HiKey is one of 96boards. Hisilicon Kirin6220 processor is installed on HiKey.
More information are listed in link.
ARM Trusted Firmware: link
edk2: link
OpenPlatformPkg: link
l-loader: link
uefi-tools: link
atf-fastboot: link
Fetch all the above repositories into local host. Make all the repositories in the same ${BUILD_PATH}.
Create the symbol link to OpenPlatformPkg in edk2.
$cd ${BUILD_PATH}/edk2 $ln -sf ../OpenPlatformPkg
Prepare AARCH64 && AARCH32 toolchain. Prepare python.
If your hikey hardware is built by CircuitCo, update uefi-tools/platform.config first. (optional) Uncomment the below sentence. Otherwise, UEFI can't output messages on serial console on hikey.
If your hikey hardware is built by LeMarker, nothing to do.
Build it as debug mode. Create your own build script file or you could refer to build_uefi.sh in l-loader git repository.
BUILD_OPTION=DEBUG export AARCH64_TOOLCHAIN=GCC5 export UEFI_TOOLS_DIR=${BUILD_PATH}/uefi-tools export EDK2_DIR=${BUILD_PATH}/edk2 EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR=${EDK2_DIR}/Build/HiKey/${BUILD_OPTION}_${AARCH64_TOOLCHAIN} # Build fastboot for ARM Trust Firmware. It's used for recovery mode. cd ${BUILD_PATH}/atf-fastboot CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make PLAT=hikey DEBUG=1 # Convert DEBUG/RELEASE to debug/release FASTBOOT_BUILD_OPTION=$(echo ${BUILD_OPTION} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') cd ${EDK2_DIR} # Build UEFI & ARM Trust Firmware ${UEFI_TOOLS_DIR}/uefi-build.sh -b ${BUILD_OPTION} -a ../arm-trusted-firmware hikey # Generate l-loader.bin cd ${BUILD_PATH}/l-loader ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/bl1.bin ln -sf ${EDK2_OUTPUT_DIR}/FV/fip.bin ln -sf ${BUILD_PATH}/atf-fastboot/build/hikey/${FASTBOOT_BUILD_OPTION}/bl1.bin fastboot.bin python gen_loader.py -o l-loader.bin --img_bl1=bl1.bin --img_ns_bl1u=BL33_AP_UEFI.fd arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -c -o start.o start.S arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld -Bstatic -Tl-loader.lds -Ttext 0xf9800800 start.o -o loader arm-linux-gnueabihf-objcopy -O binary loader temp python gen_loader_hikey.py -o l-loader.bin --img_loader=temp --img_bl1=bl1.bin --img_ns_bl1u=fastboot.bin
Generate partition table for aosp. The eMMC capacity is either 4GB or 8GB. Just change "aosp-4g" to "linux-4g" for debian.
$PTABLE=aosp-4g SECTOR_SIZE=512 bash -x generate_ptable.sh
Install ser2net. Use telnet as the console since UEFI fails to display Boot Manager GUI in minicom. If you don't need Boot Manager GUI, just ignore this section.
$sudo apt-get install ser2net
Configure ser2net.
$sudo vi /etc/ser2net.conf
Append one line for serial-over-USB in below. #ser2net.conf
2004:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
Open the console.
$telnet localhost 2004
And you could open the console remotely, too.
Make sure Pin3-Pin4 on J15 are connected for recovery mode. Then power on HiKey.
Remove the modemmanager package. This package may cause the idt tool failure.
$sudo apt-get purge modemmanager
Run the command to download l-loader.bin into HiKey.
$sudo python hisi-idt.py -d /dev/ttyUSB1 --img1 l-loader.bin
Update images. All aosp or debian images could be fetched from link.
$sudo fastboot flash ptable prm_ptable.img $sudo fastboot flash fastboot fip.bin $sudo fastboot flash boot boot.img $sudo fastboot flash cache cache.img $sudo fastboot flash system system.img $sudo fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
Make sure Pin3-Pin4 on J15 are open for normal boot mode. Then power on HiKey.
Reference link