0x42cd252e,
+ 0x2010a3c4, 0xc1a6f12b, 0xe196e614, 0x0020b4fb, 0x62fd3211,
+ 0x834b60fe, 0xe7414e1f, 0x06f71cf0, 0x642a9a1a, 0x859cc8f5,
+ 0xed38b703, 0x0c8ee5ec, 0x6e536306, 0x8fe531e9, 0xebef1f08,
+ 0x0a594de7, 0x6884cb0d, 0x893299e2, 0xf9ca453a, 0x187c17d5,
+ 0x7aa1913f, 0x9b17c3d0, 0xff1ded31, 0x1eabbfde, 0x7c763934,
+ 0x9dc06bdb, 0xf564142d, 0x14d246c2, 0x760fc028, 0x97b992c7,
+ 0xf3b3bc26, 0x1205eec9, 0x70d86823, 0x916e3acc, 0xd12ea049,
+ 0x3098f2a6, 0x5245744c, 0xb3f326a3, 0xd7f90842, 0x364f5aad,
+ 0x5492dc47, 0xb5248ea8, 0xdd80f15e, 0x3c36a3b1, 0x5eeb255b,
+ 0xbf5d77b4, 0xdb575955, 0x3ae10bba, 0x583c8d50, 0xb98adfbf,
+ 0xc9720367, 0x28c45188, 0x4a19d762, 0xabaf858d, 0xcfa5ab6c,
+ 0x2e13f983, 0x4cce7f69, 0xad782d86, 0xc5dc5270, 0x246a009f,
+ 0x46b78675, 0xa701d49a, 0xc30bfa7b, 0x22bda894, 0x40602e7e,
+ 0xa1d67c91},
+ {0x00000000, 0x5880e2d7, 0xf106b474, 0xa98656a3, 0xe20d68e9,
+ 0xba8d8a3e, 0x130bdc9d, 0x4b8b3e4a, 0x851da109, 0xdd9d43de,
+ 0x741b157d, 0x2c9bf7aa, 0x6710c9e0, 0x3f902b37, 0x96167d94,
+ 0xce969f43, 0x0a3b4213, 0x52bba0c4, 0xfb3df667, 0xa3bd14b0,
+ 0xe8362afa, 0xb0b6c82d, 0x19309e8e, 0x41b07c59, 0x8f26e31a,
+ 0xd7a601cd, 0x7e20576e, 0x26a0b5b9, 0x6d2b8bf3, 0x35ab6924,
+ 0x9c2d3f87, 0xc4addd50, 0x14768426, 0x4cf666f1, 0xe5703052,
+ 0xbdf0d285, 0xf67beccf, 0xaefb0e18, 0x077d58bb, 0x5ffdba6c,
+ 0x916b252f, 0xc9ebc7f8, 0x606d915b, 0x38ed738c, 0x73664dc6,
+ 0x2be6af11, 0x8260f9b2, 0xdae01b65, 0x1e4dc635, 0x46cd24e2,
+ 0xef4b7241, 0xb7cb9096, 0xfc40aedc, 0xa4c04c0b, 0x0d461aa8,
+ 0x55c6f87f, 0x9b50673c, 0xc3d085eb, 0x6a56d348, 0x32d6319f,
+ 0x795d0fd5, 0x21dded02, 0x885bbba1, 0xd0db5976, 0x28ec084d,
+ 0x706cea9a, 0xd9eabc39, 0x816a5eee, 0xcae160a4, 0x92618273,
+ 0x3be7d4d0, 0x63673607, 0xadf1a944, 0xf5714b93, 0x5cf71d30,
+ 0x0477ffe7, 0x4ffcc1ad, 0x177c237a, 0xbefa75d9, 0xe67a970e,
+ 0x22d74a5e, 0x7a57a889, 0xd3d1fe2a, 0x8b511cfd, 0xc0da22b7,
+ 0x985ac060, 0x31dc96c3, 0x695c7414, 0xa7caeb57, 0xff4a0980,
+ 0x56cc5f23, 0x0e4cbdf4, 0x45c783be, 0x1d476169, 0xb4c137ca,
+ 0xec41d51d, 0x3c9a8c6b, 0x641a6ebc, 0xcd9c381f, 0x951cdac8,
+ 0xde97e482, 0x86170655, 0x2f9150f6, 0x7711b221, 0xb9872d62,
+ 0xe107cfb5, 0x48819916, 0x10017bc1, 0x5b8a458b, 0x030aa75c,
+ 0xaa8cf1ff, 0xf20c1328, 0x36a1ce78, 0x6e212caf, 0xc7a77a0c,
+ 0x9f2798db, 0xd4aca691, 0x8c2c4446, 0x25aa12e5, 0x7d2af032,
+ 0xb3bc6f71, 0xeb3c8da6, 0x42badb05, 0x1a3a39d2, 0x51b10798,
+ 0x0931e54f, 0xa0b7b3ec, 0xf837513b, 0x50d8119a, 0x0858f34d,
+ 0xa1dea5ee, 0xf95e4739, 0xb2d57973, 0xea559ba4, 0x43d3cd07,
+ 0x1b532fd0, 0xd5c5b093, 0x8d455244, 0x24c304e7, 0x7c43e630,
+ 0x37c8d87a, 0x6f483aad, 0xc6ce6c0e, 0x9e4e8ed9, 0x5ae35389,
+ 0x0263b15e, 0xabe5e7fd, 0xf365052a, 0xb8ee3b60, 0xe06ed9b7,
+ 0x49e88f14, 0x11686dc3, 0xdffef280, 0x877e1057, 0x2ef846f4,
+ 0x7678a423, 0x3df39a69, 0x657378be, 0xccf52e1d, 0x9475ccca,
+ 0x44ae95bc, 0x1c2e776b, 0xb5a821c8, 0xed28c31f, 0xa6a3fd55,
+ 0xfe231f82, 0x57a54921, 0x0f25abf6, 0xc1b334b5, 0x9933d662,
+ 0x30b580c1, 0x68356216, 0x23be5c5c, 0x7b3ebe8b, 0xd2b8e828,
+ 0x8a380aff, 0x4e95d7af, 0x16153578, 0xbf9363db, 0xe713810c,
+ 0xac98bf46, 0xf4185d91, 0x5d9e0b32, 0x051ee9e5, 0xcb8876a6,
+ 0x93089471, 0x3a8ec2d2, 0x620e2005, 0x29851e4f, 0x7105fc98,
+ 0xd883aa3b, 0x800348ec, 0x783419d7, 0x20b4fb00, 0x8932ada3,
+ 0xd1b24f74, 0x9a39713e, 0xc2b993e9, 0x6b3fc54a, 0x33bf279d,
+ 0xfd29b8de, 0xa5a95a09, 0x0c2f0caa, 0x54afee7d, 0x1f24d037,
+ 0x47a432e0, 0xee226443, 0xb6a28694, 0x720f5bc4, 0x2a8fb913,
+ 0x8309efb0, 0xdb890d67, 0x9002332d, 0xc882d1fa, 0x61048759,
+ 0x3984658e, 0xf712facd, 0xaf92181a, 0x06144eb9, 0x5e94ac6e,
+ 0x151f9224, 0x4d9f70f3, 0xe4192650, 0xbc99c487, 0x6c429df1,
+ 0x34c27f26, 0x9d442985, 0xc5c4cb52, 0x8e4ff518, 0xd6cf17cf,
+ 0x7f49416c, 0x27c9a3bb, 0xe95f3cf8, 0xb1dfde2f, 0x1859888c,
+ 0x40d96a5b, 0x0b525411, 0x53d2b6c6, 0xfa54e065, 0xa2d402b2,
+ 0x6679dfe2, 0x3ef93d35, 0x977f6b96, 0xcfff8941, 0x8474b70b,
+ 0xdcf455dc, 0x7572037f, 0x2df2e1a8, 0xe3647eeb, 0xbbe49c3c,
+ 0x1262ca9f, 0x4ae22848, 0x01691602, 0x59e9f4d5, 0xf06fa276,
+ 0xa8ef40a1},
+ {0x00000000, 0x463b6765, 0x8c76ceca, 0xca4da9af, 0x59ebed4e,
+ 0x1fd08a2b, 0xd59d2384, 0x93a644e1, 0xb2d6db9d, 0xf4edbcf8,
+ 0x3ea01557, 0x789b7232, 0xeb3d36d3, 0xad0651b6, 0x674bf819,
+ 0x21709f7c, 0x25abc6e0, 0x6390a185, 0xa9dd082a, 0xefe66f4f,
+ 0x7c402bae, 0x3a7b4ccb, 0xf036e564, 0xb60d8201, 0x977d1d7d,
+ 0xd1467a18, 0x1b0bd3b7, 0x5d30b4d2, 0xce96f033, 0x88ad9756,
+ 0x42e03ef9, 0x04db599c, 0x0b50fc1a, 0x4d6b9b7f, 0x872632d0,
+ 0xc11d55b5, 0x52bb1154, 0x14807631, 0xdecddf9e, 0x98f6b8fb,
+ 0xb9862787, 0xffbd40e2, 0x35f0e94d, 0x73cb8e28, 0xe06dcac9,
+ 0xa656adac, 0x6c1b0403, 0x2a206366, 0x2efb3afa, 0x68c05d9f,
+ 0xa28df430, 0xe4b69355, 0x7710d7b4, 0x312bb0d1, 0xfb66197e,
+ 0xbd5d7e1b, 0x9c2de167, 0xda168602, 0x105b2fad, 0x566048c8,
+ 0xc5c60c29, 0x83fd6b4c, 0x49b0c2e3, 0x0f8ba586, 0x16a0f835,
+ 0x509b9f50, 0x9ad636ff, 0xdced519a, 0x4f4b157b, 0x0970721e,
+ 0xc33ddbb1, 0x8506bcd4, 0xa47623a8, 0xe24d44cd, 0x2800ed62,
+ 0x6e3b8a07, 0xfd9dcee6, 0xbba6a983, 0x71eb002c, 0x37d06749,
+ 0x330b3ed5, 0x753059b0, 0xbf7df01f, 0xf946977a, 0x6ae0d39b,
+ 0x2cdbb4fe, 0xe6961d51, 0xa0ad7a34, 0x81dde548, 0xc7e6822d,
+ 0x0dab2b82, 0x4b904ce7, 0xd8360806, 0x9e0d6f63, 0x5440c6cc,
+ 0x127ba1a9, 0x1df0042f, 0x5bcb634a, 0x9186cae5, 0xd7bdad80,
+ 0x441be961, 0x02208e04, 0xc86d27ab, 0x8e5640ce, 0xaf26dfb2,
+ 0xe91db8d7, 0x23501178, 0x656b761d, 0xf6cd32fc, 0xb0f65599,
+ 0x7abbfc36, 0x3c809b53, 0x385bc2cf, 0x7e60a5aa, 0xb42d0c05,
+ 0xf2166b60, 0x61b02f81, 0x278b48e4, 0xedc6e14b, 0xabfd862e,
+ 0x8a8d1952, 0xccb67e37, 0x06fbd798, 0x40c0b0fd, 0xd366f41c,
+ 0x955d9379, 0x5f103ad6, 0x192b5db3, 0x2c40f16b, 0x6a7b960e,
+ 0xa0363fa1, 0xe60d58c4, 0x75ab1c25, 0x33907b40, 0xf9ddd2ef,
+ 0xbfe6b58a, 0x9e962af6, 0xd8ad4d93, 0x12e0e43c, 0x54db8359,
+ 0xc77dc7b8, 0x8146a0dd, 0x4b0b0972, 0x0d306e17, 0x09eb378b,
+ 0x4fd050ee, 0x859df941, 0xc3a69e24, 0x5000dac5, 0x163bbda0,
+ 0xdc76140f, 0x9a4d736a, 0xbb3dec16, 0xfd068b73, 0x374b22dc,
+ 0x717045b9, 0xe2d60158, 0xa4ed663d, 0x6ea0cf92, 0x289ba8f7,
+ 0x27100d71, 0x612b6a14, 0xab66c3bb, 0xed5da4de, 0x7efbe03f,
+ 0x38c0875a, 0xf28d2ef5, 0xb4b64990, 0x95c6d6ec, 0xd3fdb189,
+ 0x19b01826, 0x5f8b7f43, 0xcc2d3ba2, 0x8a165cc7, 0x405bf568,
+ 0x0660920d, 0x02bbcb91, 0x4480acf4, 0x8ecd055b, 0xc8f6623e,
+ 0x5b5026df, 0x1d6b41ba, 0xd726e815, 0x911d8f70, 0xb06d100c,
+ 0xf6567769, 0x3c1bdec6, 0x7a20b9a3, 0xe986fd42, 0xafbd9a27,
+ 0x65f03388, 0x23cb54ed, 0x3ae0095e, 0x7cdb6e3b, 0xb696c794,
+ 0xf0ada0f1, 0x630be410, 0x25308375, 0xef7d2ada, 0xa9464dbf,
+ 0x8836d2c3, 0xce0db5a6, 0x04401c09, 0x427b7b6c, 0xd1dd3f8d,
+ 0x97e658e8, 0x5dabf147, 0x1b909622, 0x1f4bcfbe, 0x5970a8db,
+ 0x933d0174, 0xd5066611, 0x46a022f0, 0x009b4595, 0xcad6ec3a,
+ 0x8ced8b5f, 0xad9d1423, 0xeba67346, 0x21ebdae9, 0x67d0bd8c,
+ 0xf476f96d, 0xb24d9e08, 0x780037a7, 0x3e3b50c2, 0x31b0f544,
+ 0x778b9221, 0xbdc63b8e, 0xfbfd5ceb, 0x685b180a, 0x2e607f6f,
+ 0xe42dd6c0, 0xa216b1a5, 0x83662ed9, 0xc55d49bc, 0x0f10e013,
+ 0x492b8776, 0xda8dc397, 0x9cb6a4f2, 0x56fb0d5d, 0x10c06a38,
+ 0x141b33a4, 0x522054c1, 0x986dfd6e, 0xde569a0b, 0x4df0deea,
+ 0x0bcbb98f, 0xc1861020, 0x87bd7745, 0xa6cde839, 0xe0f68f5c,
+ 0x2abb26f3, 0x6c804196, 0xff260577, 0xb91d6212, 0x7350cbbd,
+ 0x356bacd8}};
+#if N == 6
+#if W == 8
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x3db1ecdc, 0x7b63d9b8, 0x46d23564, 0xf6c7b370,
+ 0xcb765fac, 0x8da46ac8, 0xb0158614, 0x36fe60a1, 0x0b4f8c7d,
+ 0x4d9db919, 0x702c55c5, 0xc039d3d1, 0xfd883f0d, 0xbb5a0a69,
+ 0x86ebe6b5, 0x6dfcc142, 0x504d2d9e, 0x169f18fa, 0x2b2ef426,
+ 0x9b3b7232, 0xa68a9eee, 0xe058ab8a, 0xdde94756, 0x5b02a1e3,
+ 0x66b34d3f, 0x2061785b, 0x1dd09487, 0xadc51293, 0x9074fe4f,
+ 0xd6a6cb2b, 0xeb1727f7, 0xdbf98284, 0xe6486e58, 0xa09a5b3c,
+ 0x9d2bb7e0, 0x2d3e31f4, 0x108fdd28, 0x565de84c, 0x6bec0490,
+ 0xed07e225, 0xd0b60ef9, 0x96643b9d, 0xabd5d741, 0x1bc05155,
+ 0x2671bd89, 0x60a388ed, 0x5d126431, 0xb60543c6, 0x8bb4af1a,
+ 0xcd669a7e, 0xf0d776a2, 0x40c2f0b6, 0x7d731c6a, 0x3ba1290e,
+ 0x0610c5d2, 0x80fb2367, 0xbd4acfbb, 0xfb98fadf, 0xc6291603,
+ 0x763c9017, 0x4b8d7ccb, 0x0d5f49af, 0x30eea573, 0x6c820349,
+ 0x5133ef95, 0x17e1daf1, 0x2a50362d, 0x9a45b039, 0xa7f45ce5,
+ 0xe1266981, 0xdc97855d, 0x5a7c63e8, 0x67cd8f34, 0x211fba50,
+ 0x1cae568c, 0xacbbd098, 0x910a3c44, 0xd7d80920, 0xea69e5fc,
+ 0x017ec20b, 0x3ccf2ed7, 0x7a1d1bb3, 0x47acf76f, 0xf7b9717b,
+ 0xca089da7, 0x8cdaa8c3, 0xb16b441f, 0x3780a2aa, 0x0a314e76,
+ 0x4ce37b12, 0x715297ce, 0xc14711da, 0xfcf6fd06, 0xba24c862,
+ 0x879524be, 0xb77b81cd, 0x8aca6d11, 0xcc185875, 0xf1a9b4a9,
+ 0x41bc32bd, 0x7c0dde61, 0x3adfeb05, 0x076e07d9, 0x8185e16c,
+ 0xbc340db0, 0xfae638d4, 0xc757d408, 0x7742521c, 0x4af3bec0,
+ 0x0c218ba4, 0x31906778, 0xda87408f, 0xe736ac53, 0xa1e49937,
+ 0x9c5575eb, 0x2c40f3ff, 0x11f11f23, 0x57232a47, 0x6a92c69b,
+ 0xec79202e, 0xd1c8ccf2, 0x971af996, 0xaaab154a, 0x1abe935e,
+ 0x270f7f82, 0x61dd4ae6, 0x5c6ca63a, 0xd9040692, 0xe4b5ea4e,
+ 0xa267df2a, 0x9fd633f6, 0x2fc3b5e2, 0x1272593e, 0x54a06c5a,
+ 0x69118086, 0xeffa6633, 0xd24b8aef, 0x9499bf8b, 0xa9285357,
+ 0x193dd543, 0x248c399f, 0x625e0cfb, 0x5fefe027, 0xb4f8c7d0,
+ 0x89492b0c, 0xcf9b1e68, 0xf22af2b4, 0x423f74a0, 0x7f8e987c,
+ 0x395cad18, 0x04ed41c4, 0x8206a771, 0xbfb74bad, 0xf9657ec9,
+ 0xc4d49215, 0x74c11401, 0x4970f8dd, 0x0fa2cdb9, 0x32132165,
+ 0x02fd8416, 0x3f4c68ca, 0x799e5dae, 0x442fb172, 0xf43a3766,
+ 0xc98bdbba, 0x8f59eede, 0xb2e80202, 0x3403e4b7, 0x09b2086b,
+ 0x4f603d0f, 0x72d1d1d3, 0xc2c457c7, 0xff75bb1b, 0xb9a78e7f,
+ 0x841662a3, 0x6f014554, 0x52b0a988, 0x14629cec, 0x29d37030,
+ 0x99c6f624, 0xa4771af8, 0xe2a52f9c, 0xdf14c340, 0x59ff25f5,
+ 0x644ec929, 0x229cfc4d, 0x1f2d1091, 0xaf389685, 0x92897a59,
+ 0xd45b4f3d, 0xe9eaa3e1, 0xb58605db, 0x8837e907, 0xcee5dc63,
+ 0xf35430bf, 0x4341b6ab, 0x7ef05a77, 0x38226f13, 0x059383cf,
+ 0x8378657a, 0xbec989a6, 0xf81bbcc2, 0xc5aa501e, 0x75bfd60a,
+ 0x480e3ad6, 0x0edc0fb2, 0x336de36e, 0xd87ac499, 0xe5cb2845,
+ 0xa3191d21, 0x9ea8f1fd, 0x2ebd77e9, 0x130c9b35, 0x55deae51,
+ 0x686f428d, 0xee84a438, 0xd33548e4, 0x95e77d80, 0xa856915c,
+ 0x18431748, 0x25f2fb94, 0x6320cef0, 0x5e91222c, 0x6e7f875f,
+ 0x53ce6b83, 0x151c5ee7, 0x28adb23b, 0x98b8342f, 0xa509d8f3,
+ 0xe3dbed97, 0xde6a014b, 0x5881e7fe, 0x65300b22, 0x23e23e46,
+ 0x1e53d29a, 0xae46548e, 0x93f7b852, 0xd5258d36, 0xe89461ea,
+ 0x0383461d, 0x3e32aac1, 0x78e09fa5, 0x45517379, 0xf544f56d,
+ 0xc8f519b1, 0x8e272cd5, 0xb396c009, 0x357d26bc, 0x08ccca60,
+ 0x4e1eff04, 0x73af13d8, 0xc3ba95cc, 0xfe0b7910, 0xb8d94c74,
+ 0x8568a0a8},
+ {0x00000000, 0x69790b65, 0xd2f216ca, 0xbb8b1daf, 0x7e952bd5,
+ 0x17ec20b0, 0xac673d1f, 0xc51e367a, 0xfd2a57aa, 0x94535ccf,
+ 0x2fd84160, 0x46a14a05, 0x83bf7c7f, 0xeac6771a, 0x514d6ab5,
+ 0x383461d0, 0x2125a915, 0x485ca270, 0xf3d7bfdf, 0x9aaeb4ba,
+ 0x5fb082c0, 0x36c989a5, 0x8d42940a, 0xe43b9f6f, 0xdc0ffebf,
+ 0xb576f5da, 0x0efde875, 0x6784e310, 0xa29ad56a, 0xcbe3de0f,
+ 0x7068c3a0, 0x1911c8c5, 0x424b522a, 0x2b32594f, 0x90b944e0,
+ 0xf9c04f85, 0x3cde79ff, 0x55a7729a, 0xee2c6f35, 0x87556450,
+ 0xbf610580, 0xd6180ee5, 0x6d93134a, 0x04ea182f, 0xc1f42e55,
+ 0xa88d2530, 0x1306389f, 0x7a7f33fa, 0x636efb3f, 0x0a17f05a,
+ 0xb19cedf5, 0xd8e5e690, 0x1dfbd0ea, 0x7482db8f, 0xcf09c620,
+ 0xa670cd45, 0x9e44ac95, 0xf73da7f0, 0x4cb6ba5f, 0x25cfb13a,
+ 0xe0d18740, 0x89a88c25, 0x3223918a, 0x5b5a9aef, 0x8496a454,
+ 0xedefaf31, 0x5664b29e, 0x3f1db9fb, 0xfa038f81, 0x937a84e4,
+ 0x28f1994b, 0x4188922e, 0x79bcf3fe, 0x10c5f89b, 0xab4ee534,
+ 0xc237ee51, 0x0729d82b, 0x6e50d34e, 0xd5dbcee1, 0xbca2c584,
+ 0xa5b30d41, 0xccca0624, 0x77411b8b, 0x1e3810ee, 0xdb262694,
+ 0xb25f2df1, 0x09d4305e, 0x60ad3b3b, 0x58995aeb, 0x31e0518e,
+ 0x8a6b4c21, 0xe3124744, 0x260c713e, 0x4f757a5b, 0xf4fe67f4,
+ 0x9d876c91, 0xc6ddf67e, 0xafa4fd1b, 0x142fe0b4, 0x7d56ebd1,
+ 0xb848ddab, 0xd131d6ce, 0x6abacb61, 0x03c3c004, 0x3bf7a1d4,
+ 0x528eaab1, 0xe905b71e, 0x807cbc7b, 0x45628a01, 0x2c1b8164,
+ 0x97909ccb, 0xfee997ae, 0xe7f85f6b, 0x8e81540e, 0x350a49a1,
+ 0x5c7342c4, 0x996d74be, 0xf0147fdb, 0x4b9f6274, 0x22e66911,
+ 0x1ad208c1, 0x73ab03a4, 0xc8201e0b, 0xa159156e, 0x64472314,
+ 0x0d3e2871, 0xb6b535de, 0xdfcc3ebb, 0xd25c4ee9, 0xbb25458c,
+ 0x00ae5823, 0x69d75346, 0xacc9653c, 0xc5b06e59, 0x7e3b73f6,
+ 0x17427893, 0x2f761943, 0x460f1226, 0xfd840f89, 0x94fd04ec,
+ 0x51e33296, 0x389a39f3, 0x8311245c, 0xea682f39, 0xf379e7fc,
+ 0x9a00ec99, 0x218bf136, 0x48f2fa53, 0x8deccc29, 0xe495c74c,
+ 0x5f1edae3, 0x3667d186, 0x0e53b056, 0x672abb33, 0xdca1a69c,
+ 0xb5d8adf9, 0x70c69b83, 0x19bf90e6, 0xa2348d49, 0xcb4d862c,
+ 0x90171cc3, 0xf96e17a6, 0x42e50a09, 0x2b9c016c, 0xee823716,
+ 0x87fb3c73, 0x3c7021dc, 0x55092ab9, 0x6d3d4b69, 0x0444400c,
+ 0xbfcf5da3, 0xd6b656c6, 0x13a860bc, 0x7ad16bd9, 0xc15a7676,
+ 0xa8237d13, 0xb132b5d6, 0xd84bbeb3, 0x63c0a31c, 0x0ab9a879,
+ 0xcfa79e03, 0xa6de9566, 0x1d5588c9, 0x742c83ac, 0x4c18e27c,
+ 0x2561e919, 0x9eeaf4b6, 0xf793ffd3, 0x328dc9a9, 0x5bf4c2cc,
+ 0xe07fdf63, 0x8906d406, 0x56caeabd, 0x3fb3e1d8, 0x8438fc77,
+ 0xed41f712, 0x285fc168, 0x4126ca0d, 0xfaadd7a2, 0x93d4dcc7,
+ 0xabe0bd17, 0xc299b672, 0x7912abdd, 0x106ba0b8, 0xd57596c2,
+ 0xbc0c9da7, 0x07878008, 0x6efe8b6d, 0x77ef43a8, 0x1e9648cd,
+ 0xa51d5562, 0xcc645e07, 0x097a687d, 0x60036318, 0xdb887eb7,
+ 0xb2f175d2, 0x8ac51402, 0xe3bc1f67, 0x583702c8, 0x314e09ad,
+ 0xf4503fd7, 0x9d2934b2, 0x26a2291d, 0x4fdb2278, 0x1481b897,
+ 0x7df8b3f2, 0xc673ae5d, 0xaf0aa538, 0x6a149342, 0x036d9827,
+ 0xb8e68588, 0xd19f8eed, 0xe9abef3d, 0x80d2e458, 0x3b59f9f7,
+ 0x5220f292, 0x973ec4e8, 0xfe47cf8d, 0x45ccd222, 0x2cb5d947,
+ 0x35a41182, 0x5cdd1ae7, 0xe7560748, 0x8e2f0c2d, 0x4b313a57,
+ 0x22483132, 0x99c32c9d, 0xf0ba27f8, 0xc88e4628, 0xa1f74d4d,
+ 0x1a7c50e2, 0x73055b87, 0xb61b6dfd, 0xdf626698, 0x64e97b37,
+ 0x0d907052},
+ {0x00000000, 0x7fc99b93, 0xff933726, 0x805aacb5, 0x2457680d,
+ 0x5b9ef39e, 0xdbc45f2b, 0xa40dc4b8, 0x48aed01a, 0x37674b89,
+ 0xb73de73c, 0xc8f47caf, 0x6cf9b817, 0x13302384, 0x936a8f31,
+ 0xeca314a2, 0x915da034, 0xee943ba7, 0x6ece9712, 0x11070c81,
+ 0xb50ac839, 0xcac353aa, 0x4a99ff1f, 0x3550648c, 0xd9f3702e,
+ 0xa63aebbd, 0x26604708, 0x59a9dc9b, 0xfda41823, 0x826d83b0,
+ 0x02372f05, 0x7dfeb496, 0xf9ca4629, 0x8603ddba, 0x0659710f,
+ 0x7990ea9c, 0xdd9d2e24, 0xa254b5b7, 0x220e1902, 0x5dc78291,
+ 0xb1649633, 0xcead0da0, 0x4ef7a115, 0x313e3a86, 0x9533fe3e,
+ 0xeafa65ad, 0x6aa0c918, 0x1569528b, 0x6897e61d, 0x175e7d8e,
+ 0x9704d13b, 0xe8cd4aa8, 0x4cc08e10, 0x33091583, 0xb353b936,
+ 0xcc9a22a5, 0x20393607, 0x5ff0ad94, 0xdfaa0121, 0xa0639ab2,
+ 0x046e5e0a, 0x7ba7c599, 0xfbfd692c, 0x8434f2bf, 0x28e58a13,
+ 0x572c1180, 0xd776bd35, 0xa8bf26a6, 0x0cb2e21e, 0x737b798d,
+ 0xf321d538, 0x8ce84eab, 0x604b5a09, 0x1f82c19a, 0x9fd86d2f,
+ 0xe011f6bc, 0x441c3204, 0x3bd5a997, 0xbb8f0522, 0xc4469eb1,
+ 0xb9b82a27, 0xc671b1b4, 0x462b1d01, 0x39e28692, 0x9def422a,
+ 0xe226d9b9, 0x627c750c, 0x1db5ee9f, 0xf116fa3d, 0x8edf61ae,
+ 0x0e85cd1b, 0x714c5688, 0xd5419230, 0xaa8809a3, 0x2ad2a516,
+ 0x551b3e85, 0xd12fcc3a, 0xaee657a9, 0x2ebcfb1c, 0x5175608f,
+ 0xf578a437, 0x8ab13fa4, 0x0aeb9311, 0x75220882, 0x99811c20,
+ 0xe64887b3, 0x66122b06, 0x19dbb095, 0xbdd6742d, 0xc21fefbe,
+ 0x4245430b, 0x3d8cd898, 0x40726c0e, 0x3fbbf79d, 0xbfe15b28,
+ 0xc028c0bb, 0x64250403, 0x1bec9f90, 0x9bb63325, 0xe47fa8b6,
+ 0x08dcbc14, 0x77152787, 0xf74f8b32, 0x888610a1, 0x2c8bd419,
+ 0x53424f8a, 0xd318e33f, 0xacd178ac, 0x51cb1426, 0x2e028fb5,
+ 0xae582300, 0xd191b893, 0x759c7c2b, 0x0a55e7b8, 0x8a0f4b0d,
+ 0xf5c6d09e, 0x1965c43c, 0x66ac5faf, 0xe6f6f31a, 0x993f6889,
+ 0x3d32ac31, 0x42fb37a2, 0xc2a19b17, 0xbd680084, 0xc096b412,
+ 0xbf5f2f81, 0x3f058334, 0x40cc18a7, 0xe4c1dc1f, 0x9b08478c,
+ 0x1b52eb39, 0x649b70aa, 0x88386408, 0xf7f1ff9b, 0x77ab532e,
+ 0x0862c8bd, 0xac6f0c05, 0xd3a69796, 0x53fc3b23, 0x2c35a0b0,
+ 0xa801520f, 0xd7c8c99c, 0x57926529, 0x285bfeba, 0x8c563a02,
+ 0xf39fa191, 0x73c50d24, 0x0c0c96b7, 0xe0af8215, 0x9f661986,
+ 0x1f3cb533, 0x60f52ea0, 0xc4f8ea18, 0xbb31718b, 0x3b6bdd3e,
+ 0x44a246ad, 0x395cf23b, 0x469569a8, 0xc6cfc51d, 0xb9065e8e,
+ 0x1d0b9a36, 0x62c201a5, 0xe298ad10, 0x9d513683, 0x71f22221,
+ 0x0e3bb9b2, 0x8e611507, 0xf1a88e94, 0x55a54a2c, 0x2a6cd1bf,
+ 0xaa367d0a, 0xd5ffe699, 0x792e9e35, 0x06e705a6, 0x86bda913,
+ 0xf9743280, 0x5d79f638, 0x22b06dab, 0xa2eac11e, 0xdd235a8d,
+ 0x31804e2f, 0x4e49d5bc, 0xce137909, 0xb1dae29a, 0x15d72622,
+ 0x6a1ebdb1, 0xea441104, 0x958d8a97, 0xe8733e01, 0x97baa592,
+ 0x17e00927, 0x682992b4, 0xcc24560c, 0xb3edcd9f, 0x33b7612a,
+ 0x4c7efab9, 0xa0ddee1b, 0xdf147588, 0x5f4ed93d, 0x208742ae,
+ 0x848a8616, 0xfb431d85, 0x7b19b130, 0x04d02aa3, 0x80e4d81c,
+ 0xff2d438f, 0x7f77ef3a, 0x00be74a9, 0xa4b3b011, 0xdb7a2b82,
+ 0x5b208737, 0x24e91ca4, 0xc84a0806, 0xb7839395, 0x37d93f20,
+ 0x4810a4b3, 0xec1d600b, 0x93d4fb98, 0x138e572d, 0x6c47ccbe,
+ 0x11b97828, 0x6e70e3bb, 0xee2a4f0e, 0x91e3d49d, 0x35ee1025,
+ 0x4a278bb6, 0xca7d2703, 0xb5b4bc90, 0x5917a832, 0x26de33a1,
+ 0xa6849f14, 0xd94d0487, 0x7d40c03f, 0x02895bac, 0x82d3f719,
+ 0xfd1a6c8a},
+ {0x00000000, 0xa396284c, 0x9c5d56d9, 0x3fcb7e95, 0xe3cbabf3,
+ 0x405d83bf, 0x7f96fd2a, 0xdc00d566, 0x1ce651a7, 0xbf7079eb,
+ 0x80bb077e, 0x232d2f32, 0xff2dfa54, 0x5cbbd218, 0x6370ac8d,
+ 0xc0e684c1, 0x39cca34e, 0x9a5a8b02, 0xa591f597, 0x0607dddb,
