build(sptool): handle uuid field in SP layout file

Extract the UUID from the SP layout JSON file if the optional 'uuid'
field exists otherwise fall back to the current method for extracting
the SP UUID from the partition manifest file.

This change gives a way to decouple TF-A's dependency on the SP
manifest file's format which is tied to the SPMC.

Signed-off-by: Imre Kis <>
Change-Id: I13af066c1de58bfb9c3fd470ee137ea0275cd98c
diff --git a/tools/sptool/ b/tools/sptool/
index 6b1f204..82d5c1b 100755
--- a/tools/sptool/
+++ b/tools/sptool/
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
 This script parses the layout file and generates a make file which updates
 FDT_SOURCES, FIP_ARGS, CRT_ARGS and SPTOOL_ARGS which are used in later build
-This script also gets SP "uuid" from parsing its PM and converting it to a
-standard format.
+If the SP entry in the layout file has a "uuid" field the scripts gets the UUID
+from there, otherwise it parses the associated partition manifest and extracts
+the UUID from there.
 param1: Generated mk file ""
 param2: "SP_LAYOUT_FILE", json file containing platform provided information
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@
         "SP2" : {
                 "image": "sp2.bin",
-                "pm": "test/sp2.dts"
+                "pm": "test/sp2.dts",
+                "uuid": "1b1820fe-48f7-4175-8999-d51da00b7c9f"
@@ -106,35 +108,41 @@
         src = [ json_dir + "/" + data[key]['image'] , dtb  ]
         out_file.write("SPTOOL_ARGS += -i " + ":".join(src) + " -o " + dst + "\n")
-        """
-        Extract uuid from partition manifest
-        """
-        pm_file = open(dts)
-        for line in pm_file:
-            if "uuid" in line:
-                # re.findall returns a list of string tuples.
-                # uuid_hex is the first item in this list representing the four
-                # uuid hex integers from the manifest uuid field. The heading
-                # '0x' of the hexadecimal representation is stripped out.
-                # e.g. uuid = <0x1e67b5b4 0xe14f904a 0x13fb1fb8 0xcbdae1da>;
-                # uuid_hex = ('1e67b5b4', 'e14f904a', '13fb1fb8', 'cbdae1da')
-                uuid_hex = re.findall(r'0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+)', line)[0];
+        if "uuid" in data[key]:
+            """
+            Extract the UUID from the JSON file if the SP entry has a 'uuid' field
+            """
+            uuid_std = uuid.UUID(data[key]['uuid'])
+        else:
+            """
+            Extract uuid from partition manifest
+            """
+            pm_file = open(dts)
+            for line in pm_file:
+                if "uuid" in line:
+                    # re.findall returns a list of string tuples.
+                    # uuid_hex is the first item in this list representing the four
+                    # uuid hex integers from the manifest uuid field. The heading
+                    # '0x' of the hexadecimal representation is stripped out.
+                    # e.g. uuid = <0x1e67b5b4 0xe14f904a 0x13fb1fb8 0xcbdae1da>;
+                    # uuid_hex = ('1e67b5b4', 'e14f904a', '13fb1fb8', 'cbdae1da')
+                    uuid_hex = re.findall(r'0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+)', line)[0];
-        # uuid_hex is a list of four hex string values
-        if len(uuid_hex) != 4:
-            print("ERROR: malformed UUID")
-            exit(-1)
+            # uuid_hex is a list of four hex string values
+            if len(uuid_hex) != 4:
+                print("ERROR: malformed UUID")
+                exit(-1)
-        # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
-        # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
-        # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
-        # required by fiptool.
-        y=list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_hex))
-        z=(int.from_bytes(y[0], byteorder='little', signed=False),
-        int.from_bytes(y[1], byteorder='little', signed=False),
-        int.from_bytes(y[2], byteorder='little', signed=False),
-        int.from_bytes(y[3], byteorder='little', signed=False))
-        uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:08x}{z[1]:08x}{z[2]:08x}{z[3]:08x}')
+            # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
+            # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
+            # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
+            # required by fiptool.
+            y=list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_hex))
+            z=(int.from_bytes(y[0], byteorder='little', signed=False),
+            int.from_bytes(y[1], byteorder='little', signed=False),
+            int.from_bytes(y[2], byteorder='little', signed=False),
+            int.from_bytes(y[3], byteorder='little', signed=False))
+            uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:08x}{z[1]:08x}{z[2]:08x}{z[3]:08x}')
         Append FIP_ARGS