fix: SP UUID little to big endian in TF-A build

The UUID field in SP manifest DTS is represented as an array of four
integers that the SPMC consumes using the little endian representation.
The reason is that those values are directly mapped to the SMCCC section
5.3 recommendation and the way they are exposed to the

Per [1] TF-A build flow expects a big endian representation of the UUID
so the sp_mk_generator script is updated to accommodate this conversion.


Signed-off-by: Olivier Deprez <>
Change-Id: I7c7b295225e23ea64f49170e27d97442b289703b
diff --git a/tools/sptool/ b/tools/sptool/
index a37e702..f983ff3 100755
--- a/tools/sptool/
+++ b/tools/sptool/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
@@ -110,24 +110,36 @@
         Extract uuid from partition manifest
         pm_file = open(dts)
-        uuid_key = "uuid"
         for line in pm_file:
-            if uuid_key in line:
-                uuid_hex = re.findall(r'\<(.+?)\>', line)[0];
+            if "uuid" in line:
+                # re.findall returns a list of string tuples.
+                # uuid_hex is the first item in this list representing the four
+                # uuid hex integers from the manifest uuid field. The heading
+                # '0x' of the hexadecimal representation is stripped out.
+                # e.g. uuid = <0x1e67b5b4 0xe14f904a 0x13fb1fb8 0xcbdae1da>;
+                # uuid_hex = ('1e67b5b4', 'e14f904a', '13fb1fb8', 'cbdae1da')
+                uuid_hex = re.findall(r'0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+) 0x([0-9a-f]+)', line)[0];
+        # uuid_hex is a list of four hex string values
+        if len(uuid_hex) != 4:
+            print("ERROR: malformed UUID")
+            exit(-1)
-        # PM has uuid in format 0xABC... 0x... 0x... 0x...
-        # Get rid of '0x' and spaces and convert to string of hex digits
-        uuid_hex = uuid_hex.replace('0x','').replace(' ','')
-        # make UUID from a string of hex digits
-        uuid_std = uuid.UUID(uuid_hex)
-        # convert UUID to a string of hex digits in standard form
-        uuid_std = str(uuid_std)
+        # The uuid field in SP manifest is the little endian representation
+        # mapped to arguments as described in SMCCC section 5.3.
+        # Convert each unsigned integer value to a big endian representation
+        # required by fiptool.
+        y=list(map(bytearray.fromhex, uuid_hex))
+        z=(int.from_bytes(y[0], byteorder='little', signed=False),
+        int.from_bytes(y[1], byteorder='little', signed=False),
+        int.from_bytes(y[2], byteorder='little', signed=False),
+        int.from_bytes(y[3], byteorder='little', signed=False))
+        uuid_std = uuid.UUID(f'{z[0]:04x}{z[1]:04x}{z[2]:04x}{z[3]:04x}')
         Append FIP_ARGS
-        out_file.write("FIP_ARGS += --blob uuid=" + uuid_std + ",file=" + dst + "\n")
+        out_file.write("FIP_ARGS += --blob uuid=" + str(uuid_std) + ",file=" + dst + "\n")
         Append CRT_ARGS