+ 0xda0708bd, 0x799120f1, 0x465a5e64, 0xe5cc7628, 0x252af2e9,
+ 0x86bcdaa5, 0xb977a430, 0x1ae18c7c, 0xc6e1591a, 0x65777156,
+ 0x5abc0fc3, 0xf92a278f, 0x7399469c, 0xd00f6ed0, 0xefc41045,
+ 0x4c523809, 0x9052ed6f, 0x33c4c523, 0x0c0fbbb6, 0xaf9993fa,
+ 0x6f7f173b, 0xcce93f77, 0xf32241e2, 0x50b469ae, 0x8cb4bcc8,
+ 0x2f229484, 0x10e9ea11, 0xb37fc25d, 0x4a55e5d2, 0xe9c3cd9e,
+ 0xd608b30b, 0x759e9b47, 0xa99e4e21, 0x0a08666d, 0x35c318f8,
+ 0x965530b4, 0x56b3b475, 0xf5259c39, 0xcaeee2ac, 0x6978cae0,
+ 0xb5781f86, 0x16ee37ca, 0x2925495f, 0x8ab36113, 0xe7328d38,
+ 0x44a4a574, 0x7b6fdbe1, 0xd8f9f3ad, 0x04f926cb, 0xa76f0e87,
+ 0x98a47012, 0x3b32585e, 0xfbd4dc9f, 0x5842f4d3, 0x67898a46,
+ 0xc41fa20a, 0x181f776c, 0xbb895f20, 0x844221b5, 0x27d409f9,
+ 0xdefe2e76, 0x7d68063a, 0x42a378af, 0xe13550e3, 0x3d358585,
+ 0x9ea3adc9, 0xa168d35c, 0x02fefb10, 0xc2187fd1, 0x618e579d,
+ 0x5e452908, 0xfdd30144, 0x21d3d422, 0x8245fc6e, 0xbd8e82fb,
+ 0x1e18aab7, 0x94abcba4, 0x373de3e8, 0x08f69d7d, 0xab60b531,
+ 0x77606057, 0xd4f6481b, 0xeb3d368e, 0x48ab1ec2, 0x884d9a03,
+ 0x2bdbb24f, 0x1410ccda, 0xb786e496, 0x6b8631f0, 0xc81019bc,
+ 0xf7db6729, 0x544d4f65, 0xad6768ea, 0x0ef140a6, 0x313a3e33,
+ 0x92ac167f, 0x4eacc319, 0xed3aeb55, 0xd2f195c0, 0x7167bd8c,
+ 0xb181394d, 0x12171101, 0x2ddc6f94, 0x8e4a47d8, 0x524a92be,
+ 0xf1dcbaf2, 0xce17c467, 0x6d81ec2b, 0x15141c31, 0xb682347d,
+ 0x89494ae8, 0x2adf62a4, 0xf6dfb7c2, 0x55499f8e, 0x6a82e11b,
+ 0xc914c957, 0x09f24d96, 0xaa6465da, 0x95af1b4f, 0x36393303,
+ 0xea39e665, 0x49afce29, 0x7664b0bc, 0xd5f298f0, 0x2cd8bf7f,
+ 0x8f4e9733, 0xb085e9a6, 0x1313c1ea, 0xcf13148c, 0x6c853cc0,
+ 0x534e4255, 0xf0d86a19, 0x303eeed8, 0x93a8c694, 0xac63b801,
+ 0x0ff5904d, 0xd3f5452b, 0x70636d67, 0x4fa813f2, 0xec3e3bbe,
+ 0x668d5aad, 0xc51b72e1, 0xfad00c74, 0x59462438, 0x8546f15e,
+ 0x26d0d912, 0x191ba787, 0xba8d8fcb, 0x7a6b0b0a, 0xd9fd2346,
+ 0xe6365dd3, 0x45a0759f, 0x99a0a0f9, 0x3a3688b5, 0x05fdf620,
+ 0xa66bde6c, 0x5f41f9e3, 0xfcd7d1af, 0xc31caf3a, 0x608a8776,
+ 0xbc8a5210, 0x1f1c7a5c, 0x20d704c9, 0x83412c85, 0x43a7a844,
+ 0xe0318008, 0xdffafe9d, 0x7c6cd6d1, 0xa06c03b7, 0x03fa2bfb,
+ 0x3c31556e, 0x9fa77d22, 0xf2269109, 0x51b0b945, 0x6e7bc7d0,
+ 0xcdedef9c, 0x11ed3afa, 0xb27b12b6, 0x8db06c23, 0x2e26446f,
+ 0xeec0c0ae, 0x4d56e8e2, 0x729d9677, 0xd10bbe3b, 0x0d0b6b5d,
+ 0xae9d4311, 0x91563d84, 0x32c015c8, 0xcbea3247, 0x687c1a0b,
+ 0x57b7649e, 0xf4214cd2, 0x282199b4, 0x8bb7b1f8, 0xb47ccf6d,
+ 0x17eae721, 0xd70c63e0, 0x749a4bac, 0x4b513539, 0xe8c71d75,
+ 0x34c7c813, 0x9751e05f, 0xa89a9eca, 0x0b0cb686, 0x81bfd795,
+ 0x2229ffd9, 0x1de2814c, 0xbe74a900, 0x62747c66, 0xc1e2542a,
+ 0xfe292abf, 0x5dbf02f3, 0x9d598632, 0x3ecfae7e, 0x0104d0eb,
+ 0xa292f8a7, 0x7e922dc1, 0xdd04058d, 0xe2cf7b18, 0x41595354,
+ 0xb87374db, 0x1be55c97, 0x242e2202, 0x87b80a4e, 0x5bb8df28,
+ 0xf82ef764, 0xc7e589f1, 0x6473a1bd, 0xa495257c, 0x07030d30,
+ 0x38c873a5, 0x9b5e5be9, 0x475e8e8f, 0xe4c8a6c3, 0xdb03d856,
+ 0x7895f01a},
+ {0x00000000, 0x2a283862, 0x545070c4, 0x7e7848a6, 0xa8a0e188,
+ 0x8288d9ea, 0xfcf0914c, 0xd6d8a92e, 0x8a30c551, 0xa018fd33,
+ 0xde60b595, 0xf4488df7, 0x229024d9, 0x08b81cbb, 0x76c0541d,
+ 0x5ce86c7f, 0xcf108ce3, 0xe538b481, 0x9b40fc27, 0xb168c445,
+ 0x67b06d6b, 0x4d985509, 0x33e01daf, 0x19c825cd, 0x452049b2,
+ 0x6f0871d0, 0x11703976, 0x3b580114, 0xed80a83a, 0xc7a89058,
+ 0xb9d0d8fe, 0x93f8e09c, 0x45501f87, 0x6f7827e5, 0x11006f43,
+ 0x3b285721, 0xedf0fe0f, 0xc7d8c66d, 0xb9a08ecb, 0x9388b6a9,
+ 0xcf60dad6, 0xe548e2b4, 0x9b30aa12, 0xb1189270, 0x67c03b5e,
+ 0x4de8033c, 0x33904b9a, 0x19b873f8, 0x8a409364, 0xa068ab06,
+ 0xde10e3a0, 0xf438dbc2, 0x22e072ec, 0x08c84a8e, 0x76b00228,
+ 0x5c983a4a, 0x00705635, 0x2a586e57, 0x542026f1, 0x7e081e93,
+ 0xa8d0b7bd, 0x82f88fdf, 0xfc80c779, 0xd6a8ff1b, 0x8aa03f0e,
+ 0xa088076c, 0xdef04fca, 0xf4d877a8, 0x2200de86, 0x0828e6e4,
+ 0x7650ae42, 0x5c789620, 0x0090fa5f, 0x2ab8c23d, 0x54c08a9b,
+ 0x7ee8b2f9, 0xa8301bd7, 0x821823b5, 0xfc606b13, 0xd6485371,
+ 0x45b0b3ed, 0x6f988b8f, 0x11e0c329, 0x3bc8fb4b, 0xed105265,
+ 0xc7386a07, 0xb94022a1, 0x93681ac3, 0xcf8076bc, 0xe5a84ede,
+ 0x9bd00678, 0xb1f83e1a, 0x67209734, 0x4d08af56, 0x3370e7f0,
+ 0x1958df92, 0xcff02089, 0xe5d818eb, 0x9ba0504d, 0xb188682f,
+ 0x6750c101, 0x4d78f963, 0x3300b1c5, 0x192889a7, 0x45c0e5d8,
+ 0x6fe8ddba, 0x1190951c, 0x3bb8ad7e, 0xed600450, 0xc7483c32,
+ 0xb9307494, 0x93184cf6, 0x00e0ac6a, 0x2ac89408, 0x54b0dcae,
+ 0x7e98e4cc, 0xa8404de2, 0x82687580, 0xfc103d26, 0xd6380544,
+ 0x8ad0693b, 0xa0f85159, 0xde8019ff, 0xf4a8219d, 0x227088b3,
+ 0x0858b0d1, 0x7620f877, 0x5c08c015, 0xce31785d, 0xe419403f,
+ 0x9a610899, 0xb04930fb, 0x669199d5, 0x4cb9a1b7, 0x32c1e911,
+ 0x18e9d173, 0x4401bd0c, 0x6e29856e, 0x1051cdc8, 0x3a79f5aa,
+ 0xeca15c84, 0xc68964e6, 0xb8f12c40, 0x92d91422, 0x0121f4be,
+ 0x2b09ccdc, 0x5571847a, 0x7f59bc18, 0xa9811536, 0x83a92d54,
+ 0xfdd165f2, 0xd7f95d90, 0x8b1131ef, 0xa139098d, 0xdf41412b,
+ 0xf5697949, 0x23b1d067, 0x0999e805, 0x77e1a0a3, 0x5dc998c1,
+ 0x8b6167da, 0xa1495fb8, 0xdf31171e, 0xf5192f7c, 0x23c18652,
+ 0x09e9be30, 0x7791f696, 0x5db9cef4, 0x0151a28b, 0x2b799ae9,
+ 0x5501d24f, 0x7f29ea2d, 0xa9f14303, 0x83d97b61, 0xfda133c7,
+ 0xd7890ba5, 0x4471eb39, 0x6e59d35b, 0x10219bfd, 0x3a09a39f,
+ 0xecd10ab1, 0xc6f932d3, 0xb8817a75, 0x92a94217, 0xce412e68,
+ 0xe469160a, 0x9a115eac, 0xb03966ce, 0x66e1cfe0, 0x4cc9f782,
+ 0x32b1bf24, 0x18998746, 0x44914753, 0x6eb97f31, 0x10c13797,
+ 0x3ae90ff5, 0xec31a6db, 0xc6199eb9, 0xb861d61f, 0x9249ee7d,
+ 0xcea18202, 0xe489ba60, 0x9af1f2c6, 0xb0d9caa4, 0x6601638a,
+ 0x4c295be8, 0x3251134e, 0x18792b2c, 0x8b81cbb0, 0xa1a9f3d2,
+ 0xdfd1bb74, 0xf5f98316, 0x23212a38, 0x0909125a, 0x77715afc,
+ 0x5d59629e, 0x01b10ee1, 0x2b993683, 0x55e17e25, 0x7fc94647,
+ 0xa911ef69, 0x8339d70b, 0xfd419fad, 0xd769a7cf, 0x01c158d4,
+ 0x2be960b6, 0x55912810, 0x7fb91072, 0xa961b95c, 0x8349813e,
+ 0xfd31c998, 0xd719f1fa, 0x8bf19d85, 0xa1d9a5e7, 0xdfa1ed41,
+ 0xf589d523, 0x23517c0d, 0x0979446f, 0x77010cc9, 0x5d2934ab,
+ 0xced1d437, 0xe4f9ec55, 0x9a81a4f3, 0xb0a99c91, 0x667135bf,
+ 0x4c590ddd, 0x3221457b, 0x18097d19, 0x44e11166, 0x6ec92904,
+ 0x10b161a2, 0x3a9959c0, 0xec41f0ee, 0xc669c88c, 0xb811802a,
+ 0x9239b848},
+ {0x00000000, 0x4713f6fb, 0x8e27edf6, 0xc9341b0d, 0xc73eddad,
+ 0x802d2b56, 0x4919305b, 0x0e0ac6a0, 0x550cbd1b, 0x121f4be0,
+ 0xdb2b50ed, 0x9c38a616, 0x923260b6, 0xd521964d, 0x1c158d40,
+ 0x5b067bbb, 0xaa197a36, 0xed0a8ccd, 0x243e97c0, 0x632d613b,
+ 0x6d27a79b, 0x2a345160, 0xe3004a6d, 0xa413bc96, 0xff15c72d,
+ 0xb80631d6, 0x71322adb, 0x3621dc20, 0x382b1a80, 0x7f38ec7b,
+ 0xb60cf776, 0xf11f018d, 0x8f43f22d, 0xc85004d6, 0x01641fdb,
+ 0x4677e920, 0x487d2f80, 0x0f6ed97b, 0xc65ac276, 0x8149348d,
+ 0xda4f4f36, 0x9d5cb9cd, 0x5468a2c0, 0x137b543b, 0x1d71929b,
+ 0x5a626460, 0x93567f6d, 0xd4458996, 0x255a881b, 0x62497ee0,
+ 0xab7d65ed, 0xec6e9316, 0xe26455b6, 0xa577a34d, 0x6c43b840,
+ 0x2b504ebb, 0x70563500, 0x3745c3fb, 0xfe71d8f6, 0xb9622e0d,
+ 0xb768e8ad, 0xf07b1e56, 0x394f055b, 0x7e5cf3a0, 0xc5f6e21b,
+ 0x82e514e0, 0x4bd10fed, 0x0cc2f916, 0x02c83fb6, 0x45dbc94d,
+ 0x8cefd240, 0xcbfc24bb, 0x90fa5f00, 0xd7e9a9fb, 0x1eddb2f6,
+ 0x59ce440d, 0x57c482ad, 0x10d77456, 0xd9e36f5b, 0x9ef099a0,
+ 0x6fef982d, 0x28fc6ed6, 0xe1c875db, 0xa6db8320, 0xa8d14580,
+ 0xefc2b37b, 0x26f6a876, 0x61e55e8d, 0x3ae32536, 0x7df0d3cd,
+ 0xb4c4c8c0, 0xf3d73e3b, 0xfdddf89b, 0xbace0e60, 0x73fa156d,
+ 0x34e9e396, 0x4ab51036, 0x0da6e6cd, 0xc492fdc0, 0x83810b3b,
+ 0x8d8bcd9b, 0xca983b60, 0x03ac206d, 0x44bfd696, 0x1fb9ad2d,
+ 0x58aa5bd6, 0x919e40db, 0xd68db620, 0xd8877080, 0x9f94867b,
+ 0x56a09d76, 0x11b36b8d, 0xe0ac6a00, 0xa7bf9cfb, 0x6e8b87f6,
+ 0x2998710d, 0x2792b7ad, 0x60814156, 0xa9b55a5b, 0xeea6aca0,
+ 0xb5a0d71b, 0xf2b321e0, 0x3b873aed, 0x7c94cc16, 0x729e0ab6,
+ 0x358dfc4d, 0xfcb9e740, 0xbbaa11bb, 0x509cc277, 0x178f348c,
+ 0xdebb2f81, 0x99a8d97a, 0x97a21fda, 0xd0b1e921, 0x1985f22c,
+ 0x5e9604d7, 0x05907f6c, 0x42838997, 0x8bb7929a, 0xcca46461,
+ 0xc2aea2c1, 0x85bd543a, 0x4c894f37, 0x0b9ab9cc, 0xfa85b841,
+ 0xbd964eba, 0x74a255b7, 0x33b1a34c, 0x3dbb65ec, 0x7aa89317,
+ 0xb39c881a, 0xf48f7ee1, 0xaf89055a, 0xe89af3a1, 0x21aee8ac,
+ 0x66bd1e57, 0x68b7d8f7, 0x2fa42e0c, 0xe6903501, 0xa183c3fa,
+ 0xdfdf305a, 0x98ccc6a1, 0x51f8ddac, 0x16eb2b57, 0x18e1edf7,
+ 0x5ff21b0c, 0x96c60001, 0xd1d5f6fa, 0x8ad38d41, 0xcdc07bba,
+ 0x04f460b7, 0x43e7964c, 0x4ded50ec, 0x0afea617, 0xc3cabd1a,
+ 0x84d94be1, 0x75c64a6c, 0x32d5bc97, 0xfbe1a79a, 0xbcf25161,
+ 0xb2f897c1, 0xf5eb613a, 0x3cdf7a37, 0x7bcc8ccc, 0x20caf777,
+ 0x67d9018c, 0xaeed1a81, 0xe9feec7a, 0xe7f42ada, 0xa0e7dc21,
+ 0x69d3c72c, 0x2ec031d7, 0x956a206c, 0xd279d697, 0x1b4dcd9a,
+ 0x5c5e3b61, 0x5254fdc1, 0x15470b3a, 0xdc731037, 0x9b60e6cc,
+ 0xc0669d77, 0x87756b8c, 0x4e417081, 0x0952867a, 0x075840da,
+ 0x404bb621, 0x897fad2c, 0xce6c5bd7, 0x3f735a5a, 0x7860aca1,
+ 0xb154b7ac, 0xf6474157, 0xf84d87f7, 0xbf5e710c, 0x766a6a01,
+ 0x31799cfa, 0x6a7fe741, 0x2d6c11ba, 0xe4580ab7, 0xa34bfc4c,
+ 0xad413aec, 0xea52cc17, 0x2366d71a, 0x647521e1, 0x1a29d241,
+ 0x5d3a24ba, 0x940e3fb7, 0xd31dc94c, 0xdd170fec, 0x9a04f917,
+ 0x5330e21a, 0x142314e1, 0x4f256f5a, 0x083699a1, 0xc10282ac,
+ 0x86117457, 0x881bb2f7, 0xcf08440c, 0x063c5f01, 0x412fa9fa,
+ 0xb030a877, 0xf7235e8c, 0x3e174581, 0x7904b37a, 0x770e75da,
+ 0x301d8321, 0xf929982c, 0xbe3a6ed7, 0xe53c156c, 0xa22fe397,
+ 0x6b1bf89a, 0x2c080e61, 0x2202c8c1, 0x65113e3a, 0xac252537,
+ 0xeb36d3cc},
+ {0x00000000, 0xa13984ee, 0x99020f9d, 0x383b8b73, 0xe975197b,
+ 0x484c9d95, 0x707716e6, 0xd14e9208, 0x099b34b7, 0xa8a2b059,
+ 0x90993b2a, 0x31a0bfc4, 0xe0ee2dcc, 0x41d7a922, 0x79ec2251,
+ 0xd8d5a6bf, 0x1336696e, 0xb20fed80, 0x8a3466f3, 0x2b0de21d,
+ 0xfa437015, 0x5b7af4fb, 0x63417f88, 0xc278fb66, 0x1aad5dd9,
+ 0xbb94d937, 0x83af5244, 0x2296d6aa, 0xf3d844a2, 0x52e1c04c,
+ 0x6ada4b3f, 0xcbe3cfd1, 0x266cd2dc, 0x87555632, 0xbf6edd41,
+ 0x1e5759af, 0xcf19cba7, 0x6e204f49, 0x561bc43a, 0xf72240d4,
+ 0x2ff7e66b, 0x8ece6285, 0xb6f5e9f6, 0x17cc6d18, 0xc682ff10,
+ 0x67bb7bfe, 0x5f80f08d, 0xfeb97463, 0x355abbb2, 0x94633f5c,
+ 0xac58b42f, 0x0d6130c1, 0xdc2fa2c9, 0x7d162627, 0x452dad54,
+ 0xe41429ba, 0x3cc18f05, 0x9df80beb, 0xa5c38098, 0x04fa0476,
+ 0xd5b4967e, 0x748d1290, 0x4cb699e3, 0xed8f1d0d, 0x4cd9a5b8,
+ 0xede02156, 0xd5dbaa25, 0x74e22ecb, 0xa5acbcc3, 0x0495382d,
+ 0x3caeb35e, 0x9d9737b0, 0x4542910f, 0xe47b15e1, 0xdc409e92,
+ 0x7d791a7c, 0xac378874, 0x0d0e0c9a, 0x353587e9, 0x940c0307,
+ 0x5fefccd6, 0xfed64838, 0xc6edc34b, 0x67d447a5, 0xb69ad5ad,
+ 0x17a35143, 0x2f98da30, 0x8ea15ede, 0x5674f861, 0xf74d7c8f,
+ 0xcf76f7fc, 0x6e4f7312, 0xbf01e11a, 0x1e3865f4, 0x2603ee87,
+ 0x873a6a69, 0x6ab57764, 0xcb8cf38a, 0xf3b778f9, 0x528efc17,
+ 0x83c06e1f, 0x22f9eaf1, 0x1ac26182, 0xbbfbe56c, 0x632e43d3,
+ 0xc217c73d, 0xfa2c4c4e, 0x5b15c8a0, 0x8a5b5aa8, 0x2b62de46,
+ 0x13595535, 0xb260d1db, 0x79831e0a, 0xd8ba9ae4, 0xe0811197,
+ 0x41b89579, 0x90f60771, 0x31cf839f, 0x09f408ec, 0xa8cd8c02,
+ 0x70182abd, 0xd121ae53, 0xe91a2520, 0x4823a1ce, 0x996d33c6,
+ 0x3854b728, 0x006f3c5b, 0xa156b8b5, 0x99b34b70, 0x388acf9e,
+ 0x00b144ed, 0xa188c003, 0x70c6520b, 0xd1ffd6e5, 0xe9c45d96,
+ 0x48fdd978, 0x90287fc7, 0x3111fb29, 0x092a705a, 0xa813f4b4,
+ 0x795d66bc, 0xd864e252, 0xe05f6921, 0x4166edcf, 0x8a85221e,
+ 0x2bbca6f0, 0x13872d83, 0xb2bea96d, 0x63f03b65, 0xc2c9bf8b,
+ 0xfaf234f8, 0x5bcbb016, 0x831e16a9, 0x22279247, 0x1a1c1934,
+ 0xbb259dda, 0x6a6b0fd2, 0xcb528b3c, 0xf369004f, 0x525084a1,
+ 0xbfdf99ac, 0x1ee61d42, 0x26dd9631, 0x87e412df, 0x56aa80d7,
+ 0xf7930439, 0xcfa88f4a, 0x6e910ba4, 0xb644ad1b, 0x177d29f5,
+ 0x2f46a286, 0x8e7f2668, 0x5f31b460, 0xfe08308e, 0xc633bbfd,
+ 0x670a3f13, 0xace9f0c2, 0x0dd0742c, 0x35ebff5f, 0x94d27bb1,
+ 0x459ce9b9, 0xe4a56d57, 0xdc9ee624, 0x7da762ca, 0xa572c475,
+ 0x044b409b, 0x3c70cbe8, 0x9d494f06, 0x4c07dd0e, 0xed3e59e0,
+ 0xd505d293, 0x743c567d, 0xd56aeec8, 0x74536a26, 0x4c68e155,
+ 0xed5165bb, 0x3c1ff7b3, 0x9d26735d, 0xa51df82e, 0x04247cc0,
+ 0xdcf1da7f, 0x7dc85e91, 0x45f3d5e2, 0xe4ca510c, 0x3584c304,
+ 0x94bd47ea, 0xac86cc99, 0x0dbf4877, 0xc65c87a6, 0x67650348,
+ 0x5f5e883b, 0xfe670cd5, 0x2f299edd, 0x8e101a33, 0xb62b9140,
+ 0x171215ae, 0xcfc7b311, 0x6efe37ff, 0x56c5bc8c, 0xf7fc3862,
+ 0x26b2aa6a, 0x878b2e84, 0xbfb0a5f7, 0x1e892119, 0xf3063c14,
+ 0x523fb8fa, 0x6a043389, 0xcb3db767, 0x1a73256f, 0xbb4aa181,
+ 0x83712af2, 0x2248ae1c, 0xfa9d08a3, 0x5ba48c4d, 0x639f073e,
+ 0xc2a683d0, 0x13e811d8, 0xb2d19536, 0x8aea1e45, 0x2bd39aab,
+ 0xe030557a, 0x4109d194, 0x79325ae7, 0xd80bde09, 0x09454c01,
+ 0xa87cc8ef, 0x9047439c, 0x317ec772, 0xe9ab61cd, 0x4892e523,
+ 0x70a96e50, 0xd190eabe, 0x00de78b6, 0xa1e7fc58, 0x99dc772b,
+ 0x38e5f3c5},
+ {0x00000000, 0xe81790a1, 0x0b5e2703, 0xe349b7a2, 0x16bc4e06,
+ 0xfeabdea7, 0x1de26905, 0xf5f5f9a4, 0x2d789c0c, 0xc56f0cad,
+ 0x2626bb0f, 0xce312bae, 0x3bc4d20a, 0xd3d342ab, 0x309af509,
+ 0xd88d65a8, 0x5af13818, 0xb2e6a8b9, 0x51af1f1b, 0xb9b88fba,
+ 0x4c4d761e, 0xa45ae6bf, 0x4713511d, 0xaf04c1bc, 0x7789a414,
+ 0x9f9e34b5, 0x7cd78317, 0x94c013b6, 0x6135ea12, 0x89227ab3,
+ 0x6a6bcd11, 0x827c5db0, 0xb5e27030, 0x5df5e091, 0xbebc5733,
+ 0x56abc792, 0xa35e3e36, 0x4b49ae97, 0xa8001935, 0x40178994,
+ 0x989aec3c, 0x708d7c9d, 0x93c4cb3f, 0x7bd35b9e, 0x8e26a23a,
+ 0x6631329b, 0x85788539, 0x6d6f1598, 0xef134828, 0x0704d889,
+ 0xe44d6f2b, 0x0c5aff8a, 0xf9af062e, 0x11b8968f, 0xf2f1212d,
+ 0x1ae6b18c, 0xc26bd424, 0x2a7c4485, 0xc935f327, 0x21226386,
+ 0xd4d79a22, 0x3cc00a83, 0xdf89bd21, 0x379e2d80, 0xb0b5e621,
+ 0x58a27680, 0xbbebc122, 0x53fc5183, 0xa609a827, 0x4e1e3886,
+ 0xad578f24, 0x45401f85, 0x9dcd7a2d, 0x75daea8c, 0x96935d2e,
+ 0x7e84cd8f, 0x8b71342b, 0x6366a48a, 0x802f1328, 0x68388389,
+ 0xea44de39, 0x02534e98, 0xe11af93a, 0x090d699b, 0xfcf8903f,
+ 0x14ef009e, 0xf7a6b73c, 0x1fb1279d, 0xc73c4235, 0x2f2bd294,
+ 0xcc626536, 0x2475f597, 0xd1800c33, 0x39979c92, 0xdade2b30,
+ 0x32c9bb91, 0x05579611, 0xed4006b0, 0x0e09b112, 0xe61e21b3,
+ 0x13ebd817, 0xfbfc48b6, 0x18b5ff14, 0xf0a26fb5, 0x282f0a1d,
+ 0xc0389abc, 0x23712d1e, 0xcb66bdbf, 0x3e93441b, 0xd684d4ba,
+ 0x35cd6318, 0xdddaf3b9, 0x5fa6ae09, 0xb7b13ea8, 0x54f8890a,
+ 0xbcef19ab, 0x491ae00f, 0xa10d70ae, 0x4244c70c, 0xaa5357ad,
+ 0x72de3205, 0x9ac9a2a4, 0x79801506, 0x919785a7, 0x64627c03,
+ 0x8c75eca2, 0x6f3c5b00, 0x872bcba1, 0xba1aca03, 0x520d5aa2,
+ 0xb144ed00, 0x59537da1, 0xaca68405, 0x44b114a4, 0xa7f8a306,
+ 0x4fef33a7, 0x9762560f, 0x7f75c6ae, 0x9c3c710c, 0x742be1ad,
+ 0x81de1809, 0x69c988a8, 0x8a803f0a, 0x6297afab, 0xe0ebf21b,
+ 0x08fc62ba, 0xebb5d518, 0x03a245b9, 0xf657bc1d, 0x1e402cbc,
+ 0xfd099b1e, 0x151e0bbf, 0xcd936e17, 0x2584feb6, 0xc6cd4914,
+ 0x2edad9b5, 0xdb2f2011, 0x3338b0b0, 0xd0710712, 0x386697b3,
+ 0x0ff8ba33, 0xe7ef2a92, 0x04a69d30, 0xecb10d91, 0x1944f435,
+ 0xf1536494, 0x121ad336, 0xfa0d4397, 0x2280263f, 0xca97b69e,
+ 0x29de013c, 0xc1c9919d, 0x343c6839, 0xdc2bf898, 0x3f624f3a,
+ 0xd775df9b, 0x5509822b, 0xbd1e128a, 0x5e57a528, 0xb6403589,
+ 0x43b5cc2d, 0xaba25c8c, 0x48ebeb2e, 0xa0fc7b8f, 0x78711e27,
+ 0x90668e86, 0x732f3924, 0x9b38a985, 0x6ecd5021, 0x86dac080,
+ 0x65937722, 0x8d84e783, 0x0aaf2c22, 0xe2b8bc83, 0x01f10b21,
+ 0xe9e69b80, 0x1c136224, 0xf404f285, 0x174d4527, 0xff5ad586,
+ 0x27d7b02e, 0xcfc0208f, 0x2c89972d, 0xc49e078c, 0x316bfe28,
+ 0xd97c6e89, 0x3a35d92b, 0xd222498a, 0x505e143a, 0xb849849b,
+ 0x5b003339, 0xb317a398, 0x46e25a3c, 0xaef5ca9d, 0x4dbc7d3f,
+ 0xa5abed9e, 0x7d268836, 0x95311897, 0x7678af35, 0x9e6f3f94,
+ 0x6b9ac630, 0x838d5691, 0x60c4e133, 0x88d37192, 0xbf4d5c12,
+ 0x575accb3, 0xb4137b11, 0x5c04ebb0, 0xa9f11214, 0x41e682b5,
+ 0xa2af3517, 0x4ab8a5b6, 0x9235c01e, 0x7a2250bf, 0x996be71d,
+ 0x717c77bc, 0x84898e18, 0x6c9e1eb9, 0x8fd7a91b, 0x67c039ba,
+ 0xe5bc640a, 0x0dabf4ab, 0xeee24309, 0x06f5d3a8, 0xf3002a0c,
+ 0x1b17baad, 0xf85e0d0f, 0x10499dae, 0xc8c4f806, 0x20d368a7,
+ 0xc39adf05, 0x2b8d4fa4, 0xde78b600, 0x366f26a1, 0xd5269103,
+ 0x3d3101a2}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xa19017e800000000, 0x03275e0b00000000,
+ 0xa2b749e300000000, 0x064ebc1600000000, 0xa7deabfe00000000,
+ 0x0569e21d00000000, 0xa4f9f5f500000000, 0x0c9c782d00000000,
+ 0xad0c6fc500000000, 0x0fbb262600000000, 0xae2b31ce00000000,
+ 0x0ad2c43b00000000, 0xab42d3d300000000, 0x09f59a3000000000,
+ 0xa8658dd800000000, 0x1838f15a00000000, 0xb9a8e6b200000000,
+ 0x1b1faf5100000000, 0xba8fb8b900000000, 0x1e764d4c00000000,
+ 0xbfe65aa400000000, 0x1d51134700000000, 0xbcc104af00000000,
+ 0x14a4897700000000, 0xb5349e9f00000000, 0x1783d77c00000000,
+ 0xb613c09400000000, 0x12ea356100000000, 0xb37a228900000000,
+ 0x11cd6b6a00000000, 0xb05d7c8200000000, 0x3070e2b500000000,
+ 0x91e0f55d00000000, 0x3357bcbe00000000, 0x92c7ab5600000000,
+ 0x363e5ea300000000, 0x97ae494b00000000, 0x351900a800000000,
+ 0x9489174000000000, 0x3cec9a9800000000, 0x9d7c8d7000000000,
+ 0x3fcbc49300000000, 0x9e5bd37b00000000, 0x3aa2268e00000000,
+ 0x9b32316600000000, 0x3985788500000000, 0x98156f6d00000000,
+ 0x284813ef00000000, 0x89d8040700000000, 0x2b6f4de400000000,
+ 0x8aff5a0c00000000, 0x2e06aff900000000, 0x8f96b81100000000,
+ 0x2d21f1f200000000, 0x8cb1e61a00000000, 0x24d46bc200000000,
+ 0x85447c2a00000000, 0x27f335c900000000, 0x8663222100000000,
+ 0x229ad7d400000000, 0x830ac03c00000000, 0x21bd89df00000000,
+ 0x802d9e3700000000, 0x21e6b5b000000000, 0x8076a25800000000,
