feat(rme): add dummy platform token to RMMD

Add a dummy platform token to RMMD and return it on request. The
platform token is requested with an SMC with the following parameters:
    * Fid (0xC40001B3).
    * Platform token PA (the platform token is copied at this address by
      the monitor). The challenge object needs to be passed by
      the caller in this buffer.
    * Platform token len.
    * Challenge object len.

When calling the SMC, the platform token buffer received by EL3 contains
the challenge object. It is not used on the FVP and is only printed to
the log.

Signed-off-by: Mate Toth-Pal <mate.toth-pal@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Subhasish Ghosh <subhasish.ghosh@arm.com>
Change-Id: I8b2f1d54426c04e76d7a3baa6b0fbc40b0116348
diff --git a/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst b/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
index 7f10ca6..d935436 100644
--- a/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
+++ b/docs/getting_started/porting-guide.rst
@@ -2017,6 +2017,32 @@
 (that was copied during ``bl31_early_platform_setup()``) if the image exists. It
 should return NULL otherwise.
+Function : plat_get_cca_attest_token() [mandatory when ENABLE_RME == 1]
+    Argument : uintptr_t, size_t *, uintptr_t, size_t
+    Return   : int
+This function returns the Platform attestation token.
+The parameters of the function are:
+    arg0 - A pointer to the buffer where the Platform token should be copied by
+           this function. The buffer must be big enough to hold the Platform
+           token.
+    arg1 - Contains the size (in bytes) of the buffer passed in arg0. The
+           function returns the platform token length in this parameter.
+    arg2 - A pointer to the buffer where the challenge object is stored.
+    arg3 - The length of the challenge object in bytes. Possible values are 32,
+           48 and 64.
+The function returns 0 on success, -EINVAL on failure.
 Function : bl31_plat_enable_mmu [optional]