build: skip toolchain detection for some targets

Most developers run the `clean`, `checkpatch` and other similar targets
without specifying any other additional build options. When combined
with a flow where the developer passes `CROSS_COMPILE` or `CC`
explicitly, and where the default-configured tools are not on the PATH,
these targets will warn about unrecognized toolchain tools.

This change is a workaround for this whereby the toolchain makefile is
not expanded unless a target *not* named `*clean`, `check*` `doc` or
`*tool` has been specified.

Change-Id: I2f2a275964b65253df07c2207043217b14f615fe
Signed-off-by: Chris Kay <>
diff --git a/lib/romlib/Makefile b/lib/romlib/Makefile
index 62cbf3e..1293f06 100644
--- a/lib/romlib/Makefile
+++ b/lib/romlib/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-toolchains := aarch64
+ifeq ($(filter-out clean,$(or $(MAKECMDGOALS),all)),)
+        toolchains :=
+        toolchains := aarch64
 include ../../make_helpers/