+ 0x22c1ebbb00000000, 0x8351fc5300000000, 0x27a809a600000000,
+ 0x86381e4e00000000, 0x248f57ad00000000, 0x851f404500000000,
+ 0x2d7acd9d00000000, 0x8ceada7500000000, 0x2e5d939600000000,
+ 0x8fcd847e00000000, 0x2b34718b00000000, 0x8aa4666300000000,
+ 0x28132f8000000000, 0x8983386800000000, 0x39de44ea00000000,
+ 0x984e530200000000, 0x3af91ae100000000, 0x9b690d0900000000,
+ 0x3f90f8fc00000000, 0x9e00ef1400000000, 0x3cb7a6f700000000,
+ 0x9d27b11f00000000, 0x35423cc700000000, 0x94d22b2f00000000,
+ 0x366562cc00000000, 0x97f5752400000000, 0x330c80d100000000,
+ 0x929c973900000000, 0x302bdeda00000000, 0x91bbc93200000000,
+ 0x1196570500000000, 0xb00640ed00000000, 0x12b1090e00000000,
+ 0xb3211ee600000000, 0x17d8eb1300000000, 0xb648fcfb00000000,
+ 0x14ffb51800000000, 0xb56fa2f000000000, 0x1d0a2f2800000000,
+ 0xbc9a38c000000000, 0x1e2d712300000000, 0xbfbd66cb00000000,
+ 0x1b44933e00000000, 0xbad484d600000000, 0x1863cd3500000000,
+ 0xb9f3dadd00000000, 0x09aea65f00000000, 0xa83eb1b700000000,
+ 0x0a89f85400000000, 0xab19efbc00000000, 0x0fe01a4900000000,
+ 0xae700da100000000, 0x0cc7444200000000, 0xad5753aa00000000,
+ 0x0532de7200000000, 0xa4a2c99a00000000, 0x0615807900000000,
+ 0xa785979100000000, 0x037c626400000000, 0xa2ec758c00000000,
+ 0x005b3c6f00000000, 0xa1cb2b8700000000, 0x03ca1aba00000000,
+ 0xa25a0d5200000000, 0x00ed44b100000000, 0xa17d535900000000,
+ 0x0584a6ac00000000, 0xa414b14400000000, 0x06a3f8a700000000,
+ 0xa733ef4f00000000, 0x0f56629700000000, 0xaec6757f00000000,
+ 0x0c713c9c00000000, 0xade12b7400000000, 0x0918de8100000000,
+ 0xa888c96900000000, 0x0a3f808a00000000, 0xabaf976200000000,
+ 0x1bf2ebe000000000, 0xba62fc0800000000, 0x18d5b5eb00000000,
+ 0xb945a20300000000, 0x1dbc57f600000000, 0xbc2c401e00000000,
+ 0x1e9b09fd00000000, 0xbf0b1e1500000000, 0x176e93cd00000000,
+ 0xb6fe842500000000, 0x1449cdc600000000, 0xb5d9da2e00000000,
+ 0x11202fdb00000000, 0xb0b0383300000000, 0x120771d000000000,
+ 0xb397663800000000, 0x33baf80f00000000, 0x922aefe700000000,
+ 0x309da60400000000, 0x910db1ec00000000, 0x35f4441900000000,
+ 0x946453f100000000, 0x36d31a1200000000, 0x97430dfa00000000,
+ 0x3f26802200000000, 0x9eb697ca00000000, 0x3c01de2900000000,
+ 0x9d91c9c100000000, 0x39683c3400000000, 0x98f82bdc00000000,
+ 0x3a4f623f00000000, 0x9bdf75d700000000, 0x2b82095500000000,
+ 0x8a121ebd00000000, 0x28a5575e00000000, 0x893540b600000000,
+ 0x2dccb54300000000, 0x8c5ca2ab00000000, 0x2eebeb4800000000,
+ 0x8f7bfca000000000, 0x271e717800000000, 0x868e669000000000,
+ 0x24392f7300000000, 0x85a9389b00000000, 0x2150cd6e00000000,
+ 0x80c0da8600000000, 0x2277936500000000, 0x83e7848d00000000,
+ 0x222caf0a00000000, 0x83bcb8e200000000, 0x210bf10100000000,
+ 0x809be6e900000000, 0x2462131c00000000, 0x85f204f400000000,
+ 0x27454d1700000000, 0x86d55aff00000000, 0x2eb0d72700000000,
+ 0x8f20c0cf00000000, 0x2d97892c00000000, 0x8c079ec400000000,
+ 0x28fe6b3100000000, 0x896e7cd900000000, 0x2bd9353a00000000,
+ 0x8a4922d200000000, 0x3a145e5000000000, 0x9b8449b800000000,
+ 0x3933005b00000000, 0x98a317b300000000, 0x3c5ae24600000000,
+ 0x9dcaf5ae00000000, 0x3f7dbc4d00000000, 0x9eedaba500000000,
+ 0x3688267d00000000, 0x9718319500000000, 0x35af787600000000,
+ 0x943f6f9e00000000, 0x30c69a6b00000000, 0x91568d8300000000,
+ 0x33e1c46000000000, 0x9271d38800000000, 0x125c4dbf00000000,
+ 0xb3cc5a5700000000, 0x117b13b400000000, 0xb0eb045c00000000,
+ 0x1412f1a900000000, 0xb582e64100000000, 0x1735afa200000000,
+ 0xb6a5b84a00000000, 0x1ec0359200000000, 0xbf50227a00000000,
+ 0x1de76b9900000000, 0xbc777c7100000000, 0x188e898400000000,
+ 0xb91e9e6c00000000, 0x1ba9d78f00000000, 0xba39c06700000000,
+ 0x0a64bce500000000, 0xabf4ab0d00000000, 0x0943e2ee00000000,
+ 0xa8d3f50600000000, 0x0c2a00f300000000, 0xadba171b00000000,
+ 0x0f0d5ef800000000, 0xae9d491000000000, 0x06f8c4c800000000,
+ 0xa768d32000000000, 0x05df9ac300000000, 0xa44f8d2b00000000,
+ 0x00b678de00000000, 0xa1266f3600000000, 0x039126d500000000,
+ 0xa201313d00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xee8439a100000000, 0x9d0f029900000000,
+ 0x738b3b3800000000, 0x7b1975e900000000, 0x959d4c4800000000,
+ 0xe616777000000000, 0x08924ed100000000, 0xb7349b0900000000,
+ 0x59b0a2a800000000, 0x2a3b999000000000, 0xc4bfa03100000000,
+ 0xcc2deee000000000, 0x22a9d74100000000, 0x5122ec7900000000,
+ 0xbfa6d5d800000000, 0x6e69361300000000, 0x80ed0fb200000000,
+ 0xf366348a00000000, 0x1de20d2b00000000, 0x157043fa00000000,
+ 0xfbf47a5b00000000, 0x887f416300000000, 0x66fb78c200000000,
+ 0xd95dad1a00000000, 0x37d994bb00000000, 0x4452af8300000000,
+ 0xaad6962200000000, 0xa244d8f300000000, 0x4cc0e15200000000,
+ 0x3f4bda6a00000000, 0xd1cfe3cb00000000, 0xdcd26c2600000000,
+ 0x3256558700000000, 0x41dd6ebf00000000, 0xaf59571e00000000,
+ 0xa7cb19cf00000000, 0x494f206e00000000, 0x3ac41b5600000000,
+ 0xd44022f700000000, 0x6be6f72f00000000, 0x8562ce8e00000000,
+ 0xf6e9f5b600000000, 0x186dcc1700000000, 0x10ff82c600000000,
+ 0xfe7bbb6700000000, 0x8df0805f00000000, 0x6374b9fe00000000,
+ 0xb2bb5a3500000000, 0x5c3f639400000000, 0x2fb458ac00000000,
+ 0xc130610d00000000, 0xc9a22fdc00000000, 0x2726167d00000000,
+ 0x54ad2d4500000000, 0xba2914e400000000, 0x058fc13c00000000,
+ 0xeb0bf89d00000000, 0x9880c3a500000000, 0x7604fa0400000000,
+ 0x7e96b4d500000000, 0x90128d7400000000, 0xe399b64c00000000,
+ 0x0d1d8fed00000000, 0xb8a5d94c00000000, 0x5621e0ed00000000,
+ 0x25aadbd500000000, 0xcb2ee27400000000, 0xc3bcaca500000000,
+ 0x2d38950400000000, 0x5eb3ae3c00000000, 0xb037979d00000000,
+ 0x0f91424500000000, 0xe1157be400000000, 0x929e40dc00000000,
+ 0x7c1a797d00000000, 0x748837ac00000000, 0x9a0c0e0d00000000,
+ 0xe987353500000000, 0x07030c9400000000, 0xd6ccef5f00000000,
+ 0x3848d6fe00000000, 0x4bc3edc600000000, 0xa547d46700000000,
+ 0xadd59ab600000000, 0x4351a31700000000, 0x30da982f00000000,
+ 0xde5ea18e00000000, 0x61f8745600000000, 0x8f7c4df700000000,
+ 0xfcf776cf00000000, 0x12734f6e00000000, 0x1ae101bf00000000,
+ 0xf465381e00000000, 0x87ee032600000000, 0x696a3a8700000000,
+ 0x6477b56a00000000, 0x8af38ccb00000000, 0xf978b7f300000000,
+ 0x17fc8e5200000000, 0x1f6ec08300000000, 0xf1eaf92200000000,
+ 0x8261c21a00000000, 0x6ce5fbbb00000000, 0xd3432e6300000000,
+ 0x3dc717c200000000, 0x4e4c2cfa00000000, 0xa0c8155b00000000,
+ 0xa85a5b8a00000000, 0x46de622b00000000, 0x3555591300000000,
+ 0xdbd160b200000000, 0x0a1e837900000000, 0xe49abad800000000,
+ 0x971181e000000000, 0x7995b84100000000, 0x7107f69000000000,
+ 0x9f83cf3100000000, 0xec08f40900000000, 0x028ccda800000000,
+ 0xbd2a187000000000, 0x53ae21d100000000, 0x20251ae900000000,
+ 0xcea1234800000000, 0xc6336d9900000000, 0x28b7543800000000,
+ 0x5b3c6f0000000000, 0xb5b856a100000000, 0x704bb39900000000,
+ 0x9ecf8a3800000000, 0xed44b10000000000, 0x03c088a100000000,
+ 0x0b52c67000000000, 0xe5d6ffd100000000, 0x965dc4e900000000,
+ 0x78d9fd4800000000, 0xc77f289000000000, 0x29fb113100000000,
+ 0x5a702a0900000000, 0xb4f413a800000000, 0xbc665d7900000000,
+ 0x52e264d800000000, 0x21695fe000000000, 0xcfed664100000000,
+ 0x1e22858a00000000, 0xf0a6bc2b00000000, 0x832d871300000000,
+ 0x6da9beb200000000, 0x653bf06300000000, 0x8bbfc9c200000000,
+ 0xf834f2fa00000000, 0x16b0cb5b00000000, 0xa9161e8300000000,
+ 0x4792272200000000, 0x34191c1a00000000, 0xda9d25bb00000000,
+ 0xd20f6b6a00000000, 0x3c8b52cb00000000, 0x4f0069f300000000,
+ 0xa184505200000000, 0xac99dfbf00000000, 0x421de61e00000000,
+ 0x3196dd2600000000, 0xdf12e48700000000, 0xd780aa5600000000,
+ 0x390493f700000000, 0x4a8fa8cf00000000, 0xa40b916e00000000,
+ 0x1bad44b600000000, 0xf5297d1700000000, 0x86a2462f00000000,
+ 0x68267f8e00000000, 0x60b4315f00000000, 0x8e3008fe00000000,
+ 0xfdbb33c600000000, 0x133f0a6700000000, 0xc2f0e9ac00000000,
+ 0x2c74d00d00000000, 0x5fffeb3500000000, 0xb17bd29400000000,
+ 0xb9e99c4500000000, 0x576da5e400000000, 0x24e69edc00000000,
+ 0xca62a77d00000000, 0x75c472a500000000, 0x9b404b0400000000,
+ 0xe8cb703c00000000, 0x064f499d00000000, 0x0edd074c00000000,
+ 0xe0593eed00000000, 0x93d205d500000000, 0x7d563c7400000000,
+ 0xc8ee6ad500000000, 0x266a537400000000, 0x55e1684c00000000,
+ 0xbb6551ed00000000, 0xb3f71f3c00000000, 0x5d73269d00000000,
+ 0x2ef81da500000000, 0xc07c240400000000, 0x7fdaf1dc00000000,
+ 0x915ec87d00000000, 0xe2d5f34500000000, 0x0c51cae400000000,
+ 0x04c3843500000000, 0xea47bd9400000000, 0x99cc86ac00000000,
+ 0x7748bf0d00000000, 0xa6875cc600000000, 0x4803656700000000,
+ 0x3b885e5f00000000, 0xd50c67fe00000000, 0xdd9e292f00000000,
+ 0x331a108e00000000, 0x40912bb600000000, 0xae15121700000000,
+ 0x11b3c7cf00000000, 0xff37fe6e00000000, 0x8cbcc55600000000,
+ 0x6238fcf700000000, 0x6aaab22600000000, 0x842e8b8700000000,
+ 0xf7a5b0bf00000000, 0x1921891e00000000, 0x143c06f300000000,
+ 0xfab83f5200000000, 0x8933046a00000000, 0x67b73dcb00000000,
+ 0x6f25731a00000000, 0x81a14abb00000000, 0xf22a718300000000,
+ 0x1cae482200000000, 0xa3089dfa00000000, 0x4d8ca45b00000000,
+ 0x3e079f6300000000, 0xd083a6c200000000, 0xd811e81300000000,
+ 0x3695d1b200000000, 0x451eea8a00000000, 0xab9ad32b00000000,
+ 0x7a5530e000000000, 0x94d1094100000000, 0xe75a327900000000,
+ 0x09de0bd800000000, 0x014c450900000000, 0xefc87ca800000000,
+ 0x9c43479000000000, 0x72c77e3100000000, 0xcd61abe900000000,
+ 0x23e5924800000000, 0x506ea97000000000, 0xbeea90d100000000,
+ 0xb678de0000000000, 0x58fce7a100000000, 0x2b77dc9900000000,
+ 0xc5f3e53800000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xfbf6134700000000, 0xf6ed278e00000000,
+ 0x0d1b34c900000000, 0xaddd3ec700000000, 0x562b2d8000000000,
+ 0x5b30194900000000, 0xa0c60a0e00000000, 0x1bbd0c5500000000,
+ 0xe04b1f1200000000, 0xed502bdb00000000, 0x16a6389c00000000,
+ 0xb660329200000000, 0x4d9621d500000000, 0x408d151c00000000,
+ 0xbb7b065b00000000, 0x367a19aa00000000, 0xcd8c0aed00000000,
+ 0xc0973e2400000000, 0x3b612d6300000000, 0x9ba7276d00000000,
+ 0x6051342a00000000, 0x6d4a00e300000000, 0x96bc13a400000000,
+ 0x2dc715ff00000000, 0xd63106b800000000, 0xdb2a327100000000,
+ 0x20dc213600000000, 0x801a2b3800000000, 0x7bec387f00000000,
+ 0x76f70cb600000000, 0x8d011ff100000000, 0x2df2438f00000000,
+ 0xd60450c800000000, 0xdb1f640100000000, 0x20e9774600000000,
+ 0x802f7d4800000000, 0x7bd96e0f00000000, 0x76c25ac600000000,
+ 0x8d34498100000000, 0x364f4fda00000000, 0xcdb95c9d00000000,
+ 0xc0a2685400000000, 0x3b547b1300000000, 0x9b92711d00000000,
+ 0x6064625a00000000, 0x6d7f569300000000, 0x968945d400000000,
+ 0x1b885a2500000000, 0xe07e496200000000, 0xed657dab00000000,
+ 0x16936eec00000000, 0xb65564e200000000, 0x4da377a500000000,
+ 0x40b8436c00000000, 0xbb4e502b00000000, 0x0035567000000000,
+ 0xfbc3453700000000, 0xf6d871fe00000000, 0x0d2e62b900000000,
+ 0xade868b700000000, 0x561e7bf000000000, 0x5b054f3900000000,
+ 0xa0f35c7e00000000, 0x1be2f6c500000000, 0xe014e58200000000,
+ 0xed0fd14b00000000, 0x16f9c20c00000000, 0xb63fc80200000000,
+ 0x4dc9db4500000000, 0x40d2ef8c00000000, 0xbb24fccb00000000,
+ 0x005ffa9000000000, 0xfba9e9d700000000, 0xf6b2dd1e00000000,
+ 0x0d44ce5900000000, 0xad82c45700000000, 0x5674d71000000000,
+ 0x5b6fe3d900000000, 0xa099f09e00000000, 0x2d98ef6f00000000,
+ 0xd66efc2800000000, 0xdb75c8e100000000, 0x2083dba600000000,
+ 0x8045d1a800000000, 0x7bb3c2ef00000000, 0x76a8f62600000000,
+ 0x8d5ee56100000000, 0x3625e33a00000000, 0xcdd3f07d00000000,
+ 0xc0c8c4b400000000, 0x3b3ed7f300000000, 0x9bf8ddfd00000000,
+ 0x600eceba00000000, 0x6d15fa7300000000, 0x96e3e93400000000,
+ 0x3610b54a00000000, 0xcde6a60d00000000, 0xc0fd92c400000000,
+ 0x3b0b818300000000, 0x9bcd8b8d00000000, 0x603b98ca00000000,
+ 0x6d20ac0300000000, 0x96d6bf4400000000, 0x2dadb91f00000000,
+ 0xd65baa5800000000, 0xdb409e9100000000, 0x20b68dd600000000,
+ 0x807087d800000000, 0x7b86949f00000000, 0x769da05600000000,
+ 0x8d6bb31100000000, 0x006aace000000000, 0xfb9cbfa700000000,
+ 0xf6878b6e00000000, 0x0d71982900000000, 0xadb7922700000000,
+ 0x5641816000000000, 0x5b5ab5a900000000, 0xa0aca6ee00000000,
+ 0x1bd7a0b500000000, 0xe021b3f200000000, 0xed3a873b00000000,
+ 0x16cc947c00000000, 0xb60a9e7200000000, 0x4dfc8d3500000000,
+ 0x40e7b9fc00000000, 0xbb11aabb00000000, 0x77c29c5000000000,
+ 0x8c348f1700000000, 0x812fbbde00000000, 0x7ad9a89900000000,
+ 0xda1fa29700000000, 0x21e9b1d000000000, 0x2cf2851900000000,
+ 0xd704965e00000000, 0x6c7f900500000000, 0x9789834200000000,
+ 0x9a92b78b00000000, 0x6164a4cc00000000, 0xc1a2aec200000000,
+ 0x3a54bd8500000000, 0x374f894c00000000, 0xccb99a0b00000000,
+ 0x41b885fa00000000, 0xba4e96bd00000000, 0xb755a27400000000,
+ 0x4ca3b13300000000, 0xec65bb3d00000000, 0x1793a87a00000000,
+ 0x1a889cb300000000, 0xe17e8ff400000000, 0x5a0589af00000000,
+ 0xa1f39ae800000000, 0xace8ae2100000000, 0x571ebd6600000000,
+ 0xf7d8b76800000000, 0x0c2ea42f00000000, 0x013590e600000000,
+ 0xfac383a100000000, 0x5a30dfdf00000000, 0xa1c6cc9800000000,
+ 0xacddf85100000000, 0x572beb1600000000, 0xf7ede11800000000,
+ 0x0c1bf25f00000000, 0x0100c69600000000, 0xfaf6d5d100000000,
+ 0x418dd38a00000000, 0xba7bc0cd00000000, 0xb760f40400000000,
+ 0x4c96e74300000000, 0xec50ed4d00000000, 0x17a6fe0a00000000,
+ 0x1abdcac300000000, 0xe14bd98400000000, 0x6c4ac67500000000,
+ 0x97bcd53200000000, 0x9aa7e1fb00000000, 0x6151f2bc00000000,
+ 0xc197f8b200000000, 0x3a61ebf500000000, 0x377adf3c00000000,
+ 0xcc8ccc7b00000000, 0x77f7ca2000000000, 0x8c01d96700000000,
+ 0x811aedae00000000, 0x7aecfee900000000, 0xda2af4e700000000,
+ 0x21dce7a000000000, 0x2cc7d36900000000, 0xd731c02e00000000,
+ 0x6c206a9500000000, 0x97d679d200000000, 0x9acd4d1b00000000,
+ 0x613b5e5c00000000, 0xc1fd545200000000, 0x3a0b471500000000,
+ 0x371073dc00000000, 0xcce6609b00000000, 0x779d66c000000000,
+ 0x8c6b758700000000, 0x8170414e00000000, 0x7a86520900000000,
+ 0xda40580700000000, 0x21b64b4000000000, 0x2cad7f8900000000,
+ 0xd75b6cce00000000, 0x5a5a733f00000000, 0xa1ac607800000000,
+ 0xacb754b100000000, 0x574147f600000000, 0xf7874df800000000,
+ 0x0c715ebf00000000, 0x016a6a7600000000, 0xfa9c793100000000,
+ 0x41e77f6a00000000, 0xba116c2d00000000, 0xb70a58e400000000,
+ 0x4cfc4ba300000000, 0xec3a41ad00000000, 0x17cc52ea00000000,
+ 0x1ad7662300000000, 0xe121756400000000, 0x41d2291a00000000,
+ 0xba243a5d00000000, 0xb73f0e9400000000, 0x4cc91dd300000000,
+ 0xec0f17dd00000000, 0x17f9049a00000000, 0x1ae2305300000000,
+ 0xe114231400000000, 0x5a6f254f00000000, 0xa199360800000000,
+ 0xac8202c100000000, 0x5774118600000000, 0xf7b21b8800000000,
+ 0x0c4408cf00000000, 0x015f3c0600000000, 0xfaa92f4100000000,
+ 0x77a830b000000000, 0x8c5e23f700000000, 0x8145173e00000000,
+ 0x7ab3047900000000, 0xda750e7700000000, 0x21831d3000000000,
+ 0x2c9829f900000000, 0xd76e3abe00000000, 0x6c153ce500000000,
+ 0x97e32fa200000000, 0x9af81b6b00000000, 0x610e082c00000000,
+ 0xc1c8022200000000, 0x3a3e116500000000, 0x372525ac00000000,
+ 0xccd336eb00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x6238282a00000000, 0xc470505400000000,
+ 0xa648787e00000000, 0x88e1a0a800000000, 0xead9888200000000,
+ 0x4c91f0fc00000000, 0x2ea9d8d600000000, 0x51c5308a00000000,
+ 0x33fd18a000000000, 0x95b560de00000000, 0xf78d48f400000000,
+ 0xd924902200000000, 0xbb1cb80800000000, 0x1d54c07600000000,
+ 0x7f6ce85c00000000, 0xe38c10cf00000000, 0x81b438e500000000,
+ 0x27fc409b00000000, 0x45c468b100000000, 0x6b6db06700000000,
+ 0x0955984d00000000, 0xaf1de03300000000, 0xcd25c81900000000,
+ 0xb249204500000000, 0xd071086f00000000, 0x7639701100000000,
+ 0x1401583b00000000, 0x3aa880ed00000000, 0x5890a8c700000000,
+ 0xfed8d0b900000000, 0x9ce0f89300000000, 0x871f504500000000,
+ 0xe527786f00000000, 0x436f001100000000, 0x2157283b00000000,
+ 0x0ffef0ed00000000, 0x6dc6d8c700000000, 0xcb8ea0b900000000,
+ 0xa9b6889300000000, 0xd6da60cf00000000, 0xb4e248e500000000,
+ 0x12aa309b00000000, 0x709218b100000000, 0x5e3bc06700000000,
+ 0x3c03e84d00000000, 0x9a4b903300000000, 0xf873b81900000000,
+ 0x6493408a00000000, 0x06ab68a000000000, 0xa0e310de00000000,
+ 0xc2db38f400000000, 0xec72e02200000000, 0x8e4ac80800000000,
+ 0x2802b07600000000, 0x4a3a985c00000000, 0x3556700000000000,
+ 0x576e582a00000000, 0xf126205400000000, 0x931e087e00000000,
+ 0xbdb7d0a800000000, 0xdf8ff88200000000, 0x79c780fc00000000,
+ 0x1bffa8d600000000, 0x0e3fa08a00000000, 0x6c0788a000000000,
+ 0xca4ff0de00000000, 0xa877d8f400000000, 0x86de002200000000,
+ 0xe4e6280800000000, 0x42ae507600000000, 0x2096785c00000000,
+ 0x5ffa900000000000, 0x3dc2b82a00000000, 0x9b8ac05400000000,
+ 0xf9b2e87e00000000, 0xd71b30a800000000, 0xb523188200000000,
+ 0x136b60fc00000000, 0x715348d600000000, 0xedb3b04500000000,
+ 0x8f8b986f00000000, 0x29c3e01100000000, 0x4bfbc83b00000000,
+ 0x655210ed00000000, 0x076a38c700000000, 0xa12240b900000000,
+ 0xc31a689300000000, 0xbc7680cf00000000, 0xde4ea8e500000000,
+ 0x7806d09b00000000, 0x1a3ef8b100000000, 0x3497206700000000,
+ 0x56af084d00000000, 0xf0e7703300000000, 0x92df581900000000,
+ 0x8920f0cf00000000, 0xeb18d8e500000000, 0x4d50a09b00000000,
+ 0x2f6888b100000000, 0x01c1506700000000, 0x63f9784d00000000,
+ 0xc5b1003300000000, 0xa789281900000000, 0xd8e5c04500000000,
+ 0xbadde86f00000000, 0x1c95901100000000, 0x7eadb83b00000000,
+ 0x500460ed00000000, 0x323c48c700000000, 0x947430b900000000,
+ 0xf64c189300000000, 0x6aace00000000000, 0x0894c82a00000000,
+ 0xaedcb05400000000, 0xcce4987e00000000, 0xe24d40a800000000,
+ 0x8075688200000000, 0x263d10fc00000000, 0x440538d600000000,
