This patch introduces a new platform build option, called
PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS, which tells whether the platform has
a programmable or fixed reset vector address.

If the reset vector address is fixed then the code relies on the
platform_get_entrypoint() mailbox mechanism to figure out where
it is supposed to jump. On the other hand, if it is programmable
then it is assumed that the platform code will program directly
the right address into the RVBAR register (instead of using the
mailbox redirection) so the mailbox is ignored in this case.

Change-Id: If59c3b11fb1f692976e1d8b96c7e2da0ebfba308
diff --git a/bl31/aarch64/bl31_entrypoint.S b/bl31/aarch64/bl31_entrypoint.S
index 5350f68..5ba0f9c 100644
--- a/bl31/aarch64/bl31_entrypoint.S
+++ b/bl31/aarch64/bl31_entrypoint.S
@@ -76,9 +76,15 @@
 	mov	x0, x20
 	mov	x1, x21
+	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	 * For RESET_TO_BL31 systems which have a programmable reset address,
+	 * bl31_entrypoint() is executed only on the cold boot path so we can
+	 * skip the warm boot mailbox mechanism.
+	 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	 */
 	el3_entrypoint_common					\
 		_set_endian=1					\
-		_warm_boot_mailbox=1				\
+		_warm_boot_mailbox=!PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS	\
 		_secondary_cold_boot=1				\
 		_init_memory=1					\
 		_init_c_runtime=1				\