SPCI is now called PSA FF-A

SPCI is renamed as PSA FF-A which stands for Platform Security
Architecture Firmware Framework for A class processors.
This patch replaces the occurrence of SPCI with PSA FF-A(in documents)
or simply FFA(in code).

Change-Id: I4ab10adb9ffeef1ff784641dfafd99f515133760
Signed-off-by: J-Alves <joao.alves@arm.com>
diff --git a/docs/about/features.rst b/docs/about/features.rst
index 7c73952..964cb25 100644
--- a/docs/about/features.rst
+++ b/docs/about/features.rst
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
 -  Refinements to Position Independent Executable (PIE) support.
--  Continued support for the draft SPCI specification, to enable the use of
-   secure partition management in the secure world.
+-  Continued support for the PSA FF-A v1.0 (formally known as SPCI) specification, to enable the
+   use of secure partition management in the secure world.
 -  Documentation enhancements.