blob: 97d485033a1f0be74c16ab24acaae734522af11d [file] [log] [blame]
"path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog",
"maxHeaderWidth": 50,
"maxLineWidth": 72,
"types": [
"type": "feat",
"title": "New Features",
"description": "A new feature"
"type": "fix",
"title": "Resolved Issues",
"description": "A bug fix"
"type": "build",
"title": "Build System",
"description": "Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies",
"hidden": true
"type": "ci",
"title": "Continuous Integration",
"description": "Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts",
"hidden": true
"type": "docs",
"title": "Build System",
"description": "Documentation-only changes",
"hidden": true
"type": "perf",
"title": "Performance Improvements",
"description": "A code change that improves performance",
"hidden": true
"type": "refactor",
"title": "Code Refactoring",
"description": "A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature",
"hidden": true
"type": "revert",
"title": "Reverted Changes",
"description": "Changes that revert a previous change",
"hidden": true
"type": "style",
"title": "Style",
"description": "Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc.)",
"hidden": true
"type": "test",
"title": "Tests",
"description": "Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests",
"hidden": true
"type": "chore",
"title": "Miscellaneous",
"description": "Any other change",
"hidden": true
"sections": []