+ 0x3b69d08a00000000, 0x5951f8a000000000, 0xff1980de00000000,
+ 0x9d21a8f400000000, 0xb388702200000000, 0xd1b0580800000000,
+ 0x77f8207600000000, 0x15c0085c00000000, 0x5d7831ce00000000,
+ 0x3f4019e400000000, 0x9908619a00000000, 0xfb3049b000000000,
+ 0xd599916600000000, 0xb7a1b94c00000000, 0x11e9c13200000000,
+ 0x73d1e91800000000, 0x0cbd014400000000, 0x6e85296e00000000,
+ 0xc8cd511000000000, 0xaaf5793a00000000, 0x845ca1ec00000000,
+ 0xe66489c600000000, 0x402cf1b800000000, 0x2214d99200000000,
+ 0xbef4210100000000, 0xdccc092b00000000, 0x7a84715500000000,
+ 0x18bc597f00000000, 0x361581a900000000, 0x542da98300000000,
+ 0xf265d1fd00000000, 0x905df9d700000000, 0xef31118b00000000,
+ 0x8d0939a100000000, 0x2b4141df00000000, 0x497969f500000000,
+ 0x67d0b12300000000, 0x05e8990900000000, 0xa3a0e17700000000,
+ 0xc198c95d00000000, 0xda67618b00000000, 0xb85f49a100000000,
+ 0x1e1731df00000000, 0x7c2f19f500000000, 0x5286c12300000000,
+ 0x30bee90900000000, 0x96f6917700000000, 0xf4ceb95d00000000,
+ 0x8ba2510100000000, 0xe99a792b00000000, 0x4fd2015500000000,
+ 0x2dea297f00000000, 0x0343f1a900000000, 0x617bd98300000000,
+ 0xc733a1fd00000000, 0xa50b89d700000000, 0x39eb714400000000,
+ 0x5bd3596e00000000, 0xfd9b211000000000, 0x9fa3093a00000000,
+ 0xb10ad1ec00000000, 0xd332f9c600000000, 0x757a81b800000000,
+ 0x1742a99200000000, 0x682e41ce00000000, 0x0a1669e400000000,
+ 0xac5e119a00000000, 0xce6639b000000000, 0xe0cfe16600000000,
+ 0x82f7c94c00000000, 0x24bfb13200000000, 0x4687991800000000,
+ 0x5347914400000000, 0x317fb96e00000000, 0x9737c11000000000,
+ 0xf50fe93a00000000, 0xdba631ec00000000, 0xb99e19c600000000,
+ 0x1fd661b800000000, 0x7dee499200000000, 0x0282a1ce00000000,
+ 0x60ba89e400000000, 0xc6f2f19a00000000, 0xa4cad9b000000000,
+ 0x8a63016600000000, 0xe85b294c00000000, 0x4e13513200000000,
+ 0x2c2b791800000000, 0xb0cb818b00000000, 0xd2f3a9a100000000,
+ 0x74bbd1df00000000, 0x1683f9f500000000, 0x382a212300000000,
+ 0x5a12090900000000, 0xfc5a717700000000, 0x9e62595d00000000,
+ 0xe10eb10100000000, 0x8336992b00000000, 0x257ee15500000000,
+ 0x4746c97f00000000, 0x69ef11a900000000, 0x0bd7398300000000,
+ 0xad9f41fd00000000, 0xcfa769d700000000, 0xd458c10100000000,
+ 0xb660e92b00000000, 0x1028915500000000, 0x7210b97f00000000,
+ 0x5cb961a900000000, 0x3e81498300000000, 0x98c931fd00000000,
+ 0xfaf119d700000000, 0x859df18b00000000, 0xe7a5d9a100000000,
+ 0x41eda1df00000000, 0x23d589f500000000, 0x0d7c512300000000,
+ 0x6f44790900000000, 0xc90c017700000000, 0xab34295d00000000,
+ 0x37d4d1ce00000000, 0x55ecf9e400000000, 0xf3a4819a00000000,
+ 0x919ca9b000000000, 0xbf35716600000000, 0xdd0d594c00000000,
+ 0x7b45213200000000, 0x197d091800000000, 0x6611e14400000000,
+ 0x0429c96e00000000, 0xa261b11000000000, 0xc059993a00000000,
+ 0xeef041ec00000000, 0x8cc869c600000000, 0x2a8011b800000000,
+ 0x48b8399200000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x4c2896a300000000, 0xd9565d9c00000000,
+ 0x957ecb3f00000000, 0xf3abcbe300000000, 0xbf835d4000000000,
+ 0x2afd967f00000000, 0x66d500dc00000000, 0xa751e61c00000000,
+ 0xeb7970bf00000000, 0x7e07bb8000000000, 0x322f2d2300000000,
+ 0x54fa2dff00000000, 0x18d2bb5c00000000, 0x8dac706300000000,
+ 0xc184e6c000000000, 0x4ea3cc3900000000, 0x028b5a9a00000000,
+ 0x97f591a500000000, 0xdbdd070600000000, 0xbd0807da00000000,
+ 0xf120917900000000, 0x645e5a4600000000, 0x2876cce500000000,
+ 0xe9f22a2500000000, 0xa5dabc8600000000, 0x30a477b900000000,
+ 0x7c8ce11a00000000, 0x1a59e1c600000000, 0x5671776500000000,
+ 0xc30fbc5a00000000, 0x8f272af900000000, 0x9c46997300000000,
+ 0xd06e0fd000000000, 0x4510c4ef00000000, 0x0938524c00000000,
+ 0x6fed529000000000, 0x23c5c43300000000, 0xb6bb0f0c00000000,
+ 0xfa9399af00000000, 0x3b177f6f00000000, 0x773fe9cc00000000,
+ 0xe24122f300000000, 0xae69b45000000000, 0xc8bcb48c00000000,
+ 0x8494222f00000000, 0x11eae91000000000, 0x5dc27fb300000000,
+ 0xd2e5554a00000000, 0x9ecdc3e900000000, 0x0bb308d600000000,
+ 0x479b9e7500000000, 0x214e9ea900000000, 0x6d66080a00000000,
+ 0xf818c33500000000, 0xb430559600000000, 0x75b4b35600000000,
+ 0x399c25f500000000, 0xace2eeca00000000, 0xe0ca786900000000,
+ 0x861f78b500000000, 0xca37ee1600000000, 0x5f49252900000000,
+ 0x1361b38a00000000, 0x388d32e700000000, 0x74a5a44400000000,
+ 0xe1db6f7b00000000, 0xadf3f9d800000000, 0xcb26f90400000000,
+ 0x870e6fa700000000, 0x1270a49800000000, 0x5e58323b00000000,
+ 0x9fdcd4fb00000000, 0xd3f4425800000000, 0x468a896700000000,
+ 0x0aa21fc400000000, 0x6c771f1800000000, 0x205f89bb00000000,
+ 0xb521428400000000, 0xf909d42700000000, 0x762efede00000000,
+ 0x3a06687d00000000, 0xaf78a34200000000, 0xe35035e100000000,
+ 0x8585353d00000000, 0xc9ada39e00000000, 0x5cd368a100000000,
+ 0x10fbfe0200000000, 0xd17f18c200000000, 0x9d578e6100000000,
+ 0x0829455e00000000, 0x4401d3fd00000000, 0x22d4d32100000000,
+ 0x6efc458200000000, 0xfb828ebd00000000, 0xb7aa181e00000000,
+ 0xa4cbab9400000000, 0xe8e33d3700000000, 0x7d9df60800000000,
+ 0x31b560ab00000000, 0x5760607700000000, 0x1b48f6d400000000,
+ 0x8e363deb00000000, 0xc21eab4800000000, 0x039a4d8800000000,
+ 0x4fb2db2b00000000, 0xdacc101400000000, 0x96e486b700000000,
+ 0xf031866b00000000, 0xbc1910c800000000, 0x2967dbf700000000,
+ 0x654f4d5400000000, 0xea6867ad00000000, 0xa640f10e00000000,
+ 0x333e3a3100000000, 0x7f16ac9200000000, 0x19c3ac4e00000000,
+ 0x55eb3aed00000000, 0xc095f1d200000000, 0x8cbd677100000000,
+ 0x4d3981b100000000, 0x0111171200000000, 0x946fdc2d00000000,
+ 0xd8474a8e00000000, 0xbe924a5200000000, 0xf2badcf100000000,
+ 0x67c417ce00000000, 0x2bec816d00000000, 0x311c141500000000,
+ 0x7d3482b600000000, 0xe84a498900000000, 0xa462df2a00000000,
+ 0xc2b7dff600000000, 0x8e9f495500000000, 0x1be1826a00000000,
+ 0x57c914c900000000, 0x964df20900000000, 0xda6564aa00000000,
+ 0x4f1baf9500000000, 0x0333393600000000, 0x65e639ea00000000,
+ 0x29ceaf4900000000, 0xbcb0647600000000, 0xf098f2d500000000,
+ 0x7fbfd82c00000000, 0x33974e8f00000000, 0xa6e985b000000000,
+ 0xeac1131300000000, 0x8c1413cf00000000, 0xc03c856c00000000,
+ 0x55424e5300000000, 0x196ad8f000000000, 0xd8ee3e3000000000,
+ 0x94c6a89300000000, 0x01b863ac00000000, 0x4d90f50f00000000,
+ 0x2b45f5d300000000, 0x676d637000000000, 0xf213a84f00000000,
+ 0xbe3b3eec00000000, 0xad5a8d6600000000, 0xe1721bc500000000,
+ 0x740cd0fa00000000, 0x3824465900000000, 0x5ef1468500000000,
+ 0x12d9d02600000000, 0x87a71b1900000000, 0xcb8f8dba00000000,
+ 0x0a0b6b7a00000000, 0x4623fdd900000000, 0xd35d36e600000000,
+ 0x9f75a04500000000, 0xf9a0a09900000000, 0xb588363a00000000,
+ 0x20f6fd0500000000, 0x6cde6ba600000000, 0xe3f9415f00000000,
+ 0xafd1d7fc00000000, 0x3aaf1cc300000000, 0x76878a6000000000,
+ 0x10528abc00000000, 0x5c7a1c1f00000000, 0xc904d72000000000,
+ 0x852c418300000000, 0x44a8a74300000000, 0x088031e000000000,
+ 0x9dfefadf00000000, 0xd1d66c7c00000000, 0xb7036ca000000000,
+ 0xfb2bfa0300000000, 0x6e55313c00000000, 0x227da79f00000000,
+ 0x099126f200000000, 0x45b9b05100000000, 0xd0c77b6e00000000,
+ 0x9cefedcd00000000, 0xfa3aed1100000000, 0xb6127bb200000000,
+ 0x236cb08d00000000, 0x6f44262e00000000, 0xaec0c0ee00000000,
+ 0xe2e8564d00000000, 0x77969d7200000000, 0x3bbe0bd100000000,
+ 0x5d6b0b0d00000000, 0x11439dae00000000, 0x843d569100000000,
+ 0xc815c03200000000, 0x4732eacb00000000, 0x0b1a7c6800000000,
+ 0x9e64b75700000000, 0xd24c21f400000000, 0xb499212800000000,
+ 0xf8b1b78b00000000, 0x6dcf7cb400000000, 0x21e7ea1700000000,
+ 0xe0630cd700000000, 0xac4b9a7400000000, 0x3935514b00000000,
+ 0x751dc7e800000000, 0x13c8c73400000000, 0x5fe0519700000000,
+ 0xca9e9aa800000000, 0x86b60c0b00000000, 0x95d7bf8100000000,
+ 0xd9ff292200000000, 0x4c81e21d00000000, 0x00a974be00000000,
+ 0x667c746200000000, 0x2a54e2c100000000, 0xbf2a29fe00000000,
+ 0xf302bf5d00000000, 0x3286599d00000000, 0x7eaecf3e00000000,
+ 0xebd0040100000000, 0xa7f892a200000000, 0xc12d927e00000000,
+ 0x8d0504dd00000000, 0x187bcfe200000000, 0x5453594100000000,
+ 0xdb7473b800000000, 0x975ce51b00000000, 0x02222e2400000000,
+ 0x4e0ab88700000000, 0x28dfb85b00000000, 0x64f72ef800000000,
+ 0xf189e5c700000000, 0xbda1736400000000, 0x7c2595a400000000,
+ 0x300d030700000000, 0xa573c83800000000, 0xe95b5e9b00000000,
+ 0x8f8e5e4700000000, 0xc3a6c8e400000000, 0x56d803db00000000,
+ 0x1af0957800000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x939bc97f00000000, 0x263793ff00000000,
+ 0xb5ac5a8000000000, 0x0d68572400000000, 0x9ef39e5b00000000,
+ 0x2b5fc4db00000000, 0xb8c40da400000000, 0x1ad0ae4800000000,
+ 0x894b673700000000, 0x3ce73db700000000, 0xaf7cf4c800000000,
+ 0x17b8f96c00000000, 0x8423301300000000, 0x318f6a9300000000,
+ 0xa214a3ec00000000, 0x34a05d9100000000, 0xa73b94ee00000000,
+ 0x1297ce6e00000000, 0x810c071100000000, 0x39c80ab500000000,
+ 0xaa53c3ca00000000, 0x1fff994a00000000, 0x8c64503500000000,
+ 0x2e70f3d900000000, 0xbdeb3aa600000000, 0x0847602600000000,
+ 0x9bdca95900000000, 0x2318a4fd00000000, 0xb0836d8200000000,
+ 0x052f370200000000, 0x96b4fe7d00000000, 0x2946caf900000000,
+ 0xbadd038600000000, 0x0f71590600000000, 0x9cea907900000000,
+ 0x242e9ddd00000000, 0xb7b554a200000000, 0x02190e2200000000,
+ 0x9182c75d00000000, 0x339664b100000000, 0xa00dadce00000000,
+ 0x15a1f74e00000000, 0x863a3e3100000000, 0x3efe339500000000,
+ 0xad65faea00000000, 0x18c9a06a00000000, 0x8b52691500000000,
+ 0x1de6976800000000, 0x8e7d5e1700000000, 0x3bd1049700000000,
+ 0xa84acde800000000, 0x108ec04c00000000, 0x8315093300000000,
+ 0x36b953b300000000, 0xa5229acc00000000, 0x0736392000000000,
+ 0x94adf05f00000000, 0x2101aadf00000000, 0xb29a63a000000000,
+ 0x0a5e6e0400000000, 0x99c5a77b00000000, 0x2c69fdfb00000000,
+ 0xbff2348400000000, 0x138ae52800000000, 0x80112c5700000000,
+ 0x35bd76d700000000, 0xa626bfa800000000, 0x1ee2b20c00000000,
+ 0x8d797b7300000000, 0x38d521f300000000, 0xab4ee88c00000000,
+ 0x095a4b6000000000, 0x9ac1821f00000000, 0x2f6dd89f00000000,
+ 0xbcf611e000000000, 0x04321c4400000000, 0x97a9d53b00000000,
+ 0x22058fbb00000000, 0xb19e46c400000000, 0x272ab8b900000000,
+ 0xb4b171c600000000, 0x011d2b4600000000, 0x9286e23900000000,
+ 0x2a42ef9d00000000, 0xb9d926e200000000, 0x0c757c6200000000,
+ 0x9feeb51d00000000, 0x3dfa16f100000000, 0xae61df8e00000000,
+ 0x1bcd850e00000000, 0x88564c7100000000, 0x309241d500000000,
+ 0xa30988aa00000000, 0x16a5d22a00000000, 0x853e1b5500000000,
+ 0x3acc2fd100000000, 0xa957e6ae00000000, 0x1cfbbc2e00000000,
+ 0x8f60755100000000, 0x37a478f500000000, 0xa43fb18a00000000,
+ 0x1193eb0a00000000, 0x8208227500000000, 0x201c819900000000,
+ 0xb38748e600000000, 0x062b126600000000, 0x95b0db1900000000,
+ 0x2d74d6bd00000000, 0xbeef1fc200000000, 0x0b43454200000000,
+ 0x98d88c3d00000000, 0x0e6c724000000000, 0x9df7bb3f00000000,
+ 0x285be1bf00000000, 0xbbc028c000000000, 0x0304256400000000,
+ 0x909fec1b00000000, 0x2533b69b00000000, 0xb6a87fe400000000,
+ 0x14bcdc0800000000, 0x8727157700000000, 0x328b4ff700000000,
+ 0xa110868800000000, 0x19d48b2c00000000, 0x8a4f425300000000,
+ 0x3fe318d300000000, 0xac78d1ac00000000, 0x2614cb5100000000,
+ 0xb58f022e00000000, 0x002358ae00000000, 0x93b891d100000000,
+ 0x2b7c9c7500000000, 0xb8e7550a00000000, 0x0d4b0f8a00000000,
+ 0x9ed0c6f500000000, 0x3cc4651900000000, 0xaf5fac6600000000,
+ 0x1af3f6e600000000, 0x89683f9900000000, 0x31ac323d00000000,
+ 0xa237fb4200000000, 0x179ba1c200000000, 0x840068bd00000000,
+ 0x12b496c000000000, 0x812f5fbf00000000, 0x3483053f00000000,
+ 0xa718cc4000000000, 0x1fdcc1e400000000, 0x8c47089b00000000,
+ 0x39eb521b00000000, 0xaa709b6400000000, 0x0864388800000000,
+ 0x9bfff1f700000000, 0x2e53ab7700000000, 0xbdc8620800000000,
+ 0x050c6fac00000000, 0x9697a6d300000000, 0x233bfc5300000000,
+ 0xb0a0352c00000000, 0x0f5201a800000000, 0x9cc9c8d700000000,
+ 0x2965925700000000, 0xbafe5b2800000000, 0x023a568c00000000,
+ 0x91a19ff300000000, 0x240dc57300000000, 0xb7960c0c00000000,
+ 0x1582afe000000000, 0x8619669f00000000, 0x33b53c1f00000000,
+ 0xa02ef56000000000, 0x18eaf8c400000000, 0x8b7131bb00000000,
+ 0x3edd6b3b00000000, 0xad46a24400000000, 0x3bf25c3900000000,
+ 0xa869954600000000, 0x1dc5cfc600000000, 0x8e5e06b900000000,
+ 0x369a0b1d00000000, 0xa501c26200000000, 0x10ad98e200000000,
+ 0x8336519d00000000, 0x2122f27100000000, 0xb2b93b0e00000000,
+ 0x0715618e00000000, 0x948ea8f100000000, 0x2c4aa55500000000,
+ 0xbfd16c2a00000000, 0x0a7d36aa00000000, 0x99e6ffd500000000,
+ 0x359e2e7900000000, 0xa605e70600000000, 0x13a9bd8600000000,
+ 0x803274f900000000, 0x38f6795d00000000, 0xab6db02200000000,
+ 0x1ec1eaa200000000, 0x8d5a23dd00000000, 0x2f4e803100000000,
+ 0xbcd5494e00000000, 0x097913ce00000000, 0x9ae2dab100000000,
+ 0x2226d71500000000, 0xb1bd1e6a00000000, 0x041144ea00000000,
+ 0x978a8d9500000000, 0x013e73e800000000, 0x92a5ba9700000000,
+ 0x2709e01700000000, 0xb492296800000000, 0x0c5624cc00000000,
+ 0x9fcdedb300000000, 0x2a61b73300000000, 0xb9fa7e4c00000000,
+ 0x1beedda000000000, 0x887514df00000000, 0x3dd94e5f00000000,
+ 0xae42872000000000, 0x16868a8400000000, 0x851d43fb00000000,
+ 0x30b1197b00000000, 0xa32ad00400000000, 0x1cd8e48000000000,
+ 0x8f432dff00000000, 0x3aef777f00000000, 0xa974be0000000000,
+ 0x11b0b3a400000000, 0x822b7adb00000000, 0x3787205b00000000,
+ 0xa41ce92400000000, 0x06084ac800000000, 0x959383b700000000,
+ 0x203fd93700000000, 0xb3a4104800000000, 0x0b601dec00000000,
+ 0x98fbd49300000000, 0x2d578e1300000000, 0xbecc476c00000000,
+ 0x2878b91100000000, 0xbbe3706e00000000, 0x0e4f2aee00000000,
+ 0x9dd4e39100000000, 0x2510ee3500000000, 0xb68b274a00000000,
+ 0x03277dca00000000, 0x90bcb4b500000000, 0x32a8175900000000,
+ 0xa133de2600000000, 0x149f84a600000000, 0x87044dd900000000,
+ 0x3fc0407d00000000, 0xac5b890200000000, 0x19f7d38200000000,
+ 0x8a6c1afd00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0x650b796900000000, 0xca16f2d200000000,
+ 0xaf1d8bbb00000000, 0xd52b957e00000000, 0xb020ec1700000000,
+ 0x1f3d67ac00000000, 0x7a361ec500000000, 0xaa572afd00000000,
+ 0xcf5c539400000000, 0x6041d82f00000000, 0x054aa14600000000,
+ 0x7f7cbf8300000000, 0x1a77c6ea00000000, 0xb56a4d5100000000,
+ 0xd061343800000000, 0x15a9252100000000, 0x70a25c4800000000,
+ 0xdfbfd7f300000000, 0xbab4ae9a00000000, 0xc082b05f00000000,
+ 0xa589c93600000000, 0x0a94428d00000000, 0x6f9f3be400000000,
+ 0xbffe0fdc00000000, 0xdaf576b500000000, 0x75e8fd0e00000000,
+ 0x10e3846700000000, 0x6ad59aa200000000, 0x0fdee3cb00000000,
+ 0xa0c3687000000000, 0xc5c8111900000000, 0x2a524b4200000000,
+ 0x4f59322b00000000, 0xe044b99000000000, 0x854fc0f900000000,
+ 0xff79de3c00000000, 0x9a72a75500000000, 0x356f2cee00000000,
+ 0x5064558700000000, 0x800561bf00000000, 0xe50e18d600000000,
+ 0x4a13936d00000000, 0x2f18ea0400000000, 0x552ef4c100000000,
+ 0x30258da800000000, 0x9f38061300000000, 0xfa337f7a00000000,
+ 0x3ffb6e6300000000, 0x5af0170a00000000, 0xf5ed9cb100000000,
+ 0x90e6e5d800000000, 0xead0fb1d00000000, 0x8fdb827400000000,
+ 0x20c609cf00000000, 0x45cd70a600000000, 0x95ac449e00000000,
+ 0xf0a73df700000000, 0x5fbab64c00000000, 0x3ab1cf2500000000,
+ 0x4087d1e000000000, 0x258ca88900000000, 0x8a91233200000000,
+ 0xef9a5a5b00000000, 0x54a4968400000000, 0x31afefed00000000,
+ 0x9eb2645600000000, 0xfbb91d3f00000000, 0x818f03fa00000000,
+ 0xe4847a9300000000, 0x4b99f12800000000, 0x2e92884100000000,
+ 0xfef3bc7900000000, 0x9bf8c51000000000, 0x34e54eab00000000,
+ 0x51ee37c200000000, 0x2bd8290700000000, 0x4ed3506e00000000,
+ 0xe1cedbd500000000, 0x84c5a2bc00000000, 0x410db3a500000000,
+ 0x2406cacc00000000, 0x8b1b417700000000, 0xee10381e00000000,
+ 0x942626db00000000, 0xf12d5fb200000000, 0x5e30d40900000000,
+ 0x3b3bad6000000000, 0xeb5a995800000000, 0x8e51e03100000000,
+ 0x214c6b8a00000000, 0x444712e300000000, 0x3e710c2600000000,
+ 0x5b7a754f00000000, 0xf467fef400000000, 0x916c879d00000000,
+ 0x7ef6ddc600000000, 0x1bfda4af00000000, 0xb4e02f1400000000,
+ 0xd1eb567d00000000, 0xabdd48b800000000, 0xced631d100000000,
+ 0x61cbba6a00000000, 0x04c0c30300000000, 0xd4a1f73b00000000,
+ 0xb1aa8e5200000000, 0x1eb705e900000000, 0x7bbc7c8000000000,
+ 0x018a624500000000, 0x64811b2c00000000, 0xcb9c909700000000,
+ 0xae97e9fe00000000, 0x6b5ff8e700000000, 0x0e54818e00000000,
+ 0xa1490a3500000000, 0xc442735c00000000, 0xbe746d9900000000,
+ 0xdb7f14f000000000, 0x74629f4b00000000, 0x1169e62200000000,
+ 0xc108d21a00000000, 0xa403ab7300000000, 0x0b1e20c800000000,
+ 0x6e1559a100000000, 0x1423476400000000, 0x71283e0d00000000,
+ 0xde35b5b600000000, 0xbb3eccdf00000000, 0xe94e5cd200000000,
+ 0x8c4525bb00000000, 0x2358ae0000000000, 0x4653d76900000000,
+ 0x3c65c9ac00000000, 0x596eb0c500000000, 0xf6733b7e00000000,
+ 0x9378421700000000, 0x4319762f00000000, 0x26120f4600000000,
+ 0x890f84fd00000000, 0xec04fd9400000000, 0x9632e35100000000,
+ 0xf3399a3800000000, 0x5c24118300000000, 0x392f68ea00000000,
+ 0xfce779f300000000, 0x99ec009a00000000, 0x36f18b2100000000,
+ 0x53faf24800000000, 0x29ccec8d00000000, 0x4cc795e400000000,
+ 0xe3da1e5f00000000, 0x86d1673600000000, 0x56b0530e00000000,
+ 0x33bb2a6700000000, 0x9ca6a1dc00000000, 0xf9add8b500000000,
+ 0x839bc67000000000, 0xe690bf1900000000, 0x498d34a200000000,
+ 0x2c864dcb00000000, 0xc31c179000000000, 0xa6176ef900000000,
+ 0x090ae54200000000, 0x6c019c2b00000000, 0x163782ee00000000,
+ 0x733cfb8700000000, 0xdc21703c00000000, 0xb92a095500000000,
+ 0x694b3d6d00000000, 0x0c40440400000000, 0xa35dcfbf00000000,
+ 0xc656b6d600000000, 0xbc60a81300000000, 0xd96bd17a00000000,
