| [tox] |
| envlist = py38, py39, py310, py311, py312, lint |
| |
| [testenv] |
| allowlist_externals = poetry |
| commands = |
| poetry install -v --with dev |
| poetry run pytest |
| |
| [testenv:format] |
| description = Run linters and type checks |
| skip_install = true |
| allowlist_externals = poetry |
| commands = |
| poetry run black . |
| poetry run isort . |
| |
| [testenv:lint] |
| description = Run linters and type checks |
| skip_install = true |
| allowlist_externals = poetry |
| commands = |
| poetry run black --check . |
| poetry run isort --check-only . |
| poetry run mypy . |
| poetry run darglint tlc tests |