+ 0x76765ac100000000, 0x137d23a800000000, 0xd6b532b100000000,
+ 0xb3be4bd800000000, 0x1ca3c06300000000, 0x79a8b90a00000000,
+ 0x039ea7cf00000000, 0x6695dea600000000, 0xc988551d00000000,
+ 0xac832c7400000000, 0x7ce2184c00000000, 0x19e9612500000000,
+ 0xb6f4ea9e00000000, 0xd3ff93f700000000, 0xa9c98d3200000000,
+ 0xccc2f45b00000000, 0x63df7fe000000000, 0x06d4068900000000,
+ 0xbdeaca5600000000, 0xd8e1b33f00000000, 0x77fc388400000000,
+ 0x12f741ed00000000, 0x68c15f2800000000, 0x0dca264100000000,
+ 0xa2d7adfa00000000, 0xc7dcd49300000000, 0x17bde0ab00000000,
+ 0x72b699c200000000, 0xddab127900000000, 0xb8a06b1000000000,
+ 0xc29675d500000000, 0xa79d0cbc00000000, 0x0880870700000000,
+ 0x6d8bfe6e00000000, 0xa843ef7700000000, 0xcd48961e00000000,
+ 0x62551da500000000, 0x075e64cc00000000, 0x7d687a0900000000,
+ 0x1863036000000000, 0xb77e88db00000000, 0xd275f1b200000000,
+ 0x0214c58a00000000, 0x671fbce300000000, 0xc802375800000000,
+ 0xad094e3100000000, 0xd73f50f400000000, 0xb234299d00000000,
+ 0x1d29a22600000000, 0x7822db4f00000000, 0x97b8811400000000,
+ 0xf2b3f87d00000000, 0x5dae73c600000000, 0x38a50aaf00000000,
+ 0x4293146a00000000, 0x27986d0300000000, 0x8885e6b800000000,
+ 0xed8e9fd100000000, 0x3defabe900000000, 0x58e4d28000000000,
+ 0xf7f9593b00000000, 0x92f2205200000000, 0xe8c43e9700000000,
+ 0x8dcf47fe00000000, 0x22d2cc4500000000, 0x47d9b52c00000000,
+ 0x8211a43500000000, 0xe71add5c00000000, 0x480756e700000000,
+ 0x2d0c2f8e00000000, 0x573a314b00000000, 0x3231482200000000,
+ 0x9d2cc39900000000, 0xf827baf000000000, 0x28468ec800000000,
+ 0x4d4df7a100000000, 0xe2507c1a00000000, 0x875b057300000000,
+ 0xfd6d1bb600000000, 0x986662df00000000, 0x377be96400000000,
+ 0x5270900d00000000},
+ {0x0000000000000000, 0xdcecb13d00000000, 0xb8d9637b00000000,
+ 0x6435d24600000000, 0x70b3c7f600000000, 0xac5f76cb00000000,
+ 0xc86aa48d00000000, 0x148615b000000000, 0xa160fe3600000000,
+ 0x7d8c4f0b00000000, 0x19b99d4d00000000, 0xc5552c7000000000,
+ 0xd1d339c000000000, 0x0d3f88fd00000000, 0x690a5abb00000000,
+ 0xb5e6eb8600000000, 0x42c1fc6d00000000, 0x9e2d4d5000000000,
+ 0xfa189f1600000000, 0x26f42e2b00000000, 0x32723b9b00000000,
+ 0xee9e8aa600000000, 0x8aab58e000000000, 0x5647e9dd00000000,
+ 0xe3a1025b00000000, 0x3f4db36600000000, 0x5b78612000000000,
+ 0x8794d01d00000000, 0x9312c5ad00000000, 0x4ffe749000000000,
+ 0x2bcba6d600000000, 0xf72717eb00000000, 0x8482f9db00000000,
+ 0x586e48e600000000, 0x3c5b9aa000000000, 0xe0b72b9d00000000,
+ 0xf4313e2d00000000, 0x28dd8f1000000000, 0x4ce85d5600000000,
+ 0x9004ec6b00000000, 0x25e207ed00000000, 0xf90eb6d000000000,
+ 0x9d3b649600000000, 0x41d7d5ab00000000, 0x5551c01b00000000,
+ 0x89bd712600000000, 0xed88a36000000000, 0x3164125d00000000,
+ 0xc64305b600000000, 0x1aafb48b00000000, 0x7e9a66cd00000000,
+ 0xa276d7f000000000, 0xb6f0c24000000000, 0x6a1c737d00000000,
+ 0x0e29a13b00000000, 0xd2c5100600000000, 0x6723fb8000000000,
+ 0xbbcf4abd00000000, 0xdffa98fb00000000, 0x031629c600000000,
+ 0x17903c7600000000, 0xcb7c8d4b00000000, 0xaf495f0d00000000,
+ 0x73a5ee3000000000, 0x4903826c00000000, 0x95ef335100000000,
+ 0xf1dae11700000000, 0x2d36502a00000000, 0x39b0459a00000000,
+ 0xe55cf4a700000000, 0x816926e100000000, 0x5d8597dc00000000,
+ 0xe8637c5a00000000, 0x348fcd6700000000, 0x50ba1f2100000000,
+ 0x8c56ae1c00000000, 0x98d0bbac00000000, 0x443c0a9100000000,
+ 0x2009d8d700000000, 0xfce569ea00000000, 0x0bc27e0100000000,
+ 0xd72ecf3c00000000, 0xb31b1d7a00000000, 0x6ff7ac4700000000,
+ 0x7b71b9f700000000, 0xa79d08ca00000000, 0xc3a8da8c00000000,
+ 0x1f446bb100000000, 0xaaa2803700000000, 0x764e310a00000000,
+ 0x127be34c00000000, 0xce97527100000000, 0xda1147c100000000,
+ 0x06fdf6fc00000000, 0x62c824ba00000000, 0xbe24958700000000,
+ 0xcd817bb700000000, 0x116dca8a00000000, 0x755818cc00000000,
+ 0xa9b4a9f100000000, 0xbd32bc4100000000, 0x61de0d7c00000000,
+ 0x05ebdf3a00000000, 0xd9076e0700000000, 0x6ce1858100000000,
+ 0xb00d34bc00000000, 0xd438e6fa00000000, 0x08d457c700000000,
+ 0x1c52427700000000, 0xc0bef34a00000000, 0xa48b210c00000000,
+ 0x7867903100000000, 0x8f4087da00000000, 0x53ac36e700000000,
+ 0x3799e4a100000000, 0xeb75559c00000000, 0xfff3402c00000000,
+ 0x231ff11100000000, 0x472a235700000000, 0x9bc6926a00000000,
+ 0x2e2079ec00000000, 0xf2ccc8d100000000, 0x96f91a9700000000,
+ 0x4a15abaa00000000, 0x5e93be1a00000000, 0x827f0f2700000000,
+ 0xe64add6100000000, 0x3aa66c5c00000000, 0x920604d900000000,
+ 0x4eeab5e400000000, 0x2adf67a200000000, 0xf633d69f00000000,
+ 0xe2b5c32f00000000, 0x3e59721200000000, 0x5a6ca05400000000,
+ 0x8680116900000000, 0x3366faef00000000, 0xef8a4bd200000000,
+ 0x8bbf999400000000, 0x575328a900000000, 0x43d53d1900000000,
+ 0x9f398c2400000000, 0xfb0c5e6200000000, 0x27e0ef5f00000000,
+ 0xd0c7f8b400000000, 0x0c2b498900000000, 0x681e9bcf00000000,
+ 0xb4f22af200000000, 0xa0743f4200000000, 0x7c988e7f00000000,
+ 0x18ad5c3900000000, 0xc441ed0400000000, 0x71a7068200000000,
+ 0xad4bb7bf00000000, 0xc97e65f900000000, 0x1592d4c400000000,
+ 0x0114c17400000000, 0xddf8704900000000, 0xb9cda20f00000000,
+ 0x6521133200000000, 0x1684fd0200000000, 0xca684c3f00000000,
+ 0xae5d9e7900000000, 0x72b12f4400000000, 0x66373af400000000,
+ 0xbadb8bc900000000, 0xdeee598f00000000, 0x0202e8b200000000,
+ 0xb7e4033400000000, 0x6b08b20900000000, 0x0f3d604f00000000,
+ 0xd3d1d17200000000, 0xc757c4c200000000, 0x1bbb75ff00000000,
+ 0x7f8ea7b900000000, 0xa362168400000000, 0x5445016f00000000,
+ 0x88a9b05200000000, 0xec9c621400000000, 0x3070d32900000000,
+ 0x24f6c69900000000, 0xf81a77a400000000, 0x9c2fa5e200000000,
+ 0x40c314df00000000, 0xf525ff5900000000, 0x29c94e6400000000,
+ 0x4dfc9c2200000000, 0x91102d1f00000000, 0x859638af00000000,
+ 0x597a899200000000, 0x3d4f5bd400000000, 0xe1a3eae900000000,
+ 0xdb0586b500000000, 0x07e9378800000000, 0x63dce5ce00000000,
+ 0xbf3054f300000000, 0xabb6414300000000, 0x775af07e00000000,
+ 0x136f223800000000, 0xcf83930500000000, 0x7a65788300000000,
+ 0xa689c9be00000000, 0xc2bc1bf800000000, 0x1e50aac500000000,
+ 0x0ad6bf7500000000, 0xd63a0e4800000000, 0xb20fdc0e00000000,
+ 0x6ee36d3300000000, 0x99c47ad800000000, 0x4528cbe500000000,
+ 0x211d19a300000000, 0xfdf1a89e00000000, 0xe977bd2e00000000,
+ 0x359b0c1300000000, 0x51aede5500000000, 0x8d426f6800000000,
+ 0x38a484ee00000000, 0xe44835d300000000, 0x807de79500000000,
+ 0x5c9156a800000000, 0x4817431800000000, 0x94fbf22500000000,
+ 0xf0ce206300000000, 0x2c22915e00000000, 0x5f877f6e00000000,
+ 0x836bce5300000000, 0xe75e1c1500000000, 0x3bb2ad2800000000,
+ 0x2f34b89800000000, 0xf3d809a500000000, 0x97eddbe300000000,
+ 0x4b016ade00000000, 0xfee7815800000000, 0x220b306500000000,
+ 0x463ee22300000000, 0x9ad2531e00000000, 0x8e5446ae00000000,
+ 0x52b8f79300000000, 0x368d25d500000000, 0xea6194e800000000,
+ 0x1d46830300000000, 0xc1aa323e00000000, 0xa59fe07800000000,
+ 0x7973514500000000, 0x6df544f500000000, 0xb119f5c800000000,
+ 0xd52c278e00000000, 0x09c096b300000000, 0xbc267d3500000000,
+ 0x60cacc0800000000, 0x04ff1e4e00000000, 0xd813af7300000000,
+ 0xcc95bac300000000, 0x10790bfe00000000, 0x744cd9b800000000,
+ 0xa8a0688500000000}};
+#else /* W == 4 */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_braid_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x81256527, 0xd93bcc0f, 0x581ea928, 0x69069e5f,
+ 0xe823fb78, 0xb03d5250, 0x31183777, 0xd20d3cbe, 0x53285999,
+ 0x0b36f0b1, 0x8a139596, 0xbb0ba2e1, 0x3a2ec7c6, 0x62306eee,
+ 0xe3150bc9, 0x7f6b7f3d, 0xfe4e1a1a, 0xa650b332, 0x2775d615,
+ 0x166de162, 0x97488445, 0xcf562d6d, 0x4e73484a, 0xad664383,
+ 0x2c4326a4, 0x745d8f8c, 0xf578eaab, 0xc460dddc, 0x4545b8fb,
+ 0x1d5b11d3, 0x9c7e74f4, 0xfed6fe7a, 0x7ff39b5d, 0x27ed3275,
+ 0xa6c85752, 0x97d06025, 0x16f50502, 0x4eebac2a, 0xcfcec90d,
+ 0x2cdbc2c4, 0xadfea7e3, 0xf5e00ecb, 0x74c56bec, 0x45dd5c9b,
+ 0xc4f839bc, 0x9ce69094, 0x1dc3f5b3, 0x81bd8147, 0x0098e460,
+ 0x58864d48, 0xd9a3286f, 0xe8bb1f18, 0x699e7a3f, 0x3180d317,
+ 0xb0a5b630, 0x53b0bdf9, 0xd295d8de, 0x8a8b71f6, 0x0bae14d1,
+ 0x3ab623a6, 0xbb934681, 0xe38defa9, 0x62a88a8e, 0x26dcfab5,
+ 0xa7f99f92, 0xffe736ba, 0x7ec2539d, 0x4fda64ea, 0xceff01cd,
+ 0x96e1a8e5, 0x17c4cdc2, 0xf4d1c60b, 0x75f4a32c, 0x2dea0a04,
+ 0xaccf6f23, 0x9dd75854, 0x1cf23d73, 0x44ec945b, 0xc5c9f17c,
+ 0x59b78588, 0xd892e0af, 0x808c4987, 0x01a92ca0, 0x30b11bd7,
+ 0xb1947ef0, 0xe98ad7d8, 0x68afb2ff, 0x8bbab936, 0x0a9fdc11,
+ 0x52817539, 0xd3a4101e, 0xe2bc2769, 0x6399424e, 0x3b87eb66,
+ 0xbaa28e41, 0xd80a04cf, 0x592f61e8, 0x0131c8c0, 0x8014ade7,
+ 0xb10c9a90, 0x3029ffb7, 0x6837569f, 0xe91233b8, 0x0a073871,
+ 0x8b225d56, 0xd33cf47e, 0x52199159, 0x6301a62e, 0xe224c309,
+ 0xba3a6a21, 0x3b1f0f06, 0xa7617bf2, 0x26441ed5, 0x7e5ab7fd,
+ 0xff7fd2da, 0xce67e5ad, 0x4f42808a, 0x175c29a2, 0x96794c85,
+ 0x756c474c, 0xf449226b, 0xac578b43, 0x2d72ee64, 0x1c6ad913,
+ 0x9d4fbc34, 0xc551151c, 0x4474703b, 0x4db9f56a, 0xcc9c904d,
+ 0x94823965, 0x15a75c42, 0x24bf6b35, 0xa59a0e12, 0xfd84a73a,
+ 0x7ca1c21d, 0x9fb4c9d4, 0x1e91acf3, 0x468f05db, 0xc7aa60fc,
+ 0xf6b2578b, 0x779732ac, 0x2f899b84, 0xaeacfea3, 0x32d28a57,
+ 0xb3f7ef70, 0xebe94658, 0x6acc237f, 0x5bd41408, 0xdaf1712f,
+ 0x82efd807, 0x03cabd20, 0xe0dfb6e9, 0x61fad3ce, 0x39e47ae6,
+ 0xb8c11fc1, 0x89d928b6, 0x08fc4d91, 0x50e2e4b9, 0xd1c7819e,
+ 0xb36f0b10, 0x324a6e37, 0x6a54c71f, 0xeb71a238, 0xda69954f,
+ 0x5b4cf068, 0x03525940, 0x82773c67, 0x616237ae, 0xe0475289,
+ 0xb859fba1, 0x397c9e86, 0x0864a9f1, 0x8941ccd6, 0xd15f65fe,
+ 0x507a00d9, 0xcc04742d, 0x4d21110a, 0x153fb822, 0x941add05,
+ 0xa502ea72, 0x24278f55, 0x7c39267d, 0xfd1c435a, 0x1e094893,
+ 0x9f2c2db4, 0xc732849c, 0x4617e1bb, 0x770fd6cc, 0xf62ab3eb,
+ 0xae341ac3, 0x2f117fe4, 0x6b650fdf, 0xea406af8, 0xb25ec3d0,
+ 0x337ba6f7, 0x02639180, 0x8346f4a7, 0xdb585d8f, 0x5a7d38a8,
+ 0xb9683361, 0x384d5646, 0x6053ff6e, 0xe1769a49, 0xd06ead3e,
+ 0x514bc819, 0x09556131, 0x88700416, 0x140e70e2, 0x952b15c5,
+ 0xcd35bced, 0x4c10d9ca, 0x7d08eebd, 0xfc2d8b9a, 0xa43322b2,
+ 0x25164795, 0xc6034c5c, 0x4726297b, 0x1f388053, 0x9e1de574,
+ 0xaf05d203, 0x2e20b724, 0x763e1e0c, 0xf71b7b2b, 0x95b3f1a5,
+ 0x14969482, 0x4c883daa, 0xcdad588d, 0xfcb56ffa, 0x7d900add,
+ 0x258ea3f5, 0xa4abc6d2, 0x47becd1b, 0xc69ba83c, 0x9e850114,
+ 0x1fa06433, 0x2eb85344, 0xaf9d3663, 0xf7839f4b, 0x76a6fa6c,
+ 0xead88e98, 0x6bfdebbf, 0x33e34297, 0xb2c627b0, 0x83de10c7,
+ 0x02fb75e0, 0x5ae5dcc8, 0xdbc0b9ef, 0x38d5b226, 0xb9f0d701,
+ 0xe1ee7e29, 0x60cb1b0e, 0x51d32c79, 0xd0f6495e, 0x88e8e076,
+ 0x09cd8551},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9b73ead4, 0xed96d3e9, 0x76e5393d, 0x005ca193,
+ 0x9b2f4b47, 0xedca727a, 0x76b998ae, 0x00b94326, 0x9bcaa9f2,
+ 0xed2f90cf, 0x765c7a1b, 0x00e5e2b5, 0x9b960861, 0xed73315c,
+ 0x7600db88, 0x0172864c, 0x9a016c98, 0xece455a5, 0x7797bf71,
+ 0x012e27df, 0x9a5dcd0b, 0xecb8f436, 0x77cb1ee2, 0x01cbc56a,
+ 0x9ab82fbe, 0xec5d1683, 0x772efc57, 0x019764f9, 0x9ae48e2d,
+ 0xec01b710, 0x77725dc4, 0x02e50c98, 0x9996e64c, 0xef73df71,
+ 0x740035a5, 0x02b9ad0b, 0x99ca47df, 0xef2f7ee2, 0x745c9436,
+ 0x025c4fbe, 0x992fa56a, 0xefca9c57, 0x74b97683, 0x0200ee2d,
+ 0x997304f9, 0xef963dc4, 0x74e5d710, 0x03978ad4, 0x98e46000,
+ 0xee01593d, 0x7572b3e9, 0x03cb2b47, 0x98b8c193, 0xee5df8ae,
+ 0x752e127a, 0x032ec9f2, 0x985d2326, 0xeeb81a1b, 0x75cbf0cf,
+ 0x03726861, 0x980182b5, 0xeee4bb88, 0x7597515c, 0x05ca1930,
+ 0x9eb9f3e4, 0xe85ccad9, 0x732f200d, 0x0596b8a3, 0x9ee55277,
+ 0xe8006b4a, 0x7373819e, 0x05735a16, 0x9e00b0c2, 0xe8e589ff,
+ 0x7396632b, 0x052ffb85, 0x9e5c1151, 0xe8b9286c, 0x73cac2b8,
+ 0x04b89f7c, 0x9fcb75a8, 0xe92e4c95, 0x725da641, 0x04e43eef,
+ 0x9f97d43b, 0xe972ed06, 0x720107d2, 0x0401dc5a, 0x9f72368e,
+ 0xe9970fb3, 0x72e4e567, 0x045d7dc9, 0x9f2e971d, 0xe9cbae20,
+ 0x72b844f4, 0x072f15a8, 0x9c5cff7c, 0xeab9c641, 0x71ca2c95,
+ 0x0773b43b, 0x9c005eef, 0xeae567d2, 0x71968d06, 0x0796568e,
+ 0x9ce5bc5a, 0xea008567, 0x71736fb3, 0x07caf71d, 0x9cb91dc9,
+ 0xea5c24f4, 0x712fce20, 0x065d93e4, 0x9d2e7930, 0xebcb400d,
+ 0x70b8aad9, 0x06013277, 0x9d72d8a3, 0xeb97e19e, 0x70e40b4a,
+ 0x06e4d0c2, 0x9d973a16, 0xeb72032b, 0x7001e9ff, 0x06b87151,
+ 0x9dcb9b85, 0xeb2ea2b8, 0x705d486c, 0x0b943260, 0x90e7d8b4,
+ 0xe602e189, 0x7d710b5d, 0x0bc893f3, 0x90bb7927, 0xe65e401a,
+ 0x7d2daace, 0x0b2d7146, 0x905e9b92, 0xe6bba2af, 0x7dc8487b,
+ 0x0b71d0d5, 0x90023a01, 0xe6e7033c, 0x7d94e9e8, 0x0ae6b42c,
+ 0x91955ef8, 0xe77067c5, 0x7c038d11, 0x0aba15bf, 0x91c9ff6b,
+ 0xe72cc656, 0x7c5f2c82, 0x0a5ff70a, 0x912c1dde, 0xe7c924e3,
+ 0x7cbace37, 0x0a035699, 0x9170bc4d, 0xe7958570, 0x7ce66fa4,
+ 0x09713ef8, 0x9202d42c, 0xe4e7ed11, 0x7f9407c5, 0x092d9f6b,
+ 0x925e75bf, 0xe4bb4c82, 0x7fc8a656, 0x09c87dde, 0x92bb970a,
+ 0xe45eae37, 0x7f2d44e3, 0x0994dc4d, 0x92e73699, 0xe4020fa4,
+ 0x7f71e570, 0x0803b8b4, 0x93705260, 0xe5956b5d, 0x7ee68189,
+ 0x085f1927, 0x932cf3f3, 0xe5c9cace, 0x7eba201a, 0x08bafb92,
+ 0x93c91146, 0xe52c287b, 0x7e5fc2af, 0x08e65a01, 0x9395b0d5,
+ 0xe57089e8, 0x7e03633c, 0x0e5e2b50, 0x952dc184, 0xe3c8f8b9,
+ 0x78bb126d, 0x0e028ac3, 0x95716017, 0xe394592a, 0x78e7b3fe,
+ 0x0ee76876, 0x959482a2, 0xe371bb9f, 0x7802514b, 0x0ebbc9e5,
+ 0x95c82331, 0xe32d1a0c, 0x785ef0d8, 0x0f2cad1c, 0x945f47c8,
+ 0xe2ba7ef5, 0x79c99421, 0x0f700c8f, 0x9403e65b, 0xe2e6df66,
+ 0x799535b2, 0x0f95ee3a, 0x94e604ee, 0xe2033dd3, 0x7970d707,
+ 0x0fc94fa9, 0x94baa57d, 0xe25f9c40, 0x792c7694, 0x0cbb27c8,
+ 0x97c8cd1c, 0xe12df421, 0x7a5e1ef5, 0x0ce7865b, 0x97946c8f,
+ 0xe17155b2, 0x7a02bf66, 0x0c0264ee, 0x97718e3a, 0xe194b707,
+ 0x7ae75dd3, 0x0c5ec57d, 0x972d2fa9, 0xe1c81694, 0x7abbfc40,
+ 0x0dc9a184, 0x96ba4b50, 0xe05f726d, 0x7b2c98b9, 0x0d950017,
+ 0x96e6eac3, 0xe003d3fe, 0x7b70392a, 0x0d70e2a2, 0x96030876,
+ 0xe0e6314b, 0x7b95db9f, 0x0d2c4331, 0x965fa9e5, 0xe0ba90d8,
+ 0x7bc97a0c},
+ {0x00000000, 0x172864c0, 0x2e50c980, 0x3978ad40, 0x5ca19300,
+ 0x4b89f7c0, 0x72f15a80, 0x65d93e40, 0xb9432600, 0xae6b42c0,
+ 0x9713ef80, 0x803b8b40, 0xe5e2b500, 0xf2cad1c0, 0xcbb27c80,
+ 0xdc9a1840, 0xa9f74a41, 0xbedf2e81, 0x87a783c1, 0x908fe701,
+ 0xf556d941, 0xe27ebd81, 0xdb0610c1, 0xcc2e7401, 0x10b46c41,
+ 0x079c0881, 0x3ee4a5c1, 0x29ccc101, 0x4c15ff41, 0x5b3d9b81,
+ 0x624536c1, 0x756d5201, 0x889f92c3, 0x9fb7f603, 0xa6cf5b43,
+ 0xb1e73f83, 0xd43e01c3, 0xc3166503, 0xfa6ec843, 0xed46ac83,
+ 0x31dcb4c3, 0x26f4d003, 0x1f8c7d43, 0x08a41983, 0x6d7d27c3,
+ 0x7a554303, 0x432dee43, 0x54058a83, 0x2168d882, 0x3640bc42,
+ 0x0f381102, 0x181075c2, 0x7dc94b82, 0x6ae12f42, 0x53998202,
+ 0x44b1e6c2, 0x982bfe82, 0x8f039a42, 0xb67b3702, 0xa15353c2,
+ 0xc48a6d82, 0xd3a20942, 0xeadaa402, 0xfdf2c0c2, 0xca4e23c7,
+ 0xdd664707, 0xe41eea47, 0xf3368e87, 0x96efb0c7, 0x81c7d407,
+ 0xb8bf7947, 0xaf971d87, 0x730d05c7, 0x64256107, 0x5d5dcc47,
+ 0x4a75a887, 0x2fac96c7, 0x3884f207, 0x01fc5f47, 0x16d43b87,
+ 0x63b96986, 0x74910d46, 0x4de9a006, 0x5ac1c4c6, 0x3f18fa86,
+ 0x28309e46, 0x11483306, 0x066057c6, 0xdafa4f86, 0xcdd22b46,
+ 0xf4aa8606, 0xe382e2c6, 0x865bdc86, 0x9173b846, 0xa80b1506,
+ 0xbf2371c6, 0x42d1b104, 0x55f9d5c4, 0x6c817884, 0x7ba91c44,
+ 0x1e702204, 0x095846c4, 0x3020eb84, 0x27088f44, 0xfb929704,
+ 0xecbaf3c4, 0xd5c25e84, 0xc2ea3a44, 0xa7330404, 0xb01b60c4,
+ 0x8963cd84, 0x9e4ba944, 0xeb26fb45, 0xfc0e9f85, 0xc57632c5,
+ 0xd25e5605, 0xb7876845, 0xa0af0c85, 0x99d7a1c5, 0x8effc505,
+ 0x5265dd45, 0x454db985, 0x7c3514c5, 0x6b1d7005, 0x0ec44e45,
+ 0x19ec2a85, 0x209487c5, 0x37bce305, 0x4fed41cf, 0x58c5250f,
+ 0x61bd884f, 0x7695ec8f, 0x134cd2cf, 0x0464b60f, 0x3d1c1b4f,
+ 0x2a347f8f, 0xf6ae67cf, 0xe186030f, 0xd8feae4f, 0xcfd6ca8f,
+ 0xaa0ff4cf, 0xbd27900f, 0x845f3d4f, 0x9377598f, 0xe61a0b8e,
+ 0xf1326f4e, 0xc84ac20e, 0xdf62a6ce, 0xbabb988e, 0xad93fc4e,
+ 0x94eb510e, 0x83c335ce, 0x5f592d8e, 0x4871494e, 0x7109e40e,
+ 0x662180ce, 0x03f8be8e, 0x14d0da4e, 0x2da8770e, 0x3a8013ce,
+ 0xc772d30c, 0xd05ab7cc, 0xe9221a8c, 0xfe0a7e4c, 0x9bd3400c,
+ 0x8cfb24cc, 0xb583898c, 0xa2abed4c, 0x7e31f50c, 0x691991cc,
+ 0x50613c8c, 0x4749584c, 0x2290660c, 0x35b802cc, 0x0cc0af8c,
+ 0x1be8cb4c, 0x6e85994d, 0x79adfd8d, 0x40d550cd, 0x57fd340d,
+ 0x32240a4d, 0x250c6e8d, 0x1c74c3cd, 0x0b5ca70d, 0xd7c6bf4d,
+ 0xc0eedb8d, 0xf99676cd, 0xeebe120d, 0x8b672c4d, 0x9c4f488d,
+ 0xa537e5cd, 0xb21f810d, 0x85a36208, 0x928b06c8, 0xabf3ab88,
+ 0xbcdbcf48, 0xd902f108, 0xce2a95c8, 0xf7523888, 0xe07a5c48,
+ 0x3ce04408, 0x2bc820c8, 0x12b08d88, 0x0598e948, 0x6041d708,
+ 0x7769b3c8, 0x4e111e88, 0x59397a48, 0x2c542849, 0x3b7c4c89,
+ 0x0204e1c9, 0x152c8509, 0x70f5bb49, 0x67dddf89, 0x5ea572c9,
+ 0x498d1609, 0x95170e49, 0x823f6a89, 0xbb47c7c9, 0xac6fa309,
+ 0xc9b69d49, 0xde9ef989, 0xe7e654c9, 0xf0ce3009, 0x0d3cf0cb,
+ 0x1a14940b, 0x236c394b, 0x34445d8b, 0x519d63cb, 0x46b5070b,
+ 0x7fcdaa4b, 0x68e5ce8b, 0xb47fd6cb, 0xa357b20b, 0x9a2f1f4b,
+ 0x8d077b8b, 0xe8de45cb, 0xfff6210b, 0xc68e8c4b, 0xd1a6e88b,
+ 0xa4cbba8a, 0xb3e3de4a, 0x8a9b730a, 0x9db317ca, 0xf86a298a,
+ 0xef424d4a, 0xd63ae00a, 0xc11284ca, 0x1d889c8a, 0x0aa0f84a,
+ 0x33d8550a, 0x24f031ca, 0x41290f8a, 0x56016b4a, 0x6f79c60a,
+ 0x7851a2ca},
+ {0x00000000, 0x9fda839e, 0xe4c4017d, 0x7b1e82e3, 0x12f904bb,
+ 0x8d238725, 0xf63d05c6, 0x69e78658, 0x25f20976, 0xba288ae8,
+ 0xc136080b, 0x5eec8b95, 0x370b0dcd, 0xa8d18e53, 0xd3cf0cb0,
+ 0x4c158f2e, 0x4be412ec, 0xd43e9172, 0xaf201391, 0x30fa900f,
+ 0x591d1657, 0xc6c795c9, 0xbdd9172a, 0x220394b4, 0x6e161b9a,
+ 0xf1cc9804, 0x8ad21ae7, 0x15089979, 0x7cef1f21, 0xe3359cbf,
+ 0x982b1e5c, 0x07f19dc2, 0x97c825d8, 0x0812a646, 0x730c24a5,
+ 0xecd6a73b, 0x85312163, 0x1aeba2fd, 0x61f5201e, 0xfe2fa380,
+ 0xb23a2cae, 0x2de0af30, 0x56fe2dd3, 0xc924ae4d, 0xa0c32815,
+ 0x3f19ab8b, 0x44072968, 0xdbddaaf6, 0xdc2c3734, 0x43f6b4aa,
+ 0x38e83649, 0xa732b5d7, 0xced5338f, 0x510fb011, 0x2a1132f2,
+ 0xb5cbb16c, 0xf9de3e42, 0x6604bddc, 0x1d1a3f3f, 0x82c0bca1,
+ 0xeb273af9, 0x74fdb967, 0x0fe33b84, 0x9039b81a, 0xf4e14df1,
+ 0x6b3bce6f, 0x10254c8c, 0x8fffcf12, 0xe618494a, 0x79c2cad4,
+ 0x02dc4837, 0x9d06cba9, 0xd1134487, 0x4ec9c719, 0x35d745fa,
+ 0xaa0dc664, 0xc3ea403c, 0x5c30c3a2, 0x272e4141, 0xb8f4c2df,
+ 0xbf055f1d, 0x20dfdc83, 0x5bc15e60, 0xc41bddfe, 0xadfc5ba6,
+ 0x3226d838, 0x49385adb, 0xd6e2d945, 0x9af7566b, 0x052dd5f5,
+ 0x7e335716, 0xe1e9d488, 0x880e52d0, 0x17d4d14e, 0x6cca53ad,
+ 0xf310d033, 0x63296829, 0xfcf3ebb7, 0x87ed6954, 0x1837eaca,
+ 0x71d06c92, 0xee0aef0c, 0x95146def, 0x0aceee71, 0x46db615f,
+ 0xd901e2c1, 0xa21f6022, 0x3dc5e3bc, 0x542265e4, 0xcbf8e67a,
+ 0xb0e66499, 0x2f3ce707, 0x28cd7ac5, 0xb717f95b, 0xcc097bb8,
+ 0x53d3f826, 0x3a347e7e, 0xa5eefde0, 0xdef07f03, 0x412afc9d,
+ 0x0d3f73b3, 0x92e5f02d, 0xe9fb72ce, 0x7621f150, 0x1fc67708,
+ 0x801cf496, 0xfb027675, 0x64d8f5eb, 0x32b39da3, 0xad691e3d,
+ 0xd6779cde, 0x49ad1f40, 0x204a9918, 0xbf901a86, 0xc48e9865,
+ 0x5b541bfb, 0x174194d5, 0x889b174b, 0xf38595a8, 0x6c5f1636,
+ 0x05b8906e, 0x9a6213f0, 0xe17c9113, 0x7ea6128d, 0x79578f4f,
+ 0xe68d0cd1, 0x9d938e32, 0x02490dac, 0x6bae8bf4, 0xf474086a,
+ 0x8f6a8a89, 0x10b00917, 0x5ca58639, 0xc37f05a7, 0xb8618744,
+ 0x27bb04da, 0x4e5c8282, 0xd186011c, 0xaa9883ff, 0x35420061,
+ 0xa57bb87b, 0x3aa13be5, 0x41bfb906, 0xde653a98, 0xb782bcc0,
+ 0x28583f5e, 0x5346bdbd, 0xcc9c3e23, 0x8089b10d, 0x1f533293,
+ 0x644db070, 0xfb9733ee, 0x9270b5b6, 0x0daa3628, 0x76b4b4cb,
+ 0xe96e3755, 0xee9faa97, 0x71452909, 0x0a5babea, 0x95812874,
+ 0xfc66ae2c, 0x63bc2db2, 0x18a2af51, 0x87782ccf, 0xcb6da3e1,
+ 0x54b7207f, 0x2fa9a29c, 0xb0732102, 0xd994a75a, 0x464e24c4,
+ 0x3d50a627, 0xa28a25b9, 0xc652d052, 0x598853cc, 0x2296d12f,
+ 0xbd4c52b1, 0xd4abd4e9, 0x4b715777, 0x306fd594, 0xafb5560a,
+ 0xe3a0d924, 0x7c7a5aba, 0x0764d859, 0x98be5bc7, 0xf159dd9f,
+ 0x6e835e01, 0x159ddce2, 0x8a475f7c, 0x8db6c2be, 0x126c4120,
+ 0x6972c3c3, 0xf6a8405d, 0x9f4fc605, 0x0095459b, 0x7b8bc778,
+ 0xe45144e6, 0xa844cbc8, 0x379e4856, 0x4c80cab5, 0xd35a492b,
+ 0xbabdcf73, 0x25674ced, 0x5e79ce0e, 0xc1a34d90, 0x519af58a,
+ 0xce407614, 0xb55ef4f7, 0x2a847769, 0x4363f131, 0xdcb972af,
+ 0xa7a7f04c, 0x387d73d2, 0x7468fcfc, 0xebb27f62, 0x90acfd81,
+ 0x0f767e1f, 0x6691f847, 0xf94b7bd9, 0x8255f93a, 0x1d8f7aa4,
+ 0x1a7ee766, 0x85a464f8, 0xfebae61b, 0x61606585, 0x0887e3dd,
+ 0x975d6043, 0xec43e2a0, 0x7399613e, 0x3f8cee10, 0xa0566d8e,
+ 0xdb48ef6d, 0x44926cf3, 0x2d75eaab, 0xb2af6935, 0xc9b1ebd6,
+ 0x566b6848}};
+local const z_word_t FAR crc_braid_big_table[][256] = {
+ {0x00000000, 0x9e83da9f, 0x7d01c4e4, 0xe3821e7b, 0xbb04f912,
+ 0x2587238d, 0xc6053df6, 0x5886e769, 0x7609f225, 0xe88a28ba,
+ 0x0b0836c1, 0x958bec5e, 0xcd0d0b37, 0x538ed1a8, 0xb00ccfd3,
+ 0x2e8f154c, 0xec12e44b, 0x72913ed4, 0x911320af, 0x0f90fa30,
+ 0x57161d59, 0xc995c7c6, 0x2a17d9bd, 0xb4940322, 0x9a1b166e,
+ 0x0498ccf1, 0xe71ad28a, 0x79990815, 0x211fef7c, 0xbf9c35e3,
+ 0x5c1e2b98, 0xc29df107, 0xd825c897, 0x46a61208, 0xa5240c73,
+ 0x3ba7d6ec, 0x63213185, 0xfda2eb1a, 0x1e20f561, 0x80a32ffe,
+ 0xae2c3ab2, 0x30afe02d, 0xd32dfe56, 0x4dae24c9, 0x1528c3a0,
+ 0x8bab193f, 0x68290744, 0xf6aadddb, 0x34372cdc, 0xaab4f643,
+ 0x4936e838, 0xd7b532a7, 0x8f33d5ce, 0x11b00f51, 0xf232112a,
+ 0x6cb1cbb5, 0x423edef9, 0xdcbd0466, 0x3f3f1a1d, 0xa1bcc082,
+ 0xf93a27eb, 0x67b9fd74, 0x843be30f, 0x1ab83990, 0xf14de1f4,
+ 0x6fce3b6b, 0x8c4c2510, 0x12cfff8f, 0x4a4918e6, 0xd4cac279,
+ 0x3748dc02, 0xa9cb069d, 0x874413d1, 0x19c7c94e, 0xfa45d735,
+ 0x64c60daa, 0x3c40eac3, 0xa2c3305c, 0x41412e27, 0xdfc2f4b8,
+ 0x1d5f05bf, 0x83dcdf20, 0x605ec15b, 0xfedd1bc4, 0xa65bfcad,
+ 0x38d82632, 0xdb5a3849, 0x45d9e2d6, 0x6b56f79a, 0xf5d52d05,
+ 0x1657337e, 0x88d4e9e1, 0xd0520e88, 0x4ed1d417, 0xad53ca6c,
+ 0x33d010f3, 0x29682963, 0xb7ebf3fc, 0x5469ed87, 0xcaea3718,
+ 0x926cd071, 0x0cef0aee, 0xef6d1495, 0x71eece0a, 0x5f61db46,
+ 0xc1e201d9, 0x22601fa2, 0xbce3c53d, 0xe4652254, 0x7ae6f8cb,
+ 0x9964e6b0, 0x07e73c2f, 0xc57acd28, 0x5bf917b7, 0xb87b09cc,
+ 0x26f8d353, 0x7e7e343a, 0xe0fdeea5, 0x037ff0de, 0x9dfc2a41,
+ 0xb3733f0d, 0x2df0e592, 0xce72fbe9, 0x50f12176, 0x0877c61f,
+ 0x96f41c80, 0x757602fb, 0xebf5d864, 0xa39db332, 0x3d1e69ad,
+ 0xde9c77d6, 0x401fad49, 0x18994a20, 0x861a90bf, 0x65988ec4,
+ 0xfb1b545b, 0xd5944117, 0x4b179b88, 0xa89585f3, 0x36165f6c,
+ 0x6e90b805, 0xf013629a, 0x13917ce1, 0x8d12a67e, 0x4f8f5779,
+ 0xd10c8de6, 0x328e939d, 0xac0d4902, 0xf48bae6b, 0x6a0874f4,
+ 0x898a6a8f, 0x1709b010, 0x3986a55c, 0xa7057fc3, 0x448761b8,
+ 0xda04bb27, 0x82825c4e, 0x1c0186d1, 0xff8398aa, 0x61004235,
+ 0x7bb87ba5, 0xe53ba13a, 0x06b9bf41, 0x983a65de, 0xc0bc82b7,
+ 0x5e3f5828, 0xbdbd4653, 0x233e9ccc, 0x0db18980, 0x9332531f,
+ 0x70b04d64, 0xee3397fb, 0xb6b57092, 0x2836aa0d, 0xcbb4b476,
+ 0x55376ee9, 0x97aa9fee, 0x09294571, 0xeaab5b0a, 0x74288195,
+ 0x2cae66fc, 0xb22dbc63, 0x51afa218, 0xcf2c7887, 0xe1a36dcb,
+ 0x7f20b754, 0x9ca2a92f, 0x022173b0, 0x5aa794d9, 0xc4244e46,
+ 0x27a6503d, 0xb9258aa2, 0x52d052c6, 0xcc538859, 0x2fd19622,
+ 0xb1524cbd, 0xe9d4abd4, 0x7757714b, 0x94d56f30, 0x0a56b5af,
+ 0x24d9a0e3, 0xba5a7a7c, 0x59d86407, 0xc75bbe98, 0x9fdd59f1,
+ 0x015e836e, 0xe2dc9d15, 0x7c5f478a, 0xbec2b68d, 0x20416c12,
+ 0xc3c37269, 0x5d40a8f6, 0x05c64f9f, 0x9b459500, 0x78c78b7b,
+ 0xe64451e4, 0xc8cb44a8, 0x56489e37, 0xb5ca804c, 0x2b495ad3,
+ 0x73cfbdba, 0xed4c6725, 0x0ece795e, 0x904da3c1, 0x8af59a51,
+ 0x147640ce, 0xf7f45eb5, 0x6977842a, 0x31f16343, 0xaf72b9dc,
+ 0x4cf0a7a7, 0xd2737d38, 0xfcfc6874, 0x627fb2eb, 0x81fdac90,
+ 0x1f7e760f, 0x47f89166, 0xd97b4bf9, 0x3af95582, 0xa47a8f1d,
+ 0x66e77e1a, 0xf864a485, 0x1be6bafe, 0x85656061, 0xdde38708,
+ 0x43605d97, 0xa0e243ec, 0x3e619973, 0x10ee8c3f, 0x8e6d56a0,
+ 0x6def48db, 0xf36c9244, 0xabea752d, 0x3569afb2, 0xd6ebb1c9,
+ 0x48686b56},
+ {0x00000000, 0xc0642817, 0x80c9502e, 0x40ad7839, 0x0093a15c,
+ 0xc0f7894b, 0x805af172, 0x403ed965, 0x002643b9, 0xc0426bae,
+ 0x80ef1397, 0x408b3b80, 0x00b5e2e5, 0xc0d1caf2, 0x807cb2cb,
+ 0x40189adc, 0x414af7a9, 0x812edfbe, 0xc183a787, 0x01e78f90,
+ 0x41d956f5, 0x81bd7ee2, 0xc11006db, 0x01742ecc, 0x416cb410,
+ 0x81089c07, 0xc1a5e43e, 0x01c1cc29, 0x41ff154c, 0x819b3d5b,
+ 0xc1364562, 0x01526d75, 0xc3929f88, 0x03f6b79f, 0x435bcfa6,
+ 0x833fe7b1, 0xc3013ed4, 0x036516c3, 0x43c86efa, 0x83ac46ed,
+ 0xc3b4dc31, 0x03d0f426, 0x437d8c1f, 0x8319a408, 0xc3277d6d,
+ 0x0343557a, 0x43ee2d43, 0x838a0554, 0x82d86821, 0x42bc4036,
+ 0x0211380f, 0xc2751018, 0x824bc97d, 0x422fe16a, 0x02829953,
+ 0xc2e6b144, 0x82fe2b98, 0x429a038f, 0x02377bb6, 0xc25353a1,
+ 0x826d8ac4, 0x4209a2d3, 0x02a4daea, 0xc2c0f2fd, 0xc7234eca,
+ 0x074766dd, 0x47ea1ee4, 0x878e36f3, 0xc7b0ef96, 0x07d4c781,
+ 0x4779bfb8, 0x871d97af, 0xc7050d73, 0x07612564, 0x47cc5d5d,
+ 0x87a8754a, 0xc796ac2f, 0x07f28438, 0x475ffc01, 0x873bd416,
+ 0x8669b963, 0x460d9174, 0x06a0e94d, 0xc6c4c15a, 0x86fa183f,
+ 0x469e3028, 0x06334811, 0xc6576006, 0x864ffada, 0x462bd2cd,
+ 0x0686aaf4, 0xc6e282e3, 0x86dc5b86, 0x46b87391, 0x06150ba8,
+ 0xc67123bf, 0x04b1d142, 0xc4d5f955, 0x8478816c, 0x441ca97b,
+ 0x0422701e, 0xc4465809, 0x84eb2030, 0x448f0827, 0x049792fb,
+ 0xc4f3baec, 0x845ec2d5, 0x443aeac2, 0x040433a7, 0xc4601bb0,
+ 0x84cd6389, 0x44a94b9e, 0x45fb26eb, 0x859f0efc, 0xc53276c5,
+ 0x05565ed2, 0x456887b7, 0x850cafa0, 0xc5a1d799, 0x05c5ff8e,
+ 0x45dd6552, 0x85b94d45, 0xc514357c, 0x05701d6b, 0x454ec40e,
+ 0x852aec19, 0xc5879420, 0x05e3bc37, 0xcf41ed4f, 0x0f25c558,
+ 0x4f88bd61, 0x8fec9576, 0xcfd24c13, 0x0fb66404, 0x4f1b1c3d,
+ 0x8f7f342a, 0xcf67aef6, 0x0f0386e1, 0x4faefed8, 0x8fcad6cf,
+ 0xcff40faa, 0x0f9027bd, 0x4f3d5f84, 0x8f597793, 0x8e0b1ae6,
+ 0x4e6f32f1, 0x0ec24ac8, 0xcea662df, 0x8e98bbba, 0x4efc93ad,
+ 0x0e51eb94, 0xce35c383, 0x8e2d595f, 0x4e497148, 0x0ee40971,
+ 0xce802166, 0x8ebef803, 0x4edad014, 0x0e77a82d, 0xce13803a,
+ 0x0cd372c7, 0xccb75ad0, 0x8c1a22e9, 0x4c7e0afe, 0x0c40d39b,
+ 0xcc24fb8c, 0x8c8983b5, 0x4cedaba2, 0x0cf5317e, 0xcc911969,
+ 0x8c3c6150, 0x4c584947, 0x0c669022, 0xcc02b835, 0x8cafc00c,
+ 0x4ccbe81b, 0x4d99856e, 0x8dfdad79, 0xcd50d540, 0x0d34fd57,
+ 0x4d0a2432, 0x8d6e0c25, 0xcdc3741c, 0x0da75c0b, 0x4dbfc6d7,
+ 0x8ddbeec0, 0xcd7696f9, 0x0d12beee, 0x4d2c678b, 0x8d484f9c,
+ 0xcde537a5, 0x0d811fb2, 0x0862a385, 0xc8068b92, 0x88abf3ab,
+ 0x48cfdbbc, 0x08f102d9, 0xc8952ace, 0x883852f7, 0x485c7ae0,
+ 0x0844e03c, 0xc820c82b, 0x888db012, 0x48e99805, 0x08d74160,
+ 0xc8b36977, 0x881e114e, 0x487a3959, 0x4928542c, 0x894c7c3b,
+ 0xc9e10402, 0x09852c15, 0x49bbf570, 0x89dfdd67, 0xc972a55e,
+ 0x09168d49, 0x490e1795, 0x896a3f82, 0xc9c747bb, 0x09a36fac,
+ 0x499db6c9, 0x89f99ede, 0xc954e6e7, 0x0930cef0, 0xcbf03c0d,
+ 0x0b94141a, 0x4b396c23, 0x8b5d4434, 0xcb639d51, 0x0b07b546,
+ 0x4baacd7f, 0x8bcee568, 0xcbd67fb4, 0x0bb257a3, 0x4b1f2f9a,
+ 0x8b7b078d, 0xcb45dee8, 0x0b21f6ff, 0x4b8c8ec6, 0x8be8a6d1,
+ 0x8abacba4, 0x4adee3b3, 0x0a739b8a, 0xca17b39d, 0x8a296af8,
+ 0x4a4d42ef, 0x0ae03ad6, 0xca8412c1, 0x8a9c881d, 0x4af8a00a,
+ 0x0a55d833, 0xca31f024, 0x8a0f2941, 0x4a6b0156, 0x0ac6796f,
+ 0xcaa25178},
+ {0x00000000, 0xd4ea739b, 0xe9d396ed, 0x3d39e576, 0x93a15c00,
+ 0x474b2f9b, 0x7a72caed, 0xae98b976, 0x2643b900, 0xf2a9ca9b,
+ 0xcf902fed, 0x1b7a5c76, 0xb5e2e500, 0x6108969b, 0x5c3173ed,
+ 0x88db0076, 0x4c867201, 0x986c019a, 0xa555e4ec, 0x71bf9777,
+ 0xdf272e01, 0x0bcd5d9a, 0x36f4b8ec, 0xe21ecb77, 0x6ac5cb01,
+ 0xbe2fb89a, 0x83165dec, 0x57fc2e77, 0xf9649701, 0x2d8ee49a,
+ 0x10b701ec, 0xc45d7277, 0x980ce502, 0x4ce69699, 0x71df73ef,
+ 0xa5350074, 0x0badb902, 0xdf47ca99, 0xe27e2fef, 0x36945c74,
+ 0xbe4f5c02, 0x6aa52f99, 0x579ccaef, 0x8376b974, 0x2dee0002,
+ 0xf9047399, 0xc43d96ef, 0x10d7e574, 0xd48a9703, 0x0060e498,
+ 0x3d5901ee, 0xe9b37275, 0x472bcb03, 0x93c1b898, 0xaef85dee,
+ 0x7a122e75, 0xf2c92e03, 0x26235d98, 0x1b1ab8ee, 0xcff0cb75,
+ 0x61687203, 0xb5820198, 0x88bbe4ee, 0x5c519775, 0x3019ca05,
+ 0xe4f3b99e, 0xd9ca5ce8, 0x0d202f73, 0xa3b89605, 0x7752e59e,
+ 0x4a6b00e8, 0x9e817373, 0x165a7305, 0xc2b0009e, 0xff89e5e8,
+ 0x2b639673, 0x85fb2f05, 0x51115c9e, 0x6c28b9e8, 0xb8c2ca73,
+ 0x7c9fb804, 0xa875cb9f, 0x954c2ee9, 0x41a65d72, 0xef3ee404,
+ 0x3bd4979f, 0x06ed72e9, 0xd2070172, 0x5adc0104, 0x8e36729f,
+ 0xb30f97e9, 0x67e5e472, 0xc97d5d04, 0x1d972e9f, 0x20aecbe9,
+ 0xf444b872, 0xa8152f07, 0x7cff5c9c, 0x41c6b9ea, 0x952cca71,
+ 0x3bb47307, 0xef5e009c, 0xd267e5ea, 0x068d9671, 0x8e569607,
+ 0x5abce59c, 0x678500ea, 0xb36f7371, 0x1df7ca07, 0xc91db99c,
+ 0xf4245cea, 0x20ce2f71, 0xe4935d06, 0x30792e9d, 0x0d40cbeb,
+ 0xd9aab870, 0x77320106, 0xa3d8729d, 0x9ee197eb, 0x4a0be470,
+ 0xc2d0e406, 0x163a979d, 0x2b0372eb, 0xffe90170, 0x5171b806,
+ 0x859bcb9d, 0xb8a22eeb, 0x6c485d70, 0x6032940b, 0xb4d8e790,
+ 0x89e102e6, 0x5d0b717d, 0xf393c80b, 0x2779bb90, 0x1a405ee6,
+ 0xceaa2d7d, 0x46712d0b, 0x929b5e90, 0xafa2bbe6, 0x7b48c87d,
+ 0xd5d0710b, 0x013a0290, 0x3c03e7e6, 0xe8e9947d, 0x2cb4e60a,
+ 0xf85e9591, 0xc56770e7, 0x118d037c, 0xbf15ba0a, 0x6bffc991,
+ 0x56c62ce7, 0x822c5f7c, 0x0af75f0a, 0xde1d2c91, 0xe324c9e7,
+ 0x37ceba7c, 0x9956030a, 0x4dbc7091, 0x708595e7, 0xa46fe67c,
+ 0xf83e7109, 0x2cd40292, 0x11ede7e4, 0xc507947f, 0x6b9f2d09,
+ 0xbf755e92, 0x824cbbe4, 0x56a6c87f, 0xde7dc809, 0x0a97bb92,
+ 0x37ae5ee4, 0xe3442d7f, 0x4ddc9409, 0x9936e792, 0xa40f02e4,
+ 0x70e5717f, 0xb4b80308, 0x60527093, 0x5d6b95e5, 0x8981e67e,
+ 0x27195f08, 0xf3f32c93, 0xcecac9e5, 0x1a20ba7e, 0x92fbba08,
+ 0x4611c993, 0x7b282ce5, 0xafc25f7e, 0x015ae608, 0xd5b09593,
+ 0xe88970e5, 0x3c63037e, 0x502b5e0e, 0x84c12d95, 0xb9f8c8e3,
+ 0x6d12bb78, 0xc38a020e, 0x17607195, 0x2a5994e3, 0xfeb3e778,
+ 0x7668e70e, 0xa2829495, 0x9fbb71e3, 0x4b510278, 0xe5c9bb0e,
+ 0x3123c895, 0x0c1a2de3, 0xd8f05e78, 0x1cad2c0f, 0xc8475f94,
+ 0xf57ebae2, 0x2194c979, 0x8f0c700f, 0x5be60394, 0x66dfe6e2,
+ 0xb2359579, 0x3aee950f, 0xee04e694, 0xd33d03e2, 0x07d77079,
+ 0xa94fc90f, 0x7da5ba94, 0x409c5fe2, 0x94762c79, 0xc827bb0c,
+ 0x1ccdc897, 0x21f42de1, 0xf51e5e7a, 0x5b86e70c, 0x8f6c9497,
+ 0xb25571e1, 0x66bf027a, 0xee64020c, 0x3a8e7197, 0x07b794e1,
+ 0xd35de77a, 0x7dc55e0c, 0xa92f2d97, 0x9416c8e1, 0x40fcbb7a,
+ 0x84a1c90d, 0x504bba96, 0x6d725fe0, 0xb9982c7b, 0x1700950d,
+ 0xc3eae696, 0xfed303e0, 0x2a39707b, 0xa2e2700d, 0x76080396,
+ 0x4b31e6e0, 0x9fdb957b, 0x31432c0d, 0xe5a95f96, 0xd890bae0,
+ 0x0c7ac97b},
+ {0x00000000, 0x27652581, 0x0fcc3bd9, 0x28a91e58, 0x5f9e0669,
+ 0x78fb23e8, 0x50523db0, 0x77371831, 0xbe3c0dd2, 0x99592853,
+ 0xb1f0360b, 0x9695138a, 0xe1a20bbb, 0xc6c72e3a, 0xee6e3062,
+ 0xc90b15e3, 0x3d7f6b7f, 0x1a1a4efe, 0x32b350a6, 0x15d67527,
+ 0x62e16d16, 0x45844897, 0x6d2d56cf, 0x4a48734e, 0x834366ad,
+ 0xa426432c, 0x8c8f5d74, 0xabea78f5, 0xdcdd60c4, 0xfbb84545,
+ 0xd3115b1d, 0xf4747e9c, 0x7afed6fe, 0x5d9bf37f, 0x7532ed27,
+ 0x5257c8a6, 0x2560d097, 0x0205f516, 0x2aaceb4e, 0x0dc9cecf,
+ 0xc4c2db2c, 0xe3a7fead, 0xcb0ee0f5, 0xec6bc574, 0x9b5cdd45,
+ 0xbc39f8c4, 0x9490e69c, 0xb3f5c31d, 0x4781bd81, 0x60e49800,
+ 0x484d8658, 0x6f28a3d9, 0x181fbbe8, 0x3f7a9e69, 0x17d38031,
+ 0x30b6a5b0, 0xf9bdb053, 0xded895d2, 0xf6718b8a, 0xd114ae0b,
+ 0xa623b63a, 0x814693bb, 0xa9ef8de3, 0x8e8aa862, 0xb5fadc26,
+ 0x929ff9a7, 0xba36e7ff, 0x9d53c27e, 0xea64da4f, 0xcd01ffce,
+ 0xe5a8e196, 0xc2cdc417, 0x0bc6d1f4, 0x2ca3f475, 0x040aea2d,
+ 0x236fcfac, 0x5458d79d, 0x733df21c, 0x5b94ec44, 0x7cf1c9c5,
+ 0x8885b759, 0xafe092d8, 0x87498c80, 0xa02ca901, 0xd71bb130,
+ 0xf07e94b1, 0xd8d78ae9, 0xffb2af68, 0x36b9ba8b, 0x11dc9f0a,
+ 0x39758152, 0x1e10a4d3, 0x6927bce2, 0x4e429963, 0x66eb873b,
+ 0x418ea2ba, 0xcf040ad8, 0xe8612f59, 0xc0c83101, 0xe7ad1480,
+ 0x909a0cb1, 0xb7ff2930, 0x9f563768, 0xb83312e9, 0x7138070a,
+ 0x565d228b, 0x7ef43cd3, 0x59911952, 0x2ea60163, 0x09c324e2,
+ 0x216a3aba, 0x060f1f3b, 0xf27b61a7, 0xd51e4426, 0xfdb75a7e,
+ 0xdad27fff, 0xade567ce, 0x8a80424f, 0xa2295c17, 0x854c7996,
+ 0x4c476c75, 0x6b2249f4, 0x438b57ac, 0x64ee722d, 0x13d96a1c,
+ 0x34bc4f9d, 0x1c1551c5, 0x3b707444, 0x6af5b94d, 0x4d909ccc,
+ 0x65398294, 0x425ca715, 0x356bbf24, 0x120e9aa5, 0x3aa784fd,
+ 0x1dc2a17c, 0xd4c9b49f, 0xf3ac911e, 0xdb058f46, 0xfc60aac7,
+ 0x8b57b2f6, 0xac329777, 0x849b892f, 0xa3feacae, 0x578ad232,
+ 0x70eff7b3, 0x5846e9eb, 0x7f23cc6a, 0x0814d45b, 0x2f71f1da,
+ 0x07d8ef82, 0x20bdca03, 0xe9b6dfe0, 0xced3fa61, 0xe67ae439,
+ 0xc11fc1b8, 0xb628d989, 0x914dfc08, 0xb9e4e250, 0x9e81c7d1,
+ 0x100b6fb3, 0x376e4a32, 0x1fc7546a, 0x38a271eb, 0x4f9569da,
+ 0x68f04c5b, 0x40595203, 0x673c7782, 0xae376261, 0x895247e0,
+ 0xa1fb59b8, 0x869e7c39, 0xf1a96408, 0xd6cc4189, 0xfe655fd1,
+ 0xd9007a50, 0x2d7404cc, 0x0a11214d, 0x22b83f15, 0x05dd1a94,
+ 0x72ea02a5, 0x558f2724, 0x7d26397c, 0x5a431cfd, 0x9348091e,
+ 0xb42d2c9f, 0x9c8432c7, 0xbbe11746, 0xccd60f77, 0xebb32af6,
+ 0xc31a34ae, 0xe47f112f, 0xdf0f656b, 0xf86a40ea, 0xd0c35eb2,
+ 0xf7a67b33, 0x80916302, 0xa7f44683, 0x8f5d58db, 0xa8387d5a,
+ 0x613368b9, 0x46564d38, 0x6eff5360, 0x499a76e1, 0x3ead6ed0,
+ 0x19c84b51, 0x31615509, 0x16047088, 0xe2700e14, 0xc5152b95,
+ 0xedbc35cd, 0xcad9104c, 0xbdee087d, 0x9a8b2dfc, 0xb22233a4,
+ 0x95471625, 0x5c4c03c6, 0x7b292647, 0x5380381f, 0x74e51d9e,
+ 0x03d205af, 0x24b7202e, 0x0c1e3e76, 0x2b7b1bf7, 0xa5f1b395,
+ 0x82949614, 0xaa3d884c, 0x8d58adcd, 0xfa6fb5fc, 0xdd0a907d,
+ 0xf5a38e25, 0xd2c6aba4, 0x1bcdbe47, 0x3ca89bc6, 0x1401859e,
+ 0x3364a01f, 0x4453b82e, 0x63369daf, 0x4b9f83f7, 0x6cfaa676,
+ 0x988ed8ea, 0xbfebfd6b, 0x9742e333, 0xb027c6b2, 0xc710de83,
+ 0xe075fb02, 0xc8dce55a, 0xefb9c0db, 0x26b2d538, 0x01d7f0b9,
+ 0x297eeee1, 0x0e1bcb60, 0x792cd351, 0x5e49f6d0, 0x76e0e888,
+ 0x5185cd09}};
- }
+local const z_crc_t FAR x2n_table[] = {
+ 0x40000000, 0x20000000, 0x08000000, 0x00800000, 0x00008000,
+ 0xedb88320, 0xb1e6b092, 0xa06a2517, 0xed627dae, 0x88d14467,
+ 0xd7bbfe6a, 0xec447f11, 0x8e7ea170, 0x6427800e, 0x4d47bae0,
+ 0x09fe548f, 0x83852d0f, 0x30362f1a, 0x7b5a9cc3, 0x31fec169,
+ 0x9fec022a, 0x6c8dedc4, 0x15d6874d, 0x5fde7a4e, 0xbad90e37,
+ 0x2e4e5eef, 0x4eaba214, 0xa8a472c0, 0x429a969e, 0x148d302a,
+ 0xc40ba6d0, 0xc4e22c3c};
diff --git a/lib/zlib/inffast.c b/lib/zlib/inffast.c
index 0dbd1db..1fec7f3 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/inffast.c
+++ b/lib/zlib/inffast.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
code const FAR *dcode; /* local strm->distcode */
unsigned lmask; /* mask for first level of length codes */
unsigned dmask; /* mask for first level of distance codes */
- code here; /* retrieved table entry */
+ code const *here; /* retrieved table entry */
unsigned op; /* code bits, operation, extra bits, or */
/* window position, window bytes to copy */
unsigned len; /* match length, unused bytes */
@@ -107,20 +107,20 @@
hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
bits += 8;
- here = lcode[hold & lmask];
+ here = lcode + (hold & lmask);
- op = (unsigned)(here.bits);
+ op = (unsigned)(here->bits);
hold >>= op;
bits -= op;
- op = (unsigned)(here.op);
+ op = (unsigned)(here->op);
if (op == 0) { /* literal */
- Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?
+ Tracevv((stderr, here->val >= 0x20 && here->val < 0x7f ?
"inflate: literal '%c'\n" :
- "inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val));
- *out++ = (unsigned char)(here.val);
+ "inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here->val));
+ *out++ = (unsigned char)(here->val);
else if (op & 16) { /* length base */
- len = (unsigned)(here.val);
+ len = (unsigned)(here->val);
op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */
if (op) {
if (bits < op) {
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@
hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
bits += 8;
- here = dcode[hold & dmask];
+ here = dcode + (hold & dmask);
- op = (unsigned)(here.bits);
+ op = (unsigned)(here->bits);
hold >>= op;
bits -= op;
- op = (unsigned)(here.op);
+ op = (unsigned)(here->op);
if (op & 16) { /* distance base */
- dist = (unsigned)(here.val);
+ dist = (unsigned)(here->val);
op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */
if (bits < op) {
hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
else if ((op & 64) == 0) { /* 2nd level distance code */
- here = dcode[here.val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1))];
+ here = dcode + here->val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1));
goto dodist;
else {
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
else if ((op & 64) == 0) { /* 2nd level length code */
- here = lcode[here.val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1))];
+ here = lcode + here->val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1));
goto dolen;
else if (op & 32) { /* end-of-block */
diff --git a/lib/zlib/inflate.c b/lib/zlib/inflate.c
index ac333e8..8acbef4 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/inflate.c
+++ b/lib/zlib/inflate.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* inflate.c -- zlib decompression
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
state->mode = HEAD;
state->last = 0;
state->havedict = 0;
+ state->flags = -1;
state->dmax = 32768U;
state->head = Z_NULL;
state->hold = 0;
@@ -167,6 +168,8 @@
/* extract wrap request from windowBits parameter */
if (windowBits < 0) {
+ if (windowBits < -15)
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
wrap = 0;
windowBits = -windowBits;
@@ -447,10 +450,10 @@
/* check function to use adler32() for zlib or crc32() for gzip */
#ifdef GUNZIP
-# define UPDATE(check, buf, len) \
+# define UPDATE_CHECK(check, buf, len) \
(state->flags ? crc32(check, buf, len) : adler32(check, buf, len))
-# define UPDATE(check, buf, len) adler32(check, buf, len)
+# define UPDATE_CHECK(check, buf, len) adler32(check, buf, len)
/* check macros for header crc */
@@ -670,7 +673,6 @@
state->mode = FLAGS;
- state->flags = 0; /* expect zlib header */
if (state->head != Z_NULL)
state->head->done = -1;
if (!(state->wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */
@@ -697,6 +699,7 @@
state->dmax = 1U << len;
+ state->flags = 0; /* indicate zlib header */
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: zlib header ok\n"));
strm->adler = state->check = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
state->mode = hold & 0x200 ? DICTID : TYPE;
@@ -722,6 +725,7 @@
CRC2(state->check, hold);
state->mode = TIME;
+ /* fallthrough */
case TIME:
if (state->head != Z_NULL)
@@ -730,6 +734,7 @@
CRC4(state->check, hold);
state->mode = OS;
+ /* fallthrough */
case OS:
if (state->head != Z_NULL) {
@@ -740,6 +745,7 @@
CRC2(state->check, hold);
state->mode = EXLEN;
+ /* fallthrough */
case EXLEN:
if (state->flags & 0x0400) {
@@ -753,14 +759,16 @@
else if (state->head != Z_NULL)
state->head->extra = Z_NULL;
state->mode = EXTRA;
+ /* fallthrough */
case EXTRA:
if (state->flags & 0x0400) {
copy = state->length;
if (copy > have) copy = have;
if (copy) {
if (state->head != Z_NULL &&
- state->head->extra != Z_NULL) {
- len = state->head->extra_len - state->length;
+ state->head->extra != Z_NULL &&
+ (len = state->head->extra_len - state->length) <
+ state->head->extra_max) {
zmemcpy(state->head->extra + len, next,
len + copy > state->head->extra_max ?
state->head->extra_max - len : copy);
@@ -775,6 +783,7 @@
state->length = 0;
state->mode = NAME;
+ /* fallthrough */
case NAME:
if (state->flags & 0x0800) {
if (have == 0) goto inf_leave;
@@ -796,6 +805,7 @@
state->head->name = Z_NULL;
state->length = 0;
state->mode = COMMENT;
+ /* fallthrough */
if (state->flags & 0x1000) {
if (have == 0) goto inf_leave;
@@ -816,6 +826,7 @@
else if (state->head != Z_NULL)
state->head->comment = Z_NULL;
state->mode = HCRC;
+ /* fallthrough */
case HCRC:
if (state->flags & 0x0200) {
@@ -839,6 +850,7 @@
strm->adler = state->check = ZSWAP32(hold);
state->mode = DICT;
+ /* fallthrough */
case DICT:
if (state->havedict == 0) {
@@ -846,8 +858,10 @@
strm->adler = state->check = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
state->mode = TYPE;
+ /* fallthrough */
case TYPE:
if (flush == Z_BLOCK || flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave;
+ /* fallthrough */
case TYPEDO:
if (state->last) {
@@ -898,8 +912,10 @@
state->mode = COPY_;
if (flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave;
+ /* fallthrough */
case COPY_:
state->mode = COPY;
+ /* fallthrough */
case COPY:
copy = state->length;
if (copy) {
@@ -935,6 +951,7 @@
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: table sizes ok\n"));
state->have = 0;
state->mode = LENLENS;
+ /* fallthrough */
while (state->have < state->ncode) {
@@ -956,6 +973,7 @@
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: code lengths ok\n"));
state->have = 0;
state->mode = CODELENS;
+ /* fallthrough */
while (state->have < state->nlen + state->ndist) {
for (;;) {
@@ -1039,8 +1057,10 @@
Tracev((stderr, "inflate: codes ok\n"));
state->mode = LEN_;
if (flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave;
+ /* fallthrough */
case LEN_:
state->mode = LEN;
+ /* fallthrough */
case LEN:
if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) {
@@ -1090,6 +1110,7 @@
state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15;
state->mode = LENEXT;
+ /* fallthrough */
case LENEXT:
if (state->extra) {
@@ -1100,6 +1121,7 @@
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", state->length));
state->was = state->length;
state->mode = DIST;
+ /* fallthrough */
case DIST:
for (;;) {
here = state->distcode[BITS(state->distbits)];
@@ -1127,6 +1149,7 @@
state->offset = (unsigned)here.val;
state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15;
state->mode = DISTEXT;
+ /* fallthrough */
if (state->extra) {
@@ -1143,6 +1166,7 @@
Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", state->offset));
state->mode = MATCH;
+ /* fallthrough */
case MATCH:
if (left == 0) goto inf_leave;
copy = out - left;
@@ -1202,7 +1226,7 @@
state->total += out;
if ((state->wrap & 4) && out)
strm->adler = state->check =
- UPDATE(state->check, put - out, out);
+ UPDATE_CHECK(state->check, put - out, out);
out = left;
if ((state->wrap & 4) && (
#ifdef GUNZIP
@@ -1218,10 +1242,11 @@
#ifdef GUNZIP
state->mode = LENGTH;
+ /* fallthrough */
case LENGTH:
if (state->wrap && state->flags) {
- if (hold != (state->total & 0xffffffffUL)) {
+ if ((state->wrap & 4) && hold != (state->total & 0xffffffff)) {
strm->msg = (char *)"incorrect length check";
state->mode = BAD;
@@ -1231,6 +1256,7 @@
state->mode = DONE;
+ /* fallthrough */
case DONE:
goto inf_leave;
@@ -1240,6 +1266,7 @@
case MEM:
return Z_MEM_ERROR;
case SYNC:
+ /* fallthrough */
@@ -1265,7 +1292,7 @@
state->total += out;
if ((state->wrap & 4) && out)
strm->adler = state->check =
- UPDATE(state->check, strm->next_out - out, out);
+ UPDATE_CHECK(state->check, strm->next_out - out, out);
strm->data_type = (int)state->bits + (state->last ? 64 : 0) +
(state->mode == TYPE ? 128 : 0) +
(state->mode == LEN_ || state->mode == COPY_ ? 256 : 0);
@@ -1401,6 +1428,7 @@
z_streamp strm;
unsigned len; /* number of bytes to look at or looked at */
+ int flags; /* temporary to save header status */
unsigned long in, out; /* temporary to save total_in and total_out */
unsigned char buf[4]; /* to restore bit buffer to byte string */
struct inflate_state FAR *state;
@@ -1433,9 +1461,15 @@
/* return no joy or set up to restart inflate() on a new block */
if (state->have != 4) return Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ if (state->flags == -1)
+ state->wrap = 0; /* if no header yet, treat as raw */
+ else
+ state->wrap &= ~4; /* no point in computing a check value now */
+ flags = state->flags;
in = strm->total_in; out = strm->total_out;
strm->total_in = in; strm->total_out = out;
+ state->flags = flags;
state->mode = TYPE;
return Z_OK;
@@ -1531,7 +1565,7 @@
if (inflateStateCheck(strm)) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
- if (check)
+ if (check && state->wrap)
state->wrap |= 4;
state->wrap &= ~4;
diff --git a/lib/zlib/inflate.h b/lib/zlib/inflate.h
index a46cce6..f127b6b 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/inflate.h
+++ b/lib/zlib/inflate.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* inflate.h -- internal inflate state definition
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Mark Adler
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2019 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
int wrap; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip,
bit 2 true to validate check value */
int havedict; /* true if dictionary provided */
- int flags; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */
+ int flags; /* gzip header method and flags, 0 if zlib, or
+ -1 if raw or no header yet */
unsigned dmax; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */
unsigned long check; /* protected copy of check value */
unsigned long total; /* protected copy of output count */
diff --git a/lib/zlib/inftrees.c b/lib/zlib/inftrees.c
index 2ea08fc..57d2793 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/inftrees.c
+++ b/lib/zlib/inftrees.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* inftrees.c -- generate Huffman trees for efficient decoding
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Mark Adler
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#define MAXBITS 15
const char inflate_copyright[] =
- " inflate 1.2.11 Copyright 1995-2017 Mark Adler ";
+ " inflate 1.2.13 Copyright 1995-2022 Mark Adler ";
If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0};
static const unsigned short lext[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 extra */
16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 77, 202};
+ 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 194, 65};
static const unsigned short dbase[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..29 base */
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
diff --git a/lib/zlib/inftrees.h b/lib/zlib/inftrees.h
index baa53a0..f536653 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/inftrees.h
+++ b/lib/zlib/inftrees.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
/* Maximum size of the dynamic table. The maximum number of code structures is
1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for distance
codes. These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program
- examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution. The arguments to that
+ examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribution. The arguments to that
program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the
maximum bit length of a code. "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes
returns returns 852, and "enough 30 6 15" for distance codes returns 592.
diff --git a/lib/zlib/zconf.h b/lib/zlib/zconf.h
index 5e1d68a..bf977d3 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/zconf.h
+++ b/lib/zlib/zconf.h
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
# define crc32 z_crc32
# define crc32_combine z_crc32_combine
# define crc32_combine64 z_crc32_combine64
+# define crc32_combine_gen z_crc32_combine_gen
+# define crc32_combine_gen64 z_crc32_combine_gen64
+# define crc32_combine_op z_crc32_combine_op
# define crc32_z z_crc32_z
# define deflate z_deflate
# define deflateBound z_deflateBound
@@ -349,6 +352,9 @@
# ifdef FAR
# undef FAR
# endif
+# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+# endif
# include <windows.h>
/* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */
/* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */
@@ -467,11 +473,18 @@
-#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H)
-# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+#ifndef Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+# ifdef __WATCOMC__
+# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+# endif
+#ifndef Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+# if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && !defined(_WIN32)
+# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+# endif
#ifndef Z_SOLO
-# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) || defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE)
+# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H)
# include <unistd.h> /* for SEEK_*, off_t, and _LFS64_LARGEFILE */
# ifdef VMS
# include <unixio.h> /* for off_t */
diff --git a/lib/zlib/zlib.h b/lib/zlib/zlib.h
index f09cdaf..953cb50 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/zlib.h
+++ b/lib/zlib/zlib.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library
- version 1.2.11, January 15th, 2017
+ version 1.2.13, October 13th, 2022
- Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
+ Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
extern "C" {
-#define ZLIB_VERSION "1.2.11"
-#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
+#define ZLIB_VERSION "1.2.13"
+#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12d0
#define ZLIB_VER_MAJOR 1
#define ZLIB_VER_MINOR 2
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
== 0), or after each call of deflate(). If deflate returns Z_OK and with
zero avail_out, it must be called again after making room in the output
buffer because there might be more output pending. See deflatePending(),
- which can be used if desired to determine whether or not there is more ouput
+ which can be used if desired to determine whether or not there is more output
in that case.
Normally the parameter flush is set to Z_NO_FLUSH, which allows deflate to
@@ -543,8 +543,7 @@
int strategy));
This is another version of deflateInit with more compression options. The
- fields next_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the
- caller.
+ fields zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller.
The method parameter is the compression method. It must be Z_DEFLATED in
this version of the library.
@@ -661,7 +660,7 @@
to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is
always enough. If deflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to
Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied.
- Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.
+ Similarly, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.
deflateGetDictionary() may return a length less than the window size, even
when more than the window size in input has been provided. It may return up
@@ -712,11 +711,12 @@
used to switch between compression and straight copy of the input data, or
to switch to a different kind of input data requiring a different strategy.
If the compression approach (which is a function of the level) or the
- strategy is changed, and if any input has been consumed in a previous
- deflate() call, then the input available so far is compressed with the old
- level and strategy using deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK). There are three approaches
- for the compression levels 0, 1..3, and 4..9 respectively. The new level
- and strategy will take effect at the next call of deflate().
+ strategy is changed, and if there have been any deflate() calls since the
+ state was initialized or reset, then the input available so far is
+ compressed with the old level and strategy using deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK).
+ There are three approaches for the compression levels 0, 1..3, and 4..9
+ respectively. The new level and strategy will take effect at the next call
+ of deflate().
If a deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK) is performed by deflateParams(), and it does
not have enough output space to complete, then the parameter change will not
@@ -865,9 +865,11 @@
detection, or add 16 to decode only the gzip format (the zlib format will
return a Z_DATA_ERROR). If a gzip stream is being decoded, strm->adler is a
CRC-32 instead of an Adler-32. Unlike the gunzip utility and gzread() (see
- below), inflate() will not automatically decode concatenated gzip streams.
- inflate() will return Z_STREAM_END at the end of the gzip stream. The state
- would need to be reset to continue decoding a subsequent gzip stream.
+ below), inflate() will *not* automatically decode concatenated gzip members.
+ inflate() will return Z_STREAM_END at the end of the gzip member. The state
+ would need to be reset to continue decoding a subsequent gzip member. This
+ *must* be done if there is more data after a gzip member, in order for the
+ decompression to be compliant with the gzip standard (RFC 1952).
inflateInit2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
memory, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version is incompatible with the
@@ -913,7 +915,7 @@
to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is
always enough. If inflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to
Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied.
- Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.
+ Similarly, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.
inflateGetDictionary returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the
stream state is inconsistent.
@@ -1302,14 +1304,14 @@
ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *path, const char *mode));
- Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing. The mode parameter is as
- in fopen ("rb" or "wb") but can also include a compression level ("wb9") or
- a strategy: 'f' for filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for Huffman-only
- compression as in "wb1h", 'R' for run-length encoding as in "wb1R", or 'F'
- for fixed code compression as in "wb9F". (See the description of
- deflateInit2 for more information about the strategy parameter.) 'T' will
- request transparent writing or appending with no compression and not using
- the gzip format.
+ Open the gzip (.gz) file at path for reading and decompressing, or
+ compressing and writing. The mode parameter is as in fopen ("rb" or "wb")
+ but can also include a compression level ("wb9") or a strategy: 'f' for
+ filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for Huffman-only compression as in "wb1h",
+ 'R' for run-length encoding as in "wb1R", or 'F' for fixed code compression
+ as in "wb9F". (See the description of deflateInit2 for more information
+ about the strategy parameter.) 'T' will request transparent writing or
+ appending with no compression and not using the gzip format.
"a" can be used instead of "w" to request that the gzip stream that will
be written be appended to the file. "+" will result in an error, since
@@ -1339,9 +1341,9 @@
ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen OF((int fd, const char *mode));
- gzdopen associates a gzFile with the file descriptor fd. File descriptors
- are obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or fileno (if the file
- has been previously opened with fopen). The mode parameter is as in gzopen.
+ Associate a gzFile with the file descriptor fd. File descriptors are
+ obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or fileno (if the file has
+ been previously opened with fopen). The mode parameter is as in gzopen.
The next call of gzclose on the returned gzFile will also close the file
descriptor fd, just like fclose(fdopen(fd, mode)) closes the file descriptor
@@ -1362,13 +1364,13 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzbuffer OF((gzFile file, unsigned size));
- Set the internal buffer size used by this library's functions. The
- default buffer size is 8192 bytes. This function must be called after
- gzopen() or gzdopen(), and before any other calls that read or write the
- file. The buffer memory allocation is always deferred to the first read or
- write. Three times that size in buffer space is allocated. A larger buffer
- size of, for example, 64K or 128K bytes will noticeably increase the speed
- of decompression (reading).
+ Set the internal buffer size used by this library's functions for file to
+ size. The default buffer size is 8192 bytes. This function must be called
+ after gzopen() or gzdopen(), and before any other calls that read or write
+ the file. The buffer memory allocation is always deferred to the first read
+ or write. Three times that size in buffer space is allocated. A larger
+ buffer size of, for example, 64K or 128K bytes will noticeably increase the
+ speed of decompression (reading).
The new buffer size also affects the maximum length for gzprintf().
@@ -1378,9 +1380,9 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy));
- Dynamically update the compression level or strategy. See the description
- of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters. Previously provided
- data is flushed before the parameter change.
+ Dynamically update the compression level and strategy for file. See the
+ description of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters. Previously
+ provided data is flushed before applying the parameter changes.
gzsetparams returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the file was not
opened for writing, Z_ERRNO if there is an error writing the flushed data,
@@ -1389,7 +1391,7 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzread OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len));
- Reads the given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file. If
+ Read and decompress up to len uncompressed bytes from file into buf. If
the input file is not in gzip format, gzread copies the given number of
bytes into the buffer directly from the file.
@@ -1420,11 +1422,11 @@
ZEXTERN z_size_t ZEXPORT gzfread OF((voidp buf, z_size_t size, z_size_t nitems,
gzFile file));
- Read up to nitems items of size size from file to buf, otherwise operating
- as gzread() does. This duplicates the interface of stdio's fread(), with
- size_t request and return types. If the library defines size_t, then
- z_size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then z_size_t is an unsigned
- integer type that can contain a pointer.
+ Read and decompress up to nitems items of size size from file into buf,
+ otherwise operating as gzread() does. This duplicates the interface of
+ stdio's fread(), with size_t request and return types. If the library
+ defines size_t, then z_size_t is identical to size_t. If not, then z_size_t
+ is an unsigned integer type that can contain a pointer.
gzfread() returns the number of full items read of size size, or zero if
the end of the file was reached and a full item could not be read, or if
@@ -1435,26 +1437,24 @@
In the event that the end of file is reached and only a partial item is
available at the end, i.e. the remaining uncompressed data length is not a
- multiple of size, then the final partial item is nevetheless read into buf
+ multiple of size, then the final partial item is nevertheless read into buf
and the end-of-file flag is set. The length of the partial item read is not
provided, but could be inferred from the result of gztell(). This behavior
is the same as the behavior of fread() implementations in common libraries,
but it prevents the direct use of gzfread() to read a concurrently written
- file, reseting and retrying on end-of-file, when size is not 1.
+ file, resetting and retrying on end-of-file, when size is not 1.
-ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file,
- voidpc buf, unsigned len));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file, voidpc buf, unsigned len));
- Writes the given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file.
- gzwrite returns the number of uncompressed bytes written or 0 in case of
- error.
+ Compress and write the len uncompressed bytes at buf to file. gzwrite
+ returns the number of uncompressed bytes written or 0 in case of error.
ZEXTERN z_size_t ZEXPORT gzfwrite OF((voidpc buf, z_size_t size,
z_size_t nitems, gzFile file));
- gzfwrite() writes nitems items of size size from buf to file, duplicating
+ Compress and write nitems items of size size from buf to file, duplicating
the interface of stdio's fwrite(), with size_t request and return types. If
the library defines size_t, then z_size_t is identical to size_t. If not,
then z_size_t is an unsigned integer type that can contain a pointer.
@@ -1467,22 +1467,22 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf Z_ARG((gzFile file, const char *format, ...));
- Converts, formats, and writes the arguments to the compressed file under
- control of the format string, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of
+ Convert, format, compress, and write the arguments (...) to file under
+ control of the string format, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of
uncompressed bytes actually written, or a negative zlib error code in case
of error. The number of uncompressed bytes written is limited to 8191, or
one less than the buffer size given to gzbuffer(). The caller should assure
that this limit is not exceeded. If it is exceeded, then gzprintf() will
return an error (0) with nothing written. In this case, there may also be a
buffer overflow with unpredictable consequences, which is possible only if
- zlib was compiled with the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf()
+ zlib was compiled with the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf(),
because the secure snprintf() or vsnprintf() functions were not available.
This can be determined using zlibCompileFlags().
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s));
- Writes the given null-terminated string to the compressed file, excluding
+ Compress and write the given null-terminated string s to file, excluding
the terminating null character.
gzputs returns the number of characters written, or -1 in case of error.
@@ -1490,11 +1490,12 @@
ZEXTERN char * ZEXPORT gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len));
- Reads bytes from the compressed file until len-1 characters are read, or a
- newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an end-of-file
- condition is encountered. If any characters are read or if len == 1, the
- string is terminated with a null character. If no characters are read due
- to an end-of-file or len < 1, then the buffer is left untouched.
+ Read and decompress bytes from file into buf, until len-1 characters are
+ read, or until a newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an
+ end-of-file condition is encountered. If any characters are read or if len
+ is one, the string is terminated with a null character. If no characters
+ are read due to an end-of-file or len is less than one, then the buffer is
+ left untouched.
gzgets returns buf which is a null-terminated string, or it returns NULL
for end-of-file or in case of error. If there was an error, the contents at
@@ -1503,13 +1504,13 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c));
- Writes c, converted to an unsigned char, into the compressed file. gzputc
+ Compress and write c, converted to an unsigned char, into file. gzputc
returns the value that was written, or -1 in case of error.
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc OF((gzFile file));
- Reads one byte from the compressed file. gzgetc returns this byte or -1
+ Read and decompress one byte from file. gzgetc returns this byte or -1
in case of end of file or error. This is implemented as a macro for speed.
As such, it does not do all of the checking the other functions do. I.e.
it does not check to see if file is NULL, nor whether the structure file
@@ -1518,8 +1519,8 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzungetc OF((int c, gzFile file));
- Push one character back onto the stream to be read as the first character
- on the next read. At least one character of push-back is allowed.
+ Push c back onto the stream for file to be read as the first character on
+ the next read. At least one character of push-back is always allowed.
gzungetc() returns the character pushed, or -1 on failure. gzungetc() will
fail if c is -1, and may fail if a character has been pushed but not read
yet. If gzungetc is used immediately after gzopen or gzdopen, at least the
@@ -1530,9 +1531,9 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush));
- Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. The parameter flush
- is as in the deflate() function. The return value is the zlib error number
- (see function gzerror below). gzflush is only permitted when writing.
+ Flush all pending output to file. The parameter flush is as in the
+ deflate() function. The return value is the zlib error number (see function
+ gzerror below). gzflush is only permitted when writing.
If the flush parameter is Z_FINISH, the remaining data is written and the
gzip stream is completed in the output. If gzwrite() is called again, a new
@@ -1547,8 +1548,8 @@
ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile file,
z_off_t offset, int whence));
- Sets the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given
- compressed file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the
+ Set the starting position to offset relative to whence for the next gzread
+ or gzwrite on file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the
uncompressed data stream. The whence parameter is defined as in lseek(2);
the value SEEK_END is not supported.
@@ -1565,18 +1566,18 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzrewind OF((gzFile file));
- Rewinds the given file. This function is supported only for reading.
+ Rewind file. This function is supported only for reading.
- gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET)
+ gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET).
ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile file));
- Returns the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given
- compressed file. This position represents a number of bytes in the
- uncompressed data stream, and is zero when starting, even if appending or
- reading a gzip stream from the middle of a file using gzdopen().
+ Return the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on file.
+ This position represents a number of bytes in the uncompressed data stream,
+ and is zero when starting, even if appending or reading a gzip stream from
+ the middle of a file using gzdopen().
gztell(file) is equivalent to gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_CUR)
@@ -1584,22 +1585,22 @@
ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile file));
- Returns the current offset in the file being read or written. This offset
- includes the count of bytes that precede the gzip stream, for example when
- appending or when using gzdopen() for reading. When reading, the offset
- does not include as yet unused buffered input. This information can be used
- for a progress indicator. On error, gzoffset() returns -1.
+ Return the current compressed (actual) read or write offset of file. This
+ offset includes the count of bytes that precede the gzip stream, for example
+ when appending or when using gzdopen() for reading. When reading, the
+ offset does not include as yet unused buffered input. This information can
+ be used for a progress indicator. On error, gzoffset() returns -1.
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file));
- Returns true (1) if the end-of-file indicator has been set while reading,
- false (0) otherwise. Note that the end-of-file indicator is set only if the
- read tried to go past the end of the input, but came up short. Therefore,
- just like feof(), gzeof() may return false even if there is no more data to
- read, in the event that the last read request was for the exact number of
- bytes remaining in the input file. This will happen if the input file size
- is an exact multiple of the buffer size.
+ Return true (1) if the end-of-file indicator for file has been set while
+ reading, false (0) otherwise. Note that the end-of-file indicator is set
+ only if the read tried to go past the end of the input, but came up short.
+ Therefore, just like feof(), gzeof() may return false even if there is no
+ more data to read, in the event that the last read request was for the exact
+ number of bytes remaining in the input file. This will happen if the input
+ file size is an exact multiple of the buffer size.
If gzeof() returns true, then the read functions will return no more data,
unless the end-of-file indicator is reset by gzclearerr() and the input file
@@ -1608,7 +1609,7 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzdirect OF((gzFile file));
- Returns true (1) if file is being copied directly while reading, or false
+ Return true (1) if file is being copied directly while reading, or false
(0) if file is a gzip stream being decompressed.
If the input file is empty, gzdirect() will return true, since the input
@@ -1629,8 +1630,8 @@
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzclose OF((gzFile file));
- Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file and
- deallocates the (de)compression state. Note that once file is closed, you
+ Flush all pending output for file, if necessary, close file and
+ deallocate the (de)compression state. Note that once file is closed, you
cannot call gzerror with file, since its structures have been deallocated.
gzclose must not be called more than once on the same file, just as free
must not be called more than once on the same allocation.
@@ -1654,10 +1655,10 @@
ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum));
- Returns the error message for the last error which occurred on the given
- compressed file. errnum is set to zlib error number. If an error occurred
- in the file system and not in the compression library, errnum is set to
- Z_ERRNO and the application may consult errno to get the exact error code.
+ Return the error message for the last error which occurred on file.
+ errnum is set to zlib error number. If an error occurred in the file system
+ and not in the compression library, errnum is set to Z_ERRNO and the
+ application may consult errno to get the exact error code.
The application must not modify the returned string. Future calls to
this function may invalidate the previously returned string. If file is
@@ -1670,7 +1671,7 @@
ZEXTERN void ZEXPORT gzclearerr OF((gzFile file));
- Clears the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the
+ Clear the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the
clearerr() function in stdio. This is useful for continuing to read a gzip
file that is being written concurrently.
@@ -1688,8 +1689,9 @@
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32 OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
Update a running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and
- return the updated checksum. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the
- required initial value for the checksum.
+ return the updated checksum. An Adler-32 value is in the range of a 32-bit
+ unsigned integer. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required
+ initial value for the checksum.
An Adler-32 checksum is almost as reliable as a CRC-32 but can be computed
much faster.
@@ -1722,12 +1724,13 @@
negative, the result has no meaning or utility.
-ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
Update a running CRC-32 with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return the
- updated CRC-32. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required
- initial value for the crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is
- performed within this function so it shouldn't be done by the application.
+ updated CRC-32. A CRC-32 value is in the range of a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+ If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required initial value for the
+ crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is performed within this
+ function so it shouldn't be done by the application.
Usage example:
@@ -1739,7 +1742,7 @@
if (crc != original_crc) error();
-ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_z OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf,
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_z OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf,
z_size_t len));
Same as crc32(), but with a size_t length.
@@ -1755,6 +1758,20 @@
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen OF((z_off_t len2));
+ Return the operator corresponding to length len2, to be used with
+ crc32_combine_op().
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_op OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, uLong op));
+ Give the same result as crc32_combine(), using op in place of len2. op is
+ is generated from len2 by crc32_combine_gen(). This will be faster than
+ crc32_combine() if the generated op is used more than once.
/* various hacks, don't look :) */
@@ -1842,6 +1859,7 @@
ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off64_t));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off64_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64 OF((z_off64_t));
#if !defined(ZLIB_INTERNAL) && defined(Z_WANT64)
@@ -1852,6 +1870,7 @@
# define z_gzoffset z_gzoffset64
# define z_adler32_combine z_adler32_combine64
# define z_crc32_combine z_crc32_combine64
+# define z_crc32_combine_gen z_crc32_combine_gen64
# else
# define gzopen gzopen64
# define gzseek gzseek64
@@ -1859,6 +1878,7 @@
# define gzoffset gzoffset64
# define adler32_combine adler32_combine64
# define crc32_combine crc32_combine64
+# define crc32_combine_gen crc32_combine_gen64
# endif
# ifndef Z_LARGE64
ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
@@ -1867,6 +1887,7 @@
ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64 OF((z_off_t));
# endif
ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *, const char *));
@@ -1875,12 +1896,14 @@
ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen OF((z_off_t));
#else /* Z_SOLO */
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen OF((z_off_t));
#endif /* !Z_SOLO */
@@ -1890,10 +1913,10 @@
ZEXTERN const z_crc_t FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table OF((void));
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateUndermine OF((z_streamp, int));
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateValidate OF((z_streamp, int));
-ZEXTERN unsigned long ZEXPORT inflateCodesUsed OF ((z_streamp));
+ZEXTERN unsigned long ZEXPORT inflateCodesUsed OF((z_streamp));
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateResetKeep OF((z_streamp));
ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep OF((z_streamp));
-#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen_w OF((const wchar_t *path,
const char *mode));
diff --git a/lib/zlib/zutil.c b/lib/zlib/zutil.c
index a76c6b0..9543ae8 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/zutil.c
+++ b/lib/zlib/zutil.c
@@ -61,9 +61,11 @@
flags += 1 << 8;
+ /*
#if defined(ASMV) || defined(ASMINF)
flags += 1 << 9;
+ */
flags += 1 << 10;
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@
# endif
int ZLIB_INTERNAL z_verbose = verbose;
-void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error (m)
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error(m)
char *m;
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m);
@@ -136,8 +138,8 @@
return ERR_MSG(err);
-#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
- /* The Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE doesn't have
+#if defined(_WIN32_WCE) && _WIN32_WCE < 0x800
+ /* The older Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE doesn't have
* errno. We define it as a global variable to simplify porting.
* Its value is always 0 and should not be used.
@@ -214,7 +216,7 @@
* a protected system like OS/2. Use Microsoft C instead.
-voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size)
+voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc(voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size)
voidpf buf;
ulg bsize = (ulg)items*size;
@@ -240,7 +242,7 @@
return buf;
-void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree(voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
int n;
@@ -277,13 +279,13 @@
# define _hfree hfree
-voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
+voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc(voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
return _halloc((long)items, size);
-void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree(voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@
extern void free OF((voidpf ptr));
-voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (opaque, items, size)
+voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc(opaque, items, size)
voidpf opaque;
unsigned items;
unsigned size;
@@ -312,7 +314,7 @@
(voidpf)calloc(items, size);
-void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (opaque, ptr)
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree(opaque, ptr)
voidpf opaque;
voidpf ptr;
diff --git a/lib/zlib/zutil.h b/lib/zlib/zutil.h
index b079ea6..0bc7f4e 100644
--- a/lib/zlib/zutil.h
+++ b/lib/zlib/zutil.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* zutil.h -- internal interface and configuration of the compression library
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2022 Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
# include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef Z_SOLO
- typedef long ptrdiff_t; /* guess -- will be caught if guess is wrong */
#ifndef local
# define local static
@@ -46,6 +42,17 @@
typedef ush FAR ushf;
typedef unsigned long ulg;
+#if !defined(Z_U8) && !defined(Z_SOLO) && defined(STDC)
+# include <limits.h>
+# if (ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+# define Z_U8 unsigned long
+# elif (ULLONG_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+# define Z_U8 unsigned long long
+# elif (UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+# define Z_U8 unsigned
+# endif
extern z_const char * const z_errmsg[10]; /* indexed by 2-zlib_error */
/* (size given to avoid silly warnings with Visual C++) */
@@ -170,10 +177,6 @@
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 600)) && !defined __INTERIX
# if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
- typedef int ptrdiff_t;
-# endif
# else
# define fdopen(fd,type) _fdopen(fd,type)
# endif
@@ -190,6 +193,7 @@
(!defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0)
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine_gen64 OF((z_off_t));
/* common defaults */
diff --git a/plat/arm/board/rdn1edge/ b/plat/arm/board/rdn1edge/
index 22ab312..95753aa 100644
--- a/plat/arm/board/rdn1edge/
+++ b/plat/arm/board/rdn1edge/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+$(warning Platform ${PLAT} is deprecated. Some of the features might not work as expected)
# GIC-600 configuration
diff --git a/plat/arm/board/sgi575/ b/plat/arm/board/sgi575/
index 0761b77..2f2bf73 100644
--- a/plat/arm/board/sgi575/
+++ b/plat/arm/board/sgi575/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+$(warning Platform ${PLAT} is deprecated. Some of the features might not work as expected)
include plat/arm/css/sgi/
SGI575_BASE = plat/arm/board/sgi575
diff --git a/plat/imx/common/imx_sip_svc.c b/plat/imx/common/imx_sip_svc.c
index fae9750..11d02f3 100644
--- a/plat/imx/common/imx_sip_svc.c
+++ b/plat/imx/common/imx_sip_svc.c
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@
SMC_RET1(handle, imx_src_handler(smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, handle));
+#if defined(PLAT_imx8mm) || defined(PLAT_imx8mn) || defined(PLAT_imx8mp)
+ case IMX_SIP_HAB:
+ SMC_RET1(handle, imx_hab_handler(smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, x4));
+ break;
SMC_RET1(handle, imx_buildinfo_handler(smc_fid, x1, x2, x3, x4));
diff --git a/plat/imx/common/include/imx_sip_svc.h b/plat/imx/common/include/imx_sip_svc.h
index c6e9879..1f45985 100644
--- a/plat/imx/common/include/imx_sip_svc.h
+++ b/plat/imx/common/include/imx_sip_svc.h
@@ -27,6 +27,17 @@
#define IMX_SIP_GET_SOC_INFO 0xC2000006
+#define IMX_SIP_HAB 0xC2000007
+#define IMX_SIP_HAB_AUTH_IMG 0x00
+#define IMX_SIP_HAB_ENTRY 0x01
+#define IMX_SIP_HAB_EXIT 0x02
+#define IMX_SIP_HAB_FAILSAFE 0x05
#define IMX_SIP_WAKEUP_SRC 0xC2000009
@@ -58,6 +69,11 @@
u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3, void *handle);
+#if defined(PLAT_imx8mm) || defined(PLAT_imx8mn) || defined(PLAT_imx8mp)
+int imx_hab_handler(uint32_t smc_fid, u_register_t x1,
+ u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3, u_register_t x4);
#if (defined(PLAT_imx8qm) || defined(PLAT_imx8qx))
int imx_cpufreq_handler(uint32_t smc_fid, u_register_t x1,
u_register_t x2, u_register_t x3);
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/ddr/dram.c b/plat/imx/imx8m/ddr/dram.c
index 6ccd6fd..8ea9ba1 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/ddr/dram.c
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/ddr/dram.c
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
void dram_info_init(unsigned long dram_timing_base)
uint32_t ddrc_mstr, current_fsp;
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
uint32_t flags = 0;
uint32_t rc;
unsigned int i;
@@ -144,11 +145,12 @@
if (!dram_info.timing_info->fsp_table[i]) {
+ idx = i;
dram_info.num_fsp = i;
/* check if has bypass mode support */
- if (dram_info.timing_info->fsp_table[i-1] < 666) {
+ if (dram_info.timing_info->fsp_table[idx] < 666) {
dram_info.bypass_mode = true;
} else {
dram_info.bypass_mode = false;
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_psci_common.c b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_psci_common.c
index 4df4f8e..8f545d6 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_psci_common.c
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_psci_common.c
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
int imx_pwr_domain_on(u_register_t mpidr)
unsigned int core_id;
- uint64_t base_addr = BL31_BASE;
+ uint64_t base_addr = BL31_START;
core_id = MPIDR_AFFLVL0_VAL(mpidr);
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
void imx_domain_suspend(const psci_power_state_t *target_state)
- uint64_t base_addr = BL31_BASE;
+ uint64_t base_addr = BL31_START;
uint64_t mpidr = read_mpidr_el1();
unsigned int core_id = MPIDR_AFFLVL0_VAL(mpidr);
@@ -229,8 +229,11 @@
void __dead2 imx_system_off(void)
+ uint32_t val;
+ val = mmio_read_32(IMX_SNVS_BASE + SNVS_LPCR);
+ mmio_write_32(IMX_SNVS_BASE + SNVS_LPCR, val);
while (1)
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/imx8mm_bl31_setup.c b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/imx8mm_bl31_setup.c
index 1667baf..67bfd36 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/imx8mm_bl31_setup.c
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/imx8mm_bl31_setup.c
@@ -32,12 +32,22 @@
#define TRUSTY_PARAMS_LEN_BYTES (4096*2)
+ * Note: DRAM region is mapped with entire size available and uses MT_RW
+ * attributes.
+ * See details in docs/plat/imx8m.rst "High Assurance Boot (HABv4)" section
+ * for explanation of this mapping scheme.
+ */
static const mmap_region_t imx_mmap[] = {
@@ -174,24 +184,30 @@
+#define MAP_BL31_TOTAL \
+#define MAP_BL31_RO \
+#define MAP_BL32_TOTAL \
void bl31_plat_arch_setup(void)
- mmap_add_region(BL31_BASE, BL31_BASE, (BL31_LIMIT - BL31_BASE),
+ const mmap_region_t bl_regions[] = {
+ MAP_BL31_RO,
- /* Map TEE memory */
- mmap_add_region(BL32_BASE, BL32_BASE, BL32_SIZE, MT_MEMORY | MT_RW);
- mmap_add(imx_mmap);
- init_xlat_tables();
+ /* Map TEE memory */
+ {0}
+ };
+ setup_page_tables(bl_regions, imx_mmap);
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/include/platform_def.h b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/include/platform_def.h
index 84d86b9..65749f3 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/include/platform_def.h
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/include/platform_def.h
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <arch.h>
#include <common/tbbr/tbbr_img_def.h>
#include <lib/utils_def.h>
+#include <plat/common/common_def.h>
#define PLATFORM_LINKER_FORMAT "elf64-littleaarch64"
#define PLATFORM_LINKER_ARCH aarch64
@@ -40,9 +41,9 @@
#if defined(NEED_BL2)
#define BL2_BASE U(0x920000)
-#define BL2_LIMIT U(0x940000)
+#define BL2_SIZE SZ_128K
+#define BL2_LIMIT (BL2_BASE + BL2_SIZE)
#define BL31_BASE U(0x900000)
-#define BL31_LIMIT U(0x920000)
#define IMX_FIP_BASE U(0x40310000)
#define IMX_FIP_SIZE U(0x000300000)
@@ -53,9 +54,11 @@
#define PLAT_IMX8MM_BOOT_MMC_BASE U(0x30B50000) /* SD */
#define BL31_BASE U(0x920000)
-#define BL31_LIMIT U(0x940000)
+#define BL31_SIZE SZ_128K
+#define BL31_LIMIT (BL31_BASE + BL31_SIZE)
/* non-secure uboot base */
#define PLAT_NS_IMAGE_OFFSET U(0x40200000)
#define PLAT_NS_IMAGE_SIZE U(0x00200000)
@@ -107,9 +110,16 @@
#define IMX_DDRPHY_BASE U(0x3c000000)
#define IMX_DDR_IPS_BASE U(0x3d000000)
#define IMX_DDR_IPS_SIZE U(0x1800000)
+#define IMX_VPUMIX_BASE U(0x38330000)
+#define IMX_VPUMIX_SIZE U(0x100000)
#define IMX_ROM_BASE U(0x0)
-#define IMX_VPUMIX_BASE U(0x38330000)
-#define IMX_VPUMIX_SIZE U(0x100000)
+#define IMX_ROM_SIZE U(0x40000)
+#define IMX_NS_OCRAM_BASE U(0x900000)
+#define IMX_NS_OCRAM_SIZE U(0x20000)
+#define IMX_CAAM_RAM_BASE U(0x100000)
+#define IMX_CAAM_RAM_SIZE U(0x10000)
+#define IMX_DRAM_BASE U(0x40000000)
+#define IMX_DRAM_SIZE U(0xc0000000)
#define GPV_BASE U(0x32000000)
#define GPV_SIZE U(0x800000)
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/
index e3e5c0c..7a42554 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mm/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
BL31_SOURCES += plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S \
plat/imx/imx8m/gpc_common.c \
+ plat/imx/imx8m/imx_hab.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx_aipstz.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx_rdc.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_csu.c \
@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@
${OPENSSL_BIN_PATH}/openssl dgst -sha256 -binary > $@ 2>/dev/null
RESET_TO_BL31 := 1
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/imx8mn_bl31_setup.c b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/imx8mn_bl31_setup.c
index 464c87d..eff198d 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/imx8mn_bl31_setup.c
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/imx8mn_bl31_setup.c
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
#define TRUSTY_PARAMS_LEN_BYTES (4096*2)
static const mmap_region_t imx_mmap[] = {
+ {0},
static const struct aipstz_cfg aipstz[] = {
@@ -179,25 +181,30 @@
+#define MAP_BL31_TOTAL \
+#define MAP_BL31_RO \
+#define MAP_BL32_TOTAL \
void bl31_plat_arch_setup(void)
- mmap_add_region(BL31_BASE, BL31_BASE, (BL31_LIMIT - BL31_BASE),
+ const mmap_region_t bl_regions[] = {
+ MAP_BL31_RO,
- /* Map TEE memory */
- mmap_add_region(BL32_BASE, BL32_BASE, BL32_SIZE, MT_MEMORY | MT_RW);
- mmap_add(imx_mmap);
- init_xlat_tables();
+ /* Map TEE memory */
+ {0}
+ };
+ setup_page_tables(bl_regions, imx_mmap);
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/include/platform_def.h b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/include/platform_def.h
index dbb4416..c75e250 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/include/platform_def.h
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/include/platform_def.h
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
#include <lib/utils_def.h>
#include <lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2.h>
-#include <lib/utils_def.h>
+#include <plat/common/common_def.h>
#define PLATFORM_LINKER_FORMAT "elf64-littleaarch64"
#define PLATFORM_LINKER_ARCH aarch64
@@ -42,7 +41,8 @@
#define BL31_BASE U(0x960000)
-#define BL31_LIMIT U(0x980000)
+#define BL31_SIZE SZ_128K
+#define BL31_LIMIT (BL31_BASE + BL31_SIZE)
/* non-secure uboot base */
#define PLAT_NS_IMAGE_OFFSET U(0x40200000)
@@ -94,6 +94,13 @@
#define IMX_DDR_IPS_BASE U(0x3d000000)
#define IMX_DDR_IPS_SIZE U(0x1800000)
#define IMX_ROM_BASE U(0x0)
+#define IMX_ROM_SIZE U(0x40000)
+#define IMX_NS_OCRAM_BASE U(0x900000)
+#define IMX_NS_OCRAM_SIZE U(0x60000)
+#define IMX_CAAM_RAM_BASE U(0x100000)
+#define IMX_CAAM_RAM_SIZE U(0x10000)
+#define IMX_DRAM_BASE U(0x40000000)
+#define IMX_DRAM_SIZE U(0xc0000000)
#define IMX_GIC_SIZE U(0x200000)
@@ -140,5 +147,16 @@
+ * Note: DRAM region is mapped with entire size available and uses MT_RW
+ * attributes.
+ * See details in docs/plat/imx8m.rst "High Assurance Boot (HABv4)" section
+ * for explanation of this mapping scheme.
+ */
#endif /* platform_def.h */
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/
index 0f3ad1a..1c0ad4f 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mn/
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
BL31_SOURCES += plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S \
plat/imx/imx8m/gpc_common.c \
+ plat/imx/imx8m/imx_hab.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx_aipstz.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx_rdc.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_caam.c \
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
RESET_TO_BL31 := 1
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/imx8mp_bl31_setup.c b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/imx8mp_bl31_setup.c
index 34631b8..4c31fa2 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/imx8mp_bl31_setup.c
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/imx8mp_bl31_setup.c
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
static const mmap_region_t imx_mmap[] = {
- NOC_MAP, {0},
+ {0},
static const struct aipstz_cfg aipstz[] = {
@@ -175,25 +177,30 @@
+#define MAP_BL31_TOTAL \
+#define MAP_BL31_RO \
+#define MAP_BL32_TOTAL \
void bl31_plat_arch_setup(void)
- mmap_add_region(BL31_BASE, BL31_BASE, (BL31_LIMIT - BL31_BASE),
+ const mmap_region_t bl_regions[] = {
+ MAP_BL31_RO,
- /* Map TEE memory */
- mmap_add_region(BL32_BASE, BL32_BASE, BL32_SIZE, MT_MEMORY | MT_RW);
- mmap_add(imx_mmap);
- init_xlat_tables();
+ /* Map TEE memory */
+ {0}
+ };
+ setup_page_tables(bl_regions, imx_mmap);
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/include/platform_def.h b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/include/platform_def.h
index 8807f5d..14cb709 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/include/platform_def.h
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/include/platform_def.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <common/tbbr/tbbr_img_def.h>
#include <lib/utils_def.h>
#include <lib/xlat_tables/xlat_tables_v2.h>
+#include <plat/common/common_def.h>
#define PLATFORM_LINKER_FORMAT "elf64-littleaarch64"
#define PLATFORM_LINKER_ARCH aarch64
@@ -37,9 +38,9 @@
#if defined(NEED_BL2)
#define BL2_BASE U(0x970000)
-#define BL2_LIMIT U(0x990000)
+#define BL2_SIZE SZ_128K
+#define BL2_LIMIT (BL2_BASE + BL2_SIZE)
#define BL31_BASE U(0x950000)
-#define BL31_LIMIT U(0x970000)
#define IMX_FIP_BASE U(0x40310000)
#define IMX_FIP_SIZE U(0x000300000)
@@ -50,9 +51,11 @@
#define PLAT_IMX8MP_BOOT_MMC_BASE U(0x30B50000) /* SD */
#define BL31_BASE U(0x970000)
-#define BL31_LIMIT U(0x990000)
+#define BL31_SIZE SZ_128K
+#define BL31_LIMIT (BL31_BASE + BL31_SIZE)
#define PLAT_PRI_BITS U(3)
@@ -111,6 +114,13 @@
#define IMX_DDR_IPS_BASE U(0x3d000000)
#define IMX_DDR_IPS_SIZE U(0x1800000)
#define IMX_ROM_BASE U(0x0)
+#define IMX_ROM_SIZE U(0x40000)
+#define IMX_NS_OCRAM_BASE U(0x900000)
+#define IMX_NS_OCRAM_SIZE U(0x60000)
+#define IMX_CAAM_RAM_BASE U(0x100000)
+#define IMX_CAAM_RAM_SIZE U(0x10000)
+#define IMX_DRAM_BASE U(0x40000000)
+#define IMX_DRAM_SIZE U(0xc0000000)
#define IMX_GIC_SIZE U(0x200000)
@@ -178,5 +188,16 @@
+ * Note: DRAM region is mapped with entire size available and uses MT_RW
+ * attributes.
+ * See details in docs/plat/imx8m.rst "High Assurance Boot (HABv4)" section
+ * for explanation of this mapping scheme.
+ */
#endif /* platform_def.h */
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/
index e8669e5..5414c0a 100644
--- a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx8mp/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
BL31_SOURCES += plat/imx/common/imx8_helpers.S \
plat/imx/imx8m/gpc_common.c \
+ plat/imx/imx8m/imx_hab.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx_aipstz.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx_rdc.c \
plat/imx/imx8m/imx8m_caam.c \
@@ -138,6 +139,7 @@
${OPENSSL_BIN_PATH}/openssl dgst -sha256 -binary > $@ 2>/dev/null
RESET_TO_BL31 := 1
diff --git a/plat/imx/imx8m/imx_hab.c b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx_hab.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..222046f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plat/imx/imx8m/imx_hab.c
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-2020 NXP
+ * Copyright 2022 Leica Geosystems AG
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <common/runtime_svc.h>
+#include <imx_sip_svc.h>
+#define HAB_CID_ATF U(2) /* TF-A Caller ID */
+/* HAB Status definitions */
+enum hab_status {
+ HAB_STS_ANY = 0x00, /* Match any status in report_event() */
+ HAB_FAILURE = 0x33, /* Operation failed */
+ HAB_WARNING = 0x69, /* Operation completed with warning */
+ HAB_SUCCESS = 0xf0 /* Operation completed successfully */
+/* HAB Configuration definitions */
+enum hab_config {
+ HAB_CFG_RETURN = 0x33, /* Field Return IC */
+ HAB_CFG_OPEN = 0xf0, /* Non-secure IC */
+ HAB_CFG_CLOSED = 0xcc /* Secure IC */
+/* HAB State definitions */
+enum hab_state {
+ HAB_STATE_INITIAL = 0x33, /* Initializing state (transitory) */
+ HAB_STATE_CHECK = 0x55, /* Check state (non-secure) */
+ HAB_STATE_NONSECURE = 0x66, /* Non-secure state */
+ HAB_STATE_TRUSTED = 0x99, /* Trusted state */
+ HAB_STATE_SECURE = 0xaa, /* Secure state */
+ HAB_STATE_FAIL_SOFT = 0xcc, /* Soft fail state */
+ HAB_STATE_FAIL_HARD = 0xff, /* Hard fail state (terminal) */
+ HAB_STATE_NONE = 0xf0 /* No security state machine */
+/* HAB Verification Target definitions */
+enum hab_target {
+ HAB_TGT_MEMORY = 0x0f, /* Check memory allowed list */
+ HAB_TGT_PERIPHERAL = 0xf0, /* Check peripheral allowed list */
+ HAB_TGT_ANY = 0x55 /* Check memory & peripheral allowed list */
+/* Authenticate Image Loader Callback prototype */
+typedef enum hab_status hab_loader_callback_f_t(void **, size_t *, const void *);
+ * HAB Rom VectorTable (RVT) structure.
+ * This table provides function pointers into the HAB library in ROM for
+ * use by post-ROM boot sequence components.
+ * Functions are ordered in the structure below based on the offsets in ROM
+ * image, and shall not be changed!
+ * Details on API allocation offsets and function description could be
+ * found in following documents from NXP:
+ * - High Assurance Boot Version 4 Application Programming Interface
+ * Reference Manual (available in CST package)
+ * - HABv4 RVT Guidelines and Recommendations (AN12263)
+ */
+struct hab_rvt_api {
+ uint64_t hdr;
+ enum hab_status (*entry)(void);
+ enum hab_status (*exit)(void);
+ enum hab_status (*check_target)(enum hab_target type, const void *start, size_t bytes);
+ void* (*authenticate_image)(uint8_t cid, long ivt_offset, void **start,
+ size_t *bytes, hab_loader_callback_f_t loader);
+ enum hab_status (*run_dcd)(const uint8_t *dcd);
+ enum hab_status (*run_csf)(const uint8_t *csf, uint8_t cid, uint32_t srkmask);
+ enum hab_status (*assert)(long type, const void *data, uint32_t count);
+ enum hab_status (*report_event)(enum hab_status status, uint32_t index,
+ uint8_t *event, size_t *bytes);
+ enum hab_status (*report_status)(enum hab_config *config, enum hab_state *state);
+ void (*failsafe)(void);
+ void* (*authenticate_image_no_dcd)(uint8_t cid, long ivt_offset, void **start,
+ size_t *bytes, hab_loader_callback_f_t loader);
+ uint32_t (*get_version)(void);
+ enum hab_status (*authenticate_container)(uint8_t cid, long ivt_offset, void **start,
+ size_t *bytes, hab_loader_callback_f_t loader, uint32_t srkmask, int skip_dcd);
+struct hab_rvt_api *g_hab_rvt_api = (struct hab_rvt_api *)HAB_RVT_BASE;
+ * Handler for servicing HAB SMC calls
+ ******************************************************************************/
+int imx_hab_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,
+ u_register_t x1,
+ u_register_t x2,
+ u_register_t x3,
+ u_register_t x4)
+ switch (x1) {
+ return g_hab_rvt_api->entry();
+ return g_hab_rvt_api->exit();
+ return g_hab_rvt_api->check_target((enum hab_target)x2,
+ (const void *)x3, (size_t)x4);
+ return (unsigned long)g_hab_rvt_api->authenticate_image(HAB_CID_ATF,
+ x2, (void **)x3, (size_t *)x4, NULL);
+ return g_hab_rvt_api->report_event(HAB_FAILURE,
+ (uint32_t)x2, (uint8_t *)x3, (size_t *)x4);
+ return g_hab_rvt_api->report_status((enum hab_config *)x2,
+ (enum hab_state *)x3);
+ g_hab_rvt_api->failsafe();
+ break;
+ return (unsigned long)g_hab_rvt_api->authenticate_image_no_dcd(
+ HAB_CID_ATF, x2, (void **)x3, (size_t *)x4, NULL);
+ return g_hab_rvt_api->get_version();
+ default:
+ return SMC_UNK;
+ };
+ return SMC_OK;
diff --git a/plat/mediatek/common/mtk_bl31_setup.c b/plat/mediatek/common/mtk_bl31_setup.c
index 79ab29d..7c9db8b 100644
--- a/plat/mediatek/common/mtk_bl31_setup.c
+++ b/plat/mediatek/common/mtk_bl31_setup.c
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
void bl31_plat_runtime_setup(void)
+ console_switch_state(CONSOLE_FLAG_RUNTIME);
unsigned int plat_get_syscnt_freq2(void)
diff --git a/plat/rpi/common/rpi3_pm.c b/plat/rpi/common/rpi3_pm.c
index 2f86279..d98ac66 100644
--- a/plat/rpi/common/rpi3_pm.c
+++ b/plat/rpi/common/rpi3_pm.c
@@ -187,8 +187,9 @@
write_rmr_el3(RMR_EL3_RR_BIT | RMR_EL3_AA64_BIT);
- while (1)
- ;
+ while (1) {
+ wfi();
+ }
diff --git a/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.c b/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.c
index e0f5c17..3acf683 100644
--- a/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.c
+++ b/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.c
@@ -366,9 +366,10 @@
a = &args_buf;
- if (a->version != 1) {
- ERROR("DRTM: parameters structure incompatible with major version %d\n",
+ if (!((a->version >= ARM_DRTM_PARAMS_MIN_VERSION) &&
+ (a->version <= ARM_DRTM_PARAMS_MAX_VERSION))) {
+ ERROR("DRTM: parameters structure version %u is unsupported\n",
+ a->version);
diff --git a/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.h b/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.h
index baa37ae..6005163 100644
--- a/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.h
+++ b/services/std_svc/drtm/drtm_main.h
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@
(((a)->dlme_paddr + (a)->dlme_img_off + (a)->dlme_img_ep_off))
+ * Range(Min/Max) of DRTM parameter structure versions supported
+ */
enum drtm_dlme_el {
diff --git a/services/std_svc/spm/el3_spmc/spmc_shared_mem.c b/services/std_svc/spm/el3_spmc/spmc_shared_mem.c
index eab2096..1da2efc 100644
--- a/services/std_svc/spm/el3_spmc/spmc_shared_mem.c
+++ b/services/std_svc/spm/el3_spmc/spmc_shared_mem.c
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@
/* Calculate the size that the v1.1 descriptor will required. */
size_t v1_1_desc_size =
spmc_shm_get_v1_1_descriptor_size((void *) &obj->desc,
- fragment_length);
+ obj->desc_size);
if (v1_1_desc_size == 0U) {
ERROR("%s: cannot determine size of descriptor.\n",
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@
v1_1_obj =
spmc_shmem_obj_alloc(&spmc_shmem_obj_state, v1_1_desc_size);
- if (!obj) {
+ if (!v1_1_obj) {
goto err_arg;
@@ -1347,7 +1347,8 @@
if (req->emad_count == 0U) {
WARN("%s: unsupported attribute desc count %u.\n",
__func__, obj->desc.emad_count);
- return -EINVAL;
+ goto err_unlock_mailbox;
/* Determine the appropriate minimum descriptor size. */